Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 22, 1854, Image 2

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`4it ,
Wednesday Morning, March 22, 1854.
James Pollock, of Northumberland co.
George Darele, of Allegheny co.
Daniel lg. llngeer, of Montgomery co.
The undersigned has purchased the Journal
an all moneys now due for subscription
have been transferred with it, and are pay
able to me. For advertisements inserted
for a limited time, if one half or more than one
half of the time has transpired, the whole
amount is to be settled with Mr. Glasgow; if
one-half of the time has not elapsed at this
date, settlement is to be made with me. This
notice is given to those having accounts in the
books, so that they may know with whom set
tlement is to be made.
Feb. 24, '54.
We want a few cords of good wood at this Of
fice. Will those friends who intend to pay their
subscriptions in wood, oblige us by sending it in
SW James Maguire, Esq., and Hon. John
McCulloch, has our thanks for public docu
New Advertisements.
James Steel, Esq., offers some valuable Real
Estate at private sale. Oil Cloths, Carpets,
&e., &c., for sale by J. Stewart Depuy, Phila.
Jessup & Moore, at their house, Nos. 24 and
26 North at., Philadelphia, agree to pay more
than the market price, in CASH, for Rags.—
Neman & Wrarnick, Phila., offers a superior
quality of Stoves, Cauldrons, &c., for sale, at
low rates. John Stone & Sons, Phila., have
on hand, a superior lot of Millinery floods.—
See notice To Let, by R. Hare Powell. Also,
notice of Juniata Academy. See notice of H.
C. Robinson, Administrator's Notices, Trial
and Jury Lists.
Plank Road.
The Delegates appointed on the 28th ult.,
at the Plank Road Meeting held in Orbisonia,
met at the house of Mrs. Frakers, in Shirleys
burg, on the Gth inst., for the purpose of devi
sing measures and making the preliminary ar
rangements to get an act of incorporation to
construct a Plank Road from Shade Gap to
the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail Road.
Delegates present, Dr. J. A. Shade and B.
X. Blair from Dublin township, B. R. Wigton
and T. T. Cromwell, Esq., from Cromwell, Juo.
Lutz and Win. B. Leas from the Borough of
Shirleysbusg, Samuel McVitty and John Brew
ster from Shirley township.
On motion Dr. J. A. Shade was called to
the Chair, and Samuel 3leVitty appointed Se
On motion, Resolved, that we petition the
Legislature at its present session, to pass a
law chartering a company to construct a Plank
Road from Shade Gap via Orbisonia and Shir
leysburg, to terminate at Newton Hamilton, or
Mount Union, as may be decided by the Stock
holders of said Company.
Resolved. That these proceedings be signed
by the officers, and published in the Mifflin and
Huntingdon county papers.
J. A. SHADE, Pees.
S. MeiTITTY, Secretary.
Conference Appointments.
_ . . _ _
The Baltimore Conference of the M. E.
Church, which convened in Baltimore, has made
the following appointments for the Bellefonte
John Poisal, P.E. Bellefonte Station—Thos.
Daugherty. Bellefonte Circuit—L W. Haugh
awout, T. D. Gotwalt. Penn's Valley—Alem
Brittian, E. W. Kirby. Huntingdon—Nathan
S. Buckingham. Manor Hill—Elisha Butler,
Samuel Creighton. Warriorsmark—Wm. L.
Spotswood, F. E. Crever, George Guyer, sup.
Bald Eagle—Charles Cleaver. New Washing.
ton—C. G. Linthieum, D. M. Giles. Clearfield
—Adam Huckenberry, R. A. Bathurst. Kay
thaus—H. C. McDaniel, one to be supplied.—
Caledonia—Nathan Shaffer, Nathanial Cole
burn. Sinnamahoming—A lbert Hartman, one
to be supplied. Liberty Valley—Jacob L. Ey
e, Pine Creek—Pemberton Bird. Jersey Shore
—John W. Elliott. Great Island—Geo. War
ren. Lock Haven—Justus A. Meliok, one to
be supplied. Kettle Creek Mission—One to
be supplied.
Horse Racing.
The "Great State Stake," for $20,000, "play
or pay," which is to come off on the Metairie
Course, at New Orleans, on the Ist of April
next, is exciting much interest at the South.—
It is expected to be the greatest race which
has ever taken place in this country, in the
number of horses, the amount of money at
stake, and the probable number of spectators
who will be present. Horses of all ages may
run, but limited to one from each State; four
mile heats; $5OOO subscriptions; each horse
starting to receive $lOOO out of the stakes, pro
vided he is not distanced; and the winner to
receive the remainder; each State subscribing
is to be represented by three responsible gen
tlemen, residents of that Slate, a majority of
whom shall name the horse to run for that
State. These are the terms of the race.
A conspiracy We, most atrocious char
acter has come to light in Massillon, Ohio. A
number of young men were banded together
for the purposes of robbery and arson, and one
of the rules of organization empowered any
member to take life when it stood in the way
of the success of their enterprises, or to shield
them from danger. Some of the conspirators
have been arrested, and the officers are after
the others.
stir Drs. Reed and Sterner have analyzed
the contents of the stomach of Dr. Gardiner.
They found it to contain strichuine in large
quantities. It was proved, also, that the pow-
der ft.uad in Gardiner's pocket atter his death
was also strichnine.
Tho jury, after hearing the evidence of the
physicians, rendered as their verdict that Dr.
Gardiner caused his death by strichnine and
Our State Convention.
It was not our fortune to be present at the
meeting os the late Whig State Convention, but
we learn from those who were, that never, per-
haps, in the history of the Whig party,has acre
assembled at our seat of Government a Conven
tion, where the State was so fully represented,
and by so many of the best men of the party.
