Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 15, 1854, Image 3

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Exea , t' .n is biotite.
T ETTERS stt, mel miry, on the Estate of
Joseph Wor , It to st Porter township, Hun
tingdon county, dee 'cl., Lacing been granted to
'th'e undersigned, all pc mons indebted will make
immediate pa , ,pnent, an if those having claims will
present thetn.ditly or alt, intiented fur settlement.
Ct. C. Ell CP:ER,
SP.II.7HE, IVORK, 5 Execu t ors.
Febraary 'NS, 185 , 1.—c .t.•
Pulali.o Sale,
be sold, at Public Outcry, on the 28th
vVV inst., on the pi at Discs, In Porter township,
the Per:opal Property of the late Joseph Work,
deed., cotAißting of •3Rorses, Cattle, Sheep and
Bogs, together with Farming and Household
utensils, &c. G. 0.. RUCIIER,
SAM WORK, 5 Executors.
Pelniiary 15, 1834 .- 2w,
Notice to (Contractors.
SP,AtEII propotta?= for the erection of n LA
them Church in rontinctien, will he receiv
ed at the,office of the Thintintolon Journal until
the lath of rebruary rent. Plans and speciflen-
Cone efindlding can he seen at the enme niece.
Jannftry 25, 1854.
Sealed proposals will ntso be received for the
hnildine of a Lutheran Church in the village of
Cassville, until fhb 18th inst. Plans and specifi
cationacan he obtained from either of the !mil&
ing committee. to whom the pronosnls eon be di
tched, post paid. Col. JOHN STEVER,
Building Committee.
Feb. 8,18.54.
amm, Tin..cr3@,to.,
Commission Merchants,
Nos. 23 & 25, Spear's Wharf,
REFfitt TO
John Clark, Esq., President Citizens Bonk, Bolt.
A. P. Giles, Esq., Cashier. Franklin Bank,
John Hertzler, Jr, E.g., Pliiitt ( lell'hia•
Rogers, Sioniekson & Co.,
J. Tome, Esq., Fresn Cecil Bank, Port Deposit.
J. Wallower & Son. Harrisburg,
Col. H. C. Ever, Selinsgrove.
J. H. Ann &
Nagle, Windgato , & Co.. Milton.
W. W. Cooke, Esq., Money.
Simon Schuyler, Esq., "
George Bodine, Hughesville.
. W Weaver & Co. ' Elontoursville.
T. W. Lloyd. Cushier, Williamsport.
Gen. W. F. Packer.
:Tames IT. Holing, Esq., "
Lewis G. Holing,
McHenry & Rubh, Jersey Shore.
J. P. Holing, Lock Haven.
erCann, GIESE & Co., have the largest wharf
roots of any Commission House in Baltimore, al
ways giving quick despatch to boats iti discharg
ing their cargoes. [Feb. B,'s4.—Gm.
Auditor's Notice,
MITE undersigned, appointed by the Orphans'
-I- Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute
the balance in the hands of tho Administrators
of Joseph Stewart, late of the borough of Hun
tingdon, deed., among those entitled, will attend
'for that purpose nt his office in Huntingdon, on
Saturday the 10th day of March rent.
J. gER4:I:I, STEWAR r, Auditor.
Huntingdon, Fob. 8,1854.-4 t.
!Dissolution of Partnership.
THE partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, in the Tanning business,
In Cuss township. Huntingdon county, has this
day 'been mutually dissolved. The books of the
firm are in the hands of P. J. lican 11)1• settlement,
and those indebted to said firm are hereby noti
fied to reit and settle before the first day of :Mardi
next, after which time, those accounts not settled
will be placed in the hands of it proper officer for
collection. FaIIIIGARTNER
February 4, I 854.-3 t."
P. S. ThOLusinesslvill hereafter he carried on
at the old.stand by P. J. A N.
Town Lots and other Valuable
Real Estate at Public Sale.
Iti pursuance of an Order of the 0 hone' Court
ot Huntingdon county, tho undersigned will
expose to Piddle Stile, on tho premises, in the
borough of Huntingdon, on
TWENTY TOWN,LOTS, in "West Hooting
don," nil fronting on Charles Street, in the slid
borough of Huntingdon, cock fifty feet in remit 011
aid street, and extending bark two hundred feet.
more or less, to att alley. Mifflin street. and Lill
the other strews north of Mifflin, trill be extend
ed through said ground to said alley.
These lots are nil vnennt,—lnn fine state of
cultivation, anti will naiad find site., for persons
wishing to build dwelling houses, Lind for other
ALSO. at the some time, n piece or pored of
land in Walker township, 00 the south side of the
Juniata, within half n mile of the Itorongh of
Huntingdon, containing about TEN ACRES,
Crooked Creek running through, the some. nod n
Sulphur Spring thereon, adjoining lands of John
IdeCnhan nod others.
ALSO, at tho Remo time, a piece or wed of
'WOODLAND in Hamletson township, contain
ing SIXTEEN ACUES and one Hundred and
twenty-tiro perches, adjoining the Penna. Nail
rea.d,l,n2( .Indge Taylor, and others.
. .
TERIVIS.—One Iburth of the purehaqo money
of the town lots stud of the land in IValker town
ship, to ho paid on confirmation of the sole, nod
the balance in three equal annual payments, with
interest, to he secured by the bonds and mortgages
of the purchasers. Ono third of the pureleise
money, of the land in Henderson town.hip, to he
paid on confirmation of the sale, and the balance
in two equal annual payments, with interest, to
be secured by the bond of the plircinter, with se
entity. JANE 1)0114AND
... . .....
Trustees of the Estate of Isaac Devised, deed.
Huntingdon. Feb. 1, 1854.—t5.
Book and Stationary House
NEW-1 - 911K,
1 :051 Vinr c4aa:a plxn.
Make it profitable to sell at very
23 PARK ROW, opposite the Astor House,
Offer ono of the most extensive Stocks and com ,
pletc assortments in the country of
The amount of goods in our line purchased by
'country merchants is usually quite small comps
red with their dry goods, hardware, and other
bills; and this very circumstance absolutely com
pels jobbers in the book business, who sell on
time, to get larger profits in order to mako op for
the loises and extra expenses necessarily invol
ved in a credit business of sma amounts. It is
also easy for the merchant to arrangements
to buy hiS book bill fur gh it might not
be so convenient for him to purchase his larger
bills in this way.
These considerations have led us to adopt in
our business, from this date, January, 1854, the
following principles, vie: SMALL. PROFITS, UNVA
. . . . .
Suing ourselves the solo pablishersof a num
ber of the leading and Most extensively-selling
School Books in the country, as well no works in
other departments, our facilities are unsurpassed.
mall upon us, or send un order, nod .judge for
yourselves, if the saving you can :nuke by buying
au! for oast: is worth while:
Our location is very central, and easily found.
Stand on the Astor House steps, and look straight
forward across the corner of the Park, nod you
cannot ovoid seeing our signs. Reizienibet,
Feb. I, 1804.
600 lbs.of Cod . Finh, jut received nod fo
sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
JUST received and for sale, Mackerel; Cod
Eish, Plaster, Salt, &c, de., by
rn BARRELS Extre Fetoily Flour for solo
•)`-1 at the Store of GIVIN.
No. 6, South Third St., below Market,
THE attention of Country Borers is called to
the extensive assortment of lilt kinds of Fin
ished Leather,
constantly on hand and far sale at reduced prices.
N. B. All kinds of country leather taken in
exchange for goods. [Feb. '54.-3m.
BY virtue of several Writs of Vend. Exp. iAstted
Al out of the Court of Common Pleas of Hon.
tingdon county, and to mo directed, I will expose
to Public Sale, at the Court House in the bor
ough of Huntingdon, on FRIDAY the 17th day
of rchrunrv, nt 2 o'clock, P, M., the following
described Real Estate :
A tract of land situate in Tell township, Hun
tingdon county, containing ono hundred and fifty
acres, more or less, ndjoining lands of Jacob
Shoup on the north-west, Stephen \\ratters on the
east, and alga adjoining land Pulnerly owned by
A. P. Wilson, with a log house. log barn and two
apple orchards thereon, and with about 75 acres
cleared, more or less. Seized, taken in execu
tion mul to be sold as the property of James
On SATURDAY, the 18th of February, at
2 o'clock. I'. M., the ildllowinu described! Real
Estate will he exposed to Public Sale, un the
premises, at Mill Creek, to wit:
All the defendants right and title In a certain
house end lot at Mill Creek, hounded ley John
Hall on the east and Lloyd Meredith ten the west;
fronting 66 feet on the Turnpike and extending.
160 feet hack to dm Alloy, note occupied as a
Temperance Douse. Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold ns tl a property of David Ocoye.
Jimmy 25. 1854.
- MT/11081.
Having removed to their
(Opposite the Park)
Invite the 'mention of the Trade to their
Merchants throughout the United States are
solicited to examine oar assortment, which in
is believed to be unsurpassed in this metropolis,
owl adapted to the wants of the very best trade
in this country; all of whirls will hu offered to
Cosh and first class six mos. Buyers, on the most
favorable terms. Jan. le, 854.—tit.
81,000 Reward
Ilydro-Electric Voltaic Chains,
ARP thr the first time intrtni:t,ted to the people
of Huntingdon nod ns the most (=-
rodent, rl7 'dud, and strictly seientilie mode of
instantly relievinc nntl pertnnnontly riming nil
Now we know that An announcement similar to
the above meets the eye or therm], alino,t
and perhaps this may he classed with many
others. 13nt listen or you do us injustice. It is
claimed that Pnivermacher's Electric Chain, is
the only magnetic remedical agent that is secured
Ity patent, granted by this government, on the
ground that it was n strictly useful and scientific
article. The Chains are now on exhibition at
the Crystal Palace, nn I attract much attention
from the thousands who (Icily visit it.
The manner of using the chains in very• simple.
The chain is first moistened with comma vinegar,
mid then one Cod of the chain is applied to the
part whore the pain in located; and the other end
app;mte to the first. The ends of the chain sic ell
never Much each other. At the moment of op.
Oration, the most orate paint is insfonlly relieved,
wherever it. ii located, by the passing through the
port ft ennstant current of uninterrupted electro
magnetism. In the following disesnes, no other
remedy has ever given each complete and perfect
satisfaction to the patient as Palvermacher's
Chains: Rheamatism. Painful and swelled Johan,
Pain: in the Bach, Deafness. Blindness. Paraly-
Nmwalgia in the Face, Long standing Ner•
vois-lleadac•lie, Palpitation of the Heart. Gener
al Dubai I)yspepsia, Female Diseases, Asthma,
Contracted Joint, & e .
will be siren to one person who will produce so
mane authenticatesl certificates of cum from
intelligent untients not scientific physiftinus, of
the :thrive discuses. as Tins been perlitrmeil hr the
use or the Electric. jnon F tbo pant yeue.
