iVeduesday Morning, Fe,. 22, 1851. M. E. GLASGroW, Editor. CIuCtCATION" 1000. Dir. See Now Advortis ser Those indebteClto the Journal Vice for Jou WORK and ADVERTISI* are requested to settle their accounts immediately. This no tice is intended to mean just precisely what it says. We need money, and we must have our dues. ler lion. John ireulloCh, M. C.—Messrs. Maguire, Gwin nod other's, of Pennsylvania Legislature, will please accept our thanks fur. public favors. Hon. S. A. Douglas, of tho U. S. Sen ate, has our thanks for a copy of his letter to the aovernor of Illinois, on River and Harbor Improitemonts. Wo call our readers' Attention to the advertisement of Carr, Giese 4 Co., in another column of the Journal. Our farmers who have grain to send to Baltimore, could not do better than send it to these men. Their business is conducted on the most satisfactory principles. Se... James Maguire has read a bill in place in the House, to authorize the Auditor General to examine the account of J. MeDonaldson; also, one to repeal an act granting a State road in Huntingdon and Bedford counties. INDEPENDENT Wuto.—This valuable journal, published at Lancaster, by Theo. Fenn, Esq., has been very materially improved, enlarged, and is published in quarto form. It now ranks, in every particular, with the best papers pub. fished in the State. May the enterprising Ed itor be abundantly rewarded for his labors. MERCER Cooxry.—The Whig County Com• mitteo of Mercer county have selected D. W. Findley, Representative, and W. W. Pearson, Senatorial Delegate to the Whig State tonven• Lion, and instructed them to vote for Ex-Gov ernor Johnston on the first ballot as the next Whig candidate for Governor. OPENING OF TOO CANAIA.—WC learn that the Board of Canal Commissioners have given directions for the opening of the Canals on the trot of Murlik next, should the weather permit. This is highly important to the mercantile com munity, and especially to all who are engaged in the Spring trade. Foreign News. The latest accounts we have from the seat of European war, state that a general outbreak was momentarily expected. The French and English Ambassadors, at St. Petersburg, were about leaving for home, as were the Russian Ambassadors, at the Courts of Franco and England. Should this actually prove true, nothing can save the old European dynasties front a general rupture. Daring Robbery. On Sunday night last, the Jewelry Store, in this place, belonging to Edmund Snare, was broken open by the hand of some daring villain, and robbed of about $450 in money—several Cold and Silver Watches—and other valuable articles, amounting in all to about $lOOO. The public would du well to ferret out these villains,' because, in our opinion, they don't live a great distance from this tows. Several such attempts have been made here, and the circumstances under which these robberies have been com mitted, ;show that the perpetrators had some knowledge of the location of the articles that were stolen. Mr. Snare's loss is serious, and we trust he may succeed in bringing the vil lains to justice, if he should not, iu procuring the stolen goods and money. The Alleghenian. This filthy sheet insinuates that we were the first to attack it, and endeavors to make such an impression on its readers. In doing this, it deliberately, maliciously, and wilfully LIES.— When we offered to exchange with the Allegha lawn, it refused—but was all the time abusing us, when we had not their paper to ascertain what the nature of that abuse was. Mon who would do such things, under the circumstances, would "steal coppers off dead negrocs' eyes," and cheerfully take the place of the midnight assassin. A woron set of hypocrites than those who control the Alleglumian, don't tread God's green earth. ,1161 r. The Resolutions introduced into the Legislature, by Hon. John C. Kunlde, to in. struct our Congressmen to vote against the repeal of the Missouri Compromise were, on last Thursday, postponed• until the 15th of • March. This is of course equivalent to an in. definite postponement. The locofoeos, except one, Mr. Haldeman, voted in favor to postpone, and the Whigs against it. The following is the vote:— Yeas—Messrs. Buekalew, Creswell, Foulk rod, Fry, Goodwin, B. D. Hamlin, E. W. Ham lin, Mester, Hoge, Jamison, M'Clintock, Me• Piatt, Quiggle, Sager, Wherry and M'Caslin, Speaker—Vl. Nays—Messrs. Barnes, Crabb, Darlington, Darsie, Evans, Ferguson, Frick, Haldeman, Hamilton, Hendricks, Kinzer, Kunkel, Mellin• ger, Price, Skinner and Slifer—lG. Pennsylvania Railroad Tunnel. The-tunnel which has just been completed on the line of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road passes through the summit of the Alleg. heny Mountains at a point known as Sugar Run Cap. It lies in the counties of Blair and Cambria—the summit being the dividing line. It is 3612 feet long, 2685 feet of which is arch ed, containing 7700 perches of cut stone and 6400 perches of brick masonry and 027 feet is out through the solid rock, were arching is un necessary. Eight feet of an arch on each side is built out of stone 221 inches thick, resting on abutments of rock range work the same thickness, and the crown consists of five cour ses of hard-burnt brick—the whole laid with hydraulic cement. At grade, the width of the tunnel in the clear is 21 feet—ton feet above the grade 25 feet. The height above the grade is 23 feet. The greatest elevation above it at the west e.AI uf the tunnel, whore the height is 5161 feet. The grades ascendicg the eastern slope commenceiint 'AltoonWand inn distance of 12 miles, where the west cud of the tunnel commenced, the height civerccine is 723 feet, or 821' feet to-the mile. boiiblas and /,Tcfn'aEkti: Senator Douglas is clearly entitled to the Manly of forcing the relwal of the Missouri Conitinmisa upon . , Cceigrdss, aitd the agitatten of t), Slavery question upou the country. Ills inordinate ambition has driven hint thus to peril the harmony of the Nation, merely to feed his silly aspiratiuns•to the Presidency; and now that the whole North ha 3 spoken in terms 'tut to be misunderstood, and reprobated his move ment