' HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. ----;••, r , • ~..,........., ii:Ar.,......„,,, .4„..„...„,. .. A,.....„ 4,,,, ~.,', -- : Illk t•fr i--4. _-- = --` ' 5,..-'!_ , .h ' 4 -,-. • , %;.` -. , -, 2 , : . N Wednesday Morning, March 29, 1144. WILLIAM BREWSTER, Editor. CIRCULATION 1000. WHIG STATE TICKET s FOR GOVERNOR, lames Pollock, of Northumberland en. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, George Barrie, of Allegheny co. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, Daniel M. Sinyeer, of Montgomery co. tr t e WOOD WANTED. We want a few cords of good wood at this ()r -ace. Will those friends who intend to pay their subscriptions in wood, oblige us by sanding it in immediately. Religious Notice. The fey. A. K. BELL kill preach, Providence permitting, on Saturday evening next, and on Sabbath morning and evening, in the Baptist Church at this place. New Advertisements. Public Sale of Land, by John A. Buckley. Henry Cornprobst is ready to supply the com• munity, and the "rest of mankind", with goods at low rates. If you don't believe Snare sells his goods cheap, just drop in and see. C. Wells & Co., offer Provisions cheap, at their Ware. house, No 325, Liberty st., Pittsburg. See ad vertisement of Shirleysburg Female Seminary and Juniata Academy. 300,000 Gifts, by Prof. J. W. Hart. Hunt. County Temperance League. Notice to Tax Collectors. Dissolu. tion, by Huyett & Neff, &c., &c. ser For lack of room we aro obliged to do ter "Lines on the death of J. L.," until next week. Ser The Union County Star, published by Merrill & Smith, has passed into the hands of Wm. Y. Leader, who will be its former editor and proprietor. We wish both parties success. TROUBLE AIIEAD.—A private letter from a highly respectable source in Washington says: "There is trouble brewing with Mexico—and you need not be surprised at any news from that quarter." --.- UM. We have just receive] GRAHAM'S AMER. WAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE for April. It con tains a beautiful Steel Engraving of the "Death of the Stag," the latest style of fashions, togeth• er with a great variety of literary matter inter esting to everybody. It deserves a large support. A DARN DAY COMING.—There will be an extraordinary eclipse of the sun on the 26th of May next, such a one as none bat the old est inhabitants have witnessed in this vicinity. It will be similar to the great eclipse of 180 G since which time there has been none resem bling it nearer than that of 1831; when eleven twelfths of the sun was obscured. OGDEN'S LADY'S Boo; for April, is now on our table, containing 100 pages of reading mat ter, 9 full page Engravings, and the unprece dented number of 69 Engravings in all. To gratify their Lady subscribers, they have procured designs of all the new SPRING FASH IONS; Bonnets, Mantillas, Mantilettes and full patterns for Dresses. They will appear in no other work but the Lady's Book, and cannot be procured in any way by other publications. The Lady's Book is the Text book of Fashion and Literature. Every lady should subscribe for the Lady's Book: ws, "March came in like a lamb," but has latterly been doing credit to its character of "stormy March." The weather was delightful ly mild and springlike up to the 14th, when presto ! a terrific wind arose and continued with but little intermission for several days, playing battledore and shuttlecock with window-shut• tern, awning frames, store boxes, &c., when, to cap the climax, this, Wednesday, morning it commenced snowing. Thursday it rained and elected; and to-day, Friday, snowing. New Hampshire Election. The result of the election is claimed as an anti-Nebraska triumph. That question has undoubedly had much weight in the election, though the Democrats persisted in rejecting it as a test. Gen. Pierce's own Ward, in Con cord, gave seventy Whig majority. The Whigs have so far gained fifty representatives in the State Legislature. The Democratic majority last year was eighty-nine. Many strong De mocratic towns are coming in Whig. It is pro bable, however, that the Democrats will have a small majority in the Legislature. Mr. Ba. ker will have two thousand five hundred ma jority for Governor, being a Democratic loss of eight thousand as compared with last year. To Advertisers This paper presents very superior advantages. It enjoys the largest circulation in the county, it is diffused among the professional and busi ness men in every section, thus affording a medium of placing your advertisements before the public. Advertisements will thus at one be placed before capitalists and buyers. •Ao family should be without a newspaper. It cultivates in children a desire for reading, and a disposition to learn and improve, renders them considerate, intelligent, and more easily governed. The encouragement bestowed on the Press should bo prompt, liberal, and always in ad. ranee. Advance payments are rendered essen tial to the welfare, if not existence, of a news paper, from tho smallness of the sums, the distance to which they are scattered, and the difficulty of collecting, arising from the absence of the subscribers when called upon, the want of preparation when found, and the various delays, vexations, and expenses, al ways attend. lag the collection of many small sums. An ex cellent opportunity is offered until the April Court is over to make payments. SAVE YOUR SAW DEST.—A. Frenchman has just taken out a patent for making paper out of wood. The inventor uses no chemical agents whatever; mechanical action suffices to reduce the fibres into a pulp, from which excellent pa. per can be made. We hope this is an honest statement, for paper is becoming so 'name in thakcountry, that unless a cheap substitute for old shirts can be foetid, a large portion of the American pdblie will have to pass through life without the reviving influence which comes from a file press. The Steamer Black Warrior. A sficeind Cabinet Message was despatch• ed from Washingtou to Madrid, on Friday evening, avail despatches to oar Minister (Mr. Sonle,) bearing on the case of the "Black War rior." The important message of the President on the subject, with detail you will find as follows: This vessel touched at Havana on the 28th ult., nod was seived by the authorities there and detained, on account of some informality in her ship papers. This has given rise to great excitement; nud representations were im• mediately made to our Government. The President, on Wednesday last, sent in to Con. gress the following important Message on the subject—and has despatched, or is about to desdatch, a vessel of war to Spain to demand redress. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT. To the House of Representatives: In compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 10th inst., I herewith transmit a report of the Secretary of State, containing all the information received at the Department relative to the seizure of the Black Warrior at Havana on the 28th ult. There have been in the course of a few years past, many other instances of aggression upon our commerce, violations of the rights of Amer ican citizens, and insults to the national flag, by the Spanish authorities in Cuba, and all at tempts to obtain redress have led to protracted, and, as . yet, fruitless negotiations. The documents in these cases are volumin• ous, and, when prepared, will be sent to Con gress. Those now transmitted relate excln. sively to the seizure of the Blabk Warrior, and present so clear a case of wrong that it would be reasonable to expect full indemnity there for as soon as this unjustifiable and offensive conduct shall be made known to her Catholic Majesty's Government; but similar expecte tions in other cases have nut been realized. The offending party is at our door with large powers for aggression, but none is alleged for reparation. The course of redress is in anoth er hemisphere, and the answer to our just com plaints made to the Home Government are but the repetition of excuses rendered by inferior officials to their superiors, in reply to represen tations of misconduct. The peculiar situation of the partieshas undoubtedly much aggravated the annoyances and injune which our eiti zents have suffered from the Cuban authori ties. Spain does nett seem to appreciate, to its full extent l her responsibility fur the conduct of these authorities. In giving very extraordi nary powers to them she owes in to justice, and her friendly relations with this government, to guard with vigilance against the exorbitant exerciss of these powers, and in case of injury provide for prompt redress. I have already taken measures to present to , the government of Spain the wanton injustice of the Cuban authorities in the detention and seizure of the Black Warrior, and to demand indemnity for the injury that has thereby been done to our citizens. In view of the position of the Island of Cuba, its proximity to our coast, rend the relations it must ever bear to out commercial and other interests, it is in vain to expect that a series of unfriendly acts, infringing upon commercial rights, and the adoption of policy threatening the honor and security of these States, can long exist with peaceful relations. In case the measures taken for the amicable adjustment of our difficulties with Spain should, unfortunately, fail, I shall not hesitate to use the uuthority and means which Congress may grant to ensure the observance of just rights, to abtain redress fur injuries received, tend to vindicate the honor of our flag. _ _ _ In anticipation of that contingency, which I earnestly hope may not arrive, I suggest to Congress the propriety of authorising such pro. visional measures as the exigency may seem to demand. FRANKLIN PIERCE. Washington, March 15, 1854. Horrible Railroad Accident and Loss of Terrible smash yr on the Central Railroad, near Syracuse—A Freight Train Demolish .Angi!ieer and another person killed —Several &idly wounded. A dreadful accident happened on the New York Central Railroad at about ten o'clock on the evening of the 22d inst., the particulars of which we gathered from a gentleman who was a passenger on the train at the time. The Express train coming east when about nine miles west of Syracuse, in consequence of the brakeman turning off the wrong switch, came in collision with a freight train, on the other track. The shock was tremendous and the effects appalling. The baggage car of the Express train was flung over on one side—the Income. five demolishing one of the freight cars, literal ly bounded up on those farther ahead, and it remained in that position when last seen. The first shock of the concussion sent the engineer headlong through the passenger car nearest the engine. He was terribly mangled. The poor fellow cried almost immed iately,shriek. ing—"For God's sake, save me I Save me I Save met" His name is Coleman, and is said to have resided in Rochester, where he has a family. The fireman was very badly hurt, but may recover. There were other persons on the engine and tender, but they jumped off, and escaped with slight bruises. r In the freight train, there was a man asleep—an Indian it is said---who was instantly killed. His body was literally meshed to a jelly, and had to be lifted piece-meal from amongst the rubbish. The scene is reported to have been one of the most painful imaginable- There were about three hundred passengers in the train coming East, a majority of whom were ladies. On experiencing the first shock, a scream of terror was raised, the passengers all springing spontaneously from their seats, and springing frantically towards the doors. "Sit down ! sit down ! and you will ho safe I" some gentle. man shouted and not in vain ! The panic was over in a moment, and our informant assures us, not one of the persons was materially in jured; but their escape, under the circumstan ces, ho says, was extraordinary. Workmen were engaged, during the night, clearign off the wreck and making arrange ments for burying the dead. The train coming east consisted of five pas. sender cars, and at the time of the collision, it was supposed to be going at the rate of thirty miles an hour. MI the platforms were smash ed and many of the windows stove in, but apart from this, no injury was sustained.— Great indignation is expressed in reference to the switchman, of whose carelessness this shocking affair is the result. As he was not seen alter the collision, it is supposed he has run off; to escape arrest...W. I. Elyre4s. The Homestead NIL Tho Homestead bill passed the House of Representatives on the 6th inst., by a vote of yeas 197, nays 72. The bead of a family, or who has arrived at the age of twenty•one years, and is a citizen of the United States, shall be entitled to enter, free of cost, on one quarter section of vacant and unappropriated public land, which at the time of his application may be subject to private entry at $1,25 per acre, or a quantity equal thereto, to be located in a body in conformity with the legal subdivision of the public °ands, and after the same shall have been surveyed. Ir also contains a provi- sion that all land acquired under this act shall in no event become liable to the issuing of thel patent therefor. The fifth section declares that if any individual, now a resident of the States, but at the time of making such applica tion for the benefit of this act, shall have filed a declaration of intention, as required by the na turalization laws of the United States, and shall become a citizen of the same before the issuance of the patent, be made and provided for in this act, snail he placed upon an equal footing with the native born citizens of the United States. ' 116..0nr thanks are due to Neests. Grin and Maguire fbr public documents, PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. SEX ATE.-Mr. CreSlSWell presented a petition from eighty-seven citizens of Huntingdon coun ty, for a prohibitory liquor law; also, a petition from said county, for a plank road from Shade Gap to Mount Union. The joint resolutions against the passage of the Nebraska bill, came up in order on second reading. The resolutions are as follows, viz: WHEREAS, Efforts are now being made to effect the passage of on act of Congress to or. ganize the territory of Nebraska, with provi sions allowing the existence of involuntary ser vitude north of 3G° 30': And Whereas, In the judgment of the General Assembly of Penn sylvania, the passage of such us act would ho inexpedient, and a manifest violation of the Missouri Compromise, approved March Gth, 1820; therefore, Resolved, That the General Assembly of Pennsylvania earnestly and solemnly protests against the repeal of that section of the net of Congress, for the admission of Missouri into the Union as a State, which prohibits involun tary servitude north of 36° 30' Resolved, That the Governor be requested to transmit a copy of the foregoing resolutions to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress. HOUSE.-Mr. G win presented a petition of eighty•fourvoters of Blair county, for the pass age of a prohibitory liquor law, with a section submitting its repeal to a vote of the people. Mr. Maguire, a petition of eighty-two ladies of the borough of Birmingham and vicinity, Huntingdon county, asking the passage of a prohibitory liquor law; also, three petitions, signed by one hundred and fifty citizens of Huntingdon county, asking the passage of a prohibitory liquor law. . . . An act'to Change the place of holding elec tions in Brady township, Huntingdon county. Mr. Maguire, a bill to incorporate the Hun tingdon nod MAlerey's Fort turnpike and plank road company. Mr. Maguire moved the bill to incorporate the Huntingdon deposito bank, be recommitted to the Committe on Banks; which was agredd to. ARRIVAL OF THE NORTH STAR. Two Weeks Later from California. Tnc STEAMERS.--Three steamers will :MVO this port to-day, nt noon, carrying passengers for the Atlantic States. The rates charged at the offices yesterday, were as follows : In the P. hi, Steamship Company's steamer Califor nia, for Panama, through tickets, upper deck stateroom, $150; dining saloon, $100; second cabin, $75; steerage, $5O. In the Nicaragua steamer Brother Jonathan, for San Juan, through tickets, including the Isthmus transit, first cabin deck staterooms, $175; first cabin, saloon rooms, $150; second cabin, $100; steer age, $5O. In the independent Opposition stea mer Uncle Sam, for Panama, first cabin, $150; second cabin, $80; steerage $5O. The clipper ship San Francisco of 1500 tons, 106 days from New York, was lost under the charge of a pilot upon the rocks at the entrance of the harbor, on the Bth. The freight list of the Sati Francisco amounted to $60,000, her cargo was valued at about $200,000. She had on board the acids for the San Francisco Mint, and their loss will seriously incommode the as saying department. Shewent to pieces on the 14th. About $20,000 worth of cargo had pre- Ciously been saved. SArcANtErro.----//orrible Tragedy. We learn from the State Journal that two Americans and thirteen Chinamen were murdered in Shasta county by the Indians. Two white men, one named Guild, the oth er Ingalls, while on a prospecting tour, in com pany with nineteen Chinamen, were murdered on McCloud's river , twenty miles east of Pitts burg, Shasta county, by the Indians. They were camped, and fifteen Indians came into the camp. The Indians appeared friendly at first; but nt a word from the chief, they seized the guns and ran with them. Ingalls seized a club and struck the hindmost Indian and knock ed him down. The Indians immediately commenced firing on Guild and Ingalls, and also at the China. men. Six of the Chinamen escaped, and came to Pittsburg. A party started out immediate ly, and found the body of Ingalls; one arm cut off at the elbow, and his head mashed up her. ribly with stones. They also found the bodies of thirteen Chinamen; three had their arms cut off, and all their kends had been mashed in with stones. The body of Guild could not he found. The ship Morning Light, from Philadelphia, arrived at San Francisco on the 9th. The United States frigate Portsmouth and Columbus had left San Francisco for the per. pose of attempting to capture the fillibusters. The political affairs of San Francisco are very exciting. Another proposition for removing the State Capitol from Sacremento has been Inst. A destructive fire occurred at Placerville, which deitroyed the theatre, and a number of other buildings. The loss is set down at $l5,- 000. The rnininn , news is interesting, but not of nu importanCeherneter._. The citizens of San Diego were to hold a meeting denouncing the proceedings of filli busters of Lower California, and to make pre parations to attack them. Several vessels were up at San Francisco for Sonora and Guyamam. The annexation of the former is believed to be close at hand. ORM/3/I.—Dates up to Feb. 3d. The weath er had been colder than ever known in the ter ritory since its occupation by the whites. All public amusements and labor on Sunday have been prohibited. Further difficulties have occurred among the Indians on the eosquile river. SANDWICH law:in.—Dates to Jan. 14th. Intelligence has been received from Honolula to the above date, but nothing of any impor tance to note. The crops of sugar on the Isl ands is reported as exceedingly promising. WASHINGTON Tenterroar.----Dates to Feb. 1. The advices front Washington, state that Gov. Stevens had notified the Hudson Bay Compa ny that they must withdraw from the Indian trade within the territory by the Ist of July. LOWER CA LI FORNIA.---The latest allVieeS from Walker's expedition annotmee that a pro clamation had been issued by him exhorting his men to assist him in rescuing the people from the tyranny of the Mexican Government. A portion of them had refused, and two sec tions carne near having an open battle. Forty-five men who had left the camp, re port that only fifteen were left, who intended to start in a steamer, about the Gth of Februa ry, to take Tiburn Island. Ferocious Attack of a Wild Beast. The Now Orleans Crescent of the Bth inst., gives an account of an attack upon Mr. Ste. phen O'Leary, the chief of the police of that city, by a leopard in the menagerie of Mr. Van Amburgh: "Stephen was leaning with his left arm across the iron railing, when the leopard thrust his long muscular forelegs through the bars, and seized him by the arm midway be tween the wrist and elbow, stripping the flesh clean from the bone and tendons nearly to tho hand, and drawing Captain O'Leary up almost against the bars. lie struck the ferocious beast with his fist, but the only reply was a fierce growl and a firmer grip of the sharp claws; his companion was not armed to meet such an emergency, but he plucked from head a bran new and shining castor, and dealt the animal a blow between the eyes which utterly blinded and amazed him, and ho relinquished his hold at the very . instant when he had the m captain completely his power." yoar A young lady, nt breakfast, asked a gentleman to hand her the "hen fruit," pointing to a plate of eggs. The ientlemna suggested "Shanghai berries" as a snore fastidious term. oar Miss Fantadling says that the first time she locked arms with a young man she %It like Hope leaning on her anchor. Poetic young mail that. IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO, Revolution at Acapulco. The Panama Star of the latest duto has the following important intelligence from Western Mexico: By the steamer California, and the attention of Purser Davis, wo learn that the inhabitants of Acapulco and of all that portion of Mexico, were in a great state of excitement in cense queuce of a revolution which had recently bro ken out among them. It appears that the inhabitants of this (Gner rero) and some of the bordering States, have taken arms under (ten. Alverez, and declar ing themsehtes (according to' the fashion of the day) free and independent, are ready to en force it if necessary. No positive engagement has occurred between the opposing parties, but it was said by some that a skirmish had taken place in the plain nt Chilptintsingo, where San ta Anna had 2000 men under arms. At Acapulco, the Comandante and other in fluential men were in custody or had fled, no neutrality being recognized. The fort itself was in the hands of Alvarez's party and for the time being, at least, the entire authority in town has changed bands. Two schooners had been chartered and armed by Santa Anna, and were daily expected at Acapulco, for the pur pose of blockading the harbor, cutting off sup plies and intimidating the inhabitants. Provisions unusually high and laborers were scarce, because a large majority of laboring men had fled to the mountains and the country people hesitated to come in with supplies, fear mg to be involed in the war. Santa Anna had despatched a large force of veterans to wards Acapulco, while Alvarez with his moun tain men was prepared to arrest their progress along this difficult road and prevent their en try into town. An engagement was anticipa ted in the course of a day or two. Later NEW Onr,E.txs, March 13.--The Picayune has receved tiles of letters and papers from the city of Mexico up the Bth inst. The revolutionary movement at Acapulco was becoming more formidable than ever—hav ing rapidly spread throughout that portion of the country, notwithstanding the efforts of the government to suppress it, and arrest the lead ers. Gen. Alvarez, who is in command of the re volutionary forces, still retains possession of the fort, and is fortifying other positions. Gen. Alvarez has thus fur been very success ful in preventing the forces of Santa Anna from marching on Acapulco. The mountain forces raised by Gen. Alvar ez, remain faithful to their leader, and form a very powerful army. Alvarez is a good sold ier, and much beloved. lie is of pure Indian extraction, and possesses great wealth and in fluence. He dwells in the mountains around Acapulco, and is well acquainted with every pass .d position. In addition to the two thousand troops sent by Stulta Anna to oppose him, a great number of which were reported by previous advices to have deserted,)an additional force of two thou. sand men have been raised and sent to Brazos. Should this force not be found sufficient to quell the insurrection, is is the intention of Santa Anna to increase the number to ten or twelve thousand. PreparaticMs for their de parture had already been made. Two schooners had been sent by Santa An na to blockade the port of Acapulco, and at last advices they had arrived at their destina tion and put the port under blockade. It was reported that the foreign ministers had denounced the new navigation act of reciproci ty, which was generally received with disgust. Rumors were current at the departure of the Texas that the Mexican Government had ac cepted the amendments of President Pierce to the Godson Treaty. The importers of merchandise have formally declared against a certain decree which has been recently issued, effecting their interests. Several new conspiracies have been