Certain it is, that if there have been any that
equalled it, in these particulars, there have
been none which have excelled it. Nor is it
I alone in these features, that this Convention
was an extraordinary one. An earnest zeal
and hearty purpose, to do that which should be
for the best interests of the party; and a cOnfi
dent and determined desire to do that which
should satisfy all; and a cheerful declaration
on the part of all to be satisfied with whatever
was done, gave to the Convention such an air
of strength and good-will, that it attracted the
attention of our old adversaries,—and an one
of them remarked, while standing a looker-on
in the Convention—"they said the Whig party
was dead," said he, "but I have never seen it
give such evidencesof its active life and strength
as I see in this Convention."
Another peculiarity of this Convention was,
that the friends of the different candidates were
as warm in their advocacy of the claims of their
favorites as if an election of the nominee was
a fixed fact. Yet, with all this warmth and
confidence, no ill blood was engendered or
manifested. One purpose seemed to move ev
ery spirit. Each member was determined to
exert all his power to secure that which he
thought for the best, failing in that, each was
equally determined to admit, that whatever the
majority of the Convention did do, would be for
the best.
Every county in the State was represented,
we believe, except Erie; and some of them dou
bly. Union, Mifflin and Huntingdon counties
each presented two claimants for a seat in the
Convention; and the committee on contested
seats, after hearing the parties, reported that
there was some informality in all their creden
tials, and recommended that all should be ad
mitted, each county, however, to be entitled to
but one vote. So far as our county is concern
ed, it was conceded by all, that we had a lull
representation, Mr. Williamson and Mr. Blair,
satisfying the whole Convention, that the Whigs
of our county were of the "A No. 1" stamp,
and that there would be a harmonious and en
ergetic effort here to roll up a large majority
for the nominees.
On the third ballot, James Pollock, of North
umberland, was nominated as the Whig candi
date for Governor; and the result was hardly
declared, before one unanimous and hearty
shout proclaimed that there were none dissat
isfied or disappointed.
The lion. James Pollock, our candidate for
G overnor, it will be remembered, has been three
times elected to Congress from a district where
Locofocoism is largely in the ascendent. A
man of learning. and great power in the forum
or on the stump; of cheerful, happy, and kind
manners; with a warm, social, frank, and man
ly heart, he has every where made friends, and
preserved them. With a large experience in
the public service during a stormy time, be
brings into the contest a prestige of success,
which belonged to no other candidate for nom
ination, at this especial period. No man en-
joys so much of the confidence of the whole)
party,—no man comes with a more zealous and
untiring army of friends—no man brings less
of the aristocratic pride of place, and more of
the feelings and spirit of the honest tillers of
the soil, and delvers in the work-shop. No man
could enter into a contest with a better show
for success—no man could have been selected,
ho will do more to deserve it; and no man
could have been chosen, who, with a more
grateful heart, will feel the honor conferred,
and remember the friends of the party who
shall toil with him, not merely for his success,
but the triumph of truth.
After the first ballot for Canal Commissioner,
the Hon. George Darsie, present Senator from
Allegheney county, was, by acclamation, decla
red the candidate for Canal Commissioner.—
For several years *Mr. DarsM has been in the
Senate; and has, while there, won for himself
never-dying fame, for his fearless, faithful, and
never-changing defence of the State Treasury
from depletion by the payment of unworthy
claims. Ono of the ablest, and shrewdest, and
most industrious Senators which ever graced
that body, he has made himself respected and
felt by all; and we were not a little surprised to
hear a member of the other party exulting that
Daraio's defence of the peoples' money had
made him many enemies. Will the people hear
and remember that ? It is just such a man that
is now needed to sit in the Canal Board; and
if the people knew their real interests, they
would elect Darsie Canal Commissioner, by the
votes of both parties.
On the first ballot the Hon. Daniel M. Smy
ser, now of Montgomery county, but lately of
Adams, was elected as the candidate for Jus
tice of the Supreme Court. On the adoption
of the late amendment to the Constitution, Mr.
Smyser, then residing in Adams county, was
invited by the Whigs of the Bucks and Mont
gomery District to be a candidate for President
Judge of their several courts; and what is
extraordinary, he was elected. A man of great
intellectual power, with a mind stored with the
learning of the Law, and its gleanings from the
rich storehouses of science and belles letters,
practical in all its workings, energetic and tire
less; with an unbending fidelity, and earnest
devotion to truth and right; who will duubt the
propriety of the selection.
After the nominations, the Committee on re
solutions reported the resolutions which appear
in an other column. They breathe the true
spirit of the party, and speak our purposes not
to be misunderstood,—they were passed separ
ately, without one dissenting voice; and wo
commend them to the careful consideration of
every honest citizen of our county. Hereafter
they shall receive our further notice if we deem
it necessary.
Sar Thirty church edifices in London are to
be torn down this year, and their cites to be
sold, or devoted to some pecuniarily profitable
purpose. These churches are to be moved for
want of congregations, and the funds resulting
from the sale of the property will bu devoted to
the erection of churchesin the suburbs of the
great city, where hundreds of thousands of peo
ple are without the privilege of church room.
—The Parris correspondent of the Boston At
las, whose statements are generally worthy of
implicit confidence, states that the forces which
France can put in field immediately an* at
any moment are 240 war battalions or 240,000
I infantry. 300 squadrons of mounted rues, or
33,000 cavalry, and 360, pieces of artgary,
ITIOUTIDKI . by 30,000 . artilery men, with. Berte re•
giments of engineering companies.
Proceedings of the, Whig State Conran-
H.tantsuutto, March 15.—The Whig State
Convention met in the Hall of the House of
Representatives this morning at 10 o'clock, and
was called to order by JOSEPH R. FLANIGEN,
Esti., of Philadelphia, on whose motion HENRY
D. MAXWELL, Esq., of Northampton County,
was called to the Chair as temporary President,
and David D. Bruce, of Allegheny, and John
S. Jackson, of Philadelphia County, as Secre
The list of Delegates was then called over,
and corrected. . .
There being contested seats in Huntingdon,
Union and Mifflin Counties, Mr. Brook, of
Delaware, moved that a committee of seven be
appointed to settle them, and report to the
Convention. _
Mr. Taggart, of Northampton, moved that
all the contestants be admitted to seats.
The subject gave rise to a long discussion,
in which Messrs. Williamson, Flanigon, Brooke,
Edie, Taggart a 5 others participated. Mr.
Taggart finally withdrew his motion, and the
original motion was adopted.
The President appointed Messrs. Brooke,
C. T. Jones, Taggart, Edle, Wheeler, Robert
son end Heilman the committee.
Mr. J. Spearing of Philadelphia, then moved
that a committee of one from each Senatorial
district be appointed to report officers for the
permanent organization of the convention,
which was agreed to.
The President announced the following gen
tlemen as the Committee, and notice was given
that they would meet in the east committee
room after the adjournment.
1 Joshua Spearing, 15 A. M. C. White.
2 C. Thomson Jones, 16 Geo. W. Palmer,
3 Lloyd Jone,l7 M. C. Mercer,
4H. Jones rooke, 18 H. P. Swoope,
5 D. E. Stout, 19 John Smiley,
6 Caleb Taylor, 20 R. Lyle White,
7 H. P. Ramsey, 21 Wm. Hazlett,
8 David Taggart, 22 Cornelius Darrah,
9 Thomas Barr, 23 C. M. Reed,
10 J, W. Fuller, 24 Wm. H. Kuntz,
11 A. K. McCluare, 25 A. McConnell,
12 Wm. McConkey, 26 J. D. Sharon,
13 W. Shoop, 27 John Covode,
14 Ed. Blanchard, 28 John Hendricds,
On motion of Col. Edie, the rules of the
House of Representatives were adopted for the
government of the Convention.
On motion of J, W. Strokes, of Philadelphia
county the Convention proceeded to present the
names of candidates for the several nomina-
tions, which were as follows:
For Governor—Hon. James Pollock, Job R.
Tyson, Wro. Larimer, Jr., Wm. F. Johnson,
Henry M. Fuller, A. G. Curtin, H. S. Evans,
J. H. Ewing, W. H. Irwin, W. H. Kelm.
Canal Commissioner—J. W. Fuller, of Le.
high; A. Robertson, George Darsie, Wm. F.
Leach, David Miller, Geo. H. Hart, David
Taggart, Paul J. Preston, J. M. Sellers, Ansen
Gray, H. S. Evans, John Rice, Cyrus P. Mar
Judge of the Supreme Court—Edward Cow
an, Daniel M. Smyser. John G. Miles, Isaac
Hazdhurst, Charles Gibbons, A. K. Cornyn,
Frederick Watts, James Pollock, I. Clerk
Hare, Alfred Patterson, James S. Rodgers.
After which the Convention adjourned till
half past two o'clock this afternoon.
2i o'et.ocs, P. M.
The Convention met, and was called to or
der by the President pro-tern.
Mr. Tagart, from the Committee on the sub
ject, reported the following officers for the per
manent organization of the Convention, which
report was unanimously adopted:
WM. F. JOHNSTON, of Allegheny CO,
1 Jos. R. Flanigen, 15 A. M. White,
2 Win. Moran, 16 F. Steward,
3 Ephraim Conrad, 17 Wm. S. Dobbin,
4 Henry Butler, 18 11. P. Swoope,
5 Jacob Strabb, 19 D. F. Kinnear,
6 Albert Philips, 20 Jos. C. Hayes,
7 John C. Watson, 21 J. S. MeJunkin,
8 Stephen Miller, 22 James Verner,
_9 P. H. Wheeler, 23 John H. Wells,
LO Thomas Barr, ' 24 John It. Edie,
LI Mm. McLellan, 25 Wm. M. Stewart,
2 Wm. S. Roland, 26 T. D. Sharon,
.3 M. Donaldson, 27 S. B. Markle,
4 George Bucheinan, 28 John S. Clenient.
Thomas M. Marshall, A. K. McClure,
Samuel Ilunsecker, Mahlon Yardley,
Paul Cornyn
The President was conducted to the chair by
Mr. Flanigen and Col. Edie, and addressed
the body in an able and effective speech, which
was interrupted by rounds of applause.
Mr. Brooke, from the Committee on Contes
ted Seats, made a report. The report recom
mended that all the contestants be admitted to
seats, but that each district, he entitled to cast
but one vote.
The report gave rise to some discussion on
the part of Messrs. Brooke, Flanigan, Taggert
ann others, when it was finally adopted. •
Mr. Hoffman, of Berks, moved that a com
mittee of nine be appointed to draft resolutions
expressive of the sense of the Convention,
which was amended to read thirteen, and thus
adopted. The President anncunced the Com
mittee, as follows: .
J:tcon HOFFMAN, of Berlm, Chairman.
Cornelius Darragh; Allegheny; Ed. Blanch.
ard, Cntre; Caleb Taylor, Bucks; David Tag.
gart, Northumberland; Geo. A. Coffee, Jeffer•
sou; R. Lyle White, Crawford; Chas. Thompson
Jones, Philadelphia; John Covode, Westmore.
land; Wm. Sergeant, Philadelphia; John Fen.
lon, Cambria; M. C. Mercur, Bradford; 11. C,
Shell, Chester. . _
Killinger offered the following resolu
tion, which was adopted:—
Resolved, That no gentleman be allowed io
represent a county or district in this Conven
tion, unless he he a resident therein, or spe
cially deputized by the representative thereof.
Explanations having been made on the part
of several gentlemen who presented themselves
as substitutes. Mr. Flanigen of ' Philadelphia
city, stated that he understood that the names
of gentlemen had been given in to represent
the County of Erie, who were not regularly
elected; and he therefore desired to be inform.
ed upon what authority they appered.
The President of the Convention stated the
question of Mr. F., and asked the gentlemen
referred to for a response, when Mr. Alexan
der Russell, of Allegheny, stated that, in con
nection with another gentleman, he had been
requested to represent the county of Erie, and
that they had accordingly taken their seats;
but as they were clearly ruled out by the reso
lution they would retire.
On motion of Mr. Flanigen, the Convention
then proceeded to vote, viva wee, for candi
dates for the several offices, as follows;
First Second Third
Wm. Larimer reed 28 32 37
11. M. Fuller, 10 23
James PoHoek,
A. G. Curtin,
John H. Ewing,
Job R. Tyson,
23 41 82
12 13 11
4 2
11 14
4 1
Henry S.'Evans,
NV. H. Irwin,
W. H. Kelm,
Win. F. Johimon,
James Pollock, of Northumberland, having
received a majority of all the votes on the third
ballot, was declared duly nominated as the
Whig candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania,
and the announcement was greeted with rounds
of applause. The nomination was then con
firmed unanimously. The names of several
candidates for Governor were withdrawn be
tween the first and thirdballota; those of Messrs.
Tyson and Kiem immediately after the first.
on motion, the Convention then proceeded
to ballot for a candidate for Canal Commission
er, which resulted as follows :
James W. Fuller,
James M. Selien,
Archibald Ruberwou f
David Miller,
Cyrus P. Markle,
George Darsie,
Paul S. Preston,
John Rice,
There being no choice on the first ballot, on
motion, George Darsie, of Allegheny, was nom
inated by acclamation.
The Convention than, on motion, proceeded
to vote a candidate for Judge of ie Supreme
Court, with the following result, the names of a
number of gentleman having been first with.
Daniel M. Smyser,
John G. Miles,
A. K. Coruyu,
Alfred Patterson,
Ed. Cervun,
Frederick Watts,
James S. Rodgers
Daniel M. Smyeer, of Montgomery, was non,
ivated on the first ballot, and confirmed unani
A motion was made that the Chair appoint
a State Central Committee, to consist of one
from each Congressional district.
Mr. Maxwell, of Northampton, moved to re
duce the number of the committee to thirteen,
and made a speech in support of his motion.
Pending the question, the Convention ad
journed till 71 o'clock this evening.
7i O'CLOCK, r. M,
Convention again assembled.
On motion or Cot. Edie, a committee of three
was appointed to inform the candidates of their
nomination. The committee are Messrs. Edie,
of Somerset, Verner, of Allegheny, and Potts,
of Montgomery.
Tho consideration of the resolution for the
appointment of a State Committee was resum
ed, and was discussed at some length, by Messrs.
Maxwell, Williamson, Jones, Flanigen, Fenlon,
and others. Several motions were made to in
crease the number to 20, 33, and 24, all of
which were disagreed to; and the motion of Mr.
Maxwell, (thirteen,) was finally adopted.
The President announced that ho hail just
received a telegraph dispatch from Gen. Lori
mer, which he read to the Convention. The
dispatch runs—" Say to my friends, hurrah for
Pollock. I will do all that I can for him."
It was received with tremendous cheering.
The committee on resolutions then reported
the following, which were read and adopted
Resolved, That the Constitution of the Na
tional and State Government embrace every
thing that is essential to the peace, happiness
and prosperity of the citizens; that all laws
should be enacted with express reference to the
greatest good of the largest number; and when
passed in pursuance of constitutional authority,
demand the obedienceef all the people.
Resolved, That to preserve the National Uni
on, ought to be the highest ambition of the
American citizen, and that all attempts to
weaken the affection of the people for its con
tinuance and maintenance, to violate its coin
promises, or to produce discussions of its val
ue and efficacy, should lie indignantly frowned
down, as a species of moral treason.
Resolved, That those provisions of the Kan.
sax Nebraska bill, now before Congress, which
affect and repeal the Missouri Compromise, are
a deliberate breach of plighted faith andpub
lic compact, a high-handed attempt to force
slavery into a vast territory now free from it
by law, a reckless renewal of a quieted agita
tion; and, therefore, meet the stern indignant,
and unanimous condemnation of the Whig par
ty of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Resolves?, That the enactment of the laws
whether by National or State Goverantent,
these important results should be constantly in
view, to wit: universal education, religious lib
erty, and the useful and happy employment of
the toiling masses, the bone and sinew of the
community..... . .
Resolved, That our foreign intercourse should
be conducted magnanimously, so that no in
justice or wrong be done to others or submit
ted to on our part.
Resolved, That the policy of protecting oar
home industry, against the depressing influence
of foreign capital and labor, is as sound in prin
ciple now as ever, notwithstanding the acetden
tal causes, whirls for the moment, may seem
to declare otherwise.
Resolved, That the Whig party, are in favor
of a just and equitable Homestead Bill, and re
commend to our Senators and Representatives
in Congress from Pennsylvania, to aid in pro
curing the passage of such a bill.
Resolued, That we congratulate the Demo
cratic Party that former differences between
them and the Whig Party, on the subject of
the banking institutions of Pennsylvania, are
settled by a resolution of the late Democratic
Convention,recognizing and adopting the Whig
doctrioe on that subject.
.Resolved, That the Whig Party, now as
heretofore, will continue to urge the sale of the
Public Improvements as the only means by
which our heavy and oppressive taxes can be
reduced, and the ultimate payment of the pub
lic debt be accomplished.
Resolved, That this Convention with extreme
pleasure present. td their constituency, the
Whig party of this State, the names of James
Pollock of Northumberland, for Governor, and
George Darsie of Allegheny, for Canal Com
missioner, and Daniel M. gmyser of Montgom
ery, for Justice of the Supreme Court, because
the gentlemen are not only faithful, sound and
tried Whigs, but of approved ability and expo.
rience for their respective stations and also hon
est, pure, and good ken.
The resolutions were read by Mr. Coffey, of
Blair county.
The thanks of the Convention were thee vo
ted to the House of Representatives, for the use
of the Hall; and to the officers, for their faith
ful discharge of their general duties; when the
Convention adjourned sine die, with three hear
ty cheers for the nominees.
After the adjournment a mass meeting was
organized, by calling Col. Edie to the Chair,
and appointing several Vico Presidents and
Secretaries. Speeches were made by Messrs.
Coffey, Benedict, and Casey, and great enthusi
asm prevailed, A more respectable or spirited
Convention has not been held in the State fur
years, and better candidates for any offices have
never been presented for the suffrages of the
people. The auguries of success are cheering.
'moons Nature,
A lady residing in Newburg, in this county,
was delivered of a bicephalous mule child of a
most singular fortnation. It had two heads,
three arms and four hands. The child was not
alive when ushered into existence. The two
faces were almost precisely alike in features.
The Democrat says its feet and legs were nat
ural nod perfect. The body was divided in
such a manner as to leave no doubt that it was
composed of two bodies, which had by some
cause become united. It is probable that it
contained two hearts and two stomachs—in
truth, all the internal apparatus of two comy
plete bodies. It is much to be regretted that
measures were not at once taken to remove ev
cry doubt in regard to this matter. There
were attached to the body, two heads, two per.
feet arms, and one arm with two perfect hands.
One of the heads was connected with the body
by a neck which grew behind the right should.
er; the other occupied the natural position.—
The third arm was attached to the body just
between the two necks. It had two hands,
which were united immediately hbove the wrist
by a sort of web, the palms facing inward, and
all the fingers being perfect. In the entire
range of medical science, this ease stands with
out a parallel. The mother is past all danger.
She positively missed to allow the child to be
dissected.—Ckveland Plaindeakr.
Ilscrecturno, March 18.—Mrs. Susan Bigler,
relict of the late Jacob Bigler, and the mother
of Gov. Wm. Biglci, of Pennsylvania,and Gov.
John Bigler, of California, died this corning,
at her residence, in Delaware township, Mer
cer county, aged, about 70. Gov Bigler left
this afternoon for Mercer, to attend the funeral,
which takes place on Saturday. Us will re•
turn on Tuesday.
Romantic Affair.
Last week, a Spanish boy about eighteen
years old, named Joseph Edward Moe Pobalo,.
passed through this city en nods for Washing.
ton city, in charge of Adams & Co's Express
Company Messengers. The story of his histo
ry is essentially romantic. It appears that
some ten years ago, while bathing on the coast
near the city of Campenehy, Mexico, he, with
five other boys, was stolen by a gang of French
pirates, who kept them four years, nod then
sold them to a merchantman, who kept them
two years took them to the city of New Orleans,
and there sold them to a Louisiana planter, for
the term of their minority. Their owner was
about to resell them to a shipmaster to make
sailors of them, when the boy Pobalo made his
escape, and worked his way to Lafayette, Judi
:ma, where he attracted the notice of a gentle
; man who corresponded with the Mexican Min
ister at Washington, regarding him. The Min
ister became interested in the story of the boy,
and wrote to have him forwarded, that he
might restore him to his parents if they were
living. The boy will probably reach the Mexi
can Minister this evening, and be sent home,
if there yet remains a home for him. The su
perintendents of the various railroads over
which lie has traveled since his history has be
came known, have given him freepasses, and
hotel-keepers have declared his bill settled on
sight. Such is a very gond condensed novel.
[Cincinnati Corn.
Dick's Sentence.
Judge Hart, in sentencing the murderer at
Dayton, on Saturday last, said:
"not bloody devil siczed upon your human
nature, God knows; but this is certain, that is
suing, from your lurking place, you fell upon
an old and defenceless woman, dragged her,
perhaps, from the wagon, and with terrible,
force beat her face and her skull into a mere
mass; that you fell upon her mon, a lad of about
fourteen years old; that in his young love of
life he fled upon the winds of despair before
your uplifted and murderous weapon; that he
flew in vain; you outstripped him; the deadly
blow fell upon his tender skull, and he, too,
was in eternity. Your motives are not re
vented. That they were cruel and bloody, and
barked by a purpose which no consideration of
. could for a moment shake, this plan.—
There ts no assignable motive for your deed
but nn inexorable revenge.
Francis Dick. you are guilty. Francis Dick,
youmust die. It is the law of God; it is and
ought to be the law of man, that the murderer
shall die. Let no hope deceive you; no hope
allure your mind from the steadiest conviction
that your days are numbered. Tho sentence
of the court is, that you be taken hence to the
common jail ;Attie county, and be safely kept;
that on the second Friday of April, 1854, (the
1460 you be taken to the place of execution,
and that between the hours of 10 o'clock in the
morning and 4in the afternoon of that day,
you be hanged by the neck until dead.
Important Arrest of Burglars•—lniquity
Broken Up.
On Friday evening, about 12 o'clock a man
named Berry was robbed of $2OOO in sover
eigns, near the Michigan Southern Railroad
Depot, and Win. Morrissey, 'Silvan Brooks,
John T. Peterson, and H. J. Maton,
were ar
rested by the night police, charged with the
robbery. Further developmentg were made on
searching the appartments of the prisoners
showing their connection in systematic villiainy,
and this morning another, and it is supposed
the chief of the gang, was arrested at his house
on Buffalo street, by officer Lower, of the day
police. He is a Frenchman, Legion Lemier
by name, ostensibly the keeper of a small jew
elry store, but his establishment was found to
include utensils not directly of service in the
repair of watches, rings and broaches, though
perhaps useful in making additions to the stock
of the worthy proprietor. They were taken to
the watch-house, and comprise a full set of bur.
glars tools, offensive and defensive, "jemmies,"
slung-shots, bludgeons, &c.
The examination was completed on the part
of the peopleyestenlay, and will be continued
on the part of the defence to day.
Mr. B. had fortunately deposited in one of
the quirks of this city yesterday, $l,OOO in sov
ereigns, and taken a certificate of deposit.—
This the robbers took from him, and it has
not yet been recovered; it will be unprofitable
stock for them to hold. The money and watch
have been restored to Mr. B.—Chicago lour
A . Mysterious Murder--An Unknown
Man Shot.
An unknown man, apparently about 40 years
of age, was murdered in a vacant field in the
vicinity of Marcy avenue, Brooklyn, between
8 nud 9 o'clock last evening. His hat was
found some distance froM him, which leads to
the supposition that he was pursued by some
person,who discharged a revolver while so close
to hint that Isis coat was burned with the pow
der. Three took effect, two in the shoulder
just below the neck, and one in the small of
the back, causing death in five or six minutes.
Mr: Thomas Dower, residing at the corner of
Marcy avenue and Dodney street, went to the
door, and after two or three minutes, saw the
injured man partially rise and fall back again
upon the ground; he procured assistance and
went to the spot, the injured man expired soon
after without being able to speak audibly.—
About 11 o'clock his remains were conveyed in
a wagon to the First Ward belkower. De
ceased was a stout built good looking man,
with whiskers and moustaches; the third and
fourth fingers of the left hand have been am
putated close to the hand. He had on a heavy
brown overcoat, light checkered pants, figured
vest, satin cravat, fancy shirt, and red top
thick books. A portmonnnie and a bunch of
keys were found in his pocket, but no money
or papers. An ice-pick was found near by,
having stamped on the steel the name of ''ll.
Thorpe."—New York Times.
Onto U. S. SENATOR. -Mr. Uco. E. PLUM
has been chosen U. S. Senator by the legisla
tare of Ohio for the full term of six years from
the 4th of March next. He is at present At
torney General of the State, and a Locofoco of
the radical progressive school. Ho was a
member of the legislature in 1848, and aided
in the election of Hon. Sm.mox P. CHASE, 'but
lie will represent very different opinions in the
Senate. We believe he will go the whole fig
ure for the territorial and Slavery extension,
or anything else the South may demand of
him. He is quite a young man, and in point
of intellect will rank about filth-rate in the Sen.
An American in Prison in Prussia.
The citizens of Syracuse, N. Y., are moving
in regard to John 'Wien, a resident of that
city and member of the Lafayette Guards, who
has been incarcerated by the Prussian Govern
ment. Lisbon left Prussia at the ago of seven
teen, and carne to this country, taking out his
naturalization papers, and was for three years
a voter. He returned last fall to Prussia, to
claim an inheritance left Min by his father.—
On a charge owing millitary service to that
country ho was seized and thrown into a loath
some prison. A meeting has been held and a
committee appointed to draft a petition of Pro.
sident Pierce in his behalf.
United States surveying schooner Crawford
sailed from Norfork on Thursday, for the west
coast of Florada, when; she will be engaged in
the survey of that part of the coast untraced,
under the charge of Professor A. 1). Bache the
superintendent. The Crawford by direction of
Professor Roche will run a line of deep•sea
soundings from Key West to Havana, with the
view of ultimatel)• earring the telegraph across
to the island of Cube.
ser Gon. Houston says that ofthree hundred
members of Congress in attendance when the
Missouri Compromise was ppssed, thirty-three
years ago, only three rot - num.—Benton, Ever
ett and himself.
Aral harbillgert•of Sprilig—Mleas and bed
A. Novm. ticir.---The gossipiap• circlet of
Troy urn agitated by a sub, which has beep
brought by a. gentleman, who attended a halt
in that city, against the person who furniShed 1 .
FIMI %V}..1.1i
the s upp er. One of the w"ii'." upse t 00 "" ) ' Iliehard S,mkey's adm'r. vs. Mary &L. S ankvy
coffee •upon the dress of a Indy, spoiling the I John Marks vs imvit , Barr ,.
garment which was valued nt .$75. The'P.' John Savage's Trustees vs Adam Hooch.
teeter of the lady has prosecuted to recover the same vs John Fisher.
value of the dress. In our opinion the verdict Gco. Dieherstaff et al vs David Patterson et al,
at common law should is,, us lip, go over!" . John Silknit ter vs Eli Harris.
••••,...... • - - ' Jame: Maguire vs The P. It R. Co, ague..
11,12 CLYEL.aiiLl:_±.l, ..,,,,,„
u „,„. & CO. VA SAM,
A mirew C. Craig vs s pi ..
HUNTINGDON. Ulen Hope & 1.. B. E. T..P!lt e ond Cu. t Thai.•h .!1. ISM. Within. 7.7 .. ~
; ~,, I ; corge Jack,. vs Peter Sassmsm.
' " 4 " , J. Sett ell Siewm,E,..i. s; L. Yoder..
0) - -
Flour per
Clover Seed, per hu.,
lied When, per hu..• •
White When, pe•r bir
Rye, per be
Corn, per bu
Buckwheat, per l!tt• •
Oats, per ha
Flaxseed. per bit
Buy, per Wu
Butter, per lb.,
March 50, 1854.
$7 25
3 75
1 80
1 70
Flour per bbl
Corn Meal
White Wheat, per Int
Reporl:d it. Co.. Conunission
March 18, 1854.
$7 62
8 75
1 73
1 6-1
Flour per lAA
Coin Meal
White Wheat, per Int
The meet extramlinary discovery in the World
is the Great Arabian Remedy for -Ilan
and Beast.
lf. 6. FAltitEl.l;B .
EVERY FAMILY should at once procure
bottle of the great Arabian remedy for man
and beast, called 11. G. FARRELL'S ARA
BIAN LINIMENT. It allays the most intense
pains in a few minutes, restores the synovial
dMk or joint water, and thus .cores stiff joints;
it penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes con
traded cords, cures rheumatism and palsied
limbs of twenty years' standing; also tumors,
swelled. neck, enlargement of the glands. L and
is the best medicine for ailments of cattlMbver
discovered, curing sweeny, spavins, splint, and
all diseases which require au external applica
Sun Thin of 10 years' standing cured by
IL G. Parrell's Arabian Liniment.
Mr. 11. G. .Farrell.—Dear sir: I had been
afflicted with the' Sun Pain" for the last ten
years, and could never get relief except by
bleeding; but by the use of H. G. Farrell's Ara
bias Liniment, applied over the temples about
three or four times a day, it was entirely remo
ved, and I have felt nothing of it since. I went
into the stable one night, to apply it to a horse's
sore log, and being very lame lie stumbled and
foil against my legs, crushing and bruising
them so badly that they turned black flo my
hat, rendering them powerless. I applied your
Liniment, and was well enough in is few days
to go about again no usual. I also crushed
my finger in a shocking in:timer, by letting a
back log fill upon it; your Liniment soon heal.
ed it up, though. JOHN It. M'OEE.
La Salle precinct, Peoria co., 111., Feb, 6, '49.
[Esq. Barker, of New Canton, 111., says:
Mr. H. G. Farrell's Arrt)ian Liniment has
cured some bud cases here, which every other
remedy had failed in; one was a white swelling
and contracted cords in the leg of a boy twelve
years old. The leg had withered away, and.
was so contracted that he had leo use of it.—
Three doctors had tried their skill upon it in
vain, and he was first sinking to the grave,
when the boy's father was induced to try H. G.
Farrell's Arabian Liniment. Before the first
bottle was used up he came to Mr. B.'s store,
and the first words ho said were, "Mr. Barker,
I want all that Liniment you have in the store;
the one bottle I got did my boy more good
than all that I ad ever been done before." That
boy is now well and hearty, and has free use
aids legs. It is good for sprains, bruises, cuts,
burns and swellings.
Look out for Counterceits!
The public are 'cautioned against another
counterfeit, which lens lately made its appear.
ance, called W. 13. FerroWs Arabian Liniment,
the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be
cause his leaving the name of Farrell, many
will bay it in good faith, without the knowledge
that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps
only discover their error when the spurious
mixture has wrought its evil effects.
The genuine article is runnufretured only bv
H. G. Farrell, solo inventor and proprietor,
and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street,
Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for
Agencies must be addressed. Be sure you get
it with the letters If. G. before FarrelPs, thus
—ll. G. FARRELL'S—and his signature ou
the wrapper, all others are counterfeits.
Sold by ihos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, It. '
E. Sellers & Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts
burg, and by regularly authorized agents
throughout the United States.
Aar Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. '
AGENTS WANTED in every town, village
and hamlet in the United States, in which one
is not already established. Address 11. G. Far- 1
rell as above, accompanied with good reference
as to character, responsibility, &e.
Febuary 15, '51.-4t.
On the 16th inst., by Simeon Wright, Eq.,
Mr. jolts Mutt of Todd township, to Miss
ANN CIII MOTE of Union tp.
nt 223 North SECOND Street, below Coßow
hill, PLILADELPIIIA; has on hand, a splendid
assortment of Velvets Tapestry, Brussels,
Three Ply,lngrain, Venitian CAltrurs:
besides Druggets, Canton and Cocoa MAT
TINOS, Winsow Shades, Door Matto, Floor
2 and Table OIL CLOTHS, Stnir Rods, Hearth
g Rugs, &e. Also, the at his other's',
TO LET. • STORE, Corner of Bth and SPRINO GAR- I
DEN STREET, under the Sprites Garden
rrHE large, and well located store, dwelling M.o.—WHOLESALE and RETAIL.
and warehouse belonging to the Estate of March 22, 1854.-6 m.
William Buchanan, dee'd., situated nt Mill Creek
Ih igelon Is now offered fr
At the residence of his father, in Shirleys
burg, on Friday the 17th inst, of Typhoid fi!-
ver, Mr. JOHN Lost:, jr., aged 24 years 10
months anal day.
Auntingdon county, ~_ for rent, on '
favorable terms.
This stand is one of the best in the county.—
The store, Dwelling and warehouse adjoin. The THE DIANUFACTURE OF PAPER, wt.
warehouse is on a level with, and adjoins the will pay to Country Merchants and others having
Penna. Rail Road, and the Via Duct between the Rags for sale, more Man the present market price.
Warehouse and Dwelling, gives en easy access — CASM
to the wharf on the canal, affording every facility JESSUP & MOORE, Paper Manufacturers,
for carrying on an extensive business—apply on Pint.AnnumiA—Nos. 24 and 26 North St.
the premises or to (Ist Street below Arch, between sth and 13th.)
ROBERT HARE POWEL, Attorney. March 22, 1854.-2 m.
March 22,'54.-41.
TILE Annual Contest between the Zetamatho, John Stone & gone,
am and Kallilogian Literary Societies' of the ,
Juniata Academy at Shirleysburg will be held on no. 95 South Second Street, Philadelphia.
Wednesday evening April sth 1854. Tho public Have now in Store of their own importation, a
are respectfully invited to attend. Exercises to large and handsome assortment of
commence at 6} P. M. By order of President. I
B. B. CAMPBELL, Secretary. 1 SILKS,
March 22, '54.-2t.
Administrator's Notice. CRAPES,
and every article suitable to the Blilllnery Trade,
LETTERS of Administration having been to which constant addition wilt be made through
granted to the undersigned, on the estate of out the season, thereby enabling them to after
Jelin Shade, late of the Borough of Huntingdon,. the largest and most desirable selection of articles
I in their line to be found in the City.
Huntingdon county, deed., all persons indebted
will make immediate payment, and those having Philatletphia, Mardi 22. 1854.-2 m.
claims will present them duly authenticated fort
settlement. PETER N. MARKS, Admr.
March 22,'54.-6t.
LETTERS of Administration having been
LOST. granted to the undersigned, on the estate of
g r A N Baumlay the 16th inst.,hetween Mill Creek George W. Cheshohn, late of Barree township.
and Mount Union, a Pcronots CERTIFICATE Huntingdon county deed., all persons knowing
belonging to Mra. Mary Waggoner, Dublin town. themselves indebted will make immediate Ray
Huntingdon County. Any person finding molt, and those having claims will present thout.
the same una.returning it to the undersigned, will PruPeill udjuetcd for
melt oblige the widow. 11. C. ROB S 1 S. W. MYTON'. Ailmini•ttatu,.
Shade (hip, Mach 2 22,'54.-'ll. Utr,lt 22,
COURT .4 I'FAMS-..% pri Term, ,31
Tijal Lisd
• 1.,1, .I•.ha Thseovi.e ut al v.: dol. W. .`ist..•.}..e.
A. Alith“el
• • • Net v• Mathew Cross tweer. •
•• • :111 Ale.K. I Ex'rs. 1.51.110
••• 04 A. L. :11c1)onola va John Ileury,
1 00 &dal Stewart vs Lose & South.
8 50 Voia'th tbr Stonehraker vs Al. Crownover.
• • .18 W. P. McCleany & Co. v. 7. R. Woork,Onnect
Grand Jurors.
Alexander Beers, farmer, Tell.
Sterret Cummins, farmer, Jackson.
John Cummins, limner, Jackson.
David Ethic!. ' merchant, Cromwell..
Hiram Greenland, saddler, Cass.
David Graham, farmer, Dublin.
Samuel Hackedorn, farmer. Tun.
Moses Hamer, farmer, Walker.
Adam Heater, farmer, Clay.
Robert Johnston, farmer, Jackson.
Joseph Kande, farmer, Porter.
George Kreiger, farmer, Clay.
Adam Lightner, farmer, West.
Samuel MeVety, joist. peace, Shirley.
Peter N. Marks, carpenter, Henderson.
Themes Osborn, farmer, Jackson.
Job Plympton, machinist, Morris.
B. Stevens, Esq., farmer, Springfield.
G. M. Thompson, just. peace, Franklin.
John Vandevander, carpenter, Walker.
Jamey WiWn, farmer, Henderson.
John Warefield, limner, Henderson.
Eli Wakefield; farmer. Brady.
Daniel Teague, just. peace, Cromwell.
Traverse Jurors.
A. Brumbaugh, farmer. Hopewell.
Geo. W. Bell, farmer, 13arree.
Jesse heck, laborer, Brady.
David Beck, farmer, Warrioramark.
Wm. Bice, carpenter, Franklin.
.Tohn Rumbarger, mechanic, Barrett.
Wm. Chilcoat, farmer, Union,
M. P. Campbell. just. peace, Dublin.
Jacob Cresswell, surveyor, Tod.
Jonathan Doyle, miller, Union.
John Davis, farmer, Morris.
Jacob DA blacksmith, West.
John Err, farmer, Warriorsmark.
Daniel Fink, farmer, Penn.
J. It. Gosnell, farmer, Cam.
Robert Grafts, Rimer, Porter.
,Tames Glazier, merchant, Clay.
Henry S. Green, teacher, Tod.
Joseph Heaton, filmier, Penn.
Samuel Racy, tailor, Porter.
Wm. A. Hudson, farmer. Dublin.
L. Houck, Esq., farmer, Hopewell.
John Hastings, carpenter, Walker.
Peter Hoffman, laborer, Walker.
David Irvin, plasterer, Cromwell.
Samuel Isenberg, cal l % maker, Porter.
John :Jackson, farmer, Jackson.
Wm. B. Johnston, farmer, Franklin.
David Jeffries, just. peace, Dublin.
James Keith,
farmer, Hopewell.
Wm. Lyons, limner, Tell.
lames Morgan, farmer, Cromwell.
Wm. Madden, thrmer, Springfield.
Israel MyFrly, farmer, Lniou.
Job Morris, mason, Henderson.
Thos. E. Orbison, merchant, Cromwell,
James Oliver, farmer, Franklin.
John Porter, gentleman, Porter.
James Poston, farmer, Cass.
David Rupert, farmer, Henderson..
Jacob Rider, farmer, Warriorsivark.
William Smith, thriller. Union:
Jacob Snyder, tailor, Henderson.
Valentine Smith '
farmer, 'fell.
John Simpson, fa rmer, Henderson.
George Slack, lumberman, Barren.
David Thompson, filmier, Henderson..
Richard Ashman, merchant, Clay.
Joseph Cornelius, farmer, Cromwell.
Henry Cornpropst, merchant, Henderson:.
Abraham Corbin, farmer, West.
Jesse Cook, just. peace, Tod. -
Asa Corbin, farmer, Cass.
John Duff, farmer, Jacks..
John Dysart, limner, Porter.
Samuel Eyer, farmer, Warriorsmark.
Valentine Fink, farmer, Penn.
Joshua Green, farmer, Harem.
Benjamin (drove, farmer, 'Penn.
James Gillen], Esq., farmer, West.
John Householder, just. pence, Penn.
Jacob Hawn, farmer, Walker.
Joshua Hicks, former, Porter.
Robert Henderson, farmer, Warriorsinark.
John Hicks, farmer, Porter.
Daniel Hoffman, mill•wright, Franklin.
John Ingram, farmer, Franklin.
William Ledford, farmer, Porter.
Henry Lee, farmer, Jackson.
Charles McGill, mason, Penn.
.James Martin, farmer, Porter.
John Murray, carpenter, Henderson.
Samuel Mosser, farmer, West.
1). Glazier Nash, laborer, Henderson.
Abraham Pheasant, farmer, Union.
Washington Reynolds, carpenter, Franklin,
Elliot Ramsey, farmer, Springfield.
Henry Robertson, merchant, Dublin.
David Stoner, farmer, Clay.
Samuel Smith, farmer, Union.
Andrew Sheller, iron master, Cromwell.
Abraham Taylor, farmer, Tod.
Adam Wakefield, blacksmith, Brady.
Administrator's Notice.