For MI Jdu mat. Miscellaneous Enigma. I an, composed of 20 letter.% illy 1 15 19 11 it a small animal. 2 12 1 is un adjective. " 3 is a vowel. " 4 18 14 are consonanst " 0 13 7 15 is a preposition. " G 3 10 17 12 is a river in S. Atacriett. " 7 16 18 is a noun. " 8 17 12 6is a mineral. " 9 12 19 2is a man's name. " 10 17 19 13 11 is a river in the r. S. 8 10 is a verb. " 12 10 20 3 is a county in ono of the wee• tern states. " 13 3 19 1 is what all should be. " 14 5 7is a projection. " "15 20'11 is an adjective. " 16 9 8 16 6iv a couch in Arkansas. " 17 16 7 4is a female name. a 18 5 lis n projection. " 19 7 1 3 17 is a lake in Europe. " 20 19 7 3is an adjective. My total is that which enlightens, and enli• vens the mind. Shirleysburg, Ps, VW' Answer to last week's enigma—'The Prohibitory Liquor Law." vo.n -HUNTINGDON. Jnn. 24, 1224. • • •sG.uu n KO Pour per bbl., Clover Seed, per bu.,• Red Wheat. per bu.,• • White MC:a, per 1:. I:ve, per bu Corn, per bu Buckwheat, per bn • • • Oats, par " Flaxseed. per be Hay, per ton Butter, per lb., PHILADELPHIA. att. 21, 1854• $7 75 4 00 1 85 1 75 Flour per bbl Corn Meal White Wheat, per be Corn, Oats, BALTIMORE, Jnn. 21, 1254. $7 Si 4 00 1 90 I 82 Flour per bbl Corn Meal White Wheat, per be. fled, Coro, pats. MARRIED, At Couts' Hotel, on Thursday crc: ,•, 9th inst., by Rev. W. M. Dcairick. P..- DOLPH NrPr of the vicinity of Peter-l• • and ntAxecs CATnArtixt, daughter .6 John K: Metz, Esq., of Brady tp. On last Thursday evening, the 19th mint.. by C., same, Mr. ANDREW MtEnts nod Mrs. M. n• came SW-VILE, all of this place. Ott the 2Sth of tact September at. Landnur, Northern Inditt, the Rev. JAMES HENRY Oitlo - tOrillerly Or HUntingeloll, Pa., now Mio:tial, nre at Ambnlu, to Miss ousts CANIPIILLL KAY, of the city of Edenburg, Scotland. On the 19th inst., by Rev. P. M. Rightmyer, Mr. ll,tvtn GAUNCIL, of Woodcock' 'Valley, and Miss IlminccA of Shan't:rd . Crevk. In this borough, ou the sth teat., by Per..T. It. Williams, Mr. HENRY BABRICK .111.3 S. 11. MILLER. On the same evenin3., by the same, NI, JAMES GREGORY and Miss CATIIAMINL Ft:a:nu:v. On the 18th, by the same, at Whittaker's :Hotel, Mr. F. A. ELLts, of Altoona, and Miss ELIZA STRAITHOOF, of Tyrone Cizy. On the 19th, by the elan?. ::t Coats' Betel, Mr. JOAN Cnowsormt otd Mis 3 K A. Gime. I.r 11Y. On the. Ch inst., by th Rev. I'. E. Waters, Thos. W.TON, Jr., to Miss Luct•si,..,. Cnoennn, butit Ll:Lie e•Att,ty, Pa. DIED, 1:' r,:pcs,ille, Cromwell tp., ,•., SAltAlf, ,ife of tinincs years 7 months and 9 tirtp. 0" POISONING Thounands of Parents who use Vermifmr com posed of Castor oil, Calomel, &e., are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they are actunlly laying the foundations for ft series of diseases, such no salivation, less of sight, weak ness of iitnifs, &c. In 'mother column will hr found the advertise ment of Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own its well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a billions type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Ilobensnek's Liver Pills. I% s 'We not Deceived," but ask for .110liensack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that Path has the simatum ~f J. N. JIUBENSA • - , The most ii:. . . it the Great Arabian is and BA, 11. C. FAUIIELL'S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT The beautiful and fertile region skirting the desert of Arabia, abounds with rare plants and odorous woods, whence are procured those aro matic gums anti balsams of whirls this Lini- ment is composed, and by whose stimulating, unctuous and penetrating properties it is, when Applied, diffused through the whole nervous ftystem, allaying the most intense pain in ri few minutes. Try it; when you will be convinced that no preparation possesses in so high a de gree, its perfect anodyne qualities. Its action is prompt and effective. It penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords, restoring use to limbs paralyzed for years, and where the flesh has wasted away, leaving nothing but fin and hone, excites a healthy action, cans newta flesh to grow out and fill up the glair- Ted parts. It restores the synovial fluid or boint water, and'tlds is the reason why it has een so successful in diseases of the joints. In affections of the Spine, Liver, Lungs and Kid neys, this great remedy stands before any other ever produced. For ague cake or enlargement of the spleen, it is a specific. For any internal inflamation, you will find it gives great relief. It has no equal in the world for Rheumatism— also, cramps, swelling. numbness, weak joints, Spine and Chest,' pains, wounds, chilblains, burns, sore throat, bites of insects and reptiles, scat rheum, warts, cor', mange, and indeed nearly all diseases which require an external application, and many ethers, are greatly ben- ctited by it It is used externally with great success in goitre, or swelled neck, Scrofula or King's Evil, Liver Complaint, nervous diseases, &e. Fur HorSes or Cattle, it is as efieetual as in diseases of Man. Will cure any case of Sweeny in existence; also, Spavin, Splint, Ring bone, Bighead, Fistula, Filmy, Poll Evil, Wind galls, Strains, praises, &e. Lobk out jn• Coulitericils 1 The public are 'cautioned rigainst another counterfeit, which has lately made its appeL once, called W. B. Farrell's Arabian Liniment, the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, be cause his haying the name of Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps only discover their error when the spurious mixture has wrought its evil effects. The genuine article is manufretured only by H. G. Farrell, solo inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois, to whom till applications for Agencies must be addressed. Be sure you get it with the letters IVO. bctbre Farrell s, thus G. FARRELL'S—and his signature on the wrapper, all others are counterfeits. Sold by Thos. Read & Son, Huntingdon, 11. F. Sellers & Fleming Brothers wholesale, Pitts. burg, and by regularly authorized agents tlanghout the United States. by Price 25 noel 30 cent, and $1 per bottle, AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and hamlet in the United States, in which' one i 4 not already established. •Addru.s If. G. Far rell as above,•accompanied with good reference as to'chnracter, responsibility, Le. January 18,'x1.