Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 28, 1854, Image 3

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Museum and Menagerie.
THE largest Travelling EXHlrirrioN in the
World, being a combination of all the most
popular and unexceptionable amusements of the
age—enlarged and improved for the Season of
A Team of Eight Elephants
Will draw the great Car of juggernaut. A itaby
Elephant, only one year old, and hut Ii fret high,
will carry upon his hark around the interimr of the
immense pavilion the Lilliputian General TOM
THUMB. The Megnifleent Cortege comprise. I
140 horses and 100 men. The Pavilion 0'1;0d- '
bition has been enlarged until it ix capable of ac
commodating 15.000 speetatora at once. The
collection of living Wild Animals includes the
most splendid specimens ever exhibited in Amer.
ica. Among many others will be found Eight
beautiful Lions, fresh from their native Forests.
A Monster White Polor Bear.—of prodigious
nine and ferocity. Amagnifieent Royal Tiger—
the largest one ever captured alive. A pair of
Young Liona,—only six months old. Brazilian
Tiger., Black anti Poonah Bears, Hyenas, tie.
The Drove of Elephants were captured in thy
Jungles of Central Ceylon, by Mews. S. 13.
June and Goo. Nutter, assisted by site Natives,
after a pursuit of three months and rims days in
the Jungles. They were finally entrapped and
secured in an Indian Kraal or Trap of ennrmons
dimensions and prodigious strength, where they
were subdued.
P. T. BARNUM, Proprietor of the American
Museum, New York, has the honer to announce
dud encouraged by the brilliant success which
has attended all the various etibrts for the 101111=e
:rent of the public, he has been led to form the
project of organising a vast travelling
' ~
frfuseum of Wonder.: which comprises ~ r enter
variety of attractions. and more extrnordinary
Novalite., than any Travelling Exhibition in the
world. Every feature of thin mitmoth establkii
meat it of It peculiar and interesting nature. and
the whole is produced upon a gigantic scale of
magnitude. The traveling paraphernalia of the
American Museum, as it enters each town, in
preceded by the gorgeous Car of Juggernaut,
drawn by Eight Elephants, superbly caparkoncd,
being an accurate model of that terrible engine of
idolotrous sacrifice, Sini4lied and decorated in all
the extravagance of tire Hindu° style. Following
this mounter vehicle, is a lung procession aPtIST-
Iy cagea and carriages, the whole forming asp:,
tact° of more than Oriental splendor. The Exhi
bition will take place within a magnificent varie
gated Pavilion, composed of American Flags, of
water-proof fabric, The real, genuine, origiuttl
te 4
Gen. TOM THUMB, is attached to this ExlC
bidet', and wilt appear in all hitscrliirolances us
given before the principal crowned heads of Eu
rope, including Songs, Dances, Grecian S ernes,
and hi 3 admired personation:: of Napoleon and
Prederick the Great. The little General is , weg
rmtwo years of age, weighs only fifteen pounds,
audis but twoutpeight inches high. Also eng3go:t
it ;„
Mr. Nellie, the man without arms, who will exe
ante his extraordinary feats of loading and tiring
to pistol with his toes; vetting prattle likenesses;
shooting et a mark with a how mid arrow; ',laving
upon the Accorilcon tied Violineello, etc. .IVIr.
Nellie, in these performances, exhildot a wonder
ful example of what indomitable energy and in
dustry can accomplish, even when lahoring nailer
disadvantages apparently the most insmanottnet
hle. A complete Menagerie of Living ‘Vild An
imals, is also included in the American Museum,
and at a convenient period during the Exhibition
J's- . ."7---.. ~,i e .
' 4: • I
«Al ,• • . , ;i,;:e ,
'•, t ' ''.'.. 4 1 11 ,. / i, 4,;:. (.'T , ,,,T44-
~,, • . , ~... t i ..,,,, 6.. , •... , ,, , e „, , ,,:;,, ,
..,- ,',,;, ; ~..-,, : • 1 , i ,-
_ : :-. 7 ,„ i ,... . ...• r.
Mr. Lengel the Lion King, will enter the Duns of
the Wild.beasts, and give his classical illustra
tions of Hercules stritggling with the Nalll.ll
Sion; Daniel in the Lions Dent Samson destroy
ing the Lion. One of the most interesting por
tions of the Exhibition is farmed by the display
an great collection of Wax Statuary. including
tigures of the size of life, of all the Presidents of
She United States, and also of a great number of
noted characters, American and I , ,,reign, all of
which are accurate likenesses, and appropriately
isostumed. In fact, the whole Establishment is a
+last repository of
tr ' t
I 0 6 CI
Wonderful objects of Native and Art, the fall
particulars of which 1: won It he impossible to give
within the limits of a newspaper advertiseinviit,
and which has been brought together at an enor
mous expenditure of means, terming the largest
and most novel traveling Exhibition in this ur
say other country.
A fine Military Bond m the most
popular airs of the day, as the proct,sion enters
town, and also daring the hours of Exhibition.
The American Museum and Menagerie will
Exhibit at HUNTINGDON, Saturday,
July sth. Doors open from I to 4. Ail front
7to 9, P. M. Price of Admission 25 cent,—
Children under 9 years of ago 15 cctits„—to the
whole of this immense Establishment, int holing
Gen. Tom Thumb, the entire collection of Wild
Animals, Wax Statuary, Mr. Lengers pertitrman
ces in the Dens, the Baby Elephant, Mr. Nellis'
performances, &c., no extra charge under oily
pretence whatever, let the reports he what they
may. June 28, 1854.
1.0 BARRELS Rua Ilerring,just received and
for sale at the more of GEO. GWIN.
ASUPERIOR article of Cider Vinegar for
safe at the gore of GEO. (MIN.
TUST receiving, this week, Mackerel. Herring,
sod for tale by J. &W. SAXTON.
Land for Sale.
A TRACT OF LAND situate in Germany
Van oy, bear Sivrleyslitm, Hunting.lnn co.,
enntnining about 123 Acres, the greater part
of which bi lime.tone, in a gaud iitnte of ,Itira
tion, bounded by lands of. George Swine and An
drew Spanogle. JOHN LOTTS.
Juno 21, 1854.
Executor's Notice.
LETTERS •testamimtarymn the Estate of JA
con:Errx,latc of Union town hip, Hunting
don county, tlee'.l., hating heen granted to the
undersigned, all per.. indebted will make im
mediate payment, and those having clauus will
preaent Muni properly atithentimitml fur deifies
mem. DAVID CLARKSUN, Executor.
June 21, 11354.-6 t.•
Auditor's Notice.
TIIE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Ifuntimplon coun
ty, to distribute the belittle° in the hands of S.
S. Wharton, Esq., Assignee of WILLIAM H.
PEIGIITAL, hue 01 the borough of lintitingilon,
t!ee'd., innongst those entitled thereto, hereby
gi yea notice to all persons iiiterested, that he will
OM 11111 to the duties of his said appointment, on
Fria: ay, the 21st day of July next, at his office,
in the borough of I Imitingiloo, at one o'clock, P.
M., or. said when mid where all persons in
terested iney attend If they think proper.
.1011 N lltElilf, Auditor.
Jima 21, 1854.-4 t.
Auditor's Notice.
rIMIE Auditor, appointer! by the
j Court of Common Pleas or flatitingdon coon•
ty, to ilktril.n.c the proceeds of the Siwritna sale
of the lira! I;:•.'aie of J. F. SPANCII.IiIt, (2,.
aunto.g , t ['lose entitle.' thereto, hereby
give, notice to ;;;I persons interested, that he will
attend to inakii.g said distribution on Soterility,
the 220 day or dilly next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., att
his (ghee, in the bortnigh of Huntingdon, when
'L o d where uhf per,on, interested may Attend it
tics think proper. JOIN HEED, Auditor.
Julie 21,
NOTII is berchy given that the following
deserihol property. sold at Sheriff's salt. on
the rith dity , of.hine inst.. as the met v of Peter
Solt. of Franklin twnship, 1 (totting 'on comity,
Pa., has hero lotrehased hi the tocco,igned, and
loaned to said Peter Solt. wiz:
45 111111 , 1 Of 114r4 eat' le, 6 111,0 Of horses, 12
hogs. 18 sheep. it two horse svagons. 1 one horse
wagon, 1 threshing 'machine. 1 wind mill, 1 gr:tin
1,5 . 1/ •tli ink or 2 pieces 50 acres of wile,: in
the ground, two.thirds of 2 pieces 28 acres of Eye
in the ground, two Third.. of 24 terra tit corn in
the ground, two-thirds of 11 acre, of n.ts in the
ground, a lot of horse gears, and all other person
al property.
All persons arch-T(4 , y forbid interferieg in any
way with said property. A. H. BEST.
June 14, 1854.-30
THEimrtner.thin heretofore exictina tiptu.pon
A. S. Harri.ton in the
Memintile uII
persona knowit, thor:etre , indehted to ttni.l firm
sire teener notified to roll anti Toni, , ettlt.mtmt or
their lly nnM or
Will 'inn pre.ent ttettintn‘mt.
The Pamka lin,. been ~lo r tnt in' the kiwi. nr
W. NIATTF,i,.. who in rinlr killt! to
serir und rnllc t thy ,inte. All per.m,
rated will sure tronfOn mid rentil, nttetelim, to
will tii,;,.
leetion, nfterx reannitidi.
A. S. II 11111 i .,
Eril{(;l.; COUCH.
Portstown, June 14, 1954.-3 t.
Executor's Notice.
T ETTEPS tet.itiwntary on the Font.. nrWil
111.1m i.ikclr, Lae ~r vnshin.
tined. ...Quay. .1....*.t.. ;,ranted to
the unapt...g0...1. all per... , itule , teil •.a ill aaa ako
inubedinte payment, luta f hoc, 11110,), el.llllll
will preset them properly :Iltthentipetr4 far set.
tietnem. lIENItY LIKELY.
Shade Gap, Jct. 14, 1854.-6 t.•
IC[1:11TIER 07 , "J'EA MS tn Intu I Mon! from
Ituugh and Ready Onntin,lon.
%VOW.), WAT,ON & CO.
June 14, 1R54.3t.'
AS the shrill whistle of the Locomotive will
soon ho heard front Broad Top, giving. a now
impulse to all kind, of lowiness. the nnilersigned
has determined ,it iu lie excelled by any steam
horse in the country. Ile therefore offers to the
public the most elegant stock of
Spring and Summer Clothing
ever opened in the county, embtheina the most
fashionable Dress, Frock, and Sack Coots, Pants
and Vests. Shirts, Collars.Sioeks, andkereh isfs,
Gloves, he., Ac. Also, Silk and Summer Hats
—all of which he is determined to sell CHEAPER
than the cheapest.
He has on hand a fashionable assortment of
Cloths. Ciwsimeres, 8,, which he will make to
order, in a superior manner.
Huntingdon, June 7, 1854.
Daguerrean Apparatus for Sale.
1N excellent Apparatus with stock and every
thing complete fur taking Likenesses, will
he gold at a bargain. Any person wishing to en
gage in the business. would do well to purelinse
this Apparatus. and nitrate in Cusseille. as
there is an excellent opening here at this nine.
Inquire of DAVID CLARKSON, Administra
tor of iohn Speer, tiee.'J.
Cassino, June 7,1854.-4 V
C); BARBELS superfine Flom•. Mr the
store of GEO. GWIN.
A Strong; Tesl of Two of
iltt E 1 AN & IVATSON'S
)Itil Salamander Safes.
A'rE LIGHT STREET FlllE.—Mnsttrts.
J l E. &''. FAIRBANKS & :
We take much plen•ure in reeommentlittx your
Sahoinnitler Stites to tnerehnnts who
nuty desire to purelta, with a view to the itra , er•
vntiott of their books oil volithles. 'Fite
Sufi: we Iturrinetel of volt in Jul,. In•t. tin.l num
uthettred by Evans & Wnt-on, Phihttlelphist,
rentninett in the lire, nt the hominy mt our sture,
until the entire stork was etni,utned.
The heat was intense. ns you may suppose. as
there WOO about seventy harrd. or di, i nor in tho
store, in the next hour over the safe. !willies
some seventy thousand pounds of rags. rope, nd
other contliwitilile tmoter. Wa had the safe
opened after the tire had ceased, and biund our
Please get oc up another of yonr Safes. of th 3
seine sine, fur our Nine, use, ,u.ln xs 15i441,10,
and oblige, H. & W. Isasnne,
No. lit Light Street Wharf.
Baltimore May 17, 1654.
Messrs. E. & T. Fairlidnks & Co.—Gentlemen:
It gives etc mash pleasure to bear teptinamy to
the excellency of your Salamander Sates. The
ono I I rC ilSed of you in .Jule last. mantifictureil jus assortnient of Scot
by Epins Br. Watson. of Philadelphia. saved ipeil and Plain Velvet 'Mho.. by
books and valuable papers, when every thing el-u • .1. & W. SAXTON.
in the storo was destroyed by fire, 011 (I , U 1110 1 11.
in Of the 14th inst., at Nu. 110 H
Light street '"I S . Skuuhter"..l Flitch, for KA. ot the
"t"""f GEI 1. ti‘VN.
lialtimore,'Slay Ifith, 1854. cyr. 11.%1illELS No. t Herring inpt modem!
The allure mentioned Sater eau be peen at ti r sole at the ~tore
ofGw IN.
& T. Fairininkr & Co.'s warehouse, 111 Wept
Pratt street, twar Light street wharf.
G. C. Ettritcn, Agent
No. 26 South I , IIURTII Street, Phil elelititin,
(hue No. 83 Dock stret.t.)
have new Oil hand it large itssortliteltt of their
Rank Vaults and Iron Doors for Bank Storm
Patent Slate Lined Refrigerator+, Water filter+,
Seal and Leiter Copying Presses, Fairloink's
Platform and Counter Scales.
. .
te bide Agency fur Butterworth's Bettlev's,
'Vales' awl Junes' Patent of ffattlr.
Leeks. Please give w: It rnll.[lll,i
fitin PIECES pitied andV
V glazed, choico putteror for our at the
store of 6En. G W IN.
benutiful assurtment of Silk Dress Patterns, A Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining, Jim receiv
ed and for anlo by J. & W. &taro).
The Russians Defeated!!!
HA VING returned train tho City with a large
nnil rltlendi l itosiiriment of Goads. reopoet
v iiiNein their Irian to and the public at largo,
that they hare located thetnueleeo at Mill Creek,
and having purelnioeul their Gaucho for CIVIL they
are now prepared to sell them an OMR(/ ' if nut
chem... than any more in the county. 'noir
Stack conoiot,of it largo iacartnuent of
Dry Goods, Hardware, Qseenswaro,
Groceries. Nits an 9 Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
_ .
and in short,eeer}•thins; usually kept in a :lttuntry
Store. Parsons wishing to purchase will lied it
to their interests to give Mem a will ' , eh.] par
classing elsewhere, no titer are deternitied that
their motto shall be Quick Sales and Small Prof
N. 11. All kinds of produce taken in exchange
fur good,
Mill Creek, May 31, 1934.
Administrator% Notice.
lETTEIts of Administration baying been
. granted to the inolersigneil. on the I.4tate of
JAMEN WATKINS, site nfthn lionitmli of A le.lB.
lintil.l.l l oll ( . 011111y Ai persons
deltteiltohisestate will 'nuke immediate payment
and those toting elsinis will present them duly
authenticated thr settlement.
May 24, 1854.-6 t.
Where may he obtitined the most speedy rem
edy for
SECRET DISEASES.—GIeets Strictures.
Seminal %Wanes.. Pain in the Loin., Affections
of the Kidneys, and all thorn peculiar elections
arking from a secret habit. particularly the youth
of imrb sexes. which if it cured. produces eon
,titurimud rmlerimx marriage impossi
ble, and in On end ,legreivs both Mind and Body.
Young NU-No,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Vice, tint dreadful and destructive habit
which annually sweep , to an untimely grave lion
s:oak of yi,ullg men of the most exalted Wants
and brilliant intellect. who inielit otherwke have
entranced li , tuning senates with the thunders of
eloquence, car waked to cemacy the living lyre,
may call with foil confidence.
:ntarried Persons,
or tlin.e contemplating marriage. ownre of
physical weakness, slinol.l inanediatelv consult
1)r. J., and be restored to perfect health.
Dr. Johirit,)n,
office No. 7 Sou li Fredrick St., seven doors from
Baltimore Street. east side op the steps. ISY ' lle
particular in obtaining the name nod number, or
yon will mistake the place.
A cam warranted, or nu charge made, in from '
one to two day , .
TAI. John.ton ' s offiee is in his
np the -tops. Ilia very extensive prac
tice in a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only
propel physician to apply tn.
Dr. Johston. member of.the Royal Collet* of
Surgeon , . London. gratleate from one of the
tons' eminent Collette: of the Flouted States, and
tie greater part of who:, h„.„ shunt in
the Iliispitals ol : Lomita, l'aris Philath.lphia, and
,4,,wheee. some of the most aston
ishing ewes that were ever known. maim Cr:,,,
hied with 'lacing in the cars and hold when
nciwtin , ne, heinti alarmed at
with frequent lihish
...immune, with derangement of
mind, were 1.111 . e , 1
A CI.:IITAIN % inn melimeholy feet
that thou:awls victims !unit! disease
nwine to the icrewant pretend,:
who I,V the tine of that deadly ,Ilareary.
rain I. Con-tit:l . MT, einpiine the %( . 11 , 17,
SVinilt.iri,ll . , Ireadful disease to make their
appearimm, , twil ns iitfeetinn: of the he. id, nose,
throat. skin, it:., I.rogre , sing with i'rit.thffill ro
',hiltr till dolt!, fats c in o d to their dreadful
stiff hy them ill that Bourne whence
un nnvele7
TAK., NoTic..--Ynnu g men who
have hi:loved thionsalve: by certtliti prett.tiets in
dulged in st•hch 11111,4 itetittelitlyl,artiol
from evil contpunitnts, or nt school—'lie
of which are nichtly relt.even when asleep, an
if not eared renders marriage impossible, and lie.
Strops both mind 10111 body.
What a pity that a yarns man. the hope of his
marry. and the darling of plreinv %lambi he
muitched riven. nll prinipeets lind odor:11.1as of
life by this mniseidtence ot coon the pith
of nature aria loan's:nig it. n vermin seeret habit.
Such nermeis before enaltemplattinir
s h w ild re huo t th;if n 4111111 , 1 Milld 111111 body are
the most it,cessary requisites to prouli.te comm.
Nal happiness. Indeed without these. the jour
ney thritugh life becomes n weary pilgrimage,
the progiect hourly ilarions to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with ilesi•eir, and filkd
with the melancholy reflection. that the happiness
of another hctionw , blighted with our own.
es young men, iota ell who have injured them
,glees by private !ill!! improperindidgentie.
InctrissAtti.--These are some of the ßad and
malmicholy effects produced by early habits of
yowl), vier Weakness of the Back and Limbs.
Pains in the lined, Di 11111139 of Sight. Lace of
Muscular power. Polpinition of the Heart D's
pepsin. NerVIP. Irrio,hrlit , Detangcments of the
Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms
of Commteption. he.
MeNTALLv—Thu fearful effects nn the mind aro
much to he dreaded; Loss o f Confusion
of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forl.thio;
Aversion to Society. Self Distrust, Love of Soli
tude, tic., are some of the evils produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages,ctin now judge
what is the cause of their declining health. Los
ing their vigor, becoming weak. pale and movies
tell, have singular uppenrairee about the eyes,
cough and a, moms of consumption.
'arried person, or those contemplating mnr
riage, hringnwara of physic:ll weakness, should
immediately consult 1);..1. and lie restored to per
feet health...Otlice, No. 7, South Frueleriek-St.,
, .
Baltimore, ALI.
N . B. Len et falrc delicurc prevret tent, bat ap
ply immediately either personally br by letter.
Skin Di•ea,es Speedily Cared, .
To ST lIA ninny thousands cured
at this Institution witoin the last ten i cars, and
the ntuncrotts itnnowtant Surgical Operations
!tertian.' by Dr..l.,witnessed I , y the Reporters of
'the papers, and mans other persons, !attires tit
wince hare appealed again and again before the
pablie, is a .tilii , •iunt guarantee that the afflicted
will find a ukiiltitl awl honorable phut
As there are so ninny ignorant and worthless
1111:1CliS advertising . I ilerfl , eir. ns Physiviansattin
tag the lionith of the afflicted 1)r. 'Johnston would
tar to those motept.tinted with reputation that
his Credentials or Diplotnav always bang in his
Vi ; Cakness of the organs immedtatrly cured,
end hill vigor restored
tEr All letters post paid—remedies sent by
Nlay 22, 1854.-I.y.
Fish for Sale.
15 Ritrvel. Su:gentian. Shed,
10 Ilia '•
jot received and rur sale at the stare of
Admi 'ator's Notice.
T ETTERs of liarioe . been
I ',milted to the endri , igliell tin the Estole of
Join SPLI.A. lut. id' Oa, liiirougli of
ilue'.l., knowill4
tliuM•rly , iti•Ldited will make illitileiliate pay
ment. nut ee having claim , . will present ilium
properly eutheot c tell Air Netllvineitt.
1/.1%11) 1.11.,.%1t1i.50N, A.lmr.
Cx Nlay 17. 1/4114.—Gt.•
BL INKS..llvnyq htly y,,er !flunks 4tt the
"Journal I/Hive " %Vt. , ay.: now I,reparell a re
ry •tiperiorartivie4 Itl,.lNli Iti
D. Jag. 11 , Clii210C1Ori Family Medici'
Mr sale hy 11'MACE W. S3IITII.
Hunting.kin, March 211, 1854.-3 in.
*VI Cod Flab, jo.t received isnd fo
800 ode by
.1. Sc W. SAxeow.
CIGARS, CANDIES, 41c., w•holeFnle and
retßil, at tho cheap story of J. BRICKER.
Cassviile, Huntingdon County, Penna.
ISchool Your is divided into three Terms
of 14 weeks each. The present TOM clo
ses 2711, June.
Rev. J. T. TONI LI X. A. If., Principal.
FLETCHER sr EVENS, Assistant.
Mt... TOMLIN, Pr/wow/rm.
Mk,' EMMA PHILLIPS, Minnie Teacher.
" E. V. MANN. Ass. in Female Department.
Rev. W. ARBUCKLE, Steward.
CHARGE/I :—For Tuition. Board, Roam-rent and
Bedding. 8100 per annum. One
half payable in advance.
Painting, and the Modern
Language, Penile not remaining rite
year. will he charged $1,75 per week,
for Board, he.. niabove, and the usu•
at rates for Tuition.
The Trentren of Cansville Seminary confident
ly recommend the new Principal and Board of
instruction to the friends and patrons of the In
stitution. The high character acquired by the
Principal, as a Timelier, in ono of the hest Nei
tutionn in the Eastern States, trill be fully sus
tained in the now position he assumes.
Mine PHILLIPS. the Music Teacher, has justly
earned n high reputation in her profession, and
it in hoped that the efforts of the Board to supply
competent instructors in all the departments of
the School, will he met by the same liberal sup
port heretofore received.
.1. W. CLARK, President.
(11:(1. W. Spun. Secretary.
May IU, 1851.-2 m.
15,000 ru fb iri li p ; 7llt E irli f tio n l . : 7,-
ombrneintr every v.triety usunlly kept .110 "i'' '
in a Book Store, fur utile it !Metll°
ati4l retail very low for enslt!
orders from all ptu•t. of the enantry
nod will he promptly and faithfully 'wended tn.
School Book. and Stationary of c'•ei;v kiwi will
btt kept win , tantly on hind at the low,. rates.
Barper's Magazine anil Braley'. Lady's Book,
can lie had every nivath as soon a.
:nom oppmite Whittaker% Hotel, Railroad
tit.. Hmvin. hot. ra.
1000 Pieces liall Paper. all of which wit,
pnrelimied tide timing., of the late , t and most
50400100,10 styles to he fmtnd in Philadelphia,
for sale very 10, from 151 eta. n piece and up
wank. at Colon's Cheap Book Store,
opposite Whittaker's Iletel, Ilontination, Pa.
April 2G, 1854.
&Lb f alM
HAs.huu returned l'rum the east with a large
and splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Clothing,
for men nut boys, tondo in tho late,t fashion and
hi the most durohle manner. Who ever wants
ilteAsed hotter and chenpor than ittivhody .
else in town. let him mill nt WILI.OVORRY'S
CLOTIONO STORE. one door west of T.
lte.l Sun's drug store. Huntingdon.
Cull sod see for yourselves.
April 19, 1854.
Now's the Tame for Bargains !
30 per cent. Cheaper than the
Cheapest !!
THE anderdeneri roost respectfully nnorom,e,
to the. Citi7.ol% , 11111 Vicinity.
that he has °prated ate the Ie t anti most spier.-
aid assortment of Ready-1110e ( - lamina that hos
ever }teen in the Itaratigh of Hoof leg 'on. lie
takes I.lva , nre in slating to the pul,Ce that, he is
fully pr,.l.,tre I t..:1
Cheaper than the Cheapest!
Ho will einistitetly keep on hand the greatest
vAricts of the tidlowidg artiele,‘,
Superfine Black Dress rigid Frock
coag, brown And thy s.wk coato, puntaloont;
new ,rvin, block mud limey ca,nnore, Anil cussi
t nut corduroy.
AI,o, a great i•airety of plain and Racy
Summar Pantaloons.
Vests. the richest and must varied assortment
( in this place.
Boys' clothing, linen shirts, silk under-shirts
and drawers.
A choice sclecnon of neck and pocket hand
kerehietk.—Also a large crock of
Hats and Cape,
Vmhrella,trunks, carpet•ha;s, and a greet many
other !mining.
Per4oll4 a ithing to hay elothine would do
n•ell to (tall and examine this stool• before pur
chasing. elsewhere.
r Eg eStore two doors west of the Post Office.
11. ROMAN.
Huntingdon, April 19,11,94.
3. & W. SAXTON,
HAVE must received front Philadelphia the
largeQt .Iml hen assortment tel Spring and
Summer Good: ever offerefhand at lower prices
than can he purehamfl at env other braise. They
are determined to sell lower than can he poredios,,i
anywhere mist of the Allegheny, and no mistake.
Ifyou wish to ho satisfied of die fact, call and bee.
Dry csicolg,
tech at Cloths, Cassimers, Sotinetts, Tweeds;
Childrens' ware. Commodes, wosied.
The handsomest assortment of Ladies Dress
G. 1.1.1 !, ever offered. Also, Trimming of every
varier, the hest assortment over 1/11111 . 0.1.
1090 webs asmrted Prints, and every other
article usually kept in a country store.
of which we Fawn, keep the largest and best as•
sortincnt over kept in this place.
matmificent assortment, which eve are selling
quite lew.
are n little up, hut we are determiqed to sell as
low if not lower, than any other honse,uecortling
to quality.
Cedar mod Willow Ware,
such not Baskets, Tuhu, Buckets, Krout Stands,
&c.. &c. _ _
---- ---
Carpels and Oil Cloths.
a hea•:tifal as l t neat, ehich will he sold low,
call and son and ho aittkfle.l d the fact.
Plats and Caps,
of tho very latest and Iwo stvles, also
Hoots and Manes,
the hest and cheapest in town, if you don't he•
tiers it. CALL gy.E.
We are also pnrehnsing and storing Grain,
and it is admitted on tilt 111111 , 114 that wo have the
most convenient place for unloading grain in or
about town, April It, 1854.
THE greatest variety of Dress Trimming,.
Fbns, Cr.tvats. Zeffir, 'rade Tarn, I tr. so
Buttons, Lather Collar+, diminizerts,
Iltlkfr., Under Sleeves, Kid and Lyle Thread
Glover, 1111 , 1 I I , wiery of every varlet , . inn mei.
vol and fur sale by & W. SrISTUN.
A BEA UTI FUL lot of Gents. Calton, Ladies
Gaiwa nail Shoes, Gents. Boots and Shoes,
Misses Gaitors *oil Slot, of an endless variety,
just received and fur sale by
SILK Dress Matterus. braise de Lanes. Bern
see. poi 1,11W114 of very variety and color,
just received and fur solo by
ATirA 1T11 . : .1 rt;el I:Fnneyt:i
-n.5(1,,h4,7ne, ,rfi,rmen 7 ll
hors. A Ist, Carpet lisp. reed's•
ed and for side lie .1. Sr W. SAXTON.
1)1 INNSTS nt nil %oils and colors, Mite'
1) Flats, from 3T to 300. jii.t received and for
Pale by .1. W. SAXTON.
L iLvEn Butter Biker. untl Salt Spoons, at
) Suare'selteapJewelry Store.
For axle at the Cheap Store of J. BRICKER.
A CHOICE let o: Shingles for sale nt tha
cheap etore o J. BRICKER.
The New Jersey Zino Company
end improved the quality of their products, are
prepared to execate orders for their
DRY, and GROUND IN OIL, in mortal pack•
apt of from 25 to 500 plutuis; alto
DRY, in . l2arrelt, of 200 pounds each.
Their' MUTE ZINC, ',shish in sold dry or
around in nil, is warranted PURE and unnur
passed ter BODY and uniform whiteness.
A method of prepnration has recently been
discovered, which unable.. the Company to war
rant their points to keep freak and soft in the
kegs for any reanonahle time. In this respect
their paints will be superior to any other in the
Their Brown Zinc Paint. which insold at a lose
price, and can only he mode from the Zinc 01,13
from New Jersey, in now well known for its pro•
teethe qualities when appliud to iron or ether
metallic surfaces.
Their Stone Color Paint possesses all the pro- I
portico of the Brown, and is of an agreeable col-
or for painting Cottages, Depots, Oat-buildings,
Bridges, &c.
Dealers supplied on liberal tennis by their
Agents, FRENCH &
Wholesale Paint floaters tend Importers,
N. W. cm'. of 10th & Market Sts., Phila.
April 19, 1854.—Gm.
HAS justreceived, end opening, at hiq well
known Sr.',is Nr•irket Square, the largest
....nil prettiest assortment of
- Spring and Summer Good%
ever offered , o the people of Huntingdon and
virinity, and is now rapidly selling at unusually
low prices. _ . I
My stock comprises in part, Clothe, Caseimers,
black and fancy. Satinetto. a largo variety of I
Satin and Silk Veatincs, Kentucky and Penns.
Jeans, Tweeds, Tiekine, brown mind bleached
Mnslins, Drills, Crasii tags and Bagging, Table
Diaper. &c.
Ladies Drew and Fancy Goods.
Prints in abutulanee, Mous. do Lane, Dr Berege,
Alpaca., Lnstres, black and fancy, colored
Silks, Cashmeres, Bonnet and Plover. Silk
Edging *Ribbons, fancy Gimp, block silk Tme.
colored Kb! Gloves, Gents black do.. Linen and
Silk Ilandkerehicfa, Italian Cravats, Hosiery, &c.
Soots and Shoes.
Hardware, Queensware, Glassware
and Cedar Ware.
Hats and Caps.
A great variety of
Straw Goods.
My. stock hoc been seiected with the prentest
care in regard to finality and price, 00.1 1 Putter
myself' that I enn offer inducements to purchasers
not to be found elsewhere.
Thankful for the patronage of the past, by my
friends, end the public generally, I respectfudy
solicit a continuance of the come.
My old stock of Goods will he sold nt, 15
per cent. below cost. April 111, 1854.
HAVING removed hi- extensive Store to Kn.
McCsban's How. torte erly occupied by T.
K. Simonton, is now prepared tn accommodate
las Old en.tomerg, nod the public generally, with
a splendid nod fmthionable ...pow.. of
His assortment consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware,
and all kinds ofeonds usually kept in a Country
Sow , Ala, a beautiful altaap and eleput as
!torment of
• Ladies' Dress Goods,
and Trimming , . of rwery variety. Also, Slots;
Caps, Bonnets, Bouts end Sims, i.nil a variety of
goods of all kiwi,
Country produce taken in exelLtnge for goods,
at the highest market prirot.
Huntingdon, April 5, 1854.
THE molecci,,i e d hacc for sole R second-bond
ed Carding Machine, with all the ne
cessary fixtures, which they offer for sole very
low. Any one wishing to pnrchove will do nen
to cell eel see it. KESSLER & MILL
Mill Crock, April 12, 1854.-9 tn.•
Executor's Notice.
j ETTERS Testamentnry on the Estate of Sm.
sannah Shade. late Susannah Levi, late of
the Borough of Huntingdon, deed., Inning been
granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted
will make immediate payment, and those having
maims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. A. W. BENEDICT,
April 5, 'tit-6t. Executor.
I havo.bitt received. and am now openinc,
the corner oppn.ito Coats' Llutel, a large an ,
beautiful assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods,
nonsivtingrif Ointhv, l'ai•si leis, No, nod Plain,
Riney 101 l Rlnek, liartwo !Maths, Bervifds,
lined Delains, Loomis, Gingham, Linens, Mos
linq, nod mints of every deseriminn. Hosiery,
Gioves, Silk Mitre, Long and Short, Veils. cid
iee. Under-sleeve', Ribbons, Shawls. and
rit.ty of DRESS GOODS too numerous to mon.
Alto, a largo astrirtmcnt of Bollard, lints nail
Shoat, Gromiric, Queciisware, and Hardware,
Clirring, Oil (laths and Carpet Bop. Cloth.
and Market Batt:els, Bucl.ct, Churni.Julit.
The putilic are respectfully invited to cAll and
examine my Goods, as I am determined to sell
them cheap. . . .
All 'kids of emintry Produce taken in ex•
change fir Goods at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, April 5. 1854.
CWELLS &CO.. Pork Pnekers and
. Whole:ale Provision Dealers, No, 325,
Liberty st., Pittsburgh, will keep on hand,
ready to supply at all times and on the shortest
notice, choice and reliahlo articles in their lima
business and upon meommodatitm terms. Their
main stock will comist of Bacon, Lard Oil,
Lard,Sugarcured Hams, Dried Beef,
&c. They have also madu arrangements fur an
early supply of
Lake Superior White Fish and Mack-
maw Trout,
in bids. and half bldg., and which, raining direct
from the extreme. Northern waters, will he very
!midi superior to those °limy other catch, and
they will lie able to I der these favorite drtieles at
hoer rates than the inferior or Southern emelt
are supplied in this market.
C. Wells & Co., desire to call the attention of
DEAmms and Inns Max, particularly, to their
stork of BACON. in the selection and prepara
tion of whirls partimdar anemic!' has been given
to the quality, so as to otter to customers the
most reliable article. Orders will receive prompt
attention. [Marsh 319, 1854.-3m._
Brilliant Dinner or Jewelry.
rrnr, puldie iTeneran, and the rascals who,
1 some time since. entered or store and remo
ved valuables to the amount of shout 51100
without my permission, are informed that I have
just opened a more general and better assortment
of articles in my line of business than wan ever
brought to Huntingdon, ronsisting of Watches,
Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Knives,
Pistols. Perfumery, Port Mon- N,
miles Silver Ware, and Fancy ■ ^s-
Articles, &c., itc. My old friends and etnl.ner,
and the public in genural throughout the (manly,
are requested to cull and examine my nsortment.
Thantinctlen, March nn, 1651,
Electro-Magnet. Lightning Bolls.
AFTER many years' close investigation And
111111191 . 0 US experiments, the Patentee takes
pleasure in informing the public that he has Arri
ved at the tree principles of protecting families,
dwellings and property from the destructive in•
Mince of Lightning. The calamities that
every City, Town, Villa, and Count', falls vic
tim to annually. Orem:lithe grmis neiligenee of
i t , jaahitant,, is beyond calculation, especially
when the remedy is so easy to obtair—thin is
• found in Arinitage% Patent Magnetic
Lightning Rods, and in this Mona. This
Rod has been examined by the most scientific ,
gentlemen in the world—Professors Itl'Martrle,
Johnson, Waller and many others that hare ex
mined them, recommend and speak of them in
the highest terms of approbation, and have pro-
nounced them the only safe rods in use in this or
any other country, for the protection of Lives and
Property. One udvantage is to divide And throw
beck rt port of the electric fluid licrmiess to the I
clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the rod
to conduct that portion of fluid that belong, to !
the earth without the slightest danger of leaving I
the conductor. Thin rod has many other ativAn.
rages over the old one. The only place of Moll
utacturing is in
Vine St.. 3 door: above Twelfth, Philadelphia,
where all persons are respectfully invited to call
and examine for themselves. For sale Whole
sale and Retail, by THUS. ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash.
PIT.AnA.. Aug. 13, 1847.
I have this tiny carefully inspected a conductor
or Lightning Rod, with vane and index, erected
by Mr. Thu its Armitage, or, Bellevue Route,
Gloucester, and hove no hesitation in Paying that I
it is not only the best that I have et•er teen, hut
that it is the only one I have yet that
in con trusted ett stricey telentilic piinc:ries. It
is with much pleasure that I recommend this
conductor to the attention of owners of buildings.
I am well satisfied that the Magnetic Lightning
Rod, manufactured by Mr. Thome Armitage, of
Phiiadelphia, is the best thnt has ever been mode•
I have spent sevens years in the study of the laws
or electricity and magnetism. and have no hesita
tion in saying that these Rods are constructed
'upon the only principle of safety. The electric
shock is received and dispetsed by the magnet at
the top of the mi. r.,1 it would he impossible,
according to the laws of uttriction and repulsion,
for a beading to he injured by a stroke of light
ning when protected by one of these rods. I
have been acquainted with Mr. Armitage for rev
era, yea.. and before he commenced the mono.
facture of them rods I examined the principle on
which they eve constructed, and felt convinced
that their adoption would he attended with com
plete success. The increasing demand for these
rods, and the extensive sales in all parts of the
country, is ample commendation of their utility
and superiority.
!ising.tin, Phi;ad. en : , April 10, 1852.
The following extract is taken tram an editori
al in the Germantown Telegraph, edited by Major
"The bozo; eel Owed upon onr dwelling we
hove had taken flown; And another ereted by Mr.
AnAttrnoe, to which we would call the nttention
of our farmers nod render , generally. It in pot
up on true scientific principles, nod it a rod that
beg been approved by the highest authority. and
will heir the moot thorough examination. Those
who have been deceived, as we hare been. timid
lose no time in having a proper protection against
lightning. substituted. The cost is II more bag
atelle when compared with the entire safety of
our houses and borneagolnat this destructhe ele
'melt. Mr. AtottrauEhs advertisement will he
found in the columns of this paper; and we feel
nn though we were performing an imperious duty
to the community, by than inviting to it general
PITILADYMPHIA, Dcc. 4, 1a52.
Mr. T. ARMIT Anu, Ville Strret, west of Twelfth
MY DEAR SIR : After a trial of many Ilreeko, it
niturde me great pleasure to infirm vou that I !
am highly delightel with the ligl Doing rod you
placed upon my hoeing nt Bastleton. As Fier as
my chemical knowiedge enables me to perform
an opinion, lam onthdleil you have developed
the correct nrinciniee in tie adaptation of rod, to
protect property from destrartion by lightning; as
soon no the eilvinit.ges of your arrangement, are
understood, 1 am ennvinred that her persons will
be found CO recklcoo no to fail to r.vnil themoeleco
of the protection anbriled by your reds. Wishing
you all enemas in your enterpriuc,
I am your , truly,
No. I, North Eleventh Street,
Ihofesmor of Anatomy, Philadelohia College of
Ilardeton, Union Co., Pa..
Ta Agent fur nuntingtion, and a•tjoining counties,
anal will furnish the Rods on the some manner as
the Proprietor. Any person desiring to ho sup
plied with tho Rods can leave their (artier with the
Editor of tho Journal, or with Gaftins Miller, o
the Hail Read Hotel. April El,
Shirleysburg Female Seminary,
Rev. J.tues CAMPBELL, A. M., Principal.
Juniata Academy,
J. CAMITELI, 8., j prin , ipais,
Miff; Slimmer Seseion of thetto Tnstitntiona
commences on Irednesda.h, the 5M of. Ifay,
and Inc months. They are vitinded in
the retired Village of Shirleysintrg, in the henr;
°roue of the most lovely and fertile rallies of the
In c a rural district, among one of the plainest
and !filmiest people of Pennsylvania, !mart trio
the bustle and evils of a thoroughtltro, or large
town, convenient of act acs from all sides. with a
community noted for its temperance and I.:locali
ty, and possessing it healthy and unusually !Jena
tifel situation. this Village pi e,lits adviintat,
foe Lilernry I.titittiovq, which strike the eye
every vi Sitar. Each (mu possesses netvtind COI!,
1110d:011S buildings. and a full corps of teneherr.--
They.are under entirely separate government au , '
itivtructkin, being situated ntiout a quarter of
mile apart, and buying /oohing in common es
ceps that the are of the Academy Apparatus it
given to the Sentinel r.
The course of instrtietion is thorough nod ex
ten:ive, embracing the blanches usually taught
in such hist , tutions. These Sehools °lbw ten
principal inthiceinents; first, the mast extensive
ami complete Pldimmphical and Cheinicol Appar
atus in bail section 01 . the Store. to e. hich Prdeq
sor FENDALI, has mode din valuable 1161101011
his Cllolre collection of Astronomies) and .Aliithe
nintieal Instruments, including a tine Astrationii
eat Tcl,cope; second, :he idie,pue,g nfthe terms.
Wishing to render their Institutions, as for as
they Canotcees;ildeto.lll,the Principal, Imre redu •
eel the price of I.o,.iiict to t:ie Inn est po , vildr
Flllll. The regular expemei at the Female Sem-
inory, excluding the ortmtneptal betrelle.,
. ,
. •
$50.00 per session, while at other similar Institu
tions the prices vary from $5.9.00 to $OO 00 per
session. In the Academy, the whole expense or
tuition. boarding, wlWhiutt, furl. light end room
rent, will vary from $43.00 to $5lOO pci. session.
The whole number of pupils at both schools. P.r
the past year, was upwards of 100. Special Class
es nirmed fur those wishing to qualify themselves
for teachers. _ _
A Filmy Itcpartment will be added to the Sem
inary, in which a course of lessor, of 4 to 6 weeks
will lie glean in Gilding and Bronzing, on wood
and Stone, Embroidery on Satin, Crape, Lace,
Muslin, et eetern. Young holies that wish it,
ran receive instruction in this department mon,
which will only require their tutentlanee at the
Seminary for the time of the course. Terms $3,00.
MI II 0 . 11 payable in Advance. Nu puptia admit
ted tin. leas then half a BeS , iOTl. No dedaction
for .absence, except in cacee of protracted sick
nest. For circulars and further information
dre*s (post paid) the Principin.
Shiricyaburg, March 29, 1:254.-3ts.
TIENuT comruonsr having.inat re
turned from Philadelphia with a large and
well selected awl; of Dry Goode. Boots &
Shoes, Hardware, Crockery-ware,
&C., embracing the usual variety of a countQ
store. which he hat been enabled to purchase up •
on terms permitting him m ennmemauccescfully
with any other store in -the vicinity, would res
pectfully &elicit the patronage of his friends and
customers, mid would endeavor to merit t! e ap
probation, at he is well satisfied of his abilly at
present, to suit the tastes and accommodate the
wishac of the public at large.
He is prepared to sell very low for CASH:—
Country Pro Once ts frau in ex ebenge et the moat
reamouhic 2t, 054.
Gr Isoo,ooo ,g)
Great Gtft Enterprtso
QF 71111
71Zailatt TAMELD.
Nos. 377 and '379 Broadway, NW Pork.•
Prof. J. WOODMAN HenT••l'rop'r and ivirIMON
• • Ti etv•u"rer.
0. L. MORTON Con pondiug Fee) etntr,
C. ASHTON LIANKINII • • • • I)olCripti VC 14ctil rat.
imiipeetfully inform the citizen , . of n , Yorit
and tho world et lerp.e;, for the perpoec at
NAL nailed
the largest circulation of any literary nr business
paper extant, erd for the purpose of melding
all to see his wonderful illustration of the Entire
World, (the fret and only thing of the hind
e'er L oodoei.d.) now on exhibition et the W0r147.
Hall, Nos. :177 and 279 Broadwey. and for the
purpo.3 of popularising American Art: End else
of giving a world. wide circulation to his toot' n
cd "Book of 'frtole, Adventures end Anecdotes,'
which shottld be read by the million. lie will diµ
tribute ..11g the purcbarem of his tieimts of rd
ruis,iun the full Owing magnificent and valuable
Gi1 . .., amounting to the sure total of $900,000.
Prof. Hares Whole World, worth en immense
fo: tune to any one, valued et $GU,141.1 00
Prof. Hares :Elegant Country feat,
with 100 acres of lend in n high state
°lc:At:cation. the buildings on which
scat $15,000, situated on Long Island
Sound, and commanding a meonili•
ce,i; view of 30 miles in - avary direr.
tion, valued at
. -
A Caeh Loan far 100 years, without
interest or security, 10,000
Tho Colobreteti ncael of the City of
San Francisco. valued et
Prof. That's fir-tamed Panorama of
the Holy Land, 10.000 nO
A Magnificent city Residence in N. 17,000 00
100,1100 Volumes of Prot: Here! ex
tensive Travels in the 01,1 owl New
World, interspersed with remarkable
Adventures, Amusing Anecdotes, &
Thrilling Incidents. elegantly hound,
with gilt ed l os, including a portrait
of the author
Tiventy-firo liniMing Lots. each eon
riiining 10,000 equitre feet, in 11 been
villitgC in the suhnrl4of N. York
CRY , each valued at $500,_
Tth:ty elegant Rosewood Piano _
,Fortes, at $3OO 9,000 00
5 ,g " 600 2,500 00
20 " " /freed/cm, 100 2,000 00
50 " Cold Watches, 100 6,000 00
100 " "
75 7.500 09
100 " " " 50 6.000 00
200 gr ir 25 6.000 00
100 " " Bracelets, 15 1,500 00
1000 " " Rings, 2 2,000 00
2000 " " ' . 1 2,000 00
200 sets elegant Silver Tea.
60 " " " Dessert
spoons, 12 600 00
25 " Ci r a u e .
spoons, 19 450 00
20.000 vols. Mrs. Partington's carpet bap, cf
fan, at 50 cm 10,000 00
30,000 pieces of the most Fashlontale Music,
at 25 cts. • 7,100 00
35,0 CG elrgantsfeelerernvingl.2r: ets.tA.7so 00
00,00 n finch. engraved pocket maps of the city
of New Vurii. 14.127 75
9 1,800 CO
31,089 pcm.incm,:c,, nt 07. 7,772 23
A Valuable GUI for Every Ticket.
sl . erth.,,,,t er,:it'as the holder to Ono
Year's sub,^l 1 , 1 . 101! to tile lilastrated and Fnmilf
Lite,try mud Commercial .hatruith called ‘•
Wants: WORLD." owl to Foar Adtvhs'oas to
the Exhibition of the Whale Wodd, and RIM ro
one of the :100,f.')4 Gifts, thus in...ring' every per•
son inventing in this t•rapenduu: enterpii:e the
fell worth of hi, on her money. and a rare chance
to realize a thrrone ht,ides. Ticket havers trill
11140 receive. eng,,ird on 1, it tinker, when par=
chased, no e!aL.ial Portrait of Professor Hart, arid
a cornet and elaborate finnan; of ids splendid
Country Seat. one of the Gifts, to winch a Grand
Free Excuvsion will he :riven.
When tic 300,000 tickets ,re sold. she proper
ty will he placed et the disposal of a Committee
appointed dy the ticksl I olders 11 any place
wherein tile greatest number hare liven sold, to
be distributed no shall be perrently fitirtmil
factory to all eoncerned;and . .intleingi'l/M the in
creasing rapidity with which the tickets are being
purchased by all C/45., or people, in eneey part
of the conntre, it is reasonable to conelude that
tic enterprise st ill soon terminate In the happiot
Ii nit not he necessary for ticket holders to ho
present at the (11 , 4111.10 nm of the fidts, unless
they wish to, nit they will he duly entitled of the
time and manner °flit° partition of the property,
and nit may refely rely upon the henurrthle
moot of the ettderteking, end the perfectly fair
and satisfactory divosition of the ahoy° named
Gifts. When the Gina ore awarded. holders of
ticketo slutll also he promptly notified us to what
Gifts ;hey will reevive.
Any inf..rnintion relative to the ^'ftc mer he
°Monied throngh the Mike of thc World's jiali,
where also may be had any rmponsilde reference
All orders by Twit mist he roltlrenerl,
-mid. money indorctl. in Prof: J. Woodman Hart,
R'ori Fa Hail. 377 and 379 Now York.
eel the ti.ices. with a copy of the paper. trill ho
promptly I . t.rwo 111 Ni to any pert of themorld.
• It' anti °Wee; are rceeiv • e! , . afcer the tickets hen,
all tern gold, the money n !II he l!rutriptly return
ed, I.o,peid, to the person sending it.
Correspoinlonti write
their mime rod rceidenec, cuunty and state, to
prevent errors.
J! i= mh•ieahle for mire@ (lexirnor of Ireorinte.
yeor'g wihsciietion to the uni.!tie PietorialJour.
in remit the rimier i , orpedietely, in nrler to
commen, Ith the Ae;:intlinv of the I,t wlntne.
J. WOODMAN BART, Prop'r and Editor.
New York References.
L. E. Tlitt,KraEy, Earl.. 49 Wan Ftreet.
F. J. Visscaza 4- Cu., Real Lstt-te B:ukerr, 349
A gen te.—rerFons desiring tnUcceme Agenrq
tier t he sale of Tielietr, by forwarding (rnar•yaid)
One Dollar, shni he rent n Wit Ticket and a
Prospect., with the paper, containing uli uccea•
eury information.
Opinions of the Press
Tho fnllowing untieet of l'rqf. Me , le
World are cue from the principal NLw,pepors of
New York :
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The exlihithm itself is one of the (TRIO interest•
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