A Plucky Sheriff. n Friday last, Sheriff Henninger, of Ches. leanly, proceeded to BeWiner° with a re don from (iovernor Bigler, for Solari°, the fighter, who had previously been arrested int city. They traveled on the cars and a they arrived at Havre De Grace, the pri ,r asked to be unironed. The Sheriff core d with his request, as the cars were going . very rapid rate: When abdut three miles L side of Chester, a "gentleman''—undoubt• ycul accomplice—eat the bell rope that ran ough the ears, stepped to the door and threw pen. Shwa° evidently knew this man and the ivement, for he sprang to the door the in. cut it was opened. The Sheriff sprang after n, but a man Hitting by the door had nearly sed it before he could reach it. iti however, was on the platform in no in t, but only to see his prisoner spring from mrs,while they were running at the late om twcinty.five to thirty miles nn our.— saw strike the ground and roll upon it a bull. In an instant the intrepid Sheriff wed, striking upon his face, and cutting lip. He arose and found that his upper hp the only wound of consequence. Ills prt- T had gathered himself up and started for a evidently crippled by his fall. The Sheriff iwed and wined on the culprit, calling np. lint to surrender, who seeing he was about a Overtaken, turned and squarest himself fight. The Sheriff drew his revolver and mpted to tire, but fortunately for the pri or it missed. He WEIS about to try another, in the pugilist surrendered and begged for trier. he Sheriff' held the pistol to his breast and him to hold out his hands for the irons, ,h he submissively did. After securing , the Sheriff put his prisoner before him and ted towards the city on foot. At the next ping place, the conanctor,who had remain gnorant of what had happened, was inform ir the circumstances ' and was persuaded to bark, expecting to find the Sheriff and iri- Sr both dead, or badly injured. Instead of , they were found on the rail, the victor •ching his prisoner before him. They were m on board and brought to West Che;ter. Irillaburg Union. HUNTINGDON, Fob. 28, 1854. • • • $B,OO n $8,50 ur per err Sced, per bu.,• Wheat, per Int., • Ito Wheat, per bu t, per Int it, per bu tkwhent, per Int • • • a. per bu xaoed. per Int r, per ton ler, per lb., PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 25, 1854.. $8 25 4 00 1 95 1 90 ,ur pre 661 rn Meal !lite Wit.t, per !At BALTIMORE. Feb. 25, 1854. :825 4 0*) ur per 1,1,1 rn Meal Me Wheat, per 1,0 4;ff POISONING. 4 Thousands of Parents ml mac Vermifoge corn nal of Castor oil, Calomel, &e., are not aware, at while they appear to benefit the patient, they e actually laying the foundations for a series of ceases, such as salivation, loss of sight, weak .ss of limbs, &c. In another column will be found tl:e nalvestisa cnt of Ifobensack's Medicines, to :which we ask o attention of all directly interested ha their own well as their Children's health. In Liver amplaints and all disorders arising from those 'at billions typo, should make use of the only :amine medicine, notions:lades Liver Pills. gr" Be not kr( iced," but ask in. llobensnek's min Syrup and Liver Pills, nn a observe that is has the signature or the Proprietor, J. N. )BENSACICS, as none eke aro genuine. 'll3lllOBl PAW01,11 . 11(1,7/ iliseorery ill the JJurld is the Gyms Arabi'ea Remedy fur Man and React. :LEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT Is well 'known to possess the 'nest wonderful healina, penetrating, and stimulating prop ties, mid by its promptness in effecting cures, hick previously hail resisted all other mai nes, administered by the must scientific phvs ians, has placed it flir beyond any similar medy ever• introduced to the people of the nited States. It stimulates the, absorbents increased action, and thus enables nature to 'row off disease—it p,tofrate, 171 e leases, ad- Ing strength mid activity to the muscles—it powerfully anodyne and thereby allays wier. nut irritation, in•oducint/ a delightfully pleas ty sensation through the whole frame. ((wing ) its remarkable anticeptic properties, it purl. es and neutralizes that poisonous, corrosive rinciple which renders old ulcerous sores no iniellit to heal: it therefore is peculiarly rule!, al their speedy cure. This Liniment from its enetrating and strengthening qualities bas con found to be a specific fur Paralysis or Pal- Whiteswellings and diseased joints, and in ic•t all complaints involving the muscular sys um. It has cured cases of Rheumatism of twenty to thirty year's standing, and affections r the Spine wherein the entire column was so rooked and distorted, that the patient could of walk or stand without artificial support.— fumerous caws of Palsy have been cured Olen the flesh had withered, leaving nothing ut the dried skin amnion°, and the limbs to illy without use or feeling. For• Children with 'coup it is of inestimable value, rubbed nod allied over• the throat and chest. If applied rely on the chest it never fails to give relief the sovere eonfilfs attending Cunsumptions, Whom and Colds. It heals wounds speedily —will cure Scaldhead, Mange, etc. Planters aid Farmers will find it it most valuable mill inc to be applied to Horses and Cattle for ;pmins, Bruises, Lameness, Stiff Joints, Swee. my, Dry Shoulder, Wounds, Burns, Splint, or Galls, Hardened Knots on the flesh, te. Look mil ,fin• antakifeibil The public are cautioned against another riunterfeit, which has lately made its appear ice, culled W. 11. Farrell's Arabian Liniment, ie 'oust dangerous of all the counterfeits, be- Mice his having the name of Farrell, many 'ill buy it in good faith, without the knowledge .t a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps illy discover their error when the spurious iixture has -wrought its evil elfects. The genuine article is manufrctured only by 1.11. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor,. nd Aelestile druggist, No. 17 Main street, 'envie, Illinois, to whom all applications for igemines must be addressed. Be sure you get WA. the letters IT. O. before Farrell ii, thus —IL Cl. FARRELL'S—and his signature on lie wrapper all others are counterfeits. Sold by T hos. 114nd & Son, Huntingdon, R. :. Sellers & Fleming Brithers wholesale, Pitts erg, and by regularly authorized agents hroughout the United States. per- Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 par bottle. A(IENTS WANTED in every town, village Aid hamlet in the United States, in width one s not already established. Address IT. Cl. Far ed ns above, accompanied with good reference M•character, responsibility, &c. February 45,'54.—it. IVIAItR/ED, On the 27th ult., by nee. Mr. O'Farrell, Mr. MI 1,11,1,11 Y, tO MiS9 MARY SILIFFER, tutu o f MI.. Union. On the 21411 nit., Michael rkplinger, Mr. Snynt.t C. an or ihintiu,doi, Cetntly. DIED, At las residence in Dublin Cp., nn Wednes day 22nd ult., Mr. DAVID HUDSON, aged 65 years. Notice MB can now furnish the Joel Dawson Cut- VV ting Box, manufitetured by Wm. Lantitt & Co., of this place, and will he delivered at any point on Canal or Penna. 11. Road. A simple and durable arrangement; sell-feed ing, and will cut hay, straw, or corn-fodder, nay desired length. A trial is solicited, end warranted to give sat isfaction. Price $lO Cash. RESSLER & BRO. Mid Creek, Ilant. co., Pa., March 1,'34.-6m. Notice. 0 17 p7e ' te rr ;rm g :7er ' e " t g e r f o o r re r1 17e te N r vi l lg i n g ve m i o t ", r ( o7„ - 1 fret? this Auto to close oeplaster season.. Fish stud Salt, n heavy stock of Groceries, with a general assortment of goods, and ell articles generally found in country stores, constantly fur sole. RESSLER & 13110. Mill Creek, Pa., March I, '54.-1 re Notice to Contractors. 91W0 owes to build. One at earls end of the Court-llouse yard. The letting to be held on the 24th day of March inst. Proposals will he received Op to that time. The plan and Fp,ifi cations can he seen at the Commissioner's Office. ELIEL SMITH. SAMUEL WIGTON, Com'rs. IIOMAS HAMER, Huntingdon, March 24,'54.-41. TO CONTRACTORS. - 13ROPOSALS will he received on and before 1 the 16th of March inst., nt the office of the undersigned, for the building of a Brick addition to the present Comma, School Building, in this Borough, thirty by forty feet, to be built and lin ished like, nod joined to the present School building. The roof to lie joined to the present roof, and hipped at the side. A Plan nod specifi cation can be seen before the day ofletting by ap plying to A. W. BE EDICT, Secretary of the board of School Directors. Iluntingrfon, March 1, '54.-3t. I 7 Valuable Beal Estate for Sale. Bvirtue of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Jefferson county, there will be exposed to public sale or outcry, on the premises, on TUES DAY the 2511: day of April next, a certain piece or parcel of valuable Real Estate, late the proper ty of Frederick Sprinkle, deed., situate in Oliver township, Jefferson county, bounded end descri bed ns follows : 125 Acres. adjoining limbs of john Sprankle's Heirs, John Koller, Jacob Wyant, 11. Doterspike, .T. Rolnick nod others, with a GRIST MILL, SAW MILL, nod other buildings thrreon erected. Sale to comtnenee at ono o'clock of said dry, when terms will be mode known and due nttcnd once given by - - JAMES Y. BRADY, JAMES WORK., Mnrcli Aden's. of Siwaliklo. WILLIAMSBURG AIM, DEMY, Situated in the Village of Williams. burg, Blair County, Pa. THIS - institution, which has barn in successful j_ operation since the year 1848, is designed to prepare the pupil for active business pursuits, or for admission into any of our Colleges. This in stitution offers every tacility to those who wish to qunlify themselves for instructors in our Com • mon Schools. Young men will be received and prepared for entering the higher classes of any College in the State. The School is divided into two departments, the Classical atd English. In the Classical de partment tnstrnetion is given in Latin and Greek, and such English studies ns are requisite to fit young men for College. In the English deport ment a coarse of instruction is given, which is intended to tit the mil fur active pursuits in life. The plan embraces a thorough course of instruc tion with a view to preparation fur College, Teaching, or Business. Instruction is gircii in French and German. Timms are moderate. The smnmer session will commence on Monday, April 3d. Boarding can be had at the hoarding house, or hi private families. For farther particulars address, postage pre• paid, JOHN MILLER, Principal, or any of the gentlemen whose names are aftixed. JOHN K. NF.FF, JOSHUA no LLEn,I GEO. W. SMITH, • ff,„ SAMUEL DEAN, j PHILIP ROLLER; Williamsburg, flair co., March 1, '54.-2m. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. TN pursuance of an Alias Order of the Orphans' Court, will be sold at Public Sale, in Cuss ville, on TurnsnAr, Iran MAiten, A Farm, near Cassville, of about 200 Acres, embracing an excellent water power, and baring thereon erected a large Stone House, Saw AIM, &c., about 6U acres are cleared and in cultivation. A Farm, adjoining eassville, containing 120 Acres, about 40 acres cleared and in excellent cultivation. A nod of Me Timber Land, !Mar KLlrrlaaa'S Saw Mill, containing 16 Acres. A number of Tara Lama, in the borough of Cassville, together with several out Lots of 5 and 10 Acres each. The nndivided one half an tract of 55 Acres of good Coal bind, situate on Broad Top, known as time '•Rhodes Tract." Tawma.—One third on confirmation of sale, and the remainder in two optat annual payments, with interest, to be secured on the property. GE(). W. SPE ER, JAS. Mell,l )1' I , E, Mmes. of Robt. Speer, dee'd. I will Also oiler for sale, at the same time, upon favorable terms, 800 Acres fy excellent Timber L earl, (adjoining the above tract of 200 aeres, with Saw Mill, &e.,) situate immediately on the line of the Drakes' Ferry anti Broad Top Rail Road, and embracing one of theltest sites for a Tanner}• in the State. GEO. W. SPIER. Mitre!' 1, 1854.-35. WHO-A SHELLBARK I TIIIS WAY FOR BARGAINS pm: undersigned is now oifering a superior quality of Fashionnble Clothing at COST, consisting of DreSs, Frock, and Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Shirts &c. Persons wishing to pur 'chase good Clothing, at exceedingly low rates, will do well by calling on JACOB SNYDER. Huntingdon, Feb. 22,1854. Administrator's Notice. ALL persons inlcusted, are hereby notified that Letters of Administration. on the estate of David Market, late of Shirley township, Hun tingdon county, deed., have been granted to the undersigned, who resides at Orbisonia, in said county, and all persons having clahns or demands against the estate of the saol decedent are re quested to make knowit the same to the under signed, without delay. TIIOS. E, ORBISON, Adrur. February 22, 1854.—Gt. Administrator's Notice. -r ErrEHS of Administration having been .1j granted to the undersigned, on the estate of ZacharlaliPheasanf, late of Union township, Hun tingdon county, dec'd., all persons indebted will make immediate payment, MA those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZABETH PHEASANT, GEORGE W. HAZARD, 5 Feb. 22, 1254.-Ct. Asuperior article of Burning. Fluid for sale at the store of GEO. GWIN. 100 bushels of Ohio Cloverseed, just receiv ed and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. ATTIESII supply ofdlinglunns, Cheek, and ji Slnunbrayi just received and Sru sale by & W. SAXTON. A FIZESII supply of Garden Seeds, from the 11 Frodonia GardenA, Just received and for sale by .1. & W. S..XTON. 2000 Foci Or Safety Fit , . Vet:eked and for sole by J. & W. S,XTON. IliN. Or Cl. ji,t ,vt.viVi'.l and fo V Hole by .1. & !... IX.TON. Publio Salo of Land \ TILL ho sold at Public Sale, nt the house of V V John Janiison, Shade Gap, on WEDNES DAY the tith day of March next, nt 2 o'clock in the nfternoon, a piece, of land in Tell township, containing about 106 Acres, morn or leas, adjoining lands of John Fulton, Ilizabeth Par• sons, James Mitchell, John SINN, and Jacob Shoop, tibont 70 acres of it cleared-20acres now in Rye. The above land will be sold without re serve to close an estate. TERMS—One third of the pnrclinse money cash, the balance in two equal minim) payments with interest, to be secured by bonds end mort gage—possession end title given when Mims are complied with. .lOIIN 5. ISETT. Spruce Creek, Feb. 22, 1854.-3 t. . Two Farms for Sale I wish to sell, at private sale, two small tracts of land, situate its Cromwell township, lluntin'g• don county, Pa., adjoining lands of Colegate's heirs and others. There is about Two Stun dred and Fifty Acres in both tracts, which were formerly one tract; over One Hundred Acres are clearest, and lying within three miles of Slur. leysburg and eight miles of Mount Union, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. There is tolerable im provements on each tract, and a good well; of water at the door of each improvement, with Et stream of water passing through each property, with oboist twenty acres of meadow on both tracts. The upland has a beautiful southern • exposure, with limestone rock projecting to the top of the ground. There is said to be an Ore Bank on one of the tracts. For further particulars, address William B. Leas, Shirleysburg, Pa. 4NDREW ➢I'INTIRL. February 22, 118.51.4 t. li. T. COFFEY, M. 111 A NNouNCEs to the Profession, that he Ns opened, in the rooms adjoining his oilier, in llollidaysburg, Burgle() Mechanical Institute, for the application ofamtraced physiological sup- Ports, in the treatment of Chronic Disease, and those numerous Weaknesses and Deformities of the body, in which support to the relaxed told dragging organs is an important condition of cure, and necessary to the success ofinternal treatment. All the appliances need, are endorsed by many of the most eminent lumbers of the Profession, and consist, in part, of Body Braces, for Prolapses Uteri, (or Falling of the Womb,) and the diseas es of the Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Bowels and weakness of the Back and Nerves, which result from such 4 tfallhig,"—Spinal Supporters, for ev cry rarictyorSpin affection—Chest Expanders, to the body. and cs/artjc the Chest,—Pile and Perineill Elevators, Hernial Trusses, etc. etc. The increasing importance of this department of pathology, and the difficulty the country practi tioner has in procuring any tneelittnical nil, much less those that net in harmony with nature,-indu ces the nt much cost and labor, to supply what is alike, a professional desideratum, and necessary to gourd the public against the imposition of UNSCILNTIFIC and INJURIOUS con trivances. Physicians, and all others interested, are invi ted to call and examine. Those who desire to give Ih eir patients the auxiliary benefit of any va- riely of scientific support, can send their patients to the Institute for that purpose, without risk of any niece of such rouihhquy, A discount of 20 per cent. to the profession on all instruments furnished them, or at their request. A room will be fitted up specially fur Ladies, with a Lady in attendance. Hollidaysburg, Feb. 15, 1854. TO ifiIFRID-31:LiNL, The atTention of the I:Iodic:0 PrQiession in Pt. is respectfully invited to the follownig important facts : „ I. Toto 1001 than two thirds oldie American women are afflicted with Prolapses Uteri, and its associated complaints; the result of natural deli cacy of organization; defective physical education; early marriages; the various accidents of preg nancy, and Labour, and general neglect of hygi enic measures, '2. That as Prolapses Uteri is a displacement, or "filling" of this organ, it necessarily involves is like descent. or dragging of the Heart, Lungs, Stomach, and Bowels, and that ono fundamental condition of cure in all these ensue, is, the appli cation of such n Physiological brace, or supporter, as will most effectively brace the weak bock nod withont compression, assist the relaxed and over taxed muscles in performing their not office of lifting, and holding in their place, the dragging viscera of the Chest and Abdomen from the de pressed Uterus. The observation of every Phy sician, nod the extensive and increasing use of abdominal supporters, (so called) furnishes con clusive proof of this, 3. That the Supporters now in use never have received the approval of the Profession, because, they all, in common, act as hnothse and cavilling clamps. compresses, :Ind ',la ring poultices, creating a necessity for their perpetual use by restraining the freedom and exercise of the muscles, which they should only assist, and, nlso, aggravating the "falling" mid dragging, by their crowding and compressing, rather, than their bracing and dent ' tiny tendency. 