INEEsir&:-* Al The most extraordinary dimmers/ in the World the Orel: ,freilan Remedy for Man and Beast. n. n. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. H. 0. FARRELL'S GENUINE ARABIAN LINIMENT is a most extraordinary medicine, the truth of which is placed beyond doubt by the vast sales of the article and the many cures being daily performed by it, which previously had resisted all other medicines and the skill of the best physicians in the world. It is com• posed of balsams, extracts and gums peculiar to Arabia—possessing. in a concentrated form, all their stimulating, anodyne, penetrating, unc• tuous and revulsive properties, and the same which. ages ago, were used by the "Sons of the Desert," with such miraculous success. in cu• ring the diseases of both man and beast. Read the following remarkable mire, which should ofilsele place H G. Farrell's Ara6ian Liniment far beyond any similar remedy. Mr. 11. G. Farrell—Dear Sir: Actuated by a sense of gratefulness. I submit the following as an instance of the utility of your great med icine. My child, three Years old, was sudden. ly attacked with a terrible disease, which in less than six hours prostrated it to total help lessness. The limbs became so rigid that not a joint could he bent; the flesh turned black and cold and entirely deprived of feeling; the eves fixed, partially closed and altogether blind, following this was' deafness to all sounds; the spine became contracted and so curved that when lying on its back the head and heels on ly touched. Indeed, the child presented every appearance of being dead. , Immediately on the attack, the family physician was called in, and for three weeks he labored to restore it to feeling, but all in vain, although it was blister ed a dosen times and various rubefacient Lini ments applied. A consultation of physicians was then held. but to no purpose, the case was then brought before the Medical Society. but nothing could be suggested which bad not al. ready been done, and the doctor then told me he could do nothing more. We then commen ced applying your Liniment freely over the en. tiro length of . the spine. and you may imagine a parent's joy, when, after a few applications, returning animation was apparent, and it rap. idly recovered with the exception of the sight, which did not become perfect for near a month. The child is now healthy and robust as can be. Five other cases of the same kind occurred previously in toy neighborhood, all of which died, when there is no clOubt if your Liniment bad been used they would have recovered. 'HENRY G. CLELAND. Peoria, March 1 1851. Look out for Connterfeits! The public arc cautioned against another counterfeit, which has lately made its appear once, called W. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be- cause his having the name of Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps only discover their error when the spurious mixture has wrought its evil effects. The genuine article is manufretured only by 11. 0. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencies must be addressed. 13e sure you get it with the letters H. 0. before Farrell's, thus —l.l. O. FARRELL'S—and his signature on the wrapper, all others are counterfeits. Sold by hos. Read k Son, Huntingdon, R. L. Sellers& Fleming Brothels wholesale, Pitts. burg, and by regularly authorized agents throughout the United States. g Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and hamlet in the UniteA States, in which on is not already established. Address H. 0. Far. rell as above, accompanied with good reference as to character, responsibility, Le. Aug. 30,1854-41. HATS.—Moleskin No. I and 2, of the latest styles. Kossuth Hats of various styles and he sold low at do , cheap store of GEO. GIV/N. WAR IN THE OLD WORLD I I The Russianto Defeated!!! CUNNINGHAM & HEWITT, HAVING returned front the City with a large and splendid assortment of Goods, respect folly inform their friends and the public at large, that they hare located tbein:elves at Mill Creek, and having purchased their Goods fur Cash. they are now prepared to sell them as cheap, if not cheaper, than any store in the county. Their Stock consists of a large assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and in short.every•thing usually kept inn 7,ountry Store. Persona wishing to purchase will find it to their interests to give them a call befbrc pur chasing elsewhere, as they are deternined that their motto. shall be Quick Sales and Small Prof its. IC. B. All kinds of produce taken In exchange fur goods. Mill Creek, May 31, 1854. ar A fine lot of Pnyrot.s at Enm. SNARE.I4. A N excellent variety of tine Pax iiSIVEN, at E 43.. Snare's. April 15, 1852 4 LARGE and splendidassortment of Bon nets, :11isqes' Elms and childrens' Rats and Caps, selling at low prices at the store of GEO. G IV/N. H"".Shoulders and Flitch, for sale at the store of GEO. GWLN. BOOTS .?ND SHOES, tor tun and boys, a good assortment, at the store of GEO. GWIN. CLOTHS AND CASSLMERES, plain and fancy, at very low prices, at the store of GEO. GWIN. ASUPERIOR article of Cider Vinegar for sale at the store ofCEO. GWIN. GOLD C!!.11.\ —A fine variety for sale, ve ry low, at Ease. SNARE'S. Dissolution. TIM Partnership of the subscribers. carrying on the 131aekstnithing business, in Warriors mark, Huntingdon county, is this day dissolved; all persons having unsettled accounts will come forward and settle with 1). Parker before the first of November next, or their accounts will be left with a proper officer for collection. DAVID PARKER, SAMUEL CULP. Sept. Ist, 1854. The subscriber will continue the Blacksmith business at the old stand in all it. various bran ches, where all can be accommodated who favor him with their work. DAVID PARKER. September 13, Real Estate Agency. The undersigned has established an agency for the Sale and Purchase of Real Estate in unti ugdon count,. Any person wishing to sell or purchase can give us a description of the property, its lore. ' tion, quantity, quality, and terms. We engage to this agency on such terms as cannot be objected to. The Agent has the facility of making the property extensively known. We now have sotne very desirable land which we offer ou easy terms. WM. BREWSTER. aIUST received end for sale, Ham, Shoulder, Side, Dried Beef, Lake Trout, White Fish oleo Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, &c., &e., for sale by J. &. W. SAXTON.' DOZE WHITE LEAD, just received end fur ,L sale by .1; W. SAXTON. UST Irf er l y ElVD and for j et 1A...6110%rd Asplendid lot of Bonnets jwt received and for sale by J. t y