WI H E 1 UNTINGDON JOURNAL _ / N' 115i1i1i,,,,,,T4,i i i, „-14 . 1 . 41 n ..74trii,. . - ~.:.---...._ ~... ,-. - 4•-- ~‘,‘ gt _ippi v. -4'. , ..”; -- --- 14A V. \`. , - z , ' '-- • ~, k, ‘ . . N s ‘, i -, \-.'• -:''' ; ' 7 ' 4 o..N, . '`'. Wediesday Morslag, Sept. 13, 18114. - vmussi - BREWBTER, CIRCULATION WHIG STATE TICKET t FOR GOVERNOR, James Pe.!E., of Northumberland co. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, pearge Darsle, of Allegheny co. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, Daniel M. Smyser, of Montgomery co. WHIG DISTRICT TICKET I. FOR CONGRESS John R. Edie, of Sornerset County. FOR ASSEMBLY: James Maguire, Huntingdon County. George W. Smith, Blair County. WHIG COVNTY TICKET; PROTHONATARY, John W. Matters, Huntingdon. REGISTER AND RECORDER, ilenry Glazier, Huntingdon. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, Richardson Read, Canaille. DIRECTOR OF THE POOR, J. A. Shade, Dublin township. COUNTY AUDITOR, Perry Moore, Morris township. V. B. PALMER, the American Newspa per Agent. is THE on, AI/THOR/ZED AGENT for this paper in the cities of Boston, New-York and Philadelphia, and is duly empowered to take ad vertisements and subscriptions at the rates as re quired by us. His receipts will be regarded as payments. Hu offices ATE—BOSTON, Senility's Building; N. Your, Tribune Buildings. Pun,- necrnu, IQ. W. corner of Third and Chestnut streets. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Agents for the EIMINGDON JOURNAL, who are author ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sob ecription, and to take the names of new Batumi bersatonr published prices. . . We do this for the Convenience of our stabled. bore living at a distance from Huntingdon. JOHN %V. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL COEN, East Barren, GEORGE W. Colosnms, Shirley township, Hasa, Munson, Clay township. DAVID ETNIR3, Cromwell township. Dr. J. P. Asticom, Penn township, J. WAREHAM MAT rmw, Franklin township, Sasscat. STEFPEY, Jackson township, ROBERT M'BERNEY, it Cot. JNO. C. WATSON, Brady township, MORRIS BROWN, Springfield township, W3I. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Wistriorsmark tp., JAstas McDowst.o, Brady township, GEORGE W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg, HENRY NEFF, West Barren. JOHN BALSBACII, WROKSIFCCE, 3laj. CHARLES MICKLEY. 'rod township, A. M. I.lt..sin, Dublin township, GEORGE WiLsolv, Esq., Tell township, Janes CLARK, Birmingham. 'NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. Maj. W. MOORE, Alexandria. B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace. SIMEON Walnut., Esq., Union township. DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., Cass township. Hvatinu, WIGTON,ESII., Franklin township. D.tvio PARKER, Es 3., Warnorsmark. Darn° AIIRANDT, Esq., Todd township. WANTED, A few loads of WOOD at the Journal Office. 11#1,..See new Advertisements. BISHOP POTTER Will visit Huntingdon on Wednesday 20th inst., and by Divine permission, will preach in St. John's Church, on the evening of that day, at early candle light. 1611 - Kennedy & Bro.'s F. Simile Counter. feit Detector for September, published in Pitts burgh, is on our table, and as usual, is full of the most valuable information to Bankers and all men dealing in money ; that they may avoid being imposed upon. The attention of School Directors is directed to the CIRCCLAR published in another column. In a snarl—some of our friends in Hunting don county. They bad better pursue the good old plan of sticking to regular nominations, and above all beware of locofoco gull-traps. The only object the locos have in view, is to slip in to office, through an amalgamation with dissat isfied whigs.—Rafteman's Journal. We are gratified to know that we have at the present time as good a ticket, composed of as efficient and true whigs, for the various coin ty offices, as were ever voted for, and the whigs of old Huntingdon know too well their own in terest to get "in a snarl" by supporting a mon grel ticket concocted by locofocos for the pur pose of distractingthe present united whig party. We can assure the Rafttnnan that no fears need be entertained on that head, as the whigs of this county intend doing this fall, as on for mer occasions—rote the whole whig ticket. dames Maguire. We ask the few Whigs Who oppose the re election of Mr. Maguire whether they can point , to any legislative act or vote of his which de serves a sentence of condemnation? If there is such an act or vote, let them put a finger up. on it, or refer to the page of the Pamphlet Laws or to the Journal of the House, where it may be found. The truth is, Mr. Maguire has been tried and not found wanting! He was constantly in his seat, watchful of the interests of his constituents and of the welfare of the State. He procured the passage of eight or ten local acts for Huntingdon county; and all his public acts bear the strictest scrutiny. The little opposition which manifests itself, is alto gether of a personal and private character—en vy, disappointment and personal dislike, which should never be carried to the ballot-box, but yield to the decisions of the county comention. We are happy to say that some who opposed him last fall are now for him. Mr. Maguire has been re-nominated by the Whig Convention, agreeably to the time.honor od usages of the party, and he is, therefore, en titled to the votes of all loyal Whigs. Rio merits and qualifications have twice been fully endor sed by his party in their collective capacity— the people themselves in their sovereign capa city have once called him to a seat in their le gislative halls; and even his present competitor, John Scott, Esq., wee a warm friend and sup porter of James Maguire last year, and exerted his influence in his favor when no Locofoco thought proper to enter the field against him, and the contest •*; bcorcla 0.6 whip. The !Mongrel Convention and its Candidates. After WO weeks of drumming up of dole• gates, and plotting and scheMing, "the inde, pendants" met on Tuesday afternoon of last week, in the Court-room, toptesenttothe public "a county ticket for which the People connote," —that is, if they have stomach enough for such a dose! This convention was held too late to be noticed by us last week. It merits passing notice from our hands now. It is to he borne in mind that these aelfstyl ed "independents," are opposed to the regular ly nominated Whig ticket; not because the candidates are not good and honest men, and well qualified for the respective offices for which they are nominated, but because some of these disinterested, and patriotic "independ ents" themselves, were candidates for the same nominations in the Whig Convention: pledged to abide by its decision. In that Convention they were di,rappionted, as some must always be disappointed, when there is a plurality of aspirants for the same office. It is also a fact worthy of remembrance, that Thomas P. Camp bell, who, as a politician, has long since been considored as neither bird nor beast, but rath er ftskey, and who was the moat prominent ac. I for in the Convention of the sth inst., and chairman of the Democratic County Committee, and ex-officio commander of the Locofoco for ces of the County, had the impudence to bore Whig Delegates to the regular Whig Conven tion to nominate his brother for the office of Prothonotary; and the Major too, was disap• pointed. The nomination of Mr. Mattern was particularly objectionable to this leader of the hosts of the "incorruptsble democracy." In deed, no one knows better than the gallant Ma jor the, importance of a friend at Court, or a brother in the Prothonotary's office. So much, then, in explanation of this "independent" movement. The motives are so plain, that he who runs may read them. Now a few words as to the proceedings of this mongrel amalgamated Convention. As they sat with closed doors and darkened win dows, in imitation probably of the "Know No things," we cannot give the minutia of what transpired in the Court-room, but the results are what we have to do with. John Scott, Esq., (Banker) was nominated for Assembly. He is the Huntingdon Bank candidate, and the chosen instrument of the wealthy and aristocratic wire-workers of this borough, and well suited to their caloulations and speculations. His nomination was a "fix ed fact" more than a week before the Conn tion met. The wire-workers here had thatand other parts of the ticket all 'cut and dry;' and all efforts to nominate a man in any other quarter or of any other name, were fruitless.— To the Huntingdon Bankers and monied men, and shavers generally, he is highly acceptable, and will no doubt, advance their darlingscheme of ad vanciug the rates of interest or respealing the usury laws. As Mr. Scott is as valid a 10. cofoco as can be found any where in the same amount of akin. we at first thought he would, of course, get his party vote; but this idea is negatived by the murmurings of dissatisfaction which is beard among the masses who swear that they will not 'support the "candidate of two men"—meaning thereby, the candidate of Thomas P. Campbell, Esq., and John P. An derson, Esq. However, it is probable that Mr. Scott will, in the main, got the Locofoco vote; but Whigs who are Whigs from principle, will not tench his ticket. A bitterer pill could not be offered to a Whig. The next nomination was that of a Prothon otary. Having been unsuccessful in the Whig Convention, Thomas P. Campbell calledanoth er Convention, mixing into it from one-half to two-thirds Loci:dims—among them, such men as the Orladys, the Carrens Patterson, the 'Squire Weston and the John McCombs— and of course succeeded in getting his brother. Matthew F. Campbell, nominated. Next the the question was considered wheth er any nomination for Register and Recorder should be made, many democrats having ex pressed a determination of voting for the regu lar Whig nomination. It was conceded that there is no earthly chance of electing an inde pendent candidate against Mr. Glazier ; but it was deemed ti stroke of policy to nominate somebody, no mtater who, as it would leek bad to have a gap in the ticket, and as a full ticket would bring out more force with it, and add strength to the other nominations. This pre. liminary question being settled, the Convention nominated Mr. Alexander Stewart of Jackson township, for Register and Recorder. Now, one stiriking feature in this affair is, that Mr. Campbell and Mr. Stewart were I both candidates in Whig Convention, and pledged to support its nominees. And more over, Mr. Campbell has been twice nominated and twice elected Register and Recorderby the Whigs. However, it is said by many demo crats that he never would have beaten Mr. Ja cob Miller, if' Major Campbell had been true to his own party. Having served two terms al ready, these "independents" insist on retaining his services in a still more ardous and profita ble office, and that too, contrary to his own in clination; and notwithstanding his lack of qualifications, solely for the benefit of his bro ther, who is a great friend of monopolies.' Mr. Stewart was also a delegate to the White Con vention, and we feel satisfied that he will mot lend himself to this scheme of disorganization, and offer himself up as a political sacrifice to further Major Campbell's project, of rotating his brother from ono office into another. It is not pretended that there is a chance of defeat ing the Whig candidate for Register and Recor der; and all doubt about the success of the whole ticket is now removed. Many of the del egates left the Covention dissatisfied, and de. nouncing some of its nominees; and Major Campbell, who is known to be a great enthusi ast, and a small politician, is not very highly inflated with the idea of success. Whigs who were dissatisfied with the Whig nominations are quietly taking their places in the Whig ranks. It is yet to be seen whether Messrs. Camp bell and Stewart will violate their PLEDGES to their Wbig friends. They must both under stand the Whig party of this county better than to expect them to aid the enemy in their diem , ganizing scheme; And if sneers wore even possible, they must know in what estima. tins they would be held by all parti es. Their fate would ho like that of Benedict Arnold.— Their new allies love the treason, but despise the traitors. The mongrels then nominated candidates for Commissioner, Director of the Poor, and Au ditor; but as these nominations are unimpor tant, and as this notice has already become lengthy, we puss them by for the present. We shall have occasion to notice these matters actin be!ore the election i 3 o'er. Proceedings ofthe Free Demoorstio State Convention. The Free DeMocrntic State Convention as. sembled at Harrisburg, Aug. 30th. Dr. Robert Mitchell, of Indiana, President, and Dillin, of Phil'a, Secretary. The following resolutions Were adopted and ordered to be published. Kelsolved, That the no called Democratic porty, by ils systematic subserviency to the slave holding power of the country, an maui. fested by a series of measures, (the last of which, the NebriAlka Kansas bill, involvingthe repeal of the Missouri Compromise, has given the most indubitable evidence that it intends to submit to every demand of power, even though it may involve the introduction of sla very into the free States, the revival of the for. eign slave-trade, and the protestation of the popular branch of cure goverment, by making it subservient to the Senate, through the intro duction into that body of senators, (the repre. sentatives of slave-holding constituencies, in. significant in point of numbers;) thus eet. ting at defiance the will of the people, and con stituting the only cause to anticipate a disso lution of the Union. Resolved, That the present State and Gener al Administrations have boldly assumed there. sponsibility of the policy, and the Free Democ racy hold them responsible for this departure from the policy and principles of the fathers of the Republic. Resolved, That the only questions now prom. ineptly before the people of this State, are those of liberty against slavery,and temperance and intemperance, and upon those issues will be determined the approaching gubernatorial election: and that the candidate of the so call. ed Democratic party stands before the people BIL the justifier, if not the advocate of the exten sion of slavery to territory now free; and upon the subject of a Prohibitory Liquor Law (the only adequate remedy for the manifest evils of intemperance) this position is unsatisfactory to the friends of temperance. Resolved, That in view of the transcendent importance of the 9oestions now before the peo ple, the one involving their honor and integri. ty, touching solemn compacts, affectinghuman liberty; the other, the happiness, temporal and eternal, of millions vet unborn, it heroines the friends of liberty and morality to disregard all party ties and prejudices, and unite in onebody in opposition to an administration whose meas ures are sofratig,ht with evil to the human race. Resolved, That, without expressing, upon this occasion, any opinion no to the old issues which have heretofore divided the Whig and Demo cratic parties, or as to any collateral or secon- I dory questions which may exist between them, we cannot fail to recognize the issues as being fairly made upon the two greatquestions above named, and that the Hon James Pollock stands before the people of the State as the represen tative of the sentiments of Liberty and Tem perance, and should therefore receive the sup port of the Free Democracy of the State. Resolved, That we accept the proposition to withdraw, tendered by our worthy candidates for the several State offices, in order that an undivided front may he presented in opposi tion to the State and National Administra tions at the ensuing election. Resolved, That, notwithstanding the with drawal of our State ticket, we deem it our duty to maintain our distinctive organization as a Free Democratic party. We, nevertheless, ex press a willingness to unite with our fellow ci-, tizens of other parties, at any time, in forming a new party of the people, to maintain the rights of freedom, and resist the encroach ments of slavery, whenever an effint to that end shall be made. Resolved, That the Chairman of the State Committee be directed to publish the corres pondence between the committee and the Hon. James Pollock. ROBERT MITCHELL, Chairman. ELI EILLIN, Secretary. Letter In Judge Pollock, Philadelphia, Aug. sth, 1854. RCM JAMES POLLOCK—Dear Sir :—Thu Whig State Committee, in their recent address appeal to the people of Pensylvania "on the ground of resolute opposition to the further ex tention of the institution of domeatic slavery in the territorial domain of the nation;" and they "solemnly pledge the Whig party of Pennsyl vania and its candidates to the doctrines of the act of 1780;" "to the great ordinance of 1787, in its full scope and all its beneficient princi ples ; to a resolute determination to effect the absolute .d entire repeal of the aggressive portions of the Nebraska bill; to the protection of the personal rights of every human bong un der the Constitution of Pennsylvania and the Constitution of the United States, by maintain ing inviolate the trial by jury and writ of Ha beas Corpus." Desiring to unite if possible, with our fellow republicans of every party and name in oppo sition to an administration, which has reckless. ly and wantonly violated the plighted honor of our fathers. we respectfully ask an expression of Your sentiments on the following points First, what are your views concerning the provisions of the Nebraska Kansas bill, which repealed the Missouri Compromise, and of the duties imposed by that measure upon the friend& of Freedom ? Secondly, Do you hold that the policy °mho. died in the sixth article of compact in the cele brated ordinance of 1787, is a wise and bene— ficent policy, and ought to be applied to all ter ritory now belonging to the United States, or that may hereafter be acquired by them ? Thirdly, Do you hold that the constitutional rights of flaheas Corpus and trial by jury should he preserved inviolate to every person arrested on or by virtue of the process of the federal judiciary ? Ou behalf of the Free Democratic State Co mmittee. Wu. B. Moons, Chairman. Judge Pollock's Reply. Mil:nix, Aug. 18th, 1854. Sin have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the fah inst., asking "an expression of my sentiments on certain points" therein set forth. Cordially approving the sentiments of the address of the Late Central Committee to which you have re ferred, I cannot hesitate to reply to your...quer ies; and, in reply to your first question, any that my views concerning the provisions of the Nebraska-Kansas bill, which repealed the His smug Compromise, and of the duties imposed by that measure upon the friends of freedom," have been often and publicly expressed. That bill, in its origin, design, progress, and final consummation, is without merit to recommend or principle to sustain it. Unasked, ill-timed, and reckless—a palpable violation of a solemn compact of plighted faith and national honor— an undisguised attempt to introduce slavery into atcrritory now free, it deserves, and should receive the unquallified condemnation of a fret? people. The duties imposed by this measure upon the friends of freedom are, "a restate de termination to effect the absolute and entire re peal of the aggressive portions of that bill"— the reenactment of that portion of the Missou ri Compromise which prohibits slavery in those Territories—their restoration and preservation to freedom—and active opposition, now and hereafter, by every legal and constitutional mean., to the aggressions of slavery and itsex tension in the territorial domain of the nation. Secondly, I hold that the policy embodied in the sixth article of compact in the celebrated ordinance of 1787, is a wise and benificient po- Hey, and ought to be applied to all territory now belonging to the United Statesorthat may be acquired by them. The great and benefi• cial results of that policy demonstrate its wis dom and the wisdom of the Statesman by whom it was introduced and sustained ; a departure from it ought never to have been permitted, and is the great error of modern legislation. Thirdly, I hold that the Constitutional rights of habeas corpus and trial by jury should be preserved inviolate and secured to every person arrested on or by virtue of the process of the federal judiciary. The declaratio nsf these constitutional rights is but the recognition of a nue of the geueral, great and essential priori plea of liberty and free government. Yours Respectfully, JAMES POLLOCK. Mr. IVilliam B. Thomas, Chairman of Free Democratic State Cenrcation. .m• • The following is the letter from Mr. Potts, authorising the withdrawal of his name. • WARWICK FhasAcn, June 12th, 1854. Dot Sir: The great importance, and even necessity, of mica among the various Apra,- mp.nts to the misrule at both Washington and Harrisburg, has become obvious to all—and I oat greatihed to learn that an, effort in now be ing made, by duly authorized committees ; to effect, if posible, an end so very desirable, and to put in nomination such candidates for office as will, at the coming election, command the support of the satire opposition. To promote this object, our Free Democratic friends are, doubtless, prepared to make every concession and saeriffee, consistent with a due regard to their principles; and with a view to disembar ass your committee in its activity upon this matter, so far as I ant individually Concerned,' I fully authorize and comment to, the withdraw al of my nomination as a candidate for the of. Gee of Governor, at any time that it may be deemed expedient to do so. With the highest respect, I am, gentlemen, very truly yours, DAVID Porrs, JR. TO William B. Thomas, Chairman of Free Democratic Convention. CIRCULAR. Department of Common Schools, 'HARRISBURG, SErrEmeen, 5,1854, 71, County Superintendents: As much misapprehension very strangely prevails in regard to the construction of the TIIIRTY•9IYTII section of the School Law, your attention is respectfully called to its provisions and the necessity for making prompt explana• lion. The section in qustion provides, that "as soon as the Schools of any district have been kept open and in operation at least fourmontha subsequent to the first Monday in June preced. iug, the President of the Board of Directors (or Controllers) shall certify the same, under oath or affirmation," &c., and that upon the re ceipt of such certificate, together with the re• port required the TWENIY•TIIIRD section of the act of Bth May last, Superintendent of Corn. mon Schools shall draw a warrant for the share of the State Appropriation to which such dis trict is entitled. Many Directors, and others, have most strangely construed the provision quoted above, to mean that the certificate of the President should set forth, that the Schools were kept open and in operation four months during the School year which expired on the first Monday in June, 1854. This construction is entirely erroneous. The provision is clear, that the certificate must set forth that the Schools have been kept open, &e., four months subsequent to the first Monday in June preced ing the time at which the affidavit is made. Itis difficult to conceive how there can be a doubt as to which June is referred to. The last June, is of course meant. In the present instance, the certificates and affidavits must set forth that the schools have been keept open and in opera tion four months between the first Monday in June, 1854, and the first Monday in June, '55. A difficulty is in some instances raised as to what is meant by ."the Schools"—that is, wheth. er the affidavit can be properly made, unless a School has been opened and kept in operation four months in every part of the district where one may be deemed advisable. Tho law will be fulfilled, and hence the affidavit may be pro perly made, whenever every pupil of the dis trict has had a reasonable opportunity of ob taining four months' schooling. Under the law of 1849, the districts were en titled to a warrant for their pro rata share of the State Appropriation, whenever they made report of their operations under the law thepre visas year, and certified that they had levied tax sufficient to put and keep their schools in operation three months for the year, to which the appropriation applied. Under this provi. sion, gross frauds were committed by making false reports, when no Schools had been in op eration—issuing duplicates and never collect ing them, or any part of them—not keepingthe Schools in operation as the law required—em. ploying incompetent and immoral and not requirinir proper brooches to be taught, &c., and in some instances expending the State appropriation for making roads and oth er illegitimate purposes. Hence the provision in the present law, that the Schools must he kept open four months in the manner required by the several provisions of the act of Bth May, 1854, before the appropriation will be paid.— When the reasons for its adoption are under stood, the provision will no doubt be approved by every honest man, and particularly by the friends of Education by Common Schools. As extensive misapprehension prevails on this subject, it is suggested that it would be well for yoft to make a full explanation of it through your county papers. Very Paspectfullv, Yours, &c., H. L. DIEFFENBACH, Dep. Supt. of Com. Schools. A Foot.'s Acr.—On Sunday night last, in Cincinnati, Daniel McArthur was sitting in the same room with Catharine Desmond, a young lady to whom he was engaged. Catharine was sitting at a small stand, reading a book and her lover was teazing her and trying to transferher attention from the book to himself, by extin. guishing the candle. Finally, all of his fond efforts haying failed, he took a double-barrelled shot gun which stood in the corner, put on a cap, and pulled the trigger, intending to blow out the candle with the air forced out of the gun by its explosion of the cap. Unfortunate ly the gun was loaded, and the horror stricken man heard a loud report. and saw his betroth ed sink to the floor, bleeding and dying. A full charge of shot entered her right breast, and in spits ;f the efforts of the physicians who were called. she died yesterday morning about two o'clock. The unhappy young man isof course almost distracted. He surrendered himself, and was yesterday morning examined in the Police Court. The testimony showing no erim• inal intention, he was discharged. The dead and the living were to have been married in about two months.—North American. 1191.. We are authorized to announce Col. Ja. cob Cresswell, of this county, as an indepen. dent candidate for Congress. The Col. is well known throughout the district as a gentleman of talent and energy, and, should he be elected, will make an able representative and do honor to the district. As the Democrats have made no nomination we presume he will receive the support of that party._ JUDGE POLLOCK on THE STUMP.—We are glad to learn that Judge Pollock, the Whig candidate for Governor, has recovered from his recent illness, and that lie is now stumping the Western portion of the State. He intends to devote his whole energies to the canvass and will speak in a majority of the counties of the State, if his health will allow of it. A GOOD notrac-KEEPER—The woman who can cook a meal out of nothing and chop her own wood. BERKS.--a is said Chet at least one-third of the delegates to the Locofoco Convention in Berks county, last week, were Know-Nothings. lIFILIt is said that Gov. Bigleris now stump• ing the Western portion of the State. - WHIPPING IN.—At a Democratic convention held in Scott county, 111.. a short time since, Murray McConnell, one of the chief speakers, said that he would ''soon take a long pole and lash the anti• Nebraska Democrats out of the party, as he would a set of hungry dogs out of a meat house." ifir The Susgnenanna River is lower this season than it has been for twenty or thirty years. The boys are in the habit of crossing over in some places 'dry shod.' flart The bark Georgiana, from 1..H0r4.1-, with 126 "Union Girls," as they are railed in the shipping 141, arrived at Grosse Isle, I , elow Qaebet on the 3d inst., an well. Advice to tho Irish, by an Irishman. To Irish American Nit!Final:4 Citizens, in New York and elsewhere, in:he Federal ite• . FELLOW COUNTRYMEN AND FRIENDS :-T de sire to point your special and emphatic atten tion to the approaching elections. You have at present opposed to yon a bitterly inimical and powerful secret society called the Know- Nothings—opposed• to you—to no Irishmen, particularly—on the grounds that we are im pudent and voracious cormorants of petty pla ces under Government—that we are ignorant, turbulent and brutal—that we are led by the nose and entirely controlled by our clergy— that we are willing subjects of a "foreign prince," the Pope—that we are only lip Repuldicsns— that we are not worthy of the franchise—that by the largeness of our vote, and the clannish ness of our habits and dispositions, we rule, or aspire to rule in America—that we aro drunk ards and criminals—that we fill the work-hon. see and prisons—that we heap up taxes on indus• trious, sober, and thrifty citizens—and that for these and other reasons we should be deposed from our citizenship, and, in fact, rooted out of this American nation as a body, by every , fair and foul means. And I can tell you that, out side the secret organization of the Know-Noth ings—outside and beyond its influence and pow er, an anti-Irish and anti-Catholic sentiment prevails. It is as idle as it would be criminal to deny this fact. There it remains, palpable and tan gible before us;—and if we have one particle of common sense left, we must look at it straight in the face. I shall not go over the charges and accusa tions in this letter. My present object has a different direction. I shall confine my remarks to the Elections and your voting on the present occasion. Next week or the week after I shall review and discuss the schedule of accusations and criminntions directed against you, and see if there be any, and what groundwork for them. Be assured while I am prepared to blister the calumniator, and expose and hold up to scorn the professional or political liar and schemer, I shall he, at the same time, equally ready . to ex pose, denounce and condemn our own impro prieties, hackslidings, and crimes. Now, fellow-countrymen, from my seven years' experience in this country, and especially in this city, I am called on to say that some mis guided parties among voi do net improperly, riotously and turbulently, at elections. I tell you they do. They act improperly by making par ties, factions, knots, cabals and coteries about the polling places and ballot-boxes. And I tell you that it must go to the heart of a sober, quiet and respectable American, or German, or Frenchman, or Irishman, to find a parcel of clamorous. riotous, noisy, intoxicated rowdies actually blocking up the way and preventing the free and honest and quiet use of the noblest earthly gift of man—the Elective Franchise.— I repeat I have seen these things, and, as far as I could judge, I was obliged to admit and conclude that those turbulent party and faction men were, in many instances, Irishmen born. Let me odd, that to quiet, and order-loving and respectable,and educated Americans, scenes of this kind must be very disgusting, and must plant in the minds of men, otherwise friendly and sympathetic, a feeling of aversion to our name and race not easily eradicated. I am aware that American and Irish politicians form an unholy compact to win a party battle and carry a particular point; and that, taking into. account the money they advance, the promises of employment mid situations they hold out, the liquor "orders" they shower about, it is hard for poor and hard-worked and jaded la borers to resist the temptations thrown in their way. And lam free to admit that between the professed politician and his dupe the profli gate balance inclines heavily against the for mer. But,fellow.countrymen—my poorest and humblest fellow-countrymen—you will always suffer—you will invariably stop the bullet or feel the stab of the infuriated and ilisappoin'ed enemy. The really guilty party will be sure to be at a safe distance from riot and bloodshed, 1:3 -:;-;:lr.;;!,ii brandy and water while you will be spilling your own and others' blood for n wretched bribe, and without the shadow of a virtuous or noble cause to em gage your attention and support. Believe me the crisis has come. Believe me the Know Nothings will leave no stone unturn ed to destroy your clannish influence at the ballot-box. No matter what violent or outra geous turn their passions may take, there is an excuse for it in your turbulent and riotous de meanor on election day. Look at the riot and loss of life is St. Louis. In that case the edit or of a German paper—The Avenger—an able but highly intemperate man, was the cause of the Native American or Know Nothing excite ment. Andyet, with the feeling and animose of anti-Catholic Irishism rankling in their breasts, the Know Nothings made a descent on the "Irish Quarter," in St. Louis, demolished forty houses, arid caused ten or fifteen deaths by the bullet and the bowie-knife. Remember, my friends, the Germans are, generally speaking, reputed to be Infidels; and you know or ought to know that the" Know Nothings" would soon• er go to perdition with even an Infidel than, I was about to say without irreverence, to Heal, en with an Irish Catholic. The feeling or sen timent, or prejudice is unmanly, ungenerous, un-American, and un-Republican:—bot there it is, a gangrenous spot on the otherwise noble American character. With these prefatory remarks I arrive at the point from which I am anxious to address you on the course you should pursue at the approach ing elections. Vote for the man your conscience approves, and for the principles your judgment sanctions and endorses. Go to the polls quietly, peacea bly, without ostentation, without discussion with anybody. Deposit your ballot without remark, answering any question of a legal and consti tutional character put to you. This done, go without any delay to your places of business or to your homes. Make no crowd. Encourage no street or bar-room haranguing. Bring on no discussions. If you are assailed in any way, appeal to the authorities for protection, and you will be protected. The sound, health ber, second thought of an excited, and ed, and passion -driven public opinion su pervene; and if you act as I have determined to act, and now point out to you, no difficulty will occur, no riot will take place, no blood will be spilled, no wife will be widowed, and no children will he rendered fatherless orphans. In 1828, O'Connell and Shiel, and the cele brated Father Murphy of Corofin, induced half a million of an excited people to abstain front drinking intoxicating liquors. For three warm summer days the hundred thousand men Re sembled did on abstain, pre,cnting to the as tonished British government and public, the sublime spectacle not only of the power of the magician agitator—O'Connell—but the result,- tion and self-control of the masses. Do you, fellow.countrymen abstain likewise front mad dotting liquor on election day. Join no cliques, parties, or crowds--deposit your voting papers in an orderly manner—and the evil disposed fighting men of the Know Nothing party can not get a chance'of using their revolvers and bowie-knives upon your persons. I perceive by the daily and weekly press that the politicians are calculating already on the Catholic vote. This cruel and criminal perver sion of the franchise into what the party gam biers term the "Catholic" and "Irish" vote is about the foremost and most pregnant cause of the enmity and dread and disgust entertained against you by the Native Americans. Catholic Irish vote! Why, you have no morn right to vote as a Catholic or Irishman in the choice of American law makers, whether teller al, state, municipal, or judicial, than you have to plunder your neighbor's property. Ameri can interests should guide you. 'the honor, and glory, and prosperity of the federal Repub. lie, the interests of the State, the purity and health of the social relations with which you are associated and identified, should alone guide in the exercise of your franchise. The Constitution knows no State religion, acknowl edges no sectarian interference is government Minim, cuts off clearly and totally all and every cointec,,tutt between the rtnotg laiwor and any and every Church, end leaves conscience free and untrammiffied in the exercise of social and polmcial rights. By and through the Consti• tution. the voting privilege is extended to you; and by Perverting that privilege to any pe . rsm. al or religions purpose, you not only violate your oath of citizenship, but you give it valid excuse to your persecutors to advocate the re• enactment of the alien and sedition laws, and thus deprive vou of the privilege, advantage and honor of 'forming a component part of the great Americas Union. And let me add, that those who appeal to and traffic on your religious sympathies and convictions, and who constant• ly refer in their writings and. speeches to your position and influence as "Catholics," and solicit you to take your "Catholic" interests into sc. 'count in exercising your right to approach the ballot.box, are your bitterest mid most malig• Want enemies, and, before God, they have a se. lieu. responsibility for thus misleading you, which they, in the latter end, will find it ditli cult to satisfy and discharge. And now, fellow. countrymen,l implore you to read and think over these lain observations. Never mind the want of influence or the humble position of the writer. If what I have written be true and ration. al,and have any common sense in it,you are bound to attend to it and digest it, and be guided by it just as well as if it came from 'a higher, a more elevated, and a more dignified and e i nets ource. P. LYNCH. Editor of the Irish American. Later from Europe. The steamship Africa has arrived from En. rope with later intelligence. The particulars of the capture of Bordersund are given. The French were fired on first, on the 12th tilt., by the Russians in the fortress, just as they were getting ready to commence operations. The bombardment then commenced in earnest, and' after twelve hours' fire the first tower asked for a twahours' truce to bury the dead. The French General granted an hour, but it being broken by the Russians, firing commenced again with redoubled fury. a second truce being refused.— At 9 o'clock, on the morning of the 14th, the French effected a hreich, captured the first tow er, which was subsequently fired by the Rue. sian shells from the second tower, and blew up. The attack was commenced on the second tow• er by the English, on the 15th, who captured it before sundown. On the 16th the assault was begun on the main fortress, now much weaken ed by the expenditure of ammunition, the dam. age done by the shells, and the loss of the two towers, by which it was partly commanded.— The fire became so severe that the garrison evening resistance to be hopeless, surrendered. 1000 of theprisoners were to be senttoFrance, and 900 to England. The fortress is very badly injured. The French commander and the English Secretary of legation bad gone to Stockholm. The Austrian troops entered Wallachia on the 20th, and by the 23d, the whole army doe cupation was to have entered. Three brigades under Col. Coronini were preparing for a sim lar movement into Moldavia. There is no truth in the report that Russia has refused to retire frost the Principalities. The expedition to Crimea is temporarily postponed. The clo sing of the frontier between Austria and Rus. sia took place, on the 6th of August. The Rus sians still remain on the Sereth and Pruth line, `but a few regiments have re-crossed the Pruth, as have all the sick and wounded. A band of Circassian mountaineers, commanded by Scha myl's;son, have made an incursion into the pro. vince of Tiflis, sacked severel villages, commit ted other depredations, and carried off a Rus- sian princess. The Turkish army in Asia has met with a decisive defeat under the walls of Kars, where the Russians, Lnder Gen. Rebut of' attacked and signally routed and dispersed them, after killing 3000 Turks and taking 2000 prisoners. In Spain all is trouble, and a mod. tfication of the cabinet was considered probab!e. The republicans are clamerous for liberty. The Queen is unpopular, and the Queen mother is concealed in the Palace.—North American. Freak of Nature. The following we take from the Johlistmon Echo. Those who believe in the prediction had better make the necessary provision for the event: "A child was born a few days ago in Pitts. burg, with a full set of teeth and a stiff, heavy heard. It, immediately commenced a conver sation with the astonished bystanders, telling them that the season had been an unusually dry one, but nothing in comparison to the drought with which they would be visited newt year, and that the year following a fearful fem. me would devastate the country. It then or• dered a barber and a dentist, had its beard taken off. and a tooth' plugged, end bidding them all an affectionate farewell, d•i•e-d. This strange and wonderful prediction has spread consternation throughout the whole country." ANOTHER LETTER T 0111: PROCURED FROM BM LAR.—Judge Knox, we see it stated, bas been up among the Free Soil Demo trots in the nor• thern portion of the State electioneering for Bigler; and among the expedients he used to get them to go for the tricky gentleman, was that of offering to procure a letter front bis Ex• cellency declaring that the he was opposed to the Nebraska fraud I—Daily Neu% TUE POPE'S OPINION OF THE U. S.—The Pope gave the Italian Patriots who recently landed at New York, their choice between ten years service in the chain gang, and transport ation to the United Slates. Flattaring to us, is n't it?—( Exchange. Very. We wish the Pope would keep more of his criminals at home, and send us morepa. biota. The trouble is, he puts the latter in prison, and the former out, on condition that they are sent to America.—B. K. Nothing. ur The Whigs, Natives. and Locos, of Philadelphia, have each nominated separate and full tickets to be supported at the October election. The Prohibition men have not yet nominated. DE' On the Mississippi river during the last six months there were seventy steamers sunk or destroyed by fire, besides upwards of one hundred and fifty barges, coal boats, k., valued at $2,250,000. The loss of life is estimated at 250 souls. A MAN SHOT BY A Doc.--A correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing • from Co. poke. N. Y., says:—"A fatal accident happen. ed in this town on Sunday, Aug. 6th. Two men were out hunting. One Peter Kilmore had a two barrel gun. He discharged one bar. eel and killed a bird; he then brought the butt of his gun to the ground, with the muzzle lean ing against his breast. His dog coming up, jumped with his fore paws against him, and when his paws Caine down, they struck tho trigger of the other barrel, and discharged the whole contents in his breast, and lodged in his shoulder. He lingered till Friday the 11th, when he died. Secretary Davis has returned to Washington. Real Eetaie Agency. The undersigned has established nn agency for the Sale and Purchase of Real Estate in Huntingdon county. Any person wishing to sell or purchase can give us a description of the property, its loca. tion, quantity, quality, and terms. We engage in this agency on such terms as cannot be objected to. The Agent has the facility of making the property extensively known. We now have some very desirable land which we offer on easy terms. PM. BREWSTER. PHILA., Sept. 9.—The Flour market has undergone no change, the supply being limited and the receipts light. Fresh ground is scarce and wanted. Salim of 200 bbls. at $9,25 per bbl., but some holders ask more. There is a steady demand for.lionue use at $9,82K010,. 50, as in quality. There is more Wheat offering, but the de• mand is limited. Sales of 3000 bu. prime red at $1,90 afloat, 1000 bu, fair quality $1,85, and and some white at $1,95(d52. Rye is wanted. Corn is doll and lower-2000 bu. yellow, most. ly Southern, sold at 92e. afloat. Oats-5000 buy. .00l Delaware s.• 11 at 32Yr152e. The most extraordinary discovery in the World it the Urea! Arabian Remedy for Man and Remit. H. U. PARHEI.I..3 CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. 11. G. FARRELL'S GEN 1:1N E ARA B I Alf LINIMENT is a most extraordinary medicine, the troth of which is placed beyond doubt by the vast sales of the article and the many cures being daily performed by it, which previously had resisted all ether medicines and the skill of the beet physicians in the world. It is com- posed of balsams, extracts and gums peenlinr to Arabia—possessing, in a concentrated fortn, all their stimulating, anodyne, penetrating, enc• tootle and revulsive properties,' and the same which, ages ago, were used by the "Sons of the Desert," with such tniraculous success, in cu ring the diseases of both maw and beast. Read the following remarkable cure, which should of itself place H. (I. Farrell's Arabian Lin i ment far beyond, any similar remedy. Mr. H. G. Farrell—Dear Sir: Actuated by a sense of grntefulness, I submit the followin,4 as an instance of the utility of your great med icine. My child, three years old, was. sudden ly attacked with a terrible disease, which in less than six hours prostrated it to total help lessness. The limbs became so rigid that not a joint could be bent; the flesh turned black and cold and entirely deprived of feeling; the eyes fixed, partially.closed and altogether blind, following this wan deafness to all sounds; this spine became contracted and so curved that when lying on its back the head and heels on ly touched. Indeed, the child presented every appearance of being dead. Immediately cat the attack, the family physician won called in. and for.three weeks he labored to restore its to feeling, but all in vain, although it was blister ed a dozen times and various rubefacient Lini ments applied. A consultation of physicians was then held, but to no purpose, the Me was then brought before the Medical Society, but nothing could be suggested which had not al ready been done, and the doctor then told me he could do nothing more. Wo then commen ced applying your Liniment freely over the en tire length of the spine. and you may imagine a parent's joy, when, after a few applications, returning animation was apparent, and it rap idly recovered with the exception of this sight, which did not become perfect for near a month. The child is now healthy and robust as can be. Five other cases of the same kind occurred previously in my neighborhood, all of which died, when there is no doubt if your Liniment bad been used they would have recovered. HENRY G. CLELAND. Peoria, March 1 1851. Look out for Counterfeits! The public are cautioned against another c:mnterll4, which has lately made its appear ance, culled W. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment, the Most dangerous of all the connterfeits, be: cause his having the name of Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps only diacever their error when the spurious mixture has wrought its evil effects. The genuine article is manufretured only by H. 0. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria. Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencies must be addressed. Be sure you get it with the letters H. G. before Farrell s, thus —H, G. FARRELL'S—and his signature on the wrapper, till others are counterfeits. Sold by hos. Read .b Son, Huntingdon, R. E. Sellers 8; Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitta burg, and by regularly authmized agents throughout the United States. kr Price 25 and 50 cents, and 81 per bOttle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and hamlet in the United States, in which on is not already established. Address H. G. Far rell as above, accompanied with good refererce as to character, responsibility, Ike. Aug. 30, 1854-4 t. MARRIED, On the sth in3t., by Rev. R. G. Rankin. H. C. WrayEn, of and Mipa H. Het,ixo, of Shirley township. DIED, In Warrior:mark, on the 2d inst., of Typh,i..l Fever, Miss J ove ELIZABETH. daughter of Ssm• uel and Harriet Eyer, aged 20 years. • On the 21 inst., in Cassville, Huntingdon County, Pa., MN. ELEANOR CLARKSON, wife of David Clarkson, Esq., in the 30th year of her age.. . . . _ - She was brought to a saving knowledge 'of God through the redemption that is in Jesse Christ, about eight years ago, through the in strumentality of the Methodist Ministry. Soon after her conversion to God, she united herself to the M. E. Church, in which relation she con. tinned until the day of her dissolution. She, died of that insidious but certain destroyer of human litb, viz: pulmonary disease. Iler af fliction was long and severe; bet through grace she was enabled to hear up with great fortitude and resignation. Mrs. Clarkson was an erne merit to society and a way-mark to the Hear enly Country; she was beloved and respeeted by her friends and neryuaintances; having the confidence of them nll. She met the last fob like a Christian soldier, sword in hand, and hay- „ ing lice armor on and prepared for the glorious rencounter 1 A'hen the hour of her demise drew near she called her berieved husband to her and teld him to meet her in Heaven; whirls he promptly promised to do. She then exhor ted her children to ho good and meet her in Heaven, and then all her friends and acquain• tances were admonished to prepare for a dying hour, and meet her in glory. While in tho deatit.struggle she was asked if all was well, to which she replied in the affirmative. She then was heard to say— " Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are, While on his breast I lean my head, And breathe my life out sweetly there." In a word, her death was glorious and trium phant. She leaves behind her a bereived and greatly afflicted family to mourn their lose; but they are cheered by the reflections, that their loss is her eternal gain. Mark the upright, for their end is peace. Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like theirs J. M. CLARK. On the 28th ult., in Coalmont, Huntingdon county, Pa., Mrs. MARY, wife of Levi Evans, Esq., in the 39th year of her ago. The deceased was of unexceptionable char actor, her amiable disposition and many sir. tues, will cause her memory to bo cherished by all lovers of good. As a member of the M. E. Church, she adorned her profession for 10 years, and then bade farewell to friends and ear.h; and with a hopeful/ of immortality, said she had nothing to leave behind but her hus band and r.n adopted daughter, with a number of friends and relatives. She then repeated the following verses: "When I set out for glory, 1 left the world behind, Determined for a city, That's out of sight to find When shall I he delivered From this vain world of sin? And with my blessed Josue. Drink endless pleasures iu." Coalmont, Pa. C. W. H. M. Dissolution. T HE Partnership of the subscribers, carrying on the Blackamithing business, in Warriors_mark, Huntingdon county, is this day dissolved; all persons having unsettled accounts will corns; forward and settle with D. Parker before the first of November next, or their accounts will be left with a proper officer for collection. DAVID PARKER, SAMUEL CULP. Sept. Ist, 1854. The subscriber will continue the Blacksmith business at the old stand in all its various bran ches, wham all can be accommodated who Enjoy him with their work. DAVID PARKER. Sputem!,er