Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 06, 1854, Image 3

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    Pllll,l , Sept. 2.—The Flour market has
undergone no change. Prices are firm, but
there is .rety little export demand, and the sales
are mot* confined to small lots fur borne con
sumption at $989,25 pdr barrel for standard
brands, and $9,5010 for extra, as in quality.
In Rye Flour nothing is doing. 200 barrels
Brandywine Corn Meal sold yesterday after.
noon at $450 per barrel, and 850 barrels to•
day at the same figure.
Grain---Sides of 5000 bushels fair and prime
red wheat at $1,85(i1.93 per bushel, some
mixed at $2, and white at $1,98R2,05 afloat.
600 bushels Southern Rye, in stOre, sold at
$1,121, and some Pennsylvania at $l,lB. Yel•
low Corn is scarce. Sales of 4000 bushels at
93 cents. Oats are in demand-5000 bushels
Delaware sold at 54 cents per bushel afloat.
The met extraordinary discovery in the World
is Me Great Arabian Remedy for Man
and Beast.
LINIMENT is a must extraordinary medicine,
the truth of which is placed beyond doubt by
(be vast sales of the article and the many cures
being daily performed by it, which previously
had resisted all other medicines and the skill
of the best physicians in the world. It is com
posed of balsams, extracts and gums peculiar
to Arabia—possessing, in a concentrated form,
all their stimulating, anodyne, penetrating, unc
tuous and revulsive properties, and the same
which, ages ago, were used by the "Sons of the
Desert," with such miraculous success, in cu
ring the diseases of both man and beast.
Read the following remarkable cure, which
should ql f' place IL C. Farrell's
Arabian Liniment
.far beyond
any similar rinetly.
Mr. 11. Cu. Farrell—Dear Sir: Actuated by
a sense of gratefulness, I submit the following
ns an instance of the utility of your great med
icine. My child, three years old, was sudden.
ly attacked with a terrible disease, which in
less than six hours prostrated it to total help
lessness. The limbs became so rigid that not
a joint could ho bent; the flesh turned black
and cold and entirely deprived of feeling; the
eyes fixed, partially closed and altogether blind,
following this was deafness to all sound:;; the
spine became contracted and so curved that
when lying on its back the head and heels on
ly touched. Indeed, the child presented every
appearance of being dead. Immediately on
the attack, the family physician was called in,
and for three weeks 'he labored to restore it to
feeling, but all in vain, although it was blister.
ed a dozen:times and various ruhefacient Lini.
menni applied. A consultation of physicians
was then held, but to no purpose,
the case was
then brought before the Medical Society, but
nothing could be suggested which had not al
ready been done, and the doctor then told me
be could do nothing more. We then commen
ced applying your Liniment freely over the en
tire length of the spine, and you may imagine
a parent's joy, when, after a few applications,
returning animation was apparent, and it rap
idly recovered with the exception of the sight,
which did not become perfect for near a month.
The child is now healthy and robust as can be.
Five other cases of the same kind occurred
previously in my neighborhood, all of which
died, when there is no doubt if your Liniment
bad been used thee would have recovered.
Peoria, March 1 1851.
Look out for Counterfeits!
The public are cautioned against another
counterfeit, which has lately made its appear.
once, called W. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,
the most dahgerous of all the counterfeits, be
cause his having the name of Farrell, many
will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge
that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps
only discover their error when the spurious
mixture has wrought its evil effects.
The genuine article is manufrctured only by
Fallen, sole inventor and proprietor,
and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street,
Peoria. Illinois : to whom all applications for
Agencies must be addressed. Be sure von get
it with the letters H. G. before Farrell's, thus
----H. G. FARRELL'S—and his signature on
the wrapper, all others are counterfeits.
Sold by Thos. Read A; Son, Huntingdon, R.
E. Sella. A Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts
burg, and by regularly authorized agents
throughout the United States.
ger Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle.
AGENTS WANTED in every town, village
and hamlet in the United States, in which on
is not already established. Address H. G. Far.
Iva as above, accompanied with good reference
as to character, responsibility, &c.
Aug. 30, 1854—tt.
In this Borough, on Thursday, the 31st ult.,
by Rev. 417. M. Deatriek, Mr. BENJAMIN F.
M the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Scott,
in Alexandria, on Sunday_ 3d inqtant, Mrs.
MARY STITT, formerly of Monte, Ireland, in
her 88th year.
AI T , - ,'l r ealseerCiran i nc i see h ttitle their toth aecTu h n ' t e s r o il n ier or ' lM ill
fore the first day of January next—all accounts
remaining unsettled eller that date will he placed
in the hands of a proper officer for collection.
Alexandria, Sept. 6,1854.-4 m.
WO itnini
Da. A.lda,
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Stonerstown, Coal Mont, Hopewell, and the
country adjacent. that he has located a Medical
Office in the house lormerly occupied by Lemuel
}vane. Esq., and is now ready to attend to all
calls, and by strict attention to business, hopes
to receive a good portion of public favor.
September 6,1864.—1 y.
Valuable Farm at Public Male.
WILL be offered at Public Sale, on the prem
ise., on Tuesday, the 3d day of October
next, a Farm in Cromwell township, Huntingdon
county, on the bank of Big Aughwick Creek,
pear Melinda Iron Works, containing about 118
Acres and the usual allowance, 100 Acres of
Which are cleared and in a good state of cultiva
tion. The improvements area double Log Barn,
two Dwelling Houses, with other out buildings,
an orchard of upwards of 100 Apple trees, and a
small Tan Yard. 'rite terms will be made easy,
and an indisputable title given by
September 6, '54.-3t.• '
Stray Steer.
CAME to the residence of the
subscriber, living in Barree
township, Huntingdon county, t M ss
about the 20th August last, a
yrnaii two year old muly STEER, nearly white,
with a tar-mark on the loft think. The owner is
requested to coins forward, prove property, pay
charges, and take Dim away,. otherwise he will
be disposed of according to law,
September 6,1854.-3 t.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of
THOMAS Con, late of Murree township, Hun
tingdon county, (We'd., all persons indebted will
make immediate payment, and those having
claims will present them properly authentiCated
for settlement. JAMES COY, Adm'r.
August 30, 1854.-6 t.
