Public Notie , ticuoot.Dta'AtcrAtNNT,lturishurg, May 10,'5.4. . n y the 4:3C1 Feetioll or the "Act for the regain ., tion and continuation of the Common School System," passed Mny 0, 18 f, it is mode the do zy of the Superintendent of Common Sehooh., to give notice by publication in two newspapers in each county for three successive %seeks, to the School Directors of 'the several counties, that they are to meet in convention nt the Seat of kitOttiCO of the proper county on the first Monday of Juno next, and select rim core, by n majority of the whole number of Directors present, one person of Literary and Scientific acquirements and of skill and experience in the art of tench ii,g, nu County Superintendent for three succeed ing school years. 'rite School Directors present in such conven tion or a majority of them, shall at the same nine fix the compensation of the County Super intendent, and immediately after such election, the President and Secretary oldie Convention shall certify to the Superintendent of Comm. Sehools, tit llarrisburg, the tintne, manna elan iinal compensation allotted, end the Post (Mice address, of the person who may ho elected Comi ty Superintendent. C. A. BLACK, Superintendent ( . 0/10/11,1 May 17, 1854 -at. Land Warrants Wanted A GENTLEMAN intending to go Went this Full, wishes to purchase a few Land War rants. Any person having Warrants to sell, of any quantity of Acres, will do well to call soon. Apply at the (Aire of the County Treasurer. Huntingdon, May 1','84.-4t.• HAMS, Shoulders and Flitch, for sole at. the store of GE). WV IN. 600 PIECES Wall Paper., glazed nail un glazed, choice patterns, for attic nt the store of CEO. GWIN. Administrator's Notice. LTTERS of Administration haring been granted to the undersigned on the Estate of .Toni tint., late of the borough of Casstille, Huntingdon county, dec'd., all persons knowing thumscive,s indebted will make immediate pay ment, and those haring claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. DAVID CLARKSON, Admr. Cassyille, May 17, 1854.—fit.• • DOE &CO.'S PATENT GROUND SAWS. ITHE SITISSCHIBEIIS manufacture from the 1 1- best CAST STEEL, CIII2,ULAII, SAWS, from two inches to eighty inches in diameter.— Their Saws ore hardened and tempered, and aro ground and finished by machinery designed ex pressly for the purpose; and are therefore much snperior to those ground in the usual manner, as they ore strengthened and stiffened by increasing them in thickness regularly from the rutting cdge to the centre, consequently do trot beeme heated or buckled, and produce a great saying in timber. They also manutheture CAST STEEL MILL, PIT AND CROSS CCT SAWS, AND BIL LET WEBS, of superior quality, all of which they have thr sale, or they luny be °la:titled of the principal hardware re ereltatots throughout the United States and Canada. IL TIOE & CO., 29 and 31 Gold•street. Mny 10, 1854.-3 t. CASSVILLE ,SEMINARY, Cassville, Huntingdon County, Penna, THE School Year is divided into three Terms nP 14 weeks each. The present Term clo set 2711 t Rev. J. T. TOMLIN, A. 8., Principal. FLETCHER STEVENS, kuistant. Mr.. TOMLIN, Precepts.., :Miss EM MA PHILLIPS, Musie Ttri , l4er. " E. V. MANN. As.q. in Female. Department, Rev. W. ARBUCKLE, Steward. CII AUG ES :—For Tuition. Board, Ronto-rent and Bedding. $lOO per annum. (hie lied" parhle in mint nre. EATit As :—Music, Pointing. and the Modern Languages. Pupils not remaining one year. will be charged t1i1,75 per week, for Board, &r., as above, and the usu al rates for 'Fa itiou. The Trustees of CASSViIIe Seminary confident ly recommend the new Principal and Board of Instrudion to the friends and patrons of the In stitution. The high character ncquired by the Principnl, ns n Teacher, in one dr the best 'mai -I.IOIIS hi the Eastern States, will be fully sus tained in the new position he 11.11111 C, Mint Palt.urs. the Music 'readier, has justly onnwil a high reputation in her profession, and it is hoped that the efforts of the Board to supply ..•ompetent instructo•.s in all the departments of the School, will he met by the some liberal sup port heretofore received. J. W. cr.AICK, President. Cleo. W. Sim., Secretary. :May 10, 1854.-2 m. 10000 0 GIFTS for the PIM , PLE.--Josimt PERHAM, SOOllitS to the. People of the United States, his THIRD MONSTER GIFT ENTERPRISE, in eonneetion with the Exhibitions of his Magnifi cent and Immnse Mirror of North Sr. South America, At ACADEMY HALL, GO Broadway, N. Y. .1004000 Tickets Only, at $1 Each, Will be sold. Each Purchaser of a Ticket The the Jthaiosion qf Four Pro.r to the Exhibi tion, will he presented with a Numbered Certifi cate, entitling the Holder to Ono Share in the following 100,000 Gifts: A FARM, located in Harrison Township, Glou cester co. New Jersey, and within 15 miles of Philndelphia. It embraces over 100 Acres of :Land. in a high state of cultivation, with Dwelling, Barns, and other necessary Out houses, in good repair. There is a large Or chard of clinic° Fruits. Title indisputable.— Valued at $lO,OOO. (Atty information in regard to the farm can he obtained of Bolan Redfield, tenant on the premises.) A PERPF.T UAL Loss without secu'ity or int. 5,000 2,000 1,000 " $5OO ea 1,000 " 100 " 1,000 2 cc 10 THE CELEBRATM TROTTING MATIE,"LiIy Dale," who can trot, in harne,s, a mile in 2.4 o—valved at 1,500 5 RosEwooD riAlios, valued at 500 each 2,500 5 300 ,4 1 , 500 (A portion of the Pianos are T. Gilbert & Co's Celebrated )F.oliens. Others of Ballet, Davis & Co's splendid instruments.) The Splendid Series .qf s known 101 the "Mirror of New England nod Canadian Scenery," and now realizing a handsome income by its Exhibitions in the East—valued at 02,000 3 Light and Beautiful Carriages, at $225 each, 075 10 Gold Watches, 100 " 1,000 40 " 50 ,‘ 2,000 1 00 Yens nod Cases, 5 " 500 5,000 Pencils, 3 " 15,000 94,819 Pieces nt choice, Popular nod Fash ionable Music, 25 ets. each, 23,705 Valued