Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 24, 1854, Image 1

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_ =
Oh! where shall the soul find relief from its
A refuge of safety—a home of repose ;
Can earth's highest summit, or deepest hid vale,
(live a refuge
no sin, no sorrow can assail?
No! no, there's no home, on this earth there's
no home,
One dreary morning, when all were probably
thinking of what might be enjoyed, were we at
home, and drawing comparisons between that
and what we expected would be our Christmas
fare in our military quarters, tough corned beef
and hard bread, we were agreeably surprises'
by the Quartermaster informing us that we
should dine sumptuously on roast turkey and
And the soul find a home in the glories of hea- I mince
The soul has no home.
Shall it leave the low earth, and soar to the sky,
And seek for a home in the mansions on high?
In the bright realms of bliss, will a dwelling be
Yes, yes, there's home, a home in high heaven,
'rho soul has a home.
Oh! holy and sweet its rest shall be there,
Freed eorever from sin, and from sorrow, and
care ;
And the loud hallelujahs of angels shall rise,
To welcome the soul to its home in the skies.
Home, home, home of the soul. The boson
of God
Is the home of the soul,
BY JOU,: U. 8.1.1.
The Head is stately, calm, and wise,
And bears a princely - part;
And down below, in secret, lies
The warm, impulsive Heart.
The lordly head that sits above,
The Heart that bents below,
Their several office plainly prove,
Their true relation show.
The Head erect, serene and cool,
Endowed with Reason's art,
Was set aloft to guide and rule
The throbbing, wayward Heart
And from the Head, as from the higher,
Comes all•direeting thought;
And in the Heart's transforming lire,
All noble deeds are wrought.
Yet each is best when both unite
To snake the man complete—
What were the heat without the light?
The light without the heat ?
rt alip r _011:11 >
Gambling fora Wife.
Readers, I am one of the survivors of the
patriotic army that was called into the service
of the Key Stone State by its worthy late Go
venor, Joseph Ritner. The why and the
wherefore of which call, was to crush what
appeared to that patriotic, though not overwise
functionary, an incipient rebellion which seve
ral thousand volunteers, "good men and true,"
were expected to put down instanter. I be
longed to the Philadelphia Greys, commanded
by Captain, now General C., and was also ac
counted a worthy member of the H-y fire
company, located near the armory of the Greys.
Several other members of Captain C.'s com
mand were also members of the old S-x,
as we usually called her, and at the time we
received our marching orders, all or nearly all
of us, were snugly laid out on the covers of our
coal boxes, around a hot stove in the engine
house. Pap S- and Muck were discuss
ing the last run of our engine on the Market
street railroad, and P-d, Y-g, and
dozen or so more were busily engaged in
trying how much smoke could bo got out of a
cigar in the mouth of each; while I for want of
better employment was calculating how long it
would take for all present to be on their feet
.ready for service, if an alarm of fire was rung.
My calculation, as well as the discussion allu
ded to, was suddenly cut short by the entrance
of Corporal B-s of the Grey's, who in
the most soldier like manner imparted the very
pleasant news that wo were ordered to muster
.fully armed and equipped at the arsenal in
Broad street, at five o'clock next morning,
from whence, after receiving a certain number
of ball cartridges, we were to proceed in the
R. R. Cars to' Harrisburgh, and in obedience
to the proclamation of Governor Ritner, stand
ready to put down rebellion against the State.
With a set of jovial, good-humored, dare-dav
ils like the Grey's, a summons of this nature
required but little consideration, and that not
in the least of a serious east, so that ere the
worthy Corporal was fairly through his compa
ny orders every man present belonging to the
Greys, was on the start fur his home or the ar
mory, to prepare for marching. On the next
morning, at the hour ordered, but few of the
whole command were absent. Our Captain
was all activity, and although none anticipated
while nt Harrishurgh, more than "a mastely
inactivity," so far as a civil war was concerned,
yet all knew that strict discipline must be ob
served. Orders were given with soldier-like
precision, and obeyed with alacrity, and in less
than an hour from the time we had mustered,
we were being whirled over the track of the
Pennsylvania railroad at the rate of twenty
miles per hour. I may as well mention here,
that being no ordinary mortals, but considered
as "whole teams," the animal cars were appro
priated to our exclusive use. Whether the
passenger ears were appropriated to the use of
the animals I cannot say; it was whispered,
however, that long ears were occasionally seen
on that day sticking through the windows of
them. What occurred on the way is not wor
thy of mention, and of the services of the troops
while in Harrisburgh, the matter is so well
known to snout readers, that I need not repeat
it here. So after relating a couple of incidents
connected with our worthy Captain, I will con
tinue the story:
Our company was quartered in the arsenal
on the left of the Capitol, in a harn-like apart
ment, where through loose casements and bro
ken panes of glass the cutting December winds
had full sweep, and which particularly at night,
when trying to get a little sleep was most un
comfortable. It was here that our worthy
Captain was distinguished for his self-denial
and humanity, for while the officers of ether
companies were enjoying themselves with good
fires and warns beds at the hotels, our comman
der took up his quarters with his men, shared
and fared as they did, and cheered them by his
own soldierly example, in the observance of
strict discipline.
$1 25
1 50
2 50
4 00
"Ye Gods," what a surprise it was, and could
it be true? Was he humbugging us? Was he
not preparing a masked battery from which
would be poured into us the same slops called
coffee, the same hard bread, and the same lea-
ther, disguised as beef? Surely not, thought,
reasoned, and spoko the company. No, he
would not dare thus to trifle with hungry mess
feelings, and then a bright idea illumined the
brain of one of us. It was that the Cllptain's
Lady had ordered to be purchased, prepared
and sent op to us, all these Christmas comforts,
and such indeed turned out to be the case.—
All honor to the ladies, or rather all honor to
woman, fur under whatever name, lady, wife,
maid or woman, she is the same. The same
kind traits—thoughtfulness for the sufferings
of others—and the same active, practical be.
nevolence prevades her nature.
A day of feasting and thanksgiving followed,
and many a toast for the Captain's lady given
with true heartfelt feeling. Our turkeys, which
were neither few nor small, lasted us for two or
three days, and more than ono good mess found
its way to the quarters of some of the other
companies of the regiment, that were less for
tunate than ourselves.
Having mentioned these incidents, which a
grateful remembrance would not permit me to
pass over, I will endeavor to resume the thread
of what I had intended should bo a story, but
which constantly remembered occurrences has
turned into a mere narrative.
During our two weeks stay among the Dau•
phials, (not the Eleazer Williams Dauphins, but
the Dauphin county people,) many amusing
incidents occurred, and many were the inven
tions got up and resorted to, in order to kill
time, lighten our hearts, and "drive dull care
away," while absent from borne and friends.—
Our principal amusement was cards, which
whenever our fingers were not too cold to han
dle them, were resorted to.
Occasionally a visit from members of some
of the other corps, with a good story or joke,
broke the monotony of our existence. Some
times these visits were from the members of
the country troops, whose homes were but a
short distance from the Capitol, who in return
would invite some one or more of us, who could
obtain a furlough of a half day 'or an evening
from the quarters, to pay them a visit at their
farm homes.
These invitations were never declined, at
least I never knew ono to be, bet I believe I
was more fortunate than most of the others,
both as regards the number of these invitations
and privilege to accept them. My visits, how
ever, were mostly confined to ono family whom
I shall call Gauff.
The head of the family it was who extended
the invitation to me, was the first Lieutenant
of a company of light horsemen, that mustered
in the Borough, but whose members, when nt
home, were scattered for miles over the county.
As the father of a family, he had among other
specimens of parental blessings, a blooming
slaughter of eighteen, whose given name was
Katrina, but,in the family she was always call
ed Katy. So celebrated were here charms,
that already she had nearly turned the heads
of half the Dutch beaux of the county, but as
yet her heart was untouched by the tender pas
sion. Cupid had not yet let fly the fatal dart
that was to penetrate through the comfortable
home-spun and home-woven cross-barred dress
float covered the bosom of the Dutch beauty.
Not but sundry attacks had been made on the
citadel of her affections, but either they did not
come from the right quarters, or were not vig
orously prosecuted, and Katy was yet free to
bestow (if not her hand) her love at least, on
whom she would.
As I have already hinted, Katy was a Dutch
beauty. with charming light-blue eyes, heavy
flaxen ringlets, ruddy cheeks, rather thick,
pouting lips, and a form that would rival in
rotundity that of any three ordinary city belles
Whether she looked on me with more favor
than she had on a dozen or so others who had
vainly tried to win her love, I cannot say, but
I will assert that an occasional roguish wink of
the eye, and a pressure of the hand, when part
ing, greater than ordinary civility called for,
made me think the rather passable phis I car
ried, added to the cross-belts and military but
tons, had made an impression on the home-spun
dress aforesaid, anti was fast finding its way
through the warp and filling, to a more conge
nial locality, usually denominated the heart.
I believe her father was of the same way of
thinking, and what seemed a little strange to
me (considering that I was, till within a few
days, a total stranger to him) ho rather encour
aged the sudden intimacy that hnd sprung up
between Katy and myself. What this object
was, will appear in the sequel.
Gauff was very fond of cards, and at the
game known as all fours, was a most excellent
player, as several of us (the Greys) bad had
ample opportunities of finding out, as in his
playing with us he generally came off winner.
A day or two before we received our marching
orders, to return to Philadelphia, Gauff came
into a hotel where I was spending a little leis
ure with a friend at a sociable game of cards,
and approaching me in an excited manner,
said be would like to play me a two-banded
game of all-fours, benne we parted, and as we
were very nearly matched, he would like to
have something at stake to draw out our best
playing, and that (to use his mode of express
it) "ash I was make love to his Katy be would
play Katy for po my wife against five toilers."
The oddity of the proposal induced me, with
out waiting to consider it, to take up the gaunt
let, and in about the time I have taken to tell
it we were engaged in an interesting game of
all-fours. Gala for five dollars, I for a Dutch
belle and a rich wife. We played, unheedful
of observation or remark, amidst and surround
ed on every side by mine host's whole house
hold, including family, guests, hangers-on, ost
lers; even a staid old Lutheran minister, the
father of mine host's wife, hearing, while in the
parlor of what was going on, mime into the bar
room, to witness "the game for a wife."
The first and second games were played with
equal success, Gauff winning the first, and I
the second. We were now ou the last hand
that was to make the rubber; diamonds were
trumps. Gear had already secured game.—
I had played the duce (low) and upon the sin
gle cards we now held, depended the final issue
of the game. I held my card flat on the face,
awaiting his play; every eye was strained, and
every face wore the utmost look of anxiety.—
Gash, for a few seconds hesitated, and tremb
tingly held his card aloft, then with an excited
exclamation, brought it down upon the table
with a force that startled the whole company.'
It was the trump Jack, and hardly had his
knavesliip touched the board before I covered
it with the trump ace. Gault had feared as
much, and unwilling to marry his daughter to
a pone soldier, he had not the most distant idea
of being beaten. Ho attempted to grasp the
cards, calling out foul play; in this he was pre
vented, and the cards given into the hands of
a third party, who counted and examined the
tricks, and decided flint all was fair, and that
Gauff had fairly lost, and I hnd fairly won his
daughter; still he was not only unwilling, but
determined that I should not have her, and
proffered me five dollars, imagining, poor fool,
that a pill so poorly gilded would be an equiv
alent for the loss of between two and three
hundred weight of "Dutch beauty" to say nab
mg of highly cultivated lands, well-fed cattle,
and barns plethoric of hay, grain and other
' commodities and conveniences for carrying on
the business of life, in the perspective and
prospective. I of course rejected his offer with
perfect disdain, and vowed that nothing short
of marrying Katy would satisfy me, .d as I
had fairly won her, and that in a manner first
' thought of and proposed by himself, I was de
' termined to have her. _ _
Gauff Wag now sorely puzzled as to the course
be should pursue, but finding no honorable
means of extricating himself from the disagree
able predicament in which his folly and cupid
ity bad placed him, and determined to leave
untried nothing that would free fins from his
self-imposed obligation, he urged rather exult
ingly that I must first get Katy's consent before
I could have her, and that he knew I could n't,
"for," said he "she mitt marry mit Jacob
Brommer's pay Shots, wat's got two farms, for
I makes de pargin mit Shon's fadder last pinlc
ster day." "All right," I replied, "if Katy's
consent is all that is wanting, I have it, for Ka
ty and myself are already engaged, ( I lied sorae,)
and all that remains to be done is for me to
take a wagon and bring her here, which I can
do in an hour's time, and this good lusts (allu
ding to the Minister present) can marry us at
once," to which the said good man immediate.