A superior lot of Rifler. for sale at the
rIASSINETTS, Corduroy, Tweeds, Jeans,
V for sale at the cheap corner opposite C.
Coats' Hotel* D. I'. G WIN.
tREASTPINS, Eur Ringo, and FiuguE
in viile., verity, uc En*. SNALes.
Sheriff's Salem
BY virtueof a Writ of Levari Facia" honed
- 1 - 0 out of She Court of Common Fleas of Hun
tingdon County, and of an ail. Teel. Vend. &-
pouts, homed out of the Duni% Court of Phila.,
and to me directed, I will expose to Sale, at the
Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on
one o'clock of cold day, the following described
Read Estate, to wit
The "Edward Furnace' property, situate in
Huntingdon and hlifflin counties, Pennsylvania,
the name consisting of a tract of land formerly'
belonging to Samuel Clemens, Sr., deed., con
taining 250 acres and 19 perches, being Pin of
a tract warranted in name of Bartholomew Da
vie, purchased on a sale of it on a mortgage to
John Wharton, on which the said Furnace is
erected, a piece, parcel, or tract of land held on
an improvement thereof by the said Samuel
Clemens, Sr., dec'd., containing 50 acres and 90
perches. on which the principal part of the Fur
nace houses are erected, the saw-mill tract being
part of the Bartholomew Davis survey, contain
ing 14 acres, all last said three tracts adjoining :
the tract of land purchased of Thomas Gorsuch
and on which ho resided, now occupied by John
Price, containing 201 acres; the Samuel Ilock
enherry tract containing 225 acres; the Elicam
Loveall improvement, purchased ofJoshun Petty,
containing 302 acres and 111 perches, the fol
lowing live adjoining pieces or tracts of lend, all I
lying on Owen's Ridge, one thereof purchased of
John Morrison and George Eby as Executors of
Elizabeth Etnier, containing 30 acres and 35
perches; one purchased of John Etnier, surveyed
on his own warrant, containing 23 acres and 138
perches; one purchased of John Etnier containing
30 acres and 154 perches, warranted to Martin
Etnier; and one purchased of John Lutz, con
taining 4 acres; the Andrew M'Cnlla tract pur
chased of Joshua( Petty, containing 189 acres:
150 stereo and 146 perches being the half of tract
surveyed in mime of Jacob Taylor, purchased of
David Etnier with the saw mill tract; a tract sur
veyed in name of John Taylor; one which is an
improvement by which it is held, supposed to
contain 325 acres; the following mentioned four
teen tracts of unseated land surveyed in the for
lowing names and containing the (Miaowing mon
tioned quantities, to wit Henry Kline 405 acres
and 158 perches; Jacob Cennote 440 acres and'
230 perches; Richard Pendleton 420 acres and
28 perches; Peter Lockhart 400 acres and 42
perches, William Savory 233 acres anti 83 perch
es; George Hughes 433 acres and 107 perches;'
Alexander Hamilton 442 Ares end 57 perches;
Thomas Edmiston 415 acres and 80 perches,
Edward Taylor 418 acres and 165 perches; GOO.
Albumin 4119 acres; Samuel Taylor 250 acres;
George Forsythe 43 acres and 7f, perches; Sam
uel Jervis 367 acres and 87 perches; and Henry
Herrin (or Harris) 369 acres and 73 perches; all ,
the before-mentioned land being situate in Shir
ley or Shirley and Cromwell townships, Hunting
don county, and a tract situate in Wayne town-
ship, Mifflin comity, containing 155 acres, our
veyed on warrant In moue of Jame. Walker,
purchased of Lewis Bond, together with all and
aingalor the buildings, &c.
Taken in execution and to be sold ea the pro
perty of James M. Bell and Samuel H. Bell,
Mortgagors in said Writ named.
Also, at the same time and piece, the follow
ing described Real Estate, to wit:
Nine certain lots of ground situate in the Vil
lage of Graysport, - (now called Spruce Creek) in
the county of Huntingdon, numbered and descri
bed as follows, to wit: Lut No. 1, being 52 feet
in front and in depth extending to Michael Fet
terhoors line, the south side of said lot being 36
perches long and the north side 37 perches, ac
cording to the plan of said 'rotwn in that part laid
mat by Samuel Caldwell, Esq., Lout numbered
in the albresaid plan 2,3, 4, and 5, adjoining lot
No. I, and extending along the Pittsburg Road
leading by way of Philip Rollers, adjoining each
other, lacing each 52 feet in front and extending
back to Michael Fetterhoors line, the aforesaid
five lota also adjoin Samuel McPherran on the
south and Joseph Johnston on the north, and on
lot No. lis erected a Tavern House. Lot No. 7,
situate in that part of the town aforesaid laid out
by John G. Miles, Esq., being 50 feet in front
on Water street and in depth extending back to
the road leading to Pittsburg by way of Philip
Roller's, the south side of said lot being 168 feet
long And the north side 1861 feet us marked in
the plan of said town. Lots numbered 18 and 19
in the plan thereof, made by John G. Miles, os
athresaid, being each 50 feet in front on Water
street, and extending back to the old road leading
to the village of Water Street, No. 18 being on
the north side 231 fret long and on the south side
228 feet, No. 19 behtg both on the north and
south lines or sides each 231 feet long acconling
to the plan aforesaid, and the remaining lot ma
king the affiresaid nine in number. not being laid
out or nainthered in the plain of said town, but
described as follows to wit: Commencing 60
feet south of lot do. I, on which the Tavern
House stands and extending 50 feet along the
road leading from the month of Spruce Creek to
Water Street and extending west to Michael
Fetterhuot's line, so as to extend 50 feet along
said line, be the measurement of the aforesaid
nine lots more or less. Also, alt that lot of ground
in the county affireseid, adjoining Andrew Ali:-
Ferran on the south, being 50 tout in front, com
mencing at the upper aide of the old road leading
to Water Street, and extending buck to the line
of said Gray and Michael Fuller. Also, all the
ground between the street called Water street in
the old plot of the Town of Graysport and the
Juniata river, lying below doe Public Bridge and
opposite tho lots Nos. 17, 18 and 19, as number
ed in said pl., being 150 feet on said Water
street, and extending buck to the Juniata river,
reserving toll the streets, lanes and alleys thereon
and thereout. Also, all that lot and parcel of
ground situate in Morris township, in the county
aforesaid, bounded on the north by the Little
Juniata river, on the west by Virgin Alley, on
the south by the Penna. Rail Road, and on the
east by Carson Street of the Town of Oraysport,
and also the several detached and contiguous
pieces and parcels of ground lying south of Lot
No. 1, in the new plot of the town of Gnomon,
on which a Tavern /louse is built, and within
the line of 110 feet south of lot No. I, on the
south, and the Penna. Rail Road on the west,
containing 465 square feet more or less. Also,
the use of a small triangle, lying west of the
Turnpike and cast of the Poona. Rail Rand.—
Also, one other piece of ground Iving west of the
Penna. Rail Road and south of lot Na. 1 afore
said, and lyiug no a strip ten feet wide from the
Rail Road to the Fetterhoof line on the top of
the hill—with a large Brick Hotel and other
buildings thereon erected, ; IT.
Tookcu in execution, and to be sold as the pro
perty of Robert F. Hallett.
. Sheriff's Office
Huntingdon, Sept. 6, '54.
MIXTURE, for the Fever and Ague, Chagres
Fever, Dyspepsia, and all Bilious Affections.—
The proprietor of this Medicine will state, with
out hesitation or fear of contnoliction, that the
Stampede %lixture has eared more persons where
it has been introduced, than any other medicine
in use fur the above diseases. This Medicine has
neither arsenic nor quinine is its composition;
all of the ingredients are of a perfectfully healthy
character, and highly stimulating end invigora
ting in their tendency. Persons while using this
Medicine will not be affected by exposure to wa
ter or a damp atmosphere any more than when
in their usual health. Planters in sections of the
country where the Ague prevails. will do wall to
adopt this Medicine, as the patient is not obliged
to lay by while under treatment, and they may
be assured of a SPEEDY Coo:. The proprietor
could introduce thousands of certificates front
those of the highest respectability, but prefers
saying to the sick—Buy one bottle, and you will
have the intidlible proof in yourself. Full direc
tions for its use accompany each bottle.
Certificates can be seen at the office, showing
where this Medicine 11113 CURED when all edicts
have killed.
For Dyspepsia and all other Billions Colll.
plaints, there is not a better Medicine in market.
It has also been taken with the moat astonish
ing success in several eases of Rheumatism and
Gout; for these complaints take a tablespoonful
twice a day.
Ono bottle of this Medicine very often has the
desired effect.
Price SI per bottle: ror sale by Druggists in
all parts of the United States and Canada.
All Wholesale °rani must be addressed to
HEAD & BLEECKER, Solo rmprietor,
98 Broadway, New Y or k.
Agent, Mau,. W. SMITH, Buntingdon, Pa.
September 8.1854.-1 y
SILVER and Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and
Plated Spectacles, at Edm. Snare's Jewelry
PORT MONNAIgS, Card Cases, and the t -
nest quality of WosTattliool'a l'oeket
Knives, a very large quantity at Edm. Snare's
WAS token up at the Caw Ground, in Tud
township; on Saturday, 2xl inst., a Black
Horse, eine or ten years old, no marks remain•
hared except a sore under the cuddle. now heal
ed—is somewhat crippled in the fore feet, per
haps sprung in the knees, The owner will rind
him at the stable of the subscriber, on the upper
one of the Three Spring farms, whore he can be
had on identification and payment of charges.
September c),
Notice to Tax-Collectors.
All Collectors of State and County taxes pre
vious to 1853, are hereby notified to settle up
their duplicates on of before the 29th day of Sep
tember, or expect executions to be issued.. Col
lectors of 1853 and 1854 are earnestly requested
to collect and pay over to the treasurer all that
they can possibly collect against the above spe
cified time, no three thousand dollars aro then
needed to meet the demand of Directors of the
Poor, for the building and finishing of the Poor
Huntingdon, August 30, 1854.-3 t.
Notice to School Directors and
THE School Directors of the following named
School Districts, are hereby notified that I will
meet them at the place and time designated, for
the purpose of examining teachers and granting
September 9th, at Alexandria, to examine ap
plicants for the schools of Porter township.
N. B.—Those Districts which have neglected
to make out their yearly report, would confer a
favor by attending to it immediately. The Di
rectors of the several Districts, should give me
early notice of the time when they intend open
ing their schools, so as to enable me to appoint a
convenient time to meet them.
Teachers may be examined at nnv time by pre.
aenting certificates of good moral character from
the Board of Directors of the District in which
they are applying.
Copies of the School Laws and decisions, can
be furnished to Directors by calling at the office
of Fisher & Williamson. on Hill street, or at my
residence on 6iifllin street, in the borough of Hun
tingdon. J. S. BARR, Co. Superintendent.
Huntingdon, August 30, 1854.
ger 26 Persons out of Employment- VAC
$5OOlO $lOOOO a Year.
Book Agents Wanted.
' THE Subscriber publishes a number of most
J. valuable Pictorial Books, very popular. and
of such a moral and religions influence that while
good men may safely engage in their circulation,
they will confer a public benefit, and receive a
fuir.cotnJpensalion for their labor.
To men of enterprise and tact, this busi•
ness offers an opportunity for profitable employ
ment seldom to be met with.
Persons wishing to engage in their sale,
will receive promptly by mail. a Circular con
taining full particulars, with "Directions to par
sans disposed to act ns Agents," together with
the terms on which they will he furnished, by
addressing the subscriber, post-paid.
ROBERT SEARS, Punr.istam,
181 William street, Nen,Yurk.
far IN PRESS, and ready for Agents by the
let of October, 1854, "Sears' Illustrated
Description of the Russian Empire. ,
Fur further particulars address as above.
August 30, 1854.
T OST, on t h e evening of the Nth instnnt, a
Port Moonlit containing three $2O hills on
the Lancaster Bank, a $lO bill on the York
Bank. a $5 bill on the Hagerstown Bank, togeth
er with some change, amounting in all to Eigh
ty some Dollars, also, a Note of my own to
Stephen Gorsuch for the amount of $65,60, along
with other papers and receipts. Any person
finding and returning said Pocket Book, still re
ceive the above reward and no questions asked.
Henderson township, Aug. 30,'53.-3t.
Tuscarora Valley, Juniata •
County, Penna. lei .t.
THE. Fall Session wilt commence on Masons,
Ocronen 2.1854. Whole expenses of board,
tuition, room, fuel, washing and incidental, va
ries from $5l to $57 per session of 22 weeks.—
Vacations from the lot to the 15th of April, and
from the 15th of August to the last of Sept.
For further particulars see circulars, or address
(post-paid) either of the Principals.
Aug. 30, '54.-2m. Port Royal P. O.
Dissolution of Partnership
THIS partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, in carrying on the Woolen
Factory business, in Shirley township, was dis
solved by mutual consent, on Monday the 14th
day of August inst. All persons having unset
tled business to transact with the late firm, will
plum call at the Factory, where one of the sub
scribers will be in attendance to wait upon the
same. PETER M. BARN,
SAMU L BOtillgß.
August 30, 1834.-3 t.
N. B. The Factory business, in all its various
branches, carried on as heretofore, at the Old
Staid by:
Executor's Notice,
LETTERS testamentary on the Estate of
JOIIN B. LOGAN, kW of Clay township,
Huntingdon county, dee'd., having been granted
to the undersigned, oil persons indebted will make
immediate payment, and those having claims
will present them properly authenticated for set
tlement. ADAM !METER,
Aug. 30,'54.-6t. • Executors.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of
Joan Coy, lute of Barree township, Huntingdon
county, deed., all persons indebted will make
immediate payment, and those having claims
will present them properly authenticated for set
tlement. JAMES COY, Adm'r.
August 30, 1854.-6 t.
Orphan's Court Sale.
ts pursuance of an order of the Orphan'. Court
of Huntingdon county, the undersigned, Ad
ministnttor of Charles Lynn, deed., will expose
to sole, by Public Vendue, on the premises, on
at 1 o'clock, P. M., a tract of land situate in the
township of Cromwell, in the county of Hunting
don. adjoining lands of Isett, Wigton St. Co., nn
the West and South, land ofJohn Rutter's heirs
on the North-west, and land of Wm. Jordan on
the North, containing 55 acres, more or less, of
which about 10 are cleared, with a two story log
house, small barn, some fruit trees, &c., thereon.
Tunsts.—One half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the balance
in one year with interest, to be moored by bond
and mortgage. ALVAH CHILCOTt,
Aug. 80,'54.-3t!
School Teachers.
WANTED, three Teachers to take charge of
the Male Schools of Morris township.—
Schools to commence on Monday, September 4.
Good wages will he given to competent Teach
ers. By order of the Board,
August 33, 1854.-3 t..
Executor's Notice.
LETTERS Testamentary, on tho Estate of
WILLIAM WILSON, late of Tell township,
Huntingdon county, dee'd., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted will
make immediate payment, and those having
claims will present them properly authenticated
for eettlew ent.
August 23, t554.-6t.•
BLANKS...AIways buy your Blanks at the
" , Journal Office." • Wo ha•e now prepared a ve
ry superiorartielo of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS,
TIONS, &c.
Ahuge lot of Shoes—Lace Boots, Buskloo,
Iliobt3 and Children's at the Store of
To the Overseers of the Poor cf the so end
Townships and Boroughs of the County of
Huntingdon. . . . .
You are hereby requested and required to
make a correct report of the number of Paupers
in your respective Townshipt and porou g lis,
Intended to he sent to the County Poor House, to
the Directors of the Poor of the county, before
the lot day of September netd. Report by let
ter, post paid, to Junes Saxton, Htudingdon, Pa.
August 23;1854.-2w.
Take Notice, lest you lose a Bargain.
A S the subscriber is desirous ofgolnk %Vest, he
a offers at private sale the farm on which he
now resides, situated in Springfield township,
Huntingdon county, containing about One
Hundred and Ten Acres, 80 Acres of
which ore cleared, and the residue good timber
land. The improvements area two story weath
er-boarded and plastered dwelling house, 40 by
24 feet, a log barn, spring-house, wash-house,
blacksmith shop, and other buildings. There is
a variety of excellent fruit trees on the premises.
This property is a desirable one, having facili
ties seldom net with. There is a superior won
or-power, strong enough tbr any kind of machi
nery. It is presumed the Greencastle Railroad
will pass near this property, which greatly
enhance its value.
Any person wishing a good end chenp farm
will do well by giving this one their immediate
attention. An indisputable title will he given.
August 23, 1854.-3 t.
Executor's Notice.
jETTERS 'testamentary hare this day been
-IA glinted to the undersigned, residing in Bar
ree township, upon tln• hot will and testament of,
JONAS Runs'. late of Barren township. deed.—
Those indebted will please make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims will present them,
properly authenticated. to
ELIZABETH RUDY, i Executors.
August 9, ISS4.-6t.•
Mechanics, Inventors and Manufacturers.
$570. IN CASH PRIZES. $570.
ICAN".commences on the 16th of September,
It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of the
interests of Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers
and Farmers, and is edited by men practically
skilled in the arts and sciences. Probably no
other journal of the same character is so exten
sively circulated, or so generally esteemed for its
practical ability. Nearly all the Valuable Pat
ents which issue weekly from the PATENT OFFICE
are illustrated with Engravings, and the claims of
all the Patents are published regularly in its
columns as they are loaned, than making it n per
PEDIA of information upon the subjects of Me
chanical Improvements, Chemistry, Engineering
end the Sciences generally. It in published week
ly in quarto form suitable for iiinalfir, and each
PAGES of Reading Matter„SevEnA HUNDRED
ENGRAVINGS, with a full said complete Index.—
Its circulation on the last Velum mteeeded 23,-
000 copies per week, and the practical receipts in
one volume are worth to any family much more
than the subscription price.
The following C.tsu PUIZES are offered by the
Publishers for the fourteen largest lists of sub
scribers sent in by the Ist of January, 1855:
$lOO will he given for the largest list; $7l for
the 2nd; $65 for the 3rd; $55 for the 4th; $5O for
the sth; $45 for the 6th; $4O for the 7th; $35 for
the 136; $3O for the 9th; $25 for the 10th; $2O
for the 11th; $l5 for the 12th; $lO for the 13th;
and $5 for the 14th. The cash will he paid to
the order of the successful competitor immediate
ly after the Ist of January, 1855.
TERMS :—One copy, one year, $2; ono copy,
six months, $1; five copies, six months. $4; ten
copies, six months, $8; ten copies, twelve months,
$l5; fifteen copies, twelve months, $22, twenty
copies, twelve months; $2B in advance.
No number of subscriptions above twenty can
ho token at less than $1,40 ouch. Names mm
be sent in at different times and from different
Post Offices.
Southern and Western money taken for sub
Letters should he directed, postynier, to MVXN
& Co., 128 Fulton-Street, N. Y.
Messrs. Muss & Co. are extensil ely engsged
in procuring patents for new inventions, and will
advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the
novelty of their improvements.
August 23, 1854.-31.
Of the State of Pennsylvania,
Penn Square, Philadelphia.
THIS College. organized on the plan of the
Industrial Colleges of Continental Europe,
is designed to afford a thorough professional edu
cation to Students intended tor
The next Semi-annual Session will commence
on Monday, September 11, 1854.
Mathematics and Civil Engineering. Prof. Se
lim 11. Peabody.
Metallurgy and Industrial, Analytical and Ag
ricultural Chemistry, Prof. Alfred L. Kennedy,
M. D. - - -
Mining, Engineering, Geology and Mineralo
gy. Prof. %V. H. B. Thomas, A. M. -
Mechanical Philosophy and the principles of
Machinery, Professors Peabody and Kennedy.
Terms for each Department per Session, $15.00.
Mechanical, Architectural, and Topographical
Drawing, Prof. John Kern. $lO,OO.
French and Spanish, Prof. V. De Amarilli.
German. Prof. B. H. Entrap.
The Analytical Laboratory forpractical Chem
istry is open daily.
An Academical department under the charge
of J. B. Boucher, A. M., is provided, into which
younger and less proficient students may enter
and be rapidly prepared fur the College Courses.
Additional information as to terms. Courses of
study, Boarding, &e., may bo obtained by address
ing Dr. Alfred L. Kennedy, Polytechnic College,
Philadelphia. MATTHEW NEWKIRK,
President of Board of Trustees.
August 9,1854.—5 t.
Land For Sale.
The undersigned desirous of removing to the
West offers for sale his lands, consisting of 265
acres of improved land; the improvements con
sist an good Stone House, a sloublo Log Barn,
Carpenter Shop, and Blacksmith Shop; u great
variety of fruit on one end of the farm, and on
the other end a two Story Log House, and good
frame burn, and some young fruit truss planted.
There are about 160 or 170 acres cleared, and in
a good state of cultivation, the remainder is well
timbered, and within 1 mile of a good saw-mill;
there are several never failing springs of water
on the premises. This property is so situated
as to divide into two thrms if desired. The pro
perty is situate about 3A- miles east of this born'
August 2d. 1654. JOHN PORTER.
ANY person having a small piece of land for
sale. within ton miles of this place, any six
or eight acres, can find a purchaser who will pay
THE CAM snowy, by calling at my land agen^y,
at the offico of the iluntingdonJournal.
July 26, 1854.
HOOVER Still at His Post
TILE undersigned, now engaged in putting up
Armitage's Electro Magnetic Lightning
Rods in this and adjoining counties, would re.
pectfully call the attention of the intelligent pub
lic to the great superiority of this Patent, at a
season like this, when accidents to property and
life almost daily occur, it is the dictate of human
ity, as wall as interest, to make use of the best
means of security in our power, for though the
Lightning be in the hands of Him who rules the
storm, His protection and blessing are always
connected with our own efforts.
July 26, 1654.—tf.
Elbh for Sale.
15 Burr! Sasquehauna Shad,
10 Half hbl. "
just received and for sale at the store of
CIGARS, CANDIES, &c., &v.,uholeaula and
retail, at tbv cheap atm* of J. BRICKER.
Chesnut Street, between 3d and 4th,
OLIVER H. P. PARKER, of Ohio, and
JAMES 11. LAIRD, or this Cite, having
leased the above well known and popular house,
for a term of year', are now prepared to neeom
modate guests in a manner equal to any hoty
in the city.
The location of Oda house in auperior to any
other, being in immediate proximity tikusiness;
also, to most of the Banks. Public Offices. Poet
Office and the Exchange, where omnikamses start
for all parts of the city.
The house having been put in thoroori repair,
and now furniture added, with many modern im
provements, will add mudh to the comfort of
guests. The tables will at alt times be supplied
with the best the market affords, and nothing
shall be wanting, on our part, to make the
FRANKLIN truly the Travelers' Home.
Your patronage is most respectfully solicited.
July 19. 1854.-3 m
American Artists' Union.
THE Subscribers to the Works of the Artists'
Union are respectfully informed that from
the unprecedented favor which they have receiv
ed, the Secretary feels confident in stating that
the whole number of Engravings (250,000) will
be disposed of within a few months, of which due
notice, through the press, will be given.
AGENTS are requested to form Clubs and
send in their Subscribers without delay.
J. W. HOLBROOKE, Secretory.
505 Broadway, New York.
July 19, 1854.-3ra.
On Korth•teest Corner of Hill and Montgome
ry Streets, in the Borough of Huntingdon,
A T which a general Banking business is con
templated to be done.
Drafts on Philadelphia, Pittsburg, &c., &c.,
always for sale. Collections made at the princi
pal points in the United States.
. Money received on deposit, payable on demand,
without interest; also for 3,6, and 12 months,
payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon.
Members of Firm:
Hollidaysburg, Pa.,
W3I. 31 . .. Lloyd.
.T. M. BELL,
Huntingdon, Pa., '',
A. P. WILsoN, Wm. Donn's, Js.,
J. GEO. MILES, Mos. FistiEn,
Wm. P. Oninsort, Jour: SCOTT,
JAMES (into, Gnu. W. GA lIIMTTRON.
Huntingdon, Pa., July 12, 1854.-3 m.
Farm and Saw-Mill for Sale.