at 96,380 100,000 Gifts, ONE GIFT FOR EVERY TICKET. In order to insure to all concerned a perfectly fair and satisfactory disposition of the above na med Gifts, Mr. l'llllllA7ll proposes that the Shareholders shall meet together On Thursday Evening, June 22; ISA (or sooner, if all the Tickets arc sold—dee no tice of which will he given,) at some suitable place, hereafter to be designated, and appoint a Commfttee of Fire Persons, to receive the proper ty, which they may dispose of in such meaner— by lot or otherwise—as the Shareholders, in general meeting, shall direct, the Committee giving good and sufleient bonds, if required by the Shareholders, for the litithful performance of the duties required of them. Shareholders residing out of the city of New York, will stand upon the samo footing as resi dents, and whatever may WI to their shares will be thrwarded to them in such manner as they may direct, alter the partition has taken place. All orders for Tickets, by mail, should be ad dressed to JOSI All PERLIAM, Academy Balk 663 Brom/wall, em York. If it should happen that all the Tickets are sold when the order is received, the money toil be returned, at nor ex pense for postage. Correspondents, will please write distinctly their name, residence, County' and State, to prevent Aurora. Or, if convenient, enclose un envelope, with their direotions on it iu full—in which, such Tickets as they mar or der will be returned. May 10. 11334.-.41. FOR SALE. A NY person wi.thing to engage in the Livery Stable twines?, iv hereby informal that the subscribers nth, for sale their whole stock—Six Ilorseß, Five Buggies, a Carriage, and &e. T., be sold together. Any person wishing to purchase, can have terms made known by applying to GLA SGO N & STEEL. Huntingdon, May 10, '54.-nt. Attention, Ist Battalion, 4th Brigade and Mb Division Pa, Volunteers. 111" nr, order to me directed, from nuor Mickley, nt his oftice nt Par _ , atli . s ., e F , :urna , ce, betrin into April 29th ct!tlBs4, you nre hereby ordered to meet in Ca' vine on Frida y the 2 0th da y of Slay, inst., at I 0 o'clock, A. M., of said day, in full uniform, and with 10 rounds or blank cartridge to every man, prepa red for Battalion Training, Inspection M A — rms. The following Companies, via: Com pany A Capt. A. IV. Clarkson, Trough Creek Geards, Company 13 Capt. Taylor, Guards Company C, Capt. Mickley,l'. A. Bluen, Con:- pony 1), Capt. Ralph Crotslev, Scott's Artillery. A. W. CLARK St fN. Adjutant. ... ... - . P. 8.. t full turnout is requested, as this will be thelast Battalion Training under the present organization. We would respeetlully invite any other Companies of Volunteers to join wgh on on that due. [Mae lit, '54.-Jt. Adininistrntoes Notice. LETTERS of Administration having, been -La granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of DAIVPON C. SmAi.t.ty. dee'd., late of Shirley township, Huntingdon countnall persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all those loving claims against the same will present theth properly authenticated for settlement. HENRY BREWSTER, Adtnr. Shirleysiturg, May 10, '54.-111.. NEW STAGE LINE Clear the track For Burket's Hack! NO DETENTION OF' PISSENGERS. T"E public haring become fdisgusted with the management of the old Line of Harks, has induced the subscribers to start a Daily Accom modation Line, to run front Orbisonia to Mount Union, and back in time to meet the Cars, both ways, orao PAY. Also to Shade Gap, when there may be passengers. Passengers wilt please notice, our Hacks aro marked on both sides, "Accommodation Line" with green letters. Hoping that this Lino will meet with the op probation of the travelling public, the subscribers would ask a liberal sham of patmage. Our Hacks will leave Mount Union every even. ing, immediately after the arrival o' the ears. JAMES BURKET; & CO., Proprietors. Orlikonia, May 8. 1854.4 t. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Davis & Vetter hoof, trading under the firm of Davis & Fetter hoof, is this day dissolved by the mutual con sent of the parties. 'the Books are still in tho hands of Davis.— All persons honing accounts with said firm nee hereby notified to come incensed and make settle ment on or before the first of June next, es they nee desirous of rinsing its their premiership busi• ness. WILLIAM DAVIS. JESSIAII FETTERHOOr, May 3,1854.-3 t.• Notice. THE Partnership heretofore subsisting be tweet' the undersigned, under the Style and Finn of Thomas E. Orbison & Co., of Scotts ville, Pa.. is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All debts ine to, and owing by the late firm, will be received and paid by Richard Ash ., who will continue to carry on the business, at tho Uhl Stand in Scottsville. on bin own ac count. 'lllos. E. OlillitiON, IiIOIIAHD ASIIMAN All persons indebted to the tote Firm or T. E. Orbison & Co., of Scottsville, are hereby reques ted to call and settle their oreolllllS 11t ; !111 early RICHARD ASHMAN. Scottsville, Pa.! April 26, .s.l.—tt. BOOKS! BOOKS!! 15,000 embracing every variety usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, for sale a holesale and retail very low fm cash. Orders from all parts of the country solicited, and will be promptly and Faithfully attended to. School Books and Stationary of every kind will he kept constantly on hand at the lowest rates. Harper's Magazine and Godey's Lady's Book, can be had every month as soon as out. Store opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Railroad St., Huntingdon, Pa. 1000 Pieces Wall Paper, all of which was purchased this Spring, of the latest nod most fashionable styles to be Isaiah in Philadelphia, for sale very low, from 12,1 eta. a piece and up wards, at Colon's Cheap Book Store, opposite Whittaker's Hotel, Huntingdon Pa. W:11. COLON. April 26, 1851. GEORGE EARP, JR., No. i li, North Wharves, Phila., Commission Merchant, FOR the sale of English and American Pig Lead, Scotch and American Pig, Bar and Bloom Iron, Bence Tin and Metals generally.— Liberal advancements made on consignments of nterchandise generally. Agent for the sale of Lo Roy & Co.'s Lead and Tin Pipe, Shoot Lead, Cast Iron Gas and Water Pipes. April 25, 1854.-Im. ( RAM) OPENING SPRING AN] SUMMER _Li \ ..i : !:1) AT THE nusTING., I• 1.11 riiING STOIII, A. WILLOUGHBY, HAS just returned from the east with a large and splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, for men anti boys, made in the latest fashion and in the most durable limner. Who over wants to be dressed better and cheaper titan anybody else in town, let him call at WILLOI'OIIIIY'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, one door west of T. Head Son's drug store. Huntingdon. Call and see for yourselves. April 19, 1854. NEW CLOTHING STORE! Now's the Time for Bargains! 30 per cent. Cheaper than the Cheapest ! ! TIIE undersigned most respectfully announces to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he bus opened nue ()film best and most splen did assortment of Ready-Made Clothing that has ever been in the Borough of Buntingdon. Ito takes pleasure in stating to the public dint he is fully prepared to sell Cheaper than the Cheapest! He will constantly keep on hand the greatest variety of the following artielos, Superfine Black Dress and Frock Coats, brown and limey sack coats, pantaloons new style, black and fancy cassimere, and eassi net and corduroy. Also, a great vairety of plain and fancy Summer Pantaloons. Vests, the richest and must varied assortment ever offered in this place. Boys' clothing, linen shirts, silk under-shirts and drawers. _ . _ A choice selection of neck and pocket hand kerelaiefs.Also a large atock of Hats and Caps, Unthrellas,trunks, carpet-bags, and a great many other articles. el' Persons wishing to buy clothing would do well to mill and examine this stock before pur chasing elsewhere. gar Store two doors west of the Post Office. 11. ROMAN. Huntingdon, April 19,185.1. UST received a beautiful aisvatment of Seul. iped and Main Velvet Ribbons, by J. & W. SAXTON. Gold Watches willbe sold by ED. sziAns lower than elsewhere. Retailers of Merchandise. il.AssivicATioNo;•Nterchants in Molting k--/ don comity. by the Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes. fir thu 3C4r commencing the first day of May, 1854. Alexandria Borough. CLAM A MOUNT. Ditcher & Porter, 12 $l2 50 Charles Porter, 13 10 00 Henry C. Walker, 13 10 90 Spyker & Williams, 14 7 00 Barree township. *Graff & Hronilton, 14 10 50 Silas Creswell, 1 I. 7 00 *John S. Miller, 14 10 50 S. W. Myron & Mosier, 14 7 00 Bernard Lorenz, 14 7 00 Irvin & Greeg, 14 7 00 Brmly township. Kessler & Brother, 12 12 50 Irvin, Green & Co., 11 7 00 lleattm & lihy, 14 7 00 Birmingham Borough. James Clarke, 13 10 00 Cass township. Richardson Read, 14 7 00 .lames Henderson, 14 7 00 Franklin .1. Spangler, 11 7 00 Clay township. T. E. ()Alison & Co., 13 10 00 .James Glasgow, l4 10 50 Cromwell tomilikip. T. E. Orbison k Co., 13 10 00 Ilea, Wigton & Co., 13 10 00 George Sipes, - . 14 700 David Etnier, 14 7 00 William Harper, 14 7 00 , . Dub Tin township. Brice X. Blair & Co., 13 10 00 James Cron 11 7 00 Andrew Wifson, 14 7 00 . _. Franklin ton;whip. . _ _ (1, & J.I. Shoenherger, • 11 15 00 Shod), Stewart & Co., 13 10 00 J. W. %Item & Co., 14 7 00 holt & Son, 14 7 00 7G•ndcrson township. Dunn S: Conch, 13 10 00 1'..0 C. Snyder, 14 7 00 ._ __ 11 10 50 F. Rainey, Huntingcbizi Borough. Fisher k MeMurtrie, 12 12 50 J. & W. Saxton, 12 12 50 George (Twin, 12 12 50 Thos. Rend & Son, 13 10 00 *llenjrin Jacobs, 14 10 50 '.... Alex.. Cannon, 14 7 00 David P. Gwin, 14 7 00 J. Bricker, 14 10 50 Edmund Snare, 14 7 00 Joseph Reiger, 14 7 00 A. Willoughby, 14 7 00 Jacob Snyder, 14 7 00 Levi Westbrook, 14 7 00 Charles Black, 14 7 00 *Robert Convey, 14 10 50 Long A Decker, 14 7 00 Ileum , Roman, 14 ' 700 Ilenry Cornpropst, l4 7 00 Joeksou township. Henry Lee, 14 7 00 Wm. Cummins, 14 10 50 Robert Mcllurney, 14 7 00 John A. Wright & Co., 13 10 00 OW. G. Bigelow, 14 10 50 Hopewell township. Amen Clarke, 14 7 00 Morel., township. Irvine A Greene, 14 7 00 Geo. H. Steiner, 14 7 00 Law & Fetterhoof, 14 7 00 Law, Low A Co., 14 7 00 J. J. Cunningham, 13 10 00 M. L. Kitts, 14 7 00 Porter township. S. Hatfield & Co.. 13 10 00 Joseph Green A Co., 1.1 7 00 limn !ownship. *James Campbell & Son, 13 15 00 Pitzeharles A Co., 14 10 50 *Samuel Wall, 14 10 50 Pdershurg Borough. *Edwin .1. Neff, Abraham Cresswell, John R. Hooter, ' Shirleysburg Borough, John Long & Co., 13 10 00 .1. G. Lightner A Co., 13 10 00 William 11. Lens, 13 10 00 Shirley township. S. 4: (4. Elw, 13 10 00 .1. W. Smith & Co., 13 10 00 Glasgow A Co., . 14 7 00 Siiringfidd township. Robert k IL Madden, 14 7 00 Toll township. A. C. Blak, 14 '7 00 'Ad township. John Hamilton, 14 7 00 Walker township. William Campbell, 111 10 00 ITenry liarriek, 14 7 00 Alex. Cunningham, 14 7 00 I ISst loth nsh ep. Huvett it Neff, BeiMard Lorenz, Benjamin Hartman Ifitrriorsmark township. 13. F. Patton, 13 Geo. Guyer & Co., 11 Geo. W. Owens, 14 Stewart Fox, 14 AY:i rehouses. Yorrig township. Cunningham & Cresswell, 14 7 00 Medicines. Huntingdon Borough. T. Read & Son. Z 10 00 Distilleries. Brady township. kimes & John McDonald, 9 8 00 Breweries. ...17,andria Borough. C. Chrimina, 9 8 00 Huutingdon. Borough. John Fodder, 9 8 00 Classification of Beer, Oyster Eating Houses, Ac., for the year commencing the Ist day of April, 1851. Alexandria Borough. John H. Gregory, 8 5 00 flame township. . *W. Gregory, 8 7 50 Brady township. *John Montgomery, 8 7 50 Henderson township. *Thom, P. Love, 8 ' 7 50 Huntingdon. - Henry Africa, 7 10 00 Andrew Mobus, 7 10 00 George Thomas, 8 5 00 E. &miners, . 8 5 00 Morris torrnsh (p. *Samuel Beigle, 8 7 50 *Bartholomew Malone, 8 7 50 Porter township. *Alexander Westbrook, 8 7 50 8 • 7 50 8 5 00 *Henry HeMater, Widbl. township. Joseph Dotiglass, Bowling Saloons. Hindingdon. E. Summers, 1 Table, 30 00 Mills. Henderson township. William Dorris, Jr., ld 7 00 . _ . Crontwnll township. William Orhison, Esq., 14 7 00 .Shirty township. George Ehy, 14 7 00 Milker township.' S. S. Wharton, 14 7 00 James Geminill, Those marked thus (*) sell liquor. An Appeal will be held, by the undersigned, atnip o •tin i te ss f o re e vi r o s !is o ko ,ce the August Court, at the Commissioner; n RENRY W. MILLER, Appraiser. Notice is hereby given, that all Licenses ant lilted during or previous to the August Court, will be left in the hands of a Justice far collet, tion. JOS. M. STEVENS, County Treasurer. May 3, 1854. A eitolcE lot of Shingles for side, at tho cheap sturo of J. BRICKER. THE LATEST ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. J. & W. SA RTON, HAVE just received from Piffled°lphir. the largest and hest nssortment of Spring and Summer Goods ever offered, and at lower prices than con he purchased at any other house. They ore determined to sell lower than can be purchased anywhere east of the Allegheny, and no mistake. If you wish to be satisfied of the Met, call and see. Dry Goods, such as Cloths, Cassimers, Hatinetto, Tweeds, Childrens' wore, Cottonades, wosted. The howlsomest assortment of Indies Gress Goods ever offered. Also, Trimming of every variety, the host assortment ever offered. 1000 webs assorted Prints, ard every other article usually kept in n country store. Hardware, of which we always keep the, largest and best as sortment ever kept in this place. Queenswore, a magnificent assortment, which we are selling quite low. Groceries, are a little up, ham: are determined to sell at low if not lower, than any other lionsexeording to quality. Cedar and Willow Ware, such as Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, lirout Stands, Sm., &e. Carpets and Oil Cloths. hea•ttiful assortment, which will he sold low, call and see and he satisfied of the fact. Hats and Caps, or the very latest and best style:, also Boots and Shoes, the best and iiheapest in town, if you don't be lieve it, CAM. .IND sot. We are also purchasing and storing. Groin. and it is admitted on all howls that we have the most convenient place for unloading grain in or about town, April 12, 1854. T "E greatest variety of Dress Trimmings, Fans, Cravats, %edit, Tyde Yarn, Dress Buttons, L31 , 1i1 , Collars, Chernizetts, Fancy Ildkft., Under Sleeves, Kid and Lyle Thread Gloves, and Ilosiery of every variety, just recei ved and for sole by J. & W. sAxToN. ABEAUTII73I, lot of Gents. (tailors. Ladies Gaiters and Shoes, Gents. Boots and Shoes, Misses Gaitors and Shoes, of an endless variety, just received and for sale by r. & W. SAXTON. QILE Dress Mattorns, Benue de Lanes, Bert, zes, and Lawns of every variety and color, just received and for sale be J. & W. SAXTON. A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Fancy Cassi a,WC., Cloths, Sommer Wear, for * men and bows. Also, Carpet Bags. Be., &c...inst rewir ed and for sale by d. & W. SAXTON. ONNETS. of all sorts and colors. alio, Mks , J) Flats, front 37i to 300. just received and for sale by & W. SA XTI ARMITAGE'S Eleciro-Magnet Lightning Rods. AFTER many years' close investigation and numerous experiments, the Patentee takes pleasure in informing the public that he has arri ved at the true principles of protecting lionilies, dwellings and property from the destructive in fluence of lightning. The calamities that every City, Town, Village and Country fulls vic tim to annually, through the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is SO easy to obtain—this is found in Armitage's Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods, and in this alone. This Rod has been examined by the most scientific gentlemen in the world—Professors M'Afurtrie, Johnson. Wallor and molly otherg tint hece ex amined them. recommend and speak of them in the highest terms of apvrohation, Sind have pro nounced them the only sale rods in use in this or any other country, for the protection of Lives and Property. One advantage is to divide and throw back a part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds; in time of n stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod Ws many other adonis . tnges over the old one. The only place of man 'tincturing is in 10 50 12 50 12 10 line N., 3 doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia, where all persons arecespeetfully invited to mill awl examine for themselves. For sale Whole sale and Retail, by THOS. ARMITAGE. Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash. Recommendations. ruil!.A... Aug. 13, 1847, T have this day carefully inspected a conductor or Lightning Hod, with vane and index, erected lir Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue House, Gloucester, and have no hesitation in saying that it is not only the best that I hare ever seen, but that it is the only one I bravo yet examined that is constructed on strictly scientific principles. It is with much .pleasure that I recommend this conductor to the attention of owners of Imildings. 11. I run well satisfied that the Magnetic Lightning Roil, manuthetured by Mr. Thomas Armitage, of Philadelphia, is the best that has ever been made. I have split several years in the study of the laws of electricity and nwenetism, and hove no hesita tion in saying that these Rods are constructed upon the only principle of stifetv. The electric chock is received and dispersed by the magnet at the top of the rod, and it would be impossible, according to the laws of attraction nail repulsion, for a building to be injured by a stroke of light ning when preaccted by one of these rods. I have been nequainted with Mr. Armitage for sev eral years, end before lie commenced the mann faeture of these rods I examined the principle on which they are constructed, and felt convinced that their adoption would be attended with rum photo success. The increasing demand for these rods, and the extensive sales in all parts of the country, is ample commendation of their utility and superiority. TRACY E. WALLER, M. Di 10 00 7 00 10 10 7 (0 Rising Sun, Philad. ea., April 10, 1852. The following extract in taken from an editori al in the Germantown Telegraph, edited by Major FRE. "Tilt; bogus rod placed upon our dwelling we have had taken down; and another ereted by Mr. ARMITAGE, to which we would roll the attention of our farmers and renders generally. It is put up on true seientilic principles, and is a rod that hos been approved by the highest authority, and will bear the most thorough examination. Those who hove been deceived, as We have been, should lose no time in having a proper protection against lightning, substituted. The cost is a mere bag atelle when compared with the entire safety of our houses and barns against this destructive ele ment. Mr. ARMITAGE'S advertisement Will b 0 tbund in the columns of dais paper; and we feel us thong!, we were perforodcg an imperious ditty to the community, by thus inviting to it general attention." PIIII.AVI.T . IIIA, Dee. 4, 1852. Mr. T. ARMITAGE, Vine Street, west of Twelfth StuOt, Philadelphia, My pEAu Ste: After a trial of many weeks, it atibrds me great pleasure to inform son that I am highly delighted with the lightning rod you placed upon my house to linstleton. As liar as my chemical knowledge enables me to perform an opinion, I am satisfied yen have developed the correct principles in the adaptation of rods to protect property from destruction by lightning; as soon us the advantages of your arrangements are understood, I am convinced that low persons will be ibund on reckless as to fail to avail themselves of the protection afforded by your rod Wishing you all onerous in your enterprise, I ion vales truly, . , JAMES McCI.INTOCK, M. D., No. 1, North Eleventh Street, Pr ofessor of Anatomy, Philadelphia College of Medicine. SAMUEL HOOVER, liarildon, Union Co, Pa., Is Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining counties, and will filmic!, the Rods on the same manner as the Proprietor. Any person desiring to bo sup plied with, the Rods eau leave their order with the Editor of the Journal, or with Gaffius Miller, o the Hall Read lintel. April 12, '54.-2m. TO WOOL CARDERS. rplIE undersigned have for sale a second-hand ed Carding Machine, with all the ne cessary fixtures, which they idler for sale very low. Any one wishing to purchase will do well to call and see it. KESSLER & 13E0. Mill emelt, April 12, 1534.-ant.' JLUST roreirod turd for sole, Ham, Shoulder, Side, Dried Beef, Luke Tram, White Fish, ulsu Dried reaches, Dried Apples, &o. &c., for sale by J. & W. SAi.TON. ZINC PAINTS. ONE 7711 ED (WEARER 77E1 V RWITI: LEAD, AND FREE FROM ALL I'OIS• °NOUS VALITIL'S. The New Jersoy Zino Company HAVING GIICATIS 1,241,11.1, TI11:111 WORICR, And improved the quality of their products, aro prepared to execute orders for their SUPERIOR PAINTS. DRY, and (MOUND IN OIL, in assorted pack. ages of from 25 to 500 pound's; also DRY, in barrels, of 209 pounds each. Theii WHITE ZINC, which in sold dry or ground in oil. in warranted PURE and unsur passed for BODY and uniform whiteness. A method or preparation Ws recently keen discovered, width enables the Company to war rant their paints to keep fresh and soft in the kegs for any reasonable time. In thin respect their paints wilt be superior to any other in the market. Their Brown Zinc Paint which hold' at a low price, and can only be made from the Zinc ores from Newarsey, is now well known for its 111 , 1. weave qualities when applied to iron or other metallic surfaces. Their Stuns Color Paint possesses all the pro perties of the Brown, and is of an agreeable col or for painting,. Cottages, Depots, Oat-buildings, Bridges, &e. Dealers supplied on liberal terms by their Agents, FRENCH & RICHARDS, Irliolosale Paint Lhalkrs and Importer; N. W. cur. of loch & Market Sts., Phila. April 19, 1854.-6 m. CALL BEFORE YOU PURCHASE. GEORGE GWYN, UAS just received, and opening, at his well known Store in :\ larket Square, the largest and prettiestassortment of Spring and Summer Goods ever offered to the people of Huntingdon and vicinity, and is now rapidly selling at unusually low . prices . . _ . . . . My stoek comprises in part, Cloths, Cassimers, black mid fancy. Satinetts a large variety of Satin and Silk Vestings, Kentucky and Pennn. Jeans, Tweeds, Tiekings, brown and bleached Muslim, Drills, Crash Bugs and Bugging, Table Diaper, &e. Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods, Prints in abundance, Mans. de Lanes, Do Berega, Alpaca., Lustros, black and fancy, colored Silks, Cashmeres, Bonnet and Florence Silk Edging Ribbons, fancy Gimp, black silk Lace, colored Rid Gloves, Gents black do., Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Italian Cravats. Hosiery, &c. Boots and Shoes. Hardware, Queensware, Glassware and Cedar Wire, Groceries, Eats and Caps. A great variety of Straw Goods, My stock has been selected with the greatest care in regard to pettily and price, and I Hatter myself that I can offer inducements to purchasers not to he Nand elsewhere. Thankful for the patronage of the past, by my friends, 111111 the public generally, I respectfully solicit n continuance of the same. Ctr Aly tild stock of Goods will be sold at 15 per cent. below coot. April 12, 1854. Great Artists' Union Enterprise !.6. 150,000 VIII'. 'PATYPI-2, STATI'APV. $O,OOO (111, PAINTINGS, 10,000 ENGRAVINGS, ,40,1 i 0 nil. 45,000 STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS, 41,000 P.\ SII L(l.\. NS. for 100 years each, :10,000 REAL ESTATE. 04,000 $250,000 The Anicrimit .:blists , rid., would re- j speetfully announce to the citizens of the Uni ted States and the Caandas, that for the pi, pose the advancement and extension of the Fine Arts, and with a view of enabling every family throughout the length and breadth of the bonito become possessed of n gallery of pic tures, many of them the wort: of master minds, and finally, for the purpose of giving a world wide circulation to Darley's great Picture of Wyoming They have determined to distrilmte among the parch:a:ors or this work, Price, $l,OO, 250,- 000 gifts, of the value of 5250,000. LIST OF GIFTS, Marlth , Statuary, 540,000. 100 fine busts of Washington,at $lOO $lO,OOO 100 " Clay, 100 10.000 100 " " Webster, 100 10,000 100 " " Calhoun, 100 10,000 Oil Paintings and colored Steel Engravings. 50 elegant Oil Paintings, each $lOO. in splended gilt fratnes, 5,000 size 3 x , 1 feet. 100 Oil Pnintings, 2x 3 ft. each .50, 5,000 500 steel plate Engravings, brilliantly colored in oil, rich gilt flumes, 24 x 30 inches. each $lO, $5,000 10.000, elegant steel plate Engravings, cohered in oil, of the nehinytim .31;muntetil, 20 x 21% each st, Fi:10,000 237.000 steel plate Engravings, from 100 slit.- . , leant ;draw, now in possession of, and own ed by the Artists' Union of the market value of, from 00 ets to 1,00, each. ' $ll,OOO REAL ESTATE, $84,000. fineDwelling,in 32d st. in N. Y. city,Sl2,ooo 22 building lots in 100 and 101st fits. New Yoe; City, each 25 x 100 ft. deep. earl) $lOOO, $22,000 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 sq. ft. in the suburbs of New York city, and com manding a magnificent view of the Hudson River and Long Island Sound; each, $5OO, $50,000 LOANS OF CASH, $30,000. . . 20 loans of cash, for 100 yrs. each, without in terest or security, 250 each, $5,000 50 " " 100 " 5,000 100 " n " 50 " 5,000 250 " " " 20 " 5,000 2000 " it " 5 L , 10,000 The holder of each ticket, is entitled, first. to a steel plate engraving, (size 25 c 30 in.) or the Great American Historical work of art Virliffaralfjo A. copy of which may he seen at the office of this paper, and second, to ono of the 250,000 Gifts, which will be distributed on the comple tion of the sale or the ticket, The purchaser of 5 tickets, on the receipt of his order. will be forwardml, carefully packed, either ono copy of the "Wyoming," elegantly painted in oil colors, or one copy of the "Wy oming," plain, and one copy of each of four other engraving's, equal to it in value, and is entitled to 5 gifts. The purchaser of more than 5 tickets, can have his choice out of 100 ditlerent subjects, from steel plates owned by the Artists' Union, each picture being in value equivalent to the "Wyoming," and is entitled to one gift for each ticket he holds. A list of this subjects eau be sects at the office of this pa pen AGENTS.—Persons desiring to become Agents, for the sale of tickets; by forwarding (peat-paid,) Si, shall lie met n Gift Ticket, a copy of Wyoming, and prospectus, containing all necessary information. It is confidAtly believed, that the tickets will be disposed of by the first of July, when the distribution of Gifts will be entrusted to a Committee appointed by the ticket holders. The steel plates from which the Engravings are printed, can be seen at the office of the Artists' Union, and cost, 5100,000. Speci. mono of the Oil Paintings and Engravings, are also on view at the rooms. References, in regard to the property.—W. C. Barritt, Esq., Counsellor at Law, 10 Wall St. N. Y., F. J. Visscher & Co., Real Estate Brokers, SO Nassau St. N. Y. All orders for tickets. must be addressed postpaid, with the money enclosed. to J. W. HOLBROOKE, See. 505 Broadway, New York. April 12, '5.1.-3m. IUST receiving, this week, Mackerel. fierrin; &e., and for sale by & W. SAXTON. GARDEN SEEDS For sale at the Cheap Store 91 J. BRICKM NEW GOODS! AND PLENTY OF THEM, AT ".1 1 112, 1 - ,112,21f) DAVID P. GWIN. I have just received, and am now opening, on the corner opposite Coots' Ilotel, a large and beautiful assortment of Spring and Summer Goods. eonsistiag of Cloths. Cwsimers, Fancy and Plain, Silks, Panay and Black, Derege Detain, Barettes• Hard Dalin, Lawns, Gingham, Linens, Mao lins, and prints of every description. Hosiery Gloves, Silk Mitts, Long and Short. Veils. Col. Jars, 1:11110 , 41PPITS. Ribbons, Shawls, and n va. riety of DRESS GOODS too numerous to MTh lion. Also, a large assortment of Bonnets. Hats and Shoes, Groceries, Queenswnre, and llord ware, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Carpet Bags. Clothes and Market Baskets, Buckets, Mums, Tnhs, Ittc. The public aro respectfully invited to call nod examine my Goods, as I am dutermined to Fell them cheap. Alt kinds of Country Produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, April 5, 1854. 111 ALEX. CARAON, H A nTe l ga r n 7 ,372 i Mi tc e n ril• v o c e s =l l% ,b l K. Simonton, is now prepared to accommodate his old customers, and the public generally, with a splendid and fashionable usssortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Ilis assorttnent consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and all kinds ofgoods usually kept in a Country Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every 'variety. AIAn, Hats: Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of goods of all kinds. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, April 5, 1854. Executor's Notice. T ETTERS Testnmentnry on the Estate of Su sannah Shade, late Susannah Levi. late of the Borough of Huntingdon, deed., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those haring claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. A. W. BENEDICT, April 5,'54.-6t. Executor. PITTSBURGH PROVISION WAREHOUSE. WELLS &CO., Pork Packers and C Wholesale Provision Dealers, No. 325, Liberty at., Pittsburgh, will keep on hand, ready to supply at all times and on the shortest native, choice and reliable articles in their line of business and upon accommodating terms. Their main stock will consist of Bacon. Lard Oil, Lard.Stagarcured llama, Dried Beef, &c. They have also made arrangements for an early supply of Lake Superior White Fish and Mack inaw Trout, in hbls. and half bldg., and which. coining dirert from the extrement Northern waters, will be very much superior to tine, of any other catch, and they will be able to oiler these thvorite articles at lower rates than the inferior or Southern catch are supplied in this market. C. Wells & Co., desire to rail the attention of DEAT.nas and Tinto Most, particularly, to their stock of BACON, in the selection and prepara tion of which particular attention has been given to the quality, so as ,to oiler to customers the most reliable article. Orders will receive prompt attention. [March 29, 1854.-3 m. 300,000 GIFTS FOR THE PEOPLE. PROFESSOR HART'S GREAT GIFT EN TERPRISE (ii" THE WHOLE WORLD. PROFESSOR J. WOODMAN HAUT would respectfully inform the citizens of New-York and the world at large; that, fi,r the purpose of enabling nil to ore his wonderful illustration of the entire world, (the first and only thing of the kind ever produced,) note on exhibition at the World's Ilan, Nos. 377 and 379 Broadway, end for the purpose at popularizing American Art: and also of giving a world-wide circulation to his renown ed "Book of Travels, Adventures and Anecdotes,' which should ho read by the million, he will dis tribute among the purchasers of his tickets of ad mission the fbllowing magnificent and valuable Gills, amountipe to the sum total of $300,000. 7 LIST 01' 011'2W. , Prof. Ifart's Whole World, worth no immense fortune to any one, veined at $50,000 Ott Prof. Hart's Eleunnt Country Sent, with MO neves of 'owl in a high state of cultivation. the huildituzs on which rest $15,000, sitnnted nn Long Td,tnd Sound, nnd commanding a totezniti vent view of a 0 miles in every direm , tion, valued at Tile Celebrated Model of the City of 25,000 00 San Francisco. valuod at 8,000 00 Prof. flares far-famcd Panorama of the Holy Lend, mono 00 A Megnificent city Residence in N. Y. 17,000 00 100,000 Volumes of Prof. Hart's ex tensive Travels in the ()Id end New World, interspersed with remarkable Adventures, Amusing Anecdotes, & Thrilling. Incidents, elegantly bound, with giiidges, including n'portmii of the author 75,000 00 Twenty-live Building Lots, each con taining 10,000 squar e feet, in a bean - . . . . find Yillago in the mihurl4 of N. York City, each yalned at $5OO, 12,500 GO nifty elegant Rosewood Piano Fortes, at $3OO 9,000 00 5 " 500 2,500 00 20 " " 3Plodions, 100 2,000 00 50 " Cold Irairhes, 100 5,000 00 100 " 75 7,500 00 100 50 5.000 00 200 23 5,000 00 100 " " Proselets, 15 1,300 00 1000 " " /Nags, 2 2.000 00 2000 " 1 2,000 00 200 sets elegant Silver Tea spoons, 9 1,800 00 50 " " " Dessert spoons, 12 600 00 25 " " " opoollo, 18 450 00 20.000 vols. Mrs. Partington's carpet bal; Of fun, at 50 eta. 10,000 00 30,000 pieces of the most Fashionable Music. . , at 25 ets. 7,500 00 moo elegant steel ongravings,2s ets. 8,750 00 80,000 finely engraved pocket maps of the city of New York, 14,127 75 31,089 portc-roonnnies, at 25 etc, 7,772 25 A loan for 100 years, without interest, or secu rity, of Cash, 10,000 00 It is confidently believed that the tickets will all he sold, and the property will be distribu. ted by the first of June. The property will be placed in the bands of a Committee appointed by the ticket holders, to he distributed in a perfeetly fair and satis• factory manner to all concerned. The price of tickets is $1 each, entitling the the holder to tour ntbotssions to th e Exhibi. lion, nod ore of the 300,000 gift,. All orders for tickets must be addressed,post. paid, with the money enclosed. to Pmf. .1. Woodman hurt, Nos. 377 and 379 Broadway World's Ilnll , New-York. and the tickets will be promptly forwarded teeny part of the world. Any infbrmation relative to the property may be obtainecl at the office of the World's Half, or of I'. J. Visseher S Co., No. SO Nassau St. New York. March 29, '54.-3m. snn lbs.or Cod Fish, just received and fo UV solo by J. & W. SAXTUV. CIGARS, CANDIES. &c., wholesale and retail, at the cheap atom of J. BRICKER. Prio rciinl i Vet Family SMlTH. lllolicines Iluntinlitdon; 31arcli .I,IISJ-11. ROBBED, BUT NOT DISHEARTENED. Brilliant Display of Jewelry. piddle generally, and the rascals who, I some time since, entered my store nd remo ved velualikis to the amount of about 31100 without my permission, are informed . hat I hare jest opened a more general and beater assortment. of articles in my line of business than was eyrie brought to Huntingdon; consisting of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Knives, Perfumer•, Fort Moo tulips, Silver Ware, and Fancy. Amides, &c. My old friends and customers. end the public in gentrajthroughout the Minty, arc requested to call and examine my Assortment. EDMUND SNARE, Bunting:a., March 20, 1854. NOTICE. CORNPRORST ilaiingjrlFL re • .1 I turned from Philadelphia with n large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Crockery-ware, ke., embracing the usual variety of a country store, which he has been enabled to purchase up on terms permitting him to compete-successfully with any other store in the vicinity, would res pectfully solicit the patronage of his friends and customers, and would endeavor to merit the ap probation, as Ire is well satisfied of his ability at present, to suit the tastes and accommodate the wishes of the public at large. Ile is prepared to sell very low for cast,— Country Produce taken in exchange at the most reasonable rates. March 29, 1854. BLANKS..-Always buy your Blanks at the "Journal Office." We hare now prepared a ve ry supeciorartiele of BEA NE DEEDS, BONDS. JUDGMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC U TIONS, fie. Shirley skiing Female seminary, Rev. JAmEs CAMPBELL, A. M., Principal Juniata Academy, 11,:tt J. (' A 8., 1 p r i nc i p a i , A. C. FE,DAT.r., TILE Sommer Session of these Institutions Sommer eminences on lierlizemlny, the sth of Me t. , and continues live months, They are situated in 1 the retired Village of Shirlevshnrg, in the heart i (trout> of the most lovely and fertile utiles of the Alleghenies. In a rural district, among one of the plainest and simplest people of Pennsylvania, apart from the hustle and evils of a thormiglififre, or large town, convenient of access from all sides, with a community noted for its temperance and morali ty, and possessing a healthy and unusually beau tiful situation, this Village presents advantages for Literary Institutions, which strike the eye of 1 every visitor. Each one possesses new and com modious buildings, and a full corps of teachers.— They are under entirely seperate government and instruction, being situated about a quarter of a mile apart, anal linving nothing in common ex cept that the use of the Academy Apparatus is given to the Seminttry. The course of instruction is thorough and ex tensive, embracing the branches usually taught in such Institutions. These Schools offer two principal inducements; first, the most extensive 1111(1 complete Philosophical and Chemical Appar atus in this section of the Stoic, to which Proles' ' sur Fusum.r. lips made the valuable addition of his choice collection of Astronomical and Mathe matical Instruments, including a tine Astronomi cal Telescope; second, the cheapness oftbe terms. Wishing to render their Institutions, as tar as they canotecessibletoall,the Principals have resin • red the price of boarding to the lowest possible sum. The regular expenses nt the Female Sent inel',. excluding the ornamental branches, are $50,00 per session, while at other similar Institu tions the prices vary from $58,00 to hi:0.00 per session. In the Academy, the wlade expense ut tuition, boarding, washing, fuel. light and room rent, will vary from $45,00 to $50,0u per session. The whole number of pupils at both schools, foe the post year, was upwards of 100. 4:pee/a/ am eA formed for those wishing to . qualify themselves for teachers. A Fancy Department will he added to the Sem inary, in which a course of h,sons of 1 to G weeks will ho given in Gilding and Bronzing, on wood and Stone, Embroidery on Satin, Crupe, Loco, Muslin, et •cetera. Young ladies that wish it, Coll receive instruction in this department alone, which will only require their attendance at the Scminsry for the time of the course. Terms $3,00. nifion payable in Adoance. Ice pupils admit ted for less than half a session. No deduction 11w absence, except in cases of • protracted sick news. For circulars and farther information ad ' dress (post paid) the Principals, Shirlevsbur , March 29, 1854.-3 m, Stoves, Cauldrons and Forges. T EE undersigned wo uld respectfully call the attention of Merchants and ada. others who are in want of a first rate Stove for either Wood or Coal, to their extensive stock of COOK STOVES, comprising a greater nssortment than can be found at any oth er establishment in the City. They would also invite the attention of Hotel Keepers to their ce lebrated Buck Cook, 3 sizes, capable of cooking for from 100 to 000 persons. Also the Globe Cook, Capitol do., Complete do., Yocum do., Hagar do., and a number of others. Purchasers would do well to give them a cull before purcha sing elsewhere. Also, Cauldrons with furnaces attached for scalding hogs, rendering lard. and boiling food for stock. Sole Agents for QUEEN'S PATENT PORTABLE FORGE. iEMAN & WARNICK, (Successors to Potts & Yocum and P. F. Ha gar & Co., N.E. Coy. of 2nd and Race streets, Philadelphia. [March 22, '54.-3m. J. STEWART DEPUY, nt . 223 North SECONL! Street, belowCollow hill, PHILADELPHIA; has on hand, a splendid assortment at Velvets, Tapestry, Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain, and Vonitian Cmtrirrs:t lesides Draggets, Canton and Cocoa MAT- r ,, TINGS. Winsow Shades, Door Mitts. Floor i F, and Table OTT. CLOTHS, Stair Rods, Hearth Rigs, &c. Also, the SAME, at his other •'' Corner of Bth and Simms GAR HI, STREET, antler the Spring Garden Iionse.—WHOLESALE and RETAIL. March 02,1854.-6 m. RAGS WANTED. BEING EXTENSIVELY ENGAGED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF PAPER, wo will pay to Country Merchants and others having Rugs for sale, more than the present market prices —CASH. JESSUP & MOORE, Paper Manufacturers, P1111.11 , 1:1,1'111A—NOS. 24 and 26 North St. (Ist Street. hclow Arch, between sth and 6th.) ➢larch 22, I 8 34.-2 m. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. John Stone & Sons, No. 45 South Second Street, Philadelphia, novo now in Storo of thaw own importation, s large and ImTisome assortment of RIBBONS, SILKS, FLOWERS, CRAPES, • and every article suitable to the Millinery Trade. to which constant addition will be made through out the season, thereby enabling them to offer the largest and most desirable selection of article■ in their line to he found in the City. Philadelphia, March 22. 1554.-3 m. Notice WE con now furnish the Joel Dawson Cut ting Box, manutbcturcd by Win. Lewitt & Co., adds place, and will he delivered at any point on Canal or Penna. R. Road. A simple and durable arrangement; self-feed ing, and will cut hay, straw, or corn-fodder, any desired length. A trial is solicited, and warranted to give sat isfaction. Price $lO Cash. KESSLER & IJRO Alia Creek, Bunt. cu., Pa., March 1,'54.-6m. !BONNETS, MILLINERY GOODS, &C. ULVER has now in store and is daily receiv• C ing from Manufacturers and Importers, a handsome assortment of STRAW, Baum, LAPIS an d LAWN BONNET, ' FRENCII and 11 }:RICAN FLOWERS, RIBBONS ' SILKS, LAWNS an a gen eral assortment of hind.l.,:ar GOODS. Also, now manufacturing WIRE. and BUCKRAM FRAMER and CROWNS, at the latest French and English patterns. MERCUANTS and MILL/NERS are invited to call and examine before purchasing, being confident that his styles and priees,will compare favorably with those of any other establishment. WM. G. CALVER. . • No. 59, North 2nd st., Phila. ch 5, 15.A.--3m.