Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 22, 1854, Image 3

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(tin : , trnt.gtlt ittA i activity . t U, r 44 t:.tle
((lie re/Wiwi, y r urinriirq rz (Iciiyhtfully
throo;114 lbe whole.frume. • ()wing
to its 11 avlodde ecticeptic properties, it purl
ties tool neutralizi, that ' , emulous, corrosive
Taint ildr. which mauler, old ulcerous sores so
tobt.nli it thcrefure ispeculiarly adap
teal 110.4 spcoly cure. This Linitmatt front its;ti%aring tool otrengtheiting giodities Las
inund 11) he a OPecille for Paralysis or
sy, and diseased joints, and in
fact till (vat:plaints - involvinn the, innsculax
nfired cases of 111teninatisin of
t anal v Io thin sta;wling, and affections
of tic Spine wherein lb.' etatit'ploluitut was so
t. 4, and distortl.ll, that the patient could
trot wall. or stand trillion', artificial support.—
merwi s cases of Palsy have been cured
mdieti the flesh 11011 withered, leaving. 'nothing. I
lint the dried shin :toil bone, and the limbs to
tally without ale pr feelibg. Foe Chigrett with
c'eatt i t it is of tneStitnable value, rubbed and
bathed oven the throat and chest. If applipd on the "chest it never fails to give rettel
in the 0.•1e5a e'11 , 511 atlenillity ConZmptionß,
..bdlrewt and Colds. Tt heals wounds speedily
---will eine Smldltead, Alanget etc. .lA:titters
told Partners trill find it a most valurible
nine to be applied to 1 lorses and. Cattle for
13prains, Braises I..anttniess ' Stilf.loints,SWCO
»ey, limy Shouhler, IVountls, 13urns,
'Chafes or Galls, Hardened Boots 00 the flesh,
out fin. YouittciAils!
• 1
The pile tire cannon', ngain,t another
- counterfeit, mdiich has lately made its appear
ance, calle , l IV. It. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,
the mail dangerous of all the counterfeits, lie
,aa.•ie his ltviaiii. the Name of Farrell, many
will h nv faith, without the ktiowladge
that a . e..ant••rfail exists, and they will perhaps
only iliiaitiver their error when the spurious
inixinre has wr,,tight ils evil elll3ets.
The genuine article is manuirctured ouly by
It. I:. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor,
toad wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street,
Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for
Agencie; nuktt be addressed. Ito sore you get
it will; the letters IT. G. before Varrelrs, thus
(1. PAIIIIEI,I.,'S--and his signature on
'the wrapper, all others are counterfeits.
Sold by head 4: Son, Huntingdnu, It.
E. Sellers Fleming Itrothers wholesale, Pitts-
Imrg, tot by regularly authorized agents
'througlpaad the t • ailed States.
piY Pricit 25 ;11141 50 C , '11(3, nwl SI per bottle.
AGENTS WANTED in every town, village
ninl hamlet in the United StalC.A, in Whiell one
is not already established. Address 11. ft. For.
roll ns abve. iteeniniiiinied with gond referePee
1:5, It.
11 Itor. Thursilny evenimr,
tho! 11;th inst., by Et t•. W. M. Heidrich, Illr.
W. SI:M:MANI, of Atkinson's Mills,
Mifflin comity, and 'Alks buciNti.t
from the vicinity of Newton Hamilton.
At Coats hotel, on t h e same day, and by the
seine, Mr. MOIMAN and Miss
JANE C.ttu•net.t., both from Matilda Furnace,
Mifflin co., Pa.
tto the 9EII inst., by Itev. Jesse T. Peek, Mu.
I'ETErI 11-:ssi.t..e. Pyonsylvaoitt, to tliss
? 1‘ IE 1110 , ,1g11e , 1 . 11., 1.:4,1 . .111g superior
quality of Fa,liantallle Clothaq at COST,
.I.anskting of Dress, }ruck, and Overencits,r,i,,,,,
Vests, Shirt, &e., &e. l'ersons wishing to pur
•elinse good Clothing, at exceedingly low rate, '
will do well by culling on
—„— .
Huntingdon, Feb. 22, 1854.
Administrator's Notice.
A I.j. Persons interested, arc hereby notified
that. Letter, or Ad tii i 8 istra tion, on the estate
or David thirket, late of Shirley township, Hun
tingdon county, dee'd., have been granted to the
.undersigned, who resides at orhisonia, in said
•eounty, and all persons having claims or demitml.
.against the estate of the ,raid decedent are re
quested to make knowir - the some to the under
signed, without delay.
February 22, 1854.-lit.
Adllli nisi rallor's Notice
T Err Ens of Administration having been
A granted to the undersigned, on the delete of
Zachariath Pheasant, late of Union township, I Inn
tingdon counts, dee'd., all persons indebieil will
ineke immedinte payment, and thoFc Laving
claims will present them duly authenticated fur
settlement. •
Feb. 22, 1854.-fa.
Public Sale of Land.
be sold at I:sti(iL Sole, nt the house of
)A1 - the Nth day of March next, at 2,o'eloek in
the ilfternoon, n piece of land in Tell township,
containing about 106 Acres, morn or less,
adjoining lands of John Fulton, Eliv.alictli Par
sons, James Mitchell, John Shoop and Jacob
Shoop, about 10 acres of it cleared-20 Acres 110 W
in Rye. The above laud will be sold without re
serve to close LID cstato.
TERMS—One third or the purchase money
rash, the balance in two equal annual payments
with interest, to be secured by bonds and mort
gage—possession and title given when hams are
cptliplied with. JMIN
Spruce Creek, Feb. 22, 1054.-31.
Two Farms for Salo
I wish to sell, at private sole, two small tracts
of land, situate in Cromwell township, Iluming•
don county, Pa., adjoining lands of Colegato's
heirs and others. 'acre is about TWO Itemdred mild Fifty Acres in both tracts. which
were formerly one tract; over One Hundred Acres
are cleared, and lying within three miles of Sid t ,
leysburg and eight miles of Mount Union, (lathe
Pennsylvania Railroad. There is tolerable im
provements on each tract, and a good well; of
water at the door of each iMprliVClllellt, with a
stream of water passing through carp property,
with about twenty acres of meadow on lath tracts.
The npland has a beautiful southern exposure,
with limestone rock projecting to the top of tho
ground. There is said to be an (ire Bank on
one of the tracts.
For further particulars, address B,
Leas, Shirleysberg, Pa.
February 22, 1854.-2 t.
Xs. , the Heirs and Legal I:sltrs sf sist 31E
LEONARD, lute of Burrs, Tuwwhiss, its thu
, -
rmingy of Ilittitingdon,
0 lake notice that in pursuance °fan order of the
J. ()mime Goirt orate county of-Huntingdon,
•to.nte diretiod t I will proceed to hold mt Inquest
:upon the premises of the real estate of the said
James Leonard dee'd., situated in Jackson tp.,
at 114 County aforesaid' on
lit or Artist. 1). 1854,) when
mad where you nut attend If you see proper.
Slicrirs Office, Huntingdon.
February 21, 1054.-6 t.
_A i sN e n s r t i i o n r .e tt o ri f iclo of Burning 1 , ; ‘ ,41,1
1(111 bosholkof Obi° Clorerscod, just reedi
‘-"J o a t and for solo by
A FITESII supply of flingliams, Cheek, nod
Shambruy, just received and for sale by
d. & N. SAXTON.
A 111.1.:811 supply of Garden Seeds, from the
1-3, Fredonia Umtlen3, just received and for gale
by J. & W. SAXTON.
Take Notice.
TIIE undersigned having closed business, beve
by gives notion to all persons indebted to hint
to call and settle.their aeconnts on or before the
first or May nest, ns ho is going to leave this laid
of the country. also, all those having claims will
present them for settlement. All aceonnts 00,1.
tied ,it that time will he left in the hand, of a
proper °nicer for collection.
Abrsandria, Feb. 1:4 104.
it T. corni-N, 14. i)
A. 1,1 4 it the Proiid '
e-ion that . he 1,1
opened, in tho rooms adji.iining his office, in
Burgle() Metshanica.l Institute,
fur the applic3liwi (1favp,,,, , ,1 why siological sup
ports, in the treatment of Chronic Disease. aml
thoStit tumorous \Vodkas, and Lcfinmirics ~,f
lid body, ih which the relattod and
41 nig;;ing orgiumis nut impurtautconilition
cud necessary M the success ofinterntel treatment.
All the appliances ore endorsed by many of
thermos 4 eniMent mentlicrs of the Profession,,upil
consist, in part, of Body Braes', for •Pr - eld(stis
Uteri, (or Felling of the 11'ontb,) and the, tliFeds
es of the Heart, Littig4, Stomo c l i , ]tennis and
weakuessmf the Buck and Nerves; which result
from such "falting,"—Spitutl Supporters, for ev
ery satiety CT Spinal tiffeetion--Chestl•:pmulers,
to cruet the body.: and riihtive the Chest,—Pile
and Perineal Elevators, I lernial Trusses, etc. etc.
The increasing importance of this department of
pathology, and time diffittmlty the country practi
tioner basin procuring' am/ mechnnical aid, much
less those that act in harmony with nature, indu
ces the, undersigned, nt much cost end labor, to
supply what is alike, a professional desideratum,
and necessary to guard the public against the
imposition of LN3CIENTIFIC and I:QUI:MIA con
Physicians, and all others interested, are invi
ted to call and examine. Those who desire to
give their patients the auxiliary benefit of any va
riety of scientific support, can send their patients
to the Institute. fur that purpose, without. risk of
atw abqse etch rniVideure.
A discount of 20 per rent. to the profession on
all instruments furnished them,or at their request.
A room will be fitted up specially for Ladies,
with a Lady in attendance.
flolliday;burg, Feb. 15, 1834.
' l l'"D
The attention of the Medical Profession it; Pa.
is respectfully invited to the following important
facts t
1. Not less than two thirds of the Amerierm
women are afflicted with Prolapsus Uteri, and its
associated complaints; the result of natural deli
cacy of organization; defective physical education;
curly marriages; the various accidents of preg
nancy, nod labour, and general neglect of hygi
enic measures._
2. That as Prolapses Uteri is a displacement,
or "falling" of this organ, it necessarily involves
a like descent, or dragging of the Heart, Lungs,
Stomach, and Bowels, and that one fundamental
condition of cure in all these cases, is, the appli
cation of such 4 Physiological brace, or supporter,
as will most effectively brace the week back and
oiliest compression, assist the colored and over
taxed muscles in performing their natural attire
of Nang, and holding in their place, the dragging
viscera of the Chest and Abdomen front the de
pressed Uterus. The observation of every Phy
sician, and the extensive and increasing use of
abdominal supporters, (so called) furnishes con
clusive proof of this.
it. That the Supporters now in use never have
received the approval of the Profession, bemuse,
they all, in COMM., net os beating and cotyining
clamp, compresses, and ;Wax/Hyland/ices, creating
it necessity for their perpetual use by restraining
the freedom and exercise of the muscles, which
they should only "mist, and, also, aggravating
the 'galling" and dragging, by their crairding and
compressing, rather, than their Is s uing and riva
ling tendency.
4. In view of the above facts, which every Play
titian has been compelled to feel but too keenly,
is it not the duty, as well tag the interest of the
Profession, to seek for all instrnment which acts
upon established principles of pathology, and
which is at once effective, and necessary to the
success of the practitioner, and professional in its
origin a n d design 1
'I he undersigned, therefore, tiding in accord
ance with the true interests of the Profession, and
after much investigation awl outlay, now offers
to them an instpunent which fully meets all the
above indications. The Brace invent.' by Dr.