'rue subscribes oilers for sale his Farm and
Saw-Mill, situate in Barren township, of
this county, at the junction of Stone Crock and
East Branch, containing Two Hundred and Thir
ty Acres, of which 80 Acres is cleared and in a
gond state of cultivation; the balance is covered
with Pine and Oak timber, and all tillable.
July 5, 1854. JAMES HEMPHILL.
Town Property • for Sale.
TIE subscriber offers some valuable property
for sale in the Borough or Alexandria, con
sisting of Two Houses and Lots. The houses
are large and comfortable, with every requisite
outbuilding. One of the houses has been occu
pied as a store, Ice. On the lot aro u great vari
ety of fruit trees. Possession could be obtained
in the tall, if desired.
July 5, 1854. SAMUEL SPYRER.
Sale of Land.
Tsubscriber offers for sale his farm, lying
1 within three miles of Shirleysburg, Hunt
ingdon county, Pa., containing about 143 acres,
80 of which is cleared and under good fence, a
considerable part post and rail. On the premises
are a two story dwelling house, large and con
venient, and a large frame Sank barn, both en
tirely new. The above property being within
three miles of Shirleysburg, renders it convenient
for thoselwho may wish to send their sons end
(laughter); to the excellent Sch ools established in
that borough. Those wishiuga good and con
venient haute can be accommodated. sail upon
easy terms. B. E. COLLINS.
tidy 5. 1854.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform the
traveling public that he is now running a line
of Hacks frets Mt. Union to Orhisenia, us follows:
From Orlsiionia to Mt. Union and back again,
even• Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Passengers wishing to go to Shade Gap, or any
other place, will ho taken on without delay.
lilt flacks are good and comfortable, and
ho is determined to have none but good and
steady drivers; in a word, his desire is to curry
passengers in comfort and safety.
Orhisonin, June 28, 195.1.-Iy.
To Wick Makers.
DROPOSALS for making 500,000 Brick, at the
Warm Springs near Huntingdon, will be re
ceived up till the 16th July inst. Those propo
sing to state whether with machine or by hand,
and how much per thousand, Contractor to furnish
wood, and how notch if wood furnished, and at
wint rate if wood leave provided. _
Work to be commem4d immediately.
Addres4 A. P. WILSON, Huntingdon. Pa.
Land for Sale.
A TRACT OF LAND situate in Germany
a Valley, near Shirleyshurg, Huntingdon co.,
containing about 123 Acres, the greater part
or which is limestone, in a good state of cultiva
tion, hounded by lands of George Swine and An
drew Spanogle. JOHN LOTTS.
June . 2l, 1854
1854. 1854.
AS the shrill whistle of the Locomotive will
soon be heard films Broad Top, giving a new
impulse to all kinds of business, the undersigned
has determined not to be excelled by any sir:un
horse in the country. He therefore offers to the
public the most elegant stock of
Spring and Summer Clothing
ever opened in the county, embracing the most
fashionable Dress, Frock, and Sack Coats, Pants
and Vests, Shirts, Collars,Stocks, Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, &e., &e. Also, Silk and Summer Hats
—allot which he is determined to sell CHEAPER
than the dimmest.
HO lion 011 hood a fashionable assortment of
Cloths, Cassimeres, &e., which he will make to
order, in a superior manner.
Huntingdon, Juno 7, 1854.
The Russians Defeated!!!
HAVING returned from the City with a large
and splendid assortment of Goods, respect
fully inform their friends and the public at large,
that they have located themselves at Mill Creek,
and having purchased their Goods for Cash, they
are now prepared to sell them as cheap, it' not
cheaper, than any store in the county. Their
Stock consists or n largo assortment of
Dry Goods, hardware, Quoensware,
Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
hats and Caps,
and in short,everything usually kept in a country
Store. Persons ivis!,ing to purchase will find it
to their interests to give them a call before pur
chasing elsewhere, as they are deteruined that
Quick -
their motto shall be Sales and Small Prof
N. B. All kinds of produce taken in exchange
for goods.
Mill Creek, May 31, 1054.
pin greatest variety of Dress Trimmings,
I Fans, Cravats, Zellir, Tyde Yarn, Dress
Buttons, Ladies Collars, Chetnizetts, Fancy
Hdkfs., Under Sleeves, Kid and Lyle Thread
Gloves, and Hosiery of every variety, just recei
ved and for sale by J. & N. SAXTON.
ASUPERIOR article of Cider Vinegar for
sale at the store of GEO. GWIN,
GOLD CHAINS—A flue variety for sale, ve
ry low, at Eust. SNAI3I.IO.
HATS.—Moleskin No.l and of the latest
stiles. Kossuth Hats of various styles and
he sold low at the cheap storo of
GL"). 117. v.
, The ttlebraled Prize Aire for Fever
and Agile, by
rpiirS Remedy is.purely veuetahle, nti
J. portion of foreign,deleterious, or;
ingredient whatever..ks cumpositio
tents of a single Bottle is sufficient.
moot obstinate ease in a tingle day:
It strengthens the steinalb,
frame, and restores the yBte in to usually
healti;ostate—ftfliaet, it entirely prtAcnts that
languor and prostration of strength which atelaya
attends this diseaie, and is confidently recom ,
mended to all who have tried, in vain, other pre
isloney making is the order of the day, and it
Is with this object that medicines are prepared
fbe the cure or diseases to which mankind are
subject. Itis the sumo with the baker and butch
er, the manufacturer, mechanic, &e., and it is
.ell that there is this stimulus to induce the
thoughtful and skilful to devise and prepare in
convenient form, suitable remedies for the afflic
ted. Au individual, ender a distressing and tor
turing fit of C'hills and Fevcr, , is nut in a right
condition to study out the means of relief; and it
is more sensible and natural that he should look
to others, than to depend upon his own prostrated
energies for the antidote. For an appropriate
and valuable remedy, therefore, it is folly to ob
ject, because it is another's interest to dispose of
it. To :he invalid the important consideration
is simply this, "Will I be benefited by the pur
chase of the article offered I"
The invalid should inquire into the testimony
presented to establish its value; the testimony
should be carefully investigated, and just so much
credit given to it, and no snore, than it deserves.
If of a personal character, we should look to the
respectability of the witnesses, and tho opportu
nity which they have had for an observation of
the facts, and the probable imoartiallt,y, and con
sequent truthfulness, of their statements. Cor
roborating statements of a number of respectable
witnesses to the truth of any fact, may amount
to irresistible evidence.
We might enter into a detailed account of the
study and labor incident to its preparation—of
the scientific principles upon which it is based—
of the necessity which exists, in the very nature
of the compound, for effecting immediate cures
in almost every instance—and of the character
and respectability of the witnesses who have tee
titied to the astonishing cures which it has ince
richly performed. Wu might enumerate other
cases, and cite the testimony of others, and in
deed weary our reader with repetitions of cases.
This we deem unnecessary, and shall therefore
confine ourselves to a selection of a few of those
whose characters and standing in the community i
are well klicwn, and whose positions gave them
the opportunity of testing the value of the Prise
The gentlemen whose Certificates aro given.
ore well known to the citizens of Lancaster and
York Counties, in Pennsylvania, besides other
portions of that State; also to the citizens of Ma
ryland who reside in the neighborhood of the
Susquehanna and Tide-water Coma. One of the
gentlemen named JAMES McComtay, Esq. re
presented York County in the Senate of Esq.,
fur many years. These gentlemen were
all Contractors on the Su:nitwit.. ond Tide
water Canals, which terminate at Havre-de-
Grace, at the mouth of the Chesapeake Buy.—
The officers of the Companies were, of course,
acquainted with the Contractors; and should there
be any doubt, application may be made to them
fur the truth of the representation made in regard
to the characters of those whose certificates aro
The undersigned, believing that great benefit
will result to the public from a knowledge of the
efficacy of the PRIZE CURE for FEVER and AGUE,
do most cheerfully certify that we have, individ
ually, witnessed its successful operation in the
number °leases annexed to ourrespective names,
and that, in no instaince tvidtirt our knowledge,
has it !idled to cure in asingle day, by the use of
the contents of a sin.* bottle. Dated, Lancaster,
Septemper 4. 1838. Signed—
R. BIULLISON, Sec. 1 and 2,5. C. .1 cases.
J. WILLIAMS, " 10 " 11 2 "
J. FISHER, " 28
I. COOPER, Lock No. I and 2,
B. O'CONNOR, Sec. 28 T. N. C. 3 "
B. M'GRANN, " 28 and 30 " 11 "
In corroboration of the certifleates of the high
ly respectable Contractors above named, wheat
Immune feelings prompted theta to give publicity
to the facts therein stated, the %Bowing certifi
cate from Major James McConkey, at that time
a member of the Senate of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania,
will be read with interest by all
who are afflicted with Fever and Ague
"Peacu &moil, York co., Pa. Nor. 16, '3B.
Raving witnessed TW.Tt-TIVO cases 01 Fever
and Ague cured by the celebrated PRIZE CURE.
I make this known for the benefit and comfort of
all those distressed with that troublesome disease
—Facer and Mita.. JAS. M'CONKEI7."
Prize Cure for Fever and Ague.
Directions for using.—Take three table-spoons
ful (one-third of the contents of the bottle) in the
morning, one-third at noon, and the balance in
the evening, before meals, on the patient's well
day, or when the chills and fever have subsided
—previously taking a dose of purgative medicine
to cleanse the bowels. The bottle to be well
shaken. tr i r Children to take it in smaller do
ses, proportioned to age.
CC Persons wishing to become Agents for the
celebrated Prize Cure for Fever and Ague, will
learn the prices and terms (for rods only) on per
sonal application, or by letter (post paid) to B.
I'. MASTIN, 125 Uenry Street, New-York,
where it nifty be had, wholesale and retail. Price,
$1 per single bottle; $8 per dozen; $B4 per gross.
Also fur stile, wholesale, by Scniuss sum,
BIM/VIERS & Co., Druggists, 17 8 William street,
corner of Heckman, New-York, and others thro'-
out the Union. Aug. 9,1854.—1 y.
A Strong Test of Two of
Salamander Safes.
J E. &T. FAIRBANKS & C.—Gentlemen :
Wc take much pleasure in recommending. your
Salamander Safes to merchants and others who
may desire to purchase with a view to the preser
vation of their books and other valuables. The
Seth we purchased of you in July last, and man
ufactured by Evans & Watson, of Philadelphia,
remained in the tire, at the horning et our store,
until the entire stock was consumed.
The heat was intense, as you may suppose, es
there was about seventy barrels of liquor in the
store, on the next floor over the safe, besides
some seventy thousand pounds of rags, rope, and
other combustible matter. We had the safe
opened after the tire had ceased, and fliund our
books and papers PERFECTLY PRESERVED.
Please get us up another of your Safes, of th a
same size, fur our future use, soon us possible,
and oblige, 11. Si. W. W. Too WKS,
I IC Light Street Wharf.
Baltimore May 17, 1854.
Messrs. E. & T. Fairbanks & Co.—Gentlemen:
It gives me much pleasure to bear testimony to
the excellency of your Salamander Safes. The
one I purchased of you in July last, manufactured
by Evans & Watson, of Philadelphia, saved my
books and valuable papers, when every thing else
in the store was destroyed by tire, on the tnorn
ing of the 14th inst., at Nu. 116 Light street
wharf. B. F. WILLIS.
Baltimore, May 16th, 1854.
The above mentioned Safes can he seen at E.
t T. Fairbanks it: Co.'s warehouse, 1t 1 West
Pratt street, near Light street wharf.
G. C. ERVING, Agent.
No. 26 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia,
(lute No. 83 Dock street,) . .
Have now on hand a largo assortment of their
Bank Vaults and Iron Doors for Bank Stores,
Patent Slide Lined Refrigerators, Water filters,
Seal and Letter Copying Presses, Fuirbonk's
Platform and Counter Scales.
tGl'` Sole Agency for Butterworth r, Batley's.
Yelab' and Jonas' Putout Powder-proof Bank
Locks. Please giro us a call. Ett,V3l,-2.1-
Abeautiful assortment of Cross-barred India
.Bilk,Just received and for sale by [}
for safe et the store of
Gam 14e. seed ,
from the
'A Fre d " in FRESH supply 6 ' • iastreceived and for solo
!,y W XTON.
BMS !!
15 , YOLIJIMEti of nowL i gi
and popular Books,/ •
embracing every variety usually kept
in a Philadelphia Book Store..for sale a huicsale
, and retail very low for cash. '
Orders from all parts of the country solicited,
east will he promptly and faithfully attended to.
Rho& Books end Stationary of every kind will
IN kept constantly on hand at the lowest rates.
Harper's 3lagatine and Godey'a Lady's hook,
ihn he had every month as soon as out.
i i i o d
Imre opposite Whittaker'a Hotel, xi
Hiitioudon, Pa. •
1000 Pieces Wall Paper, all of ;Web wail
purchased this Spring, of the latest, end moil
fashionable styles to be found in Phildelphia.,
for sale very low, from l‘.? cts. a piece and up
wards, at Colon's Cheap Rook store
opposite Whittaker's fluid, Huntingdon, Pa.
rithout any
: moronria
E.Tbe con-
Apra 26 H.
HAVE, just received from Philadelphie the
largest and beat assortment of Spring and
Summer Goods ever offered,and at lower prices
than can be purchased at any other house. They
are determined to sell lower than can be purchased
anywhere east of the Alleghenyond no mistake.
If) on wish to be satisfied of the fact, call and see.
Dry Goods,
such as Clothe, Cassimers, Satinetts, Tweeds,
Childrens' ware, Cottonades, wosted.
The handsomest assortment of Ladies Dress
Goods ever offered. Alm, Trimming of every
variety, the hest assortment over offered.
1000 webs assorted Prints, and every other
article usually kept in a country store.
of which we always keep the largest and best an
garment ever kept in this place.
a magnificent assortment, which we are selling
quite low.
are a little np, but we are determined to sell u
low if not lower, than any other house,aeoordlag
to quality.
Cedar and Willow Ware,
such us La41,..1;..i.
Carpets and 011 Cloths.
a beautiful assortment, which will he sold low,
call and see and be satisfied ()robe fact.
Bats and Caps,
of the very latest and best styles, also
Boots and Shoes,
the best and cheapest in town, if you don't be
lieve it, CALL AND SCE.
We are ulso purchasing and storing Grain,
and it is admitted on all hands that we have the
most convenient place for unloading grain in or
about town, April 12,1854.
HAS just received, and opening, at his wall
known Store in Market Square, the largest
and prettiest assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods
ever offered to the people of Huntingdon and
vicinity, and is now rapidly selling at unusually
low prices.
My stock comprises in part, Clothe, Cassimers,
black and fancy, Satinetts, a large variety of
&MI and Silk Vestings, Kentucky and Penna.
Jeans, Tweeds. Tirkings, brown and blenched
Muslins, Drills, Crash Bags and Bagging, Table
&c. •
Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods,
Prints iu abundance, Mous. de Lancs, De Bcrege,
Alpaccas, Lostres, black and fancy, colored
Silks, Cashmeres, Bonnet and Florence Silk
Edging Ribbons, fancy Gimp, black silk Lace,
colored Kid Gloves, Gents black do., Liuen and
Silk Handkerchiefs, Italian Cravats, Hosiery,
Boots and Shoos.
Hardware, Queensware, Glassware
and Cedar Ware,
Hats and Cups,
A great variety of
Straw Goods.
My stock has been selected with the greatest
care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter
myself that I can offer inducements to purchasers
not to be found elsewhere.
Thankful for the patronage of the past, by my
friends, and the public generally, I respectfully
solicit a continuance of the same.
gr My old stock of Goods will be sold at 15
per cent. below cost. April 12,1854.
Now's the Time for Bargains !
30 per cent. Cheaper than the
Cheapest S 1
pilE undersigned most respectfully announces
to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity,
that ho has opened one of the best and most splen
did assortment of Ready-Made Clothing that hsa
ever been in the Borough of Huntingdon. He
takes pleasure in stating to the public that ho is
fully prepared to sell
Cheaper than the Cheapest!
He will constantly keep on hand the greatest
variety of the following articles, viz:
super Black Dress and Frock
Coats, brown and fancy sack coats, pantaloons
new style, black and fancy cassimero, and cassi
net and corduroy.
Also, a great S'airety of plain and fancy
Bummer Pantaloons.
Vests, the richest and most varied assortment
ever stirred in this place.
Boys' clothing, linen shirts, silk under-shirt
and drawers.
A choice selection of neck and pocket hand
kerchicfs.—Also a large stock of
Hats and Caps,
Umbrellas,trunks, carpet-bags, and a great many
other articles.
er Persons wishing to buy clothing would do
well to call and exatnine this stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
ar Store two doors west den+ Post Office.
Anntingdon, April 19,1854.
Brilliant Display of Jewelry.
THE public generally, and the rascals who,
some time since, entered my store and remo
ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO
without my permission, are informed that 1 have
just opened u more getn•ral and better us,ortancut
of articles in my line of business then was ever
brought to Huntingdon, consisting of Watches,
.Tewelry, Clocks, Fine Knives, _
Pistols, Perfumery, Port ?don- -
naies Silver Ware, and Fancy
Articles, &c., &c. My old friends and customers,
and the public in general throughout the county,
are requested to call and examine my assortment.
Huntingdon, March 99, 1854.
Di. or 3 81;1 ; Clinirocles
Huntingdon ) : March 29R1T541-13Vm.."ITH.
A CHOICE los of Shingles for sure at the
cheap store u J. BRICKER.
For sale at the Cheap Stare of J. BRICKER.
A beautiful assortment of Silk . Dress Patterns,
Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining, just receiv
ed and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
S 1 Press Boraze de Lau es '
LK Man
ae., and Lawns of s every variety and col r ot
just received and for sale by
nn lbs. of Cod Fish, just received and fo
JVIJ sale by J. & W. Sexrox.
ABEAUTIFUL lot of Gents. Gaitors. Ladies
Gaiters and Shoes, Gents. Boats and Shoo*. '
Misses Gaiters and Shoes, of an endless VarieV•
just received and for sale by
A fresh arii
just recei v ed,
Garden cei,e Seeds I
ibe srxtuMals!'
Feb. 23, 1853. J. &. amuck!,
N a:tee:lent tenet of fine Prat lc:mu, at E
21 Snarcl, Aryl; ?5, 1P52
l',oat Stand: