NIIW CLOTHING STORE! Now's the Tillie fbr Bargains !' 30 per • cent. Cheaper than the Cheapest !! lilE undersigned most respectfully announce. to the citizens of Huntingdon nod vicinity, that he has opened one fifth° hest and most splen did assortment of Ready-Made Clothing shut has ever been in the Borough of Huntingdon. He takes pleasure in stating to the public that he is fully prepared to sell Cheaper than the Cheapest! Ile will constantly keep on lint e l the greatest variety of the following articles, via: Superfine Black Dress and Frock Coats, brown and fancy sack coats, pantaloons new style, black and fancy cagsimer6, and cassi net and corduroy. _ Also, a great r ttirety of plain and fancy Summer Pantaloons. Tests, the richest nod most varied assortment ever offered in this place. Boys' clothing, linen shirts, silk under-shirts and drawers. A choice selection of neck tool pocket hand. kerchiefs.—Also a large stock of Hate and Caps, limbrellns.trunks, carpet-kings, and n great many other articles. 1W Persons wishing to buy clothing would do well to call and examine this stock before put. &hosing elsewhere. W Store two doors west of the Post Office. jimitili) MAN. Huntingdon, April 19,1854. THREE CENTS REWARD. RUN away from the subscriber, about the first of April inst., a young girl by the name of REBECCA MORELAND, about 14 years of age, slender make,fresh color,dark hair, broad mouth, smiling hold countenance &c. 1 forewarn all persons from harboring her on my account.— The above reward will be paid to any person who will deliver the above named girl to me at Wurriersmark, Huntingdon 'Jo. Pa. GEORGE SHANK. April 19,1854.-21 TO WOOL CARDERS. TILE undersigned hare for snle a second-hand ed Carding Machine, with all the ne cessary fixtures, which they offer for solo very low. Any ono wishing to purchase wilt do well to call and see it. KESSLER & BRO. Mill Creek, April 12, 1854.-3 m.• ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY. THE undersigned have leased the above named Foundry for a term of years, and are now ready • s+.,, to execute any work belonging to " 4 °•"".; their profession, viz: Conking Stoves of various styles and patterns, for Wood and Coal, Parlor Stoves of all kinds, also Egg Stoves - , Hollow ware of all kinds, Forge and Rolling mill Cast ings, Plows of different kin&., &e., &c. MOCCABEE & WATKINS. April 12, 1854.-41.• Sherifl's Sale. 1)Y virtue of a certain Writ of Levari Midas, I) issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of 'Huntingdon county, and to me directed, I will expose to sale, on the premises, in the Village of Shade Gap, llnntingdon county, on TUURSDAY TIIE UTII DAY 01' MAY NEXT, at ono o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the following described Real Estate, constituting, and known as Millwood Academy, to wit: All that certain Real Estate, Lots, shares of joint stock and parcels or land, with the improve ments thereon, situate in the village of Shade Gap, in the county of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows, to wit t—An undivided interest in Milnwood Academy and the two certain Lots of ground up on which the same is built, the said interest be ing nearly the undivided half, to wit t Seven and a half shares of sixteen shares of joint stock at one hundred dollars per share in the said Acade my and the two certain Lots of ground, aforesaid, upon which the same is built. Each of said Academy Lots lying and being sixty feet in front on the road or street running from the Shade Gap towards the Burnt Cabins and extending back at right angles one hundred end forty feet, adjoining each other, and upon which is erected, as afore said, to large Stone Building forty-eight feet in front by thirty-eight feet hack, three stories high, designed, and built, and occupied and known as "Milnwood Academy." Also, the whole of the following Lots of ground and the buildings thereon erected, to wit : ono other Lot adjoining the above described Academy Lots on the North, being sixty feet in trout, on the street running Iron: the Shade Gap towards the Burnt Cabins, and extending hack at right angles one hundred and forty feet, upon which is erected a large new building for studies and dor mitory, &c. Also, one other Lot, adjoining the Academy Lots before described on the South, being sixty feet in front on the street aforesaid, and extending buck at right angles one hundred and forty feet, upon which is erected a large new School Room and Ball, &c., together with all and singular the interest of the said George T. Bud son in the buildingof Miltiwood Academy. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold RA the property of George T. Hudson, the Mortga gor in the said Writ of Irmri .Earias. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. Sheriff's Mice, April 12, 1854. (AGARS, CANDIES, &e., &e. wholesale and •-• 1 retail, at the cheap store of 1. BRICKER. TUE LATEST ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMER GOODS J. & W. SAXTON / HAVE just received from Philadelphia the largest and best assortment of Spring and Summer Goods ever offered, end at lower prices .than can be purchased at any other house. They are determined to sell lower than can he purchased anywhere east of the Allegheny, and no mistake. If yon wish to be satisfied of the fact, call and see. Dry Goods, sndh as Cloths, Cassimcrs, Satinetts, Tweeds, Childress' ware, Cottonades, woofed. The handsomest assortment of Ladies Dress 'Goods over offered. Also, Trimming of every variety; the best assortment ever offered. - 1660 webs assorted Prints, and every other article usually kept in a country store. Hardware, •of which we always keep the largest and best as• sortment ever kept in this place. Queensware, a magnificent assortment, which we aro selling quitelow, Groceries, are a little up, but we are determined to sell as low if not lower, than any other house,aceording to quality. Cedar and Willow Ware, such as Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Krout Stands, &e. Carpets and Oil Cloths. bealtiful assortment, which will be sold low, call and