discov• ered in various parts of the country, and a nn M. her of political offenders have been arrested. Captains and Supercargoes of vessels have been prohibited by the Government from act• ing as their own consignees. Central Pacific Route. Extract of a letter from Superintendent BEALE to Col. BENTON. Superintendent BEALE writes under date of January 25, and dates from the Tejon (Toy. hone) Indian Reserve. "There is some confusion here about the name of this Pass. It is precisely in the lati tude and longitude of Walker's Pam on Fre mont's map; but it is called Tejon (Tay-hone) here. It is a very . excellent one, and known to the Mexicans since their settlement in Cali fornia. Bet there is another one ten miles north called by the Indians Ti-kick.peli, which I have explored, and find it most beautiful. It is filled watt gigantic oalcs, and contains about (twenty thousand acres of perfectly level land, and leads through the Sierra Nevada from a point directly opposite Kern Lake, in the Tu. lare valley, to the Great Basin on the other side. I should not be surprised if it should prove to be the best Pass in the Sierra Neva da. I have a pack-train of one hundred mules bringing wheat, (for the reservation.) They carry three hundred pounds each animal, and so far have not been delayed but one day by snow, though they cross the Sierra each time they take a load, and are now on their twenti eth trip, and have kept their flesh very well on what they find in the gap. We have been very busy with our farming wotk, and have plough. ed up two thousand nerd in one field, and sown it in wheat, and shall plant as nanny more in corn—all the work done by naked "Digger Indians." of whom I have about two thousand on the reserve, and sleep in the middle of them in as much security as it I was in the Capital at Washington. We soon expect Fremont." These naked "Digger Indians," are thus de scribed by Fremont: "They live in the Great 'Basin, and exhibit human nature in its lowest ' form and in its most elementary state; disper sed in single fatuities; Without fire-nrms; eat. 'log seeds and insects; digging roots, (and ' hence their name;) a rabbit the hirgest ani ' mal in their desert; their greatest skill to snare 'it. The wild sage is their largest wood, some ' times six or eight feet high and a foot in dim ' meter; and this serves for building a shelter, 'for some sort of covering for the feet and legs 'in the extreme cold, and shelters the rabbits. 'All other Indians living in communities re 'pulse the miserable Digger." Such are the people whom the magic touch of BEALE has collected into a community, converted into far. men, and who will be able to give Fremont bread when he arrives among them in their new abode. gar Nebraska Bill, who has kicked up such a rumpus, has been put to bed without his sup per. Every body acknowledges that it is de feated in the House of Representatives—ha, ing !wen consigned to the tomb of ell the Ca pulets—the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union. The correspondent of the Journal of Commerce, who advocates its pass. age, says it was known, some weeks ago, that the fate of the bill was sealed;—for that some who were, hostile to it, but did not care to vote openly against it, would aid its open opponents, in consigning it to the grave of the Committee of the Whole. It has been whispered, for some days, that Mr. CtrrrtNe was to make the tno tion, and the result corresponds, in every way, with the rumor. The majority for the commit. ment of the Bill was fifteen—suffirient fur all purposes. The Bill can know no resurrection. mar A. newly married couple went to honso• keeping, not long since, at Boston, in Poplar Street. At brenkfast the next morning after their entrance, the gentleman said to his lady, 'My dear, this is Poplar street, and by putting u (you) in it, it becomes popular.' 'And by riding us in it,' replied the lady, 'it will become. poputoue.' Three Days Laser From Europe. AERNAL OF THE PACIFIC. The War Question Unchanged. Active preparations for Hostilities—Slate of the Markets cf.e. ICsw Yonx, Meath 23, 8 P. M.—The Steam. ship Pacific front Liverpool, with dates to the Bth inst., arrived at her wharf at 71 o'clock, this evening. She left Liverpool at noon on Wednesday the Bth, and has been 151 days 00 the passage having encountered largo fields of floating ice. The - Steamships Africa and America, arrived at Liverpool on Tuesday afternoon. The war question remains unchanged, and nothing new had occurred. Preparations were still ping on on a largo scale. _ _ _ The income tax in England had been doub• led. Russia Lad prohibited the exportation of grain. From the East, The position of affairs in regard to the East ern war is quite unchanged. The news consists mostly of the text of the Czar's manifesto. No battles had taken place on the Danube, except that two colonies of Russians attacked each other in the dark in mistake fur Turks, and some hundreds were killed before the er• ror was discovered. Continual small skirmishes go ou between the Turks and Russians. There is nothing new from Asia or from the fleets. The Greek insurrection had been nearly checked, and was no longer formidable. A telegraphic despatch, received in London on the 6th, stated that the Russians had at. tacked and taken Kalatitt, bet the report was not credited. The Latest News. LONDON ' March 7th.—Frost, Williams and Jones, the chartists, bay, been pardoned. Team, March Ist.France and England are said to have decided to prevent any movement in Italy. PARIS ' March 7th.—A lonn of 250,000,000 francs has been unanimously authorized. MAnnth, March 2nd.—There are vague ru mors of misunderstmuling between England and Spain and the probable recal of M. lota ries from London. VIE%I2IIIK2IZ. HUNTINGDON. Morel, 28, 1854. Flout per bbl., $7.50 n $7,75 Clover Seed, per bu., 7,00 Red Wheat, per be., 1,40 White Wheat, per be., 1,50 Rye, per bu 80 Corn, per be 73 Buckwheat, per be 50 Oats, per he 44 Flaxseed. per bu I 00 Hey, per ton 8 50 Butter, per lb., 18 PHILADELPHIA. March 28, 1854. Flour per bbl $7 50 Corn Meal 3 25 White Wheat, per be 180 Red; Corn, 75 Oats, 45 BALTIMORE. Reported by Carr Giese & Co., C0MM1 . 381 . 