It is trots the let that wherever the cicada
ODOM have been introd need, hauled inigratng and
common WA have greatly tlintinished in Pa IC,
prOpiCt having become di•gtntcd with the prentire
of using their stamnrho fiat dr, , last,
Tim Elertrii• Choirs. 111, 6ichly recommended
he l'rofessors Mott, Vim Buren. i'o , t mid Carnno
Minn. or Now York: :ire nion in daily tt, in every
nospital in that city. 'file chain, will laot for
year, are nlwoys reinly for usu. and Produce , no
injurious ro , iiltn. whoa iicnot na di ne eind.
The introduction (tithe Electric Chain into this
country is the dawn of a new era in medicine.—
Daring the laet twenty years, it eon safely he es
tiwted that lea dintisand females have died year
ly from this taw disease.
It is well known to tsiedical men that this com
mon disease is beyond the reach of Ittedietne, unit
that in proportion to the amount of medicine giv
en, the inflect the patient is doomed to sutra, and
sooner will death dose the cr.... .
During the last 2 yews more than one thousand
rand of PI. 0/VS. Uteri (falling of the womb)
have been permanently cured in England nod
France. Most of those awes were ladies of high
standing, who had previously tried all other kinds
of treatment with no benefit. Among the distin
guish.' Indies that have been cured in Paris is the
present Queen of France. In this country, du
ring the last year, one hundred cases have been
cured in the city of New York, many who have
nl"owed their names to he published lie the bene
fit of those nuffering with similar complaints.—
The mode of use is simply to apply one end of a
20 link chain to the spine just shove the Id" and
the other end upon the abdomen, and allow the
chain to remain for one bony. This to be fepent
.l four times during the twente-fne bete's.
The Electric Chains never fail to relieve the
severe rains and swelling incident to this disease.
The worst hums of this disease readily yield to n
few applications of a chain, and to no single in
stance have they.litiled to give instant relief, if
they did not cfrect a permanent cure. All persons
who are victinis of this usual winter complaint,
are kindly invite 4 to cell and obtain a pamphlet
of HORACE W. SMITH, Await for Hun
tingdon county, who will also explain their mode
of use.
We electric chains can be sent by mail to any
part of the United Bates, by addressing (post
paid) coy of the agents in the principal cities, or
Joseph Steioert, 568, Broadway New York.
Gcn. Agent, 588 Broadway, N. Y.
January 18 1854.-Iy.
111 North Third Street, Lel. Race,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Detdersin
corn Brooms, Looking Gloses, Corilige,
Belated Buckets, I Clocks, I Wick,
Willow Baskets I Window Shades Twines;
Cedar Ware, Bristle Brushes. Matches,
Blacking, Wood and Willow Ware of all kinds,
at the manufacturer's lowest cash prices. .
JAMES EUBTON, Jxo. M. Rowe .
anliflty IS, 1854.
TAT HISKEY constantly on hand and for male by
V the Barrel,
ON the cheep shoe or
Of the County of Hontingdon, front the 3d day
of January, 1853, op to the 2nd day of
January, 1854, including both days.
Amt. In Treasury at last settlement, $3638 15
1847. J. It. Stonehruker, Franklin, • 35 1,0
1848. Mordecai Chileote, Tod, 8 93
1849• J. Davis Hight, Henderson, 45 07
" David Mountain, Hopewell, 6 13
1851. Jesse Yocum, Brady, . 79 83
" John Love, Barren, 12 68
" Daniel Teague, Cromwell, 50 00
" James Crce, Dublin, 5 54
" Isaac Sharrer, Shirley, 118 00
.. . - ..
" John Brown, Springfield, 31 70
" Jesse Cook, Tod, 52 29
" Thomas Dean, Walker, 54 00
1852. James Forrest, Barrett, 055 10
" Asbury, IWCoy, Drsdy, 203 19
John li. Goancll, Cuss,
. , .
" John Kyler, Claw 3 39
" John Bolinger eromwell, 384 37
" Brice Blair, Dublin, 160 91
" Daniel Winne'Mort; Franklin,
638 00
" John B. Donaldson, Hopewell, 165 03
" James S. Oaks, Jackson, 446 31
" ivliohnel Lou-c, Morris, 488 21
.• Samuel Bowers, Penn, • 153 57
" Andrew Anderson, Poster, „„,, 655 75
" George Bowman, Shirley, 'lt 739 47
" John Wihel, Springfield, 165 63
" Alex. C. Blair. Tell, 77 68
" So!onion Houck, Tod, 181 92
" Levi Smith, Union, 176 32
" l
John Cou l ter. Walker, aer,
.. _
" .7nlin Eyer, IViirriorainark, 145 56
" Win. Moore, West, 1138 92
1853. .Tame{ Ewing, Barren,
James Miller, Brady,
" Joshua C. Greenland, Coss, 35 00
" Richard Madden. Clay, 185 00
" George Swartz. Cromwell, 118 00.
" Robert Peterson. Goblin, 100 00
" We. M'llwain, Franklin, 477 50
" Luke Voorhees, Henderson, 1002 31
" Leonard Wearer, linnewell, 225 00
" :Nines Stewart. Jarkson, 660 00
" Michael Fetter] oot Morris, 230 00
" Jacob Brumhaugh, Nun, 403 19
" Benjamin Nett Porter, 235 00
" John Long, Shirloy, 325 00
Selo Lock, Springfield, 65 53
" Jan Jones, Tell, 170 00
" Israel Baker, Tel, 138 12
" John Hefter, Walker, 583 00
" Walt... Vantrios, Warriorsmark, 699 50
" Jelin Bewit,Nest, 711 75
$14,561 96
Amount of County tax on Unseat
ed Lands, 43 74
Amount of School tax on Unseat
ed Lands, 6 20
Amount of Road tax on Unseated
Lands. 11 05
Amount of Redemption money on
Unseated Lands received
since last settlement, 40 00
Amount of dory fees and fines re.
coined from Wm. B. Zeigler,
Slicrator 1852, 83 00
Amount received on Bond against
sundry persons given for any
amount over three thousand
dollars intuit the Bridge a•
crossJuninta river at Uunting•
don shall cost,4s 00
Amount of fines received from D.
• Africa, Esq., 10 00
$19,443 00
Attorney General and others on
criminal prosecutions, 939 12
Constables for making returns
and advertising the spring
elections, 266 33
Grand and Traverse Jurors,
Court Crver, Tip Stan, &c., 2799 02
Assessors Orders, 769 64
Jud4es, Inspectors, and Clerks
rdelCotions, 636 91
Inquisitions on dead bodies. 124 72
Sundry persons fine premiums on
Wild Cats and Foxes, 370 50
Road and Bride views, 196 00
" damages to J. Corbin, 75 00
E. Lloyd, 25 00
" State for laying out, 160 00 456 00
For building bridge ncross
Trough Creek at Para.
dice Furnace, 250 00
For building bridge across
Stone Creek near Couch's
Furnace, 389 25
For bridge across Juniata
Rivernffluntingdon, 2645 00
For bridge across Black
Log Creek in Cuomwell
township, 209 00
For renaming bridge at
Hawn's, 74 71
To James Gwin. Esq.. Trea•
surer of Juniata Bridge
Co., for bridge above
Huntingdon, 250 00 3917 96
Robert Stitt, 190 00
Isaac Pcightal in full, GI 50
Eliel Smith, 149 00
Samuel Wigton, 90 00
Thomas Hamer. 15 00 603 50
Interest on County Bonds, .I:4
Wm. B. Leas, 420 00
Win. Orbison, Esq., 133 00
HenryFockler, 30 00
Thomas Fisher, 84 00
James Gwin, 90 00
John Shaver, 18 00 777 00
Amount paid on Bonds for
Poor House Farm, • 1507 50
Amount paid A editors—
Kenzie 1,. Green, 15 00
David Parker, IG 50
Ralph Crotsley, 16 50 5G 00
Henry W. Miller, 8 00
CI% to Corn'rs in full for '52, 50 00
" '' on account far '53, 250 00 3000 00
Commissioners expenses for
horse hire &c., in attend.
ing Triennial Appeals, 39 18
County Printing—
William Lewis, 82 50
J. A. Hall, 99 75
S. b. Glasgow, 3 75
J. SeWell Stewart, 5 00 191 00
Repairs. to Court House & Jail 191 00
Counsel to Commissioners in
full for 1852, 20 00
Counsel to Commissioners on
account. for 1853, 30 00 50 00
Amount paid for Postage,
Stationaryand dockets for
public offices, 90 44
Fuel for Court Hoene & Jail, 199 81
Merchand ize for Court house •
and Jail, • 36 98
Dr. Jacob Hoffman for Medicine
and attendance on prisoners in
Jail, 21 87
Jacob Croswell for running in
part the line between Hunting
don and Bedford counties, 6 00
Refunding orders to sundry per
sons for land sold at Treasu ,
rer's Sale, 86 09
Sundry persons Road tax on un
seated lands, 100 37
Sundry persons School tax on on•
seated lands, 44 67
William B. Zeigler, Sheriff, for
summoning Jurors, behrding
prisoners and conveying con ,
victe to the Penitentiary ? 775 95
Sundry persons Redemption mo
ney on unseated lands, 26 12
Mr, Janie Klein fur cleaning
Court House, 30 00
Mrs. lane Diem washing foi
prisoners, 17 00 47 00
Amount paid Directors of tho
Poor for bitildim Poor House, 2300 00
Treasurer's Commission on $32,-
459 17 at lk per cont., 486 88
Balance in the Treasury, 391 80
• $18,443 g 0
In testimony of the correetnose of the abAe
Account, we have hereunto set our hands this of January, A. D. 1854.
SAMUEL WIGTON, Contrais're.
Account of the Directors of the Podr
Huntingdon family, for the
year 1853.
Balance in hands of the Treasurer
at the last settlement, 625 111
2791 , bushels of wheat sold in 1852
at $l,OO per bushel, 279 50
Interest from Isett, Wigton Sr. Co.,
on $l7B 48k, 6 75&
132 14 15 bushels of red wheat sold
in 1853, at $1,20 per bushel, 159 52
Directors of the Poor for services—
James Saxton $3O 00
James Clark . 12 00
George Hudson 30 00
John Breriater 39 00
Samuel Mattern 600 $ll7 00
Amount paid Henry Hudson for plan
and specifications for Poor House 18 00
Amount paid tycorning Insurance
$9 31
. -
Company 2 02
Amount paid J. A. Hall for printing 4 00
Amount paid James G. Lightner on
account his contract for building
Poor House 700 00
Treasurer's Commissions on $1504
94 at per cent 22 67
Balance in bands of the Treasurer 124 70
We the undersigned Auditors of the County
of Huntingdon, do hereby certify that we bane
examined the orders of the Commissioners of
said County, and the receipts for the same, for
and during the past year, and find a balance
in the Treasury of three hundred and ono dol
lars and eighty cent,.
510 00
246 00
And alsi7 flint we have examined the account
of the Directors of the Poor of said County,
and find a balance in the hands of the Treasu
rer done hundred and twenty-four dollars and
seventy cents.
Given under our hands nt the Commission
ers Office in Huntigdon, January, A. D. 1854.
Feb. I, 1854 County Auditors.
OM 2".10 WilaOM
Represented by Lewis, James & Co.,
135 South Front Street,
Orders thenkfully received—punctually attend
ed to, guaranteed to Ore satisfaction, and offered
fur sale on the most liberal terms.
For samples and particulars, please address as
above. [Jan. 18, 1834.-3 m.
At David P. Gwinld New Store.
T\ P. GWIN, informs his friends and the pub.
/. lie generally thnt ho hes just returned from
Philadelphia, and is now opening nt the corner
of Hill and Bath streets, opposite Couis' Frank
lin House, . . _
;i:lirie . and beautiful assortment of
N 6.00D514;
Consisting of Cloths, Cassinta3, Block and Fan•
Cy Cassnietts, Woolen C,onds, Silks, Fancy
mid Black Beregc do Lines, Do braise,
Dehoists, French Merinocs, Coburgh
Cloths, Flannels, Cotton Flan
nels White and Colored,
Ginr.hams, Linens, Muslin,, and a large lot of
Prints of all! styles.
Also, Carpets. Oil Cloths. Bats nod Caps, Boots
and Shoes, glycories of nil kinds. Queens-
wan), Ilaritwnro. Ficti and Snit:
The pulilic'ere respectfully invited to call and
examine my Goods, as I ant determined to sell
them CHEAP.
All kinds of country Produce taken in exchange
for Goods nt the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1833.
Which are offered nt the lowest prices, also re
ceiving a large supply of CANDIES, solidi
w ilt he s old at wholesale price as low as 11 cts.
per lb. Also, Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, Rais
in.; Figs, &c. All of which have been bought
with great core, and on the best terms, and will
ho sold low for Cash or to punctual customers.
I flatter myself that I can and will sell Goods low
as they can be bought for in this neighborhood.
My friends are requested to call and examine for
themselves, feeling confident that those who do
so cannot go away without buying. Ladies and
Gentlemen of this neighborhood believe me when
I say that great pains have been taken to get such
goods as you admire.
Store on Hill street, opposite the Jounstat
50 barrels Concmaugh Salt in store and far sale I Huntingdon, Oct. 19,'33.
Late Arrival of New Goods.
A large lot of barred Delens, Persian Twills,
Domestic and French Ginghams, Alpaccas, sack
Flannels. Tweeds and Linseys, brown and blench
ed mnslins, a large stock of ribbons, and a hand
some assortment of dress goods for ladies and
gentlemen. For style and price can't he heat, for
sale at GEO. OWN'S Store,
50 kegs Rock Powder on hand and for sale at
the store of GEO. GIVIN.
SO snelis Ground Atlum Salt just hrrived and
for sale at GEO. GWIN'S Store.
A late nrriral of Engikh and French Merinos
for sale low at the store of GEO. GWIN.
100 kegs Nails and Spikes for sale by tho keg
or Nand, at GEO. GIVIN'S Store.
500 ths. Cast Steel fur drills and sledges, for
sato nt the store of GEO. GWIN.
5000 feet Safety Faso fur sale nt the stare of
500 pieces ennui, new styles and patterns, of
good quality, sold low at the store of
Fluid tamps. a large and linnd•nmo assortment
for sate at GEO. GIVIN'S Store.
Jan. 4, 1854.
Last Arrival
rAlt2 & WINIPIR 40,0•D5.
'ETAS just returned from the Eastern Cities, end
Ai is now opening, or the old stand, in Market
Square, a large mut splendid assot fluent of now
and fashionable goods, fur fall and winter, con
sisting of
French Cloth, Double Milled Black mut Fancy
Cos4mers, Sattinerts, Meriuoes, De Screw, '
Cohurgh Do ',nines,, Wool
and Cotton, Brown and Bleached
Moslins, nada variety of goods
of all kinds usually kept
in a country store
and ft great VARIETY OF TRIMMINGS 5114111110 fur
A Large Assortment of Groceries,
Hardware. Queensware, and
- Glassware,
Hats, Caps, Boots . ancl_,Shoes,
ItitU4 .
and Tippets.
The public are respectfully invited to call and
examine toy stock, is I am determined not to bo
undersold by any house in town.
Feeling thankful for the encouragement ho has
received, hopes by strict attention to business to
merit a continuance of the same.
Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1833.
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same as that foralmly occupied by John
Scott, Esq.
Oct.. 18, 1859.
061,D CIiAINS-' —A lino variety far stile, ve•
ry low, at ED. SNARE'S.
PURE WHITE LEAD, just received and for
sole by J. & W. SAXTON.
CARPIITIIAIIS and MUFFS. just received
and for salo by J. & W. SAXTON.
T UST reeetved beantifalitssortinent of Scol
d iped and Plain Velvet Ribbons, by •
• --
MY .
J& NV. SAXTON has just received: another
• fresh supply of FALL AND WINTER Goons,
which they are determined to sell at lower prices
than can be purchased at any other establishment
Gi ns a sal I.
RC. McGILL returns his thanks
. to his blends and the public. 1 441;.„.„.
for their very liberal patronage, end .
hopes by strict attention to business ' , UMW
to merit a continuance the same, in all kinds of
Castings, Cooking Stoves, Air-Tight, l'arlor,
Ten Plato Wood and Coal Stoves, of various si
zes, and all kinds of Ploughs: the Lancaster and
the Plank Barshear patterns, and Keystone No.
4 Self-sharpening and Hill side Ploughs, and
Shears to suit all kinds of Ploughs in the country;
Rolling-mill and Forge Castings, Grist aml Saw
mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Machine
Patterns, and the row horse and two horse power
of Chambersburg patterns; and nit other kinds of
castings too numerous to mention, all of which
will be sold cheaper than ever for cash and all
kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken
in exchange for castings.
Huntingdnn, November 9, 1653.
$9BB 89
I signed three notes as security for J. Sansom
Smith; one for one hundred and filly dollars, and
the other two, ono hundred dollars each, dated
the 19th day of December, 1850. The induce
ments under which I agreed to become bail in said
notes, proving delusive by the action of the snid
parties, I therefore herebygive notice that I will
not be held responsible as bail, or pay them, un
less compelled by duo course of law.
Union twp., Nov. 2, 1853.
Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery,
988 89
ENRY AFRICA, would respectfully in
vitee the public to call at his establishment
in Railroad Street, where all those who need any
good Bread, Rusk, or any other kind of Cakes
found at a Bakery, may he supplied.
ilo has just received a very large and fresh
supply of Fruit and ConfdetiOnaries, such as
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, Lc.,
and a large stock or TOYS.
He receives dally from the city of Baltimore,
the best OYSTERS that can he found. Those
its want of prime 'shellfish,' can be accommoda
ted by calling at the saloon. He has fitted np a
saloon expressly the Ladies.
Thonkful to the public for post favors, ho hope
by strict attention to business to merit a continu ,
once ofthe some.
Oct. 12, '53.
Tsuhscriher has on hand French Burr
- 11 - Mill stones of various sizes, which he
will warrant to be ofsuperior quality, and at rea
sonable prices.
Ordors by mail promptly attended to.
W. li. KEPNER,
Harrisburg, Oct. 5, 'ss.—Om.
!A. LOIAWID , LX ii)
CRADUATE of the University of - Maryland,
.1 (in connection with Dr. James G. Ligntner)
havina permanently loe:ded in Shirleysburg, re
spectfully offers his professional services to the
citizens of that place and adjacent country.
Oct. 5,'53.—Gm.'
HAVING received n new and splendid stock
are now prepared to accommodate all who may
give us n call, with GREAT BARGAINS. Our stock
Consists ota largr assortment at
Dry-Goods, Groceries, llard-Ware,
and in short, everything that is necessary to con
stitute a Country Store.
Contractors and others, desiring to purchase,
will find it to their interest to give us a call before
purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to
sum. our goods (wholesale or retail) at low and
reduced prices.
Portstown. NovernLes 9. 1q53.
z 4.7 vAxi
Hardware, Groceries,
Fancy Goods, Notions, Drugs, Paints,
Oils, Bats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c.,
At James Bricker's Store,
New Arrival of Falrand Winter
Goods at the Elephant.
A LEXANDER CARNION, has just returned
from the East, with a full and complete se
lection of Fall and Winter Goods, which urn now
arranged fur examination and sale, tit his store.
opposite the Railroad Hotel. The stuck Inns all
been bought moor an:l ns a matter of comae
will be sold cheap for cAsu.
The stock consists cf
Cloths, Cassimers, Cashmereds, Satineas, Cotton
adex. Bronx and Bleached Linens, Satins,
Silks, Shawls, Srarfr,Brown and Bleach
ed Muslims, Checks, Tickings,Crash,
Canton and 11 7 00/en Flannels,
and many other goods too
numerous to mention.
Prints in abundance. Mons de Laines, Berege de
Laines, Silk Tissue, Foreign and American Ging
hams, Mouse de Bege, Silk Ludres,,ST.
Hats, and. Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware. Queensware,
Thankful for past favors, the public generally
nro invited to call and examine the splendid stock
now on band, which in cwety.quality,and price
will compare with any over exhibited in town.
Oct. 19, '53.
The Ancient Borough.
'2/ 2 L 3 It 6 ® [l3
ETAS just returned from the eastern cities with
the largest. elleapest.and best assortment of
BOOTS and SHOES, erert i k omp.
opened in this county. He also has
a largo and splendid assortment of
Hats and Caps,
of the most lashtonable styles. Also, Ladies'
and Childrens' woolen hose. Carpet Bags,linnd
Trunks, aco., for the travelling community. Also
great variety of useful articles too numerous to
mention. _ •
The public are respectfully invited to call and
examine the Stock. Ile is determined to sell as
CHEAP, if not cheaper titan any other establish-
Meet in the county.
on Bill street, opposite F.',Oyder's Cheap
Clothing Store.
Oct. 26, '53.
Abonutiful assortment of Silk:Dress Vattern.,
Black Silk, and Bonnet Lining, just receiv
ed and for sale by J. & W. Saltron.
