Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 15, 1854, Image 1

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VOL. 19.
The "Flonrixonox Tocitxm." is published at
the following rates
If paid in advance $1,50
If paid within six months after the time I , f
aubserihing 1,75
If paid at the end of the vent. 2,00
-... . • .
And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till
after the expiration of the year. No subscription
will be token for n less period then six months,
and nopnper willbe discontinued, except at the
option of the Editor, until all arrearages ore paid.
Subscribers living in distant countics,or in other
13tntes, will be required to pay invariably in
44- Tho above terms will be rigidly adhered
to in all cases. ,
One .quare of 16 line, or le►s
For l'insertion $0,50, For t month, 451,21
2 <, 0,75, " 3 " 2.75
" 3 - " 1,00, <• 6 "
PROM:MORAL CARD, ' not exceeding 10 lines,
And not changed during the year 04,00
CARD and.JounwAr, in advance 5 ,00
13natxXss CARD, of the same length, not.
ehang,ed• • • • 05,00
CARD and 3ounNAL, in advance 4,00
twir Short transient advertisements will be orl
tuitted into our editorial columns at treble the
usual rates.
..Fin longer advertisements, whether yearly or
-transient, n reasonable deduction will Le made
fur prompt payment.
To the Cred Lion of the Iluntingdon,
Cambria, and Indiana Turn
pike Road Company,
T _
AT the Court of Huntingdon County, on
the 21st day of January, 1854, directed to be
paid to said. Creditors, TWO AND THREE FOIIIITH
one CENT. on the amount of their claims on which
former dividends have been declared, which I will
pay. on the presentation of their certificates of
deposit, by themselves or their agents.
JOHN S. ISETT, Sequestrator.
Spruce Creek, Feb. 1, 1854.-st.
Public Sal 3.
YPRI subscriber will 'offer at Public Sale, on
1 TUESDAY, the 21st of February next, at
10 o'clock. A. M., a good Limestone Farm, sit
uate in Walker township, two tidies from Mc.
Connellstown, in the heart of Woodcock Valley,
liuntingdon county, containing 122 Acres.
more or less, 110 Acres of which arc cleared and
under cultivation, the balance timber land.
TheeimproVements are a Two Story Log Mace
with Kitchen attached, n Frame Beak Burn rind
other outbuildings, a never failing spring agate]
water at the•door, and an orchard of good fruit
trees. _ _ .
ALSO.-100 Acres or Timber land with
nibal allowance. in Penn township, one mile from
the atom described form. The whole will be
sold together.
Any person wishing to vier• the property will
please call on the subscriber liying on the prem•
lees. Terms of sale made known on day of sale,
Jannory 11, 1354.—Gw.
Administrator's Notice.
N OTICE is hereby given flint letters of Ad
ministration, on the estate of ALax.vsnatt
✓irEsTunoonwlate of Porter township, Hunting
don county, deed., have been granted to the sub
scribers. All parsons having claims or demands
against the estate of said deed., are requested to
make known the same, and persons indebted
thereto to pay the some without delay.
January 11, 1854.-6 w.
111 lIE 066, erected by the Presbyterians. at
Petersburg, will be dedicated to the service
of Almighty God on MONDAY the 20th of Februa
ry, proximo. Services, preparatory to the dedi
cation, will commence en the Saturday previous.
A number of Clergymen from a distance are ex
pected on the occasion.
Petersburg, Jan. 11,1854.
MY virtue of the last Will and testament of
John Bailey, late of Ferguson township, in
Centre county, deceased, there will be sold at
Public Vendue or outcry, on the premises, on
the following described Real Estate in said town
ship, it being the property of the said John Bai
ley, deed., to wit: A certain messuage or tract
of lime stone land in said township, adjoining
lands of the heirs of William Bailey, dec'd., Ro
bert Glenn, Pennsylvania Furnace Farm and
others, known as the Baileyvillo Mills property,
and containing Twenty-five Acres, he the
same more or less, baring thereon an apple or
chard, a Grist Mill and Saw Mill, a
large Two Story Frame Dwelling a o lo
, louse, well finished, one Bank Barn
one gond, new, and well finished
Store House, one black-smith shop, one carpen
ter shop, one tenant house, one wash house, a
stone spring house, and other buildings.
And; also, one other tract or parcel of land in
said township, adjoining lands of Shorb,Stewart,
& Co., John Glenn, and others, count fin ing Six
ty Acres, be else same more or less. Tills tract
is well V.raLerea, Emhart of it is good wheat land.
Tee oboes described Mill Property is only
ibewt one fourth of a mile from the Spruce Creek
and Waterstreet Turnpike road, about the same
.distance from Penna. Furnace, and eleven miles
from the l'enna. Rail Road.
The well known character of these Mills, for
snore than belt a centnty, is a better recommenda
lin than we are able to give, but we can freely
commend shone to the notice of enterprising pet
itions wishing to make n good investment.
The terms of sale cannot be fully made known
lit this time, as the testator has provided by will,
that a large pert (we believe more than one half)
of the purchase money is to remain in the hands
,of the purchaser, for the benefit of miner children.
But the terms, which will bo easy, will be folly
made known by the subscribers, on the day of
sale. JOHN BAILEY, Jr.,
Jan. 4,1854.-7 t.
undersigned wont,' herewith friendly and
11 most earnestly invite ad persons who are in-
Vebted to him for medical attendance, to come for
ward and settle their accounts, and he would fur
ther give notice to those, whose accounts may
still remain unsettled after the first day of March
next, that exhausted patience and already too
long extended indulgence must then compel hint
to have the same collected in a legal way.
J. B. LUDEN, M. D. -
Dec.Eclat. e 14,'53.
10,000 Volumes of New
Books, embracing ,
every variety usually kept in a Phil, eq:Rif
.dolphin Book Store—the snbAcriber has added
to his Now (711.1. BoOK STO111:, opposite Whit
. taker's Hotel, Railroad street, Huntingdon, Pe.
Particular nunntiun is invited to his extensive
and splendid stock of plain and fancy Stationary,
Blank Books, Memorandums, Diaries, fur 1854,
Ito has purchased Soltocit, Boosts on such
terms to minblehhn to sell them cheaper, Whole
sale and Retail, than any store In the county.
Harper's Magatino;Gotley's Lady's Book,
and clump publications kept constantly on hand.
The public will please call and. examine for
themselves. WM: COLON.
likiralll ,4
, ,
( ~ i
tti 1 I ...
, 11;
1 t - t/ 1 9 1;1 1
,1,-..:,t , - ~, . A fi ri I, A
. . .
Important Bill.for the Sale of the
Public Works.
Hon. Henry S. Roans, Whig Senator from
Chester county, as Chairman of the Select
Committee, to whom was referred that portion
of the Goternor's Message relating to the sale
of the Public Works, mule an ebb; report on
the subject, to the Legislature, on the oth inst.
The following features of the bill we take from
the Philadelphia San :
The committee state that they, have had the
subject of selling the Public Works under con
sideratiam and given it that careful attention
which its magnitude demanded. They concur
in many of the views entertained by the Goy
ernor in his message, as to the value of the
Public Works, as a means of developing the
resources and promoting the commerce of the
State, as well as liquidating taxation and pay
ing the State Debt. The Committee fully agree
in his remarks concerning the cost and man
agement of the Public Works, and the necessi
ty of reform, de., in regard to them. They
recommend a sale of all the Canals and Rail
roads owned by the Commonwealth, and have
connected with this report a bill to attain that
object. They have arrived at the.couelusipn
that public opinion and sound morals point out
the course which they herewith recommend.—
The Public Debt is estimated by the Governor
at $10,272,000—the annual interest upon that
sum being $2,000,000. The question is how
shall the debt and the interest be paid with the
least burden to the tax-payers? It is a debt
resting on the people, for which their houses,
lands, and their good fuith are virtually mort
gaged. This interest and debt provided for,
all the obligations of the people would be met
without a tax upon real estate, &c. Connected
with the management and control of the Pub
lic Works there was exercised a tremendous
political influence over the public mind, which
had a powerful effect at the ballot box, and a
dangerous influence over the morals of the
community. Complaints have been loud and
deep in respect to the management of the
Public Works, and honorable men, even, had
been attacked, who were really not to blame,
for (hulls laid to the charge of those in whose
service they were eniployed. Attempts at re
form, however loudly professed and honorably
made, had never been attended with secrets.
The efforts to eradicate the evils is the. system,
had all signally foiled. Had the object of the
system been to destroy, and not to build up the
morals of the community, it could not have
been more ingeniously devised, and it is a most
extraordinary circumstance that it has not long
,since been abandoned.
The Committee say that they are aware that
a proposition for the sale of all the Public
Works will encounter powerful opposition.—
Where there are so ninny holding office, each
expectant of it thinks his time will come next,
and this was ono of the great evils of the sys
tem—for it prevented hundreds of young men,
of good education and fitted for a higher sphere,
aiming at it, and made them willing to serve
on the Public Works in some subordinate ca
pacity. The evil is contagious, spreading from
man to man, and the former good habits of
young men are in danger, and the effects of
them have an important and deleterious exer
cise on the elections. When the patronage of
the Publit Works was in the hands of the Ex
ecutive, it was complained that it was abused,
and the same complaint is now made when it
is vested in the hands of the Canal Board. To
show what was the disposition of the people of
Pennsylvania in 1844 on the subject of the
sale of the Public Works, the Committee would
state that 21,000 votes were given for the oak
of them. Numerous memorials, they state,
have been frequently presented to the Legisla
ture, without any remonstrance being presented
against the proposition. The main line only,
by the bill of 1844, was offered for sale at
$20,000,000, bet there were no bidders at that
price. The present bill proposes to abandon
all the Public Works, and offer them fur sale
at a fair price.
Had all the works been sold then, railroads
and canals inclusive, the consequence would
have been to sink the public debt to $19,000,-
000, and raise the low price of State stock at
that time, perhaps, almost to par. If, in 1844,
1 the Public Works had been sold, the State
would now have been almost out of debt.—
Then, say the Committee, let us now profit by
what might have been done. The effect of a
sale in 1854 could not but prove highly advan
'tageous to the State, if $20,000,000 were reali
sed from it. The receipts of last year into the.
Treasury were greater than ordinary on ac'•
count of Bank bonuses. The State debt might
have been extinguished in a period of eleven
years, had the Public Works been sold in 1844.
The total cost of their construc
tion was 532,242,267
, .
Expenditures of conducting them 19,499,857
Interest paid on Internal lm
provememt lines,
Total expel. of Public Works, $89,555,768
Total derived from
Public Works. $25,342,000
Receipts for the last ten years
on the canal and railroads,
including extension of North
Branch Omni, 16,644.653
Expenses for the last ten years, 15,326,140
Showing an Average annual ex
cess of revenue of 131,852
The Committee then proceed to say whether
it is wise for the State to hold on to the Public
Works, and persevere in a system which has
broken so many pledges, and defeated the just
expectations of the people, is for the consider
ation of those who have borne the burdens of
taxation, Like an unsuccessful gambler, the
State 1.0 . 1,000 lured on in expectation of inn.
king up for grievous looses. The cost of wood
to the State its 1851, according to the report
of the Superintendent of the Portage Railroad
was $18,025. And in his report 1852, the
cost is put down ut $30,000, and the estimate
requirement; for 1833, is stated at $30,000;
whereas, the real euot was $50,214. The Cup -
mittee close their repott by stating in the law
• gunge of the memorial of the Philadelphia
'leant of Trade, which is "that the deliberate
opinion of this Board is that the Legislature of
Pennsylvania ,can do no single act more con
ducive to the prosperity of tin') entire Common
wealth, than that provided by the law for the
early sales, at fair prices, of the Public Works.
Whereas, Experience has proved that the
management of Public Improvements of the
State is liable to great evils, and are not at
tended with that success which was anticipa
ted; And, whereas, the liquidation of taxation
is an object earnestly desired, and which may
be promoted by a sale of the Canals and Rail
roads of the State, at fair prices; therefore,
Be it enacted, &e., That as soon after the
passage of this act as may be, it shall be the
duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth to
advertise for proposals for the purchase of the
several divisions of the State Improvements;
that is to say, the Delaware Division, the Main
Line from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, the
Susquehanna and No•th Branch Division, and
the West Branch Canal, which proposals, if
any shall be received, shall be publicly opened
by the Governor, at a day and hour to be fixed
in the advertisement, and is the presence of
the several heads of Depmttnents, who shall
proceed to ballot the said divisions to the high
est and best bidders, together with all property,
real, personal, and mixed, thereunto belonging,
,subject to the terms and provisions of this act,
provided that no bid shall be received which is
for a less amount than the sums following, that
is to say
For the Delaware Division of the
Penosvlvania Canal, 52,500,000
For the Slain Line from Philadel
phia to Pittsburgh,
For the Susquehanna, and North
Branch Division, 5,000,000
For the West Branch, 000,000
And the Governor is hereby authorised and
empowered to organize and incorporate the
purchasers in behalf of whom the bids for eith
er of the divisions may have been givetyunder
the name, style and title [designated above]
according to the division so allotted by the
Governor to the purchasers, with all the pow
ers and privileges, and subject to all the prowl
sines and restrictions prescribed by an act re
;minting railroad companies, approved 19th
February, 1819, not inconsistent with the pro
visions of this act.
Section 2. That the Governor shall require
the payment of 20 per cent. of the purchase
money in cash or State bonds, at par at the
time of allotment, or within thirty days there
after, and the balance of the purchase money
for each division shall be divided into ten equal
payments, for which the company purchasing a
division shall issue its bonds for the amount of
the purchase money remaining due on said di•
vision, which, without any other reserve than
this act, shall be a limi.on all the works and
the improvementi transferred to any such, ca
nal or railroad and Canal , Company, which
shall bear an interest at six per cent. per an
num, and be made payable in cash or in stocks
of this Commonwealth one each year fur ten
consecutive years.
Section 3. That in case said divisions, or
either of them, shall not be allotted or provided
as aforesaid, the Governor is empowered, at
such time and place as he may deem
to open books, receive subscriptions, organize
a company or companies, with appropriate
names, styles, and titles, as above designated,
each having the same powers and privileges,
and subject to the same provisions and restric
tions as are hereinafter provided.
Section 4. That the capital stock of said
companies, in case of such purchase by other
than existing corporations, shall be as follows:
The Delaware Navigation Co. shall consist
of 30,000 shares at $3O each.
The Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Railroad
and Canal Co. 250,000 shares nt S5O each.
The North Branch Canal Cu. 100,000 shares
at S5O each.
The West Branch Canal Co. 10,000 shares
at $5O earls.
Section 6 relates to provisions in case of sale,
and also provides for transfer.
Section 0 provides that in case the whole
number of either company shall not be subscri
bed within one month frosts the opening of the
books, the Governor is authorized to subscribe
the balance ; provided it does not exceed one
fourth of the whole number, &lc. _ _
Section 7 provides for the levying and cot
looting of tolls by the Companies so purchas
Section 8. That either of the aforesiad com
panies shall have power to borrow money for
the purpose of improving or enlarging their
works, in any sum not exceeding 50 per cent.
of their capital stock, at the rate of interest of
not more than 7 per cent per annum. to issue
its bonds or obligations for the same in sums
of not less than $lOOO cash, and to mortgage
the 'real-estate, canal or railroads, and fru.
chines of the company as security therefor.
Section 9 authorizes ono Company to sub
scribe for the stock of the other, &c.
Section 10 and 11 relates to the mode of
paying off the bonds, makes provision in ease
of forfeiture, and refer to the carrying out time
good faith of contracts, &e.
Section 12 says that all moneys necrning to
the Treasury from the sale of the Public Works
shall be added to the sinking fund applied for
the payment of the public debt.
Sectiotion 13. That if any portion of the
Public Works are not sold, the Governor shall
advertise proposals for the leasing of the same
in separate divisions, to individuals or corpora
tions for u period not exceeding ten years and
the proposals, as received, if any, shall be re
ported to the next Logi:4ollre.
sie.. Vance, von I vas court tuba° Cuterine
I vas gone on my field to hoe my potatoes
corn. Veil den I sec my Cab:rine coming der
road, so 1 dunks 1 give her a boo, so 1 climbs
a ire, , , and shat as I vas going to boo, her, I
falls olf on der hemlock fence, end stuck is pine
knot hole in sire pantaloons, and Catmint,
van lafT and make roe more shame den a sheep
alit von lam lief on his hack—true as a pooh.
Friday, Feb. 3, 1651.
Mr. Devote presented n petition from citi
zone of Somerset county, in favor of the erec
tion of the new county of Conemaugh; and Mr.
Gresswell and Mr. Fry each one of like import.
Mr. Crabb, the proceedings of a meeting of
ofllcer3 of the First Division of Volunteers of
the city and county of Philadelphia, remonstra.
Ling against the repeal of the militia law so far
as relates to Philadelphia.
Mr. Ilendricics, a memorial from citizens of
Schuylkill county, in favor of the bill reported
by the Committee on Education supplementa
ry to the act establishing a system of educe
tiers by common schools.
Mr. Buchalew, several remonstrances against
the new county of Lackawanna.
Mr. Price, from the Judiciary Committee, re
ported the bill supplementary to the act rela
tive to the judicatory powers of courts. Also,
the bill relative to letters of attorney.
Mr. Goodwin, from Select Committee of Sen
ators of the City and County, as committed, the
bill td authorize the District of Spring Garden
to subscribe to the stock of the Rempfield
Railroad; also, reported from the Committee
on Corporations the bill to incorporate the
Scranton OM and Water Company.
Mr. Darlington (Corporations) the bill to in
corporate the Excelsior look and Ladder Co.
of Frani:ford, with a negative recommenda
Mr. Piatt, [Judiciary] the bill to authorize
the Reporter of the Supremo Court to publish
tho Opinions of the Judges in a certain case,
with a negative instruction.
Mr. Hamilton, the bill to prevent obstruc
tions in the Oswego Creek and its tributaries,
in Potter county.
Mr. Crabb read a bill in place, relative to
Building Associationr; also, one to consolidate
the Colombia Building Association with the
Pennsylvania Building and Loan Association.
Mr. Frick, ono relative to Mutual Savings,
Loan and Building AS3OCiMiOnS of Montgom
ery county.
Mr. Darlington, one relative to Life Insu
rance Companies.
Mr. Evans, flow the Meet Committee on
the subject, reported a bill fl)r the vaie of the
Public Works, accompanied by a lengthy re
port by the majority of the committee.
Mr. Haldeman moved that 5000 copies of
the Report and Bill be printed.
Mr. Quiggle stated that there would be a
minority Report, and that it mould be proper
to have both reports printed together.
Tt was understood that the minority would
report tomorrow, and the motion to print was
withdrawn fur the present.
The price fixed in ite-whicit • Vie
wor!cs shall be sold is -s2o,ooo,ooo—tho time
whets to be offered left to the Governor, who is
to give the proper public notice.
Mr. Jamison, one of the members of the
Committee, noised to place on the journals his
reasons for voting with the majority. He con•
curred in the general principle of the bill, but
dissented with regard to dig price—he thought
it too low.
The supplement to the act incorporating the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company was taken up
and Passed its several readings. The bill au
thorizes the Company to purchase certain pro.
perty in Pittsburg fur a depot.
Mr. Quiggle called up the bill to grata a
new trial to David Jewell, of Pittsburg, con
victed of murder.
After a lengthy discussion, the bill was post
poned, for the purpose of eliciting the facts in
the case, as given in the'record.
On motion of Mr. Slifer, the Prohibitory Li•
quor bill of the Senate was referred to the Com.
mitten on Vice and Immorality.
On motion of It. Price, the bin relative to
the estate of Hugh Scott was taken up and
passed finally. Adjourned.
NOUSE or orrilr.:;csrATivEs.
The House tool: up and acted upon a num.
ber of amendments made by the Senate to
House bills. The amendments were 0 . . nu•
important nature.
Bills Bead in, Plaee.—A supplement to the
charter of the Shamokin Steam Ferry and
Towboat Company; a supplement to the char
ter of the Susquehanna nod Coal Mountain
Company; to increase the salaries of the Ass°.
ciate*Judges of the Common Pleas of Phila.
County . ; to incorporate the Allegheny Avenue,
Wharf and Land Company in Philadelphia
County; a supplement to the charter of the
Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad Company;
to compel the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad Company to fence their road
in Susquehanna county; to authorize the Gov
ernor to appoint inspectors of Lutiiher in Clin
ton, Dauphin, Lancaster, Cumberland and
York counties; to authorize J. B. Torbet to
build a bridge or bridges on the West Branch
Division of the Pennsylvania Canal.
The bill to incorporate the Columbia and
Maryland Line Railroad Company passed sec
ond reading, and t+•as ordered to be transcri
bed for a third rending.
The bill to increase the salary of Associate
Judges in the Commonwealth was read a first
and second time, and ordered to be transcri
bed for a third reading.
The supplement to the Ten-hour Law was
taken up on second reading and debated.
A new section, offered by Mr. Carlisle, that
no female operative, of any age, shall employ
herself, or engage to work in any of the afore
' said manufactories, more than ten hours in any
one day, or sixty hours in any one week, was
lost by a vote of 21 to 31.
The remaining sections were read and
agreed to, (the third by u rote of 41 to 8,) and
the rule suspended. The bill being on its fi
nal passage, Mr. Miller took the floor in oppo
sition to the bill; but on the question being ta
ken, the bill passed, as fellows:
Tees.—Abrabam, Adams, Atherton, Bart
, on, Beck; Beyer, Bingham, Boyd, Bubb, Cold.
• well, Calvin, Carlisle, Daugherty, Davis. Pe
Prance, Dunning, Eckert, Eldred, Ellis, Motel'.
er, Fry, G allantine,.Gilm ore, Groom, ell.
the, Hillier, Hills, Hipple, Johnson, Kilgore,
Knight, Lowrey of Tinge, Magee, Manderfield,
Melly, Montgomery, Moore, Palmer, Passmore,
Putney, Roberts, Smith of forks, Wilson,
Nays.—Baldwin. Chamberlin, Cummins, De•
gan, Dotter, Clibboney, Gray, Herr, Hiestand,
Horn, Hunseeker, Laury of Lehigh, M'Combs,
M'Kee, Miller, Moser, Muse, Rowe, Sidle, Stew.
art, Wieldein-22.
The Rouse then adjourned.
Saturday, .Feb. 4.
Quite a number of petitions. &e., were pre.
meted, and among them several by Messrs.
Goodwin and Foulkrod, from citizens of Phila•
dolphin, for a change in the ten hour law.
Mr. Crabb presented a number of petitions
from citizens of West. Philadelphia, for a repeal
of the law authorizing the laying of water
Mr. Quiggle from the Judiciary Committee,
reported back the bill locating the sessions of
the Supreme Court in Banc permanently at
Mr. Goodwin, front the Committee on Co,
porations. reported the bill to incorporate the
Savings Fund Society of Germantown, and the
bill to incorporate the People's Mutual Insur•
acre Company of Philadelphia.
Mr. Darlington reported a bill relative to
Life Insurance Companies.
Mr. Slifer reported a bill supplementary to
the act incorporating the Erie Railroad Com
pany. He also reported the bill to prohibit the
tratlic in intoxicating liquor 3 in this Common.
wealth, and with a negative recommendation.
Mr. Foulkrod reported a supplementary to ,
the net incorporating the North Philadel
phia Plank Road Company.
Mr. Crsbb reported a bill to reduce the width
of a part of Ninth street, in the City of Phila.
Mr. Quiggle from the Select Committee, to
whom that part of the Governor's Message, re•
lative to a sale of the Public Works had been
referred, submitted a minority reported, strong.
ly opposing the policy of such sale.
Mr. Hiester submitted a series or joint roes.
lotions, instructing our Senators in Congress :
and requesting our llapresentat ices, to oppose
any reduction or repeal of the railroad iron
imported into the United States.
Mr. Crab') read la place a bill to regulate
the fees of State's Commissioners.
Mr. Foulkrod rend in place a bill lo hien,
porate the Lutheran Congregation of Prank
The Senate then, after the introduction an
cumber of other unimportant bills, proceeded
tothe consideration of tite bill granting.a new
trial to David Jewell, now under sentence orn •
death in Pittsburg, for murder. The bill gave
rise to au animated debate, and was finally
postponed. The Senate then adjourned until
3 P. M., on Monday.
After disposing of some little business of
minor importance, the House took up the sup- I
plement to the act incorporating the Cleveland
and Motioning Railroad Company, which pass
ed second reading, and was then postponed.
The bill supplementary to the net incorpora
ting the Phoenix Iron and Coal Company, was
taken up, considered and passed.
Mr. Hart read in place a bill to regulate the
salaries of Stnte Agents on the Columbia and
Philadelphia Railroad.
The House then resumed, on its final pass
age limo consideration of the bill to incorporate
the Columbia and Maryland Line Railroad
Company. A lengthy debate ensued, Messrs.
Wright, Moaoghan, and others, opposing the
bill, on the ground that it was calculated, if not
designed, to interfere with the carrying trade
of our public works, and it was then postpon
ed for the present. The House then adjourn.
ed until Monday at 2 P. M.
,Monday, Feb. 6.
The Speaker presented the annual state.
meat of the Superintendent of the State Luna
tic Asylum, with an account of the expendi
ture, &c.,
On motion of Mr. McClintock, a Select Com.
mitten of three was appointed to investigate
the accounts of the State Lunatic Hospital.
Mr. Crabb reported a bill to vacate a portion
of Thirty-eighth street Philadelphia.
The bill authorizing a new trial in the case
of David Jewell, convicted at Pittsburg of mar
der in the first degree, was taken up and debu
ted by Messrs. Darsie, Hendricks and Backe
low in opposition, and by Messrs. Qeigglo and
Kunkel in favor of its passage. It passed on
second reading by a vote of yeas 15, nays 13,
and was then laid over.
The French divorce case was, after some
conversation, postponed until Wednesday, and
the Senate adjourned.
A number of petitions of a local character
were presented. Among them were petitions
for the repeal of the local laws of Chester coun
ty, on the license question; against a new
bridge at Bethlehem; in favor of the Bank of
Cataseque; for making the Steward of the
Montgomery County Poor House nn elective
office; fur widening and extending Mein street,
Norristown; from Waidwright, for au
thority to sell real estate; front Philadelphia
Society for the support of Charity Schools; ask
ing that their property may be free from taxa
tion; front North Penn District, against dopes.
iting filth or dead animals in said Township.
A bill was reported, creating the new Coun
ty Pine.
The following bills were read in place:
Per the regulation and government of the
Montgomery County Prison.
To incorporate the Pennsylvania College of
Medical Arts.
To repeal the net of 1851 relative to tavern
licenses in Chester Counts-.
To authorize the Fate of eztato in Phila
dolphin County.
The bill to establish a Law School at Ras.
ton, was passed to the third reading.
The bill regulating the Salaries of the Asso.
date Judges, was passed finally.
The supplement to the Charter of the Cleve.
land Ma:honing Valley Railroad was also final.
ly passed.
The debate on the resolutions against the
reduction of the duties on foreign Salt was re
sumed nud discussed until the hour of adjourn
Scx ATE.
Tuesday, Feb. 7
The Speaker laid before the Senate the nth
annual report of the Board of Managers of the
House of Refuge. Also, the annual reports of
the Beaver Meadow Manufacturing Company;
the Lackawanna Iron Company, and the Al.
lentown Iron Company.
Mr. Barnes presented two petitions in favor
of the new County of Conemagh.
Mr. Darlington presented two remonstran
ces from citizens of Marietta, against authority
to said Borough to borrow money.
Mr. Cresswell, three memorials from Blair
County for the repeal of the tonnage tax on
the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Mr. Fonlhrod, a memorial from the Phila•
delpliia Society of Charity Schools, praying to
be relieved from taxation.
Mr. Sager, a remonstrance from Bucks cone.
ty, against a Prohibitory Liquor Law; and
Mr. Platt, a petition from Bradibrd County,
in favor of such a law.
Mr. Crabby the annual report of the Chesnut
Hill and Spring House Turnpike Company.
Mr. Goodwin from the Committee of Sena
tors of the City' and County, reported the bill
to repeal the supplement to the act relative to
the Board of Health and Guardians of the
Poor, with negative recommendation.
Mr. Hamlin of Wayne, read a bill relative to
Postmasters, in Wayne County.
Mr. Price, a supplement relative to the es
tate of Kenneth Forsyth.
Mr. Jamison, a bill to authorize the Tros
t., of the bridge over the Kiskiminetns river,
at Warren, in Armstrong County, to sell the
Mr. Pintt. n supplement to the American
Lire and health Insurance Company.
Mr. Drit,:e, a bill to exempt coal and lum
ber front the tonnage tax.
The bill relative to the ea, of David Jewell
again came up, no the first on its final passage.
Mr. Price movcd to go again into Commit
tee of the whole, for the purpose of special
amendment. He read and explained the pro
pz,sed amendments. The &Oat was to maim
the hill less peremptory on the Supremo .I . lllg.
The motion was agreed to, and the mend
inants adopted; and the bill being on its final
:do6srs. Hendrick, Crabb, Mester, and
Bnekalew epoke in opposition to the bill, nod
Messrs, Price, Evans, Pitttt and Kunkel in f.
nor, when it passed finally by the following
Yeas—Messrs. Barnes, Darlington, Evans,
Ferguson, Foulkrod, Fry, Goodwin Jamison,
Kunkel, McClintock, Mellinger, Piatt, Price,
Qniggle, Sager, Skinner, Wherry, MeCaslin
Nays—Messrs. Buckalew, Crabb, Cresswell,
l)ar'ie, Haldeman, Hamilton, Byron D. Ham.
lin, E. W. Hamlin, Hendricks, Mester, Hoge,
Kinzer, 'McFarland, Slifer—H.
Mr. Evans, on leave, read a bill supplemen•
tnry to the West Chester and Philadelphia
railroad Company.
The Speaker presented the twenty sixth an
nual report of the Board of Managers of the
House of Refuge.
The following private bills, which were on
the private calender, passed finally:
Relative to the several courts in the Tenth
Judicial District.
Relative to the claim of Anthony nod Calm;
rine Lechler, for damages sustained by the
burning of Lemon Place, Lancaster County.
To authorize the Canal Commissioners to ex
amine the claims of Andrew Geltey, for dama
ges sustainted on the Philadelphia and Colum
bia Railroad.
. .
One of a smiler import relative to John
To prohibit the chasing of deer with dogs in
certain parts of Lycoming County.
The supplement to an art laying a tax on
dogs in certain townships in Chester ethmty,
relative to amessors in West Philadelphia, and
to assessors in Millerstown, Perry county, pass.
ed March 11th, 1830.
To repeal the eighth and ninth sections of
an act to incorporate the Frankfort] and Ger
mantown Turnpike Road Company, in the
county of Philadelphia; to lay out a State road
in Armstrong and Jefferson counties; to the
borough of Patterson; to Flower street, in the
district of Moyamensing, Philadelphia county;
and to the duties of Assessors in Rome town
ship, Bradford county.
To authorize the extension of the Jersey
Shore, Pine Creek and State Line Railroad.
To incorporate Lock-Haven Gas and Water
To authorize the School Directors of Pitts
town to borrow money.
To incorporate Richmond Turnpiko or
Plank Road Company.
A bill for the relief of Maria R. Olivine was
taken up on second reading, debated, and
then postponed for the precnt.
. .
A resolution for the purchase of nOOO
tional copies of Kelly's Diagram of the House
was °Tend, and voted down. Yeas 10—nays
A resolution, culling eit the Canal Commis
sioners for a statement of the;work and labor
done, and materials furnished towards the re•
pairs of the Delaware Division of the VentisYl•
Imola Canal, together with a statement of the
length of time such debt, have been outst and.
ing, wan afinrd.
NO. 6
A. resolution was also adopted, calling on
the Canal Commissioners fora copy of the tea•
timony given at a strike of the operatives on
the Allegheny Portage railroad, in Jane last.
Bill Reconsidered—The vote on the fintsl
passage of the Lill to incorporate the Littletown
Railroad Company, was re•conaidored, and the
last section being stricken outs the bill was
then repassed.
Bill Beporled—With an amendment, the
bill to extend the charter of the Lycoming Mu.
trial Insurance Company.
Bills Read in Place.—To repeal the ninth
section of the act of April 8, 1851, being a
supplement to the act of 1847, to incorporate
the District of Richmond, and for other purpo.
ter; supplement to the charter of the West
Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Compan . p.
supplement to the charter of the German Re.
formed Church of Philadelphia city; to incoi•
porate the Ancient Order of Liberians, of Pa.;
to erect the new county of Madison, out Of
parts of Berko, Chester and Montgomery; to
prevent the running of locomotives and other
steam engines on the public streets and even•
ues in Philadclpnia city; to incorporate the
Gettysburg and Harrisburg Railroad Company;
to incorporate Key-atone Lodge, No. 73, of I.
0. of 0. F., in Bethlehem,
Bills Passed.—To authorize the appoint.
meet of a Notary Public in Mount Jay, Lan.
caster county; and one in Manchester, Alle
gheny county; to authorize the Burgess and
Town Council of the borough of Chester, Dols•
ware county, to borrow money.
"Come to thy Father."
It is thus that a writer of the olden times
sets himself to plead with such as yos. Never
did Jacob with such joy weep over the neck of
Joseph as the Heavenly Father would rejoice
over thee upon thy coming to Him.
It is no toilsome pilgrimage on which heasks
you to set out, in order to reach His dwelling.
He himself has come, to yen, nay, sits by
your side, as did Jesus by the side of the wo•
inns of Sychar. He does not bid you climb to
Heaven to find gehee there. Neither does he
tell you to go down into the deep in order to
obtain it there. He luis opened the fbuntains
at your side. He tades up the vessel and prey
ses it to your lips:—'The word is nigh theei
even in thy mouth and in thy heart; that is, the
word of faith which tee preach; that if thou
shah confess with thy mouth the Lord loins,
and shalt believe in thy heart that God had
raised thee from the dead, thou shalt be saved.'
To thee, thou love: of p:,,,sure. atop dream•
er of eerth's dreams's, God is telling this day
the story of his free love, that receiving it. thou
mayest not perish', but have everlasting life.—
That free love thus received into your heart in
believing, would fill you with joy unspeakable.
It would be bite fragrance from the flowers of
Eden, like sunshine from the very heaven of
heavens. It 'would be better to you than
pleasure, or gold, or lust; Letter than all tlio
joys of earth pouted into one jeweled cup. It
would demand no price of you, neither would
it call on you to wait till you had made ready
for receiving it? It would come into you at
once, like sunshine into your lattice, without
insisting that your chamber be adorned for its
The Dead.
The dead—why are they so soon forgotten?
He who stood by our side but yesterday—the
generous, the noble, and the free—has fallen
today, and his memory begins to fade from
our hearts. She who was our companion by
the way,—wlto soothed and comforted us in
sorrow,—has just been laid under the sods, and
we scarcely remember the smile that
upon her lips. Our benefaetors—our true
hearted friends, have dropped one by one from
our side, and yet we move on, as if the same
hearts beat in unison with our own—the sumo
voices were speaking to our comfort. Why
should we so soon forget the dead?—the true
hearted, the kind and devoted? Should plea
sure, honor, riches, drive away their glorious
memories from our bosoms? No—no; Let
them live in our affections—let us cherish their
self-denying deeds—their love and kindness,—
anticipating the day when we shall be re-united
to them, where tears shall be griped from every
eye. To us, a chastened joy fills our bosoui
when we reflect on our departed friends, and
they seem like ministering angels hovering
over our pathway• We can never forget them:
A Trap for a Troubietome Tongue,
Sheridan was one day much annoyed by a
&now-member of the House of Commons, who
kept crying out every few minutes. `Hear!
hear I' During the debate he took occasion to
describe a political cotemporary who wished to
play rogue, but had only sense enough to act
a foul. 'Where,' exclaimed he, with great on.
pbasis, 'where shall we find a morn foolish
knave or a more knavish fool than lie?' 'Heart
hear!' was shouted by the troublesome mem
ber. Sheridan turned re und, and thanking
him for the prompt information, set down amid
a general roar of laughter.
Da` The following graphic notice was post.
ed on the Court•llouse door of a neighboring
county, u few years ,ince, and a friend who
preserved a copy, thinks it is too good to be
VIII be colt next aiouta}• vas a veek, bon
ver sphoon, on pater basin, von musical inai•
cal, and von sow pig by inc.
- ionN Slintsr.n. Constabler.
Charley, how id the wind?'
Yorxe GENTLIMAN.—Protti
well, I thank you:
tils•-"Ceormo Smith, do you recollect the
story of David and doliah ?"
''Yes air. David was a tavern.lieoper and
Coliah was an intemperate man."
hWho told you that 4"
"Nobody. I read it—and it said that David
fixed a sling for Golialt, and civiiab got aka ,
ed with it."- . .