without distinction of party, even the poor pity hie folly might excite, will he denied him, when he shall realize .the tlisaSter he has invi• led. TIM country was at pence; harmony was gradually being. restored, and the conflicting interests of the two great sections were fast Pcriithing'under 'the influence of mutual' for bearance; but ambition had net been satiated, and now all the iclentless fury of sectional strife is provoked by. a Northern trickster who crawls for Southern favor. The policy proposed by Senator Douglas is without a precedent in the history of this coup try. Never before has a . voice been heard in our Halls of Congress advocating the extension of Slavery in territory expressly devoted to Freedom by a . solemn compact; and it is not surprising that so bold a concession to an insti tution that is not approved, but only tolerated =the ground of expediency, should arouse a spirit of resentment among the more conserva-' Live of all sections. Our commercial cities, always foremost in according to Slavery all constitutional and proper advantages, revolt at the proposition, and send their protests in the very face of Southern balk; and the mass of the people, who have no profits to caletilate in the consideration of the question, must natu rally take the strongest position against so sig nal a triumph for Slavery ou Northern soil. We say to the South in all candor, that if they unite in pressing this effort upon the country, they must invite a storm that no he. man agency can direct to their advantage. Tho chances for success arc not even promising, and a humiliating defeat would be a sorry rc• ward for their labors; but could success be commanded through the infidelity of Northern Representatives, the victors would have more to dread than the vanquished. Such a result would do more to impair the constitutional rights of the South in this section of the coun try, than any other effort that Congress could make, and the Fugitive Slave Law would fall under the just indignation of Northern Repee °sentatives in another Congress. It is folly to suppose that a sectional contest now could he confined to the single issue of repealing the Missouri Compromise. It would throw the old issues open again, and force them to encounter a hostility from the North that Southern intel lect and Southern arroganeo combined could not control. Tho Fugitive Slave Law, which is conceded to be most unjust in several of its most essential provisions, would have to en counter a perfect whirl-wind; and our sectional differences would be at the mercy of might— not right. And need we toll the South that it has all to lose in such a conflict? Its defeat would not merely he the defeat of a principle with the South; but it would be a blow at the institution of Slavery, and at Southern policy, that would tcllo•ith crushing effect for years. Yet, if the South insists upon the issue, let it come Old Westmoreland vs. Bigler. There can be no question that et least two thirds of the locofoco party in the State, nrc de cidedly in favor of the Bale of the Public Works. The manner, these improvements have for the lost eight or ten years been conducted, has completely disgusted very many members of, the opposition, and they are now determined to have them placed beyond the control of these government leeches who have been bleeding the public treasury to its very heart, by the defeat of Bigler next fall, and the election of some ' good nud honest man, whether he be Whig or Democrat, who will favor their sale and lend Isis official influence to secure those great measures of public reform, which every tax-payer of the Commonwealth now so ur gently demands. To show what the feelings of the honest portion of the locofoco party are on the subject, we publish below a few of a series of resolutions that were unanimously adopted by a large and enthminstic democratic meeting recently held in Westmoreland county:— Resolved, That while it is not requisite or prudent at this time, to indulge in recrimination and specify minutely our objection to Gov. Bigler—we are of opinion the lease of the Co lumbia Railway to Bingham & Dock, was a fraud upon the people which wwild not have been sanctioned by Gov. Bigler, had not a ?war relation or his omen been one of the contracting parties. o f rascally letting on the POrtage Road, winked at by the same Governor, aro in perfect keeping with the lease of the Colum bia Road. Resolved, That we firmly and honestly be; Hove that after the demonstrations that have been made against Gov. Bigler, in various per. tions of the State, the party would be foul har dy to renominate him. if he was elected in 1851 by a meagre majority when the party was entirely unanimous in Lis simport, his defeat must be certain in 1851, with the dissatiViu, tion NOW BO wide spread. Let us hare a new man, a pore man, and we run eta risk of de feat. Resolved, That notwithstanding the Gayer ernor's message, we arc in Avor of the imme diate sale of the public works. We have no faith in th'e promise made twenty years ago, and renewed annually ever since, 'that neat year the public works would pay; Humbug has prevailed on this subject quite long enough —and we believe the true way to make them pai, would be to sell them at a reasonable price, and appropriate the money to paying the State debt. Resolved, net we approve or the course of the "Republican" and "Aryan" in their opposi tion to Gov. Bigler, and the robberies on the Public Tt4>rl.•s—in (WWI so they reflect the sen timents of a rust majority of the party in this county, and will hereafter, as heretofore, be sustained as the true organs qf the Thrty. California. The advice's by the Star of the West at New York, are to the lath, being the same as by the Daniel Webster at New Orleans. The ' news is not particularly important. Governor Bigler was inaugurated on tlw 3d. The total debt of California is stated. at $30(11,815. A Public Meeting was recently held at Stockton, with the object of approving the conduct of Capt. Walker and his fillibusters in Lower California, but the ringleaders were very prop erly arrested by the Police. Walker bud issu. ed another proclamation. Ile bail also estab lished various military post, bet a Mexican ex pedition, intending to attack him, left Mazat lan on the 18th of Nov. The weather hail beca quite cold, both in California and Oregon. TARIFF CHAtmEs.—The projected changes in the Tariff, proposed by Secretary Outline, and now under consideration hy the Committee of Ways and means of the House of Represen• tatioco, will subject all imports to a duty of liveulidiee pi, cent. advalorein, except spirit.. 003 liquors of different kinda, which are to pay 100 per cent. and except also a long of specified. articlita which are to beexempt from rluf y.. _ . tiT:uclrl LITTLE, /./noranyt,--t he Ey , zlislt gelivrally,olAnteric.n. V ona d (itne:k-- - 114,dirCY slwet called the .li. 1•Oli Om. Bully !ran, —tie cinlc and the Jacksises, of the Standard. v. tigoo, of 'Maryland, was ntarried a few'days sinee . ,Alk,a Miss Dorsey. ' Cr Mind your own business and let other peoples' alone, is a wholesome maxim. • eg• Union Count,' has - ihstrueled her Dele. gittes to the IVhig iiktir Com'ention tor Judge Pollock. C74' Adolphus It. Wilsolt, Eq., only brother of''Oen. A. I'. Wilson ot this place, died at Williamsport, on the Ist last., Liele'd—the :111 , tt)e Hunting don Shanghai. We can ittoid to crow—that is, we, the Shanghai, cnn. Cr a r Clov. gortoon, Minnesota, in his mess age to the Legislature, goes against banks and in favor of a militia organization. Gy" The. Alleghcolian thinks our reply to it last week cost no "much labor, Fze.'' Nut over five minutes, weltire certain. C 7" A bill Intl been reported in tlto Ken. tueliy legislature appreprinting $20,000 to the Clay monument.. . Cr The receipts into the Indiana State Treasury, in 1853, amounted to $2,023,663;and the expenditures to $1,509,;t The Pittsburg Atacrican has donned a new dress.' It looks better but we think there is chance fur improvement yet. Cr The Sacramento Journal estimates that thirty barrels of egg-nogg were consumed (or drank) in that city on Christmas dnyl Sick of his folly—the Jack-ass of the Stan dard. • Rethember hereafter that it is danger one fur persons, who live in glass houses, to throw stones. A: S. Hiny, of Lynchburg, Va., son of the immortal Patrick Henry, died at the re sklenee of his son, in Charlotte County, on the Gth just A magnificent new iron ship called the Taylour was wrecked in Dublin Bay on the 19th of January and 350 lives lost. We have neither time nor room fur particulars. LW' A Lill has been read in the HOMO fix ing the adjournment of the Legislature on the 30th of Mara; and one to cancel the Relief notes has passed the Senate. Ccr The Maryland Legislature has re-elect ed llon. J. A. Pearce as U. S. Senator, for six years from the 4th of March, 1856. ' The vote stood—Pearce, 58; Judge Constable, 35. Dar The Senate of Georgia has passed a bill to punish the keeping of faro or other gam bling tables and establishments, with impris onment in - the penitentiary from one to five years. . . . . AO. A. mans own conscience is his solo tri banal, anti he should care no more for that phantom "opionion," than he should fear meet ing a ghost if ho crossed the church yard at dark. MN. An old citizen of Columbiana, Ohio, was frozen to death on the 27t1i ult. He was returning home in a state of intoxication, when he fell in the canal. ills name was Mathew Adams. .0 - The whole number of attorneys in Eng buid and Wales is about 10,000. The number during the last ten years has but slightly in creased, but during the lust two years, has somewhat decreased. ia.• The Massachnsettn Humane Society of fer a premium of S-100 for the best life-boat and $lOO for the best carriage adapted to transportation of the boat, both to be tested in August next. TTY It is said—but ran it be true?—that a member of Congress who is known to be con, mitted against the practice of duelling, is more liable to insult at Washington, than ono who has no scruples on the subject. ne..- The Boston papers chronicle the arri val of a fleet of oyster vessels from Virginia.— Previous to this oysters had been selling in Boston for ono dollar a gallon. This arrival will reduce the price about fifty per cent. OW' Mr. Maguire last week presented a peti tion, containing the names of one hundred and thirty-six eitivens of Union and Cass townships, praying a repeal of the act for the construction of a State road front Mill Creek-to Hopewell. ea-The American State Convention, for the State of Pennsylvania, is to assemble in Convention, at Harrisburg, on the of March next, for the purpose of nominating officers for Oovernor, Suprewc Judge and Canal Commis• EX Moses Pownall, Esq., died at his resi dence, in the village of Christiana, Lancaster County, on Saturday evening inst. Mr. P. was a representative in the Legislature fee two ses sions, and was last year nominated as the Whig Candidate for Canal Cominissioner. b ar A Convention of Tobacconists was held nt Albany, on Thursday, for the purpose of de vising means to check the importation of se gars. A resolution was adopted praying Con gress to impose a specific duty of forty cents per pound on all foreign segars. fir A young lady advertised in a Louisville paper, sometime since, for a husband, and lust week was joined in the bonds of matrimony with a handsol,ne, clever young "fellow," in consequence. Nothing like advertising, for even a husband. Re- "It is written in the Editor's first j vein, &w"—Alleghanian. Dod't know whether it was our first or last vein, nor do we care. We are not in the hab it of devoting either much time or labot in answering the -4//cyhanian, simply because the filthy sheet is not worth it. cr At Pittsburg, on the 9th inst., McClos key's administrators obtained a verdict against the Pennsylvania Railroad for $4,500. Me• Closkey was coaveying horses from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, when ho was killed in March last, by a collision, near Newton Hamilton.— The defence set up was that he was on the wrong car at the time of the accident. Connecticut Whig Ninninations—New Ha ven, Feb, 15.—The Whig State Convention of this State to-day nominated henry Dutton fur Governor; Alexander Dolly, for Lieutenant Governor; and Oliver 11. Perry fur Secretary of State. Resolutions in favor of a protective tariff,tul against the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, were passed.. Var.Ccn. Houston, of Texas, made a strong speech, in the Senate. Tuesday, against Dou. glass' shameful Nebraska bill. Northern trai tors must fed uslsanted of themselves, when those for wls oso benefit their treacherous acts ate intended, refuse to endorse the Wilson.-- Men botuetirnea loco the treason, but despise the.tntitor; but . in.this instance both the trea• sou amid the traitor ace despised, Cost, Exporiitures, and Revenues of the Public Works, The Auditor General and State Treasurer, hove furnished a statement of the ; tee, . cost, coven and:pendit .03 of the Public Works of Potosylituda, in obedience to a . 13e,olution passed by the ll,,use, mt the 7th day of ,fanita ry,' *calling for such a statement. We litok upon it as the most'ini portant document which has ever been published upon the gnostical of our Public Works. Thepeople of Pennsylva nia, have for years been deprecating the policy which authorized the construction of these int proventents by. the Slate, and it has long beta the genernl desire to sell them and ripply the proceeds, so far as they would go to the ligni dation of the ininicnse debt which hangs like an *lays over the porgy, enterprise,. and • prosperity of our citizens. The faa. has be come too glaring, that so long as the State con , liners to owl) them, they will only add to opr debt, while the system of managing ihem, has been completely perverted to the use of politi cians, thus creating influences in every dire, lion, dangerous to the morals of citizens, and undermining the integrity and perpetuity of the Whole political body. the belief IS univer sally entertained, that the only hopo of rescue front thesB demoralizing influences, this cat, keriug worm which i.e preying upon tho vitals of our Commonwealth,. and this (train upon the Treasury, is its a sale of tie Public Works, by the State, to an individual corpora lion. • The statement, ns furnished by the pamph. let, will, we feel satisfied, astound every tax payer in'the Commonwealth. As much As we imagined the Works were a loss to the State, we slid not suppose it was so immense, as is proven by this statement. We do hope every paper in the State will publish the figures fur nished by it as we cannot but believe, every tax-payer wile examines them, will call for the sale of the Improvements at any price. It is the most powerful argument which has yet been advaneed in favor of the sale, and will, we feel confident, ensure the passage of such a bill, by the Legislature. Efforts are now be. - ing made in the Legislature, by Whigs and Democrats, to secure the passage of a bill, au thorizing their sale at $20,000,000, which is the sum named in Senator Evan's able report. The outside presore of the Governor, Heads of Departments, Canal Board, and a ninnumera ble number of pensioners on the Slate, will be veryi powerful against the measure, and may succeed is riding over the wishes and interests of the people. Governor Bigler in his Mess. ago tools grounds against the sale, and we may judge that his sentiments will govern all who live by polities and the spoils. In 11, this question was left to a vote of the people, and carried by over 10,000 majority, but by a spe cies shuttling so common on the I fill, the sale was prevented, and the wishes of the people . disobeyed, and their Treasury lots continued since to be depleted. We will publish another time, the Recapitu lation coutitined in this pamphlet, es we have not the rosin at present. The wholo cost of all the Public Improvements male by the State up to the end of the fiscal year 1833, was— c05t,532,5.12,247 77 • Expenditures to same date, 19,499,857 03 Interest on loans for the Pub• lie improvements up to smile (late, 35,157,794 13 Guaranteed Interest, 446,256 15 The whole amount expended on our Public Works from their commencement to the end of the fiscal year 1833, $87,046,177 08 Revenue from all the Public Works from their rumple• Lion to the end of the fiscal year, 1853, 23,312,020 47 Balance, 502,304,150 at of excess over revenue,' paid and to lie paid by the tax payers of Pennsylvania for the con struction andsupport of their Public Improve. meals through a period of 23 years and the time occupied in their construed.. During this whole time, the expenses have kept pace with the receipts and ,judging from experience, we may say it will continue, while the interest account is growing larger every year, and must be paid in addition to the ordinary expenses.— To this add for the completion of the new Port age railroad, the following amount which it is said by persons well acquainted with the road, it will require to complete it, $1,200,000 00 To complete the North Branch Canal, say, $lOO,OOO 00 The CaMil Board only ask $200,000 more for that purpose, but to double that sum will be a safe calculation. Add the amount required to relay the South track of the Columbia Railroad, and re. pair it properly ••• $500.000 00 $2,100,000 00 You thus have filmier sketch of the operations of the Public Improvement policy during a pe riod of 23 years and from it we learn that with all the ittivaninges of the most direct canal communication between the west and the At lantic seaboard, in fact, for inane years it was the only canal communication from west to east, with the benefits and monopoly of an in valuable local trade fur 20 years, in a word with every advantage and opportunity to make them profitable, the Termitic has fallen short of the interest on their construe• .lion $10,815,775 GG But this is not all, we have another enor mous item which tolls the secret of where oar immense taxes have been going to fin• the lust 23 years. It is the expenditures which had to be paid in addition to interest. Now, above we show an. excess of interest over revenue of ahnost•eleven millions of dollars, nod we must ask where the following sum was raised to pay the expenditures. It is as follows: Expenditures, 419,499,R57 G 3 Thus giving Us a sum of $30,315,633 29 part of which has been added to the debt of the State, and the balance of over twenty mil lions paid by the taxes wrung from the people. Is it not n sad picture for the oppressed tax payer of Pennsylvania to contemplate. To find out that he is assisting to pay millions ev• cry year for the expenses of the Public Works besides paying every year over two millions interest on the cost of their construction. In a period of 23 years we find the net reve nue exceeded the expenditures $5,843,163 44 without bringing in the interest account of al most thirty•six millions of dollars. Tho ex pense of the present system of managing our Public Works, should satisfy every tax-payer that it is only adding to his already grievous burden to keep them in the hands of the State. It has been tried for a period of over 23 years, mid experience proves it getting worse every your. The fact is also well known to every in telligent citizen, that improvements of great magnitude owned and conducted by private companies, pay a handsome per centago and get along prosperonsly. In view of all these filets, is it not suicidal in the voters of Penn sylvania, to persist in so blind a policy as that which has directed them for 23 years. Every consideration of private and public good calls fur the sale of these works, and the partial li quidation of our debt, We Mel confident that were this'question fairly presented to the vo ters of Pennsylvania, it would carry hy a larger majority than in '44. We hope the Legislature will show its independence of party, and its de votion to the true interests of their constituents by authorizing the immediate sale of the whole concern. It would be a perfect Godsend . to the people of Pennsylvaia, and will lay them under an endless debt of gratitude to you for thus affording them the only relief from utter min.—Mk/NO and Journal. DEATII OF A VETFEAN.-The York Free Press announees the death of Mr. John (Iris senger, at Lewhiburg, in the 38th year of his Ige. Ile wee a veteran of the radial., cud leaves, as near as eau be ascertained, 382 re fi t- live:;, vie: 14 eltildren; 123 raad•children, 212 grent•grand-ohildren, and 3 greatzreatTrantl• children. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE SENA,. Wolue,lay, Feb. 15, 185 • Troloillan presented a petition awl bill to incorporate the Gonna. Literary Institute. . A number of petitions fur the repeat of the tonnage tan upon the Pennsylvania Railroad were read and referred. • The following bills were reported:— A bill to incorporate the Pennsylvania Say ings h wid. bill to consolidate the. Columbia and Penn• sylvania Building Associations. • A bill to re-eh:tiler the Bank of Northam. beldam]. ..... A bill to - re•clintter the Bank of Penn Town p. A supplement tetho net incorporating the dergey Shore, Pine Creek and State line Rail road. . , A supplement to the net. incorporating the Westchester and Philadelphia itudr.),ul. A supplement to the Schuylkill Valley Na vigation Railroad Charter. A supplement to the act incorporating the Mount Carlton nod Purl Carbon Railro ad. A bill to incorporate the Brandywine Rail• rood. _ . Bills were also read relative to the supply of stationery tier the public use, and to incorpor ate. the Montour Bank. The bill eppi•oprinting $l:100 to the Rosin° Association was debated, amended and passed. The bill toregulate the Banks of the Com monwealth was passed in Committee, and then laid over. Adjourned. Aiditasoox St:sstorr. - The- afternoon session was devoted to the consideration of private hills. The following were passed:—A bill to incorporate the Anth racite Insurance Company. of Philadelphia; a supplement to the charter of the West Chester and Willmington Plank Road Company; and a supplement to the charter of the American Life and Health Insurance Company. Ad journed._ Horn or REPRESENTATIVE 9. The hill to incorporate the Tyrone and Clear field Railroad Company passed a second read ing to-day. Tho supplement to the Dearer Meadow Railroad, and Coal Company was postponed on second reading. The following bills in place were rend:—To appoint an Examiner in the case of Elizabeth Cameron; resolution against the repeal of the Missouri Compromise; Supplement to the Charter of the. Delaware and Lackawanna Western 'Railroad; to incorporate the Central Savings Fund and Girard Library Company, of Penn I listriet; to incorporate the Auburn and Port Clinton Railroad Company, and the Mi llers' I tank of Schuylkill County. The following l ills were passed:—For the pity and motive power expenses of the Portage Railroad; to ineorportato the Carpentersville and Delaware Bridge Company; extending the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court; relative to suits by (reditora and others against Execu tors, Administrators, Assignees and other Trustees. - Adjourned. The Cost of Collecting Taxes, Petunclynnitt is truly a land of tax-collect ors, and 'although the task is a thankless one, yet there are always found enough to fill the ollices appointed (or that. purpose. Every ono is aware of the, imperfections of the present system of collecting taxes, anti the difficulties experienced in carrying it out. The collector in every township is annoyed everlastingly in his efforts to collect the taxes, while the recce. sities of the State imperatively demand the• early payment of the State taxes into the Trea sury. Now, as reform appears to be going for went in every branch of our government, would it sot be wise in our Legislature to inquire itt , to a system well known to be imperfect and frermently inoperative, and endeavor to effect a reform. Let us first ascertain the amount raised by direct taxation from the people. We may set clown the tax assessed on real and per sonal estate in the Commonwealth, nt $1,600,- 000, as front the Report of the Auditor Gene, al, welearn that the amount received from this tax during the fiscal year 1853 at the Trensu ry, was $1,381,550 39, and we may reasonably suppose the difference between this amount and. the Hum stated ns assessed to be remaining un collected. Now, to collect this State tax. of sixteen hundred thousand, the collectors are paid 5 per cent, which would amount to $BO,- 000. This is what the people pay for collect ing the State tax only. The county Treasurers ore then paid I per cent. forreceWingand pay ing over this State tax to the State Treasurer, wide!' is another item making $BB,OOO paid by tax-payers for the purpose of collecting and carrying to the State 'I rertsury the taxes due the State. Agaim take the county tax, which is the same amount, and for the collection of this amount we can set doter the SUM of $BO,. 000, and 1 per cent. to lire State Treasurer for receiving it, we have the sum of $BB,OOO paid for the collection of our county tax. Now, told these stuns together, and we . have a total of $176,000 paid by the tax-papers of Pennsylva nia to the tax collectors. It certainly is an enormous sum, and calls loudly fur relive,— Under the present condition of our finances, it is vain to hope for a relief from the oppressive burthen of taxation imposed every year. In the face of this fact, it should be our effort to reduce the expense of collecting these taxes, and pay no much ns possible into the Treasu ry, and thus prevent its too frequent resort to leans, the interest of which we can barely pay. We believe a remedy can be applied, and pro pose the following. Let a law he passed au thorizing the enmity Treasurers to give notice to the people of each township, that lie will meet them on a certain day to receive their taxes, in a simile'. manner as the school-tax is now collected. As nn indueement to the people to meet him and pay their taxes, let him Ire au thorized to allow a discount to the tax-payers ea all pail is before the first of Ingest of -1 I per veld.. the enlist, is now:Illowed by the State re.:aParer the amount of tax paid in berm . ; that time. This distiount would amount to about $6 , 1,000, a very handsome saving to the tax-payers. New, suppose a salary or $l,OOO on all 1,, allowed to line manly Trea. which soi.ttlil amount to $60,000 the whole remit of rolleeting the Slate and coun ty taxes, against lire sum ofslitl,ooo now paid by the lax-payers. With these inducements to the tax-payers to be prompt., we coeceive there would not be that difficulty which is now ex perienced by collectors, and the interest on taxes lung uncollected would be saved, which, if added to the above sum, would make a year. ly saving, to the tax-payers of alinost $150,000, as large an en amount as is paid by the Com monwealth for school purposes. This excess would go into the Treasury of the State, and would be a (bop in the bucket in paying off our State debt. It would exceed the yearly nett revenue received for the last ter. years front our Public: Works which have cost us nearly one hundred tnillions of dollars. Every principle of the public economy denutatls smelt a refona in the system of collecting taxes, as it not only lightens the burden of the taxpay er, but increases the revenue of the Slate. A principle producing two such desirable results should, we imagine, be at once adopted, and the attention of our Legislature could nut be better occupied than by passim , ' a law establish ing such a system for the collection of our tax es. The present is oppressive to the tax-pay er and the State, in fact, a total loss to both. The summit expended wider its unnecessary, and is equivalent to an actual waste of the peo ple's money. We feel satisfied if this matter Is taken up and examined by our Legislators, that they will at once be convinced that a re form can easily be effected which no man, wo suppose, would be slow to adopt. It is a sub ject of sufficient importance to demand atten tion. Any relief to the tax-payers will be glad ly hailed, and if it can be given, it in the duty of every gevernment to grunt it.—Slate Jour. nat. .. What better remedy run there bo for evil, than to ab,tain front that which CIIIISCS it? For Ow D:17: ; •-- vl,ll V r`W to till, Whig, of of r conioy, thr,,li your 1,- eelleot paper, Owl 1 hope they rill not torn deaf ear to my sayin;,. Jo tie tlrit pin, I will my I ant an Col Whig, :eel low, battled long and faithfully for the pr,n,:olos and mea sures of the party, and have, doritht all this. lime. never nsked the party for an office. Nor do I th;:dc I ever will. But I feel an inteeerA in the succeo and welfare of the party, nod being a Whig, i. claim the right of expressing my opinion on subjects whicdt I fuel. satisfied are ehliely conneeto with its prosperity. Now to the point. The Whig party, in this county more particularly, has been in the habit of nominating and electing men to office who have had no claims on the party at all—men who hnve just come among us and know petit' ing at all about the interests of our. citizens.—. And such Men, too, have got the very bestand `fittest offices—been elected overold and Nth ful Whigs who have fought long and suecessful. ly in the cause. Now, with all due deference to the feelings of gentlemen, I would ask the Whigs of Huntingdon county, to look nt the claims of the persons who have filled our coun ty offices -for the last ten yenrs ? They will mon discover that these offices have been filled by persons who have had no special claims on the Whig party at all—and many of them hail been residents of the county only n very short time before they received office.- Many of the Whigs are beginning to look at this matter with - a very jealous eye. Why should two or three men—such too, as have been entire stran gers to us, ask and take all the offices in the county? To be constantly nominating, and electing mon to office, who have been among us only two or three mouths, is very unwise of us as a party, and looks like if we had no material among Our own native citizens, respectable and capable enough to fill those several posts. If the Whig party still persists in this emirs°, I candidly believe it will cause the downfall of it in a very short time. The time has come when ,the Wlsba in the country will not stand such things any longer. They begin to feel that if the politicians fix up such tickets as wo have had sometimes, they may elect them themselves. I could point out n number of htzy aspirants, both in your town mid the country, who have not been residents of Huntingdon county scarce ly eighteen months. They are looking, too, for some of the best silicon in the county, and are doing. every thing to get the way clear, and thoroughly pave the ground over which' they have got to travel. This is true, and I could name you several of just such gentlemen aspi tunts. Now I trust tho 'Whigs of this county will stop and reflect on their past conduct in reference to thin particular, and will not make such unpopular and unjust nominations any more. I don't want any oflico myself, but I cannot help saying something about this, be cause it must break down our party if it is not stopped. I will have more to say on this sub ject. AN OLD WHIG. Daring Robbery. The dwelling of Mr. Philip If. Lenbarl, on Second Street, near South, was entered between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, Thursday morn ing, and robbed of $738. The thief, or thieves, effected their entrance by boring the shutter of the kitchen window; in necomplishing which, they were obliged to make four attempts before the, spring . was touched. The holes were bored with a one half inch auger, (apparently a very dull one,) and were split from the shutter, with a knife, which enabled the scamp to press the spring, open the shutter, and raise the window. After effecting his entrance, the thief passed through the dining-room, into the entry, up stairs, through tho nursery, down a small flight of stairs, and opened the door and entered the sleeping apartment, and seized the pantaloons of Mr. L., in which wan secured the wallet eon. tabling his money. The daring burglar then made his exit, dropping the pantaloons direct. ly under the shutter where the entrance was made, leaving the door open. $l5, in money, and Mr. L's watch were left untouched, on a waiter in the sleeping apartment. The thief was, evidently, a tall man, as the holes were bored in a slanting direction, showing conclu. sirely, that the arms of the operator were con siderably above the handle of the auger. The money stolen from Mr. L., consists of three $lOO bills on the Harrisburg Bank;, three $2O !pills on the same bank; biihtni3 in ss's and slo's on same, and other banks. On one of the bills, was printed with a stensil plate, in red ink, the name of a Philadelphia firm, on the buck—the marked note was on the Oswego, N.l. Bank. Our citizens will regret to learn of this misfortune to Mr. I'., who is an Maestri. met and very worthy nine. 'lime burglar must have noticed Mr. L. collecting bills, the even ing previous, and tracked him to his residence, awaaing his time to commit the robbery.— &de burned. Officers of the United States. Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire, Presi dent. Vice President, (de facto) D. R. Ateliesoi of Missouri. Win. L. Marcy, of New York, Secretary of State. Jams Cutluie, of Kentucky, Secretory of Treasury. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, Secretary of War. James C. Dobbin, of N. Carolina, Secretary of Navy. ItobCrt M'Clelland, of Michigan, Secretary of Interior. James Campbell, of Pennsylvanin, Postmai ter General. Web Cushing, of Massachusetts., Attorney General. Roger B. Taney, of Maryland, Chief Justice. John McLean, of Ohio Associate Justice. Jun. M. Wayne, of Georgia, John Ketron, of Tennessee, Peter V. Daniel, of Virginia. Samuel Nelson, of Now York, " Robert C. Grier, of Pennsylvania, " Benj. R. Curtis, of Massachusetts, " John A. Campbell, of Alabama, " State Ulcers. William Bigler, Governor. Charles W. Black, Secretary or State. J. Porter Brawley, Surveyor General. Ephraim Banks, Auditor General. Joseph Bailey, State Treasurer. Jeremiah S. Black, ChierJustieo of Supreme Court. Lewis, Woodward, Lowrie and Knox, Asso• 'elates. Seth Clover, Canal Commissioner. Wm. Ilopliin3, floury Forsyth, A Handsome Dodge. - The feeling in furor of the sale of the Public Works is growing so strong that Locofocoism is beginning to feel alarmed., :rho Harrisburg correspondent of the Chambersburg Whig says: "The only hope the Administration have to thwart the measure is to divide the friends of a sale. Great efforts are making to effect this— already some three or four different projects nro before the Legislature. The encodes well know ing that they could not sustain themselves in nn open opposition to the sale, expect to gull the people by offering a proposition providing for the reception of bids by the Governor du ring the recess of the Legislature, to be report ed by him to the next Legislature—a very handsome dogde, to save thu Governor from facing the music." Of course should Bigler be re-elected, the party would foul some excuse to hold on to the plunder for three years more. liti"A miser, named Noah Odell, sixty years old, died lately, in Boston. So fearful was lie of losing his money, that he wore a chain round his body, to which was fastened a stem bag, in which the treasure was deposited. This he kept by him during his sickness, and upon it. sons fixed his (Vim , - gaze. Tn winter, it bi related that lie went lii chur,di three times a day, to haVU at home, on lcaniaq Itie bed to return to it. • Pi - oin the Ly . r . juiriM7el - 1; - ; Death of Adolphus D. Wilson, Zsq.• rid event, which on Wolticsdar last do• rived us of one of., most worthy and lalent• ed Citizens, though in 801110 measure anticipa ted by that . portion of the community who wero• aware of h ie extreme illness, yet, frain its mud. thinness, proved a startlitig and painful shock to all. Until so late as Friday of week beim last, Arr. Wilson was enjoying to all outward'appearance, appearance, his usual health, and when wo lust saw him, previous to his illness, we thought he look d woes hearty aulsolatst :than • ever; but on that day he lay down upon a bed of sickness front which on Wednesday evening he was restored a emyse. Ills constitution was not rugged, and his disease, typhoid fevuc, in 'ts rapid and fatal inroad' soya overnuud2ro ....... Mr. Wilson was just r iii_the prime of life,-- his thirty-seventh year—and The.fidlest vigor of his inttineetual powers. 11 we were rightly in formedi he had been thirteen years or more a successful preen tioner at the!bar• in . this place. Ha was a man of unremitting industry. /SY unflagging exertion, .11Mo/ to natural ncntc• 110 s of intellect, he hid acquired a position in his profession Second to none among his ham, dte compeers. Ills manly and honorable bearing in the business of his profession is well attested by the prompt and hearty eulogiums pronounced upon his character, and the early and feeling tribute paid to his memory by his associates at the bar, during the sittingorCourt. But outside of his profession and apart from it, Mr. Wilson was every inch a man. He was a kind neighbor, n useful mid public citizen, and a devoted friend. Blunt end frank-hearted in. the avowal of his opinions, he could always be relied upon ns saying what he meant and as doing what he promised. His likes nnd dislikes were equally unequivocal. Few men were more endeared to nenr friends than the deceased.— They, and his orphan children now left without parents, will most neutely feel his loss. But by many others it will be deeply deplored. To all of us this sudden ilispensatton affords n preg-. nent lesson. High annulments nod aspirations, genius and talent, the vigor of manhood, the elasticity of youth, the gray hairs °rage, afford ed no armor with which to ward off the stroke of the Destroyer. At all times and M all pia ces,—nlike in the expectation and the fruition of our earthly desires,—the thread oflife is bro. ken, end new made graves yawn for new vie thus. "Dust we are and unto dust we return."' Tribute of Respect. During the session of the Court on Wednes day evening last, C. W. Scales, Esq., announ ced the death of A. D. 'Wilson, Esq., and after paying an eloquent tribute to his memory, mo ved the adjournment of tho Court. Whereupon Hon: A. Jordan was called to the Chair mid C. W Scales, appointed Secretary. James Armstrong, Esq., then made n brief address eulogising the virtues of the dee'd. On motion, Messrs. Fleming, Armstrong, and Maynard were appointed a committee to pre pare suitable resolutions of condolence. who,. on the following morning reported the follow ing!. ' . _ 'Whereas, the members of the Court and Bar of 'leaning county, struck with the -sudden and afflicting tidings of the departure of their brother and friend Adolphus 1). Wilson, who was called from this world to a higher, last evening in the full maturity of his power and usefulness, embrace this earliest moment to unite in ollbring the testimony of their sincere grief for his loss, and their deep and, earnest veneration fur his virtues and character, there fore. Resolved, That the proQmsional life of Mr. Wilson, dignified by a stern sense of honor, and marked by a single•hearted devotion to the interests of his clients amid the toils of the Bar t and in the calm atmosphere of legal stwlies; commends itself to the grateful remembrance of his brethern, and presents a moral fur Um, Re.lred, That the learning end practical skill of Mr. Wilson wherein he had few supe riors, was less to be commended than the man ly and moral worth which characterized his daily professional life. Rasolred, Flint in this dispensation of an albwise Providence who has removed from U 3 an eminent and talented brother, we recognize a striking admonition amid the duties of the day to remember that "the night eometh where. in no man can work," and in the activities of this, not to tbrget the accountabilities of tho other side of the grave. _ . Rcsared, Thai we deeply sympathize with the tinnily and friends Of the deceased and es pecially with his orphan children, bereft in a few short months or the tender care of an of fectionate mother and a kind and indulgent lit tl;er. Res,,lm7, That the members of the Court and far will attend the funeral of Mr. Wilson in a body. On motion of Messrs. Youngman and Boat it was ordered by the Court, that the above pre amble and resolutions bo entered on record and published, and that a ropy duly certified be delivered to the family of the deceased by the Prothonotary. 11Q „ The man who attempted to "catch the. speaker's eye" with a steel trap, was made to take the floor by the sergeant•abarms. - LT HUNTINGDON. Fob. 21, 185.1. • • •$2.00 n $8,51) 7,011 1,80 1,00 Flour per 1,1)1., Clover Seed, per bu.,• Hod Wheat, per bu.,• • White Wheat, per bu Bye, per bu Corn ' per bu Iluekwheat, per lat • • • Oats, per hu Flakseed. per bu Ilay, per ton Butter, per lb., PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 18, 1854• $8 25 4 00 Flour per MA Corn Meal Whit° Wheat, per hu lied, Corn, Oats, BALTIMORE. Feb. 18, 1854. $8 2. 02./. ...... • ••• 9!) 1 20. Flour per bbl Corn Meal Whim Wheat, per bo Red, Cure, Onto, CT POISONING. .Z 1 Thousands of Parents who use Vermifuge taint posed of Castor oil. Calomel, &c., ore not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they are arta:llly laying the foundations for a series of diseases, such at salivation, loss of sight, weak ness of limbs, Sze. In another column will be found the advertise ' meat of I lobonsack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own 113 well as their Children's health. to Lives Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a billions type, should make use of the only genuine etrdit•ier, ifolumsnek's Liver Pills. '"//e Licc, /rya," but ask fur llobonsack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. 11011ENSACICS, as none else aro genuine. The most extruonliwiry discovery in the World is the, Great Arabian Remedy fur 211iti4 and Beast. H. 0. FARRELLS CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT Is well known to possess the most wonderful ly healing, penetrating, and stimulating prop• erties, and by its promptness in effecting CUIT6, which previously had resisted all other inedi• tines, administered by the most scientific ph vs• ieians, has placed it far beyond any similar remedy ever introduced to the people of the United States, It stimulates the absorbantr to inercas.,l action, and thus enables nature to throw oil' .lintism—iL mini/vice Mc bonen-, ad