f 5 -7,= - r1 HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. Wednesday Morning, May 17, 1854. WILLIAM BREWSTER, Editor. CIRCULATION 1000. WHIG STATE TICKET : FOR GOVERNOR, James Pollock, of Northumberland co. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, George Darsie, of Allegheny co. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, Daniel NI. Smyser, of Montgomery co. Medical Students. Medical Students or Physicians, wishing a well selected assortment of Medicines, with Bottles, Jars, and all the necessary fixtures belonging to a Physician's Shop, also a well selected Medical Library, may be had on very low terms. For further information inquire at this office. New Advertisements. Notice to Mill-Wrighte and Builders, by William Dorris, Jr. Land Warrants Wanted—inquire at the Treasurer's office, Hams, Shoulders, &e., Ac., by Geo. G win. Administrator's Notice, Estate of Jno. Speer, deed., by David Clarkson. Public Notice, by C. A. Black. To Correspondents. We receive a great many communications for the Journal, signed only with some fancy initials. If we publish such a communication we alone are resimnsible, for we cannot tell who the writer is. The public should know that we cannot publish any communication without the true name accompanying it. The true name shall not be made known unless we are lawfully called upon for it. Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself has said: I will the Huntingdon Journal take. Both for my own and family's sake? If such there be, let hint repent, And have the Paper to him sent; And if he'd pass a happy winter, He, s' ADVANCE, would pay the printer. THE New YORK MUSICAL EEVIEW.—This journal is conducted with marked ability and commendable energy. The number for May 11th, which is just received, is a double one, and consists of thirtytwo pages. The music is unusually abundant, varied and excellent, and is, we venture to say, fully worth the sub scription price of the Review (one dollar) for a year. The reading matter is also copious, spi cy and instructive. It seems to us that every choir, singing school and family, where music is taught, would bo greatly benefitted be sub• scribing for, and reading the New• York Yasi cal Review. Published by Mason Brothers, 23 Park Row, New York. A CHEAT AND NOVEL. ExrcarntsE.We pub. lish in our advertising columns a magnificent Gift Enterprise, (the third of a series,), started in New York by Mr. Perham, who has been long and thvorably known throughout the North and East. An examination of it will present features that commend it to the attention of every man, woman and child in the communi ty. We have only to say that the former en• terprises of this indefatigable manager have been characterized by the greatest fairness, and given the utmost satisfaction to all concerned. Send in your orders for tickets as early as pos. Bible, as they will undoubtedly be taken up in a short time. The Prohibitory Liquor Question. This has been finally settled in the Legisla ture, after occupying nearly the whole session. The Committee of Conference, agreed upon a bill to submit the Question to the people at the next general election, to the effect that if they vote is favor of a prohibitory law, it will be re garded as the prayer of the people of the State to the ensuing Legislature to enact such a law. If they should cast a contrary vote, it will be an end to "prohibition" at least for the present. In the Senate, the report of the Committee was adopted, by a vote of 24 to 7; and it was sub sequently adopted in the House, by a vote of 60 to 33. Mail Robbery. The U. S. Mail was robbed, near Mr. John Baker's, on the road leading from the Three Springs to Wademan's Mill Post Office, in the southern part of this county. When the villain met the post-boy, he drew a pistol, and told the boy if he did not deliver up the mail-bag he would shoot him. The boy, at last, surrender. ed. The robber soon disappeared in the woods with the mail-bag. Search was immediately made, but neither the thief nor the mail-bag has been found. If the thief is as unsuccessful in all his en terprises of the kind, he will be apt to remain poor all his days. When the mail left the Three Springs, (which was the last office before the robbery,) it contained one letter and one newspaper, so he makes a great speculation. The robber is described as being a tall man, wore a high crown black hat, and black coat. This is about the only description the boy could give. Important to School Directors. The school law which recently passed the Legislature, and received the sanction of the Executive, makes it the duty of the School Di rectors, of the several counties of the Common wealth, to meet in convention at the seat of justice of the proper county, on the first Mon day of June next, and on the first Monday of May in each third year thereafter, and select viva vim by a majority of the whole number of Directors 'present, one person, of literary ac quirements and of skill and experience it the art of teaching, as County Superintendent for the three succeeding school years, and the School Directors, or a majority of them in such convention, shall determine the amount of compensation for the County Superintendent, which said compensation shall be paid by the Superintendent of Common Schools by his warrant drawn upon the State Trensurer in half yearly ;instalments if desired, and shall be de ducted front the amount of the State appropri ation to be paid the several school districts for said county. FIRE MEETING. To pursuance of a call issued by the Bur gesses and Town Council of the Borough of Huntingdon, a meeting of the citizens of said borough convened at the Court House, on Mon day evening, the 10th inst., to consider and adopt measures to detect the persons concern ed in the recent fires in this place. and to pre vent incendiarisms in future. The meeting was organized by the appoint ment of DANIEL AFRICA, Esq., President, and A. W. BENEDICT, Esq., Secretary. On motion, a Committee, consisting of John Scott, David Snare, Thos. I'. Campbell, Epps., James Saxton