FREE EXI-11 - 13ITION ! ' 6 l ';qgPk g ' : 71 / litOafrifi% -41;. At the Elepholit Store. --- 2111.2121diSizas HAVING removed hiA extensive Store to No. 1, 111eCaltan's How, formerly occupied by T. K. Simonton, is now prepared to accommodate his old customers, and the public generally, with a splendid and fashionable asssortment of Fall and Winter Goode, His assorttnent consists of Dry G IE , , Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, nnil all kinds ofgoods usually kept in a Country Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as sortment of Ladles' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Hats; Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of goods of all kinds. Comory produce taken in exchange for goods, ttt the highest market prices. Huntingdon, 18, 1954. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL AND WINTER OF !851 Al' t`' 112 OF DAVID P. GWIN. I hnve jest received, and am now opening, on the corner opposite Coots' Hotel, a large and beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of Cloths,'Cnssiir,ers, Black aril Fan cy Satinet's,, Tweeds, Jeans, Flannels Yellow, White and lied. Also n large lot of Seek Flannels of all colors. French Merl nev, Coburg Cloths, all wool, Delains, Plain end Fancy Delains, Cashmere, Debaize, Maim co, &e. A Large Lot of Dress Goods, Silks Black, Bard and Plain, Bonnet Silks, Cal. Jars, Undersleaves Sliimmazens, Fancy Dresses, Financings, Lace, Ellgeings unit Insur• lion, Ribbons, Trimmings, &c. Cotton Goods, Biaslins 131cftelied and tinblenelied,Canton Flan nels, Drills l'able Diaper, Crash, Glares, and Dosery of all kinds. 11,ts and Shoes. Groceries, Queensware, Eardware and Cedar Ware. Oil Cloths, Carpets, Carpet Sacks, &c. My el 1 customers and as many new ones ns can crowd in, are earnestly requested to call and ex mine my goods. All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. Oct. 15, 1854. Sheriff's Sales DY virtue of sundry Writs of Ft. Fe., Lev. Fa. ) and Vend Exp.. issued out of the Court of Corn. Fleas of Huntingdon county, and to me di rected, I will expose to Public Sale nt the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on TUESDAY' the 15th day of November, at In o'- clock, A. Al., of said lay, the following described Real Estate, to wit t All the defeudents interest in to certain tract of land in Henderson township, Iluntingdon county, adjoining Alexander G win's heirs on the north and and John Glazier on the south mid John Simpson on the east and Colestock's on the west, containing ninety acres, more or less, about thirty acres cleared, with a two go :4y frame house and stable thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold of Samuel Friedly. ALSO—A tract of land in Black Log, Shir ley township, three hundred acres, more or less, with about two hundred cleared, and a two sto ry log house and small log barn thereon erected, bonnded on the north by Sauttel MeGarvy and south by 'Thomas N. Orbison. Seized end taken in execution and to be sold ns the property of Thomas Bighorn. A LSO—Twenty five acres of timber land in Barren township, Huntingdon county, ad. joining lands of William Mailit and George Ifittehinson and lands belonging to Monroe Furnace. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Johnston. ALSO—One lot of 2 stereo, more or less, in Barree township, Huntingdon county, with a two story log hense thereon erected, bounded. by Alexander, Bell, Christi. Gearhart and James Livingston. Seized, taken in execution, and to„). sold as the property of John Harper. ALSO—One lot of ground situate in Hope well township, Huntingdon county, adjoining land of John Russel, sr., and Leonard Weaver containing one nem, :lore or less, on which is erected a one and a half story house as the property of John A. Weaver. Also—upon any interest the said John A- Weaver, may have or hold in and ton tract of land, contain ing 100 acres, more or less, situate in the town ship of Hopewell and county aforesaid, adjoin. ing land of dames Entriken, John T. Shively, Peter Fries and J. B. Weaver. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Joint B. Weaver & William Fisher. JOSHUA OREENKAND, Shit Oct. 18, 1834.—ta. PROLLAMATION. WrinnEAs by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 26th day of August A. D. 1854, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and gener al jail delivery of the 24th judicial district of PCMI• sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam bria, nod the Hon. 'Photons F. Stuart nod Jona than McWilliams, his associates, Judges of the county of lluntingdou, justices assigned, appoint ed, to hear, try and determine all sod every in dictments tondo or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital or felonies of death nnd other offences crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter he committed or perpetrated for crimes aforesaid—l use commanded to make pub lic proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick that n Court of Oycr and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter sessions, will be held at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 13th day) of November next, and those who will prosecute the said pri soners he then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coronor3 and Constables within said county be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. 111. of said day, with their records, in tmisitions, examinations and remembrances, to its those things which to their offices respectfully appertain. Dated at Huntingdon the 2Gth day of August, , in the year of our Lord 1854, and the 78th year ofAineviran Independence. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. Oct. 18, 1854. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, by a precept to mo directed by v the Judges of tho Common Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test tho 26th day of August, 1954, I am commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout me whole ball wick, that n Court of Common Pleas will be held in tho Court House in the Borough of Hun tingdon, on the third Monday (nod guilt day) of Nov., A. I)., 1854, for the trial of allissues in said Court, which romin undetermined boforo the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all issues nro required to appear. 