ly assented. Gauff swore I should not have her,
he ape tempt" if I should. When finding bins
so determined, one of the company then present
proposed a compromise, namely, that I should
give up my claim on Katy's hand and affec
tion, and instead thereof Gauff should pay me
forty dollars. To this proposition, after some
show of apparent reluctance on my side, and a
real reluctance on Isis, to part with so much
money, we both assented, he fearing that he
might loose Isis daughter, and I, that by pro
longing it I might be confronted by Katy, who
would doubtless have done as her "fader" wish
ed and cononanded. Fifteen dollars of the for
ty ho paid are in cash, and give me his check
for the remaining twenty-five. lle then, with
a most woe-begone look left the hotel, doubt
less disgusted with Philadelphia Volunteers,
and every thing else in the world, excepting
his daughter Katy and the two faros that would
belong to her family when she "married mit
do poy Shon Bremner," according to the "par
gain" he had made. For myself, I had nutlp
in; to regret. I had neither wounded nor re
seived a wounded heart. I had taught the old
man a lesson, which, though it cost the most,
would probably be in the end the cheapest one
ho had ever taken. He, however, regretted
the price he had paid, and the next morning,
as I was leaving the counter of the hank, with
the avails of my check in good gold be came
rushing in, and ordered payment stopped on
the check. It was too late, I had my money,
and the bank officers on being told the whole
transaction, decided that it was fair, and they
would not meddle in the mutter. Intending,
as I had, from the time that I received his mon
ey, to return it to Mtn, with the exception of
five dollars, I now offered to do so, but either
sudden streak of independence or a latent fear
that he might again involve himself, made him
refuse it, and he would not again even speak
to me.
Two days afterwards, while returning to our
homes I entirely forgot, at least for a time, the
Dutchman and his daughter, in the more plea
sing anticipations of:kindly greetings, that were
to be enjoyed on my arrival in the "City of
Brotherly Love;' and fearful that my •'chums"
might construe the adventure into a disappoint.
ed love scrape, and thus have a rig on me, I
never told them of it, but doubtless some of
them will remember that on the last day of our
sojourn at the Capitol, one of the 11-y boys
had lots of ready money, which was spent as
freely as it came easy. MUSKET.
The Bachelor and the Baby.
Edward Thornton was one of that small class
of bachelors, who are so not from necessity, but
from inclination. lie would as soon have been
suspected of highway robbery, as of any inten
tion of committing matrimony.
Still he was very polite nod gallant to the
ladies. I have observed that such is more like
ly to be the case with your thorouglkgoingbach
elors, than with married men. I will leave the
philosophical reader to speculate on the cause
of this singularity, it' such it may be called,
while I proceed with my story:
Business had called Mr. Thornton to a eit
some fifty miles distant from the place of hi
own residence. Ills business arrangement
satisfactorily concluded, ho had at the opening
of this veracious narrative, seated himself ii
the ears which were to bear bins back.
Opposite to him there sat a young woman,
respectably attired, with a babe, perhaps three
months old, in her lap. The baby was not re
markably pretty—no babies are at that age—
and the expression of its countenance indica
ted about the same degree of intellect as you
would expect to find in a week-old kitten. The
mother, for such aho evidently was, was encum
bered with nothing else but a small carpet-bag,
which doubtless contained a supply of clothing
for the journey.
At the first way-station, the woman rose hur
riedly and said to Mr. Thornton:
"IVill you have the kindness, sir, to take
charge of my baby and carpet-bag, for a mo
ment? I have just caught a glimpse of a friend
through the window, wills whom I wish to
peak for a moment."
"Certainly, ma'am," said our bachelor friend,
and he took the baby awkwardly enough:, and
placed the carpet-bag at his feet.
The female, thus disencumbered, left the
ears. Our friend not being used to such a
change as he had undertaken, felt a little em
barrassed; but consoled himself by the reflec
tion that it would be but for a moment.
But to his consternation, the cars started
without bringing back the owner of the baby.
"Good Heavens!" thought he, "she has been
left. How distressed she will be about her
child. Here," to the conductor, who was just
passing throngh the cars, "you have left one of
your passengers behind you—a woman who
occupied the opposite seat."
"Oh," said the conductor, "she didn't intend
to get in again. She walked away in a differ
ent direction. But here is a letter she told me
to give to a gentleman with the baby."
Edward Thornton tore it open with a trem
bling hand, and rend the following:
"Dear Sir:—Finding it no bnger conveni
ent to retain the charge of my baby, I have
confided it to your charge, feeling confident
from the benevolent expression of your counte
nance, that you will take good rare of it. As it
has no name, you might give k your own, if
you like."
"P. S.—The valise contains the child's clo
thing. It is sufficiently supplied fur the pres
"Good Heavens I" thought ott now unhappy
bachelor. "That's cool, and no mistake. With
what face shall I meet my friends with such
an encumbrance."
Just then the child began to try. Hero was
a new perplexity.
"What shalt I do?" thought tdward Thorn-
ton. "Let me see. I will trot It."
And forthwith he began to tbt the child in
the most violent manner. To lio great aston
ishment, this only made it cry the more.
"Your child seems troublesome—" said a la
dy, who had entered the cars atthe same place
where the child's mother got mg.
"Mine, ma'am! it isn't min'
"Excuse me," said the lady, "possibly it is
a friend's."
"No, ma'am; it's—well, I do4t know whose
it is. I never saw it before iu ny life."
After a glance of surprise, sie said, "I pre
sume it is hungry. Poor chilo
The child continued to cry.
"Perhaps, ma'am, you could intisfy its hui
- "Sir!" said the lady, drawinj herself up.
"Oh, I didn't mean anything, ma'am, I as•
sure you," said Edward Manton, realizing
the interpretation which mightbe put upon his
The lady looked as it' she ddn't believe it,
and said no more.
At length, (after two hours of the slowest
traveling as it seemed to Edmrd that he had
ever experienced,) he arrived at the termina
tion of his journey.
It was with a ludicrous air of embarrassment
that Edward issued from the cars with the ha-
by in his arms, and the carpetbag in his hand.
He had thought of leaving the child on one of
the seats, but the conductor's eye was on him,
and he could not get a chance.
To make the matter worse, three of his most
intimate bachelor friends stood in the station.
house as be issued from the cars.
"Good Heavens!" ejaeulared one; "Thorn-
ton, where did you get the baby. You ain't
married are you ?"
"Married—no I"
"Oh, it's a friend's,"
"N o r
"Ah! I understand," and the friend looked
particularly knowing.
Edward grew desperate. "No," said he, hur
riedly, "you are wrong. It isn't so—you may
be sure."
"Isn't how?"
"Why, as you understand," stammered Ed
His friends looked politely incredulous, and
left Edward Thornton more wretched than ev
er. What was to be done?
The reader must be informed that our bach
elor kept house, and employed a housekeeper,
a staid maiden of forty, who for a consideration
sewed the buttons on his shirts, darned his
stockings, and kept the house in order.
With a nervous hand Edward pulled the
bell. Martha opened the door.
"Goodness gracious me!" shrieked the as.
tonished handmaiden; "a baby! what is the
world coming to!"
"It isn't mine, Martha: it ain't mine," sail
the bachelor, in a distressed tone. "You may
be sore it isn't mine; I don't know whose it is,
but here's the carpetbag that it belongs to—l
mean that came with it. You can open it and
see what's in it; I believe it's clothes."
The housekeeper wasn't generally troubled
with a cough, but she coughed hero very sig.
nil i cantly.
"And just get dinner ready as quick as you
can; the child's hungry and so am I."
"What shall I get?"
"Well, you may cook me somo beefsteak.—
Let me see—l suppose the baby can't go beef
steak yet; you may bring it come bread and
butter and cake, or pies, if you have got any."
"What does the man mean?" ejaculated
Martha, in astonishment; "a baby like that cat
bread and butter and piesl"
"Well, get what you like; I don't know any
thing about such matters."
Luckily it was found that the child would
drink milk.
"Well," said the houselmeper, after n pause.
"what du you intend to do with your child—l
beg pardon, the child?"
"Why," said Edward, "I've been thinking
perhaps you had better adopt it."
"I adopt it?" ejaculated Martha; "I would
not do it for the world."
"But something must bo done with it."
"You ought to have thought of that before
"Well, how could I tell that the woman was
going to put it into my hands, and then leaver"
"0 I"
It was a small word, but there was a sentence
full of meaning in it.,
Without stopping to detail the confusion, in.
convenience, and embarrassments, which this
new-coiner introduced into the bachelor's house
hold, it will be sufficient to state that a family
wan found who were willing to adopt it. It was
joyfully resigned by its transient proprietor,
who is more confirmed in his bachelor habits
than ever. Ile has come to the conclusion,
from sad experience. that no two beings nee
more unsuited to each other than a "Bachelor
and a baby."
lift Ts it not singular that the name or God
should be spelled with four letters, in so many
In Latin it is Deus.
In French it is Dien.
In Old Greek it is Zius.
In German it is Gott.
In Old German it is Odin.
In Swedish it is Godd.
In Hebrew it IA Aden.
Tn Dutch it is Hear.
In Syrian it is Adad.
In Persian it is Syra.
In Tartarian it is ldga.
In Selavonian it is Bolg or Boog.
In Italian it is Idio.
In Spanish it is Dias.
In East Indian it is Esgi or Zeni.
In Turkish it is Abdi.
In Egyptian it is Aunin or Zent.
In Japanese it is Zain. •
In Peruvian it is Lian.
In Wallaebian it is Zeno.
In Etrurian it is Chur.
In Tyrrhenian it is Eller.
In Irish it is Dick.
In Croatian it is Doga.
In Margarian it is Om.
In Arabian it is Alla.
In Dalmatian it is Bogt,
There aro several other languages in which
the word is marked with the same peculiarity.
AN INGENtors RIDDLE.—"It was done when
it was begun; it was done when it was half done;
and yet it wasn't done when it was finished".
Now, what was it? or course you can't guess.
Will this do?
Timothy Johnstone courts Susannah Dunn.
It was Dunn when it was begun; it was Dunn
when it was half done; and yet it wasn't Dunn
when it was done—for it was Johnstone.
"A Subscriber" will please send in his name
and his subscription will be returned to him.
We can't stand any more of that kind of thing.
`'Keep your dog away from me,' said a
dandy to a butler boy.'
'Darn the dog, said the boy, 'he will he af•
ter puppies.
AYTIQUE lino:cm—The following composi
tion is said to produce the effect rapidly. I pt.
salammoniac, 3pts. powdered argal, and 3 pts.
common salt, are dissolved in 12 pts. hot water,
and 8 pts. of a solution of nitrate of copper ad
ded. (The strength of this solution is cot giv.
en.—Elsner.) Newly made articles of bronze
are coated several times with the above solution.
A largo proportion of commin salt gives a yel
lowish, and less gives a more bluish tint.
C. Hoffmann produces a beautiful chrome
green brown, by first touching (not brushing)
the surface of the bronze with a very dilute 80.
lotion of nitrate of copper, containing a little
common salt, brushing it off then touching it
with a solution of 1 pt. binoxalnte of pottassa,
41 pts. salammoniacond 9 , 11 pts. vinegar, and
again brushing it olf. This operation is Tepee
ted several tittles. In the course of a week the
article has a greenish-brown hue, wills a blu
sh-green ono in the depressions, and with
stands the weather.
Elsner produced a method, some years since;
which produced an antique, almost identical
with that produced naturally, on bronzes. The
bronze article, with a clean surface, was dipped
into dilute vinegar, and exposed for several
weeks to a moist atmosphere of carbonic ncid.
The operation is economical; and easily execu
Mil) xztxo AND BRASSING.—BrunneI, Bissell,
and Gauguin, have given a new process for
brassing articles of iron, steel, lead, zinc, and
their alloys with each other and with bismuth
and antimony, by means of the following bath:
500 pts. carbonate of pottassa, 20 pts. chloride
of copper, 40 pts. sulphate of zinc, 250 ids. ci
trate of ammonia. For bronzing, the zinc-salt
is to be replaced by one of tin. The object to
be plated, after being brightened by scouring,
is connected with the negative pole of a Bun
sen battery—a brass plate being the positive
or decomposing pole. For large articles, the
number, and not the size of the pairs mnst be
incaeased. A coating of varnish is necessary
to protect the plated surfaces from oxydation
by exposure.—Scientific _American. •
Weighing Cattle by Measure,
The only instrument necessary is a measure,
with feet and inch marks upon it. The girth
is the circumference of the animal just behind
the shoulder blades. The length is the distance
from the shoulder blade to the rear of the but
tock. The superficial feet are obtained by mid.
tiplying the girth and length. The following
table contains the rule to ascertain the weight
of the animal:
If less than one foot in girth, multiply super
ficial feet by eight.
If less than three and more than one, multi.
ply superficial feet by eleven.
If less than five and more than three, multi
ply superficial feet by sixteen.
If less than seven and more than five, multi
ply superficial feet by twenty-three.
If less than nine and more than seven, mul
tiply superficial feet by thirty-three.
If less than eleven and more than nine, mul
tiply superficial feet by forty-two.
Example.—Suppose the girth of a bullock to
be six feet three ihchesi length five feet six
inches; superficial area will then be thirty-four,
and in accordance with the above table, the
weight will bo seven hundred and eighty-two.
Example.—Suppose a pig to measure in
girth, two feet, and length one foot nine inche%.
There would then be three and a dell feet,
which, mnitiplyed by eleven, gives thirty-eight
and a half pounds as the weight of the animal
when dressed. In this way, the weight of the
four quarters can be substancially ascertained
during life.
The new Gudgeons
The followihg dialogue which actually took
place some years since between an old lady,
who had much confidence in professionals, and
a learned but eccentric clergyman, goes to
strengthen a conviction already strong in mu•
ny minds, viz: that human nature is gullible,
"Now, parson, an you aro a man of much
learning, I want to ask you what became of the
eleven days, when old style was altered to new?"
"Well, well, madam, you know this world is
hung on two great gudgeons—"
"Indeed, sir! well what then ?"
"Well, it had been turning round on the two
gudgeons a great while, and they got worn out
and it broke down."
"Do tell me Wit did?"
,'Yes mem. Well, after the world broke
down, all the people turned to and put in new
gudgeons, and set it going again; and it took
'cm just eleven days.'
The old lady was abundantly satisfied, and
would have given to the learned gentleman the
degree of bachelor of ecience without further
examination.—Lynn A - rim
Soldering Cast Steel.
Put one pint of nntriatie acid in an earthen
vessel that will hold at least one quart, into this
drop small bits of zinc until it will dissolve no
snore; then add half an ounce of muriate of
ammonia, and boil the whole about three mi
nutes. Apply a little of this solution to the in
tended juncture of east steel, and soft solder
will flow over the parts ns readily as on tinplate,
providing always that the metal has been pre
viously well cleaned of ocyd• I believe this is
commonly known among tinsmiths, thciugh not
generally with other individuals, whom it would
no doubt benefit much. Cast•steel, cast-iron,
or any other metal in common use is readily
soldered with this mixture.—Scientific Amer.
Horse and Cattle Condition Powder.
lb. powdered gum guaiite ; 6 oz. flour aut.
pliur ; lb. powdered fenugreek seed; f oz. of
black antimony; 4 oz. salt petre; 1 lb. bole ar•
meniu. To be well mixed and powdered tuge•
Dose, about one ounce, three times a day,
for three days, in cut feed. Fur heaves, one
dose a day until cured.
The above recipe; is superior to any sold.—
Propta Journal.
VOL. 19. NO. 21.
Daniel, A Model to Men of Business.
Daniel was a busy statesman- Darius had
made him chief minister. He bad charge of
the royal revenue, and was virtually ruler of
the empire. But, amidst all the cares of of f ice,
he maintained his wonted practice of praying
thrice a day. For these prayers nothing was
neglected. The administration of justice was
not standing still; the accounts did not run in
to confusion. There was no mutiny in the ar•
my, no rebellion in the provinces, from any
mismanagement of his. And though disappoin
ted rivals were ready to found an impeachment
on the slightest flaw, so wise, and prompt, and
impartial was his procedure, that they at last
concluded, "we shall find no occasion against
this Daniel, except we find it against him con
cerning the law of his God." Ito found lei
sure to rule the realm of Babylon, and leisure
to pray three times a day. Some would say
that he must have been a firstrate business
man to find so much time for prayer. It would
be nearer the truth to say that it was his ta
king so much time to pray which made him so
diligent and successful in business. It was
from God that Daniel got his knowledge his
wisdom, and his skill. In the composure and
serenity which these frequent approaches to
God imparted in his spirit, as well as in the su
pernatural sagacity and forethought, and pow
er of arrangement, which God gave in direct
answer to his prayers, he bad a decided advan
tage over those men who, refusing to acknowl
edge God in their callings, vexing themselves
in vain, and who, whets the fret, and worry, and
sweltering of their jaded day is done, find that
they have accomplished less, and that little far
snore painfully, than their wiser brethern, who
took time to pray. The nr.n must be busier
than Daniel who has not time to pray, and wi
ser than Daniel who can do what Daniel did
without prayer to help him. Daniel was in a
place where prayer was eminently needful. Ho
was in Babylon, a place of luxury and revelry,
and, from his position in society, he was pecu
liarly exposed to the idolatrous and voluptuous
temptations arcund him. It was difficult, and
cre long it was dangerous, to maintain his sin
gularity. But, so far as there was any sedue.
tion in the pleasures of thatluxurious and wick
ed city, prayer kept him seperate; and. so far
as there was any danger in withholding coun
tenance from the idle orgies, prayer made hirn
bold. Though the clash of cymbals and the
shouts of the revelers were coming in at the
window, they slid not disturb his devotions; and,
though be had not forgotten the King's decree
and his lions' den, he did not choose the lat.
tire, nor try to conceal his faith and his wor
ship, and, secure alike from spiritual detriment
and personal danger, the Lord bid his praying
servant in the hollow of his hand.
How to Avoid a Bad Husband,
1. Never marry for wealth. A WOlllllll'S life
consisteth not in the things she possesseth.
2. Never marry a fop, nor one who struts
about, dandy-like, in his silk gloves and ruffles,
with silvered cane, and rings on his fingers.—
Beware! there is a trap.
3. Never marry a niggard, a close-fisted,
mean, sordid wretch, who saves every penny, or
spends it grudgingly. Take care lest he stint
you to death.
4. Never marry a stranger, or one whose
character is not known or tested. Some fe•
males jump right into the fire with their eyes
wide open.
S. Never marry a mope or a drone, one who
drawls and draggles through life, one foot after
another, and lets things take their own course.
6. Never marry a man who treats his moth
er or sister unkindly or indifferently. Such
treatment is a sure indication of a mean and
wicked man.
7. Never, on any account, marry a gambler,
a profane person, or one who in the least speaka
lightly of God or religion. Such a man can
never make a good husband.
S. Never marry a sloven, a man who is neg
ligent of his person or his dress, and is filthy in
his habits. The external appearance is an in
dex to the house.
0. Shun a rake as a snake, a viper, a very
10. Finally, never marry a man who is ad
dicted to the use of ardent spirits. Depend
upon it, you are better off alone than you would
be were you tied to a man whose breath is pol
luted and whose vitals are being gnawed out
by alcohol.
DIRE, PRAYING.-A Maine correspondent
of the Green Mountain Herald give§ the fol
lowing as the form of prayer by a class of pgo
ple called "New Lights,'; sad who believe both
in direct preaching and direct praying:—"Lord,
have mercy on sister Kelly. who gets up, cuffs
the cat, kicks the dog, scolds her husband all
the morning, and then goes to meeting, and
gets up and talks right on top of it."
Welding Powder.
To melted borax, 1.111 salummoniac is added,
the mixture poured on an iron plate, and an
equal weight of quicklime ground up with it.
Iron or steel to be welded is first heated to red
ness, the mixture laid on the welding surfaces,
and the metal again heated, but far below the
usual welding heat. The pieces unite firmly
by hammering.—Sciehtific American.
, terallad, if I was to sec a duck on 60
wing, and was to shoot it, would you lick me?"
"0 no, my son; it shows you aro a good
mnrksman, sod I would feel proud of you."
"Well, then, dad, I plumped our old drake
as he was flyin' over the fence today, and it
would have done you good to see him drop."
Measurement of Hay in Bulk.
Multiply the length, breadth and height of
the hay into each other, and if the hay is some•
what settled, ten solid yards will weigh a too.
Clover will take eleven or twelve yards to a ten.
sW. The remains of the bachelor who burg
into tears on reading the description of married
life, have been found.