Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 04, 1854, Image 3

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    Prize Care for Fe% 4'l' and Agile.
tfil or orthe honk.) in the
1111 , 1 the ItAlllee in
meals. WI the 1.:1111 . 111 . 4 well
ohly. Or When the Chill , 01,1 h'Vt . l . huge ttithttilled
-previously taking a thi, 01 . 1,111 . 1,111 re mcdieimt
1.. cleanse the laosels. The bottle to bn well
shaken. Children to take it in smaller do
ses, proportioned to age.
wkhing to become Agenta lin• the
learn the pri , e , and trews (ror Vaal, ) nit per
sonal applieatiun, or by letter (post pahi 1 tt,
I'. NIASTIN, 125 Henry Street, New-York,
where it may he laol, s./0,/,,50/e and r, toil,
SI per single bottle: tit per dozen; $s I per gross.
Also for sale. Nvlif)l,,,nle, by Scittueeumx,
Ilinerittats Itruggists, 1711(Villiam street,
...titer of Ileel:tuan, New-York. and others tiro . -
out the Union. Aug. 9,
To hick Makers.
DROM)SALS for oitikilog 5111000 Brick, at the
Wane Spring.; near I I , intingilim, will be re
ceived lip till thy I Gilt duly hit. 'rhos,
sin; to state whether wiiii nrmhinc or by lomd,
and how mulch per thiia•lccl, 'oidractor to rllllllSh
wood, 111141 how 111414 4 14 . 41 . world 1'4,44141 ml, atilt at
what rate il' mai leave provide,l.
t" Inc eiimaimived immediately.
Address A. P. IV lI.SOS, Hunting , ion, Po.
rpm: greatest variety of Dress Trimntings,
I Fun, Tyde 'dress
Buttons, Chentrhetts,sVaney
•;I.,eves, Kid Butt Lyle 7,:hreall
ll,iery of every ,ariety, illgt reed-
Bud for sale by J. & W. SAX.LIJS.
101IAIZIZEI.S Noe Ilerring,just ref•ivedend
ti,i• sale :it the store of OEO. I; W
Land lbr Sale.
A TRACT OF LAND situate Germany
11 Valley, item ShirlevAletrg,llunOngilon co:.
vent:lining Omer 1.23 Acres, the e renter part
i s I:meoele. in a good
thin, bounded hy heels of Geer . .., tie - die :11111 Au
drt l W Sp:1110,11. JOIIN 1.011:S.
.11itie 21, 1854,
A S the shrill whistle of the Locomotive will
1 - 1. soon be beard film, el Top, givituxn new
impulse to all kinds of business, the undersigned
ho deterinincilonot to be excelled by any stentn
horse in the country. Ile thevelbro tillers to the
public the most elegant stock or
Spring and Summer Clothing
- _
over opened in the county, embracing the moot
fashionable DtCAS, Frock, end Sack Coats, Panto
and Vests, Shirts, Collars,Stocks, Handkerehielis,
Cloves, fie., Sc. Also, Silk and Summer lists
ol which be is determined to sell CHEAPER
then the Cheapest.
He hec on hand a fashionable assortment of
Cloths. Casdinieres, Sc., which he will make to
order, ill At superior manner.
Huntingdon, June 7, IK)-1..
J. F. 11
J. SIMPSON Arnie.,
\ •, \ \ - ••7
1111;11• ALt..\._LLEJ-.1
()IL, wide DANIEL ArnicA, Esq., llill street,
between ;Montgomery and Smith streets, Hunt
ingdon, [ Sept. 20,'54. ff.]
Iff)IILSE.--Came to the plantation
or the living- in .Inekson township,
Ilunt. Co., Montt the :middle of diic, n black
horse, Montt sixteen years obi, about twelve
hands high, with it small white spot in the hare.
The owner eau have him by paying expenses.
ItotiEwr FLE.MING.
:Jackson tp., Sep. 20, 1854.-3 t.•
U 1(, Ai
Bronght /fame to tto., I)oor
/I ly been nude by lir. Curtis. of this city, in
the treatment of Consumption. Asthma mid all
diseases of Cie Lanz. iN'e refer to "Dr. Curtis'
],,, c ans, or Inhaling llygean Valli.. and Cher
-IVitli this in, method Dr. C. has
restored many afflicted ones to perflict health ;
tin all OVidullVe of which he has innumerable cer
tificates. Speaking of the treatment, it physi
cian remarks It is evident that inhaling—con
stantly breildling 1111 agreeable, healing vapor,
the medicinal Froperties must come in direct eon•
tact with the whole or the arial cavity of the
lungs, and thus escape the funny and varied
changes produced upon them when introduced
hit the stomach, and subjected to the process
of digestion. The Ilygeana is for sale at all the
drugAists' throttgliont the country.
.Vsic York Dutchman ./ , fif. 14.
. .
- - - -
The bower to %rum on the breast under tho
lin e n without the least inconvenience—the heat
of th e hasty being entlieient to evaporate the
llatchTlit of CASES of CURES like the fol.
I.,adag might lie named. One Package Pf llv
;:rant has cured me of the ASTHMA of six
year: standing.
,hts. F. Ko7sherry, Duirrannon, Pa,
1 am mired of the of 16 years
standing by DE. Curtis' Ilygentut.
Ih.Ware , Rad., Brook/Pp .V Y.
Icier three Dollars u Puekage,—Sold by
No. 149 Chambers St., N. Y.-4 patekageg sent
live by express to any part of the United States
for 'Celt Dollar,
N. 13.-I>r. Curtis' lirgenna is the l)RIGI
others are ba, imitation: or rile and I Z.ll.lil
tCS cottateriehs, tillan them as you would
Sept. 20. 1874 —ly.
I . AMES Lasting and silk work Gallo., Kid
.11-A Morocco, and Goat Bouts and Slows, at tho
store or GEO.
cmtpwr nags,just received end for vole hv
.1. ,\ • IV. sit xro.y.
A vizEsii supply or Gingham:, Check. and
Shairdiray, just received find 111 r sale hy
d. & W. SA.X.r()
'Ma, Delanes. B. Delanes, 1)o Berea°, Lamp,
4 ririgliall,llllllll Choice variety of Gonda of all
kintk, at the more of GEO. GWIN.
LOOKING Glasses, just received and for sltle
by W. XTO.V.
irlUts l 7ll: t 3 .l ; l 4 l. : l 3 l o7 l Vis e t n r i c7•ll% l 7,;ini:;
:ado by J. & W. SA XTuN.
- 1, FUSE. constantly on hand mind for sale by
At Private Sate.
rpnts property is situate on Stour
Creek, about 9 miles north of
lluntingdon, Pa. The mill is in 4 1 14" ,
good repair, has .1 ran of burrs, &c.. 4.-
Also. a nom' Saw Atilt and Lath Mill; a good
dwelling lion, Mr the miller. Also,
290 Acres of Land,
About 125 Acres of which is cleared and in a
gond state of cultivation; the lialunce is well
covered with good timber. The farm buildings
consists of a large Frame House, a large Frame
:Ilatru,und a large Store House, in a good stand
fora store, but now unoccupied. Also, a largo
orchard of• choke fruit.
MM.: Partnership of the subscribers. earrvine
4m the Illueksmithing business, in Warriors
mark, Huntingdon counts. is this any dissolved;
all persons using un,ettleri occonem will come
forward and settle with I). Prrker benne the first
at November nest, or their tweounts will lie left
with a proper officer foe collection.
The property in under a learn for four yours I Sept. Ist, 1854.
from the lot of next April, at Sam a year.
For further inihrnistiun tali on the subscriber
in litintingtiou
'cpt. 27,
Rebecca Furnaco
riailis property is ~itttin on Stone iz;
I Creek, about 12 miles north offs' .
Huntingdon. Pa. It is in good -
der, awl plenty Of Or. within 2i)/44. 1 4.P.4:74
It tine womi uuutt'y whore riml can hi ,
gut readily, uud .11111 ACRES or LAND.
This pronvily lIOW idle s 111.1 pOSSCNSiOn can
1, ,i,en at any time.
Any finilier inhoination can he had I.y vol.
o nh I icorgc Couch. Huntingdon, or 3larY
NEW Arm's.. L.
.I. & %v. sitlor,N, (1 % ,
it to c I a ni atm it
H A,.,,,.. ,, ,,•:,, : ,,,, :i t i ,,, ; ( ::: ,, ; ,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,...,, :rn i g ,.. i:t ,.,,,,,,,,,,, ! ,,, , ,..,, the
1 . 11,Sl • \ NT to an Act of the f ;mend Assetn•
: 11 .X 111) `2./it'l' ij lifti — ..-.4.. p •• • . .- , , •
-,..., bly of the Commonwealth ol 1 mussy mum,
ever ork,a in this piece, *toast:tn.!: el (.iths, entitled " Ass net relating so the elections of this
Cassitner* Satinetts, )(minas, &e. Commonwealth," approved the second dav of
Per the Ladies, July A. 11. I 8:11), 1, JOSHUA GREENLAfc I),
we have Plaid Silks, Worsted Plaids, and eyes, Ifigls Sheriff of the county of Huntingdon, its
variety of plaid good., to please the taste of the 'he State of Pennsylvania, do hereby snake
Ladies.: Also, Shawls, Sacking Flntmels, Bon- ' , own stud give 'settee to the electors of the
net Sits, Bonnets, sa d the finest nssurtment of colts' aforesaid, that Is General Election will
Collan,, Untlerotleevett, Shinutzetts, &e., ever I" , Idd in ~,t i sl county or Rimini:don, on the
oliered to the Indies of this place.
, 8 2, 0 ,7 4 1 Tuesday (10th day) of October, •
Boots and Shoes, ‘ 100 . , k which tune State and County officers,
" "I.w• will he elected t
of every variety, for Men and Boys, Ladies'
, On. In , m. to fill the office of Governor of
Shoes, of every variety.
tlic,,Uuml"mitealth or Pennsylvania.
Etats and Caps,
‘-'ne 1..... till the office of Canal Com.
of the very latest and hest styles.
T"l"innnr at the'L
Hardware, ilia. mononwenitli ot Pennsylva
of which we nlways keep the largest and best no Ono P"." 10 111 he office of Supreme Judge
sortment ever kept in this place.
Queensware, of the Commonwealth,' Pennsylvania.
Ono person for Meets), o f t h e house of lie .
a magnifieent assortment, which we are selling Pr"..lnlivns in the Cone;ess of the United
quite low.State4, in conjunction wit, th e counties o f _. .
Blair, Cambria and Somerset.
Two persons to represent tsc counties of I
Huntingdon awl Blair n the limse of Reprs,
sentntives of the Commonwealth otpenusylya.
. - -
are a little tip, but we arc determined to sell as
low• if not lower, than any other house,accortling
to tpullity.
Our stock of Oil Cloths and Carpels
is good, Tubs, Buckets, Willow Ware, and
eri.rything rlnlly kept in a country store.
. .
we hove everything to Anil the taste of
all, awl at lower prices than can be got at any
other house in town, if you don't be satisfied of
the filet alter calling, then we give up.
We have also, FISII, SALT, PLASTER.
and also teeeivo and store Grain, as usual.
Sept. 27, 1854.
The undersigned having been appointed Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Henry P.
Dorsey, late of the Borough of +Biminilon,
deed., hereby gives notice that he his taken out
letters testdmentnry on the estate of said deed.,
and notifies all persons indebted to said estate,
to call on him and settle their indebtedness. :Ind
those having claims against the estate to present
theta in proper form.
Sept '27, '54.-It.
Afresh supply of Garden Seeds Irons Risky'
Gardens. just received, and fur sale by
Feb. 23, 1833. J. &. SAXTON.
JUST receiving, this week, Mackerel. Herring
&c., and for sale by J. &W. S.tXTON.
UST received it lienutifol assortment of Scol
iped and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by
Tile m o il extraordinary diseorery itt Ike
is ad G, at Arabian Remedy for Mu
end Beam%
11. rAni49.o4
LL li.r.thttEi.i.'s IiENLINE ARABIAN
LINIMENT a most extraordinary medicine,
the truth of which is placed beyond doubt b y
the vast sides of the article and the, loony cures
being daily performed by it, which previously
had resisted all other LiOlieines and the skill
of the best physicians in the world. It is com
posed of balsams, extracts and gums peculiar
tai Arobin—possessing, in a coneentrated
nll their stimulating, toodyne, penetrating, unc
tuous nail revulsive properties, and the same
which, ages ago, were used by the "Sons of the
Desert," with such miraculous success, in cu
ring the diseases of both man and beast.
.ilead 1/m . O/owing rentarkade rum, which,
should of place 11. 0. Farrell's
...1141011. J'etr lEwowl
any similar
. .
Mr. H. G. Farrell—Dear Sir: Actuated by
a sense of gratefultleso, I .111114 the following
nu en instance of tint utility of Your great med
icine. My child, three rears old. was sudden
ly attacked with a terrible disease, which in
less than six hours prostrated it to total help.
lessnes, The limbs became FO rigid that not
joint could be bent; rm. flesh Wilted Meek
and cold and entirely deprived of feeling; the
eves fixed, partially closed and altogether Mind,
ffdlowing this was deafness to all sounds; the
spine became contracted nod on mowed that
when lying on its back the head and heels on
ly touched. Indeed, the child presented every
appearance of being dead. Immediately Oil
the attack, the family physician was called in,
and for three weeks be atoned to restore it to
feeling, bat all in vain, although it was blister.
ed a dozen times nod various rubefacient Lini
ments applied. A consultation of physicians
Sells 60011011, ha 10 110 purpose, the case was
then brought belbre the Jlodieal Society. but
nothing could be suggested which had not al•
ready been done, and the duetor then told me
he could do nothing. 11101 n. We then t:ommen.
I end npplving your l.ininemt freely over the en
tire knit!' of spine, :Ind you way itivozine
a parent's joy, when, :afire a. few applieations,
returning m 4.11011111 was apparent, and it rap
idly recovered with the exception of the sight,
which did not become perli:et lnr near a month.
The child is now healthy and robust as Cllll be.
Five other eases of the same kind occurred
previously in my neighborhood, all of whielt
died, when there is no doubt if you'. I.iiiiment
had been used thee would have recovered.
Peoria, March 1 1851.
Look out ru• Coooferj;.ilm!
The public are cautioned against another
counterfeit, which has lately made its appear
ance, milled W. 11. Farr, :\ midst' Liniment,
the most dungerous of all the eounterthits, be
-1113 having the name or Farrell, many
will tiny it in good litith, without the knowledge
that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps
only discover their error when the spurious
initure has wrought its evil effects.
The genuine article is manufretured only by
11. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor,
and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street,
Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for
Agencies must he addressed. Be sure you get
it with the letters 11. G. beano Farrell's, thus
—II. G. FARRELL'S—and his signature on
the wrapper, all others are counterfeits.
Sold by ' Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon,ll.
E. Sellers & Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts.
burg, and Icy regularly authorized agents
throughout the United States.
siZy. Prio• 2.1 ;Ina 50 cents, and Sl per bottle.
AG,ENTS. WANTED in every town. village
and hamlet in Ilse ['tilted States, in which na
bs not alrestdv established. Address 11. li. Far.
roll us above, memo palsied with good reference
as to diameter, responsibility, &e.
Aug. 3D, 1831-1 t
HATE.—Moleskin No. I and 2, of the latest
styles. Kossuth llats of various styles and
qualities—will be sold low at the cheap store of
G EO. G lI7N.
The subscriber will continue the Blacksmith
business at the old stand in all its , various hnin.
elms, where all can be accommodated who favor
him with their work. DAVID PAIIKER.
:4 - epleiivlier ':)4.-3t.
Real Estate Agency.
The undersigned line vett:bill:lt:4l let ng.eney
for the Kole and Purehose el' llcul listen iu
Huntingdon county.
.kny person wishing to sell or purchase eon
give us to !Teseription o f the prlhlerty, its l um .
lion, quantity, quality, utul ti.nos.
We engage in this agency in wet' L... .be
cannot he objected W.
\ ;:ent has the facility of !nothing the
...stensivuly known.
1110 hat, mitim very 101111.111,h
One person to fill the office of Protinnotary.
Clerk of the Court of Oyer and Tertninet a n d
Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of b,id
One person to till the °nice of Register nil('
Recorder and Clerk of the Orphans Cuurt of
said county.
One rer:,,m to fill the care of County Com
missioner lin the connty of Huntingdon.
Inc( person to till the oltice of D irector of
the Pour for the county of I luntingdon.
One person to till the Ace of Auditor fur
the county of Huntingdon.
_ . .
In pursuance of snot Act, I also hereby make
known and give notice, that the places of hold
ing the aforesaid general election in the sever
al election districts within the said county, are
as follows:
Ist district, composed of Henderson town
ship, and all that part ,d* Walker township not
in the I tith district, at the Court House in the
Borough of Iluotiogdon.
2d district, composed of Dublin township, nt
Pleasant Hill school house, near Joseph Nel
son's, in said township.
3d district, composed of so much of Warri
orsmark township as is not ineltuled in the Inch
district at the School !loose adjoining the town
of Warriorsmark.
"'74th district, composed of the township of
Hopewell, at the School Ilouse at Hough nod
heady Furnace, in said township.
sth district, composed of the township of
Barree at the house of. ames Living stop (for.
In.:oy Lim Harper,) in the town of Saulsburk
-in said township.
t;th district, composed of the township of
Shirley, at the hoes, of D. Fraker, in Shirleys•
burg—except “That all that pact of Shirley
township, Huntingdon county, lying and being
within the followimr desc ribed boundaries,
namely: beginning at the intersection of Union
and Shirley township lines with the Juniata
river, on the south side thereof; thence along
said Union townshi!) line for the distance of
three talks from suit river; thence eastwardly
by a straight lion to the point where the main
from Elw's mill to Cello., valley, cross,,the
summit 'a
Snioly northwerdly
Mon,. the onnueit of s.toly rid:, to the ricer
doniata. and thence op said riv e r t o th e place
of het:heti. g, shall Iwcafter form a separate
eleetien district:
'thud the qualified voters of said election
district shall hereafter hold their general and
township elections in the public school house
in Mount Vnimt, in /Mill district, that Sainnel
Eli is hereby appointed jit.hze. anti Doctor
Alfred If. Lee told Samuel Miller, Esq , are
hereby appointed inspector.; or said election, to
perrorta the deli. , 4.1 their several °dives until
11 judge nod inspectors are duly elected, in a. ,
mrdanee with the election laws of this Com-
7(11 district, composed - of-Porter and Walker
t owns hips, a n d so moo, or Aro,t, township as in
included in the Pillorying lionnilaiies, to wit :
beginning at the south-n•est corner of Tobias
Caniman's theta on the bank of the little Juni
ata river, at the haver end of Jackson's 11111 ,
IW, (lme,. in IL towthmtf,terly direction to the
most soni!n•rnly part id . the fiu•m owned by
'Michael Maguire, thrncc north 40 degrees treat
to the top ol • Tiisiwy's mountain, to intersect
the line or l'ranklin township, thence along
said line to little -Juniata river, thence down
the same to the place of beginning, at the pal,
lie Selittof ti ntce oppo;ih• Ille Cernum Retreat
Church iti the borough iil'..l.liiNandria.
Kth district. composcil the township of
Frauklio, at the boil, of fiittern, now
ocenpied by 01,(ttern, in said township.
9th district. conipmeil of 'roll township, at
the faint School Iloose, near the Cniun Meet
ing I louse. in said township.
10(11 district, emoposed Springlichl town.
ship, at (lie Schou' house near Ilugh Madden 's
in said township.
11th district, composed of Cition tp., at the
School llottae near bizeltial Corbin's, in said
12111 district composed of Brady township,
at the briuol Hon, known as the Centre
Sr•lnml I Iroise, ht said township.
Utth district, vomposed or Morris township,
at tin , 11011:40 ot•eupicd by Abraham Moy
er. (Lot keeper.) late Alex. Lowry, Jr., in the
village of Waterstreet. in said township.
h district, composed of that cart of West
tp., not included in the 7th district, at the pub
lic School House on the farm now occupied by
Miles Lewis, (formerly owned by JILIIICB En
nis.) in said tp.
15th district, composed of !lint part of Walk
er township lying southwest of a line effilltllo.
ring opposite Magid Corbia's lantse, at the
Union tp. line, thence in a straight line, nd..
ding said Corbin :s house to ds , ranger of Por
ter tp., on the Iluntingdon and Woodcock val
ley road, at the house of Jacob Magahy, in said
16th district, composed of the township of
Tail, nt the Green School House in said tp.
, .
lith district, composed at that part of Vest
p., on the south-east side of Wnrrior ridge, be
ginning nt the line of West tad 11111 , 101,011
townships, at the that of said Ridge, to the line
of Barrie tp., thence by the division line of
llarroe and West townships, to the summit of
Stone moonlit), to intersect the line of I len.
deNon nud West townships, thence by said linn
to place of beginning, at the house now occu
pied by Benj. Corbin, on Murry's Run.
18th district, composed of Cromwell tp., at
the house now occupied by David Endre, in
nth district, composed of the Borough of
'Birmingham, with the several tracts of laud
near to and attached to the same now owned
mid occupied hy Thomas 11. Givens, John K.
McCattail, A. Boherson, John timminier and
Wm. Gensimer, the tract of land now owned by
Geo. k, Jon. Shomdierger, known U.S the Porter
tract, is annexed to said district, situate in the
township of Warriorsmark, at the public school
house in said Borough.
20th district, composed of Cass township, at
the public school house in Cassville, in said tp.
21st district, composed of Jackson township,
. , ,
at the house of llobert Barr, now occupied by
Jolt. Hirst, at NlcAleavy's Fort, iit said t p.
22r1 district. composed tit' Clue township, at
tho lonise of Josh. Shore, ;0. the 'f 'woo Springs,
iti tp.
2:lt1 district. composed of the township of
Penn. at tie public ecehuul lieu.) ill .I%lasikles-
burg, in said tp.
.1N ..11" the Suppression Vibe Jlatia.lite
to, awl Sale IV' inkeiratiny Liquors, as a
All laws to be efficient should
have the approbation and sanction of the Pete
.1/o/ Illicremv, It is represented that a large
minds, if um a minority or the citizens of this
commonwealth, are deeply impressed with the
necessity oldie passage ora Prohibitory Liquor
Law :
certain indientien or popular sentiment rel nting
thereto, by 1111,11113 of petitions and remons trim.
Sec. 1. Be it enstetel by the Senate and
Mese of Itopresentutives of the Comntonweithlt
of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly nut, and
it is hereby enneted by the authority of the
name, That the (1.111161 voters of this Com
monwealth are hereby authorized at tilt
. places
for holding the general elections in thew res.
peetive wards, boroughs and townships, on the
second Tuesday of October next, to vote for
mid against a law which shall entirely prohibit.
by proper end constitutional regulations and
penalties, the manufaetattv and sale of intoxi.
eating liquors, except for melical, sacramental,
meelmuical and artistica( purposes.
SFA'. 2. That the officers authorized by law
to hold elections in each ward, borough and
township of this Commonwealth, are hereby
directed and required itt, the place fixed bylaw,
in the several districts for the holding of the
general elections in said districts, on the sec
ond Tuesday of October next, when they shall
be organized as an election board, to receive
Crain each qualified voter of their said districts,
a ticket written or printed on the outside, ~Proh
ibitory Liquor Law," and the tickets in favor
of the proposed law shall cootaiu ill the inside
the words "For a Prohibitory Liquor Law," and
those opposed to the proposed law shall contain
in the Inside the words, gainst the Prohibi
tory Liquor Law," which votes shall be count
ed and returned to the court house of the coun
ties or city, in which the said election shall be
held, on the following Friday by the return
judges, who shall cast up and certify all the
votes polled in said county or city, to the office
of the Secretary uf the Commonwealth, at liar
risluirg, directed and transmitted in the same
in:timer the votes for Governor are required to
be directed and transmitted, as 1 the said Sete
Mary shall on the third Friday of January
next ensuing, coinumniente the and returns to
the legislature, to be opened and counted in
the saa , ,c manner the votes for Governor are
opened and counted, and considered as the
prayer of the voters of this Cutomonwealth
lative to a Prohibitory Liquor Law.
See. 3. That all the election laws °film State
prescribing the hours of spelling and closing
the polls, the reception of votes, the punishment
for iltegul voting,, the defraying the expenses of
publication, and holding of the general dee
tions and return of the same, wed all other
matters incident thereto, be and the same are
declared typeable to the election above au
Sm. 4. That it shall be the (hay of the Sher.
iffs of the several counties of this Common
wealth to insert a copy of this net in the pro
clamation fur the general election to he held on
the second Tuesday of October nest.
B. B.
Speaker of the Irotve V l Repreventotif• x.
Speaker the ,)male.
Approved the twentv-ei , ht day of April, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.
I alio make known and give notice. no in
and by the 1::th section of the athresaitt net 1
run directed. "that every perm" except justi
ces of the peace, who shall hold nny office or
appointment of profit or trust under the gov
ernment of the United States, or of this State,
or of any eity or incorporated district. whether
( omm . i ss immd officer or agent, who is or
shall I, employed under the legislative, ence.
fire or 'he judiciary department .of this State,
or of the Staten. or any city or incorporated
district, and also, that ovary member of Col,
gress and of C3O State Legislature, and of the
select or common council of nor city, commis
skaters of any incorporated disirict, is by law
incapable or holding or exercising, at the same
time, the lace or appointment of judge. in
spector or clerk of any electiowof this Com
monwealth. and that tm inspector,
• judge, or
other tinker of any such election, shall be then
eligible to ;thy ollice trt he torn vote d for,
Also, that in the 14th section of the act of
Assembly entitled an "Act relating to execu
tions and for other purposes," approved April
16, 18411, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th
section "shall not be constru e d as to prevent
any militia either or borough °nicer from ser
ving as judge; inspector, or clerk, or any getter
al or special elcetion in this CoMillollivealth."
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the
ft llt section in the act aft,resaid, the judges of
the itt'ore.thl districts shall respectively take
charge of the certificate or return of the elec
t'an of their respective districts, and produce
them at a meeting of one judge front each dis
trict, at the Court 1 louse, in the Borough of
1 1 unt ingibm, on the third day after the day of
the clection, being- fin- the present year on
FRI DAY, the lath of October next, then and
there to do and perform the duties required by
law of said judge;. Also, that where a judge
by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable
to attend said meeting of Judges, then the cer
tificate of return aforesaid shall b e t a k en
charge of by one of the inspectors or clerks of
the election of said district, and shell do and
perform the duties required of said judge una
ble to attend.
Also. in the filst semioil of said net. it is en
acted that "every general sad special election
shall be opened between the hours of eight and
ten in the forenoon, 11.11 , 1 shall continue without
interruption or adjournmcit moil seven o'clock
in the evening when the t :!, !tall be closed."
Given undo- my hand at :.•:••ii , ,elo l , the 13th
day of September. 1 85.4, fuel of the Indepen
dence of till' I'. stau, Ile , secemv-eight.
Sheriff's (Hlice.
11 untinzdon, Sept. 1:;, 1 8:1 1. }
Administrator's Notice.
LETTP,IIS of Adminktration having been
grunted, by the Retrkt, a Huntingdon en.,
to the sehscriber on the e:rate o r CilmsTrA,
WAGONER. late or Clay b,Wll4ltip, dec',l.. he
hereby gives notice to nit persons indebted to
snid Cstate to into forward end make payment,
and those having cluim, animt tho semi will
please present the same, pomerle authenticated
The settlement, to the mtbs , riber, who resides in
Clap townghip. Morin:4lton county, near the re
sidence a said
September 13, 1854.—Gt.
Adria in istrator's Notice.
T ETTEits of Administration having been
- 1 - 1 granted. by the Bee ister of Huntingdon co.,
to the saMerihar on the estateof DANtsd. Youvo,
late of Cass township, ds ed.. he hereby gives no
tice to all peraons indebted to said estate to come
thrward aml make payment, and all persons hav
ing claims against the same will please present
them. properly authenticated tin• settlement, to
the subscriber, who resides in Cass township,
Huntingdon comity.
September 13. IBs4.—tit.
ALL penatms indebted to the lothscriber will
please cell and settle their account, on nr be
fore the first thee of January next—all acconnta
remaining unsettled niter that date will he placed
in the hauls of a proper ollieer tie' collectin.
.101I\ N. SW
Alexandria, Sept. 6, 185
. .
llEspErnir the citizensof
Stoner:town, Moot, Hopewell, untl the
eomary .I . jacent, that he has locatoil a Medical
Mice in the house awinerly occupied by Lennie!
Esq., and is now ready to attend to all
calls, a n d hy strict attantion to hominess, hopus
to receive a good portion ut' public favor.
September 11, I 85-1.-ly.
Valuable Farm at Public Sale.
AxriLL he et 'Public Sale, on the iiretn•
V v
fixes, 1011 l'uosilay, the ad day of October
next, at Fenn in Cromwell township,lluntingdon
count, on the Mink of Big A ughwiek Creek,
lacer lrou 11•ork.i, containing cant 118
Acre. and the umial allowance, 1110 Acres uf
which nru Cleared 11114 in at good stow of cultiva
tion. The improvmeatt. ;ire at double Log Baru,
two I)welling llimses, with uthor out
nit 1/1 . 1,11111N1 Of upwards Itio Apple trot's, acid it
B.BBll ' l ' llll Ylll . ll. T 111: into,. will he 11111 , 10 ea-t,
4111 , 1 all ilidll , l{l.ll4 000
MUD; 1 OIVI.J.:1:.
beviciulier 6, '3l. ql.•
Sheriff's Sales.
DY rirote of a Writ or Leeor; Err;,,4 !gelled
I , oat or the Court of Common Pleas of Hun
tingdon County, and of on alias Teo. l'rod, Er.
/rums, ',sued out of the I tistrl"t Court of Phila.,
and to too directed, I will expose to Sale, at thn
Court House, in the norough or Huntingdon. on
TrEIMAY, rite 31: oar OF
.0,081:11 XIC , CI. at
one o'clock at said day, the following described
lira! Estate, to wit :
The "Edward Furnace" property', situate in
Huntingdon and illifilin comities '
the same consisting of a tract of land formerly
belonging to Samuel Clemens, Sr.. deed., cm:-
Mining 250 acres !mil 19 perches, being lion of
a tract warranted in name of Bartholomew Da
vis, purchased on a salt of it on a mortgage to
John Wharton, on which the sold Furnace is
erected, a piece, parcel, or tract of hind held on
nn itnproveineut thereof by the sold Samuel
•Clemens, Sr., ilec'il., contaNing 50 noes and 90
perches, on which the principal part of the For
tunes houses art avenue, the saw-mill tract being
part of the Bartholomew Davis survey, eoutain- •
lug 14 acres, all last said three tracts adjoining:
the tract of hind purchased or Thomas Gorsuch
and on which lie resided, Ilesif occupied by John'
l'rice, containing 2111 nova; tile Samuel Dock- I
enberry triter containing 225 acres; the Ellerin;
Lovett:ll improcenteot, purchased ofJoshust Pet ty, I
'containing :102 acres and 111 perches, the fol
lowing tire adjoining pieces or tracts of land, all
lying on Owen's Ridge, one thereof' purchased of
John Morrison and George Eby ns Executors 01
Elizabeth Ender, containing 30 acres and 35
perches; one purchased of .lolin Etnier, surveyed
tart his once Wlll'l,lll, emit:titling 23 !arcs and 138
perches; ono intrcliased ut John Etnier cutusining,
30 ncros mid 154 perches, warranted to 3lortio
Entice; and one purchased of John Lutz, con
mining 4 acres; the Andrew M'Culla tract pur
chased of Joshua Petty, containing 189 acres:
1511 acres and 146 perches being the half of tract
surveyed in !lame olJamilt Taylor, purchased of
David Entice with the saw mill tract; ti tract stir-
yeyed in name of John Taylor; one which is an
improvement by which it is held, supposed to
contain a 25 acres; the following mentioned tau—
teen tracts of unseated land surveyed in the roi
lowing names and containing the following men
tioned quantities, to wit Ileury Mine 405 nitres
and 198 perches; Jacob Connote 440 acres and
2:10 perches; Richard Pendleton 420 acres and
28 perches; Peter Lockhart 400 acres and 42
perches, William Savory 2:13 nitres and 8:1 perch
es; George Hughes 433 acres and 107 perches;
Alexander Hamilton 442 acres and 57 perches;
Thomas Edmiston 415 acres and 80 perches,
Edward Taylor 418 memo Mid 165 perches; Geo.
Albertin 400 acres; Samuel Taylor 250 acres;
George Forsythe 431 acres and 7t3 perches; Sam
uel Jarvis 367 nitres and 87 iterelitt , ; and I lenry
Herrin (or ).arris) 360 acres and 71 I...relies; nil
the before-mentioned land being situate in Silks
ley or Shirley and Cromwell townsitins,
don county, and it [reel situate iii Worst, town- t.
ship, etonnty, vont:lining 158 neer, stir-
veyed on warrant in mune of James Walker,
purchased of Lewis I3ontl, together with all and
singular the buildings, Si.
Token in execution and to be sold as the pro-1
Ilerty of James M. Bell owl Samuel 11. Bell,
Alortgagors in said Writ. named.
Also, at the same time and lance, the follow-
ingfileserilied Real Estate. to wit
Nine certain lots of ground situate in the '
Inge of Graysport, (now veiled Spruce Creek) in
the county of limitingilom tittinberell and ileserit ,
bell as billows, to writ: Lot No. I, being 52 feet !
in front and in depth extending to Nlichael Fet- •
terboors line, the south side of said lit being 36
perches long mid the north ride tt7 perches, att
cording to the !Ann of said Town in that part laid
out by Samuel Caldwell, Esti., Lots numbered
in the nforesaiti plan 2,3, 4. and 5, adjoittin4 lot
No. 1, and extendiog alto, thr Pittsburg )toad
leading by way of Philip 'toilers, adjoining each
other, liehig each 2 I . Cl't ill 11.011 t ;111.1 extending
back to Mittlatel Fetterhools line. the t:on:said
five lots also adjoin Samuel NlePliet•ion on the
south and Joseph Johnston (Si the north, and on
lot No. lis erected a Tavern lionise. Lot No. 7,
situate in that inlet or the town aforesaid laid out
by Joint G. Miles, Esti.. being Si feet in front I
our NV:aer street anti in depth extending; bock to
the road leading to Pittsburg by way 01 Philip
(teller's, the south side. of said lot being 108 feet
long and the !lath side 186% li:et its marked in
the plan of said town. buts !lumbered IS and IS
in the plan thereof, made by John G. :Miles, eS
aforesaid, being each 50 feet in front on %Voter
street, nail extending back to the old road Idling
to the village of Witter Street, No. 1S bet, on
the north side 231 feet long nuil on the cirllllcllle
228 feet, No. 10 lining both on the north mid
south lines or sides each 2:11 feet long iteettriliug
to the plan aforesaid, and the remaining lot !nu
king the albresaid Much! number. not being laid
out tan' numbered iu the plan of said town, but
described as to wit : Cant:note:int; 60
feet south of lot No. I. on which the Tavern
}louse stands ail extending 50 lent along the
road 'coding from the mouth of Spruce Creek to
Water Street and extending west to Michael
Fetterboors line, so as to extend 50 feet ohm. ,
said line, be the incasurenient of the aforosui'd
nine lots more or less. Also, all that lot of ground
in the county aforesaid, adjoining Andrew MI:-
Ferran on the south, hieing 50 feet in li•ont, com
mencing:lt the upper side of tine old road leading
to Water Street, owl extending back to the line
of said Gray and Alieintel Fidler. Also, all the
„round lietw'een the street called Witter ;treet in
the old plot of the TOWII or Graysport nail the
Juniata river, lying below the Polio, 'fridge and
opposite the lots N.',. 17. IS and 10, as number
ed in said plan, tieing 150 feet on said \\ate•
street, and extending back to the Jniiiitta river,
reserving ali the streets, limes 0101 alleys thereon
and thereon, Also, all that lot and parcel of
ground situate in Morris township, in the county
aforesaid, bounded no the north by the Little
Juniata river, on the west by Virgin Alley, tin
the south by the Penna. Road, and on the
east by Carson Street of the Town of Graysport,
and also the several detached and contiguous
pieces and letreels of ground lying south of Lot
No. I, in the new plot of the town of Graysport,
au which a 'l'avern blouse is built, tout within
the line of lIU ]cot south of lot No. I. on the
south, and the Penna. Hail Howl on the west,
containing 465 squuu•e Net inure or loos. Also,
the use of it small triangle, lying west of the
Turnpike and east of , the l'etina. Rail Road.—
Also, one other piece of grffinul lying snot of the
Hail Road end south of lot No. I afore
sail, and lying in to strip ten feet wide Nom the
Hail (tooth to the Fetterhoof line on the top of
the hill—with s large Brick Hotel and other
buildings thereon erected, :1•e.
Taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro
! perry of Hubert F. Haslet,
Sherill's Office,
Huntingdon, Sept. ti, S
-LI MD:Tuns:, for the Fever um! .Igue, Chagros
Fever, Dyspepsia, and all 13illons Aflections.—
The proprietor of this Medicine wilt state, with
out hesitation or fear of contradiction, that the
Stampede Mixture has cured more persons wite•c
it has been introduced, than ant• other medicine
in use fur the above diseases. This Medicine has
neither ersenic nor quinine iu its composition;
all of the ingredients are of a perfeetfidly healthy
character, and highly stimulating and invigora
ting in their tendency. Persons while using this
Medicine will not ho inflected by exposure to wa
ter or a damp atmosphere any more than when
in their coast health. Planters in sections of the
country whore the Ague prevails, wilt. do well to
adopt this Medicine, as the patient is not obliged
to lay by while under treatment, and they may
be assured of u tirsr:n•. Cone. The proprietor
could introduce thousands of ce•tilicates from
those of the highest respectability, but prefers
saying to the sick—Buy one bottle, and you will
have the infalliblo proof in yourself. Full direc
tions tar its usa accompany each bottle.
Certificates van 1,0 seen at the attire, showing
whore this Aietheine has cunxo when all others
have failed.
Fur Dyspepsia nod all other Billions Com
plaints, there is nut it bettor Medicine in market.
It Isis situ been taken with the mast
success in surentt oases of Inman...ism and
Wm; for these complaints take a tablespuantal
twice n day.
thie bottle of this Medicine very often has the
de,ired effect.
Pries St per bottle: For sole by Druggists in
all parts of the United States 111111 Canada.
All Wholesale Orders must hu addressed to
.31EAD & .I.II.BECKEII, Sole Proprietor,
nd Broadwity, New York.
Agent, Housen W. Stunt, kfuntingdon, I'd.
September 6.1854,1 y.
(Jll,l' lilt nod Plated Spoons, Silver owl
1 ) Plated Spectacles. at Ellin. Zsiotru's Jewelry .
)(A Wr AIE:S, and thu ti
t .ituthtv ur rt Nima.Nrs
hunt•. at cry I%tr;;t: quantity at Etlou. bitatt:•
Notice to School Direrfors and
Sehonl Directors of the folMa n:nn•d
8, 11 00 Di.rn't., are hereby notified that I pill
meet them of the Owe and firm/ designated. For
thin limonite of examining teat:trent and grantitog
September lith.nt Alexandria. to examine ap
plicants for the schools of Porter township.
N. B.—Those Districts which have neglected
to make oat their yearly report. would confer a
favor he attending to it hnmediately. The Di.
rectors of the several Districts, should glee me
early metier of the time when they intend open
ing their schools. sn in to ennhle me to appoint a
coneettiont time to meet them.
'lcaelier4 mat• ho exatnined at one time hr pre.
seining certificate's of good moral character lion
tie Board of Directors of the District in which
they are applying.
Copies of the School TAWS nnd decisions. can
hr liu•nished to Directors I,)• calling at the (Mice
of Fisher & Williamson. on Hill street, or at my
residence on Mifflin street, in the borough of Hun
tingdon. J. S. BAHR, Co. Superintendent.
Huntingdon, August 30, 187,4.
Ad an in istratoes Notice.
lETTEIIs of Administration livine: been
.si granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of
THOMAS COY, Into of Barree township,. Bun
tingdon eininty deed., ail persons indebted will
make inint.iiitte payment, and those hitting
clams will present them properly authenticated
lur settlement. JAMES COY, Adair.
August 30, 1854.—Gt.
tkil." P(1.1118
$5OO to $l,OOO a Year.
Book Agents Wanted
MID; Subscriber publishes a number of moist
.11. valuable Pictorial Hooks, very• popular. and
of such a non•al and religious influence that while
good men 'any safely engage in their eirenlation.
they will confer a puhlir benefit, and receive a
r•nnpCOanl;na for their labor.
air To men of enterprise and tact. this bud •
ness offers an opportunity for profitable employ
ment seldom to be met with. •
GAr 1 ermines wishing to engage in their side,
will receive promptly by mail, a Circular con
taining full particulars, with "Directions to per
sons disposed to net ns Agents," together with
the terms on which they trill lie furnished, by
addressing the snb~rribrr, post-fetid.
. .
lgl slrept, York
C.:FIN PRESS, awl ready fir ,N,ents by 11,..
Ist or Octolwr. 1854, "Nears Mustrated
.Deseription of the Russian Empire.'
For farther imrlieubt. luldre, ; is :t h in ,
August 311, 1854.
T1.C1,1111, 1 . 011 , y, .11111hthl
CUlllity, l ittttu.
L. 74- 1.. .
• ----
, THE mall Session will entnmenee on Misii.t v,
OeToinin 2.1554. Whole expenses of hoard,
tuition, 1,0111, foe!, washing and incidental. va
ries from $5l to $57 per session rif :12 weeks.—
Vacation , front the Ist to the 15th of April, and
loon the 15th of An,ist to the last of Sept.
For further particular,: gee cireulars, or address
(post-paid) either of the Prineit.:4ls.
DAVID LA 1 . 6111.1 N. A. M.
An. nO, '54.-2m. Port Royal P. I).
Dissolution of Partnership.
riitlE partnership heretofore existing between
the undet signed, in carlying on the Woolen
Factory liusines. in Shirley township, was Ilk..
srAveti hp 11111LUM consent, 00 Monday the 14th
tidy of August inst. All persons !toying unset
tled linsme,,i to transact with the Into firm, will
please roll nt the factory, where one of the sub
scribers will be in attendimee to wait mum the
SAMUEL 130011 ER.
August to, 1334.-3 t.. . .
N. The Factory business, in all its various
lirdnehes, carried on as heretalin•e, at the Ohl
Stand by SAMUEL
Executor's Notice.
I.ErrEns testamentary on the Estate of
- 4 Jon,: It. LOGAN. late of Clay township,
Huntingdon county, deed., halving been granted
to the undersigned, all personc indebted will make
immediate payment, and those linving
will present them properly anthentii•nwil for set
tlement. A DANE HEETKIi,
Aug. 30, '54.-tit.' Executors.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having. been
granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of
Jotter Coy, late of Harm town hip, Huntingdon
county, they'd., all persons indebted will make
immediate payment, and those haring claims
will present them properly authenticated for set
tlement. JAMES COY, Muir.
August :10, 1854.—Gt.
A Jorge let of Shoes—Loco, Boots, Buskins,
lisses and Children's ut the Store of
1). P. GWIN.
A superior lot of Itilks, for sole nt the
Executor's Notice,
LET'ITHS Testiimentitry, on the 'Estate or
WILLIAM WILSON. late of Tell township,
Huntingdon enmity, dev'd., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted will
make immediate payment, and thane haying
claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement.
August 2,1,1854.—1 it."
Executor's Notice
LETTERS testamentary hare this day been
granted . .d 1111(101,Iigr mod, residing in Bar
ren townski!•, in the MI and testament of
JONA/4 lit :u or township. deed.—
Those hutch al Idolise make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims will present them,
properly authenticated. to
MARTIN RUDY, Executors.
August 9, 1654.—fit.•
Land For Sale
The undersigned desirous of removing to the
West offers lbr sale his lands, consisting of 265
acres of improved MA the improvements con
sist of It good Stone House, a double Log Burn,
Carpenter Shop, and Blacksmith Shop; a great
variety of fruit on one end of the farm, and on
the other end a two Story Log House, and good
frame Mire, and some young fruit truss planted.
There are about 160 or 170 acres cleared, and in
gimil state of cultivation, the remainder is well
timbered, and within I mile of a good sae•-mill;
there are several never failing springs of water
on the premises. This property is so situated
us to Mvide into taco farms if desired. The pro
;may is situate about ti miles east of this Iwo'
August 241. P. 54. JOHN PORTER.
A beautiful assortment of Cross-barred India
Silk, just received and fur sale by
A FRESH supply of Garden Seeds, from the
-rt Fredonia Gardew,just received and tin sale
Town Property for Sale.
rpm subscriber olfers some valuable property
fer sale in the Borough of Alexandria, con
sisting orrwo Houses and Lots. The houses
are large and comfortable, with every requisite
outbuilding. One of the houses has been occu
pied as a store, &c• On the lot ore a great curl
ety of fruit trees. Possession could be obtained
iti the WI, it' desired.
July 5, 1854. SAMUEL SPYKER.
S;ile of Land.
91111: subscriber offers for sale his farm, lying
1 within three miles of Shirley*burg, Bunt
twdon county, l'a., containing about 148 acres,l
SO or which is &owed mad under good fence, a
considerable part post and toil. On the premises
are u two tars dwelling Lurie, large and eon
venient, and a large frame :rank barn, both en
tirely new. The above property being within
three miles of Shirleyslnurg, renders it convenient
6w those who nine wish to send their sons and
daughters to the excellent School.. establi , hc.l in
that, borough. Thaw wi,biug a good nuol you
, ei deot con be aceoinuaulate-1, nutl upon
entry term, 13. E. t:'OLLENS.
13.1 WING lOM'S
to . „„,s
ry Street., in the Iloruhyll Ilmitherton,
nT which a general HumLiat; business is coo
immolated to he done.
limits oil Philadelphia, Pittsharg,
always tor lode. Collections instils at the
e tl i, te e
t ti t t ,p cs ;lnme d
without Miteresi; ill. hit :1. 6, unit 12 months,
payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon.
Attonbers or Finn:
Wm. M. Lloyd.
.1. M. BIM!,
W3l. JACk,
A. P. Wit.son, W3I. Donuts, in.,
.1. 11E0. Mit.E.,, Tuns. Fisnctr,
WM. P. Onnssion, Jonx SCOTT,
111111ting11011, l'a., inly 12, 1854.—:1m.
American Artists' titian.
I in E i . ..uliscriliers to the Works of the Artiste•
1_ Union are respectfully infbrmed that from
the unprecedented favor which they have reeei.-
ed, the Secretary feels confident in suiting that
the while timelier of Engraving. (250,000) will
be (limo,' or within a lew months, of which dau
wice, through the press, will he given.
AGENTS are requested to 'form Clubs and
send in their Subscribers without delay.
J. W. 1101.BROUNE, Serretary.
505 Broadway, New York
July 19, 185.1.-3 m.
Farm and Saw-1i ill for Sale.
sultscriliet otters rt.. ' , ale his Farm and
-I- Saw-Mill, situate in Barrett township, or
this county, at the juurtian ot• Stone ('reel: and
East Branch, containing 'rwo Hundred anti Thir •
ty Acres, of which 80 Acres is cleared and in a
good State of cultivation; the balance is coveted
air!' Pine end Oak timber. and all tillable.
July 5, 1854. JAMES }IInIPIIII.I.
Chesnut Street, between 3d and .Hi l ,
LIVER 11. P. I'.IItEEIZ, Ohio, and
JAMES 11. LA lUD. Or this City, having
leased the above well ot and popular houo,
for a term oryears, arc HOW prepared to accom
modate guests in a MAIMer equal to nuy hou,t,
in the city.
The Inention of this house is superior to itny
other, living in immediate proximity to business:
also, most of the Batiks. l'uhlie -Offices. Post
&lee and the Exchange, where ottinibusses start
fur all parts of the cite.
The house haying been put in thorough repair,
and new furniture added. with many Illelherts
prorcuteuts, will add !moll ho the ismnfort of
guests. The tables will at all times be supplied
with the hest the market affords, and nothing
shall be wanting, on our pm.% to make the
FnANKLts truly time Travelers' Home.
Your patronage is inoi.t resocctriilly solicited,
July 19, 19:14.-3in
10 HOY:EX Amax' No. 2 Slim els. jit, rervi
ved and for stile by J. & W. SAXTON.
• - •
I)ITI'SBURG Hams luta Flitch fnmile dim)
-I- lathe ELEPHANT Corner.
DONNTS and Hob , of the lateAt it,t
LP received at, D. P. (MIN'S Store.
TORT Mt iNNAIES front 25 cents up to $2 50
at Ed. Snare's. April 15 18i2.
BARRI...Ls No. 1 Herring in , t rvovived
end for sale sit the store or t; Et ~ tiwiN.
Asuperior orticle of Burning for :it
the store of dill. ii NV IN.
for sail: nt the store of
L k NY person having n stnall piece of land for
A i sale, within ten miles of this place, say sin
or eight acres. ran MO a purchaser who will pay
hr railing at my laml agen-y,
at the office of the fluntingtion Journal.
July 26, 1854.
ROOTER Still at Ins Post!
MIIE undersigned now engaged in putting up
I- Armitage's lilectro Magnetic Lightning
nods in this and adjoining counties, would res
pectfully call the attention of the intelligent pub
lic to the great superiority of this Patent, at is
season like this, when accidents to property and
life almost daily occur, it is the dictate of Mutual
ity, as well us interest, to make use of the best
means of security in our power, for though thu
Lightning be in the hands of Him who rules the
storm, llis protection and blessing are always
connected with our own
Jrily 2e, 1854.—tr.
Fish for Sale.
15 Barrels Susquehanna Shad,
10 llalf 661. " 6 ,
just received and fur sale at the store of
CIGARS, CANDIES, &c., &c., wholesale and
retail, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER.
BLANKS,-Alwors buy your Blanks et the
" &tumid Office." Wu hero now prcpureil n ve
ry quperiorertielc of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS,
,N S. &v.
JIiST received nail for sale, 11nm, Shoulder,
side. Dried Beer, Lake Trout, White Fish
also Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, &c. &c.. for
sale by J. & W. SAN:TON.
DIME WHITE LEA D,,inqt received and fur
I sale by .1. & W. SAXTON.
JUST RECEIVED and forsulo 17, 1 , San and
Plosier by & W. SAXTON.
A splendid let Bonnets
• jnit received and 11. r
-L . . :ale by ./. ,‘• SAN Tti.V.
A most hcantilhl lot or Iterage de Tmine
terns, and in the piece, from 18 cts tip to 30
cts. per yard, just received and lin• stile Inc
.1. t(•
The Rw.siaaim Defeated:::
HAVING returned l'rom the City with a largo
and splendid assortment of Goods, respect
fully Warm their friends and the public at large,
that they have located themselves at Mill Creek,
and having purchased their Goods for Cush, they
arc now prepared to sell them as cheap, if not
cheaper, than any store in the county. Their
Stock consists of a large assortment of
Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware,
Grocer?es, Zoots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
and in short,everything usually kept in a 7onntey•
Store. Persons wishing to purchase will tiad it
to their interests to give them is call bolero par
chasing elsewhere, as they are deternine..l that
their motto shall be quick Sales and Sandi Prof-
N. 11. All kinds of produce taken in ex:clungo
fur goods.
Mill Creek, May 31, 1834.
ggir A fine lot of Piero. at Ewo. 5.% ftt:'s.
' Snare's.
variety of line rt.N KNIVES, et E
sAnure's. April 15, 1852
A L4RGE and splendid assortment of Don
n_ nets, Misses' Flats and children' Hats and
Cnpa, sailing at low prints ut tire store of
ii i_TA . A t ! r t, ot tihoulders and Flite u li, s t , lT . l3l l e yN t !Ito
lot mou uud boys, a good uasortmeut, at Out storo
of ti EU. GWIN.
plain atal fancy, at very low prim., at the gtoro
of Go). GWIS.
On urti+•lu ul • Cider Vinegar for
sole of the blur,: of hiEO, (.; \\'lN.
1,(.11, CHAP