—•1t. Notice to Contractors. . QEALED proposals for the erection of a Ls therm Church in Huntingdon, will be receiv ed at the office of the Huntingdon Journal until the 10th of Fehrtihry rent. Plans and specifica tions of building can be seen at the same place. I'. H. RIGIITMYEE, DAVID HAWN, DAVID SPEC IC. Jamtnry 25, 1864. ORPHANS COURT SALE Or nEAL ESTATE. 1)Y virtue of an Order of the Orphans'Court of 1) Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, on THURSDAY, the sixteenth day of February next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., as the property of Dr. George B. Englos, late of half Moon township, Centre county, deed. All that certain tract of land situate in Won't orsnark township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Samuel Steel, Jr., lands of the heirs of John Spitler, lands of Wm. Adams end others, containing One Hundred and Eighteen Acres, or thereabouts, One Hundred Acres of which are cleared Mid in n goad state of eultira tion, with Two Dwelling Houses and a good Bank Barn and other buildings thereon erected, being the same property purchased by the said George B. Engles front John Thompson, Trus tee, under proceedings in partition had and mo ned in the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon coon to, as the Estate ofJoshua deed. TERMS OF SALE.—Fifteen hundred and eight dollars and thirty-three cents of the par chase money, with interest thereon from the 15th day of April, 1654, to he and remain charged up mink! land for and daring the life of Elizabeth Cox, Widow of the said Joshua C., deed., to I whom the interest thereof is to be paid annually, and at her death the principal to the heirs of the ss , d Joshua Cox, deed. One half of the balance of thee purchase money to be paid in hand, sail the residue within one year, with interest, all, except the hand money, to be secured by bond and mortgage of thepinha!er:____ THOMPSON, SAMUEL DOWNING, Jun. 25, '5 , 1.-3t.pd. AdnerA, ORPHANS' COURT SALE. ti pursuance of an Order of the Orphans' Court of the county of Huntingdon, the undersigned Guardians of the Minor Children of Georgo W. Oliver, late of Oliver township, Mifflin county, ( kohl., will expose to sale. by Public Vend., on the preinkoW). FIIIDAY the 24th day of Feb ruary next, at one o'clock, that certain Lot of ground situate in the borough of Shirleyslinra' in the county of Huntingdon, bounded by Main street on the East, a lot Mt Evelina Divan en the South, a hack street on the West, and an Alley on the North, having thereon erected is Two Sto ry Tog House, weather-boarded, with n Frame Shop and other buildings. TERMS OF SALE.--.One third of tie pur chest, money to be paid on confirmation of stile, Mill the resiiine in two equal nnimal payments, w i t h interest from the confirmation, to be secured icy bond and mortgri,? : ... JOHN 0. CAMPBELL, TICGII JAIL '54.-3:.pd. Gum•diaus, SHERIFF'S SALES, 1. (. ; -:`),'„, v oci,"it , i, 1 :1.;' 1 ,'Pl . `11,T;( 1 rin,lon county, and to Inc directed, I vial expose to Public Sale. nt tholieonrt Hon, i n the h er ., I (-mull if Huntingdon, on FRIDA V the 171!, day of Felumarv, at 2 o'clock, r, M., the following I described RealF,lale: A tract of land situate in Tell township. Jlnn ting county, containing ore hundred nod fifty neres, more or less, nfilining lands of Jnenli ; Sheep nn the north-nest,Etenben Wntmrs on the east, art MAO adjoining land formerly owned by A. I'. Wilson, with a log house. log barn and two ! apple orchards thereon, and critic ahem . 75 nercs cleared, more or less. Seized, taken in cocci,- thm rod to he :mid as the property of James Mit ehell. On SATURDAY, the of Februar, nt 2 o'clock, P. M., the followinc. described Ideal Estate will' be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises, at Mill Creek, to wit: All the defendants right and title in a certnin house and lot at Mill Creek, bounded by John Hall On the oast and Lined Meredith en the west: fronting 66 feet on the Turnpike ~01 160 feet hack to amAlley, now • a Temperance House, Seized, taken ~, • •..iion nod to be sold as the property of Davi , : JOSHUA GREENLAND, • ;Tanury 25.1554. Bail fond Notice. in; Stockholders in the Nun- •- tingdonn e Broad Top Moon- • tain Railroad and Coot Company, r f 4 are hereby required to pay to the J, undersigned, on or before TuEs.x DAY the ?4th day of January, inr.t., it frirther instillment of FIVE DOLLARS on each share of stock subscribed for, or owned by them res pvtively. By order of the Board of Directors, JACOB MILLER, Treas. Huntingdon, January IS, 1804.-3 t. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon,Co. there will he sold at Public Vendue or Outcry on the premises, on Fill DAY, the loth day of February sent. 1834, the thiluvv ing described Beal Estate, situated in Dublin township, Huntingdon connty, the 'property of Allem Crouse, Into of Franklin county, dee'd, to wit: A Farm, containing 212 Acres, 119 Perches, with a Log House, Bonk Barn, and Blacksmith Shop thereon erected, bounded by lands of Alexander Applaby,Jinues Hodson ond Henry Eby. Tnnms or SALE.—Ono half of the purchnso money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and Oho residue in one year, with interest, to bo secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. noon, of said day, when attendance will be given by JAMEfi FERGUSON, Admr. January 12, 1554.