17LXJ1 --- tit Huntingdon, the 2Gth dee of Aurrust, in the year dour Lord 1854, and the 78th year of American Independence. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. Oct. I°, 1854. A beautiful assortment of Silk Dress Patterns, Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining, Just receiv ed and lion' sale by J. & IY. S.tsTott. REMOVAL Clothing! Clothing! Clothing! The brylt and hest Srlrrt«l Stork of Ready !Italie Fell anti Winter Clothing, Ever Offered to the Citizens of tlnittingtion county. I F you wish to got a chenp nod fashionable suit of clothing fit 30 per eent. less than you can eliewheru proenre tigm, then go to the cheap Clothing Emporium 47' HENRY HOMAN, op posite Clouts' lintel in Market tqumc, Hunting don' l'n., where you will find licudy tondo Cloth. ing of any quality, made of sound materials, find in the most fathionnble style and fit rates int• measurably below eny other establishment in this vicinity, where it is considered that the nix• fence it tar preferable to the slow shilling." nod where, for good fits, line mem+. tlt, fashionable style and finish, "he can't Mt beat." The subscriber respectfully invites the ntten tinn of his numerous friends and customers nod the public in general to his immense and well no sorted stock of Wiens' and Boys' Foil and Win ter Clotliinz. consisting ',roily of Fine 010111, Bearer, Pilot, Petertilinm, Whitney, Felt and Double Overcoats, Cloth Frock, .111,s Sack and Business cents, of nll qualities, styles slid colors, Monkey Jackets, Roundabouts of differ- Out sorts, (inlaidcs and prices. Pine Black Doeskin, Cloth nod Cassimcrc pants d u., Finley enssimere, Satinet, Tweed, as well as n variety of magnificent Vests, some of which in quality and workmanship equal any custom work, that can be obtained in any otligr place. Besides a large assortment mil Boys' (nothing, the subscri ber also keeps on hand n well selected stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, stuck us handkerchiet, cravats, collars. glares, sacks, shirts of nil descriptions. Undershirts, Draw ers, Knit Jackets Suspenders, Traveling Bogs, Hats and Caps, mind great many other articles too !micro. to specify. - . . Encouraged by past fitvort, the subscreber ins far exceeded lilt usual outlay in purchasing stock, and he now assures the public that no person widtiug to purchase need leave his store without being suited, he it enabled to sell at the row low est priers ! and whoever wishes to make a wise outlay of his money is respectfully invited to call and =mine for himself. HENRY ROMAN, Oct. IS; 1854, If You Want to Buy Cheap Goods, Call at the Storo of MITE subscriber would respeetlully announce to the pnl , !it., that he fins returned from Philndelphin nut New York, and is now otening at his well known ',and in Market Square, the 4argest and prettiest assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, ever Mooglit to the borough or Huntingdon, and is now telling at unusually low prices. My stock comprises in part, Clothe, Cassimers, Mack and fancy, Satinette, a large variety of Satin and Silk Vettingt, Kentucky and renon. Jeans, Tweeds, 'Pickings, brown nnil bleached Drille, Crash Begs and Bagging, Table ])inper, Se., mid a great variety orpods too te dious to mention. Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods, A large assortment of Under sleeves, Collars and snenc,r-. Prints in abandance,Nfous. do Lanes,De helne, Alparclnr, IMMITS, Cashmeres, Florence Mar celine, aliti I;ra. de Nap", Bonnets and Edging, Ribbons, fancy, rind black Chap, black silk Lane, Ladies' livid Gloves, Cents !dark do., ..tnen and Stile Handkerchiefs, Italian Cravats, Hosiery, &r. Boots and Shone. Hardware, Queensware, Glassware and Cedar Ware, A good sapply,of Fresh Groceries, Hats and Caps, A great varier• of Straw Goods. My stock has been selected with the greatest care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter myself that 1 ells otter inducements to purchasers not to he I'mtinl ekewhere. Thankful for the patronage of the Oast. I.v my friends, and the piddle generally, 1 respltcirtily solicit a continuance of the same. GEO. CWIN. _ _ Huntingdon, Oct, 11, 1,34 Tae most eXtritorelitiftry in Me World i s the Great llrinedy for inn an , i IT. C. 1,1;1:1,1.1:3 CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. FARRELL'S GENUINE ARABIAN LINIMENT is a most extraordinary medicine, the truth of which is placed beyond doubt by the vast sales of the article and the many cures being daily performed by it, which previously had resisted all other medicines and the skill of the best physicians in the world. It is com posed of balsams, extracts and gams peculiar to Arabia—possessing, in a concentrated form, all their stimulating, anodyne, penetrating, unc tuous and revulsive properties, and the Sallie which, ages ago, were used by the "Sons of the Desert,':,with such miraculous success. in cur ring theliseases of both man and beast. - Real au:Allowing remarkable rare, which should or itsel place if 0. Earrell's Arabian Liniment far beyond any similar remedy. - Whenever thril great medicinO called H. G. Farrell's celebrated arabian liniment, has been introduced, it less rrtiarined the most extraor dinary cures in the annals of medical history— every body who uses it once becomes its warm est friend—they not only keep it always on hard for the benefit of its timely use in eases of emergency, but recommend it to all their friends. It has been before the public for near ly ten years, and yet is daily developing new virtues; many diseases have been cured by it, for which the preprietor had never recommend ed it; its magical virtues spreads through the land with the speed of lightning owl many, very many poor invalids who supposed their days on this earth were fast drawing to a close, have been by a persevering use of this invaluable liniment herded, mad now rejoice in the bless ings of health, and the enjoyment of this beau tiful world. Read this to believe, and not to doubt. Inquire, of your neighbyrs whom you know to have used it, and they will tell you no medicine ever discovered possess the half of its extraordinary healing powers. The racking pains of rheumatism and neuralgia yield in a few minutes to its powerfully anodyne proper dies. "The lame are made to walk." Old sores; which have rendered the subject a loath . sonic thing to behold, are healed. The weak and trembling, from deranged state of the nerves, by the use of this Liniment. rejoice in the recovery of their former health and strength. Many long standing aficctions of the liver, lungs and kidney have, yielded to its use alter the various remedies hail Idled. It is very ef ficacious in curing the diseases of horses, and cattle, such as sweeny, sprains, bruises, swell ings, cramps, lameness, dry shoulder, splint, etc., and if used in the beginning, mover fails to stop the farther progress of fistula, pull-evil, ringboue and spavin. Look out Ar CounteVeils! The public are i;nutioned against another counterfeit, which has lately made its appear. ance, called W. B. Farrell's Arabian Limment, the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be cause his halm% the name of Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps only discover their error when the spurious mixture has wrought its evil effects. The genuine article id manutectured only by Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peorin t Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencies must be addressed. lie sure you get it with the letters H. C. before Farrell s, thus —H. G. FARRELus—and his signature on the wrapper, all others are countpleits. Sold ti Thos. Read .% Son, Huntingdon, R. E. Sellers A: Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts burg, and by regularly authorized agents throughout the United States. _ Price 23 and 50 coots, and $1 per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in every tow, village and hamlet in the United States, in which on is ilot already established. Address H. G. Far. rell as above, accompanied with good retbrunce as to character, responsibility, &c. Grocery, Confectionary, rD 7 r- - Z 'PM Zi.nrlsl 7 lla, A 7 , :DNEW IfElll7S, would respeoiltlly in /I form the citizens or Ilnulingdon and vicini ty that ho has just returned from the cast, with n very largo and fresh supply of Fruit and Confcetionaries, such as Candles, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, V, and the largest stock of Toys nod Fancy Articles, ever offered fir sole in t..i4 town. :11c receives daily from the city of Baltimore, the hest oysTEnS that can be found. Those in want of prime 'shell can be occommoiln teil by rolling at Ilitesoloon. lie ins fitted op a saloon expressl for tie Ladies. . _ Thnnktul to the public Air past furors, he hopes by strict attention to business to merit it continu ance unite name. Huntingdon, 0,1. 12, lira Mini istra tor's Notice. T ETTERS oftdministration having been gran ted by Oa ltcgister of Wills of litintingdom county to the undersigned, on the efititte of George Henderson, isle of West township, 'iced. they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate, to come forward and make pay ment, and all persons having claims against dip estate to present theta to the subscribers for set. dement. JOHN HENDEPSON, SANIUEL HENDERSON, Oct, 11, 195.i.-6t.• rnivATE SALE VALUABLE 'AEAL ESTATE. Tim undersi g ned will sell as Private Sale, M- I thee or nll 01 the ll:flowing described tracts of land, to wit: No. 1. A tract of Limestone land s cent- the Shade Cap, in Dublin township, containing 170 Acres. This land is patented; with good build ings oat good water thereon; nod about 100 acres cleared and cultivated. No. 2. A tract of Limestone land, in Tell tp.. Huntingdon Co.; tying on the Waterloo end Burnt Cabins'rond, adjoining James Jones end others, containing 124 Acres of thrm land and 30 acres of Mountain land adjacent. Some 75 acres are cleared and cultivated; with a house and barn, orchard and excellent water on the premises. No. 3. A trod of 300 acres of land, in Wal ker township, nt the mouth of Haystown Branch three miles below llnntingdon,vartly river bot tom and partlli red shnle table land. About GO acres are cleared and cultivated, with a dwelling house and barn 011 the premises,—a number of bearing fruit trees and 0 young orchard of graf ted apple and peach trees, &c. No. 4. A tract of 287 acres of land in Tod township, with a house and barn thereon erected and about GO or 70 acres cleared and cultivated, with good water and good fruit tnercon--now in the tenancy of Vincent Robinson. This laud lies near the route of the projected Drake's Ferry & Dread Top Hailmad. No. 5. A tract of 140 acres of land in Hope well tp; adjoining Mud of Jo! Beaver, Jas. Eat rl ken and odic's—ahem 70 acres are cleared, with a new log dwelling house thereon. This land is fresh nail productive, and 11 , U0i11,4 the Broad Top Railroad at Coffee Ran. The terms will be made easy to suit purchasers cud the title will be warranted. DAVID BLAIR, Huntingdon, Oct. 1834.—tf. VALUABLE PROPERTY ti :41 C.: ;3 rrTIE nethe,;,. :•hing to tlht- , -I- pose of it portion .1• their real. Witnestate, will olfer Wine oarsale'irt4 . eik . M the premises, on Thursday the they or November, A. It. 1E54, the Min and Farm, situate 5 miles from Huntingdon, in Woodcock Valley, nod only one half mile Iron; the Broad Top Railroad; containing 59.1 Acres of superior lime stone land, 250 of which ore elearml. Ev ery field on the premises is supplied with run ning, water all seasons of the year. The Grist Mill is new, with three run of stones nod calcu lated for four; with the most approved machine: ry. Alto, n good miller's House, with acres saryontlmildings. This is one of the hest points in the county for a store and graht merehant, es almost all the wheat Ihnt Comes Hillltingdoll passes by the mill, and would naturally stop there if a market wen offered. Oil the fere,is a large two story stone honor, and all the necessary out-buildings with to never failing spring close to the house, and a bank barn and stable. There. are 2 swell nrds on the premises, one of which is entirely of grafted fruit, carefully selected. • Thefarm fs in a line state of enitivation, and the mill and buildings arc in good repair. There is also 170 :tyres or wood and ore land within I mile of the farm, which will he sold with it. There is on this tract a very tine vein of nossil ore, which has been iTened. Thu above hos liven divided into three sepa rate properties, owl will be sold separately or togedier, as purchasers any deAre. The first ilivivioo to remain 10 acres immedi ately around and including the Mill, with all its tooter• rights:. The second division to contain 175 nerea or the liu• n t hind, with the tln•m buildings; and the 170 neves of wood and ore fond. The third division to contain 108 acres adjoin ing the above property, with en orchard on the same. ])rafts of the whole ' rind also of the separate parts, will be exhibited. the day of Nils. TERMS—will be mode easy. to snit purchas ers, and 'will be tondo known at the sale, or up on application to one of the undersigned at Hun tingdon, or at I.n College, Easton, nt. S. S. WHARToN, 11. S. WHARTON. Oct. Notice to School Directors and Teaohors The School Directors of the following na med School Districts, are hereby notified that I will meet them as designated, for the purpose of examining teachem and granting certificates: Oct. sth at Qrhisoaia, to examine applicants fur the schools of Cromwell district. Oct. 11th at Sanlsbnrg, to examine appli. mints for the schools of Barren district. Oct. 12th at Ennisville, to examine nppli• cants for the schools of Jackson district. Oct. 1•1 th at Corbin's School House to cx• amine applicants fur the schools of Union dis. trict. Oct. IGth at Mill Creek, to examine appli• cants fir the schools of Brady district. Oct. 18th at Shirleysbucg, to examine opph• cants for the schools of Shirley district. Oct. 19th at Shade Gap, to oxawinc n ppli• cants for the schools of Dublin and Tell diXts. Oct. 21st at Scottsville, to examine appli cants for the schools of Clay and Springfield districts. Oct. 23rd ,pt Cassville, to examine appli• cants for the schools of Cass and Tod district;, Oct. 23th at Marklostnarg, to examine nppli• cants for the schools of Penn and Hopewell districts. Oct. 26th nt McConnelstown, to exnmine b plieants tr the schools of Walker districts. N. ll.—Those districts which have neglected to make out their yearly report would confer a favor by attending to it immediately. Teachers may be examined at any time by presenting certitießte 3 of good moral character from the Board of I)irectors of the District in which they pro ;Tidying. Copies of the School Laws and decisions, can be Nrished to Directors by calling at the ollico of Fisher nod Williamson, on Hill street, or at my residence on Mifflin street, in the borouth of Huntingdon. J. S. DARR, County Sup. Ifuntiugtlon 0ct..1, 1834.—1 N • Executor's Notice. TEWERS teknmcianr.y harp this day been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of William Nlynn, late of Hopewell township, Hun tingdon county,dee'd. All permis indebted will make immediate payniont, mid those having claims will present them duly authenticated the settlement. SAMUEL YINGLING.-- Stonerstown, Bed. Co. LEVI EVANS, coalmuut. Mint. Co. Oct. 11, '34.-Gt.• Es.ccutucs. 1011, or to Mtrapy,S• Bedding anti Carpet IvAnintioustl. No. I4S South Second Street, I , OOIIM AIMIT RIMET, rutt.*A. Where he keeps militantly on !nand n full nisorti went :if every article in his line of business. Feathers, feather Beds, PATENT SPRING MATTRESSES, Curled Thar. Cam link.• and Straw MATTRESSES, Vel,rrt Topest,T, Tuprstry, Ilrussela, Three-Ply, Infpuon, renctiun, List, Ray and llnxp Carpeting's, Oil Clot ha, Canton Mattingly, Cocan and Spnniih Mattincs, Floor an 4 Stair Drug:mt.. ►]earth II ac-i, Door Mats, TABLE AND IV NO COr Eft& • To which Ire respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. [Ott. 4, 's4.—ty. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned auditor, appointed by the Orpheus Court of Huntingdon county. to dis tribute the balance in the hands of Col. .Thhc Crdssn•ell administrator of David Woods. doe'd. hereby gives Notice to all persons interestr.bthat he n•iil attend for the purpose of makb distribution, on Saturday the •tth day of Novc, • her next, nt one °Think. 1. M., nt his °Mee H the borough °Mind ingilon, when and where nil persons interested luny attend. JOIN 11F.P.D, Oct. 4, 1834,-4t. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICt. THE mulersigned auditor nppointed by the Orphans Court of Huntingdon comfy to distrib ute the balance in the bonds of John Gra flos, name. of Daniel Roister, 4lee'd amougq those entitled to receive the some, hereby gives notice to nil persons interested that he will attend for tile purpose ofnotking said distribution. on Fri day the 1111 day of November next, at one o'clock nt his office in the borough of Hunting don, when nod where all persons interested may attend. ;10115 REED, Oct. 4, 1854 —4l. Auditor. A UDITOWS NOTICE. Estate oCJltnes Leonard, deceased, The undersigned auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon County, to ascer tain the liens, if any against the real estate, of Jones Leonard, dee'll., and to make distribution of the amount of the valuation ofsaid real estate, to and among the heirs and legal representatives of said tloe'd., will Immod fur that purpose at his office, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Friday October 27th, 1954, at ono o'clock, I'. M. at which time all persons ara.requirul to present their claims before such auditor, or be debarred from coming in tin• a share of such f A. W. BENEDICT, Oct. 4,1854.-4 t. Auditor. Teachers Wanted. 91111 school di rectors of Brady township, wish 1 to employ FIVE Teachers to take charge of the public schools in the District, for a term or four months, to commence on the 14t sir No vember next. Ono Teacher is needed, wialified to teach the German, in connection with the Dudish. The County Superintendent, will give public notice of the time, he will attend in the district to examine applicants who Dive not received their certificates iteretofOre. The Directors will he present and receive applications at that or and• other time. By order of the Beard. H. L. meemany, Scc'y. Oct. 4, 18.51.-3 t. Huntingdon County ss, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to Mary Carter, of said county, Greeting: Whereas, Joseph Carter, did on the 21th day ci February, instant, prefer his petition to the George Taylor, Esq., President Judge of the Coma (if Common Pleas of the 'county of Hunaligilim, in vacation, proyhig that for cer • lain causes therein set forth, he might he divorced from the hoods of matrimony entered into with the said l‘lat - y Carter. We do therefore com mand pm the said Mary - Ostler, as you were be fore commanded, that setting aside all other bu siness pad excuses whatsoever, you be and ap pear in your proper person before our Judges nt Ilantingdon, at a court of Common Pleas there to be held fbr the said county', on the second Mouilay of November, A. D. 1834, to answer the petition or libel °film said Joseph Carter, and to show cause it' any you have, why the said Joseph Carter your husband should not be di vorced from the boncls of matrimony, agreeably to the net of General Assembly in such ease made and provided. And hereof you ore not to fail. Witness the Hon George Taylor, Esq., Pre,iilent or our said court, at Huntingdon this 20th day of Augo , t, A. D. 1554. doSII CA GItEENLAND, Sta. Sh'ffs Mike, Oct. 4. '54.-4t.• t EVER AND AGUE. Tlll. F.DWARD BLEECIMIVS STAMPEDE lJ MIXTURE, fn• the Fever and Ague, Chagres Fever, Dyspepsia, and all Bilious Affections.— The proprietor or this Medicine wilt state, with out hesitation or tear or contradiction, that the Stampede Mixture lans eared more persons W!iero it has been introduced. than any other medicine in nsc for the above diseases. this Medicine has neither arsenic nor quinine in its composition; all or the ingredients are urn perrectrully healthy charaeter, Imtll highly stimulating and invigora ting in their tendency. l'ersons while using this Medicitte will not be ntlected by exp,, , 111, 1"./ Wa ter or a .11111111 atmosphere any 111011: 11,11 li ilea in their liallal health. flutters in ee,..,:oas or the country where the Ague prevails,! to adopt this Medicine, as the patient F uot oidiged to lay by while tinder treatment, and tia.y may 110 assured of a SPEEDY CURE. The la.oprietor could introduce thousands of certificates tram those or the highest r,pectobility, big prefers saying to the sick—Bay one bottle, and ytot Will 11111, the infallible proof in yourself. Full direc tions tin• its asst accompany each bottle. Certificates can be seen nt the oiliest, showing where this Aicdieine has yr ma, when all others have Miles!. For Dyspepsia and all other Billions Com plaints, there is not a better Medicine in market. It has 111730 been taken with the must astonish ing success in several ca,es of Rheumatism and Goat; tbr these complaints take a tablespeottrul twice n day. One bottle Of this Medicine very often hos the desired ellect. l'rice SI per bottle: For Pith, by Druggists in all ports of the United States and Canada. All Wholesale Urder4 must he addreaied to bIEAD & BLEECKER, Solo Proprietor, 98 Broadway, New York. Agent, Houma , : W. Salmi, Huntingdon, Pa, September 6. 1804.—1 y. Valuable Farm at Public Sale. WILL bo offered at Public Sale, on the prom ism', on Tuesday, the 3d day of October next, a Farm in Cromwell township, Huntingdon county on the bank of Big Aughwick Creek, near lielindit Iron Works, containing about 118 Acres and the usual allowance, 100 Acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultiva tion. The improvements are a double Log Barn, two Dwelling Houses, with other out buildings, an orchard of upwards of 100 Apple trees, and a small Tan Yard. The terms will be made easy, and au indisputable title given by JOHN FOWLER. September G, TO TWO VUOS:4O. Ty.. RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Stoneretown, Coal Mont, Hopewell, end the country adjacent, that he has located a Medical 0111 cc in the house Ibrmcrly occupied by Lemuel Evans. Esq., and is now ready to attend to all calls, and by strict attention to business, hopes to receive a good portion of public favor. September 6, 1834.-1 y. TAIiE NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the suliseriber will pleuse cell and battle their accounts on ,r be fore the first day of January next—all Ileroollfil remaining unsettled alter that date will he placed in the hands an proper officer for collection. .10EN N. SWOOPE. Alexandria, Sept. 6,1854.-4 m. , Afresh supply of Garden Seeds train Risley' Gardens, just received, and for sale by Fab. 2a, 1853. J. &. SAXTON. BARGE DE LAINES, in endless variety, at the choup coruor of A. CAR:MON. Administrator's Notice. 1 I T 11.11 S of Admitti,tration Miring been . 4 grouted, liy tho ortiumh,don to the subscriber on the estate of Colo , tI t. WAGONER. Into of Clay township, lie hereby glees notice to all persons indebted to said estate to moue forward anti tentie payment, nnd those haring claims against the some will , please present tho same, properly nuthentientell for settlement, to the subscriber, who resides in Clay township, Huntingdon county, near the c sidence or said WILLIAM J. WAGONER, Adner. Replember 13, 1854.—Gt Adinini.tratoes Notice ...... ... a•••• •••••• T ETTEIIS of Adt»inkirmion havin g Lecn granted, by the Regizterof Iltuningdon co., to the subscriber on the estate of D.otint. Youxn, late of Cass township, dee'd., he hereby glees no tice to all persons indebted to said estate to conic forward and mike payment, and elf persona har ing claims against the same will pleasd present them. properly authenticated for settlement, to the subseriber, who resides in Cass township, Iluntingdon county. JACOB HENRY DELL, Adel, September 13,1854.—Gt. To Brick Makers. DROPOSA LS fur !making 000,000 Brick, at the 11 Warm Springs near I lontingdon, trill be re. ceireibup till the 16th July inst. Tliase PrOpO- Sillg to state whether with machine or by baud, nod how much per thousand, Contractor to furnish wood, and how much if wood furnished, and at what rate if wood leave provided. Work to be commenced immediately. Our stock of Oil Clotlis and Carpets is goad, Tubs, Buckets, Willow Ware, and everything usually Item in a country store. In fact we have everything to snit the taste or all, end at lower price, than can lie got at In ' other house in town, if you don't he satisfied the fact utter calling, then we give op. We have niso, 711811, SALT, PLASTER, end ttlesteceive and store (irate, as usual. ItA CTIAt j; ',Sert. 27, 1834. . Address A. P. WILSON, Hunting Lion, Pa, J. SIMPSON AMC, J. F. r; ILL-AK!, ()nice with DANN:, ArnteA, I.:sq., Ilill ,treet, between Montgomery anal Smith streets, Hunt. [Sept. 20, '34. ff.] TRAY HORSE.--Came to the plantation t) of the subscriber, living in Jackson township, land. Co., shout the middle of June, it black horse, about sixteen years out, about twelve hands high. with n !mail white epot fh the titer. The owner eau have him by paying expenses. ROBERT FLEMING. Jackson tp., Sep. 20, 1854.-30 HYGEANA. Brought Home to the Door oldie Mi A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY hoe recent ly been made by Dr. Cootie, of this city, in the treatment of Consumption. Anthem end all diseases of the Lung. We refer to "Dr. Curtis' Ilygeans, or Inhaling Dygeim Vapor and Cher i). Syrup." With this new method ])e. C. has restored many afflicted ones to perfect health ; as an evidence of which lie has innumerable cer tificates. Speaking of the treatment, n physi cian remarks : It is evident that inhaling—con stantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor, the medicinal properties mast come in direct con• tact with the whole of .the arial cavity of the lungs, and thus escape the many and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, and subjected to the process of digestion. The llygenna is for sale at all the druggists' throughout the country. New York Dutchman .100. 14. Tiro Inhaler is worn on the Itr;:t ' :t - Oade7the linen without the least inconvenience—the heat of the body being talicient to evaporate the Hundreds of CASES of CURES like the fol lowing might be named. One l'ncknge of IIy !MUIR line cured me of the ASTHMA of six years standing. Jas. F. Keesherry, P.. 11. of Doncannon, I am cured of the ASI ut years standing by Dr. Curik' llygeana. . 1 / a ivirtt Eirookign, N. Y. Peke three 'Duna, a Parkage,—Sithl by CURTIS & PERKINS :nut BOYD & PAUL, No. 149 Chambers SI., N. Y.-4 paeltageg sent free by express to any part of the United States thr Ten Donny,. N. B.—Dr. Curtis' Ilvgenert is the ORIGI NAL and ONLY GENIJINII ARTIBLE, nit others Iwo !else imitation:, or vile a n d -INJURI OUS euunterreits. Shun them as you would poison. Sept. 20. 1854 —ly. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY At Private &tle. rr HIS property is shunt° on Bono I Creel:, about 9 miles north of r i - i s Huntingdon, l'a. The mill is in, 11 good repair, has 3 run of bores, 5.e.4 - " Also, a good Saw Mill and Lath Mill ; a good dwelling house fur the miller. Also, 290 Acres of Land, about 125 Acres of which is cleared and in good state of cultivation; the balance in well covered with good timber. The ihrtn buildings consists of a large Frame House, a large Frame Barn, and a large Store thence, in a good stand fora store, lint now unoccupied. Also, a large orchard of choice fruit. The property is intik r a lease for four years from the Ist of next April, at s;:is wear. For further inforniniiou call on tin; subscriber in Huntingdon. GEORGE COUCH. Sept. 27, 's4,—tf. Rebecca Furnace AT PRIVATE SALE. e.'' THIS property to situate on Stone r ~...t. Creel:, al.out 12 miles north orrlt It Ilnittinktlon Pa. It Is in good or- ': : ..tkt der, and plenty of ore within t r _444"!':4 miles—in a tine wood country where coal can he got readily, nod about 400 etCHES of LAND. ..... This property is now idle, and possession can he given at any time. Any further information can ho had by cal ling with George Couch, Huntingdon, or ➢Jary• Conch, Altoona. Sept. 27, 185.i.—tf. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed Ex ecutor or the last will and testament of Henry P. Dorsey, Into or the Borough of Huntingdon, dec'd., hereby gives notice that ho bas taken out letters testamentary on the estate or said deed., and notiltet all persons indebted to snit estate, to call on hits and settle their indebtedness, std those having claims against the estate to present them itiproper form. JAMES MAGUIRE, Ex , Sept 27, '54.-61, LADIES Lasting and Silk work Gaitors, ICid Morocco, and Goat Boots and Shoes. at the store of GEO. GWIN. CARPET Bags, just received and for sale by J. ,f• IV.. S'A XTOS. A FRESII supply of Gingham+, Check, and tL Shambray, just received 111111 for solo by .J. & W. SAXTO MDIES DRESS GOODS, Mug. Delano, B. Defines, De Berego, Lawns, Ginginuns, and a choice variety of Goods of all kinds, at the store of GEO. GWIN. T)ONNETS. of all sorts and colors, also, Miss' . 1) Flats, from 37i to 300, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. WASTING POWDER and SAFETY FUSE, constantly on hand and for solo by J. BRICKER. BARRELS No. 1 Herring just received and for sale at the store of GEO. GWIN. A s t u h p o e str r e a o rt f kle of Burning Fluid for sale at FISH Jl.lrD for solo at the storo of GEO. GWIN flillE greatest variety of Dress Tritninings, I. Funs, Cravats, ''ielHr, Tyde Yarn, Dress Buttons, Ladies Collars, Chcantzette, Fancy Mikis., Under Sleeves, Kid and Lyle Thread (Roves, and Hosiery of every variety, just recei ved nod for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. 10 BARRELS Roe Ilerring,just reeeived inu i fur sale at the more of GEO. G ILVER and Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and t.) Meted Spectacles, ut Elm. Suare'sJcwelry Store. 'DORT MONNAlliti, Card Cayce, 11;1 the I nest, finality of Worn.ExooLm's Pookot Kidres, a very large quantity at Etha. Sunni's Stare. NEW ARRIVAL. .1. & S.tXTON, TAVt• Iron Philadelphln the 1 1. hit .;: .. and liands,iine-t assortment of A:EID ever tittered in this place, consisting of Cloths, Cassimors, Satinetts, N'estinus, & e . For the Ladles, we into Plaid Sills, Worsted and every variety or tibia geoiis, to pleas 6 the taste of the Ladies. Also, Shawls ' Sacking Flannels, Bon net Silks, Bonnets, and the finest atssortinent of Under.sleevus, Shinnizetts, &e., ever otkreil to the ladies (Willis place. Boots and Shoes, or every variety, fin. Men ntol Iln,ys, Ladies' Shoes, of every variety. lints and Caps, of the vet,: latest and hest style,., of which we ahem, beep the largest and best as sortment ever kept in this place. Queensware, ' a magnitlcent assortment, which we arn selling quite low. 9roceries, art alittle np, but wo are determined to sell at low if not lower, than and• other house,necording to quality. Dissolution. rpHE Partnership of the subScribers, carrying on the IThieltsmithing business, in Warriors mark, Huntingdon county, is this day dissolved; nll persons having unsettled accounts will conic forward and settle with D. l'arker before the first of November next, or their accounts will be left with a proper (Ancor for collection, DAVID PARKER, SA UEL CULL'. Sept. lot, 1854. The subscriber will continue the Blacksmith business at the old stand in all its various bran ches, where all can be accommodated who thror Lim with their work. DAVID PARKER. September 13,'54.-9t. Real Estate Agency. The undersigned hag established no ngrnry for the Sale and Purchase cf Iteal listtite in Huntingdon county. Any person wishing to sell or purchase ran give no a description of the property, its loca tion, quantity, quality, and terms. We engage m this agency on such terms as cannot he objected to. The Agent has the facility of making the properly extensively known. We now have sonic very (Icsirable land which we other on easy terms. BREWSTER. Notice to School Directors and Teachers. THE School Directors of the following, named School Districts, are hereby notified that I will meet them at the place and time designated, for the purpose of examining teachers and granting certificate=. September Orb, nt Alexandria, to examine ap plinants for the schools of Porter township. N. B.—Those Districts which have neglected to make out their yearly report, wonbl confer it litvor by attending to it immediately. The Di rectors of tho several Districts, should give me early notice of tho time when they intend open ing their schools, so as to enable me to appoint it convenient time to meet them. Teachers may be examined at any time by pre. seining certificates of good moral character from the Board of Directors oflhe District in which they aro applying. Copies of the School Laws and deciFirms, can be furnished to Directors by calling at the office of Fi , her & ott Hill street, or nt toy resideneeon Mifflin street, in the borough of Hun tingdon. J. S. BARU, Co. Superintendent. Huntingdon, August 30, 1854. l'o l'ersons out of Employment. 93:44 $3OO to $l,OOO a Tear. COANCE TO MANE 3101EY AND DO GOOD! Book Agents Wanted. • Subscriber publigheg a number of most • valuable Pictorial nooks, veto popular. and of suck a moral and religions influence that while good men may safely engage in theic circulation, they will conlbr n pol , /ic benefit, and receive a fitir von . Tenhation for their labor. Or 'Po men of enterprise and tact, tills bust fleas offers un opportunity for profitable employ. meat seldom to be met with. eir Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular con taining full particulers, with "Direetions to per sons disposed to act HA Agents," together with the terms on which they will be furnished, by addressing the subscriber, post-paid. ROBERT SEARS, PUI:1.181.11, 181 William :diva, Nor -lark. T rEF,SS, and ready for Agents by the Ist of October, 185.1, "Scars' illustrated Description of Me Russian Empire.' For further address as above. August 30, 1854. CENTRAL ACADEMY, Airy View, Tuscarora lid Juni a N Coqnly, 11:una. ;WA: rl - tHE Fall Session will commence on MonllA OcreuEn 2,1854. Whole expenses or board, tuition, room, fuel, washing nod incidental, va ries from $5l to $57 per session of 22 weeks.— Vocations from the I,t to the 15th of April, and from the 15th of August to the last of Sept. For further particulars see circulars, or address (pest-paid) either of the Principals. D..VID WILSON, A. M. DAVID LAUG HUN, A. M. Aug. 30,'54.-2m. Port Hoyal P. 0. Executor's Notice. LITTERS testamentary on the Estate of lIS B. LooAs, Inte of Clay township, Huntingdon county, deed., having been granted to the Undersigned, all persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for 513 C• tletnent. ADAM HEHTEIt, SARAH LOGAN, Aag. 30, '5.1. -Gt.. Executors. Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of JOHN Coy, late of Berme township, Huntingdon county, deed., all persons indebted will make humediati. payment, and those having claims will ',resent them properly authenticated for set tlement. JAMES COY, Ad WI.. August as, 1854.-61. A large lot of Shoes—Lace Boots, Buskins, Misses and Children's at the Store of D. P. GWIN. A superior lot of Rifles, for sale at tho ELEPHANT. Abeautiful assortment of Cross-barred India Silk, just received and for solo by J. & W:S.tx•rox AFIIESII supply of Ostrden Seeds, from the Fredonia Gardens, just reeeived end for solo by J. & W. SAXTON. HATS.—Moleskin No, 1 and 4, of the latest styles. Kossuth Batts or Colour styles and qualities—will be sold low at the cheap store of GEO. G117.V. JUST receiving, this week, Mackerel, Tier lin &c., and for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. UST received a brantiMl assortment of Scol ipod and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by J. & IV. SAXTON. A BEAUTIFVf. nssortment of Fancy mere, ()Ifni., Summer Wear, fur men and Lute. Aku, Carpet Bogs, &c., receiv ed and fur that, by J.& W. sAxTo.N. L(JOKING ju-t received ond for solo by J. t y W. SAXTON. Executor, J ETTEUS Teo the Efate of Wo.t.ism Wit .••• rf Tell township, Ihmtingdon comity, • ' ' 'sing been granted to the undersigned, ' ; ,‘.4 indebted will make Immediate paytn, s,suud those haring claims will present them properly authenticated fur settlement. (lEoliflE WILSON, Exertiter. Atignst 23, 1554.-Gt.. Land For Sale The undersigned desirous of removing to tho West offers for Palo his landP, consisting, of 265 acres of improved land; the improvements con- Rkt of ,t good Stone house, it double Log Born, Carpenter Shop, and Blacksmith Shop; n great vadety of fruit no one end or the farm, and on the other and a turn Story Log House, and good frame barn, and conic young ft ad; trans plaited. Tioere ore about 11:0 or 170 acres cleared, and in n good state acid tivntion, the remainder iA well timbered, and within I mile of n good ear-mill; there are ~,ernl tourer hiling !Trim of water on the premises. property is 60 situated us to diode into two forms if desired. The pro perty is situate alooit 3;. miles emit or this horo' August 2d. 1:354. JOHN POUTER. Sale of Land. MITE subsCrilicr offers for sale his farm, lying j_ within tiara miics of tihirleysburg, Jinn, logdon county, Pa., containing about I Itt acres, SO of which is clenrol and nit good Fence, a considerable part post and rail. (In the premises are a two story dwelling house, large RIO con venient, and it large Ihune tank barn, both en tirely new. The, above property being within three miles of Shirleyshurg, renders it convenient 14,T shone who may wish to rend their sons and dnughters to the excellent Schools established in that borough. Those whetting a good nod con venient home Call be accommodated, and npott easy terms. B. E. COLLINS. July 5, 185.1 Town Property for Sale. THE subscriber offers some valuable property for sale in the Borough of Alexandria, con sisting of Two „nooses and Lots, The houses ore large and comfortable, with every requisite outbuilding. One of the hooves has been occu pied as a store, &e• On the lot arc a great vari• ety of fruit trees. Possession could ho obtained in the fall, if desired. July 5, 1854 SAMUEL SPYKER BA IVICING HOUSE SELL, GARRETTSON & CO., Oa if; , rll,lresl Corner r;l* Hill and 3141dride eq Streets, in the Boronyh of Huntingdon, A T which n general Banking business is con. ternplateil to be done. brafts . on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., altt•ays for sale. Collections made nt the princi pal points in the United Snit°, nineY reccitei nu denosit,iniyablo en demand, without intere,t; uko fin• :1, o, and 12 months, payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon. Members of Firm: imidall.a,,,,v, .T. M. wm. JACK, B..ToirNsToN Wm. M. Lloyd. iranti./glon, A. P. Wir.som, WM. Donny+, Jn., J. G. , . 'A4l.ns, Tilos. 1 , 1,11,, Wm. P. OnnisoN, Jon); SCOTT, JA311:9 GWIN, (4:0. W. I.l.kt,rrnox. Huntingdon, Pa., July 12, 185-1.-3 m. American Artists' Vnian. TILE enhscrilters to the Works or the Artis t..' Union are respectlullv informed that from the unprecedented favor whielt they have revel ed, the Secretary leek, confident in stating that the who'e moldier of Engravings (?50,000) be disposed of within a feW 111.111 S, Of which dae notice, tlimugh the press, trill he given. AtiENTS are requested to form Clubs and Kindift their Suliscril,ers witting J. W. II01,1312(10KE, Seeretary. 105 Broadway, New York. July 19, 1551.-Mn Frlnn and Saw-Mill far Sale. sub,cribei odors for sale his Flinn stud Saw-Mill, situate in Bart, towns sip, of at the junction or Stone Creek and Two Hundred and I,•r, 'is cleared ntul in IL hal/lllee i.a revered lid nil HEMPHILL. this East Brancit, ty Acres, of Mack Pi) goOri gate of cuiriymio. With fine and Ouk tin,; July 5, 1854. FRANKLIN HOUSE, Chesnut Sheet, iIetWOVII 3d and OLIVET; 11. I'. PA iiKER, or Ohio, and - JAMES 11. 1-1/ V., of this City, having leased the shove sreil hitown and popu ' iar house, for n term of years, are now prepared to flCCOM modate guests ins manner equal to nny house in the tit r. . - The loeation of this house it Fuporior to one other, Lcing in immediate proximity to brlSitle,,; Aloe, tO most of the Public Offices, Post (them Anil the Exchange, where 01111111/USSCS start for all parts of the city. The house siring been put in thorough repair, and new furniotre added, with minty modern im provements, will add snorts to the comfort of guests. The tables will at all times be supplied with the hest the market affords, and nothing shall ho wanting, on air plat, to make the FRANKLIN truly the Travelers' Home. Your patronage is Innst re,peetfully solicited. PARKER & LAID. July lit, 1554.-3 m. LAND 11,".t NTED. ,V.NY person linciag n small pine of land for sale, within ten miles or this place, see site or eight acres, can fin,l n purchaser who will pay Tut, eAS,I Dolt's, by calling ut my land agen^y, at the canoe of the Huntingdon Journal. July 26, 1234. lIOOVER Still at His Post T HE undersigned, now engaged in putting up Annitage's Eleetro Mugnetie Lightning Rods in this and adjoining counties, would res pectfully call the attention of the intelligent pub lic to the great superiority of this Patent, at season like this, when accidents to property and lire almost daily °rem., it is the dictate of human ity, as well as interest, to make nee of the best means of security in our power, for though the Lightning be in the hands of Him who rules the storm, this protection and blessing are always connected with our own etThrts. SAMUEL HOOVER. July 26, 1861.-tf. Land for Sate A TRACT OF LAND situate in Gerinany Valley, near Shirleysburp., Huntingdon co., containing about 123 Acres, the greater part of which is limestone, in a good state of cultiva tion, bounded by lands of George Swine and An drew Spanoglo. JOHN LOTTS. Juno 21, 1854. Fifth for Sale 15 Barrel, SuNuchanna Shad, 10 Half bbl. just received and for sale at the store of UEO. GwiN, CIGARS, CANDIES, &c., &c., wholoala and retail, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. BILANKSI.-.Always buy your Blanks at the "Journal Otlice." We have now prepared a ve ry soperiorart into of !ILAN!: l)EEI)S, BONDS, ,1 elm MENT NOTES, S CM MUSS', EXECU- T 1( &o. T UST re,e:red and for sale, Ilan , Shoulder, Drkd Beef, Lake Trout, White Fish alsa Dried reaches, Dried Apples, &c., &c., for sale by J. k W. SAXTO. I . )LTRE WHITE LEAD, just received and for I side by J. ,g; W. SAXTON. CLOTHS dIXD CJISSLUERES, plain and fancy, at very low. ;rites, at the store U EU. G WIN I. 0 ter.; t i: tWitr " : o7e . hums and Mitch forsale cheap lathe ELEPHANT Corner. DONNETS and Hats of the latest stylus, just .1-1 received at D. P. U WIN'S Store. DonT MONNAIES front 25 cents up to $2 50 at Ed. Snare's. Apttlls 1852.