Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 21, 1854, Image 3

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    1 241g17rrZi''.
Juno 20, 1854.
• • • •59,00 ,i $9.50
Flonr per hhl.,
Red Wheat, per ha.
White Medi, per ho
Rye, per ha
Corn, per ho
Oats. per hu
Hay, per ton
Rutter, per Ih.,
Lard, per lb.,
Eggs, per doz.,
PHILADELPHIA, June 17th.—The Floor mar.
bet continues excessively dull and inactive,
and there is no demand for ehipment. Small
sales for the supply of the retailers and bakers
at $8,87} up to $9,62} for common and extra
brands, and fancy lots at higher quotations.—
GRAlN.—Wheit is dull, but there is not much
offering. Red is held at $2,05, and white at
$2.17 per bushel, without finding buyers. Rye
eold at $1,15. Corn is dull-2000 bushels yet.
low sold last evening at 82 cents.
ne most extraordinary diseoreiw in the World
is the Great Arabian Remee'y for Zan
and Beast.
This truly great medicine still goes on, con
quering disease, and snatching many a poor
powerless victim from the grave. By its pow.
erfully stimulating, penetrating and anodyne
qualities, it restores the use of the limbs which
have been palsied for years; and by its singular
power of reproducing the synovi al fl t, id or joint
water, it cures all diseases of the joints with
surprising rapidity. her rheumatism, and
fections of the spine and spleen, it ins proved
itself a speqfle ; and fJr affections of the lungs,
liver and kidneys, it is n most valuable and
powerful auxiliary; also, for all diseases of tho
glands, scrofula, goitre or swelled neck, etc.,
etc. And indeed for almost any disease where
an external application is required, this tnedi
eine stands unparalleled. Sprains, bruises,
cramps, wounds, chilblains, burns, etc.. are
speedily cured by it.
From Me Hon. Peter difenarrl, one of the oldest
settlers in
It gives me pleasure to add me testimony to
the virtues of your great medicine. One duly
blooded horses had a swelling over the cap of
the knee, about the size of a hen's egg. Some
laid it was a strain, and some, that it was the
joint water from the knee, and could not he
Cured. I tried oil cedar on it, and all the lini.
!news and ointments, and they did no more
Fond than water. T then. by persuasion of my
friends, tried H. G. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,
and I was henry to find it take effect after a
few days, and it finally cured the noble animal
entirely. I think it is decidedly the greatest
liniment for horse's, as well as 'human flesh,
ever knew.
Tremont, Tazewell co., 111., March 16th '49,
'Thatlens Smith, of Mudd Creek, Tazewell
county, Illinois, says: "I had lost the use of my
arm for more than a year, by palsy or paralysis;
the flesh had entirely withered away, leaving'
nothinxbut skin, muscle and bone. I tried all
the best doctors, and nil the remedies I could
bear of, but they did no gond. I then corn.
ramrod the use of H. C. Farrell's Arabian
Liniment, and a few bottles entirely cured me,
sad my arm is now as strong and fleshy no the
other: it is also first rate for burns, sprains and
Look out for Countofeits!
The public are cautioned against another
conuterfeit, which has lately made its appear.
once, called W. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment.
the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be
cause his having the name of Farrell, many
will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge
that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps
only discover their error when the spurious
mixture has.wrought its evil effects.
The genuine article is manufretured only by
IT. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor,
and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street,
Peoria, Illinois, • to whom all applications fig•
Agencies must lk addressed. Be sure you get
it with the letter., 11. G. before Farrell's, thus
—IL G. FARRELL'S—and his signature on
the wrapper, all others are counterfeits.
Sold by Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, R.
E. Sellers & Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts
burg, and by regularly authorized agents
throughout the United States.
"' Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle.
AGENTS WANTED in every town, village
and hamlet in the United States, in which' on
is net already established. Address H. G. Far
roll as above, accompanied with good reference
us to character, responsibility, &e.
Juno 7, 1P54-4t.
On the 15th inst., by Rev. N. S. Bneking•
bam, Mr, JOHN FORD, of Fulton county, and
Miss SAUNA C., youngest daughter of Dr.
Huffman. of this place.
Wk. Fulton county papers please copy.
On the 13th inst.. by Rev. MeMiehnel, Dr.
S. L. Sp4Nontx, formerly of Shirleysburz..this
county. and Miss Lervq7Anotaxe, slaughter of
George M. Porterfield, oi eonneo eolnty.
At his residence, near Caswille, on Saturday
tdm 17th inst., Col. Jon STEVER.
Land lbe Sale.
A TRACT OF LAND situate in Germany
Valley, near Sh;rleysitrg, Huntingdon Co.,
containing about 123 Acres, the greater part
of which is limestone, in a good state of cultiva
tion, hounded by iands of George Swine and An
drew Spanogle. JOHN LOTTS.
June 21, 1854.
Second Annual Exhibi
tion of the Cavasvllle Seminary
will he held on TUESDAY EVF.N-
Iwo the 27th, and WEDNESDAY the 26th Jane.—
Exercises on Wednesday to commence nt 10
o'clock, A. M. J. T. TOMLIN, Principal.
• June 21,1854.
Executor's Notice.
LETTERS testamentary, on the Estate of JA
-008 EFITEI, late of Cass township, Hunting
don 'county, haring been granted to the
undersigned, all persons Wetted will make im
mediate payment, end those having claims trill
present them properly authenticated for settle
ment. DAVID CLARKSON, Executor.
Jane 21;1854.-6t.•
Auditor's Notice,
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Iluntinudon-coon
ty, to distribute the balance in the hands of N.
S. Wharton, Esq., Assignee of WILLIAM K.
PEIGHTAL, Into of the borough of Huntingdon,
deed., 'amongst those entitled thereto, hereby
gives notice to nil persons interested, that he will
Attend to the duties of his said appointment. on
Friday, the 21st day of July next. ut his otiire,
in the borough of Huutingdon, at one o'clock. P.
31, of said duty, when and where nil persons in
terested may attend if they think proper.
JOHN REED, Auditor.
June 21, 1854.-4 t.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon mn.
ty, tn distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale I
of the Heal Estate of J. F. SPANGIA:R. o' . Coss
township, amongst those entitled thereto, hrrehy
gives notice to nil persons interested, that ha will
attend to making said distribution on Saturday,
the 221 duy of July next, at 2 o'clock. I'. M., at
his office, in the borough of Huntingdon. when
and where nll persons interested luny attend if
the* think proper. JOHN REED, Auditor.
June 21, 1854.-4 t.
A SUPERIOR article of Cider Vinegar for
Xi sale at the store of GEO. LAVIN. I
thin weak, Mitekerel. Herring,
&c and for Mc by J. it W. :SAXTON.
NOTICE Is barely given that VT following
deserihml property. sold at Sherirs .le on
the sth day of June inut.. en the property of Peter
Solt, of Franklin township, Ilantingdon county,
Pn., has been purelut.d by the undersigned, and
loaned to said Peter Solt, viz :
45 bend of born cattle. 6 head of horses, 12
hogs. 18 sheep, 3 two horse wagons, I one burro
wagon, 1 threshing machine, 1 wind mill, 1 groin
drill, two thirds of 2 pieees 50 acres of wheat in
the ground, two•thirds of 2 piei•es 28 acres of Rye
in the ground, two third,. of 24 nenra of corn in
the ground, two-thirds of I I arras of outs in the
ground, n lot of horse gears, and ull other person
al property.
. .
A 1 1 persons are hereby forbid interfering in any
way with
. sa said property. A. H. BEST.
June 14, 1854.-3 g..
THl:partnership heretofore existinu between
A. S. Harrison & fleoree Conch, in the
Mercnntile business, linving been dissolved. nll
persons knowing themselves indebted to mid firm
are hereby notified to call awl make settlement of
their account, by note or otherwise. Thom war
inn claims will nice present them for settlement.
The Books have been placed in the Wind.; of J.
W. MATTERN. Esq., who is duly authorized to
nettle And rollel the same. All persons inter
wed viii save treable and costs, by attending to
this notice. as suit will be inntituted for their col
lection, after a reasonable time shall hove elapsed.
(ll COUCH.
Porlstown, June 14, 1854.-3 t.
Executor's Notice.
T FTTERS testamentary. nn the Estnte of
linen Likely, late of 11nt lin townithin. Han.
thmilen enmity, ilre'ti.. hoeing keen granted to
the mideriiimeil, will mike
immediate payment,
will present them propel •.. fiir R e,
Shale GO, Jane 14, 1854.-6 t.•
NUMBER OF TEAMS to haul Metal from
Rough and Renoiv Furnace to finutiturdon.
June 14, 1854.3 t.•
S the shrill whistle of the Locomotive will
A` 5
he heard from Broad Top. giving. a new
impulse to nil kinds of business. the undersigned
hos determined not to he excelled by env steam
horse in the rountry, lie thereliire offers to the
public the most elegant stock of
Spring and Summer Clothing
ever opened in the county. embracing the most
fashionable Dress. Frock. and Sack Coats, P in ts
and Vest, Shirts, Collars. Stocks, 11 inilkerchief,
Gloves. fr.. Sc. Also, Silk and Sommer Oats
--all of which he is determined to sell CUEAPER
then the cheapest.
He has on hand a fashionable assortment of
Cas,jmere, which he will make to
order, in a superior manner.
Huntingdon, Time 7, 1854.
Dagnerrean Apparatus for Sale.
A N exeellett Apparatus with stuck and evern
I i thing complete ti r taking. will
ho meld nt n bargain. Any tmrcon wiMing tit en
gage in the business. would do well to pnrchnso
this Apparntus. and operate in Catmint.. 114
there is an excellent opening hero at this time.
Inquire or DAVID C hARKSON, Administra
tor td*John Sneer. tlee'd.
Camille. June 7, 1854.-40
0.; BARRELS superfine Floor. for sale nt the
store of GEO. GWIN.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned Auditor. appointed by the
OrMms' Court of llnntingdon o,entv, to
distribute tie balance in the hand+ of the Exec
utor of the Estate ofiame , Entrekin. Esq., late
of Hopewell township, Huntingdon county. Pa
to and among those legally entitled to the
same, under the Will of said deceased gives no
tice that he will attend for said purpose. et his
elliee, in the bortmglrof Huntingdon, on Satur
day the 24th day ofJune next. 1854.
' THt /S. P. CAMPBELL, Auditor.
May 31, 1854.-4 t.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Unutinedun count•, to
distribute the Estate of William Corbin, late of
Clay township, Huntingdon county, to.,
to and among the heir•t nil legal representatives
of said dee'd., gives notice Out he will attend lot
said purpose at his office, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, on Friday the 2341 day of June nest. '54.
May 31, 1854.-4 t.
The Russians Defeated!!!
HAVING returned from the City with a large
and sp.etulid assortment of Goods, respect
folly inform their friends and the public at largo,
that they have located themselves at Mill Creek,
and having purchased their Goods fur Cash, they
are now prepared to sell them as cheap, if nut
ClICIlp,.111:1,11 any store in the vinly. Their
Stud of alurge assortment at
Dry (oads, 'Hardware, Queensware,
Oroceries, Doe t 3 and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
nnil in sliort,ever4 rli int; usually kept in a L'onntry
Store. wi4ing to purchase will nail it
to inters, t'i give theta a call beillirc par
they are deternincil that
their intro shall 4 :Nick Sales tual Stall Prof-
N. H. All kinds of,a ml.en in cxehanzo
for good?.
Mill Creek, Mm• 31, 1c , 34.
A Strong Test of Two of
Salamander Safes.
E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO.—Gontlemen :
We take much pleasure in recommending your
Salamander Safes to men Itnnt , and others who
may desire to purchase with a view to the preser
vation of their hooks and other valuable, The
Safe we purchased (Wynn in July last, and man
ufactured by Erotic & Watson., of Philadelphia,
remained in the lire, at the hunting of our store,
mull the entire stock was consumed.
The heat was intense, as you may suppose, as
there was shout seventy barrels of liquor in the
store, on the next flour over the safe, besides
some seventy thousand pounds Or rags, rope, and
other comlinstilde !muter. We had the safe
opened after the the had ceased, and fitund our
bunks and papers IPHIIIT.CTLY PRESERVED.
Please get us up another of your Safes, of ths
same size, for uur future use, soon as possible,
and oblige, lt. Bt. W. W. Isaac.),
No. 116 Light Street Wharf.
Baltimore May 17, 1854.
Messrs. E. & T. Fairbanks & en.—Gentlemen:
It gives me much pleasure to hear testimony to
the excellency of your Salamander Safes. The
tine 1 purchinied of you in July host. mimuliictured
by Et ans & 31'111.'11.11f Philadelphia. saved my
hooks and valuable papers, when every thing else
in the store was destroyed by tire. on the morn
ing of the 14th inst., at No. 110 I d3 l / 1 3 $ 3,3103
wharf. 13. F. WILLIS.
118Ithttore,lity 16th, 1854
The short; Safee eau be sera st R.
& T. Fairbanks & (7o.'s warehouse, 111 West
Pratt street, near Light street wharf.
G. C. Earls°, Agent.
No, PG South POMO' Fl Street, Philadelphia,
(lute No. 83 Duck weel.) . .
Hare now on hand n huge assortment of their
Bank N'aults and Iron Doors for Rank Storm',
Patent Slate Lilted Refrigerators, iVater filters,
Seal and Letter Copying Preises, Fairbank's
Platform and Comfier Scales. _ .
Side Agency thr lintterwortini. Dettley'a,
Yates' and Jones' Patent Powder-prnot Hank
Locke. Please give us a call.
600 PI
cla Wall andl
uZetelolee pattern nub tho
stern of lily GWIN.
Administrator's Notice.
T ETTERS of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned, on the Srhue of
JAMES WATKINP, hue of the horough of Alexan
dria. Huntingdon county.'llee'd., all pet POTIF in
debted to leis entitle will make immediate payment
and those leaving claims will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
May 24, 1454.-61.
Whore may ha obtained the most speedy rem ,
edy for
SECRET DiSEASES.—Oleets Strictures,
Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections
of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar altections
arising from a secret habit, particularly the youth
of both sexes.. which if not cured, produces con
stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi
ble, and in the end destroys both Mind and Body.
Young Men,
especially, who have become the victims of Sol
itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
which annually sweeps to On untimely grave thou
sands of young men of the most exalted talents
mid brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have
entranced listening senates with the thunders of
eloquence, or waked to eestacy the living lyre,
may call with full confidence.
Married Persouß.
or those contemplating marriage. bring owner of
physical weakness, should immediately consult
Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health.
Hr. Johmto is,
office No. 7 Souls Fredrick St.. seven inert from
Baltimore Street, east side up the steps. Wile
particubir iu obtaining the mime and number, or
you will mistake the place.
A cure warranted, ur nu charge mode, in from
one to two day,
TAKE NOTIM—Dr. Jolintton's office is in hit
dwelling, up the steps. list very extensive Min
tice is a sufficient guarantee, that he is the only
1,1,)1,1 ,h • ::;eimu to apply to.
tic. Joltton, member • ele Cohere of
Surgeons. London, gra lame from site of else
emiinnt Coleges of she United States, and
the greater part ofirho«r li•r hear, sooot it
the Hospitals of I,ondtm, Paris Philiidelphin, nod
elsewhere. hag effected some of the most Aston
ishing cures that were over known, ninny trust
bled with ringing in the eart and head when
asleep, great nervousnms, being alarmed at mid
den sounds, and !wilfulness, with frequent blush
ing attended something with derangement of
mind, were eared immediately.
A CiarrAlNAsg.—lt is it melancholy fact
that on victims to this horrid disease
owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of that deadly poistm Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, canning the most serious
semptoms of that dreadful disease to make their
appearance, melees affections of the head, nose,
throat, skin. etc., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death puts n period to their dreadful
satrering, by t,ntling them io that Bourne whence
no traveler retort's.
TAKE l'AuTicet.An Nonce.--Young men who
have injtired themselves by a certain practice in
dulged in when alone—a habit ftequently learned
from evil emnpanions, or at sehool—the effects
of which are nightly felt.eren when asleep, and
if not eared renders marriage impossible, and de.
!gross both mind and holy.
What n pity that a young man, the hope of his
country, and the darling of his parents should he
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
life by the conseutienee otileriating from the path
of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit.
Such persons before contemplating Marriage,
xhnuld emket that it sound 111111,1 111111 body are
tIIC lIIOSI necessary renni•Ue , to promote contin•
bial happiness. Indeed %int...tit these, the jour
ney through life. becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, nn l filled
wills the melancholy reflection, that the happiness
ofanother !meow. , blighted with our own.
es young tnen, and all who have injured them
selves be private and improper indulgence.
PUISSAN,—These are some ol' thesail and
melancholy effects produced by early habits of
youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs,
Pains in the heed, Dimness of Sight, Loss of
Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart Dys
pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the
Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms
of Consumption....&c... . . .
MENTA Li.y—The fearful effects on the mind are
much to he 'treaded; Loss of memory, Confusion
of ideas, Spirit, Evil Forhodings;
Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Soli
tude' &c., are some of the 'evils produced.
Tlionsattils of persons of all ages,can now judge
what is the cause of their declining health. Los
ing their rigor, becoming weak, polo and emacia
ted, hare seignior appeorance about the eyes,
cough and s; mtoms of consumption.
Married persons, or those contemploting mar
riage, being aware of physical weakness, should
immediately consult Dn.!. awl he restored to per
fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, M,l. •
\• B. Let to false delimicy prevent you, but ap.
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cured,
- - .
To STltANcuan--The many thousands cured
at this Institution within the lust ten years, end
the numerous important :Surgical Operations
perfurin.l by Dr. J.,witnessed by the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persons, notices of
which hove appealed again and again 1,6,6 the
public, is u sufficient guarantee that the indicted
will find a skillful and honorable phys'cian.
As there are so many ignorant and worthless
quacks advertising themselves as Physic,n,rnin.
log the health ot the afilicted 1)1.. Johnston would
say to those unacquainted with reputation that
his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his
Weakness of the organs immediately cured,
and full vigor restored
Or All letters post paid—remedies sent by
May 22, 1554.-ly.
Fish for Salle.
15 Barrels Susquehanna Shad,
13 " 44
just received and fur sale at the store of
(LO. G Wft
T UST reveiveil n benntifid ...twits.; of 6.1
J iped and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by
To Mill-Wrights and Builders.
PROPOSALS will he received, by the touter
signed, up to the let day of July nest, for
- .....,..„. . the ereciiiiii ;Ind romplation of ti
A i - - I t a e .„ s li7 l (rTir i . e .s k “tt r ir.
. ,
1 7 1%
9 Farm," adjoining the Borough of
.. . .. .. . .
The 'Mill in to he propelled by water, and to
be calculated Mr ten pairs of Mum
Brick cnn be mode, end Stone procured, with
in half a Mite of the prensines.
Plan tied npecilicatimin furnished on applica
tion, by mail, or pertomilly, to
Heating/on, May 17, 1854.-rd.
"Blair Comity Whig," ••Trite Denmerat” ant
"Harrisburg Telegraph” publish nix times end
charge thin Ake.
HAISIB. Shoulders and Flitch, fin. sale or the
stun) ot GEO. GWIN.
25 8 .,1 ` ,114 ' , silo at the scorn of GIGO. G%VIN.
Ad au inistrator't Notice.
ETTEits of Atlministr Rion having been
j granted to the undersigned on the Estitte of
.loiiw SPELII, late or the borough of Caysvillo•
Huntingdon county, deed., ell persons knowing
themselves indebted will make immediate pay
ment, end thus having claims will present them
properly authenticated but settlement.
Cassville, May 17, 1854.-60
BLANKS.--Always hay your Blanks at the
"Journal (Mice." We have now prepared a ve
ry superiorartiule of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS,
TIONS, &c.
Dr. Jas. IWClintoek% Family Medicino
side by HORACE W. SMITH.
Huntingdon, March 29, 1854.-3 m.
Knn Ihs. of Cod bin received and fo
solo by J. & W. ISArrox.
nicAns,cANDlEs,&e.,&e.,wholegolo and
retail, at tlio cl.edit store of J. BRICKER.
A beautilitl eesurtntent of Silk Dress Patterns,
Illark Silk, and Bonnet Listimt, just reeeiv
ed.and fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
1 n BARRELS Roe Herring, just received and
I for sale at the more of tiEO.
Cassville, Huntingdon County, Penna.
MilE School Your is divided into three Terms
of 14 weeks each. The present Tern, ela
tes 27th June.
Rev. J. T. TOMLIN, A. 8., Principal.
Mrs. TOMLIN, Prereptress.
Min EMMA PHILLIPS, Mimic Tcarhe,
E. V. MANN. Ass; in Female Department.
Rev. W. ARBUCKLE, Steward.
CHAROMI t—For Tuition. Board, Room-rent and
Bedding. $lOO per annum. One
half payable in advance.
EXTRAS:—Music, Painting, end the Modern
Languages. Pupils not remaining one
year. will be charged $1,75 per week,
for Board, kr.. as above, and the usu
al rates for Tuition.
The Trustees of Cwsville Seminary confident
ly recommend the new Principal awl Board of
Instruction to the friends and patrons of the In
stitution. The high character acquired hv the
Principal. ns n Teacher, in one of the hest insti
tutions in the Eastern States. will he fully sus
tained in the new position ho assumes.
Miss the Music Teacher, has justly
earned a high reputation-in her Profession, amt
it in hoped that the efforts of the Board to supply
competent instructors in all the departments of
the School, will he met by the same liberal sup
port heretofore received.
J. W. CLARK, President.
GEO. W. SPEER. ScerctstrYs
May 10, 1854 —2,n.
15,000 vailLpLoTp",,,E,r B gong
embracing every variety usuallykept •
in a Piliimialphin tick Clime, for sale ahvleanlc
and RllO vary low fur r ::.
°tilers from all parts of tine conntzy solicited,
and will he promptly and faithfully attended to.
Schou, Bunks and Stationary of every kind will
ha kept con•tantly un hand at the Ittwent rates.
Harper's Magazine and Godey's Lady's Book,
can he hail every month as soon as out.
Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad
St., Huntingdon, Pa.
1000 Pieces Wall Paper, all of which was
purchased this Spring, of the latest and most
fashionable styles to he found in Philadelphia,
for side very low, front 12} its. n piece and up
wards. at C 010..% ('heap Book Store,
opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Huntingdon Pa.
April 26, 1654.
H".inst returned from the east with a large
and splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Clothing,
for men and hoys, made in the latest lividon and
in the most thimble manner. Wloo ever wants
to ho dressed Netter and cheaper than anvloooly
else in town, let him call at WILLOUGHBY'S
CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, one 1100 r went of T.
Read & Son's drop, store. Huntingdon,
Call and see for yourselves.
April 19, 1854.
Now's the T;me far Bargains!
30 per cent. Cheaper than the
Cheapest 1 !
MBE undersigned most respectfully nu n - moos
I to the citizens of linntimplon and vicinity,
that be has opened one oldie best and most splen
did assortment of Ready-Made Clothing that lies
ever been in the Borough of Hunting ht. lie
token pleasure in stating to the public that he is
fully prepared to sell
Cheaper than the Cheapest!
lie will constantly keep on hand the greatest
variety of the fullowitig tivtichis, viz:
Superfine Black Dress - and Frock
Coats, brown and holey sack coats, pantaloons
new style, Mark and fancy cassiinere, and cocci
net and corduroy.
Aldo, a great i airety of plain and fancy
Summer Pantaloons.
Vests, the richest and most varied assortment
ever offered its this place.
Ildys' clothing, linen shirts, silk under-shirts
and drawers.
A choice aelectinn of neck and pocket hand
kerchief's.—Also a large stock of
Hate and Caps,
limbrellas,trunka, carpet-bugs, and a great many
other articles. •
frer Persons wishing to buy clothing would do
well to call and examine this stuck before pur
chasing elsewhere.
(Fir Store two doors west of the Poet Office,
liiintingdnn, April 19.1954,
J. & W. S.SATON,
LTAVE just received Philmielphie. the
largest and hest assortment of Spring end
Stemmer Goods ever offered, and at lower prices
them can ho pareha•ied at any other house. They
are determined to cell lower than can he purchased
anywhere mud of the Allegheny, and on mistake.
If you wish to he satisfied of the fleet, call and see.
Dry - Goods,
arch ns (7101,11 g. ClSSialerS, Satinetts, Tweeds,
Cialdreus' warn. Cottonad. , , wooed.
The handsomest assortment of I.ld,es Dre , :
Goods ever ofrered. Also. Trim:idea or every
vari,v. the nest assortment ever &Fere' •
1000 wehs assorted Prints, sad every other
article usually kept in a country store.
of which we always keep the largest and best as•
sortment ever kept in this place.
Queenswa re,
a magnificent assortment, which we are selling
quite low.
are n little up, but we are determined to sell at
low if not lower, than any other house,aecordlng
to quality.
Cedar and Willow Ware,
such as Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Krout Stands,
Carpels and Oil Cloths.
n healtiful assortment. wldell will ho bold low,
cull and see and he satietie.l of the fact.
flats and Caps.
of the very hoe.t end he,t ct% also
Boots and Shoes,
the heat and el;;,:estliilown, if you don't be-
I ieve it, CALL. AND 000.
We are also purchaFing and Ftoring Grain,
and it k admitted on all Ilan& that we have the
must convenient plaeo for unloading grain in or
about town, April 12, 1854.
rrIIE greatest variety of Dress Trimmings,
I Fens, Craving. Zetfir, Tyile Yarn, Dregs
Buttons, Ladies Collars, Cliennzetts, Fancy
Dilkfs., Under Sleeves, and Lyle Timm!
Gloves. and llasiery of every variety, jest recei
ved and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
A BEAUTIFUL lot of Gents. Gnitors. Ladies
Gaitors and Shoos, Gents. Boors and Shoes,
Misses 01111 SllOO. of an endless variety,
just received and fur sale by
QILK Dress Muttons, Henze to Lanes, Bern
zoo, and Lawns of every variety and color,
just received and for sale by
ABEAUTIFUL assortment of Fancy Casei
morn, Clothe, Summer Wear, fur men and
boys. Also, Carpet Baps, receiv
ed and for side by J. & W. SAXTON.
BONNETS of art sorts and colors, also, miss'
D Flats, front 311 to 300, jest received and for
sale by J. it W. SAXTON.
QILVER Rutter Noires, and Salt Spoons ? to
13 E. Snares Chettp.lewelry Store,
For sale at the Cheap Store of J. BRICKER.
ACHOICE lot of Shiegle? for sale at the
cheer :tore o 1. BRIC KER.
The New Jersey Zino Company
end improved the quality of their products, are
prepared to execute orders for their
DRY, nod GROUND IN OIL, in assorted pack
ages &from 25 to 500 pounds; also
DRY, in herrels, of 200 pounds each.
Their WHITE ZINC, which is sold dry or
ground in oil, is warranted PURE and unsur
passed to BODY and uniform whiteness.
A method of preparation has recently been
discovered, which enables the Company en war
rent their points to keep fresh and soft in the'
kegs for any reasonable time. In this respect
their paints will be superior to any other in the
Their Brown Zinc Paint, which issold nt slow
price, and cnn only be made front the Zinc ores
from New Jersey, is now well known for its pro
tective qualities when applied to iron or other
metallic surfaces.
Their Stone Color Paint possesses all the pro
perties of the Brown, and is of an agreeable col
or fur painting Cottages, Depots, Oat-buildings,
Bridges, &c.
Dealers sopplied nn liberal terms by their
IMolesale Paint Dealers and Importers,
N. W. ear. of 10th & Market Sts., Phila.
April 10, 1854.-6 m.
HAS just received, and opening, at his well
known Store in Market Square, the largest
gnu iiretticst assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods
erer offered to the people of Huntingdon end
viri,ity, and is nuw rapidly selling nt unusually
low prices.
My stock comprise. in part, Cloths, Cassimers,
block and fancy, Satinett. a large variety of
Satin and Silk Vestings, ientucky and Penna.
Jeans, Tweeds. Tickings, brown and bleached
Muslin% Drills, Crash Bags and Bagging, Table
Diaper, &c.
Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods.
Prints in abundance, Mous. de Lanes, De Berege,
Alpaccas, Lustros, Muck and fancy, colored
Silk., Cashmeres, Bonnet and Florence Silk
Edging Ribbons, fancy Gimp, black silk Lace,
colored Kid Gloves. Gents black do., Linen and
Silk Handkerchiefs, Italian Cravats, Hosiery, &e.
Boots and Shoes.
Hardware, Queensware, Glassware
and Cedar Ware,
flats and Caps,
A great variety of
Straw Goods.
My stock has been selected with th - e greatest
care in regard to quality nnd price, and I flatter
myself that I can MY, inducements to purchasers
not to he found elsewhere.
Thankful for the patronnge of the past, by my
friends, and the public generally, I respectfully
solicit a continnanee of the Came.
C.:0; My old stock of Gooda will he sold at 15
percent. below coot. April 12,1854.
HA vim, removed his extensive Store to No. 1,
Meeithan's Row. torieerly occupied by T.
N. Simonton, is now prepared to accommodete
Isis old custotners, and the public generally, with
a splendid and fashionable assortment of
His assortment consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware,
and all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country
Store. Also, a beautiful eneap and elegant as
sortment of
Ladies' Dress Goods.
and Trimmings of cvery variety. Also, Hats;
Caps, Helmets. Boots and Shoes, and a variety of
goods of all kinds.
Country produee taken in exchange for goods,
at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, April 5, 1851.
liF unricrsiened have for sale a second-hand
l. ed Carding Machine, with all the ne
cessary fixtures, which they offer for sale very
low. ATIV ono wishing to purchase will do well .
to Coll and ace it. KESSLER S. BRO.
Mill Creek, April 12. 1854.-3 m."
Executor's Notice.
LETTERS Testamentary on the Estate of Su
stimuli Shade, late Susannuli Levi, late of
the Borough of Huntingdon, deed., having been
grunted to the undersigned, all persons indebted
will make immediate) payment, and those having
claims will present them properly authenticated
for settlement. A. W. BENEDICT,
April 5,'84.-6t. Execute,.
VAI +"..1 - TDIII,
I here jest received, and am Time o p en i ng , on
the corner ()mil - Kite Coots' Hotel, a large and
beautiful assortment of
Spring and Summer Goods.
enns;,tira of Clink, ners, Faneynn•lPlelm
silkg. Finley and Block, Hem,. DeWitt:. Scream , '
Bard DOM., Lawns, Gingkonts, Linens, Mos
and nrints of every description.
Ohre , , Silk Mittrq Long and Short, Veil:. Col
by,. Under-sleeves, Ribbons, Shawls, and a Am
rimy of DRESS GOODS tuu numerous to men
tion. . .
Also, a large assortment of Bonnets. Hats and
Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, and Hardware,
Carpets, Oil Cloths and Carpet Bags, Clothes
and Market Baskets, Bockats, Churns, Tubs, &r.
The public are respectfully invited to call and
examine my Goods, as I am determined to sell
them cheap.
All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex
citing., fin• Goods at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, April 5. 1954.
CWELLS &CO.. Pork Packers and
. Wholesale Provision Dealers, No. 325,
Liberty st., Pittsburgh, will keep on hand,
ready to supply at all times and on the shortest
notice, choice and reliable articles in their line of
business and upon accommodating terms. Their
main stock will consist of Flacon. Lard Oil,
Lard,tiugareured Hams, Dried Beef,
&c. They hove also made arrangements fur an
early supply of
Lake Superior White Fish and Mack-
tuaw Trout,
in hhls, and half bids., and which, coming direct
from the extremest Northern waters, will he very
mach superior to those of any other catch, and
they will he able to oiler these favorite articles at
lower rates than the inferior ur Southern catch
are supplied in this market.
C. Wells & Co., desire to call the attention of
DEALERS and IRON MEN, particularly, to their
stock of BACON, in the selection and prepara
tion Or which particular attention has been given
to the quality, so as to otter to customers the
most reliable article. Orders will receive prompt
attention. [March 29, 1854.-3 m.
Brilliant Display of Jewelry
spHE public generally, mid the rascals who,
I some time since, entered my store and remo
ved valuables to the amount of about $llOO
without my permission, are informed that I buss
Just opened u more general and bettor assortment
of articles In my line of business than was ever
brought to Huntingdon, consisting of Watches,
Juwolry, Clocks, Fine Knives,
Pistols, Perfumery, Port on
naies, Silver Ware, and Fancy
Articles, 6:e., Le. My old friends and customers,
and the liable in general throughout the county,
are requested to call end examine my-assortment.
lluetingdon,.Mereh 29, 1051.
Electro-Magnet Lightning Rods,
A FTER many years' close investigation and
numerous experiments. the Patentee takes
pleasure in informing the public that he has arri
ved at the tree principles of protecting familial,
dwellings and property from the destructive in
fluence of Lightning. The calamities that
every City, Town, Village and Country falls vic
tim to annually, through the groin negligence of
its inhabitants, s beyond ealeuktion, especially
when the remedy is so easy to obtain—this is
found in Armilage's Patent Magnetic
Lightning Rods, and in this 'lone. This
Rod has been examined by the must scientific
gentlemen in the world—Professors M'Murtrie,
Johnson, Waller and many others that have ex
amined them. recommend and speak of them in
the highest terms of approbation, and have pro
nounced them the only safe rods in use in this or
any other country, for the protection of Lives and
Property. One advantage is to divide and throw
hack a part of the electric fluid harmless to the
clouds; In time of a stroke this enables the rod
to coduct that portion of fluid that belongs to
the earth without the slightest danger of leaving
the conductor. This rod has many other sdvan
tam over the old one. The only place of man
utacturing is in
Vine St.. 3 doors above TioelOb, Philadelphia,
when all persons nre respeettullv invited to call
and examine for themselves. For sale Whole
sale and Retail, by THOS. ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash.
PHILA... Aug. 13, 1847.
I have this day carefully inspected a conductor
or Lightning Rod, with vane and index, erected
by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue House.
Gloucester, and have no hesitation in saying that
it is not only the best that I have ever seen, but
.that it is the only ono I have yet examined that
isuonstructed on strictly scientific principles. It
is with touch pleasure that I recommend this
conductor to the attention of owners of Itilaings.
I run well satisfied that the Magnetic: Ligliati3g
Rod, manufactured by Mr. Thomas Armitage, of
Philadelphia, is the best that has ever bean made*
I have spent several years in the study of the laws
of electricity and magnetism, and have no hesita
tion in saying that these Rods are constructed
upon the only principle of safety. The electric
shock is received and dispersed by the magnet at •
the top of the rod, and it would ho impossible,
according to the laves of attraction and repulsion, I
for a building to he injured by a stroke of light
ning when pro•ected by one of these rods. I
have been acquainted with Mr. Armitage for sev
eral years, and before he commenced the menu
fileture of these rods I examined the principle on
which they are constructed, and felt convinced
that their adoption would he attended with com
plete SUCeess. The increasing demand for these
rods, and the extensive sales in all parts of the
country, is ample commendation of their utility
and superiority.
Rising Sun, PhiWl. Ca., April 10, 11352.
The hollowing extract is taken from an editori
al in the Germantown Telegraph, edited by Major
Loges rod placed upon ourdwelling we
have had taken down; and another creted by Mr.
ARMITAGE, to which we would call the attention
of our farmers and readers generally. It is put
up on true scientific principles, and iv a rod that
has been approved by the highest authority, and
will bear the moot thorough examination. Those
who have been deceived, as we have been, should
lose no time in having a proper protection against
lightning, substituted. The cost is it mere bag
atelle when cotitintred with the entire setety of
our houses and barns against this destructii e ele
ment. Mr. ARMITAGE'S advertisement will be
found in the columns of this paper; and we feel
as though we were performing an imperious duty
to the community, by thus inviting to it general
PIIII.ADELPITIA, Dec. 4, 1852.
Mr. T. ARMITAGE, Vine Street., west of Twelfth
Street, Philattelphin..
. -
MY DEAR S IR : After a trial of many weeks, it
aflbrds me great pleasure to inform you that I
am highly delighted with the lightning rod you
placed upon my house ut BuStleton. As far as
my chemical knowledge enables not to perform
an opinion, I am satisfied you have developed
the correct principles in the adaptation of rods to
protect property from destruction by lightning; as
soon as the advantages of your arrangements are
understood, I am convinced that few persons will
be found so reckless as to fail to avail themselves
of the protection afforded by your rods. Wishing
you all success in your enterprise,
1 am yours truly,
No. I, North Eleventh Street,
Professor of Anatomy, Philadelphia College of
Ilortieion, Union Co., Pa..
Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining counties,
and will furnish the Halo on the .W 0 wanner as
the Proprietor. Any person desiring to be sup
plied With the Rods can leave their order with the
Editor or the Journal, or with Griffins 31iller, u
the Rail Road Hotel. April 12,'24.—0m.
Midgeburg Female Seminary,
Rev. JAmrs CA3IPPCLI„ A. M., Nine.;Fal
Juniata Academy,
Ht - cu J. CAMPBELL.. 8., )
A. C. FENDALL, .1•1,11,11. S.
THE Summer Session of these Tnstittitions
commences on Wednesday, tie Sib of 3fay,
end continues five months. They are situated in
the retired Village of Shirleyshurg, in the heart
of one of the most lovely and fertile vullies of the
. . • .
In ' a
rural district, among one Cl the plainest i
and simplest people of PennsylV3llia, apart from
tit, hustle and evils of it thormightiir, or Jorge
town, convenient of access frmo all SAWA. With a
community *noted for its temperance and morali
tv, and possessing at healthy niul unusually beau
tiful 5111111!1011. this Village presents advantages
for Literary Institutions, which strike the eye of I
every visitor. Each one possesses new and cam
invidious buildings, and to full corps of teachers.—
'f:te•.• entirely generate government end i
instruction, being situated sisal. all v.rte.• '
mile apart, and having nothing in riflemen ex-
cept that the use of the Academy Apparatus is I
given to the Seminary.
'fits course of instruction is thorough and ex
tensive, embracing the branches usually taught
in such Institutions. These Schools offer two!
principal inducements: first, the most extensive
and complete Philosophical and Chemical Appal.-
mils in this section of the State, to which Prufes
sor FEximu.. has made the valuable addition of
his choice collection of Astronomical and Mathe
matical Instruments, including a tine Astronomi
cal Telescope; scrotal, the elle:times, o fth e t er ,
Wishing to render their linitittitions, as far as
they candiece.ileletoallstlie Principals bare redo •
rail the mice of boarding to the lowest possible
sum. The regular expenses at the Female Sem , I
inary, excluding the ornamental branches, are
$50,00 per session, while at other similar Institu
tions the prices vary tram $58,00 to $90.00 per
session. in the Academy, the whole expense of
tuition, hoarding, washing, fuel, light and room
rent, will vary from $45,00 to $50,00 per session. ;
The whole number of pupils at both schools, for
tile past year, was upwards of InO. Special l;lass
rs tbr those wishing to qualify themselves I
for teachets.
A Fancy Department wilt he added to the Sem
inary' in which n mime of lessons of 4 to 6 weeks
will he given in Gilding and Bronzing, on wood
and Stone, Enahroidery en Satin, Crape, Ence,
Muslin, et cote.. Yonng ladies that wish it,
can receive instruction in this department atone, I
which will only require their attendance at the
Seminary for the time of the course. Terms $3,00.
The following notices of Prof. Hart's Whole
World are cut from the principal Newspapers of
New York
Prof. Hart's Great Gilt Enterprise is taking the
city by storm. Almost everybody we meet has
either purchased a ticket or it about doing so.—
The exhibition itself is ono of the most intereat•
ing, instructive and ingenious ever exhibited in
this country, and is worth folly one dollar to
view it, The Protessor will give a grand Free
Excursion to every purchaser of his one dollar
tickets to his elegant country seat, which is one
of the gifts in his Great Enterprise, and a year's
subscription to his valuable Journal, and alto one
NOTICE. of the 350,000 gifu.—Atlas.
NRIMY COBNPBOBST havingjust re• and entertaining exhibition
.11 turned from Philadelphia with a largo and World is at Nos. 37 7 and 379 Broadway. For
well selected stock of Dry Goods, Boots Ss I ono dollar four tickets may be procured for the
Shoes, Hardware, Crockery-Ware, I exhibition, and one valuable gift, which may ho
&C., embracing the usual variety of a country to independent fortune for the receiver, and also
store, which he has been enabled to purchase up- I Ott o ve„,Js subscrip tion en the Illustrat e d Journal
on terms permitting hint to compete succeasfully n T he Whou r
with any other store in the vicinity, would res. Pao, Mures Witotu W0m.0.-The SUOMI&
pectfully solicit the patronage of his friends and which this extraordinary, Ingenious and compre
hensive work of art it meeting, is commensurate
with its merits; It is the test ono only one of the
present, to suit the totes and accommodate the kind ever coacsived, and it stands foi th as mon
pc I t= atsolitle would
t i o d l l e t n a d t e i satisfied of t his ine r at y P a
- I
wishes of the public at largo. anent of the unweary patience and porseveranes
He is moored to .11 very low for cum.— I of man, and as a most WOEdErtilh 4EvelepRIRH of
rcasenaldcrotor.... ••• .- March k March 1:9, wis-stn.
Country Product, tf.kert in exchange at the most mental fertility.....Tribun,
Tuition inr?, , able in Advance. No pupils admit
ted tbr less than half a session. No deduction
for absence, except in cases of protracted sick
nest. For circulars and further information ad
dress (post paid) the Principals,
Shirleysburg, March 29, 1524.-3 m.
Great Gift Enterprtsr
011012 7EMID.
No. 377 and 379 Broadway, New Tork.
Prof. J.WOODMA24 HART• • Prop'r and Manner.
F. H. E. BROWN Manlier,
G. L. Manion Corresponding Secretary,
C. ASHTON 11ANKINS• • • •I)escriptiva Lecturer.
respectfully inform the citizens of New-York
and the world at large; that, for the pnrpoee of
scenting for the Mammora ILLusrawrso Jock-
NAL called
the largest circulation of any literary or husinesa
paper extant, and the the purpose of ennobling
all to see his wonderful illustration of the Entire
World, (the first and only thing of the kind
ever produced.) now on exhibition at the World's
Hall, Nos. 377 and 373 Broadway, and for the
purpose or popularising American Arta end also
of giving a world• wide circulation to his renown ,
ed "Book of Travels, Adventures and Anecdotes,'
which should be reed by the million. he will dis
tribute amung the purchasers of his tickets of ad
mission the following magnificent and valuably
Gina, amounting to the sum total of $300,000.
Prof. Pr rt's WI oiu World, worth an immonoo
: to ni,y $50,000 00
Prof. Hart's Elegant Country Scat,
with 100 acres of land in a high state
of cultivation, the buildings on which
cost $15,000, situated on Lung Island
Sound, and commanding a magnifi
cent view of 30 miles in every direc
tion, valued at
A Cash Loan for 100 years, without
interest or security,
The Celebrated Model of the City of
San, valued ut 8,000 00
Prof. Hart's liar-famed Panorama of
the Holy Land, 10.000 00
A Magnificent city Residence in N. Y. 17,000 00
100,000 'Volumes of Prof. Hares ex
tensive Travels in the Old and New
World, interspersed with remarkable
Adventures, Amusing Anecdotes, &
Thrilling Incidents. elegantly bound,
with gilt edges, including a portrait
of the author
Twenty-five Building Lots, each con
taining 10,000 square feet, in a Lea u
-11011 village in the suburb,. of N. Yank
City, each valued at $5OO, 12,500 00
Tairty elegant Rosewood Piano
Fortes, nt
5 66 it
$3OO 9,000 00
500 2,500 00
20 " " Melodians, 100 2,000 00
50 " Gold Watches, 100 5,000 00
100 " 41 4: 75 7.500 00
100 " " " 50 5,000 00
200 11 11 If 25 5,000 00
100 " " Bracelets, 15 1,500 00
1000 " " Rings, 2 2,000 00
2000 61 66 46 1 2,000 00
200 sets elegant Silver Tea
spoons, 9 1,800 00
" " Dessert
50 "
20.000 vols.
12 000 00
18 450 00
Mrs. Partington's carpet bag of
fun, at 50 cts.
10,000 00
30,000 pieces of the most Fashionable Music.
at 25 cts• 7.500 00
35.000 elegant steel engravings.2s cts. 8,750 00
80,000 finely engraved pocket maps of the city
of New York, 14,127 75
31,059 pone monnaies, at 25 Ms. 7,772 25
A Valuable Gift for ETery Ticket.
Enelt 141 'Picket ontit , .. oho
Year's subscription to :he illustrated nod Family
Literary and Commercial Journal, rolled I. Too
Wonm ' " and to Four Admissions to
the Exhibition of Whole World. and also to
one of the 300,000 Gifts, thus insuring "rerY Putt
son investing in this stupendous enterprise rho
full worth of his or her money, and a rare chanco
to realize a fortune he,.i.les. Ticket buyers will
also receive, engraved on their ticker, when pur
chased, an elegant Portrait of Professor Hert, and•
a correlt end elaborate drawing of his splendid
Country Sent, one of the Gifts, to ulna a Grand
Free Excursion will he
When the 300,00 D tickets are sold, the proper
ty will he *col at the disposal au Committee
appointed by the ticket holders bl any place
wherein the grvatest number have *en sold, to
he distributed as shall be perfectly fair and
factory to all concernadtandjudeingfrom the in
creasing rnpidity with which the tickets are being
purchased by all classes of people, itt every part
orate countrv. it is reasonable to conclude that.
the enterprise wilt soon terminate in the happiest
It mill not by necessory for ticket holders to he
present at the distriliution of the Gilts, unless
they wish to, as they will he duly notified of rho
time mid manner of the partition of the property,
and all may safely rely upon the honorable fulfil
ment of the undertaking, and the perfectly fair
and satisfactory disposition of the above namcd
Gifts. When the Gills are awarded, holders of
tickets shall alit) he promptly notified as to what.
Gins they wilt reecive.
'Any information reiative to the Gifts may his
obtained tierogii the office of the World's flail,
where also mac he had any responsible reference
Alt orders IT mnit mo 4 he addreeserl, post
paid, money. inclosed, to Prot: 'Woodmen Ham
World's Moll, 377 nnii 379 liraedw,ty, New York.
soul the ticket, with a copy of the paper, will he
Proopt'y to at., pert of the world.
• ,itti ordurs me recciv . ed nßoc the tickets h.o
all been sold, tie money wit he prem;tly ramm
ed, post-paid, to the person sending it.
Correspondents will please write distinctly
their name and residence, county and state, to
prevent errors.
It is ndrisable for those desirous of securing*
year's subscription to the unique Pictorial'.font
nal called
To remit the money immediately, in order to
commence with the beginning of the let rein:na
-1 W00D34 AN HART, Prop'r and Editor.
New York References.
L. E. lima:LEY, 49 Wall street.
F. J. %%swill:ft & Co., Iteal Estate Brokers, 34C
Agents.—Persons desiring to become Agents
for the sale of Tickets, by forwarding (post-paid)
tine Dollar, shall he sent a Gift Ticket and a
Prospectus, with the paper, containing all neces
sary information.
Opinions of the Press.
25,000 00
75,000 00