Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 04, 1854, Image 4

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Wherry may be obtained the most speed) rem•
dv for
CAST DISEASESI.—Rivets Str'etares,
fietninal Weakness. Pin In the Loins-. Affections
of the ICldneya, and all these peculiar nfieelitms
arising. from tt secret Itiihit. the youth
of both sexes. which if not cured, implores con
etitutional debility, rendering nmrriagn
ble, end in mime end destroy. both Mind and Body.
Tonna Nen,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Viae, that dreadful and destructive habit
which anntrilly swcort to an untimely grave thou
sands of prang matt of the most exalted talents
and brilliant intellect, who might other% hie have
entranced listening senates with the thmiders of
eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre,
may call witi, full cllntidettee.
Marrid Pernon!i.
or those contemphoing marriage, hdog aware or
physical weakness, should immediately consult
Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health.
Dr. Johnston,
office No. 7 Soirit Fredrick St., seven doors from
B tltimore Street. met side op the steps. girlie
perticulor in obtaining the name and number, or
yon will mistake the piece.
A cure warranted, or nu chirp made, in from
one to two day,
TAM'. NoricE.—Dr. Johnw ,, n's office is in his
dwelling, up the steps. His > extensive tone
tice Is a sufficient g,tutrantec. moat he in the only
propel physician to apply to.
Dr. 3olmstnn, member of the Royal College of
Surgeons. London, graduate from one of the
most eminent Collegen of the faired States, and
the greeter part ofwhose life has been spent in
the Hospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and
elsewhere, has effected some of the most anton
iching cures that were ever known, many trou
bled with ringing in the corn and heed when
asleep, greet nervousness, being , alarmed at sad
den „ an d, a nd bashfulness, with frequent blush
ing attended sometimes with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A CEN TA IN DismAsn.—lt ten melancholy fact
that thonsends fill victims to.zhis horrid disease
awing to time unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders
who hy the use of that th.,lly Mercury,
ovmpumums of t hat dreadful disen-t, to make thoir
appearance, such no affections of the head. nose,
throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful re-'
pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful
by sending them io that Bourne whence
smo trim re ler returns.
have ininred themselves by a certain practice in
dt4ed in when alone—a habit fletptently learned
from evil companions, or at school—the effects
of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and
it not cared renders marriage impossible, and de
stows both mind and body.
What pity that a young man, the hope of his
yountry. tel the darling of his parents should be
modelled from all prospects and enjoyntente of
life hr the consequeoce of deviating from the path
of nature and 01,3171111 secret habit.
Snell persons bet , ry comemplatilig Mareief.te,
ehonid reflect that it some! mind tool lied, 01,
tholliost tieeestare 1,(11,1 , •itel 1., pr,:not, 0,:1110-
t.;ollluppinem indeed without these, the jour
iiry life becom,s weary pih,eitiiitge,
the prospect little darketts to this view; the
mintibeectocs shadowed with despair, anti tilled
with the melancholy reflection. that the happiness
vilituother becomes blighted with our uses].
COSSTI7IItIONAL Defiturv.—Dr..l. address
-4.5 V , .1111:: 11101, and nil who lone injured them
sal res he private end improper indulgence
131PCISSANA.—Tlieso are some of the .1 and
melancholy efileCts produced liv early habits of
veuth, viz: Weakness of din hack and Limbs.
Yams in the head, Dimity,. of Sight, Los, of
lisetllAr power. Palpitation of the Heart Dys•
pinisiit, Nervous yritability, Detancoments of the
Digestiee Functions, General Debility Symptoms
uf tntnwtmptinn. Se.
MENTALL r he fearful effects on the mind are
much to he dreaded; Loss of meteors-. Confusion
.if Wens, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodingsi
Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli
tude, ale., tiro , tnne of the evils produced.
Thon , anas of persons of all ages,can nose judge
what is 61! cause of their declining health. Los
ing t i n .i r • v i, ne , iteeoming weak, pale and emacia
ted, have singular appearance shout the eyes.
conit viol synitoins of consumption.
f.thirriutl perso,, or those , •oetemplating
1.4; aware or pliv,ietil Nreirkoess. s!leuirl
eonsolr Dr.:l. end be restored t o per
fect health. (Alec, No. 7, South Frederiel.-St.,
N• B. Let fit, C. 11.0 pr,voar you. but
itnoued;a:ciy• viL:wr per...mill:ly or b)• letter.
Skin piieuseg Speedily Cured, '
. .
T,/ S r Be many thousands cured
of this Institution within the last ten years, and
I. 'lantern. important Surgical Operations
performed by I J.,witnevQed by the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persona, nutiees of
winch have appeated again and again betbre the
pithße. is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted
wtil tind 3 skillful and honorable phys:eien.
An there are so many ignorant and worthless
iltuteks advertising themselves as Physietans,ruin
ing the health of the afflicted Dr. 'Johnston would
soy I' 1 these unacquainted with his reputation that
Lis Cr,dentialv ur Diplomas always hang in his
'Xeakness of the organd imtnediately cured,
aid full rigor reftored
sgir. All - letter. post puid—remedies sent by
Mny 22. 1854.-1 n
5,000 ,
onibraeitig every voriety kiiot t • rett
inn Philadelphia Book Store, fur sale wholesale
and retail very low fur ea•tit.
Orders frotit all parts ~1 enontry solicited,
noel will be promptly ar. • 2. 1i1y atiNldell
School Books and .• every kind will
be kept constantly. ~, lowest rates.
littiTer's BINA Wee t.
can he had every nimitil a.
Lady's Book,
Store opposite %% hi:takers hotel, Railroad
Si., Huntingdon,
1000 Pieces Wall Paper, all of which was
purchased this Spring., of the latest and most
fashionable styles to be found in Philadelphia,
for sale very low, front 121 ets. n piece and up
wards, at Colon's Cheap Book Store,
opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Huntingdon, l'a.
April 23, 1354.
hirentors and Manufacturers.
$570. IN CISII PRIZES. $570.
vomumE ToN or Tim •• Sunixrtrie AMER.
G.AX" erantn,ces on the intli of September.
It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of the
interests of Mechanics, Inventors, .Ilanvitreurers
and I . ,tmers, and is edited by men practically
skilled in the arts and sciences. Probably no
other journal of the same character is so extra-
Pi rely circulat4 ur so generally esteemed for its
practical ability. Nearly all the ralunble
rots which issue weekly from the PATENT OFFICE
are illustrated with Engrarivgs, and the claims of
all the Patents are published regularly in its
columns as they are issued, thus making it a per
FED/A of information upon the subjects of Jle
rhanirnl bnprorements, 'Attnistry. Engineering
and the Sciences generally. It is published week
ly in quarto form suitable for binding, and each
cuisine comaiu, forts HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN
PAGES of Reading Matter, Skti.ltAl, HUNDRED
ENGRAVINGS, with and complete Index.—
Its circulation on the last Volume exceeded 23,-
000 copies per week, and the practical receipts in
sure volume are warts to any family much more
than the subscription price.
The following CASH Pittuat are offered by the
Publishers for the fourteen largest lists of sub
ectibers sent in by the Ist of January, 1855:
$lOO will be given for the largest list; $75 for
the 2nd; $63 for the 3rd; $55 for the 4th; $3O for
the sth; $45 Tor the 6th; $4O far the 7th; $35 fur
the Bth; $3O Mr the 9th; $25 for the 10th; $2O
fur the I lth; $l5 fur the 12th; $lO for thp
. 13th;
and - $5 for the MIL 'rho cash will he paul to
the order of the successful competitor immediate -1
lyafter the Ist of January, tosa.
'resets :—One copy, one year, $2; ono copy,
six months, SI; lee copies, six months, $4; ton
copies, six. months, 88; ten copies, twelve months,
$1.); ti teen copies, twelve months, $22, twenty
copies, twelve months; $2B in wive...,
No number of subscriptions above twenty eon
he taken at less than 31,40 each. Naiiieu can
he salt in at different times and from ditfermit
Post Offices.
Southern and Western money taken for sub
I:uttore should he directed, post-paid, to 11rxx
&. c o ., 128 rniton-Street, Y.
Jlesors. Mutes a Cu. ore extensively engaged
in procuring patents for now invent:olli, and will
advise inventors, uitho4t uhisrgo, t h,
tut elty or their tuq•lovetuean.
1.6(.131 Dirretory of Hunt. Cu.
President Judge:
Hon. (ho. TA Y:.on, of Huntingdon.
associate Judares
Hon. dttsu. WWILLIAMP, of Franklin tp.
[lon. 'l'. F. Snov ART, of West tp.
District attorney:
J. Szwyt, STEWART, of Huntingdon.
JOSIICA ti It EENLA ND, of Huntingdon.
Sheriff's C'ounsel :
D.tvt to BI.A t It, Esq., of Huntingdon.
Taw. 11. CHEM ER, of Huntingdon.
Rezister, Recorder, 6•e. :
B. F. CAmntiELL, of Henderson tp.
etmato Commissioners :
THOMAS Ilmtna, of West tp.
Erich Slm, of Union tp.
SAMUEL WRITON, of Franklin tp.
Commissioner's Clerk:
HENRY W. MILLER, of Huntingdon.
Commissioner's attorney :
JOHN REED, Esq., of Huntingdon.
HENar BREWSTER; of Shirleysburg.
DAVID PARKER, of WarriOrsuiark.
Treasurer :
JOSEPH M. STEVENS, of Petersburg.
Directors of Poor:
SAMUEL BATTEN, of Franklin tp.
JOHN BREWSTER, of Shirley tp.
JAmEs SAXTON, of Huntingdon.
Poor House attorney :
DAVID BLAIR, Esq., of Huntingdon.
Poor House Treasurer:
HENRY BREWSTER, of Shirley tp.
Deputy Surveyor:
J. S. AFRICA. of Huntingdon.
C.'oroner 7
ISAAC 'WOLVERTON, of Brady tp.
Court Crier:
SAMUEL S. Sum!, of Huntingdon.
Now's the Time for Bargains!
30 per cent. Cheaper than the
THE umlemianed mn,it rttqpeetfulty ttnnnances
to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity,
that he has opened one el t!,e hest and tuo.t splen
did ttssorttnent Ready-Mode Cito hin^ thin TINY
ever heel' in the Borough of Huntingdon. Ile
Likes pleusurc in stating to tilt piddle that he is
fully prepared to :.ell
Cheaper than the Cheapest I
lie will wee:tautly keep on hnai , l the greateit
variety of Ow flithming it aid.,
Superllatt Black cress and Frock
Coate, brown and Haney sack coat, polita!omis
IIOW ,tvle, black and limey valsitnere, ann .I.Si.
HOC nanl omiutoy.
A1,,0 a great rairety of plain and fancy
Sun:titer Mutat a.
Teets, the 31306 t varied I, , rortment
ever °Mired in this place.
Boys' clothing, linen skirts, silk under-sliirts
and drawers.
A chniec selection of mink and pocket hand
kereliiefs.—Alsu it large atoek of
lints and Cape,
Collirellaa.trunks, cain:i-bags, and it great many
tither artieli,
fa- wi.hin, to huy mothin,s wmiht VIII
well to call toot evunine this stork hetoro taur
ehoging elsewhere.
tteMore two Joors wet of the Post t
. .
.11mtring4on, April 10,1954.
Brilliant Display or Jewelry
puitlie ,tterelty, atel the rascals
hotile Buie .411 Ce. entered my store :el rem.-
vt..l Yeluahles to the amen. or Owe, trd too
without my permis..i.e. are in . ...row.' that I itat
. 51,1 opened a more general heti. tO , Ortllo . Ol
ocartit,iCS in lOy II!, of :the' was ..ver
bruit,. to iluottutt , :mt. ette , :stiog. Waii•lieS,
lowelry. Clocks, Fine
Pistols, Perfumery, hit 'Moe
naies. Silver IVarc, awl
Articles, Ste., &e. 0: , 1 frit•tofs tool customers,
and the public in general through.. the COLIIIty.
are requested to call and Cu!'xiu.
Ihthtingdon, March
White Sniphut* and Chap beat e Springs,
THESE Spring,tre now op en r,
Of ' nley lire situated in Cumber
land eounty, l'elin'a., go mile; west of
lon•4. and are aecessilde by the elltatlerianfl V„1-
ley Railroad to Newville; from diva's h) ;Vaal
eitaehes uml over easy roads eight 'Mies to the
springs. Mtnty improvounnits have been made
"...tee the list year. and the recent discovery of
the Clitilybeate Spring adds greatly to the in
ducements presented fur the present season. The
necontmod.ttione for Bathing in till the usual
modos—water blot and cold, fresh or mineral.—
Persons visiting us Will find a happy retreat mid
a pleasant haute. Below you have the analysis
of our Sulphur and Chalvitente Springs.
SCOTT' COYLE, Proprietor.
ANALYSIS or TIM WIIITC St'l.l.llrlt AM; Cll.l,
1.1 - 131,11: SPRIN,S.
;The odor of Salohuretted ltydrogen,perceived
at some distance from the Spring, imparts to this
water the peculiar properties o 4 Sulphur Springs.
Besides this ingredient. I nod that the water con
tains Carbonate of Soda, and of Magnesia, Glau
ber's Salt, Epsom Sith, and Common Salt,
grodients which glee it an increased ratio-. Alter
removing the uxecas of Carboni': Acid which it
contains, i; „ices an alkaline reaction. The Om
lybente water readily yields 11. precipute, after
ebullition or continued exposure has Impelled the
cores, of Carboni.: Acid. Besides thin Bicarbo
nate of Iron, which is its chief characteristic, it
also contains Epsom Salt, Clem. Salt, and
Carbonate oh Magnesia.
Respeetlully yours, JAS. C. Boorn.
CEnTrricArr: or PIIT,ICIANS,
. .
liftvingexatrfiried the elements that enter into
the composition of the White Sulphur and Chst
lybeate Springs, of Doubling Gap, as eXhihiled
in their analysis by Professor Booth, of the Mint,
a practised and competent chemist, are anthori
: zed to say, that they possess all the sanative pro
. pertics ofsimilar medicinal waters, in the various
diseases for which their use has bean recommend
-0 by Physician!.
N. M. D.
ltivii.kup 11. To wtimEND, M. D.
111;., !lA.:mons, M. 1).
July 5.'54.-2m. rhiladulphits.
For sale at the Cheap Store of J. IIIiTCKER.
11r. Jas. NlTUnfack , s Family :11erliiiines
__tar sale I, HORACE W. small.
••• —•••
nuinii;,.;lon . , March 29, 1854.—:ini. —• •
A cHoicE lot of Shingles for sale at rho
elitist, store o .1. BRICKER.
S ILK Dress Nlatterns, Bernze Ile Lanes. Dern•, and Limns of every vitristy unit color,
just received tool fur sale toy
.1: & W. SAVRA,
Mountain Female Seminary.
, rrIE Mountain Female Seminary or Birthing-
I ham, Huntingdon county,P.i., on the Penn
sylvania Mainsail, lieelll/iOA oar a the mat
healthy and desirable location , in the Stare.—
Stranger, visiting this to unction litre unhesi
tatingly expressed the opinion, that it rill eluMt of
access, retired, husatliful, and Nurruntided w•itit
such rornantie mountain seenery, that no one
who wishes to learn, could find an institution
more favorably shamed. Puss stievess and fu
ture prospects have induced ui to greatly enlarge
our plans, and enabled us to give suck conipensa
(hut to teachers as will cuntiound those possess
mg the highest qualifications.
Coot, per term of 22 weeks, varies from 150 to
$6O, for which' gowl accommodations will he giv
en. Music, French, Latin, P o inting,
Pupils from abroad are expected to hoard in
the Seminary building with the Principal, who
hist•nliru lineman to the into,. of the
0 t. 5, 1;;)3. r;
Electro-Illagnet Whining Rods.
% mot many years' close investicution atcl
1, numerous experiments. the Patentee taken
pleanitre in Winning the public that he has arri
ved at the trite principles of proteeting tionilies„
dwellings and property from the destructive i n .
Hum, of Lightning. The calamities that
every City, Town, 'Village and Country falls vic
tim to annually, through the gross negligence of
its inhabitant, in beyond calculation, especially
when the retnody is so easy to obtain—this in
found in entitaae's Patent Magnetic
Lightning Rods, and in this alone. Thi s
Roil tins bees examined by the must seientille
gentlemen in the world—Professors M'Murtrie,
Johnson, Waller and many others that have ex
instincd them, recommend and speak of them in
the highest terms of approbation, and have pro
minim! them the only safe rods in use in this or
any other country, for the protection of Lives and
Property. One advantage in to divide and throw
back o part or the electric fluid harmless to the
clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the rod
to written. that portion of fluid that belongs to
the earth without the nlightest danger of leaving
the conductor. Thin rod !lAA ninny other inv.-
tages over the old ono. The only place of man
utacturing is in
flume St.. 3 doors above Turlf7h, Pii adelphia.
where all persons are respectfully invited to call
and examine 01^ themselVP, iron sole Whole
sale and Retail, by TIIOB. ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms exult.
PIIII.ADA.. Ana. 13, 1847.
I have this toy carefully inspected n conductor
or Lightning Rod, with vane and index, erected
by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue House,
thome.ter, and have no he+itntion in saying• that
it is nut only the best that I have ever seen, but
that it is the only one I have yet examined that
is constructed on strictly scientific princit.les. It
is with much plcamrc that I recommend this
conductor to the attention of owners of buildings.
am well satisfied that the Magnetic Lightning
Rod, manufiteturcil by Mr. Thomas Armitage, of
Philadelphia, is the hest that US ever lition made.
',have spent several years in the study of the laws
of eleetricity and magnetism. ..I have no hesita
tion in saving that these nods are ennstreeted
upon the only principle of safety. The electric
shock is received and dispet seil Icy the magnet at
the top of the roil, and it would he impossible,
according to the laws of attraction and repulsion,
fora building to he injured by a stroke of light
ning when mewed by one of flies° rod,: I
have heen acquainted with Mr. Armitage for Sev
eral year.. and before he vommetteed the !Male
taeture netliese roils I examined the principle on
which they arc constructed, and felt convinced
that their adoption would be attended with mei
plete success. The increasing demand for these
rods, and the extensive sales in Miliaria of the
country, is ample commendation of their utility
and superiority.
Philncl. ca., April 10. 1 tis 2,
The I.,llo,wint extraet is taken Isr.un nu editori
al iut the Gaelitittieb. , l Telrumpli, edited by .Nlsijur
"The hiff.ati rod placed open onr dwelling we
hare had taken down; and another ereted by Mr.
A ItAlrrAl; N, to which we wonlil call the attention
of oar farmers and readers generally. It is put
op on true seientilic principles, and is it rod that
Las been by the highest authority, and
will hear the most thorough examination. Those
who have been deceived, as we have been, should
lose nn time in haring a proper proteetirra against
lightning. substituted. The cost is a mere bag
atelle whim ea:rip:wed with the entire timely of
„ a , m i :, and itarnsitgainst this destructivn.elu
molt. Mr. AitarrAnn'a niivertisentwit be
Bruin] in the columns or 004 paper; and we feel
a.: tiitim'l We ere performing 411 imperious duty
to the community, by thus inviting to it general
Dec. 4. 1852.
Mr. T. ARMITAGE. VIM, Street, watt of Twelfth
'My DRAM After a trial of tunny weeks, it
efliirtls me great plea -tire to inform Cott that I
ate highly 'ICIIOI,I With the lightning roil you
ploce..l lipritt ley lion ::r .11.tlemn. A, tar as
too cite:Meal httoivied:, enable.; me to perform
on opinion. I am you hove .lerelopol
the eosTetit prineiple, in the othipettion of co,I, to
prorev, property front destreetioe Ito lightoio2:a•
:•1111 atietintilge,lf your arratigl,lll , ,,
AM Will
f1,101,1i 1 . 1•1•1:1,,t, to Fiji tk , :trail Ihent~elrew
1. , !1 .- Li 0 11:01.11eg! your
yt/U SII,,CS, 1!I ylllll . enterprise,
l :tot p.m: !roll,
JAMES, tt M. V.,
No. I. North Du youth Street,
Pt ofesaor of Anatomy, Pliitadeloltia College of
S.I3III:EL 1100 V Ell.
//mile ton, rnif.
I t'or liiiutio g ilon, and tvljoitting euonties,
nwl wi!! Rods on the stone ottutner at
liii• Any person ilesiriog to be sup
pi the Hods eon lets theiroriler with the
the Journal, or with tlnflint Miller, o
Rood Hotel. April 12,
t henutiful assortment of Silk Dres; Patterns;
Ithiek Silk, anti BlOlllet reo,ts
e4l and fie sale by .1. s W. Sax ros.
lbs:; 7 l' Fish, just
sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
ABEAFTirn, for of Gents. Galva,. Ladies
Gait., and Shoes, Gent, Boots and Shoes,
Mks., ti,lit.)l, and Shoos. of an endless variety,
jut reeeivint and for sale by
A NOTIIKR fre , ll supply of Herm, de Loins,
rx Lawn, Ilerane, all WOCIi (IV Elugu, nil part
(moon from 211 to :S7 t et.. or Alm number
fresh supply u f TriMming, jo , t ro•ld nil for
sale hv W. S k
ONE Tlll7Th THA .V 117//TE
LE.I/), pREE pilom pals.
The New Jersey Zino Company
IIAVI NG ont:.t•rt.c ENI.AIIOED THEM wiAti(s,
end improved the timidity of their products, are
prepared to execute orders for their
DRY. and GROLINI) IN 011,in assorted pack
age, of Irina )2:, to 000 pitinds; also
1111 V, in barrels, of 200 poundi each.
Their WIIITN ZINC, which is cold dry or
gnottot in oil, if, warranted and unsur
passed ter It(t1)Y" and uniform whiteness.
Illt . thod of preparation hes recently been
di''•otered, which enables the Company to war
m)nt their paints to keep crush and tuft in the
keg,: fin• any reasonable time. In this respect
their paints will be superior to any other in the
'Pheir Brown Zinc Paint, which insold et plow
price, and can only he mole from the Zinc ores
from New in now well known far its pro
tective qualities when applied to iron or other
metallic surlitees.
Their Alone Color Point tomo4se4 all the pro
perties of the Brown, and k of an agreeable col
or flu , painting , Cuttages, Depots, Oat-buildings,
Bridget, &c.
Dealers supplied nn liberal term', by their
Wholoorle Paibt bf • I rifiel ImpOrfrrs,
N. W. cur. of 10th & Market Sts., Phila.
April 19, 1834.-6nr.
UHT Ai 1
I ' • )1...,
T.TIVING Tenured' his extensive Store to No. 1,
MeCalut's Row, tor:merle oeimpidi he T.
R. Simonton, is now prepare d to edmientoilato
his obi emtomert, and the public generolly, with
a splendid and fashionable ;,...ortment (,f
111,, aNsertineet eansiate of
Dry Goode, Groceriek,
Hardware. Queeusware,
and nil kind, of goods loolally kept in a Country
Store. Al.O, a be.tutitill cheap and elegant aa•
sortment of
Ladles' Dress Goods,
and 'rrimrainfo of ,•very •arietr. Al.o, Ifata;
Caps, Boanet. Boa. and Shoes, and a Nilriet) of
goo+, of all kind,
Country taken in e3011,1 4 .zr g.
e• the hhhe.t ma..l:nt
ifili . o3t:L .. 1)1'.1.A .- Tj 'Dii
$l,OOll !Reward 2
llydro-Elec:l . :ic 'Voltaic Chains,
Alt for tint lint : unc introduced to the penplo
of liantiniplini and vicinity, as the must con
renient, Iteristal, and strictly scientific mode of
instantly relieving nod permanently curing oil
Now we know that nn announcement aimilar to
the above meets the eye or the render almost dai
ly, and perhaps this may be classed with many ,
others. But listen or yon do no injustice. It in
claimed that Pulvermacher's Electric Chain, is
the only magnetic remedical agent that in secured
by patent. granted by this government, on the
ground that it was a strictly useful and scientific
article. The Chains are now on exhibition at
the Crystal Palace, and attract much attention
fom the thousands who daily visit it.
.510 DE OF USE.
The manner of acing the AMn, is very ample.
Thu chain is first moistened with common vin ,gar,
and then ono end of the chain in applied to the
part where the pain in located, and the other and
opposite to the limt. The ends of the chnin should
never teach each other. At the moment of ap
plication, the most acute rain is instantly relieved,
wherever it is teemed, by the passing through the
part a constant current of uninterrupted vlectru
magnetism. In the following
remedy has ever given such vompieto anil perfect
satislaction to the patient as Pulveriun i die,
Chains: Rheumatism, Painful and swelled Joints,
Pains is the Back, Deafness, Blindness, Paruly
sis, Neuralgia in the Pace, Long standing Nem
'MN Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Gener
al Debility, Dyspepsia, &Male DiSetbiett,ASllllll4,
Contracted Joints, ale.
wilt be given to any person who wilt produce so
ninny well authenticated certificates of cure (ruin
intelligent patients and scientific physicians, of
the above diseases,
as has been performed hrthe
use of the Electric Chain during the past year.
It is truly the fact that wherever the electric
chains here been in roduecd, bottled nostrums and
common lard have greatly diminished in sale,
people hating become disgusted with the practice
of u,iag their stomachs Mr drug shot.
The Electric Chains are highly recommended
by Prole:siiva Matt, Van Buren, Post Mid Car..
chan, or \.•a YOrk; are rise in daily aselit every
flopital in thi,t city. The chains will lu•c fin
years, are nlways t•L'u m fur use, and produce nu
injurious when used ns directed.
The introduction attic Electric Chain into this
conntry is the dawn of a new ern in medicine.—
During the him twenty years, it can ted'ely he es
timated that ten thoumind tamales have died year
ly (runt thin one ilisevc.
It is well km:we to medical men that this com
mon dismue is beyond the reach or medicine, and
that in propurtion to the amount or medicine giv
en, the more the patient is doomed to nutria, and
homier will death close the scene.