W. SAXTON. A rtwst beautiful lot or Berne de Leine pat terns, and in the piece, front !netc up to 50 K .per Y." l ,turt received and for eile by J. t c.. 11*. SAX 1-.).v. Vrodamation OF GENERAL ELECTION. PnUftSCANT to nn Act of the General Arlen, bly,of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to the elections adds' Commonwealth." approved the second dot of July A. H. 1839, I, JOSHUA. GREENLASTi D, High Sheriff of the county of Hnntingdon, in the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that a General Election will be held in said county of Huntingdon on the Beoond Tuesday (10th day) of dotober, 1854, at which time State and County officers, as follows, will be elected : One person to fill the office of Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the office of Canal Com. missiouer of the Commonwealth of Penneylva• One person to fill the office of Supreme Judge of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Member of the Rouse of Re. presentatives in the Congress of the United States, in conjunction with the counties of Blair, Cambria and Somerset. . _ Two persons to represent the counties of Huntingdon and Blair in the House of Repre sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- One person to fill the office of Prothonotary, Clerk of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of said couty. One person to fill the office of Register and Recorder and Clerk of the Orphans' Court of said county. One person to fill the office of County Com missioner for the county of Huntingdon. One person to fill the office of Director of the Poor for the county of Huntingdon. One person to fill the office of Auditor for the county of Huntingdon. In pursuance of said Act, I also hereby make known and give notice, that the places Of hold. lag the aforesaid general election in the sever al election districts within the said county, are as follows: let district, composed ot Henderson town ship, and all that part of Walker township not in the 16th district, at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon. 2d district, composed of Dublin township, at. Pleasant Hill school house, near Joseph Nel son's, in said township. 3d district, composed of so much of Warri orsmark township as is not included in the 19th district at the School House adjoining the town of Warriorsthark. 4th district, composed of the township of Hopewell, at the School House at Rough and Ready Furnace, in said township. . Lth district, composed of the township of Barree, at the house of James Livingston (for merly John Harper,) in the town of Saulsburg, in said township. Gth district, composed of the township of Shirley, at the horse of G. Fraker, in Shirlevs. burg—except That all that part of Shirley township, Huntingdon county, lying and being within the following described boundaries, namely: beginning nt the intersection of Union and Shirley township lines with the Juniata river, on the south side thereof; thence along said Union township line for the distance of three miles front said river; thence eastwardly by a stright line to the point where the undo from Ebv's mill to Germany valley, cruss,,t the summit of Sandy ridge; thence nurthwanlly along the summit of Sandy ridge to the river Juniata, and thence up said river to the place of beginning, shall hereafter form n separate election district." F,. That the qualified voters of said election district shall hereafter hold their general and township elections in the public school house in Mount Union, in said district, that Samuel Eby in hereby appointed judge. and Doctor Alfred B. Lee and Samuel Miller, Ens , are hereby appointed inspectors of said election, to perform the duties of their several offices until a judge and inspectors are duly elected, in an cordance with the election laws of this Com• mot:wealth. 7th ...nap...l , a nanl Wnlht.-1 • townships, and so much of We,t township as is included its the following boundaries, to wit:— beginning at the south-west corner of Tobias eauftnan's farm on the bank of the little Juni. ata river, at the lower end of Jackson's nar rows, thence in a north-easterly direction to the most southernly part of the * farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40 degrees west to the top of Tussev's mountain, to intersect the line of Franklin township, thence along said Hue to little Juniata river, thence down the some to the place of beginning, at the pub lic School House opposite the German Reform Church in the borough of Alexandria. Bth district, composed of the township of Franklin, at the house of Jacob Matter'', now occupied by G. W. Mattern, in said township. 9th district, composed of Tell township. at the Union School House, near the Union Meet- ing House, in said township. 10th district, composed of Springfield town. ship, at the School House near Hugh Madden's in said township. 11th district, composed of Union tp., at the School House near Ezekiel Corbin s, in said township. 12th district, composed of Brady township, at the School House known as the Centre School House, in said township. I'dth district, composed of Morris township, at the house now occupied be Abraham Moy er. (Inn keeper,) late Alex. Lowry, Jr., in the village of Waterstreet, in said township. 14th district, composed of that part of West tp., not included in the 7th district, at the pub lic School House on the farm now occupied by Miles Lewis, (formerly owned by James En nis,) in said tp. 15th district, composed of that part of Walk er township lying southwest of a line comm.• cing opposite Dayid Corbin's house, at the Union tp. line, thence in a straight line, Mehl ding said Corbin's house to the corner of Poi , ter tp., on the Huntingdon and Woodcock val ley road, at the house of Jacob Magahy, in said township. 16th district, composed of the township of Tod, at the Green Sch.,ol House in said tp. 17th district, comp.ised of that part of West p., on the south -east side of Warrior ridge, be ginning at the line of West and Henderson townships, at the foot of said Ridge, to the line of Barree tp., thence by the division line of Barreo and West townships, to the summit of Stone mountain, to intersect the line of Hen demon and West townships, thence by said line to place of beginning, at the house now occu pied by Benj. Corbin, on Murry's Run. 18th district, composod of Cromwell tp., at the house now occupied by David Etuire, in Orbisonia. 19th district, composed of the Borough of Birmingham, with the several tracts of land,, near to and attached to the same now owned ° , and occupied by Thomhs M. Owens, John Kn McCahan, A. Roberson, John Gensimer an Wm. Gensimer, the tract of land now owned.' Geo. & Juo. Shoenberger, known Its the Pori tract, is annexed to said district, situate in: township of Warriorsinark, at the public sr' house in said Borough. 20th district, composed of Cass towne t the public school house in Cassville, in LT' LP 21st district, composed of Jackson tchu , at the house of Robert Barr, now ore ." "'y John llirst, at MeAleavv's Fort, in 22d district, composed of Clay toil) , at the house of Josh. Shore, at the Thre n g s, in said tp. 23d district. composed of the ( 4 , l ' i Z of Penn, at the public school house burg, in said tp. A ACTA. the Suppression oe . a2"traa• N lure and Sale of intoxicating "1" a Beverage. WittmEss, All laws to he.' f " t t h s c i g i o d have the approbation and sam° pie. . that a large l It is re P re ltizens of this mother, W er,il l! er no 6 t a a s ' majority 'Assad with the Commonwealth, are deeply • abitory Liquor necessity of the passage of s Law: • . 1...,•• i t , 0 3 :. , , .1,14 111.,,.. It .i. , r• ' " ' certaie tedication of popular sentini.n! ndoting thereto, be means of petitions end rein:mitre!, ' ere. There!'lre, Sec. I. he it enacted by the Senate and Housed Retire sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, end it is hereby enacted by the Ruth troy a the same, That the quelilied voters of tilli Cnu monwealth are hereby authorized at the places for holding the general elections in their res• peedve wards, boroughs and townships, on the , second Tuesday of October next, to vote fur and against a law which shall entirely prohibit. by proper and constitutional regulations and penalties, the m a nufacture and sale at' intoxi cating liquors, except for medical, sacramental, mechanical and artistical purposes. Sec, 2. That the officers authorized by law ; to hold elections in each ward, borough and township of this Commonwealth, are hereby directed and required at the !dace fixed bylaw, in the several districts for the holding of the general elections in said districts, on tho sec. and Tuesday of October next, when they shall i be organized as no election bowl, to receive from each qualifled voter of their said districts, a ticket written or printed on the outside, "Pro hibitory Liquor L.ov," and the tickets in favor of the proposed Inw shall contain in the inside the words nFor a Prohibitory Liquor Law," and those opposed to the proposed law shall contain in the inside thh words, "Ageinst the Probibi• tory Liquor Law," which votes shall be count• ed and returned to the court house of the comp ties or city, in which the said election shall be held, on the following, Friday by the return judges, who shall cast up and certify all the votes polled in said county or city, to the office of the Secretory of the- Cbmmouwealth, at Har risburg, directed, end transmitted in the same manner the votes f Governor are required to be directed and flitted, and the said Sec• retary shell on the •, , t'rd Friday of January next ensuing, the said returns to the Legislature.... opened and counted in the seine manner il.. votes for Governor are opened and cou n ted, end considered as the prayer of the voters of this Commonwealth re. Ltrve to a Prohibitory Liquor Law. Acc. 3. That all the election lawn of the State prescribing the hours of opening and closing the polls, the recep.lll.l of votes, the punishment for illegal votin,z, tefrusing the expenses of publication, 111 , 1 riding of the general elec• tions and rehir the same, and all other matters incideA; thereto, be and the same are declared applicable to the election above au. thorized. SEC. 4. That it shall be the duty of the Sher. iffy of the several counties of this Common. wealth to insert a copy of this net in the pro. clamation far the general election to he held on the second Tuesday of October next. E. B. CHASE. Speaker of the House If Representafires. M. M'CASI.IN, Speaker o f the Senate. ' Approved the twenty.eight day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fillt , four. WM. BIGLER. I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I not directed. "that every person, except justi ces of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the goy ! ernment of the United States, or of this Stuti., or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or agent. who is or shall be employed under the legislative, execu. j tive or the judiciary department of this State. or of the t. States, or any city or in c orporated district, and also, that every memb a, of Con• gross and of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of soy city, commis 1 sioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercisin,r at the same time, the office or appointment of judge, in. spector or clerk of any election of this Com inonwealth, and that no inspector, indge, or other officer of any such election. shall be then eligible toany office to be then voted far." Also, that in the 14th section of the act of Assembly entitled an "Act relatia, to exec. tions anti for other purposes," approved April 16. 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13th section "Audi not be construed as to prevent may borpo”i, ItA iii ge; inspector, or clerk, Or finy ,ener. al or special election in this Couroo , w.alth." Pursuant to the provisions Vrnitaiiiell in the 67th section in the act nfonssaid, thy. io.l,es or the aforesaid districts shall v.sp-etiv lake charge of the certificate or roorn of the lee tion of .their respective districts. and product th em at a meeting of one judge front each die trict. at the Court House, in the Borough ol Huntingdon, on the third day after the'day ol the election, being fir the present year on FRIDAY, the l:eth of October next, then and there to do and perform the duties required by law ut said judges. Also, thst where a judge by sickness or unavoidable occident, is unable to attend said meeting ofiodze4, then the cer tificate of return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of the taspectors or clerks of the election of said distnct, and shall do and perform the duties requited of said judge una ble to attend. Also. in the 61st sectim of said act. it is en acted that "every geneal and special election shall be opened betweerthe hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, aMshall continue without interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening when Se polls shall be closed." Given under my hasp at Huntingdon the 13th day of September,lBs4, and of the Indepen• dence of the U. Site. the oeventveight. JOSIIU• GREENLAND, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Olte• Huntingdon, Set. 13, 1854. Adinliotrator's Notice. T Erroits• Admiliistration having been I . granted, 1, te Register of Huntingdon co., to t h e te h s .. t it, on the estate of CHRISTIAN WAGONER. Clay township, deed., he beretty c ive, to all persons indebted to said „ i „ i , h , titrward and make payment, and those 1.!• claims against the same trill please poso, • same, proptaly authenticated for settle, , he subscriber, who resides in Clay tow- , ntingdon county, near the re sidence Milt •lee'd. WILMA NI J. WAGONER, Moor. Sept4ber 13, 1854.-6 t. ldnainistratoes Notice. T EIERS of Administration baying been g ,ted,lv the Register of Huntingdon co , to t to l .,rilter on the estate of DANIEL YOUNG, late Cas• township, dec'd., he hereby pi yes no tice all persons indebted to said estate to come fund and Tank() ndynintd, and all persons ha e inolims at the same will please present ti.‘ properly authenticated for settkament, to thubscriber, who resides in Cass townsiliPi ptingdon county. JACOB HENRY DELL, Adm'f• eptember 13,1854.-6 t. TAKE NOTICE. . LL persons indebted to the subscriber will please call and settle their accounts on or he re the first day of January next—all accounts :mining unsettled alter that date will he placed the hands of a proper officer lOr collection. JOHN N. SWOOPE. Alexandria, Sept. 6, 1 651.-4 w. iii THEE lottludo„, Ti RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Stonerstown, Coal Mont, Hopewell, and the country adjacent, that he has located a Medical (Mice in the house lbrmerly occupied by Lemuel Evans. Esq., and is now ready to attend to all calls, and by strict attention to business, hopes to receive a good portion of public favor. September 6, 1854.-Iy. Valuable Farm at Public Sale. WILL be offered et Public Sole, on the prem ises, on Tuesday, the yd day of October next, a Farm in Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, on the bank of Ilig Aughwick Creek, near Slelintla Iron Works, containing about 118 Acres and the usual allowance, 100 Acres of which are cleared and in a ;mod state of cultic. tion. The improvements are a double Lug hunt, two Dwelling Houses, with other out buildings, an orchard of upwards of WO Apple trees, and a small Tan Yard. The terms will be made easy, and an indisputable title given by , 1 011 S . FOWLER. serrtia l .,cr Sheriff's Sales BY virtue of n Writ of Levan fitciae homed out of the Court of Common Pleas of Hun tingdon County, and of an ellen Test. Vend. E. 'man, issued out of the Distrint Court of Phila., end to me directed, f will exit.. to Sole, at tito Court Howe. in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Tuunost. Tile 3t, DAY or Oevouun MAT, at one o'clock of sold day, the following described Real Estate, to wit The "Edward Furnace" property, situate in Huntingdon and Mifflin conntiea, Pennsylvania, the name consisting of a tract of land formerly belonging to Samuel Clemens, Sr., dee'll., con taining 250 acres and 19 perches, being part of a tract warranted in name of Bartholomew Da vi., poreltetted on a sale of it oo a mortgage to John Wharton, on which the said FIIIIIIICO is erected, a piece, parcel, or tract of land held on an improvement thereof by the said Samuel Clemens, Sr., dec'd., conta"ning 50 acres and 90 perches, on which the principal part of the Fur mice howen me erected, the saw-mill tract being part of the Bartholomew Davis survey, contain ieg 14 acres, all last said three tracts adjoining t the tract of land purchase.' of Thomas Gors u ch and on which he resided, note occupied by John Price, containing 201 acme; the Samuel Hock enberry tract containing 225 acres; the Elicam Lovett!' illoprovement, purchased ofJoshun Petty, containing 902 micros and 111 perches, the fol lowing five adjoining pieces or tntcts of land, all lying on Owen's Ridge, ono thereof purchased of John Morrison and George Eby tis Exequtors of Elizabeth Etnier, containing 30 aorealind 35 perch.; one purchased oriolin Etnier, surveyed on his own warrant, containing 23 acres and 138 perches; one purchased of JAI' Etnier tam' . g 90 acres and 154 perches, warrented to ',1% ' .1 Etnier; and one purchaseclot J.fflin..por. .• .- taming 4 acres; the Audrey M'Callietutt ' ,-- chased of Joshua Petty, cmtaining 111: , ---: ISO notes and 146 perches icing the hall'. 1 surveyed in name of Jacob Taylor, pureliwea al . David Ender with the sawmill tract; a tract sur veyed in name of John 'rarlor; one which is an improvement by which it a held, supposed to contain 325 acres; the fulloeing mentioned four teen tracts of unseated landsurveved in tile I'o - names and couteinin; the eollowing men tioned quantities, to wit t Limy Kline 405 acres and 158 perches; Jacob Carlota 440 acres and 2:10 perches; Richard Pendlton 420 acres owl 28 perches; Peter Lockberl4oo acres mill 42 perches, William Savory 283screa und 83 perch en; George Hughes 433 acres pa Id 14 perches; Alexander Hamilton 442 He and 57 perches; Thrown Edmiston 415 ncr and 80 perches, Edward Taylor 418 acres ate. 65 per. Geo. Albertin 400 acres; Saninel i ttylor '250 acres; George Forsythe 431 acres ar 76 perches; Sam uel Jarvis 367 acres and 87 p elies; and Henry Harris (or Harris) 369 acres ,td 73 perches; all the betore-mentioned land bel situate in Shir ley or Shirley and Cromwell t ships, Hunting don county, and n tract shunt n Wayne town ship, 'Mi ffl in county, containi 155 acres, sur veyed on warrant in mune 'James Walker, pdrcbased of Lewis Bond, toither with all and singular the buildings, &it. Taken in execution and to I sold on the pro perty of James M. Bell tottliantuel 11. Bell, Mortgagora in said Writ mime Also, at the same time andluce. the follow ' ing described Real Estate. to t: Nine certain lots of gromelmitito in tho Vil lage of Graysport, (now callettria two Creek) in the comity of Huntingdon, intlivr...l ;old (ieserl. bed es follows, to wit: Lot N I. ',Hog 52 feet in Pont and in depth extendi to tloutael Fee , terhoors line, the south side -aid lot being 36 perches long and the north se 37 perches, ac cording to the plan of said Tun in that part laid oat by Samuel Caldwell, Est Lots numbered in the aforesaid plan 2,3, 4, . 5, adjoining lot I Na. I, and extending along t Pittsburg Road leading by way of Philip Rol , adjoining each other, being each 52 feet in I and extending buck to Shelton! FetterhoorMie. the ateresaid live lota 11160 adjoin SaintielePherran on the south and Joseph Johnston the north, and on lot No. lis erected a Tavern 'use. Lot No. 7, situate in that part of the tocaforesaiti kid out by John G. Miles, Esq., be 50 feet in front on Water street and in deptixtending back to the road leading to PittsbuF way of Philip south side of sa t being 165 feet Roller's, the ling and the north side 18 ect us marked in the plan of said town. Lots Inhered 18 and 19 in the plan thereof, made blohn G. Miles, as aforesaid, being each 50 tech front on Wat e r street, till.' extending buck mit old road leading to the village of Winter Ste; No. 18 being on the north side 231 feet long A on the south side ,i 95 feel. No. 19 being honk the north and sitatif tMes or stn. eacli 2:ltk,t long according to the plan atimeseid, and thernaining lot ma king the aforesaid nine in near. not being laid out or Toon , .ereil in the plan said town, but ilescrihed as fulluwa, to wit Otentnencing 60 leet sob,b of lot No. 1, on ich the Tavern House •tanda and extending feet along the road b ading from the mouth yprutre Creek to Water Street and extentlingrst to Michael Fetterhout's line, so as to will 50 feet along said line, be the measurement the aforesuid nine lots more or less. Also, al ht lot of ground I in the county aforesaid, adjoin; Andrew Me- Ferran on the south, being 50 t in front, com mencing at the upper side of thld road leading to Witter Strew, and extentlinitek to the line of said Gray and Michael Full AIR), all the ground between the street ealleVater street in the old plot of the Town of lisport and the Juniata river, lying below the Sic Bridge and opposite the lots Nos. 17, 18 at. 9, as number ed ill said pin, being 150 teen said Water street, and extending back to Juniata river, reserving all the streets, lanes aallevs thereon and thereout. Also, all that anti parcel of ground situate in Alorris townsl in the county aforesaid, bounded on the notby the Little Juniata river, on the west by fin Alley, on the south by the Penne. hail RI, and on the east by Carson Street of the Tout Grayspurt, und also the several detached.' contiguous pieces and parcels of ground ly south of Lot No. I, in the new plot of the tour Gruysport, on which a Tavern House is b, and within the line of 110 few south of Mu. I on the south, HMI the Penna. Rail RI ot t west, containing 465 square feet more • AISO, the use of a small triangle, I' , ~t .. the Turnpike and east of the Penit .• ~ 1,....1, Also, one other piece of ground t,.. ' • , t the Penna. Roil Road and south of :to. .fore said, awl lying in u strip ten feeide r .411 the Rail Road to the Fetterhoof lion Oat top of the bill—with a large Brick hi and other buildings thereon crewed, 4.c. Taken in execution, and to bed w the pro perty of Robert F. Haslett JOSHUA GREENLI), Sheriff. Sheriff's Mee, Huntingdon, Sept. 6;'54. 5 }EVER AND AG. ' nit. EDWARD BLEECKEI STAMPEDE 1./ MIXTURE, for the Fever miaow, Chagres Fever, Dyspepsia, and all Itilluattections.— he proprietor of this Me licme istato, with out hesitation or fear of contradint, that the Stampede "fixture lass eared mutinous where it has liten introduced, than MIT er medicine in use fur the above diseases. tidedichie has neither arsenic nor quinine iu inomposition; all of the ingredients are of a perfully healthy character, Lind highly stimulatimul inviguni ting to their tendency. Persons to using this Medicine will nut be affected by ensure to ma ter or a 'lamp atmosphere any in than when in their usual health. Planters lotions of the country where the Ague prevailsfl do well to adopt this Aletlicine, as the tattiest not obliged to lay by while under treatEllelltd they may be assured Lit a SPEEDY CURE. l proprietor could introduce thousands of recites from those Lit the highest nspectabili but prefers saying to the sick—Buy tie bottled you will have the inlidlible proof in yours's; Full direc tions for its use accompany each be. Certificates can he seen at the en, showing where this Medicine has CURED to all others have failed. For Dyspepsia and all other lions Com plaints, there is nut a better Medic in market. It has also been taken with then astonish ing success in several cases or Minium and Gout; for these complaints take a ,levoonful twice a day. . - Ono bottle of this Medicine venien has the desired acct. Price $1 per bottle: For sale byuggists in all parts of the United States and (Lida. All Wholesale Orders must he aes•ud to MEAD & BLEECKER, Sole Frit:dor, 98 Broadway,w York. Agent, tionann W. Small, Bingdun,l'a. September 6.1854.-Iy. ILVER and Plated Spoons, Gt Silver and 0 Plated Spectacles, at Edo,. Se's:Jewelry Store. utlltT MONNAJES, Car 4 Cassini the neat quality :of Worrentitie Pocket Knives, a very large quantity at Snare's Stye. Stray Steer. CAME to the re•idence of the subscriber, living in Barret *IT t township, Huntingdon e runty, shout the 20th August list, a smell two•year old muly STEER nearly white, with it tar-mark on the aft Hank. The owner is requested to come forward, prose primeity, pnv charges, and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. PETER LIVINGSTON. September 0,1854.-3 t. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been grunted to the undergigned, on the I.:suite of TIIOMAC Cot, late of Ilitrree township, Hun tingdon county, deed., nil persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those haying chit trot will present them properly authenticated for settlement. JAMES COY, Athn'r. August 30, 1854.-6 t. STRAY HORSE. WAS taken up at the Camp Ground, in Tod township. un Saturday, 2d inst., a Black Horse, nine or ten years old, no marks remem bered except a sore under the saddle, now honi ed—is somewhat crippled in the fore feet. per haps sprung in the knees. The owner will find him at the stable of the subscriber, on the upper one of the Three Spring films, where he can he had on identification and payment of charges. GEORGE KRIGEH. September R, 1854 —3t. Notice to School Directors and Teachers. TIIE School Directors of the folinwing named School Districts, are hereby notified that I will meet them at the place and time designated, for the purpose of examining teachers and granting certificates. September 9th, nt Alexandria, to examine ap plicants for the schools of Porter township. N. B.—Those Districts which have neglected to make out their yearly report, would confer a favor by attending to it immediately. The Di rectors of the several Districts, should give me early notice of the time when ;hey intend open ing their schools, so as to enable me to appoint a convenient time to meet them. Teachers mac he examined at any time by pre. sensing certificates of good moral character from the Board of Directors of the District in which they are applying. Copies of the School Laws and decisions, ran he furnished to Directors by calling at the office of Fisher & Williamson. on Hill street, or at my residence on Mifflin street, in the borough of un timolon. J. S. BARR, Co. Superintendent. Huntingdon, August 30, 1854. gar To Perswis out qrßotployment."Ea $5OO to $l,OOO a Year. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONET AND DO GOOD! Book Agents Wanted. publishes a number of most T HE Subscriber valuable Pictorial Books, very popular. and or such n moral and religions influence that while good men may safely engage in their circulation, they will confer a public benefit, and receive a flair compensation for their labor. Imo' To men of enterprise and tact, this Imsi• ness oilers an opportunity for profitable employ ment seldom to he met with. 5 Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular con taining hall particulars, with "Directions to per sons disposed to act ns Agents." together with the terms on which they will he furnished, by addressing the subscriber, post-paid. ROBERT SEARS, Prnusium, 181 117/Thus steed, Now-York. Cr IN PRESS, and ready for Agents by the Ist of October, 1654, "Sears , Illustrated Description of the Russian Empire: For farther particulars address as above. August 30, 1854. CENTRAL ACADEMV, Air) Clew, Tuscarora Valley, Juniata County, Pennu. rililF 4 Fall Session will comment.° on ibioxior. OCTOBER 2,1854. Whole expenses of hunrd, tuition, room, fuel, washing nod incidental, "C -ries from $5l to $57 per session of 22 we Vacations from the Ist to the 15th of April, and from the 15th of August to the last of Sept. For further particulars see circulars, hr address (post-paid) either of the Principals. DAVID WILSON, A. M. DAVID LAUGHLIN, A. M. Aug. 30,'54.-2m. Port Royal P. O. Dissolution of Partnership. rpHE partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, in CUrlSilla en the Woolen Factory business, in Shirley township, was dis solved by mutual consent, on Monday the 14th doe of August inst. All persons having unset tled business to transact with the late firm, will please cull at the Factory, where one of the sub scribers will be in attendance to wait lip. the SOM. PETER M. BARE, SAMUEL 800111.11, Augnst 30, 1854.—at. N. B. The Factory business, in all its cdria,,,, branches, carried on as heretofore, at the Old Stand by SAMUEL BOOBIEII. Executor's Notice. LETTERS testamentary on the Estate of JOHN R. LOGIN, late of Clay township, Huntingdon county, deeM., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will !nuke immediate payment, and those Miring claims will present them properly anthenti,ned lin. set tlement. ADAM II EETER, Aug. 30, 's4.—lt.' SARAH LOGAN. Executors, Administratoen Notice. T ETTEHS of Administration having been Li granted to the undersigned, .11 the Estate of JOIIN Con, late of Barrett town:ltin, Ilantingdon county, dec'd., nil persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having elaims will present them properly authenticated fur set tlement. JAMES COY, Adm'r. August 30, 1854.-Gt. A large lot of Shoes—Lace Boots, Buskins, ['Mimes and Children's at the Store of D. P. GWIN. A superior lot of Rifles, for sale at the ELEPHANT. Executor's Notice. T ETTERS Testamentary, on the Estate of IA WILLIAM WILSON, late of Tell township, Huntingdon county, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will snake immediate payment, awl those haying claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE WILSON, Executor. August 23,1854.-61.. Executor's Notice, J ETTERS testamentary have this day been -LA granted to the undersigned, residing in Bar ree township, upon the last will and testament of JonAs Tirol', late of Berme township, deed.— Those indebted will please wake immediate pip. ment, and those having claims will present them, properly auAtmieuteil. to ELIZABETH RUDY,I MARTIN lIUDY, Executors. August 9,1654.-6 t.• Land For Sale. The undersigned desirous of removing to the West offers for sale his lands, consisting of 265 acres of improved hind; tho improvements con sist of a good Stone House, a double Log Barn, Carpenter Shop, and Blacksmith Shop; a great variety of fruit on one end ache farm, and on the other and a two Story Log House, and good Baffle bare, and some young fruit tress planted. There are shout 160 or 170 acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation, the remainder is well timlieryil, and within 1 mile of s good saw-mill; there are several never foiling springs of water on the premises. This property is so situated as to divide into two farms if desired. The pro perty is situate about ai miles east of this bore' August 2d. 1854. a JOHN PORTER. A beautiful assortment of Cross barred India Silk,jus) received and for sale by & W. SAXTON. A FRESH supply of Garden :'eede, from the Zah. Fredonia Gavin j‘ot reeei‘ ed and for [lsle hs J. & 11 . SAXTOY. Mechanics, Inventors and Manufactot $570. IN CASH PRIZES. $570. vosichiE TEN OF THE “SCIENTIF/C AKEP WAN" commences on the 16th of Septembc, It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of ti interests of Mechanics, Inventors, .Vanitlacturr, and lament, and is edited by men practical! skilled in tho arts and sciences. Probably 1,, , other journal of the SAME ChETSSIET ill SO extee sivelreirculated, or so generally esteemed fo,. r its practical ability. Nearly all the I doable Par ente which moue weekly from the PsiENT Orrice are illustrated with Engravings, and the claims of all the Patents are published regularly in its columns as they are issued, thus making it a per het SCIENTIFIC AND MECHANICAL Eitercim- PEDIA of information upon the subjects of Me chanical Improvemets, Chemistry, Engineering end the Sriences generally. It is published week ly in quarto form suitable for binding, and each volume contains Fora HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN PAGES of Reading Matter. Seviteut, IlesDesu Exife,ivtxtut, with a full and couplet. Index.— Its circulation on the last Volume exceeded 23,- 000 copies per week, and the practical receipts in one volume are worth to any family much more than the subscription price. The billowing CASII PRIZES are offered by the Publishers for the thurteen largest lists of sub , scribers sent in by the lot of Jimmy, 1855 t— sloo will be given fur the largest list; $75 for the 2nd; $65 for the 3rd; $55 for the 4th; $5O for the Slit; $45 for the 6th; $4O for the 7th; $35 for the Bth; $3O for the 9th; $25 for the 10th; $2O for the Ilth; $l5 for the 12th; $lO for the 13th; and $5 fur the 14th. The cash will he paid to the order of the successful competitor immediate ly alter the Lot ofJannary, 1653. Terms t—One copy, one year, $2; one copy six. months, $1; five copies, six months. $4; ter copies, six months, $8; ten copies, twelve months $l5; fifteen copies, twelve months. $22, twent copies, twelve months; $2B in advance. No number of subscriptions above twenty car be taken at less than $1,40 each. Names can he sent in at different times and from difffirent Post Offices Southern and Western money taken fur sub. scriptions. .- - - Letters should be directed. port-pnid, to MMIN & Co., 128 Fulton-Street. N. Y. Mes'ars. Must; & Co. are ;;tensively engaged in procuring patents for new inventions, and will advise inventors. without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. August ti:3, 1854.-3 t. FISH AND SALT, tur safe at the store of GEO. GWIN. LAND %%A TED. NY person having a small piece of land for I'7l sale, within ten miles of this place, say six or eight acres, can find a purchaser who will pay THE CASIt DOWN, by calling at toy land agetmy, at the office of the Huntingdon Journal. July . 26, 1854. HOOVER Still at His Poet I ri•HE undersigned, now engaged in putting up 1 Armitage's Electra Magnetic Lightning Rods in this and adjoining counties, would res pectfully calf the attention of the intelligent pub lic to the great superiority of this Patent, at a season like this, when accidents to property and lire almost daily occur, it is the dictate of human ity, as welt as interest. to make use of the best means of security in our power, for though the Lightning be in the hands of Him who rules the storm, His protection and blessing are always connected with our own efforts. SAMUEL HOOVER. ,Tuly 26, 1254.-t1: Fish for Sale. . 15 Barrels Susquehanna Shad, lo Half Mil. 4 , •• just received and for solo at the store of GEO. GWI CIGARS, CANDIES, &c., &c., wholemle and retail, at the dwelt store of J. BRICKER. BLANKS.--Alwn•4 buy your Blanks at the "Journal Office." We here now prepare.] a oe ry miperiorartiele of TiT,ANK pEnns, Bt INT)t. :WM M ENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC U TIONS, &e. FRANKLIN HOUSE, Chesnut Street, between 3d and 4th, PHILADEL,IIIA. (\ LI IN 11. I'. P ARKER. o'' — Ohio, and JAMES 11. LAIRD, or this City, haring leased thy above well known and popular house, torn term .4 years. are now prepared to accom modate guests in a manner equal to any honor in the city. The himtion of this hon.., i superior to any other. being in immediate proximity dm hosiness; mint of the Bunt, mobile °Mee, Pont olio, and time Exchange, where omnibu*ses start ter all parts of the city. The 'house having Greif put in thorough repair, and new Mraiture added. with ninny modern im provements, will add muelf fo the comfort of guests. The tables will at all times he supplied with the best the market affords, and nothing shall ho wanting, on our part, to make the FRANKLIN truly the Travelers' Home. Your patronage is must respectfully solicited. PARKER & LAID. July 19. 1854.-3 m. BANK ING HOUSE BELL, GARRETTSON & CO., On North-west Corner or 11111 and Montgome. ry Streets, in the Borough ,;t* Huntingdon, A T which a general Banking business is con. templated to. he done. Drafts on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., abrayi fa sale. Collections Math at the princi pal poisits in the United States. Money received on deposit, payable on demand, without interest; also for 3,6, and IS months, payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon. Members of Firm: Hollidaysburg, Pa., J. M. BELL, R. B. Jonmiros, WMi JACK, Wa. M. Lloyd. Huntingdon, Pa., A. P. WILSON, WM. Dolton, Jm, .1. Goo. 511 Les, Fnittsa, W. I'. Omits" Jon N SCOTT, JAMES Gwts, GEO. W. GAMEETTSON. Huntingdon, Pa., July 12, 1854.-9 m. American Artists) Union. TILE subscribers to the Works of the Artists' Union are respectfully informed that from the unprecedented favor which they have revel ed, the Secretary feels confident in stating that the whole number of Engravings (250,000) will be disposed of within a few months, of which due notice, through the press, will be given. AGENTS are requested to form Clubs and send in their Subscribers without delay. J. W. HOLBROOKE, Secretory. 515 Broadway, New fork. July 19, 1854.—Sin. Farm and• Saw-31111 tbr Sale. T subscribet odors for sale his Farm and 1 Saw-Mill, situate in Barret) township, of this county, at the junction of Stone Creek and East Branch, containing Two Hundred and Thir ty Acres, of which 00 Acres is cleared and in a good state of cultivation; the balance is covered with Pine and Oak timber, and all tillable. July 5,1554. JAMES HEMPHILL. Town Property for Sale. THE subscriber offers some valuable property for sale in the Borough of Alexandria, con sisting of Two Houses and Lots. The houses are large and comfortable, with every requisite outbuilding. One of the houses hus been occu pied us a store, ti.c. On the lot aro a great vari ety of fruit trees. Possession could be obtained in the fall, if desired July 5, 1859, SAMUEL SPYKER. Sale of Land. THE subscriber offers for sale his farm, Icing within three miles of Slairleysburg, Mint ingdon county, Pa., containing about 143 acres, 80 of which is cleared and under good fence, a considerable part post and rail. On the premises are a two story dwelling house, large and con venient, and a large frame Sank barn, both en tirely new. The above property being within three miles of Shl rleysburg, renders it convenient for those who may wish to send their sons MI daughters to the excellent Schools established in that borough. Those a ishing a good and con venient home can be accommodated. and upon ,sy term, B. E. COLLINS. lasl, is for VOL. 19. NO. 39. subi well ti Is the Human Stature Diminishing ethoorienuvghtir:i It is a very common opinion, that in the t earlyages of the world men in general pos. curing fit of red. An ear • is more sensiblr a greater size than they are at present; and condition to ingessed superior PhYsieul t o others, than notion of diminished stature and strength energies for the . toh beenjust rev l•nt in an• properties, and were and valuable rerticif! as P ai• jeer, because it is antienes as at present. Pliny observes of is simply this, "Win smaller;' an alarm chase of the article offered daily becoming am , " ‘ll height, that "the whole race of it. To :lie iavalid the The invalid should inquiri,Cit had linen true. Homer more presented to establish its val.. a very disparaging cornpari. should be carefully investigated, it, de ae r a t e cotemporaries credit given to it, and no more, than respectability of the witnesses, and the oplidch can be brought If of personal character, we should ItZrojan war. But all the city which they have had for an observation ~,, convince us, the facts, and the probable impartiality, and con sequent truthfulness, of their statement. Cor- - Iterated, and roborating statements of a number of respectable f the same witnesses to the truth of any fact, may amount -Id. In to irresistible evidence. We might enter into a detailed account of the study and labor incident to its preparation—of the scientitie principles upon which it is based— of the necessity which exists, in the very nature of the compound, for effecting immediate cures in almost every instance—and of the character and respectability of the witnesses who have tea. tilted to the astonishing cures which it has inva riably performed. We might enumerate other cases, and cite the testimony of others, and in deed weary our reader with repetitions of was. This we deem unnecessary, and shall therefore confine ourselves to a selection of a few of those whose characters and standing in the community are well known, and whose positions gave them the opportunity of testing the value of the Prim Cure, Th e gentlemen whose Certificates are given. are well known to the citizens of Lancaster and York Counties, in Pennsylvania, besides other portions of that State; also to the citizens of Ma ryland who reside in the neighborhood of the Susquehanna end Tide-water Canal. One of the gentlemen named JAMES McCutvitur, Esq., re presented York County in the Senate of Penn sylvania for many years. These gentlemen were all' Contractors on the Simple/4mi. and Tide water Canals, which terminate at Bavre-de- Greet. at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.— The officers of the ConapaniN were. of course, acquainted with the Contractor.: and should there be any doubt, application may be made to them fur the truth of the representation made in regard to the characters of those wbuse certificates are appended. TO THE PUBLIC: The undersigned, believing that great hearth will result to the public from a knowledge of the efficacy of the Pam: CrRE fur FEVER and Actut., do most cheerfully certify that we have, individ ually, witnessed ite successful operation in the number °reuses annexed to ourrespective names. awl that, in no instance within our knowledge. lets it failed to cure in a single day, by the use of the contents of a single bottle. Dated, Lancaster, Septemper 4, 1838. Signed— R. See. 1 and 2S. C. 2 cases. J. WII.I.IANIS, "10" 11 " 2 " H. FITZPATRICK, 20 t 7 4, .1. FISHER, :` 28 44 2 46 1. CiIIIPER, Leek No. I and 2, " 2 •• M. PIIEI,AN 6 " 4 " A. i'cONNOR, Sec. 23 T. W. C. 3 B. WI BANN, " 29 and 30 `' 11 '‘ In corroboration nt the certifleates of the high ly respectable Contractors above named, Wilo4o humane feelings prompted them to give publicity to the flicts therein stated, the Mowing certitl 'cute from Major James McConkey, at that time as member of the Senate of the Cotninonwealth of Pennsylvania, will he read with interest by all who are afflicted with Fever and Ague: "PEACII Borrow, }W. co., Pa. Nov. 16, '3B. Baying witnessed TWENTY-TWO eases at Fever and Ague eared by the celebrated PRIZE CURE. 1 make this known fur tic lomat and conthirt of all those distressed with troublesome disease —Freer and Ayue. Ar CON KE Y." Prize Cure for Fever and Ague. Ilir•ections for acing.—Take three table-spoons• fol (one-third of the contents of the bottle) in the morning, one-third nt noon, and the lialanee in the evening, before meals. on the patient's well day, or when the chills and fever hove subsided —previously taking a dose of purgative medicine to cleanse the bowels. The bottle to he well shaken. eir Children to take it in smaller do ses. proportioned to age. (Fir Persons wishing to become Agents for the celebrated Price Core for Fever and Ague, will learn the prices stud terms (thr cost! only) on per sonal application, or by letter (post paid) to B. I'. BASTIN, 105 henry Street, New-York, where it may he had, icheirso/e and retail. Price, Sl per single bottle; $8 per dozen; $B4 per gross. Also for sale. wholesale, by SCHIEFFELIN, neerrstello & CO., Druggists, 170 William street, corner of Beekman, New-York, and others thro'. out the Union. Aug. 9, 1854,-Iy. NEW STAGE LINE. T ilE subscriber would respectfully inform the traveling public that he is now running a lino of Hacks from Mt. Union to Orbisonia, as follows: From Orbisonia to Mt. Union and back again, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Passengers wishing to go to Shade Gap, or any other place, will be taken on without delay. Ilis Heels are good and comfortablo, and he is determined to have none but good and steady drivers; in a word, his desire is to carry passengers in comfort and safety. JAMES S. BUREET. Orbisonia, June 28, 1854. To Brick Makers. PROPOSALS for making 500,000 Brick, at the Warm Springs near Huntingdon, will be re ceived up till the I6th July inst. Those propo sing to state whether with machine or by hand, and how much per thousand, Contractor to furnish wood, and how much if wood furnished, and at what rate if wood leave provided. Work to be commenced immediately. Address A. P. WILSON, lluntindon, Pa. lI i , BE greatest variety of Dress Trimmings, Fans, Cravats. Zeffir, Tydo Yarn, Drees Buttons, Ladies Collars, Chetnizetts, Fancy Mkt's., Under Sleeves, Kid and Lyle Thread Gloves, and Uosiery of every variety, just recei ved and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. fl BARRELS Roe Herriagjust receired. n d for sale at the store of GEO. GWIN.: Land fbr Sale. A TRACT OF LAND situate inGermany Valley, near Shirleysburg, Huntingdon co., containing about V2B Acres, the greater pare of which is limestone, in a good state acuities lion, bounded by lands of George Swine and An drew Spanogle. JOHN LOTTS. June 21, 1854. 1854. 1854. LOOK OFT FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE! A S the shrill whistle of the Locomotive will soon be heard limn Broad Top, giving a now impulse to all kinds of busimats, the undersigned has determined not to be excelled by any steam horse in the country. He therefore offer. to the public the most elegant stock of !spring aunt Summer Clethint over opened in the county, embracing the moat fashionable Dress, Frock, and Sock CO.llB, Pants and Vests, Shirts, Collars,Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, &c. Also, Silk and Summer Hate —all of which he is determined to sell camas than the cheapest. He has on hand a fashionable assortment of Cloths, Cao.imeres, &.., which he will make to order, in a superior manner. aArei SNYDER. iltunandon, Jai. 1, IOU.