Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 14, 1854, Image 4
°nicht) Directory of Hunt. Co. President Judge: fon. Gen. Tvrt.on., of Huntingdon. associate Judges : Hon. Jim. 31•Wrwas0s, of Franklin tp, Hon. T. F. STEWART, of West tp. District attorney: J. SEIM STawAaT, of Huntingdon. Sherif: JOSHUA ORXINLAND, of Huntingdon. Sheriff's Counsel: Dawn BLarn, Esq., of Huntingdon. Prothonotary : TEM. R. Noun, Esq., of Huntingdon, Re#ster, Recorder, tee. : N. F. CANTRELL, of Henderson tp. Counts, Commissioners : THOmAs HAIM ? of West tp. EVIL 830 Th, of Union tp. SAMUEL IVInTon, of Franklin tp. Commissioner's Clerk: HENRY W. MILLER, of Huntingdon. Commissioner's attorney : Jowl REED, Esq., of Huntingdon. auditors : HENRY BREWSTER; of Shirleysburg. RALPH CROTSLEY, of Cass tp. DAVID PARKER, of Warriorsmark. Treasurer : Jocumu M. STEVENS, of Petersburg. Directors of Poor: SAMUEL MATTEN, of Franklin tp. JOHN BREWSTER, of Shirley tp. JAMES SAXTON, of Huntingdon. Poor House attorney : DAVID BLAIR, Esq., of Huntingdon. Poor House Treasurer : HENRY BREWSTER, of Shirley tp. Deputy Surveyor: J. S. AFRICA, of Huntingdon. Coroner: ISAAC IVOLVERTON, of Brady tp. Court Crier: SAMUEL S. SMITH, of Huntingdon. Stoves, Cauldrons and Forges. THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of Merchants and others who are in want of in first eli t e Othz. Stove for either Wood or Coal. to their t ' extensive stock of COME ~roves, C0MP6 4 1.1): greater assortment than con he found at env oth er establishment in the City. They would also invite the attention of Hotel Keepers to their ce lebrated Buck Cook, 3 sizes, capable of cooking fur front 100 to 600 persons. Also the Globe Cook, Capitol do., Complete do., Yocum do., Hagar do., and it number of others. Purchasers would do well to give them a call before pucka ting,.elsowhere. Also, Cdul.lrons with furnaces attached C.o. I.calding hogs, rendering litr.i. and boiling. food for stook. Sole Agents for QUEEN'S PATENT PORTABLE FORGE. NEMAN & SVARNICK, (Sneemors to POtti & Yocum and P. F. Ha. gar & Co., N. E. Cur. of 2101 and Race streets, Philadelphia. [March 22, '54.-3m. J. STEWART DEPUF, at 223 North Secosn Street, below Caw bill, PHILADELPHIA; has on band, a nplendid assortment of Velvets, 'I apentry, Brussel% e, 2 Three Ply, Ingrain, and Venitian CAneErs: ;" besides Druggets, Canton and Cocoa MAT rms. Winnow Shades ' Door MAUR. Floor F, and Table OIL CLOTHS, Stair Roll, Hearth so Rags. &c. Alm, the SAME. at Ids other. 7 STORE, Corner of Bth and SPRING GAR DEN STRHET, Slider the Spring Garden House.—WllOl.BBALIC and RETAIL. March 22, I 854.-6 m. RAGS WANTED. BEING EXTENSIVELY ENGAGED TN THE MANUFACTURE OF PAPER, wo will pity to Country Me , eltants and others hoeing nit,s for stile, owe than the present market prices —C.IBII. & MOORE, Naar Manniarturers, rIiILAIIKLPHIA—Sus. 24 and 2ti North St (1.4 Street below Arch, between Mb and 6th.) March 22, 1854.-2 m. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. John Stone & Sone, No. 45 Smith Becood Street, Philadelphia, Ikve now in store of their own importation, a large and hanrlonue assortment of RIBBONS, kLI(S, FLOWERS, CR.IPES, anti evrrc artiele Rnirays!e to the Millinery to whieli constant inlslitimi kill he ininle thrum:h. out the season. thereby einilsline them to otter the lurir.t unit mast de..irahle .elm•tion uf articles in their line to be tinnul i❑ tilo City. Philadelphia, March 22. 1854.-2 in. Notice. W E hr: now r i t i t t rn ii i :l1 h t, t h i e ire j in i v n ‘;7l s .7ii i i:t u i t t; do Co.. of thiu place. and will lie delivered at any point to Canal ur Penna. R. (toad. A simile and iloralde arrangement; sell-flied inn, and will rut hay, straw, or cure-lbilder. any desired length. A trial is;nlicited. and warranted to give oat. isfaction. Price $lO Cali. KMSSLER & BRO, BIM - Creek, Runt. co., Pa., March I ,'54.-61n. BONNETS, miLLl‘Eav GOODS, &C. IMNKR has now in store and rect.iv• k . .) lug from Manufacturer* and Importers, a (wols.. ',imminent of STRAW, BR %ID, LACK BoumuTe, ANIERICAN FLOWKRS. 1{1118.14, SILKS, LAWNS and a gen• erul na*ortment or NItt.LiNERY Also, now niannfietarin2 WIIIE Iluexnas Fttaltaa and CROWNS, ut the latest French mail English patterns. NIKRCITANTS and Nltct.txlins are invited to cell and examine lietbre purchasing. being confident that his styles and priees will compare favorably with thud° of say other estahllshment. CALVER, IC‘. 59, Nurth 2nd at., Phila. March 8, 1854.-3m. Take Notice. Tlll undersignyl having closed laulnese. here he gives unwire to a 1 person• Whiny! to him to call and settle their accounts on or before the first of Miv ne xt, as he is wont: to leave this part of the country; also. all those having claims will present them for settlement. All nceounts unset• sled at that time Will he left iu the hoods of a proper officer fur collection. JOHN N. SWOOPE. Alexandria, Feb. 15, 1854. . TLOITEL, GAIN & LUDILSIER Commission Merchants, Nos. 23 & 25, Spear's Wharf, BALTINLOB.E. REFER TO John Clark, El., President Citizens Bank. Bolt. A. P. Giles, Es q., Cashier. Franklin Bank, 4 ‘ John Hertzler, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Rogers, Sinnirkson Se Co., J. Tunic. Esq., PremPt Cecil think, Port Deposit. J. Wallower A Sun Herrishurg. Cul. U. C. Ever, Seliwgruve. J. H. App & Nagle. Winrigate & ilton. W. W. Cooke, Eq., Co.,du ncy. Simon Schuyler, Eau., George Bodice, Hughesville. W Weaver & Co., Moutoorvville. T. W. Lloyd. Cashier, Williamsport, Gen. W. F. Packer. Jemee 11. Hating Esq., " Lew'. G. MeHeery & ROI, Jersey Shore. J. P. Gulling, Lurk Haven. grCARR, GUAM& CO.. have the largest whnrf mom of any Ceiniiikeion Howie in R atiuntorr. al- W g iving quick despatch to Wets hi iliselierg. Ina their vergoes Vol, o. 'S4.