Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 25, 1854, Image 4

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    edictal Directory of Hunt. Co.
President Judge:
lion. GEO. TAYLOR, of Huntingdon.
.Associate Judges :
lion. JuNo. 3PWILLIAMS, of Franklin tp,
llcn. T. F. STEWART, of West tp.
District .fittorney:
J. SEWEI. STEWART, of Huntingdon.
Sheriff :
JOSHUA GREENLAND, of Huntingdon,
Sheriff's Counsel
DAVID BLAIR ) Esq., of Huntingdon.
THEO. H. CREIIER, Esq. h pf Huntingdon
Register, Recorder, arc. :
M. F,CAMPBELL, of Henderson tp.
. Count:, Commissioners:
THOMAS HAMER, of West tp.-
ELIEL SMITII, of Union tp..
S.a.muEL WIOTON, of Franklin tp.
Commissioner's Clerk:
HENRY W. MILLER, of Huntingdon.
Commissioner's attorney :
Joirs HEED, Esq., of Huntingdon.
- auditors: •
HENRY BREIVSTER; of Shirleysburg.
DAVID PARKER, of Warriorsmark.
• Treasurer:
JOSEPH H. STEVENS, of Petersburg,
Directors of Poor
SAMUEL MATTER, of Franklin tp.
JOILN BREWSTER, of Shirley tp.
Ciao. HUDSON, of Clay tp.
Poor House .dttorney :
DAVID BLAIR, Esq., of Huntingdon.
Poor House Treasurer:
HENRY BREWSTER, of Shirley tp.
Deputy Surveyor:
J. S. AFRICA, of Huntingdon.
Court Crier:
SAaWEL S. SMITH, of Huntingdon.
Salamander Safes.
Evans St Watson, 26 South Fourth
Street, late 83 Dock street,
Books, Papers, Jewelry &o.
Fire-Proof Doors for Banks & Stores.
21 2E
FILE,' Airß T IE 1 . -11? 0
oFti:ar as.
Warraited toshnul ac much line as any other
kiitces in the
Fire-Proof' Safes.
Timnusnunn, Frt., Oct. 30, 1331. 5
Tile undersigned appointed a committee for the
purpose, by the officers of the State Fair, were
present this afternoon, when Messrs. EVANS &
WATSON tested one of their small sized SAL
they consumed Three Cords of Wood over it,
commencing at I o'clock, P. M.. and having ex
posed it to a WHITE HEAT for Two Hours, suffi
cient to destroy the cast iron feet.
On opening the Safe, the pnpers with 2000 cir
culars deposited in our presence were taken out,
not only having hcen preserved, hat not haring
the appearance of score!! *poll them.
.10(I\ B. f.7OY,
Ex-Governor of Pn.
E. E. I R
Sole .Agency for Butterworth*3
Bank Locks.
Gen. Wilson, Esq . Huntingdon, Pa., is ati`j
therized agent for the sale of the above, at his
office a specimen enn be seen, and also nt office of
the Broad Top Railroad Company, in Hunting
don, we also refer to Col. S. S. Wharton, and
the County Treasurer, in Huntingdon. Below
reference is made to a few in Philadelphia:, who
have our safes in use. Hundreds more can be
Farmers & Mechanics' Bank, 12 safes.
S. Mint.
U.' S. Arsenal, 3 in Phil's. 5 in California,
Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sheriff.
Barker Bros. & Co , Brokers, No 16 N. oil St.
E. C. Knight, corner Chesnut and Water St.
Michelin ft, Co. No. 17 S. Water st.
Richard Norris & SOll, Locomotive works.
Penn'm R. R. Co. 2 safes:
Cermantown and Norristown It. 11. Co.
State Treasurer and Trenton Banking Co.N.J.
Odd F. halls, 6th st. and cor. 3d & Brown as.
Southwark & Meyamensing Gas Co.
Corporation of Northern Liberties.
do. or Moyamonsing.
July 13, '53,1p
.411 Invaluable Book for 25 cents.
° EVERY FAAIIIX St,tor Lir ILtvn A Cory."
QIX Thousand Copies sold in less than three
1 - 1 months. A new edition, revised and impro
ved, jutt issued,
lirryrun's Medical manual and Mind book
for the atilicted—Containing an outlige of the or
igin, progress, treatment and Cure of every form
of disease, contracted by promiscuous sexual in
tercourso, by or by sexual excess,
with advice thr their prevention, written in a
familiar style, avoiding all medicinal technicali
ties, and every thing that would offend the ear of
decency, from the result o'2o years' successful
practice, exclusively devoted to the cure of dis
eases of a delicate or private nature.
To which is added,' receipts for the cure of the
above diseases, and a treatise on the cause, symp
toms and cure for the Fever and Ague, for 25
cents a copy: six copies for S 1 ; will be forwar
ded to any part of the United Statcs, free of pos.
tage.—Address postage paid, Cosden & Co.,
Publishers, or "Box 195, Post Office, Phila.
"This is without exception, the most compre
hensive and intelligible work published on the
class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all
technical terms, it addresses itself to the reams;
it is free from all objectionable matter, and no
parent, however fastidious, can object to placing
it in the hands of his sons. The author has devo
ted many years to the treatment of the various
complaints treated of, and 'with too little breath
to pelf,' and 'too little presumption to impose,' he
has offered to the world at the merely nominal
price of 25 cents. the fruits of some twenty years
most successfultwactice."—/ferahl.
"No teacher or parent should be without the
knowledge imparted in lids invaluable work; it
would savoyears of pain, mortification and sor
row to the youth under their cherge."—Peo
ple's Ad, 2 le.t
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in wilting
of "Pointer's Medical Manual," says
"Thousands noon thousands ofour youth, by evil
example and the influence of the passions, have
been led into the habit of self-pollution without
realizing the sin and consequence upon them
selves and their posterity. The constitution of
thousands, who are raising families have peen
enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not
know the cause or the cure. Any thing that
can be done so to enlighten and influence the
public mind as to check, and ultimately to re
move this wide-spread source of human wretch
edness, would confer the greatest blessing next
'otitis religion of Jesus Christ,. the present end
coming generation. lotemperance, (or the use
of intoxicating drinks,) though it has slain thou
sands upon thousands, is nut a greater scourge to
the human race. Adcept my thanks on behalf
of the afflicted, and, believe me, your co-worker
in the good work you are so actively engaged in."
One copy will be forwarded, (securely envelo
ped and postage paid,) on receipt of 25 cents, or
six copies for $l. Address, COSDEN & CO.,
Publishers, Box 196, Philadelphia.
Itirßooksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents
supplied on the most liberal terms.
June 1,'53.-Ir.
beautiful ussurtnivat uf Silk:Dress Patterns,
Black Silk, :lad Donner LininKottst receiv
e,' airi J. & W. SAXTO,.
warmer, Fortier & Stage Proprietor.
As the most remarkable External Application ever
tey .-.eep house ..—__
Expiricnce Of More dial, sixteen ydrs has established
the fart that Merchant's Celebrated tiaigllng Oil, or UM.
versa' Family Embromition, will cure tunic cares, and re.
litre all such as
Simians, Sweeney, Ringbone, Windmills, Poll
Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, (tells of all
kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fis
tula, Sawa, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness,
lroundered Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mang?,
Rheumatism, Bites of Animals, External Poi
sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites,
Bails, Corns, Whitlows, Burns and Scalds,
Chilblains, Chapped Hands, Cramps. Con
&adie)us of the Muscles, Swellings, Weakness
of the ,h. - duds, Caked Breasts, dtcske. she.
The Ilnparalie led success of this Oil,
.in the cure of dia
eases in ,:arses u'ld Cattle, and even human flesh . , le
daily b ecnni jog n a n, known to the farming community
It can hardly he credi . ed, except by those who have been
in the habit of keeidng in Rica stable,. and 1101.03, what
a vast amount of pain, inarrering and innei ore saved by
the timely application of th, a thl•
rat- Be sure the name of the win proPrictpr, CEPHGE
W. MERCHANT, Lockport: N. To In blown in the side
of the bottle, and In his liondwriiima raver the enrk•
All orders addressed to the proprie:or will he promptly
lee m
of the Aaont, and see w.‘. l wnnde" ace
acr.ompliche by die use of this medicine.
Soli by respectable dealers generally, In the Veiled'
States and Canada. Also
T. Read & Son, Huntingdon, Joh Lutz, 61ile
leysburg, Isett & Bucher, Union Furnuee;ja.m.
Clark, Birmingham, Chas. Ritz, Lewistown; . 1 .
Home,N. MeVeytown; S. Boozer, Williams
burg; A, 1. Lloyd & Co., Claysport; Grosswan
& Johnston, Boalsburg; T.ll.Bellfonte;
and at wholesale by Fleming & ]bothers. Pitts-
burg, D. 'Robinson, Tyrone Station anti F. Klitt
& Co., Phila.
July 13, 'a:l.-Iy.
Ziobensaai•'s Wenn Syrup.
An articletfuncicd upon Scientific Principles,
compounded with purely vegetal•lo substances,
being perfectly oath when taken, and has never
been known to fail in curing the most obstinate
case. Worms can never exist when this remedy
is once used, from the 40 that it only destroys
them but removes ull the slime aid mucus which
may remain.
The Tape Werra,
This worm is the most diiiicult ono to destroy
of all (hot inhabit the human body. It grows to
an almost indefinite length, and becoming so
coiled and fastened in the intestines and stomach
as to produce Fits, St. Vitus' Daum Sic., which,
is the causoof Many going to the grave, not be
lieving that these complaints have their origin
from the Tape Worm; consequently they do not
use the proper ti,tieines for their disease. To
those who ar.! Tete!! with this mind 11,0 to
health, I me, • , m 1 the 1130 of my Worm Sy
rup, and Livers the Syrup to be taken in
doses ci ten ~eionstuls three times a day,
then take from : of toy Liver Pills, to dis
loge and pass • !.•orm. By strictly following
these dircetie,, • most obstinate cases of Tape
Worm eau be speedily cured.
Donna or Stomachs Worm. •
This worm 1; uslalty fonnd in the small intes
tines, and is the worm MOM' common to children,
yet is not entirely confined to them, no adults
Imre frequently been known to taker with thous.
The symptoms most promineht while at:l,th: will:
this worm, are hardness and fallneoo of the belly
slimy stools, looseness or the -bowels, picking et
the nose, a blueish streak under the eyes,
If you,or any of your children have nay of the
above symptoms, Itobensack's Worm Syrup can
safely be depended upon—by using it you hese a
certain, safe, and speedy cure; nod if after using
it according to the directions, the patient is not
restored to health; nod the worms thoroughly
eradicated from the system, you can rest assured
there is no remedy beyond the grace, as fur NI,
there is no such word as fail with those who use
my worm Syrup.
Ascarides, or Small Thread Worm.
These worms, to which the human system is
liable, are the roost troultlesome or all others.—
They are to be found in the rectum,and
if allowed to remain, from the irritation they pro
duce, lay the foundation for 1.1101.13 disorders,
such as inflamation of the bowels, and other de
rangements of the Stomach. The hcst and safest
medicine that can be used is Hobensack's Worm
Syrup. Such is the astonishing power of toy
medicines over Ascarides, that I defy any one to
produce n case where my worm Syrup and Liver
Pills are recommended to be used they will not
care. All that is necessary is to use the Syrup
in accordance-with directions cot each bottle; and
in ease tt gentle purgative is required in order to
allay the irritation they produce, the Liver l'ills
by their sympathising action .11 healthy opera
tion upon the bowels, is the most pleasant medi
cine that eon be taken.
Hobensack , s Liver Pills.
No part of the system is more liable to disease
than the Liner, it being supplied wills numerous
blood-vcs , els and nerve., and if diseased, the
blood of course flowing through all parts of the
body produces Liver Complaints, Jaundice. Bil
lious Aliseetions; &c.
Liver Complaint.
Is attended with chills, succeeded by fever, se
vere pains in the region of the Liver, vomiting,
bitter tastes, yellow furred tongue, pulse full and
bounding, t he pain in the side is increased by
pressure, should the left lobe be effected, the pain
is generally in the left shoulder, with n short, dry
cough, the skits becoming of a sallow appearance,
and the stools cloy colored. This disease con be
cured by the use of Ilubensnek's Liver Pills, as
they act directly upon the seat of the disease, and
then operating upon the bowels they expel all the
eUrrupt and ctti inttiter rruui the systeul,
The symptoms of Dyspepsia, nod its various
diseases are dizziness in the head, heartburn, op
pression after eating meals, sourness arising from
the stomach, &c., and sometimes general languor
of the whole body, from this it will be seen that
the disease ones its origin to u disorganised
state of the Liver and Stomach. flobeusack's
Liver Pills is the very medicine to etrect n per
manent and lasting care, as they act by changing
the eertnin morbid actions of the system lino a
healthy action, and rendering the blood pure and
healthy. - .
To Females.
'You will find these Pills an invaluable medi
cine in many complaints to which you ore subject.
In obstructions Miller total or partial, they have
been found of inestimuide I ni ngiit in ',wring in n!
purifying the blood and other fluids so as to cure
all con., , its which may arise from female irreg
ularities, as Headache, dimness of sight, pain iu
the side, back, he. Those Pills are the ouly sore
and cliectual remedy to cure Ike thllowing cons
platnts, Gout, Nervousness, Melancholy, Sick
Headache, Giddiness, 'Rheumatism, distressing
Dreams, Dimness of Sight, or in tact oily of the
diseases that arise from the affections of the Liver,
impurity of the blood, or Constipation of the
WE, the undersigned Physicians, having had
the receipt of their manufacture submitted to us
for inspection; say, that the ingredients of which
they are composed makes them the best Pill in
use for all diseases of the Liver, Impurities of
the Blood, &c
Geonoi: WOOD, M. D.
L. BuwEN, A
Crrerehttse none hitt rhos° hiring the signs •
turn of .4. N. HOBIENSACK t tt it all oth•
ars nre worthless imitations.
Agents wishing new supplies, and all others
wishing to become agents, onset address the pro
prietor,J. N. IItISP.NSACK, et leis Laborato
ry, No. IgO North Second Street, above Paw,
10"SOld bi - all Prani- and !lterelinnti in the
Vuitcd Statc;. Puna, P,
41. P. an,
DESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of,
It Cassrille and vicinity, thathe has located a
medical office, fur tho purpose of treating all
kinds of diseases, on a safe and scientific princi
ple, and is now ready to attend to all calls, and
by strict attention to business, hopes to receive
a good portion of public flivor. Fever and Ague
cared in three days, and warranted to remain
cured fottho season. A. P.F.
July, tu"), '53.-tf.
F. Brown's
frms Essence is a preparation of unusual en
cellence. In ordinary diurrhosa, incipient
cholera, in short, in all eases of prostration of the
digestive functions, it is of inestimable value.—
During.the prevalence Of epidemic cholera and
summer complaints of children, it is peculiarly
efficacious; no family or individual should be
without it.
CAUTION.--Be sure to get the genuine es
sence, which is prepared only by F. nnows, at
his Drug and Chemical Store, 'S. E. Corner of
Fifth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, and for
sale by all the respectable Apothecaries in the
United States. For sale by T. HEAD & SON,
Huntingdon. [June 22,'53.—ty.
• James E. Glasgow,
HAVING fitted up a large and elegant Store
room, directly in the centre of Scottsville,
Huntingdon Co., into which he has removed his
storo Cram the old stand, is now prepared to ne
commodatc his customers and the public general
ly, with a splendid and flishionable assortment of
His assortment consists of
Dry Goode, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware,
and all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country
Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as
sortment of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
and Trimmings of every vnrtety. Also, Hats;
Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of
goods of all kinds.
GrAll kinds of Country Produce taken in
exchange for goods.
Scottsville, Hunt. Co., Pa.
June 15,'53.-Iy.
, e THE undersigned has leased and fit
, A ted up the abo HOTEL, on the
a a a corner of main and Montgomery Sircc!,,
n B in the borough ot • Huntingdon, and is
t .
well Prepared to accommodate all who any favor
Li m w :th their custom: The traveling communi
ty and if, syublic generally are cordially invited
to call with him, hoping by strict attention to
business' to merit a large portion of public patron
age. N o
.- a i iis will be spared to render general
11013 - ERT KYLI
June 29,'53..-''.
AA Sccond•hand Eight, hors' power, Strom
~]gino, with Boiler at: inCues In diameter
and 20 ft. 0 inches in length, with all Oa . acces
sary machinery to make it con,letc. ,T ll ° En
gine has been but little used and got's' order. —
Persons desiring to purchase, wil; call on the
subscriber, residing in Hamilton tow:iship, near
liatcfer's Store, or •on Jos. Eberly, residing`
Clunahersburg. - .
June 15,
TIIE subscriber announces to the traveling
community, and the public generally, that
he coh taken charge and fitted up the above house,
having one of the most pleasant and beautiful
locations in the country, Where he will be happy
to writ npon all who may favor hint with their
patronage. There is a good stable, and also
carriage house belonging to the premises, to
which the most careful attleution will be given.
May 25, '52.-ly
Cabinet ilfaiter and catiertator,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
lAKEs this inothod of informing his friends
not the public generally, that he still
remains in his old statist, on. Main street, nearly
opposite the Presbyterian Church, where he is
prepared to turn out work equal with any eastern
manullietory, or in short inferior to none. Per
sons wanting New Furniture, will do well to give
him a call before purchasing elsewhere, on he to
determined to sell low for CASII or Country
Produce. Ile else respectfully returns his thanks
to the public, for the littoral patronage heretofore
received, and hopes by careful attention to busi
ness, to merit a c.ontinuence of the same.
