=" • HUNTINGDON JOURNAL IVednesday Morning, April 26, 1854. WILLIAM BREWSTER, Editor. cnicuLATIION 1000. WHIG STATE TICKET : FOR GOVERNOR, James Pollock, of Northumberland co, FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, George Darsie, of Allegheny co. • JUDGE OF TILE SUPREME COURT, Daniel M. Smyser, of Montgomery co. New Advertisements, One of the ways of getting knowledge is to supply yourself with a good library, this may lie had at Wm. Colons Book Store. Ile has a very extensive variety of Books. Any book he may not have on hand, will be procured at short notice. See his advertisement in another column. Deniers in Iron, Lend, &e., will do well to call on Geo. Earp, Jr., Phila: See his wive, tisement. Bridge Builders, &c., will have a chance of a speculation by attending to notice of H. S. Wilson, Assistant Engineer, Broadtop B. B. Medical Student& Medical Students or Physicians, wishing a well selected assortment of Medicines, with Bottles, Jars, and all the necessary fixtures belonging to a Physician's Shop, also a well selected Medical Library, may be had on very low terms. For further information.ingnire at this aim • • tn,..On motion of Wm. P. Orbison, Esq., our young friend John W. Mitten, Esq., was admitted to the for during the Court of last week, alter passing a highly creditable exami nal len. The Law of Newspapers. 1. Subieribers who do not Fi v eexpress no tice to the contrary, are coosidered as wishing to continue their subscription. 2. lf subscribers order the discontinuance of their periodicals, the puldishcr may continue to send them until all arrerages are paid. • a. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to which they are directed, they are held responsible till they have settled the bill and ordered them to be dis continued. .1. If subscribers remove to other places with out informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. L. The courts have decided that refusing to take periodicals from the office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud.. g'l7s 4 Tiodey's Lady's Book for May is on our table at this early date. We thought the pre vious numbers were about as good as we ever saw, but the May another surpasses all the rest. It contains 51 Engravings, and 74 contributors. Thit number contains every thing that a Lady may desire to complete her Spring Toilet. The latest and most beautiful Fashions—U. der-sleeves, Mantillas, Bonnets, Dresses and Diagrams, Night Dresses, Recipes, Working Patterns of Crotchet, &c., Embroideries, &c.— For Gentlemen we have Farm Houses, New Revelations of an Old Country, Cottage Furni- ture, &c. For Juveniles, Drawing Copies, Watch Pockets and Slippers, and good reading for every body. The May number will be sent to any person on receipt of 25 cents. Xte,•, We have received a copy of Kennedys' Bank Note Review and Fan Simile Counterfeit Detector. It gins a reliable report of the sob volley or insolvency of all Banks, and ample instruction to discover a counterfeit from a genuine bill. The supplement consists of Poe Similies of the most dangerous counterfeits.— Also Fac Similies of Gold and Silver Coins, with their value. We aro familiar with sever al Bank Note Detectors, but we have no hesi tation in pronouncing Kennedys' not only the best, but the very best Bank Note Detector in the United States, and if the business men in our place will only take the trouble to call at our office and examine it, I think they will at once send one dollar to Kennedy & Bro., 3d St., Pittsburg, for the work. The National Foundry. The Secretary of War, it is said, has appoint ed a Committre, consisting of scientific officers connected with the Ordnance Bureau, to ex amine certain districts of the country, and re port upon the location for a National Foundry. If this be so, we hope our Congressman, Mr. McCullough will urge a visit of the Board to I luntingdon. The citizens of Huntingdon, too, should call a public meeting, and appoint a committee of intellectual and influential men to confer with the Board, and properly set forth the many claims and advantages of our town as a location for the contemplated Na tional Foundry. We believe it is one of the best locations that can be found, we have every facility. Let our citizens act in this matter, and act'promptly. We propose a town meet ing. ga. John 'Williamson, Esq., presented n Petition, on Monday of the second week of the Court, signed by sixty-nine Ladies of the Bor ough of Birmingham and vicinity; protesting against the granting of Tavern Licenses, and particularly, that none should be granted in the Borough of Birmingham. Mr. Williamson said, may it please the Court: In presenting this Petition, signed as it per. ports to be, by the Wives, Mothers, and Daugh ters of our Country, creates a thrill of pleasure my own bosom; and I Lave no doubt, meets entire approbation of the Honorable Court. thano doubt all appreciate the deep interest the Women in this Country • fool in this glay 4 vl reform, that is producing such happy reaa l ! 3 'a Pennsylvania. Who ..t3 more interested ? who can feel more the, they? The domestic hearth is Weirs . Cm•fort and enjoyment at home is• their peculiat , i.l i t ; and we are bound to con tribute to all tt;ir enjoyments. And I feel grateful for thetreo.operating influence in the grout struggle for the "Prohibifory Law." I ask the Court that the Petition, so respectfully signed, may be filed—whit-It was ordered by the Court to be dvuu. Crystal Palace. The imlefidigable I'.'l'. li.taNum, has become Presideufot the Association for the Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, at the Crystal Palace,, N. Y. The regulation is, that the Exhibition will be temporarily closed on the Eith day of April, in order to be 'completely renovated and refit ted, preparatory to it, formal re-opening on Thursday the 4th any of May next. ,A great many beautiful and rare articles have been consigned from Europe, as well ns America. The Dutch Covernment has contri buted a large and choice variety of articles from Japan, they number about 1000. A perfectly correct model of Venice, cover ing about 1000 squnre feet, exhibiting every detail of that beautiful city, in carved wood, will be added. • A profusion of uncommon plants and flowers will embellish the palace: The amplest facilities will be extended to Exhibitors, among which will be the important right to affix the price to any article of which they may wish to dispose, to direct visitors where duplicates may be obtained, and remove their contributions, at any time, by giving only one week's notice in advance. The Machinery Department will be much fuller and more effective than hitherto. Under the new organization every article will' be classified to facilitate inspection. A novel and useful plan of re-arrangement has been decided upon that will nearly .double the' space previously appropriated to Exhibitors throughout the entire building. They say, "We need not hesitate to publish, therefore, our ability to find room for anything useful or pleasing that may he entrusted to us, and to invite every man and woman in the World to originate sonic - 111MA , for this concentration of the "Industry of all Nations," that may redound to their credit and benefit our common human ity." Arrangements have been completed with some, and arc in progress with other Steamboat and Railroad Companies connecting the City of New York with various portions of the Uni on, so that visitors will be conveyed to the Crystal Palace, from the remotest spot, at greatly reduced rates if travel. The Crystal Palace, as we have said, will re-open on the 4th of \fob•, as a stable and ho mogeneous Institution for the people. . . Barnum is the fowl who is nide and wil• ling to make it what is contemplated. Legislature. Mr. Maguire, of the House of Representatives, called up a bill to authorize the borough of Huntingdon to subscribe to the capital stock of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company, which was amend ed, and passed finally. The House of Representatives has concluded to adjourn on Tuesday the 2d day of May, at 11 o'clock. On Friday last the bill for the Sale of .the Public Works was taken up in the Senate, and . was discussed at considerable length. After being variously (intended, it was passed finally by a vote of 25 yeas to G nays. The minimum price fixed in the bill is ten millions of dollars, the purchasers being authorized to construct a railroad from Colombia to the Ohio river. It is not likely that the House will concur in it. Fulton County Whig Meeting. The Whigs of Fulton County beald apnldie meeting at McConnellslinrg last week. Messrs. JAs. C. AUSTIN, J. 13. Bonus and Dr. S. K DUFFIELD, were chosen Congressional Confer ees, and Messrs. JAS. KrNo, JAS. L. STEIILING and WILDS, Senatorial Conferees. No inane lions were given fur either office. The follow. lug resolutions were adopted: Re:Weed, That the Whigs of Fulton county entertain the same devotion to the principles of the Whig party they have always done, and will use all honorable means to secure the as cendency. - - Resolved, That we has-a full confidence in the nominees of the Whig State Convention, and believe that with union we will be able to elect the Whole Whig Ticket. Resolved, That we heartily concur in the sentiments of the resolutions adopted by the late Whig State Convention, and that we en dorse thorn as the principles whirls will govern us in the approaching campaign. se- A few days ago n relic was found at the Burnt Cabins, Fulton county, which consisted in a pair of large Horns, in a pretty good state of preservation, they were not less than three feet long. and about twelve inches in eircumfer cure at the butt-end. They were found buried in a bed of sand near the creek, about two feet below the surface of the ground. It will be for the Zoologist to say to what species of animal they belong. Perhaps it maybe the Eik. M.. A gong of counterfeiters have just - been arrested in New York City, who have been for some time past disseminating base coin through- out the country. The police also broke up their rendezvous, captured all their apparatus used in the manufacture of spurious money, and got upwards of $3OOO in well imitated gold dollars, and two hundred and fifty counterfeit silver half dollars. The.mcdical properties or effects of green lettuce are not generally known. The eater of this salad takes a portion of a narcotic substance similar is its properties to opium, which it contains; and any one will discover that his head is affected attcr indulging freely in the article. -Eaten at night, it causes sleep; eaten during the day, it soothes, calms, and al. lays the tendency to nervous irritability. Congress. The Gadsden Treaty is defeated by a vote of 27 to Is. The Sloe amendment was lost by only two votes. If that had been carried the Treaty might have been saved. The loss of tit; Trea ty is a sore defeat to the Administration. A GREAT mix.—i7ciityMineis no doubt the richest copper mine in the world. No less than 1351 tons of copper were shipped from the mine last year, and the Lake Superior Jour nal states "that the celebrated mine has prod. ced, ou an average, one hundred tons per month during the past year and it is as rich now in mass copper as at any time heretofore. A hunddred per cent., we presume, will be re turned yearly, as a dividend on the amount of original investment, for many years to come. SALE or me Peauc Wonas.—The bill au thorizing the Governor to sell the Main Lino of the Public Works, has passed both Houses and is now in the hands of Governor Bigler for his action. The price is•ten millions in cash. Of the' fifty newspapers published in the State of Maine, only five are in favor of the Nebraska bill, of which papers each of the five is pensioned by Go, ernment. The Annexation of Canada. We are not very likely to have annexation on oar North for some time to come, if the opinions, of the Toronto Colonist are the ex pression of the Canadian people generally.— Referring to the rumored invasion of Canada by the Irish under John Mitchell, and the hopes of a rebellion to second the invasion, the Col onist, says :— "We have nothing, to rebel for. We have es much political freedom as we can desire. If suck an invasion as the one proposed were at tempted, we would be under the painful neces sity ()fence more teaching the invaders n salu tary lesson, that would induce them in future, to attend to their own affairs. The people of Canada would rise up ag,ninst them to a man, thus giving them an'opportunity of teeing our unanimity. We are ggite, satisfied with our present condition; nor have we a desire at pres ent, to change for any other. If, in time to come a change shall be deemed necessary, it will not bo amiexation. We are closely con nected, politically, with the United States es we ever shall be. We are nearly no closely connected with them. in a commercial point of view, as the State of New York is with Ohio; and except a commercial connection, we shall have no other. We will la al; e eo connection with them that will empower the slave.driver to make Canada a hunting ground. Human flesh and blood-shall never be bartered in Can ada like the beasts of the field. The baying of the blood.honnds shall never echo through our woods. If Mitchell wants 'a plantation of fat niggers to flog,' ho will have to seek it some other place than iii Canada. If Canada ever becomes a State of the Union, it will not be until its soil is snaked with blood. It is well that our would-be invaders should know this explicitly, once for all. When we change our present form of government, we will set up nn our - own account. At all times we will be glad to lire on terms of friendship with the Clovern mem end People of the - United States if pos sible, slid if not, we will do the best we can to take care of ourselves, which we have no doubt of being well able to do." The Superintendent - of the Colombia Railroad, The letter of Mr. Baker, the Superintendent of the Columbia Railroad, Published in the last Record, explains, perhaps, as clearly as any thing that could be written, the canscr of the. extravagance, waste and general bad manage ment upon the lin* of the public improvements of the State! That officer avows boldly his utter contempt fur any individual or individuals who may criticise his conduct, a n d hence be puts at defiance the opinions of the tax-payers and of the public. lie has no respect for what others may think of the manors. in whirls be discharges his duty. The public may condemn his conduct—he disregards their opinion, lie has in sovereign contempt for those who have the hardihood to criticise his conduct. lie despises them. Others may consider him par tial—or Mistaken—he will do no he, pleases!— "I will do as I please," saes mi.. Baker! "Am I not. superintendent? What right has one of the people to criticise my conduct?" Such is the language of the superintendent! 11 any person ventures to intimate that he has sent the peoples' grist to Isis own mill to grind, or that he has made contracts which are not for the public advanta.g.e, he plainly tells hint he will do it aonin I "I trill do ae lidease," says Mr. Baker Mr. Baker is indepenileut of public opinion. Who has a right to minds conduct in question. He despises the man who has the impertinence to do it, and has an utter contempt for an Edi tor who welds' publish any imputations upon his conduct or judgment. But Mr. Baker is perhaps not to blame for the haughty and contemptuous tone in which he treats those who pay the taxes. It may be the common practice or the officials of the Ca nal Board, who nee feeding at the Public crib, and who think in this wny to defy scrutiny nod avert public cordemnation. The Superinten dent of the Portage Railroad acted on the same. principle. 11 , expended in a single year more than five hundred tlmpsand duffel, upon a road of less than forty miles. Under him the State tens robbed, be the admission of the Canal Boar 1, of forty thousand dollars in the single item of wood. 'True, the people grumbled, and the ta,payers complained; bust the Superinten dent of that road treated the complaints, like Mr. Baker, with "eradensid." To the remon strance he replied, "I will do as I please." lie slid as he pleased, and Mr. Baker does the sense. When complaint of corrupt contracts were made, he said. as Mr. Baker says, he "would do the same thing again!" And why not?— The Superintendent of the Portage road °sea pcd punishment; why should not Mr. Baker fol iose so good an example? So long no Mr. Baker, and everybody else on the Public Works, -treats the people with con tempt, and persist in doing just "as I please," we may expect to see corruption and pecula tion. Notwithstimiling Mr. Baker's contemptuous opinions of correspondents And editors, he may -perhaps hear from us hereafter.— Weald/Mei. Record. Sale of the Pablo Works. "The eperience of the last five years slimy s that however profitable they might be to indi viduals or companies nt a moderate cost, they would be dear to the Commonwealth as a mere donation. So far from defraying any part of its original cost, or even all the interest there on, the system is a constant drain upon the tax-payers for its own support. Ahd when that burden shall be shaken oil; and a part of the public debt paid by the proceeds, nod in crease of the revenue derived from direct taxa tionwill be unnecessary." - The foregoing is taken from the report of the revenue commissioners, recently published, and is a fair expression of public sentiment throughout the Commonwealth. It should be borne in mind, the members of the revenue board were gentlemen of eminent ability, sc• lected by the several Courts of Common Pleas nod of both political parties. On the subject of a sale of the public works there nppears to be but ono opinion entertained by them, and upon a common platform those gentlemen take posSesion, with remarkable unanimity, in favor of an immediate sale, as the only meas ure of relief “from direct taxation," incident to the prodigality that attaches to the present sys tem of State improvements. Happily, the in dications of a sound policy are being made manifest in the House of Representatives, on this perplexing question. •ambers aro Ind. ting, Irrespective of party considerations for a better state of affairs in the public expendi tures. Drones and speculators will have to abandon their holing places upon the line of the public words; and the revenues of the Coin. monwealth will speedily lie taken front disbar• sing agents. who will hove leisure to sign blank check rolls for work and labor• not done, and afterwards whistle the sentimental tune Mu: public pays for all," in search of plunder in some other state. We should doubt the correctness of the opin. ion we have expressed in relation to a sale of the public works, although our judgment of the measure rests upon of leial records, show ing the increased burdens of taxation, did we not find ourselves sustained on every hand where honest men have spoken on the subject. Who doubts the intewity of the revenue board? Who will venture to question the correctness of the opinion expressed by them, and so Imo quivocallv announced, as is the foregoing ex tract. The time fur action has arrived, and the tax-payers look to the legislature for the complete overthrow of a system which no well. intbrined, honest man can advocate.