—fin. ANO 'IIIEII trent' supply of Rumex de Lain., ',san s , Hem°, ell soul de Ilage. mei pan tenon from Yu to ets per yd. Also number fresh supply ur Trimmings, just reed Mut ('or ale by .1. & W. SA xv.m. A lut ut LIUMICtis .j 11,4 received and sale by J. 6. II: SAXTON. GOLD CiI.,LIN.S—A flue variety fur sale. re. /1 low, at Butt. SPAss'e. ])_T<,DII.ALZTJ'FiTi To THE INVALIDS OF HUNTINGDON, $l,OOO Reward Pt LVERMACIIERN Ilydro-Clectric Voltaic Chains, ARE for the first time introduced to the people of iluntimplon and vicinity, as the most eon venisnt, effechsnl, and strictly seieutific mode of instantly ri•licvinn and pernienrintly eiirin g all NERVOUS DISEASES. Now we know that sn announcement similar to the &sive meets the eye of the reader einem nod perhaps this may he classed with many others. Hut listen or yon do us injustice. It is claimed that Pulvermacher's Electric Chain, is the only magnetic rernedieal agent that is secured by patent, granted by this government. on Nae ground that it was a strictly useful and scientific article. The Chains are now 1111 exhibition ut the Crystal Palace, and attract much attention from the thousands wbo daily ri=ft MODE OF USE. The manner of acing the chains iv very simple. The chain in first moistened with common ida reor , and then one end of the chain it applied t o t h e part where the pain ia located, and the other end opposite to the first. The ends of the chain should never touch each other. At the moment of ap plication, the most acute pain is instantim relieved, w h ere ve r it it located, by the passing through tile part a ',natant current of nuititerrapted 'demo magnetism. In the fitllowing (livens., no othe remedy has ever given such complete and perfect Ratisfaction to the patient a. Pulvermacher's Chaim: Ithenmition. Painfill and swelled Joi n t, Pains in the Back, Beafneva, Blindness. Paralt•- ale, Neuralgia in the Pace, Long standing Ner voice headache• Paipitation of the Beam 'lime' , nyvitepvia, Female Diseases,Asthma, Contracted Joints. tic. 1000 DOLLARS will he given to R.' pen.. who Will muffle, en many well authenticated eertilicater of lire from intelligent patiente and scientific plisgician, of the above dkeasmi. as hail been perti.nued by the we of the Eleetrie Chain during the past tear. ANOTHER FAIIT. It is truly the filet Mai wherever the electric chains have heen introduced, bottled nost rt. and common lard have greatly diminished in sale, people having heroine .!isungted with the practice of using their stoat:AN for drag tthopt. REOO3I3IENDATIONS. The Elevtrie Chains are hiultiv recommended by Profeoairs Mott, Vail Munn. Past and earn"- eh.. of New York; are also in daily use in every Hospital in that city. The chains will tact tiny years. are always ready for use. tel produce no injurious TP:lilra. when ,ed is lirretod. FEMALE DISEASES. . to TIIP intnalaetinn of the Electra! C i hant n th i s ennntey is the dawn of n new era in medicine.— Daring the last twenty years. it ran safely 1 , ov:- thinned that ten thoneand females have died year ly from this one disease. P ROLA PS US UTERI. It in well known to medical men that this com mon disease is hernial the reach of medicine, and that in proportion to the ocean of ineilirine giv en, the more the patient in doomed to sutler, nod sooner will death close the Irene. During the last 2 years more than one thousand canes of Prolapsus heri (billing of the womb) hare hero permanently cored in Eacland null Prince. Mont of those canes wetlndies of bials stanning, who had previously tried all other kinds of 11 . eiltIllellt With 1111 benelit. Army,: the iii•till gnisheil linen that hare been cared in Paris in the present Queen of France. In this country, da ring the loot year, one hundred cases hate been cured in the city if New York. many oho have allowed their names to be puldi.dled for the bene fit of time sufficing with similar complaints.— The mode of one is simply to apply one end of H 30 link chain to tho gpine.iust shore the bins, and the other end upon the abdomen. and alio t the chain to remain tbr one hour. This to he iepeat ed four times during the twenty-timr hours. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM The Electric Chains never tail to relieve the severe rains and swelling incident to thin dise•t c. 'rho worst hint. of this iliscar readily yield to it few Of a ,bait, tllla ,ittgle in stance have they touch vOirf. they Ilia not ettect a !immanent cure. All pyrsmis who are victims a winter coniphint. are kindly invited to nln,lin o pain; dilct of 111114 MACE W. Avilt iinwtoy county, who will also explain their mode of use. The electric chains c to he sent hy tnnil to .y port oI Cie Uniteil `tales, by athlressing paid) 11l the .tecors in the principal cities, or Jubeph Bteinert, 568, 13rnailwar Nett. York. JOSEI'II STEINER Gen. Agent. 568 lirundtrar, N. Y. January 18, 1854.-Iy. 1.- - EA71112. HENRY W. OVEitillAN, 4Vo. 6, South Mir , ' St., below Merkel, P111L.40 E LP HU 'PCB 'Mention of Country Buyer* iu called to I the extensive assortment of all kind. of Fin tailed Leather, 101.itiCCOS. CALF SKINS. SIIEEP SKINS. Ac.. eonatantly rot hand anti for attic of reth,cd prices. RED & It.lK SOLE . LEATII E It. N. S. All kinds of country loather taken in exchange ho• good, [Feh. I, 's4.—Xm. ROWE 111 North T & EUSTO: !ard Street, blow mit DELPIIIA, Race, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Cora liconis, 'making Ghises, Coislinze, I..iintol Buckets. Clocks, Wick, Willow Basket., iViinhiw Shades Twines, Colar IViire, Brink: Brest., Mock, Blackintr. Won.' suit Willnw Ware of all kiwis, at the mannfacturer's lowest cash prices. .lAmEs HUSTON, JNO. M. ROW E. January IS, 1854. Late Arrival of New Goode. A large Ica of Itarra.l I)lane.tie and Frenell linwliain4. Alleiveas. , aek I:l,,aa e l, Tweed, and I,iurrcr. brown and blench ed large ,teek. ,ds rildeal , , and it 1.11.1- atm.. H....alumni a goed, alien and grotto:nee. Fur st) le and price rall ' t he b.f. ler sale sat GEU. UWIN'S Stare, 50 Packs Ground Altura Snit just arrived and for tadu at GEt). GWIN'S Store. 50 barrels Conemaugli Salt in store and for RII le by GEO. UWIN. A lute ArrivAl of English and Frrerh 51erinos for sale too ut the store of GEt). GWIN. 100 kegs Nails and Spikes for sale by the keg or putout, at GEO. GWIN'S Store. 500 lb, Coot Steel fur drills mut sledge, fin• pale ut the More of CEO. OWIN. 500 pieces relies, new styles and patterns, of goo , ' quality, load low at the store of GEO. G WIN. Fluid lamp. a large and hamlgnme ag.ortment for sit le tlt GEO. G WIN'S Stare. Jail. 4, 1854. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. II C. Slebi 11, totem- his thanks . to his Ohio I. tool the puldie for their very liner: l patronage. hopes l.y strict uttention to Ititsiness TAU; PUT to merit a continuance Attie some. in all kinds of Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-Tight, I'itrlor, Ten Plate Wood and Coal Stoves, of various si zes, and all kinds of Ploughs: the (muenster and the Plank Barshear patterns, and Keystone Nu. 4 Self-sharpening and Hill chic Ploughs, and Shears to suit all kinds of Ploughs in the country; Rolling-mill and Forge Castings. Grist tool Saw mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing M.teltine Patterns, and the four horse and two hors prwer of Chambersburg patter.; and all totter kinds of castings tilt, 11111111.11,114 to mention, all of which will he sold cheaper than ever for cash anti all kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken in exchange for eliAting, Huntingdon, November 9, 1853. JOLLY bCt/TT. SAMUEL T. BROWN Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Office same All don iormurly occupied by John Scott, Foy. Oct, 19, less. Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery, Aso Of: 7ZR SALOON. HENRY AFRICA, would respectnilly in vire the public to call at his establishment in Railroad Street, where 1111 those who nerd any tel Bread. Rusk. or any other kind of Cake. found at a Bakery, may lie supplied. Ile has just received a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and Confaitionaries. such as Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, 40,, and a line stock op Toys. Ile receives dully from the city of Baltimore, the hest oysTiots that can he tliand, 111 want ofprime 'shell fish; can he aceommoda fed by calling at the saloon. Be hue Sued tip a saloon enpressb for the Ladies. Tiotoktiti to the pnblir ror pest ( ) wo e s, h e h o p es by trier cotenant' to business to merit a cantina mire of the some. Oct. 12, '53. GREAT . ARRIV Hardware, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Notions, Drags, Paints, Oils, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., At James Bricker's Store, Ilitutingd ~,,, Which are offered at the lowest prices, Alen re ceiving a large supply of CA \ll/111.1, which will lie sold at wholesale Klee as law as l 4 its. per lb. Alm), Fruits, I /ranges, Lemons. 'Lam. ins, Fig, tie. All of which have been Imo& with great care. and on the hest term, and will he sold for Cash or to punctual V 1101.0 1 .0. 1 flatter mytelf that 1 eau and will tell Goals low as they eon he laineld Mr in this neighhorl My friends aro regne•rodl to call miol examine tor themnsel•es, feeling mudident that those u•ho do entolot go away without hua ing. ladies utsi G e ntl eineu of t his seighhorhood me when I soy that great pains have been taken to get curb goods in you Andre. Store on Hill street, opposite the JOURNAL OFFICE. (let. 1 9, '53. iu..antain Female Seminary. Mountain Female Seminary at Binning , ham, Huntingdon cow ty,l'a.. on the Penn sylvania liiilrmul„ occupies one or the most healthy and de•dra'de lueations in the State.— Strangers visiting the In•tnuion huve tatingl elxpreseed the (milli 11, that it so easy of neves, retired„ and surrounded with each rm.:lll6e mountain seener%, that no one who wishes u. learn, mould Mud nn institution t 110 1 ..• f.,vorahlw situated. Past suerc•s and fn• tare prospects ha.•e induced us to greatly enlarge our plans, and enabled at. to O re such comum c :a. tion to to tellers es will ( . 0.11111.1M1 theme possess mg the highe.t.malitieations. Coq. our term of 22 week 4. rnrieg from $55 to $6O, rim which good acconono.Lition4 will ht• giv en. MiNic, French, Liitin, &e..extrit. Ynoil from abroad lire expelled In Ininril in the Setninlry I ,l'llll'llg with the Principal. who gives hi•eutire attention to the inferrer or the ISRAEL W. WARD, Oct. 5. 1853 nt Snare% Jewelry, AFL cn., 110USEKEITERS. UM:SE K EKI'EItS study roar interests. why eo to Ant tioli Jl,lll pay extravaeant prices for half-in:tile FURNITURE? rail at No. I, North SINTII street. and V.llllill4' the largest assort ment of the heat ovule Furniture and in the cite. Feather Beds. Hair, Husk. atil Strew Niattresses; fi lerve eg , ortnient of Pence Whet ting Solt Tables. tops. nil Washstands %Valuta mt.l Alahogany French Tete-a•tetee. 1)1. van, Bookcases: Freneli Ihe !steeds Fence Stuffed Sea. Cline sent. lVitirlsor„infl aY Rue chairs. Counting-house :net can..-seas Stools, Settee awl d‘rmsclutir Ca.:1,1 , .n5; Cottage rivals tore mule in every style and color; Beds and Lounges, wholesale nod retail. and u-treumell to give satisfaction. eel sold ut the lowest prices. Sep. 28, 1858.—1 v FIVE Plat CENT SAVING FUNI). Chartered by the State of Penn sylvania in ISII. TILE Saving Pond ort , ,e S:l6.t. Com o:inv. N., 62 IVal slut Stet., 2 lbw', .those Third, 19111..11)E1.1'111.