and john ln.sthrook, was ap pointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. Remarks were made by several gentlemen. On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet on Saturday evening, the 13th, in order to give the Committee time to report. Saturday, May 13th, Pursuant to adjournment, the meeting re• convened at the Court Home. The Committee appointed at former meeting made report as follows: The Committee appointed to consider the best means to be adopted for the detection, ar rest, and conviction of the persons guilty of in cendiarism in the borough: for the prevention of the commission of the same offence hereafter: and for the provision of a more efficient fire apparatus, respectfully reports: That after full consultation, and the reception cf such suggestions as some of our fellow citi zens saw proper to snake to us, we have com municated to the Burgesses and Town Council, through one of their number present during our deliberations, a method of detection which we have strong confidence will soon result in the development of sufficient evidence to justify the arrest and insure the conviction of the au thor or authors of all the fires with which we have recently been visited. The details of this method we, of course, do not deem proper to communicate in public.— We believe them to be efficient. We have no doubt the members of the Council will give all their ener g ies , and employ the secret influences suggested to make them signally and speedily efficient. While the measures hereafter re commended will, we hope, prevent similar mis fortunes in future, the measures to he secretly taken with reference to those especially sus pected of incendiarism in the past, can hardly fail to detect the guilty ones, and procure for them a conviction whirls will insure them a ten years residence in the Penitentiary. For the purpose of preventing fires in future, and staving their progress if they do occur, we submit fur the consideration of the meeting the following resolutions: Ist. That David Snare, Esq., David Black, and Thomas Fisher be and they are hereby ap pointed a Committee to call upon the citizens and obtain their signatures to an agreement to servo as a Night Police at such times as they may be called upon, or will furnish an approved substitute, or in default of doing either, will pay to the Burgesses and Town Council of the Borough of Huntingdon, (for the purpose of supplying a fund to fill their places) the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents for each night they shall so full to serve or supply a sub stitute: to report the names so obtained to the Town Council: who are hereby requested to adopt a system for drawing the names of citi zens to serve in such police with such details as will render it effective, and give to each ci tizen so drawn timely notice of the night upon which he will be required to be on duty. 2nd. That if any person shall refuse to sign such agreement, (although we do not look upon such a result as probable in any case,) their names be reported to the Town Council, with a request to have them entered on their minutes, and made public if deemed expedient. 3rd. That if this system be found ineffectual, or impracticable, said Committee be empower ed to call another town meeting to devise fur ther means of protection. -Ith. That the Burgesses and Town Council be, and they are hereby requested, in accord ance with the sentiments of the citizens hereby declared, to procure a Suction Engine and Hose sufficient to supply the Engines plenti fully with water, and to put the whole fire ap paratus of the Borough in good working order. 6th. That the citizens of the Borough will sustain the Burgesses and Council in incurring all reasonable expenses in carrying out the foregoing resolutions, and in taking measures to detect, arrest, and prosecute to conviction, any and all persons suspected of incendiarism within the Borough. 6th. That the Burgesses and Town Council he requested vigorously to enforce existing or dinances against vice, immorality, and disor derly conduct; to pass any more stringent ones that may be necessary, and also to empower the night police to act as Special Constables, and make arrests under the ordinances. Which report was adopted, and Committee discharged. The proceedings were ordered to be publish. ed in the papers of the Borough. Adjourned. DANIEL AFRICA, Pres, A. W. BENEDICT, See'y. New Liquor Law, We learn from the legislative proceedings of Monday that a new liquor law passed both Houses on that day, and only needs the signa ture of the Governor to become a law, It was introduced originally to apply to Schuylkill county, and afterwards amended to apply to the whole state: It prohibits after its passage any persons from selling beer, ale, porter, or other malt li quors without a license from the Court of Quar ter Sessions, to be procured in the anise man ner as licenses for taverns are now obatined.— It also prohibits any person from obtaining a license for the sale of spirituous liquors by the quart or otherwise, unless the persons so apply ing shall be retailers of foreign and domestic goods, wares and merchandise, and' entitled to be classed equal to the fourteenth class, and to have been thus regularly classed by the mer cantile appraisers. All peWons violating this act are subjected to the same penalties as those prescribed against the keepers of unlicensed tippling bon. see; but the act is not to brewers of malt li quors or manufacturers or rectifiers of liquors fur wholesale purposes. The act goes into effect immediately upon being signed by the Governor. The Manufacture of Iron. It is stated that sixteen iron works are now in operation-9 in Pennsylvania, 3in Virginia, lin New Jersey, lin Ohio, lin Massachu setts, and 1 in Maryland—are prepared to turn out 160,000 tons of railroad bar this season. For this product the following raw materials will be required: 213,333 tons pig iron; 840,- 000 tons coal; 560,000 tons iron ore, and 223,- 333 tons of limestone. The capital of these 16 companies is $10,000,000; they support a popu lation of 92,500 persons, and consume $4,625, 000 in breadstuff's, besides affording a profit to all the various branches of business in and around the mills. Aar The Pennsylvania School Journal for May is on our table. It contains an abstract of the School Law that has recently been passed by our Legislature. It also contains a great ma. ny communications on the subject of education. Terms.—One dollar per annum in advance. Subscriptions to commence on the Ist of Jo ly or January, at the option of the subscriber. Bare.—A. Western paper speCii of a man dittl w ithout, the avi of a phyLe:an." From the Commercial I,i,t. Protection of the Iron Interests. If the farmers of this State, the lumbermen, the millers, the colliers, the ettrpenteri, shoe. makers, and manufactures of every degree, are not stultified beyond redemption, they will rise to a man to protest against the outrage which is about to be perpetrated against the domestic iron interests, in the repeal of the duty on rail road iron. If there is one proposition clearer than another in political economy, it is the policy of home production, of bestowing home indu..:,7 upon home tnaterirals, and of placing producer and consumer shin by side. In spite of the repeal of the tariff of '42, which was rap idly breaking the ground all over our State, wherever iron might readily be found, and was building up furnaces and forges in the wilderness—in spite of the destruction of this beneficent inw , cirumstances within the last three years have, with the feeble aid of the net of '46, restored this persecuted branch of Penn sylvania interest, and placed it on a footing re quiring only time and non-interference to at tain the growth and strenth which will no lon ger ask the helping hand of Government.— These circumstances are the multiplication of railroads through Europe and this country, with the extensive adaptation of iron to new purposes, so as to create a demand beyond ex. 'sting means of supply, very materially enhan cing the price abroad, and thus operating as a premium on our own manufacturs of the arti cle. Under this condition alone is found com pensation for the reduction of the duty in '46, which would otherwise have closed finally the furnaces and forges of Pennsylvania, as it had begun to do, before its operation was stayed by the impetus which the discoveries of gold gave to the world's business. Thus accident. ally fostered, our iron manufacture has sudden ly recuperated, and is now in a vigorous infan cy, full of richer promise to our State than is gold to California. It has gathered around it, at various points, prosperous communities, busy in all the useful arts of life. Lands have been cleared, houses built, and shops opened. Farmers and mechanics in places where neith. er could find a living market before, hove now customers increasing holly in numbers and means, among the sturdy iron men. - , The parties aiming the blow are, first, a few railroad companies out of the State, which find their means inadequate to their enterprises, and would make up the deficit by seizing vir tually upon the profits of the Pennsylvania Iron manufacture. But the chief and original conspirators are the British Iron Masters, who already feel the power of our competion, and who foresee in its extension, under even the limited protection of the present tariff, its ul timate strength and security. They know full well that if let alone, the iron regions of the State will be rapidly settled by farmers, me chanics and miscellaneous manufacturers that the cost of producing iron will be thus very materially reduced on the double ground of a market at the doors of the forges and mills and of active domestic competition. In this redne. tion they also foresee an end of the necessity of tariff protection, when American Iron will have the advantage of so great an amount of capi tal, ingenuity and labor engaged in its produc tion, that like American heavy cotton, it will not only be produced as cheaply as the Eng ligh, but compete with them in the markets of the world. Such is the danger which English masters are now determined by all means, fair or foul, to avert, For this end are their agents in Washington, with unlimited credits for bri. bery and corruption. And they will succeed now as they have succeeded in fbriner instan ces, unless the voice of Pennsylvania arrests them promptly. It therefore behooves our ci tizens of all classes, the agricultural and me chanical most especially, to move in this mat ter. Iron manufacturers themselves however must at once take the initiative j secure an expression of popular opinion whatever mode may be deemed advisable. The Democratic Party. There is no disguising the fitct that the Democratic party, powerful and trimnphnnt ns it was twelve mouths ago, is now supine owl indiferent, and disgustful. There is no dis. guising the fact thnt the elements of opposi. lion have been growing every day. A universal distrust has grown up among the people, even among the truest and sternest democrats, who believe that they have been du. ped defrauded, and cheated, and that high places of the government are surrounded by mean, low and contemptible men, that keep of from higher sources every expression of hones ty and disiterestedness, and do but "crook the lregnant hinges of the knee that thrift may fol ow fawning." The above precious confession is from the Washington Sentinel, a staunch democratic pa per, and therefore good authority; especially when, as in the present instance, its testimony is wrung from it as from an unwilling witness and it is compelled to speak whether it will or not. The Approaching Eclipse. On the 26th inst. there will occur an eclipse of the sun, visible and generally large through out the United States, and actually annular in part of the territories of Washington and Min nesota, of 'Vancouver's Island. Canada West, and the States of Michigan, New York, Ver mont, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachu setts. The path of the central eclipse first en ters upon the earth in the North Pacific ocean near the Caroline Islands, in latitude about SIX and a half degrees north, and longitude one hundred and ninety-seven degrees west; thence taking a northeasterly direction, it touches our continent near Cape Flattery, in Washington territory; it thence passes over Vancouver's Is land, British Oregon, Minnesota, Isle Royale, Lake Superior, Canada West, New York, Ver mont, New Hampshire, and Maine to the At lantic, where it leaves the earth in latitude about thirty-six degrees, longitude fifty-two de grees; having in three hours, forty•one minutes and twenty-one seconds, the time of its contin uance thereon, run over one hundred and forty five and a half degrees of longitude, and fifty six degrees of latitude. The duration of the ring, where central in Washington territory will be four and a half minutes, and in New 'York and New England somewhat less than four.— At Philadelphia the eclipse will not he annular or total. It will begin at 4h. 10m. 3 I.Bs. The greatest obscuration will be at sh. 2Gm. 48.85, and the end will be at Oh. 34m. 6.9s. ' making a total duration of 2h. 23m, 35.15. We extract these farts from an interesting paper on the subject rend before the American Academy of Arts sad Sciences by Mr. Paine, of which we have received a copy.—North American. THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR TIIE VANCEMENT OF SCIENCE.—The American Sci entific Association commenced its eighth annual meeting on Wednesday at the Smithsonian In• stitute in Washington. A large number of scientific men, representing all sections of the country, and embracing Professors in nearly all branches of learning, were present. The annnnl election of officers for this meeting took place last year, and the general meeting being called to order by the retiring President of the Society, Professor Pierce, prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Bacon of Washington. Prof Pierce then introduced his successor, Professor Dana, of Yale College. who, upon taking the Chair, made some brief hut pertinent remarks. The Association held its annual election with the following result: President, Dr. Torrey; Permanent Secretary, Walcott Gibbs; Tressu rer, Mr. Elwyn; Recording Secretary, Lawrence Smith. It was voted to meet in Providence on the 16th August, 1855. To BE CIIALLENGED.-We understand from the Harrisburg Telegraph, that Judge Pollock visited the scat of Government last week, and was met by his friends in a manner pleasing and satisfactory. It is the intention of Judge Pollock to challenge Governor Bigler to a pub• lie discussion of the questions which will come Mto the contest during the campaign. We arc afraid that Bigler will back water. California. The last news from our Pacific possessions is far more encouraging than any of recent date received from that quarter. For some time previously the arrivals of gold had been great ly reduced in amount, and it began to be feamd that the supply was failing. San Francisco journals contradicted this idea, of course, and explained the true causes of the temporary de . cline in the exportation of the precious metal, but people here waited for facts to demonstrate the reality. And these have nt length come. The winter is over, and the yield of the mines is again very largo. Three millions of dollars of their produce have been exported, and fresh discoveries of rich diggings are occurring con stantly. Besides thin, the branch mint at San Franriisco has gone into operation,. anti the de posits average thirty.seven thousand dollars Ter day. This mint will be an important aid to all concerned in the California mines and their auriferous product. But a circumstance net less auspicious than this fbr the prosperity of the Eureka State is one that has, so far as we have observed, been very little noticed. Wo refer to the remarkable progress of agriculture there, as evidenced by the fact, that the wheat crop of the State this season is estimated at twenty millions of bush els! The fear expressed by the San Joaquin Republican, that California is producing more wheat than she needs fiir her own consumption, speaks more loudly than any elaborate descrip tion of the rapidity with which the soil of the new State has been brought under culture.— We were aware that considerable attention was directed to the business of farming, but this announcement of its extent takes us by sur prise, as it will no doubt many on this side of the continent. We are inclined to think, how ever, there must be some great exaggeration in this estimate. Twenty millions of bushels would be an immense yield, far surpassing the crop of the great wheat grooving State of Penn sylvania, as ascertained by the census of 1850. It is difficult to perceive where the labor could be procured to cultivate it, or by what process the quantity of land it would require could have been prepared and tilled in so brief a time.— The soil of California is prodigiously prolific, but it does not justify this wild estimate, which is made by the Republican upon a calculation assuming that all the rest of California will do as well as San Joaquin county, where the fit, niers estimate their crop at 1,250,000 of bush els I Still the mere fact of such a statement being put forth by a paper printed in the agri cultural region of the State, and copied into others, without comment, is sufficient to show what astonishing progress has been made there in the production of breadstuffs. California, it may safely be assumed, has become a self' sus taining State. But the citizens of that Com monwealth are now threatened by a new dilem ma. Although the product promises to be so abundant, the milling facilities are not adequate to the task of converting the crop into flour, nor even a fraction of it; so that the prospect is that the millers will make enormous profits, while the farmers will lose. Perhaps this an nouncement will cause the exportation of still ing machinery thither front the Atlantic coast, and the embarkation of enterprising capitalists in the business. This, however, depends upon the sufficiency of the time, of which those con cerned must judge for themselves. The overdoing of this branch of industry seems to be a characteristic trait of California. They are a sort of tumultuary people out there, acting upon impulses which seem to be com mon to large numbers. They are also extreme ly shrewd at perceiving any opening for ma king money, and eater in embracing it. Thus we find that every Chance of gain is caught at by thousands as soon as it becomes known.— Ihe first farmers in California, after the break ing out of the gold fever, made extravagant profits; in consequence of which, vast numbers rushed into the business, producing, of course, the natural result of an over supply. It will probably not lie long before there will be too many millers, for the temptation of great gain ahead is too strong to be resisted. But see im agine that none who have commenced farming there will abandon it. Farmers will change their crops, for the soil of California will yield almost any product of agriculture. And with such a resource to depend upon, it seems list of comparatively small consequence whether the gold mines prove exhaustible or inexhans tible. The attention of Californians has been directed to the true source of wealth—the fer tile arable soil, and they are developing its ca pacity with all the vigor for which they ve so remarkable. In a few years they will probably he working coal mines, enriching themselves with their products, and exporting the black diamonds to all the stopping places for supply ing steamers. The suspension of the great rush of emigration has proved a decided favor to the State. It has given an opportunity of providing better for the multitudes already there, and of establishing something like or der and system in the regulation of affairs.— Korth American. Mexico. The news from Mexico is of a highly inter °sting nature. Santa Anna has blcelcaded the port of Acapulco, and the Government troops and those of the revolutionary party are busily engaged in fighting. The following report from the Purser of the steamship John L. Stevens, will be found highly int?resting:. Pacific Mail Steamship John L. Stevens,. R. 11. Pearson, Commander, left Sanfrancisco with 500 passengeas, tho U. S. Mails, and $l,OOO in specie, on Saturday, April 15th, nt 6 P. M.— Steamer Sierra Nevada left same day for San Juan. On the 22d, at 9 A. 31., saw a ship in Man muffle Bay. Same day, at SP. M., arrived off the harbor of Acapulco, saw two vessels, show ing what appeared to be French colors, laying off the main entrance, each of which fired a gun as the Stephens approached through the North Channel, and soon afterward tired a shot which fell short of us. The engine was imme diately stopped, and the helra . put to starboard. The ship fore.reaching came m full view of the foot, which appeared to be crowded with men. The steamer then loosing her steerage way, and drifting toward the rocks on the north shore of the bay, the engine was started ahead to bring her round head to wind and tide, when The ship and schooner coming under our lee in point blank range, fired two shots close over us. The engine was again stopped, It boat lowered, and the first officer sent to inquire the cause of their firing into us: Ito was not allowed to board the ship, but was met by an officer in the ship's boat, who informed him that the port was blockaded, and that we must immedi ately leave the harbor, or ho would sink us if he could. Captain Pearson himself then boarded the ship, and was immediately informed by the commander that his orders were imperative from Santa Anna; to allow no vessels to pass, and that if wo attempted it, he would fire into us. Having sufficient coal to reach San Juan, the ship was put on her course at 9 I'. H., and orders given to the chief engineer to use all pos- sible economy. 26th. The Engineer reported sufficient coal to reach Panama, and the ship accordingly put on her course fin• that port. 27th 8 P. M., spoke a schooner, five days out from Panama. During the detention of the Stevens at Acm puleo,shots were frequently exchanged between the two vessels and the fort, and without effect on either side. Santa Anna, with an army vu. riously estimnted nt from three to five thousand men, was oneamped in the neighborhood, and it was expected that ho would make an attack on the town during the night. 28th, At 9 P. M., arrived nt Panama with barely sufficient fuel to reach the anchorage. Ni — aSi From s ngton. WashingtnyT, May 10, 1854. The Nebraska bill looks doubtful to day. Opposition to it is increasing in the Southern ranks! Three votes are secure against it from Vie. ginia, four from North Carolina, and five from Tennessee. The Administration is alarmed for the result. Douglas vino up all night encouraging the fainthearted. ADDITIONAL FOREIGN NEWS BY THE CANADA. Rc•assembling of the British teresting from the seat of War.—llecapture qt . a Russian Prize (fa an English steam er.—Bold I , ,;rploit (fa Russian Steamer.— Insurrectionary Movements in Cireassia a gainst Rassia.—The Greek Insurreelion.— Important from Spain.—Demands of Mr. Soule on the Spanish GUCCIIIMeIIi. The Canada spoke on the 30th ult., the Eu. rope, bound to Liverpool, and the City of chester,from Philadelphia for Liverpool. From the Seat of War. The British steamer Fury "cut out" a Rus sian merchantman, Aar the entrance of the harbor of Sebastopol, under convoy of a Rus sian steamer and two frigates. The Russians gave chase, bet the Fury escaped after cutting her prize adrift. This exploit of the Fury, which occurred on the 11th ult., is recorded by the English papers as a brilliant feat:—The steamer Fury, of six guns, steamed under Austrian colors within three miles of the entrance to Sebastopol, where she saw two merchantmen, two brigs, two fri gates and a steamer leaving the harbor. The Fury dashed in and seized one of the merchant ships and towed her off. The Russians gave chase. and the Fury was finally obliged to cut the prize adrift, but not until one of the frigates and a steamer came within range and exchan ged shots. The Fury, after four hours' chase, succeeded in eluding the Russians, and carried off the merch ant slips crew as prisoners, who gave important information respecting the strength of Sebastopol. A Russian war steamer accomplished the bold achievement of running from the Arai. pelage, through the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmom, and the Bosphorus, and reached the Black Sea, passing all the fortifications and batteries in safety! The steamer seas supposed to be a Russian despatch bout. She carried British colors, and boldly steamed through the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. Four thousand Turkish troops had refused to march from Erzeroun to the war, on account of not receiving their pay. The insurrection against Russia in Circassin was becoming general throughout all the war like tribes. It was believed that Sehainyl would soon be in force to attack the Russian head quarters at Tiflis. • The dates from Circassia are to the first of April. The agents of Sehamyl among the tribes of the Caucasus are indefatigable, and coupled with the presence of the English and French fleets in the Black Sea, the consequent abandonment of the Russian posts on the Cau casian coasts, and the cutting off of the Rus sian supplies via Redoutkale, has made a deep impression on the mountaineers, and it seas ex pected that Schamyl would be largely reinfor ed. Battle at lialarat. On the 26th of April a sharp combat took place before Kahat. Twenty squadrons of Russians, with six guns, were making a recon noisance of the Turkish lines, when the Turks sallied out with two regiments of regulars, some bayonets and cannon. After a fierce combat of three hours they obliged the Russians to re. trent, with a loss of 200 men. Omar Pasha, at the last accounts, was at Shemin, concentrating Isis forces for defensive measures. The Russians were fortifying themselves in the Drobudscha, where they have 30,000 men. It was reported that the evacuation of Les ser Wallachia by the Russians, was designed to gain the favor of Austria. The Russians were retreating towards Buch arest, indicating a change in the plans of Rus sia. _ _ The Sultan has offered a command to Abdel finder. The expulsion of Greeks from Turkey coil times. Operations on the Baltic. Admiral Napier has divided his fleet into three divisions. The first has gone in the di rection of Lavinia—the second is off Riga: and the third is at the entrance of the Gulf of Fin land, n ear Sweaborg, where the Russian fleet is keeping close. From the Black Sea, Several steamers were seen oft' Odessa on the 21st, which gave rise to the report of that city having been attacked by the allied fleet. Decrees of France and Russia in re• Bard to Merchantmen. A French Imperial Decree allows Russian ships which lay in the ports of the Baltic and the White Sea. previous to the 9th of ➢lay, to unload and return unmolested to Russia or to any neutral port. A Russian decree gives the English and French vessels six week from the kith of April to escape from Russian ports in the Black Sea; and six weeks from the ith of May to leave the Baltic ports. The enemy's property in neutral bottoms is to be regarded inviolable. The Russian Prizes. The crews of the Russian prizes had arrived at England ; and were liberated on their parole not to serve against England or France. England. Parliament re-assembled on the 2yth, and opened with a long debate respecting the recent burning of the Circassian forts at Focksapania by the Russians. The Marquis of Anglesca is dead. France. Great activity continues in France with the shipment of troops for the East. Marshal Arnaud embarked from Marseilles on the 27th. Prince Napoleon line left Malta for Turkey. Spain. The Madrid correspondent of the London Times says that there have been five notes ex changed between Mr. Soule and the Spanish Government in relation to the Mack Warrior affair. Note No. 1, by Mr. Soule, states the grounds of his complaint, and the reparation he is instructed to demand, requiring a posi tive reply within forty-eight hours. No. 2, from the Spanish Government, de clares its inability to reply until information has been received from Cuba. _ No. 3, from Mr.. Souk, taxes the Spanish government with seeking to postpone the reply, and insinuates that Spain bad received des patches from Havana, but had suppressed them. No. 4, from the Spanish government, was so strong, that it was generally supposed that Mr. Soule would demand his passports. No. 5, from Mr. Soule, was in milder terms, but its contents had not transpired. The Spaniards look upon the American claim as overbearing and exorbitant. Mr. Soule was present at the dinner given by the British Minister. Austria. The marriage of the Emperor has taken place, and an amnesty was declared upon the occasion to 400 prisoners,and the state of eeigo has been removed from Lombardy from May Ist. Prussia. Baron Matitueffel stated in a speech to the Chambers, in definite terms, that Prussia main tains accord both with Austria and the West ern Powers. The resignation of Chevalier Bunser, as Min ister to London, was accepted. He is to be succeeded by Count Bernstoff, a man thorough• ly Russian in his predilections. Greece. It is reported that the Gulf of Corinth is guarded by French ships of war, and that nil communication is stopped between the Conti. sent and the Mop...s. The whole of Southern Thessaly is reported to he in arms, and the Turks are said to bare bees defeated at Wezzoro. India. The report is confirmed that Post Mehunt• most seeks an alliance with England. A revolution is reported at Ave, the Prince having poisoned his brother, . upun the throne. Frour thu Boston Atlas, of May 10, 183-1. Desperate Encounter with a Midnight Assassin. Attempted Mitnler nl IVeBt Nerfon.—About four o'clock yesterday morning, the house- of Mr.,Elias B. Paine, in West Newton, was the scene of a most desperate, exciting and 'nye. terious struggle, the particulars of which, as we gather front a friend of the funnily, are as fol lows; It seems that on May day evening the fami ly had been entertainining a party of friends, and had retired at a later hour than usual.— Upon going to his room, Mr. Joseph W. Paine, the son of the occupant, who is 22 years of age, retired to his bed, and passed two or three hours reading. About three o'clock he blew out the light, but fortunately was unable to go to sleep, and lay in an unusually restless state for fifteen or twenty minutes longer, when sad. denly he heard strange footsteps approaching his room. Instantly he sprang from his bed, and seized a loaded pistol, which he has been in the habit of keeping in his possession since a recent sojourn in California, took pest be hind a bureau in the room, and awaited the in truder's approach. He had not long to wait. The door opened cautiously, and he could per ceive in the gloom the figure of a man gliding, stealthily towards the bed he had just quitted. Upon passing his hand over the bed, the stran ger uttered a half suppressed exclamation 'of disappointment, and young Paine could per ceive the gleans of a knife. He levelled the pistol with a careful aitn at the stranger's head, but checked himself with the thought; that it was perhaps some starved wretch seeking only pluniter, and he would not wantonly take hu man life. With this impulse he laid the pistol upon the bureau, and sprang upon the mire der, who immediately assailed him with a dirk knife, cutting him severely in various parts of the body, but as Paine succeeded in grasping his hands, the blows were not heavy. He at last succeeded in screeching the knife fromthe hands of his assailant, notwithstanding his ap parently superior strength, when the fellow drew a pistol, which Paine grasped, and by ex traordinary good fortune his little finger was between the cap and hammer when the fellow drew the trigger! The hammer of the pistol took a small piece of flesh out of the fingerf— The fellow made n second attempt to discharge the weapon, but Paine struck his arm and the ball entered the ceiling of the room. The struggle was then renewed, Paine in turn being the assailant, inflicting upon tide fellow two stubs with the knife. The man suc ceeded, however, in getting out of the how, but closely followed by Paine, and fighting the way inch by inch; cursing and swearing, through the parlor and dining room, when Paine find ing himself growing weak from the loss of blood, and fearing that the man would filially escape, tripped him over a picket fence back of the house, and both rolled down au embank ment of ten feet, when the stranger succeeded in disengaging himself, and escaped just as the family, (who had been aroused by the re port of the pistol fired during the struggle in the house,) arrived at the spot. Young Paine had strength left to answer to his father's call that. lie was safe, but had to be helped into the house, and to bed, where he still lies in a criti cal stage. During the whole struggle it didn't occur once to him to call for help. None of the stabs are such as would be very dangerous alone, the worst being a deep pull on the breast, about three inches in length, but his head, face, hands, arms'and body are bad ly hacked up, from which lie has tiled profuse ly, and haying been somewhat feeble fur some time past, it is thought he will long be confin ed to his bed. Assassination was evidently the object of the intruder, since he made no attempt to secure the young man's watch, which was banging close to his hand at the bed's head, but pro ceeded at once to his bloody work. Mr. Paine is joint editor and proprietor of the 'Yankee Blade, published in this city, an estimable young man, and can give no reason wh}• he should be thus attacked. -The whole affair is enveloped in mystery. Mr. Paine says he think twice at least he thrust the suite Is the hill in the body of his assailant, and if so, lie probably cannot long escape detection. It is thought that the fellow had been watching the housc,and entered as soon as he supposed his victim had fidlen asleep. He left behind a dirk knife and pistol of peculiar make, together with the ball fired into the ceiling, which will probably lead to his identification and arrest. The roads in the vicinity were searched as soon after the affair as the neighbors could be aroused, but 110 ar rest was made. Mr. Paine, senior, has offered a reward or $5OO for the apprehension of the desperado. Much excitement exists through. out the neighborhood. 13XIA. The Norfolk Argus states that about thirty barrels of fish, of various kinds, are daily shipped frost Northll: to Baltimore, by one deal er alone. Another ships on nn average, twen ty barrels of hard crabs. Later in the season, the quantity will be much huger. Fifty barrels Of eggs (sometimes a hundred)are sent twice a week to New York, by the regular strain pack ets. One man ships 0.000 to 8,000 benches of radishes daily, to Baltimore. A dealer has sort hence to New York markets, within the the last three weeks, 600 barrels of sweet pota toes, and his clear profit is about one dollar on each barrel. Quito a large business is also done in dried apples and peanuts. Three hun dred bushels of the latter article are weekly shipped to New York by one person, who, with in the last four or five months, has also shipped upwards of 20,000 bushels of dried apples. A Lim.: or STAGE COACHES moo ST. Loris TO SAN FRANCISCO.-Among the different pro positions now before Congress, is one tbr a line of mail coaches from St Louis to San Francis co. It will, perhaps, be as well to try stages first before entering on a four hundred million project of a Pacific Railroad. Meanwhile it will, perhaps, not be amiss to state that the mail hue front Fort Independence to the Mor mon city, and thence to Sacramento has prov ed an entire fitilure, and that, after a three year's trial, it is to be abandoned. It the place of it, the Postmahter General has substituted a lino from the mermen city to San Bernardi. no, or San Diego , thence coastwise to San Francisco. Of al the routes thus fur discov ed, the Tehuantepec route is incomparably the shortest, safest and most expeditious.—Sun. Ser Tell's Feat has been emulated at New Orleans by a man named Travis, who, for a wager of a thousand dollars, shot a bullet through an orange placed upon the head of an other man at the distance of thirty six feet.— The orange was only about five inches in eir cumferenco. He on whose head the orange rested displayed a great deal of foolhardiness in risking his life thus for a mere bet. Increase of Silver. Wo learn that J. D. Cosmeil, Esq., of the Treasury Department, delivered a few days since at the mint in Philadelphia, fifty-two tons of ingots of silver, the value of which is one' and a quarter million of dollars. The govern ment purchased Mexican ingots of silver a mounting to two millions of dollars at three per cent. premium, three•gnarters of a million of which were left at the mint in Now Orleans. The object of the purchase of this amount of silver is to increase the supply of silver change. Pennsylvania Public works. The Secretary of State of Pennsylvania. in accordance with the law lately passed, invites proposals until the first Monday of July, for the purchase ofthe Main Line oftho Public Work, .No bid will be received fur less than $lO,OOO,- 000. IFIX. A mob at Peru, Illinois, lately destroyed $1,500 worth of liquor, owned by a Mr. llama, by boring holes in the casks. At Lasalle, Illi nois, $5OO worth was similarly destroyed. ger A Cincinnati paper states that several thousand barrels of swine ' s NUM is used in that city every year fin. the manufacture of sweet wine. That's nit itetu for witte,kinker Death from the b: ~i~ The Buffalo Republic 14 . particulars or the death ci lard, residing in Bad°, wi since, from the effects of the "About six weeks ago n sitting in her room, the rat under some npparent exe put out her hand with the in and allaying its feelings. seized upon her hand and n til forced off, when it escape and returned again two dal tacked and bit another pp manner, and the eat was kit suspicion that it might be lard then subtnittedto the dila:ring the flesh cut out the hand that had been Nit' had become perfectly heales "Early last week Mrs. V symptoms of nervousness, to Friday, when it beeum plaint was hydrophobia. 'sties of that disease now at their usual violence. Altho she found it impossible to • tad talking—a cessation fr a feeling of smothering and ing. There was a constri attended with spasms, whir . (pent, violent and distr.! tint' of life. A dread of all sight of which produced a t followed by vomiting. At by physicians to apply chi( her nervousness, but we m was the same as that produ water. In this way she gt her terrible sufferings tenni Kir New gold pieces, o of S 3, have just been issued Philadelphia. They are sai executed. The front has al n feathered crown, with t . States of America" aroan lots the words "Three Dolla of wheat, &c. Roil Road 1 Feat Line going EaStWal Lent,: Mt. Union, 4 331'. Mill Creek, 4 19 " Huntin;.:4oo, 4 09 , 4 Petersburg, 3 53 Spruce Creek, 3 41 Slow Line going Enstnn Leaves Mt. Union, 3 30 A. Mill Creek, 3 13 Huntingdon, 3 01 Peterslifilv, 2 42 Spruce Creek, 2 27 Von fili_A'A' HUNTING Flom• per 1,1,1., Red Wheat, per h 0.,• • White Wheat, per ho - Rye, per Int Corn, per bn Oats, per It. • Hay, per ton • Butter, per lb., Lard, per 1b.,• Eggs, per doz., PHILADELPHIA, May at $8,75 per barrel, but they port demand. and no transoc ported, except small lots for nt $8.75 op to s9 : t. for comma Eye Flour and Corn Meal at Grain—The market coati Wheat. Small sales of red a at $2 15 per ha. Eye is scat Corn is doll—tiasoso hada. cts. Oats sells at 53 cents. Tie )111 , 8i extraonlinary th're is the Great ...lrahio and Pees Ir. FAI:ItEI CELEBRATED ARAB: IT IS A PACT ESTAIII known that the Arabians at the knowledge of medicine whole world to wonder at them the science of chemisi and it is, thereforenot at a people 80 eminentl ' y success) art, and so persevering and ter, should by actual and un discover remedies far surpas others, for the cure of those to them from their mode of: part 'of their time being spell bloody warfare with thit dill were subject to the most viol, ndism, paralysis., neuralgic ous intlamtnatory diseases, horrid wounds, sprains, !Rid: lingo, diseases of the joints, diseases they were so surpri: curing, that the uninitiated der mid attributed their skill magic. 11. G. FAIMELL'I, IISIENT is a composition of frost the rare plants peeulitv and it was by the n'se of the this great remedy that not on but even the wild Arabs of t abled to perform such mime Arab steed is worarettowne, symmetry of form, his unsui agility, nod the incredible 1, blo of enduring. Why is if the time of his birth * his lh watched, and upon the first ease the magic lotion is t things as confirmed sweeuy, ringbone, scratches, spavin, are unknown. The same re all cases where H. G. Farrel an Liniment is used in time, not in procuring a good sup: dollar spent in it will save 31 great deal of suffering, if nod Look out ,Thr The public are cautioned counterfeit, which has lately once, called W. B. Farrell's . the most dangerous of all th, cause his bavlng the name will buy it in good faith, with that a counterfeit exists, and only discover their error w mixture has wrought its evil The genuine article is ma H. G. Farrell, mole invent() and wholesale druggist, No. Peoria, Illinois, to whom all Agencies must be addressed, it with the letters 11. C. befit —IL G. FARRELL'S—and the scrapper, all others are e Sold by Thos. Read & Sot E. Sellers & Fleming Wattle burg, and by regularly n throughout the United State 563 7 " P! 25 and 50 cent: A GEN TS WANTED in and hamlet in the United Si is not already established. .i roll as above, accompanied ns to character, rosponsibilit May 10, 1851—It, To Mill-Wrights rtorosALs will bo rocoi signed, up to the let day the erection al ne Three Stor on the • - 'Farm," adjoin' Hunting, on. The Mill is to be propolka be calculated for ten pairs of I Brick can he made, and SP: in half a mile of the premises. Plan and specilications fart lion, by mail, or personslly, tt W11.1,1A1l . _ Minting,lon, Mny 17, I 85.; "Blair County Whig," "1 "Barrisbarg Tolograil" pi charge thii office. SUPEI:I( )1: ankle of , , we al the store of