Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 06, 1854, Image 2

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    ►, : --
Wednesday Morning, Sept. 6, ISM.
James Pollock, of Northumberland co.
George Darsie, of Allegheny co,
MUM M. Smyser, of Montgomery co.
John R. Edie, of Somerset County.
James Maguire, Huntingdon County,
George W. Smith, Blair County.
John W. Mattern, Huntingdon.
Henry Glazier, Huntingdon.
Richardson Read, Cassvills.
J. A. Shade, Dublin township.
Perry Moore, Morris township.
sr V. B. PALMER, the American Newspa
this paper in the cities of Boston, New-York and
Philadelphia, and is dui? , empowered to take ad
vertisements and subscriptions at the rates as re
quired by us. His receipts will be regarded as
payments. His offices are--BosToN, Scollay's
Building; N. Yonx, Tribune Buildings. PHILA
DELPHIA, N. W. corner of Third and Chestnut
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author
lead to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subscri
bers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
JOHN W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barree,
GEORGE W. Corussuus, Shirley township,
HENRY HensoN, Clay township.
DAVID Erma, Cromwell township.
Dr. J. P. Asucox, Penn township,
J. WAREHAM MATTERN, Franklin township,
SAMUEL STEPNEY, Jackson township,
Co!. JNO. C. WATSON, Brady township,
MORRIS Bnowx, Springfield township,
Was. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
, JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township,
Hsu. NEFF, West Barree.
JOHN BALSBACII, Waterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES IVlroittair. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Tell township,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. W. MooRE, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SIMEON \Valour, Esq., Union township.
DAVID CLARKSON ' Esq., Cass township.
SAMUEL Wiorox,Esq., Franklin township.
DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmark.
DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township.
A few loads of WOOD at the Journal Office.
Itia. See new Advertisenelents.
ger We have received a beautiful 8 vo. book,
got np in the most fashionable style of binding,
containing over four hundred pages, called
Periscopics; or, Current subjects extemporane
ously treated. By Wm. Elder.
New York: J. C. Derby, 8 Park Place. Dos
ton: Philips, Sampson A: Co. Cincinnati: H.
W. Derby.
This volume is a collection of extemporized
articles, written during the last seven years,
just as the occasions arose.
Of the first division, entitled" Characters and
Tales," they are not in any respect or degree,
inventions. They have the form of fiction, but,
they are the very truth of fact.
"The Duel," and the story of the Dead Box
er. (which has since appeared ir. Blackwood's
Magazine,) the author takes no responsibility
for its narrative truth, for he has taken such
liberties us answered his purposes. It is the
only piece of fancy work that he ever made up.
With respect to the omnibus load of miscel
laneous articles, labelled Slashy,Fancy,Politico•
economical, and Religions, the author says it
was written with all loyalty of heart and mind.
The•author has had some perplexity of mind
as to what the book should be called, bat has
finally agreed to call it "Periscopies." Web
ate defines the word thus "Periscopic, a view
lag on all sides; a term applied to spectacles
having concavo convex glasses, for the purpose
of increasing the distinctness of objects viewed
I We have received Graham's Monthly
Magazine for September, it is prefaced with a
beautiful Steel Engraving of" Lafayette's inter
view with Louis 16 and Marie Antoinette; Pre-
vious to his departure forkmerica." It has the
latest style of fashions for September, as well
as a large portion of choice literature.
kr We have just received a most excellent
number of the Pennsylvania Farm Journal, for
the month of September. It contains a great
variety of matter which certainly will be inter.
eating and useful to the fernier. Every Far.
mer should subscribe fur the Journal, it is only
one doNar per annum, and this one number
alone, would amply pay fur one year.
The Groat Drought.
Every mail brings intelligence of the extent
of the great drought which is afflicting the court.
try, and is much greater than is generally sup.
posed. For more than a mouth past the sun
has been pouring down his scorching rays up
on the parched and heated earth without any
obstruction. No kindly cloud arises to miti
gate the intensity of the fierce rays, or water
the famishing vegetation. On Thursday even
ing of last week, the hearts of the people were
lighted up with joy as the heavens clouded over
with some appearance of rain, but alas! it did
not rain enough to lay the duet. Vegetation
is nearly destroyed.
lha.. The "AiagelGaNel," was convicted at
Boston on Tuesday, of disturbing the peace,
aod fined $7.0 and costs. Eie was required, al
so to give ball is 8300 for his good behaviour
for Nix ralutbe.
An Independent Ticket.
ruder this caption may be found an editorial
in the last week's Globe, from which we are to
infer, that the Whig party of Huntingdon
county is about making its lut death-straggle,
that this same old Whig phalanx, which has so
long and so nobly battled for truth and justice,
is about to surrender the field, unconditionally,
without even a broken lance, as an evidence of
the encounter. The cry of dissatisfaction has
been raised too often, by that same organ, to
create any alarm. It comes from the wrong
quarter. But heat what Mr. Globe says:—"lt
is not to be denied that the present ticket, made
as it was through management and chicanery
of a mere faction of the Whig party, fails to
meet the approval of a very large proportion
of that party, as well as nearly the whole body
of the Democratic party." Astonishing fact,
this, that Whig nominations fail to meet the
approval of the Democratic party. When, Mr.
Globe, has a Whig nomination met the appro
val of the Democratic party? Was it in 1840,
when Harrison was nominated by the Whig
party? No, you called him a granny. a peal,-
coat General. Was it in 1844, when the illus.
trim Clay was the candidate of the Whig
party? No, you calledhim a gambler, a black
leg, &c. Was it in 1848, when the honest and
brave old Taylor was our candidate? No, you
called it a nomination not fit to be made.—
Was it in 1852, when the immortal Scott, the
hero of a hundred battles, the history of whose
life comprises some of the brightest pages of
our country's history, and to whose eminent
public services we, as a grateful people, owed
the highest honors in our power to bestow.—
Yet you called him a vain old coxcomb, (you
said, dress him up in high boots and military
spurs and ho would strut himself to death,) and
as a foul expression of your utter contempt for
Whig nominations, you nominated a Franklin
Pierce. Hence, Mr. Globe, it is vain for the
Whig party to please you in their nominations.
But hear Mr. Globe againl—"We know that
the Democratic party will, with alacrity and
earnestness, assist in this wholesome reform." ,
What wholesome reform, Mr. Globe, has the
party to which you belong been guilty of? You
have reformed and reformed the finances of
our State until we are now burthened with a
debt of over forty millions, and by way of a
small compliment to the farmer, whose burthens
are already grievous to be borne, you added
six millions more, by an act of last session, to
the already enormous State debt. You reform
ed the act of last session for the Sale of thi
Public Works, as forever to deter capitalists
from investing their money therein, thus ova
ding the wishes of the people expressed at the
ballot box a number of years ago, by an over
whelming majority. You will, knowing you
dare not openly avow your opposition to a
measure thus so emphatically demanded by
your peers, so reform the Prohibitory Liquor
Bill, as to scarcely give a shadow for the sub
stance, and by so doing you postponed at least
one year, if not more, a Prohibitory Law, and
thus gave the demos another year's reign, and
to consign another thirty thousand as victims
to a drunkard's grave.
All these great reforms you can proudly boast
of, and I have no doubt when you raise the
standard of reform at your mast-head it will
cause a tumult in the camp of Israel. But we
think these are reforms the people have not
asked you for, and will not sustain you in, as
the next election will most certainly demon
We, as a Whig. prefer rather to stick to the
old land mark of the party, and vote for,'Whig
principles and Whig measures, than to., coun
tenance such reformers as these, and by so do
ing we still support those good old conservative
principles that has always supported the ship
of State and guided her in her proper course.
But the editor says, "This ticket was made
up by a mere faction of the Whig party." This,
certainly, is not very complimentary to that
larger portion of the Whig party who you call
dissatisfied., and who you are now evidently
courting the favor of—who you wish to assist
you in carrying out your great work of reform.
But, on the contrary, there is no dissatisfac
tion in the Whig ranks. The last Whig Couu•
ty Convention was composed of as honest and
intelligent men as ever met in County Conven
tins—men who was capable of knowing the
wishes of the people, and men who had the
honesty and courage to act as men. Then the
expression of the majority of these delegates is
a fair expression of the will of a majority of
the party, and as such will be sustained by the
party, notwithstanding the cry of dissatisfaction.
It cannot he expected that any candidate
can be nominated unanimously, when there is
several candidates in the field for the same
office, but it is expected that every candidate
who suffers his name to be brought before the
Convention for a nomination, will support the
ticket when nominated. This is evident to ev
ery one, for he, by suffering his name to be
used in Convention for a nomination, expects,
if successful, to receive the support of the party,
and is bound, in honor, to support the ticket
formed, and when the second Tuesday of Oc
tober arrives, you will find every good Whig at
his post.
Congressional Nomination.
Our Candidate for Congress, Col. John R.
Edie of Somerset County. is a sterling Whig,of
pure republican manners, and in every way
worthy the confidence of the party that put him
in nomination. He has represented his county
in the State Legislature with ability, and has
always proved to be a strict party man, and un
flinching in his support of whip men, and men
sures. Tho Col. is a good "talker," and ever
ready to give his opinions to his tellow•citizens
from the stump, and will, when elected to Con
greet, be able to take “tt hand" with the de
bates of that body, and do honor both to him
self and his constituents.
Although Dr. John McCulloch, our present
worthy remesentative, was the unanimous
choice of the Whigs of this county, and, as a
matter of course, would have been pleased at
his re-nomination ; but, as the Conference has
thought otherwise, and put in nomination the
choice of another county of the District, we feel
no hesitancy in pledging the full Whig vote of
this county to Col. Edie, us the nominee. We
hope the Colonel will visit the "Ancient Va.
lege," as well as other portions of Huntingdon
County, during the Campaign.
THE CUBA QI7ESTION.--The Paris Patrie, in
giving a statement that the son of Mr. Soule
had arrived at London on his way to Madrid,
with an offer from the United States to put ,
chase Cuba, intimates that the Government of
Spain will have to consult England and Franco
before a bargain can be consummated.
I. The Editor not yut fit for duty .
A Caution to Whigs.
A few of the wire-working Locofbcos of this
borough, aided by some of their coadjutors
from the country, feeling well satisfied of the
inability, of the rapidly decaying Democratic:
partyof thiscoutity,to elect a ticket of their own
at the coming election, have concocted a scheme
by which they think to decoy a portion of the
Whig party into their support, by nominating
"an independent ticket," composed of members
of both parties. This scheme, plausible as it
may appear at first eight, was laid fur the ex
press purpose of creating dissension in the
Whig party of this county, and with a view of
appropriating the fruits to the benefit of the
unierrffied. But, notwithstanding the uuseru•
pulons exertions made by some of the leading
Locofocos, to enlist the eo•operation of Whigs,
we are happy to be able to state, that their de.
sign is well understood by the great bodyof the
Whig party, and that it meets with little favor
from the honest yeomanry of the country, who
are well satisfied with the nominees of the late
County Convention.
The nominations made by the Convention,
were in accordance with the usages of the par.
ty; and the men selected were emphatically the
choice of the people, or their representatives;
and, as candidates honestly nominated, they are
entitled to the confidence and support of the
party. It may be true that there are some dis
satisfied Whigs, who would desire to see the
ticket defeated—as such are to found in all
parties—but we are fully assured. from the va
rious districts, that the Whig partyof this coun
ty, was never more united than at present, and
that the ticket will receive the full party vote.
We were sorry to see the names of Whigs,
who were pledged to abide the decision of the
late Convention, connected with this movement,
and as their friend, would caution them to be
ware of the net cast by Locofoco wire.workers,
for their sole object is to distract the Whig par
ty, and thereby build up their own.
Therefore, we would caution the Whigs of
our county to beware of this movement, and in
stead of lending themselves as instruments for
the aggrandizement of the Locofoco party, we
would suggest the propriety of organizing in
every township, with a determination to sup
port the whole ticket, and nothing but the tick
et, and our word for it, you will have nothing
to regret when it is too late. Adhere to the
usages of the party, and all will be right.
CHESTER COIISTY.—The Whig Nominating
Convention of Chester county met yesterday at
West Chester, and made the following nomina
tions, viz:—John H. Broomal. for Congress;
Henry S. Evans, Senate; H. A. Hodgson, W.
It. Downing, and Isaac Pennypacker, for As
DELAWARE COUNTY.—The Delegates repre•
senting the Whigs of the different townships in
the county, met on the 24th ult., and organized
the following ticket:—For Congress, John M.
Broome]; Senate, James S. Lewis; Assembly,
Thomas H. Maddock.
tion of this county has placed in nomination
the following ticketi—Aseembly---,,Lntgom
ery Donaldson and Geo. NV. Cresswell.
gates met at the Court House, in Harrisburg
on the 29th ult., and nominated John C. Run
kle for Congress; Samuel Landis and Lot Berg
stresser, for Assembly.
SCH UYLK ILL Cou.vr.—The Whigs of Schuyl
kill county have nominated John B. M'Creary,
Esq., for Legislature. Mr M'Creary hails from
the "Young Guard," having received his polit
ical education among the gallant Whigs of the
York Springs district. He will make a capital
see Rev. 0. A Bronson, the famous editor
of the Boston Catholic Review, has accepted
the professorship extended to him by the Irish
University at Dublin. He is at present preps•
ring his first course of lectures. The salary is
about $3,000. His "Review" will be continued.
Who isitanin, New Party?
We want a new party! In Heaven's name,
what do we want it for? Tell me of a Whig
of Massachusetts—a Whig of New England—a
Whig of the North—that goes for Nebraska.
Are not the Whigs all right? Tell me of one,
even, who skulked under a suspension of the
rules to give other folks a chance to do it.—
[Laughter and applause.] No, sir! The Ne•
braska measure is an Administration measure,
and I hold Franklin Pierce and his•
tmtion to it. They did it. [Laughter.] It is
not tree that the South did it; nor could they
have done it. It was the North—not the North—
it was the Democracy of the North. [Applause.]
And who is to resist them? The Whig party—
the only party who has ever done so—or are
we to undertake to denationalize ourselves, to
sink ourselves into a sectional party, and then
stand against them? Not for a moment can
we do it.
The above is taken from the speech of Hon.
Otis P. Lord at the Massachusetts Whig State
Convention,, and applies, says the Daily News,
with the same force and the same truth to the
Whig party of Pennsylvania. It is in the true
spirit of a true Whig, and commends itself to
the consideration of every one who believes the
interests of the country to be identified with
the success of the Whig principles. We need
no new party to put the seal of condemnation
upon the Pierce Administration for its Nebras
ka iniquity. We need no new political organ-
,ttion to secure the improvement of our Riv
ers and Harbors. We need not abandon the
Whig party to insure full and adequate protec
tion to Home Labor. We need no fusion of
Whies and Free Soilera to maintain the cause
of Human Freedom. The Whig party now is,
and ever has been, right on all these subjects,
and to its care they may be safely entrusted.—
Had it been aided in 1832 by the impractica
ble anti-slavery men who are now so clamor
ous for elusion, the Nebraska iniquity would
have never been perpetrated. Had they uni
ted with the Whigs in 184.1 to elect the Patriot
Clay, there would have followed no such en
croachments upon the Constitution, and no
such extension of slavery as they by their
course in that contest, enabled Loco Focoisrn
to perpetuate.
In short, if we are to have a new party of
one idea, and that a sectional one, let it be so;
but let not the Whig party bo surrendered to
or swallowed up in it.
Tae KNOW NOTIIINGS.—We find published .
in some of the papers, among which is the Ar
gus of this city, a long pretended expose of this
order. It wears falsehood on its face ; for, if
any man had taken the oaths set forth.and then
revealed them, he is not to be believed, and no
man of sense would believe him. We are as.
cured by those who know, that they are false.
and unworthy of thought.— Wheeling Times.
//18..Mademoiselle Cecily made her fortieth
ascent in o balloon a Peri; lately.
Letter from Hon. David Wilmot•
The letter of Judge Wilmot to the Dartford
meeting, so long suppressed by Gov. Bigler's
Northern organ, the Montrose Destocivri, edit
ed by ex-speaker Chase, has nt lust appeared
in the columns of that consistent sheet. No
one who reads it can fail to understand Judge
Wilmot's position on the Nebraska question.—
Although a Democrat, ho "repels with scorn
the insolent inundate of the administration, re-
Oiling adhesion to its measures as a test of
Democratic orthodoxy." The Congressional
district in which he resides gave near twenty
five hundred majority for President Pierce.—
Mr. Wilmot says, "I trust the future will show
how grossly he (Pierce) has outraged the prin
ciples of its intelligent and independent voters.
Slavery demands entire submission to its poli
cy, as a condition of its support; let candidates
henceforth learn, that here, at least, in Penn.
sylvania, if nowhere else within the State, we
require of them guaranties of fidelity to the
principles and rights of freedom." Mr. Wil
mot takes the ground that a candidate who
pretends to condemn the Nebraska bill, and
yet holds himself in alliance with the National
Administration, "cannot be trusted, and so
sure as he is trusted, so sure will the people
and their rights be again betrayed." Thin is
just the position of Gov. Bigler; in certain
quarters he pretends to condemn the Nebraska
bill, and yet holds himself in alliance with the
National Administration, while his "organs" at
the State Capitol and elsewhere eulogize Doug
lactnd advocate adhesion to the Nebraska meas.
ere as the only test Democratic of orthodoxy. Of
course, then, to trust Governor Bigler is to be
again betrayed.
Mr. Wilmot further declares that the man
who will not openly resist the aggreesione of
Slavery, to-day, cannot be relied on for the fu
ture—he is hopelessly rotten—unsound to the
core, and will sacrifice his country's highest in
tomtit and glory for mere paltry partizan con
siderations. This is a hard fling at the miser
able double-dealing of Gov. Bigler, by which
he seeks to gain the free soil vote by private
letters and assurances, whilst he is openly pledg
ed to the Nebraska iniquity, and in close alli
ance with those who consummated it. Mr. Wil.
mot says that the National Administration
must be rebuked, and the only effectual way
to do it, is to "strike down its allies in every
State, district and county." The letter is ably
written, and every sentence contains a wither
ing re buke and condemnation of the course of
Governor Bigler and his Northern "organ," cd•
ited by ex.speaker Chase. Not having Too m
for the letter in extenso, we subjoin the follow.
ing extract: _ _
"The power and design of slavery must be
checked, and the original policy of Government
on this subject restored. To this end we must
lay aside—postpone for a time, the strifes of
party over minor points of controverted policy,
and unite in the great work of preserving our
free Institutions from impending destruction.
The first blow must be aimed for the overthrow
of the present .National Administration—the
mere tool and puppet of the Slave Power.—
Through the corrupting influence of its patron.
age upon the People's Representatives, Free.
dons has been betrayed. It must be overwhelm.
ed at every point with ignominious defeat. We
cannot shorten its Constitutional term of office,
but we must strike down its allies in every
Slate, District and County. It must have no
prop in the States, upon which to lean for sup
port of its iniquitous policy. Nis man should
be elected to responsible tyftee—Governor. Mem
ber of Congress, Representative,whose relations
of friendship and alliance with the National
Administration are open to suspicion. We
must accept of nothing, in the candidates pre
nested for our Buffs-ages, short of undisguised
hostility to the ultra pro-slavery , power at Wash
ington. Anything short of this is folly, idle
trifling, shilly-shally nonsense; and designed in
the end, to lead the people step by step into
acquiescence in the policy and plans of slavery.
Let no candidate pretend to condemn the re.
cent legislation of Congress, and yet hold him.
self in party alliance with the present adminis
tmtion. He cannot be trusted; and so sure as
he is trusted, so sure will the people, and Ihier
rights be again betrayed. The man who will
not face in open, manly resistance, the aggres
sions of the slave power to-day, cannot be re
lied upon to do so on the occasion of a future
provocation. He is hopelessly rotten—unsound
'to the core, and will eacriAce his Country's
highest interest and glory. for mere paltry par
tizan considerations."—Harrisburg Telegraph.
Things to Remember.
Free Democrats, remember, than Gov. Big
ler advocated and signed a Bill granting the
use of our Prisons, for the confinement of fugi
tive slaves ; that he recommended an act per
mitting masters to carry their slaves through
Pennsylvania; that he had pardoned Alberti the
notorious kidnapper ; that his official Journals
in Philadelphia and Harrisburg are strongly in
favor of the Nebraska-Kansas infamy ; and
that he has repeatedly said to lending Demo
crats in Harrisburg, that be approves of the
principles of that measure.
Nebraska Democrats, remember that on the
day of his re-nomination, Speaker Chase heard
Gov. Bigler say, "Gentlemen, if the Democrat
ic convention pass resolutions in favor of the
Nebraska Bill, it must nominate another can
didate, for I will not endorse and run on such
a platform."
Regular Democrats, remember, that when a
Senator, Governor Bigler voted against the
candidates nominated by the Democratic cau
cus, for State Treasurer and State Printer ;
and that he appointed James Campbell attor
ney General, alter his rejection by the De rime
racy of Pennsylvania. He therefore has no
right to Democratic votes.
. . _
- Antilmage Dentocrts, remember that Gov.
Bigler was the means of placing James Camp.
bell at the head of the Post Office department;
that he has appointed several of the same
faith to important of ; and that he or his
particular friends have selected Catholics to
preside over all the Democratic State Courts.
time, since he was elected Governor.
Prohibitory Democrats, remember that the
two or three hundred thousand petitioners who
have yearly importuned the Legislature for a
Prohibitory law, have never been noticed in
Governor Bigler's annual message; that he re•
tains the Lager Beer bill in his pocket; that he
will not promise to sign a law the exact provi•
lions of which ho has not seen; and that hislet•
ter to the Prohibitory State convention was
not satisfactory.
nmpayers, remember, that the expenses of
the Commonwealth during the second year of
Governor Bigler's administration, nearly doub.
led those of the last year of Governor John.
ston's term.—Harrisburg Telegraph.
CAPT. Hoi.i.ixs,—The Washington Star of
Tuesday last contained the following paragraph:
"The official acts of Captain Hollins, of the
Cayne, at the bombardment of Greytown, we
have good authority for saving, have very pro.
perly received the approval of Government,who
will shield him front all ridiculous suits, such
as that just brought against him in N. York."
This, of course, will put an end to the prose.
cation of the eornmander of the Coyne; but it is
evident from the fart of the institution of this
suit that the persons whose property was des.
strayed at Greytown will give the Government
very serious trouble by their drains for damag
es. In the case of the American claimants
there can be but litttle doubt that they will
eventually secure their pay by Congressional
appropriations, and the longer this is delayed
the more interest will the government have to
incur in the end. This is well established by
the history of private claims paid in postyears,
and there seems to be none which by routine.
city may not be secured. Where the damages
claimed are large, the cam never fails to enlist
the support of the ablest men in Congress.--
This reytown exploit will cost us a pretty
sum in the end.—Aorth American.
Washington, Aug. 31.—1 t is reliably ascertain•
ed that several "Know Nothing" clerks aro to
bc dismissed front the City Post Office tomor
row, at the request of the Democracy.
$ Piti,burgil has 38 Iron Foundries.
The Democracy of Sullivan for Pollock.
The Sullivan Donaerat of the I lit h ult., con
tains the prieerilings of n Democratic Mass
Meeting at Forks of Lolnl•Sock, in Sullivan
county, at which Henry F.. Shippen, Esq., pre
sided, and was assisted by is number of Vice
Presidents and Secretaries. The meeting was
addressed by the Hon. David Wilmot, of whose
speech n glowing amount is given; after which
T. J. Ingham submitted a preamble and set of
resolutions, which were unanimously adopted,
and among which were the following:
Resolved, That the first work before us is to
secure for Kansas and Nebraska the inaliena
ble right of liberty to all by an act of CongresS
prohibiting slavery is those territories; and we
will therefore, go to work, like practical ye
tors, to elect honest, competent men, who are
known to be in favor of this measure, to all of=
flees of responsibility and influence,
Resolved, That we have no reason to believe
that Gov. Bigler agrees with no in any point
connected with the questions of Slavery now
agitated; we know he recommended the passage
of a law allowing slave holders to carry their
slaves through this State; we know he endorses
the Fugitive Slave Law, which tramples upon
our personal rights; we know his election would
be regarded in every part of the Union as a
triumph of the allies of slavery, and as those
who are notfbr no, in this matter, are emphat
ically against vs, we declare Gov. Bigler un
worthy of our support.
Resolved, That inasmuch as Judge Pollock
has declared explicitly he is in favor of re-en
acting the law which prohibited slavery in ter
ritories north of 36° and 30' north latitude; al.
so in favor of the manumission of any slaves
illegally held there, he occupies a position so
much more just and liberal than Gov. Bigler,
that (without endorsing the cautious address of
the Whig Central Committe) we esteem it our
duty to give Judge Pollock our full and active
support in the coming election.
Inoculation for Cholera.
Inoculation with .Caustic Issues," now crea
ting so much excitement and wonder among
the medical Ravens of Europe and the United
States, from the simplicity of its character, was
not discovered by a distinguished Berlin physi
cian, but py an American physician,well known
in this country. It was sent by him to the
leading minds of this country and Europe, as
far back ns 1847, and is gradually being tried
as a successful and practical experiment since
then. It is now seeking its way into the Prus
sian and Russian armies, and ere long will no
doubt be introduced into Austria, France and
England. It will extend itself with electrical
effect over the world as the opposite of vaccin
ation, entirely neutralizing another pestilence.
It is noticed by physicians as a singular fact,
that small-pox precedes and succeeds this Mi.
attic cholera. Tee late Russian Minister, 80.
disco, introduced it to the attention of the Em.
peror of Russia, a year prior to his demise.
As n successful experiment, it is now showing
itself in practical illustrations of its preventive
power, in isolated instances over this country,
and will, no doubt, hereafter become a fixed
fact. This simple process will, when intrude.
ced, be the means of saving large sums to Eu
ropean governments, together with the lives of
their soldiers. Tho discoverer receives as a re.
ward, so noticed by European presses, Diplo
mas from each of the Universities,togetherwith
jewels taken from the crown of each monarch.
The prizes through all Europe, offered since
1819, for an "absolute and reliable preventive"'
of this pestilence, and that have been accumm
latingsince 1819,amount to the sum 0f£148,000.
The first prizes are to be awarded by Napo
leon 111, subject to the decision of the Royal
Academy of - Medicine, Paris.--211b. Atlas.
morning, about 30 persons left the Nail Facto
ry in one of Mr. Grange's large wagons, for
the purpose of spending the day in berrying.—
The company was composed of young and
middle•aged persons, and went on their way
full of joy an d until they reached the
bridge over the Puestenkill and !Intim L'innt:
Road. While crossing the bridge, one side of
it gave away, precipitatink the whole party,
wagon, horses, and people, from a height of
ten feet into the creek below. The following
persons were injured: James Peabody, thigh
broken in two places; Mrs. Daniel Cramer, bad
ly elt about the head and face; Mrs. Brown
and Miss Warr, hurt about the face. As many
as twenty of the party were more or less inju
red. Several ladies were greatly in danger of
being drowned. All the people residing con
venient to the disaster assisted in mitigating
the sufferings of the injured. It is almost mi
raculous that the accident was nut attended
with still more calamitous results.—Troy Times.
SINGULAR Occentuace.-1 singular occur
rence, resulting iu a melancholy manner, took
place, a few days since, in the town of Ham
burg, in this county. An Irishman was engag
ed in digging a well, and, allot. getting down
to the depth of some eighteen feet, found signs
of water very preceptible. At last he struck
his pick through a thin layer of slate, when all
at once, and with a noise like thunder, tut&
ciently loud to be distinctly heard all over the
neighborhood, a stream of mingled gas endive.
ter burst through the orifice, instantly killing
the unfortunate man, and filling the well totho
depth of ten or twelve feet with water. Gas
still escapes profusely, and the water is in con
stant and violent motion, resembling a large
cauldron of boiling fluid.—Bajr. Dem., 24 nit.
JUDGE SMYSER.—We have seyerartimes had
the pleasure of referring to complimentary no
tices of the judicial administration, of our late
fellow citizen,
Ron. D. M. Stnyser, President
Judge of the Berl. and Montomery district,
and the Whig nominee for the' Supreme Bench.
Recently he held a special court in Berko Co.,
and the'Reading papers speak quite flattering.
ly of his qualifications as a Judge. The Berks
county Press (Democratic) says: "He possesses
a happy mode of delivery--speaks with perfect
ease and freedom, and has shown that he is an
accomplished scholar and a profound jurist."
lOWA ELM lON.—In the first Congressional
district there appears to be some doubt respect.
ing the election of Clark, Whig, as it is alleged
that the extreme western end of the districthas
given some strong Democratic majorities. Still
the Whig papers assert that Clark is elected,
and it seems very likely that he is. We may
remark en pawn/Ad he is the brother of the
popular authoress known by the nom Jr phone
of Grace Greenwood. The result of this lowa
contest, so far as we can perceive, is purely an
earnest and emphatic protest against the repeal
of the Missouri Compromise. Everything hing.
ed upon that measure, and it so completly oblit
erated party lines,that it is difficult to distinguish
Whigs front Democrats.—Nerth American.
COULDN'T SWALLOW IT.--It is said that the
Richmond Examiner, the South Side Demo
crat, the Alexandria Sentinel, Staunton Vieli
calor, Abingdon Democrat, Winchester Virgin
ian, and Danville Republican; all good Locofo.
co papers, opposed to the Hunter "Land grad
uation bill," upon the ground that it is a semi.
fie° of Democratic principles and a violation
of the constitution. It is wonderful how the
"Doctors' disagree? Mr. Hunter. Democratic
Senator, and the above presses disagreeing on
the principles of their party—Mr. Hunter in fa•
vor of an expediency, the presses opposed to
the principle.—Phif a. Daily New&
THE DROUGHT IN Ks:mom—The Louis.
vale Courier is in receipt of the most distress.
ing accounts from all parts of Kentucky with
reference to the terrible drought that has pre.
veiled. In Marion county hundreds of acres
have not a shoot of corn on them, and people
are cutting the stalk to feed their cattle. Stock
is worthless, and mule colts cannot be cashed
at $29. Tobacco is not yet above thealods,
and small timber is dying. In Bourbotreoun
ty the corn crop will not be half an average,
and the influence of the failure is already felt
in the depreciated value of all kinds of stocks.
In Pulaski county there will be very little corn,
an d men! in ~nvy seam" sr $1 per buohel yt
the country n.,115.
From the N. American and U. S. Gazette
Prom Washington.
WASHINGTON Allg. 31, 1861.
Notwithstanding that the Union and its
echoes haVe made themselves hoarse with sp•
plauding the destruction of San Juan as alto•
ether justifiable, necessary and democratic, it
is announced that Mr. Fattens, the late coin ma
cial agent, has been ordered to return thither,
and make a correct report of the damages sus.
%Inc(' by the bombardment, in onler that an
exact statement of the matter may be laid be.
fore Congress. This is it fair and honorable
course. The act has been assumed by the ad •
ministration as one of state necessity, and tho
national treasury should, of course, hear the
burthen of it. The amount to be finally paid
will not, probably. fall below two or three mill
ions of dollars. The number of buildings do.
stroyed were about 150. A few of them were
costly hotels and warehouses, but much the tar.
ger number were primitive bamboo shanties,
which may bo re•ereeted with as little trouble
as Hollins experienced in knocked them down.
The principal damage was in the amount of
foreign merchandize destroyed. The Greytown
spoliation bill will be the leading measure of
the next session. _ . .
Mr. Buchanan appears to be floundering in
the depths of the Central American question.
He is the most inappropriate man whom inap
propriate man whom this Government could
have selected to conduct the negotiation. He
cannot, in 1854, deny everything which he of
tidally admitted in 1847 and 1848, and he
then admitted all that the British claimed. But
nothing but the most perseverin,g mismanage
ment of the controversy at WAshington, or
through our minister in London, Tan make the
question a very . serious one. Great Britain
has no interests in that quarter which materi
ally conflict with our own-, and as to coloniza
tion, her ministers have long since admitted
that they had more colonies than they could
conveniently manage.
It is a part of the same report which sends
Fakes, back to Greytown, that Capt. Hollins
is under orders for those waters, to meet the
venerable Lieut. Jolly and his associates in
command. He will find there, if the published
accounts are correct, a foeman worthy of his
steel, and a squadron carrying a weight of met
al equal to that of the Cyane.
The lobby men are making themselves mer
ry over the published report of the committee
on the Colt patent case. The evidence is aim
dantly amusing, but not important. Thestrength
of the lobby appears to have increased in a
less rapid ratio than the exigencies of the pro
Charming ladies, with great conver
sational powers, fine teeth, and ravishing eyes,
have been added to the old agencies of wines,
elegant dinners, cigars, s:e.,previonslyin vogue.
Witnesses testify that, in their opinion, $70,-
000 had been or were to be expended to pro
mote the passage of Colt's bill. A parlor and
adjoining rooms were kept at the National Ho
tel for the entertainment of his friends, by Mr.
Dickerson, the agent of Colt. The Committee
made desperate but'fruitless efforts to procure
accurate lists of Mr. D.'s guests. Ho denied
their right to inquire into the mode in which
he chose to dispense his private hospitality.—
Col. Clemens, etc-Senator from Alabama, was
his most prominent colleaugue. The Colonel
attended to tlio military part of their joint du
ties, and distributed the pistols among mem
bers and others. Mr. Dickerson confined his
attention to the gastronomics, and saw that his
guests were plied with good cheer.
The testimony of Dickerson and H. H. Day,
of New York, is very interesting. Dickerson
says that Day came to him lust year, and told
him that for $lO,OOO in hand, for his own use,
and $15,000 for distribution among the letter
writers, he could pass Colt's bill, or rather would
withdraw all opposition to its passage. Day
told Dickerson that a great mistake had been
made in not feting the Washington correspon
dents earlier, but he thought he could manage
them by paying to the principal writers $2,000
a piece. Dickerson thought he should have to
pay them something. and was not averse to
compounding with Day, but was shocked at
the Hui' named. The princi
ple was, he seemed to think, not so .monstrous
as a s greenhorn might assume.
Mr. Day not being able to sell, continued his
opposition, and, as Dickerson asserts, took off
a number of the correspondents, and gave him
and Col. Colt a great deal of trouble. But it does
not appear that any of them got any money.
One witness testified that Mr. Clingman, who
"got up" the investigation, was currently repor
ted to have received a very large amount of
stock, over $lO,OOO worth, for voting for the
Minnesota railroad bill. Another one, Dicker
son, I believe, insinuated that he had been in
duced by the blandishments of two lady lobby
men in the gallery of the House not to vote
against, but actually to vote for the Wisconsin
railroad land grant. Clingman attempts toes
plain the last Charge ' admitting that he voted
as the ladies wanted him to vote, but denying
that he was influenced by their requests. He
does not, however, allude to his vote in favor
of the Minnesota land grant, and the reasons
given in behalf of his course on the Wisconsin
bill should have induced him to vote against
the Minnesota donation. It is unfortunate, too,
for Mr. Clingman that, beside Mr. Dean, he is
the only member who is shown to have attend.
ed all the dinners and suppers at the Colt hos
Mr. Thompson, of Michigan, admitted that
he miss agent for Colt; he had engaged others,
on what terms he would not say. Ho wasagent
for Collins' steamrs, for several patents for the
Pacific railroad, the Wisconsin, Minnesota,and
lowa railroad land bills. He was against the
Nebraska bill. He, like all the rest of Colt's
agents, refused to state what they were to re
ceive for their services, on the plea that that
Was a matter belonging to their private affairs.
Mr. Dickerson testifies that a person had ap
plied to him for a loan of three hundred dollars
on behalf of Mr. Henn, member from lowa,and
that he had refused to make the advance. Mr.
Henn deposed that he had not authorized the
application, and knew nothing about it.
The repott is rather complimentary and hon.
°ruble to Congress. It does not present a single
case of corruption, nor so much as the impro
priety in any member. The evidence taken is
for more discreditable to Clingman, the accuser,
than to any other member. Tho allegations
against him hardly term and give color to sus
picion, but it is of the same character as thaton
which he did not scruple to bring a charge af
fecting the integrity and honor of the whole
House. If he has suffered in the inquiry, the
retribution is well deserved. The moral of the
lesson is, that random defamation is a game at
which any number of persons can play, and in
which the beginner must generally be loser.
The President, is said by some, to have gone
to Berkely Springs, by others, to Old Point.—
There is as much mystery in his movement as
about those of Louis Napoleon and Judge
Douglas, both of which dignitaries modestly
shun public observaiion. At Berkely Springs
were assembled, previously to the departure of
the President from the White House, the See.
retary of State, Senator Mason, Chairman ofthe
Committee of Foreign Affairs, Senator Pratt,of
Md., and many other Southern politicians.—
These distinguished official persons will make
a suitable auxiliary Cohan junta, the delibera
tions of which may assist the present society iu
the annexation of the island, and supply the
defects of Mr. Soule's diplomacy. ALEXIS.
taining old books, portions of two frames of a
human, and a sign on which was the name of
Dr. J. Duffy, was discovered in the cellar of a
house 235 Walker street, in front of which a
large and highly excited crowd collected. To
disperse the assemblage and allay excitement,
Policeman Williams took the trunk and con.
tents to the 10th Ward Police Station.—X.
HARD LAMIEt:E.—The friends of Gov. BIG
LER are determined to secure the Foreign vote
for his excellency if "hard words" in denuncia
tion of Know Nothiugism condo it. The Har.
riaburg Union, the organ of Gov. Bigler, says
"The Know Nothings of the present day, as a
political party, are the lineal descendents—the
legitimate represon tatives of the infidel cu t•thr.ont
b., 1” . 1 • •••• P
foreign Ijiticiligertre.
Surrender of Bomersund to the Forces—
Taw nolosand Ituasians ;nude -Prisoners.
HALtrA x, Aug. 30.—The steamship Europa
arrived here this afternoon, with Liverpool
dates to August 10th, being ono week later.
Parliament has been propagated, and the
Queen's speech would soon WI delivered.
A Turkish loan of 6,000,000 sterling; guaran
teed oil the Turkish reveuhe and the Egyptian,
tribute has been opened at Paris and London.
The accounts of the potato diseme in the
north of Ireland are more discouraging, and
was spreading, but not rapidly.
The cholera is prevailing with considerable
severity at Belfast.
The Poor-rates of the present year show an
increase in number of Irish unions.
The fete of St. Napoleon, on the 15th, passed
off quietly. The decorations were arranged
with great splendor. Marshal Mognan review
ed 26,000 troops, and a grand military specta
cle was enacted in the Champ De Mars, repre
senting the seine of Sillistria. The Emperor's
absence was much regretted by the Parasians.
There were rumors in circulation that a con
spiracy had been discovered, and that the Em
peror's absence was precautionary. A Rus
sian intrigue is reported to be busy among the
secret clubs.
An imperial decree orders the payment of
the legacies of Napoleon the Fret, and opens
a credit for a loan of 8,000,000 francs.
President Pierce's message to the Senate,
respecting Cuha, caused much uneasiness at
the Paris Bourse, hut the succeeding mail re
stored confidence.
The Cholera was decreasing at Marseilles.
The Moniteur continues to give favorable ac
counts of the harvest.
The Cortez have been convoked for the Bth
of November, on the basis of the electoral law
of 1837, a Constituent Assembly .meeting in
one Chamber, with one Deputy for every 35,
000 of the population.
Louis Segusti has been appointed Governor
of Madrid, and Col. Cardero has been appoint
ed Governor of Saragossa. Col. O'Donnell.
the General's brother, bas been appointed
Governor of Malaga.
A riot had occurred at Tortosa. The rioters
assembled with cries of "Viva Esparteio,"
"Viva Constitution," and then rushed to the
City Hall to demand the abolition of the taxes.
Finding only the Secretary there, they beat
him to death, tore out his heart, cot off his
head, and flung his body into the river, with
all the public records. The Governor oi
end°, armed the citizens, and took a number
of the rioters prisoners.
Numerous reports were current in Madrid
respecting the intentions of' France. It is sta
ted that Napoleon will interfere in the present
aspect of affairs, but objects equally to either
a Republic or a Cannot dynasty in Spain.
The London Globe says the French Ambas
sador at Madrid has been ordered to protest
energetically against violence to any member
of the royal family, or any attack on monar
chial institutions, but otherwise not to interfere.
The cholera is slightly subsided at Turin,
but there are still about TO deaths daily. At
Naples it is still very violent.
A decree, dated Palermo, July 2Tth, threat.
ens death by court martial to any one evading
the sanatory cordon around the Naepulitan
coasts. Prince Ad, General Murat, M. Lon.
gobardi, the Minister and Chevalier Vanotu,
Portuguese consul, had died of cholera.
The total deaths during the week, amounted
to about 3,000.
letter! sac thf.t "2 , ..:tugnese Go,
eminent energetically disavows all idea of at,
sion between Portugal and Spain, and express
es regret that the name of the King bad beets
used in the project.
The Latest by Telegraph.
Ltrettroot., Aug. 19.—8 v submarine tele
graph news has been received that Bomersund
surrendered on the 6th, with 2,000 Russians 95
prisoners. The Anglo-French land force at Bom
ersund consisted of 12,000 men supported by
the fleets.
BERLIN, Aug. 16.—The Vienna conference
is expected to reassemble next week.
PARIS, Aug, 18, —The following has just been
received: "Orders have been issued for the Aus
trians to enter Wallachia. The troops have
commenced crossing the frontier at Turin Sev
erin." Odessa letters of the 7th say no real
blockade exists at Odessa, or in the sea of Azof.
MAnatn, Aug.l6.—The Juntas of Malaga and
Serida refuse to recognise the:new:Government.
LONDON, Aug. 19.—Fort Tzee and Fort Met
tich, on the Island of Aland, have been taken,
one by the French, and the other by the Eng.
fish. The loss of the Allies was but small.
VIENNA, Aug. 16.—1 t is reported that Prince
Gortschakoff has notified the Austrian Govern.
ment that as long as the Turks are in Wallach
ia. the Russians will retain certain points in the
Principalities. Austria has given up the in.
tention of proposing the Germanic diet to
the Eederal Army on a war footing.
The Paris Moniteur of Saturday, announces
that on the 7th and Sth ult., the French cape.
ditionary force was landed on the Island of Al.
and, north of the fortress of Bomersund. At the
same time the English and French marine.;
landed south of the fortress. The disembarca
tion was covered by the war steamers, and was
effected without a man getting his feet wet.—
They then erected batteries, while the Russians
destroyed theirs and fell back on the main for.
tress. On the 12th the fortress was completely
invested. On the 14th the Russians mado a
sortie, but were driven in. On the 15th the
French carried a redoubt of eight guns, with
out losing a man.
Another account says that it was a strong
fortress that was taken after several hours'
fighting. The bombardment of the Mill fort,
ress was to begin on the 15 inst.
Reports in the English papers say that the
inhabitants of Aland had risen against the
Russians, and it was proclaimed by order of
the French Admiral, from the pulpits of all
the churches, that the Russian sway over the
Islands had ceased.
The London Daily News contains a remark
able correspondence, stating that the British
troops in the camp at Momaster, near Derna,
are deciminated by the malignant cholera, are
destitute of medicine, fatnishing for lack of
food, and are discontented and almost disorga.
nized. The London Times' correspondent
partly confirms this statement.
Constantinople letters speak of the expedi-
tion against Crimea as still in progress. The
embarkation of the troops had been deferred
on account of the Cholera.
A Russian despatch from Odessa, dated Au.
gust 6th, says the allied [bets has tried to laud
troops at Balaklaua Crimea. At Sebastopol it
was reported that Admiral Lyons had bombar
ded Anapa for 24 hours. The result was un
The Sultan's daughter. Fatima, married
R edschid niche's son, at Constantinople.
On the 4th of August, an offensive and de
fensive alliance was concluded between the
Porte and Schamyl. The terms have not trans
pired, but it is unuerstood that Schamyl insist
ed that the Porte should recognize the jade
pendence of Cireassia ; he, in return, ea'ering
the assistance of 50,000 mountaineers to actin
concert with the Turkish force.
Mercantile letters from Bagdad say,that con
traels have been made to furnish supplies and
transports for the Hindoo•Britieh force, which
would arrive via the Persian Gulf at Bags, at
the month of the river Tigus.
It was reported that Schamyl has obtained a
groat viotory over the Russians.
On the 10th, the Russian fleet Came out of
Sebastopol, and was act, 01' Oittssa , but re•
tired Welt• I, cart.