‘. is open ever, any front N ti'elliek A. M. to 7 .dciork I'. M., and on Monday Anil Thursdny evenings 1111 P o'llock• •nik of rho hest manned iota in till, country. nod inlys FIVE PER CENT. intereq li,rlllutteY put in there, front the flute of Any moo i• 0111 hn•' 1)1111,171,,,,IA is r e ,i ve d. And III: •11111, an• paid iniek on demand. without notice, to any :1111.ilifir. This saving tinul In> iortgage•. Ground lients, and other first-vitt,: in 51,111,1,.. nil well anion o tin g to more thnii Malta million of dollars. for the of deinedtor.., (Mime 62 %Valuta street, two doors above Third. PI ilailehdon. lion. II L )111.:Ii'f SE1.1.1111)tili, Vice Pren't. Seeretnry. !MARL. OP REFFEREES. lion: ‘Viti If ichnrds. Pottstown. Alonlgonwry co. .1. I). Strecoer editor of the 31initgoinery count, Ledger. Pottstown. .1. M. Sheenenten, editor of the Neutralist, Skippaekville, Mont. eii. Enos Benner. editor of tile Farmer's Smonevtown, 111ont. ,tones, Into Mavor of lion John lid.hins, jr., member of CoNtress -Ph Peon.ylvoliia. I, Juno, Page doe Piedmont, of l'hiPti. lion %Vitt. Peningtott, lute Governor of New Jer.ey. Sep. 28, '53. LEA THER. FRITZ AL HENDR'. Store, 29 Ni. 3rd M. I hiladelphio, N 1111.1.111,11 li ll l ll l:.cturers. rumor, litiptailer., Cutitini,,i,o. tienrral Lvaither litoinesh, Wholesale soul Mitunfeetory 15 Alerguretta Street.' Aug. 24, '55.-Iy. I'. Brown's ESSCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. Ills 1,,111 . 12 i. lo 1;repi11,1111111 111 111111,11 A I . x• vellt.ll., lu or.lindr, inripiont choler:Lot -bort, .11 1111 4 . 1150.101 Illthe iligpstiVe It is. 01 11 1, 11111i1 , 111, , iiille.- 1 , 111 . 111 g the of eijdonlic loud /41111111.1.9 . 1,1 Ciiiiilll.ll. it ix pe , oli.irly ettivoriou.; no family ur iudividnul xhould Itn without it. I:AC 4nre lo get the genuine es sence. which hi prepared hr Itllt 111' X, at iii.liru Store. N. E. Corner ill Filch and Streets, mid for sale hp ell the reoperhilile Aluttheeerie. in the United Fur sale by 'l. REA I/ & SiN, [jute DRE.1. , ./'/'/.V.`>. Ear Ringo, mid linger flings, 1-) at El.. SNARE'S. -- --- A spi,ENDID or Ladko ree,r,.l at C AWION'S 1)0111' MONN.‘IES. soil the ti- I mug quality of Ptieket Knit es, u V e.Q . large humility ut lidm. Suare'4 Store. - - unit Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and Plated iti,eutuenut, ut kdw. Siture'uJeualry Store. I 1.1 , 1,11),juvi received and for 1 sale by J. & %V. SAXTON. DOUBLE Barrelled English Snub and To isl i'011".1,/.VG PiECES—aI," Single Baire Gun, frual fuur tbiliurs (awl., tar SAX TUN sale iii. UST receiving the handsomest lot or Carpets everiolerell to this place. Also, Oil Cloths, which Wilt lie sold low by J. ll'. 5.1.V17),V. PER1.71.11F.1111-.....A gout , 1111.0 thP EliAl UN I ) RE's. pfrom v 5 4 7; I r t;; i; 11 , ;: , , .. 2 0 . 50 2000 I. Fuce iv j . tis s t .t x re r e o e s i 711 wthe Barrel. c , o , y ; h u e , y hu l d fur Bale by .1. BRICKER. ,6 31 A N KNOW I !ITSELF." All Invaluable Book for 23 cents. "EVERY FADIILY SHOULD HAVE A Coot'." SIX 'Clitottsanti Copies Mehl in less than three mouths. A new edition, recited and Oman ved..just issued. Du. II eNTEK'S Medical man., and hand book for the :ttflicted--Cotanining tun outline of the or igin. progress, treatment and Cure of every form of disease, uontrartetl by promiscuous sexual in terconrse. I,i seof-alouse, or by , extuil excess, .vith iolvice for their prevention, written in a familiar styleovoioling nll niedicind technienli ties, ,utd every thing thnt Wlllll.l offend the ear of decency, filen the re,tilt of 20 years' snceessful practice, exelusivelv devoted to the cure of dis eases of t delicate or primite unture. To which is added, receipts lie the Pure of the end a treatise tut the mouse, symp toms mid cure the the Fever null Ague, for 25 Cour , ~ co py, six c 'pies for $1; will he forwitr tleti to any part ..1 . the United Starts, free of pos. tage.—Address postage Paiti, C.oonlett & Cu., I'uhlishcr., or ••Ibox 195, Post Office, Polls. '•'l'ltis is without exception, the most compre hensive tool work published ci the class ofiliseasesiitivhieli it treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it addresses itself to the readers; it is free thou all objectionable mutter. oil to p hunt , hoW,Ver filstilliOUS, can object to ;daring it in the hands or hissons. The author hits devo• red many years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of. nail .with too little !wrath to mitt; and 'too little presumption to impose' lie liasidiered to the world at tint merely nominal price of 25 cents. the fruits of some twenty years st successful practice."—llerold. ••No teacher or parent should he without the knowledge imported in invaluable wink; it would save years uI pain, inoititiention and sor rel,/ to the ',tall wider their charge."—l'eu ple's ,Idructie.t A Presbyterian elergyinati in Ohio. in writing of "Ilioner's . - • . Th011.111.11 111011.1.4111,11111 N ••1 "tn. youth, he evil exomple and the influence of the int , sions. have !men 101 l into the halm of self-nonillion itlimit i . e „li z i ng to, sin i nnl consequence upon them -I,lllVel, 111111 their posterity. The constitution of thousands, mil, are raising linnilies have been enfeebled. if not broken down, owl they do not know the eau , e or the core. Any thing that eon he done sit to enlighten mid int-lino., the public mind at to cheek, and ultinndeiy to re move this u•ide.spread source of hum., wutild 01.10111 di,. greatest blessing nest to the religion of Jesus Chi bit. on the present and cowing neneration Intemperance, (or the use of intoxicating though it hits slain thou- sands 111,1.11 thousands, is nut u great., scourge to the human race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the af licted. and. believe me, your t•o-w11'kl•1• in the good work yon are so actively engaged oh" One copy will he forwarded, (securely envelo ped and postage paid.) 4111 receipt 01 •t 5 cents, or six $1• Address. C11......1.)EN & CO., publisher:. Mix 11111. Philadelphia. tirltooksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents I supplied Ina the most liberal terms. dune 1.'53.-Iy. IST.I Mal. al. 2. r IRA I wa. of the l'louuluiphin College of' i Dentul Sure Try. rtriVrritil Treat. from one tun lull set, Moun• ted iit the m 0.4 improved modern -lyle. /•'i/ing cud Scaling dune with care and livencs, ..... Teeth li....rtrarted e•ith all the ease and despatch that tandem .rienee van furnish. July, 13, 1833. S IR I T 11, 111 111. ktri. , Huntingdon. Penn'a. nFFICF, M.,in Street. next to that of Gen. 1..L . A. P. Terms otodersite. nod Lill work wurratitted to giv: fork,. sptisfdction. inly 13, '53. TO THE PUBLIC. iej:?:11)i.15, ill. D., • I)E.SPECT info m FC1.1.1 . iors the citizeng of it ( . assville and vicinity, thathP has located a medirul office, for the purpose of treating all kinds oldiseases. on it s:te and sidilititii• is Wl,' ready to attend to all calls. and .trier attention to lisilles4, hop. to re,il . l! ,f,.0 portion I d ' ,lll l .lie l e r. re , t, and Al,llO curnd in three days, and warranted to re io egiod col the seamin. A. July, 20, '53.-tI PHIL I DELPMA Salamander Safes. ..... ....... ..... Evans St Watsen, 26 Synth Fourth Street, late 83 Dock street....... i n la. F P It ap ariV.? Books, Papers, Jewelry &o, Fire-Proof Doors for lianhs & Stores. PATENT KEY-HOLE COVER 'SA FIRE AND PICIEF-IWOOF IRON oArts. w di rante d to tnud aq much filo its any other &halts in the country. GREAT TRIUMPH ACHIEVED BY EVAN 4 & WAINOVS Fire-Proof Safes. AT 'rm.: FAIR. IhrtnignunG. The Ineler..ivitel nppointe.l.l Committe ,. l.e the purpose. he thenffleers of the State Fair. were present this afternoon. when IVAT,44 011 C or their .to clench SAL- Am ANI t I.; it FIR E- Nit IF SAFES. nt which they entisittni..l TI rpe Cords 'f Wood over it, coulintowing at P. 111.. unul hnrine ex p.... 0 it ton wine,: IIEAT for Two Hours, sutH eient nt destroy the east irne feet. opening the S.M., the paper.. with 2000 cir cular., ,li. pos i t ,..l in .nn• i o re.,enee were taken 1011 f, ton I 1 1.1 . 11,(1 heel) preserved. hnt not haring the appeernnee ufreureh upon them. 0031311TTI:E. 1 A. ("). 11ENTEE, JOSEPH RITNER. A. T. N ENV Hi ,1.1), Ex-Governor of 1..1. JOIIN 13. COX, eIIAS. E. 11E1STER, E. E. 13('1:1)1NOrr. Sole Aveocy fur Butterwortla's Celebrated Bank 1.,a•lo. Gen IYttsnn. Esq Huntingdon, Pa., is au': thoti4ed agent for the sale of the allure, or his office eau he see., awl ako at °hive of the 11,•ogil ofinpny, in Hunting don. we al.o re ter to Col. S. S. Wharton. and the C.aulty Treasurer. in Huntingdon. Below reference is made 10 a few in Philadelphia, who have our safes in use. Hundreds can be giveu. Farmers & Meelnnlio Bank, 12 safes. U. S. Mini. U. S. A 1 , 1'11.111. :1 in 5 in California. Esq., lli¢h Sheriff: . _ 11;o• tiro... it Co : Brokers, No 16 N. 3d St. E. C. corner Cheolut tool Water Sc Michelin & Co. No. 17 S. %Voter .t. ltirlooll Norris & Soo, 1.0,01001100 works. 1•roo'.1. It. It. Co. 2 mite, I:entutlin,wo nnih Niwristown B. it.r", Stott. Treasurer mod Trenton Hooking (hid F. Silt at. tool ow. 3d d: Brun'll AS. Southwark dr. Moyatueusiug Gas Cu. Corporation or Northent Liberties.. lhi. ur MoyautunKing. Joly 13, '53.-1 y• , 1111 E fiiner4 iwaiirtnient Of Boob: nod Sb o ,. ever ullbreil in town, fur mile low by J. 4. I'. SANTOII. CASSI N Errs, Corduroy, 're eette, , e le et the cheap curlier oppagit, C. Cant: I twel• D. V. (MIN. LA HOE and 910'1441 wobirtment 8 0 0. 1 'lets. Misses' Flats and eliildrene Hats and Caps, selling at low prices at the store of CEO. G 117 N. BOOTS AND SLIM, for moo and hoyo, tt good itss.,rtmfn sitAlrgtore (11.:1/. (MIN AN ASSORTMENT 018C11001. MOM for sale at the Cheap bturoyf_____ J. BRICKER IMPORTANT TO TIIII earner, Farrier & Stage Proprietor. GEO. W. MERCHANT'S CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL eNe•MIe•LLLLtU 121 THS 1114Tuity nr Mitroltl4l is the most remarkable External Application ever discovered. ' They can's Keep House without it" Experience el more than eixteett year,. ha- eatetili-liril the fart that Merchant, Ce:ehrateil lir 1 , :a• eNni WM CUM 1111.1 t CMS, 1111 d fe• lirve ail It ee SIMVIIIIS Sweeney, Ringhnne, Windggnnlls, Poll Evil. Callous, Cnwked Heels, (His of all kinds, Fresh Wounds. Sprahin. Bruiser, Pid tula. Si! fast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Latnenena, Foundered Feet, Scratch', or Grease. 31ange, Rheumatism, Bites of Animals, External NOW, Painful Nervous Attentions, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns. Whitlows, Burns and Scalds, Chill Mains, Chopped Hoods, Cl . lllllps. Con meth'. of the Muscles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, Ac. die. Ac. The unparalleled success of thin Oil, In the care of ins. eases ill 110r0e, and I . ollle, and even in human flesh. is ally becomilic noire known la 1110 Wining community It can hardly be rredirell,exrept by thosis who have bees the hat i habit of hevping it n their stables and tnnes, what vast itillolibt of pail,. sufleriog nod time, are /laved by tape timely alunical Ma of this OIL liar IIe airs ihe name of the sole prOprielnr. GEORGE W. MERCHANT. Lockport. N. I*., is Mown in Me aide of the Rode. and hi 1110 Inindwriiine over the sorb. AID nnle;;;itlie;;el to the Proprietur will I promptly icitimmied •- arialriiiiihicii of the Agent, and ree what wonders are accomichdrid by the wie of thin medicine Soli by re.pectable drillers cenrcally, in the Ur.ited Wirier and Canada Alan „ 'l'. Item! i SMI, Iluntiugdon ,John T.titz. Shir. leystirg, isett & lineher, Union lionrinice..laies Clark, Birniinuliatti, Clots. Ritz, Lewistown: .1. ‘V. Hume MeVeyton S. floove , , b urg ; A, Ano M. Lloyd & Co., (3aysliort; &Johnston, Itoalslairg; T. it. min.,. Blintimt. ; mid it wbuk,liii, by neiliiti g & l'itr.- hurg. I) 'fyrone Station anci :;.; Co.. July 13, '53.-Iy. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. Where may be obtained the most speedy rem. oily for .SECRET I)ISEASI , ,S.—GIeetg Strictures, Seminal Weaknes4. Pain in the Loins, Atrectiong or the Kidneys, owl all those peenliar ntleetions from a ....let 11.1 bit, partienlarly the youth of 'MTh SeXV , . which if not enrol, prodnees enn stitntionnl debility. rendering marriage impossi ble. and it the end lIPStrOp both Mind awl Senn ; ; Nell 0 1 .1)( 1 1 . 11111y: WIII/ have twain,. tfie victims or Solitary Vice, that dreadful mei deg truetive 1.111,4 which nnnn illv sweep , to an 1111. 1111ild Ul . llll' 111 1 111 1, 1111 1 1 , ' , rune. men 111 . .t exalted tnlenta 11114 brilliant intellect. who inieht oilicrivi.a• 1141 1. ,miriniced listening s e ,,,t e ., w i t h the themlers or eln q uenre, o r waked to e(statcs the li jo u lyre, may call with full coulidence. 11:irrirvi persona, or those emitempla , ing weakneAs, should inor.ediately commit 1)r. J., Heil be rester.' to perfect health. Dr. dollindon. office No. 7 Soul' Fredrick St.. seven ,hors from lieliimere Street, east side up the step, 0" lie ictrticular in obtaining the moue and number. or you will mistake the place. A cure warranted, or 111) charge made, in from one to two days. 'l'Ar.e Nutlet:.—Dr. Johnston's office is in his dwellinu. nit the steps. Ills very extensive tine , tie, is a ,:iittirient guarantee, that he is the only propel phy,irian to apply tn, De. .Inbstan„ member Itr the Royal Colleze of Baryon.. Land., graduate From one of the It - Host eminent Colleges of the United State, mil tin glVat, taut tirwlaine lite has been spent in the Ilitspitals or London. Paris rhil.el e lphi a , soil el.ewhere. lat,tEvetetl some or the snot nom. i.hing ones that ,were ever knnwn. many troll hhoi with 1111u:our in the ears anti ',deep, great tiervoitsneqs. in_ :shinned St with frequent blush ing attended som,•time, with derangement of mind, nTre rand immediately. • ...A CERTAIN I is a melancholy filet that •11,11 rietirn• to thi, 11.11111 111 , ,i.e utcin_ to the mc‘kilihlness of ignorant pretetler. who he the it , e of that deadly poi4on \G•rea' nth, the COthiliththill, enn%ine the symptom• ofthnt ma k, their 111111,11.1111 re, s telt n. litteetion.,il the held, throat. skin. etc., progre,aing with rrighttill ra pidity till death puts rt period to their are olco. surrering y bcsending.them io that Bourne whence nil traveler rehire•, TAKE PARTICULAR NCITICE. - -roung. men WI)It lIIITe injured them,lces by e certain practice in dulged in when alone-11 habit frOIIIICIIIIV learned from toil comnaffinns, or at 14,110111-11Ie etfecr. of which are nightly felt. even when asleep, tin l if not towed renders marriage impossible. and de stroys both mind told hardy. What it pity that a young man, the hope of hi. country, and the darling or his parents should be stmteheil from all prospects and ettioyttients lit' the eine.ciptenee otileeiating rrom the path or trinire and indulging in a retrain secret !talk s in d, hehire contemplating Marriage. 5 t,,,1,1 ' ,Hp,' 0 1 , 1 1 1 1 .111111111 11111111 1111.1 111111 y 111.1' 111 e mll,t fteee.,itre rue to promo° 1,1111111, 111/11 indeed ‘‘ idiom these, the join.- Ile% ti 11,111,11 a e•eary pit; rilnu_r, the priivert hourly darkens to the view•; the nil.; he t ..., ..hallowed with ile.pair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness of another heroines blighted with our own. CossTuruTuosAt. ieldrecce e, young men. and .11 who have injured them selves. lir private and improper indulgence. ImeuisssN.t.--These ore some lit the sad and nichincholy etii•etg prpilitreil be earle habits of vont!, IVrakites% of the hark anti Limb., * Pins in the bead, Dim.. SS of Sight, Loss of M...ettlar power, Palpitation of the lienrt Dys pepsia. Neve.... Irritability. Derangements of the Dige.rive Functions, General Debility Symptoms of Consumption. &e. I%ll.,—The fruitful effects on the mind tire t o b. dremleil; Loss of memorv, Confusion of j,[9,,q, itt Spirit, Fail Forlooditigs; to Self Distrust, Loan of Soli tude. are some efthe evil,. produced. Tlunisanas of pertains or all ag . ra,cati what is tho cause of their declining health. Los ing their rigor, hemming wcik, pule and emacia ted, hare singular appeannice about the eyes, cough and spurning of consumption. • flurried persons, or those contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakn ess , s h ou ld immediately monk 1),..J. and he restored to per fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St., lialtionire, Md. '1 IssleAL OPERATIONS PERFORMED.— N• It. I.ei no false delieney prevent you, but ap ply immediately either personally or by letter. Skin l)i.•eases Speedily Cured, To Sin., . .—Ti;e many ' thousands cured at thi: la.titutin ivithin the last ten years, mitt the toimerou. important liiirgiettl Operations performed by Or. J.,witnessed by the Reporters of the papers, tool many other persons, moires of which bare :Lion.' Lid again tool again belltre the public, is a sldHricul guarantee that the afflicted will find a skillful and lionorahle phys'etan. As there are No many ignorant and worthless quacks tokenising their-eli c, as Physieians,riiiit: hug the health of the afflicted 1)r. Johnston would say to those iiiiiieintiiitted with his reputation that his Credentials or Diplomas always hang iu his 11'eakness of the organs immediately cured, aud full vigor meowed Alltetters pint paid—remedies sent by May 22, 1853.—1 y, THOMAS P. (:AMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LA II; W ill attend to all linsine., entrusted to him. Of fice nearly opposite the Court House. May 4,'58. rlargo lot of Shoes—Lace Boots, Buskins, ,iklisse, and Children', at the Store of 1). P. GWIN. CARPET Bugs, it received and for *ale by J. 4. W. SAXTOA WATERSTREET HOTEL. THE sutuctiher annuunees to the traveling community, and the piddle • generally, that he has taken eharge and hued topthe above house, having one the mud plea.tut and heantirul locations in the country, where lie will he happy to wait upon all who may titter him with their patronage. There 1411 genii staid., and aka a carriage house belungin, to the premises, to which the must careful attention will he given. JOhN WARD. May 25, 's3.