4. In view of the above facts, which every Phy sician has been compelled to feel but too keenly, is it not the duty, as well ns the interest of the Profession, to seek for an instrument which nets upon established principles of pathology, and which is at once effective, and necessary to the success of the practitioner, and professional in its origin and design 1 The undersigned, therefore, (Wing in accord once with the true interests of the Profession, nod I niter much investigation and outlay, now offers to them an instrument which tally meets all the above indications. The Brace invented by 1)1.. Banning of N. l'., lies alone received the appro bation of the Alumni of the Profession, or taken rank ns a permanent contribution to Medical ' Memo. While it sufforts the weak back and lifts up the abdominal viscera, the undersigned, by combining it wills a recent invention, hiss odd est greatly to its efficiency in erecting the hod!, and expanding Ihe chest, and these instruments sire be lieved to fulfill creep indication that am lie deri ved from mechanical support, while acting in complete harmony with the forces of stature. Desirous of hal...hieing these Braces through the co-operation of Physicians, and being enabled to furnish them at Manufacturers prices, you are respectfully ',Arced to the annexed quotations : Fine Steel Body Brace, Retail Price, $lO,OO Silver Plated, " " " 15,00 Fine Steel Erector Brace, Retail Price, 15,00 Silver Plated " " ' 6 20,00 Twenty per cent discount off these prices to Physic iaus.. _ - _ - A Si•ientifie Treatise, and Descriptive Essay, will ho sent to l'llysi,inns ' gratuitously, by ad dressing Dr. 11. T. COFFEY, Hollidaysburg, Pa. February 15, 1854. Adrantage of the Body lira,, oerr Other Sup porters.—lst. It iv cool. id. It i. light. Oa. Its pads can all he shifted up mid down, right or 1011, as frequently' as the necc,ity of the mum may require. 4th. Its great and universal flexibility. fith. It Ltrrs rs—a Lt. ovum. Immo oowx Ult. Its pads me four, and press on the weak hips, and particularly on the weak bock, support ing, yet not restraining the hotly. 7th. Its pads being of naked horn, stimulate and harden the muscles, while soft and cushioned ones (like poultices) relax anti WI (11,11, through heat nod perspiration, and soon become rancid. Bth. it is so constituted as to admit of attaching to it any proper spinal apparatus, and also the most per fect pile and hernial trusses. Oth. It may com bine with its meelianical influences the virtues of thegalvanic battery, locally or generally Applied. 7'he Erector lio n ,' and Chest Expander, in ad dition to the - above, makes pressure upon the front of the shoulders, rind without constraint or compression, erects the body, cantons TILE CTIRST, and: promotes health, grace and beauty. It is free front strops. bandages, on compresses, nets in harmony with nature, and defies scientific objec tion. For those who have weak hacks, stooped shoulders, narrow or flattened diem! , d c A r n., ferule it is the best invention over presented to the public. lion.: or Itlrasunmixv.—For the Bo.ly Brace ' draw a NM snugly around the bode, one anti half inches below the tips of the hip hones. over the linen—for the Erector Brace, add meas urement around the chola, under the arm-pits, and send the number of incl., cash accompany ing the order, and the Brace will be sent to order,' with ai . eNplonattry circular, and exchanged to suit, il mom Hutt fy returned, unsoiled. NoTHER fresh supply of Boots and Shoes, J just received And lor soh, by J. r W. SAXTON. JUST received slid for sale, Mackerel, Cod •lish, Plaster, Salt, by J. , W. SAXTON. ORPHANS' COURT NOTICE. To the 110'es and Legal RepramtativutVJ..l3llL'i LEONARD, late rf Bowe Township, in the county ,plantiocdon, dee'd. To o ke . notice that in pursuance °fon order of the plums' Court of the county of Ilantmplon, to nit Ilintietl, I will proceed to !told an %Inc, upon the premises of the real estate IV the soil James Leonard dcc'd., situated in Jackson tp., in the,' County aforesaid 011 TUESDAY, 'TOE 4TII DAY OF Arm NEXT (A. D. 1854, ) when and where you may atten d ayou sec proper. JOSHUA GREENLAND, *lnfriff. Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon. } February 21, 1854.-61. Take Notice. 9111 E undersigned having closed business, here by gut,' notice to nll persons indebted to him to call nail settle their accounts on or before the first of May next, as Ito is going to leave this port of the country; else, sill those having claims will vesent them forsettlement. All accounts unset tled at that time will be left in the hands of proper ollieer tier collection. JOINT N. SWOOPE. Alexandria, Feb. 15, 1854. NOTICE. THE subscribers to the stock the Huntingdon and Bro,ol Top Mountain Rail Rood owl Cool Company, ore hereby re quired to pay to the undersigned on or before Friday the 2411, day of February, inst., a further instalment of Five Dollars on each nod cam , share of stock subscribed for or owned by them respectively. By order of the Board of Directors. JACOB MILLER, Treas. Huntingdon, Feb. 7, 1854.—8. Executor's Notice ETTEIIB Testamentary, on the Estate of T Joseph Work, late ut Porter township, !fun tingdon county. deed., 111101 - 114 been grunted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make immediate payment, anil those haring claims will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. Executors. G. C. BUCHER, SAMUEL 1V(11 IK, February 15, 1854.—Gt.• Auditor's Notice, rpnr, undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the balance in the hands of the Administrators of Joseph Stewart, late of the borough of Hun tingdon, deed., among those entitled, still attend for that purpose nt his office in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 18th day of Morel next. J. SEWELL STEWART, Auditor. Huntingdon, Feb. 8,1854.-4 t. r,61122 rLOUR, GRAIN & LUA%BER Commission Merchants, Nos. 23 & 25, Spear's Wharf, DALTMOILE. Rnvun Tn- John Clark, Esq., President Citizens Bank, Dalt, A. P. Giles, Esti., Cashier. Franklin Bank, " John Hutzler, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Rogers, Sinnickson & Co., " .1. Tome, Esq., Presd't Cecil Bonk, Port Deposit, J. Wallower & Son, Harrisburg, Col. 11. C. Eyer, Selinyrovo, .f. H. App & Nagle, Wintlgate 8: Co., Milton, -W. W. Cooke, Esq., Money. Simon Seligyler, Esq., George IW. Weaver & Co., Dlontnnrovilla T. W. I.loyd. Cashier, Williain,port Gen. W. F. Packer. James 11. LHling, Esq., Lewis G. Hu Ale Henry & Robb, Jersey Shore. J. I'. 1 hiling, loc k linven. UTCA me, & Cu., hare the largest wharf room of ,tny Cumneissinn House in Baltimore, al- Ivor; giving quick despatch to louts in discliarg log their enrgoes. [Feb. 8, 's4.—run. WHOLESALE Book and Slat iOnary House IN NEW-VORK, '1'111; -.,:', _A II EXTENSIVE SAI.I S AND NO LOSSES Make, it profitable to sell at very LOW PRICES, MASON BROTHERS, 23 PARK ROW, opposite the Astor louse, NEW-YORK, Offer one of the most extensive Stocks and cum Ode assortments in the country of BOOKS dr, STATIONERY, FOR CASH ONLY The amount of goods in our line pun:hosed by country merchants is usually quite small eompn• red with their dry goods, hardware, a n d other and this very circumstance absolutely com pels jobbers in t i n book business, who sell no time, to get larger profits in order to make up for the losses and extra expenses necessarily invol ved in n credit business of small amounts. It is also city tin• the merchant to make arrangements to buy his book bill for cash; though it might not be h 0 convenient fur him to purchase his larger bills in this way. These considerations have led ns to adopt in our business, from this date, January, 1854, the following principles, viz: SMALL 'PROFITS, UNVA RYING PRICES, AND TIMIS ALWAYS CAM, Being ourselves the sole publishers of a num ber of the lending tool most extensively-selling School Books in the country, an well as works in other departments, our facilities ore unsurpassed. 'Jail upon us, or send an order, and judge for yourselves. if the saving you can make by buying of us for cash is worth while. Our location is very central, and easily found. Stand on the Astor house stops, nod look st !night forward across the corner of the Park, and you cnnnot avoid seeing our signs. Remember, the name is MASON BROTHERS. Feb. 1,1854. LIUTEE 7 2, , , HENRY W. OVERMAN, No. G, South Third St., below Market, PHIL,2DELPHM, to 1n attention of Country Buyers is called 1111, the extensive assortment or all kinds of Fin ished Leather, MOROCCOS, CALF SKINS. SHEEP SKINS, &c., constnntll on hand and tor sale at reduced prices. R 1,1) & OAK SOLE LEATHER. N. B. All kinds of country leather taken in exchange for goods. [Feb. 1, 's3.—Sin. ROWE & EUSTON, 11l Nora Third Sited, below Race, PIMA D ELPHLI, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in 1 Corn Brooms, Looking Oboes, Cordage, Painted Buckets, Clocks, Wick, Willow Baskets, Window Shades Twines, Cedar Ware, Bristle Brushes, Matches, Blacking. Wood and Willow Worn of all kinds ; at the manufacturor's lowest cash prices. JAM. BUNTON, JNO. M. 11.011'M January 18, 185 40 TONS CO. by IAL, just received J. & W. S. WHISKEY constantly on hand and fur sale by the Barrel, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. A bonutiful assortment of Silk:Dress Patterns, Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining, Just rcecic• ea and for sale by J. & W. SAX•rox. TUST received a handsome assortment a .IDay State Shawls, Long Shawls and Square Shawls, which we are selling quite low. J. 6.. W. SAXTON. • PEdiFUMER 3."—A,goot , lot, of the bestott VDMUND SNAIL 'S. ®(bill watehes will be sold by En. SNARE uu•cr than eliewhera. QII.VEIt and Plated Sweets, Gold, Silver nod k;) Mooed Speeteeles, al Ellin. 611:1Fen Jewelry Store. ( Mutter oral Salt Spuoas, at 0 N. Clicup ..kwelry Stoic, lAlCil_i`l'_r i 'ijil To TIM INVALIDS OP HUNTINGDON, €41,000 Renard .! PLVERMICHER'S Hydro-Electric 'Voltaic Chains, A RE fin. the first time introduced to the people Ili of Huntingdon and Yummy, as the most con craient, eylertual, and strictly scientific mode of instantly relieving null permanently curing all' NERVOUS DISEASES. Now we know that no announcement similar to the above meets the eye of the renderalmost and perhaps this may be classed with litany others. lint listen or you do as ininstice. It is claimed tint l'ulvertnacher'a Electric Chain, is the only magnetic remedical agent that is secured by patent, granted by this government, on the ground that it was n strictly useful and scientifie article. The Chains are now on exhibition at the Crystal Palace, and attract much attention front the thousands Minden,. visit it. MODE OIL USE. 'l'llo manner of using the chains is very simple. The chain is first moithincil with cent/son vinegar, and then one end of the chain in applied to the Part where the 'obit' in located, nod the other end emesite to the first. Tho ends of the chain should never touch ouch other. At the moment of ap plication, Olio most unite pain is instantly relieved, wherever it is located, by the passing through the port a constant current of uninterrupted alectro magnetism. In the following diseases, tin other remedy has ever given such complete and perfect satisfaction to the patient as Pulvermacher's Chains: Rheumatism, Painful and swelled Joints, Pains in the Back, Deafness, Blindness Paraly sis, Neuralgia in the Face, Long standing Ner vous Headache, Palpitation of the heart, (tenor s! Dyspepsin,Female Disensen, Asthma, Contracted Joints, Sc. 1000 DOLLARS will he given to any person who will produce so many well authenticated certificates of mare from intelligent patients nod scientific physicians, of time above diseases, as has been performed by t►te use of the Electric Chain during the past year. ANOTHER FAOP. It is truly the feet that wherever the electric Auxins have been introduced, bottled nostrums and 2ommon lard have greatly diminished in solo, iticitilo having become disgusted with the practice of using their stomachs for drag shops. RECOMMENDATIONS. The Electric Chains are highly recommehded by Professors Mott, Van Buren, Post and Carno rhan, of Now York; are also in daily use in every Hospital' in that city. The chains will last for years, are always ready for use, nod produce no injurious :rod., when used as irected. FEMALE DISEASES. The introduction of the Electric Chain into this country is the dawn of a new era in medicine.