Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 14, 1854, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, June 14, 1851.
~ t - L ,olTysTWF.4iiitor.
James ramock, of Northumberland co.
George Davao, of Allegheny co.
Daniel M. Sinyeer, of Montgomery co.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author
ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience dour subscri
bers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
Joan W. Tnostrson Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COIN, * *qt larrec,
Oxon. W. Cortkuraus, Shirley township,
JAMES E. GLASstow. Clay township,
DANIEL TEAGUE, Esq., Cromwell township,
Dr. J. I'. Asueorm,Peun township,
WAREIiAM MATTECIN, Franklin township,
SAMUEL STEUFEY, Jackson township,
Cal. JNO. C. WATSON, Brady township,
-MORRIS Bnows, Springfield township,
Wm. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Warriorsmark
JAMES McDosam, Brady township,
Ozonon W. Weirsrut., Petersburg,
HENRY Burr, West Barna.
JOHN BALSBACII, Waterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township,
A. M. BLue, Dublin township,
GEORGE-WILSON, Esq., Tell township,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL. Lynx, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Maj. W. Moo., Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SIMEON WRIGHT, Esq., Union township.
DAVID CLARKSON,EM., Cass township.
SYMUEL Wurrox, Esq., Franklin township.
- DAVID PARKER, Esq.,lVarriorsmark.
DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township.
Medical Students,
Medical Students or Physicians, wishing a
well selected assortment of Medicines, with
Bottles, Jars, and all the necessary fixtures
belonging to a Physician's Shop, also a well
selected Medical Library, may be had on very
low terms. For further information inquire at
his office.
Nor Read New Advertisements is to•day's
;47. We have received five sheets of Speci
men Type from Mr. Geo. Bruce, 13 Chambers.
at., New• York. They are well executed.
eigLiVe have received a handsome Speci
men sheet from L. Johnston & Co., No. 6 Sun•
som-st., Phila. Brass rules, braces, labor•ea•
ving rules, ,be., &e.
Dar Mr. Samuel Hoover, the Lightning-rod
man is in town. Any person desiring Safety
from lightning should give him a call, as he is
in possession of the most approved scientific
Lightning rods that has been discovered.
1191. In Newark, Ohio, a tavern•keeper was
bound over in $3OO to answer at the Probate
Court, on the complaint of a wife; for selling
liquor to her husband.—This is the first case
under the new law.
VW We are in the monthly receipt of the
"Jubilee," published by an Association of the
"Daughters and Sons of Toil.". Published at
the corner of Church Alley and Second street,
Phila., at one dollar per annum in advance.
bar On Friday, the 2nd inst., a fire occured
in Hollidaysburg, destroying several dwellings
and stables, six horses, several carriages and
stages; together with the contents thereof.—
Supposed to be the act of an incendiary.
Military Election.
The official returns of the military election,
heti, on Monday of last week, for the election
of Brigade officers, has resulted as follows:
Brigadier General,—ROßEßT C.McGILL.
Brigade Inspector,—RALPH CROTSLEY.
Lieut. CoIoneI,—CHARLES• W. DIVEN,
The PEOPLE'S JoraKAL—The June nem
ber of this valuable periodical is on our table
full of interesting matter for the Farmer, Me
chanic, and the man of Science. It is a work
which should be in every family. Send a let
ter, post-paid, containing one dollar, to Alfred
E. Beach, No. 86 Nassau-st., New-York, and
he will immediately send it to you.
lir Kennedy's Bank Note Review for the
month of June arrived nearly a week ago, with
its list of latest counterfeits, &c., a fac simile
of a dangerous $lO bill on the State Bank of
Indiana. Each monthly number, we find, con
tains a Fac Simile of some dangerous counter.
feit. It is a work, which we find is deservedly
coming into general use. Published by Ken
nedy it Bro., No. 83 Third-st., Pittsburg, Pa.
119— A Catholic Council in Cuba, at which
the Bishops of Havana, Porto Rico, and St.
Jago de Cuba were present, was held recently
by direction of the Captain General, and deci.
ded that hereafter marriage between whites and
blacks shall be deemed legal, both ecclesiasti
cally and civilly. A decreo has also been issu
ed by the Captain General, establishihg schools
for the instruction of the •'white apprentices,"
introduced into the island within a year or two
past, meaning, we suppose, the Coolies frets
Election in Washington.
An exciting election came off in Washing.
ton City on Monday of last week. Mr. Maury,
the present Mayor, was elected by over 800 ma•
jority last year, and a popular officer; was re•
nominated as the Democratic candidate. The
"Know Nothings" united on John T. Towers.
The election was warmly contested, and party
lines were entirely lost sight of—Whigs voting
for Maury, and Democrats for Towers. The
result is the election of Towers by 430 majority.
The Whigs elected nearly ali the members of
the City Councels. The election of Towers
was celebrated by firing of cannon, ringing of
bells, bonfires &c.
De `A correspondent of the Washington
Reporter suggests the name of Ron. John Bell,
of Tennessee, as the next Whig candidate for
Ta o TlAleru bus :t - p - r,fired in Toledo,
Election in Philadelphia.
The clecteon which took place in PhiWel.
phia, on Tuesday of last week was one of the
greatest chaStisemints which ever befel the de.
mocracie party in the in the City of Philadel
phia. It was a perfect annihilation of Locofo
raisin and its foreign allies. All party lines
were swept away before the torrent of outgnsh
lug American patriotism. At every point its
adversaries have been discomfitted—not merely
beaten, but most ignominiously routed! Ward
after want, which for years past have been in
ehjeek anti slavish subservience to the vital
spirit of party, have rolled in tremendous ma
jorities for the popular Amerian creed.
We are aware that a number of citizens who
have heretofore supported the Locofoco ticket,
voted against it at this time, and the circum
stance proves that adherence to political organ
ization, though enforced by the most rigorous
discipline, is not potent enough to overcome
popular virtue. In this respect, the result of
the election tenches a valuable lesson to all
politicians, which they will do well to ponder
and improve.
Robert Conrad, the Whig candidate for May
or, has been elected by a majority of about
8000 I and the rest of the Whig andlinerican
ticket, including Solicitor, Controller, Commis
sioner. and Councils, have majorities, some of
which approach 1200011 A most signal and
righteous verdict against the Nebraska bill.
It indicates, in a marked and unmistakable
manner, the sentiment of that community'res
pecting the course of the Federal Government
in relation to the Nebraska bill.
The issue was distinctly and generally-made
at the polls in every ward and precinct, and the
voice of the majority iy now uttered in accents
of indignant denunciation against the Admin
istration and its adherents. The sentence of
the people has gone forth from the sacred spot
where the national liberties had their birth, and
and its reverberating echoes will be herd and
felt in every section of the Republic.
Philadelphia has spoken in tones of thunder,
her rebuke of the passage of the Nebraska bill,
the net which has severed one of the consecra•
ted bonds which binds the federation of the
States, and we doubt not it will impart hope
and joy to the true friends of the Union, whet•
ever they may be.
se. We are glad to notice that a few Dem.
ocratic papers in Pennsylvania have the man
liness to denounce the Nebraska iniquity.—
Among these are the Bradford Reporter, in
Wilmot's District; the Susquehanna Democrat,
the organ of Mr. Chace, Speaker of the last
House; the Berks county Press, Montgomery
Ledger, and Westchester Republican. The
Montgomery Ledger in noticing the statement
of the Washington Union that fidelity to the
Nebraska bill will hereafter be essential to De
mocracic orthodoxy, replies:
"If no votes are desired other than such as
endorse the Nebraska fraud, it will be left in a
glorious minority in Pennsylvania. Just bear
that in mind, and be careful how you apply the
The Berks County .Press is equally emphatic
in its denunciation of the bill. The Press is
one of the recognized organs in "Old Mother
Berko,' and in noticing the passage of the bill,
"Thus, by Legislative legerdemain, and a
violation of the resolutions contained in the
Democratic platform, which declared the Com
promise of 1850, a full and final settlement of
the Slave question; the repeal of the Missouri
Compromise effected. Such an unholy con.
summation as this act, on the part of the ma
jority in Cnngress, to destroy the most sacred
compact existing between the States adopted
for the common preservation in 1820, is deed
of blackening infamy, threatening the eery ex
istence of our free institutions, and which wilt
yet be rebuked by the sovreign people."
A Chance for Speculators,
The annexed card we find in the advertising
columns of the York Republican. The editor
of the Republican says "the lady is all that she
represents herself to be. She is a prize worth
the asking for, and whichever of our gay young
men shall be fortunate enough to get her hand
will never have cause to regret it. There is
no joke whatever in this. It will be as well,
however, to state that she wants a "nice young
man and no humbug."
A YOUNG LADY, eighteen years of age,
generally considered by her friends to he of
prepossessing appearance, of affable and plea.
sant manners, and of good family, takes this
method of seeking for one whom she will pro.
mice to "love, honor and obey," at the marriage
altar. She only wishes for one of a congenial
disposition, a gentleman between the ages of
22 and 30, of respectable parentage, and with
a business sufficient to justify him in taking the
responsibilities of married life upon his shoul
ders. He must be passably good looking.—
The advertiser is reserved, diffident, and unac
quainted with the false ways of society. associ
ating with few (or none) of the opposite sew,
but having youth, health, a fair share of this
worlds goods, and a cheerful disposition, she
wishes a cotnpaniou to enjoy life with her.—
Letters addressed to "IMOGENE," York, Pa.,
(post paid.) will receive prompt attention.
York, May 31, 1851.
seir The School Directors of Allegheny
county, have elected James M. Prayer, County
Superintendent and fixed the salary at $lOOO
per annum.
John L. Gow, Esq., has been elected to the
same office in Washington county, and the sa
lary is $lOOO.
James P. Wickersham, has been elected Su
perintendent of Common Schools for the coun
ty of Lancaster, at a salary of $l5OO per year.
As far as heard from, the following is a list
of those elected, with the salary lined by the
Hun. Jacob Kirk, York, $5OO
W. Armstrong, Erie, 600
J. S. Barr, Huntingdon, 300
Samuel D. Ingram, Harrisburg, 1,000
Joseph :.11, Doylestown, 1,000
Rev. H. S. Rodenbaugh, Norristown, GOO
J. W. Barrett, Williamsport, 500
Valentine Hilburn, Easton, 625
David Sheliy, Carlisle, 500
Hilbert A. Futhy, West Chester, 1,000
Hugh A. Caldwell, Hollidaysburg, 400
Robert C. Ross, Lewistown, 500
-Crewson, Pottsville, 1,000
- - -
NOT TO BE BOUGUT.—The Providedce
brrne says: "Shortly before the passage of the
Nebraska bill through the Senate, President
Pieree sought an interview with Gov. Allen,
°Mc United States &Mate, and in the course
of conversation, began to question him with a
view of obtaining his support for that measure.
"Sir," was Mr. Allen's characteristic retort, "1
have no favors to ask for at your hands, and
nothing to expect; and if you expect to buy
me, you haven't money enough in Washington
to do it 1"
brir A turtle, weighing 800 pounds, was
lately captured off Hog Island, while sleeping
on the rurface of the watcr.
Mr. Stephen A. Douglas has been spending
some days in our loin—perhaps is still here—
where he has made ono speech to Mr. John
Cochrane in an apartment of his tavern, and
another in the street to the Empire Club and
such adjuncts as could be drummed up by an
hour's industrious cannonading in the Park
and drumminF through Broadway. We wish
more of our citizens could have been induced
to guage the intellectual caliber of the "Little
Giant" who has stirred up all this row about
Nebraska. The first shock of amazement must
have bees severe, but the subsequent reflec
tions would have been salutary. Do consider
a few germs from his Tuesday evening speech:
"The simple principle involved in that [Ne
braska) question was, that the people of the
Territories of the United States shall be allow
ed to decide for themselves what kind of laws
they would have. * * * * It is no ex
cuse to say that the people, if left to them
selves, will pass bad laws; if they do, the con
sequences of those bad laws must fall upon.
their own heads."
That is to say: if A is allowed to beat, sell or
starve B—the consequences of such bad laws
fall not on. defenseless B who is beaten, sold
and starved, but on powerful A who is enabled
to do him the wrong—and so there is no dan
ger that the wrong will not be speedily redres
sed I
"Now if the people of the Territories are ca
pable of legislating upon every question invol
ving the well-being of the white man, are they
not also capable of legislating for the negro?—
[Laughter, and cries of 'yes, yes.'] I do not
think it requires any higher intellectual power
to make laws for the negro than for the white
man." [Great cheering.]
Isn't this something to be cheered over 7—
Just think of Bute or North getting up in the
House ofLords of 1775 and saying, '3ly Lords,
"if Parliament is capaple of legislating for En
"glishmen, I think it qualified to legislate for
"Americans as well." How pot-bellied country
squires would have chuckled over and cheered
the suggestion I How Sam. Johnson's tory
ism would have 'spread itself! 'Parliament
"makes good enough laws for us—why not.
"good enough then, for Yankees?" "Why,"
"replies simple Dr. Franklin, because Paths
"Ment represents you, is responsible to you, and
"does not represent, nor is it responsible to,
"the Americans." What Republican can fail
to see the distinction?—But Douglas gloats on
his glimmer of an idea, and returns to it as
something stunning. Let us follow him.
"The Abolitionists tell you that the proper
way is to give the people of the Territories pow.
er to make all the laws for the whites, but none
for the bkwks. Now, I say that we should
maintain and supp ort our principles consistent
ly, and that what i s good enough for whites is
good enough for negroes." [Cheers.]
The lying little villian knows this to be stee
ped in falsehood—knows that no Abolitionist
ever proposed to deprive the People of legisla
tive power over Blacks or Whites. What they
do propose is, that the laws shall be just and
equal to all men as men, and take no account
of their color as a reason for inflicting degrade.
don, injury and wrong upon any class or fac
tion. It is he. Stephen A. Douglas, who is try.
ing to fix matters no that what is good enough
for a part shall /tot be legally accounted good
enough for the residue—so that the power to
make all laws shall be confined to men of one
color, while those of another shall be abused
and oppressed under those laws without redress.
—But we ought not to have wasted so many
words on this miserable creature with his im
pudent, brazen sophistry. Itynders himself
might have uttered as wicked but not ad 'weak
a rigmarole; and we are rather surprised that
lie did not, as if in Tammany, after getting a
touch of its quality, order the Giant to shut up,
and to proceed to make the speech oftho even
ingliimself.—N. 17 Tribune.
M. On the Bth inst. the editor of the Phila.
delphia "News," received the following invita
tion—it refers to a grave subject, certainly, but
as a faithful chronicler, he could do no less than
state what was going on:
respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the
Democratic Party, which will take place on
Sunday morning next, at 9 o'clock, from "Mar
ble Hall," Chestnut street above Fourth. The
procession will proceed to the "Kansas Nebras
ka Territory," and he under the direction of
Stephen Arnold Dong:as."
"P. S.—A subscription will be taken up to
defray the expense of an iron railing, to fence
in the said territory."
The same reason which induced us to decline
the "Salt River" trip in 1852 will induce us to
decline a participation in the proposed ceremo•
nies. Meantime we hope the party engaged in
it may fare better than did the squad that went
on a similar errand on Wednesday last, of
whom it is said were "beaten with sticks"
Since writing the above, a friend has called
in to say that the Democrats will hold their
election on Tuesday next; a large portion of
them having forgotten to attend on Tuesday
last. It has been deemed expedient by Presi
dent Pierce, Judge Campbell and Mister Lou.
glas to adopt this step—rather doubtful.
From the Daily News.
Letter from Washington.
NVASIIINGTON, June 8, 1854
Mr. Edi/or:—The news from the good "City
of the multiplication table," is as the noise of
the rushing of many waters—perfectly astoun
ding, and to old Whigs, who in years by gone,
when the returns from Southwark were always
made to supply all short-comings in Spring
Garden, Northern Liberties, Kensington, he.,
labored and toiled, and dreamed not of seeing
such a result, truly cheering: But it is not a
11%4/ victory, though it is such a one as Whigs
may well rejoice in. It is the triumph of prin
ciple, of conservatism, of Americanism, and a
rebuke to the had faith to which the Nebraska
act owes its existence. It is the hand-writing
on the wall, and let the conscience-stricken
tremble at the doom that awaits them.
The Administration and the few friends it
has are completely dumbfounded. The blow
given them here, on Monday, was severely felt,
but followed up, as it has been, by such a stun
ning one as Philadelphia has dealt them, no
wonder they stagger under it, and look anxious.
ly around to see if there are any more of the
same kind to fall upon their devoted heads.
Upon the passage of the Nebraska measure,
and for some time previous, while it was being
so vigorously contested in the House, the coun
tenances of people here, as a general thing,
wore an aspect of gloom and despondency; but
that has now cleared away. and given place to
the mile of triumph, and of confidence in
the future. Every one, save those connected
with the Administration, seems to feel assured
that "there is it good time coming."
Congress will resume business in earnest on
Monday next.
There is little doubt bat that commissioners
will be sent to Spain, to negotiate for the pm ,
chase of Cuba. The Black Warrior affitir is
already obsolete—no chance of provoking a
war upon that. WAGSTAFF.
gies were discovered suspended upon the com
mon, is Worcester, on the 4th inst. They
were severally labelled. "Pontius Pilate Loring,
the unjust judge:" "Ben. Hallett, the kidnap
pail" Caleb Cushing, the bloodhound, " and
-Frank Pierce, Satan's journeyman." The
Spy describes them thus:
"Mr. Cushing's eye appeared to be as badly
damaged as was his leg in the ditch at Mata
moros. The mask had fallen from Loring's
thee, and displayed him as the hollow hearted
sycophant that lie is Forma !iris el prmlerea
iiihil." the form of a man, and nothing else.—
Hallett's spectacles had dropped from his nose,
but his couutettur.ce wore the usual fiendish
expression which characterises the man.—
Frank Pierce appeared to have taken a drop
too much, and ire should judge thet the cir
cumstances under which he then was, would
compel him to forego his usual practice of at- I
leading church twice on a sabbath.
The Prohibitory Liquor Law Convention.
This body met at Harrisburg, on Wednes.
day, last. A resloution to accept the issue of
a direct vote of the people in October, on the
question of Prohibition, wan adopted. The
opinion prevailed in the Convention that on the
abstract question there would be a large ma
jority in its favor. It was determined not to
nominate candidates for the Gubernatorial
chair, but to publish the replies to the follow
ing queries which had been submitted to the
candidates for the office:
1. Do you believe a law. prohibiting the
manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors.
except for sacramental, medicinal, mechanical
or artistical purposes, to he constitutional? and
would its constitutionality, in your opinion, be
affected by a submission of its repeal to a vote
of the people, provided a majority voted in fa.
nor of the law? _ .
2. In the event of your election, should the
Legislature enact such a law, will it receive
your executive sanction?
The following are the replies which were're
ceived from Gov. Bigler and Judge Pollock:
HARRISBURG, June 6, 1854.
GENTLEMEN; I have been honored by the re
ceipt of your communicatton of tho 18th ult.,
propounding to me certaiq questions touching
the subject of a Prohibitory Liquor Law.
To your first inquiry I reply that the Su
preme Court of the State have repeatedly held,
and I can concur in the doctrine, that the Le
gislature can excereise all law making power
not expressly forbidden by the State or Feder-
Constitution. Under this construction, I be-
Were the Legislature have authority to control
the manufacture and sale of spirituous liquors,
but in the use of that power, it, must be obvi
ous that a law might be passed, which, in its
details, would be a manifest violation of the
Constitution, and hence the impossibility of
answering your question distinctly, without
seeing the exact terms of the proposed law.
As to the second point in the inquiry, it
must be very clear that a law, constitutional in
itself, would' not be rendered otherwiie by al
lowing the people to decide, by vote whether
the Legislature should repeal it or not, no mat
ter what that vote. might be.
To your second inquiry. I answer, that I sin
cerely-deplore the evils of intetnperance, and
am now willing, as I always have been, to
sanction any proper measure to mitigate, and,
if possible, entirely remove the vice; but I can
not pledge myself to sanction a law the details
of which I have not seen. The terms of the
constitution and oath of office would seem to
forbid this course on the part of an Executive.
He should be free to judge of the constitution.
nlity and wisdom of a proposed law after hav
ing fully examined and considered its provisions.
Very respectfully, your obedient.
Wm. Throten.
To Stephen Miller, Jas. Black, Jas. Piper, Jno.
Jones, and Geo. W. Stanton, Esqrs., Com.
MILTON, May 30th, 1834,
Gentlemen—Your communication in refer
once to a prohibitory law has been received,
and in reply, I say that the constitutionality of
a prohibitory law, similar in its essential fee-
I tures to the one referred to in your interroga
tories, having received a judicial determination
by the highest Courts of several of our sister
States, and the principle having been reco,gni.
zed by the Supreme Court of the United States,
I em relieved from the responsibility of a first
decision. These Courts having affirmed the
constitutionality of a prohibitory law, and be
ing of the highest authority, I believe, upon
principle and authority, such a law to. my
stitutional; and its constitutionality, in y
woala not be affected by a submission of
its repeal tea vote of the people.
Every measure of moral or political reform,
sanctioned by the representatives nf the people,
within the limits of the Constitution, should
receive my official sanction. The expediency
and propriety of such laws are for else people,
through their representatives; and their will,
constitutionally declared, should be respected
by the Executive. If the people demand, and
their representatives enact such a law, their
will should not be resisted by the exercise of
the veto power—a power purely conservative,
and only to be excereised in canes clearly un
constittition al, or exhibiting indubitable evi
dence of hasty, injurious and imperfect legisla
tion. Suds being my views of official duty in
the premises, should the legislature, the oonsti.
tutional exponents of the popular Will, enact
such a law, it would, in the event of my elec
tion, receive the executive sanction.
Yours, very respectfully,
To Stephen Miller, Esry., Chairman,
and others, Committee,
From the Sandwich Islands.
TED STATES.--In the proceedings of the H. 7
waiian Legislature, April 20, we find the sub
joined in relation to annexation
The Committee on Foreign Affairs reported
upon the several petitions as follows ;
The Committee on Foreign Affairs, to whom
was referred several petitions from Hawaii,
Nihau and Oahu, relative to the annexation of
these Islands to the United States, beg leave
to make the following report That they have
examined the above petitions, and find that
the matters therein prayed for do not come
within the scope of the duties of this. House, as
prescribed by the Constitution,—that it is a
subject belonging exclusively to the treaty ma.
king power, the King and his Privy Council,
and that this House can take no action hi the
premises until it is submitted to them by the
King, should he deem such course wise and
That we have the fullest confidence that His
Majesty will take such action in the matter as
he shall deem for the best interests of the na.
lion, and this House will co-operate with His
Majesty in any action he may take in the pre
mises to the fullest extent of their power under
the Constitution.
Your Committee would, therefore, respect.
fully recommend that all petitions on the sub.
jeet be referred to His Majesty the King, and
that the Committee be discharged from the fur
ther consideration of the subject.
(Signed) Rich. H. Batylin,
S. M. Kainakau,
S. Kipi,
D. K Kaauwai,
W. E. Jil.
The Ministerial Reports presented at the be.
ginning of the session of the Hawanan Legisla-
ture, occupy great space in the Polynesian,
and are very interesting at this juncture, when
the relations between the Islands and the Uni
ted States are likely to become so intimate.
In. A tyranical husband locked the door
against his wife, who was out visiting a neigh.
bon, and when she applied for admittance, he
pretended not to know her. She threatened to
Jump into the well if he did not open the door.
He had no idea that she would do so, and oh.
etinately insisted that he did not know her, so
she took a log, and plunged it into the well, and
simultaneously with the splash it made she pla•
ced herself by the aide of the door, and as soon
as the husband darted out in his night clothes,
she darted in, locked the door, and declared
she did not know him. She froze him till he
was penitent and then let him iu.
F.loll.—The Free Soil State Convention of
Indiana, lutely met and adopted the following
resolutions, among others:
Resolved, That we do not think it expedient
at this time to nominate a Free Democratic
ticket for State officers.
Resolved, Therefore, that we recommend the
calling of a State Convention, to he held at such
time and place hereafter as nine be deemed ex
pedient for the purpose of combining' all the
elements of opposition to said measure, [the
Nebraska bill;) and we also respectfully recom
mend the calling of a Convention of all the op
ponents of said measure in the whole Union, in
order to demonstrate to the slave power our de
termination no longer to be its bite slaves.
The Daniel Webster and El Dorado at
New Orleans.
$3,000,000 on the way for N. Tork.
NEw ORLEANS, Monday, Juno 5,
The steamships Daniel Webster, from San
Juan. Nicaragua, and the El Dorado, from As
pinwall. have arrived at this port, bringing Cal
ifornia dates to the 15th of May.
The passengers have arrived hero in 19 days
and 20 hours from San Francisco.
The steamship Star of the West sailed front
San Juan for New York on the List ult., with
250 passengers and nearly a million and a half
in treasure.
The steamship George Law left Aspinwall
on the 31st tilt. for Now York with the moils,
passengers and nearly a million and a half in
gold dust. . .
The revolution in Nicaragua is reported to
have been successful.
Surrender of Milker's PiMinister Party—fir.
rest of the French Consul—Destruction if
the Steamship West Wiwi lay Fire.
NEW•ORLEANS, Tuesday, June 6.
We are now in receipt of our California pa
pers to to the 16th of Mae, brought here by the
Daniel Webster and El Dorado.
The amount of treasure on hoard the George
Law; en route for New York, is $1,140,000.
The Law was detained some time at Aspinwall,
by the way-bills of the treasure thiling to arrive
with the treasure, and an express had to be
sent to Panama for them.
Walker's fillibuster force had been disband
ed, and the parties comprising it surrendered
themselves prisoners, and had arrived at San
Francisco in cnstody of the United States au
thorities. They were released on parole.
The mines were yielding abundantly.
The Legislature had adjourned sine die.
Mr. Dillon, the French 'Consul, was arrested
on the morning of the sixth of May, charged
with violating the neutrality laws of the United
States. He was admitted to bail in the sum of
A destructive fire occurred nt York' on the
12th ult.
The screw•steamship West Wind had been
destroyed by fire.
The intelligence from the Sandwich Islands
and Oregon is quite unimportant.
The Eldorado reports that all was quiet at
Acapulco when the mail steamer touched there.
The Daniel Webster reports that the Mayor
of San Juan had announced his resignation,
and the total dissolution of the City Govern-
At the latest dates the revolutionists, under
Munos and Castellon, were attaching Grenada,
which has probably capitulated, and a new go,
ernment been eutablished.
Among the passengers arrived here from
El Dorado, is Madame Pfeiffer, the celebrated
German traveller.
Aspects of War Unchanged.
Forts at Ilonm Bombarded by Sir
Charles Napier.
NEW Yon!: June 11
The steamship . Paeitie, Captain Nye, arrived
in port about 9 o clock this evening, with Liv
erpool dutes of the 31st ult.
A steamship from Sir Charles Napier's fleet
brings the intelligence that Gustasvarnas was
bombarded on the 22d without effect. Anoth
er attack was intended on the 29th.
The advanced works of Hongo, on the Bal
tic, have been bombarded and destroyed, and
Sir Charles was about attacking the main for
The allied Elects were blockading Sebastopol.
The Turkish fleet had arrived off Varna on
its way to the Circassian coast.
The telegraph from Belgrade announces that
Silistria still held out against the attack of the
Russian forces on the 26th ult.
The Russians had lost 1500 in the attack of
the fortress Abdul Medjid.
The Greek insurrection appears to be less
It is reported that King Otho accepts the ul•
Naples has declared its intention to main•
taro its neutrality.
The adhesion of the smaller German powers
to the Austro•Prussian treaty has been secured.
Russia has certainly coTiciudednireay with
The Russians before Silistra have been driv
en back by the beseiged four times with loss.
Tunis is to furnish 10,000 men to the Porte.
The Journal of St. Petersburg says that two
frigates had cannonaded Wiltsland on the 19th,
and that the next day they approached Eken
as, but were repulsed.
Two thousand Greek insurgents aro posted
near Deninarko, Epirus.
A French division had arrives! at the Pincus.
The Russians are menacing Erzeroum, and
have recently made a compulsory enrolment of
30,000 Armenians.
Two Russian war vessels have been present
ed to the Greek government by Russia.
It is reported that a vast portion of the mer
chant quarter at Riga has been demolished by
the military authorities in preparing for its de
A Russian steamship had sailed out of Se
bastopol, notwithstanding the blockade, and
captured an English merchantman in the Black
Sea. Being discovered with her prize, she cut
it adrift, and made her way buck to Sebastopol
in safety.
The Neva wns free from ice May 2d, and
had risen so high that an inundation was fear
Fifteen stone bridges crossing the Neva
were to be broken down, and the remainder to
be mounted with heavy cannon.
Emperor Nicholas has been quite sick.
An allied force of 17,000 men, it is said, will
be landed in Sweden, preparatory to that pow.
er declaring war amtin2t Russia.
Advices from Constantinople say that the
Turkish corps at Kara almost entirely disper
sed on the approach of the Russians, May sth.
Letters from Turin state that a contingent
force of 25,00 men had been demanded from Sar•
di., by France, fur the purpose of the Eastern
The Imperialists made an unsuccessful nt•
temp to retake Shanghae. The insurgents
were steadily marching towards Pekin.
Large Fire at Allegheny City,
Last night, a fire occurred in Allegheny Ci
ty, which destroyed eighteen houses; among
others, John Stetne's drygoods store, Morris &
Patton's grocery store, MeGrathy's clothing
store, Magee's and Peter Metz's shoo stores,
Klee & Kauffman's clothing store, Wm. Miller's
saddlery store, Wilson & son's hat store, Smith's
tin store, Ralston's grocery, Carson's tavern
and Lightcap's tavern. The buildings were
mostly situated on Federal street. The loss is
estimated at $30,000, insured mostly in Pitts
burg offices. It is supposed that the fire was
the work of an incendiary, and a discharged
convict from the penitentiary, named S. Riles,
has been arrested on suspicion of being the
perpetrator of the ac'.—Piltsburg American.
Hosmunas.—The Governor of Honduras Ims
issued a proclamation against the alleged de.
signs of a company of adventurers from the
United States, composed of English; Germans
and Americans, who intend to plant an Amer
ican colony upon part of the Mosquito territory,
which they have seized under a pretence of a
sale from the Mosquito King to John Sebas
tian Renswiek, a merchant of London. Such
an attetnpt, it is alleged, threatens the dignity
and rights, as well as the interests, of lbindu
ratt, and the Governor appeals to the sense of
justice of the United States and all civilized
nation,: 14ainst it,
From South America.
We have dates from Valparaiso to April 30th.
The following items we take from the Volpe.
raiso Echo:
Peat.—The yellow fever in Limn WM re•
ported as on the decline, and the statistics of
the Cemeteries show a considerable tolling off
in the mortality.
. -
The. Southern Provinces had pronounced in
favor of General Castilla. Generals Vivanco;
San Roman, Colonel La Puerta, and other of•
ficials who had been recently banished, had re•
turned to Arequipa, and from the deep•rooted
hatred nod ancient rivalries between these per.
sonages and General Castilla, it was feared
that it might ho attempted to get up a counter
revolution. General Castilla seas in Cuzco,
employed in organizing forces; and some of his
partisans were similarly engaged in the rest of
the insurreetionary Provinces. All the judici
al and civil authorities have beer. replaced by
Castilla and his partizans.
In the North the President Echeniquo has
raised a large array perfectly equipped and
armed; but destitute of valor, activity, or hope
of triumph. A new passport system has been
established, and other measures taken as pre.
cautions against the propagandists of the
BOLIVIA.—The wur with Peru has been con
cluded. The President Belzu is nt peace; but
has ordered some auxiliary forces to be sent to
his friend General Castilla.
From Copiapo and Coquimbo we havo noth•
tog new. The mines continue very prosper•
The French ship-of-war, L'Obligado arrived
on the Ist of May, from Central America. The
Russian frigate Aurora sailed on the 16th of
April on a cruise.
The Lima Foreign News gives the following
details of the melancholy loss of seven hundred
and thirty-one Peruvian troops. The Peruvian
transport Mercedes, bound from Casma to Cal
lao, with about eight hundred troops on board,
struck upon a rock near the month of Casma
harbor, on the morning of the Ist May. The
Mercedes was accompanied by the government
steamer Rime, the officers of which rendered
every possible assistance, but without effect.—
The Mercedes went down soon after she struck,
carrying with her seven hundred and Hart/tone
perscn!L . .
A difficulty had taken place between the
Peruvian government and the French Minister,
owing to the murder of a man who had placed
himself under French protection. On May
Bth, the Minister lowered his flag and went on
board the frigate La Forte. Private advices
inform us that the matter is likely to he ar
The Lima News of May 11th says: "A gov
ernment decree was lately passed, prohibiting
foreigners from carrying arms into the interior.
By the exertions of the American Minister,
(lion. J. Randolph Clay,) this decree has been
modified, so far as regards citizens of the Cni•
ted States."
The same paper says: "We understand that
the I'. S. N. Co. are daily expecting the arrival
of a titst sailing steamer to be placed in the
above trade in conjunction with their fleet of
steamers at present plying on this coast.
The Osprey, the name of the steamship in
tended for this trade, will leave Callon for the
Chinches and Pisco on the Ist, Bth, 15th and
24th of each month—returning from Pisco and
the Islands on the days following, thus afford
ing to masters of vessels and others stationed
at the islands, a cheap and speedy conveyance
to and front Callao."
Why are so many Ships Lost?
During a period of eighteen months, en-ling
in September, 1853, one hundred and three
ships and barques, one hundred and forty-four
brigs, and three hundred and twenty-seven
schooners and sloops, were Jost at sea; fifty
vessels, which had previously sailed, were never
afterwards heard from; eight hundred and thir
ty-eight put into port in distress, and one hun
dred and two wrecks were passed—making a
total loss, for the period given, as calculated by
a writer in the Boston Atlas, of one vessel lost
every eleven hours; one stranded every forty
four hours; one abandoned every seventy-fire
hours, and one sailing and never afterwards
heard from, every ton days. Such a statement
as this should awaken earnest inquiry concern
ing the causes of these disasters The calcula
tion is almost exclusively confined to American
Shipping. Few can read it unmoved, and yet
if the loss of life, ns well as of property, had
been included, and if the dreadful sufferings of
the dead and the bereaved could be set forth,
the horrors of the picture would be infinitely
increased.—N. Y. Time,
A CHINESE NEWSPAPER.—We have received
from San Francisco a number of the "Golden
Hills News," printed entirely in Chinese, with
a request, "please exchange.' The contents,
we have no doubt, are very interesting, but are
a sealed book to us—for we have never drank
at the fountains of Confucian literature, except
the simple streams of Bohee and Hysen, and
even these, to suit our taste, were much diluted.
The "Golden Hills News," we presume, is a
progressive, go-ahead paper, and represents
Young Hyson. Its typography looks like flies'
legs, butterflies' wings and spiders' claws, ar
ranged for a country dance, the column roles
are drawn across the sheet, and you must read
it crab fashion backwards. We welcome this
accession to the tediurnal press of America,
and invite the curious to inspect our number
at the Sun office.—Phtlet. on.
air On Monday of last week, no two broth
ers of the name of Stone were out hunting, on
Broad mountain, Sehttylkill county, they sur
prised a large bear. On coining within a short
distance of the bear, the younger brother fired
but missed him, when Brttin made a spring at
hint, and with one blow of his hugo paw knock
ed him senseless to the earth, breaking several
ribs. The elder brother then fired at the hear,
and the shot taking effect in'the heart; he drop
ped dead. He weighed 1068 pounds. Young
Mr. Stone is in n fair way to recover.
Washington Affairs—Spanish Difficulty.
Something definite and important with re•
Bard to our relations with Spain is anticipated
to transpire within the coming week. For
several days the State department and the Span.
ish legation have been discussing the question
between the two countries, and it is certain
that they are likely to be arranged in a man.
ner most satisfactory to both.
The President intends to rusticate at Old
Point Comfort during a part of the summer.—
De Russy's cottage at that place is to be fitted
up for his accommodation.
JAUES W. Gams, N 4 lug candidate for Gm'.
ernor of lowa, is on the stump. He spoke at
Mount Pleasant, Henry Co., on the 28th ult. to
us many as could crowd into the Court-house,
while many went away unable to get in. He
took decided ground against the Nebraska Mi.
quity, and in fiivor of Liquor Prohibition.
Va. A man was lined five dollars on Saha.
day, for bringing into Rochester a load of
calves, with the head of one of them hanging
down by the wagon wheel. We commend this
example to the authorties of other places, where
market calves and sheep are habitually teal.
treated, with a cruelty which would he dirt•
graceful to savages.
WONDERFUL. ESCAPE.-A woman, named
Ray, who was walking on Boyd's Hill, in Pitts.
burg, on Thursday evening of last week, about
nine o'clock, incautiously approached too near
the edge of the precipice, and was precipitated
into the quarry below, a distance of fifty feet.
At the time of the full she had a small child in
her arms, hit, strange to say, lit on her feet,
without doing any material injury to either
herself or child.—Pittsburg American.
ma.cnApmAN's chanude.• says, that when
Pierce subscribes his name to the Nebraska
and Kenna bill, he signs his own death war.
rant, politically, and fixes stronger, if possible,
the doom which inevitably awaits him, at the
expiration of the present Presidential term.—
Chapman ought to know, for he was one who
aided in the elect io n of Piece,
For the Journal.
Me, Entrou :—ln the Journal of 3d of May
I notice n communication under the signature
of D., with a view of giving publicity to the
verdict of the second Inquest held on the body
of James Stambaugh. Such a course is not
unprecedented, when a felon lying in fetters
awaiting the just reward of his crimes, it is not
unnatural for his friends to resort to any and
every emergency to exculpate him from the
charge against him; not only in our courts' f
justice, but also public opinion. Such is the
intention in this case; that the person under
arrest for the murder of Sttunbaugh, will stand
non-committed in the eye of the law, as well
as public opinion. Much care has been taken
to secure the intelligenee and regular aid for a
second jury, while the first was composed of as
much intelligence—lacking the regulars; as tho
second, or any other parked for the purpose.—.
Our object is not to controvert the merits of
the two juries or their awards, neither do we
intend to notice the matter further, as the
Court of Oyer and Terminer, (if I am right,)
will determine from the evidence before it, but
to guard public opinion from any false impres
sions that may be placed before it to mislead.
For the Journal,
Mr. EDITOR:-It has been a custom for
years past, for a set of rowdies to gather at
what is.called the "Big meetings" of the Dun.
!cards, which are held at their church in Ger
many valley, near Shirleysburg. Those who
go 4o church for the purpose of disturbing the
congregation: had better, before they proceed
in their nefarious course, give a lawyer five
dollars for a 'bit' of advice, for fear they might
ho "put where the dogs won't bark at them."
It is a very dangerous thing for any person to
disturb a religious meeting, be that denomina
tion what it may. This rowdyism has been
borne with for a great many years, (for the rya
son that said society are opposed to Iftwiug;)
but such proceedings cannot be looked upon
moth longer with impunity.
Shirleyeburg, June 14th,
Rail Road flours.
Past Line going. Eastward. Westward.
Leaves Mt. Union, 4 33 A. M. 5 52 A. M.
Mill Creek, 4 19 " 6 06 "
Muntingilon, 4 09 " 6 20 "
Petersburg, 3 53 " 6 33 "
Spruce Creek. 3 41 " 6 47 "
Slow Line going Eastward. Westward.
!Tares Mt. Union, 330 P. M. 410 P. M.
Mill Creek, 3 13 " 4 26 "
Huntingdon, 301 " 4 40 "
Petersburg, 2 42 " 4 56 "
Spruce Creek, 2 27 " 2 11 ..
7 1 01 E21:027Z.1.
Juno 13, 1834.
Flour per hid., $9,00 a 169,30
Red Whent, per bu., 1,90
White Wheat, per bit.. 2,00
Rye, per hu 75
CrOn, per ha ....
Outs. per bu 44
Hay, per ton 8 10
Butter, per lb., 19
Lard, per lb., 10
Eggs, per doz., 19
PHILADELPHIA, Juno 10—The Floor
market is dull and inactive, and there is little
or no export demand—the sales have been
confined to small lots for the supply of the re•
milers and bakers at $9,504621 for choice
brands and extra.
Grain.—There is more Wheat offering, and
the market is dull;.2000 bushels prime red sold
at $2,05 per bu., and white is held at $2,18a2,•
20, but some sales have been effected nt lower
quotations. Th.. market is bare of Rye, nt.d
it is wanted at 81,15a1.17. Corn held at 84
cents per bushel. Oats, 58 cents per bushel.
The most extraordinary discovery in the World
is the Great Arabian Remedy for Van
and Beast.
This truly great medicine still goes on, con
quering disease, and snatching many a poor
powerless victim from the grave. By its pow.
erfully stimulating, penetrating and anodyne
qualities, it restores the use of the limbs which
have been palsied for years; and by its singular
power of reproducing the synovial fluid or joint
water, it cures all diseases of the joints with
surprising rapidity. For rheumatism, and af
fections of the spine and spleen, it has proved
itself a specific; and for affections of the lungs,
liver and kidneys, it is a must valuable and
powerful auxiliary; also, for all diseases of the
glands, scrofula, goitre or swelled neck, etc.,
etc. And indeed for almost any disease where
an external application is required, this medi•
eine stands unparalleled. Sprains, bruises,
cramps, wounds, chilblains, burns, etc. : are
speedily cured by it.
Front the Hen. Peter fifenard, one of the oldest
settlers in Illinois.
It gives me pleasure to add my testimony to
the virtues of your great medicine. One of my
blooded horses had a swelling over the cap of
the knee, about the size of a hen's egg. Some
said it was a strain, and some, that it was the
joint water from the knee, and could not be
cured. I tried oil cedar on it, and all the lini•
rants and ointments, and they did no more
good than water. I then, by persuasion of my
friends, tried U. G. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,
and I was happy to find it take effect atter a
few days, and it finally cured the noble animal
entirely. I think it is decidedly, the greatest
liniment for horse's, as well as human flesh, I
ever knew.
Tremont, Tazewell co., 111., March 16th '49.
Thadeus Smith, of Mudd Creek, Tazewell
county, Illinois, says: "I had lost the use of my
arm for more than a year, by palsy or paralysis;
the flesh had entirely withered away, leaving
nothing but skin, muscle and bone. I tried all
the best doctors, and all the remedies I could
bear of, but they did no good. I then corn.
menced the use of H. G. Farrell's Arabian
Liniment, and a few bottles entirely cured me,
and my arm is now as strong and fleshy , as the
other: it is also first rate for burns, &pram sad
Look out for Counterfeits!
The public are cautioned against another
counterfeit, which has lately made its appear
, ante, culled W. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,
the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be.
cause his having the name of Farrell, many
will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge
that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps
only discover their error when the spurious
mixture has wrought its evil effects.
The genuine article is manufretured only by
11. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor,
and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Maia street,
Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for
Agencies m ustibe addressed. Be sure you get
it with the letters H. G. before FarrelPs, thus
—H. G. FA.RRELL'S—and his signature on
the wrapper, all others arc counterfeits.
Sold by Thos. Read S. Son, Huntingdon, It.
E. Sellers & Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts.
burg, and by regularly authorized agents
throughout the United States.
EELS" Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle.
AGENTS WANTED in every town, village
and hamlet in the United States, in which one
is not already estribffilied. Address H. G. Far-
rell as above, accompanied with good referee,
a: to character, responsibility, &c.
„H... 7. lc"; •