Ile also intends to give his attention the Under
taking business. COFFINS made end funerals
attended, at tile shortest notice and on reasonable
terms, either in town or country.
CFS'AII work warranted. M. F.
Iluntingdon, June 1, '1".1.-Iy.
-$ -
: ~;<• [::-7.'--,., Itosi;ectfully
informs his
?'-,-4-- - ,,,_ friends and the
..,',._. - _,77' - .;.:, public general
,: ~,!;:,„. . IY-: 7, ..--- Iv, that he has
A,;, . ' ._. ~ , ,,7- I. w, , , , ;stablis It cd a
~,....__.:_..._Alarblo Yard,
4 ‘r:ll / tller '=- I'•
ll il . l f 1 1 1 1 .:ii i trIZ ' o g i i i:
21 „11!,1 1 ,1i m iii 111 7., ~..- „,. hasjust re
'..-.', 7 . 1.) II 01 , ::.,,,. ' Tired from
--- ;54:,* , !..- - " , :';' ,,,, ,,-- , ..-.. , ' Philadelphia a
selected stock of choice :Marble arave-stones, of
every description, which he will Mulish nt very
reduced prices.
All orders from any part LI the county or ad
joining counties, addre,mal to the suhseriber,
will he received and promptly attended to.
Shop on Hill street, two doors west of Gem A.
P. Wilson's Office.
May 18, 1853.-15.
Will attend to nil business entrusted to him, Of.
tice nearly opposite the Court (louse.
May 4,'53.
cXOTHER fresh supply of Berage tic Loins,
Lawns, Berngo, all wool de Bago, and part
cotton from 20 to 37} cts per yd. Also another
fresh supply of Trimmings, just reed and for
solo by J. & W. SAXTON.
for men and boys, a good assortment, at the store
FANCY Dress Artieles—for gentlemen and In
dies, for sole by & G. LEVI.
JUST receiving the hnndsomest lot of Carpets
ever offered in Mils place. Also, Oil Cloths,
which will he sold low by
;S• ll'. SAXTO•V.
DOUBLE Barrelled English Snub and Twiit
FO lI'LING PIECES—aIso Singlo Barrel
ed Gan* front four dollars to thirty each, for
sale Gy J. S.W. SAXTON.
large lot of Shoos--Lace Boots, Buskins,
LlNtisses and Children's at the Stow at'
D. I'. CWIN.
21 for sale st the Cheep Store of
FISH AND 5.7 1,7'
for sale at the store el 5. & G. LEVI.
Ladies' Shoes.
A ,srLEA7.)II, , assortment of Ladies' Shoes,
of the latest styles, just received nt the store
of • S. & 0. LEVi.
A mdendid lot of Bunneri just received and fur
z 1 sale by .1. ~,Lx"re),V,
CARPET Sags, just received and for sole by
J. 0. W. SAXTON.
PORT MONNATES, Card Cases, end the 11-
nest quality of WoavtaVnot.m's Pocket
Knives, a very large quantity at Echo. SWIM'S
PE REUM ER i—A itoto;
of t!irl,tot
fl TONS CO.\ L. jugi reeeiveri rouf tor sal,
by J. e , \ V. SAN TON.
The subscriber respectfully informs the public
that he now devotes his whole time and atten
tion to snaking and repairing pumps and will
PrumPtlY.attond to all orders and culls that be
may be favoured with warrented all work to ho
made of the best materials, and done in work
manlike manner at reasonable prices. Address
Mill Creek I'. 0. Huntingdon county,
We tho Subscribers having used of Isaac Wol
verton's make or Pumps and do lint hesitate in
saying that we believe them to be the best pump
that is now in general use.
J. Porter, Thos. Rend.
Charles Porter, Ten. Armitage,
Wm. D. Shaw, William Dorris,
Conrad lltteher, William Christy,
Jno. Whittaker, David Mar,
Wm. Orbison, I). AlclNlurtrie,
Thos. Fisher.
May 18. 1833.
James Haslett respectfully informs his
friends and the traveling pulie generally, that
he has taken ^harge of the "Keystone Hotel," nt
Spruce Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa., and is
well prepared to accommodate all who may favor
him with their custom. No pains will be spared
to render the fullest satisfaction.
May 18, 1853.
Carriage Manufactory.
rpll E undersigned respectfully informs his pat
runs and the public generally, that he still
continues at the old stand, in the borough of
Cassvil le, Huntingdon county, to manufacture
Carriages, Buggies,
Buehaways, Sleighs,
and every thing else connected with his business.
Repairing done on the shortest notice.
Carriages, Buggies, Rockawnws, &c., constant
ly kept on hand, but others will be made to order.
Work done ckcaper than at any other estab
lishment in the State, and all warranted to the
Cash, but when not convenient, country pro
dace, taken in exchange for work.
Juno 15,'03.-Ip,
Grocery and Confectionary Store,
RESPECTFULLY informs their needs and
the public in general, that they have opened
a new Grocery and Confectionary Store, under
the Sons of Temperance Hail, on Main street,
Huntingdon, where they have now on hand a full
and general assortment of Groceries, Confection
aries, and Spices of all kinds, which they will sell
wholesale and retail. They have also on Land
Buckets, Salt, Carpet Bays, Fancy Articles, hr.,
eze., hr., all of which they will sell cheap.—
Count: v poduce taken its exchange for goods—
the cash paid, when we have no goods to suit cus
tomers. _ . .
As we aro detel•mined to neeorinnodate all who
may call at out sto:e, we invite an examination
and trial uf uur stock.
Huntingdon, April 27, '53.