see and be satisfied of the fact. Hats and Caps, of the very latest and best styles, also Boots and Shoes, the best and cheapest in town, if ytin don't be. Um it, CALL AND svn. We aro also purchasing and storing Grain, and it is admitted on nit hands that wo have the most convenient place for unloading grain in or about town, April 12,1854. T"Egreatest variety of Dress Trimmings, Fans, Cravats, Zellir, Tydo Yarn, Dress Buttons, Ladies Collars, Chemizeits, Fancy Mids., Under Sleeves, Kid and Lyle Thread Gloves, and Hosiery of every variety, jest recei ved and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. ABEAUTIFUL lot of Gents. Gnitors. Indies Guitors and Shoos, Gents. Boots and Shoes, Misses Gaitors and Shoes, of an endless variety, just received and for sale by • J. & W. SAXTON ` , ILK Dress Matterns, Recess de Lanes, Bora- Li sea, and Lawns of every variety and color, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Fancy Cassi• mers, Cloths, Sommer Wear, for men and boys. Also, Carpet Bags, &e., &e., just receiv ed and fur sale by J. 3: W. SAXTON. BLINNETS. of alt sorts and colors, also, Miss' Flats, from 371 to 300, just recoircd and for tale by J. & W. SAXTON. CALL BEFORE YOU PERCIIA.SE. GEORGE GWIN, HAS just received, and opening, at his well known Store in Market Square, the largest and prettiest assortment of Spring and Summer goods ever offered to the people of Huntingdon and vicinity, and is now rapidly selling at unusually low prices. . . My stock comprises in part, Clothe, Cussimers, black and fancy, Sminette a large variety of Satin and Silk Vestings, ientucky and Penna. Jeans, Tweeds, Tickings, brown and blenched Mastitis, Drills, Crash Bags and Bagging, Table Diaper, &e. Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods, Prints in abundance, Miens. de lanes, De Berege, Alpaccas, Lnstres, black and fancy, colored Silks, Cashmeres, Bonnet and Florence Silk Edging Ribbons, fancy Gimp, black silk Lncc, colored Kid Gloves, Gents black do., Linen and Silk Handkerchief's, Italian Cravats, Hosiery, &c. "loots and Shoes . Hardware, Queensware, Glassware and Cedar Ware, Groceries, Hats ana Caps, A great variety of Straw Goods. My stock lien been selected with the greatest care in regard to quality and price, and I flatter myself that I can offer inducements to purchasers not to be found elsewhere. Thankful for the patronage of the past, by my friends, and the public generally, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. C l - - r My old stock of Goads will he sold nt 13 per cent. below cwt. April 12, 1854. ARMITAGE'S Elecfro-Magnet Lightning Rods. AFTER many years' close investigation and numerous experiments, the Patentee takes pleasure in informing the public that be tins arri ved nt the true principles of protecting families, dwellings and property from the destructive in fluence of Lightning. The calamities that every City, Town, Village and Country falls vic tim to nnnually t through the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so easy to obtain—this is found in Armitage's Patent Magnetic Lightning Rods, and in this alone. This Rod has been examined by the most scientific gentlemen in the world—Professors 111 9 11furtrie, Johnson,•Wallor and many others that have ex amined them, recommend nod speak of them in the highest terms of approbation, and have pro nounced them the only safe rods in use in this or any other country, for the protection of Lives and Property. One advantage is to divide and throw hock a part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of leaving the conductor. This rod has runny other advan tages over the old one.. The only place of man ufacturing is in Piste St„ 3 doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia, where all persons are respectfully invited to call and examine tbr themselves. For sale Whole sale and Retail, by 'mos. ARMITAGE. Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash. Recommendations. PIIILADA.. Aug : 13, 1847. I have this day carefully impected a conductor or Lightning (toil. with.vane and index, erected by Mr. Thomas Armitage, on Bellevue House, Gloucester, and have no hesitation in saying that it is not only the hest that I have ever seen, but that it is the only one I have yet examined that is constructed on strictly scientific principles. It is with much pleasure that I recommend this conductor to the attention of owners of buildings. M cMURT I am well satisfied that the Magnetic Lightning Rod, manufactured by Mr. Thomas Armitage, of Philadelphia, is the best that has ever been made• I have spent several years in the study of the laws of electricity and magnetism, and have no hesita tion in saying that these Rods are constructed upon the only principle of safety. Tho electric shock is received and dispensed by the magnet at the top of the rod, and it would be impossible, according to the laws of attraction and repulsion, for a building to be injured by a stroke of light ning when protected by one ol these rods. I have beets acquainted with Mr. Armitage for sev eral years, and before be commenced the mann- Meter° of these rods I examined the principle on which they ace constructed, and ft& convinced that their adoption would be attended with com plete success. The increasing demand for these rods, and the extensive sales in all parts of the country, is ample commendation of their utility and superiority,_ TRACY E. 'WALLER, M. D. Rising Sun, Philnd. en., April 10, 1852. The &lowing extrret is taken frOm an editori al in the Germantown Telegraph, edited by Major FREAB “The bogus rod placed upon our dwelling we have had taken down; and another ereted by Mr. ARMITAGE, to which we would call the attention of our farmers and readers generally. It is put up on true scientific principles, and is a rod that has been approved by the highest authority, and will bear the most thorough examination. Those who hove been deceived, as we have been, should lose no time in having a proper protection against lightning, substituted. The cost is a mere bag atelle when compared with the entire safety of our houses and barns against this destructive ele ment. Mr. ARMITAGE'S advertisement will be found in the columns of this paper; and we feel as though we were performing an imperious duty to the community, by thus inviting to it general attention.” PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 4, 1852. Mr. T. ARMITAGE, Vine Street, wost of Twelfth Stre'et, Philadelphia. MY ncan Stn: After a trial of many weeks, it afibrds me great pleasure to infortn you that I Om highly delighted with the lightning rod you placed upon my house at Bustlctom As far us my chemical knowledge enables me to perform an opinion, I am satisfied you have developed the correct principles in the adaptation of rods to protect property from destruction by lightning; as soon as the advantages of your arrangements are understood, I nm convinced that tow persona will be found so reckless as to fail to avail themselves of the protection afforded by your rods. Wishing you all success in your enterprise, I ant wears truly, JAMES 11IeCLINTOCK, M. D., No. I, North Eleventh Street, Pt ()lessor of Anatomy, Philadelphia College of Medicine. SAMUEL HOOVER, Iluet!Eton, Union Co., Pa., Is Agent for Huntingdon, and adjoining counties, and will furnish the Rods on the same manner as the Proprietor. Any person desiring to ho sup plied with the Rods can leave their order with the Editor of the Journal, or with Gullies Miller, of the Rail Road Hotel. April 12,'54.-2m. NEW GOODS! AND PLENTY OF THEM, AT 1112 fir e /A2LP naaait DAVID P. MIN I have just received, and am non• opening, on the corner opposite Conte' Hotel, n large and beautiful assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of Cloths, Cassimers, Fancy and Plain, Silks, Fancy and Black, Berege Dclnins, Bereges, Bard Goblins, Lawns, Ginghams, Listens, Mn,.. lins, and prints of every description. Hosiery, Gloves, Silk Mitt::, Long nod Short, Veils, Col lars, Under-sleeve,, Ribbons, Shawls, and to va riety of DRESS GOODS too numerous to men tion. Also, a large assortment of Bonnets, Hats and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, mid Hardware, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Carpet Bags, Clothes and Market Baskets, Buckets, Churns, Tabs, &e. The public are respectfully invited 'to call and examine my Goods, as I ant determined to sell them cheap. All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex change for Goods at the highest market prices. ILuntingdon, April 5, 1851. TUST receivinr, this week, Mackerel, Herring, &c., and for solo by J. &W. SAXTON. JJUST received and for solo, Hain. Sbuuh'e:, Side, Dried Beef, Lake Trout, White hti. , also Dried reaches, Dried Apples, &e., c., for sulo by J. & W. SAXTO,. GARDEN SEEDS For sale at the Chen Store 01 J. BRICKER. BIM ALEX. CARMON, HAVING removed extensive Store to No. 1, McMillan's 116 w, formerly occupied by IT. K. Simonton, is now prepared to accommodate his old customers, and , the public generally, with splendid and fnshionable asssortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, His assortment consists of Dry Goode, Groceries, Hardware, Queensworc, and all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as sortment of __ Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety. Also, Hats; Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of goods of all kinds. Country produce taken in exchange for goods, at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, April 5, 1834. Great Artists' Union Enterprisel! I 250,000 Irr7 jNECIPIEG STA T All Y. $40,000 OIL PAINTINGS, - 10,000 ENGRAVINGS, colored in oil, 45,000 STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS. 41,000 CASH LOANS, for 100 years each, 30,000 REAL ESTATE, 84,000 TOTAL, $250,000 The American Artists' Union, would re spectfully announce to the citizens of the Uni ual States and the Canadas, that for the pur pose of the advancement and extension of the Fine Arts, and with a view of enabling every family throughout the length and breadth of theland,to become possessed of a gallery of pic tures, many of them the work of master minds. and finally, for tho purpose of giving a world wide circulation to Darley's Great Picture of Wyoming They have determined to distribute among the purchasers of this work, Price, $l,OO, 250,- 000 gifts, of the value of $250,000. LIST OF GIFTS, Marble Statuary, $40,000. 100 fine busts of Washington, at $lOO $lO,OOO 100 " " Clay, 100 10,000 100 " " Webster, 100 10,000 100 " Calhoun, 100 10,000 Oil Paintings and colored Steel Engravings. 50 elegant Oil Paintings, each $lOO. in splended gilt frames, 5,000 size 3 x 4 feet. 100 Oil Paintings, 2x3 R. each $5O, 6,000 500 steel plate Engravings, brilliantly colored in oil, rich gilt frames, 24 x 30 inches, each $lO, ki,ooo _ 10,000, elegant steel plate Engravings, Colimed in oil, of the Washington Monument, 20 x 26, each $4, $40,000 237,000 steel plate Engravings, from 100 dif ferent plates, now in possession of, and own• ed by the Artists' Union of the market value of, from 50 ets to 1,00, each, $ll,OOO REAL ESTATE, $81,009. 1 fine Dwelling,in 32d et. in N. Y. city,sl2,ooo 22 building lots in 100 and 101st sts. New York City, each 25 x 100 ft. deep, each $lOOO, $22,000 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 sq. in the suburbs of New York city, and com manding a magnificent view of the Hudson River and Long Island Sound; each. $3OO, $30,000 LOANS OF CASIL $30,000. 20 loans of cash, for 100 yrs. each, without in terest or security, 250 each, $5,000 50 " " " 100 " 5,000 100 " "' " 50 " 5,000 250 " " " 20 " 5,000 2000 " " " 5 " 10,000 The holder of each ticket, is entitled, first, to a steel plate engraving, (size 25 x 30 in.) of the Great American Historical work of Art 7J 1 1 7 / 6 . j',ll:FErk,,> A copy of which may be seen at the office of this paper, and second, to one of the 230,000 Gifts, which will be distributed on the comple• ticon of the sale of the tickets. The purchaser of 5 tickets, on the receipt of his order, will be forwarded, carefully packed, either one copy of the "Wyoming," elegantly painted in oil colors, or one copy of the "Wy oming," plain, and one copy of each of four other engravings, equal to it in value, and is entitled to 5 gifts. The purchaser of more than 5 tickets, can bane his choice out of .100 different subjects, front steel plates owned by the Artists' Union, each picture being in value equivalent to the "Wyoming," and is entitled to ono gift for each ticket he holds. A list of the subjects eau be seen at the office of thi paper. AGENTS.—Persons desirint , to become Agents, for the sale of tickets; by' forwarding (post-paid,) $l, shall be sent a Gift Ticket, a copy of Wyoming, and prospectus, containing all necessary information. It is confidently believed, that the tickets will be disposed of by the first of July, when the distribution of Gifts will be entrusted to a , Committee appointed by the ticket holders. The steel plates from which the Engravings aro printed, can be seen at the office of the Artists' Union, and cost, $lOO,OOO. Speci. mens of the Oil Paintings and Engravings, are also on view at the rooms. References, in regard to the property.—W. C. Barritt, Esq., Counsellor at Law, 10 Wall St. N. Y., F. J. Visscher & Co., Real Estate Brokers, 80 Nassau St. N. Y. All orders for tickets, must be addressed post-paid, with the money enclosed, to J. W. HOLBROOKE, SEC'. 505 Broadway, New York. April 12, '5-1.-3m. MILK WOOD ACADEMY. xt. H. Morrow, A. 8., Principal; S. Campbell, Associate Principal. rpms institution is located at Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa. on the Coach-Route from Mt. Union Penna. R. R. to Chambers. burg-17 miles from the former place, and 25 from the latter. Hence it is easy of access at all times from the above, or intermediate points. The Summer Session will commence—Wed nesday April 26th. Students from a distance are required to hoard in the Institution with the principals. For further information address, S. Campbell, Shade Gap. P. S. The pending Sale of the property will not interfere with the arrangements in regard to the School. April sth '5l-it. PITTSBURGH PROVISION WAREHOUSE. CW ELLS &ADO., Pork Packers and , Wholesale Prevision Dealers, No. 325, Liberty st., Pittsburgh, will keep on hand, ready to supply at all times and en the shortest notice, choice and reliable articles in their line of business and upon accommodating terms. Their main stock will consist of Bacon, Lard Oil, Lard,Sugarcured Hams, Dried Beet, &e. They have also made arrangements for an early supply of Lake Superior White Fish and Mack inaw Trout, in bids. and hall bhls., and which, cooling direct from the extremest Northern \voters, will he very much superior to those alloy other catch, and they will be able to oiler these favorite articles nt lower rates than the inferior or Southern catch are senplied to this market. C. Wells & Co., desire to call the attention of DEALEIIB and InoN MEN, particularly, to their stock of BACON, in the selection and prepara tion of which particular attention has been given to the quality, so as to otter to customers the most reliable article. Orders will receive prompt attention. [Morel 09, 1854.-3 m. - nr. Jas. 111 , Clintock% Family Medicines tbr sale 1)y HORACE W. small. Huntingdon, Mureu 29, 1821.-3 mi TREASURER'S SALE OE' Unsealed Lands S9ld for Ta‘es up to and Including 1552. WHEREAS, by an net of the General As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "An aet to amend an eel direetinq tlo ;node ,?,1* eellioq unseated hada for loxes and other purposes," passed lath March, 1815, and the other nets apon that subject; the Treasurers of the several counties within this Commonwealth are directed to commence on the 2nd Monday in June in theyear 18 Mend at the expiration of eve ery two years thereafter,and adjourn front day to day, if it be necessary so to do, and make public sale of the whole or nay part ofsuch tracts of un seated land, situate in the proper county,as will pay the urrearages of the taxes which shall then have contained duo and unpaid for the space done' year helbro, together with all costs necessarily accruing by reason of such delinquency, gm.— I, JOSEPH M. STEVENS. Treasurer of the county of Huntingdon, do therefore hereby give notice that upon the following tracts of unseated land, situate as herein described, the several sums stated are “tII3 arrearages of the taxes, res pectively, doe and unpaid for one year: and that, in pursuance of the direction of the aforesaid act of Assembly, I shall, on Monday time 12th day of Juno next, at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, commence the Public Stale of the whole or any pact of such tracts of unseat ed lands, upon which all or any part of the taxes herein specified shall then he due, and continue such sale, by adjournment, until all the tracts op• on which the taxes shall remain due awl unpaid, be sold. JOSEPH M. STEVENS, Treasurer of Huntingdon County. Treasurer's Office, April 5, 1854. 5 A. Pr. Warrantees or Ounces. Taxes. Barren Township: 399 62 Wm. Shannon & James Ash, 10 34 433 83 George Bight.; 9 18 Brady : 54 Lewis Igow 1 39 411 Abraham Duffield, 10 56 446 Jesse Hawkins, 11 45 302 44 Joseph Webb. 8 14 378 37 Benjamin Gibbs, 9 79 435 85 Samuel Ayres, 22 34 409 47 George Envy or Evans, 10 53 43 39 Andrew l Bel, 1 01 34 Joseph Hart.ler, 93 220 Levi King, 4 12 397 James Watson, 7 24 Cromwell: Walter B. Hudson, 1 52 Coss 400 S. Caldwell owner W. Miller, 459 400 S. Caldwell owner R. Miller, 459 Clay: 413 126 Ephraim Galbreath, 17 11 200 Wilson McLain, 4 56 150 John Hudson's heirs, owners 243 215 Favourite's heirs, 2 09 14 Benjamin Bollinger, 45 Dublin: 41G 88 Titus Harvey, 400 John Forrest, Franklin 92 20 John Cannon, 9 98 11 John Partner, 80 Henderson: 174 144 A. P. Knepp, 10 40 40 Henry Gates ; owner, 2 19 41 John Fritz, 30 8 John Whitehead, 49 Jackson: 413 Hillary Baker, 2 GO 400 Thomas Russell, 2 56 400 Thomas Ralston, 2 56 400 David Ralston, jr., 2 56 400 David Ralston, 2 50 400 Ephraim Jones, 400 George Hess, 400 Robert Johnston, 400 Charles Caldwell, 422 115 Thomas Dean, 400 John Mains, 400 Henry West, 400 Alexander Johnston, 400 Hugh Johnston, 400 Thomas McCune, 400 John