-3 t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of James klanspsOn, dee 9 d. THE undersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county. Auditor to make distribution of the proceeds of the Beal Estate of James Hampton, dee'd., will attend for that purpose at his office, In the borough of Hun tingdon, on TnunsuAr, the oth dav of February, A. D., 1854, at one o'clock, I'. Al., when and where all persons intere:ted aro requested to at tend. THOS. P. A I'BELL, Auditor. January 18, 1854.-4 t. METROPOLITAN ;11.1i STOCK „,.. ED WA lUD '4•.,.a I'd REIT impouTeits AND Joonens or• SILK - AND FANCY GOODS, Having , removed to their No. 55 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. (Opposite the Park) Invite the ''Attention of the Trade to their SPITING IMPORTATION of RICH SILKS. --- DRESS GROW; SIIAWLS, IRUONgi EMBROIDERIES &c. Merchants throughout the United States are a wicked to examine our assortment, which in KO VEL Tr; RiCHKESS AND VA RIETY is believed to be unsurpassed in this metropolis, and adapted to the wants of the very best trade in this eoirritry; all of which will he ()tiered to Cash awl first class six mos. Buyers, on the most thvorable terms. Jun. 18,1854.-6 t. DEDICATION: THE Church, erected by the Presbyterians, et 1 Petersburg, will be dedicated to the service of Almighty on MONDAY the 20th of Februa ry, proximo. Services, preparatory to - the dedi cation, will continence cn the Saturday previous. A number of Clergymen from a distance ore ex pected on the occasion. Petersburg, Jun. 11, int. r',uk B.ortEis Fwbilv 'Flour for • nt !,..tni,,e 61:0. (iIVM PiTtiOli_Alll.A".f i'D'il To :um INvAians ov lII•NriNoDoN, sl,OOO Reward! PULVERMACIIER'S 11311ro-Electric Voltaic ChAins, A RE 11,r the first time introduced to the people tl of Huntingdon and vicinity, as the umt eon cflectilal, and strictly scientific mode of instantly relieving and permanently curing all NERVOUS DISEASES. Now we know that nn nnnonneement similar to the above meets the eye at the reader almost dai ly, and perhaps this may he classed with ninny others. I3ut listen or you do in injustice. It is claimed that Pulvermaelter's Electric Chain, is the onlj , magnetic remedical agent that is secured by patent, granted by this government, on the ground that it was n strictly useful and scientific article. Tke Chnins net now on exhibition at the Crystal' Palace, and attract much attention from the thousands who daily visit it. MODE OP USE. The manner of using the chains is very simple. The cinuin iS first /o..iistencd with common vinegar, and then one end of the chain is applied to the part where the pain is located, end the other end app.', to the first. The ends of the chain should never touch each other. At the moment of ap plication, the most acute pain is instantly relieved, wherever it is located, by the passing through the part a constant current of uninterrupted eleetro magnetism. In the following diseases, no other remedy has ever given such complete and perfect satisihetion to thepatient as Pnlvermacher's Chaim li orWheumatisatinful and swelled Joints, Pains in the Beek, Deafness, Blindness, Paraly sis, Neuralgia in the Face, Long standing Ner vous Headache, Palpitation of the Ileart, Gener al Debility, Dyspepsia, Female Diseases, Asthma, Contracted Joints, &c. _ _ WOO DOLLARS will be given to any person who lvilf produce so many well authenticated certificates of cure from intelligent patients mid scientific physicians, of the above diseases ' as has been performed by the use of the Electric Chain during the past year. ANOTHER FA`.3T.• It is truly the fact that wherever the electric chains have been introduced, bottled nostrums and common lard have greatly diminished in sale, people having become disgusted with the practice of using their stomachs fir drug shops. RECOMMENDATIONS. The Electric Chains are highly recommended by Professors Mott, Van Boron, Post mid Canto chins, or New York; are also in daily use in every Hospital in that city. The chains will last for rears, ore always ready for use, and produce no injurious results, when used as directed. FEMALE DISEASES. The introduction of the Electric Chain into this country is the dawn of a now era in medicine.— During the last twenty years, it can safely be es timated that tee liumsund fentalcs hare died year ly from this ono disease. PILOLAPSOS• UTERI. It is well kupwn to medical men that this con, mot disease is beyond thc reach of medicine, :.nd that in proportion to the amount of medicine giv en, the more the patient is doomed to suffer, and swam will death close the scene. During the last 2 years more than ono thousand eases or Prola,usus (hyri (tailing of the womb) have been permonenily cured in England and France. Must of those casea were ladies of high standing, who had previously triad all otherkinds of treatment with no benefit. Among the distin guished lathes that have been cured is Paris is the present Queen of Francis he this country, du- ring the linst year, mu, lomthyd cases him; been cured in the city of New York, many who have allowed their names to be published Mr the hem, tit of those suffering with similar complaints.— The mode of use is simply to apply one end of a 30 link chain to the spine Just above the hips, and the other end upon the abdomen, and alias thu chain to remain the ono hone. This to be tepeat ed four times during the twenty-lime tissues. CIIRONIC I.IIIEOIATISM. The Electric Chains never Mil to relieve the pas,. pans and swelling ineirient to this disease. wurit furle vf this disease readily yield to at few applications of a rhaia, and in nu single in sfinee have they tidied to give instant relief, it they.did not effect a petnient mire. All persons who are, victims of this usual winter complaint, ore kindly invited to cull veil obtain a pamphlet cif HOICICI: 11 1 . SMITH, Agent fur on tingdon COUlity, who will also explain their mode of use. The electric chains rain be sent by mail to any pa-t at the United Sttltes, by addressing (pa,t paid) any of the rents in the principal cities, or Joseph •Steinert, ins, Broadway Now York. STEINERT, Gen. Agent, 566 Broadway, N. Y. January 18, 11351.-Iy. • ------- LEAD, ZINC, IRON PAINT, tilan FRANCIS S. LEWIS, CO Represented by Lew s, :tames & 135 South Front Street, PiIJLADELPIIIA, Order. thankfally receiled—punetuallv attend ed to, guaranteed to give satisfaction, and offered for sale on the most I i'oeral terms. For samples and ',iartieulnrs, please address as above. [Jan. 13, 1054.-3 m. RCri7E & EUSTON, 111 North Tided &met, below Race, PHILADELPHIA, Mm.Lacturcts and Wholesale Dealers in Corn Brooms,Looking Glases, Cordage, I I Painted Buckets, Clocks, Wick, Willow Baskets, I Window Shades I Twines, Cedar Ware, Bristle Brushes, Matches ' Blacking, Wood and Willow Wore or all kinds, at the manuflieturer's lowest cash prices. JNO. DI. EOM! Jam ES EC ATO January 18, 185.1. Administrator's Notice. Novel, is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration, on the estate of ALEXANDER WESTBROOK, Into of Porter township, Hunting don county, deed., have been granted to the sub scribers. ll persons having claims or demands against the estate of said dot:M., are reque , ted to make known the same, and persons indebted thereto to pay the same without delay. WILLIAM CHRISTY, 2 Admrs. THOMAS MALOY, January I I, 1814.—Cw. REMOVAL. THE undersigned beg leave to inform you. that they have Removed from . the North West Corner Third and Market Streets (occupied by them for the lust eight years) to their NEW BROWN STONE BUILDING No. 16 North Thin) Street, S doOrs above Market, West Side. where they shall be happy to wait up• on their Mends. We would nt the same time solicit your atten• tion to our extensive assortment of liniartri-MAL.O3 which our long exporieneu in the business, being the oldest exclusive Wholesale hottse iw this city and our thorough acquaintance with all tho de mands 01 the different sections of the Union war rants us in asserting, we can offer on tho most advantageous terms. Beinglargely engaged in the importation of all articles in our Lino, from the principal Ma tureen in Europe direct, we can giro advantages; possessed by no other Establishment. We have just completed a full Stock of Spring & Summer Clothing, whirls for Tasto, Elegance and Workmanship, cannot be surpassed here or elsewhere. Cr To tluise of our friends, who do not intend visiting our city this Season, wo would say, that it it our established role, to give as careful atten tion to the selection of orders, as if thOGnyer were personally prosent, GAM, =MERMAN di CO:. Philadelphia, January I l, 1834.-9 t. Klif) lbs.ot Cod Fish, just reroived and fo t/t/V solo by J. & W. SAXTON. 10 DOZEN Ames No. 2 Shovels, just recei ved and fur sale by J. & W. SAN'FON. 9 fl al Feet of Safety Fuse, just received and fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON. W constantly cn kind undfo r sztlu % gt thy ,tort ot 11FUrKER. I GOOD LIMESTONE FARM AT Public Sale. THE subscriber will ogle. nt Public Sale, on 1 TUESDAY, the 21,1P0f February next, nt 10 o'clock, A. M., a good Limestone Farm, sit uate in Walker township, two miles from Mc- Conacllstown, in the heart of Woodcock Valley, Truntingdou county, containing 122 Acres, more or less, I 10 Acres of which are cleared and under cultivation, the balance timber haul. The improvements are a Two Story Log Donne with Kitchen attached, a Frame Bank Barn and other outbuildings, a never failing spring of good water at the door, and an orchard of good fruit trees ALSO.-100 Acres of Timber land with towel allowance. in Penn township, one mile fain the above described farm. The whole will be sold together. Any person wishing to view the property will please call on the subscriber living on the prem ises. Terms of sale made known on day of sale, by JOHN MOORE. Jenny 11, 1854.-6 w. BAILEY'S MILLS Volt SALE. BY virtue of the last Will end testament of John Bailey, late of Ferguson township, in Centre county, deceased, there will be sold at Public Vendee or outety, on the premises, on TIIVESDAT, THE 23D DAT on NEXT, the following described Real Estate in said town ship, it being the property of the said John Bei• ley, deed., to wit: A certain messuage or tract of` lime•stono land in said township, adjoining lands of the heirs of William Bailey, deed., Ro bert Glenn, Pennsylvania remove Farm and others, knave ilg the Baileyville Mills property, end containing Twenty-five Ayres, he the same more or less, hosing thereon stn tipple or chard, a Grist Mill and Saw Mill, a large Two Story Frame Dwelling House, well finished, one Bank Burn'...,. one gond, new, and well finished , - -' ss, Store House, one black-smith shop, one carpen ter shop, one. tenant houle, one wash house, a stone spring house, and other buildings. And, also, one other tract or parcel of land in said township, adjoining lands of Shorts, Stewart, & Co., John Glenn, and others, conta ining BiX ty Auto::, he the same more or less. This tract is well thnbered, undpart of it is good wheat not. The above described Mill Property is only about one fourth of a mile from the Spruce Creek and Waterstreet Turnpike road, about the same distance from Penna. Furnace, and eleven miles from the Penna. Rail Road. The well known character of these Mills, for more than hollarentury, is a better recommenda tion than we are ehle to give, hut we can freely commend them to the notice of enterprising po tions wishing to make a good investment. The terms of sale cannot be fully made known at this time, as the testator has provided by will, that a large part (we believe nun.