Banning of N. V., has alone received the, appro
bation of the Alumni of the Profession, or taken
rank as at permanent contribution to Medical
Science. While it suiports the weak beck and
lips up the abdominal viscera, the undersigned,
by combining it with at recent invention, has add
ed greatly to is efficiency in trasqing lire Cady end
,apanadiray 110 a7ost, and these instruments are be
lieved to fulfill (Teri, indication that elm be deri
ved from mechhnieal support, while acting in
complete harmony with the forces of nature.
Vesirons of introducing these limes through
the co-operation of Physicians, find being enabled
to furnish them at ,Manufacturers prices, you nro
respectfully referred to the annexed quotations:
Fine Steel Body Brace, Retail Price, $lO,OO
Silver Plated, " " 15,01.1
Fine teel Erector Brace, Retail Price, 15,00
Silver Plated " 20,00
Twenty per cent discount of these prices to
A Scientific Treatise, and Descriptive Essay,
will be sent to Phys Hans, gratuitously. by ad
dressing Dr. H. 'P. COFFEY,
Hollidaysburg, Pa.
February 15, 1854.
Adentitage of the Body Brae,' over Othfr Sup
portmr.—lst. It is cool. Id. Itis light. Id. Ito
pads can all be shifted up and down, right or lett,
us frequently as the necessity of the case may
require. 4th. Its great nod universal flexibility.
- -
sth. It myrs ortonts BEAR 'DOWN
COI. Its path ore four, and press on the weak
hips, and particularly on the weak brisk, support
ing, yet not restraining the body. 7th. Its pads
being of naked horn, stimulate and harden the
muscles, while soft and cushioned ones (like
poultices) relax 1111,1 weaken, through heat and
perspiration, and soon because rancid. Rth. It is
so constituted as to admit of attaching to it any
proper spinal apparatus, and also the most per
fect pile and hernial trusses. Mb. It may com
bine wills its mechanical influences the virtues of
the galvanic battery, locally or generally applied.
The Erector Braco and t7frst Erpand,r, in :111-
(Minn to the above, makes pressure upon the
front of the shoulders, and without constraint or
aniirerSdiOli, erects the body, ExPANDS THE Cans?,
promotes health, grace and beauty. It is
free bum straps, bandages, or compresses, nets in
harmony with suture, and defies scientific objec
tion. For those who have week backs, stooped
shoulders, narrate or flattened chats or drfialire
. I,lw it is the beet invention ever presented to
the public.
Rtsmt es MnAstmottarr.—For the. Body
drew a tape snugly nround the bade, one
and half incises below the tips of the hip hones.
over the linen—for the Erector Brace, add meas
urement around the chest, under the arm-pits,
and sond the number of inches, cash accompany
ing the order, and the Brace will be sent to order,
with sat explanatory circular, and exchanged to
suit, if inanedattely returned, unsoiled.
rpm:: subscribers to the stock in - ;„-
I the Huntingdon and Broad
Top Mountain Rail Road and !
Coal Company, are hereby rc-4
quired to pay to the undersigned W
on or before Friday the 24th day Or February,
inst., a further instalment of Five Dollars ilet - tell
and every share of stock subscribed for or owned
by them respectively.
By order of the Board of Directors.
Huntingdon, Feb. 7,185,1.-3 t.
Executor's Notice
T ETTERS Testamentary, on the Estate of
J. 4 Joseph Work, late 01 Porter township, lion
tingdon county, dec'tb, having hem) granted to
the undersigned, all persons indebted will make
immediate payment, and those having claims will
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
G. C. bucHEn, z
SAMUEL WORK, 5 '"`" "'
February 15, 1854.--6 t:•
Public Sale.
be sold, at Piddle Outcry, on the 28th
I' V inst., on the premises, in Porter township,
the Pcrsonal Property of the Tote Joseph Work.
deed., consisting of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and
Hogs, together with Farming awl Household
utensils, Sc. G. C. BUCHER,
February 15, 1851.-2 w.
Anditgr's 'Notice.
9 , 111 1 : anilersiancil, appointed by the Orphans'
.L Court of lluatingdon county, to illoriliote
the balance in the heads of the Ailleini,trator ,
of ,limph stow.% Into of the borough of litto
iiivetlen, deed., among the.. entitled, will attend
for 'bat purpose at hit Mace ht Ott
Siitev(ley the lath day of Marelt next.
.1. sEwni.J. sTEwma, Auttavc.
nuntin g d., 1P54.-4t.
C.4.1 4 .11.1:1\l •
7,17111232 at.
C ' LII iSSiOli Merchants,
Nos. 23 Speat.',4 Wharf,
IlEmm Tt,
John Clark,President Citizens Bank, Dalt.
A. P. Giles, Esq., Caahier, Franklin Bonk, "
,loin lici•micr, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia.
lingers, Si inn:l,lmi & Co., "
J. Tome, Esq., Prustl't Cecil Bank, Port Deposit.
f. Widlawer A San. Ifai•rislairg,
Col. 11. C. Ever, Selinsgrove.
.1. If. App & Co.,
Co.,agle, 'Whulgate & Nihon.
W, W. Cooke, Esq., 111 ' ancy.
Simon Schuyler, Ent., "
George Bodice. Ilimheaville.
W. Weaver & Co.. Almmuirsville.
T. W. Lloyd, CaOlier, 11'illinmsput t.
Gen. W. F. Packer,
James If. Haling, Esq., "
'Lewis G. "
McHenry & Rol,, ,Ter,r). Shore.
.1. P. Baling, bock Bevan..
- C.‘titr,.(: I vs r. & Co., have the largest wharf
rosin of euy Conooksion House in Baltimore, al
ways giving quick despatch to bouts in discharg
ing their ettrgoes. [Feb. B,'34.—tin.
Dissol tit ion ot Partnership.
T li t r n r d t e n r e s r„l n d e p d l , te i r i c i te t t , r
in Cass toamsldp, Huntingdon cOnnty, has this
day been mutually dissolved. The books of the
firm are in the hands of P. J. Kean for settlement,
and those indebted to soul firm nro hereby noti
fied to call and settle before the first day of March
next, after which time, those accounts not settled
will be placed in the hands of fl proper officer for
collection. BUMGARTNEII & REAN.