074 Merchants Baltimore. March 25, 1854. Flour per bbl $7 37 Corn Meal 3 75 White Wheat, per bet 180 Reel, I 73 Corn, 72 Oats, 48 Die most estraordinarg discovery in the World is the Great Arabian _Remaly for Man , and Beast. IT. G. FAIIIiEI.I.'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT EVERY FAMILY should at once procure a bottle of the great Arabian remedy for man and beast, called H. 0. FARRELL'S ARA BIAN LINIMENT. It allays the most intense pains in n few minutes, restores the eynovial fluid or joint water, and thus cures stiff joints; it penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes con• traeted cords, cats rheumatism and palsied limbs of twenty years' standing; also tumors, swelled neck, enlargement of the glands, and is the best medicine for ailments of cattle ever discovered, curing sweeny, spaying, splint, and nll diseases which require an external applies. tion. Sun Pain If 10 years' all:luting cured by IL G. Parreds Arabian Liniment, Mr. H. G. Farrell.—Dery sir: I had been afflicted with the "Sun Pain" for the last ten years, and could never get relief except by bleeding; but by the use of H. G. Farrell's Ara hiss Liniment, applied over the temples about three or four times a day, it was entirely remo• red, and I have felt nothing of it since. I went into the stable one night, to apply it to a horse's sore leg, and being very lame he stumbled and fell against my legs, crushing and bruising them on badly that they turned black as my hat, rendering them powerless. I applied your Liniment, and was well enough in a few days to go about again as tvuul. I also crushed my finger in a shocking manner, by letting a back log fall upon it; your Liniment soon heal ed it up, though. JOHN B. WGEE. La ga'lle precinct, Peoria co., Feb, F,sg. Barker, qf New Canton, 111.. says :1 Mr. H. G. Farrell's Artesian LiniAnt has cured some bad cases here, which every other remedy had failed in; one was a white swelling and contracted cords in the leg of a boy twelve years old. The log had withered away, and was so contracted that he bad no use of it.— Three doctors had tried their skill upon it in vain, nod he was fast sinking to the grave, when the boy's father was induced to try IT. 0. Farrell's Arabian Liniment. Before the first bottle was steed up he came to Mr. B.'s store, and the first words he said were, "Mr. Baster, I want all that Liniment you have in the store; the one bottle 1 got did my boy more good than all that 1 al ever been done before." That boy is now well and hearty, and has free use (Slims legs. It is goad for sprains, bruises, cuts, burns and swellings. Look out for Counterfeits! The public are cautioned against another counterfeit, which has lately made its appear. nce, called W. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be cause his having the 'name of Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that n counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps only discover their error when the spurious mixture has wrought its evil effects. . . The genuine article is manufretured only by H. (1. Farrell, solo inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencies must be addressed. Be sure you get it with the letters H. G. before FarrelPs, thus —H. G. FARRELL'S—and his signature on the wrapper, all others are counterfeits. Sold by Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, B. E. Sellers & Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts burg, and by regularly authorized agents throughout the United States. ,per ,Price 25 and 50 cents, and .31 per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and hamlet in the United States, in which ono is not already established. Address H. G. Far. roll as above, accompanied with good reference as to character, responsibility, &o. Febnary 15, 's4.—lt. MARRIED, On Tueadny the 2lat hug., in Licking Creek tp., Fulton Cn., Pa., by the Rev. N. G. White, Mr. Jolly T. Owvr, to Mies SAII4II A. New- MIN. Public Salo of Land 'EN pursuance of directions in the last Will of James King, late of Wiley township, Hun tingdon county, dec'd., the under , igned, survi ving Executor, will expose to Public; Salo 011 the premises, on SATURDAY, Tile 15T11 OAT OT Anion. NEXT, nt 1 o'clock, P. M., a certain tract of land situate in the said township, adjoining lands of Major John Shaver on the East, of Hugh King on the North and West, of Henry Miller and Win. Young on the South, containing 40 Acres be the same more or lees, of which about 40 A cres are cleared, hoeing thereon two good springs, a two story log house, log barn, and small orchard. TER. or SALE.-0110 third of the purchase money to be paid within ten days after the sale, when a deed and possession will be given, and the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter, with interest, to be secured la y the bonds and mortgnge of the purchaser. JOHN A. 'BUCKLEY, Surviving Executor. March 29, 1814,30. ROBBED, BUT NOT DISHEARTENED. Brilliant Display of Jewelry, THE public generally, and the rascals who, sonic time since, entered my store and remo ved valuables to the amount of shout $llOO without my permission, are informed that I have just opened a more general and better assortment of articles in my line of business then was ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Fine Knives, lfta. Pistols, Perfumery, Port Mon naies Silver Ware, and Fancy - Articles, &c., &. My old friends and customers, end the public in general throughout the county, are requested to call and examine my assortment. EDMUND SNARE. Huntingdon, March 29, 1054. Huntingdon Co. Temperance League, WILL take notice, that the next regular meeting of the League, will he held in the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 11th day of April next, nt 7 o'clock P. M. at which time, the public 9,11E1.1E11y, both ladies and gentlemen art earnestly and respect fully invited to attend. Addresses may be expected RS nand. JOAN PORTER, Pres, land Kt, GRAFFIUS, 2 V.P. AND 01 III:us. 5 James AGiguire, 'ecretaries. John Jr. Mattern. Huntingdon, March 29, 1854.2 w. NOTICE. IS hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Join Huyett & Henry Neff, (trailing under the title of Huyett & Neff,) is this day Ilissolved,by mutual content. The books of sub] firm will remain in the hands or Henry Neff, with whom all concerned will please to make set tlement. JOHN HUYETT. West Burre,April 6,'54. HENRY NEFF. The subscriber thankful for the liberal patron age heretofore received, begs leave to inform the citizens of this vicinity, that in addition to the stock ofgoods now on hand, he is shout receiv ing a large assortment from the east, to the quoit ty and prices of which he would most respectful ly invite your attention. The highpst price given for all kinds of coun try produ,e. HENRY NEFF. West Barre, March 29, '54.