—Dcm. eralie Cnion. Loris NAPOLEON AM; USTRIA.—The last mails from Europe brought to Washineton clip more than one letter from very reliable sour ces, spying that Louis NAPOLEON has di-lime: ly notifietrthe Emperor' of Austria, tlett if he shows the slightest disposition to side filth Rus sia in the war, he (the French Einperur) will raise the standard of result in klunnry and Lombard;.—Doily Loss of Ship Powhattan and 200 Lives. PIIII.ADCLPIIIA, Wednesday, April 19. A dispatch, just received from Absceom, says that that up to last night about forty dead bodies—men, women and children—had been washed ashore on that Beach and Brigantine Bench, about a quarter of a mile across the Channel.. Those seen by our informant op. pear to he Gertnans—they are all much disfi gured, bowever. . . Bodies were washing. ashore all the time at Absecon]. A Led was also found further up the Beach, but nothh, has vet been discovered to indicate the name of the lost vessel. A letter from Lewis, Del., dated Monday last, says that the storm was most fusions there, 'unroofing houses, barns, &c. Seven vessels were blown ashore—one a .hermaphro dite brig (name unknown) from Norfolk for Boston, with corn. The crew were in the rig. gins, except one, who swam ashore. The schooner B. Alston from New York, with a cargo of' lime, took fire nod was con sumed, with the exception of her sails and rig ging. The schooners Bailey and Minerva wercelso ashore, and the totter hod lust remmt ly been got Mr at an expense of 82,300. The sea was so heavy that no boat could live in it. Seventy sail remained in the Breakwater. The bodies of two women, one man and a boy were washed ashore on Abseeoml3each on Monday. They appeared to have been emi grants. It wits reported yesterday that three more bodies had been found. &emu/ Dispatch] Pint, April 19, 1834. A letter received at The hedger office from Long Beach, dated Mender, states that "the ship Powhattan [probably the ship Powhattan. of Baltimore, which left Havre with emigrants about the Ist of March. She was an-old Ves sel of abont 000 tuns, and is net likely to have had much cargo,' came ashore about 3 o'clock on Sunday morning, seven miles north of Egg Harbor Light. She had about 200 emigrants on board, and not a soul was saved, and not a vestige of the wreck remains. Thirty-three dean bodies have been picked up here. The schooner Manhattan, of Bangor, Maine, was also wrecked in the same neighborhood, and all hands perished, save one of the crew, who is in such a condition as to be unable to give any particulars. Third Dispatch] PIMA. April I9—P. M. We have just received a dispatch from Ab serum, which says: "A portion of the beading "of a vessel has been washed ashore. It has "cut or stamped upon it—Packet ship Staf ford, Liverpool, bound to Dock 184 East Riv "er.' The surf still brings dead bodies on the "shore, and the total number found, thus far is Form'7l Dispairh Pll 11..1. April 19—P. M. A letter from Lewes states that the schooner reported ashore there, with Corn, proves to he the Octavia. All the crew was rescued. She was n complete wreck and her cargo seas float ing along the beach. .- - The schooner Lenity, (erroneously reported the Bailey,) is also a complete wreck—her keel being out and her mainmast through her bottom. The other vessels nshore will be got olp Their names arc: schooners Francis, Fashion, Minerva; sloops Eliza Jane, David Vannerman. No lives lost. &MAN Bean ~ April 19. The Liverpool Packet Ship ITuderwitor, of 1,200 tuns, Capt. Shipley, with upwards of 550 passengers, went nshore at .13 o'clock yester day mornine-, on the bar four miles south of Squan Beach. At sunrise the passengers nod crew commenced to lighten her, and threw overboard bones of tin, nod pig iron, about 60 or 70 tuns valued at 515,0007 but lightening her only drove her further on. A litie was finally n•ot to the vessel by the wreckers, and one of Frances's life boats was made ready to convey passengers on shore.— Several of thorn were talon to the shorn with great difficulty. Dot it became necessary to suspend operatiops, and these on board spent an anxious and sleepless night. „.. Russel Sturges's' steam:tugs, Titan, Capt. Commisky, Achilles and Huntress, with two schooners in tow, were dispatched at 10 o'clock on Tuesday evening by the Board of Under writers to the assistance of the vessels in dis tress. They reached the Underwriter about sunrise; lazt, were unable to render env tt,sis lance until about 10 o'clock this day, (Wedilcs day.). During the forennoon about 100 of the• passengers were landed on the beach by means of the life-boat. At 10 o'clock the sea had be come sufficiently calm to allow five surf bents to be employed in conveying the passengers to the Titan and Huntress; and, at 4 oclock they had all been got oft' from the vessel and beach, with the exception of about twenty of those on the bench, who refused to risk their lives again by passing through the surf. The two steam tugs then proceed to New York City to land their pusengers. The Black Warrior Case. The Kew Orleans Crescent thus sinus op the present aspects of this affair: "In answer to the statements placed before Congress by the late message of our President, the Captain-General has caused to be publish ed in the Diarin fie la Marina the body of doc uments which belong to his side of the case.— We consider these documents as clearly estab lishing the. following points : "1. That the seizure and confiscation of the Black Warrior were, under the port regulations of Havana, legal and just. ' 4 2. That Capt. Btilloch. his consignees Tyng, Co., and our Consul, admit the fact that it was legal. _ . "3. That they only ia reality contended that they should be lct off, Isl, because they were ignorant of the law and language; 2d, because they bad done so before; 3d, because they had no intentions of rand. ".1-. That to this the Spaniard replies: 'lt 'was your business to know our regulations, 'that you might comply with them; besides we `furnish you them in English. 2d. We never 'suspended our laws; and if you have before `been violating them it was without our knowb 'edge. IL We have no laws that are guided 'by men's intentions; we can only consider their "3. That the British steamers have always submitted to precisely what was required of the Black Warrior. "6. That while the language and the state ments of Bulloch, Tyng, and our Consul have been violent and druunciatry, they have been holding to the Cuban authorities only the lan guage of apology and supplication. Thus they were at once encouraging the Spaniard to per silt in his course, and exciting our aovernnicot end people to make war upon him for that cause. ''7. That the owners, by submitting to take back their ship and cargo, confessed that they hail done wrong in abandoning them "8. That they have since still further given up their whole case by a feet now brought to light; that they have addressed a petition to the Queen, supplicating her to remit, as of her grace, the line of Sti,ooo imposed on them. "Soberly, after this we cannot sco that there is left a single vestige of the case." The Czar's New Ally. The Washington (.'also, thcfrgan of Presi dent Pierce, has suddenly fallen in love with the Emperor Nicholas, and thinks lain not so bad a fellow as the world generally supposes him to Se. In its issue of Wednesday last, it has an elaborate editorial, from which we ex tract the thllowing:— "England is actuated by no regard for Tur key, but she is looking to the extension of the field tbr her own unanuthcturing enterprise nod capital. In that wide field for commercial en terprize, which is the real prize et which Great Britian is looking, we hared powerful mob', prep r the surer. of the Czar. Ile one is our rival as a numuliteturing and commercial nation, the other comes not into competition with us. Whilst, therefore, our sympathies are with Turkey, because she is weak and is threatened by n tiovernment that is strong, Mow Nyin padded are uol so sh•uug Ilto may not be orercom.e, when our interests a, • Iv ascertained to be involved by the diselo , as to the policy and object of Great The Nebraska Question in Tennessee. Who wants the Missouri Compromise repeal ed? Who in this quarter, we niece? It is now two months since the measure one prop, nod in the Senate of the United . States, and there hap been a great deal of thunder in that time let off at Washington on the subject; lint here, in this nuiet, sechnled, nod, as it may be thought, insignificant port of thacountry, there is not, 80 far as we have been able to observe, the slightest excitement in relation to the mat. ter. The question has produced on the public mind here about as much of critic no rt buck. shot, if dropped from the bridge, would produce on the smooth snrface of the Cumberland river. In our private and social intercourse we have not actually heard the liNt expression of anx• iety to see the Missouri Compromise repealed; not the first I lint we do not see a great many people. We stay mostly in nor office, where, truth to say. we do not care to see many pm. ple. With a view, therefore, of ascertaining how far our limited observation corresponded with the more enlarged observation of those whose daily pursuits necessarily bring them in contact with a great number or persons from this and the adjoining counties, we took n walk a few days ago, to Broad street, where the cot. toemerehants do business, and where the cot ton planters who sell their cotton here "most do congr,ate," and we inquired of two or three of the former if they had heard among the latter any expression of anxiety to see the Missouri Compromise repealed; and the answer in every case was, 6 .110 nnxiety whatever." The fact is, our penpic are a sensible, prac tical people, but exceedingly "knowing" in the ways of politicians, and well-informed on the subject of party and national politics, and they see and know'that no practical good can result to them or to the country from the passag,e of this Nebraska bill, mid hove they care nothing about it. They know that the thunder which reaches them front Washington in regard to the matter is like the thunder they sometimes. hear when they visit the theatre, nrtificial, and manufactured for temporary effect, and they ere no more moved by the ono than by the other. In these remarks we merit only to give the simple results of our observation and inquiries. The clue may be difierent in other portions of the State; but if it is we are not aware of it, and have seen no evidence of it. In a private Latter we received yesterday from a gentleman in Knoxville, wsitten on Tuesday last, the wri• ter says: "There is no doubt in the world but that the great. mass of the people and n largo majority of the politicians in East Tennessee are opposed to the bill."--ndkdile BUIMer qf April 7. English Opinions on the War. War is declared. A peace which has lasted the unexampled period of thirty-nine years, which many fondly hoped was to last as many more, is at On end; and the three most, power ftd Stotes of Europe ore once more engard in a struggle, the duration, the end, and the re sults of - which no man can tell; but which is too likely to produce disasters and sollbriags, of which we are mercifully spared the foreknowl edge. It is not re- us to attempt to lift up the veil of a futurity which must be sod in many respects, nor is there any need. No alterna tive is left us; the decision has been taken out of our hands; end, unless we would submit, with our allies, to crouch under the insolent dicta lion of n barbaric Power, and ace the liberties of Europe disappear under the tramp of the Cossack, we bed no other course than to do what hos now been done in a sail and solemn form. The sight of the document we publish to-day will call many to their senses who to the last have speculated on the chances of war no still remote contingency, or have looked at it only in its holy-lay aspects. If the mere sight of a manifesto to which we are happily so little used might sober the most thoughtless, the pe rusal of it will remove every scruple from those who do not think all war nnjustifiahle. The d oet iva cti t, d o e:, Fettle() to the long and anxious efforts of Prance and Eugland to heal the rup. lure which the Czar had all along determined never should be healed, except by the subjuga tion of a neighbor against whom lie had no longer a quarrel. With a simple collation of dates it convicts the daring attempts of the Emperor to falsify the chronology of the nego tiation, and throw on us the odium of provo king the war. It meets; with a just rebuke the impudent hypoeraey gwith which Russia has claimed to be the friend of religion and truth, when it was spurning the pure precepts of one and outraging the laws of the other. There is not an Englishman whose thoughts are still free, and whose hand is not tied by some fanatical theory, who will not respond heart and soul to this solemn appeal. The greater part of us will only be called on to endure sacrifices, and thankful we should be that our part in the no ble struggle is not more Nevere v ßnt those sacrifices all will melte cheerfully and un,gredg. ingly, from the conviction that Heaven has put them upon us, and that the only way to save ourselves, and fuffil our part in the terrible dra ma, is to strike with toll one might, and let the great culprit see at once the strong determina. thin and the tremendous powers he has presu med to set at nought. WO have been slow to take the. decisive step. The Russians has evi dently concluded that we pretbred negotiation to action; the very population of St. Petersburg has been taught that we are too commercial to lie reel warriors, and too fond of profit to be keenly sensitive to wrong. Now that we have thrown away the scabbard, and stand face to time with our insolent antagonist, it only re mains to disabuse him thoroughly of this im aginary estimate of our temper and power.— That we have no doubt will be done, but it will be done all the more readily by our gal lant fleet nod army, if it he known that all E.n gland follows her sons to battle, andwill prose cute their cause and avenge their death, till soon or late the rights of nations and the liber ties of Europe receive a fresh sanction in the signal punishment of the gigattie offender— /At/raster Examiner. From Salt Lake City, There has been some arrival, on the Vim, Missouri from the Sall Lake City brining ac counts of a rather stirring character. The Fre mont (Town) Journal rives a summary of the liews, as gleaned from a gentleman wh6 arri ved on the Missouri river in thirty-live traveling days from Snit Lake city. They left Salt Lake City on the Zith of Dc. ember, nml encountered several severe snow- Viwins and bitter cold weather between there nod Fort Laramie. Prom the latter place to Austin, (Western Iowa) they experienced very mild weather. They report all the mountain Indians in -a starving condition and eating their horses. The Utah chief Welker was pre paring to give the Mormons battle, nod, as he has enlisted in their cause th‘o Comanches and Apnches, a bloody struggle may be expected. Ile has sworn a war of extermination, and we betide the Mormons who fail into his hands. The Mormons endeavored to make a treaty with - him, but his detnnuds were considered in tolerant and they would not comply with them. Ile required that they should build him a house as large no Gov. Young's, on a proud. nonce near the city, pay him n largo sum of money, nod furnish him with os many wives ns their veritable Goveruar has. So tar as the house and money were concerned the Mormons were willing to comply, but furnishing the wives was another matter, and hero the negoti ations ceased. It is to Co regretted that this state of feeling exists, as it will be dangerous for small parties of emigrants to cross the plains the coming spring, and as, 111 the case of poor Clunnison and his party ninny whites will perish who du not believe in the Mormon creed. A. W. Babbitt, Esq., Secretary of Utah, and Orion Hydn, were to leave Sall Lake City in February for the Staten. They will h e necem poled by Chief Justine Read and J udge Ad. ank.k. The Arapahno, Cheyennes, anti Siotts are in:thin:l , preparations to externinate the Poe•- nees in spring. They express a detertni• tuition r.ipe 0111 the entire iuperiur lot of Blaul, 4alc al The Revolution in Nezioo, A correspnwlen of the Alta California writ ing from Acapulco, nadir date of Mara; 2.1, says: Sant. Anna 111,4 lately 1101,11111 VA to Ilepo, Alvarez, awl Alvarez determined that he wont lie deposed, and the most of the foreign ers of the deportment Ihmilint. with Mexican affairs, tell me that they nre glnd or Indeed I know that some of them are determined to'aid hint with money. Mount two weeks ngo Santa ;Anna ordered a battalion of about sOfl soldiers to this pelt, under the pretence that the Fillibnstert were planning to tako oat harlior. No sooner did this information reach here than its purpose Sus suspected, though Alvarez would perhaps have Banc nothing. Al least Tam told that it was only after being advised to resist. lor his friends that be determined to do so. You know how Mexico is governed by the rieh fami lies. Every leader has a certain number of persons who support hint, and their fortunes depend upon his own; and some of Gen. Alva• rez's friends feel more concerned than himself to prevent Santa Anna's influence from in. creasing in Unerr,,s. Oo the day after the arrival attic: news of the intended addition to oar garrison, seine six or eight young men of families attacked by ielerest to Alvariz, star ted out of our city, it is said, with messages to Governors and influential men; enemies of Santa Anna, Zacatecas, Sinelva, Vera Cruz, Yucatan. Tamaulipas and other districts, and it is confidently expected that at the first news of Alvarez's seceess in detitating Santa Anna's troops, all those departments will rise at once. It is no secret ,that the (Inventors of several of those States will raise the standard of revolt just so soon as they see a reasonable hope to expel Santa Anna. The peace exist i•tg: since Santa Anna's return—if yen can roll it it peace —does not owe its preservation to hove for San ta Anna. The troops are now on the march mid are not fur distant, and Alvarez, having collected :thou 3000 volunteers, and a couple of hundred of what are caPited regular soldiers, has gone out in the mountains to 'sent them. But a los minutes since to the report arrived that reconnoitering party of Alvarez 's troops cap tured Espinosa, late Governor of Lower Cali fornia, :mil one of Santa Anna's party, and ap pointed for erumnadant to the troops nt this post. We are expecting to hear this evening,. or to-morrow of the battle. No one to whom I have spoken doubts of the result. Alvarez is brave, and his follow°rs think their calms right eous and will fight well. General Villarial and Colonel Mozena are with General Alvarez and will command flanking parties, it is said, from whieh innelt influence is expeeted in ease victory should be at all bull H. It is expec ted that the troops will figla well because the army is really attnehed to Santa Anna, but the numbers of his troops ore - too small; and besides they are t) be met in the piss of the l'el,guno 'Mountain whey, it is almost certain they will lx,lefeatml. Alvar,m's troop; are mostly of the lowest class, and many of them are Indians from the mountains dour coast. They are a hardy, bravo tribe, and if provided with grand arms and instructed in their use, would defeat the regulars with little trouble. If Alvarez succeed ill the skirmish then San. ta Anna must 'be overthown. This depart ment will Mono defy him, with its mountain ous land, its hardy people and Alvarez nod Villarialms !maim+, and every body bosses that to support a pr 1 ,01111,1111 uto aphis; n Mexi can President two wee::s is about equiva lent to overthro, . him. I have s , •on n co n , or a proclamation and of a plan for the revol l tition drawn up be a young officer, both has not yet been adapted: It names Cattail.; as Preiiident, provides for the r,cstablishment of a Federal system the calling of a Congress. that the territory shall be sold to the Americans, the exopulsion of the Je suits, ,te. Dtsgusting Custom. • - - - - • To Chili, whim a eitild (lies not exceeding three or fonr years of age, its parents do not lament or grieve fur it, which they would con. cider heresy. As soon as the child commences to gnfil,i• th e r , ,onies'of dcathrits parentii . make preparations 'for fenstin,' it. The day of its death, they kill the fattml calf, and all the tur• keys awl fbwls there are in the house; they also hey n barrel of Mtvito wine, hire singers and dancers, and spread the report that Don coned so will celebrate the Little Angel. When the Child lo dead, it is dressed and docked with flowers of all kinds, its face is smeared with crimson, and it is then seated on the table to preside and authorize the feast. The Little Angel I saw woo adorned just no I have deserb bod it. Moreover, that the child may appear alive, the place two small sticks between the eyelids—t y re eyes remaining thus forcible open. At the arrival or the singers, revellers and dun. errs, the feast commences, and very soon it is converted into the most furious, licentious and unbounded carousal. The parents encourage and stimulate the revels; and the more the father drinks and en courages the company, so much more glory will the Little Angel enjoy in Heaven. The Parents do not give this feast with the sole ob ject of celebrating and increasing the glory of their Little Angel. The carousel helps them to sell their beef, encode, ehanehito arrollado, eider and the Moat% and after twenty-four hours find they have made a clear profit of $2O or C 430. The father's speculation does not end here. After he has speculated with his child's Ludy, he lets it out to the highest bid der for twenty-four hours, who, following the father's course, recovers his expenses, and ten or twelve dollars in the bargain. In thi, man ner, the Little Angel goes round as vile n e giving its hirers the mean fruit of a corpe's pretimtion. The Little Angel I saw was in its third hire, and beginning to decay, in spite of the incense and eau do cologne that soothed the smell of corrupt ion. Heart•ronding Tragedy. --„ - A correspondent oVie Cleveland Malinke er, writing front Wanpaeca County, Wisconsin, tells the following tragical tale: "A farmer sold n. yoke of oxen to an iudivid• eel in the neighborhood, and received his pay in paper moony. The tnen who purchased the oxen, being in burry to start off requested the farmer to assist in poking them up. Ito accordingly went to the yard with the mart for that purpose, leaving the money lying on the table. On his return to the house, he found his little child hod taken the money front the nod was in the act of kindling the fire in the stove with it. Front the impulse of the moment, lte hit the child a slap on the side of the head, so hard no to knock it over, and in the fall it strnt•k its bead against the stove with such force as to break its skull. "The 'nether, who was in the net of washing a small child in a tub of water, its nn adjoin ing room, on hearing the fracas, dropped the child and run to the room whence the noise, proceeded, and was so much terrified at what she there beheld, that she forgot the little child in the tub for ts time, and upotvher return to the roots found the little ono drowneti The dhusband, after it few moments reviewing the scene before him, seeing two of his own child ren dead, withant further reflection, took down his gun and blew hie own brains out I" lIIORIX IMPORTANT TRMATY WITEI I . :NOLAND —The Right of gate/ Abandoned--Pree Ships make Free (Amts.—We learn that eith er the Hermann, from Southampton, or the America, from Liver mol—the next steamers due—will bring the draft of a convention con cluded between Mr. Buchanan and Lord Aber deen, on lmhalfortheir ryspectivoz,overnments, by which England admits in the approaching Vuropean war, the doctrine that the flog Covers both ship and cargo, and that free-ships make free goods; also renouncing the right or search for the impressment or seamen, so far as Amer.ican vessels are concerned, mul conceding the restriction as to the law M . blockade, In return, the United Stales pledged to strict neutrality and nowinterforettee in the coming contest between the Western Power, aunt Itassiu. This is it t important convention, mot bcon up;otiatml by Mr. Buchanan without iusttartion f.om ‘Vaihin2ton. —NI 11 Farmer's Mgh School of Penngylvonia, The net aullTorizing the establishment of the above fil,titute has passed the lion. of Ile. pa•s nit 6 • • tiv of this Stat It is intended Cri s.. . Ito education of youth in the twit,. branch,s of science, learning and practical agiiculture, as they are connected with each other. The institution is to be governed by thirteen trus, Ices, the Governor, Secretary of the Common wealth, President of the State Agricultural So ciety, and the Principal of the institution, ht. ing c.r.ogirio trustee, and Dr. Elwyh, Aloer non S. Robert , . nod James Gowan, of Phila. , dolphin: 11. McAllister, of Centre,R. C. Walker . . of Allegheny; Jau,s Miles of Eric: John Strohm, c:f Lancaster; A. 0. lfeister, of Dauphin; Win. Jessup, of Susquehanna, and John It,we of Prankliu, are to constitute the first Board. They are to be divided into . three classes, and onedhird of the board to he elect ed annually, by life members of ow Pennsylva• out Slate Agricultural Society, and three re presentatives front each County Agricultural Society. The trustees are to meet next June, solect a site, choose a scientific practical far mer as principal, as well as teachers, to im part to pupils a knowledge of the English inn guap, grammar, geography, history, mile unities, chemistry and ether broacher of the. natural and exact sciences ni will conduce to the proper education of a thriller; the pupils shall at !melt times and seasons as may be pre scribed by the trustees, perform all the labor necessary in the cultivation of the farm, and thus be instructed in all things necessary to bo known by a farmer, it being the design and tention of the law to establish an institution in which youth may be edncated as to at them for theochupatien of the farmer. . . . _ The hoard of Trustees, through their Trans urer, will make an annual report of reeeiAs and disbursements, to the Pennsylyania State A'ricultn•al Society, which it shall embody in the annual report tint by law tie society is bound to make to the Legislature every year. The Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society is authorized to appropriate out of their funds to the object of this school ten thousand dol. lore, if required, and to make such nppropria• tion annually out of their ftmds ne will Bann the prosecution of 11. in object; to enable to go into operation and i,ustain it, there is appro priated the suns of thirty thowand dollars, to be paid in annual instalments of ten thousand &Mars, out orally money in the treasury other. mice appropriated.—Lancaster Examiner. Strychnine. The Columbus (0.) Democrat says that dis tillers employ strychnine in the manufacture of" whiskey. It is a recent discovery that this deadly drag increases the yield of whiskey per bushel of corn. In some places the poison is used to ouch an extent that hogs die in great numbers from drinking the still slop. And we may add that it is known that this deadly poi son is used in other liquors besides whiskey.— A few months ago, some "pure cognac bran dy" woo analyzed in -,Wnshin:fton, mid was found to contain strychnine. . . Well; why not? nsks the Now York Tribune. If some men are allowed—nay, liechsed—to poison other, with alcohol, why not with strych• nine also? If the latter is fhtal, so is the tur ner; if one is imbibed by thousands its total ignorance that they are poisoning themselves, so is the other. And beside: Strychnine, thow•th it kills the imbiber. has rarely or never been known to make him kill others. A man was never made a terror to his flintily or a pest to his neighborhood by strychnine. Then why should Legislatures interfere with men's "right to eat and drink what they please," if they please to take strychnine? Either stop the sale of alcoholic beverages, or let those who prefer theirs tinctured with strychnine, have such potations as snit their taste. Don't "make. fish of one and flesh of the other." A Great Lumbering Establishment, The valley of the Ottawa river, in Canada, in noted for the extensive operations which aro carried on there, nod the magnitude of the in terests embark,l in the trade. • Thert: is ono firm alone which employs in the lbrests seven ! teen hundred horses and two hundred head of bulloek, independent ur4oo double teams which arc constantly on the road engaged in the cod royally° of food and f.ra,•e. In the report of the. enghmers employed. the Montreal and Bytown railway, it is stated that this firm have at pres ent ~•500 men in their service, nod one hun dred lumbering establishments scattered over several hundred miles of territory. Their- eon. sumption of pork is ten thousand barrels annu• ally; and their daily consumption °fonts during the winter months, from one thousand to twelve hundred bushels. The firm is now construct. ing a saw-mill at the Chats, on the Ottawn, which will sue fifteen million feet of hoards nually, and their annual cash payments for keeping their immense establishment in motion exceeds two million dollars. For the Journar. Miscellaneous Enigma. I am composed of 39 My 10, 35 ' 46; 3,8, 20, is a fruit. " 2, 43, 22. 16, 41, is a fowl. " 59, 54, 51, 27, 59, is a distinguished man. 20, 19, 36,10, 55, is a vegetable. " 21, 25, 34, 50, 45, 47, 57, is a place of amusement. " 38, 18, 33, 50, 5, is a beverage. " 32, 15, 29, 4, is what moot people hare. " 53, 31, 49, 2,7, is an animal. 30, 40, 42, 44, 7, 52, 23, is a county in re. ' 4 51, 36, 53, 39, is what yea would like to he,. a 14, f, 21, 3f,, 10, is a very useful article. " 13, .1, 12, is an oblong body. " 17, 9, 37, is a fowl. " 11, 10, 30, 4, is the name of a cite. My whole is the nu ne of a distinguished Gencral. J. T. U. Ebensburg, Pa. Answer to last enignia.—"General lntslli genre. Important Decision. Judge Pearson, of I larrisburg, recently made an important decision as to the power of Courts of Quarter Sessions to rem& licences. A rule was granted on James Gowan, of Harrisburg, to show cause why his license should not be revoked, on account ofNielating the law, in sal. ling liquor to a minor and apprentice; also, for selling on Sunday. It was proven that he had sold liquor on Sunday to a Minor apprentice, and to several others; and taro records of con viction were produced, the one by a justice of the peace for selling liquor to said minor ap prentice, the other by a different magistrate fur selling on Sunday; both of which °fleeces were committed since the renewal of his license at the January Corrt.Toder these facto, Judge Pearson, in au able and elaborate opinion de cided that the Act of March 11. 1844, invested the Courts wait power to revoke licenses. Thu power was a discretionary one with the Courts, to be exercised or not as the special facts might indicate. Mr. Cowan's license was revoked:— The decision is important, as doubt has exist ed as to whether Courts have the power to re voke licenses for violations of the Sunday Act,. and selling to minors. A Nrw (limn Curs.-Senator 0w1,,, of yet. ifornia, has introduced a rather novel but na. tional idea relative to a larger denomination of gold coin. He proposes, by a bill introduce' in the United States' - Senate by him, to author. ize the coinage of $lOO, S5O and $25 pieces, the first to be called a Union, the second to Half Union. and the third it Quarter Union.--. His ohjeet is to furnish a eircnlnting medium which will supply the wants of tbe peoplo is Califbrniu, where they have no banks for pa• per currency. 11t3X,.. Congress Las generously given eight months' pny to the onieersvottl . twitter; who were saved from the ill fate Sum Pronciseni lett Congress has not yet given anything to tits brave and mottle men who saved theta. -- • I, NI '1'1; trr 1:11 IT. • Ike 1,1!I • tlt.• 1 , 11 Ht. I e!:t.• Iti••:tlo•t, ha • III:. 1 . . n 11,1 the I!