During the last 2 years more than one thousand
cases of Peulops. Cirri (falling of the womb)
!Live been posstartstij cured in England stud
France. Mona or those eileen were ladies of high
standing, who had previously tried all other kinds
of treatment with no benefit. Among the distin
guished lashes tom have been cured in Paris is the
present Queen of France. In this country, du
ring the last year, ere hundred ernes have been
cured in the city of New York. many who have
allowed their 1110110 S to he published Mr the bene
fit of those suffering with similar complaint,—
The mode of use is simply to apply one elm of
30 link chain to the spine just above the hip:, ::ml
the other Mid 11p011 the alidethelh and stales the
chain to remain Simone hour. This to be sepegt.
d four times dering tee twenty-fonr
The Electric (Intim mover fail to relieve the
serer. , pains and swelling incident to this disea,e.
The nurse forms of this discone readily yield to a
few tipplications of a chain, and in no single in-
Static , have ti t v tailwl to give instant relict,
the, did ma ellect a permanent enre. All persons
Wilo or this usual winter complaint.
are kindly invited to 'till and obtain a pamphlet
4 HORACE V. SMITH, Awnt Mr Hun
tingdon county, who will also explain their 'nude
a use.
The electrii• ebnins 121111 be sent by mail to nny
part of tiic Cinteil States, by isililresi , ing (pout
pod) taut r opints in the principal cities, or
Joseph St• :,.eri. li, Broadway New l'ltrk.
Agent, 563 1.10,1,1,,,t;', V.
SAM LL T. BitowN
li3ftYjyr.l% .
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
snmc as that formerly occupied by John
,ct. 19, 185:1.
D:IIcGILL returns histlinnks
lii' friends mul thu publirajl4fr=l Mih,t
for their very liberal patronage. and ;e.k, , ,.2 . 4 1 5Whii
hopes by strict attention to businessa44,U;A.
to merit a continuance of the same, in all kinds of
Castings, Cooking Stiwes, Mr-Tight, ihlor,
Ten Plate Wood and Coal Stoves ' of rations si
nes, and all kinds or Ploughs: the Lancaster and
the Plank Barshear patterns, and Keystone Nu.
4 Self-sharpening and Hill side Ploughs, toil
Shears to snit oil kinds of Ploughs in the
!lulling-mill and Forge Cnstin,:o, Grist and Saw
mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine
Patterns, and the four horse and two him, power
of Cl patterns; and all other kind, of
enstings too numerous to locution, all of wide],
will he sold cheaper than ever for cash and nil
kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken
in exchange for castings.
Huntingdon, November 9, 1853.
TIIE undersigned have forsnle a second-hand
ed Carding Machine. with nil the
eessary lixt/11126, which they oiler fur inlo very
law. Any nun wishing to purchase will do nell
to call and see it. KESSLER & BRO.
Mill Creel:, April 12, 1 t•54.-31n.•.
A fresh supply of Garden Seeds Irate 'Risley'
Onrdett, just received, anti fur sale by
Feb. 23 1:453. , t4ax•rtm
JUST receiving, this wcy k, Ackerel, Herring
unit for sale by A W. SAX TON.
JusT received a beautiful nssortment of Seal
iped and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by
.1. & sAvrow.
Tfiinest assortment of hoots lint bi,ooo
± ever offered in town, for solo low by
.1. W. SA XTO3f.
Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery,
oysiren igAz.OON.
HENRY J. AFRICA, would respecttlilly in
vile tfm public to call at his establishment
in Railroad Street, where all those who tined any
good Breed. Rusk, or any other kind of Cakes
found at a Bakery, may be supplied.
lie has jest received a very large and fresh
supply of Fruit and ConlJetionaries, such as
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, &c,,
and a large stock of TOYS.
He receives dill,. from the city of Baltimore,
the best OYSTERS that ran be Roma. Those
in want ofprinie 'shellfish,' eon ho mummies!.
ted by calling at the saloon. ilo liva fitted up a
saloon expressl fur the Ladies.
Thankful to the public for past favors, he hopes
by strict attention to business to merit u continu
ative of the same.
Oct. 12, '52.
ENRY CORNPIROpST havingjit4t re•
11 turned 11015 Philadelphia with a large and
well seleeted sreek of I)ry Goods, Boots &
Shoes, 11l ard wa re, C rockery-ware,
&c., cuthrucing the usual variety of it country
MOM, Wll4 l lllllll. Mum enabled to minimal, ifm;
out terms permitting him to compete suceessfully
with any other store in the vicinity, would res
pectfully solicit the patronage of kin 11401111 n 1111 d
CllOOlllOl,, 111111 WmII , IIIIIIICIIVOr to'tnerit the tip
meleitioi, as hp is well satisfied of his ability lit
pre,ent, to suit the tastes and accommodate the
wishes of the public at burgs.
Ile is prepared of sell very low for
Prod ece .the ;n nneliaimc at the tm,
Hardware, Groceries,
Fancy Goods, Notions, Deno, Paints,
Oils, Ilals,laps, Boots, Shoes, &c.,
At James Brielmes Store,
Which arc offered at the lowest prices, also re.
ceiving a large supply of CANDIES, which
will ho sold at wholesale price as low no 14 ets.
per lb. Also, Fruits, Ornnges, Lemons,
ins, Figs, &c. All of which have been hough
with great care, and on the best terms, nod we
he sold low for Cash or to punctuid Gusto /s•
I flatter myself that I can and will sell Go, oto
its they can ho bought for in this neighlicenet
My friends are requested to roll and exiA! llB
themselves, feeling confident tint doewho do
so cannot go away without buying. Ladies 00,1
Gentlemen of this neighborhood beim me when
1 say that great pains have been viten to get such
goods as you admire.
Store ou Hill street, oprrelth the J.U.SAL
Huntingdon, Oct. In,
Late Arrival of New Goods.
lot of b ar ed Debuts. Persian Twills,
D oni mi ona d F re odi Ginghums, Alpneens, tack
Flannels. Tweed. and Linseys, brown mid blench
ed umtlins . al't ., .te stock of ribbons, and a
woortoont of dies: girod4 liar ladies and
gentlemen. Fur style and price can't be, beat, ler
talc nt GEO. G\VIN'S Stare,
onekn Ground Alton Salt jußt krrived and
for ode at GEO. GWIN'S Store.
50 barrel&Conetnangh Snit in gore and far sale
A late arrival of English and French Merinos
for sale low at the store of GEO. GIVIN.
100 kegs Nails and Spikes for sale by the keg
or pound, at GEE. GAVIN'S Store.
500 lbs. Cast Steel fur drills and sledges, for
sale ut the storo of GEO. UWIN.
500 nice', calico, new styles end Patterns, of
good quality, sot,: low at the bum , or
Fluid :amps, n large and handsome assortment
for sate at GEO. UWIN'S Store.
Jed. 4, 18:14.
fur Gothic, and other Clucko, • "
cheap, at Earn. Snare's Jewelry Store, ;•
TIOUSEKEEPIitS study your interests, why
go to Auction and pay extravagant ;wives for
half-made Fun:strum,: ? Call at No. I, North
NINTH qrcet, and examine the largest assort
ment of the beSt made /11111 Bedding in
the eity, Feather I ',ed.., h air , husk, and Straw
Matties,c, to 1,r4, rtmeat of fancy What
nots, Sofa Tables. toles, and Washstands;
Walnut tel Frellt:11 Tete-a-tetes, Di
vans. IVortirci , ,, 1t00!.,,, , -; French Bedsteads;
Fancy Smiled, Cam, seat. AVindsor, and of
fice Chairs, Counting-house. Cane-seat Stools,
Settee and Arm-eliair Cashion.; Cottage furni
ture made in every stie and color; Sofa Beds and
Lounges, wholesale tel retail, end wstrranted to
give satisfaethm, and sold at the lowest prices.
Sep. 28, 1553.-ly
Chartered by the State of Penn
sylvania in
Store, 29 N. 3rd NI. Philadelphia,
\1,1.1.111,1 . 11 Nlitnufacturers, Curd, rs, ImporterF,
Cuinutishion and General Leather Buoiness,
Wholesale and Iletail,
:%14oltirActurs 15 Alitrgaretta Street.
ti_. 24,
Ituntingdon, Penn'a.
(IFFICE rat Main Street, next to that of Cen.
j A. P. Wilson.
Terms mode r ate, and all work warranted to Tuo , us ilia ls ir o c z o so u x .y. , • TooLta Lanc a ster
mm nc l a ..7PmA..m u t i , , n;
give entire satisfaction.
July 13, '33. DAVID IQ'MPY,IIIE, WILLIAM 61.1,151,
; Hillitiflglloll co. Lanetw'er errandTHOMAS CAMPBELL , JAMES GARDNER,
A %TWINE 1 . AT AA 11.; Blair county. Lancaster county.
Fill attend to
i t h i: t e4 C m o c i l i t i t t rit i m i t o c u il se t . o him. Of
flee nearly opposite
Central renn , a. Ranking House,
maAy, ,LEIST, CO.— (dice Alb. ,
May 4, • 33.
A. W. BENEDICT, , 11 glimuy street, a few doors west of the Court
• 4TTO.RNEY 1-107 House, and nearly opposite toe Post °ince, Mi.
• lidaysburg, Pa.
Infortnm his old *lends and the public that he The Company is now ready to transact bust.
has returned to his old horn, and will mold to 111,89. Upon money deposited •filr a specific
nil busitte , s in li, protemmion, entrusted to hint, I period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in
with tidelliy /Ma him lent ability. terest will he paid at such rates um are usually
mice in Main strei.t, month side, the last house allowed by Saving, Institutions. Transient de
below the Court hon., posites received, payable,. detnand.
Huntingdon. May 13, 1852.-6 m. R. R. BRYAN, Cashier.
BHE HE LA I\ ES, in endless variety, a —"idaY'burg , 'II, 18,0 .
' the cheap corner of A. CARMON. I IL K. NEFF, 111. 11.,
--- -
this Minty, re,pet•tfully otter his
pfessio na l m,uic es to the citizens of that place
ami the .uuty
ITAS.iiist returned from the ,:itst with at large
splandal al.:stimulant at
Spring and Summer Clothing,
for men and boys, made in the latest rishion and
in the most duraiile manner. 1y ho ever wants
to ho dressed hiller and cheaper nnelanly
else in town, let him call at Wll.l.ortillltY'S
CLo rum; Scotts, ate hour west at' T.
Bead Si Son's drug store, Huntingdon.
Call and see for yourselves.
April El.
DOlllll, K Klerelled English Snub and Twist
FOWL/N(: PIECES—else Single %rm.
ad Guns, trout tour dollars to thirty eaeli. for
saki by J. . SANT°,
ir CST reeeis ing the handsomest hit id* Carpets
ever odereil in this plaice. Oil Cloths,
which will be sold low by
J. i P S.I.VrON.
Lots in Altoona for Sale.
north of Hollidaysburg ,ninl about one mile north
west of Allegheny Furtwe, Blair county.
After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said
TOWN 'kill be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that we Pennsylvania Rail'
Road Company . have selected this place thr the
erection of Dieu main Machine and other Shops
IJorge assortment. of Lawns unit Berezetie and
lie r ln ' l l lt i l l i i i t: illl) l =i n tl early the Fel 1
I :Leine:, just received at the cheap store of throwing at 011ee a largo amount of irade w this
1) P. G W IN.
place. The main inducement at this time in of
-2UOO Fee, or Safety Fuse, lust received feting Lots Mr sale, b eing to bemire the
& s . „,„ N. ate Machinists and redesnien, nod homes tor
the Machinists and other employees of the Rail
qinE Saving Fund atilt, National Safety Coin- Road Company. Early application will secure
pang, No. 62 {Velum Street, 2 doors above Lots at a low price.
Third, PHILADELPHIA. is open every day Foi further information apply to C. H. MA
front 8 o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock P. M., and on ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE,
Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock.— Hollidaysburg.
This institution is well known as one at' the best May 1,1852—1 f.
managed and safest in the country, and pays viva ----- -
PER CENT, interest fur looney put in there, from I Notice to Tavern Keepers.
the date ol' deposit.
NOTICE is hereby given to the keepers of Inn-
Any sum from One Dollar upwards is received. and Taverns within Brecon:fly of Hunting
And all sums, large or email, are paid back on
don, that tlasJudgps of the Court of Quarter Ses
demand, without notice, to any amount. skins of said county, enjoin up o n the keepers
This slicing toad has mortgages, Ground such Inns and Taverns that they close their res-
Rents. and other first-class investments, all well partial bare on the Sabbath, • aim! refrain from
secured , . animating Inn.. th an halfa nth" u selling or dealing out 1111110Vg Oh that day ; and
dollars. for the security of depo.•itoi.s.
the licenses of such f or ns shall disregard this
injunction will be revoked thwith agreeably to
Office 62 Walnut street, two
. doors above
Third, Philadelphia.
Non. HENRYL. the Aet of Assembly in such case made and pro-
BENNER , P flth•
ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vine l'res'i. I %Pitied upon the Met of such vinlation coming to
thu 4,,,wiudge of the WY. J. Rum, Secretary. By the Court, 24th •T(111. 1852.
Boni Wm. Richards, Pottstown, Montgomery May 1. 1852.
co. .1. 1). Streeper editor of the Montgomery
county Ledger, Pottstown.
,1. M. Sneenemen, editor of the Neutralist,
Skippackville, Mont. co.
Enos Benner, Esq., editor of the Farmer's •
Friend, Sumneytown, Mont. en.
lion. Joel Jones, late Mayor of Phil's.
lion. John Rolibini,jr., inemher of Congress
ith District, Pennsylsunia,
Ifon..lanies Page, lain Postmaster of Phil:,
Dom Wrn. Peninzt,,, late Governor of Nea •
The ,„, sero ,„,,ritunkrui to his fri nib amp
I irons_ unit , generally, for pa.
' •? awn,. to c-wry oil .0 I =rule
trouage, Otto
stand. i . aa a rt , 10 Mr. lout s
Ile ,h Inr
krt strictinstingdon, where be will 1. 1 0• tel to
all who w t tosor him with their cadre, m.l ni
aa kce ,..'s hotsd it gond assortment of W.k cut.a,
ire., dr., all of will. Ito is
d ea ssned to sell at low prices.
/ rocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kidl: will
iy repaired at short notice, . uul having made nr
rangements with a good workman, all repairs will
bo done inn neat and durable 'sooner, nod eve,
person leaving 'slides for repairing drill hntr
them done at the precise time. By paying "triet
attention to business, and selling it low ratos, 1.12
hopes to receive a share of public purronnge.
Huntingdon, Sept. 7,1852.—1 y. •
HUNTINGDON !?!:1!tB! A E 1'.11214
WM. Vir 1: ;Li. X AVYII. $ v
informs his
. -------- friends and the
..----- public general
Iv, that he has
4 00
r ,-_ , v 1 ,1 - -_- - . r establis It e d a
c!", ,-, ' • . 1 .,,..-,7 --- "Mitrlde Yard.
i 1 liEn „in the borough
b 1 I ,l i i l llllllllll IV . . 1 . q• Huntingdon,
,• SIC , ~._ 1,,,,. 'P S ni,l 1,,, just re
-,--•-'-- '""-•'1 utmifti -•
cited from
---.....':=------ ,----. ---- -- • Philadelphia a
selected stock of choice Marble grave-stones, o
every description, which he will furnish ut very
reduced prices.
All orders from nny part of the county or ad
joining counties, tetdressed to the subscriber.
will be received and promptly attended to.
Shop on Hill street, two doors west of Gen. A.
P. Wilson's Office.
May let, 1353.-Iy.
Adams & Co.'s Express.
T. E. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon.
'Money, Packages, and goods ofall kinds, re
ceived and forwanled at the risk of the company,
to all the cities and principal towns in the United
State May WW2.
the deig a l t t i el „ l e ras i Lea r s i el , and
corner amain and Montgomery Street,
3 it in the borough of Ilmaingdun, and is
well prepared to accommodate all who luny furor
him with their custom. The traveling communi
ty end the public g enerally ore cordially invited
to call with him, hoping by strict 'mention to
busines4 to merit n large portion of public patron
age. Icif p i th ns will be spared to render general
June 49,':,3.-1y
A. P. IV tbsox. B. BUM, PETRIKIN.
./177'OltATVS L.-IW,
Practice in tie several Courts of lluntiomlon.
Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and :Juniata Cou u •
ion. March 23, 1883.
Would reopectfully inform Ilk friends MO r 1:(
nubile, rhm he Ens on Imml and is reevis 101
Consisting of 'Watches, Chains, Breast Pins,
g e r Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils , lie} s,
Studs, I‘.letlallions'
&e. Together with his.celehr..•
tod and unrivalled
W hie!! la equal if not superior, to any now in 11SCi
1 . ;1041 I'oll is hillgtlll . o4 With 1111/ 0,1 011300,
11111 i eery Pen Warranted.
Olt dill you ever, no I never
Mercy on us what a treat;
Get Read's Gold Pen, they're extrn fine,
And only Ami; in North Third Street.
A splendid Pen 'A' Where Si! you !. , .rt it !
Pure Diamond Pointed, con',
Yes, my friends there's no
In Head's Enid Pens ofNorth Third titre,
VAltead's Gola Pen is found only at 53 Nor, S
Third Street, below Arch East Side.
THOS. Ii EA 1),
Piladelphia. Inn. I, 115.11.—tf.
iscrycnc,:cas :
J. B. Luilen, I•i. D. Gen. A. P. Wilson,
M. A. Dendorson, " Wm. P. Othison, Esit
J. H. Dorsey, " Hon. James (iwinn,
M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq.
Dom Geurgo Taylor.
Mutinylon, Pa.
Jacob M, Goma, M. D., Akroudria.
John M'Culloch, Petersburg.
A SPLENDID asiortnient of Ladies' Dress
rl Cleodsjust received itt CAIIMON'S,
Av li
the si gir l r . tl a t ie . ois tge cheep tlyo
on bend
store ir
nod for sale by
.1. 111tICKEIL
CHOICE ptquons fur medicinnl purpa
es, eutNist lug of
Best glitaitY FRENCII nfi , l4Wir,
it S wER wiNE ,
In `llion, all kind, al' J,igonr, rival for that pur
rutfpyP he had at the ch,an 1,1
L- :;i:1k.,.;1 1 F+4 7 ,11M
alol 'wetting, nt bid ,'ur
1,1111111 Siol, i i.\lnrl:rt'ptitrc, the brie. e
Spring and Sintinker (Zoottg
ever 'OM,' th• ~r Ina
ali.l htly.S st:ling at unu.tually
Iwyyrices.. . . .
Al%. vtuek 14.111)11,c, in part, eletii,
111,11 . k 'no taticy. Satinett., n lartte variety et
Satin and Silk VeAtine.., Kriitneky and 1.011111.
Jean., Tweed-. Tickitie, brown and hicaelieit
31iislitei, Drill, Crash Bags and !lagging, Tula,
Diaper. &c.
Ladies Dress and Fiincy Goads.
l'rinto , in abundance, 'Mow:. du Lane, ' 1)e rieremt,.
Liwres, black and fancy, colored
Silks. Bonnet an Herrn.: Silk
itiblam, fancy Gimp. black ilk Laec.
colored Kid lilurea, Gents Mark do.. Linen allot
I.landkcrcideti., Italian Cravats, /10311317,.,14:,
Boots and shoes.
Sardwaro, gueesiswpte, Glassware'
and Cedar Ware,
Ilats and Caps.
A gres.t variety of
Straw Coodi.
My ,Itoek 11:19 been selected with 11, greittest
core in 'regard to finality and prier. awl I floor,
inyltelf tkat I can Dili, inducements to purchabertt
not to Inepund elsewhere. - .
Thank 'al for the patronage of the past. by ray
Metals, awl the public cenerally, 1 respectfully
solicit a etintimmee of the same.
(sr My,olkt stiwk of Goads will he gold at
per cent. lorlow er,t. April 12, 1853.
AND I.l.l:Nl'v in"rucup AT
t '. t ~.
T have jag veeeived, and am TIOW nponinyz, nn
the c o rner opposite Comas' Hotel, a large aml
be:tuff& assortment of
S prin r, and Mummer Goods.
eonsistingot , ,loths,Carsiniers, Pitney and Plain,
tqlka,Faney rind Black,Derege Detains, Itur,ge.,.
Bard Deluins, Lawns, Gingham, Linens, Mus.
ling, and prima a every description. Hosiery,
(Doves, Silk litts, Long and Short, Veils. Cal.
lars, Ceder-sleeves, Ribbons, Shawls, and a va
riety of I)RES.S GOODS too numerous to men
Also, a large assortment of Bonnets, Hats and
Shoes, Croceries, Queensware, and liardware,
Crpet , . Cloths and Carnet Bogs, (•lothew
and Market Baskets, Buckets, Churns. Tubs, He..
The public arc respectfully lux 41.0 I 4.0 and
examine uq• Goods, as I am ticterniitiell to soil
them cheap.
All kinds of Cduntry Produce tuken in ex
change the Goods ut the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, April 5, 1854. •
The Celebrated Prize Cure for Fever
and Ague, by
TIIIS Reinedy is rlll,ly ‘egeul,;,, wohuup nnr
portion of fiacign, delcturnins. or inercuruti
ingredient whatever in its compo,nion. The con
tents of a ringle Battle is sufficient to eura the
most obstinate CMS ' III111:11, oar.
It strengthens the ,ttantich, inrignratett the
film, and restores the F . 5 , 1,19 it? 11,1011117
healthy ,tote-411 ro,t. .
cntaciy pre vehits lhst,
Alrelloll ~'ltich plants
.!71 , ~,I• ono! rccinn-
• h.isc tat;., ~ (lier pre
~i.rr: i~~. l„i,
i~ ~ ~~,
is simpiy •• . • ..• ;; . 0
cliiiSe 01 1,
The neon, kto Co. t,tonory
presented to estahlish ito venal ti,ti
slintild be carefully investigated, and jina ru Mildh
credit given to it, and on litlll . o, dian it deserve , .
a personal character, WC $110111•11. , 01, to the
relieetability 0r th,, itittlOSSeS, tilt IIIC
which they have tel air att observation or
the facts, un l the impartiality, aml con
:44llmm of their statentento.
roborittitti ,liileitielits Of tinniher resp e ,,,,i,i„
witnesses to the truth of any titer, may amount
to irre .i.tilile et 'dole,
We ha', a demile'l account of the
study tool labor ilii•ObtOt 10 it preitOriltiOTl--or
the selentice• H iliciph, upon which it is based--
W . ole TICIV,Iry Whit+ rsi,ts, in the very nature
of the compoilial, fo• ctiCating cures
in ulln t I`,l'y 111,111 , , -- itml of ilia character
nail re,pretahilliy or the witoc,,es who litre tes
ar-1,1111,111114 ( . 1114• 4 which it has hire
riably perfornieil. e might enumerate other
ca,cs, tool eire the te,tioe.: , other,, tool in
deed weary our reader wilt reperaions of cases.
ire deem utinet,ssary, nail shall therefore
cooling °unwires to u ',election oft few of those
whose characters end stuniling in the community
are well hur.wn, toil whose positions gave theta
the opportunity of testing the value of the Pci.
The gentlemen whose f'ertilicates are given.
are well known to the citizens of latneaster and
York Counties, in Pennsylvania, besides other
portions el' that State; also to the citizens of Ma.-
1,i1111 , 1 who reside in,the neighborhood at' the
t,tceptchamia and Tide-water ('::1:d. I , 11e of the
gentlemen named James MI . CON10:1", fs 1 . , re,
presented York Clienty in she Senate of Penn.
sylvattia thr many years. These gentlemen were
alt Comractors On the .'t;tespichantatt :mud nig
r'aa.:/s, which terminate at 1i:1%7e-de
l-ft:ace, :it the 1111.nnil of the Chesapeeke Bay._
The of:leers of the Comp.:mica were, at' course,
acquainted with the Contractors; and should there
he tiny doubt, epplication may ho agate to then,
for the truth of the representation made in regard
to the characters tho,w whose certificates are
The Under:4,3ml, hot great benefit
will result to the public tu na , a knowledge of the
efficacy of the. Pnizu Orin: for rtivEn and Acme,
1 do most cheerfully certify that we have, individ
ully, suece,sthl operation in the
uninher of cases annexed to ourrespective nattier,
and that, in no instance within our knowledge,
F has it tidied to cure in a sinyie day, by the use of
I the contents of a siayle honk. Dated, Lancaster,
Silderuper 4, 1980. Signed—
' It. Al UILLISON, Sec. I and 2S. C. 2 eases.
1. WILLIAMS. "lo" Il 2 n
11. FrupATRIcK, •1 7 14
4i. FISIIF4I1 4 " 28
1. WEIL Lock Na. I and 2, " "
Bf. PHELAN "t i 4
OINOR, See. 23 T. vv. C. 3 "
" 29 alid 30 " 11 "
lo eortohiration of the certificates oldie high
.l re , peetahle emitractors ithove named, written'
buntline feeliogs prompted them to give pnbllefty
to the liiets therein stated. the 611 lowing ee9l6-
cote from Major James :11eCookev, itt that Limn
n member id tint Senate of the i:muntortwealth
44 l'entisylvniiia. will he read with interest by all
who ore nillieted with Fever and Agile:
' l•Pi . Ifirt ron. /ed.. ..,.., Pa. .Viiv. 16.'38.
Having wito,seil TWENTI -omen ~.C.5 Of Meier
:Ind Ague (ired I, tile celebrated NMI:CI:11E.
I make this I.nn . li for the henefit and etniithrt or.
nil those itistre , seil n ith that troublesome likeit:4o
—1; rte aml .19er. .1:15. hl'CltNKbiy."
h ise", just ro—
k-A ,eked itt. D. P. GIVIN'S Cheap Store..
. .
iher would re.poettni:r inform ilia
1 traselirn: that he now limning a line
of Marks fruto Mr. I 'llion to orhisonia. us inflows:
Front Orl , i-onia to Mt. Union and hack »gain.
every Mani mei Friday.
rasseng,i, wi:loinz to go to Simile Gap, ' , ratty
other place, will he iiiken ml withant delay.
llis narks are ;;nod and eutnihrinhj o , ans
lie is determined to have 1)0110 but gOllll Itnd
.011,1 S in a WOIN), .11iS .ICiiri) IF :11 carry