Russell, 400 John Ralston, 400 James West, 400 Samuel Steel, 400 William Steel, 420 21 Samuel Callan, 393 09 Abraham Dean, 400 James Fulton, 400 Robert Caldwell, 400 Mat hew Simpson, 400 John Fulton, 400 John Galbreath, 400 Joseph McCune, Porter 30 Greenbeyry Dorsey, 2.19 87 Ann Brown, 408 80 Mary Brown, 70 E. B. Dorsey, 429 62 Elizabeth Brown, 483 152 Andrew Cone, 446 115 John Capp, 416 102 Robert Irwin, 76 107 Samuel Fisher, 400 Ruth Green, 277 Henry Green, 46 60 Eleanor Wallaster, 402 William Smith, 294 John S. Isett, Shirley: 450 64 James McMullen, 411 80 Peter Wertz, 240 120 Benjamin Brown, 4141 Samuel Kenetly, Springfield 450 James Old, Tell 341 31 John Caldwell, Tod 233 Neal Clark, 4 13 439 51 Jno. Dougherty &G. W. Speer, 4 92 438 40 Jno. Dougherty &G. W. Speer, 2 42 271 85 John Than, 3 63 242 51 William Man, 2 26 322 52 John Murphy, 2 89 100 Samuel Newcomer, 2 71 400 98 Lane Houston, 1 78 409 09 Nancy Davis, ' , 1 79 75 Henry Roads, 69 203 George Rnoblough, 1 24 400 Johanna Houston, 3 30 100 Jonathan Pen, 43 150 John Pearson, 94 390 John Philips, 1 75 311 George Buchanan, 4 74 353 . David Lapsley, 2 05 400 Jelin Chambers, 5 92 . _- 175 Joseph Brown, 4 60 97 William Galbraith, 44 400 Razin Davis, 2 50 400 . James Witter, 180 Union: 200 John Vandyke, 5 82 300 Samuel Caldwell, 13 08 429 64 James Fee, 14 44 60 Sarah Elliott, 1 65 181 78 Robert Fen, 6 27 414 37 David Feu, 12 06 355 116 William Foa, 10 32 420 69 George Fea, 12 24 155 34 Rebecca Bloget, 3 17 40 140 Rebecca Smith, 1 18 20 18 Benjamin Elliott, 75 294 37 William Ewing, 8 40 39 Samuel Richards, 1 89 113 William Philips, 1 83 35' Andrew Johnston, GO _ West: 437 William Miclmenor, 11 32 428 Thomas Miehenor, 11 13 379 Robert Watson, 9 82 10 William Read, 66 129/ John Jackson, 3 34 125 Williams Watson, 2 76 30 Wm. MeElroyk Wm. Reed, 78 \\'nikcr 80 Charles Smith, 2 84 381 Richard Smith, 22 5G 422 39 Hugh Liturish, 11 98 412 78 Rudolph Lauri:ill, 11 72 110 Samuel Findley, (on half of) 1, 63 437 18 John Patton, 16 56 150 Samuel Caldwell, (owner) . 1 96 1 ... Warviorsm'aA 322 31 John HMI, 200 73 John MnthewB. Real Estate returned by the several Col lectors in pursuance with the 41st section of tlte act or Assembly of 99th April, 1844, entitled an act to reduce the State debt, and to incorporate the land and Rail Road Company, &c. Dame towns'hip. 1 Furnace and 1 Forge, as Lands of Wm. ,t Andrew Couch, owners, Brady St John F. Cotter°ll, 20 James Drake's Estate, Jackson 17 Charles Ackley, owner, 2 75 415 140 John Paywell, 16 86 Franklin : 100 John McCallnn k of this tract, 30 4G Tell: 150 John Patterson's heirs, 5 74 100 John Patterson's heirs, 1 94 700 John Patterson's heirs, 4 54 100 William Anderson, owner, 3 19 Springfield 400 David Blair, West : 100 Elisha Shoemaker, S 82 103 Elisha Shoemaker, 8 46 300 John Bowen's heirs, owners, 4 75 Public Sale. THE subscriber, wishing to quit business, will Wet. at Public Outcry, on SATURDAY, the 29th day or April, on his premises, at Paradise Furnace,Tod township, Huntingdon county, the following property, viz:-4 Mitch Cows, 8 head Young Cattle, 10 , Hogs, 2 large Wagons, ' 2 Sleds, (4 f "t . "l 6 sett hors::: Gears, Wagon Lad ...—ders, Ploughs, Harrows, a Fanning Mills, and.a variety of other farming utensils too tedious to mention. Also, at the same time, a lot of Store Goods, consisting' of Dry Goods. Queens ware, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, &c., Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A credit of six months wilt he given to those purchasing any amount exceeding three dollars. CHARLES MICKLEY Parndi®e Furnnce, April 5, Executor's Notice. LETTERS Testamentary on the Estate of Su gunnel' Shade, late Susannah Levi, Into of the Borough of Huntingdon, dee'd., having boon .granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. A. W. BENEDICT, April 5, 2 54.-61. Executor. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration haring, been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of John Shade, late ofthe Borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon county, deed., all persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present thorn duly authenticated for settlement. PETER N. MARKS, Admr. March 22, 's4.—it. ROBBED, BUT NOT DISHEARTENED. Brilliant Digolay of Jewelry. rptiE public generally, and the rascals who, 1 some time since, entered my store and remo ved valuables to the amount of about SUMO without my permission, are informed that I have just opened a more general and better assortment of articles in my line of business than was ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Reives, e t .,, , Pistols, Perfumery, Port Mom._ - mica, Silver Ware, and Fancy Articles, &e., &e. My old friends and customers, end the public in general throughout the county, are requested to call and examine my assortment. EDMUND SNARE. Huntingdon, March 29, 1954. iiirANKS....AIWn vs buy your Blanks nt the "Journal Office." WC hare now prepared a ve ry superior art iele of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS, JUDGMENT NOTES, 81231MONS', EXEC U. noNs, NOTICE. ITENRY CORNPROBST having, ust re• 1 I turned from Philadelphia with a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Crockery-ware, embracing the usual variety of a country store, which be has been enabled to purchase up• on terms permitting him to compete successfully with any other store in the vicinity, would res pectfully solicit the patronage of his friends and customers, and would endeavor to merit the ap probation, as he is well satisfied of his ability at present, to suit the tastes and accommodate the wishes of the public at large. Ile is prepared to sell very low for CISIT.— Country Produce taken in exchange at the most reasonable rates. March 29, 1854. 2 .56 6 86 2 56 2 56 2 56 2 56 $OO,OOO GIFTS FOR THE PEOPLE. PROFESSOR HIRT'S GRE.4 T GIFT EN TERPRISE OF TILE• WHOLE WORLD. PROFESSOR J. WOODMAN HART would respectfully inform the citizens of New-York and the world at large; that, fur the purpose of enabling all to see his wonderful illustration of the entire world, (the first and only thing of the kind ever produced.) now on exhibition at the World's Hall, Nos. 377 and 379 Broadway, and for the purposo 01 popularizing American Art: and also of giving a world-wide circulation to his renown ed "Book of Travels, Adventures nod Anecdotes,' which should be read by the million. ho will dis tribute among the purchasers of his tickets of ad mission the following magnificent and valuable Gifts, amounting to the sum total of $300,000. LIST OF GIFTS. Prof. Hart's Whole World, worth an immense fortune to nay one, valued at $50,000 00 Prof. Hart's Elegant Country Seat, with 100 acres of land in a high state of cultivation. the buildings on which ecst $15,000, situated on Long Island Sound, tmd commanding a 16 17 cent view of 30 miles in every direr. lion, valued at fie"Cjchiiiie;l Model of the City of San Francisco, valued at 8,000 00 Prof. Hart's far-famed Panorama of the Holy Lend, kiiirignilleenijity Residence in N. Y. 17,000 00 100,000 Volumes of Prof. Hart's ex tensir•e Travels in the Old zoul New World, interspersed with remarkable Adventnres, Amusing Anecdotes, & Thrilling Incidents, elegantly bound, with gilt edges, including a portrait of the author 73,000 00 • Twenty-five Building Lots, each eon• raining 10,000 square feet, in a b ent, tiful village in the auburbs of 2.i. York City, each valued at $5OO, 12,500 CO Thirty elegant Rosewood Piano Fortes, at $3OO 9,000 00 5 a a a 500 2,500 00 20 " " Ifigodiane, 100 2,000 00 50 " Gold Watches, 100 5,000 00 100 " a a 75 7,500 00 100 " " " 50 5,000 00 200 " " " 25 5,000 00 100 " " Bracelets, 15 1,500 00 1000 " " Rings, 2 2,000 00 2000 " " " 1 2,000 00 200 sets elegant Silver Tea. spoons, 5 1,800 00 50 " " " Dessert 2 7 1 7 ' is, " " Table. 12 000 00 spoons, 18 450 00 20,000 vols. Sirs. Partington's carp!t bog of . . fun, at 50 etc. 10,000 00 30,000 pieces of the most Fashionable Music, at 25 etc. 7,500 00 35,000 elegant steel engravings,2s ets. 8,750 00 80,000 finely engraved pocket maps of the city of Xew York, 14,127 75 31,089 Porte-monnales, at 25 etc. 7,772 25 A loon for 100 years, without interest, or secu rity, of Cash, 10,000 00 It is confidently believed that the tickets will nll he sold, and the property will be distribu• ted by the first of June, . _ . The property will be placed in the hands of a Committee appointed by the ticket holders, to be distributed in a perfectly fair and satis factory manner to all concerned. The price of tickets is $1 each, entitling the the holder to four admissions to the txhibi tion, and one of the 300,000 gifts. All orders for tickets must be addressed, post paid, with the money enclosed, to Prof. J. Woodman Hart, Nos. 377 and 379 Broadway World's Hall, New-York. and the tickets will be promptly forwarded to any part of the world. Any inforthatlon relative to the property may he obtained at the dike of the World's Hall, or of F. J. Visseher & Co,, No, SO Nassau St. New York. March 29,'54.-3m. 500 Cod Fish. lust received and fo sale by & W. SAXTOY. Shieleysburg Female Seminary, Rev. JAMEA CAMPBELL, A. M., Principal. 71 42 Juniata Academy, ITUGH J. CAmrialid., A 8., 1 p ri „ cipa i s. A. C. FENDALT., Summer Session of these Institutions 1 commences on Wednesday, thr sth of Afiw, and continues five months. 'Obey are situated in the retired Village of Shirleysburg, in the heart of ono of the most lovely and fertile vallies of the Alleghenies. In it rural district, among one of the plainest and simplest people of Penusylvania, apart from the bustle and evils of a thoroughfare, or large town, convenient of access from all sides, with a community noted for its temperance and morali ty, and possessing a healthy and Innen:illy beau tiful situation, this Village presents advantages for Literary Institutions, which strike the eye of every visitor. Each one possesses new and com modious buildings, end a full corps of teachers.— .They are under entirely seperato government and instruction, being situated about a quarter of a mile apart, and having nothing in common ex cept that the use of the Academy Apparatus is given to the Seminary. The course of instruction is thorough and ex tensive, embracing the branches usually taught in such lii,titittions. nese Schools offer two principal inducements; first, the most extensive and complete Philosophical and Chemical Appar atus in this section of the State, to Is hich Proles soy FENDALL has made the valuable addition of his choice collection of Astronomical end Mathe matical Instrutnents, including a fine Astronotni cal Telescope; second, the cheapness of the terms. Wishing to render their I rmitutions, as far as they canmecessibletoall,the Principals intro redu ced the price of hoarding to the lowest possible sum. The regular expenses at the Female Sem inars, excluding the ornamental branches, are 550,00 per session, while at other similar Instituz lions the prices vary from $58,00 to $OO,OO per session. In the Academy, the whole expense of tuition, boarding, washing, fuel, light and room rent, will vary from $45,00 to $50,00 per session. The whole number of pupils at both schools, for the past year, was upwards of UM. Special class es formed for those wishing to qualify themselves for teacher,. 11 79 A Fancy Department will be added to the Sem inary, in which a course of lessons of 4 to c weeks will ho given in Gilding and Bronzing, on wood and Stone, Embroidery on Satin, Crape, Lam Muslin, et cetera. Young Mies that wish it, can receive instruction in this department atone, which will only require their attendance at the Seminary for the time of the course. Terms $3,00. Tuition payable in Adrauce. No pupils admit ted for less than half a seslion. No deduction for absence, except in cases of protracted sick ness. For circulars and further information ad dress (post paid) the Principals, Shirleysburg, March 29, 1854,3 m, Real Estate for Sale. THE undersigned offers at private sale, the house and lot and premises on which he now resides, situate on the corner of Washington and Montgomery streets in the Borough of Hunting don. Also a house and lot of ground on Rail Road street, in said Borough, on the Northerly side of said street, adjoining Daniel Afri ca, Esq., on the West, and Henry Africa, on the East. Also a Tract of Wood-laud, situate in Henderson township, Huntingdon County, idiom two and a half miles front the Penna. Rail Road and Canal, niljoining lands of John Porter, Esq.. Michael Bolinger, Numer and others, contain ing two hundred and eighty acres or thereabouts. Terms of sale will be made known on application to the undersigned. JAMES STEEL. Huntingdon March 22, 1854.—tf. Stoves, Cauldrons and Forges. THE undersigned would respectfully 1 call the attention of Merchants and others who are in want of a first rate' Stove .ot , -•• Stove for either Wond or Coal, to their extensive stock of COOK STOVES, comprising a greater assortment than can be found at any oth er establishment in the City. They would also invite the attention of Hotel Keepers to their ce lebrated Buck Conk, 3 sizes, capable of cooking fur front No to noo persons. Also the Globe Cook, Capitol do., Complete do., Yocum do., Ilagar do., and a number of others. Purellasnrs would do well to give them a cull before poncho , sing elsewhere. Also, Cauldrons with furnaces attached for scalding hogs, rendering lord. and boiling !boil for stock. Sole Agents for QUEEN'S PATENT PORTABLE _ "NEMAN & WARNICK, (Successors to PottA & Yocum and I'. F. lin ger & Co., N. E. Cor. of 2nd and Race streets, Philadelphia. [March 22, '21.-3m. J. STEWART DENY, at 223 North Seem. Street, below Collow hill, PIIILADELPITIA: has on hand, asplendid assortment of Velvets, Tapestry, Brussels, c, 2 Three Ply, Ingrain, and Venitian CARPETS: e besides Druggets, Canton and Cocoa MAT- g Winsow Shades, Door Matte, Floor and Table otr, c wilts, Stair Rods, Dearth Rugs, &c. Also, the SAME, at his other "STORE, Corner of Bth and SPRIN4 GAR DEN STREET, under the Spring Garden House..—WHOLESALE and RETAIL. March 22,1834.-6 m. RAGS WANTED. TIEING EXTENSIVELY ENGAGED IN THE MANUFACTURE Olf PAPER, we will pay to Country Merchants and others having Rags for sale, more than the present market prices —CABI7. JESSUP & MOORE, Paper Manufacturers, PIIMADELPIHA—Nos. 24 and 26 North St. (Ist Street below Arch, between sth and Gth.) March 22, 1854.-2 m. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. 25,000 00 John Stone & Sons, No. 45 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Hare now in Store of their own importation, a large and handsome assortment of RIBBONS. SILKS, FLOWERS. CRAPES, and every article suitable to the Millinery Trade, to which constant addi,ion will be made through out the season, thereby enabling them to offer the hugest and most desirable selection of articles in their line to be found in the City. Philadelphia, March 22, 1854.-2 m. 10.000 00 Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of Administration having been I granted to the undersigned, on the estate of George Chesholm, late of Barret) township, Huntingdon county deed., all persons knowing themselves indebted will make immediate pay ment, and those having claims will present them properly adjusted for settlement. S. IV MYTON, Administrator. March 22, '54.-6t.• BONNETS, MILLINERY GOODS, &C. nALVER has now in store and is daily receiv ing from Mannfheturers and Importers, a handsome assortment of, Blum, LACE and LAwn BONNETS, Favton and AMERICAN FLOWERS, "Winona, Smits, LAWNS and a gen eral assortment of Mil.t.tramy Also, now manutitctu ring WIRE and BUCKRAM FRAMES and Cnowxs, of the latest French and English patterns. MERCHANTS and MILLINERS aro invited to call and examine before purchasing, being confident that his styles and prices will compare favorably wills those of any other establishment. WM. G. MIXER, Igo. 59, North 2nd at., Phila. Starch Ft, 1224,3 m. Notice WE can now furnish the Joel Dawson Cut ting. Box, manufactured by Wm. Loutstt 8, Co., of this place, and will be delivered at any point on Canal or Penna. R. Road. A simple and storable arrangement; sell-feed ing, and will cut hay, straw, or corn-fodder, any desired length. A trial is solicited, and warranted to giro sat isfaction. Price $lO Cash. KESSLtR & BRO. Milt Creek, Bunt. co., Pa., March 1,'04.-6m. A beautiful as,ltmcat of Silk - Dress Patterns, .t Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining, just receiv ed and for sale by J. & W. SAvrox. 'FIST received a beautiful assortniebt of Scot t/ iped and Plain Velvet Itibixms, by J. & W. SAXTON. A FRESH supply of Ginghums, Cheek, and shambrar, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Take. Notice, T HE undersigned having closed busieess, hero * by gives notice to all persons indebted to hint to call and settle their accounts on or before the first of May next, as he is going to leave this part of the country; also, all those having elnitns will present them for settlement. All macaw ts unser tied at that tune will be left in the halide of it proper officer for collection. JOHN N. SWOOPg. Alexandria, Feb. 15, 1854. WILL/AMSBURG ACADEMY; Situated in the.Tiilage.utWilliatus- ------- --• burg, Blair'Caunty. Pa. THIS institution, which has been in successful operation since the year 1848, is designed to prepare the pupil for active bueinoss pursuits, or for admission into any of our Colleges. This in stitution offers every facility to those who wish to qualify themselves for instructors in oar Com mon Schools. Young man will be received and prepared for entering the higher classes of any . College in the State. The School is divided into two departments', the Classical and English. In the Classical de partment instruction is given in Latin and - Greek. I and such English studios as are requisite to fit young men for College. In the English depart ment a course or instruction is given, which is intended to tit the pupil for active pursuits in life. The plan embraces a thorough course of instruc tion with a view to preparation for College. Teaching, or Business. Instruction is given in French and Gerraan. Timms are moderate. Tile . summer session will commence on Monday, April 9d. Boarding eon be had at the boarding house, or in private Fur further particulars address, postage pre • paid, JOHN MILLER, Principal, or any of the gentlemen shore names are affixed. JOHN K. NEM JOSHUA ROLLER, . 7 ? ORO. W. SMITH, •ff • SAMUEL DEAN, PHILIP ROLLER, • Williamsburg, Blair co., March I, '54.-2m. rU'ArA moues, GRAIN ck LVMiiZR Commission Merchants, Nos. 23 & 25, Spear's Wharf, 11.ALTINCORM. Ilr.rEn TO- John Clark, Esq., President Citizens Bank, BM A. I'. Giles, Esq., Outlier, Franklin Bank, Jolla Hensler, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Regan, Sinniekson Co., • J. Tome. Esq., Presd't Cei,ll Hank, Port Deposit J. Wallower & Son. Harrisburg. II : C. Eger, Selinsgrove. J. H. App&Co., Nagle, Windgate & Co., Milton. W. W Cooke Fcii Munev Simon Schuyler, Esq., '• George Bodine, Hughesville W. Weaver & 00., Ilontoursville T. W. Lloyd, Cashier, Williamsport Gen. W. F Packer, James H. Haling, Esq., " Lewis G. Baling, 'McHenry & Rubb, Jersey;Shore, J. I'. Milling, Lock Haven._ tar Ca tai . ;Giese & Co., have the largest wharf room of any Commission House in Baltimore, al ways giving quick despatch to boats in discharg ing their cargoes. [Feb. B,'s4.—fm. liIIIIOII2E2VIViI To THE INVALIDS OF HUNTINGDON $l,OOO Reward PULVERMACHER'S Hydro-Electric Voltaic Chains, ARE for the first time introduced to the people of Iluntingdon end vicinity, as the most eon.- eiceitud, and strictly scientific mode of instantly relievina and permanently coring ell NERVOUS DISEASES. Now we know that an announcement similar to' the above meets the eye of the reader almost dai ly, and perhaps this may be classed with many others. list listen or you do us injustice. It is claimed that Pulvermacher's Islectrie•Chain, is the only magnetic remcdical agent that is secured by patent, granted by this government, on the ground that it was a strictly useful and scientific article. The Chains arc now on exhibition at the Crystal Palace, and attract much attention front the thousands who daily visit it. MODE OF USE. The manner of using the chains is very simple. The chain is first Inas:cued whit nommen vinegar, and then ono cud of the chain is applied to the part where the pain is located, and the other end opposite to the first. The ends of the chain should never touch each other. At the moment of ap plication, the most acute pais is instantly relieved, wherever is is located, by the passing through the part a constant current of uninterrupted alectro magnetism. In the following diseases, no other remedy has over given such complete and perfect satisthetion to the patient as Pulvermacher's Chains: Rheumatism, Painful and swelled Joints, Pains in the Back, Deafness, Blindness, Paraly sis, Neuralgia in the Face, Long standing Ner vous Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Gener al Debility, Dyspepsiii, Female Diseases, Asthma, Contracted Joints, Pc. 1000 DOLLARS will be given to any person who will produce so many well authenticated certificates of cure from intelligent patients and scientific physicians, of the above diseases ' as has been performed by the use of the Electric Chain during the past year. ANOTHER FA‘.3l`. It is truly the fact that wherever the electric chains have been introduced, bottled nostrums and common lard have greatly diminished in sale. people having become disgusted with the practice of using their stomachs for drug shops. RECOMMENDATIONS. The Electric Chains are highly recommended by Professors Mott, Van Buren, Post and Carno- Ann, of New York; are also in daily use in every Hospital in that city. The chains will last for years, are Mt.:vs ready for use, and produce no injurious results, when need as directed. PEMALE DISEASES. The introduction of the Electric Chain into this country is the dawn of a new era in medicine.— During the last twenty years, it can safely be es timated that tot (descend females have died year ly from this one disease, PIWLAPSUS UTERI It is well known to medical men that this corn , mon disoase is beyond the reach of medicine, and that in proportion to the amount of medicine giv en, the niece the patient is doomed to suffer, and sooner will death deco the scene. During the last 2 years more than one thousand cases of Prolepsas Uteri (falling of the womb) have been permanently cured in England unit France. Most of those cases were ladies of high standing, who had previously tried all other kinds of treatment with no benefit. Among the distin guished hates that have been eared in Paris is the present queen of France. In this country, du ring the last year, One hundred canes have been cured in the city of New York, many who have allowed their names to be published for the bene fit of those sufferinF, with similar complaints.— The mode of use is simply to apply one end of a 30 link chain to the spine just above the hips, and the other end upon the abdomen, and allow the chain to remain for one hour. This to be repeat ed forte times during the twenty-four hours. CIIIIONIC RHEUMATIS3I, Tile Electric Chains never fail to relieve the severe pairs and swelling incident to this disease. The worst forms of this disease readily yield to a few applications of a chain, and in no single in stance have they failed to give instant relief, if therdid not effect a permanent cure. All persons who are victims of this usual winter complaint, are kindly invited to call and obtain a pamphlet of HORACE W. SMITH. Agent for Hun tingdon county, who will also explain their mode of ate. Iht;eleetric chains can be sent by mail to ady port of the United States, by addressing (post paid) any of the agents in the principal cities, or Joseph gteinert, 568, Broadway Now York. JOSEPH BTEINERT, Gen. Agent, 560 Broadway, N. Y. January 18, 1854.-Iy. Asnperibr article of Btiridag Fluid for sale at the store of GEO. GWIN. CARPET BAGS and MUFFS,irtst reeeited and for sale by J. & W. SAMTOtt. iIIISKET constantly on hand and for sale by the Bauch at the cheap store of .1. BRICKER. 100 bushels of Ohio Cloverseed, just receir. ed and for sale by J. & W. tiAXTO.V. AFRESH supply of Garden *rede 4 from rise Fredonia Gardens,just received and for self by J. & W. SAXTOT,