40TONS COAL, just received and for sale
by J. & W. SAXTUN.;,;
. •
T UST received a handsome nsnorttnent o
el Bay State Shawls, Long Shawls and Square
Shawls, which we aro selling quite low.
List of Outstaudisig lidlauces due 2d J3nuary, 18011, by the iollowiug
Collectors, viz:
Tear. Township. NeinMt 07 agleCiera.
1840. Allegheny, Samuel Robinson,
1844. Tell, Jonathan 8. Briggs,
Walker, A. B. Sangree,
1815. Barree, John R. Hunter,
Franklin, Geo. W. Matter;
Porter,Collins Hamer,
Springeld, Benedict Stevens,
Woodberry, Benjamin Bowers,
18.16. Berme, Charles Cowden,
Franklin, John Zentroire,
Porter, Jacob Rough,
Union, James Hempen,
1847. Cass, Lemuel Green,
Dublin, . Thomas W. Neely,
Franklin, John H. Stonabraker
Tel!, George May,
Springfield, William Ramsey,
1848. Cass, Conrad Curfman,
*Franklin, John Conrad,
Jackson, David S. Bell,
Union,Levi Smith,
Springeld, William M'Garvey,
1849. Clay. Daniel Curfman, •
Cromwell, Michael Stair,
Franklin, Daniel Conrad,.
Porter, Alexander Stitt,
1850. Barree, Samuel Henry,
Henderson, Davis Hight,
Hopewell, David Mountaia,
Penn, William Dean,
Springfield, Henry Cramer,
1851. Barree, John Love, .
Brady, Jesse Yocum,
Cromwell, Daniel Teague,
:Porter, Daniel Neff, .
Shirley, /mute Sheerer,
Springfield, John Brown
Tod. Jesse Cook,
Walker, Thomas Dean,
West, Charles Green,
Warriorsmark, Azariah Sacketts.
1852. Barree, James Forrest.
Brady, F. A. M'Coy,
Franklin, Daniel Womelsdorf,
Porter, Andrew Anderson,
Shirley, George Bowman,
Tod, Solomon Ronde,
Union, Levi Smith,
Walker, John Coulter,
1333. Barren, James Ewing,
'Brady, James Miller,
Cass, Joshua C. Greenland,
:Clay, Richard Madden,
fCromwell, George Swartz,
fDublin, Robert Peterson,
'Franklin, William M'llwain,
}Henderson, Luke Voorhees,
'Hopewell, Leonard Weaver,
:Jackson, James Stewart., Jr.
}Morris, • Michael Fetterhoof,
'Penn, Jacob Brumbaugh,
'Porter, Benjamin Neff,
fShirley, John Long,
'Springfield, Sela Lock,
'Tell, John Jones,
7Tod, Israel Baker,
'Union, William Smith,
}Walker, John Harper,
f Warriorsmark, Walter C. Van Tries,
West, John Hewet,
Whole Amount, $12167 77 59445 15 $2041 44
tSince paid in part. :Since paid in full. *lt appears by Mr. Conrad's Duplicate, that OA
above amount was paid to Mr. Nett, former Treasurer, and not credited on the County Book.s
given under Seal of Office, 19th January, 1954.
SAMUEL WIG.TON, Commirmionere.
ArrrsT:—lroNza• IV. '.1 . 11.1.4:n, Cle4
TIIE subscriber offers, at private sole. a veina-
Isle tract of lend, situate in Hill Valley, Shir
ley township, Huntingdon county, containing,
about Two Hundred Acres. About fifty
acres of this tract is cleared and in good tillable
order, having thereon erected a comfortable Stone
Dwelling House, Stabling; &c.
There is also a good Spring of Water on the
premises, near the dwelling house.
The hind is of a good quality, part being strong
limestone, and an industrious most could not tail
to do well on it. It is situated about sin miles
from Mount Union, where the Pennsylvania Rail
Road and Canal pass, and trill be sold at a very
moderate price.
TERMS or PATMENT.—One half in hand, and
the balance in two equal annual payments.
For further information address the subscriber,
at Shirleysburg, P. 0., Huntingdon Co., Pa.
October 12,'53.
KO SS UT H, Wellington, Cottage, , •
Gothic, and other Clocks, for W --
cheap, at Earn. Snare's Jewelry Store,
Huntingdon. _ _
AT riNoDos ccoriim; sTontl.
- ETAS just returned from tho east with a largo
AA and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,.
for men and bop, made in the latest fashion and
in the most durable summer. Who ever wants
to he dressed better and cheaper than anvbeliv
else in town, let him call at WILLOUGHBY'3
CHEAP CLOTHING STONE ' one door west of T.
Reel Son's drag store, Huntingdon.
Coll and see for yourselves,
Oct. 5, 1852.
tOBSENEEPERS study your interests, why
go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for
half-made FunsyrtAtt.l Call at No. 1, North
NINTH street, and examine the largest assort
ment of the hest made Furniture and Bedding in
the city, Feather Beds, Bair, Husk, and Straw
Mattresses; to largo, assortment of limey What
nots, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Washstands;
Walnut and .Mithogany French Tete-a-totes, Di
vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French •Bodsteads;
Fancy kindled Scat, Cane seat, Windsor, and of
fice Chairs, Counting-house, and cane-seat Stools,
Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni
ture made in every style anti color; Sofa Beds and
Lounges, wholesale and retail, no d warranted to
give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices.
Sep. 2S, 1853.-1 y
TheMtbscrihcr has placed on the road lending
frpmliih Creek to Cassville a line of Hacks to
roe from the latter place to the former, on Wed
nesdays and Saturdays. Leaving Cassville in the
morning of each day returning in the afternoon.
The accommodations are comfortable and the
fare is very low. GEO. SMITH.
Cassville, Sep. 21,'53.
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Graduate of the University of Pa., offers his
professional service to tho citizens of Huntingdon
and adjacent country.
REV}, HENCE!) :—Medical 'Faculty of University
of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl
vania Hospital and Dr..Tacob Hoffman.
Office, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along.with Dr
Hotifttan. Ju1y.13,1933.
102, Market SOCet;
Fancy Goods and Trimmings, Combs and
13riaslies„ nt CASIII PRICES,
Sept. 7, '13.-;lnt .
Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia,
Morrows Manufacturers, Con lyre, Importers ;
Commission and General Leather Business,
Wholesale and Retail.
Manufactory 15 Margarettu &rect..
Aug. 24. '53.-ly,
PORT MONNMES from 25 cants up to S 2 50
at Ed. Snare's. 15 1852.
PERFUMERY —A gotol lot. of the !,eet,at
Gold Watches willbe sold h 7 En. rtAltr
lower than elnetrhcro•
County Tax. Slate Tax. Militia At.
466 33
$OO 7$
II 01
20$ OS
12 0
64 32
as s 13
64 52
1 90
32 84
88 64
11 90
92 41
109 85'
191 98
12 68
77 43
21 12
273 64
45 S 2
16 G 1
BOG 92
33 73
67 60
68 79
32.3KV11J, • .
u Kvi, just received from Philadelphia that
finest and hest assortment of FALL and Wni-
Tun Goons, ever offered, and at lower prices than
can be purchased at any other house. They are
determined to sell lower than ran be purchnsed
anywhere east of the Allegheny, and no mistako.
If von wish to be satisfied of the fact, call and see.
bry Goods such as
Cloth's, Cassimers, Sattinets, Flannels, French Me
rinos, Paranalta Cloths, Muslin de Gaines,
Barred and Figured Sue]; Flannels, Al
pacas, and a general assortment of
. . .
Also, 500 webs of assorted PRINTS, and ene•
ry other article usually kant irra Country Store.
which we always keep the largest and besta•
sortment over kept in this play*.
a magnificent assortment, which we are selling
quite luw. - .
are it little up, bat we are determined to cell as
low if not lower, than any other house,accurding
to quality.
Cedar aqd Willow Ware, •
such as Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, lirout Stands,
. _
Carpets and Oil Cloths.
ti bealtifai assortment, which will he sold low,
,all and see and ho satisfied of the fact.
Hats and Caps,
of the very latest end best style; also
Boots and Sho es,
the best and cheapest in town, it' you don't ho
lic2..t! it, OAI4, AND . - .
We lire else purchasing and storing Grain,
and it is admitted on all bands that we hate tits
most convenient plate for unloading grain in or
about town.
Oct. 19,'59.
•ai-liktDß arnatril,
T TAS just returned from the Eastern cities.
lj L with tire BEST LARGEST assortment ef
Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps,
and Fancy Articles,
for Hertlemen's wear, o'er known to be brought
to Huntingdon. his styles are oftho latest, cal
culated to please everybody thnt may call. •
He has atoll times CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, and
VV.STINGS, which he will make to order.
, Oct. In, 253.
Mountain Female Seminary.
PHE Mountain Female Seminary at Birming
ham,l Huntingdon county,Pa., on the Penn
sylvania Railroad, occupies one of the most
healthy and desirable locations in the Suite.—
Strangers visiting the Institution have upheld.
Manly expressed the opinion, that it so easy of
access, retired, healthful, and surrounded with
such romantic mquntain scenery, that no onq
who wishes to learn, could find an instituthed
more favorablvoituated. PaSt success and fit
tare frospects 'have induced us to greatly cnlargei
our plans, and enabled us to give such compenstt.
Oen to teachers as will command those possess
ing the highest qualifications.
Cost, per term of 22 weeks, varies from $ 5 5 te
SOO, for which good accommodations will be giv
en. Music, French, Latin, Painting , &c.,extra.
Pupils from abroad u s e expected to board, td
the Seminary building with the Principal, who
gives hisentire attention to the interest of the
Institution. ISRAEL W. WARD,
Oct. 5, 1853. Principul.
NTIRELY displaced and;
Eoutdone; •by the brilliant ;
display and marvellous assort
sant ofJos &ay, Watches, Cloeks, Silver Ware,
Fine Knives, ristois, d'oriatness, 1 os: Iklonnales,
and Fsncy Articles. just aperied rind exhibiting•
to admiring hundreds, ut the Jewelry Store of
EDMUND SNARE, opposite Read's Dec;'
Store, Huntingdon.
u Watches and other articles ; Goa PLATED
in the best dial most lasting summit.
Oct. 5, '53.
DEVGIXEUS and other Pistols, at Etbs4
ri s Snare's Jewelry Store.
CIILVER nod Plated Spoons, Cold, Sil tiaras.,
►,7 Plated Spectacles, at Edw. Suare's Jewelry
ILVER Butter Kteivaa. acrd Salt Spoon,. 4111
1.3 E. See e!ry S.,reee.
13 60
14 IA
R 48
16 66
,1 00
3 4$
60 60
1 Ai
13 Oa
14 M