February 4,1854.-3 t.•
I'. S. The business will hereafter ho carried on
at thd old stand by I'. J. BEAN.
Town Lots and other Valuable
Real Estate at Public Sale.
I N pursuance of an Order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, tbo undersigned trill
expose to Public Sale, on the premises, in the
borough of Huntingdon, on
TWENTIFOWN LOTS, in "West Hunting
don," all fronting on (Merles Street, in the said
boroindi of Huntingdon, each filly feet. in front on
aid street, and extending hack two hundred feet,
more sir less, to an Mifflin street. and till
the other streets north or mitHin, will be extend
ed throuol said ground to said alley.
The, lots are all vaernit,—in a fine state of
cultivation, and will afford fine, dins for persons
wishing to build dwelling houses, and for other
. .
Al Si b :it the same time, a piece or parcel of
laud in W:ilker town , hip, on the south side of the
Juniata, within linif a mile of the borough of
ceutaining about TEN ACHES,
Crooked running through the siutio,_and a
Sulphur t:;pring thereon, adjoining lands ofJohu
MeCaltan and others.
A LSI ), et the same time, ft piece or parcel of
Viol /1 1..1 N in llentlerson township, contain
ing SI:;.TEEN ACRES and one Hundred and
twenty-live 'Jelifies, adjoining the l'enutt.
road,lnnd of Judge 'l'aylor, and others.
TEICIIS.—One fourth of the introit.° money
of the town lots and of the land in Walker town
ship, to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and
the balance in three 0,111111 annual payments, with
interest, to he secured by the bonds a n d m o rt gag e,
of the purchasers. One third of the purchase
money, of the land in 1 lenderson town4iip, to lie
paid on confirmation of tho sale, and the balance
in two Cqual animal payments, with interest, to
ho secured by the bond oftllopurchte , or, with se-
TIIOMAS I , ll3llEit,
Trustees of the Estate of Isaac Dorland, deed.
lluothigthm, Fet, 1, Itts4.—ts.
Book and Stationary lII9IENC
ifl A `ii'll.l
Make it profitable to sell at very
23 PARR IWW, opposite Ilie Astor . House,
_ _
Oircr one of the most extensive Stocks end con•
pleto assortments in the country of
The amount of goods in our lino pnrchaSed by
country merchants is usually quite small minims
red with their dry goods, hardware, and other
• bills; and thi3 very circumstance absolutely com
pels jobbers in the honk business, who sell on
time, to get larger profits in order to make up for
dm losses and extra expenses necessarily invol
ved in a credit business of small amounts. It is
also cosy for the merchant to make, arrangements
to buy Isis book bill for mist though it might not
be so convenient fur Lim to purebstso his larger
bills in this way.
These cen.iderations Isave led us to adopt in
oar business, from this dale, :January, 1554, tho
following principles, vii: HaIALL
Being ourselves the solo publishers of it num
ber of the leading and most extensively-selling
School Books in the country, as well as works in
other departments, our f;teilities are unsurpassed:
call upon us, or send on order, and .ladgo for
yourselves, if the saving you can make by buying
of us for cash is worth while. _ _
Our location is very central; and easily founil.
Stand on the Astor House steps, and look straight
forward across the corner of the Park, and yon
cannot avoid seeing our signs. Itemeniber,
Feb. 1, 1854.
No. 0, South Third St., below dllarket,
TILE attention of Country Buyers is callell to
the extensive assortment of all kinds of Fin
ished Leather,MOßOCCOtt,
constantly on hand and Ihr sale at !Tue.' prices.
N. B. All kinds of country leather taken in
exchange for good:. 1 Pelt. 1, '54.-3m.
• .▪
i.)IW Alt)? 41tiox
Ifavittg renuo,l to their
t r P " -riY
(Opposite the Park)
Invite the attention of the Trade to their
Merchants throughout the United States urn
nticited to examine our assortment, which in
NOVELTr, RICIENESS A1\7)1%11/1E7'1;
is believed to be unsurpassed in this metropolis,
and adapted to the wants of the very best trade
in this countryt all of which will be entered to
Cosh and first class six mos. Buyers, on Ito, most
thrombi° terms. Jam 18, 1854.-flt.
111 .Nurth Third Shed, below
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
Corn Brooms, Lmthing Muses, Cordage,
Pointed Clocks, Wick,
Willow Baskets, WM:low Shades Twines,
Cc(larWarc, Ittl,tlc Brushes, Matches,
Blocking, Mod awl Willow Wore of all kinds,
at the nianufacturer's lowest cosh prices.
AM], El. NI ON, JNO. IZowr.
Junitary 1t.;:, I.
L I() jost, reerivull nod
• II .1, & W. 6.4X1'03.
Tu TIIL 12. v.,. 111:NT1
91.000 Reward !
.173 - 4lro-Viicciric 'Voltaic Chililli,
AI; I.: nor the tlr,r line intro4m.ol the peooc
ix- of Hunth !g don nurl vidiory. no the most eGa
reniPni, rflectre!!, and strictly sCictitiric ninth, of
instantly rdirv:ntt itnd peilnut , ently curing nll
N 1 0,11 1 ,0 S DISE ASIM
Now too know that nn announcement similar to
thenbove resets the eye of the reader almost tltd
ly, and perhap.• this tony he classed with if any
others. But listen nr you do u.s injustice. ft is
claimed that l'ulvertnachcr's Electric Chain, is
tht only magnetic remadical agent that is secured
by patent, g:antcd by this government, nn the
groan,' that it was A strictly usefiti nod scientific
article. Tito Chains into now on exhibition at
the Crestal Palace, and attract much attention
from t!et 021v:olds who thiily visit it.
MODE OF tiatl. •
The manner of using the clutingliNery simple.
The chain in first nio;sfened with COM7h , T
and then 0110 end of the chain is applied to the
port where the pain is located, and tho other cod
oppostfr to the first. The ends of the chain sbonld
never touch each other. At the moment of ap
plication, the most acute pain is inAlandy relieved,
wherever it is located, by the passing thmugh the
port a constant current of uninterrupted electro
mat;netism. In the following diseases, no other
remedy has ever given such complete and perfect
satisfaction to the patient as Pulvermacher's
Chains: Rheumatism, Painful and swelled Joints,
Pains in the Bfick, neatens, Blindness Paraly
sis,' Neuralgia in the Long standing Ner
vous Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Gener
al Debility, Dyspepsia, Female Diseases, Asthma,
Contracted Joints. &c.
will be given to any person who will produce so
many well authenticated certificates of cure from
intelligent patients and scientific physicians, of
the above diseases, as tins been perform.' by the
use of the Electric Chain during the past year.
It is truly the fact that wherever the electric
chains have been Introduced, bottled no, trams and
common lard have greatly diminished in sale,
people having become .lisgnsted with the proctor
of using their stomachs fin' drug shops.
The Electric Chains are highly recommended
by Professors Mott, Van Buren, Post and Carno
elm, of New York; aro also in daily use in every
Hospital in that city. 'Dui chains will last for
years, aro always ready for use. and produce no
injurious results, when used ns directed.
The introduction of the Electric Chain into this
country is the daWn of a new era in medicine.—
During the last twenty years, it can safely he es
timated that len thousand fetnules hare died paw
,ly front this one disease.
It is well known to medical men that this com
mon disease is beyond the reach of medicine, and
that is proportion to the mount of medicine giv
en, the more the patient is doomed to suffer, and
sooner will death close the scene.
During the last 2 }•oars more than enr thousand
vases of Prelapmm twa (falling of the womb)
bare been permanently cured in England and
France. Most of those cases were ladies of high
standing, who had previously tried all other kinds
of treatment with no benefit. Among the distin
guished ladies that have been cured is Paris is the
present Queen of France. In this country, du
ring the last year, one lattuired roses have been
cored in the city of New York, many who have
allowed theirinamcs to be published for the bene
fit of those suffering with similar complaints.—
The mode of use is simply to apply one end of a
:30 link chain to the spine jest above the hips, and
time other end upon the abdomen, and allow the
chain to remain for one hour. This to be repeat
ed four times during the twenty-four hours.
The Electric Chains never fail to relieve the
carne pains atm] swelling incident to this disease.
The worst forms of this disease readily yield to a
fee• applications of a chain, and in no single in
btanee have they failed to give inAttut relief, if
they:did not elfeet a permanent ere. All persona
who arm victims of thin usual winter complaint,
ore kindly invited to nil and obtain a pamphlet
of HORACE W. SMITH, Agent for Hun
tingdon county, who wilt also explain their modo
' The electric chains e m he sent by mil to any
part of the United Slates, by addressing (post
paid) any of the agents in tho principal cities, or
Joseph Steinert, 568, Broadway Now York.
Gen. Agent, 568 Broadway, N. 1.
Januar y 18,1354.-Iy.
Late Arrival of New Goods.
A large lot of liarred Dalai's, Persian Twills,
Domestic and French Ginghams, Alpaccas, sack
Flannels, Tweeds and Linscys, brown end bleach
ed muslins, a large stock of ribbons, and a hand
some assortment of dross goods for Indies and
gentlemen. For style owl price can't be bent, for
sato at • GEO. (MIN'S Store,
nO kegs Rock Powder on hand nod for Atli° nt
the store of GEO. GWIN.
50 sacks Ground Atltuu Salt just trris•ed and
for ante at GEO. GSVIN'S Store.
50 barrels Conemaugh Salt in store and for sale
A tato arrival of roglis% and 'French 'Merinos
for sato low at tiro store of GI%o. Cl WIN.
100 kegs Nails and Spikes ibr =ale by the keg
or poem), CI GEO. OWIN'S Store.
500 lbs. Coot Steel for drills And sledges, for
sole at the store of CEO.
5000 feet Safety Fuse for sale nt the store cf
500 pieces calico, now styles and patterns, of
good quality, sold low at the store of
Fluid lamps. a largo and Imamna assortment _
fur site at GEO. OWEN'S Store.
Jan. 4, 1854. •
Last Arrival
OAX,E. & 'VO,'ENT - T. - A 0.0.',01i,L,
HAS ,just returned &OM the Eastern Cities, and
is now opening, at the old stand, in Market
Square, a large and splendid assortment of new
and fashionable goods, fur full and winter, con
sisting of
. .
French Cloth, Double Milled Black end Fancy
Cassimers, Sattioetts, Merinues, Do Bere„, ,, e,
Coburgh Ito lotions, Flannels, Wool
and Cotton, Brown mid Bleached
Blind ins, and it variety of goods
of nll kinds usually kept
in a country store
and a great vAntrry ue TI;DIMINGS suitable for
A Large Assortment of Groceries,
Hardware„Queensware, and
Gansu are.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Mug& and Tippets.
The public are respectfully invited to call and
extmine my stock, ns 1 ant determined not to be
undersold by any house in town.
Feeling thankful for the encouragement he has
received, hopes by strict attention to business to
inerkal, continuance of the sat..
Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1253.
Joux Seo,T, SAMUEL T. Bnowal
<?.3 LEMDT./. l Pb
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same as that formerly occupied by John
Oct. 19, 1853.
nAItPET BAGS and 51UFTS, just received
k..) and for solo by J. & W. B.,:vrox.
J UST received al7,!utift . d . c . Toronent of Scol•
ipeil and Plain Velvet 1111)110118, by
J. & \V. SAXTON.
111111A 1 .4.1 it ittiE ! !
4 7 8‘x.1 : t Y lu :; ii':Circd
( Ir J•ll3i.;lll)oiA..,sl' IN ll
%V hid' they aru detertuittefl to sell at lower oricts
than eau he pin Ittiy 911,:t ettablishititatt.
Liise tt,
f r . 1:11, .ILI 1 !
I- I,t 1:I:1) DV
.11= v rese At titetl by Lewis, James ' 'ftt,,
135 Sunth Fran( Street,
0,,1er, thankfully accused—punctually aitend
ed tu, gu.traid,,,l to give ratisfaction, and oll'ert:d
for SA, WI the most liberal term,
r.,,,,p1e3 plertime neldru,
[Jan. 19,
i is
undersigned would lictrewith 'friendly and
.11—nfiist eocue,ily i»vito 01l 1.1,0119 alto ate in
debted to him r.r weilienl attendance, to conic for
ward end settl% their accounts, mid Ito would fur
ther give notice to those, whose accounts may
still reto , o unsettled oiler the first (lay of Mara
rest, that exhausted patience oud already too
long extended indulgence aunt then c‘uniiel ltiiu
to have the collected in away.
J. LL'DIiN, M.ll.
Hunt. Dee. It, ';',rt.
C. McGILL returns his thanks
to his friends and the public 4.
for their very liberal patronage, undo.
hopes by strict attention to busine , soA4:444',_
to merit a continuance af the same, in all kinds of
Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-Tight, Parlor,
Ten Plate Wood and Conl Stoves, of various si
zes, and all kinds of Ploughs: tbe Lancaster and
the Plank Barslicar patterns, and Keystone No.
4 Self-sharpening and Hill side Ploughs, and
Shears to suit all kinds of Ploughs in the country;
Bulling-ndll and Forge Castings, Grist and Saw
mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine
Patterns, anti the four horse and two horse power
of Chatabersburg patterns; not all other kinds of
castings too numorous to mention, all of which
will he sold cheaper than ever for cash and all
kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken
in exchange for castings.
Huntingdon, November ii, 1833.
I signed throe notes as security fur J. Sansom
Smith; one for one hundred and fifty dollars, and
the other two, one hundred dollars end, dated
the lath day of .Deeember, 1850. The induce
ments under which I agreed to become bail in said
notes, proving delusive by the action of the said
portion, I therefore hereby give notice that I will
not be held responsible as bail, or pay them, un
less eofnpelled by duo course of
Union twp., Nov. 2, 1823.
Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery,
t . Y.WrEn A. 1100,11,
ENIt .1. AFRICA, would respectfully in
vite the pabli.; to cull at 1118 C51111,11811111e111.
in Railroad Street, where all those who need any
good Bread, Rusk, or nor other kind of Cakes
foetid at a Iliikery, may be supplied.
He des just received a very large and fresh
sapply of Fruit and Confectionaries, such uc
kanges, ',Counts, Raisins, Nnts, &Cr,
end a large stock 01 Tt)Yl4.
He receives d•tily from the city of Baltimore,
the best OYSTERS that eau he found. Those
in want and,. 'shell lish,' can be itecommoda
ted by calling at the saloon. Ile line fitted np
saloon expressly for the Ladies.
Thankful to the public for past favors, he hopes
by strict attention to business to merit a continu
ance fifth° same.
Oct. 12, '93.
►Till subscriber hos on hand French Bun
.l. Mill stones of rations sires, which be
will warrant to bo of superior quality, and at rea
sonable prices.
orders by.mnil promptly attemly,l to.
W. 11. KEPNER,
Horrisborg, Oct. 5, '53.-Gm.
ID2. DAVID blab,
1 BADUATE of the 'University of Maryland,
Ur (in connection with Dr. James G. Ligmtner)
having permanently located in Shirleysbora, re
spectfully offers his professional services to the
citizens of that place and adjncent country.
Oct. s,'ss.—Gin.'
HAVING received a new and splendid stock
are now prepared to accommodato all Who luny
give us a call, with GREAT BARL:AINS. Gargoyle
consists of a large assortment of
pry-Goods, Groceries, Hard-Ware,
Queenswaro, Hosieries,
an in short, everything that is necessary to con ,
stitnle a Coanti•c Store.
Contreetors iind others, desiring to parchase,
will find it to their interest to give us n cell berore
purchasing elsewhere, as wo are determine./ to
sum, our goods (wholesale or retuil)'at low and
reduced priecs.,
l'ortstown, November 5, 1513.
A OR Z Alfi_ : 1 0. ICIA Xlf ATA
Egan] ware, roe cries,
Fancy Goods, Notions, Drags,
Oils, Hats, Caps, /tools, Shoes, &c,,
At James• Brieketos Store,
Which arc offered at the lowest prices, also re
ceiving a largo supply of CANDIES, which
will be sold at wholesale price as law as 14 etc.
per lb. Also, Fruits, Oranges, Lemons,
ins, Figs, Le. All of which have been bought
with great care,
and dh the best terms, and will
be sold low fbr Cash or to punctual enstomers.
Dieter myself that I ran and will sell Goods low
as they can be bought hie in this neighborhotl.
My friends are requested to call and examine for
themselves, feeling eoldident that those who do
so cannot go away without buying. Ladies and
Gentlemen of this neighborhooddielieve me when
I say that great pains have been taken to get snel
goods as you admire.
Store on Hill street, opposite the JOURNAL
Huntingdon, Oct. 19,.'53,
10 ) 000 Xr ( t ) t i ,ke n, 7:m o b r rn i Ci o riZA r nAr
every variety tonally kept in it l'ltil- ea",SC:
attelphin Book Store—the subseriber hes added
to his New Stone, oppocito Whit
taker's I hotel, Railroad street, Ilmttimgalun, Pa,
Particular attention is incited to Ids extensive
and splendid stock of plain and fancy Stationary,
Blank Books, Memorandums, Diaries, fur 1854,
&c., &c.
Ile has purchased Scitnot. Bonus on such
terms to enable him to sell them cheaper, Whole
sale and Retell, than any store in +'a• county.
harper's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Bonk,
and cheap publications kept constantly on band.
The public will plemso call end examine for
themselves. WM. COLON.
Oct.lluntiny don, l9, '53.
At David .I'. (:win's New Store.
- T1 P. MVPS, informs his friends am: the pub-
V. lie generally that lie has jnst returned Irons
Philadelphia. and is now opening at the corner
of Bill and Bath streets, opposite Cont's Frank
. -
A large and beautiful assortment of
00D s,
Consisting, of Cloths, Cassimers, Black and Fan
cy Cassmetts, Woolen Mods, Silks,Fancy
tool Black 13erege do Lain., De ulls°,
Debains, 'Fronds Aferinoes, Coburgh
Cloths, Flannels, Cotionrian
.nels While and Colored,
Ginrhams, Linens, Maelins : and a large lot of
Prints of all styles.
Also, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Hats end Caps, Boots
and Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, Queens-
Hardware,Flsh and Salt.
. The public aro respectfully invited to call and
examine my Goods, as 1 ant detarminetlito sell
All kikuli or country Produce taken
:It the highest market prices.
1 untinttilon, Oct. 12, 1853.
(1.1) C//.ILI'S—A. tine Iftriely for bakf vc
1 ..t
List of Ilniatir, due 2(1 .7aiiiiary, 1.43, by rlro• tyttowing
t'olfertoro. ♦ - l7:
I I;
I S.
A. B. 5;;;.!,..',.
.101,11 I!„
1. P.,
Pf• , :;• , ,,
; t I
I,:ri I GI , u.
1 , ,t1.:1; W.
1:,111;tit t•t-,
IS; -. I';r<:, (,ffirad ('urflunit,
.I)aviii 5. 14111
- Frank];
Union, Levi Smith.
Springliel,a. win., Nrc.,..-.•,-.
1° Clay, Daniel Curfinan,
Cromwell, Michael Stair,
Franklin, Daniel (.:onrad,
Porter, Alexander Stii t.
1530. Barree, Samuel Henry,
Henderson, Davis Hight,
1 - fopewell, David Mountain,
Penn, William Dean,
Springfield, henry Cramer,
1831. I;arree, John Love,
Brady, Jesse Yocum,
Cromwell, Daniel Teague,
Warier, Daniel Neft.
Shirley, Isaac Sharrer.
' Springfield, John Brown
Toil, Jesse Cook,
Walker, Thomas Dean,
West, Chitties Green,
Warrior:mark) Azariall Sackett,.
D. 32. Murree, James Forrest'.
Brady, F. A. M'Coy,
Fraillifin, Daniel Womelsdorl,
Porter, Andrew Anderson,
Shirley, George Bowman.
Tod, Solomon Houck, •
1 - nion, Levi Smith,
Walker, ,John Coulter,
1833. Barree, James Ewing,
Prady. James Miller,
Cave, Joshua C. Greenland,
.I:Clay, ltiehard Madden,
•ICromwell. George Swartz,
1 - Dublin, Hobert Peterson.
.Franklin, William M'llwain,
tII end erson, Luke Voorhees,
tllopewell, • Leonard Weaver,
I.Jaeksen, James Stewart, Jr.,
1-Morris, Michael Fetterhoor,
tPenn, Jacob Brumbaugh.
1 - Porter, Benjatnin Nell;
1-Shirley, John 1,0ng,-
+Springfield, Sela Lock,
frell, John .11 , 11 es,
1 - Tial, Israel Baker,
iftdon, William Smith,
t Walker, John harper,
tWarriorsmark, Walter (;. Xllll Tries.
t W ettt, John linnet,
Whole Amount, $12167 77 i 7116 17 $2O-11 At
tSince paid in part. ISinee paid in full. °lt tipiwar.i I.y Mr. C.lnrati%i Duplicate, that fiat
°boil, amount 1,13 paid to Mr. Nell: form, Tror.tror, sad not ereditA on the Cennty Bind,
(.1 ern tunicr Seal of Oilier, 1161: ,honor,,-, l,•:, I.
1.:1.1Er, SMITIT,
5.1711 El . , WIGTON, COM 1i11531 . 0110,4.
11107T.1S 11.,1 MEM,
ArrrsT:-11 . ,!:nv 17'. 7.1,.T.7.u. C1,,.1-.
146 4 ‘V
New Arrival of Fall and Whiter
Goods at the Elephant.
A LEXANDER CA Inti IN, has just returned
front the East, with a full im , l complete se
lection of Fall and Winter Goods, which ore nVw
arran kt ed Pu examination nod sale, nt his store,
opposite the Railroad lintel. The stuck lint all
been bought 1,101, and ns a mutter of course
will he sold cheap for cast[.
The stock consists cf
C/otis, Cossinvrr, Cashmerals, '
Prawn and Bleached Lino!,
6'ilks, Shawls, Seay'e,Brown mu!
ed ins, Cheeks, Tirkings,,
Canton and Rama',
and Many 0:1“ r ,rods 100
1151,0 ,11050 entAtion.
Print.; in abundance, Mous de !mines, Percy, de
[mines, Silk Tissue, Poreign and American Ging
hams, .11,,use do Bey , Eustres,,
Hats, and Cars, Boon. and Shoes,
hardware. fllnemsware,
Thankful fur past favors, the pulilie generally
arc invited to call and examine the splendid stork
now on hand, which in variety,imality,and price
will compare wifti any ever exhibited in town.
cmd. axo Ot IS.
Oct. ID, 'D3
111CtI.A.T r7itic Z I T rrilltillr
The Ancient Borough.
lEWd .- 02i...";?! d 3 A Cf.) dl
TT AS just returned Iroin the eastern cities with
the largest. cheapest...a best assortment of
ROOTS and gIIOES, rear
opened in this county. lle also has
a large and splendid assortment of
Hats and Caps,
of the most fashtonable styles. Also, itnlies'
and Childress' woolen hose. Carpotlings,lland
Trunks, &e., flr the trav r• ellin community.. Also
a great variety of useful artiercs tou numerous to
The public aro respectfully invited to call and
examine the stock. lie is determined to sell as
eitilAP, ifnot cheaper data any other establish
ment in the Minify.
Store on street, opposite Snyder's Cheap
Clothing Store.
Oct. 2ti, '5:l.
Mountain Female Seminary
11111 E Mountain Female Seminary at Minfling-
I ham, Huntingdon county,Pa., on the Penn
sylvania Railroad, occupies one of the most
healthy and desirable locations in the State.—
Strangers visiting the Institution here unhesi
tatingly expressed the opinion, that it so cosy of
fIeCC,,, retired, hollthful, and surrounded with
snail romantic mountain seetwey, that no ono
who wishes to learn, could find aft institution
more favorably situated. Past success and fu
ture provects have induced us to greatly enlarge
our plans, and enabled us to give such compensa
tion to teachers as Will command those possess•
mg the highest qualilications.
Cost, per term of 22 weeks, varies fl'om $55 to
$6O, for which good nocommodations will be giv
en. Music, French, Latin, Painting, &e.,extra.
Pupils from abroad arc expected to board in
the Seminary building with the Principal, who
gives hiscutire attention to the interest of tLo
Institution. ISRAEL W. WAItI►.
Oct. 5, 1553. Principal.
OILVEIt and Plated Bpoons, (told, Silver:iv
1,3 Plated Spec•tacies, at Ram. Stone's Jewelry
QILVEII Batter Mares, and Solt Spool., at
E. Snare's Cloth, Jewelry Store,
" s ~
tig,ryrocio: at Silo ista
t;: t li);ho on :: tre
Illt , , , lal o id tf or sale lty
\V the
J. liRICKEhi.
A beautiful ,sert meat of Sill:,,Drea4 Patterns,
/1 Black Silk, tout Bonnet
uud fur by 1. & \V. SAN:To:,
PEUST tteeit a 11;1.1sAllie , ~Allll,llt A
11.. y S•Nte `'haw!,, Long Shawl, and Stoat,
htr t. which wt ate 6ellinv (utt. low.
J. J.. w. SAXIVN.
' , nag Tax. , `,, , lfilc Ntiail Pine,
,1 lit
?(12 oe
:0 0
4; 31
16 FSi
32 31
(i~;~ u,
77 .13
21 12
273 64
45 ~:
33 78
31 06
27.2 J
213 61
10 00
• lei 41
254 tei
375 30
270 :11
97 01
400 99
103 43
907 04
711 GG
/ 163 62
315 26
G 95 36'
%65 75
4JI 69
14 , 6 , i
463 49
273 :11
355 28
393 01
rpm: subscriber offers, nt private sale, n value
bin tract of land, situate in Hill Valley, Shir
ley township. Ilun t tingdon county, containing
about Two Hundred Acres. A bon t fifty
' :mos of this tract is cleared and in hood tillable
,rder,havingtherenn erected a comfortable Stono
Dwelling House, Stabling, &c..
There to also a good Spring of Water on tho
premise: , , near the dwelling house.
The land kora good quality, pat being strong
limestone, and au industrious man could nut Nit
to do well on it. It is situated about sin miles
from Mount Union, where the Pennsylvania
• Rend and Canal pass, and will-be sold at a very
'moderate price.
Timms Or PAYMENT...One half in hand, numb
the balance in two mlOOl annual payments. •
For further information address the subserild,cr,
at Shirleysburg, I'. 0., Huntingdon Ci. Pa. •
October 1 2, 'Mt.
SS U T 11, Wellington, Cottage, •
Gothic, and other Clocks, for sale ..
cheap, at Edin. Snare's Jewelry Store,
Huntingdon. - - •
.t - E A'4 T. • N D
AT TIII: riNi:Dos cLoTiIiNG liTentH
- ups just returned from the oast with a large
1 . 1 and splendid ngsortrwem of
- .
Fall anal Winter Goods,
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and
in the most durable manner. Who ever wants
to ho dressed better anti cheaper than tolvbedy
else in town, let hint call at Wim.tryconv't:
Cni:Ar CLOTHING STonn, one door west of T.
Rend & Sou's drug store, Huntingdon.
Call and see for yourselves.
Oct. 5, 1852.
HOUSEKEEPERS st:tdy your interests, why
go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for
half-Matto ruu:smusuil Call at No. 1, North
NINTH street, soul examine the largest assort
ment of the hest made Furniture and Bedding its
the city, Feather Buds, flair, Husk, and Straw
Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What
. ante, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Washstands;
Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di
! rens, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads;
Fancy Stalled Seat, Cane seat, Windsor, and of
fice Chairs, Counting-house, and cane-seat Stools,-
Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni
ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and
Lounges, wholesale and retail, and um:ranted to'
give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices.
Sop. 28, 1853:--ly
The snbserilicr has placed on the road leading
from Mill Creek to Cassville a line of Meeks to
run from the latter place to the former, on Wed
nesdays and Saturdays, Leaving Cassvil le in the
morning, of each day returning in the afternoon.
' The necommodations are comfortable and the
fare is very hiw. GEO. SMITH.
Cassville, Sep. 21, '53.
J. S. GRIFFITH, 111.
Huntingdon, I'a.,
Graduate of tho University of Pa.. offers his
professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon
and adjacent countr.V.
illaTltENCEB:—Medical Faculty of University
of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl
vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hoffman.
Office, No. 189, MIMI Street, along with Dr
Hofffnan , July 19, 189:1.
Mt, Market Street,
Fancy Goods and Trimniings, Conchs and
Brushes, at CAS:I PRICES,
Sept. T,
rm.rz & lIENDItL
Store, 29 N. 3rd St, Philadelphia,
Marrocco Manufacturers, et:niers, Irniterters,
Commission and General Leather Business,
Wholesale and Retail.
Menefaetory 15 Margraette Street.
Aug. 2,1, 5 :53. •ly
DORT MI /NNMES rrom 25 clout: up 1.0 't:•151/
at Ed. I,lrutre • s. April 15 1642.
PE la:C.1.11.14: 101, of the hi, ..I1
• 16010 'Wallin, WWI, 40 1,11 , ,
10 , er than el....hew.
I 50
1 00
3 4.,
:,ll u~)
!. ft)
H 11 ,,
.1 I ,
20 50
•111 50
59 00
110 00