—ly. BLACK BEAR HOTEL, THE undermglied has leased and fit ted up the above Ilona, tin the • • • • corner of main and Nlontgoinery Street, I m the borough of Huntingdon, and is 41.11 prcpyred to accommodate all 'vim may favor him with their custom. The traveling communi ty and the polite generally are cordially invited to call with him, hoping by strict attention to business to merit a large portion of public patron age. No pains will be spared to reader general satisfailion. ROBERT KYLE. June 29, 's3.—ly. NIL FETTERHOFF, Cabinet Maker anal l ndertaker, H ingdon, Pa., TANI:B thi. no•thod of infin•miut his friends I unit the public generally. that he still remain , ' in his old stand, on )lain street, nearly opposite the Presh, hlm' Church. where lie in to tlinitllll with any eastern mnauflo•turv, or in short ioti•rim• to male. Per iious wanting New Finnintrp, will oh, well to .tive him a call liefore 1 es here. as tie is determined to sell low is 1'.5,41 or Country Produce. lle also re-pectfull‘ returns his thanks to, the pnhlie. tins the fiber:tip:l...Tinge lieretialire reeeived. snit hope•+ 1)p carclul attention to busi ness, to merit n Cl/11,11111VIWC of the some. Ile also intends to give his attention the Under taking business. COFFINS made and Amends attended, at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. either in M., nr country, e i r All work warranted. Huntingdon, Jane 1,'53.-3y HUNTINGDON MARBLE YARD. vitulakivisi! • f rln s his • friends nnil the Public t;encrnl s ly. that he hits 7 .IIIi h i ' the borough s. ' • * . • el lini•jus.t re . ~ , t re in i'hilitatilphin a se , ecteil -ie, is ei marith. Crave-stones, of every deseriihin. which he will furnish att very redneeil prices. All orders from any port of the county or ad. joining contaieo, n Oressed to the sithrwriber, will reet.VPII and promptly amended to. Shoo on Hill 4rreet, two doors west of lien.. A, P. Wiisoo's Office. May 19, 1853.—1 y. PUMP MAKING. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he now devotes his whole time and atten tion to and repairing pumps and will prompt!;• is all orders and calls that he luny Inc favoured with warrented all work to be made of the best materials, doll 110110 in work manlike manner at reasonable. prices. Address Mill Creek l'. O. Huntingdon convoy. ISAAC WOOLVERTON. We the Subserihers having aseil at Isaac Wol verton's make of Pumps and do nut hesitate in saying that we believe them to be the best ?tlip that is MAY in i,,Ctleni I iise. IiEFFERENCES .1. Porter, Thos. Rend. Charles Porter, Jno. Armitage, I). Shnw, 'William ',orris, Conrad Sucher, William Christy, Jim. Whittaker, David Wm. Orhison, 1). Mellurtrie, Thos. Fisher. 'Slay IS, 1853. KEYSTONE HOTEL. Jaines Haslet' respectrully inferms his friends and the traveling pli!doi generally, that he has t.iken ..lotrue or the Iletel." at Spruce Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa., teal is well prepared to accutionialate all mho may hirer him with their custom. No pains will be spared to render the fullest satislitetiun. May 18, 1553. CASSVILLE Carriage Manufactory. informs his pot . eons and the mittlin getter:illy, that he still eon•inoes at the old stand. in the linthiagli of Cassville, Ilitutingil. enmity. to manatiteture Carriages, Buggies, Rockaway's, Sleighs, and every thing else connected with his business. Kepniriue done on the shortest notice. Roeloways, .ke., constant ly kept in lannl, hut others trill he made to order. Work chine cheaper than ,it any other estab lishment in the State, and all warnuaed to the purchaser. Cash, but when not convenient, country pro• duce, taken in exchange for work. ELIAS WILSON. _ June 15,'58.-Iy, A. W. BENEDICT, ATTORXEY .9T LAW, inform• his old tricots and the public that he has returned to his "Id home. and will attend to all business in his prolesaion. entrusted to with fidelity and Ilia heat ability. Office in Main Street. south side, the last house below the Court house. Huntingdon, May IL 1852.-6 m. A superior lut of Rifles, fur siti . 7 . II . IL ANT. TIARGE DE ILA INES, iti endless variety, at . 1 -/ the cheap curlier of A. CARSItiN. GINGHAMS—Domestic nail Dress, just re reined at D. P. UWIN'S Cheap Store. a large assortment of Lawns and Berne de lmiuea, jinn received at the cheap ' , tore of I). G IVIN. BLASTING POWDER and SAFETY FUSE, (.104.4 US burnt and for solo by J. BRICKER. DITTSBURG llama and Flitch for sale cheap rr addle ELEPHANT Corner. L.IDIES DRES:., GOODS, Mo.. Wanes, B. Delunes, Berego, Lawns, Gingliants, and a choice variety of Goods of all kinds. ut the store of GEO. GWIN. LOOKING Glasses, just received and for mile by J. t I• IV. SAXTON. y AMES Lasting and Silk work Claim., Kid • Morocco, and Gout Bouts and Shoes, at the store of GEO. UWIN. BONSETS and Hats of the latest styles, just received at. D. P. GWIN'S Store. JUST RECEIVED and formic Fish, Salt and Plaster by .1. W. SAXTON. ('LOTUS JIND — CASSLMERES, plain and fancy, at very low prices, at the 'tore of GEO. GWIN. A fresh supply of Gard. Seeds troni Risley' Gardens,just received, and tier sale by Feb. 23, 1853. J. di,. SAXTON. Amust heatitifill lot of Iteruge de Lain° pat- terns, and in the piece. from Inlet. up to 50 cts. per yard, just received and tir sole by J. t 4• IV. SeirrON. A benutitinent t)f Cross-barredlndia SiSi&jun received and for sale by J. & W. Siourow. FISII ✓iND fur 4111 . 0 of the store of GEO. GWIN AN excelltnit variety of tine PEN KNIVES. et E April 15, 1852 HATS.—Moleskin No. I and 2, of the latest styles. Kossuth Huts of various styles and qualities—will be sold low at the cheap store of GEO. GWEN'. GU• 4 fine I x of rieVll4 At LOU. BYllll5'O 4 3r ( J. E. GOULD, (Successor to A. MT.) • No. 164 Chestnut Street, SWaini's PHILAL ELPHIA, Exterodve Music Pithlither, and Denier in bit• Intitrnments of every description. Exeltodve Agent fire the enle of Mkt, Doris & Co's (Boston) 2ATENT SCBMISION BIUDGEI zEution and other PLEVOS, L. Gilhert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons. Mar tin's Guitars Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Musio Books, &c. Residents in the country will be supplied by mai/ nr otherwise with any music they may wish, nt as low rates at if purchnsed in person. list ing one iifthe largest storks in the United Staten I feel Confident of satisting nll who may fa vor me with a call or order. Deitlera in Ilitaic .applied on the moat mann aid° tenon. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for sale. T. T. CROFT, Agent, llarrisburg, Pa, May 11, '53.--Iy. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to his friends toid pa trons, and to the Public gonerallv, their pa tronage, Hull emanates tik earn on at the None Stand. 1)110 door east of Alm C. Uout's Hotel. Mar ket street. Huntingdon, where he will +Mend to a ll wh o will ti,or him with their 0111 tom. awl a nt keeps no in 0 ,0 1 .1 MOM of WATCH.% CLOCKS, JEWEL... Sc., &1.., all of which he is determined to eel' at low 'brine, Clocks, Wand es mei Jewelry of all kinds will he re, aired at short make, and having male ar rangeinents with a good workman. all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and every permit leaving article- fur repairing shill Imre them done nt the precise time. lit paying .triet attention to business, and selling at low rates, he hopes to receive a share of fluidic patronage. JOSEPH ItititiE R. Iluntingolon, Sept. 7,1852.—1 y. --- Adams & Co.'s Express. M. F. T. K. SINIONTON, Agent, iluntint;ilon. Money, l'aekagea, and good:. tit 11:1 kinds. re ceit•ed and tiirivarileil at the risk of the conipane, to all the eitieaultol principal tom. , in the United State May 1.'52. A. P. WitAm, R. BRITT.: PIiTIIIKIN. IVILS9N & aTTORNEYS 41' L4IV, lIUNTINGI)ON, PA. Practice in the several Courts or Huntingdon, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and dullish' Conn iea. March 23, 185:3. THOS. BEAD, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has on hand nod is receiving fax the coining reason, a line assortment of cricis.`QFZACl9ll 11. Consisting Dr wniches, Chains, Wean Pins. Fin ger Bins. Par Reign, PeneilA, Keys, Thimbles, Stint, Nle4tollions, &e. Together with his celebra ted and un ri Iled GOLD PEN. Which is equal if not superior. to any now in us Earl Pen iv Engraved with his own name, and every Pen Wurrantud. Oh did you ever, no I never Mercy on as what a treat; Get Read's hold Pen, they're extra fine, And only found in North Third Street. A splendid Pen !l' Where did you get it 1' • Pure Diamond Pointed, can't he beat; Yea, toy friends, there's no Inunliuginx In Read'.. hold Pens of North Third Street Crllead's Gild Pen is found only at oh Non!. Third Street, below Arch East Side. TllOB. READ, Piladelphia. Jan. 8, 1832.—tf. THOMAS .I. HaIIN I THOMAS E. PitANRI.I. Blair connty. Lancaster cuuntr DAVID M ' MritTaig, WILLIAM GLEIM, Huntingdon co. Lancaster county JAMES GAMINE(' RICH'', R. Bli V AN, Milli' county. Lancaster county. Central Penn% Banking House, (11' BRYAN, GLEIM & CO.- Olfire on Alte k gheity street. a few doors west of the Court House. and nearly opposite the Poet Otfire,Hoi lidaysloire, Pa. The Company is now ready to transact busi ness. Upon money deposited. for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months. in terest will be paid at such rates as ore usually allowed by Scivinu. Institutions. T:ansient de posit es received, payable on demand. R. R. BRYAN, Cashier , Hollidaysburg, :May 21, 1850. • 11. K.NEFF,NI, O, unvING located himself in WARHIORPMARK IA in this county, would respectfully offer his professional services to the citizens of that place and the country adjacent. REFFEBENCEB: J. B. Loam M. D. Geo. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Win. P. Grhison, Esq. J. 11. Dorsey, " lion. James Gwioa, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. Hon. George Taylor. . _ _ - Huntingdon, Pa. Jacob M, Gemmill, M. D., A/csondria. John M'Culluell, " Peterrhurg. Notice to Tavern Keepers. v onch; le hereby gi,en to the keepers of Inn• mid Taverns within the county of Hunting don, that theJuilues of the Court of quarter Sea shins of said county, enjoin upon the keepers of such Inns and Taverns that they close their re, pcetire liars on the Sabbath, and refrain from selling. or (leading out liquors un that day; and the licenses of such persons as shall disregard this injunction will be revoked tiirthwith agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such case made and pro vided upon the fact of such violation coming to the knowledge of the Court. 2 /rlllY:TE'c 2 lll . ltii, lB Cl 2 ...k. May 1. 1852. efl'fBTC:r for medicinal ptirpo• es, cum.c.ting oi Best Ittalityt.'ffiViCj/B/lißlAtrrY, " I. //OLGA Gi.V, it MADF,RIA IVINr LISBON " SIVEET IVINE, SUPERIOR PORT IVINE. In short, all kinds or Liquors used for that par, pose coo he had at the cheap store of April 22, 1852. J. BRICKER. Lots In Altoona for Sale. LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six miles nortin of Hollidaysburg,and about one mile north. West of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said Tows will be open to the public for sale. It is well known that toe Pennsylvania Rail Road Company hove selected this place for the erection of their main Machine and other Shops and are now building the same. The Rail Road willbe op..ned early in the Fall throwing at once a large amount of trade to this place. The main inducement at this time in of. fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requiss its Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for the Machinists and other employees of Cie Rail Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. Foi turd*, Information apply to C. H. MAY ER, nt Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE. May 1, 18172—tr. A lo•tottitul lot of Cost Iron Pumps, tor Wells and Cislerus,just received, mid foranlo by F01k.23, 1853. J. & W. 5.% XVI* WANTED, In exchange for merchandise, 500 Invillels dried apples, paired; 250 bushels of Patches, utv paired. A. S. HARRISON, &Cc sii7;s2-tf.