Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 30, 1854, Image 3

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    Real Eetate Agenoy,
The under,,igned has eanibii,thed an agency
,tor the Sale and Purchase cf Real Estate in
"Huntingdon county.
Any person wishing to sell or purchase can
give us a description of the property, its lout.
tine quantity, 9uality, and terms.
, We engage in this agency on such terms as
cannot be objected to.
The Agent has the facility of making the
property extensively known.
We now have some very desirable land which
we offer on easy terms. WM. BREWSTER.
Viir Flour commands the trilling sum of el.
eren'doliars per barrel inEdinburg.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 26.—The Flour
market is firm, but the demand has been limit.
ed. There is but little inquiry for export, and
only barrels good brands sold at $8,75 per bbl.
A sale of 500 barrels for October delivery at
$B. There is a lair inquiry for borne consump
tion from $8,75 up to $10,50 for common and
fancy brands,.
Glum—Wheat is in demand. Sales of
:woo bushels fair and prime Southern red, at
$e,75 per be., afloat, some old Pa. at $l,BO,
and white at $1,85R1,90. Rye is wanted.
'Corn is in active request, awl further sales et
86 cents, afloat, and 88 cents in store. Oats
are in demand.
The moat extraordinary dismver, in the Irnrid
is the Great Arabian itemedy for Has
and .Reran.
TT O. I t,t,E3.1:3
LINIMENT is a most extraordinary medichw,
the truth of which is placed beyond doubt by
the vast sales of the article and the many cures
being daily performed by it, which previously
had resisted all other medicines and the skill
of the bestphysicians in the world. It is com
posed of balsams, extracts and gums peculiar
to Arabia—possessing, in a concentrated form,
all their stimulating, anodyne, penetrating, ime•
tuous and revulsive properties, and tlw same
which, ages ago, were, used by the "Sons or the
Desert," with such miraculous success, is ea .
ring the diseases of both man and beast.
Read the following remarkable, CHM, Ir . :Veit
should grilse!, pia, IL G. Farrell's
Arabian Liniment far beyond
any similar remedy.
Mr. 11. G. Farrell—Dear Actunted by
a sense of gratefulness, I submit the followina
as an instance of the utility of vour :seat med.
icine. My child, three years old, was sudden
ly attackeil with n terrible disease, which in
less than six hours prostrated it to total help
leanness. The limbs became HO rigid dint not
a joint could be bent; the flesh turned black
and cold and entirely deprived of feelin,t the
eves fixed, partially closed and altogether
following this wan deafness to all sounds; Ile,
spine became contracted and so carved that
when lying on its back the head and heels on.
Iy touched. Indeed, the child presented every
appearance of being dead. Immediately on
the attack, the family physician was culled in,
and for three weeks he labored to restore it to
feeling, but nll in vain, although it sans blister.
a dozen times and various rubefitcient
.ments applied. A consultation of physicians
was then held, but to no purpose, the case was
then brought before the Medical Society, but
nothing could be suggested which had not al
ready been done, and the doctor then told me
he could do nothing more. We then commen
ced applying your Liniment freely over the en
tire length of the spine. and
you may imagine
a parent's joy, when, after afew applioations,
returning animation was apparent, and it rap
idly recovered with the exception of the sight,
which did not become perfect for near a month.
The child is now healthy and robust as can be.
Five other cases of the same kind occurred
previously in my neighborhood, all of which
died, when there is no doubt if your Liniment
bad been used they would hove reeovered. •
Peoria, March 1 19.11.
Look out Ar (outer)rite:
The public are cautioned against another
counterfeit, which has lately made its appear
once, called W. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,
the most dangerous of all the coiiterfeits, be
vause his having the name of Farrell, many
will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge
that a counterfeit exists, nod they will perhaps
only discover their error when the spurious
mixture has wrought its evil effects.
The genuine article is manufretured only by
H. G. Farrell, sole inventor nod proprietor,
and wholesale druggist. No. 17 Maly street,
Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for
- Agencies must be addressed. Be sure von get
it with the letters H. 0. before Farrell's, thus
—H. G. FARRELL'S—and his signature on
the wrapper, all others are counterfeits.
Sold by Thos. Read k Son, Huntingdon, It
E. Sellers & Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts.
burg, and by regularly authorized agents
throughout the United States.
Itisr Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle.
AGENTS WANTED in every town, village
and hamlet in the United States, in which on•
is not already established. Address H. G. Far.
roll as above, accompanied with good reference
tut to character, responsibility, &c.
Aug. 30, 1851—It.
Notice to S . clioo . l Director. and
Teach ers,
• TILE School Direclots the folhorina maned
School Districts, are hco.:.y tanitied that I will
meet them at the place nod time designated, for
the purpose of examining, teachers and granting
'tat and September Ist in the borough
. .
August 31st eseptemner no 4,,
of Huntingdon, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. of each
day, to examitio applicants for the schools of
said borough.
September 2nd, nt Sprnce Creek, to examine
applicants for the schools of Morris and Frank
lin twps.
September Sth, at Warriorsmark, to examine
applicants for the schools of Warriorsmark twp.
September 9th, at Alexitrlris, to examine ap
pliegnts for the schools of Porter township.
N. B.—Those Districts which have neelected
to make out their yearly report, would center n
favor by attending to it immediately. The Di
rectors of the several Districts, should give me
early notice of the flute when they iniend open
ing their schools, MI as to enable me to appoint a
convenient time to Inert them,
Teachers men be examined at any time by pi,
tenting certificates of good moral character Irmo
the Board of Directors of the District in whielt
they are apnlying.
Copies of the School Laws and d ec i s ions, e o n
be furnished to Directors by calling at the cave
of Fisher di Williamson, on Hill street, or at my
residence on Mifflin street, in the borough of Hun
tingdon. .1. S. BARR, Cp. Superintendent.
Huntingdon, August 30, 1854.
Notice to Tax-Collectors.
All Collectors of State and County taxes pre
vious to 1853, are hereby notified to settle up
their duplicates on or bribe the 27th day of Sep
tember, or expect executions to be issued. Col
lectors of 1853 and 18%4 are earnestly requested
to collect and pay over to the treasurer all that
they can possibly collect against the above spe
cified time, as three thousand dollars are then
heeded to meet the demand of Di rector , of the
Poor, fur the building and finishing of the Pour
Busse. ELIA Is SMITH, )
SAMUEL, %V I uTo N Oats.
Huntingdon, August 30, 1854.-3 t.
Of Cholera, at his residence in St. Louis,
Mo., on Wednesday, August Bth, U.tstet.
ma, formerly of this place, in the 48th year of
his ago.
ith inst., after a
luthis Borough, ou the 25__
brief illness, JOHN DEATRICK, aged about eight
"Weep not for him, there is, no cause for woe,
Hoglied before the heart bad learned to sin,
Before the cheek had lost its summer slow,
• Or winter chilled the monitor within;
The fairest flowers of earth do quickly fade,
Ere corrow's cruel band is no them laid —I
Weep not for him." * * *.
Lines on thnDeath of Edward Whar ton.
And is it so? Art thou gone to the grave?
Huth death sunk, Jieneuth lira's ocean ware,
That imago fgir, . tlmt graceful manly form,..
And stili'd the throbbiags of u heart au warm?
, .
Art thou o'ershadowed by the death-angers
To enrtli s cold, damp bosom gently sleeping.
Hath joy's pure sunbeams left thy smiling face;
And art thou in thy long, lone resting place?
Alas! 'tis 90: Thou'rt in the "spirit land'
Thou'rt sleeping the sleep, that knows no wa•
And on that brow Mae(' by intellect,
Death his unwelcome seal bath darkly set.
Thy griefs and woes have gono like dreams
Thou art resting in blest, undying day:
Eternity beams on thy waking soul—
Endless, sun•like years of bliss before thee roll.
Thus o'er deep waters passeth man away;
His home is not in mansions of decay—
Not in the silent chambers of the grave;
But in Heaven, through him who died to save.
We mourn that thou hest left us, friend, so
you nrt
Where ehosen Bowers, the fairest and the best,
Are culled, and gathered to the Saviour's breast.
Then sleep on, departed, thy sleep "is death"—
Tranquil be thy resting place "'tis the grave"—
nd hope shall tell us, that orals we'll mat
Thee, in that brighter world, at Jesus' feet.
J. A. R.
Williamsburg, August, 1854.
Equestrian Festival
Newly Equipped European and American
Will perform at HUNTINGDON, on Mon.
day September 4th.
150 Horses and Men.
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The Stud of tioNe , iv ttosornet.ed in the
eottotry, find the 1 - ,r privtorq seenreil the
srrvirrc (from ilievariiiiN European and Pastern
of the niii.l ralenieti company of
,t1 , 110:1, .11 Clowns,
Wlll , ll has ever traveled in the \Yost.
To he arromplinie.l flu. l',.l. , brateil Finle
nn l Striw Bum ri. or Rirliar.l Willis , trom Now
York. 'rho cloillenzes ronirotition.
For list of perl;olnei, sre 1,1114,
I)nors (Ten nt 2 :thfl 7 o'clock, P. M.
Allinisinn 25 vent.
Bewnre of .hana Balloon.
Aug. 30,'51.
WNL.Tuxr„ Ag't.
pie. To Persons out ql Emplurnent.'il
$5OO to $l,OOO a Year.
Book Agents Wanted.
THE Std./Tiber n number of inoct
valuable Pictorial Itookg, very populnr. and
of Finch a morn! and relittionc influence that while
pool men mnr safely engage M theic eircitlntimi,
they will confer a pribtic benefit, and receive II
j;lir rnmrenwrion for their labor.
Or To men of enterprise and tact, thin linsi•
i ness 011(70 an opportunity for profitable employ
! moot seldom to be met with.
wr Persons wishing to engage in their sale,
will receive promptly by mail. a Circular con
taining full partienlars, with "Directions to per
sons disposed to act as :Xtrents," timelier with
the terms on which they will he furnished, by
addressing the snhseriher, post-paid.
181 William shred!, New-York.
IN PRESS. coil ready for Aeents by the
Ist of October. 1854. "Sears' Ilitistmted
Description of the Russian Empire. ,
Fur further particulars address as above.
August 30, 1854.
OST, on the evening of the 24th instant, a
Port Monnia containing three $2O hills on
the Lancaster Bank, a $lO hill on the York
Bank. aSS hill nn the Hagerstown Bank togeth
er with some cluing, amounting in all to. Eig
hty some Dollar, also, a Note of my own to
Stephen Gorsuch for the amount of $69,60, along
with other putters and receipts. Any person
finding and returning void Pocket Busk, bill re
ceive the shove reward and no questions asked.
Henderson township, Aug. 30, '54.-3t.
Tuscarora Va?ley, .Tuniata
County, Penna.
TTT: Foil Session will commence on Nlotsp
OCTOUER 2,1854. Whole expenses of hoard,
tnition, room. fwd. washing and incidental. va
ries from $5l to $57 per session of 22 weeks.—
Vac.ition , from the Ist to the 15th of April, and
from tl.t. 15th of August to the last of Sept.
i.eo further part hail:us Aro circulars, or address
(p0.4-Laid) either of the Principal,
Aug. 80,'54.-2m. Port Royal P. 0.
Dissolution of Partnership,
THE parinerstip heretofore exiting het or.
the inder•igtied. in eariying on the Woolen
Factory loisine“, in Shirley township, was di.-
sok ed by 'fluted consent, on Moniiiy the 14th
Ihty of Aortas[ in•t. All persons having unset
tled httctuean to transact with the Into firm, trill
Oros° cull st the Factory, where one of the still
scrihers will be in uttenihuu•c to with neon the
same. PI::*11Ey M. BARE..
Augngt 30, 1854.-3 t.
N. 13. The Factory I 11<ituN, in all its various
brunt:ll4m, carried on n , vret,,l*. , ..r, at the Old
Executor's Notice.
j ETTEIIS testamentary no the EAtnte of
.loeN lb. LathaN, late of Clay township,
Huntingdon county, deed., having been grained
to the ninloNigned, all perso4 indebted will make
immediate payment, and those having claims
will present them properly authenticated Mr set
tlement. • ADA NI II EETEIt,
Aug. 30, '54-6t.' Executurg,
Administrator's Notice.
LETTEUS of Adwinistrution Itarin4 been
grouted to the torlersOleil, on the Estate of
Jots Coo, late of Barrett township, tlnotingtlica
count', deed., all persioei indebted will make
immediate payment, and tlin.e liaviim claims
will present them p rupwi .mtlienticailed Mr set
tlement. JAMES CUY, Adru'r.
August 30, 1854.-6 L
Administrritmos Notice.
LETTERS or .I.lministration living been
granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of
'nouns Cot, late tit Barren towttship, Hun
tingdon county, tlev'tl., till persons indebted will
make ham payment, and 1.1101 , 13 Wing
claims twill present them propel Is nuthentimited
fur settlement. JAMES COX,
August 30, 1054.—Gt.
1,211,VER and Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and
0 Platod Spot:tacit:l,w. Edw. Suare%. Jev, dry
C vale•.
IN par.moice of an order of the 1111.1.. m's Court
ot Huntingdon county. the linden:loa Ad
ministrator of Charles Cynn. &eq., will expose
to sale, by Public Vend., on the premises, on
at I o'clock, P. M., a tract of land .sitnee in the
township of Cromwell. in the county of Hunting.
don. adjoining lands of Lett. Wigton & C.... on
the We..t and booth, land of John Ratter's heirs
on the North-west, and 1..1 of Wm. Jordan on
the North. containing 35 acres. more or leo, of
which about 10 are cleared, with a two story log
houo, small barn. some fruit trees. &c.. thereon.
TERMS.-000 half of the purchase twmey to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the balance
in tone year with Interest, to It secured by bond
and mortgage. ALVAH CHILCOTH,
Aug. 30,'54.-3t.' Adner.
School Teachers.
WANTED, three Teachers to take charge of
the Male Schools of Morris township.—
Schools to continence on Monday, September 4.
Good wages will ho given to competent Teach.
ere. By order of the Board,
August 23. 1854.-3t.'
Executors Notice,
T ETTERS Testamentary, on the Estate of
WILLIA3t WicatiN. late of Tell township,
Huntingdon county, dee'd., having been granted
to the tunler.igneti, ell persons indebted will
make immediate payment, and those having
claims will present them properly authenticated
fur setticm,cnt.
August 23, 1854.-6t.'
To the Overseers of the Poor of the several
Townships and Boroughs of the County of
You are hereby requested and required to
make a correct report of the number of Paupers
in your respective Townships and Boroughs,
intended to Ito sent to the County Poor House, to
the Directors of the Poor of the county, before
the Ist day of September next. Report by let
ter, post paid, to James Saxton, Huntingdon, Pu.
JOHN BitEwsTER, Trustees.
August 23, 1854.-2,v.
Take Notice, lest you lose a Bargain.
S the subscriber is doi.irotts of going West, he
La offers at privote sale the farm on which he
now resides, situated in Springtield township,
Huntingdon count•, it attaining about Oue
Hundred and Ten Acres, 80 Acres of
which are cleared, and the residue gond timber
laud. The improvements are two story weath
er-boarded and plastered dwelling house, 40 by
24 •eet, a log barn, opting-house, wash-house,
bbu•ksmith shop, and other buildings. There is
a variety of excellent trait trees on the premises.
This property - is de,ir.ble one, having facili
ties sehlom met with. 'l here in a superior wat
er-power, strong enough fur any kiwi of machi
nery. It is presuanni the Ureeneastle Railroad
wilt Innis near this tinmerty, which will greatly
enhance its value. _ . _
Any person wishing a good and cheap farm
will do veil by giving this 011 C their immediate
'Mention. Au indisputable title will be given.
August 23, 1854.-3 t.
Mechanics, Inventors and Manufacturers.
$570. IN CASH PRWES. $570.
ICAN- cunnneures Ull tile 16th of September.
It is chiefly devoted In the advancement of the
littered , of .11e.t•hfinir.;, bwrizt,s, .IlanViteltsrers
Wel FW111,,, and is edited by men practically
shawl in the arts and sciences. Probably no
other joninal of the same character is so exten
sively circulated, or su generally e•deenicil to its
practical ability. Nearly all the Valuable Nt
en!s which issue weekly from the PATENT OFFICE
are illustrakil Engrorinys. end the claims of
all the Patents arm publighell regularly in its
columns es they are issued, thus making it si per
PEDIA of information man: the snblects of Me
clumi,tl Jinprorement, EP!rhsfrrina
and the Sciences generally. 11 is published week
ly in quarto them suitable foe binding. 11l each
contains Foun Ilex num AND Si xTEEN
PariEs of Heading Matter, SEVEItAL lICNOILED
EN,RAviiNtii., With a full and complete Index.—
IN circulation on the last N'oliiine exceeded 23,-
000 copies per week, and the practical receipts in
one volume are ivorth to any family much more
than the subscription price.
foilouing CA9II Patters are offfeed by the
Publishers Mr the nineteen largest lists of sub
scribers sent in by the lot of January, 1855 :
*lOO will be given for the largest list; $75 for
the Mul; $ll5 the the 3rd; $55 for the 4th; *5O for
the sth; $45 for the tith; $4O for the 7th; $35 fur
the Bth; $3O for the Stilt $25 for the 11:th; $2O
for the ' llth; $l5 the the 12th; $lO the the 13)11;
and $5 for the 14th. The cash will be paid to
the order of the successful competitor immediate
ly after the lot ofJunuary, 1855.
Taitms :—One copy, one year, $2; one copy,
six months, Si; five copies, six mouths, $4; ten
eopies, six months, $8; ton copies.. twelve months,
$l5; fifteen copies, twelve month , . $22, twenty
copies, twelve months; $2B in 11111 . 11111 . c.
Nu number of subscriptions above twenty can
ho taken at less than $1.40 each. Neill. 5101
be sent in at different times and from different
Post Offices. .
Southern and Weaern money token for sub
Letters should he direeted. post-poid, to 'Mc,.
& Co., 128 Felton-Street. N. Y.
Messr s. UNS C Co. are extensively engaged
in procuring patents Ihr .w inventions, alit! will
inveutori, without charge, in regard to the
novelty or their improvements.
August 23, 1854.-3 t.
TIIERE will be it Musical Convention held in
I Huntingdon. commencing on the Ist Tues
day of September. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon,
and 'imitating until Friday evening. There will
be Ses,.iiitts calif flay and night. at which instruc
tions will lie given, by competent persons, in the
principles and practice of sacred 111114ie, assisted
by ',anther Or instrumental performers. These
exercises will ho preparatory to a Grand Con
cert, to take place at the eloso on Friday even
ing A consideralf . e expense will be inenred in
bringing gentlemen and ladies from ithroud, who
are expected to take it leading part in the exer
ekes; anti in procuring laoike, it will Ito nece=sii
ry to charge for tulinisiiinn to the Convention,
(the price twill he specified in the of the
next week,) a ticket to which will admit also to
the Coneert—seperatc tickets to which will also
he issued, at not more then 33 cents. It i• ho
ped that the frimple of improvement in this de
lightful Scienee, and the public generally, will
givo this mutter their approval. Similar Con
ventions. held eke , liere, ha 's proved highly en
tertaining. anti lae,i • from the
neighhorinu tell consider themselves
hereby cordially ll.Viti'll to attend.
.1. i.. i ttW'l•:lt. WM. DORRIS, Jr., JOHN
KEHIZ. DA VII) SNAKE. Huntingdon; K. L.
MAKER, Altoona. Aug. 33, 54.
CAME to the resi,lenee or the re.idiug in Porter
town , hip, Huntingdon County, i/
shout the 15th July, tt three year
old STEER, red and white, with a Bellow. The
owner in minested to come forward. prove pro
perty. pay charges, and take him away, other
wise he will be disposed at temoilliiig to law.
August 113, 1834.-3 t.
Executors Notice.
T ETTEIIS testamentary have this day been
.11.4 granted to the undersigned, residing in Bar
rev tau eesedp, upon thv lam will and temutomt ut
JoNAP Rvov, late ut• Barrett tout-hip.
Those indebted will please make immediate pay
ment, and those leaving claims will present then.,
properly authenticated. to
August 9, 1994.-6t.'
JUST receiving, this week, Mackerel. Herring,
fic., and liar sale by J. &W. SAXTON.
Abeautiful lot of Cast Iron Pews, for Wells
and Cisterns,just received, mud tar sale by
Feb. 23, I e 33. J. ft W. SAXTON
TUST received u beautiful assortment of Scul
el inzd and Velvet Ribbons, by
.1. to W. SAXTON.
Of the State of Pennsylvania,
Penn Square. Philadelphia.
THIS College. orgiiiiirell on the plan of the
Industrial Colleges of Continentnl Europe,
is &Rived to niforil n thormialt professional edu
cation to Students intended for
The next Semi•nnnnnl SeSsion will commence
on Monday, September 11, MC
Mathematics and Civil Engineering. Prof. Se.
lim ii. Peabody.
.. . .
Metallurgy and Industrial, Annlytienl and Ag•
riceltnntl Chemistry, Prof. Alfred 1.. Kennedy,
M. I). . .
Engineering, Geology and Mineralo
gy. Prof. W. H. B. Thomas, A. M.
Mechanical Philosophy and the principles of
Machinery, Professoro Peabody and Kennedy.
Terensfr earl Department per Session, $15.00.
Mechanical, Architectural, and Topographical
Drawing, Prof. John Kern. $lO,OO.
French and Spankh, Prof. V. Do Annual'.
German. Prof. B. H. Entrap.
The Analytical 'Ahura(); y for practical Chem
istry is open daily.
An Aeademicat department tinder the charge
of J. B. Boucher, A. M.. is provided, into whirl'
younger and less proficient students may enter
and he rapidly prepared fur the College Courses.
Additional intimmiiiiin no to terms. Courses of
cli ffi c .l3„„ r di n ,. cc ., may he &twined by address
ing br Alfred L. Kennedy, Polytechnic College,
Philadelphia. NI ATT 11 . 1: W N FMK IRK - ,
Prohlent of Board of Trustees.
August it, 1854.-ft.
Land For Salo
The undersigned desirous of removing to the
West offers for sale his lands, consisting of 260
acres of improved land; the improvements con
sist of n good Stone Muse, a doable Lug Barn,
Carpenter Shop, and Blacksmith Shop; a great
variety of fruit on cue end of the term, and nu
the other end a two Story Log Hogs , na l _•+nd
fr...e horn, and some young fruit trcs , ni.•••••L
There are about 160 or 170 acres cleared ..•
a good state ofeultivstion. the rentainde. • ~ , t
timbered, and within 1 toile ofiagood ,•
there are several Dever fulling rprings of oat,
on the premises. This property is so sitmard
us to divide into two titans if desired. The pro
perty is situate alhuut 31 miles east of this hare'
August 2d. 1854. JOHN PORTER.
A NY person string a small piece of land for
sale, within ten miles of this place. say six
or eight acres, cut find a purchaser who will pay
THE cnsif DOWN, by calling at my lord agen^y,
at the office of the Huntingdon Journal.
July 26, 1854.
HOOVER Still at His Post
THE undersigned, now engaged in putting up
Armitage's Eleetro Magnetic T,ightning
Rods in thin and adjoining coantie, would res
pectfull}• call the 'mention of the intelligent pub
lic to the great superiority of this Patent. tit a
season like this. when accidents to property and
life almost daily occur, it is the (Retina of human
ity, as well us interest. to make use of the best
means of security in our power, for though the
Lightning lie in the bands of Him who rules the
storm, His protection and blessing are always
connected with our own etbirt,
:filly 2G, 1254.-tf.
Chesnut Street, between 341 and .Illy
pa.rzia DE tV
('LIVER 11. P. P.klil(F.ll, o' Ohio, and
.(AIES It. I.Allt1), ut• this City. linehig
leased the above iycil know it and popular house,
fora term of years, arc now prepAred to 'memo
fleabite guests in a number equal to any house
in the city.
'the ',motion of this house is superior to nay
other, being in immediate proximity to hominess;
aim. •n root of the Banks,
t tiller and the Exchange, where otnnilotsses start
h.r all parts of the city.
The house haring been put in thorough repair,
11TA new turniture added. with many modern int
prorements, will add 11,11..11 10 the comfort of
guests. 'the tables will at all times he supplied
with the la..d the market atl'ords, and nothing
shall he wowing. on our tort, to make the
Vit.ssitmx truly the 'rravelers' Home.
Your patronage is most re9tectlitlly
July 19. 1854.-3 m,
American Artists' Union.
tiabscribers to the Works of the Artists'
1 Cnion ere respectfully inhirmed Inn from
the unprecedented fever uhieh then have receiv
ed, the Secretary feels confident in stating that
the who'e number of Engravings (250,000) will
be disposed of within a few months, of which due
notice, through the press, will he given.
AGENTS' are requested to form Clubs and
send iu their Subscribers without delay.
J. W. BOLBROOKE, Secretary.
505 Broadway, New York.
July 19, 1854.-3 m.
Use Nwth•iresl Owner ql Ifi land .11intigem,
ry Streets, in the Boriingh of Huntingdon,
T which a general Banking business is con.
temulated to he done.
Draft, on Philadelphia, Pittsburg,
always for sale. Collections made at the princi-
pal points in the United States.
Money tee," ed oa deposit, tayelde on demand,
without interest; also for 3,6, and 12 mouths,
payable with reasonable rates of interest thereon.
i\letoliors of Firm:
llollidaysburg, Pa,
R. B. JouNsrox
Wu. M. Lloyd.
W. JAcx,
Thintingdon, Pl.,
A. P. Wits., Wm. ])ORRIS,
Wm. P. Ommisom, JoumScorr,
Huntingdon, Pa., July 12, 1854.-3 tn.
Farm and for
otters for side his
Saw-Mill, situate in Barret. t. • .
dd.: county, at the puce. or tin..., v
lia. Branch, convening Two II and Tidr
ty Acres, of which SO Acres cleared and in a
good state or cultivation; the halm., is covered
with Pine and Oak timber, and all
July 3, 1834. JAMES lIEMPHILL.
Town Property for Sale.
['HE subscriber offers some valuable property
I for sole in the Borough of Alexandria. con
sisting a Two Houses and Lots. The houses
are large and comlOrtultle, with every requisite
outbuilding. One of the houses Ito, been occu
pied as a store, .foc• On tic lot are 0 went vari
ety of fruit trees. Pussesbiun could be obtained
in the fall, if desired.
July 5, 1854. SAMUEL SPYKER.
Sale of Land.
TOE subscriber offers for sale his farm, lying
a within three miles of Shirleyshurg, Hunt
inodon county, l'a., containing about WI acres,
So .11 which is cleared and under good fence, a
considerable pert post and rail. On the premises
are a two story dwelling house, largo and eon.
veuient, and a large Attlee sank barn, both en
tirely new. The above property being within
three miles of Shirleyshurg, renders it convenient
tin• those who they wish to send their sons and
daughters to the excellent Sehook established in
that borough. Those tri,hing a good and con
venient home can be accommodated, and upon
easy terms. U. E. COLLINS.
July 5; 1854.
(BLANKS.--Always buy your Blanks at the
"Journal Mike.. We lia , c now iweintred a ve
ry .uperiorartiele of BLANK I W,El)s, tioNms,
TtuNS, &e.
CIGARS, CANDIES. fin., wholmle and
routil, at the el.eap Ftoro of J. BIIICIME.
Irish for Sole.
5 n,,..
10 Huff 1011.
recoi,•l i^@ f, tl:o store of
nro. cwlN.
The Celebrated Prize Cure fur Fever
and Ague, by
THIS Remedy is purely vegetal'', without any
portion 01 foreign. delcterion, or mercurial
ingredient whatever in its compodtion. The con
tents or a single Bottle is sufficient us cure the
must obstinate ease in a single day.
It strengthens the stomaeli, invigorates the
frame, and restores the system to its usually
healthy state—in Inca, it entirely prevents that
languor and prostration of strength which always
attends this disease, and is confidently recom
mend.' to all who have tried, in vain, other pre
Nloney tusking is the onto, of the day, and it
is with this object that medicines are prepare,.
Mr the cure of diseases to which mankind are
subject. It is the same with the baker and butch
er, the manuflieturer, mechanic, &e., and it in
well that there is this stimulus to induce the
thoughtful and skilful to devise and prepare in
convenient Jinni suitable remedies for the afflic
ted. individual, under a distressing and tor
turing fit of Chills and Fever, is not in a right
condition to study out the means of relief; and it •
is more sensible and natural that he should look A Strong Test of Two of
to others, than to depend upon his own prostrated In EVANS It; WATSON'S
energies for the antidote. For an appropriate
and valuable remedy, the' efiac, it is folly to ob- Salamander Safes.
jeer, because it is another's interest to dispose of I ATE LIGHT STIf EE T FlRE.—Alussus.
it. 'Co the invalid the intportant conSidertition
is simply this, "Will Ibe benefited by the put- wei in
chase of the article uttered?"
Salamander Safes to merchants and others win,
The invalid should inquire into the testimony
desire to purchase with a view to the prescv
presented to establish its value; the testimony
, wation of their books and other valuables. Th,
should he carefully investigated, and just muc h Satin w e purchased of you in July last. and malt
credit given to it, and no more, than it deserves.
uliteturecl by Evans & Watson, of Philadelphia.
Hof a personal character, we should look to the
remained in the fire, at the burning it our J.J•u .
respect:llMß). of the witnesses, and the opportu
until the entire stock was consumed.
nity which they have hail tor an observation of
The heat was intense, as you miry
the filets, and time probable impartiality, and con- I
there was about seventy barrels of Motu. in th.•
sequoia truthfulness, of their statements. Cor- I store,
on the next floor over the sale, heside.,
reiterating statements of a number of respectable
some seventy thousand pounds of rags
witnesses to the truth of any tact, may amount other rem b ileti bi e „ awe , we had t h e e rope anti
, a„
to irresistible evidence.
opened after the fire had ceased, and found our
We might enter into detailed account of the ie,eke and papers imm mmem „,,.
study and labor incident to its preparation—of please get us op another of your Safes, of tha
the scientific principles upon which it is based— same s i re , f or ou r fut ure soon as poisible,
of the necessity which exists, in the very nature R. & W. W. ISAACI.,
of the compound, for effecting itnmediato cures No. 1111 Light Street Wharf.
and oblige,
in almost every instance—and of the 'ammeter' Baltimore flay
anti respectability or the witnesses who have tes
',tied to the astonishing cores which it has Mva
. tably performed. We might enumerate other
':uses, and cite the testimony of others, and in
deed weary oar reader with repetitions of eases.
This we deem unneces s ary, and shall therefore
',Paine ourselves to a s e lection of a few of those
whose characters and standing in the community
are welt ktmwtt. and whose positions gore them
the opportunity of testing the value of the Pri
The gentlemen whose Certificates are given,
ore well known to the citizens of Lancaster and
York Counties, in Pennsylvania, hesides other
portions id' flint Mite: also to the citizens of Ma
ryland who reside in the neighborhood of the
Susquehanna and Tide-tester ennui, One of the
gentlemen named .I.t vt.s Nicesincy, Esq., re
presented York County is the Senate of Penn
sylvania for many yeurs. These gentlemen were
all Contractors nit the .',, , , , ,whinara and Tide
water Canals, which terminate at Havre-des
Grace, at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bsy.—
The officers of the Companies were, of course.
acquainted with the Contraetors; and should there
he any doubt, application may he made to them
kw the truth of the representation made in regard
to the characters of those whose certificates are
The untlersigned,dielicving that great henetit
will result to the public front a knowledge of the
efficacy of the Pam:: (film flir Fct•En and Antic,
do most ehtferffilly certify that we have, individ.
nally, witnessed its successful operation in the
nattiher oreoses annexed to our regiective names,
and that. in no instance within our knowledge,
has it Diled to cure in a single Joy, by the use of
the contents of a ..nyle Wile. Dated, Lancaster,
Septet., 1,1838. Signed—
R. MULLISON, See. 1 and 2S. C. 2 cases.
.1. WILLIANIS. In " It 2 "
.1. FISHER. " 20
C(MITII. Lock No. I and 2,
21. " 6 " 4
R. O•CONNOR, See. 23 T. W. C. 8 . 4
B. :wen ANN, . 4 !I
lu eorrolawation or the vertificates of the high
ly respectable Coutractora above named. whose
Mullane feeilmrs prompted them to give peldieity
to the liters therein stated, die followit, certifi
cate from Major James AlcOonkey, at that time
I,ll,llber of the Senate of the Commonwealth
or Pennsylvania, will he real with interest by 011
who are afflicted with Fever and Ague:
"PrAct' Horton, York co., Pa... •••. if, 'a! , .
Hevin, witnessed TWENTY-TWO tit Ft•v,
nod Agar cured hr the celebrated PRIZE C I'E E.
I make this known fur the benefit and comfMt of
Mt those distressed with that tronhlemme disease
Yere, and Agne. JAS. APCOIKEY."
Prize Cure for Fever and Ague.
Directions for using.—Ta ke three table4onns
ful (one-third of the contents of the bottle) in the
looming, one-third at nuon, and the balance in
the evening, before meals, on the patient's well
day, or when the chills and fever have subsided
—preciously taking a dose of purgative nualieine
to cleanse the bowels. The bottle to be well
shaken. ea' Children to take it in smaller do
ses, jproportional to age.
- - . Persons. J wkliitrg to become Agent; Mr thy
celebrated Prior Croc fur row and zipor, ill
learn the prices and terms (tbr MA only) on per
sonal application, or by letter (post paid) to H.
P. MASTIN, 123 Henry Street, New-Yods,
where it may he had. wholesale and retail. Price,
SI per single bottle; $8 per dozen; $B4 pee gms:..
Alto for sale. whole , ale. by SCIIIEFFELIN,
lintertiPms & Co., Druggists. 170 William street,
corner of Heckman, Now-York, and others thre's
out the Union. Ang. 9,1854.—1 y.
THE subscriber woul.l respectfully inform tiic
traveling public that be is now runitim:
of links fruni Mt. Union to Orbisonia. its
From Orhisonitt to Alt. Union and back again,
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
- - .
Passeager' , wkhiag to go to Shade Gap, orany
other three, will ho taken on without delay.
His Hacks are good and comlertable, and
lie is determined to have none but good :o.d
steady drivers; in a word, his desire is hi carry
passengers in comfort and safety.
Orhisonia, June 26, 1651.-1 y.
To Brick Makers.
DIMPOSALS for making 500,000 Brick, et the
Warm Springs near Huntingdon, will be re
cci,cd up till the 16th July inst. Those prop°.
,tog to state whether with machine or by hood.
and how much per thousand, Contractor to furnish
wood, and how much if wood furnished, and at
what rate if wood leave provided.
Work to be commenced immediately.
Address A.l'. WILSON, Huntingdon, Pa.
Land The Sale.
A TRACT OF LAND situate in Germans
f Valley, near Sbirlevsburg, Huntingdon co.,
containing about 123 Acres, the greater part
of which is limestone, in a good st.tte of cultiva
tion, hounded by Muds of George Swine and An
drew Spanogle. JOHN LOTTS.
June 21, 1854.
1854. 1854.
A s the shrill whistle of the Locomotive will
soon Iso heard from Broad Top, giving a new
impulse to all kinds of business, the undersigned
loss determined not to be excelled by any steam
horse its the country. He therefore oilers to the
public the most elegant stock of
Spring and Stammer Clothing
ever opened is the counts, embracing the most
fashionable Dress, Frock, and Suck Casts, Pants
and Vests, Shirts, Collars,Stocks, Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, ,c., Sc. Also, Silk and Summer Hats
—all of which he is determined to sell cocci-vu
than the cheapest.
Ile has on hand a fashionable assortment of
Cloths, Cassisneres, Sc., which lie will make to
order, in a superior manner.
June 7, 1854.
r,,,,., : I not to he found elsewhere.
' I' ''''
W ein "' " riet Y a Dress 'Trimm ings, Thankffil for the patronage of the past, I , my
Fans, Cravats, Zeffir, Tvdo Yurn, Dress ! f r i en d, and the public generally, I respectfully
Buttons, Ladies Collars, dicinizetts, Fancy 1 solicit ii coniinuunee flt . th . same.
Ildkfs., Under Sleeves, Kid and Lyle Thread , ts-ss — "Mv old stock of Goods will ho sold at lb
Gloves, and Hosiery of every variety, just recei• l puret , n , below coat. April 12, 1E 1 54 .
ved and for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. I
• .
1 SUPERIOR article of Cidor Vinegar for A
ri BEAUTIFUL lot of Gents. Gaitors. Ladies
1 - 1 sale at the store of , i , i). uwi N . . GAi,or, roll Shors, Gcnts. r,, ,, ,, vt,!Sl:r..,,
- - --- • - - -- 1 Mises Gaitors iind Shoe , , of en , Ildle. variety;
GOLD CHAINS—A tin^ variety for Wu, ve• 1.,. reecivcd awl re, Fah , by
Env. qw r
The Russians Defeated!!!
HAVING returned front the City with a large
and splendid assortment of Goods, respect
fully inform their friends and the public at large,
that the.y have located themselves at Mill Creek,
and having purchased their floods for Cash, they
are now prepared to sell them an cheap, if not
cheaper, than any store in the county. Their
Stock consists of a large a , sortment a:
Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware,
Groceries. Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
and in shurl,everything usually kept in n 7ountry
Store. Persons wishing to purchase wilt tind it
to their interests to give them a eon hero.° pur
chasing elsewhere, us they are deteruitied that
their motto shall be Quick Sales and Small Prof
N. B. All kinds of produce taken in exchange
for goods.
gill Creek, May 31, MA
Messrs. E. & T. Fairbanks & Co.—Gentlemen:
R dices me mach pleasure to bear testimony to
the excellency of your Salamander Safes. The
one I purchased you in Jule last, manufactured
by Evans & Watson, of Philadelphia, saved my
hooks and valuable papers, when every thing else
in the store was destroy.' by lire, on the morn
ing of the 14th inst., at No. 116 light street
wharf.B. F. WILLIS.
. _
Baltimore, May 16th. t.
The above mentioned Safes emi be seen at E,
& T. Fairbanks & Co.'s warehouse, lit West
Pratt street, near Light street wharf.
No, 26 Sandi FOURTH Street, Philadelphia,
(late No. 83 Dock street.)
Have Cowan band a large assortment of their
Bank Vaults and Iron Door, Ibr Bank Storer,
Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators, Water
Seal and Letter Copying Pretses, Fairbank's
Pbufn•nt and Counter Seale,
Cr Sulu Ageney
Yates' awl Jones' Pittetit
I'lease give a cal!. [ill
15,000 1T,;,, T ,7„,, E ,r 5 i1 f 0,";,'",(2Z i f
embracing every variety usually kept
in a Philadelphia Book Store, Mr sale wholesale
and retail very low tbr cash.
Orders from all parts of the ecamtry solicited,
nod will he promptly and Ihitlditity littemleil
S it wit Books and Stationary of every kind will
he kept constantly on hand et the lowest rates.
limper's Magazine and Godey's Lady's Bonk.
con Inol every month at soon Its alit.
More oppo,te ‘Vhittaker's Hotel, Railroui
St.. litivitin,lon,
41410 ;Niece.: Ail Papl , r. nil a
11111 ,. .1115ed Sprir,e, of the lot,, am! mo ,
fd,hifflinide p, foolhl in I'hiladelplti::
for 8.1, VI ! 11,.,” 124 rts. it pie. nett pp.
wards. J:1 ( Book More,
opposile Hotel, Huntingdon,
Apri! 1
d. & W. SAXT4I%,
.11.1 hH.
j].l\ • l: just jnst
tl hoot assortment of `prim; nuts
Smuttier Goods ever offered. and at lower prim,
than can ba purchased at an v other haute. They
are determined to sell tower than 01111111, plin•IMS,ll
anywhere eastof the Alloginms, and no tnistake.
if on wish to be sittielied of the fitet,eallan t i se e .
Dry Goods.
~„.L ciathv. Ca,. intern, Smitten, Tweedal,
v I re, C“tronades, wosrvii.
Liu0,1111.•. :ti, , ,ritetit of Ladle!: Dr.,:
Good. titer At.. Trimming of every
variety. the bast lt,iittinwlt ever olfered.
1000 webs assortel Prints, nod every tithe
article usually kept in a c.ountry store.
of which we nlways keep the lamest and hest as•
sertment over kept in this Oat,
:t magnificent assortment, which we are cellinf
ioiite low.
re a little op, but we Al, determined to sell a
imt lower, than any other hott,e,aceurdhu
Cedar anti Willow 'Ware.
•nrh as Baskets. Tabs, Buckets, gran , Stand.
Ste., &C.
Camela and Oil Clothg.
beaatiful assurtmenr. wincl, will he sold low
and ace and fiiet.
flats and caps,
of the very latest and !leir style;, also
Boots and Shoes,
the best and cheapest in town, if you don't be ,
ihno it, , - At.t. AND SI..
We are al,o purchasing and storing (irain,
and it is admitted on all hands that we have the
it...r, convenient plucu Jro unloading grain in or
.ilmut town, April 12, 1854.
Hs A
just received, and ',purling, nt veil
known Store in Market Square, the largest
and prettii , t assortment .1'
Spring and Summer Goods
ever Leered to the people of Huntingdon awl
vicinity, and is now rapidly selling at unusually
low prices . .
My stock comprises in part, Cloth% Cassimers,
Mack and tunes, Satinetts, a large variety a
Satin and Silk Vesting% Kentucky and Bunn.
TWee.IS, brown and bleached
Muslins, Drills, Crash Bags and Bagging, Table
Diaper, &c.
Ladies Dress and Fancy (400d$1,
Prints in abundance, Mous. de Lanes, De Bercge,
Alpaccas, Lustros, black and fancy, colored
Silks, Cashmeres, Bonnet and Florence Silk
Edging Ribbons, fancy Gimp, black silk Lace,
colored Kid Gloves, Gents black do.. Linen and
Silk Handkerchiefs, Italian Cravats, llo:iery,&c.
Soots and Shoes.
Hardware, Queensware, Glassware
cud Cedar Ware.
Hats and Caps,
A great variety of
Straw Goods.
My stock has been selected with the greatest
care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter
myself thnt I can niter inducements to purchasers
w ,kvroN
Whore may be obtained the most speedy rem
edy fur
'SECRET DISEASES.—GIeets Strirtnres,
Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections
of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar aflectiona
arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth
of both sekes. which if not cured, produces con
stitutional debility, rendering marriage itnpossi
ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body.
Young Men,
especially, who here become the victims of Sol
itary • Vice, that drendfulAnd destructive habit
which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thou
sands of young men, of the moat exalted mime
and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise ha,i,
entranced listening senates with the [handers of
eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre,
may call with full confidence.
Married Persons,
or those cont;;plaTiTig tiTarriage, heina aware ~t.•
physic. ,eak should immediately consult
Dr. J., .r,rl be restored t o perfect health.
DE. Jolaii,ton,
office No. 7 South Fredrick St., seven doors from
Baltimore Street, east side up ilia steps. e-Tie,
particular in obtaining the name and number, or
you wilt mistake the place.
A cure warranted, or no charge made, in from
one to two days.
TAKE NOTICE.—Dr. John.ton's office is in his
up the step+. His very extensive prac•
•!ii in a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only
l• pet physician to apply to.
Dr. autism], member of the Royal College of
Sm•ccens. London, graduate from one of the
L.i,t eminent Colleges orate United States, and
thc greiiter part Of whose life has been spent in
the of London, Paris Philadelphia, and
..11,ieffected same of the tense amen
• ••. • - • !I,lt Were eV, known, many tron.
•. • • , • ill the ea. and 7w.:11 st
.1. • . I ., VOUSIICSS, b , ing manned at end
• .i.i• :• Cn,,is, with freromt hies!,
im.; attended sometimes with derangement of
wind. were. eurol. immedintely.
A CI:RTAL:i DISEASE...--ICis a melancholy fart
that thoustnals fall victims to this horrid diSCilEe
owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, coming the most serious
symptoms of that dreadful disatase to make their
appearance, such as affections of the head, nos.,
throat, skin, etc., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death puts, a partial to their dreadful
sulfeiing, hy sending ihem to that Bourne whence
no traveler returns.
have injured themselves by a certain practice in.
diked in when alone—a habit ftetpiently learned
from evil companions, or at school—the
of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and
if not cured rendors marriage impossible, amide.
strove both mind anti body.
What a pity that a young man. the hope of his
country. and the darling of hi. par,t4 thould
matched trom all prospects and enjoyments of
lit'e by the consequencirot deviating Item the path
of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit.
Such persons beliwe contemplating Marriage,
should reflect that at sound mind and body are
the most neeessure requisites to promote conna•
bid happiness. indeed without these, the Mor
nay thraugh life becomes a weary pileriMage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view: the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled
with the melancholy reflection. that the happiness
liecomes blighted with our own.
Diattuyy.—lir. J. address
es a. and all a:lai have injured theta
i ate and improper indulgence.
r i --These are some of tile sad and
habits of
„.:.,- Limbs.
haloln l tl.e Ili i, • Loss of
Itiscular power, ..• • •.,. Dys•
pepsia,Nerrons Deii.,enients ot the
Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms
of Consumption,.c. .
Ali,TALir feitrfuldrCClA on the initul tire
much to be 41routled; Lil4S of idemory. Confusion
of ideas, Depremion of Spirit, Evil Forl,tling,;
Aversion to Society, Sc!flrisecust, Lot of Soli
-11111.n., & e., era SlOllO of the eVik
of per,ons,of all itge,,enn now jittl,4ll
what in the cause of their declining health. 1.0 , -
ing their vizor, heeuttilw weak, pale u rul
red, hare singular appeuTance about the eves,
tuul symtoms of consumption.
~r tho.e con,empiatin2
: . ,;., . 7 -with Fruder:,A-St.,
1i i S,
\• li. Let 110 till=,• 1 i , .ire prevent you. but ap
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Si,eerhly Caed,
To StitANtikus.—Tlic many thousands (ived
at Litis ii.tilUtion within the test ten rears. and
the numerous important Surgical Operations
perfbrnied by Dr. J.,witnessed by the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persons, notices of
which have appeated again and again before the
pithlie, is a stitlivient guarantee that the afflicted
will ball a skillful and honoralile phys'eian.
As there are so many l,tuorant and worthless
quacks taker:l4llg themselves as l'hysietansanin
ing the health of the Mill:led Dr. Jolitotton would
say to those unacquainted with his reputation that
hit Credentials er .Diplumas always hang in his
lf.:3l..ness of the organs immediately currri
i ,_ ll . rinor restored
All — letters post paid—remedies sent by
22, I
Now's the Time for Bargains !
30 per cent. Cheaper thau the
rIIE undersigned nntst respectfully annonnees
to the citizen. of liontit,lon tool vicinity.
that he has openol one of tho tent and most splen
did assortment of Ready-Made rothin., that has
ever been in the Borough Ili •ding.lffit. P.,
10,Isiire to the lat , the that he is
roll, I ~.!I
Cheaper !Iran the Cheapest:
_ •
v.irry •
EMlett 2)i . riock
hrowa :.; ;ci • .• . •• :
new Stvlo, black awl fano ;
net 1111(1 t•nr(larut'.
Ala°, n ..reat vairety of .ml t'Aney
Summer Pantaloons.
VeSt, the richest and most varied assortment
ever offered in this place.
Boys' clothing, linen shirts, silk under-shirts
and drawers.
A choice selection of neck and pocket hand
kerchiefs.—Alto a largo mock of
Hats aud Caps,
Lamb , ana a great ninny
other ari
Pr.• ..• ....log to boy cloiltinz woall du
well to cull ;OA u,llllllle thi3 :rock betore per
tar Store two doors west of the Pnr:t Office
. .
Huntingdon, April 19.1954,
Brilliant Display of Jewclr3•
THE rotthlie generally, and the rascals who,
some time since, entered my store and 'remo
ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO
without Inv permission, are informed that I have
just opened a more general and better
of modeles in my line of business than was ever
brought to Huntingdon. consisting of Watches,
Jewelry. Clocks, Fine Knives, 1+
Pistols. Perfumery, Port 1 1 99 - -.Z.:. :otekiol..
nat. W
, Silver are, and Fancy-
Articles, lie., &e. My old friends and customers,
and the madie in general throughout the county,
are requested to call and examine mv assortment.
Huntingdon, March 29, Md.
Tlr. Jab. M'Cliatock% nunily ill‘7(ficTl;es
-I- , for Mb: by HORACE W. SMITH.
Huntingdon, March 29, 1594. -3 m.
ACHOICE lot of Mink, for sale nt
cheap store u J. BRICKER
For Kale at the Cheap Store of J. BRICKFt.
beautiful assortment of Silk Dress Patterns,
A Black Silk. and Bonnet Lining, just receiv
ed and for sale by .J. & W. SAXTOO.
ILK Dross Matter., Benue de Lanes, Bera.
a n d Lawns of every variety and color .
just 'waived and fur sale by _
••• W. 5...A.:0N.
500 I , b a b i r s :; 0, 1 rio, „ n d 1.6