Whore may be obtained the most speedy rem•
etly for
SECRET DISEASES.—DIects Strictures,
Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Affections
of the Kidneys, and all those peculiar oflections
arising from-a secret habit, partiettlinly th c youth
~,,," both sexes, which if not cured, prof aces con
stitutional debility, rendering marriage impossi
ble, am -d in the end destroys both Mind and liocy.
i out,. Men especially, who have become the
victims of .Solitary Vice, that dreadful and des
tructive hn10.... Which annually sweeps to an un
timely grave th . ousattxofsonng men of the most
exulted talents 11 ,:'l brilliant intellect, who might
waked to e
otherwise Twee cuts cancel listening senates with
the thunders of cloymance ,
the living lyre, may cal . .' with full,lanticlette eestacy
Married persona, or Shot •e contemplating mar
tinge, bring aware of physic al weakness, should
imediately consult Dr. J., „ca be restored to
perfect health.
Dr. Johnston, (ace No. 7 South Fredric k 3t., .,
sevca doors from Baltimore Street, 1 , -St sole tilt
the steps. tUr Be particular in °Witting the
name and number, or you will mistake th, • Place.
A care warranted, or no charge made, in from .
one to two days.
TAKE NOTICE.—Dr. Johnston's office is its IL's
dwelling, up the steps. Ills very extensive prate
tire is a sufficient guarantee, that ho is the only
propel physician to apply to.
Dr. Johston, member of the Royal College of
Surgeons. London, graduate from ono of the
most eminent Colleges of the United States, and
the greater part of whose life has been spent in
the I lospitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and
elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston
ishing mires that were ever known, many trots•
bled with ringing its the ears and bend when
asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sud
den sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blush
ing attended sometimes with derangement of
mind, were cured immediately.
A CERTAIN DISEASE.—It 16 n melancholy fact
that thousands fall victims to this !torrid disease
°wits.^ to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders
who by the use of that deadly poison Mercury,
ruin the Constitution, causing tin) most serious
symptoms of that dreadful disease to make their
appearance, such as affections of the hentl, nose,
throat, skin,'Ne., progressing with frightful ra
pidity till death puts a period to their dreadful
suffering, by sending them io that Bourne whence
no traveler returns.
TAKE P.tu• No - ncr.—Young men who
have injured themselves by n certain practice in
dulged in when alone—a habit frequently learned
thin, evil companions, or at school—the eliects
or which arc nightly felt, even when asleep, and
if not cured renders marriage impossible, nod de
stroys both mind and body.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his
country, and the starling of Isis parents should be
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
lift by the consequence oldevinting from the path
of nature stud indulging in a certain secret habit.
Such persons before contemplating Marriage,
should reflect that n sound mind and body are
the most necessary requisites to promote connu
bial happiness, Indeed without these, the jour
ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage,
the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled
with the melancholy reflection, that the happiness
is: another becomes blighted with our own:
es young men, and all who have injured them
solves by private and improper indulgence.
IMPIASSANA.—These are some of the sad and
melancholy effects produced by early habits of
youth, viz: Weakness of the Back end Limbs,
Pains in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of
Muscular power, Palpitation of the Heart flys
pepsin, Nervous Irritability, Detungements of the
Digestive Functions, General Debility Symptoms
of Consumption,. &c.
bIENTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind are
much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Confusion
of ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forbodings;
Aversion to Society, Self' Distrust, Love of Soli
tude, •! . .m., are some of the evils produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages,can now judge
what is the cause of their declining health. Los
ing their vigor, becoming weak, palo and enalcia
ted, have singular appearance about the eyes,
cough and symte ins of consumption.
Married persons, or those contemplating mar
riage, being aware of physical weakness, tiltould
immedittely consult Dr. J. and be restored to per
fect health. Office, No. 7, South Frederick-St.,
Baltimore, Md. •
ALL .etch t. OPERATioNs PanFortmEn.—
N. 11. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but ap
ply immediately either personally or by letter.
Skin Diseases Speedily Cured,.
To STHANUEIIB.—The many thousands cured
at this Institution within the last ten y ours, and
the numerous important Surgical Operations
Performed by Dr. J „witnessed by the Reporters of
the papers, and many other persons, notices of
which have appealed again and again before the
public, is a sufficient guarantee that the afflicted
will find a skillful and honorable physician.
As there are so many ignorant and worthless
quacks advertising themselves as Physiciansoltin
tug the health et the afflicted Dr. Johnston would
say to tl:ose unacquainted with Isis reputation that
his Credentials or Diplomas always hang in his
Wrukuess of the urgeus itmucdlittely cured,
end fun vigor restored
C 5 S' All letters post punt—remedies set by
May 21, 1853.-1 y
PNI/ .IA'D .V. 7 LT,
No. 12, Sixth Street,
PHIL E LP111.4.
The most Extensive and Best Maaufacturer in
the United States,
Originator of all New Styles !
Has taken the highest premiums nt all the Exhi
bitions; buys the best materials cheap for cash,
which enables him to sell SUPERIOR
As LOW as others sell inferior articles.
Painted and Gilt Shades of beautiful design...
Buff and White Holland Shades„TriMmings,
Fixtures, &e.
Store Shades Painted and Lettered to order.
Old Blinds Painted and Trimmed. Purcha
sers, please call.
April 27, 1853.-Iy.
TOSEPII IT. THONIPSON returns thanks for
the liberal patronage he has heretofore receiv
ed, and hopes, by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance of the satne. Tin and Sheet
Iron Wares always on hand, of all sorts and si
zes, and made of the best material.
Cooking *loves,
large and small, to burn wood or coal, warranted
not to ant in the eye.
Memo coil, at the chenp corner, in the diamond
end sce for yourselves.
Huntingdon, April 27,1853.
The Climax now Completely Capped.
Charles S. Black
this just returned front the East with the
cheapest and most fashionable assortment of
Boots, Shoes, Gahors, Ace.,
both Gentlemen's and Ladies', that ever was
brought to the borough of Huntingdon. He is
thankful for past patronnge, mid hopes to do as
well in the future, by selling very low and en
deavoring to oblige. Thu best Ladies' Slippers
can be had for 0 cents per paw—and all others
at prices correspondingly.
Don't forget the sign of the "Yellow Boot."
4 -- . , ... ,— . , —_,, - -:—_,:e..— ,— . --- - - - - ,—;:,„.—_—:, - , -
1 ~4 'l l'''' D4ho j,
',MI:, I.
i« , ,
Leirar . .11 ,
(Successor to A.FOI11)
No. 161 Chestnut Street, Swaint's
Extensive Music Publisher, and Dealer in Mu
sical Instruments of every description.
Exulusive Agent lbr the stile or linnet, Davis
& Co's (Boston) PATENT SUSPENSION B1111)0E
,Eolicin and other
L. Hilbert's Boudoir Pianos, :Melodeons, :Mar
tin's Guitars, Harps, Viclins, Sheet Music, Music
Book Sc.
Residents in the country will he supplied by
mail or otherwise with any mush, they may wish,
nt as low rates as if purehaseil hi person. Har
ing one of the largest storks in the United States
I feel confident ci satisfying all who may fa
vor me with n call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the most reason
able terms. Pianos to let. Second-Band Pianos
fur elle.
- T. T. CROFT, Agent, Ilarrisburg, Pa.
TS respectfully of
',red to the citizens
tf itrwrrtionos
ieinity as a prepa
ration of earnest
inpOrtance to null
ities, and destined
.1 become identili
with the health
utd ; , appiness of
This C..!THOL
ICON will Otte 95
ler cent. of all
lironie diseases
'dental to the re-
;pectublo female,
in „ rrie d 0r 0 , 00 %mud, and usually known under
the name of
Female Complaints.
Of these are Pre, rteri, or Falling of the
Womb, Pinar illt).ls, or Whites: t; onic lg./fa
unal. and Ulecrati of 14, WOW); Ineidented
Hounorralarge, or Flooding:• Painful, Suppressed,
and Irreyular Menstruation, & wish nil their ac
companying evils, (Cancer exiNMtedi) no matter
how severe or of how long stanOnn ,
city of New York and other places, i:'uding them
selves without a remedy in inveterate: oases of
the above complaints, and having due regard for
the welfare of theirpatients, have rticomiTooded
the use of this medicine; and, after wittiession: its
salutary effects are now manifesting their ap:wo
bation, not only by resorting to it in their wet', t
ment of all the idisease.s tiny which it is intended,
bat in sob') instances accepting the agency of it
to facilitate its introduction into more general use
by the Faculty.
The influence of this composition upon the fe
male constitution is of the most friendly kind;
the most delicate and feeble female need have no
tear in its use for any length of time, for it con
tain any mercury, nor any article which ran
p.tove in any Ivey injurious, being made entirely
of vegetable extracts, and prepared to taste like
a pleasant cordial. .
modus operandi of this remedy, in the cure
of this class of diseases, is througli the general
economy of the system, with the peculiar. deter
mination to the female organs.
ADDITIONAL PROOF of this Cotholicon
being „. 0 ,.:1”, of the confidence of the afflicted, as
a Sheer:fed; Safe nod Cheap Remedy, will be
found in the pamphlet together with important
observations touching the nature and symptoms
of the tliseases, to which the attention of Lathes
and Practitioners is respectfully invited.
TILE INGREDIENTS; as certified by high
medical authority, (see pamphlet,) are /1/1 Vege
table; anti are not associated n•ith any article un
friendly to the animal economy.
Prof. Dunbar, M, D., Baltimore, Md•; J. C.
Orrick, M. D. Baltimore; P. B. Peckham, M.D.
Utica, N. Y.; 1). Y. Foote, M. D., Syracuse, N.
1%; M. 11. Mills, M. D., Rochester, N. Y.; L.
D. Fleming, M. D., Canandaigua, N.Y.; W. \V.
Reese, M. IN, City of New York; W. Pre,,coll,
M. D.. Concord, N. 11..
• ..
Paniuhlets can be had gratis at the store of
Thomas Dead & Bun, Agents, Druggists, &c.,
lllmtingdun, Pa.
Buhl by lainling Druggists in all tho adjoining
J. B. 9IARCIIIEI & CO_ Proprietors, Cow
tral Depot, 304 Broadway, Nov York.
May I I, '33.—Gm.
l ATS.—Moleskin No. 1 and 2, of the latest
styles. ICossuth hints of various styles and
qualities—will no sold low at the cheap store of
LARGE and splchdrd assortment of lion.
note, Misses' Flats and childrens' Hats and
Caps, selling at low prices at the store of
IREASTPINS, liar Rings, nud Finger Rings,
-KJ in endless variety, at Eat if. SNARE'S.
TEE llitiest assortment of Boots and Shoos
1 . ever unveil in town, fur sale low V
J. 6- W. SAATO.II.
_ _
( large assortment for men and
4, " boys, at the cheap corner of S. & 0. LEVI.
QII,K Dress Patterns—such on Brocade, Figur=
17 el, iPlain and Cross-l!arlyti t instlecFiysd nod
fur subs by
filikr 100 Sucks of Salt in store, awl for sal;
G oLD and Sill er Spectacles at all prices, at
Snare's. April 13,1832.
... 14,1.11, lor •ale el•erip Mort' of
1.1: V I.
Xntered according to AA of Congrev, to the year
nal. by J. S. HOUGHTON, N. U., Iti the clerk'.
Wilco of the District Court for the Eastern
Dietrict of Pennsylvania.
Another Scientific Wonder!
i„,pEpsiNr -
_ . ~.
Prepared from RENNET, or the fourth tiTOSIAFO
OF THE ox, after directions of mutox
nw, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S.
lloyourox, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa..
This NAME'S OAVN REMEDY • fur an unhealthy
Stomach. No art of man eau equal its curative
powers. It contains no ALCHOMOL, mrrtAts,
ACIDS, or NAL:SI:DVS DRUGS. It is extremely
agreeable to the taste, end may be taken be the
most feeble patients who cannot cat a water
cracker without acute distress. 'Beware of
Call on the Agent and get a 'Descriptive Cir
cular, gratis, giving a large amount of SCIENTIFIC
EVIDENCE, from Ltebig's Animal Chemistm
1)r. Combo's Physiology of Digestion; Dr. Perei
ra 011 Food and Diet; Dr. John W. Draper, of
New York University; Prof. Dunglison's Physi
ology; Prof. Silliman, of Yale College; Dr. Car
penter's Physiology; &e., together with reports of
cunas from all parts of the United States.
tEr OBSErtVE THIS !—Every bottle of the gen
uine Pepsix bears the written signature of J. S.
Houowrox, M 1)., sole proprietor, Philadelphia
Pa. Copy-right and Trade Mark secured.
c r Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Med
icines. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle.
May 11, '58.-1 y.
Informs his old friends and the Public that lto
hos returned to his old home, and will attend to
all business in his profession, entrusted to hint,
with fidelity and his best ability.
Mice in Main Street, south Side, the lust house
below the Court house.
Hunt iagdo a, May 13, 113 52.-G in.
ISAAC S: WILLIAM 11.1 cons, the present Propri
etors of the above Hotel, at Mount Union, Hun
tingdon county, respectfully Minim their friends
nod the public generally, that they are prepared
to accommodate all who are disposed to favor
them with their custom, end that no pains will be
spared to render satisfaction.
The Hotel is convenient to the Rail flood sta
tion, and the closest attention will be given to bag
gage, &e., in having it conveyed to and from the
depot. (April 6,1853.-1 y
A. I'. V . P.,:oit. It. PETIIIKIN.
Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon,
Blair, Cambria, Centac, Jii fin and Juniata Coun
ties. March 2; 1852.
The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa
trons, and to the Public generally, fur their pa
tronage, still continues to carry on at the same
stand, one dooreast of Mr. C. Coat's Hotel, Mar
ket street,Huntingdon, where he will attend to
all who wil thoor him with their custom, and al
so keeps on hand a good assortment of Wavcrms,
(lime., JEWELRY, &G., ae., all of which he is
determined to sell at low prices.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will
be repaired at short notice, and having made ar
rangements with a good workmen, all repairs will
be done in anent and durable manner, and every
person leaving articles for repairing shell have
them dune at the precise time. By paying strict
attention to business, and seltng at low rates, he
hopes to received share of public patronage.
Huntingdon, Sept.
New Goods and New Prices.
HARRISON, & COUCH have just opened
e magnificent assortment of rich and rare Store
Lloods, at their new store room in Portstown.
Tit sir stock is entirely new, and consists of
all of which will he sold at the lowest rates for
cash or exchan,:ted for country produce.
or Th e hig4 it price given ut r.ll times fur
every description in me..chuntablo grain.
Bread Top Depot, lice. 30,18:52.
Adams & Co.'s Sxpress.
T. K. SIMONTON, Agei:t, Nuntin*lon.
• • -,-
Mosey; Packages, and good s ofall kinds, re
ceived and tbrwarded at the risk of the company,
to all the cities sod principal towns is. the United
Stott, Slay
TOSEPH DOUGLASS, in MeConnellsown,
e. has constantly c.n hand, and is prepared to
mah'e sod repair GUNS atilt kinds at the short
est nOtice. [Nov. 23, '52 -Iy.
CAROL:EWES—Fresh and cheap, at the cheap
ki store of S. & G. LEVI.
RESSESaII kinds of goods suit•
-Li able, at the cheap store of S& G. LEVI. I
A superior lot of Rifles, fur'salc nt the
BAItGE DE LA INES, in endless variet:,., at
the cheap corner of A. DAMON.
GlNGllAMS—Don:estie and Dress, just Ec
ecived at D. P. MVO'S Cheap Store.
A huge assortment of Lawns nod nem° de
ZiLatnes, just received ut the cheap stare of
D. I'. CWIN.
AJ FVSE, constantly on hand and for sole by
pr a r t TzußG Barns r r ilme , & , flrp6 o lu rn e c h r esp
Mus. Delobes, B. Debiting, I}e Berogo, Lawns,
Gingbins, and a choice varicly of Goods of ull
hinds, at the store at OLG. WHIN.
LOOKING Glosses, just reccired and for s a l°
by J. 6. I t' SAXTON.
LADIES Lusting and Sill: work Gaiters, ER
Morocco, and Goat Boots und Shoes, nt the
store of GEO. GWIN.
BONNETS and Eats of the latest styles, just
receive,: at 1). P. GIVIN'S Store.
JUST RECEIVER and for sale Fish, Salt nod
Plaster by J. & W. SaXTON.
A SPLENDID assortment of Indies' Dress
Geods just received ut CAItItION'S,
A splendid nssortmcnt of IiONNETS, just re
'l ceived at the cheap store of S. & G. LEVI.
4 fresh supply of Clardeo Seeds from Risley'
2 Gardens, jubt received, nod for sale by
Feb. 23; 1851. I 0 StXTOV.
Amost beautiful lot of Bo we a. pat.
w terns, and in the piece, frum lbi ets up to 50
ets. per yard, just received and for sole by_
• J. 4. w S..I.NfrON.
A beautiful assortment or Cross-barred India
liSilk,just received and far tale by
J. & W. SAXTON..
fIASSINICTTS, Corduroy, Tweeds, IC. Jeans,
I- , for FRIO la the 'help corner opposito C,
Colts' Hotel. 1). P. GAVIN.
. . .
0 ,! ,h, and fait.•,', at the
TILE undersigned respectfully informs the pub
lie that he Mill continues to curry on ihn
above business nt his old stand, on MM . ,' Str,cs,
needy opposite the Presbyterian Church, where
he has constantly on hand en extensive assort
ment of well-made work, which consist of a va
riety of Windsor Chnirs, Settees. &e. The sub-'
scriber feels no hesitation in warranting nil his
work, as It consists of the Lfst of material, and
made in the boot workmanlike style; ho flatters
himself to ho able to turn out cork unsurpassed
by any East of the mountain. He returns his
t:ianks to the ;Mile for the liberal patronngo
heretofore received, and hopes, by strict attention
to business, to receive a continuance of the same.
Person, desirous of purchasing any thing in his
line, will do well to give him to call, so he Is do.
termined to sell very low. to snit the times.
•i buy will be taken, if application be made
to learn the Chair making business.
Huntingdon, April 13,'i13.-Iy..
Would respectfully inform his friends and the
poblic, that he has on hand and is receiving for
the coming season, afine assortment of
n;cr co D. ar. D.
Conshiting of Watches, Chains, 'Breast l'ins, Fin
ger Rings, Enr Rings, Pencils, Keys, Thimbles,
Studs, Medallions, eke. Together with his elebra-•
ted and unrivalled
. .
Whieli is equal if not superior, to any now in use.-
Each Pen is Engraved with his own name,
and every Pen Warranted.
Oh did you ever, no I never !
Alereyon us what n treat;
Get Bend's Gold Pen, they're extra fine,
And only found in North Third Street.
A splendid Pen !!! Where did you get it ?
Pure Diamond Pointed, can't be beat;
Yes, my friends, there's no humbuginq
In Read's Gold Pens of North Third Street
ch'ltend's Gold Pen is fonnd only at 55 North
Third Street, below Arch East Side.
Piladeli•bia. Jan. 8, I 852.—tf.
Blair county. Lancaster count.
DAVID M'Altraznia, WILLIAM 6 7 1.41:11.
Huntingdon co. Lancaster count!.
• Blair county. Lancaster county.
Central Penn'a. Banking House,
()F ULEINI & Co.. Office on Alle
gheny street, a few doors west or the Court
House, and nearly opposite the Post Office, Hoi
lidayslTg, Pa.
The Comp.) , is now ready to transact busi
ness. Upon money deposit.: for a specific
period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in
terest will be paid at such rates as are usually
allowed by Saringe Institutions. Transient do
posites received, payable on demand.
It. R. BRYAN, Cashier.
Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1850.
11. K. NEFF, M. 1).,
"[SAVING located himself in WARRIORS:W.IRK
Xi in this county, would respectfully offer his
professional services to the citizens of that place
and the country adjacent.
.1.. 13. Laden, Id. D. Gen. A. I'. Wilson,
M. A. Henderson, " Wm. P. Orbison, ICs j,
J. H. Dorsey, " lion. James Gwina,
M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq.
lion. George Taylor.
Iluntingdon, Pa.
Jacob NI. Geminill, M. IL, Alexandria.
John M'Unlloch, " Petersburg.
_ _
iii , 7,'52-tf.
Constantly on hand, and for sale the most
highly improved Durham Short Horn maths
Chester Hogs, South Down, Colswald and
Leicester Sheep.
The subscriber now offers•for sale se :era! very
fine Durham Short llarn 801 l and heifer calves
two Chester Boars; aboot live months old, which
took the first premium for pigs of that ego at
the late State Agrienitaral Fair: also, sixteen
young thorough bred rigs of the same breed,
about three weeks old; nhn , eight thorough
Buck and Ewe Lambs of ha, South I Mum flock.
Thu undersigned taken pi:km:sure in stating that
for ;ill the stock which he exhibited, at the State
Agricultural Fair, I:c received the highest pre
miums for South Down and Leicestoir sheep and
Chester Hogs.
Any letters directed to Eagle Foundry I'. 0.,
Huntingdon Co. ; Penna., will be attended to.
April, 7, 1852.
Notice to Tavern Keepers.
is hereby given to the keepers of Jane
IN and Tai:TIM within the county of Hunting
don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses
sions of said county, enjoin upon the keepers of
such Inns end Taverns that they close their res
pective bars on the Sabbath, and refrain from•
selling or dealing out liquors on that day ; and
the licenses of such persons as shall disregard thin
injunction will be revoked forthwith agreeably to•
the Act of Assembly in such ease made and pro-•
.videil upon t h e fact of such violation coming to ,
the knowledge of the Court.
Be the Court, 24th Jon. 18.52:.
Mu 1, 1652
CHOICE LIQUORS for medicinal pups..
cs, consisting of
Best quality FRRYCII !MANDY'.
In short, all Outls of Liquors used for:that pur
pose can be had at ilst cheap store at
April 22, 1852. J. BRICKER.
Lots in Altoona for Salc. 7
north of llollidaysburg,and about one mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said'
Tows will be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that toe Pennsylvania Rail.'
Road Company have selected this place for the.'
erection of their main Machine and other Shop e •
and are now building tfie sume.
The Rail Road tvillbe opened early in the Fall'
throwing at once a large amount of trade to this
place. The main inducement at this time in of ,
fering Lots for sale, being to secure the rennin•
its Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for'
the Machinists and other employees of t:te RuiP
Road Company. Early application will securer
Lots at a low price.
Foi further information apply to C. 11. MAY •
ER, nt Altoona, or to R. A. McMUIFYRIE,
May I, 185§—tf.
Tomktus ,- Britieh Plate Powder..
F OR cleansing, polshing, and beautifying
Silver, Silver Plated Ware,'
German Silver, Albata Plate,
Britannia Ware, And all white Metals.
The undersigned have received from the pa ,
tentee the exclusive right to manufacture these'
preparations for the United States. The Plate
Powder has been most extensively used for a
number of years in Great Britain,, and is now
used by most of the manufacturers of silverand
other wares to New York and Philadelphia ;
liktpvise by nearly all respectable families and
hotel proprietors in the Union.
WM. TOMKINS, & CO., Manufacturers,
flai South Second street, Philadelphia:
For sale at T. H. Stalowrox's Store, blunting
don, Pa. May 1, 1852.
oenuth . lot or Cost Iron Pumps, fur Weirs
and Cisterns, just reetired, and l'or sole by
Feb. 23,1853. J. & W. SAXTON
In exchange for inerelutril;e, 500 bushels
dried tipples, paired; 250 bushels of Pouches, no
150,000. eviems for sale, wholesale'
and retail,
AN of tine nt
... .Q.4,141a %ark*ly
April 17,, 1564