-3t Notice to Contractors. NOTICE is hereby given to the Collectors of State and County taxes of Huntingdon county, to make efforts to pay as much as pos sible into the County Treasury at the next April Court, as several heavy payments will shortly have to be made. Those Collectors, whose appointments bear date in 1852 and previously, may expect to have executions issued against them shortly after next Court, if they do not, in the mear time, settle up and pay the balance due upon their duplicates respectively. By order of the Commissioners, JOHN REED, Comes. Counsel. March 29, '3 PITTSBURGH -PROVISION WAREHOUSE. CWELLS &CO.. Pork Peckers end . Wholesale Provision Dealers, No. 325, Liberty et, Pittsburgh, will keep on hand, ready to supply at all times and on the shortest notice, choice and reliable articles in their line of business and anon accommodating terms. Their main stock will con4ist of Bacon. Lard Olir, Lard,Sugareured Dams, Dried Beef, &c. They have also made arrangements fur an early supply of Lake Superior White Fish and Mack inaw Trout, in bbls. and half bids., and which, coining direct from the extremest Northern waters, will be very much superior to those of any other catch, and they will be able to offer these favorite articles nt lower rates than the inferior or Southern catch ore supplied in this market. C. Wells & Co., desire to call the ettention of DRAMAS and !mix Men, particularly. to their stock of BACON. in the selection and prepara tion of which iiertieu/or attention has been given to the quality, so as to offer to customers the most reliable article. Orders will receive prompt attention. [March 29, 1854.-3 m. Shirleysburg Female Seminary, Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL, A. M., Principal. Juniata Academy, licou J. CAMPBELL, A 8., • ,rtnei pais. A. C. FENDALL, TLIE Summer Session of these institutions commences on Wednesday, the sth of Afiv, and continues live months. 'they are situated in the retired Village of Shirleysburg, in the heart of one of the most lovely and fertile vallies of the Alleghenies. In a rural district, among ono of the plainest and simplest people of Pennsylvania, apart front the bustle and evils of a thoroughfare, or large town, convenient of access from all sides, with a community noted for its temperance and morali ty, and possessing a healthy and unusually beau tiful situation, this Village presents advantages for Literary Institutions, which strike the eye of every visitor. Each one possesses new and com modious buildings, and a full corps of teachers.— They aro under entirely seperate goyernmentand instruction, being situated about a quarter of a mile apart, and having nothing in common ex cept that the use of the Academy Apparatus is given to the Seminary. 'rite course of instruction is thorough and ex tensive, embracing the branches usually taught in such Institutions. These Schools offer two principal inducements; first, the most extensive and complete Philosophical and Chemical Appar atus in this section of the State, to which Profes sor FENDALL has matte the valuable addition of his choice collection of Astronomical abd Mathe matical Instruments, including a fine Astronomi cal Telescope; second, the cheapness of the terms. Wishing to render their Institutions, as thr as they ettn,accessibletoall,the Principals have redu ced the price of boarding to the lowest possible sum. The regular expenses at the Female Sem inary, excluding the ornamental branches, aro $30,00 per session, while at other similar Institu tions the prices vary Sate $38,00 to $90,00 per session. In the Academy, the whole expense of tuition, boarding, washing, fuel. light and room rent, will vary from $43,00 to $30,00 per session. The whole number of pupils at both schools, for the past year, was upwards of lee. Special Class es formed for those wishing to;quality themselves for teachers. A Fancy Department will be added to the Sem inary, in which a course of le,sons of 4 to 6 weeks will he given in Gilding and Bronzing, on wood and Stone, Embroidery on Satin, Crepe, Lace, et cetera. Young ladies that wish it, run receive instruction in this department alone, which will only require their attendance at the Seminary for the thou of the course. Terms $3,00. Tuition payable in At/ranee. Nu pupils admit ted for less than half a session. No deduction for absence, except in cases of protracted sick ness. For circulars and further information ad dress (post paid) the Principals. Shilleysburg, March 29, 1854.-3 m. BLANKS.-.Always buy your Blanks at the "Journal Office." Wo have now prepared a va ry superior article ofBLANIC DEEDS, BONDS, JCIDGMENT NOTES, SUMAIONS', EXECU TIONS Fie. ---------- - ---- nr. US. DVlCUntock's Family Medicines for sale lay HORACE W. SMITH. Hinningdon. Mnrch 29, 1854.-3 m, NOTICE. HIENRIE CORNPROBST hay ingjust re• turned from Philadelphia with a large end well selected stock of Dry Goods, Dooils fc Fhoes Hardware, Crockery-ware, &c., embracing the usual variety of a country store, which he hoc been enabled to purchase tip. on terms permitting him to compete successfully with any other store in the vicinity, would res pectfully solicit the patronage of his friends and customers, and would endeavor to merit she ap- probation, as he is well satisfied of his ability nt present, to unit the tastes and accommodate the wishes of the public at large. Ile is prepared to sell very low fur cAsu.— Country Produce taken in exchange at the most reasonable rates. March 19, 1854. 300,000 GIFTS FOR THE PEOPLE. PROFESSOR HART'S GREAT GIFT EN TERPRISE OF THE WHOLE WORLD. PROFESSOR J. WOODMAN lIART would respectfully inform the citizens of New-York and the world at large; that, for the purpose of enabling all to see his wonderful illustration of tho entire world, (the first and only thing of the kind ever produced,) now on exhibition at the World's Nos. 377 and 379 Broadway, and for the purpose of popularizing American Art: and also of giving a world-wide circulation to his renown ed "Book of Travels, Adventures and Anecdotes,' which should be read by the million, he will dis tribute among the purchasers of Iris tickets of ad. mission the following magnificent and valuable Gifts, amounting to the sum total of $300,009, LIST OF GIFTS. Prof. Hart's Whole World, worth An immense fortune to any one, valued at MAO 00 Prof. Hart's Elegant Country Scat, with 100 acres of land in n high state . . of cultivation, the buildings on w hich mat $15,000, situated on Long Island Sound, and commanding a munifi cent view of 30 miles in every direct. tion, valued at 25,C.00 Co The Celebrated Model of the City of San Francisco, valued at 9,000 00 Prof. Bert's far-famed Panorama of the Holy Land, 10,000 00 A Magnificent city Residence in N. Y. 17,000 00 100,000 Volumes of Prof. Hart's ex tensive Travels in the Old and New World, interspersed with remarkable Adventures, Amusing Anecdotes, & Thrilling Incidents, elegantly bound, with gilt edges, including n portrait of the author Twenty-tiro Bnilding Lots,eael! con- raining 10,000 squa r e feet, in a beau., tiful villain in tlie suburb; of N, York City, each valued at WO, Thirty elegant Rosewood Piano Fortes, at $3OO- 9,000 00 J 20 " GO " 100 " 100 200 " 500 2;500 00 "!odium, 100 2,000 00 Gold I , l'atche9, 100 5,000 00 75 7,560 00 50 6,000 00 25 5,000 00 100 " " Bracekts, 16 1,500 00 1000 " " Rings, 2 2,000 00 2000 " 1 2,000 00 200 sets elegant Siker Tea. 9 1,800 00 spoons, 50 " " "Denert 12 600 00 : spoons, I. Tal.k. spoon; 18 460 00 20,000 eels. Mrs. Partington's carpet bag of fun, at 50 cts. 10,000 GO 30,000 pieces of the most Fashionable Music, at 25 cts. 7,600 00 35,000 elegant steel engravings,26 eta. 8,760 00 80,000 finely engraved pocket snaps of the city of New York, 14,127 75 31,089 porte.itiontiales, at 25 eta. 7,772 25 A loan for 108 years, without interest, or secu. rity, of Cash, 10,000 00 It is confidently believed that the tickets will all be sold, and the property will be diatriba• led by the first of June. The property will be placed in the hands of a Committee appointed by the ticket holders, to be distributed in a perfectly fair and satis factory manner to all concerned. The price of tickets is $1 each, entitling the the holder to fear mitnissimm to the EabiLl• tion, and cne of the 300,000 gifts. All orders fur tickets must be addreased,post• paid with the money enclosed, to Prof. J. WoOdtnan Hart, Nos. 277 and 379 Broadway World's Hall, New• York. and the tickets win, be promptly forwarded to any part of the world. Any information relative to the property may be obtained at the office of the World's Hal., or of P. J. Visschcr & Co., No. 80 Nassau St. New York. Mar,th 29, '64.-3m. TO LET. MIIE large, and well located store, dwelling and warehouse belonging to the Estate of William Buchanan, deed., situated at Mill Creek Huntingdon county, is now offered for rent, on fitvorable. terms. This stand is ono of the best in the county. Tic store, Dwelling and warehouse adjoin. Tim warehouse is on a level with, and adjoins tho Penna. Rail Road, and the Via Duct between the Warehouse end Dwelling, gives en easy acres& to the wharf on the canal, affording every facility for carrying on an extensive business—apply on the premises or to ROBERT lIARE POWEL, Attorney. Mnrch '54.-4t. JUNIATA ACADEMY. TIIE Annual Contest between the Zetamath e no and Kallilegian Literary Societies' of the Juniata Academy at Shirlevsburg will he held on Wednesday evening April lid' 1854. The publio are respectfully invited to attend. Exercises to commence at ii P. M. By order at President. B. B. CAMPBELL, Secretary. March 22, '54.-21. Administrator's Notice. L ETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of John Shade, late of the Borough of Huntingdon. Huntingdon county, dec'd., all persons indebted will make immediate payment, and those haring claims will present them duly authenticated foe settlement. PETER N. MARKS, Admr. March 22, 's4.—Ct. LOST. Saturday the 16th inst., between Mill Creel: and Mount Union, a PENSION CERTIFICATE belonging to Mrs. Mary Waggoner, Dublin town• ship, Huntingdon County. Any person finding the same and returning it to the undersigned, wilL much oblige the widow. 11. C. ROBISON. Shade Gup, Mach 22,'54.-21. Stoves, Cauldrons and Forges. THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of Merchants and others who are in want of a first rate • ' 4 Stove for either Wood or Coal, to their ` extensive stock of Coos STOVES, comprising greater assortment than can be found at any ash er establishment in the City. They would also invite the attention of Hotel Keepers to their ce lebrated Buck Cook, 3 sizes, capable of cooking, for from 100 to 600 persons. Also the Globe Cook, Capitol do., Complete do., Yocum . do., Hagar do., and a number of others. Purchasers would do well to give them a call before purcha sing elsewhere. Also, Cauldrons with furnaces attached for scalding hogs, rendering lard, and boiling food for stock. Sole Agents for QUEEN'S PATENT PORTABLE FORGE. _ _ NEMAN & WARNICK, (Successors to Potts & Yocum and P. F. Ha gar & Co., N. E. Cor. of 2nd and Raco streets, Philadelphia. [March 22, '54.-3m. Real Estate for Sale. THE undersigned offers at private sale, the. house mid lot and premises on which ho now resides, situate on the corner of Washington and' Montgomery streets in the Borough of Hunting don. Also a house and lot of ground on Rail Road street, in said Borough, on the Northerly side of said street, adjoining Daniel Afri ca, Esq., on the West, and theory Africa, on the East. Also a Trnct of Wood-land, situate in Henderson township, Huntingdon County, ohm two and a half miles from tho Pentia. Rail Road and Canal, adjoining lands of John Porter, Michael Bolinger, Numer and others, contain ing two hundred and eighty =calor thereabouts. Terms of sale will be made known on application to tho undersigned. JAMES STEEL. Huntingdon March 29, 1854,-if, GARDEN SEEDS For saie al the Cheap Store 014.-mtic4u,l; 75,000 00 12,5C4) GQ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers