H lt fU fTINGDON JOURNAL -- -- ,ALTINORH LOCK HOSPITAL. I CALI. 1111I0IIE ►VOU PURCHASE. i AIIIIITIGI'.'S I . :.P.ISTJ!;I2.iIi.iVI.I.II:II .Nl.ll.lnst tcl' 11ENTINCIDON. I -- . Late Arrital of New Gottds, ' Electro- Magnet Lightning Rods. 1 To THE 1 iii• 1 , 1 0 *-- a. ' ', '. .1% .. , 111 r iggillear"-• here may be obtained the most speedy tutu for . GEORCIE GWIN, , , riElt ninny yen,' close investigation and s iii:cRET HISEASEK—GIeets Strictures, ' , ILI AS just received, and °aiming, S t hie w . " l . A. 'tumor o us experiments, the Ptiteatee ink,' t $l,OOO Relrnril ! ; 1),),,..tir end French Gingham', Altweas, sack Alerge bit of barred Dclans. Persian Twills, r I tiniels Tweeds and I,illtlllyft, brown noel blenelt• I' ' ' , ed 'moth., large stock of ribbons, anti a band _Pt I,VER3IACIMIt'S -- .2 - .:- , minel Weakness. Pain in the Loins, Affeetions IA I known Store in 31arket Square, nut large. , ieensitre in hilitrming the public that he 1184 'trek I i some ii,sortnonit of dress goods for 11111i,1 Slid . '.. A fait :: he Kidneys, end all those peculiar affections i and prettiest assortment id' veil lit the tine principles of prolming liollilie, 11W4111111.1.1eCtrie 1 Oltail, Cliailig, I gentlemen. reestyle and price min's lie beat, for tt..: ,,... , . • ...•4 ,s, sing from a secret habit, particularly the youth Spring stud Summer Goods ! dwelling. and property (rota the destructive in- ABE for the first time introduced to the people ; sale at fhtenee of Lightning. The calamities that -11. of Iltintiugdon and vicinity, as the most run- 1 GEO. (MIN'S Stare, I t ''; .. \\' - ' % ' - , ever uttered to the people of linntingdon mid s . , . -- „ ,,'l, ll ,notional debility, rendering maninge impost ! vi c inity, and is now rapidly selling ut unusually' every Cite, 'row., Village mid Country fells vie- I c,,,iiinf, cfiechail, oil ',trimly seictitific mod. ..1 so siw.l.,, Ground All Salt lest errittM and Nita, ' 4, s de, Hod in the end destroys both Mind and Body. I low prices. ; tin' to,amiu.dly, through the gross m'gligenee of instantly • relieving and per cur all 1 for sale nt GEO. ItiVIN'S Store. Young Men, ! My stock contprises in port, Clothe, eassimert. lio inhabinotis, is beyond calculation. especially NE lI,VOUS DISEASES. --especially, who have become the victims of Sol- ' 1,1„,.k mi d 11 1111 .,.„ s o uf,,,to, i; ; u r ge ,uriety of 1 wben the remedy is. so easy to obtain—this is m in , n . 1 e hs • r , Wednesday Morning, Sept. sk ISF itary Vice, that dreadfid end destructive habit ;- , atin nod Silk Vc,ting., Kentucky and name. found in Aranhattes Violent Magnetic .e know that All announcement similar to t 3 0 berrels ,onetunug aft in store ion oor se e GEO. IiiIVIN. : the above meets the eve of the reader alneot dai- ! by Isiglit"iffig 111 " 4 ” , "' I in this " 1 """' Thi• Iv. and perhaps this May he 'classed with many _ __ ... which nunnally sweeps to an untintely grove thou- ,i,,,,,,... •1',,. ee d.., 'Pickings, brown and bleineieil -- WILLIAM BREWSTER, Edito sands of young men of the most exalted 1 tn.outf 'NI tolin, Drill, Crash Bap mid Baggiug, 'fable Rod has been examined by the 'nog scientific other, But 'kiwi or you du us ittustice It i's A late arrival of 1-Mglish end French Merlin/I RIM brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have 1 ) ;,,,, et ., ~.. , gentlemen in the world—Proressors IM'illurtrie, 1 .. . ' .. ! liana l'it u lv; e r n ii i i , ;t:i!ter i 's Ehtt i cl i ri:: i el l tniii, j , .1 . 1 ' for sum low at the store of GEO. GIVIN. entranced listening senates with the thunders of Ladies Dress and Fancy ftoods. ' Jelinson, Wallor nod many o th ers that have ex • 1 I t r o n n i d . elotinettee, ot• waked to eestacy the living lyre, Prints in abundance, Mous. de lottnes.l)e tlerege„ , emitted film , recommend and speak of them in 1 tt nat ' en li t 'li. it l i i . ', ii i ited by . this a d eit e v i i. l ir t l l l: l icii: s o ei i ." l7 i out kI, N 'ls ad Spikes hor sale by the keg may .11 with full confidence. I Alpuecas, Lustre, ' black and fi tney• colored the high', terms ur approbation. and have pro. ••. , • ' • w-,.•- - • , r ,11. „ • grounti that it wits a strictly useful end MelelnlfiC Or 1.411111Vi11.. '. 8 1...0. (P WI N'ort Store. Married Persons. Silks, Cooslimeres, Bonnet and Flitr.alee Silk ! nommerl them the only onto rods iirrice in rem or I „ r ad, ' •ji•l oo ' ti o d n , o ore „„ w on „ x i i ii,gi on a , or those contemplating marriage, toting aware of , Itiblions, fancy Gimp, Wiwi'. silk Into, imy other country, Mr the protection of Lives and I the ♦ c t .' en d ii „1„,„ „ i d , t ,,, fl i nch attention physical weakness, should homediatelv cotOult ! Ed g in g I colored Kid Gloves, Gents black do.. Li nen viol Property. One advantage is to divide and throw t.. 7 . ? 1 daily t't. ~ limn th e th ou malt, who *B.lt it. Di. J., and he restated to perfect health. • Dr. Johnston, Silk Handkerchiefs, Italian erector, Hosiery, Sze. 1 bock II pert of the electric fluid harmless to the 1 mi . n .. )Eorl , s E. ; clouds; in time or 8 .nuke this enables the rod ! 1 3300ta and Shoos, office No. 7 South Fredrick St.. seven 'tom, from i Baltimore Street, east side up the sti:ps. RU , Hardware, Quoensware, Glassware Ito conduct that portion or Maid that belongs to ~ , 'Ho mentor or using the chain, i, very sound, , 51111 pieces exile, new otylcs and . mitterus, of Miami is tir , t tnotstetted with eoeueen cin yir, : good quality, sold low at the store o f .. , . particular in obtaining the mune and number, or ' and Cedar Ware, ,Ile earth without the slightest danger of leaving. ; the coniluetor. This rod has many Ihe in h e " drini . , and then one end or the el...in 6 applied to th e . GEO. l'M L's.. you will mistake the place. Groceries, , rages over the oh , one. Th e oili, place „f inn „„ : part where the pain is located, and the other red I A core warranted, or uo charge node, in from . Hats and Caps, I utecturing is in . opporufr to the first. The end, of the chain should I Fluid tamps, a large and himilsome assot•tment one to two day's, ! A great Varlets- of ! rine St., 3 doors above Perrlillr, Plaluelelphia, I "" v cr leac h und , "Iliac. At th e moment or "1 1- • fn 'Mr at 6 110). (to WIN'S Store. TAKE NOTICE.—Dr. Johnston's °thee is in his • • , ,_, _ ._ ..„ ~,,,,,s . i ee. i . ,i ii, iiirited to poll ,1' ,the tluonust writ, irtru i,r irrtartily relieved, ! Jan. 4. 1854. # Straw Goods. dwelling, nit the steps. His very extensive prose. I ! w'''''''' "" persons ' • '''' 1 'r • • w helever ti, is tomb] • Itv the 'loin •tl tot wl the - ! 811il examine for themselves. For sale Whle- s ' • • ~ I' - ), fr t o le part tt ' , instant current of uninterrupted vlertru , A fiIIIX4T .A.1tEX3121.14 lieu is a sulticient guarantee, that he is the only 1 .My ',tuck has been selected with the 14 r • " 1 "" ! e o de tool Retail, by 3110S..11011TAGE. 1 P plosirian to apply to. ! rare in regard to quality a nd pr ic e, so d I nutter i (fillers promptly atteteled to. Terms orsh. s "'P e r's"' J° d''' fi' ll . ll.lll g 'firelt`e , 11 t. Miter s OF myself that f can otT7 inducements to purchasers ! i remedy has ever given .itelt colliplete tun! pcifeet lilar4lWarr, Groceril , 4. •- 1)r. Jobsten, member or the Royal College of 1 Surgeons, London, graduate from one of thi, nm to lie found elsew tere. I Rrconuntallations. ; s,aisttietio.. to the patient ;pi PUIVCCIIIIICIIeei it.,,,..,..r Goods. ‘,. d , ~„ ..„, Chains: Rheumatism, Painful anol swelled Joint., ' 1 . 11, 7 1,0 1 . 0..5. .. - ligs. Paints, an ,l! Thankful for the patrouuwe of the past. by my , most eminent Colleges of the United States, _ I'l 11..11,.. A it,. 13, 1847. i Psi. in the litoek. I /tante., Blindness Ifitraly- 1 Oils, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &r., frititls. and the public generally, 1 respectfully I the greater part orwhose life has been spent in ' . 1 have this day earelill in.pc-ied n conductor ; sue, Neurelght in the Fuse, Long standing Ner- ! . the Hospitals of London Paris Philadelphia, and . ...R.' " e""r".""tice or t." • mi. 4,1 .fainitem frieker's $114)1.r, eh,ewhe - re.hase ,,, e , so , mout . th r most ninon _ . gor My old stuck a t j uud, will be wild at I:o or Lightning limb win v.. mid index, erected sous Headache, Palpitation or the lleart, (tees, . April 19, 1 113+. , 1., 1,.. Thorm,,, :triiii I. . Bellevu e House, al Debility, Dyspepsia, loincle Dineases,distinint, . 111111tisitylols. ishing cures that were ever known, many trou• Per "c"r• brio. asst. - --- - I Olsen e.ter. 1.1 have t, he.itation in say ing that ' Coutractud Joints, eke. ; Which are °dere.) at the lowest 1,6,4, HI. t i, bled with ringing in the ears .d head when : GRA ND 0 PENING it i. no t mile the bust t 411 1 h u t , : ever seen, but 1000 lAA:LARS ! eeiving a large supply of CA:1111111ittl, which asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at suds 1 i . .. ,-, o 1 that it is the on l y one have yet examined that , w il l he given to any pers.!. win , will Produce so . w ill be subl at wholesale price as low n. 14 ens. den snoods, and bashfulness, with frequent blush- . 'is constructed Son oleic ,v o s u ctentifie princiFles. It 1 mai, We ll t ; t :a eteo alltdeitt,eateu eertmeates of cur, ' 1 c ,,,, . 1.1.1 . lb. Also, Fruits, 1 /ranges, Lemons, hous ing attended sonitimes with derangement or cipilifio Aro slj A uroß li, wi th much i loasur4hut I rscomonend this O intelligent patiems tub seiontilic Olefin:Mu , el I' , r l, '• *or'• All 4 " 111 elf ltsre been bought mind, were eureol immediately. 1 1.) 113 '1 A 1 pli l'J . i conductor to the 'Lamle. el ./IrlierS.or heiblings. I6 n it b„,,,, di„„,,,,,, n+ bus 1,,,„„ per k,i,,,,„l 1,,; ii a . with great care. alsol ou the best tern', and will A Ceirram DISEASE.—It is 8 melanclimy fact i that thousands till victims to this horrid disease : .!!.):Lhi'lj-111111_0.1.5i AT T.. ni ~,c,,;,,,, (~ OT.N. ATO... Rod, mane'. Well satisfied t I .. ittli , e o : llutueti l "..Liglit , tiing I , 11. 1,...111: It I'll lE. ; übc (AV.; Electric 'Chain during the past ye' a r, be :old low tor Cash or to punctual customers. ANOTIIEIt FAI2T. • i ii:iiii, ..iy,it itm, i eau mid will sell itloodsiow owing to the unskilfulness aign.rent pretenders ' mane'. tired li. Ali. 1110111. e, , 111.11.1J.C, of 1 It . s rit , . . . ' ,i. t ~,, i•iiii he Inouglot for in this neighbot.houd. who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury.. 1 I iy the lam that wherever the comae . , . • ruin the Constitution, causing the most serious . A. WILLOUGHBY, i phitudelphh., 6 the i. t that has ever heeit mail, ~ . , , . , , , , , , '.\t, It wilt', of c reilliclled to Call WO examine for ; i iiii ,, , , mien , ihn . eriii y i .,, in the i.iiiiiy or the lits ,,, , ViIIIMS .I.llc iiVellititrouucc‘,.Putlpw•itustriiiii, me, ~,;. , ,, , , d, ..., iv,do.. . .. did .. ?. tho.no who do common bird have greatly diminished in 1..di., ' „.,,,,, o ' o it ,,...„ . ' ~• )(mit burin_. . • symptoms or that dreadful disease to make their • j_ll - A 8 just returned from the east with a large ! oreleetrieitv and nog easel. and have no Me s i ta- 1 1 appearance, such as affections of the bend, nose, 11 and splendid u—ortment of I lion in saying that tse Rods me etonstrneted •• ' . . • pooh' loving become disgusted with the praetor'. ." , . 't o ..iotlconen ..f this lieighliorlitimi believe me when throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra- ; ' lv riled eof safety 'PI .1. •.' • ! ut • ittring their stomachs for drug shops. . ,':,, ~ • ~ Lien . , • pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful • . Spring and Summer Clothing, urn. the on lo I , • le t 'JAI.. ii r,,,,,,,, r \ I , ‘Ti ,, N , i that text pion. Love Liken to get such shock is received air olopeoed by the magnet at "••• '' • - it,,esol• to you admire. suffering, by sending then, iu that Bourne whence ! for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and the (4'l. rool,a II it would be inopossible, The Eleetric Chants Are highly recommended Store un !lilt street, opposite the Jovaxak no traveler cetorus. !in the trust Placable manner. Who ever wants l o p ..c u rd iig to di, ba, )1 . ~,,,,i 01, tro d re,l I by Professors Mott, Viol hi tiren, lit and Canto- I 0,,..,,,,,., T.,,,,,p,,,,,,,,,.. t e No rter..—Young "nen who ; 40 be di essed setter end eheeper than anybody I ...._ i _ ii.,i„.„...., tel iell h ... s stroke of li ght - i clon, of New York: are elso iti daily use in every ! ii iiii ,'„,,,i,„, (-,,,, io •- 3 have injured themselreS by a certain practice in- I else in town, let him call nt Wittoutottar's I :`: i ',...",':;: . ;; , "gi ii ! , 7 , ,,,,7" .h .y j Hugoital in that city. The Giants will last for I ..... - ' ' '' a ' protein t one of these rods. 11 dulged in when alone —a habit ftequently learned ; Curse CIA/THING Stu., one door west of T. ha ve been ... wan: , w i t h m r. Arniiiiige lor se , s ~,,,, „ re „1„.„, r„„,i, list n „ . am , ,„....„ . from evil companions, or at school—the effects , Head & S oa , ,, dru g stor e , H un ti ng d on . I Mountain Female Seminary. I tea l years. nod bore he commenced the ma.- I rairlrforr , '''''. ll ifr• wherr l ll`'''. l . l '. ( 11,,,,, 1• of which fire nightly felt, even when asleep, and o Call Slid see for yourselves. PEA ALE DISEASES. I . I , IIE Mooent.di, Female Seminary at }firming i l'acture er these root I examined the principle on 1 Root cured renders marriage impossible, and de. ' April 19, 1854. tans. Ihileitogolon eonnty.Pa., . the Prim , which they are ',Omitted, nod lilt convieced 1 The introduction orate Electric Chain into this O I stroys both mind and body. ! ! that their noloptionwould be attended wi th coml.. I county.) is the dawn ..if a oew ma in medicine.-- . - ) 1• ""''' ll''''''"writ .r . " 11 1' 1 " °"•• " 1. the ."' l r . r Whet a pity that a yeuntt Man, the hope of him' : r• - i-) rt i - p • 1.1 1 (-- , , '- I ;dew success. TI lnereusing demand for these: During the hot twenty years, it Call safely be es- health. ~ tool tio , iral.le I. , eation; in the Stitt...— coun try, and the darlingor his parents should he' ,i; , 1 ~41i 1 I ! , , rod, and the extoive sales in all louts of the limited that ha timas.iad females have died year- S'""%t'''''' kohl" v g, 1, ” ill' oll utiml I ' l '. 1 . 11 . 1- snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of " c.sonotn. is ample ounnensistiou of their utility y trout "Ito ono. disease, tiltiligl• expri,seit the opinion, 'het it . ens., of lith loy the consequence of devitttit,F fr., the pa th . If 11 1 1 1' I :O k - I ~ ..ossi ,ii.perioritv. l'll.o 1, APS CS UTEItI , neiv,,, , . retired. heiltlifill, and surrouteltd with of nature and indulging ins certain seeree helm. .1 - 1 , , ~,, ~ . 'fliCY E. WAI.1.1:1?„ M. I). i i ' slich Coi.iiitic liiiliiiiirlill seetier3, flint no toile 1...... 6. ' li ..11 ,i ~,,,i ,d.,,,,ii to nieili,,,l nine nth, tiii , C.. 11- . Such persons before contemplating Marriage. ; 111,111 g Still, I'lBll. c 1...411110, 18:4. , cll.. Wi..11, 1., lento s runitl [toil nit itottitnlion . . thou 81,e/I , c 1 , 1,81 the reatth of m.n.•i,,,,, Alia ~,,,„ tits : tun , ,1 IP t . t „, t .. , oast fit should reflect that a serail and and holy ti. 1.0 ALEX. CA.31'11074 'n. fII win...erect i• ha. from au •1 t • • s . " - • 1, - 1 on - • that 000 iot•Jioortiose too the SIIIOIIIII ilf inedicillegi,- . ' .' .. ''' --, ',' ' ,- - " '', ' the most necessary requisites lot protnetc connu- ' 1 tol in th e Ger:notate Ttityraph, edited by Major c „, c oo , „„„.„ if tc • i i r 1 t "'" 1 "" 1 " .• '‘ h "'" " 1 """" "' 1 " g''''' l 'Y c " I " r g" INILIIIIII li (.01/111ci. 1... 'MI., and bial liwincos. Indeed without these, the jeer- , Li.% VIN ft removed !as vow:sive Store to Vas '.. t,..„, ~. ,_, t , our plat, :nu t enabled u , to give such compermi , ,mmer will death close the scant, ney through life bec.ontes ii. weary pilgrielitge, 1A L .41elliihnn's Bow , tortuerly oceupied by •I. .. j•„„ ~,,,, r0 ,,,1. re d ~,,,,,, our dwellii4: we , 1,..ii,,, th e 1., 2 „Jr, inf., thu. ~,,, 14..usund i ii , iii to ii„.„,iier.. its d r ill eoiiiiiiiiii , liiii , iiy „ .ss, the prospect hourly dna., to the view; the iE. Sonototon, is mow prepared tO ileeotnninixtt. Itas 8 had tAkeli dth, mid number creted by Mr.. 0 .,,,,... o f ''p ro h o ,,,, ous th r i (tuiii. „e t h e ~.,,,,,,, . 111 /• , , t h '' ' , MI" , 'l'm lirk.. l " ll, !Idit becomes tdoolewed with despair, Slihill . 1,...a old c o o.t o nners , a nd the p u bli c generally-, ,„,,', ~ i,ni . r , ok. to i ,,,, , ~i . i. ,... iii i.,iii ,i,ii nii,iii , i ~,, , CIRCULATION 1000. WIIIG STATE TICKET : FOR GOVERNOR, James Pollock, of Northutn' FOR CANAL COMMISS' George Darsie,of ,,, J , lp; don, JUDGE OF THE SUPIT : Daniel M. Smyser, don e WHIG DlST Kirleysburg. FOR ri.3ass tp. John R. Fe Warriormark. James rEviiNs, of Petersburg. iii9O - r 7 ora of Poor : " 1 - S —.""vMATTEN, of Franklin tp. BREWSTER, of Shirley tp. AME 6 SArrox, of Huntingdon. Poor House dttorney : DAVID BLAIR, Esq., of Huntingdon. Poor House Treasurer: HENRY BREWSTER, Of Shirley tp. Deputy Surveyor: J. S. AFRICA. of Huntingdon. Coroner : ISAAC WOLVERTON, of Brady tp. Court Cricr : _ SAMUEL S. SMITII, of Huntingdon, A Strong Test of Two of EVANS & WATSON'S 11./g Salamander Safes. 1 ATE LIGHT STREET FlRE.—Mnsens. I 4 E. & T. FAIRBANKS & Co.—Gentlemen:— We take much pleasure in recommending your Salamander Safes to merchant , : and others who may desire to purchase with a view to the preser vation of their books and other valuables. The 'Safe we purchased of von in July last, and man ufactured by-Evans 4 Watson. of Philadelphia, remained in the fire, at the burning of our store, until the entire stock was consumed. The heat was intense, its you may suppose. as there was about seventy barrels of liquor in the store, on the next floor over the safe, besides some seventy thousand pounds of rags, rope, and other combustible matter. We bud the safe opened after the fire had ceased, and fi,und our books and papers PERFECTLY PRESERVED. Please get us np another of your Safes, of the tame size, for our future use, soon as possible, and oblige, W. W. is, No. 116 Light Street Wharf. Baltimore May 07, ISM. Messrs. E. & T. Fairbanks & Co.-0 enflame n: It gives rue merh pleasure to hoar testimony to the excellency of yonr Salamander Safes. The one 1 purchased of you in July last, manufactured by Evans C Watson, of Philadelphia, saved toy books and valuable 'inners, when every thing else in the store W. destroyed by tire. on the morn ing of the 14th inst., at No. 116 Light street wharf. B. F. Wicus. Baltimore, May 1 hth , 1054. The above mentioned Sure+ can be seen at E. & T. Fairbanks & Co.'s warehouse, l 11 West Pratt street, near Light street wharf G. C. Enviso, Agent. SA I:AMIN/M:3: SAFES, 1:1".1.\"••5 0. WATSON, N South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, (late Nu. 83 Dock street,) . . . Yore now on hand a large assortment of their PA TENT S.ILAMA.VbEP !ME .I.VD H El'. PROOF S.! FES, Bank Vnalts and Iron Door, for Bank Storm, Patent Slate Lined Refrignaator, Water filter•, Sent and Letter Copying Pres,,,, Fairinnik's Platform and Counter Scales. CA bele Agency for Butterworth's, Bettley's, Cates' and Jones' Patent Powder-proof Bank Please give as a call. [my3l,-2m. NEW CLOTHING STORE I Notv's the Time for Bargains ! SO per cent. Cheaper than the Cheapest!! THE fultiersigned most respectfully announces to the citizens or Huntingdon and vicinity, that he hasopened one niche heA nut" most splen did assortment of Ready-Mime Clothing that hos ever bees in the Borough of Huntingdon. Ile takes pleasure in stating to the puhlic that he is fully prepared to sell Cheaper than time Cheapest! Ile will constantly keep on howl the greatest variety of the following articles, viz; luperdne Black Dress and Flock Coats, brown and fancy sack coats, pantaloons new style, black nud fancy cassimere, and cani ne t and corduroy. Also, a great vairety of plain and fancy Sonalser Pantaloons. V wits, thn richest and moat varied assortment trey offered in this ',Mee. eicthiug, linen shirts, milk under-shirts and drawers. A choice ',election of neck and pocket hand• kerchiefs.—Almi a large stuck of Halo and Caps, I;mbrella4,t , unks, earma-bugs, and a great many other articles. . Persons wishing to boy elothing would do well to call 1001 examine thin etoek bytore pur chasing elsewhere. - - - - 18;ture two doors west of the Post Office. 11. ROMAN, Thintingdon, April 19,1854. ROBBED, BUT NOT DISHEIRTENED, Brilliant Display of Jewelry. 1 1 11 E public generally, and the rascals who, some time since, entered my store and remo ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO without my permission, are intbrined that 1 have just opened a more general and better assortment of articles in my line of business than was ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting or Watch., Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Knives, Pistols, Perfumery, Port Mon- ' * stoics, Silver Ware, and Fancy Articles, &c., &c. My old friends and customers, and the public in general throughout the county, are requested to call nail examine my m.11;114101. EDMUND SNARE. Huntingdon, March 25, 1854. DP. Jan. Itlreltntock's Family Medicines -I , for WIC by HORACE W. SMITH. Huntingdon, March 29, 1851.-3 m. ACHOICE lot of Shingles for sale tit the cheap store u J. BRICKER. GARDEN SEEDS Toe sale at the Cheap Store at J. BRICKER. kbeautiful assortnient of Silk'llrees l'atterns, Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining, just receiv ed and 14 sale by J. & W. SAXTON. 1 11.11 these Matter., Benue de Lanes. Bent. ens, and Lawn:: of every variety and color, ; ant received and fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON. s'oo lbs. of Cod Fish, just received and fo sale by J. ar W. SAXTON. . 4 BEAUTIFUL lot of Cents. Gaitors. Ladies Galion and Shoes, Gents. Boots and Shoes, Hisses Guitars and Shoes, of au endless variety, lust received and for sale by .1. & W. SAXTON. A fresh slippy of Garden Seeds trom Ribley Uartlous, Just received, and for stile by sob. 23, 1853. J. dC. SAITON. Amust beautiful iota Berne de Leine pat term, eud iu the piece, from 18t cts up to 50 per yard. .flra or red end for cale by J. 4- tr. .-z.r.Vra'. with the ondaucholy reflection. that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. 1 CONSTITCTIONAL Ihtiody Y.—Dr. ,I, address es young men, nod all who have injured them- selves by private nod improper indulgence. IMITISSANA.—These are sonic of the sad no I melancholy effects produced by curly habit. of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Li!niis, l'ams in the bead, Dimness of Sight, li. , of Muscular power. Palpitation of the Bean I ire. pepsin, Nervous Irritability, I)ot:ingenious of the Digestive Functions, litmeral Debility Symptoms of Consumption. ie. Alcs-rat.t.y , —The fearful effects on the mind Ell . e touch to he drooled; Lost of memory, Confusioo of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Fork ehoc.; Aversion to Society. Self Distrust, Love ,ti s,,h. tittle, Sc., are some of the evils produced. 1 Thousands of persons of all ages,cito no, jut Ige what is the cause of their declining health. Los. log their vigor, becoming weak, pale and outwit'. tell, have singular appearance about the eyes, I cough and symtonis of consumlnion. Nlarried persons, or thee emitemphiting mar , ring, beim:enure of ph vsical weakness, should inimalimely consult Dr. d. and lie restored to per , C••,•t health. °nice, 'No. 7, South Frederick-tit., : ft , i,iiiiore, 3ld. .0 Li , S t ..:l, tr, (i,,,,,,,,,, ri;),,,,,,,,,,.. . N• 11. Let no MI, delicacy prevent you, lott. np immediately either personally or by letter. Skin Diseases Speedily Cured, T‘, StliANULItS.—The many thoutatids cured nt this Institution withiu the last mu years, and the numerous intpurtant Surgical I iperation4 perfut toed by 1), .I.,witnessed by the Reporters el the papers, nod many other persons, notices of which hove appealed again and again beliirc the public, is u sufficient g uarantee that the ulllieted wall find a skillful nior honorable phys'ehui. An there ore so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians,ruitt ing the health of the afflicted lie—Johnston would say to those unacqusinted with his reputation that his Credeutials or Diplomas always hang ill !Ili (Alice. enkness of the urgent immediately cured, and HI vigor restored C4' All letters pest paid—remedies sent by mail. Mny 22, 1854.-Iy. BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! 155000 12Lpt,:pm„,Edrsgor,',„av embracing every variety usually kept ACK, • in a Philadelphia Book Store, fur sale ultulesale and retail very low for cash. Orders front all parts of the country solicited, and will be promptly and flitionlly attended so. School Books and Stationary at every kind will he kept constantly on hand at the lowest rates. Harper's Magazine nod Hodey's Lady's Book, eau be had every mouth us soon as out. Store opposite IVhittaker's Hotel, Railroad St.. Huntingdon, Pa. 1000 Pieces Wall Paper, nil of which woo purchased this Spring, of, the latest mud most fashionable styles to be found in Philadelphia, for sale very low, front 124 cts. a piece mitt mt• wards, at Colon's 1:hel1!/ Book More, opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. W3l. COLON. April 2G, 18.50. THE LATEST ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, J. at IV. s.txrrox, HAVE just received from Philadelphia the largest and best assortoute t of Spring and Summer Goods ever offered,und at }ewer prices than can he purchased at any other house. They are determined to sell lower than can be purchased anywhere cast of the Allegheny, and no mistake. If yon wish to be satisfied of the iitet, maimed see. Dry Goods, such as Cloth's, Cassimere, Sutinetts, Tweeds, Childrens' ware, Cottonades, wooed. The handsomest assortment of Ladies hirers Goods ever offered. Also. Trimming of evilly variety, the best assortment ever offered. 1000 webs assorted Prints, and every other article usually kept in a country store. Hardware, of which we alway= keep the largest and hest as sortment ever kept in this place. Queensware, a magnificent assortment, which we are selling quite low Grocerien, are a little up, but we are determined to sell at low if not lower, than any other house,aceording to quality. Cedar and Willow Ware, such as Baskets, 'rubs, Burket,', Krout Stands, &c., - Carpets and 011 Cloths. a bewttiful assortment, which will he sold low, call and see and be satisfied of the fact. Huts and Caps, of the very latest and best stvler, nko Boots and Shoes, the best and cheapest in town, if you don't be lieve it, CALL AND BEY.. ICU are also purchasing and storing Grain, and it is admitted on all hands that we have the most convenient place for unloading grain in or about town, April 12,1054. 0; BARRELS No. 1 Herring just received 40, - , end tin. sale et the store of GEO. GWIN. A supurior ankh: of R,lmiir..; Fluid 14r mile at I , the 0110. (; . , .I,ll4,llioonble uNsmatment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, lii:Asyorttnent consists of Dry Goodw, Groceries. Hardware, Queensware. and all kinds agoutis noinlly kept in a Country Store. Alm), a Leautiful cheap and elegant as sol ;own? of Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety. Also, lints; Cap., Bonnets, Hoots and Shoes, and a variety of 1 als o f all kind, Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market price,. Iltmongdon, April 5, 1551. White Sulphur and Chalybeate Springs, IDattBLING CAP. ;springs arc now open for the reception of vlsitors. They are situated in Cumber land eonnty, Penn's., au miles west of Harris ; burg. and are accessible by the Cumberland Val- I ley Railroad to Newvillet from thence in gotel coaches and 0,0 easy roads eight miles to the springs. Slier improvements tare been Hind. situ.. the last year, and the recent diarovery of the Chalybeate Spring adds greatly to the in- due:meats presented for the present season. The necomminlations for Bathing in all the mmal tatalt,—water llot and cold. fresh or mineral.— Persona visiting ta will find n happy retreat and , I a pleasant home. Below you hove the analysis I of our Sulphur and Chalvbeate Springs. SCOTT . COYLE, Proprietor. ANAL,. OF THE Si t.vitun AND CI, Srui~o The odor of Suipharetted llydrogcn. perceived at some ,Iktailee from the Sprint, this water the peculiar properth, or Sulphur springs. Besides this ingredient. I Mid the the water con taias Carbonate or Sod:, and of Magnesia, ti lan -11,r's Salt, Salt. and Common Solt, in gredients which give it an mere sod value. After removing the e7...cc•, of Carbonic Acid which it it at , Ott reaction. The Ohl. 1 . 111,11, wit!, readily ytgith a prod pan, after ebullition ,1,1111111U1 . ,.1 exposure Inn. expelled the excess of Carhonic Aeid. Besides the lib:aria, Ilatf• of 111,11, lie chief dialtteleristie, it also rout:tilt, Epaatit Salt, t.:attittitat Salt, uttd Carbonate uf Magticiia. Respectfully JAN. C. Booru. CERTIFICATE or VfIYSINANB Having examincil the element, that enter into the composition of the White Siiipitur and Clut iyheeiii ~ -;pritie,, of I t :IA exhibited in their to Protes-or Booth, of the Mint, n titatit6eil slot Chinlit,it, are allithori- Zed to rah', that they poi:se‘s all the banntive prci pertie, of menivitial totter,, in the various diseases for which their tem hits been recommend ed by l'hysician, N. L. lIATFIET.T., M. D. 11. TowNsi,u, M. Ii .11AuTilimiN, M. D. • July 5.'54.-2in. Philadelphia. NEW GOODS! AND PLENTY OP THEM, AT !;1.1122 DAVID P. GWIN. I have jait revolved, unit um non• opening, on the corner opposite Cuuts' hotel, a large and beautiful assortment or Spring and Summer Goods, eonsisti ng of Cloths, Cmsimers, Fancy and Plain, Silks, fancy and Black, Ileregu Delains, Bereges, Bard Dolnins, liingliains, Linens, Ii,trict, hoe roatmaster of Phil'a. lion. Win. l'enington, late Governor of New 5..!.. L EETIIER. rtuTz h 1111:1DRY. Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, , Morrorre Alanufaetarers. Curl r, Importers, CUIIIIIIISSiUII 11114 (ienerat Leather Bea Mess, Wholesale and Retail. Atanufactory I 5 51argaretm Street. Aug. 24, 'SS.-In. U. W. NMI T U, BLACK BEAR HOTEL, ti , Tl2.: il ii n i i i : l t T u ig: i i:!: u nis il l . ..:l. , :.zi , i o u: : .t i fi t t ; ! • e corner of wain tool Alontgoniery Street. • I in the borough of Huntingdou, and 4, well prepared to accommodate nli who roar hobo r him with their rovonn. The traveling eomn n ml• ty and the puhlie g cnerally are cordially iuvltal to call with than. honing. Ire strict etiention qv. bushing+ to merit a large portion of nubile patron• age . mr, paint will h e spared to render genets!. eatiefection. ROBERT KYLE Jiatie 47,'.3.-Iy, HUNTINGDON DIARBLE YARD. . WM. 17141i14.1330, itmeetruny informs his N"7 , -" ,,, ., friend,. und the . .,-."1... , g' public general , ur. 7'• - T1:::. iy, dint lie lulu -, _ 4..-.11:- ,, :, eutablis I. e d w ,---; ,•• ' .- - "<''' lllil :,',24",#''''' Marble 'fird, , . ,M 1 I,' A in the borough 111111111 l 'I I . 11. t if id i h u a l s it j il i: g st d° r:: i) 11 I t it - --_ , .-': -,, r,iliorigniii ' ' - eeiv oil frosu 7,-..._, ~.,---,...-, . ~...- -, Philadelphia w selected , il/..k ..{' choice 'Marble it'rtre'stones, . every deuuription, which lie will furnit.li at isty reduced prince. All orders from nny pat of the county or ad joining muffles, ',hire...4d to the subserileer., will be received and promptly ettended to. Shop on Bill street, two doors west of Chen. A. P. Wilson's Office. .May 18, 1853.—15. Adams & Co.'s Express. T. K. SIIONTI): , ..I ) mit, Huntingdon. Money. Ineknge4, .111 gods °fall kinds, re ceived end forwarded at the risk of the company. to all the eldest.' prineipal towns in the United State May 1.'52. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pis nod to the Public generally. fur their pa tronage, still continues to carry an at the same stand. one door east of Mr. C. Coin's Hotel, Mar ket street, Huntingdon. where he will attend no all two will favor him with their custom, and al so oil head ft good assortment of WaTenna, CLOCh , . JEWELRY. Sc., hi, all of which its ie detern.ined to sell at low price, Watcherand Jewelry of all kind* will be repaiied at :hurt notice, and having made ar rangements with a good workman, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and every person leaving unities for repairing shall hare them done at the precise time. Hy pitying strict attention to business, and telling at low rates, he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. JOSEPH HIGHER. Mitt inytlon, Sept.. 7, 18b2. y. A. P. Wit , eitr. H. Buren PBTAIKIX. WILSON &• PETRIKIN, TTO RXEYS 1.90', r,r 17 NG,box, in the severni Courts of Huntingdon. Blair, Cambria, Centre, Miritin and 3uniutti Conn. ier. March i 3, 1838. THOS. READ , Would rexpertfully Worm Lis friehda and that he ht. MI Lund 113111 rereiriug tk,r the coining sensou, mine absortro.nt or o_7 a.a . caKrceillzpw, Consisting of Watches, Chains, itrcast Pins, Pie • ger Rings, Ear Rings, Pencils, Rep, l'himbles t , Studs, Medallions, &c. Together with Itis.celehres ted and unrivalled GOLD PEN. Whieh is equal Moot superior, to any now in one , Each l'en is Engraved with his own using, nod every lea Warranted. Oh did you ever, nu I never ! Mercy on us what a trent; Get Ilend's Gold Pen, they're extra Sine, And nnly bound in North Third hirers. A plru iid l'en !!. Where did you get it T Pure Dimond Pointed, can't 1., be, s t ; )'ea, uuv friends, there's na !minion:zing In Bead's (Todd Pens of North Third Str. , t G"llead's Gold Pen is found only at 35 It'or, Third Street, below Arch En-t TUGS. 'LEAD, Piltlelphin. Jan. 8, I 852.—tf. THOM. ./ACK2ION, Blair county. Luncnotor count/ HArto :%U.NIEKTKin, WILLIAM GLEIM", Huntingdon co. Lunrwer ronnlf JAM. ti.twinß, Rico'n. R. lint AN, Muir county. LalleAlltel county. Central Tenn , a, Banking House, l ) gheuy Street, a Jew doors west of the Court !louse, and nearly opposite toe Post Mire, II ni. I itlaysbul g, Pa. , . The Company is now ready to transact busi ness. Upon money deposited for a npecitie period of three, six, unpin or twelve months. in. serest will be paid et such taxes as ere usually a ll o w e d by Savitim• Institutions. Transient de. posites received, payable On demand. k. R. I. 4 l; :c.NTeashisr Hollidaysburg, May 21, ISSO. 11. NEFF, 111. H AVING hanntsi himself in WAI:I:IO.MARX. in this county. o.olhl tffnr his professional serviern u. thr ritizrns of that place and the enemy). a1.1.1a,•1.1. kLEvEUENCPP .1. B. Loden, Ilerule,on, .1. 11. Dor.ev, M. Stewart; lion. George Taylor U. - Gen.. , " P. Wilnon, " P. Orbidnn, " Hon..hunes Gwinn, " John Scott, Eq. - - unt;n:pl .bieob 31, N. P.. .11 fl mul, la. on, Pct. John APCullocli, •. I'. tenbar, . _ Notice to Tavern Keepers. (nick: hereby given to the keepers of Inn and Taverns within the county ot Hunting don, that tbeJudges of the Court of Quarter Sus. nieces or said county, enjoin upon the keepers o such Inns and Taverns that they close their res pective bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from selling or dealing out liquors on that day ; and the lieunson !WHIe ! persons!. shall disregard thin injunction will be revoked forthwith agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided upon the !het of snub violation coming to the knowledge of the Court. By the Court,24th den. 1892. May I. 1P52 THEO. CREMER, Clerk. (.11010E LIQUORS fur medicinal IMMO. Col.lstilig of Itest gtwlity FRP.Vrif BRA DI . , re.Nf r t C " HOLLAND GIN, MADEIIIA " LISBON WINE, " " SWEET WINE, SUPERIOR PORT 117VE. In short, all kinds of Liquors used for that par pose con he hod at the cheap store of April 22. 1852. J. BRICKER. Lots in Altoona for Sale. Lryrs FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six mile• no, Ilolliditysburg,and aboutime mile north webt of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. Alter the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said TOWN will be open to the public for sale. It is well known that tne Pennsylvania Rail • Road Company have selected this place for the erection of their main Machine 11111(1 other Shope and are now building the same. j The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fat) I throwing at 01/C0 u large amount of trade to this place. The main inducement at this time in of fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis iteMachinibts and Tradesmen, and homes for the Machinists and other employees of the Rail Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. Poi further information apply to C. H. MAY ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIR:. Hollidaysburg. May 1, 18:32—tf. A SPLUNDID nesortment of !Atho s'' Prest Gotakjust received at CA IiMON'S, AA- It rowan, on hand and for ilk he , the ri3 rri•l, at the chc, p stole of J. Buit'KL&.