Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 25, 1854, Image 3

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    . , r.~• •~: ,i
.„ I:a r. • •
Any;: • Iteaver, : •• .
Tho.,,cs T. erolllWl'ii. Cromtveli.
Thomas Chewy, fanner, Tel
43114.11 i) 11. Dell, farmer, Cass.
Joseph Douglass, gansinifh, Walker.
Nicholas C. Decker, grocer, Henderson.
Jacob Flirts, frmer, 'rod.
Samuel hkkloy, farmer, Caere.
Joseph Forrest, Farmer. Barr,.
Sameod Funk, fanner, Warrioranark. •
Alfred Gams, fanner, Warriorsinark.
Augustin Grim, blacksmith, Heieleracm.
Joseph Gibboney, thyme, Buttes,
Jacob Harnirlt, fanner, Morr:,.
William Harper. fanner, Dublin.
-John Kerr, }Art:, farmer, Walla,.
James G. Lightner, physician, Shirley.
Jocub Musser, Sumter, 1.4114.
James Myton, fanner, West.
Matthew McCall, farmer, Penn,
Lev is Mverly, fanner, 'lad.
Samuel Miller, kistice Peace, Shirly.
Joseph Norris, airmer, Penn.
George Porter, fanner, West.
Julia Rob, fanner, Walker.
John Strict:cr. fanner, West,
John Shaver, fanner, Shirley.
OCOM4I, SWIIIO. Steiner, Shirley.
Geer, W. Sp , er, farmer, Cass.
Johit Shaffer, former, Morris.
Abraham Wright, fanner. Cilium
Samuel Wilson, Farmer, Wareiorsmark.
John Zenon'', Erie,. Franklin.
debit Baum, facia,.
Oct. 23, C'ret.---:h.
mill.: subscriber wishing to ri writ, will sell
I Nrin, on Toe,hillihe 28114 arm pj Norm
!,r 7,, 1, situate in Union towni•iiip, 3 utiles
the Canal and Builroad, and 5 miles front
till Creek. The Dral:e's Ferry and Broad
when name will ran threagh the
of the lion,, which contains :WU acres,
02 :yw of which is cleared and the balance
well timbered. The improvements ore a two
0 1,, dwelling house, two tenant houses, a good
duoLle Barn, and Sow PUB, there is also a pleat
quantity or young Irak weer of the best quality.
Thera will be sold at the mine time and place,
Wagons, Horses, Alilch Cows, Young Cattle,
and 30 or 40 1..1 or Sheep, also all the Kaoline
utensils; and a great many articles too numerous
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. a•lten
eve attendance and a re.isonable 01,14 will be
I,hcaby 1 7 .1.11.11, 15.1111.11.
Cr Lewistown Gazette, publish the lam.°
4 times, and send hill to this offliio.
911 IE subscriber Pfers at Public- Eak, at the
Court House, in the bur,,ii„,ll of If inititigilon,
on WtioNcsoAr 15TH DAV OF Novcrancu,
1654, his tarn!, situate in Walker township, with
in one mile of the borough of
nla - mt 140 of which are eleared,,m,•,
and in n good vide of eultivatitt, Ii
watered, Iris two good Springi near
and a large orchard of readiest apple try,,,
The Improvements
are a Large Frame honk Rare, Wagiei Shed,
Corn Crib, and a tive story Frame I ,, elling
Utilise, null all the uree,,ry tin
TEams made known tot
Oat. 25, 125 E-St.
%T RAY ~..i,v;lLEffiz
YEI) l'oto(tt. Ftirnaeo. Centre Co.
1.."/ nn the nicht a )ot. 7th 1854, 'l' \171.) MARE
AIL:LES, ohl--otte a hay, the other
fLtrk mlttretl with a I.l.tek -tripe 011
hit person hailing the intdes anti giving notice
Siturh, Stewart & Co., Stover , : Plitee, I'. 0.
t. entre Cu., trill he :nimbly pew:n . 4ol.
Out. 25, 1851.—ttt.
At Shirley.qt,g, Huntingdon Co., rt:ln'a
it,. JAM!, (!1)111:7:1.f., A. 31. Principal
Seminar.‘; 1 .1. A. 31.,
mid .1. C. FLN n Am., Principals,
MBE IVinter St , •itin of Loth Sri:riots (Tent: ita
1 -11',(intsday. tht, 7th if “lid con
tinue the mouth,
Board, light, foci and tuition, per ses,tion $56.110
Music with tisr of instrinuent, per quart.. :4,00
Board, room: rent, fuel and :nit ion, per
Modern I..un:::unges,
Painting and Drawing
5.00 .
3,00 to 5,00
Lectures end practical instruction given in
Agriculture, Chemistry, Surveying and Engi
tutoring, &e.
Instruction will he given in the Seminary, in
Embroidery, Gilding, Brunsing and plain needle
Shirleysburg, Oct. 18.—nin.
HAS just returned from tho east with a largo
-LA and splendid assortmont of
Fall and Winter Clothiflu,
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and
in the must durable nuance. Who ever wants
to be dressed better and cheaper than slirbody
else in town, let hint (ma at WILLOCWILIV'N
ChoTunw STORE, one door west of 'l'.
Son's drug store, Huntingdon.
Call and see for yourselves.
Oct. 16, 1654.
.P 41
; I ;' , :ii • * , l ‘.i,',."''' . .' , ' ii V.',
I -, ~ in-, " :7 • :"C:i'- ' 1 . 1 ! ..,OilT- - . 2 . .- ~
,heva:bitofX v AI
..: t 4
1 '':
: 1 _,,..:-..;-:':-',,
""Werzig ..--,..2l;Z:a"is;:rig.:o7
At the Elephant
'LEA INAELII '4:;2 , :i1,1111 - .0:11,., •
HAviNti removed hi, extensive Stow to No. 1,
Meet'han's How. iornierly occupied by 'l'.
K. Simonton, in now prepitred to neconintodate
his old onntonters, a„ol the public generally, with
a splendid and 14,16ot:tibia assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
His assortment eonsists of
Dry (oodw, Grocerieß, .
Hardware, Queensware,
and all kinds olgootis lIR nal ly kept hut Country
Store. Also, a beautiful cheap tel elegant as
atirtmeut of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Hats;
Caps, 13onnet$, Boot+. and Shoes, and a variety of
goods or all kind,
Cuuntry produce taken in exchange fur goods,
at the highest market price,
Huntingdon, 18, 1854.
A SPLEN DID assortment of Boys' Cloth,
log, ut the ,t,...0 of A. WMl.Ol'OllB,
Hato and Caps, of every sum, for solo
hEW G001)8 FO THE FILL A'd)
MR OF 1854 AT
:4--; 2 .7)
I have just reed veil, and nm now opening, on
the rorner nppoqime (..'outs' Hotel, a large and
locavtilal vasortintitt
Pell and Winter Goods,
consisting of Cloths, Cast.inmrs, 131:IA11111i Pon
ce tintinetis, Vesiings, Tweols, Jeans, Flannels
Yellow. Whitt, nod Re fl. Also n large lot of
Sock Flannels or all colors. Preach INleri
noes, Colairg. Clothe, all wool, Dahlias ' Plain
and Fancy Detains, Cashmere, Disbake,Alapa
co, .C.c.
A Large Lot of Dregs Geode,
Silks Mick , Bard and Tionmt Silks, Col
lars, Undi.islcores Shimmaiictti, Fancy 1-Imol
-I)rc,res Mountings, Lace, Edgelugs Lind lunar
lion, Ribbons, Trimmings, fie,
Cotton Goods,
Marlins Bleached and Vulilenelied,Cantan Flan
nels, Drills, Table Diaper, Crash, Gloves, and
llosery of all kind,
lit ios and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware,
nardware and Cedar Ware.
Oil Cloths, Carpets, Carpet Sacks, &c.
My all ell-milers and as many new ones as can
crowd in, arc earnestly revaested to- call and ex
amine my goods.
_ _
All kitnl;of Country Produce tnkcin ex•
change tor Gonda at the highest market Prices.
(let. IS, 155.1.
Sheriff's Sales
11Y virtue of sundry Writs of Fi. Fa., Lev. Fa.
and Vest Exp.. iss.l out of the Court or
Coin. Steno of Huntingdon eounty, and to me di
meted, I will ennmte to Public Sale at the Court
House, in the Bormtsh of Huntingdon, mt
TUESDAY the 1:alt day of November, aid 0 o'.
clack, A. M., or suf.l day, the following described
heal Estate, to wit t.
All the defendents interest in a eertain tract
of laud in Hvoderstut town ;hip, Huntim,don
comity, adjoining Alexander heirs ea
the north and holea .Clazier on tbe south
and John Simpson on the east nod Celestock's
so the west, containing ninety acres, more or
loss, about thirty acres cleared, with a two sto
ry frame house and stable thereon erected.
Seized and taken in excention and to be sold
as the property of Samuel Frietlly.
ALtiO—A tram of land in SIMI,y township,
containing time imndred acreo, more or less,
with about two hundred cleared, and a two sto
ry log house and small log barn thereon erected,
bomided on the north b . , S i i i na e l McGaryy trod
south by Thomas Orbison.
Seized and when is execution and to be sold
as the property of Thomas Bigham.
ALSO—Twenty lire acres of timber land
in 13arreo township, Huntingdon county, ad
joining lands of William Mtttlit and George
Hutchinson and lands belonging to Monroe
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of JttnteB Johnston.
ALSO—One lot of 2 acres, snore or less, in
Barr, town,liip, Huntingdon county, with a
two story log house thereon erected, hounded
by Alt - to:ander, Bell, Christian Gearhart nod
J:suntt: Livingston. Seized, taken in execution,
and to he sold as the property of John Harrel..
ALSO—One lot of ground . situate in Hope
o:•'1 townohip. Huntingdon county, adjoining
'et ;I .tf
John Hassel, or., and Leonard Weaver
nt more or leas, WI Which IS
•• anal a half story house no Ito
John .1. Weaver. Also—upon
o rest the, sold Jobs A. Weaver, nay
hold in nod to a tract of land,
it: ltod acres, snore or less, sitnttle in the town
!,,,s ;d: Itepowell and county aforesaid,
!.. of James Entriken, John T. Shively,
I'. ...! ....les and .1. D. Weaver. Select!, taken
!II 4.1 as the property of
, A. Vs; N 1:1::111
odrnis right and inter
s::. l! v 1.! d.t.:erilsol tract of land, ly
ing o! t ; ! / ., 1 county.
re,t! . , 0 . ..s, bounded by
t•;,' • t• t..• north, ---
I. ts:to !... e. } r.:!!: el.
t. entien and to be sold it to.:
AxTiii:ltc.tA by n precept to tne directed, thittd
V at Iluntiegilon, the 211th day of August
A. 1). 1854, umler the hands and seals of the
lion. Coorge Taylor, l'iosident of the l'oo't of
Common fleas. Oyer and Terminer, nod gener
al jail delivery of tliu tbitli judicial district ofTenn
sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair end Cam
!wk. mid the Hon. Thomas F. Stuart mid Jima
time his associates, Judges of itto
my of I Itintingdon, ;justices Assigned, ap;mint
ed, to hear. try mid determine all and every in
iliettn,•itts Made or token for or concerning all
erinte.:, which by the laws of the State one made
capital or felonies of death and other offences
crimes and misdemeanors, which hare been or
shall hereafter he committed or perpetrated for
erhuen aforesaid—l tun commanded to make pub
lic e out throughout my whole bailiwick
that a Court of Oyer and Terntitter, of Cottnnon
Pleas owl Quarter sessions, will he hold at the
Court noose in the Borough of Huntingdon, 011
the second Monday (unit, 12th day) of November
next, and those who will prosecute the said pri
soners he then and there to prosecute them us it
Shall lie just, 81111 that all Justices or the
Coroners and Constables within said county be
then and there in their proper person,. st 10
o'clock, A. Al. of said day, with their recoels, in
rink:lions, examinations and remembrances, to
do those thutgs which to their Mikes respectfully
. -
Hated at Huntingdon the 211th Jay er August,
in the year.of our Lord 1854, and the 78th
year of American 111,1CIIMUIVIIM
Oct. 18, 18n4.
directed Lr
VV the Jir,l_rs of i trie c' g t m t i " no " t t i e
Pleas of the
vaunt,. of II un tin,vion, bearing test the 26th ally
of August 1,51, 1 tun commituthsl to make
Patine Proclamation throughout Inv whole baili
wick, that a Court of Common Pleas will ho
held in the Court lion. in the Borough of Hun
tingdon, on the (bird Monday (and 211th dap) of
Nov., A. 1)., 1854, for the trial of is,ne, ill said
Court, which remain undetermined helbre the
said Judges, when unit where ell jurors, witnesses
unit suitors, in the trial of all issues arc required
to appear.
Dated at Huntiagdun, the 26th day of August,
in the year of our Loch 1854, and the 78th year
of American Independence.
Oct. lA, 1854.
A taiiirM, VOX SA.Z.Z.
Tract or Land situate in Three Spring settle
meld. Clay township, Ilainingdou Co., eon-
Inkling 70 Acres more or less, with about
forty Acres cleared and is a good state of culti
vation, and the balance well thulium!. Also, a
44 Frame Barn, end large apple orchard.
gia Also, a two Story llouse well finished
with a good roller. Also, n never failing spring
near the dwelling, hounded by land of .lobo
Currat% Eliga IL Green and George Hodson,
Oct. 18,1854.-81'
Insolvent's Notice.
To 11l CREDITORS—Take notice, that I
have applied to the Judges of Court of Com
mon Please, of the County of Huntingdon, for
the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of this Com
monwealth, nod they hare appointed the first
day of the next Nov. Term, to wit Monday the
Itlth day of November. A I)., 1854. for the hear
ing of me and my creditors at the Court (louse
in the Borough of liatitinOun, where you May
attend if you see proper,
Oct. 18, 1854.-3 t
A beautiful assortment of Silk Dress Patterns,
A. Black Silk, mitt Bonnet Lining, just receiv
ed and for gale by .1. & IV. SAx.ros.
UST receiving, this week, .Nlaekerel, Herring
&e., and tbr .1,; by .1 &W. SAXTON.
It EllO 'VAL
Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!
toi;rsl <lnd lust Stireted of
Really nutqe Fall and Winter MI hitt',
Ever offered to the Citizens of
Huntingdon county.
IF you wish to get n cheap and I,hionnble snit
of clothing at 30 per cent. tee than you can
elsewhere procure them, then go to the cheap
Clothing Emporimn of HENRY ROMAN. op
posite Conte Hotel in Meeker Squaw, Hunting
don' In., where yon will Ihni Heady made Chid,
leg of any quality, mule of sound materials, and .
in the moat fashionnhle style nail at rates
mensurably bulgur any culler establishment in
this vicinity, where it Is considered that the •
"nimble six. pence is tar preferable to the slow
shilling," and where, for good tits, tine materi
als, fashionable style and di, "he can't be
Tito subscriber respectfully invites the atten
tion of his numerous friends and customers and
the public in general to his immense. anal well as
sort.' stock of Mens' and Boys' Fall mid Win
ter Clothing. consisting primly of Fine cloth,
Beaver, Pilot, Petersham, 'Whitney, Felt and
Double Overcoats, Cloth Frock, Dress Pack
and Business coats of all qualities, styles and
colors, Monkey Jackets, 'Roundabouts of differ
ent sorts, qualities and prices, Fine Black
Doeskin, Cloth and Cassimere pants do., Fancy
Cassimere, Satinet, Tweed, as well as a variety
of magnificent Vests, some of which in quality
and workmanship equal any custom work, that
cut be obtained in any,,other place. Besides a
large assortment of Buys' Clothing. the subscri
ber also keeps on hand a well selected
stook of gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as
handkeichith, cravats, collars. gloves, sacks,
shirts of all descriptions. Undershirts. Draw
ers, Unit Jackets Suspenders, Traveling Bags.
Bats and Caps, and great ninny other articles too
numerous to specify.
. . . .
, ,
Encouraged by past thvors, the subsereber bas
fitr ckcectled his usual outlay in purchasing stock,
and he now assures the public that no person
widdog to purchase Toted leave his store without
being suited, he hl enabled to sell at the re,y l oot .
es: prices ! rind whoever wishes to make a wise
outlay of his money ivespectfully invited to call
cud esamine for himself.
Oct. 18; IS 54,
If You Want to Buy Cheap
Goode, Call at the Store of
rp TIE stihicriher respeetlitily announce
to the pnhlic, that ho has returned from
:101l New Yolk. anti is now opening
at his well known Market Square, the
larg,st am! pret,e,t ,serti, of
Fall a lleal I,Tiet4er Goods,
e v en .b r o og ht to the liormigli ihintingilon, and
is nine selling at unmmilly bite prices.
My snick comprises in part, Cloths, Cas , imers,
!duck and limey, Satinet!, a age variety of
Satin nail Pilk Vestinus, Kentneky and Penna.
Jenny, T une ,l s , 'Pickings, brown and hienehed
Mitsiins, Drills, Crash Bags and Bagging. Table
Diaper, &e.. and a great variety orgocals too te
dious to mention.
Ladies Deeq; and Fancy Goods,
A large assortment of Under sleeyes, Collars
mid spencers.
Prints in alitindanre,Mmi, de Lanes, De Berege,
Alpacens, Lustres, CaAnneres, Florence Mar
celine, and Geo. de Nnp,ike Bonnets and Edging,
fancy, and black Gimp, black silk
Lace, Ladies' Kid Gloves. Gents Mack In,,
teen and Hautikerehiet's, Italian Cravats,
Hosiery, &c.
Boots and Shoos.
Itardware,quee9sw_as . e, Glassware
and . Cedar Wa'ro,
A good supply or Fryslt
Mt:, and Caps,
A great varkty
Straw Goods,
My stock has been selected with the greatest
care in regard to quality end price, and I ratter
tnysell . that I can °lnn indticentents to purchasers
not to be found elsewhere.
l'hankful for the patronage of the past, by my
Mends, and the public generally, I rc.epeetfu 'ly
solicit a continuance of the same.
Huntingdon, Oct, 11, 1854.
The mast (.elraordin , ,,y tlinear,ry Me 11'04(1
is ilte GITIet Arai6 ;, ll lit.tedy 1 a :Iran
and 11,,est.
LINIMENT is n most extraor.linitry medicine,
the truth of which is placed beyond doubt by
the vitet sales of the article :rid tie Many mires
being daily performed by it, which previtm.tly
had resisted oil other medicines and .he skill
of the ltest physicians in the world. it is coin.
posed of Intheuns, eNtraet, and gums peculiar
to Arabia—pos,e,ing. in 0 concentrated form,
nll their sti.nnhit anii,lyne, penetrating, ane
w.ns and.revulsire properties, and the same
which, ages ago, were used by the "Sons of the
Desert," with ,tich miraculous success. in et,
ring the diseases of both man and beast.
Read The Allowing remarkable enro,
should. itsefl:rlar, 11. O. Farrell's
Arabian Liniment liar bewal
any similar renfrdy.
Whenever thut great medicine called IL
Farrell's celebrated nrabien liniment, loss boen
introduced, it has performed the most extraor
dinary ceres in the annals of medical history—
every body who uses it once becomes its warm
est friend—they not only keep it always on hard
fur the benefit of its timely use in cases of
emergency, but recommend it to all their
friends. It has been before the public for near
ly ten years, and yet is daily developing new
virtues; many diseases have been mired by it,
for which the proprietor had never recommend
ed it; its magical virtues spreads through the
land with the speed of lightniag and many, very
many poor invalids wits sepposed their drys on
this earth were fast drawing to a 'dace, have
been by n persevering- use of this invalanhle
liniment healed, earl now rejoice in the ble,s•
ings of health, and the enjoyment of this bean
tiful world. Head this to believe, and not to
doubt. Inquire, of yone neighbyrs whom you
know to have used it, and they will tell von no
medicine ever discovered pOitit,B3 the heir
extraordinary healing 111)Wels. The reel:big
pains of rheumatism and neuralgia yield in a
few minutes to its powerfully anodyne proper
ties. "Tim lame are made to walk." Ohl
sores, which have rendered the subj,t r loath
some thing to behold, are healed. The weak
and trembling, from deranged state of the
nerves, by the Ilse of this Liniment. rejoice in
the recovery of their formerhealth and strength.
Miley long standing ailections of the, liver,
lungs and kidney hare culled to its nor aft er
the various remedies had ('tiled. It is very ef
fiencieus in curing the diseases of horses, and
cattle, such as sweetly, sprains, bruises, swell
logs, cramps, lameness ' dry shoulder, splint.
etc., and if north in the beginning, never fitils
to stop the fitrther progress of fistula, poll-evil,
ringbone amid spavin.
Look out
.fin• CounterfeN!
The public are continued tigainst another
counterfeit, which has lately made its appear
ance, called W. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,
the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be
cause his having the name of Farrell, many
will buy it in good faith, without the knowleilie
that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps
only discover their error when the spurious
mixture has wrought its evil eftbets.
The genuine article is manufretured only by
H. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor,
and wholesale druggist . , No. 17 Main street,
Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for
Agencies must be addreed. Be sure you get
it with the letters 11. G. hethre Farrell's, thus
—II. G. FARB FLUS—and his signature on
the it ',turner, all others are counterfeits.
Hold by raw. Read Son, Huntingdon, R.
E. Sellers it Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts
burg, and by regularly authorized agents
throughout the 'United States.
Ai' Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle.
AGENTS \I•ANTED in every town, villa,qe
and hamlet in tic United Stales, in which on
is not already established. Address IT. (4. Far
rell as above, accompanied with good Teri:nye,
us to diameter,
Grocery, Confectionary,
k NiiitE‘v
! - 1, ham the vita: os Ihtotiog.latt and
that ho hi, jutst r.•turile4 from 11, east, v ith
o very largo and fresh supply 1.1 Fruit ond
Coofeotirmories. sue!, it‘
Candies, Lcnums, Itai!;:n3, Nuts, fir..,
and the largest stuck of Toys and Fancy
Articles, or, rtirelT4l tin• Silk iu thii
lie receives slily from the city of Baltimore,
the best orsTERs that can he found. Those
in want at' prime 'shell tisk,' can be accommoda
ted by calling at the saloon. 110 has titled ep a
saloon expressly for the Ladies.
Thankful to the public fur post favors, he hopes
by strict attention to business to itierit a contin
Ivaco afthc ,attnu.
Ilantivtlun, Oct. 12, 1853.
Atllnlin istra tor'A Notice.
ETTEIH been gran
] A (.1 I.y di,: Register of Wills of Huntingdon,
comity to thn undersigned, on the estate of
George Henderson, late of West township. dee'd.
they hereby give notice to nil
.perslns indehted
to said estate, to come tio , verd and nod, pay
ment, lITVI nil persons having Onion , maim'[ the
estate to present them to the subserthers for set
Ort. 11, 1854.-6 t."
ri'llE under,:igned will sell nr Private Sale, ei
ther or all of the following described tracts
of land, to wit
No. 1. A tram of Limestone lend rear the
Shade Gap, in MAIM township: enntaining• 170
Acres. This land is patented; with goad
in:lsdial goad water thereon; mid about 100
acres cleared mid cult ivided.
No. 2. A tract of Limestone hind, in Tell tp.,
Huntingdon On.; tying on the Waterloo and
Burnt Cabia , routl, tulhduing.Limes .loots anti
others, containin, 1,1 Acrt, Lein buo and
30 neres of :Vomt t:in land B:l l ,,cat. titane 75
acres are cleared and cultivated; with a house
and linen, orchard and excellent water on the
No. 3. A tract of 200 acres of land, in Wal
ker township, at the mouth of liaystown Ih•nnch
three miles below Huntingdon, partly river hot
tom and pnrtlh red : shale table land. About 80
acres are cleared and cultivated, with at dwelling
house and ham on the premises,—a number of
bearing trait trees mg( a young orchard of graf
ted apple and peach trees, &e.
Nu. 4. A triter of 207 acres or land in Toil
unen c hip, with a house and barn thereon meted
and about 60 or 70 am, cleared and cultivated,
with good water and good fruit tnetenn—now in
the ten:n of V ineent Hebinion. This land
lion near the Tonto of the projected Drake's P erry
& Broad Top liailtoad.
- .
No. 5. A trust or 140 neres oflnn( in Hope
well rp; najoinitu.: land of John Ilenver,Jam. Etur:-
ken nna whet s —alioto 70 acres ore cleared, with
a new log dwelling !muse there.. This land is
fresh awl protittetive, null adjoins the liroati Top
Itailreadnt Colree Ban.
The kerns will lie 'nude easy to suit rturchagets
and the title will he warranted.
1).1V1D BL IR,
Huntingdon, Oct. 185.1.-tf.
A I:
V " L: IC SA ' if. t 4r,
rI , IIE undersigned wi,hing to di,-
- 1 - Rosa of a portio” of their reel 4,, '
estnie, will offer nt usthlie sale on . L; k ..,
t ~, premjso, on . 111111.111 y dill 9111 4 .-" - ' . 7.
tiny of November, A. 1). I°sl, Tito
and Vann,
situate 5 miles from Ihmtingdon, in Woodcock
alley, and only one hull' mile from the Email
Top Railroad; containing 294 Acres of superior
lime stone lend, 220 of which arc cleared. Er
cry field on the premises is - supplied witir run
ning water all seasons -01 the yelio. The Grist
Mill is new, with three rim of stones and calcu
lated ror four; with the most. approved
ry. Also, a good millet's Meuse, with neces
-1,4, outbuildings.
This is one of the best poi ite in the e,iinty
fair a store and grain merchant, as almost all f
wheat that comes to Huntingdon passes by the
mill, and would naturally Moll there if it market
urns offered. On the form, is n large two story
stoic hence, and :ill the neeessary
with a never Ibiling spring close to the house,
and a hank born and stable. There are 2 orch
ards on the premise:. one of which is entirely of
grafted fruit, carefully selected.
Tlicfarnt is in' lb . : state of cultivation, and
the mid and buildings are in goad repair.
There is also 170 acres of wood mid ere land
within I mile of the i:11111, MIMI Will 1,, ,111,1 With
it. There is on this tract a very line totutu uf
foisil ore, whi;ll has been opened.
The :c l aw has heen divided inn, three sepa
rate properties, and will be ,old separately or
together. as purchasers may desire.
The lir,t division to cotta tilt 10 'wren immedi
ately itround and inchalilig tile 31ill, with oil its
water rights.
The second division to contain 175 ecru or
the farm Nod, with the ihrin heildiegg; end the
170 acres o 1 wool and ore hold.
The third division to contain 103 acres adjoin
ing the above propefiy, 0 itivan orchard on the
Drafts of the whole, and also of the separate
parr:, will he exhihitv(l on the (IN' of •ais.
S—w ill it easy. .to
erg, end will he Jena, :It file sale, Or utr
utt lipplientiun to one of She
tit,gduti, ur at Lafayette Cuilege, 1.:4,1011,
s. s. IviwcroN,
Oct. 11, 182.4.-st,
Notice to School Directors and
The School I r cfor3 of the 11)1lowitt4 mi
med School I src herelty willed that
I will meet th,,, ,!,...zettted, hr the parpuse
oct. zth !.: 10 applictutts
Ihr the , ell district.
();,t. 1 : to examine appli., C., tlii Barre° district.
12th o! :P,. to exonline nppli•
• ' • , .)oelo;‘)11
;• :, School iltniALl to ex.
for Coe schools of Union dis ,
Oet. 16th at Mill Creek, to examine appii•
cants for the schools of Brady
Oct. 10th at Shirleyshurg, to examine nppli•
cants for the school,' of Shirley district.
Oet. 19th at Steele Gait, to - examine appti•
cants fur the sehool3 or Dublin and 7111 dist'ts.
Oct. 21st at Scottsville, to cxaniine appli
cants fur the schools of Clay and Springfield
Oct. 23rd nt Cassville, to examine appli
cants l'or the schools of Coss and 'fed district:,,
Oct. 25111 at MarldeAwg, to examine appli
cants for4lie schools of Penn and Hopewell
Oct. 2Ctit at McConnelstown, to examine ap ,
plicnnts tbr the schools of Walker districts.
N. D.—Those districts which have neglected
to make out their yearly report would confer a
favor by attending to it immediately.
Teachers may he examined at any time by
presenting Certificates o r good moral•charactur
from the Board of Directors of the District is
which they arc applying.
Copies of the School haws and decisions, can
bo dshed 1,, l'lreetors by calling at the office
or Fisher and Williamson, on Hill street, or at
my residence Mifflin street, in the Lorena'
of Huntingdon.
J. S. mo a t, County Supt.
Huntingdon Oct. 4,163.4-4 t.
Executor's Notice.
T EWERS tei,tamentary have this day been
j granted to the undersigned, on the estate of
William Flynn, late of Hopewell township, Hun
tingdon county, deed. MI permons indebted will
make immediate payment, and those having
(doling will present them duly authenticated tin•
Stonerstown, Bed. Co.
roalinont. Hunt: Co.
0.1. 11, '54,- at.•
urtv.r. munto . ..r,
In Irmir•P!
Bedding and Carpet
161 , A Id E El OUR Fl,
No. 148 South Second went,
FIVI, noonv ATlOvli R1,1:41: SIIII,T. 1 . 1111:,
Where he kneog eon-bluffly on 'mud,' full 11,,ilort
mem of every nrtiele in Itig line of It , inesi.
Fentherg, EN.ailiter
PATENT SPI:IN( , TTPV. ,,, E , 4,
.1/.1171•V•' •
I", fret Tarr.or,, n,••IPN, ht. - l VII,
Ingni;n. Voinlifru, 1;•rg am/ I! •
Carpotimrs, Oil Malin. Canton M; ,.,
Cocoa soul Spanish Mattinzg, Floor nn.l SHir
Drituvets, Rn t., 1).n , •
To which he respectfully incites the nttention
of purchasers. [Ort. 4, 'sl.—lv.
THE undersigned auditor, rippointed by the
Orphans Court of Huntingdon county, to digs
tribute the balance in the bonds of Col. John
Cresswell administrator of Pavia Wood', der'd,
hereby given notice to all persons interested,that
he will attend tie• the purpose or mokim; said
dintribution, on Saturday the Ith day of Novel..
her next, at one o'clock. P. M.. of lrt9 ortiee in
the borough of Huntingdon, w hen and where all
persons interested moy uttend.
Oct. 4, 1554,-4t. Auditor.
THE undersigned ronlitor nppointeJ by the
Orphans Court of Huntingdon comity to distrib
ute the balanee in the hunds or John Hyaline.
admy. of Daniel Heisler, dce'il oninuest those.
entitled to reipive thn same, hereby gives notice
to oil persons ibiereQted that he will MOO for
the purpose or making said distvihution. on his
flay the M 1 day of November next, at one o'cloek
P. bl., nt his ale° in the borough of' Hunting
don, when nod where all persons interested may
attend. JOHN HEED.
()et. 4, 1854 —4t. Auditor.
E,ndo ofJames Leonard, deceased,
The undersigned auditor, appointed by the
Orphan's Court or flantingdon Counts, to
min the liens. it' any against The real estate, or
Jam, Leonard. dee'd., and to make dbitribution
(it th,, amount or the valuation oh' said real , Mte,
to and no cog the heir' and legal
or said ilee'il.. will :mead for that porno, hi:
office, is the imrough of [( u ntie -don, nn Friday
thipitior 27th, 1054, at oun I'. M. at
which time all persons ore ri•iloin,il to, present
theirclaimg heriite smell auditor, or he debarred
from coming in Con .1 1
,0.1) f
A. W. .111 . 2 . _;EDIrr,
Oct. 4,1554.-4 t,
Tenciv_.r , ITataled.
rpm: school direet,.. township wish
in pipploy '1'...R.h0r4 to tike charge
of the on , dir ,ipml• io tho Nistrict, for n term
of Muy mouths. t.. 1 .srinnon, on the Ist or No
vember next. Otto Teacher iv needed, codified
to tench the German, in connection with the
The County Superintendent, 1% ill give puldie
notice of the time, he will attend in the district
to examine applicants who bate net received
their certificates heretofore. The Directors will
lie present and receive applications at that or any
other time.
By order of the Board,
IL L. Ma:ARTILY, tice'r
Oct. 4. 1551.-3 t.
latintin;don (ount3• RR.
The Commonwealth of Pen,ylvauia, to Mary .
Carter. of saikl county, tlrecting
Whereas, doset,h ("art,, kl,kl on the 1.-Ith day
et Fulkrnary, instant, prefer petition to the
lion. it eorgk, :Taylor. Eski.. Presiklent Judge of
the Coort of Common Pleas of the cuunty of
llnniingdon, in vacation, praying th,.t hocer•
tail) canses therein set forth, he nki;,l,t h klivoreckl
from the tools or intri,my enter l into with
the said Mary Carter. We to there Coe com
mand you the said llary Carter, ns ydn were !,e
-fore cionmanclekl, that setting aside all other bu
si7:c, and ,xcusus whatsoev e r, yon he “ : ,.1
poor in your proper person bethre our Judges at
flatitingklon, nt a court of Comm. Pleas there
to he held for the sail county, 00 the sevand
51 - , , nday of November, A. 1). 16:,4, to answer the
petition or lihel of the said Ji,epla Carter, and
to show cause it any you base, why the said
.Joseph Carter your imshankl should not be di
vorced from the bonds oh' matrimony, agreeably
to the Oct of General Assembly in such ostsg
nettle and provided. And hereof you are not to
hill. Witness the flow George Taylor, Esq.,
President of onr said I court, at Huntingdon this
llikrik day of Anon-t, A. D. 1804.
.10SilliA GREENLAND, shit:
Sh'irs (Bice, Oct. 4. '54.-4t.•
TV?. IiI.EEC fir: IPS STauretm
ror the fever met Ague. Cletwes
tyspepsht. 1.1 tin .klections.—
The proprietor of this Medicine will suite, with
cut besitmiou or leer or centr,,,lietion, that the
Stampede `.fixture. Ints cured !mac persons w,lOOO
it has been introduced, thtin env other medicine
in me for the shove diseases. This 'Medicine has
neither 111,1•11ic nor quinine in its composition;
MI et the ingredients are urn perl'ectfully healthy
character, null highly stimulating and invigora
ting in their tendency. Persons while using this
ledieine will net be alleeted by exposure to wa
ter or , hump atmosphere any more than when
in their usual health. Planters in sections of the
country where the Ague prevails, trill do well to
adept this Medicine, as the patient is out oblige:)
to lay by while under trentment, and the . ; may
be assured of a SPEEDY Cut.. The proprietor
could iteroduce tholistenis of eertifienti, from
those of the highest ruspeetnbility, but prefers
saying to the sick—Buy one bottle, and yon will
Lace the infollible proof in yourself. Full threes
tie. fer its use accompany each bottle.
Certificates can he seen at the office, showing
where this 3Leflieine has CURED when all others
have failed.
For I/3spepsia and all other Billions Com
plaints; there is not a butter .Nlctliciae in market.
It has also writ talicn with the most astonish
ing success in Several! cases of ftheauuuism and
Gunt; fur tbesc complaints take a tablespoonful
twice a day.
One bottle of this Medicine very often has the
desired elhiet.
l'ideti SI per lit.ttlie For sale by Druggists in
all parts of the I'nite,l States mid Canada.
All Wiailemle orlers meat lie addresmil to
AIEAD & Sole l'roprimer,
98 Broadway, Now York.
Agent, !loftier, NV. Small, Ilantingdon, Pa.
September 9. 1854.—1 y
1 1 .014
nESPECTFULLY inlitrnt, t!Jo eitizens of
Stonerstown, Coal Moot, Hopewell, and the
country adiacent, that be has located a Mcdieal
OIIIee in tLe house formerly occupied by Lemuel
Eynon. Esq., and in note real to attend to all
calk, nod hy strict 'mention to business, hopes
to receive a good portion of public thvor.
September 6, 1854.-Iy.
A Lf. persons indebted to the subscribe• will
- , - , please call and settle their accounts. or be
'fort) the first day of January next—all accounts
remaining unsettled after that date will lie places!
iu the hands au proper officer for collection.
Alexandria, Sept. 6,1854.-4 m.
Afresh supply of Garden Seeds tram
GarllClNjust received, and for sale by
Feb. 23, 1853. J. Fk. SAXTON.
BARGE 1)E LA INES, in endless variety, at
the cheap corner of A. CAR MON.
-[ UST received n beautiful assortment of Scot
iped and Phan Velvet Gibbons, by
A BEAUTIFUL, assortment of Fancy Co
/I niers Cloths, Summer Wear, for inen mut
boy, Also, Carpet Bugg, Sic. just receiv
ed and for sale by J. & N. sAvroN.
LOOIUNG Glasses, just received ant for sulo
-I- 4 by J. 4. ll'. SA TON.
ITATS.-111oleskin No. 1 and 2, of the latent
ovles. h ossuth Hats of various; styles and
will he ,old low at the idling. ',tore of
GEO. r 111 S.
Adnitst3strator's Notice.
1 ETTEHS of Administration intvitig
granted, by the Het:ister et Huntingdon ell..
to the subseviher on the estate 6.t cum,' WI
IVsoost.ti, late of Clay town,hip, ,
hereby gives native to all persons intlehte:ll to
said estate to (mine forward awl make payment,
and those having claims attainqt the sante will
I ,l,ll ''e Present the sante, properly authenticated
ter settlement, to the soh,erita r, who resides in
Clay township, fimitingtion county, nt-ar the ea
sideline otsaiddee'll.
September in, 1F54.--St.
dattin ig.tin toes Notice.
TETTEits of Administratiim laving been
grunted, by the Register of I am itc,,lon co.,
to thee subscriber on the estate of
WC of CO, township. dec'd.. he Lerch, giros .-
0,0 to all persons indebted to said estate to come
forward and make payment, end alb persons hav
ing claim; against the SlllllO will please present
them. properly authenticated for settlement, to
the subscriber, who resides in Cuss township,
Huntingdon county.
J.l.Ctt II ITENI:I7 IIELL, Adin'r.
September let,
To Brick Makers.
1)110P1)SA LS for making 500,000 Ck, nt the
Worm Spring.; near 11.inting,lon, will he re
ceived up till the lath in e. Tb.),e propo
sing to state whether with to chine or by hand,
and limy notch per thousand, Contimetor to fin ni,h
wood, and how much if WOO furnishel, on •I at
what rate if wood leave provided. •
Work to be eontinotic;il
Address A. P. WILSON, Huntingdon, Pa.
(ttlive wizl, DANIEL At.l:l , t , nip stre e t,
hem., Alontgwitery and Slllitil streets,
[Sept. 20, '54. ff.]
QTRAT HOIRSE,..Came to the plantation
1 ) or the subscriber, living in Jackson township,
Ilunt. Co., about the nibblie or Junc, it black
borne, about sixteen crams old, about twelve
hands high. with a smart white spot in the litre.
The owner can have him by p.nying expends,
Jackson tp., Sep. 20, tSI4.-;t. •
• -
i7,'nn , l l l l in' I • 7 .7 ?1 , 111.
OISCO% I.:;recent
ly been oh! ! • '.• ' , Ity, in
the tretoncm 0• and all
. 0 , • •. ~
htliag I f, (I,er
h • has
evid, ! • •! . • ,
titivates. the trcatte, •
elan rem.' • ! 11,at
staidly I ! : agreeahle,
the ti • ,! o . op! , rtie., mast come in direct con•
tact ' of the aria] cavity of the
•' ...ape the litany Lind varied
! !•,on them when introddeed
into tit hmmell, and subjected In the process
of digestion. The Ilygenttal is for sale at all the
druggists' throughout the country.
Neq, , k D.ltelimme nf Jon. 14.
Tho Inhaler is worn on the hreal.t under the
linen without the least inconvenience—the heat
of the body being sifilicieht to evaporate the
Ihmlreds or CASES of cull Es like the fol
lowing might be named. One rarkaae of Illy
genna bas eared toe of the ASTHMA of siN
years stinling.
Jos. P. Krest,:ry, P. 11.,
I t o n email o f the ASTHMA of It) yell,
standing by The. Curtis' Ilygeatta.
Ea , ten, fir. ,, k/o, N. Y.
Trice three I , ollm, a Peekm ,-- 5 , .1.1 I'Y
(1 N :1) . 1' I—PEID:INS PAUL,
No. ! 19 Chamber, St.. N. V.--1
free ice C,:rl',FS to any part of lit !
fir Ten Dnftn's.
N. Otrtis' Ilyttcmt is the ORIGI
NAL an' . :LY GENUINE 011
other, imitationi or vile and 1N11.:1{1-
t)US s. Shun them as you would
Sept. 120. 183-t —ly.
At Private Sale.
rl'IlIS property is sitinde on S, t
tone ..
j Creek, about 9 m il es north 0rt . ,',..
Huntingdon, Pa. The mill is in' : '2.
good repair, has 3 ilia of hurrs, &c.•••— -
Also, n good Saw Mill and Lath Mill ; a gi.iod
dwelling house tiur the miller. Alvo,
290 Acres of Land,
about 155 Acre: of which it cleared an in a
good stoic Gf cultirotion; the hal:ince is well
covered with gond timber. 'l'ho
cons i s t, of n large Frome 110,•o. a 1,, h' . ..aine
Barn, and at large tiro, 11., o
for a store, hot now I. • ho•ge
tirchard Of choice froit.
The propertSls
froin The Igtorncixt April.
l'nr further infurin4tion i•n ,
:n Iluntingdun. , .
Sept. 27, 's4.—tr
Rebecca Furnace
11.111; property is siturte on Stone rilTa7,...ser
Creek, about 12 miles north 01 , 1jtil,
Huntingdon, Pa. It is in wood or- ,2 , ....11 ,1 W.1iT0
der, and plumy of within 4#; . 4..,'",! . :,! 4,444
miles—in a tine wood country %OWN coal can he
got readily, and about 400 ACHES of LAND.
This property is now idle, and possession can
be given at any time.
Any forther * int'onnation ran Lo had b_c era
ling with George Conch, Unirtingdun , or
Conch, Altoona.
Sept. 27, ISSI. —tr.
Exuct"rows NOTICE.
The undersigned haying been appointed Ex
miter uf the last will and testament of 'leery P.
Horsey, lota of' the ltormigh of Huntingdon,
hereby gives notice that he has taken oat
letters testamentary on the estate or said &ea.,
find notifies all persons indebted to said estate,
to call on him find settle their ifelebtedneffs, and
those haring claims against the estuto to present
then' in proper Into.
Sept 27, '24.—Gt.
T Amu Lastin g and Silk work tiaitors, Kid
Morocco, and Goat Boots and Slows, at tic
stars of CEO. MIN.
C ARPET Bugs, just received and for sole by
.1. 6. W. SANTON.
\ snitylv of oin,lbatinB, Check. and
Li Siaunlray, just received and fitr sale by
.1. & W. sAxro
Mils. Delanes, 11. Dulanes, Ito Berege, Lawns,
Ginghams, and at choice variety of Goods of all
kinds, nt the store of GEO. G WIN.
I)ONNETS. or nil sorts and colors, also, Miss'
) Flats, front :i7.1 to SW, just received and fur
sole by J. & W. SAXTON.
USE, constantly un hand and for Fide by
91;" BARRELS No. 1 Herring. hist reeeive , l
not! for sale at the store of CEO. G WIN.
A superior article of Burning Fluid for sale nt
X.. the store of GEO. (3 W IN.
FISH .4.firD N.lL'l',
for safe at the store of GEO. GIVIN.
TUE greatest variety of Dress Trimmings,
Fans, Cravats, Zara., Tyde Yarn, Dress
Buttons, Ladies Collars, Cliemtretts, Fancy
Mkt's., Under Sleeves, Kid nod Lyle Thread
Uloves, and Hosiery of every variety, just recei
ved anti fdr sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
10 !Usk i s t a i l l d E „ L t S t
h I L I,
OILVER and Plated Spoons, Gold, Sit;;:e anti
,) Plated Spectacles, at Earn. Snare's Jewelry
1 jour MuNNAIE S, Card Cases, end the 11-
nest quality at Woatesnoun's Parket
Knives, n veiy lary quantity at Lb. Snaru'•
just rewired franc Philadelphin the
and hutuls,tia,t assortment of
ever oth•re,l in thii ennskting of Cluslts,
Cassitners, Satinetts, Meetings, &c.
For the Ladles,
We Imre Pleid Silks, Worstea and every
variety of plaid goods, to please the taste of tho
Lathes. Also, Shawls, Sacking Flannels, Mo
ntt Silks, llonnettt, and the finest t15.,11.111C111 of
Under sleeves, Shinutzetts, ever
to th, bit of tliis plata.
Etoutsc dm! Shone,
of evc, vrai,ty, ' 4 1' •
Shoo, or evory variety.
1110,4 and Caps,
of the very Int,t :tint he, vtylc,
of whici We always keep the largest:and best as
:tomtit:at ever kept in t place.
magttii,eitt assortment, which we are selling
quite late.
are a little up, bat we are determined to sell as
low if not lower, then any other housemccording
to quality.
()nr ,r.cfc o'oll Cloths and Carpets
is gem', Tubs, Buckets, Willow Ware, and
everything imally kept in a country store.
In tart we have everything to snit the taste-of
:111, and at loWee be got at any
other hot, In town, it• you don', b . gatisliod of
the fact atter caking, then we give op.
and leveivc and store Gr:iin, us usual.
rirllE Partnership or the sal.serilters• carrying
1 on the Ilita•ksatithing tat:inass, in Warriors
mark, linntint hot county, disselvellt
nil persons baying ensettled seemeits will come
forwent and settle %vitt, I). Yorker bef o re th e tint
of November next, or their Recounts will be left
kith a proper officer fur eollectimt,
1).1 VI It PA FtKrill,
Sept. let, 1854.
The su;.neriber will eont!mie the illaeksmi,h
business nt the old stand in ail its carious bran-
Whvre nII 1.,r1 be amoinmodate , l who furor
him nit!) their work. DAVID PARKER.
Rea Estate Agency.
_ -
The un , l6r,ignoil 1.3 e,t,t1n1:41.,1 en azenev
fur the Sale and 1 4 nr,ha, et . Iteal Estate in
wishin:4 to 5,1 ur purchase can
yive it:t a tlitteription of the prop, , .y,
on ouch terms as
Lc Arcot has thr facility of making t h o
, erty eNtensively known.
I ' lol., have come ver3.l, , sireloh 3 laud
We offer on e• tering. WM. BREWS TER.
Notice to St•hoot Directors and
CIII: School Directors or the following. corned
SAOOI Districts, are hereby ootilie l that I will
noel than at the lilts e anti time clesiotated, for
the i n r; of ex,onining teacheri and gr,:nLing
September Mit. at Alexandria, to examine ap
plicants for the school.: of Porter township.
N. B.—Tho , e Districts which have neglecte4
to make out their yearly report, wOul.l confer a
tlo,r by attending to it immediately. The Di-
CO, , everal Districts, should live ote
cor!y notice or the time ol,n they inteu•l nom,
tbeir rellool,, no 115 to enable toe to o
icnt time to meet ;hem.
roar Lc CN,IIIIIII - eICIt not tbne by pre
~ .
ehtiag eertiavate, , 4•l' p r
aal moral 1•11,,, , tt tr,tri
the 114,1111 at I , irer:t,:ra of the Di. , ,tri,t in Avhicil
they are appiyiu.,..
cs.-Ics school I,awi and det.L.ioni, can
Le Ineltisier,l to Directors eallizez the otlieu
of FL,her S.', Williamson. on 111:1 street. or :It lay
1 . ,1 , 1,1Ce NIPIhn stcyet. in the here.el. l lt or Hun
. ',IL
iL I
r. :~~
$5OO to $l,OOO a fear.
Nook Agent , ' 7 bpi anted.
MM.; Suliccriber pohlishcg nanilier of
valnahle Pictorial Rook,, very poli.tlar. and
of such a moral and religious ioilnellee that while,
Rood men maw safely ettgave their eir,al,iteeti,
they will eliaer a piddie hrnatit. ay.! receive a
fio'r oomprn.sorion tor their tali,.
1...) men of enterprise anti toot, thi4 has
!less titters on tipportonity for prottoble
meta seHoin to he Hirt with.
tvi , hill.4 to engnge in their gab!,
will roa. , .;‘e I.y at Circular cwt.
tatiflin, H.,11 •'lliroetiotts to per
s‘,ll. ::-• tA.,,etiter with
tho 1-1, • ; 1\ 111 he ratruisheti, by
::,; !,•i• 1?S, PCHLISIII• 11,
Citr IN PRESS, awl ready 11,1. A,llt, by Ilia
Ist of October, 'ISM, "St`alrB 9 Illustrated
Description of Dec Russian Empire:
For farther pnrtieulars a.ldre,s a:, above.
August 30, 1854.
Volley, Juoiola kV,
( . ounit/, l'enao.
rrvi(l: Fall Session will eommenee on moNr, V,
Ocrocuti 2,1554. Whole covens., of hoard,
tuition, room, fuel, wttshing and itsddental, va
ries front $5l to $57 per session 22 weeks.—
Vacation., front thelst to the 15th of April, and
front the 15th or Augu s t to the last 4,1'1&1a.
For farther partieulars sooeirenlarg,ur address
(pct,t-pald) tit:, n. ti.e
DAVID W11.4,N, A. M.
DAV (1) LA1:01ILIN, 51.
_Ang. 30, '54.-,On. Port lloyal P. 0.
Ltuid gbr f!i;ale.
A TAcT O LAN situnte in Germany
alloy, near SI, irlepifirg, Huntinplou
cont.tining about 113 ACreg, the greater Nat
of whirls is limestone, in u good state or eeltive
0., hounded by lands of George Swine and An
drew Spattegle. JOHN
Jose CI, MI.
Fish for Sale.
15 Ilarrcl,
10 Half
jest receivel and Cur sole at the store of
BLANKS,.AIwnrs buy pow Bh in k s It hi,
"Journal 01lieu." tk'j have now prcpared a vv
ry .uperitwurrielu 1;1,A K I )1 , :11), , ,
t's•t• n , c,ivcd sale. :,I•.,tubb•r,
tiiik, Ihio.l Beef, Like Trwit, \l'liite I't it
also 116.1 l'enelies, Dl:cd fur
sate by .1. & \V. F.k X TON.
WIRE WHITE; LEAD. just receivo.innit Ivc
1 sale by .1. W. SAXTON.
plain and fancy, at very low prices, at the store
of UEU. G WIN.
10 DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovels, just axel
veil and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
prrl'SßUlt(i Hams and Flitch for sale cheap
cube EI,EPLIANT Corner.
BONNETS and Hats - of the latest styles, just
XI received at P. P. (MIN'S Store.'
(MGARS, U.l\ DIES, &e., whole•olo nod
V.) retail. of the ehe.efrr,tore of J. BRICKER.
A huge lot of Shoes---lace Routs,Bufikina,
rlitlisses and Chil.lreu'a at the Store of
D. P. GWI.N.
A superior lot of Ititim, for snie to the --
abeautiful assortment of Cross-barred India
511k,ju4 received and for sale by
J. & 3..txr