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She is a fair young creature With a meek and gentle air, With blue eyes soft and loving, And silken sunny hair— I know my father gives her The love he bore another, Bet if she were an angel I could never call her mother. To night I heard her singing A song I used to love, When its sweet notes were uttered By her who sings above; It pained my heart to hear it, And my tears I could not smother, For every word was hallowed By the dear voice of my mother. My father, in the sunshine Of happy days to come, May half forget the shadow That darkened our old helm ; Isis heart no more is lonely, But I and little brother Mast still be orphan children, Clod can give us but one mother. They've borne my mother's picturo - From its accustomed place, And set beside my father's Aounger, fairer face ; 'They've made her dear old chamber The boudoir of another, But I will not forget thee, My own, my angel mother. gLIDBAINII 1112.ADIFia, The Millenial Sabbath. It will be a day of lasting rbst. When the night that is far spent is completely exhausted, and the day that shall be is fully come, then there shall be perfect rest. The earth shall have its Sabbath, which it lost by our sin.— Man shall have his, in its integrity, and purity, and beauty. God rested on the seventh day from all his work, and hallowed the, Sabbath, and blessed it. I believe there is not a beast in the field, nor a fish in the sea, nor a fowl in the air, that has not a right to the Sabbath, and that shall not yet have a Sabbath of rest.— There is not a laborer in the work-shop, nor a toiling man in the post-office, nor a clerk in the counting-house, that may not claim tho Sub bath. Next to God's word, God's Sabbath is the right and privilege of man. Popery saps and practically subtracts both; infidelity ins pnpns denounees both; by God's grace we will part with neither. And when that last Sabbath comes—the Sabbath of all creation— the heart, wearied with tumultuous beatings, shall have rest; the soul, fevered with its anxi eties, 'hall enjoy peace. The sun of that Sab bath will never set, or veil his splendors in a cloud. The flowers that grow in his light will never fade. Our earthly Sabbaths are but faint reflections of the heavenly Sabbath, cast down upon the earth, dimmed by the transit of their rays from so great a height and so distant a world. The fairest landscapes, or combina tions of scenery upon earth, are but the out skirts of the paradise of God, fore-earnests and intimations of that which lies beyond them; and the happiest Sabbaths heart, whose every pulse is a Sabbath-bell, hears but a very inade quate echo of the chimes and harmonies of that Sabbath, that rest, where we "rest not day and night," in which the song is ever new, and yet ever sung. Origin of the Ferocity of Animals. Adam is the garden of Eden sinned, was driven into the wilderness, and reft there. Jo. ens is the wilderness triumphed, reasserted the return of the garden, and gave us the earnest' that Paradise shall again be restored. It is a vain or an unmeaning coincidence that Adam in a garden fell and was driven into the wilder. mess, and that Jesus steps into the wilderness whore Adam was left, regains the garden, and gives us the hope of Paradise again? Adam was in Paradise with the beasts, the lion, the tiger, the lamb; all animals in perfect harmony around him, recognizing him as their lord, He sinned; and the instant that he sinned, each animal was seized with a new instinct, and theyintve raged against him, a•t if under the force °fa tenable ervengp, until thi, day. r .:zigfe,79> ,:: ,t , 1 r ( 1 ,..,, , T , , v , 1 ~... v il r .7 i'' V ' ' • ~, il, / . 3v I' ) 1 : ' i ilfl l t 11 1 rlt a I ‘‘ . l BEE NO STAR ABOVE THE HORIZON, PROMISING LIGHT TO GUIDE US, BUT THE INTELLMENT, PATRIOTIC, UNITED WHIG PARTr OP THE UNITED STATEs.". Influence of Christianity on Medical Sci- once. - Ever since Jesus suffered, wrought miracles, healed the sick, stilled the ocean, and showed his control over reVellious nature—by bringing it back again into order,—man has gained by degrees a greater mastery over all things, as if then humanity received a new impulse; and in proportion to his Christian light (I do not say Christianity is the cause, but it certainly is a coincidence) has been his civilization; and in proportion to that, the gradual authority which he seems to be regaining over that na ture, the reins of which lie lost in Paradise, but which Jesus has now partially, and will again completely put into his redeemed and sanctifi ed hand. It is to me a most delightful experi ence, to see any one discovery in science or in art, which restores to man, however slightly, the mastery over created things. Is it not true that since Jesus healed the sick, there has been given a greater impulse to curative science than ever was felt before? Is not medicine, with all its defects, with all the obloquy cpst upon it, because it cannot do everything pro gressive? Is it not true, that some diseases, once thought incurable, are now almost extir pated? Small-pox is now not only curable, but almost banished from out land. And was the discovery of this mode of cure simply chance? Will you say it was accident? I believe it to have been as much an inspiration of the God of providence as the Bible is an inspiration of the Cod of grace. Is it not a fact, that man's life is longer than it was? If you do not believe me, ask the Insurance Societies, and they will tell you it is so by some six years. • It is much longer than this, if we remember, that the sick ly and delicate infant which was lost before, while only the strong ones survived, is now spared, and, under the blessing of God, and by the appliance of art, brows up to manhood. Is not all this gain? Is it not progress in the di rection in which the miracles of Jesus lay, and in the reversal of that curse which "brought dent', into the world and all our woe?" Is it not also true, that operations once thought per reedy impossible, are now performed by our surgeons with safety and success? Is not that recent wonderful discovery; chloroform, one of the most providential blessings that God has given us? I look upon it as n most significbnt, installment of the reversal of the curse. st'amg the groans and travail of the creatv.:re, an in spiration from God; and courbcted with the special curse pronounced upon Eve and her daughters, and rend in the light of that curse, it is, to my mind, n becautiful earnest of what will be—a forenslit of the approaching dolm— an augury of millennial days, when there shall be no more pain, nor tears, nor sorrow, nor cry ing. $1 25 1 50 The India Rubber Tree. IProm a volume lately published in N. Y., by G. P. Putnam, entitled "Scenes and Adven tures on the Banks of the Amazon," we take the following account of that strange tropical production, the India rubber tree: "A number of blacks bearing long poles on their shoulders, thiCkly strung with India rob ber shoes, also attracted our attention. These are for the most part manufactured in the in terior, and are brought down the river for sale by the natives. It has been estimated that at least two hundred and fifty thousand pair of shoes are annually exported from the province, and the number is constantly on the increase. "A few words hero respecting the tree itself, and the manufacture of the shoes, may not be out of place. "The tree (Sipnitla Elastica) is quite pecu liar in its appearance, and sometimes reached the height of eighty and even a hundred feet. The trunk is perfectly round, rather smooth, and protected by a bark of a light color. The leaves grow in clusters of three together, are till!), and of an ovate form, and are from ten to fourteen inches in length. The centre leaf of the cluster is always the longest. "This remarkable tree bears a curious fruit, of the size of a peach, which, although not very palatable, is eagerly sought after by different animals—it is separated isto three lobes, which contain each a small blael nut. Tho trees are tapped in the same manner that the New Eng landers tap maple trees. The trunk having been perforated, a yellowish liquid, resembling cream, flows out, which is caught in small clay cups, fastened to the tree. When these become full, their contents are emptied into large earth ern jars, in which the liquid is kept until desi red fur use. "The operation of making the shoes is ns simple as it is interesting. Imagine yourself, dear render, in one of the seeing groves of Bra zil. Around you area number of good-looking natives, of low stature and olive complexions. All are variously engaged. One is stirring with a long wooden stick the contents of a cauldron, placed over a pile of blazing embers. This is the liquid as it was taken from the rub ber tree. Into this a wooden "lasts" covered with clay, and having a handle is plunged. A coating of the liquid remains. You will per ceive that another native then takes the "last," and holds it in the smoke arising from the ig nition of a species of Pains fruit, for the pur pose of causing.the glutinous substance to as sume a dark color. The "Inst".is then plunged again into the cauldron and this process is re peated, as in dipping candles, until the coating is of the required thickness. You will, more . notice a number of Indian girls engaged in making various inipressions, such as flowers, &c., spots the soil surface of the rubber; by means of their thumb nails, which are especi ally pared nod cultivated for this purpose.— After the final operation, the shoes are placed in the son to harden, and large numbers of them may be seen laid out on mats in exposed situations. The aboriginal name of the rubber is enbuchu, from which the formidable word of numb:hone 1,1 derived." Vek,. Early corn is iirowilig linuly in TC.IF. HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1854. An Abduction Indeed! We copy a passage from a paper rend before the American Geographical Society by Capt. Gibson, lately returned from the East Indies, and bringing with him some new facts as to the tribes of Ourang Outango inhabiting the des erts of that part of the world. He says: • "My statement of the extraordinary peculiar ities of these apparently semi-human beings has led to the expression of so much curiosity to knew more of then: by some, and of skepti cism as to the fact of their existence on the part of others, that I have deemed it duo to myself and to public curiosity to give some ad ditional facts along with all the corroborative evidence that has fallen under my observation. "While at Mintolc Palembang, and Batavia, I heard many remarkable stories of the agility, audacity, and especially of the superhuman strength of the Ourang Ontang. 1 will tres pass upon your attention by relating one of the most extraordinary, at the same time one of the best attested. which I heard while at Bata via: Lieut. Shock, of the Dutch East India ar my, was on a march with a small detachment of troops and coolies on the south-eastern coast of Borneo; he had encamped, on one occasion, daring the noonday heat on the banks of one of the small tributaries of the 'Bangarmassin. The Lieutenant had with him his domestic es tablishment, which included his daughter—a . playful and interesting little girl of the age of thirteen. One day, while wandering in the jungle beyond the prescibed limits of the camp, and having, from the oppressive heat, loosened her garments and thrown them off almost to nudity, the beauty of her person excited the no tice of an ourang-outang, who sprang upon her and carried her off. Her piercing rang through the forest to the ears r'..? 'her do zing protectors, and roused every man in the camp. The swift, bare-footel coolies were foremost in pursuit; and Pow the cry rings in the agonized father's ceics iliat his daughter is devoured by a that an our ang-outang has tr.rrierl her off. He rushes, half plireuzie , l, with the whole company to the thicket frim whence the screams proceeded, and there, among the topmost limbs of an ely.irmous banyan, the father beholds his d'Aghter, naked, bleeding, and struggling in the grasp of a powerful ourang.outang, who held her tightly, yet easily, with one arm, while he sprang lightly from limb to limb, as if whol ly unencumbered. It was in vain to : , think of shooting the monster, so agile was he. The Byak coolies, knowing the habits of the our ang-outang, and knowing that he will always plunge into the nearest stress: when hard pres sed, began a system of Operations to drive him to the water, they set up a great shoat, throw ing missiles of all kinds, and agitating the un derbrush, while some proceeded to ascend the tree. By the redoubled exertions of the whole company, the monster Was gradually driven toward the water, yet still holdinltightly to the poor girl. At last, the monster and his victim were seen on an outstretching limb-overhang ing the stream; the coolies, who were among the most expert swimmers in the world, imme diately lined the banks; the soldiers continued the outcries and throwing of missiles. He clasped his prize more tightly, took a survey of the water and of his upwardgazing enemies, and then leaped into the flood below. He had hardly touched the water ere fifty resolute swimmers plunged in pursuit; as lie rises, a dozen human arms are !Cached out towards him; he is grasped; others lay hold upon the insensible girl; the ourang-outang used both arms to defend, and, after lacerating the bodies of some of the coolies with his powesful ner vous claws, finally succeeded in dicing beyond the reach of his pursuers, and in escaping down the stream, while the bleeding, 111801191- bly Ledah was restored to the arms of her fath er and verses, in whose hands she was ulti mately restored to consciousness, health, and strength once more. This savage version of the classic story of Pluto and Proserpina is well authenticated, and the girl, now a grown up woman, is living at Ambonya, in the Mo luccas." Apples. Downing says "the species of crab from which all sorts of apples have originated is wild in almost all parts of Europe. And almost every writer upon the subject of fruit, gives us a little of the same doctrine, until it is almost heresy to doubt. However, wo are willing to pot ourselves in the same category with the editor of the Maine Farmer, who says "it is ,omewhat problematical to us, whether our present cultivated apple did not originate from the crab. Cultivate a crab tree as much as you please, and it yields nothing more than crab apples. Suppose you take several species of the wild crab apples found native, and cal tivato them in an orchard by themselves, you might got varieties of crab apples only. You would, by !dentin* the seeds, obtain crab ap ples of different colors, but we doubt if you get anything above the character of a crab apple after all. How long would it take, think you, provided you had nothing but wild crab apples to work upon, before you could bring them To the sine of a Ritsbone Pippin, Greening or Baldwin ? The celebrated English horticulturalist, the late Mr. Knight, it is true, improved crab ap ples, by carefully mixing pollen of the crab with that of some of the cultivated apples, and then planting the seeds produced, but we have never heard of his doing it by confining the operation to the pollen of the crab alone. Nor do wo believe any one else over did.— We would just as soon undertake to raise pota toes from Lop vines, as to improve a crab ap ple tree into hearing Bel'flours or pound sweet logs. The doctrine which confines the creation of apples to the limited stock of crabs would confine the Creator in very narrow limits. Our opinion is, the Garden of Eden contained some of the choicest apples ever grown on earth.— We are almost certain that Eve never could have been tempted to eat a. crab api,!c.—The P:or. "One of the Gals." The following is an extract from a letter from a person travelling in the wild portions of Del aware and Sullivan counties, New York As I was trudging along ono afternoon, in the town of Fremont, one of the border 'Awns of Sullivan county, I was overtaken by what I nt first supposed was a young man, with a rifle on his shoulder, and being well plensed with the idea of having company through the woods, I turned around and said, "Good afternoon, sir." "Good afternoon," said my new acquain tance, but in a tone of voice that sounded, to me, rather peculiar. My suspicions were at Once aroused, and to satisfy myself, I made some inquiries iu regard to hunting, which were readily answered by the young lady, whom I had thus encountered. She said she had been out ever since daylight; had followed a buck nearly all day, got one shot and wounded him, lint as there was little snow, she could not get him, and was going to try him the next day, hoping that she would get another slint at him, and she was quite certain that shit would kill him. Although I cannot give a very good idea of her appearance, I will tri to describe her dress. The only article of female apparel visible was a close fitting hood upon her head, such' as is often worn b' l deer hunters. Next, an India rubber hur.ting coat; her nether limbs were encased in a snug tight-fitting pair of cor duroy pants s.nd a pair of Indian moecassins upon her fret. She had a good looking rifle upon her s'Aoulder, and a brace of double-bar relied pistols in the side packets of her coat, wi'!..te a formidable bunting knife hung suspen ded by her side. Wishing to witness her skill with hunting instruments, I commenced ban tering her with regard to shooting. She smi led and said she was as good a shot as was in the woods; and to convince me she took out her hunting knife and cut a ring four inches in diameter in a tree with a small spot in the cen tre. Then stepping back thirty yards, and drawing up one alter pistols, put the ball in side of the ring. She then, at thirty-five rods from the tree, put a ball from her rifle in the very centre. We shortly came to her father's house, nod I gladly accepted an invitation to stop there over night. The maiden hunter, instead of sitting down to rest as most hunters do when they go home, remarked that she had got the chores to do. So out she went; fed, watered and stabled a pair of young horses, a yoke of oxen and three cows. She then went to the saw mill and brought a slab on her shoulder that I shouldn't like to curry, and with an axe and saw soon worked it into stove wood. Her next business was to change her dress and get tea, which she did in a manner which would have been creditable to amore scientific cook. After tea she finished up the usual house workond then st 4 down and commen ced plying her needle in a very lady-like tnam nem I ascertained that her mother was quite feeble, and, her father confined to the house with the rheumatism. The whole family were intelligent, well educated, and communicative. They had moved from Schohaire county in the woods, about three years before, and the father was taken lame the first winter after their arri val, and had not been able to do anytbingsince. Itney Ann, as her mother called her, had ta . - ken charge of, ploughed, planted, and harvest ed the farm, learned to chop wood, drive tenni, and do all the necessary work. Game being plenty, she had learned to use her father's rifle, and spent some leisure time in hunting. She hail not killed a deer yet, but expressed her de termination to kill one at least before New Year's. She boasted of having killed any quan tity of pntridges, squirrels and other small game. After chatting some time she brought a violin from a closet and played fifteen or twenty tunes, and also sung a few songs. ac companying herself on the violin, in a style that showed that she was fur from destitute of musical skill. The next morning she was up at four o'clock, and before sunrise had the breakfast out of the way, and all her work out of doom and in the house done, and when Ifeet, • a few minutes after sunrise, she had on her hunting suit, and was loading tier rifle fur an other chase after the deer. Col. Fremont's Expedition. On seeing the imperfect accounts telegraph ed from New Orteams in relation to Col. Fre mont, his friends iu this city telegraphed back for full accounts, and have received them.— They are from Mr. Babbit, formerly Delegate in Congress from Utah, who left the Great Salt Lake the beginning of February to come to Washington by the way of San Francisco, ta king the Santa Clara route. On the 9th of Feb ruary ho arrived at the Mormon town of Para wan, near the Little Salt Lake, and two hun dred and sixty miles southwest of the Great Salt Lake, and found Col. Fremont and his party there. They had found no game in the mountains its consequence of the snows, and had lived on their mules and horses, of which twenty-two had been eaten. Ho obtained a refit from the Mormon Bishop at Parawan, as sisted by Mr. Babbit, and would continue on to Sass Francisco. This full account makes no mention of "deaths front cold or hunger," and shows the expedition accomplished, as at Lit tle Salt Lake Col. Fremont fell into the line of his exploration when returning from California in 1845. This communication was to the Globe (NB ce, received there yesterday morning, telegraph from Now Orleans Saturday after noon, and the contents make known to this paper.—Nittional liddligencer. Stir A Kentucky paper says it is getting to be very fashionable in that quarter to enclose a dollar wills marriage notices, when sending them to the printer. A good custom that ought to prevail everywhere. Six dollars to printer and priest No sensible man could refuse: Fire dollars to render him blest, And one to publish the news! bi.r.'Are you a Christian Indian?' asked a gentleman of one of the Calaraugus tribe. No, I whiskof was the reply. FOUR DAYS LATER-FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Steamship Arctic. Rapid Movements of the Russians. NUMEROUS TURKISH FORTS CAP TURED. The U. S. Mail steamer Arctic, from Liver- pool, arrived at New... York yesterday morning, about 8 o'clock, bringing. four days later news. Fifteen packet ships, amounting to 16,000 tons, arc at the present moment fitting up at Liverpool to convey troops to the East. These are: For infantry—Tho Courier, 1000 tons; Star of the South, 1235; Timauder, 1117. For cavalry—The Echunga, 1018; Medora, 612; Mary Ann, 957; Paramatta, 664; all ready fur sea. The follewing will soon be ready; Shooting Star, 1362; Wilson Kennard, 1129; Gertrude, 1361; Glendalough, 1058; War Cloud, 800; Tyrone, 1197; Asia, 771; steamer Albatross, GOO tons. The steamship Glasgow, front New York, arrived at Greenock at 2 o'clock, on Saturday, Ist inst. Capt. Duryee,of the packet ship Constantine, fell overboard and was drowned on the morn• lug of the Ist, while the ship wns off Port Lynds, outward bound. In consequence of this unfortunate accident, the ship put back to Liverpool. By the arrival of the Ocean, et London, April let, we have intelligence of the loss of the emigrant ship Sea Nymph, from Liverpool, February 21st for New York. When a week out, the Sea Nymph experienced a heavy gale, and became untnanageable, leaking badly, top. mast, yards, &c., carried away, and for twenty. fear hours lay in the trough of the sea. At this juncture the Pride of the Ocean hove in sight, and bore down to her assistance. Two of the boats were lowered, and with difficulty all were taken on board the Pride of the Ocean, and bound for London. When last seen the See Nymph was fast setting. down. The loss of the Russel Sturgeon, and reseal of the pass. eugers by the Isaac Webb and Rainbow, has been already ...reported by the America, via Halifax. The influx of emigrants into Liverpool at present, surpasses anything of the sort ever be. fore knewn. The majority are from Ireland, and are bound either for the 'United States or Canada. The price of steerage passages now ranges as high as £5 10s., owing to the scar city of shipping and number of passengers of. fering. At Liverpool Breadstuffs had again slightly advanced, and Cotton was rather better in tone, but without leading to much business. From the seat of war on the Dann),le we have the first act of a new plan of Russian stra tegy. For particulars see the following sum mary: Latest by Nail In reply to Mr. Hutchins, who detailed the circumstances connected with the seizure of the Black Warrior by the Cuban authorities, Lord John Russel stated that a communication had been sent to the United States on the subject, but no information bad yet been received from Mr. Crampton. Continental advice, seen to regard the occu pation of the Lower Danube by the Russians as a definite measure. Advices from Odessa, March 25th, mention that the entire Russian fleet had loft Sebastopol, and it was believed would attack Varna. There were the usual rumors oftreachery on the part of the Turkish commanders of the differ. ent fortresses that have fallen into the hands of the Russians. Omar has marched 20,000 men from Silistria to strengthen a position between the Russians and the Balkans. The Russians are razing all the fortresses in the Dobrudschn. Austria has demanded from Russia that Austrian subjects in the Principalities shall not be compelled to take the Russian paper money. The excited state of public feeling at Con• stantinople is greatly disquieting to the gor• ernment. Diplomatic relatiOns have ceased between Greece and Turkey. Gen. Metaxn, Greet Minister, has demanded his passports. Nesset Bes, the Turkish Minister, had arri ved, quitted Athens and returned to Constanti nople. A new levy of 80,090 men is about to be made in France. The ship Florio Gloria from Antwerp, os tensibly for Montreal, has been captured and brought to the Downs, with arms on board for the Greek insurgents. A council of Austrian Generals is summon ed to meet at Vienna. Among others invited are the Bart Jellaeich, and Count Glutsi. It is positively asserted that the 4000 Rus sians from Sebastopol, have been landed and taken possession of the island of Dunavez, be low 'Ansel's. The War. Continued Successes of the Russians—Cap tyre of Hersova—Retreat of the Turks in good order—lmportabt Operations upon Varna—Samosed Tactics of the Russians —Admiral Napier come to anchor near Co penhagen—Russian Preparations to Receive hint—The .halo-French Expeditionary .A, my—Aftitirs inn Orem and Asia—A Letter from the Czar—Carious Political Intrigue. On the 28th March, Dirsova was taken by the Russians, who also made themselves mas ters of the strong positibn of Babadagh, and are consequently in entire possession of the Tpper Dobrudscha. Tho Cossacks patrol as far as Kostendje; and, according to the TOM den Blatt, that fort of Isaktchi was taken by the Russians on the .27th. Imperfect accounts that are at hand say Hirsova was taken after three day ossault. It will be some days ere re liable statements can be received. As soon as Gortschadoff had established ' himself in the Dobrudscha, he issued a procla mation to the inhabitants similar to that which was published in Moldavia and Wallschia. In connection with Gertschakoff's movements, it '- [WEBSTER is mentioned that five steamers, towing bergs containing 4000 men, had left Sebastopol for the western (Turkish) coast of the Black Sea.. If this be true, they run a chance of meeting with the ships of the allied fleet now cruising along that shore. Prince Paskiewitch was to set out about 15th inst., from Warsaw for the scat of war. The Emperor will not himself go to the Principalities. There is no doubt that the Russians have lodged themselves, in the force stated,—name ly, over 50,000 men,—on the Turkish bank of the Danube. Opinions are, however, divided as to the importance of this movement. While some view it as a great triumph to the Rus sians, others profess themselves unable to see what advantage the invaders expect to gain . by it. They (the Russians) are not yet in Bulga ria, nor on the route to Constantinople,—but in the Dobrudscha, an immense marshy plain, without any point crappui, and deprived of communications. Behind them is a Turkish for of 25,000 to 30,000, before them a line of fortresses, such as Silistria, Kostendje, Varma and Shumla, between them and the Balkans.— It is true, that in 1828 tee Russians entered the Dobrudscha by ilirsova, as they have dune now, and proceeded on to Varna and Silistria; but then the sea was open. Omar Pasha, too, who is not given to vain boasting, has said in a despatch, published at Constantinople, that if the enemy would but cross the Danube it would render a great service to his plan of operations I That we are on the eve of some important event there can be little doubt, and the result of the movements un the Austrian frontier, and the next operation of the Russians on the right bank of the river, arc awaited with much anxiety. The British steam frigate Inflexible was em ployed in conveying Turkish troops front Con stantinople to Varna. A portion of the British fleet was also near Varna, with the intention of watching the new and unexpected move ments of the Russians. The circumstance; under which the passage of the Danube appear to have been effected were these:—On or about the 15th of March, Prince Cortschakoff received orders from St. Petersburg to secure, within tell days, a posi tion on the right bank of the Danube, opposite to Brailow, similar to tlfat which the Turks maintain at the other extremely of the line of operations, (Kalufat.) Gortschakoff immedi ately left for Brailow, where he completed all his preparations, and, on the 23a, commenced to cross the river at three different points. The left wing of a corps of 35,000 men, under Gen. Ouschakoff, forced a passage at Tuttscha, op posite Ismail; the centre, under Gen. Lusters, crossed without meeting opposition front Ga latz; while the right wing, under the immediate direction of Prince G ortsehakoff, was forcing It passage from Brailow. , By the Suldaten Froind we have arcounts of the way in which matters were managed. Early on the morning of the 23d, the Rus sians, under cover of twenty-four 12 and six 18 pounders, began to form a pontoon bridge from a spot near Brailow, across the island, to God schid on the right bank of the Danube. As the Turks offered no serious opposition, the bridge was completed by one o'clock, and at that hour the Russian columns began their march, which continued without interruption until late at night, when the men lighted their watch fires and bivouacked between Gedschid and Matschin. At the same time Gen. Enders constructed a second bridge between Galatz and the opposite bank, whirls there is free front morasses, and in the course of the day two regiments of chasseurs, and two of the line, with cavalry and artillery, crossed the riv er without loss. On the same day the left wing, under Gen. Ouschalcoff, forced a passage above Tultscha, anti, in spite of a vigorous re sistance on the part of the Turks, got posses sion of the redoubts which had been construct ed on the right bank. Eleven guns and 150 prisoners fell into the hands of the Russians. The Fleets. Admiral rapier's fleet came to anchor oft' the island of Moon, and having been consider. ably augmented since its departure from Eng land, now numbers twenty-two ships, carrying 1252 guns and 12,500 men. This fleet will soon be further increased by the St. George, 120 guns; Jas. Watt, 91 guns; Clesar, 91; Nile, 91; Majestic, 80; Boscawen, 72; Odin, lii; Mi randa, 14; Rosamond, and several other steam sloops. The Miranda surveying steamer reports, un der date March 28th, respecting the Russian fleet, that ono division is at Revel frozen in, the ice being very thick, with no symptoms at pre sent of early breaking up. The Russians ex pecting that the island °Wesel will be the first object of attack, have placed there a garrison of 30,000 strong. • The Army of the East. France is pushing forward its expeditionary force with the utmost energy. The Paris Moui tear, of 2d inst., contains the following an noucementt—"llis Majesty having ordered a body of troops to be sent to the Levant, the first convoy of vessels, frigates and corvettes of the Imperial marine assembled at Toulon has already sailed, the convoy being divided as fol lows:—Ships Montebello, Alger, Ville de Mar; seilles, and Jean Bart, 5400 111* Asmodee, Ulloa, Labrador, Coligny, Meteore, and (dor. gone, 3.150 men, 225 horses; Mountte, Eclair cur, Laplace; and Infernal, 1496 men, 40 hor- ' ses; Caffarelli, Velure and Brandon, 1130 men, 20 horses; Napoleon, and Saffron, 3040 men; Montezuma, Batman, Albatross, Canada, and Titan 4663 men 80 horses. This total, to which is to be added the con tingent of the Christophe Colombo, amounts is 20,073 men, and 363 horses. Every day a portion of the three hundred ships freighted'at Marseilles, leave with cavalry, mimitions, pro visions, and articles of encatspment.' The Moniteur further says: .Too much care cannot be taken to guard against the news which male volence or speculation invents. Thus it was ,aid that France was aboht to send a corps.of VOL. 19, NO. 17. observation to the Rhine; that the Russian ar• my would be at Constantinople before the En• glish and French troops cold get into line; that the squadron of Brest had been forced by a tempest to return to Toulon; and that the English and French frigates bad been sunk in the Black Sea by the Russians. All these ru mors are quite devoid of foundation. The Government, which is perfectly aware of the anxiety of the public, cannot better respond to it than by publishing all the news, good o: bad, which it shall receive." Asia. Prom Trebizonde, 13th, it is reported that the Russians are concentrating forces at Ask alzick. Operations are directed against Kars. The Turks are concentrating 20,000 men at Sivas. The appointment of Zarif Mustapha Pasha its commander•in•chief in Asia had given satisfaction to tho army. Zarif is well dispo sed to listen to the councils of European offe cars, and especially to Gen. Guyou. Persia is tranquil. The Greek Insurrection. A. despatch from Malta, March 31st, says that the King and Qbeen of Greece have left Ath ens for the frontiers. Correspondence of the 16th states that the French admiral, Barbiec de Tinen, had sailed film Constantinople in the steam frigate Gomer, with energetic orders to King Otho to arrest the hostile movement against Turkey, which were originated and supported from his territory. A Letter from the Czar. The following important despatch in tele graphed: , "Beaux, Monday, April 3 "Prince George of Mecklenburg Strelitz ar rived here yesterday, the bearer of a letter front the Emperor of Ravin to the King of Prussia, in answer to the mission of Gen. Lindheim. "Its tenor is as fdlows t—'When the West ern Powers succeed in securing the emancipa tion of the christians in Turkey by treaty, the Czar will be willing to evacuate the Principal ities, simultaneously with the evacuation of the Black Sea by the combined fleets !'" Miscellaneous. Advices front Constantinople of 28th state that the Grand Mufi, and Infant Puha, Presi dent of the Privy Council, had been dismissed, and men more agreeable to the Western Pow• ern had been appointed. Constantinople was quiet, but the irritation of the ultra Mahomedan party woe extreme. R 113611111 subjects Lad Leen ordered Io town Constantinople within 20 da3s, which Would expire early in April. Mr. Hale, the inventor of the new rocket, and who was recently in difficulty itrthe so-railed Kossuth rocket affairs, is at Constantinople with his projectiles. As an illustration of the undercurrent of po litical intrigue of which the present crisis is fruitful, the Berlin correspondent of a London • paper tnentions that the reigning Duke of Saxe Cobourg, who formerly was so Warm an atilt°- , rent of the kitig of Prussia's plan of a union of German Prinees, instead of the actual Bund, now proposes to erect a consolidated Thuring• lan state, by the fusion of the present Saxon Principalities. Further, he advocates the re erection of a kingdom of Poland, to be put into possession of the present royal family of Saws. ny. It was the mooting of this latter proposi tion that caused the Duke to abridge his recent visit to Vienna—the revival of a Polish nation ality being peculiarly unwelcome to the Aus- Ulan cabinet; a circumatance which did not prevent Isis making it the subject of an inter• eating colloquy at the Turneries. Austria, Although Austria continues to refrain froM any action that can be construed into commit. , ting herself to either side, it is asserted that the passage of the Danube by the Russians has give her a much greater inclination to sidci with the Western powers. With the view of giving both sides of the question, we copy the following despatch tele graphed from Vienna, 31st March : "As soon as Baron Hess returns from Berlin, an Imperi al manifesto may be expected, in which it will be stated that Austria, though she disapproves the steps which Russia is taking, is resolved to remain neutral with the rest of Germany. A German army of 400,000 men makes that neu trality respected. Baron keyendoff has been infcirmed that Russia expects nothing from Austria except neutrality. The Austrian Dank has declined the propo• sition of the Government to make advances on the State domains. Sweden: A Christiana journal states that Russia has recognized the neutrality of Sweden only on the condition which has been accepted by King Oscar, that no more than four foreign ships or war shall enter soy Sweden or Norwegian for , tiled port ut one time. Denmark. The Danish government has issued a deck ration, containing its definition of contraband of war, Which includes horses, Ember for con struction of vessels, tar, copper sheathing, sail. cloth, canvass, hemp, cordage, be., but not coals. No Danish fleets, nor persons acquaint ed with the Danish seas, are allowed to serve On board vessels of the belligerent powers: Curious Historical Fact. .During the troubles in the reign df Charles 1, a country girl came to London in search of a place as a servant maid but riot succeeding, she hired herself to carry out beer from a ware. house, and was one of thoss called tub women. The brewer obseting a good looking girl in thi• low occupation, took her into his family 5.a servant, and after a short time married hr —: He died while she was yet a young wome , and left the bulk his fortune. The hue. , " of brewing dr7pcd and Mr. Hyde wv, mended to the young woman, as a au' • yer, to arrange her husband the was afterwards Earl of ap:endon, finding the widow's fortune considerate, married her. By this marriage there wee no other issue Hyde daughter, who was afterwards the wife of James 11. and mother of Mary and "" Queens of England: