Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 18, 1854, Image 4

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The Russians Defeated 221
HAVING returned from the City with a large
and splendid assortment of (loads, respect
fully inform their friends tad the public nt large,
that they have Wetted themselves at Mill Creek,
and having purchased their Goods for Cash. they
are now prepared to sell theta as cheap, if not
cheaper, than any store in the county. Their
Stuck consists of a large assortment ut
Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware
Groceilea. Soots and Shoes,
Hata and Caps,
and in short.averything usually kept in a country
Store. Persons wishing to purchase will find n
to their interens to give thorn a call before pur•
chasing elsewhere, as they aro deternined that
their motto shall he Quick Sales and Small Prof
N. B. All kinds of produce taken in exchange
for goods.
Mill Creek, May 31, 1954.
2000 Fe
for o sale by
u. just received
Ie by ,
JUST RECEIV.EII sud forums Fish, Salt and
Plaaterby J. & W. S4xToN.
A splendid lot of Bonnets just received and fur
sale by J. i f- W. SAXTON.
Amost beautiful lot of Berage de Leine pat
terns, and in the piece, from 181ets up to 50
eta. per yard, just received and for sale by
J. er W. SAXTON.
ral{io VrDlll3
1 have just received, and am now opening, on
the corner opposite Couts' Hotel, a large and
beautiful assortmero of
Spring and summer Goods,
consisting of Cloths, Cassimers, Fancy and Plain,
Silks, Fancy and Black, Derege Delains, Reines,
Bard Deluins, Lawns, Ginghnms, Linens, Mus •
and prints of every description.
Gloves, Silk Mitts, Long and Short, Veils. Col
lars, Under-sleeves, Ribbons, Shawls, and a va
riety of DRESS GOODS too numerous to men
Also, n Jorge assortment of Bonnets; Hats and
Shoes, Groceries, Qucensware, and Hardware,
Carpets, Oil Cloths and Carpet Bags, Clothes
and Market Baskets, Buckets, Churns, Tubs, Sc.
The public are respectfully invited to call and
examine my Goods, as I am determined to sell
them cheap.
All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex
eham-te liar Goods at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, April 5, 1854.
The Celebrated Prize Cure for Fever
and Ague, by
)14: MASVITix
?VMS Remedy is purely vegetable, without any
portion at foreign, deleterious, or mercurial
ingredient whatever in its composition. The con
tents of a single Bottle is sufficient to cure the
most obstinate case in a single day.
It strengthens the stoma, invigorates the
frame, and restores the system to its usually
healthy state—in fact, it entirely prevents that
languor and prostration of strength which always
attends this disease, and is confidently recom
mended to all who have tried, in rain, other pre
Money making is the ordet of the day, and it
is with this abject that medicines are prepared
for t h e core of diseases to which mankind are
,tuhject. It is the same with the baker and botch
er, the manufacturer, mechanic, &c., and it is
well that there is this stimulus to Induce thg!
thoughtful nod skilful to devise and prepare i
convenient form, suitable remedies for the afflic
ted. An individual, under a distressing and tor
turing tit of CMOs sad Fever. is nut in a right
condition to study out the menus of relief; and it
is more sensible and natural that he should look
to others, than to depend upon his own prostrated
energies for the antidote. For an appropriate
and valuable remedy, therefore, it is folly to ob
ject, because it is another's interest to dispose of
it. To the invalid the important consideration
is simply this, "Will I he benefited by the pur
chase of the article offered ?"
The invalid should inquire into the testimony
presented to establish its value; the testimony
shottld be carefully investigated, and just so mite!.
credit given to it, and no more, thou it deserve,
if of a personal character, we should look to the
respectability of the witnesses, and the opportu
nity which they have had for an observation of
the facts, and the probable impartiality, and con
sequent truthfulness, of their statements. Cor
roborating statements of a nuik.eter ofrespectable
witnesses to the truth of any 'fact, tttny amount
to irresistible evidence.
We might enter into a detailed acconnt of the
study and labor incident to its preparation—of
the scientific principles upon which it is based—
of the necessity which exists, in the very nature
of the compound, for effecting immediate cures
in almost every instance—and of the character
and respectability of tho witnesses who have tes
titled to the astonishing cures which it has inva
riably performed. We might enumerate other
rases, and cite the testimony of others, and in
deed weary our mailer with repetitions of cases.
This we deem unnecessary, and shall therefore
confine ourselves to a selection of a few of those
whose characters and standing in the community
tire well knOwn, and whose positions gave them
the opportunity of toting the value of the Prise
The gentlemen whose Certiiirates are i;isen.
are well known to the chi rens of Latetster and
York Counties, in Penns . , liarda„ besides other
]onions of that Stat..; also to the citimoot of Ma
ryland who reside in the mi.:lib...hood of the
Susquehanna and Tide-water Canal. Otte of the
gentlemen named Jahn. McCuAKEr, Esq.. re
presented Yurk Comity in the Senate of Penn
sylvania for many years. These gentlemen were
all Contractors on the Susquehanna and Tide
nwter canals, which terminate at Ilatre-de
kirace, at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.—
The officers of the Companies were, o f course,
Acquainted with the Contractors. ' anti should there
be any doubt, application may be made to them
tut the truth of the representation made in regard
to the characters of those whose certificates are
appended: •
The undersigned, believing that great benefit
will result to the public front a knowledge of the
efficacy of the PRIZE Coat for FErlitt and .hart:,
do most cheerfully certify that we have, individ
ually, witnessed Its successful operation in the
number of cases annexed to ourrespective nitines,
and that, in no instance within our knowledge.
lots it,fitiled to cure in it single day, by the use of
the contents of n sinule /wide. Dated, Lancaster,
Septemper 4, 1838. Signed—
R. MULLISON, Sec. 1 and 2S. C. 2 eases.
J. WILLIAMS, " 10 " 11 " 2 "
J. FISHER, 61 2 8 CC 2 41
I. COOPER, Lock No. 1 and 2, " 2 "
M. PHELAN " 6 64 4 46
B. O ' CONNOR, See. 23 T. W. C. 3 "
B. M'GRANN, " 29 and 30 " 11 "
In corroboration of the certificates of the high
ly respectable Contractors above named, whose
humane Nelings prompted them to give publicity
to the litcts therein stated, the following certifi
cate from Major James McConkey, at th at time
a member of the Senate of the Ginn:et:wealth
of Pennsylvania, will be read with interest by all
whtfare afflicted with Fever and Ague:
"PEAcit BOTTOM, York co., Psi. NO, 16, '3B.
having witnessed TWENTY-TWO covet of lever
end Ague cured by the celebrated PLUM CURE,
I make this known for the benefit and comfort Tr
all those distressed with that troublesome disease
—Freer and Ayuc. JAS. M'CONKEY."
GINGFIANJS—DoBIO64I6 Drew, just re
ceived at 1). I'. (JIM'S Clamp Store.,
ruin!: eabieriber would respectfully inforrn the
11 traveling public that he is now running a line
of.Uaeks from Mt. Union to Orbisonia, as follows:
From to Mt. Union and ek again,
every Monday, VC,•ttlneeday and Frida.y.
rusaer,gere.wialwrig to go to Shadu flap, or any
other place, will be ta,!'en on without delay.
Ilia Hacks are good and comfortable, and
he Ia determined to here none but good and
ateady drivers; in A word, his &eke is to carry to CUM linvind B,oty•
Orbituala, June P 3, iR;.4.-Ir.
The satiseriber, thankful to his friends and pa.
trona, and to the l'ulilie I.l“nerally, for their
tronsge, still elinthities to carry on the
stand, one door rapt of (Jr.' C. (,'out's
kot street, llnn[iuk[lun~ w)lerc he will Ott,
all who will favor him With their custom, aim al
so keeps on hand a good assortment of WATcons,
Owens, JEWELUT, &C, &c., all of which ho is
determined to sell at low prices.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will
be repaired at short notice, awl' having made ar
rangements with a geod workman, all repairs will
be done in anent and (tumble manner, and every
person leaving articles for repairing shall have
them done nt the precise time. By paying strict
attention to business, and selling at low rates, he
hopes to receive 4 shore or public patronage.
Huntingdon, Sept. 7,1052.—1 y.
informs his
,•-: • 'rt -- - friends and the
• - --,- public general
'2. .: -. - H - c----- -- '' Iy, that ho has
, -....-- ' -- --- - -V7- 4 establis lied a
14 ' p -,416 • ,-----
y , ma -.....---- Marble Yard,
5 '.1 . m the borough
14 ji ,, 11111111 , ' • 4 Huntingdon.
• , ~, „„ r_: nil has just r
' "..,'.•• • '''''.. louulin •eiv a d from
'''''' ''' '— --- - Philadelphia a
selected stock of choice Marble grave-stones, o
every description, which lie will furnish at very
reduced prices.
All orders from any part of the county or ad
joining counties, noidressed to the subscriber,
will be received and promptly attended to.
Shop on Hill street, two doors west of GedIPA.
r. Wilson's Mier.
May 18, 1853.-19.
Adams & Co.'s Express.
T. K. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon
Money, Packages, end goods Orall kinds, re
ceived and forwarded at the risk or the company,
to all the eitiesand principal towns in the United
State May 1, 'Mi.
Fr lIE undersigned ha., and fit
ted np no, above Ho rr. n, on the
* e corner r main and Montwouery Street,
in t h e I , irough of Huntingdon, Rllll is
well prepared to accommodate all who may them
him with their cant o n. The traveling communi
ty and the public generally are cordially invited
to cull with him. hoping by strict attention to
business to merit a large port ion of public patron
ego. No pains will be spared to render general
June 29, '33.—ly,
Practice in the several Courts of litintinglon.
Blair, Calabria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata Conn:
Jac , March 23, 1853.
Would respectfully inform his friends and the
public, that he has on hand and is receiving for
the coming season, a fine assortment of
CU — *RP' Cffib aa. U.,
Consisting of Watches, Chains, Breast Pins, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles,
Studs, Medallions, &c. Together with his:celebra
ted and unrivalled
Which is equal if not superior, to au/now in use.
Each Pen is Engraved with bin own name,
and every Pen Warranted.
Oh did you ever, no I never !
Mercy on us what a treat;
Get Read's Gold Pen, they're extra fine,
And only found in North Third Street.
A splendid Pen!!! Where did yon get it 1
Pure Diamml Pointed, can't 110 heat;
Yes, my friends, there's no !minimizing.
In Read's Gold Pens of North Third Sire. t,
a" Read's Gold Pen is Mend only at 55 Non)
Third Street, below Arch East Side.
Piladelphia. Jan. 8, 1852.—tf.
Blair county. Lancaster county
DAVID M'lNtuatuis, WILLIAM GLEiat,
Huntingdon co. Lancaster county
Blair county. Luncaster county.
Central l'enn'a. Banking House,
BRYAN, OLF.INI & CO.— (Nike on Alio
gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court
House, and nearly opposite tae Post Office, Hol
lidaysburg, Pa.
The CoTripa4 is now ready to transact busi.
ness. Upon money deposited for a specitic
period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in.
terest will be paid at such rates as are usually
allowed by Savings Institutions. Transientile
posites received, payable on demand.
R. R. BRYAN, Cashier.
Hollidaysburg, slay 21,1850.
11. K. NEFF, 111. D.,
HAVING located himself in WARRIORMAIM
in this county, would respectfully offer his
professional services to the citizens of that place
and the country adjacent.
J. D. Lucien, M. li. Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Nm. P. Orhison, Ex 1
J. H. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinn,
M. Stewart, " John Seott, Esq.
Hon. George Taylor. _
Buntingdon, Pa,
Jacob M, Gemini, M. D., Alexandria.
John M'Culloch, " Petersburg.
Lots in Altoona for Sale.
north of Hollidaysburg,and about oug mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair Munty.
After the X Ist 'day of May, the LOTS in said
Town will be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that tne Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company have selected this place for the
erection of their main Machine and other Sho/le
and are now hulltlinn the same.
The Rail Road wi I lbe opened early in the Fall
throwing at once a large amount of trade to this
place. The main inducement at this time in of
fering Lots for sale, being to ,oeore the requis
ite Machiti.sts and Tradesmen, end homes for
the Machilii.tio and other employees of Cie Rail
Road Company. Early application will secure
Lots at a low price.
Fos further information apply to C. H. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A..McMURTRIE.
May I, 1852—tf.
Notice to Tavern Keepers.
\T OUCH is lioreby given to the keepers of Inn
DI and Taverns within the county of flouting
don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses
sions of said county, enjoin upon the keepers u
such Inns and Taverns that they close their res
pective bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from
selling or dealing out liquors on that day ; and
the licenses of such persons as shall disregard this
injunction will be revolted forthwith agreeably to
the Act of Assembly in such case mode and pro
vided upon the fact of such violation coming to
the knowledge of rho Court.
My the Court, 24th Jan. 1852.
May 1. 1852.
CHOICE Li.IIIOIIS for medicinal purl;
es, consisting of
Best quality I'RENCII RIMNI)
64 46 ( \ - j . I ( jj,? .I_VD },
a a
64 in bkia j vE,
cc cc 1.1,110 N WI. \ L',
cc ,‘ IrEET WLVE,
In short, all kinds of Liquors used for:that pur
pose can be hail at the etaCISP §1.01 . 13 of
April 22, 1652. 4, 1114 C KEit,
A SII,ENDII) assTitment of Ladies' 14 1 :).4.4
Guedsjisq received at CAILMON'S
\AT lIISKEY c‘instantly on Land and for
V the 13:trr,I, at tho .7 1 ,7! • , I!!!. pf
A SitlIAT k;R1.V.41.
4iNoltip N)oo7i, •
•'• :Mts. Op%
At Janteg iteit
.l .'~:.._ •l
Which are offered nt tho lowest Pim also re
ceiving a largo supply of CASiDik which
will ho sold at wholesale price no low as 14 ets.
per lb. Also, Fruits, Grimm, Lemons.
Fi g , &C. All of which hove peen tonight
great care. anti on the best terms, and will
be sold low for Cash or to pouctutil customers.
I flatter myself that I can and will sell Goods low
as they can be bought . for in this neighborhood.
My friends are requested to call and examine Ibr
themselves, feeling cmtrident that those who do
so cannot go 'sway without haying. Ladies and
Gentlemen of this neighborhood hellos.° tue when
I say that great pains have heels taken to get such
goods as you admire.
Store on Hill street, opposite the JOURNAL
Huntingdon, Oct. 19, 'l9.
Late Arrival of New Goods.
A large lot of barred Detans, Persian 'Twills,
Domestic and French Ginghams, Alpncens, sock
Flannels. Tweeds and Linseys, brown and blench
ed noo.lins. a large stock of ribbons, and a hand
wiui of dross goods tier Indies and
gentlemen. bar style and price can't be beat, for
sale at GLO. GATIN'S Store,
SO sacks Ground Adam Salt jest arrived and
fur sale at GEO: GWIN'S Store.
50 barrels Conemangli Snit in store end for safe
by GEO. G WIN.
A late arrival of English and French Merinos
for sale low at the :tore of GEO. GIVIN.
100 kegs Nails and Spikes for sale by the keg
or pound, at GEO. GWIN'S Store.
500 Ihs. Cast Steel for drills and sledges, for
sloe nt the store of GEO. GWIN.
500 p!ecos eplieo, new styles and patterns, of
putt gcut tp , sold tow at the store of
Fluid tamps. a large and handsome assortment
fur .ttle GEO. GR'IN'S Store.
.1.. 4, 1954.
7 0 SS UT 11, Wellington, CoMO , : :X.-
I,_ Gothic, and other Clocks, fur sale ..,.,
cheap, at Edith Snore's Jewelry Store,
H OUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why
go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for
half-made Funrrrunot Call at No. I, North
NINTH street, and examine the largest assort
ment of the best made Furniture and Bedding in
the city, Feather Buds, Hair, Husk, mid Straw
Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What
nots, Sofa Tables, marble tops. and Washstands;
Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di
vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads;
Fancy Stalled Sent, Cane seat, Windsor, and of
fice Chairs, Counting-I.lBe, and cane-sent Stools,
Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni
ture made in every style and color; San Beds and.
Lounges, wholesale and retail. ard wqrrantoll to
give satisfaction, and sold at tlo lowest prices.
Sep. 28, 18L3.—ly
Chartered he the State of Penn-
sylvainia In 18111.
cm , ITAL STOCK $250,000.
Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia,
Morrocro Manatlwatrers, Curtiers, Important,
Conanksioa all:1 General Leather Business,
Wholesale and Retail.
Mausfsetory 15 Margaretta Street.
Aug. 24, '53.-Iy.
Huntingdon, Penn'a.
OFFICE on Main Street, next to that of Con.
A. P. Wilson.
Terms moderate. and all work warranted to
give entire satisfaction.
July 13, '53.
ATTORNEY A7' LA 11 7 ,
Will attend to all ltmineo entrmted to him. OR
nearly oppmite the Court Clouse.
May 4, •sfl.
Informs his old friends and the ituhlie that he
has returned to his old home, and will attend to
all business in his profession, entrusted to him,
with fidelity awl his best ability.
Office in Main Street, south side, the lust house
below the. Court house.
Huntingdon. ploy 11 , 1852.-6 m.
DARGH DR LA INES, in endless variety, at
the cheap corner of A. CARIMON.
uAs just returned from the east with a large
al and splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Clothing,
for men and boys, made in the latest rishion and
in the most durable manner. Who ever wants
to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody
else in town, lot him call at WILLOUGHBY'S
CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, nue door west of T.
Head & Son's drug store, Huntingdon.
Call and see fur yourselves.
April 19, 1854.
r; 'ill: Saving Fund of th e National Safety Cora
-1 ~ a ny, No. 62 Walnut Street, 2 doors above
PHILADELPHIA, is open every day
from 8 o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock P. M.,' and on
Mimilay and Thursday evenings till '9 o'clock.—
This institution is well known as one of the beet
managed and safest in the country, and pays rice
rEtt cal, interact for money put in them, from
the date of deposit°.
Any sum from One Dollar upwards is received.
Anil all some, large or small, are paid back on
demand, without notice, to any amount.
This' saving fund has mortgages, Ground
Rents, and other first-clues investments, all well
secured, amounting to more than halfa million of
dollars. fur the security of din others.
Office 62 Walnut street, two doors above
Third, Philadelphia.
Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres't.
Wat. J. REED, Secretary.
Don: Wm Thelma, Pottstown, Montgomery
co. J. D. Streeper editor of the Montgomery•
county !Adger, Foust°, o.
.1. M. Shcenomen, e 7 litor of the Neutralist,
Skippackville, Mont. co.
linos Benner, Esq., editor of tho Farmer's
Prima, Sumncytown, Mont. co.
Joei donee, late Ilayor of Phil'a.
line. l o h n Robbins, jr., member of Congress
4th District, I'a•nnsylrania.
non. JatT;es late romtmostee of Phil'.
Heil. renington, into Governor of New
Jersey. •
Sep. 29, '53.
DOUBLE Barrelled English Snob and Twist
FOWLING PIECES—aIso Single Barrel
ed flans, front four dollars to thirty each, fur
sale by J. & . SAXTON.
JUST receiving the handsu:!iest lot of Carpets
ever ollerml iu this place. Atali, Oil Clutha,
which will be sold low by
J. 4 , ll'. .KIXTO:V.
A large assortment of Luwns and Benue de
4.414011, just received at the cheap store of
I). I'. GW.IN.
irr A fule !It of • Yr
To TUE INV.ll,ths of Ilemrr;nos.
$1,04)0 Iftelvard:
• . - otellEirg
votnic C]ulirg,
tittle r 1,4. •H•
1 :in :41141 ViCinity,. 1110. I
nail strictly svirtiitille at
instantly at.; and pertnitnently curing atil
Now we know• that nn ammunceUicat similar to
the above meets the eye or the renderalmo,t dai
ly, and perhaps this may be classed with many
others. Hut listen or you to u< itijll,liol, it is
claimed that Pulvermacher's Electric Chain, is
the only magnetic remedied agent that is secured
by patent, granted by this government, on the
ground that it was a strictly useful and
article. The Chains are now or. exhibition at
the COW Palace, and attract mach attention
from the thousands who daily visit it.
The manner of using the chains is very simple.
The chain is first mistened with COMMOII I'l , l?fpfr,
and then one and of the chain is applied to the
part theme the pain is located, aml the other end
opposdc to the first. The ends of the chain slionht
never touch each other. At the moment of ap
plication, the most acute pain is instant/ 1 i relieved,
wherever it is lowed, by the passing through the
part a constant cnrrent or uninterrupted clectro
magnetism. In the following diseases, no other
remedy has ever given such complete and perfect
satisfaction to the patient as Palverulacher's
Chains: Rheumatism, Painful and swelled Joints,
Pains in the Back, Deafness, Blindness, Paraly
sis, Nostalgia in the Face, Lung standing Net - -
Tuns Headache, Palpitation (Atha (kart, Gener
al Debility, Dyspepsia, Female Discrhes,Asthana,
Contracted Joints, &e.
will be given to any person 'NW produce so
many welt authenticated eertitic::tei of care from
intelligent patients and twit:, t;lio physicians, of
the above IfisleilSeg, as has Iteett ocrformed by the
use of tho Electric. Chain (lariat: F;te past year.
It is truly the filet that wherever the electric
chains have been intrthlueed, hat tied nostrums and
common lard have greatly diminished in sale,
people haying become disgnsted with the practice
of using ihoir stomachs for II shy'
Tho Electric - Chains are highly recommended
by Profossors Mott, You Buren, Post and Car.-
chat), or New York; nro also in daily use in every
Hospital in that city. Tie chains will last :or
years, aro niwaysiewly nor ton, and produce no
injurious recap., when ;nod n• directed.
The introduction of the Electric Chain into this
country is the dawn "I . ,new Oct in medicine.—
Durinr the last twenty years, it eau solely he en
timate.l t hat ten Ibtwand tamales have died year
ly front thin one di case,
It is well known to medical men that this com
mon disease is beyond the reach of medicine, and
that in proportion to the amount of medicine giv
en, the more the patient is doomed to sutler, and
sooner will death close the scene.
Thiriog the last 2 years more than one thousand
cases of ,Prolapsus Vivi (falling of the womb)
hare been rerkutnent/g cored in England and
France. All , et el tli ce risen were lathes or high
standing, who previously tried all oiler kinds
of treatment with no benefit. ./‘nymg the distin
guished lathes that have been cured in Pao is i..e the
present Queen of France. In this country, du
ring the last year, one hundred rues 1111 , c been
cured in the eit : - of Sew York, many who hare
allowed their limner to be published for the bene
fit of those suffering with similar camplaint,.—
The mode of fuse is 'wilily to apply one end uf
20 link chain to the! spine just above the bile, and
the other read upon the alidonten, and alto .r the
chain to remain for one hour. This to he epeat
d your times during the twenty-thin. hour,
The Electric Chains never fail to relieve the
severe iv! ins and swelling incident to this disea,e.
The worst limns or this disease readily
.viehl ton
few applications tx a chain, and in no single lift
stance hive they failed to give instant relief, if
they did not effect a permanent core. All person;
who are victims of this usual wilder complaiot,
are kindly invited to call tel obtain tt pamphlet
novilcv.l W. SMITH. Agent for lion
lingdon routs, who will al, e;:plain their loud,
of use.
Thovlt•etrie chain,: colt be gent by moil to any
un•t of the United Mutes, f.y ndd,e,sino (m;t
mid) any or tho agents; in the prit,ipni titics , ur
Fusel/it Steinert, :16g, Brondway New Park.
Gen. Agent, SGB Breedway,
January 18,1854.-Iy.
CI,r(I,T S Y Ear! Aillp
Attorneys at Law,
Huntittgi!sk, Pa.,
Office same as that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Esc],
Oct. 19, 1853.
LL vet ores his thanks
-Lt. to friends mot the public
for their very li buret patronage. and
hopes by strict attention to business44.,'!,l44t,Z.;.
to merit is continuance of the same, in all . ki n ds of
Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-Tight, Parlor,
Ten Plate Wood and Coal SII/Ve, at various si
zes, and all kinds of Ploughs: the Lancaster and
the Plank Harshenr patterns, and Seystone No.
4 Self-sharpening RIO Hill side Ploughs, and
Sheers to suit all kinds of Ploughs in the country;
Rolling-mill and Forge Castings, Griltt and Saw
mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine
Patterns, and the four horse and two horse power
of Chambersburg patterns; and ell other kinds of
castings ton moiler°us to menthol, all of which
will be sold cheaper than ever for cash and all
kinds of country produce. - Also, old mettle taken
in exchange for castings.
Huntingdon, November 9, 1853.
TILE undersigned Imco snle seeontl-hantl
.l Carding Maelti tie, with all the ne
cessary fixtures, Av!ii•li z!,y offer for sale very
tow. Any one; ; erehase will do well
to call and see it. F.SS LER & BRO.
Mill Creek, April P.!,
THE lline,t assortment 01 Boots awl Shoat
over offered iu town, for onle low by
J. p• W. SA! TO.W.
A b,,nntiro lot of Cost Iron Pumps, for Wells
rs• and Cklerno,just received, und for solo by
Feb. 23,1653. J. & W. SAXTON
TIP. Jas. M'Clintock's Family Atc.licines
LL fbr rile by 1101:ACE W. SMITH.
Huntingdon, Mareb 29, 11354.-31 n.
HENRY CORN vuonsT havingjast re•
turned fruan Philadelphia with a large and
well selected stock of Dry Goods, Hoots
Shoes, Hardware, Crockery-ware,
embracing the usual variety of a country
store, which he lots been enabled to purchase up
on terms permitting Marto compete successfully
with any other store in the vicinity, would res
pectfully solicit the patronage of his friends and
customers, and would endeavor to merit the rip
probation, as he is well satisfied of his ability at
present, to suit the mites and accommodate the
wishes of the public at large.
Ile is prepared to sell eery low for CA3ll.
Coantry Produce taken in exchange at the nest
reasomtble rates. March 211, 1854.
ASSINErrS, Corduroy, Tweeds, K. team,
at the cheap corner opposite E.
Costs' lImel• I). P. GWIN.
11/IEAS7`P/NS, Ear Kings, and Finger ning,,
1 - 0 in Milan variety, at Lust. SNAnteB.
N excellent variety of fine Pew KNIVER, at E
Snore's. April 15, 1852
LARGE and splendid assortment of Bon
, n e t,,, and ehildrens' Eats nod
Caps, selling at low prim; at the store of
UANIS, Shoulders and Flit h, ole ar the
15P , 113 of GEO.
1 071 ,itkuuud boyb, a good assortnat i. aLtM;t z re
A bbl'Eßlelt ar:!elv of Cider Vinegar far
A , p , , he rt,re .:.f • GEO. GWIN,
Elertro-Illagnet LiglAning Reg. I
many yonrg close investigatioa and
ramorotta eXperiments, the P.ocutce otk,
• , !...por.c in infortnintr the public d at he, 111 i 111,;-
~ ...1 tlio ttno prineiples or pr,• , • , .. , ca
and proporty from thc • mrtlyc !•1-
(, Village awl I ,t,sly
!ha t. , nnon,rlly. throu2h flit
beyollli 1,i11 . 111,11/11. 1,11,1:lily •
• Will,l Itin enmaly in so j
11111111 i in Aritiliages i•atesit 111arc,,4 is.
Lightning HIM in arty /11011 C. :.:
111111 has !men examined by the most
gentlemen in the world-I'lloolol,l
dolat,on, Millar and many others that has.. ••. •
ambled them. recommend and speak of theta i.i•
tern. of approbation, find have pro. !
flounced :1, o this ot the wily safe rodi in n, tior
any other country. Mr the protection of Lives and ;
Property. (Inc adruntogo is to divide and throw
hack a part of the electric fluid harmless to the ;
clouds; in time of a stroke Mk enable,. the rod ;
to conduct that potion or hilt that belongs to
; the earth without the slightest danger of leaving
the conductor. This rod lias many other /111V1111.
tag. over the old ono. Tho only place of man
; utacturingis in
- -
Vine St., 3 doors above riveylh, Eilladelp7tia,
where oil persons ore re,memfally invited to call
and examine for Oa:nisei cos. For one Whole
sale and Retail, by TI! S. .11011T.10 E.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms melt.
Aug. 13, 1847,
I hnve this day carefully inspected it conductor
or Dahtning Rod, with vane and index, erected
by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue House.
Gloucester, and have nu hesitation in saying that
it is not only the hest that I have ever seen, but
that it is the only one I have yet examined that
is constructed on •strictly scientific princit.los. It
is with touch pleasure that I recommend this
conductor to the attention of own°ra of building,
I ant well satisfied that the Magnetic Li ghtn ing
Rod, manufactured by Mr. 'lllOlll. Arntitsgc, of
is the best that has ever been mad,
spent several years in the study of the laws
of electricity and magnetism, and have no hesita
tion in saying that these Roils aro constructed
upon the only principle of safety. Tho electric
shock is received and dispersed by the magnet at
the top of the rod, and it would be impossible,
according to the laws of attraction and repulsion,
for a building to be injured by a stroke or light
ning when prweetemi by one of these mils. I
have been acquainted with Air. Armitage for sev
eral years, and before he coruineneed the mann.
facture of these rods I examined the principle on
which they are constructed, and felt convinced
that their adoption would be attended with com
plete success. The increasing demand air these
rods, and the extensive sales in all parts or the
country, is maple commendation of their utility
and superiority.
Rising Sun, Phila I. co., Awn tn, 1:153. The fi.dlowing extract is tett, from an editori
al in the thy/arm:aim ilhgraph, edited by Major
“The bogus rill placed upon. our dwelling, we
have had taken down; and another ereted by Mr.
AR3111,014 to which we would call the attention
of uur farmers awl readers generally. It is put
Ilp On true scientific principles, Mid in a rod thnt
has been approved. by the highest authority, nod
will bear the must thorough eNumination. Those
who have been deceived, as we have been, should
lose no thee in having u proper protection against
lightning, substituted.. The cost is it mere bag
atelle when compared with the entire surety of
our houses and barns againstthit destructice ele
ment. Mr. AttatursOlfB WlVerti.Clllollt will be
limn.' in the columns of this puller; and we ieel
us though we were performing an imncriou3 duty
to the community, by thui inviting to it general
PIT ILA DELPIIIA Dec. 4, 1552.
M. T. ALM !TA G I:, Vine Street, west 01 Twelfth
Street, Phil:ool4;in.
Mr onan SIR : Alter a trial or many weeks, it
titTords me great pleasure to tortilla on that I
am hi,hly delighteil with the lightning rod you
place 4 upon my house at Bustlettin. As far as
ton chemical knowledge enables the to p e rfor m
an opinion, I am satisfied you have deceloped
the correct principles it the, adaptation of rods to
protect property from destruction by lightning: as
soon as the advantages of your arrangements are
understoml, I am convinced that few persons will
be rilll.lsn recklessus to rail to avail themsel re;
of the protection :drooled by your rois. Wishing
you all success in your enterprke,
I am you, truly,
No. I, N.n.di Eleventh Street,
Professor of Anatomy, Phihnleinlilocuitege of
3.1011U111. HOOVER,
Harti, , tfm, Union Co., Pa..
Is Agent for T i luntingdon, and adjoining counties,
and will furnish the Rods net the same manner:ls
the Proprietor. Any person desiring to he sup
plied with the Rod, can kayo their order with the
Editor of the Journal, or with Gallus Biller , u
the Rail Road hotel. April 12','1'.1.-_m.
101 l NC I' t
The New Jersey Zino Company
11AVINfi 011112,ThY E.1,11,1E1/ THEM WultliS,
and improved the quality of their products, are
prepared to execute orders for their
DRY. and GROUND IN OIL, in assorted pack
ages of from 2) to 500 pounds; also
nny, in barrels, of 200 pounds each.
Their mull,: ZINC, which is sold dry or
ground in oil, 14 warranted PURR and unsur
passed ter BODY and uniform whiteness.
A method of preparation
.has recently been
diseorered, which enables the Company to war
rant their paints to keep fresh and soft in the
kegs for any reasonable time. In this respect
their points will be superior to any other in the
Their Brown Zinn Paint, which issol , l at a lnw
price, and can only ho made from the Ziac ores
front New Jersey, is now well known for it, pro
tective qualities when applied to iron or other
tutnallie surfaces.
Their Stone Cdo; Paint po,sesses all the pro
perties of the Blown, and is alto ngreeable col
or the painting Cotta es, Depots, Out-buildings,
Bridges, eke.
Dealers supplied on liberal terms by their
Agents, Fit EN H As,
Volesale Paint - Dealerd and Iniportere,
N. W. con of 10th & Market Sts.,
'April 19, 1814.-6 m.
HAVING removed extensive Store to No.l,
MeCalinn's Row, torruerly occupied by T.
K. Simonton, is now prepared to accommodate
his old customers, and the public generally, with
a splendid and litshionable asssortment of
is assortment consists of
Dry Goods, r Groceries,
Hardware, QuecilliWOre,
rind all kinds orgoods usually kept in a Coinitrs
Store. Also, a Loaf tiral cheap and elegant as
sortineut of •
Ladies' Dress Goods,
and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Tints;
Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and n variety of
goods .I'ol kind,
COUIIIEy produce taken in exchange for goods,
at the hight,t market prices.
!lamination, April 5, 1854.
ILbeautiful assortment 111 Silk Dress Pattert;;;
Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining, Just receiv
ed and fbr sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
PERFUMER Y—A gem , lot, of the best,nt
Cud Fish, just received4;nd to
silo by J. & W. SA:vrox.
ABEAUTIFUL lot of Gents. Gaitors, Ladies
Gaitors and Shoes, Gents, Boots and Shoes,
Misses Gainirs and Shoes, of nu endless variety,
just received and for sale by
A NUTLIEIt fresh supply of lierngo do Loins,
Lawns, liermre, all wool do lingo, and pLit
cot ou from 20 to 371 ets per yd. Also another
fresh supply of Trimmings, just rec'd and for
stile by J. & W. SAM:,
t Dlrectory of Hunt. Co.
! • Fraiche Jutltre :
/lon. Cho. TA•mon, of Huntingdon.
-*weird: Jtidgcs:
I lon. .1 aso. l' ms, of Frani:lin tp
Hon. T. F. S•rhwAn•r, of West Ip.
'District dlitorney:
J. SEMI!. STEWART, of Huntingdon.
Sheriff :
.firSIIIITA GREENLAND, of Huntingdon.
Sheriff's Counsel:
o.kvtr, BiAtit, Esq., of Huntingdon.
11. CREMI:R, of Huntingdon.
ReTister, Recorder, ci•c. :
111. F. CAMPBELL, of Henderson tp.
County Commiesioners :
Tuom.ts !tome, of West tp.
ELIEL SMITII, of Union tp.
SAMVEL Witrrox, of Franklin tp.
Commissioner's Clerk
W. MILLEtt, of Huntingdon.
Commis- ioner's elilorney :
JOHN Bonn, Esq., of Huntingdon.
.Auditors :
HENRI' BREWSTER; of Shirlovsburg.
RALPH CturrstEr,of Cass tp.
P.l v o PARKER, of Warriormark.
Treasurer :
JOSEPII M. STEVEN g, of Petersburg.
Directors of Poor:
Stainer, M.IITEN, of Franklin tr.
Joics BuEwsTEn, of Shirley tp.
JAUF,S SAXTON, Of Huntingdon.
Poor Home .111orney :
DAVID BLAIR, of If untingdon.
Poor House Treasurer :
HENRY BREWSTER, of Shirley tp.
Deputy Surveyor:
J. S. AVM:I, of I[nntinl n.
Coroner :
Isaac WOLVERTUN, of Brady tp.
Court Crier:
SAM I O I. S. San Tal, of Hu:ninglon.
Now's the Time for Bargains!
39 per cent. Cheaper than the
rptiE und,,,igne.lm,st Neepe-t 1,.11y i;un,n7,e,
to the citizens of
that he has oi,neil one oldie ia,t oat
,e9ortmeut of Ready-Made Clothitu, !hut has
ever it . ean in Ow Bonulgh (.f 11.tii:g la,
takes pleasure in ,tating to the pu::11c that he is
fully iacpare:l to cell •
Cheaper limn the Cheapest
lie tvi'l eonstantly keep nu hand th, weak,
variety of the ll)ll,wing art icle ,vii:
Superfine Black 4)res6 and Creek
Coate, nod fatwy coat-,
(ten st v i t ., tot ti ~•y ea,inicee, a n d ,a,si
net. all ennlaroy.
Alto, a great vainly of Ilain tint 1;o:4
SICSID SI9I'I . Pas, Saloon z,
Vest?, the ,
ever olrered i.i. ,!. •.
Bays' .
and cl raw,rs.
A choice
kerchiefs.—?.; '•
faller articli,.
(47,i Pers,, •• :Lim;
eltasipg el,ewll,
err elf,orA wc,t
11. P.,.01A5.
Lizaliant I)i4play of S(rvvelf
rpm; gvitentiiy, awl the
1 Fwlie time :eyed my •tor., 11,1
vet" vttitinttivs to the atnent.t :thou: .:t
withent ley permission, are infornx.t :het 1
jn,t opootil a mere general tool hen, as,ertmeitt
or.ti Gel. in it.y yr tihire e,r
hr.oAt. t r Watehe , ,
' ''.• '
It t loft Slot-
nue till et \Van., and
Articles, &e., &e. Ny'oltt friends t u,,t,
nut( the public in general throughout the comity,
are requested to et.' ) and extnnine inysts,ortinent.
1:1).111`NI) SNAIL.
Ifuntingdon, Afttrell 29, 1933.
While Sulphur and Chalybeate Springs:
j IIESE h 1 rin a:ire now open fur the r^cepti,.n
Of visitors. Tl,p aro situated in Cumin,-
land younty, Peotiht., me , : of ihrri ,
hy the Cuinherland V4l
- lioilroa.l to New,'.lk; front thence in go,ii
couch, sad over c:l,' rood, miles t., tht.
M:thy ill , ,teelliolti have been oink
since the lost a n d the di,overy
the Chalyheote Spring rd in greatly to the in
ducements presented ii.r the prc,ent The
necominodations for Butliimr in nil tIo3 usnit
modes---weter hot nod cold, fresh or minefal.—
Persons visiting tic will html n happy retreat amt
pleosont home. Below you have tint tuntly,la
dour Sulphur and Chalyl,nte Springs.
SCOTT COYLE, Proprietor.
1N BE 111,...5PU1N,1M,
The ruler of Snlplinretted Ilydrogen,poreeivi-t1
at some iiistanee from the Spring., ingrarts to-this
water the 1 , 0.11111, rroperties of SolHotr Spring,.
tlii4 ibgreilb.ut, I rani ro
ut:lbis Carlimi.ite of Sado, :old or 1: -;.., I
ber's Salt, E11,i01,1 Salt, n:..1 t t,
gredicnts r. hie!, 01.3 it :In inrrra ! ,
rentoviint the ex •,.. , , , t':.r' , It it
cutquitt.4, it grin' ,n. .„ . . . • t
air wit • - .Co,
ebullition or rontniite.l exp. the
exec— if Carboni, t. I'
o!' Iron, which ri,tie, it
al- o • btain. Ep..• tint. fr!
!loot It.
. .
Dating examined the chum t t mac.. i,..
the composltion or the White Sulphur and i•
lybeato Springs, of Doubling (lap, as
in their analysis by Professor Ibubli, of the Mint,
O. practised and competent chemist, arc authori
zed to sny, thug they posse, all the sanative pro
perties ofsimilur medicinal watera, in the various
disease.; for which their use has bonn recommeml
el by Phpicians.
N. L. IlArmut. n, M. D.
Ilicitano TowNst,n, M. D.
111.Nny 11...),Ln01iN, M. 1).
duly 5,'54.-2m. Philadelphia.
Mountain Female Seminary.
INlonntain Female Seminary nt
ham, ll t nltingdon county,l'a., on the l'enn
sylvan. Railroad, occupies 0110 0r the
healthy anal cle trublo Inratiuns in tile Slut• .
Strange. visiting•the lt,tantioa, have unlicsi
tittim4ly express.' tho opinion, that it so em.y of
ticcest, retir.l,,hollthful, and surrounded with
0(1011 romantic mountain seen..), tIW,t no tate
who wishes to leant, could Mid
more favorably situated. btleyesS an.l
turoproopects have induced IN to greatly enlarge
our ',huts, and enabled us to rive 91,11 cc ini,,a-
thin to teachers no wilt command :home lio,s,s
ing the highest qualifications.
Cost, per tern, of fl 2 weeks, varies from °fs to
$6O, fin• which good dot iWIS
trill be eiv
cn. Music, French, Latin, Painting, &c.,exti.i.
Pupils l'rent abroad are expected to heard in
the Sminaryliiiiiding with the Principal, won
gives hisentiro attention to the interest of tin
(unite on• 181.1.411 iii/ W. WARD,
Oct. 5, 1353. Principal.
GOLD CLIAINS—A fine variety fnr sale, ye.
ry low , et EDm. SsAnt.e.
Eor sale at the Cheep Store of .1. BRICKER,
UllolCli I of Sltingt,s rmr sale at the
cheep store o J. IrEICKEIt.
S ILK Dress Maeterns, Beraze do Lanes,Dern
ses, and Lawns of every variety and color,
just received mad fur sale by
& iv, SAXTON.
Stitdre n y bo t`,..ortiost elnce,ly rem
I.OISEASES.—filaem Strietnr,3n,
‘Vonknets, Pain in the Loins, Atlie:tions
and »1i thoco pnenlinr nifettion,
pine it secret Whit, parieularly ttio youth
of iwth vixen, which if not eared, produced non
st it teion tl Johiliti rendering inurrbige Itepossl.
and in the end destroy . : and Body.
who hot, !.••,•orle tbr orsoi.
du& drrirtvtive habit
annutliPween , to en nely thou-
Fowl , of nice of it; , 111,4 e,:lit,tl talents
awl ,lier , b,c barn
entry renl ,1111. c.; V•i: . .) tLc 11111 , 11201 of
ei.njuon...., or Wat.i. l in ee,li,y the liVing 1311 P,
1. ° C.P . !;0113,
;n;.l. ;:!;:; marriage, Ming :mar() of
cut.ul ifi 9'
. .t 11,001.
J., mot
1 to i._t•tc
9a:t It F.,trick St., st,cti doors from
Street, east situ up the steps. CX.Bu
thtr in Wanining the no!to unit number., ur
n nits luistal, the ',loco.
A cry' worraute.l, or no dzorgo ramie, in from
one to tv,, days.
TA;,: N.ifingi—Dr. Johnston's aim) is in his
op the mope. His very extensive len-
LittO is n entliebmt weiramee, that to is the uuly
rhy,idilll to imply to.
Dr. Joiliiten, meniher,f the Etiyal College of
Surge... grailmite Frain one tha
'nest eminent Colleges of the United State , . mid
the ',eater part or liss boon
the of London, Paris Philadelphi , ...4
30111 C of the Eliot
thitt known, ninny vont-
Lie!, ringing in the ears and bond who!,
nsieep, gront nerveumesit, being ninrmed nt sud
en a, mil bashfulness, With frequent blush
ing ett,l,l:l $0:11 - Millle3 With derangement of
eurml itn::;atltattt In.
11:1 welanc!wly fact
thAt %!,,tlins to
LITISkiIIIIIIICS3 of itolGrattt pn,t,t , lork
w!io of actiilly poison 3lcre.iry,
estiot:oo, caO,ing the Inuit Fer m i
!' thq drealftt I to make their
SIVA fli Wire,tlollS of the held, noge,
Av:rit frightthl ra-
tit, :1 period to tit , •ir d rem ir u i
,eniling them iu that Bourne whence
l'Atcrtet Ntyrtctt.--Young men who
to ittjurol thult,olt PS !.y a cerit,lnprauticu in
ig4,l in Av!tutt utoutt —tt habit thquently learnod
1 comp;tuions, or ut tit:hoot—the °Acts
tly f,lt.ervit when to,htep, and
tuotri,ge (10-
of •~~1u,.,i
-ff•i;,,r ~•,n~
itii toN
NVl,:lt n pity that a yottl.;,, mr.n, the htpe r>f big
doplingoffiig pnrcuts slionbi be
; fflan all pre,pez.ti and et, joylncilts of
I:y • Idevi..tinteri,, the path
' Emare .cret
1,114, lit n sotinul taro l .4 body are
0. , •ter relo,it, to
v.ithent tLe , ,, the 2,,,nr-
I r.n.l
I'!'.: !.1.~...
• I 5
i ~~.'::•:... ~.:.1
efli.el a 0!
ptr i
wth Vre4e66l-SL,
)14, x.tTtoNs PERro
avy pr
. . •.
ur by letter.
- -
'l',, many tiousands cured
nt t6tilo,,ti:uti,l within the !eat ten years, and
the 11;1111, 'I, import:la Sargic,al ()peration4
p-rf, hy 1)r..1.,witnc:,. 5 ,1 by the iZeptirters of
awl many _llth, persons, notices of
.11,1 k ',aye ag.till again heists tho
is that the sitllieted
find 11,,,,,,!;1e
., Inflicted I)r—lolin:tint would
:dltted titlt Hint
Dii.hnifts alica,ys ling in Ilia
r thn cr, , ,,,n, immediatcly cured,
:rs past vaLl—remedies sent by
1100 KS !s BOOKS!!
on, variet; I nsualiy
inn Philatlelphl nook Stun•, fol. s..le Miulesnle
retail very Inv; for en.M.
Order, remit nll parts of the eonntry solieited,
nit will be promptly awl
StAtionovy er••., w i l l
be kept eon,iantly on hand it Cie
11.1rper's Jla~+liinonnll Go/let',
~11 ) ire I,l ll lltilloll :::
Store opposlt,, IN'llittaker's 11
1009 Pieces ',dl Paper. ull a• ,
pupil:an:oat this Spring, of the late, ; :aast
fladainuniain ,tyles tat bo rOllllll ill
for salt very kw, front I2} eta. a :•:•.I up
ward, nt ColoWS Cheap Book Slore,
oppotite Whittuker's Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. •
April 2G, 1354
es, InventoN And 111anufachiN
or rate: "SCIIENTITICI kara, •
V 1c.," commences on the ]rah .1*
It is chiefly devoted to thu 'advancement ael thu
/greater:, .ilittavitet, c ;.,
anal it, edit,' by men practie.,:y
%ailed in the art: and scimices. l'robahly
1, lie, Lr the same character is
ively circulated, or so generally (—thinned tar
Tateliall ability. Nearly all the l'itiambh!
whi , .!lissitc, weekly from the Ornics
are iii,nadid with L', ' o,,' anal the claim; of
,1,,t arc .
regnittrir in its
coluom, as they are inners, thus makieg • it a pen
tect tic u,o"eaa n' Aso\[t:cuaswar.EXCYCLO.
I'EDTA upon the sulajects of
4,qui•try. Engineering
;aid the aeon generally. It in peldished week
ly in rmarto thrall suitable for binding, and each
vl,lithlo rm,tnin.s Forn iirsouLt, AND SIXTEEN
Ili • NnnED
ENn.IIATIN , ,, with a full and complete Index.--
eireulatiam on the !apt Volume exceeded 23 . ,
no° copica 11
per week, .1 the practical receipts in
a . . 10 (flame are worth to any family much more
th.ot the ,al)Tription price.
The lowing Casa Putzcs nredrfered by the
Publishers lie the liturteen largest lists of sub
scriber, seta in by the Ist of January, 1855 t—
SOM wilt he given to the largest list; $73 for
the Bth $365 ter the 3rd; 555 Mr the 4th; $5O foe
the sth; 045 Mr the Bth; $4O for the 7th; si;s for
the 6th; 530 li e • the 9th; 595 for the 10th; 320
for the 515 Mr the 12th; $lO for the 13th;
rml $5 lin the 14th. Thu mesh will ho paid to
Cm order of the successful competitor immediate
ly utter the ls.; of January, 18n5i
TIMMS :—Onu copy, one year, $2; ono copy,
six months, $1; five copies, six months, $4; ten
copies, six months, SS; ten copies, twelve months,
Sl5; fifteen copies, twerve months, $22, twenty
copies, [Weise mouths; $29 in advance.
No number of subscriptions above twenty can
he taken at less Mau $1,40 each. Names eon
lie sent in at different times and from different
Po,t Offices.
Southern and Western money taken for cub-
Ceite;.hotild ho directed, past-paid,to MorN
& 128 Fulton-Street, N. V.
Messrs. Mean & CO. are extensively engaged
in procuring patents for new inventions, and will
advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the
noTelt:' of their improvements.
C,,..0 ii:{
, rthless
1i~; 4~:~