° than one half) of the purchase money is to remain in the bands of tho purchaser, fie• the benefit of miner children. But the tern's, which will he easy, will he fully made known by the subscribers, on the day of sale. JOHN BAILEY, Jr.. JONATHAN MeWILLIAMS, Executors. Jan. 4, 1854.-71. NOTICE. A LL persons interested, will please take notice tt that the Notes and accounts of Dorsey & Maguire, and also of.litmes Maguire, will be pla ced in tile hands of Alexander Port, Esq., for collection, after the 24th iv .t. JAMES MAGUIRE. Dec. 21, 1553. NOTICE. TILE undersigned would herewith friendly nod I most earnestly invite oil persons who ore in.. tablet to him Mr medical attendance, to COT. ‘,,r. ward and settle their accounts, and hs won' a fur ther give notice to those, whose accoutr, may still remain unsettled after the lint day of March next, that exhausted patience end .d r e u dy too long extended indulgence mast the', compel hint to have the same collected in a 1 , ,,d J. B. '4:UDEN, M. D. Hunt. Dec. 14, '53. BOOKS 1 : 'BOOKS I 10,000 if00r:invi,•,‘,„: . i,yg.,,..7,4 uv,.ry variety "asttelly kept in n udelphia 13e ~k Store—the subscriber has added to hk CIWAP Boon SvpuE, 91,mos . ite Whit tohtes Hotel, Railroad street, Huntingdon, Pa, Par cicular attention is invited to iris extensive and. splendid strut!, of plain and fancy Stationary, )',tank Books, Memorandums, Diaries, fur 1554, scc., Sc. Ile has mirchascil ScitnOr. Boons on such terms to enable Min to sell them cheaper, Whole sale and Retail, than any store in the county. Harper's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, and cheap publications kept constantly on hand. The public will please call and examine for themselves. WM. COLON. Huntingdon, Oct. 19, '53. NOW'S THE TIME TO CALL. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED At David P. Gwin , B New Store. TA P. MIN. informs his friends and the pub /. lie generally that he has just returned from Philndelphia, and is now opening. nt the corner of Hill and Bath streets, opposite Couts' Frank lin 11.,e, A large and beautiful assortment of bmvir o.ooDs. Consisting of Cloths, Cassimers, Bleck and Fan cy Cassinctts, Woolen Goods, Silks, Fancy and Blaek Beregc do Lines, Do Detains, French Merinoes, Coburgh Cloths, Flannels, CottonFlan eels While nod Colored, Ginghnms, Linens, :Unsling, and n large lot of Prints oral; styles. Also, Carpets, Gil Cloths, Hats and Caps, Bouts and Shoes, Groceries of all kinds. Queens ware, Hardware, Fish and Salt. The public are respectfully Mvited to call and examine my Goods, as 1 ant determined to sell them CHEAP. t ry Produce taken in exchange for Goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1853. Late Arrival of New Goods, A large lot of barred Dslans, Persian Twills, Domestic nod French Gingliams, Alpaccas, sae: Flannels, Tweeds and Liuseys, brown and bleach ed mos lins, a large stock of ribbons, and n hand some assortment of dress goods for ladies and gentlemen. Fur style and price can't he heat, for sale at GEO. GIVIN'S Store, 50 kegs Rock Powder on hand end for sale at the store of GEO. GWIN. 50 auks, Ground Adam S:tlt just arrived and for sale ne GEO. GWEN'S Store. 50 barrels Conematigh Salt in store and for sale by GEO. GWIN. A late arrival of English and French Merinos for sale low at the store of GEO. GWIN. 100 kegs Nails and Spikes fir side by the keg or pound, at GEO. GAIN'S Store. 500 lbs. Cnst Steel for drills and sledges, for sale at the store of GEO. G WIN. 5000 feet Safety Fuse for sale at the store of 500 pieces calico, new styles and patterns, of good quality, sold low at tlio store of GECY. Fluid :amps. a large and handsome assortment fur sale at (IEO. GWIN'S Store. Jan. 4, 1834, lIIIZZA FOR TURKEY !! J& W. SAXTON has just received another • Illash supply of FALL .Axp WINTER GOODS, which they are determined to sell at low., .priees threnn bo purchased at any other establishment; Give us u cull. JUST received end for sale, Mackerel, Cad I ish, Easter, Salt, &c. &c. by sArrox. ?OTHER fresh supply of 'foots and Shoci, n_ just received and for sale by J. & sAvros. )UST received a beautiful asiortmout of Seel ip,,l and Phin Ribbons, be J. & W. `4AICTO.N. Last Arrival rA.X4I4: a wsbuTftrt.ol2oDC, GEORGE GRIN, T_TAS just retuned from the Eastern Cities,and I is now opening, at the old stand, to Market Square, a large and splendid assortment of now and fashionable goods, for full and winter, con sisting of French Cloth, Double Black and Fan Cassimers, Sattinetts, 11lerinoes, Do Runge, Coburgh De Laines, Flannels, Wool and Cotton, Brown owl Blenched Mmlino, node variety of goods of all kinds usually kept in a country store awl a great VARIETY or Titimmixes suitable for WINTISR DRESS GOODS. A Large Assortment of Groceries, Ilardstare t Queenswarc, and Cllzietswitre. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Mull% and Tippets. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock, as I ant determined not to be undersold by any house in town. Feeling thankful for the encouragement he has received, hopes by strict attention to business to merit is continuance of the same. Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1853. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE' be exposed to Public Sale, on the pro mises, nn SATURDAY VIE 28111 DAY or ItxrAnY, 1054, n Lot of ground situate in the borough of Waterstreet, Pa., on which is erected a large two Story Stone House, Kitchen, Stable, Cke. Also, a large Two Story Blacksmith and Foundry House. Also, n large Two Story Ma. chine Shop, with an excellent water power, &e., now in the occupancy of Job Plympton. Solo to commence nt 10 o'clock of said day, when terms will be made known by JESSE MOORE, -Er Persons desirous of viewing void property, can call on Perry Moore, living near said town. Jan. 4, '54-3t. HUNTINGDON FOUNDB.Y. D C. McGILL returns his thanks /4 - 4 :r~ - 11 - 1 .• to his friends nod the public., ! for their very liberal patronage, and '•• hopes by strict attention to business a "".. to merit a continuance of the same, in all hurls of Castings, Cooking Stoves' Air-Tight, 'c'arlor, Ten Plate Wood and Coal Stoves, of various si xes, and all kinds of Ploughs: the Lancaster and the Plank Barshear patterns, and Keystone No. 4 Self-sharpening igid hill side Ploughs, sod; Shears to suit all kinds of Ploughs in the country; Rolling-mill and Forge CilStillgA, Grist and Saw mill Castings, Lewistown Threshing Maciti . .te Patterns, and the four horse and two horse prmer of Chambmburg patterns; and till other k : mds of castings too numerous to mention, all •.,f which will be sold cheaper than ever for cash and all kinds of country ',mauve. Also, old mettle taken in exchange for castings. Huntingdon, November it, NEW GOODS AT TII CII:6AP 01:01tIVETt wj LI INFORNIS his old customers and the public in general, that be has just opened a very large assortment of Store Goods, at his old stand in the Diamond, opposite Cents' lintel, all of which he will sell. at prises as low, if not lower, than the saw, kind or Goods eon he had at ens' other store in 'the county. Ile invites all to call and examine '.tie go ods tool hear his:prices. Ills stock consists of a splendid assortment of Ladies , Dress Goods, of the latest styles. Cloths, Citssimerc,, Ste., dud a heavy stork of Ready-inade Clothing, for men and boys—fine and coarse, cheaper than the clicape,t. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, of all sizes and of the hest qualities. Also, Groceries, Queensware, Eardware, Glassware, and n largo variety or articles too numerous to Giro me a call—you can find at my store eTery kind of goods to be found in the county, at prices to snit the, times. C'S All kinds oreountry proanee talon in cx change fur goods. [Nov. 9, 1993. NOTICE TO Tim ruBLIe. I signed three ovtes r e ,ecnrity fur J . Sansom Smith. one tor one hundred and fifty dollars. and the e ther two, one hunil,d dollars each. dated the 19th day of December, 1950. The iniliwc ments under which I agreed to become hail in soi,l notes, proving delusive by the action of fit t said parties, I therefore here b y give notice that I will not be held responsible 03 hail, or pay them, un less compelled by due course 2f ELIEL SMITH. Union top., Nov. 2. I $53, Oct. 10, 'O3. JOHN SCOTT, SAMUEL T. BROWN , 1 A NEW ARRIVAL OF 1 '":.c(r,D'l7 .•' Entri-TA% FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Attorneys at Law, , l, •:''; ' , V. ail:, ‘ •trialli HuntiEf,lion, ra, H,111.; just received from Philailelphie,.. the finest and hest i . i . ssonen . t of , b .. .i.t. noel N , ~ ', 1 ,., Office same as that formerly occupied by John i : n i a, Goons, ever ono co, and nt loner pi ice , loan Scott, Esq. Oct. 10, 1803. I can be purchased at any other house. They are determined to sell lower than can be purchased PARINI FOR SALE. ' anywhere east of the Allegheny, and no mistake. If you wish to be satisfied of the liter, cantina see. TUE subscriber offers, at private sale. a Yalta - Dry Goods each IMe tenet of lend, situate in Bill Talley, Shin- Cloths, Cassimers, SoWnris, Kaunas, French Me ley township, Huntingdon county, containing p .i„,,,, , p,„,„„.,„ Cloths, 3 f ee ll„ d e L„i ne , , about Two Hundred Acres. About fifty Barred and Figured Sark Flannels, Al• acres of this tract is cleared and in good tillable 1 putts, nod a general assortment if order, havingthercon erected a comfortable Stone 1 1 lothri, , , ,F,e. Dwelling !louse, Stabling, Sc. Also, 500 webs of assorted PRINTS, and eve- There is also a good Spring of Water on the ry other article annuity kept in a Country Store. premises, near the dwelling house. Hardware, The land isof a good quelity, part being strew , of whi . ch we always keep the lar , est and best as limestone, and an industrious man could not fail to do well on it. It is situated about six miles sortmcnt ever kel:t ' in this ,lace. to Mount Union, where the Pennsylvania Rail 1 Queens are, Rand and Canal puss, and will be sold at a very I n magnificent assortment, which we are selling moderate price. quite la, TETIMS OF PATMENT.—One half in hand, and Groceries, the balance in two equal anneal payments.are n little up, but we ova determined to sell as For farther information address the subscriber, l low if not Inane, than any other house,nc:ording at Shirleysbarg, I'. 0., Huntingdon Co., Pa. i to ~,,,,i;,, JOHN BREWSTER. 1 "' ' ' Cedar and Willow Warei October I 2, ' 53. I such as Ba.dicts, Tubs, Buckets, Krout Stands, Ac., Ac. Carpets and Oil Cloths. a hem:tilel itssortmzut, which will be sold low, call and see and be satisfied of the fact. Hats and Caps, of the very E;or , t and best styles, also Hoots and Shoes, Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery, AND OYOTZIet, ac v HENRY J. AFRICA, would respectfully in. vita the public to call at his establishment in Railroad Street, whore all those who need anv good Bread, Rusk, or any other kind of Cakes found nt a Bakery, may be supplied. He has just received a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and Conf2ctional'ies, such as Oranges, .Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, Itc, and a largo stock of TOY: 3. He receives daily from tho city of Baltimore, the hest mrsTEns that can he found. Those in wont ofprime 'shell fish,' cc,p be accommoda ted by calling nt the saloon. Ile hai fitted ny a expresslycalorie for the Ladies. _ _ Thankful to the public Ihr pasethvors, he hopes by strict attention to business to merit t continu ance of the salmi. Oct. 12, '53, - _. _ ii _ H BOOTS and N OES, everlA thse corned in this county. He also has -, a large and splendid assortment of •TlLT:subscriber has on hand French Darr Hata and Caps, Mill stones or various size+, which he of the most insittonalilo styles. Also, Ladies' will warrant to he ofsuperior quality, nod at roa- I and Children.' ' 7 ' ol In. Carpet liag:and sonaldo prices. T r•thrunks, &e., foe t , O ravelling community. Also Ra.:. Orders by mail promptly attended to. a great variety of useful articles too numerous to W. H. KEPNER, ..'' t i . '• Harrisburg, Oct. 5. '53.-.;ln. The riddle are rospretrally invited to call.and ! t xamme the stock. He ii determined to sell as FRENCH BURRS @A. DATE° I,IIE I CnEAI, if nut cheaper that any other establish- CRADUATE of the University bt Murylnnd, i Me " in t h e i '""" i Y• T (in connection with Dr. dunes li. L i„ turr) Store on 11111 staiet, opposite Snyder's Cheap havint; permnnontly locoed in Shirleyslittrir, re- I einii ! ki n Stor e' spectrally otrers his professional services to the eW•em.i. AND NNA'3IINE TIIL tot. 2633. elfin. of thatyliece and adjacent country. , ' • act. :5,'53.-6111. • GOLD CiLlass---A flue variety for sale. vc- QH, JERUSALEM rp low, at host. SNA " 'B. JVITS AND GENTILES OUTDONE I - Dunn WHITE LEAD, just received andfor • yi sm. by J. 6c W. SAXTON. 1 a. , 4.115) T_TA S just returned from the Eastern cities, fl with the nEss. awl LAnsmsr assortment of Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Fancy Articles, for Gentlemen's - wear, ever known to he brought to Huntingdon. Hie styles are of cite latest, cal culated to please everyhody that may He has stall times °Loma, CAssmrrrn, and vystv,,,,, which he 'ollns:site to ord•r. (let. 19, HANIS and SHOULDERS. just received and for sale by .1. & W. SAXTON. 1 UST received n hnndsome nnsoetment o Dny Wow, Shawls. Long Shawl.. and So ar .) Shawls, which we are sellinn quite low. J. t c.. W. S.ssnon. EIfIART'Ef BAGs and MIFFS, jut recci,.l and PH. 1,11 by ,T. R W. 5.,(1,,F. New Furniture Ware Room. TE sithscidber remectfttlly informs the pub lie generally, that lot has opened in the frorrt room of the residence of P. C. Swoope, (burly the Postoffice,) a new Ifuroiture Wureroom, where every article of boost-hold Furniture con be rurelineed at reasonable prices—tacit he ha reaus, tablet, chain', &c., &c. I Huntingdon, Nor. 15, 1853 SIMON LEVI, BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! HAVING received n new nod splendid stock or FALL AND WINTER DODDS, ac nro now prepared to accommodate all who ions Eire us a roll, with GREAT MARGAINES. Oar stock consists ofa larg, assortment of - - Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Queensware, nosieries, awl in short, everything that N necessary to con stitute a Country Store. Contractors mat others, desiring to p•trchnse, will fiat it to their interest to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, us we are determined to sm.t. our goods (wholesale or retail) at low and reduced primes. JOSIAH CUNNINGHAM & SON. Portstawn, November 9, 1853. To Country Merchants and Others.' MACKEREL, SHAD, CODFISH, 1 Constantly nn hand SALMON, I awl for sale by HERRINGS, 1. PALMER, C Co., PORK, I Market Street Wharf, HAMS AND SIDES, I PHILADELPHIA SHOULDERS, LARD AND CHEESE, Nor. 2, '53.-3m, ORVAT ARRIVAL OF Hardware, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Notions, Brigs, Paints, Oils, Hats, Caps, Boots, litioa, &c., At James Bricker , 4 Store, lltnetingdo,:e, Which are offered at the lowest prices, also re ceiving a large supply of CANDIES, which will be sold at wholesale price t s low as 1 , 1 cts. per lb. Aluo, Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, Rais ins, Rigs, Se. All of which have been bought wit;: great rare, end on the best terms, and will be sold low for Cash or to punctual cnstomers. I flatter tnyv.iii;t:A I on and will sell C,oods low as they gun he bought fur in this neighborhood. My fritmds arc requested to call and examine for them delves, feeling confident that those who do so ',moot go away without buying. Ladies and I:tenth:men of this neighborhood believe me when 1 say that great pains have been taken to get such goods as you admire. Store on Hill street, opposite' the Jountc.o. ()met:. Huntingdon, Oct. 13,'33. RICHARD HIMSELF AGAIN . '''• 4 z• \ ....\ , '•:: , i4T.-.., .! ,, - - i . •, ,,,, 6 , 4•5kiv ,,, ,: `--=' , ;••..i, ii:::6lW'..Wi`:•..a,..-T - ...'\, -' - "•* 1 - `,,e's•.4:•56h , ii,"„, -- -7-:..•:4: 1 _.: , • r.. ;4 4• .t i.i ... . 1.): -.-:,•t i , v i •-' - ) - ': -- .4 It?tit j, ' V.,. 0 V ".- 51,15efAkV7i.,-: , e ,, ' , - -4 0. , :a,;;;; , _-- - - New Arrival of PaWiand Winter Goads at the Elephant. A LEXANDER CAIIMON, has just re:urned 11- from the East, with a :lilt and complete se• treat of halt and NViliter Goods, shirt are nem I arranged fur examination sad sale, at his store oppusite the Railroad Hotel. The ...tuck has al been nought mot, an as a matter of cows, will be sold cheap 1, :t. r Laines. i'l. I hams, Mouse el, I. . ;!-c. Hats, and Caps, li:onls and shoes, ➢]ari3aaarc, atneensware, Thankful fur riot favors, the public generally aro invited to call nun examinothe splendid stork Inow on hand, which in variety. quality,and price will compare with any ever exhibited in town. the test and cheapest in town, if you don't be. linen it, cAi.r, AND 000. We ace also wirelin,ing awl storing Orain, and it is admitted on all hands that we have the lima convenient place fur unloading grain in or chant town. Oct. 19,'53. ARZAT smantarttrni The Ancient Boiough.. }JAS just the eastern cities with tho largest, chaanct.iniil hest assortment of Mountain Female Seminary. (FIRE Mountain Female Seminary at Hirming . ham, Huntingdon connty,ra., on tho Penn sylvania Railroad, occupies one of the' taunt healthy and desirable locations in the Stine.— Strangers visiting the Institution hive unhesi tatingly expressed the opinion, that it so easy of access, retired, hcathfid, and surrounded wit& such romantic mountain scenery, that no one who wishes to learn, could find an institution. more favorably situated. Past success and fu ture prospects have induced us to greatly enlarge, our plans, and enabled us to give such conapensa tion to teachers ns alli command thus* possess mg the highest qualifications. Cost, per term of 22 weeks, caries from 355 to SGO, for which rood acecitincdations will be giv en. Music, French, Latin, Painting, &c.,extia. Pupils from abroad arc expected to board in the Seminary building with the Principal, who gives hisentire attention to the interest of the Institution. ISRAEL W. WARD, Oct. 5, 1833. Principal. BALLOON ASCENSIONS, FIVE-WORKS -1N1) INDIANS, /7,7TTRELY displaced and" A, outdone, by the brilliant display and marvellous assort ment of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silver Nara, Fine Knives, Pistols, Perfumery ' Port Monnnies, and Palley Articles, just opened and exhibiting to nilmiring hundreds, at the Jewelry Store of EDMUND SNARE, opposite Read's Drug Stare. Huntingdon. Watch's and other articles, GOLD PLATED in the best and most lasting manner. Oct. 5, '53. - D EVOLVERS and other Pistols, at Edm. Snare's Jewelry Store. Q NAZI{ and Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and 1.3 Plated Spectacles, at Edw. Snare's Jewelry Store. CIILVE 11 nutter Kni , es, and Salt Spoons, at 1...) E. Snare's Cheap Jewelry Store, KOSSUT I!, Wellington, Cottage, Gothic, and other Clocks, fur sale cheap, at Edits. Snare's Jewelry Store, a , Iluntingdon. GRAND OPENINC+ VAIL A w.O •Z THU HUNTINGDON ,LUTHING A. WILLOUGHBY, s.hist returned from the east with a larg4 and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goodsi for men and boys, made in the Intent fashion and in the most durable manner. Who ever wants to be dressed better and cheaper than atn•hody else in town, let Mai call at WlLLoucuny's Conic CLOTMNO STORE, one door west of T. Lead .l• S :frog store, lintingdon. Call and see fur yourselves. Oet. 5, 1852. HOUSKjiEEPERS. HOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why go to Auction nod pay extravagant prices for half-made Ft it Call at No. 1, North NINTH street, and examine the largest assort ment of the hest made Filrniture. and lledding in the city, Feather Beds, Hair, Husk, nod Straw Mattres,s;a large tyortment Of fancy What- W. , . SOlll Tahks, marble tops, and Washstands; Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di vans, Wardrohi, Bookrase.,; French Bedsteads; Fancy:Stu:lA Seat, thole seat, Windsor, and of tice..g Coanting-lumse, nod eanc-sent Stools, Settee nal Arm-chair Coshninn; Cmtatze furni ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and Lo ngc, , wholemle and retail, and wqrranted to give satkfaction, and sold at the lowest cries. Sep. 28, 1833.-ty NEW LUNE OF HACKS. The subscriber h, placed tl,e road leading front Mill Creek to 1 - ,a,,m11e n line of Duel. to ruts t:t, !3t p: ice to ;i.e former, un Wed- Cla,sville in the tbe anemia.. are c.n . ..ll.rtalde and the CEO. SMITH. ,i.ll, \Try hr 21, '53 J. S. GRIFFITH, x. D., Huntingdop, Grathiate of the University off ers hi, professional service to ti eitiz - ni., of Huntingdon' and aajavent country. 111:11:121,NCEA :—Meakal Faculty of University of Pa.. Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl vanit, lto , p inil and 1)1., Jacob 11 0 ffi nnn , ()nice, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr Doffin,Ln. July 13,1853. FIVE PER CENT SAVING PUND". Chartered by the State of Penn- - syllvania to INII. STOCK $230,000. Savi,g Fund of the Natioral Safety Com • pony. No. 62 Walnut Street, 2 doors above Third, f'IIILADELPHIA. is open every day from S o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock I'. M., and on Monday and Thursday evenings till r o'clock This institution is well known as one of thO hest managed nod safest in the country, and payS rival 101: 0021, interest f or money put in there, frons the date of deposite. Any sum frian One Dollar upwards is rc calved. And all sums, large or small, are paid' back ors demand, without notice, to any amount. This saving fund has niortgage;, Ground Rents, and other lirst-class investments, all well secured, amounting to more Hum half a million of dollars. for the security of dejiositors. Office 62 Walnut street, two doors above - Third, Philadelphia. 'Hon. lIE‘NRY L. BENNEII, Pres't. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vic', Pres't, 1731. J. Ma., Secrc::u•y. 11811, OF .I,FERLES. Dom \Vnt. Richards, Pottstown, Montgomery co. J. D. Street:, editor of tl.e :Montgomery cotmtl:l.e!!For, Pottitown, J. 111. Siluineineu, editor of the Neutralist, Skippaeky ilk, Mont. en. Ilentu'ir, Esq., editor of the Farmer's Friend, Samneytuon, Mont. co. Pon. Joel Jones, late tln or a PiiU'n. John Robbins, jr,, member of Congress' 4tliyistriet, Pennsylvania. Hon. Jan;cs Pagi, late Poottnoster of Phil% Non. Wan, roniok;tou, lato Governor of new Jeriey. Sep. 23, '33. H. J. ICEALSH,, .31ariiet Street, Philadelphia. Fnncy Gonda and Trinunings, Combs emf Brushes, nt C.tnn Placr.n, Sipt. 7. '73.-nin L EA TIIER: nuTz Zs. 111E1DRT, Store, 29 N. art! St. Philadelphik, Morrocco Manufacturers, Carders, Burnie.; Cuaunission and Gonera Lentker Busine., Wholesale and Retail.* 51unufactury 15 Margoretta Street. Aug. 24, '53.-Iy. ~a~~~ El. 2. Tilllllsl i , ri IIADUATE of the rhiladelphia College of ky Dental Surgery. Arokid! Terf4, fruit) ono to a full set, moun ted in the most improvedmodorn as;(1 Scaling - 4.l;lleA; : iC4caro and neatness., nee. Ertracted with all the ease and &spat& that modern science can furnish. July, 13, 1853. H. W. SMITH, Huntingdon, Pestrea. Orricr. on Main Street, next to that of Gen. A. I'. Wi Terms moderato, and uS work warranted give entire satibfaction. July 13, '53. poR r mn:INAIrs frnm RS rout, up to $2 271 41. FA. Apr is I.llsll.