— During the last twenty years, it can safely he es timated that tea thott.qoad females hare died year ly front this one disease, PItOLAI'SUS UTERI. It i: well known to medical men that this com mon disease is beyond the reach of medicine, and that in proportion to the amount of medicine giv en, the more the patient is doomed to suffer, and sooner will death close the scene. During the last 2 years note than ono thousand enses of Prolarmq rt,ri (falling of the womb) have been pernutnentill cured in England and France. Alost of those cases were ladies of high stnntling, who bad previously tried all otherkintls of treatment with no benefit. Among the distin guished lathes that have been cured in Paris is the present Queen of France. In this country, du ring the last year, oar hoondad eases have been cored in the city of New York, many who have allowed their:limes to be published for the bene fit of those suffering with similar cotnplaints.— The mode of use is simply to apply ono end of a :30 link chain to the spine just above the hips, and the other end upon the abdomen, and allow the chain to remain for one hoar. This tube repent ed for a • times during the twenty-four hours. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. The Electric Chains never fail to relieve the seri, poiiis and swelling incident to this disease. The Worst forms of thistlisease itendily yield to a few applications of n chain, and in no single in stance have they litiled to give instant relief, if they did not effect a permanent cure. All persons who nee victims of this ttsmd winter complaint, nee kindly invited to call and obtain a pionplilet of HORACE W;smfrui..\gcnt for Hun tingdon county, who will also explain their mode of use, The eTeet is chains can be sent by mail to any part 01 the United Ftates, by addressing (post paid) n:iy of the agents in the priceipal cities, or Joseph Steinert, 568, Broadway New York. JOSEPH STE' NERT, Gen. Agent, 568 Broadway, N. Y. .7annary 18, 1854.-ly. • Late Arrival of New Goods. A large lot of barrel Delam. Persian Twills, Domestic and French Ginghaws, Alpacens, sack Flannels, Tweeds and Limeys, brown and blench ed muslins, a large stock of ribbons, and a hand some assortment of dress goods lbr ladies and gentlemen. Fur style and price can't be beat, far sale at GEO. GWIN'S Store, 50 kegs Rock Powder on hand and for side nt the store of GE O. GIVIN. 50 sacks Ground Annul Snit ingt arrived and fur safe at GEI). GWIX'S Store. 50 barrelg Conenunigli Safi in More ninl fn• sae GEE. G WIN. A late arrival of English and 'Emileh Merinos for sale low at the store of CEO. GITIN. 100 kegs Nails and Spikes for sale by the keg or pound, at GEO. GNU'S Store. 500 lbs. Cast Steel for drills and sledges, for sale itt the store of (IWJX. 5000 feet Safety fuse for sato nt the stare a GEO. GWIN. :100 pieces cutlet>, new styles nail patterns, of good quality, sold law at the store of GEO. ("WIN. Fluid lamps. n large and handsome assortment fur mle at GEO. GIVIN'S Store. Jam 4, 1854. Last Arrival 'irAt:ll: & 'WINT-T1T..0601,i0. GEORGE ()Wl\, LTAS just returned front the Eastern Cities, and AI is now opening, at the old sm u t, in Market Square, a large and splendid [lmminent of new and fashionable goods, for fall and winter, con sisting of French Cloth ' Double Milled Block and Fancy Cassimers, Sattinetto, Meriuocs, Dn Coburgh De Laines, Flannels, Wool and Cotton, Brown and Bleached 'Unsling, and a variety of goods of all kinds usually kept in a country store and fl great vmtorry or• TI7III3IINOR suitable for WINTISIR plums GOODS. A Large Assortment of Groceries, Hard ware,Quecnsware, and tatissware. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, 1111101 And Tippets. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine toy stork, no I am determined not to ho undersold by any home M town. Feeling thankful for the encouragement be line 'Tech ed, hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1833 JOHN SCOTT and for sale AXTON. SAMUEL T. BIIOWN . g3C 6 ;7 1 377 VA I DYN-1) Attorneys at Y.-.w, Huntingdon, °nice same as that formerly occupied by John Scutt, '• Om in, 1853. I..upET BAGS and MUFFS, ja,l rvreivol kj and fur sale by J. & W. iSANTON. JUST received a beautiful assortment of Scol iped and Plain Velvet Ribbons, bv .1. & \V. SAXTON. lIIJZZA FOR TURKEY ! J. SAXT( has jot reveived another • fresh supply of FALL too WINTER uhieh they our deterniincrl to soli at lower priers than c.nr l'e Perchssetl at any otherestablistoneut. tii re us a will, LEAD, ZINC, ICON PAINT, r 1 ir.; FRANCIS S. LEWIS & CO. ' Represented by Lewis, James Co., 135 South Front Street, Orders thunk fully receired—pitnctnally intend ed to, guaranteed to give sntisfaction, and uttered for sale on the most liberal terms. For samples and particulars, please address as above. IJan. 18, 1851.-3 m. NOTICE 91111 7 : under-signed would herewith friendly and most earnestly invite all persons who are in debted to him tor medical attendance, to COMP (In ward and settle their accounts; owl Its would fur ther give notice to those, whose accounts may still remain unsettled till'cr the first day of March next, that exhausted patience and already too long extended indulgence must then compel him to have the same collected in a legal way. J. B. LL'DEN; B. I) limit. Dec. 14, '53 HUNTING-DON FOUNDRY. C. MeCI GI. returns his thanks - 1 -.• to his friends and the public ir;s7 for their veer liberal patronage, and kx. hopes by strict attention to business + " 'OF to merit a continuance +3f the same, hi all kiudn of Castinus, Cooking Stoves ' Air-Tight, ? odor, , Ten Plate Wood and Con! Stoves, of various si res, and all kinds of Ploughs: the Ltine.ster and the Plank Masker patterns, and Keystone No. 4 Self-sharpening mul 11111 side Ploughs, and Shears to suit till kinds of Ploughs in the country; anal Forge Castings, Grist and Saw mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine Patterns, and the four horse nod two horse power of elitimbersburg patterns; and all other kinds of castings ioo numerous to mention, all of which will be sold cheaper than ever for cash and all kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken in exchange for castings. Iluntingdon, November 9, 11 , 53. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I signed three notes as security for J. Sansom Smith; one for one hundred and fifty dollars, and the o ther two, one hundred dollars each, dated the 10th day of December, 185 U. The induce :news under which I agreed to become bail in said notes, proving delusive by the action of the said parties, I therefore hereby give notice that I will not be held responsible as bail, or pay them, un less compelled by due courso . of law. MEL smun Union twp., Nov. 2, 1853. 'Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery, AND CAYSlttrt SALOOff.., HENRY J. 'Mal :A, 1.1111 respectfully In vita the public to call at his establishment in Railroad Street, whore all those who need any good Bread, Rusk, or nny other kind of Cakes found nt a Bakery, may bo supplied. Ile has just`receivcd a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and Confectionaries, such as Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, ac., and a large stock of TOYS. Be ret;eivesly from the city of Baltimore, the hest OYSTERS that van lie found. Those in Want of prime 'shellfish,' can lio accommoda ted by calling at the saloon. Ito has fitted hp saloon expressly for the Ladies. Thankful to the public for past favors, lie hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continu ance of the sonic. Oct. 12, '53, FRENCH BURRS. TEE sab cribcr has on Itantl French Burr M idl stoates of curious. sizes, which lie will warrant to be ofsuperior quality, aud at re. somtble prices. Ve..Orderi by mail promptly nttenile,l tn. W.. 11. KEPNER, ITnrrisburg, Oct. s,'sB.—Gm. D'AYID AM ) 11 ADUATE of the 17niversity of Maryland, VT On connection with Dr. James O. Ligutner) Lacing permanently located in Shirleyslotru, re spectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of that place and adjacent country. Oct. 5,'53.—Gm. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! HAVING received n new and splendid dock IA- of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, we are now prepared to accommodate all who may give us n call, with Gum, BA ROM:CS. Ourstock consists of n large nssortmont at Dry-Goods, Groceries, Mard-Ware, Queensware, Ilosieries, ntol in short, everything that is necessary to eon• stitnte a Country Store. Contractors rind others, desiring to parehaso, will lied it to their interest to givens a call before purehnsing elsewhere, . no arc determined to sat, our goods (wholesale or retail) at low and reduced mires. ,JOSIAII CUNNINGHAM & SON. Portstown, November it, 1853. A VII. E ee IvryILIVAL rd are roe eriem, Fancy Goods, Notions, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Hats, Caps, Boots, 81► ors, &c., At James Bricker's Store, nantingdoa, Widell are olrered at the lowest prices, also re ceiving a largo supply of CANDIES, which will be sold at wholesale price sat low as 14 , cts. face lh. Also, Fruits, Granges, Lemons, lids ins, Figs, &c. All of which have been bought with great care ' and on the best terms, and will he sold low for Cash or to punctual customers. I flatter myself that 1 can and will sell Goods low as they can he bought for in this neighborhood. My friends are requested to call and examine for thewelves, feeling confident that those who do so cannot go sway without buying. Ladies and Gentlemen Of this neighborhood believe me when I Say that great pains have been taken to get such goods as you admire. Store on Hill street, opposite the JOURNAL. Orra ,, E. HIIIIIiIIOOII, Oct. 19,'53. BOOKS I BOOKS I 10,000 ]looks,.°l7ofra N e embracin g („C"," every variety usually kept in a l'hil, • rulelphia Book Store—the subscriber has added to his Now CIIV:Ar BOOK STOKE, oppo,ito Whit taker's Hotel, Railroad street, Huntingdon, Pa, . . . . . Particular attention is invited 40 his extensive and splendid stockof plain and fancy Stationary, Blank Books, Minnorandunis, Diaries, for 1954, &c. _ Ile has purchased SCOOOL BOORS ott such terms to enable him to sell them cheaper, Whole sale and Retail, than any store in the county. _ . flarper's Magazine, Godey's Lady's * Book, and choap publications kept constantly on hand. Thepublic will please call nod examine for themselves. MI. COLON: iitWiftlgOn, Oct. 19, '53, NOW'S THE TIME TO CALL NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED At David P. (Win's Now Store. 1), i l e 'L l ' . fi s l ju " s d t s re a ttn tl et e l l iiott Philadelphia,and is now opening at the corner of Bill and Bath streets, opposite Coats' Frank - A largo and beautiful assortment of TIM 400.710. r Consisting of Cloths, Cassimors, Black and Fan , cy Caesinetts, Woolen Goods, Silks, Fancy nod Black Bongo do Lain., De Debains, Fronds Merinoes, Coburgh Cloths. Flannels,CottonFlan . nolo White ad Colored, Ginglianu, Linens, Muslins : and a largo • lot of )'tints of all styles. _ _ _ Also, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Hats nnil Cops, Boots and Shoca, Groceries of alt kinils. Queens ware, 1 itirdwarejkli :1111.1 Salt. . • The public ate respactially invited to call nail examino my Wogs, as 1 am ,leturmiaccito son thorn CHEAP. _ . . All kinds of country Proßttee taken in exchange fin. Goods et the highest market prices. Iluntingtiog, Oct. 12, 1853. GoLD C 11.1ISS —A fine variety for sole, we ry low, at lion, RICHARD HIMSELF AGAIN I O )) ; , 11, ' * E ' .1;4 , t i''l42Pj l l 1 --4'l ••• wwww., , ...; , ..,>....Vir•iiiiiiing New Arrival of Pall and iVinter Goods at the Elephant. A LENANDER CAMITON, has just returned 11 frmn tie East, with a fall and complete se lection of Fall nail Winter Goods, which me now arranged fur examination and sale, at his store. opposite the Railroad lintel. The stock has all been bought ItiOllT and as a mutter • of course will be sold cheap for CAS,,. The stock consists a Oaths, Cosion,rs, CashinerM3, ScaintiM, tales, Brown and Mead" d Sothis, .Shure/s, ScaVir,liron•n and Blench ed Aluslins, Chrrks, Tiolingq,Cru3b, Canton and II oolcO Flannels, and inning uthor goods too 7111111 red's in mention. Prints is abundance, MMus do Loners, tiorilte drt Twines Silk Tsui, Foreign and Alnerfran Ging &Has, ,Ifousc de dirge,Lustres,6T. LSO, Ilats, and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware. Queensware, Thillikfiil for past favors, the public generally are invited to call and examine the splendid sl e d, now on hand, which in variety.quality, prkt, will compare with any ever exhibited iu town. CALL AND SEE. Oct. 19, 'Ol. OIaEAT EXCITEIVItNV The Ancient Borough. j Y./ 5 'Tj (!) It As the HOOTS and SHOES, evert e44x.„, opened in this county. Ile also has a large and splendid assortment of Hata and Caps, of most faslitonable styles. Also, Duties' and ChiWrens' woolen hose. Carpet 8ag3,1144m1 Trunks, &e., for the travelling community. Also a great variety of useful articles too numerous to mention. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine the stock. Ile is determined to sell as CHEAT', if not cheaper than nay other establish ment in the county. Store on Hill street, opposite Snyder's Cheep Clothing Store. _ _ CZ ... CA.. AND tx.tmlxE Tun 5T0CK..2,0 26, '53. Mountain Female Seminary Mountain Female Seminary at Binning- I ham, Huntingdon county,Pa., on the Penn sylvania Railroad, occupies ono of the most healthy and desirable locations in the State.— Strangers visiting the Institution hsvc unhe,i tatingly expressed the opinion, that it so easy of access, retired, hellthful, anti snrrounded with such romantic mountain scenery, that no ono _who wishes to learn, could find an institution more favorably situated. Past success and fu , ture prospects have induced us to greatly enlarge our plans, end enabled us to give such compensa tion to teachers as will command those possess ing the highest qualifications. Cost, per term of 22 weeks, varies from $55 to $6O, for which good accommodations will lie giv en. Music, French, Latin, Painting, &e.,extra. Pupils front abroad are expected to board in tint Setninary building with the Principal, who gives hisentire attention to the interest of tha Institution. ISRAEL W. WARD, Oct. 5. 1833, Principal. FARM FOR SALE. MMITE ,al,,criber offers, nt private sale. vnlaa -1 hie tract of and, situate in Hill Valley, Shir ley township, Huntingdon county, containing about Two Hundred Acres. About fifty terra of this tract is cleared end in good till:lido order, havi ng thereon erected a comfortable Stone Dwelling House, Stabling, f.c. • There is also a good spring of Water on the premises, near the dwelling house. The land is of n good quality, part being strong limestone, and an industrious man could not toil to do well on it. It is situated about six miles from Mount Union, where the Pennsylvania Rail Road and Canal pass, and will be sold at a very moderato price. 'rests or PAY MENT.—One half in band, and the balance in two equal annual payments. For further information :Wrests the subscriber, at Shirleysburg, I'. 0., Huntingdon Co.. Pa. JOHN BREWSTER. October 12, 1 Gothic, nod other Clocks, C ro o t t • m a cheap, at Etfin. Snore's Jewelry Store, Iluntingdon. GIZA:VD OPENING i tALy.„ AN w.rivrzi, 1..(;1111/1111i \ -1:Li. ) AT THE CLOTIUNG STOla A. WILLOUGHBY, uAs just returned from the east with a large and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, for men and boys, made in the latest litshion and in the most durable manner. Who ever wonts to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody else in town, let him call at Wn.t.nuctitni"s CHEAP CLOTHING STomt,one door west of T. Read & Son's drug store, Huntingdon. (4401 mid sec for•purseives. Oct. 5, 1852. HOUSEKEEPERS. HOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, wily go to Auction and pay extravagant prices-for half-rondo Funtgivrec Call at No. 1, North NINTEI street, and examine the largest assort ment of the best made Furniture and Bedding in the city, Feather Beds, Ilair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses; a large assortment of limey What nots, Salle Tables, marble tops, and Washstands; Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads; Fancy Stuffed Seat, Cano sent, Windsor, and of fice Chairs, Counting-house, nod crate-sent Stools, Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and Lounges, wholesale and retail, and wgrranted to give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices. Sep. 28, 1853.-ly • • NEW LINE OF HACKS. The subscriber has placed on the road lending front Mill Creek to Cassville a line of flacks to run from the latter place to the former, on Wed nesdays and Saturdays. Leaving Cassville in the morning of each day returning in the afternoon. The accommodations are coudbrtuble and the fare is very low. GEO. SMITH.. Cassville, Sop. 21,':.:1. J. 8. GRIFFITH, M, D., Huntingdon, Pa,, Graduate of the University of Pa., offers his professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjacent country. Bun:nu:cm; :—liedical Faculty of University, of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hotline. Office, No. 189 7 Minn Street, along with Dr Hoffman. July 13,1853. H J. KEALSH, 10% Market Street, Philadelphia. Fancy Goode and Trimmings, Combs and Brushes, .at CAI4II PRICES, Sept. 7, 'hB.-Gin LEATHER. FRITZ & HENDIRY, Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, Morrocco Mnoufacturers, Curt icrs, Importers, Couunissien General Leatber Busiccss, IVfiolesak, and Retail. Munurdetory 15 Margaretut Street. An, 24, '53.-Iv. DORT MONNAIES from t:5 vents up to $2 A at Ed. Snares, April nt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers