Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 24, 1854, Image 2
HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. ~ --- Wednesday Morning, Nay 21, isal. WILLIAM MIEWSTER, Editor, CIRCULATION 1000. WHIG STATE TICKET: FOR GOVERNOR, James Pollock, of Northumberland co. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, George Dante, of Allegheny co. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, Daniel 111..8myser, of Montgomery co, Medical Students. Medical Students or Physicians, wishing a well selected assortment of Medicines, wills Bottles, Jars, and all the necessary fixtures belonging to a Physician's Shop, also a well selected Medical Library, may be had on very low terms. For further information inquire at this office. SW We invite the attention of our readers to the New Advertisements in to-day's issue. Mir On Friday of last week we received the Lady's Book for the month of June. It is cer• tainly a very desirable number. It has 8 full page Plates, 1 Line Engraving, 1 Colored Fashion Plate, 100 pages, 05 Engravings, and 66 Contributions. It has the very latest style of fashions for Summer. The July number commences a new volume; those who wish to have the number bound, should subscribe for the work immediately. Improvements. Huntingdon is about to shake off her lethn gy, and take her place among those of improve ment and reform. What is known as the Cottage Farm, adjoin. ing the borough on the west, has been sold to a company who have already laid out a large addition to the town. They are making pre paration to build a large Flouring Mill, to run ten pairs of burrs; and there is a probability that this will be the ternunus of the Canal. In about another year we will have the Broad Top Rail Road in operation, when that great coal region will pour in her wealth to us. SET. We have no news of importance from Congress to giro you, the only thing they ap pear to be doing is fighting about this infamous Nebraska bill, when they will terminate it is difficult to say. Mr, Douglas is urging it to desperation. Our Government is even trying to carry their nefarious schemes farther. Mr. Soule is strain ing a point to involve us in a war with Cuba. But Spain is not going to submit so tamely as might be supposed. Spain is about sending 10,000 men to the defence of the island. The English and French have each a war steamer cruizing in the neighborhood, watch• ing the movements of tile United States. A GREAT AND NOVEL Evrimmuse.We pub lish in our advertising columns a magnificent Gift Enterprise, (the third of a series,) started in New York by Mr. Perham, who has been long and favorably known throughout the North and East. An examination of it will present features that commend it to the attention of every man, woman and child in the communi ty. We have only to say that the former en terprises of this indefatigable manager have been characterized by the greatest fairness, and given the utmost satisfaction to all concerned. Send in your orders for tickets as early as pos sible, as they will undoubtedly be taken up in a short time. Ants of the Legislature in relation to Huntingdon County. An Act repealing an Act granting a State road in Huntingdon and Mifflin counties known as Miles' saw-mill road. An Act changing the time of Auditing the Township Accounts in the county of Hunting don from the 2nd Monday in April, to the 4th Friday in March, in each year. An Act to supply the borough of Huntingdon with water. An Act to Review part of a State road in Tell township. An Act to change the place of holding the Elections in Brady township. An Act incorporating a company to erect a Bridge across the Juniata River at the mouth of Hares valley. An Act authorizing the Auditor General to examine the claim of J. Donaldson. An Act to incorporate the Shade Gap, Shir levsburg, and Juniata Plank-road company. An Act authorizing the Governor to incor porate the Huntingdon and MeAleavy's Fort Turnpike and Plank road company. A supplement to an Act granting a State road from Hopewell, Bedford cunty, to Mill Creek, Huntingdon county. An Act authorizing the Burgess and Town auncil to subscribe to the Huntingdon and Broad-top Mountain Railroad and Coal nom patty. A suppliment to the Drakes Ferry and Broad top Railroad company. )IM. The general Appropriation bill, just passed, contains a section appointing N. Strick land, of Chester, John Strohm. of Lancaster, and John N. Purviance, of Butler, Commis goners to examine into tho correctness of the claims against the Commonwealth for debts al ledged to be due on the Portage Railroad. The aggregate amount of money appropria• ted by the bill, is about 1- ice Million, Five hun. dyed Thousand Dollars, to which must be ad ded a claim bill of not lees than Fifty Shousaud Dollars. It increases the salary of the Judges of the Supreme Court two hundred dollars each, but makes no alteration in the salaries of the District Judges throughout the State. The Governor's salary, after the expiration of the term of the present executive, is to be Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. The appro priation of Fifteen hundred dollars to the Scott Legion of Philadelphia, for the erection of a monument, was retained in the bill, as insisted upon by the House. And that so much of the tenth section of an act passed the seventeenth day of April, eigh teen hundred and forty-three, entitled "An act to reduce the expences of government," as re hates to the pay of members of the Legislature when the session continues over one hundred days, bo and the same is hereby ',peal A. Our Relations with Spain. The Washington Union, of the kith instant, had a lending article on this subject, which seems to be significant of very belligerent in tentions on the part of the Administration. It says : "If the rumor, which were current at Madrid at our latest dates he reliable, the Spanish cab-, inet had declined to afford prompt reparation for the wrongs committed against the flag of the United States in the instance of the Black Warrior. The intelligence, from the belief that it is true, is justly producing a mighty sensa tion throughout the Union. The period for diplomatizing nt a distance of four thousand miles for redress for unprovoked, flagrant in sults and injuries sustained by our country at the hands of the insolent, and, so far as we are concerned, irresponsible authorities at Havana, has at length passed by. Duty to ourselves requires that we should prepare for settling upon the spot where they have perpetrated the offences to our honor and rights. We are quite free to state—and in terms so empluttical and unequivocal as to admit of no misinterpretation —that if ample satisfaction is not allowed for the piratical seizure of the Black Warrior, we shall advocate an immediate blockade of the island." This, says the Philadelphia Sun, is what in some places is called "tall talking;" but we have been so long accustomed to this kind of declamation from the official organ, that under ordinary circumstances we should attach but little importance to it. Just at this time, how ever, taken in connection with the statement we publish this morning on the authority of the Madrid correspondent of the London Times, as' to the state of Mr. Soule's negotiations, it is entitled to more attention than it would other wise claim. There can be but little doubt that Mr. Soule has failed to obtain the "prompt re paration" of which the Union speaks, and just as little that our government has been advised of the fact, and that the article of the Union was penned with full knowledge in the premi ses. Unless, then, we can believe that the passage we have quoted is a pure piece of bra vado, without meaning or motive, it is fair to infer that the Administration is feeling its way towards a demonstration against Cuba. Mr. Slidell's resolution points in that direction, and there are other indications scarcely less impor tant. We ought, perhaps, to qualify our phrase, and say the President and a portion of his ad visers are bent on this mischievous purpose; for, judging him by his antecedents, we can scarcely believe that Mr. Marcy is disposed to sanction such a course; but, be this as it may, it will be well for the country to keep close watch upon those who at present control its executive action. There ought to be no mystery about this Cuban business. If the government has poss. ession of any facts to justify the vehement tone of its reputed month-piece, why not communi cate them to the people. If Spain has really committed the outrages which are so lustily charged, let us have the proofs, so that we may be ready to sympathize in all just measures for the vindication of the national honor. If there is occasion for warlike movements let it be proclaimed in open and unequivocal terms, and not through these mysterious givings out which serve no other end than to derange and unset tle all the interests of the country. Give us the facts and not inuendoes, and then all men will be able to draw their own conclusions. The Steamer City of Glasgow. In an article on the missing steamer City of Glasgow, tho New York Courier expresses the conviction that she has foundered among the ice. The Courier thinks the Glasgow, with 447 souls on board, must have encountered the same field of ice with which the Collins strain. er Baltic had on her outward passage so fear ful a struggle about the 9th of March, in ltd. 4f, lon. 47. The editor says "The 'City of Glasgow' sailed from Liverpool on the Ist of March. * * * On the even ing of the 11th a terrible gale commenced from W. S. W. to N. N. W., which lasted until Into the next day. Nautical men on board the Baltic agreed that they had never seen a more violent gale, and express the conviction that no ship hemmed in by the ice could have outlived that storm. Making a fair calculation of time and distance, there can be little doubt that the City of Glasgow was in the vicinity of that ice fibld, and exposed to that gale. It is a belief in this state of facts which, with us, extinguish ,es hope. Strength, nor courage, nor skill, could avail anything in such a case. Those crushing mountains of ice would, when tossed by such a gale, grind to powder mars stoutest structure." The number of icebergs seen from the deck of the Baltic on that voyage was from nine to twelve hundred, varying in dimensions, to use the language employed bythe captain of an other ship, "from the size of an omnibus to that of the Astor House." Good News from the Interior. We are much gratified to learn from our co temporaries in the interior of the State, that a condition of things is everywhere manifesting itself in favor of Judge Pollock's election,which indicates the most flattering prospects of suc cess in the State. An old and esteemed friend, belonging to the Democratic party, and real ding in Bradford county, informs the Harris burg Telegraph that he has travelled through most of the Northern counties since Pollock's nomination, and finds that the freemen of all parties who are opposed to the infamous scheme of the Democratic party to extend the area of slavery, and trample upon the rights of the free North, are rallying under the anti-Nebras . ka banner, with a determination to elect Mr. Pollock. Another Democrat from Clearfield county, who has done the party service in times past, informs the editor of the same journal, that Postmaster General Campbell's conduct in placing a particular class of men with whom he is identified, in all the post offices in the county, to the exclusion of native born Ameri cans, has excited a whirlwind of indignation among the "sons of the soil" that will complete. ly annihilate him and his party at the next elec tion. This gentleman is confident that Bigler's own county will give a majority against him. gar The Philadelphia Sun says, several ves sels arrived at that port on Monday the 2d day of May and report meeting with large quanti ties of ice at sea. The ship A. Z. had to run a S. E. course for twelve hours to clear large masses of field ice, and the Hamburg barque Franklin, on the Grand Banks, from the 11th to 17th ult., passed a large number of icebergs and quantities of field ice, and on the 11th her decks were covered to the depth of two feet with snow. AN AMERICAN WHALER SEIZED.—The Amer ican whalesh i p Hudson has been mind at Falk. land Island by the British, on a pretence sofri volous as to require the interference of the S. sloop of wnr Germantown. The papers in the case have linen forwarded to the Govern ment. Ajax defying the lightuing—a drunken bus• band returning to a redheaded wife. Eleotions, The following is an act passed by the Legis lature at its present session, and become a law, in relation to elections in the Commonwealth, which we deem important to our readers. This measure will relieve the Legislature hereafter of a great deal of trouble and vexation, as well as time. Election Districts should be fixed by the Courts, as it is presumed they know more about the facts of each ease than the Legisla ture: AN ACT, in relation to establishing "V ehan ging the places for holding general elections throughout the Commonwealth. See. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth e Penimylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That upon the petition of one-third of the qual ified voters of any election district of the Com monwealth presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions of the proper city or county tbr the purpose, it shall be lawful for such Court to or der an election in such election district upon the question of the location or change of the place of holding the general, special and town ship elections for such district, subject to all the provisions (not inconsistent herewith) of the fifty-sixth section of the act of the second of July, 1839 entitled an act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth; and that the elections directed by said section shall be con ducted by the officers of the last preceding gen general election who shall conduct the same in the same manner in which the general elections are by law required to be held, and conducted with the same penalties and punishments for frauds or misconduct in officers, persons offer ing to vote, or others, as is prescribed by said act and its supplements, and in the case of the absence or inability of any such officer to serve, the vacancy or vacancies shall be filled in the same manner described by said acts. Ste' 2 That the Court of Quarter• Sessions shall have authority within their respective counties to divide any borough, ward or town ship into two or more election districts, or to form an election district out of parts of two or more adjoining townships, so ns to suit the con venience of the inhabitants thereof, and to fix the place of holding elections .d appoint the election officers pursuant to the provisions of this act: Provided, That no district so formed shall contain less than one hundred voters, and the proceedings had in the case of such divi sion or alteration shall be the same as in the erection or alteration of the lines of townships. AN ACT authorizint the Governor to incorporate the Huntingdon and Mc- Aleavy'e Port Turnpike Road Com- pany. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives qf the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met and is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That David Blair, Robert Cumuli., Alexander Stewart, John Oaks, Henry Lee, Samuel Stef fy, William B. Zeigler, William Cummins, Al exander Port, James Maguire, Robert Maur ney, William B. Smith, Elisha Shoemaker, Sr., Robert Johnston, John Jackson, George Jack son, of Jackson township, George Couch, He zekiah Crownover, John P. Stewart, Alexander Carman, Thomas Fisher, David Snare, James Saxton, William Dorris ' Jr., George Gwin, Thomas Adams. George Jackson, of Hunting don, and J. Simpson Africa, of Huntingdon county, or any five of them, be, nod they are hereby appointed commission's, to open books and receive subscriptions and organize a rem pany by the name, style and title of the Hun tingdon and MeAleavy's Fort turnpike compa ny, with power to construct a turnpike road from the borough of Huntingdon to MeAleavy's Fort, in Jackson township, Huntingdon coun ty, by such route or routes as the stockholders may determins upon, subject to all the provi sions and restrictions of an act regulating turn pike and plank road companies, passed the twenty-sixth day of January, one thousand eight huntlred and forty-nine, and the supple ment thereto. Provided, howerer, That the president and managers of said compiler may make, or cause to be made, any and such part or parts of said road a plank road, instead of a turnpike as in their judgment they may dc-cm expedient, subject to the regulations end re strictions of said acts regulating turnpike and plank road companies. SECTION 2. That the capital stock of said company shall consist of eight bemired shares, at twenty-five dollars per share, Pmrided, That the said company may, front time to time, by a vote of the stockholders, at a meeting to be held for that purpose, increase their capital stock so much as in their opinion may be tie cessary to complete the road or roads, and car ry out the true intent and meaning of this net. SECTION 3. That the burgesses and town council of the borough of Iluntiegdon are hereby authorized to subscribe to the capital stock of this company an amount not exceed ing five thousand dollars. Sscrtox 4. That if the said company shall not commence the construction of their road within three years after the granting of this charter, and complete the same within ten years thereafter, this act shall be null and void, except so far as the same may be necessary to wind up the affairs and pay the debts of said company. TREMENDOUS CALAMITY! Governor Bigler Missing—Democratic Papers Decline to Notice the Loss. We do not mean by the above heading that Gov. Bigler dos been killed outright; that por tion of his history will be written up on the se cond Tuesday of October next, by an indignant and outraged people. But we do allege that since the March convention, he has been mis sing on every important question that interests the country, or agitates the community; and up to this time no Dernocratic paper that has come to our notice, has taken sufficient interest in his welfare to notice the fearful loos. New we take this as very unkind in the editors of those journals. If they are acquainted with his where abouts, why not relieve the suspense awl appre. of his friends? If they are ignorant of his po sition, why not offer a suitable remuneration for the discovery and safe return of the fugitive? The truth is, that the WHIG press must have speedy and definite inforination as to his local ity, as they have several important accounts with him that remain unsettled; and if our Democratic friends do not produce the truant within a week or two, we shall offer a reward for him on our "own hook," or publish him as a defaulter. But perhaps our neighbors of the Union or the Pennsylvanian, or some other Democratic paper, can enlighten us; if so will they be so kind as to answer the following ques tions Is Gov. Bigler in favor of, or opposed to the Douglas Nebraska bill? Isle for or againt the sale of all the improve. ments belonging to the Commonwealth? Why did ho ;OM the charter of several Sa yings * Banks during the last session, and sign others of precisely the same character? Why did he during the same session veto an amendment to the charter of the Cash Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Harrisburg, and sanction several charters of other Insurance Companies containing the same provisions ? But we will not lengthen out the lesson for the present; if we receive definite answers to the alAve interrogatories, they shall soon hear from no again. . . . . . Potamex's principles are "known and rend of all men." Ho is opposed to the infamous Nebraska scheme, and against the extension of slavery. He is in favor of a judicious and im mediate sale of the Public Works. He is against the indiscriminate interference by the Executive with the action of the peoples Rep resentatives, and is only in favor of using the veto power when such action hears upon its face n violation of the constitution, or indubit able evidence of hasty, injudicious and defect ive Legislation. We and the people of Penn sylvania demand of Gov. Bigler awl his friends an open avowal of his position on these import. ant questions. Shall we bars it'—Sarin. burg Te!,gr•7l7ll. aiir The New York Tribune says:—We challenge the curious annals of history for a more striking progressive change in the senti. ment of a nation than that which has taken place in regard to Abolition,. pure and simple, in the free States of America. A few years ago and the name of Abolitionist was identified with social outlawry. Southern States put a price on the head of Garrison; southern Post. offices opened letters and papers; and Commit. tees of northern Safbtymen burned Abolition journals by the heap; mobs drove the emanci. patios apostle from Baltimore—burned down a Liberty-Hall in Philadelphia—shot down Love. joy for printing and speaking democracy—and everywhere persecuted the name, fame and per sons of the Abolitionists. Three years ago a mob headed by Isaiah Rynders broke up their meeting at the Tabernacle, and fairly pursued them front the City. Two years ago they could not obtain here a place to assemble in, and were obliged to go to Syracuse to hold their Anniversary. But now all this is changed.— They are welcomed to one of the largest and handsomest churches in New-York, and their discussions have not only been entirely undis. turbed, but have been attended by crowded and sympathetic audiences of the most respec table people. Even conservatism and modera. Son now listen without a shock to the bold at terences of these quondam fanatics. Such is the effect produced by the conviction which is now gaining complete possession of the public mind at the North, that the South is faithless to its own pledges and is resolved to extend the area of Slavery at whatever risk. This great change has been wrought by the Nebraska bill, and as yet we are only at the beginning. Gar rison, Phillips, and all their compeers, could not have made so many Abolitionists and Din. unionists in half a century, as Pierce, Douglas, Badger and Clayton have made in three months. The Roll of Infamy. The Representatives from Free States na• med below voted on Monday to take up the Kansas-Nebraska bill with a view to urge its immediate passage, viz: MAINE—M[OM Macdonald. NEW•HAMPSIIIRE —Harry Hibbard. M RHODE ISLAND— None. CoNNEcTrcur—Colin M. Ingersoll. VCR. MONT—NOW. NEW-YORK-Th. W. Cummings, Hiram Wet bridge, Mike Walsh, William M. Tweed, Win, A. Walker, John I T. Taylor—G._ New-JF:llBl,Y—Samuel Lilly, George Vail-2. PENNSYLVANIA —Thomag B. Florence, John Bobbins, Jr.. William H. White, John McNair, Samuel A. Bridges, Christian M. Straub, Hen drick B. Wright, Asa Packer, William H. Kurtz, John L. Dawson, Michael C. Trout-11. Onio—David T. Di;ney, Fred. W. Green, Edson B. Olds-3. INDIANA—Smith Miller, Wm. H. English, Cyrus L. Durban], James H. Lane, Thomas A. Hendricks, John G. Davis, Norman Eddy-7. ILLINOIS—James C. Allen, Willis Allen, Wm. A. Richardson-3. MICIIIOAN-David Stuart, David A. Noble, Samuel Clark-3. lowA—Bernhardt CALIFORNIA—MiIton S. Latham, James A. McDougall-2. Total 41 from Free States; to whom add J. Glancy Jones of Pa., who paired off in favor of the bill, which was the same as voting for it. The Object. Let it not be forgotten thatthe struggle of the minority of the House of Representatives at Washington is in behalf of freedom and of the rights of the people. What the minority is after, and all it desires to accomplish, is to submit the great question of the repeal of the Missouri Compromise To THE PEOPLE. The minority demand that the people shall be heard through their representatives elected with ape. cial reference to this question. They wish to vindicate the doctrine of popular sovereignty. How dare the Nebraska conspirators refuse to go before this tribunal? How dare they, in the language of Mr. Benton, "incarcerate and imprison" the members of Congress to force them to pass an offensive, vile, and odious measure against which one-half the country has already risen in civil insurrection? The men who are forcing the Nebraska question in the face of the popular demonstrations against it everywhere, are guilty of treason against the very fundamental principle of popular sorer- eigiity. If the people want the Nebraska bill, with all its atrocious features, as it now stands, give them n chance to say so. And if they do not want it, give them an opportunity to de clare themselves against it. But this is what the majority of the House refuse. They know the people are against the measure, and they go therefore for thrusting it down their throats against their will. It this forcing process against which the minority are resolutely and heroically contending, and against which we trust they will contend, nf need be, till the 4th of March, 18511.—K. Tribune. Law Regulating Taverns. The following provisions of a Liquor bill have been passed by the Legislature, and we belivve signed by the Governor: Sc.E l st prescribes not less than ten. or Inure than fifty dollars, and imprisonment from ten to sixty days for wilfully giving liquor for a be verage to an intemperate person, minor, or in sane person. 2nd permits any relative of an intem perate person, or magistrate of the district to forbid the furnishing of liquor to such person— and if it is done within three months after such notice, the party shall be punished as above. Sec. 3d makes the furnisher of such liquors civilly responsible for the evil effects following their use. Sc.E 4th dispenses fine and imprisonment to magistrates who marry persons iu a state of in toxication. SEC. 5 maketthe willful and unwholesome adulteration of liquors for a beverage, or tale of the same, finable in the mum of $5O, and for any subsequent repetition $lOO, and imprison- ment not more than sixty days. That's a smart one. SEC. 6th gives the prosecutor a compensation not exceeding 1120. See. 7th sap that no licence shall he main tained or recosery had for liquors sold in viola tion of this act, Sec. 8 allows the courts to revoke license for violation ollaw. Peinuylvania Rail Road, The increase. in the business of this road is extremely gratifying to its friends, and a most convincing argtment in favor of its utility and advantages over all rival routes, With such an increased Lade, amounting to more than the interest of the cost of the Main Lino of Public Worksove should be pleased to hear of its having benne the purchaser. Tho month ly statement isas follows: Receipts of the Road for the month ending A pril 30, 1854, - - $321,156, 17 Same month hst year, - - 270,126 62 Increase, • - - • $51,029 55 Receipts from fanuary 1, 1854, to April 30, 18,4, • - $1,391,258 71 Same period het year, • 1,099,080 19 Increase, $292,178 19 Another Popular Demonstration. A meeting (idle citizens of Clarion county, irrespective of arty, was held at tieidsburg. on the 22d ult. speeches were made and resolu tions adopted, denouncing the Nebraska bill, and all who adiocate and favor its passage.— One of its resdutions declares that "the act of 1820, known a the Missouri Compromise, was a solemn compact—offered by the South and accepted by the North—and that its repeal at this time is an ottrage upon the public senti ment, calculated to destroy the binding force of all eompromiks, and threatens to unsettle the great princilieti of compromise upon which 1 the Union of th States wps founded." It was also resolved no to vote for any man for Ex ecutive or Legi wive o ffi ces known to favor the Nebraska hi , "be he Whig or be he Dem. omit." Simile emonstrations are daily Mk ing place in otb • sections of tits State. Menacing War with Spain. Semi-official atrvices by the Atlantic, from • Madrid, indicate the entire rejection of Mr. Soule's demands upon Spain, though we know not what concessions this magnanimous coun try has asked from .enfeebled Spain. Upon I the heels of these ruiners, the Washington Union of yesterday stuns up all our causes of • difference concerning Cuba, and sticks to it • that England is intrigueing for its Africaniza , lion. Senator Mallory, too, of Florida, offered • a resolution in the Senate, declaring the course pursued by Spain, in relation to Cuba, gives just reason to apprehend that her design is to carry out a_policy calculated to renew the scenes at St. Domingo, and that such a course is detrimental to the interests of the United States. Again, the New Orleans Picayune has a letter front Havana, dated May 4, discussing the decree of the Captain General about the slave trade, in which the writer says The measure of greater importance which his Excellency alludes to as having been sub , witted to the Home Government fur approba tion, is nothing more nor less than the follow ing His Excellency will publish a decree decla ring that the civil and social condition of the negro is equal with that of the white. This measure is based upon the declared and writ ten opinion of Archbishop Claret of St. Jags de Cuba, that the equality of the white and black races is a Gospel principle of Christitini tv. The measure has been submitted to the Royal Pretorian audience, (our Supreme Court) and has been approved by it. The decree may appear very soon, or it may be for a little while delayed, but it is already in the portfolio of the Marquis of Pezueln. A complete panic exists here. The foreign merchants are sending their families away; most of them, being Europeans, go to England and France, fearing some great impending evil; four black regiments are being formed, and the interest of money has doubled and even trebled within thirty days. The Govern. ment, in order to alleviate in some measure, the distress, has created a State bank of discount with $BOO,OOO capital, but distrust is extending on every hand under the proximate social ruin that menaces us. The number of Creoles who have gone and are preparing to goon apparent tours of pleasure to the United States and to Europe, was never a tithe of what it now is. What adds to the panic is the menacing as pect of affairs with the United States on ac count of the Black Warrior affair, and the knowledge of the fact that the Captain Goner al has the royal decree authorising him to de clam the immediate abolition of slavery on the declaredou of war by the United States, and even on the issuing of letters of marque by it against Spain, if he should deem it proper to do so. Every one is convinced of his willing. ness to issue the decree even to-day. Them have been sent to the United States, by the Isabel, of the 22d ult., a colonel of engi. neers, late an officer under the Military Secre tary, and several officers of the army, fo/the purpose of watching the movements or the Government at Washington, and of the Hams tees in the South. They have double passports, as civilians and as military officers. From all these aspects, it would appear that our government is "in for a fight," and that Cuba must be ours, if we can beg, buy or steal it. The President's organ has already announ ced that the rejection of Mr. Soule's demands would be followed bo the blockade of Cube, and we have no doubt dint the flibustiering Minister to Spain, whose appointment was au insult to the dignity of the country, has made those demands degrading enough to ensure their rejection, even if the cool, calm and saga. cions Secretary Marcy failed to do so in his original instructions. We may, therefore, pre pare for war, and the forcible possession of another Slave State in Cuba. Already in New York, Majors Farnsworth and Hall have offer .l their services for the war, and there are loafers, thieves and pickpockets enough in that city greedy to tbllow in the holy crusade!— Prudent men may think this is all wrong, but is not the Democracy the guardian of the na tional honor, and will the party that. lioasts Soule, an Owens, a Belmont, and other for eigners, as their national accredited represen tatives abroad, ever counsel what is wrong Oh, no! Shut your eyes and ears, therefore, all good citizens Hear nothing and see with. ing : Bo careful not to furnish "aid and com fort" to Spain, by hinting that you would rather wait till in the certain course of events public opinion will bring about an acquisition of Cuba; keep snug anequiet, arid some morn ing our telegraphic despatches will announce that the Gem of the Antilles is ours, and del mocratic freemen will huzza with lusty throats, over another star added to the proud banner pof the free, and with it the stripes of some mil lions of newly enslaved Africans. Let us erase from our banners the motto of "God and our Native Lend," and adopt the one more worthy of our flibustiering tendencies: "Hell and eve rybody else's property!"—Sue, 16th inst. Mexico, We have adviees from Mexico to May 1, giv. ing further particulars of Santa Anna's cam paign against the rebels of Acapulco. They state that the expedition of the President has been a series of victories. On the 13th of April the forces of Alvarez were completely routed, on the favorable military position of the heights of Coquille and Peregrino. The rebels were entirely dislodged and compelled to heat a pre cipitate retreat. A considerable number of prisoners fell into the hands of the Government troops. The leader, Alvarez, secured his own safety by a seasonable flight to Acapulco. San ta Anna dispatched a brigade of cavalry in pur suit of the fugitives, which succeeded in over hauling them on the 15th, and, after a skirmish, completely defeated them. On the same day the party of Arbarea, con sisting of 300 men, was broken up in Chamisy altuacan, and their leader slain. His head, fix ed on a pike, was set up in his native district as a warning to the traitors. Gen. Santa Anna continued his march upon Acapulco, arriving there on the 27th, and per sonally directed the military operations against the castle in which the rebels had taken their lust refuge. It was believed at the City of Mem ico that at the date of the present advises San ta Allllll had gained possession of the fortress and thus ended the rebellion. Before the defeat of the rebels was known in the interior, Capt. Vicente Vega, in the din. trict of Rio Verde, declared for Nevares and attempted to further his plans. As soon as his purposes were suspected, the Governors of Que retaro, Guanajuato and San Louis Potosi, sim ultaneously dispatched a sufficient force against him to destroy his band. Before they arrived, however, Col. Ruiz at the head of only 40 men defeated the whole party, which took refuge among the mountains. A considerable force pursued them and their seizure was hourly ex pected. In the State of Michoacan, the rebellion was seconded by Gordiano Guzman, the comrade of Alvarez; but ho was surrendered by his own followers, who yielded to the Government. Severe' engagements took place prior to the possession of Acapulco, in which the success is said to have uniformly been on the side of the Government. The rest of the Mexican Republic is stated to be in a condition of perfect tranquillity, and general confidence to prevail in the present Government. The japan Expedition. The English press are laughing at Comma ! dere Perry for being ontgeneralled by a &H -eim Commander, who went to Japan and got a commercial treaty, while Perry was lying quietly on his oars at Hong Kong. Perry's slow motions have failed to realize the public expectations of the wonders which were to be accomplished by all the parade and show exhi bited betore the astonished and petrified Japan ese. The Russian commander, with a force in significant in appearance and in power, accom plished without difficulty what Perry, with all his show of power, was unable to effect. The display the latter *ado naturally excited the fears of the Japanese awl made then: can• tious aud hostile. —Letigcr. ARRIVAL OF THE EUROPA. Another Battle—De fiat of Vic Russians.— Bombardment of Odessa.—The Greek Inaur gents.—Ballic Pores Blockaded, dc. From the Seat of War. It is stated that Omar on the 18th or 19th of April, advanced with 70,000 men to• wards Dubredscha, and a battle took place with General Luder's corps, between Silostria and Hammitt. The Vienna paper Presse contains the follow. ing:—A battle near Cernavoda, on the 23d ult., which lasted six hours,.ended ns unfavora• bly to the Russians as those of Kostelli and Kasten*. The loss of the Russians is estima• ted at 500 killed, 550 taken prisoners, and 15 guns with their horses. The Turks, who were Ihr inferior in numbers to their enemies, also suffered a heavy loss. The Russians retreated behind Cornavoda during the night, leaving the Turks in possession of the field of battle. The Baltic Fleet. We hove nothing new, of importance from this quarter. The fleet was keeping up a close blockade of r.ll the Russian ports. No fighting yet. A letter from Copenhagen, April 27th, states that Sir Charles Napier. with the line of battle ships under Admiral Curvy and Chads were keeping up a rigorous blockade of the Gulf of Finland, which would render the escape of a single Russian ship impossible. Numerous pri zes had been taken. The Danish government lingers on the side of Russia. The Swedes' are decidedly in !liver or the allies. One Swedish line-of•buttle ship, and four frigates were in commission at Copenhagen, and more were be ing made ready. A most formidable three of row boats is be ing organized by the Russians to harass the in vading fleet, from the shallow waters. Eight hundred armed boats ore already enrolled. All the boats of the Neva Yacht Club are placed at the service of the State. A considerable num ber of them are assembled at Sweaborg and Cronstadt. The bombardment of Odessa is fully con firmed. The batteries were all destroyed; 10 Russian vessels were also destroyed, and 13 oth ers, laden with ammunition, captured. The town and neutral property were spared. The combined fleets left for Sebastopol. The Greek Insurrection. Battle between the Turks and Creeks—the lat ter routed with mach lose. ATHENS, April 28th.—On the 25th Arta PM token by the. Turks, and 3,000 insurgents on der Karaiskaki were defeated by the Turks un der Omar Paulin. Many Greeks attempting to join the Insurgents have been delivered over to Feud Effendi. Attempted insurrection in So mos line failed. Another letter from Corfu, published in the Paris 3lonilesr, mentions further particulars. Arts, it says, the principal centre of the Greek insurrection, was taken on the 25th ult., by the Ottoman troops under Osman, after a combat of fifty minutes. The insurgents, 3,000 strong, under the command of Tsavelles and Karaiska ki, left 150 dead; the number of their wounded is not known. Russia. The gold that is usually stored in the citadel of St. Petersburgh is being removed to Moscow. In St. Petersburg a war tax is levied of 300 silver rubles on merchants of the "first guild," 100 on merchants of the second guild, 100 on the third, and 10 per cent. on all house rents. The Emperor is extremely active, and goes backward and forward between Cronstadt and St. Petersburgh almost incessantly. Prince Paskiewitch had granted permission to neutral ships, at present in the different mouths of the Danube, to depart freely until the 20th of May. Prussia. The Czar has offered to Prussia a treaty of commerce on the most favorable terms. No commercial treaty has been made between the two countries since 1826, and it was suffered to expire in 1836. France. It is again positively asserted that the French army of the East will be augmented to 100,000 men. The formation of a camp of 00,000 at Boulogne, with It view to an expedition to the Baltic, is also spoken of. As another proof of the disposition of the government to carry on the war in a manner befitting a great nation, it is intended to propose to the Chambers a de mand fur authority to raise another loan of 250,000,000 francs in case circumstances re quire it. . . . Admiral Bitchier do Tinan, who had been cruising off the eastern coast of Greece, is to proceed with a portion of his division to Alge ria to embark several regiments for Turkey. The long expected decree for" the formation of a new Imperial Guard has not yet appeared in the Moniteur. The Guard will number over 12,000 picked men. Large bodies of troops continua to march in the direction of Toulon for embarkation for the Levant. An imperial decree calls into active service, on land and afloat, 80.000 men, from the 140,000 of the class of 1853. Important from Constantinople. Rupture between the French Minider at eon: stantinople and the 2'orkish Government. PARIS, Thursday, May 4th.--For some days past, unpleasant rumors have circulated on the state of relations existing between the French Ambassador at Constantinople and the Turkish Cabinet, or rather the Minister for Foreign Af• fairs. The dissatisfaction does not, I believe, ex tend to the French Government, but is confi ned to their representative, though I belies-0 they are perfectly aware of the fact, and have been so for some time. When Gen. Barnguay d'Hilliers was first op. pointed to his present post, it was certainly ta ken as a proof that the policy of France, which, as well as that of England, bad unjustly been charged with weakness and dilatoriness, was about to assume a more energetic character. It cannot be doubted that the General's pa. donee has been often tried severely since he entered on his present functions. In fact, mat ters have reached such a point that the Gener al is said to hare menaced the. Turkish Minis ter fin. leareign Apirs with a suspension of his relations wills hint. Fatal Result. Our readere will remember that a few weeks since, a lad named George Riehl, in Northern Liberties, was bitten by a rabid dog, at a tan yard, where he was employed. He immediate iy visited a physician, who burned the bitten part with caustic, and without any other medi cal aid, the wound heeled up. The lad contin ued at his work as before the recurrence, until early on Monday morning, when he wont to the yard he became sick at the stomach, and returned home, apparently suffering great pain. The bite of the dog recurred to the family, and they supposed the boy was afflicted with hydro phobia. Dr. O. H. Taylor was summoned, and as soon as ho observed the symptoms, was convinced the fears of the family wero well grounded. The usual remedies were given the unfortunate youth, whose convulsions and suf ferings were terrible to witness. At the sight or sound of water he would go into convulsions. The youthful sufferer continued in this dread. ful condition until one o'clock on Wednesday morning, when death put an end to his agony. For some time before his death he would be- come frightfully convulsed at times, and al though but fourteen years of ago, it required the united strength of several men to restrain him. During his paroxysms, ho would give utterance to such cries as "don't drown me"— "take away the water, Sc., which gave fearful evidence of the operations of the disease. It is time the dog law was put in force; human life is too sacred to be sacrificed in this horri ble manner for the sake of the useless canines, which are suffered by their owners to run the streets uumuszled.—Phila. Sea. Ca. The Know Nothings have been success. is the Charter election, at New Brunswick•, N. J. Seven of twelve elected are Whigs and DCllloCtili3. Another Disaster at Bea•-Less of the Clip per Ship Black Hawk—Eight Hundred Lives Saved. Nor Yotce, May 17. The ship Cnrrituck, from Antwerp, arrived nt Quarantine this afternoon, with the passen gers and crew, numbering 800 souls, of the clipper ship Black Hawk, lost at sea on her voyage front Liverpool for New York. SECOND DESPATCD. The Black Hawk left Liverpool on the 4th of April, with a crow of 35 men and 858 pas sengers. She encountered a tremendous hur ricane on April I.7th, in lat. 48 50, lon. 36 02. which carried away every mast, close to the• deck, stovod the cabin and ripped the deck in such a manner that the water flowed in like a mill race, and soon the ship had six feet of wa ter in her hold. On the morning of the 19th the British barque Caroline, of Liverpool, hove in sight, and took on board 140 passengers. Nest morn ing the ship Dorigo came alongside, and on Fri day evening the Currituck came up, and the boats of all - the vessels *ere soon employed in getting off the remainder of the passengers and crew, which was accomplished without the less of a single individual. The Black Hawk was then abandoned, with her lower hold half full of water, and the ship a complete wreck. The urrituck fell in with the Black Hawk, April 21st, in lat. 47 30, lon. 33 24, dismasted and leaking badly. The ship Dorigo and Bri flail barque Caroline were lying alongside to king off the passengers from the wreck. When they were full the • Currituck commenced ta king off the remainder, consisting of the offi ce., crew, and 35 pessengers, which was not fully accomplished until the morning of April 24th, the Black Hawk having in the mean time been parted from them in a gale that oc curred on the night of the 224. She Was not discovered again until noon of the 231 Thu Caroline was also serrated from the wreck in the gale, but the British, ship Good Jntent came up and took a few of the passengers. A brig (rein New York for Glasgow soon after hove alongside of the Dorigo, and it is supposed•relieved her of sonic of her passen• gees. Another Speck of War—Three Steam- ers Sunk, The inhabitants of villages nn Lake Clam plain, says the Ogdensburg Despatch, are now engaged in a quarrel about railroad and steam boat matters, which is not likely soon to end. It has already resulted in violence and outrage upon persons and property. It appears that the Plattsberg people are building a railroad from that piece to Montreal, a portion of which was completed. The company owning the railroad from Rouse's Point to Montrent pur chased the Montreal end of the Plattsburg route, and left the people in the latter place in a bad tic. The Plattsburg people owned a steamboat, called the Saltus, which they de ' signed to rue, in connection with their road, this season. The boat wintered at Sherburn Bay; and when the proprietors were about to move her they found that a part of her machi. nery hail been stoitin. They attempted to tow her down to Plattsburg, but the people of Bur lington cot the lines and took her back. The following night two old steamers (the Burling ton and Whitehall) were drawn beside the Saltus, and sunk in such a position that the latter cannot lie moved. The Plattsburg peo ple were much exasperated. The captain and owners of the steamer Saranac were supposed to be concerned in the outrage; and when Out boat came to their village four hundred per sons rushed on board, armed, and lashed her wheels, and threatened to sink her, arrested her captain, and pelted him and others with rotten eggs. So the matter stood at last ac counts. Havana. From Havana we have papers to the 12tIr. Tde (Vidal Gazette of the 9th contradicts the statement that the Government of Spain had. directed the Captain• General to indemnify the owners of the Black Warrior. On the contra ry, it says that the Queen has the fullest renft. donee in the real services and action or Gee: Pezuela, and that he will bring the affair to a proper termination, reonnmending him nt tins same time to maintain the dignity of the nation. It is said that there are 10,000 additional troops now on their way from Spain to rein force the army on the Island. Peznela had published now regulations, ma king it lawful to search for negroes on estates.-- Ile also denies that there is a contract between Grout Britian and Spain, by which the latter is bound to emancipate the slaves on the island.— He also makes very severe remarks relative to the introduction of negroes into Cuba. The Jesuits are n,gain in full sway, marrying whites to blacks. Artisans are forbidden to carry knives or any pointed instrument of their trade on their person. pre' A toad dog was killed is Washington, on Friday last. One of the Nice Young Nen, The Philadelphia papers gives an account of a hearing hail before Alderman Mitchel, of a young man named John Shindle, thruierls of this cite, on a charge of bigamy. It appears from the testimony that he had married a young lady, a Miss Barton, of this vity, and Carried her to Philadelphia, where they have been residing ever since. In January last, lin married another young, lady of Philadelphia, pretty and respectable. On Saudis?•, the last lady heard of the unfaitlit'ulness of her lms ',mid, and she went into convulsions immedi ately, and during the examination before the Ahj a r m a a , alto appeared to be in great dig tress. Mr. Shindle denied having married the Lancaster lady, but unfortunately she confron ted hint with the certificate of her marriage.— Both ladies were present during the hearing, and seemed exceedingly mortified nt the posi• Lion in which they were placed. The accusal was committed to prison, in default of $2,000 bail, to answer at Court. —Lancaster Herald. nail Road Hours. Fest Line going Eii.twaril. Leaves Mt. Union, 4 33 P. M. Mill Creek, 4 19 .. Huntingdon, 4 09 " Petersburg, 3 53 " Spruce Creek. 3 41 " Wet:tward. 5 52 A. M. 6 06 " 6 26 " 6 33 " 6 47 " . Slow Line going Eastward. Westward. Leaves Mt. Union, 330 A. 31. 410 P. M Mill Creek, 3 13 " 4 26 . Iluntingdon, a 01 " 4 40 . Petersburg, 2 42 " 4 56 " Spruce Creek, 2 27 " 5 n ,4 Jll_Lit HUNTINGDON: May 23,1554. • • •$7.75 a $B,OO 1,70 1,75 Flour per bbl., Red Wheat. per bit.,• • White Wheat, per be Rye, per bu Corn, per be Oat% per ho Hay, per ton Rutter, per I Lard, per lb., 10 Eggs, per doz., to PHILADELPHIA, May 20.—1 n Flour there is very little demand for export, and not much change in the market to-day; and there sire few sellers at $8,50 Per bbl; most holders ref use that price for standard and good straight brands, the latter being generally held at $8,75. The tra us actions tar home use also have heen limited, within the range of sB,62iasB per 1.1.1. Corn. Meal and Rye Flour remain quiet. Grain—The roceiptsand sales of Wheat continuo limited,and only some 3000a4000 bushels found buyers at 204n205c. for reds, 212 e. for white. Rye is scarce at 1115112 e. Coro 75tabc. Oats, at 600 PIECE S Wall Paper, glazed d un anglazed, choice patterns, for side at tbs store of (W.O. GWIN. --------- Tuft vreeived u beautiful ossosstnent of Seel iped and Plaiit Velvet Ribbons, by J. & W. SAXTON. Geld Watelies sold 1,7 Ep. luu cr than elierdiur,