HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, 1:.. , -,411// ...,`. Wednesday Morning, Dec. 7, 15353. S. L. GLASGOW, Editor. eIRCVLATION 1000. State Central Committee. Charles Thompson Jones, Phila., Chairman. Charles Gilpin, John H. Diehl, George T. Thorn, 'Hon. Henry D. Moore, " • Jacob S. Roberts, John Kessler, Robert L. Marlin, John Bishop, Delaware. Henry S. Evans, Chester. David E. Stout, Berks. - Web N. Taylor. Bucks. Morin Hoopes, Lancaster. Daniel Herr, " '' Hon. Thomas M. Bibighaus, Lebanon. Hon. James Pollock, Northumberland. Wm. K. Mehaffey, Dauphin. Wells Coverly, 44 Henry D. Maxwell, Northampton. James W. Fuller. Lehigh. 0. H. Wheeler, Carbon. Hoer. Jbhn Torrey, Wayne. A. K. Cornyn, Franklin. Robert 0. Harper, Adams. Joseph Garretson, York. A. B; Shitr . p, Cumberland. Wm. T. nilson, Clinton. Edmund Blanchard, Centre. Thomas W. Lloyd, Lycoming. ' S. L. Glasgow, Huntingdon. George Raymond, Blair. C. H. Frick; Montour. John R. Edie, Somerset. Franklin Stewart, Columbia. Wm. P. Miner, Lnzerne. John Sturdevant, Wyomino John C. Adams, Bradford. H. H. Frazier, Susquehanna. John Miles, Erie. Hon. A. Robertson, Beaver. Josiah King, Allegheny. John Major, " James Campbell, Clarion. Daiid Leech, Armstrong. T. J. Coffee, Indiana. Lloyd Jones Montgomery. Hon. Jos. H. Kuhns, Westmoreland. John Lesion, Cambria. James IM. Sellers, Juniata.. Washabaugh,Bedford. John Fulton, Clearfield. Wm. F. Wagonseller, Union. G. V. Lawrence, Washington. Benjamin Barman, Schuylkill. In accordance with the Resolution adopted by the late Whig State Convention, the above named gentlemen have been appointed the State Central Committee. HENRY M. FULLER, .Bvaident. Wilkes Barre, May 9th, 1653. Religious Notice The Rev. Lowman Hawes, having unexpec• tedly received notice this day, Monday sth, to fill an appointMent by the Presbytery, in Al toona next Sabbath, from which he had been previously released, will not be able to fill the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church in this place until Sabbath after next, the 18th, on which day, Providence permitting, he may be expect ed to preach as usual, both in the morning and evening, previous to his embarcation for Europe. Ite'lf any occurrences take place in any portion of the country, which would prove of public interest, or would be news to the gener al reader, we would be much obliged to any of our subscribers, or others, if they will give us information respecting them. We will cheer fully notice them, because it is our desire to lceep our renders booked up in reference to all local matters. Send on also your comm u nications of a public, practical nature, and they shall find room in our columns. We publish a paper for the mechanic and the termer—the business man and the lover of literature—as well as for the professional man and the stink ing politician. Then give us your ideas on pa per, and they shall present a bold front in the Journal. Front the Pittsburg Morning Post, Oct. 28,1852. INFLVENZA.-One of the best medicines for the cure of Influenza that can be found in the country. is Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup.— We have tried it, and take great pleasure in bearing testimony to its efficacy. There is no humbug about it. At this season of the year, when one half our citizens are sneezing and coughing, it should be known that a few spoons. ful of this medicine will, in half a day, work a perfect cure. Reader if you have a cold, take our advice, and buy a bottle of Dr. Reyser's Pectoral Syrup. F'or sale at the Drug Store of Thomas Read, & Son, and Druggists every where. FAAS' SEI.t.AcTI\O AUTOMATON BAND per formed in the Town Hall, of this Borough, yesterday evening, to a very large and attentive audience. This Band may truly be said to be ono of singular mechanical curiosity, and is certainly worth the money you have to pay to see the whole performance—only 12i cents.— There are five figures—each being the size of life, and they all make music at the same time, by the action of springs to nerves through the fingers. The exhibition, unlike the mcst of others that pass through our town, is modest and moral in its tendency, and we think there is no impropriety in any person going to see it. Gooey eon Jaxj-titv.--Thia valuable and interesting Magazine, for January, 1854, has already been received ut our office. To us it really seems as if Godey'e Lady's Book was becoming better and better every month, and we do not think we any too much when we pro. nounce it the best magazine of the kind pub lished in America. The matter is always inter. esting, embodying the true American sentiment and invariably exerting a moral and instructive tendency. The January number contains two very Leautiful and striking engravings, one the "Pleides," and the other "Time in search of Cupid." We have no hesitation in heartily re commending this publication to all our readers. gar The Broad Top and Huntingdon Rail Road is rapidly progressing, under the manage ment of the Company's energetic contractors. Soon the sound of the "iron horse" will be heard among the towering peaks of Broadtop, where, if the like bad been mentioned to its in habitants twenty years ago, they could have supposed it was some "ghost story," or the oar rotor was insane. Ours is truly a progressive age—the rapidity of thought scarcely outstrips the improvement of the times. The eornmor oial, manufacturing, and all other business fa cilities have become so conveniem and practi cal, that the capitalist has no mare risk to rut, on that score, The farmer, comparatively speaking, list his market fee his grain and pro- Cr: at his Peru 8) werM, The Temperance question. Whatever others may think about the mat ter, it is our opinion that this subject should receive the attention of its friends and the peo ple generally, just now, for two very prominent and weighty reasons— One is, the public mind seems to be again pretty generally aroused on the importance of the question, and it behooves its friends to strike while the iron is hot. Past observation and experience teach us that where it is neces sary to consult the feelings, prejudices, and even the understanding of the general masses, in reference to the determination of important questions, like that of temperance, it is always most prudent to act when all seem to be equal ly interested. This is truly the case in refer ence to the one of which we now speak. There is scarcely an individual in this Common wealth, who does not at this moment feel inter ested on the subject of Temperance. By this, however, wo do not mean that all are in favor of the cause—for we know this is not the case. But we mean that every man, woman, and even child, is so situated in the business of life, or otherwise, that the tendency of this question must necessarily affect them. On some it will have a favorable influence, and ou others, it is alleged, a contrary tendency. But those, in our opinion, that Temperance will iqiuriously affect, are mighty few in number. It is alleg ed by the anti-Temperance advocates that to espouse the cause, they virtually abandon a very prominent and important right guaran' teed to them by the constitution of the State and the Country; but is this right of more im portance than the happiness and general wel fare of the people? Is the destruction of life —the unhappiness of families—and the star vation of orphans and widows, of less impor tance than the trifling right to convert grain into liquor, or quaff poisonous draughts of al choholic stimulants? To us it seems that a word to the wise should be sufficient. The man who so argues should think of the amount of misery, suffering, woe, degradation and sor row, intemperance has brought on those fami lies, acquaintances and friends, within his own' knowledge—even in his own immedate neigh borhood—nay, perhaps—in his own circle of relations, or in his own family, and if he is a man possessing an ordinary degree of common sense and intelligence, he must change his opinions—it can't be otherwise. No man, pos sessing the natural instincts of a human being, can coolly and deliberately look upon his fel low creature sinking gradually to a drunkard's grave—leaving a broken hearted and sorrow stricken wife weeping o'er the disgrace of a once kind and indulgent husband, without feel ing that his argument of right is as trifling and futile as the wind. Is there a man living who would, for the sake of making a few paltry dol lars, which he could make just as easy at most any thing else, rather see his neighbor's child ren beggared and starving on the streets, and freezing in winter's cold, and beloved and at. fectionate wives subsisting on the cold and un feeling charities of an unthinking world, while their husbands are converting themselves into beasts,at the grog shops and wine cellars,thau to give his consent to the passage of a prohibito ry law, submitting it lb the people for their sanction or rejection ? We trust not—we hope no man now breathes the free air of heaven who possesses such a cold, inhuman and unfeeling heart. The happiness, prosperity and peace of the community, are certainly of more value than the disgraceful manufacture and sale of ardent spirits. • A second reason why the people should be active in making preparations to induce the coming Legislature to adopt some specific measures to have this question disposed of, is, that it would then bo taken out of politics.— As long as it continues where it now is, it will prove n weighty impediment to the success of both political parties. It emit be otherwise. Any body who doubts the truth of this,has only to look back over the struggles of the late cam paign to satisfy himself. There may be a few corrupt and intriguing politicians, who, in the hope that they can use the temperance ques tion to advance their own personal views and political aggrandizement, will oppose the pass age of a prohibitory law, and allege with much honeyed speech, that it would be impolitic and against the interests and wishes of a majority of the citizens. But no confidence should be reposed in such political tricksters and rotten office seekers. There are such characters in this county, but we hope the people are well satisfied by this time, of the amount of confi dence that can be placed safely in political demagogues and lying politicians. In our opinion, it would be vastly Co the interests and success of both parties, if this matter were die-' posed of immediately. And the members of I both parties should urge the necessity of it, with all the energy and means they possess. • With the present feeling of the public mind on the subject of Temperance, if the coming Legislature takes no action in reference to the matter, it will be exclusively on account of their believing that some political capital can be made out of it next full. We trust the pee pie will watch "these solons" in their move ments as this question. There seems to be a universal disposition on the part of the citizens to have a law passed this winter, submitting it ton vote of the people, and if the Legislature does not do so, the members will fail to carry out the wishes of their constituency. They will be censurable is the highest degree, and the voters of the State should remember then, at the ballot box next fall. We trust then that this *natter will be promptly attendcd•to by the coming Session, and if necessary, a law passed authorizing the election to take place about the time our Spring election occurs. OLD MILLION.—CoI. Benton has selected the seat in the House of Representatives so long occupied by the late John Quincy Adams, on the Whig side of the house. By some it is supposed this is ominous. Well, let it be em• inous—what's the difference. Old Bullion is able to take care of himself, no matter where he sits, or what he does, and he is not so far wrong generally, us some people imagine he is. Ho will tell the rotten and contemptible Ad ministration of Pierce, something this winter that it wont much like to hear. Tut tISTIERT Qt'Esrlost.—Otir latest advices from Waahington positively state that there has been no treaty' entered into with the British Minister, in relation to the fishery question.— Nor is there any more probability of getting one now than there woe montlis ago. It is said the British eel( too much—mote than our government feels disposed to grant. Bo the subject of the fisheries is still an uneAled Whig State Cbnvention. We are emphatically opposed to agitation when it is uncalled for, and when we are satis fied injurious consequences must inevitably fol low. Now we would like to know what those editors, who are urging an early meeting of the State Convention, expect to accomplish by the course they have lately been pursuing in refer ence to the matter. Why do they want the State Convention to meet in March, or before the Legislature adjourns? And wby must its meeting be at Harrisburg? They don't give one single plausible reason why things should take place as they suggest—except that they say the nomination 'should be made soon so the party can be put in proper drill again the elec tion, and the Convention held at Harrisburg, because there will be a better turn out there than at any other place. In our opinion, they err in regard to having the Convention meet in March, or before the Legislature adjourns. To commence drilling the whig party that soon, would prove of no material benefit, for the reason that those whose duty it will be to drill would become weary of their task, and again the second Tuesday of October would arrive, no interest would be felt in the election at all. The consequence would very probably be, they would be drilled out of "rank and file" altogether. The whigs are not that much disorganized and indifferent to their duty, that it will require six or seven months to get them right again. We have'a better opinion of the party than that comes to. Here tofore when nominations were made so soon, nothing at all was said about the candidates until about two months or six weeks before the election. And we ask our brethern of the press, wheth er this has not been the ease? Then what is the use of getting into a pet about an early meeting of the State Convention? If the nom inations are made It the time when some edit ors think they should be, nothing much will be said about the candidates or their claims on the people, until just shortly before the election. We candidly think that in May or June would be sufficiently early for the convention to meet, and at that time, we would be better acquainted with our own position, than at an earlier period. As the whigs are seriously in the minority in the State, it behooves them to be governed frequently by e ireuntstances.— And by the time we have specified, they might be able to smell a rat, that would be of some benefit to them in selecting their nominee. The opposition again then would have their candi. dates,in the field, and the whigs would be able, to a very considerable extent, to survey their forces and examine their strength. As to the Convention meeting before the ad journment of the Legislature, in our opinion, it will make very little difference. We believe if good, active whigs are elected as delegates they will attend, no matter whether the Con vention takes place before or after the adjourn ment of the Legislature. The members of that body have nothing to dt, in the management of the Whig State Convention, unless it is such as happen to be delegates. Senators and Repre sentatives are sent to Harrisburg, by the peo ple, to make latos—not to make tehig nomina tions. And the less they figure where their services are not legitimately required, perhaps the better. And in regard to the place the Convention should meet, we have bat little to say. We have no very serious objections to Harrisburg, though we have but little confidence its some of the leading politicians there. All they seem to care about is their friends' table or bar, and their own pockets. But we hope such delegates will be sent to the Convention, no matter where it meets, that will net as they believe will best promote the in terests and success of the party. On the 13th inst., the Whig State Commit tee will meet, at the American Hotel, in Philo ' delphia, we presume, to fix the time and place. for the meeting of the Convention, and we trust the members will not he induced to favor a call for the same, before May or June. Past expe rience and observation ought to satisfy them, that nothing can be accomplished by having the nominations made so early as March.— These things are desired and sought after only by a few who have favorites in the field, and they are anxious toknow the result. We think the Committee should not gratify the curiosity . . _ of such whips. Let them wait and learn win doin, and probably too, their favorite candidates will fare mach better. 7'here is one thing cer tain, and that is, some of the aspirants will be disappointed. Of this they can rest assured, and they had better, with their friends, who are now making a good deal of fuss about them, cool down a little and not become too rampant, lest they might become so odious in the sight of the people, that it would prove to be entirely impolitic to introduce even their names before the Convention. Such things have happened before now. Senator Cooper. It is rumored that James Groper is about to resign his seat in the United States Senate with a view of running as the Whig Candidate .for Governor next fall. The Whig party of Pennsylvania would pro. bably interpose no serious obstacle to the resig , nation of Senator Cooper; but his nomination fur Governor, would, we opine, ho somewhat more problematical than their approval of his resignation. The Whigs of Pennsylvania have not quite forgotten his efforts to defeat the election of Governor Johnston; at least, we have not, and we know one whig paper that will not support him, if he is nominated.— That's settled.—Brownsville Clipper. Them's our sentiments exactly, friend Clip per. Those who have been playing the rene gado and opposing regular nominations of the party, should he kicked, not only out of the Whig ranks, but clear out of the community. The Whigs of "Old Huntingdon" have now got their eyes open to all such characters, and it will he a day or two before any renegade will get their support for any office, no matter how unimportant it may be. This is right. How trifling would it appear, on the part of the Whigs, to nominate and elect a man to any of. lice, who has, whenever it suited his whimsical mind or his selfish notions, opposed regular nominations and thus tried to break down the organization of the party and give the honor and the glory to the enemy. The Whigs should bo careful to nominate or support no man, who has ever opposed regular nominations, because we candidly believe such things have had a greater tendency to injure the party than any thing it ever did. We trust, then, the Whigs of "Old Huntingdon" will never be induced to listen to claims of any such men. But we will have more to say on this subject again. wurlt is estimated that there are 30,000 Jews is the city of New York. Th.) , have thirteeu ryaszoen,l Denicsoratie Public Sentiment. The Metropolitan Hall Congratulation Dem ocratic Republican Committee are yet receiving letters from distinguished men of the Demo ' cratic Party in different parts of the country, copies of some of which are before us. The extracts we make show which way the wind blown. Burke's letter, (the old confidential friend of the President,) is a strong one. A New Hampshire View. FROM RON. EDMUND BURKE, OF NEW HAMPSDIRE. NEWPORT, N. 11., Nov. 21, 1853 * * * * * From the very com mencement of the existence of the present Ad ministration, things seem to have gone wrong. The very structure of the Cabinet was an error, and I say it not in censure of the head of the Administration, but in sorrow. It was not made up of the right materials. The selection of the principal piece of timber in it. the Pre mier himself' was a mistake. Although an able man. and one who has done the State much good service, Gov. Marcy had compro mised himself with the Van Buren faction, in order to get their votes for the Presidential nomination at Baltimore. It was impossible, therefore, that ho should bring any thing but . . . weakness to the Administration. Gen. Cushing's appointment was not more fortunate. Why in ten years he has filled con• spicuous positions in as many as fonr different parties, viz: the Whig proper, the Tyler Whig, the Massachusetts coalition, and the Demo erotic parties. A man with such antecedents, so fresh and fragrant in history, could not have the confidence of any party. And I think I as• serf the truth when I say that there is not an old, original true Democrat in all New England, who at heart approves of his appointment. He could not, therefore, have brought any political strength to the Administration. I came nigh omitting to say, that, during the six years ho was in Congress with me, he voted for every Abolition proposition offered and advocated by Joshua R. Giddings,and John Quincy Adams. Jefferson Davis is a high toned man and a chivalrous gentleman. But he belonged to the opposite extreme. After Mr. Calhoun's death, he became the leader of the secessionists of the South, And it is remarkable to see; in the his- tory of General Davis and his faction, and the Free Soil fhetion, how extremes will meet. In Congress they were both against the settlement of the slavery question—against the compro. mise-for continued agitation. It is not strange that the Charleston [S. C.] Mercury and pa. pers of the like stamp in the South. should, as they do, sympathise with and support the same faction. They would be untrue to their in. stifles, false to their past sinister purposes, if they took any other course. But my design was simply to say, that Gen. Davis, with his well known sentiments and past history, was not a proper man to form a part of a Cabinet charged by the people with the great mission of carrying out the Union principle which for. med the transcendant issues of the last Presi• dentin' election. And what shall I say of Mr. Guthrie. now so illustrious, or notorious? Nothing. We never heard of him east of the Alleghenies until he turned up Secretary of the Treasury. And he isdestined to recede to the same obscurity in the accident from which he emerged. A Cabinet composed of such materials could not but be incongruous. And its action has corresponded with its composition. In the very commencement of its career, it started out on a wrong principle. Instead of recognizing the Union principle. or devotion to the compromise measures of 18.10, as the polar star which should guide its hark in the pathway of the on. certain future, it adopted the spoils principle as its true chart and compass. * * * The results of your late•election have demon- strated to the world that the spoils principle cannot prevail Armed cap a pie with that sort of weapon. the Cabinet stepped into your political battle field on the side of the Free Soil faction, and they retreat from it defeated, bro ken down, and their colors dragging in the mire, They made an issue with the National Democracy, and themselves have fallen in the encour.ter. The lesson which this event teach- es is a return to the true princip'e upon which the Administration was elevated to power— the Union principle—the true interpretation and administration of which wee confided by the American people to the President by the election of 1852. * ' , The President cannot fail now to see that the National Democracy of the North form a po tent element in the great Democratic Party of the Union. * * * * * He has only to place himself in accord with the great National Democratic party of the North and South, in order to ensure a glorious nod brilliant termination of his administration. And we can do that, by a complete, perhaps partial, reorganization of his Cabinet. But if he shall retain his present Cabinet and con tinue to permit them to proscribe and persecute the true men of his party. as thee have done, he can only look to the National Democracy for a cold support of his political measures wiiieh Melt will Ore them front principle; without that cordiality and enthusiasm which result:from warm personal esteem. and attach ment. The National Democracy desire the success and glory of the President's adminis tration. and they arc ready to contribute more than their share to such a consumation. if they can do it without 'a compromise of their principles and a sacrifice of their dignity and self-respect as gentlemen. EDMCND Brake. The Anti-Bigler Movement Progressing. A private despatch received in this city from a prominent Locofoco at Greensburg, states that the County meeting of the Westmoreland Democracy instructed the Delegates to the Lo. cofoco Convention to vote for a new man for Governor, and that there were but six dissent ing voices at the meeting. which is represented as the largest ever held in the county. It states that the Canal Board was denounced, and the course of the Argus and the Republi• can approved and endorsed. In noticing the articles which we published from the Argus and the Republican last week, the Delaware county Union (Locofoco) says : "We agree with our exchange. No good can possibly result to any party by proscribing those who may entertain friendly feelings to others; or who may have a preference. Should Governor Bigler be re-nominated. as his friends confidently expect, the main body of the demo. craw of this county will support him. This, however, will depend upon who his opponent may be. But while we are willing to go this far, and promise our cordial support, we can not, with due respect to truth, and a determi nation not to mislead, promise him the entire democratic vole under any circumstances. "We are sorry to say, that the Governor does not, for various reasons, obtain the cordial ap probation of the party here. We say this to all kindness, and with certainly no desire but for the good of the party." The Philadelphia correspondent of the West Chester Affersonian says: "I have been somewhat surprised to find so strong a current of opposition to the renomina tion of Governor Bigler among the democrats of this city. 1 had supposed the disaffection was confined to disappointed office-seekers, but this explanation will not be regarded as sufli- Moody comprehensive. The grounds of oppo. sition are various; but I really think that by far the larger portion are governed by an undefb nod prejudice. This is deplorable, because, while you can appeal to the judgment of the reasonable, there seems no mode by which you can conceive the self-willed. It seems unfor tunate, too, that every more the Governor makes militates against Mtn. Recently he has pardoned some criminals. It in said that they are pious members of a certain denomination; but what matter, bow religious, for eves this adds to the °trance." 1P .The French otder of the Legion of t , Iloeor numbers fi fty two thottatoilic:ol: war, nitat.:trt. "In the day of Adversity, Consider." Truth may at times be compelled to retire, "bestruck with slanderous darts." but only for a time, for "the eternal years of God are her's." One short year since, the Locofoeo press, from one end of the country to the other, teemed with charges against Gen. Scott, and depreca ted his election to the Presidency as a pub& calamity, because he, it was represented by them, would appoint Free-Sellers to office, and thereby not only revive the slavery agitation, but endanger the compromise measures if not the Union itself. Now many of these same journals are glorifying Gen. Pierce, who has recognized Free•Soilers and Secessionists as members of the so-called Democracy, and lay. ished his official patronage upon them. There are, however, it is but just to say, honorable exceptions, and among these we notice is the Richmond Examiner, from one of whose edito• rials, condemnatory of the Guthrie Free-Soil manifesto, and of the removal of Judge Bron son, we make the following extract "Upon the slavery question the South FEELS. It will not stop to reason. Therefore they voted for Pierce against Scott; and therefore they will shake from them, "like dew drops from the lion's mane," any administration which gives unmistakeable cause of doubt upon this all.absorbing, all-important question. Party discipline is essential to continued success, but far above both is the fealty we owe to our wives and children, to our homes and our hearth stones." This is but one of the many evidences which now present themselves to our notice almost daily, that it is only in the day of adversity even the thoughtful and reflecting will consid er, exhibiting a returning sense of justice, and an implied, if not express, acknowledgement of the wrong done to a true patriot, 'who hail ever victoriously borne aloft the honored flagof his country, and had been "So clear in his great office, that his virtues All plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against The deep damnation of his taking off." It is but too true, as th e Examiner frankly admits, that "upon the slavery question the South feels," and does "not stop to reason," and that "therefore they voted for Pierce against Scott ;" and there is but tog much rea son to fear that the people of the North, like those of the South, did "not stop to reason" or they would have voted otherwise than they did. Had there been more "reason" in the North and South, and less prejudice and feeling, who can doubt that the result would have been dif ferent? Had the truth of history not been fal sified, the patriotism, which no one could in his sane, moments doubt, not been impugned and villitied, and the men judged upon their own merits, who so silly as to believe that Winfield Scott would have been set aside for Franklin Pierce? Had "renson" held her sway, and prejudice and passion not usurped her domin ion, the Old Dominion would not have reject ed her own honored and patriotic son, whose whole life has been devoted to his country, and of whose brilliant. achievements she is so tustly proud, as lent willing and able to maintain the integrity of the Union, and preserve the Con stitution inviolate, than lie whose past career afforded no such ganrantee, and for whom she yet cast her electoral vote. Political infatuation, folly and madness ru led, however, the ennvass, anti the result is be fore the ontintry. Franklin Pierce, the par ex cellenre Union candidate, was elected President of the United States, not only hr the suffrages of those properly belonging to his party, hilt of thonsunds of Whigs whose superlative devotion to the Union Winced them to prefer bins to the man who shed his blood in defence. Does any man of "sound mind and memory" believe that Winfield Scott, who was distrusted, notwith standing his signal services to the Union, would here treacherously falsified the jest expects tines of his friend's, ns he who defeated him now does? There is not a nine in the country who believes so. Even those who voted against him have two much confidence in his integrity to believe, that he, who has ever been "in ac tion faithful, and in honor clear," would have thus acted; and yet they, in fl uenced at the mo ment by the falsehoods circulated twainst him. found it in their hearts to overlook the debt of gratitude due him, and commit the folly of trusting to Franklin Pierce as more sincere in his devotion to the Union. The Examiner sacs, "the fealty we owe to our wives and children, to our homes and our hearth.stones, is fin. above the fealty to party;" and the editor might have well added. for we nre persuaded it was uppermost its his thoughts at the time, that had fealty to home and coun try been permitted to have its influence in de termining the result of the last Presidential el ection. instead of party, Winfield Scott would he our Chief Mavistrnte, and the editor saved the mortifyine. reflection that he aided in ele vating one whose selection it is now evident was not fit to be med.—Daily Mars. The Late Whig Party of Ohio. The course pursued by the Whigs of Ohio, and the consequences resulting therefrom, should serve as a lesson of admonition to those Whigs in our own State who yet have any sympathy with political Free Soilers, and would have the Whig party incorporate their anti slavery dogmas into its creed. As late as 1848, there were but few States in the Union more reliably Whig,. in a Presidential contest, than the Buck-Eye State. Strongly predispo sed however, as were most of the leading and influential Whigs of the State, to sympathize with Free Soilers, many of them in an evil hour turned their back upon the Whig party, and for the time being united with the Free Soilers, because the nomination of General Taylor. n Southern slave-holder, and whom they regarded as not sufficiently identified with the Whig cause, was distasteful to them. And what was the result? They reduced thereby the Whig party into a minority, and contributed, sub stantially, in surreddering, the State into the hands of the Locofocos. It , 1852, when Gen. Scott, their choice in 1848, was the candidate, many of them again attsumed their position in the Whig ranks, and labored zealously and faithfully to undo the mischief they had done, but it %railed them not. Franklin Pierce ob tained the electoral vote of the State by an overwhelming majority. They did all they could to prevent it, but found out when too late that it was much easier to break down a party than to build it up—much less difficult to lead men estray than when once out of the organi zation to induce them again to return to it. The result of this fall's election leaves the Whig party with but fire in the Senate, and fifleen in the House of Representatives. To this lamentable condition has the Whig, party of Ohio been reduced in the course of a few years. Let it serve as a warning to the Whigs of Pennsylvania against side issues. Let us not become the victims of Free Soilism, of the Temperance question, or any other side issue. Let us rather profit by . the example of Ohio, and guard against the imbecile course which enabled Abolitionism to swell its ranks, and thereby place the State in the hands of Loco focoism. There is but one course to pursue to hope for success, and that is to pursue the straightforward path, to be true to our own dis tinctive principles, and affiliate with no other organization, however alluring the prospects of success may be. Some of our Locofuco cotemporaries rejoice much over their unprecedented success in Ohio. They seem to regard the Whig party as oblite. rated, and say that there is not even left for it any "balm in Gilend." We beg leave to differ with them, and to predict that from henceforth the Whig party in that State will grow stronger and be a better party than it has been since 1848. With the experience of the past for its teacher, and the biekerings and factions at war with each other of the Loeofocos, conseq uent upon their overwhelming success, the N't hips will now plant themselves upon the national platform upon which May, Webster, and all the recognized champions of the Whig cause have ever stood, and they wbl increase in numbers and reinvigorate their organisation so rapidly, as mon to he able to rallyagain as a great and glorious party, destined at no distant day to be reinatalled in,power in the State.—Daily New. imr-Tbc greatclt glultt,n6 Are 11,D_* fr;,7! ,:ponladkr. Congressional Canons Nominations. The lion. Mr. Boyd, of Kentucky, was no minuted by the locofoco Congressionta caucus for the Speakership of the House of Represen• tatives, on last Saturday evening, on the sec ond ballot. Col. Forney was nominated for Clerk on the first ballot, R. M. Young being the only com peting candidate. Mr. Glossomer, Sergeant at Arms, was nominated on first ballot. Mr. rllnew for Doorkeeper, and Mr. Johnston for Postmaster. These nominees are the old offi cers throughout, and it is supposed they will be elected without much difficulty. The Whigs, it seems, made no caucus nominations, for the simple reason, we presume, that they, in their wisdom, think they could'ut elect them without some trouble—and rather than subject them. selves to that inconvenience, they have conclu ded to pass the matter by this year. The Pennsylvania Demooraoy. Torn asunder and divided into organized factions of Hard Shells and Soft Shells, as the so-called Democracy of New York now is, that of Pennsylvania, is in not a much better condi tion. It is true, that of the Keystone, whose lenders are, more pliable and less independent, was held together by the cohesive power of public plunder, to maintain its ascendancy at the late election, while that of the Empire State split into fragments in the very ontstart of its efforts to maintain itself in the State.— But the success in Pennsylvania at the late election is deceptive, and cannot be regarded as indicative of harmony or concert of action. It was a triumph obtained by the default of the Whigs, who made no organized effort, and had no expectation of being successful. Had they gone into the contest, with a knowledge before. hand, that - the Locofocos would poll no larger, vote, and exerted themselves as they probably then would have done, they could have redeem ed the State, and Locofocoism now would lie in an acknowledged minority. The so-called Democracy of Pennsylvania, as we have already said, is in no better condition than that of New York, and we believe the day is not far distant when this fact will be made apparent to the whole country. It is in a niece distracted, disorganized, and helpless state now, than we have known it to be since the Wolf and Muhlenberg controversy in 1935, and the prospects are that the scenes of the State Convention of March, 1835, will be re enacted in the Convention which will assemble at Harrisburg on the Bth of March next, to nominate a candidate for Governor. Should this be the ease, the next canvass in this State, will assume the aspect of that which has just closed in New York, and the result will leave the National Administration to occupy the same relation towards the Keystone State it non does to the Empire State. These are not idle speculations to encourage our Whig friends. We would rather have them to believe, and prepare themselves accordingly, that there will be no such division of the w eaned Democracy; because we are persuaded that, unite as they inny, and heal up all the dif ficulties they can, there will be defection in support of the regular nominee to so great an extent as to render their defeat inevitable, if the Whigs have a good and thoroughly reliable Whig in the field as their candidate, and do their full duty in support of his election. We do not wish to . be understood, therefore, as in dulging in mere speculations to inspire emir'. dence and hope among the Whigs. The condi tion of the so-called Democracy is exactly as we have described it, and the indications are multiplying every day flint a rupture like that in New York is likely to take place. The seine causes operate here which caused the division there, and promise to produce the snore effects. In New York the influence of Attires with the President lies been the apple of discord, ' and in this State that of Buchanan and Camp bell has produced alike dissatisfaction and die ficultv. In both States the friends of General .Cnsi have been placed in eoventry. In the former, Dickinson. Brady, Bronson. C:inton. Croswell, Foster, Schell and other friends of the Michigan statesman, have been discarded through the influence of Marcy, and the State Administration, with Governor Seymour at its head, and his Van Buren friends. taken into the embraces of the National Administration.— In this State, the influence of Buchanan and Campbell has been omnipotent, and appropri ated all the patronage to their own friends, and to bolster up and sustain Gov. Bigler, while Cameron, Frazer Dawson,Ross,Brewster, Phil lips, and other friends of CAM, have no more influence with the Administration than if they belonged to the Whig party. Thus far no fa vorable opportunity has presented itself to these • ostrucised lenders to resent the insult and avenge the injury under which they writhe.— Identified as Gov. Bigler is with the National Administration, and sustaining as he does the Free Soil policy adopted by it, notwithstanding his own pledges in favor an different course, those whose feelings have been outraged by the Administration at Washington. and are in timical to his re•election, have afforded them an opportunity like that presented to the Hard Shells of New York in the removal of Judge Bronson, to plant themselves upon a platform of principles in opposition to his re-election, and theindications are tint they will avail them selves of it at the meeting of the next State Convention. The first movement has already been made. That in Westmoreland, where the Cass influence always has predominated, is but the initiative step towards the organization of a Hard Shell party in this State, which will oppose Governor Bigler, as that in New York does Governor Seymour, and which will have the sympathy of the National Democracy throughout the entire country. It is but the beginning of the end of the fight.—Daily News. Tactics of Modern Infidelity, Tho Churchman. an Episcopal journal, pub. lished in Now York, thus describes the tactics modern infidelity employs to weaken the faith of mankind in the Christian Mignon: " Its present policy is wholly different from what it wits in the days of the Hobbes, the the Woo!stone, the Voltaires, the Gibbons, the Nines, and such enemies of the Bible. Physi cal setence, it seems, affords a powerful lever to overturn revealed truth, if it can find a stand point; and to a considerable extent it has al ready been used to the troubling the faith of many, and leading more than one into open re jection of revelation. Metaphysics and mental science in the acute and fearless Germans have also been brought in aid of the same cause, and more than one has lost himself in the fog of "direct insight," "subjectivity," "pantheistic spiritualism," and so on. Explorations and antiquarian research in Egypt and at Ninnvah, as well as numerous bold speculations in eth nology archteology, have too, helped to vex and frighten those who have no time or oppor tunity to see what they really avail against the holy Scriptures." i' A shrewd Yankee, at the Horse Exhi bition at Springfield, has outrun the "striped pig,"and come in ahead of the Maine Law. The Yankee hired a a pot of land within the limits of the arsenal grounds, which are beyond the hurisdiction of the Massachusetts authorities, aring been ceded by the State to the United States—he not designating the purpose for which he wished to use it. He immediately erected a huge tent which ho supplied with li quors and which are dealt out by thirty or forty tenders at a shilling a glass. He contends that the laws of the U. S. protect An is his trafic. A BVAUTIFCL &stmt.—The pious Jonathan Edwards describes a Christian as being like "such a little flower 1113 we sec in the spring of the year, low and bumble on the ground; open ing its bosom to receive the e leasant beams of the sun's glory; rejoicing, as it were, in a calm rapture; diffusin around is sweet fragrance; standing peacefully and lowly in the midst of other flowers." The world may think nothing of the little flower—they may not even notice it; but nevertheless it will be diflUsing around sweet fragrant, urn a!: , c dwell , :thin itt Fix tLe JcArtml MR. EDITOR s--My last cornMunication elz•sed with the question, what practical qwd bevy thehigh schools of this State, male or fetnale# effected? This inquiry I intend to fellow out a little more at length, and to push more close ly than the simple statement, in order that this true answer may be seen and vindicated to al:. And, first, have they increased individual or public wealth? Now, Sir, if the Addict, is which the young misses and gentlemen were engaged, were of apractical kind, relating the avocations and diities of after forming in them domestic or .business habits, and giv ing them useful information on these points, there might be room for an affirmative answer, although this would seem rather a circuitous and indirect way of acquiring 'what could ts learned so much hotter nt home: There might Hane,reason in the assertioe,• that regular and concoct habits there formed, and practical information there' gained, would he one assis tancerat least, to future success in life. But what is the fact? The farmer's boy there learns to esteem reading, writing, and arithmetic, which these scho•: , ls are pleased to term "elements," merely as preliminary steps to more important studies, as actually of secon dary moment, as being simply the introdactime., which is to fit him for the pursuit of higher branches. And, accordingly,. into the , highet, branches he goes. perhaps to the dead langua ges, perhaps to Philosophy, perhaps . to Chain. istrv, perhaps Algebra and. Cleemetzy, or to still hiyher branches, and maybe to all of theta • together. I believe, Sir. I have all these nenseir for I have copied them out of a catalogue, but if they are wrong, you tint rcrnerriber that I am no scholar, but an old.fitsbioned farmer. The farmer's daughter. with the same ideas, leaves her, reading, writing, and Arithmetic, and hurries through a similar course, for which she has been taught to consider all her previous education as preparatory, ending with Music, Drawing, and French. Both return to the parental roof, filled with ideas above their station, unfitting them for its duties and inducing . them to wander off in search of more aspiring spheres of action, than the bumble track of their fathers. The son, o o o n . afisrm , h o e r co a m p e o s t t a y p l n o o w r y o p r r . e a e T h h e o r, a d a m .g u b ra t : r t. ; instead of settling down with patient industry. instead of doctor, helping in the housework, and in dustriously laying up for herself a warm store of quilts, comfortables, and other articles of furniture, against her wedding day, nu was the old.fashioned custom with worthy and hand. some girls, must devote time to the "improve. ment of her mind." She reads, plays the piano and teaches school, and at last pins herself to some poor masculine counterpart of her broth. cr. Both these characters now become consu mers instead of producers, and in addition to the vast deal of money expended on them by their parents, they add so many more to that numerous class who live at the public expense. This, Sir, is a sample of what is occurring in every family. That it is a progression one was or the other, from what was the case in earlier days, cannot be denied, but whether it is for the better or worse, forward or backward, is a question of serious doubt with me. Whether to spend two or three years in studies that nev er can be of any practical use to the learners, at all the usual expense, and to the neglect of those practical acquirements which they need for the most important duties of life, to acquire habits of thought and action unsalted to the plain hard-working life of their parents, is wise, fs profitable, is right, does at least admit of ve ry weighty reasons to the contrary, which I have never seen opposed by as weighty ones in the affirmative. In this important item then. public and private wealth, "Academics" end "Seminaries" are not productiVe of practical good. In your next paper I will examine an• other item in which the practical good they have effected will be investigated. AN OLD FARMER. Diokinson after Marcy with a Long Stick. Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, M a reply to a letter of inquiry addressed to hint by Judge Morton, of . Geore,iit, thus unceremoniously die. poses of the Baltimore Amnesty, so much talk • ed of by the Free Sono,: The . Baltimore platform was not erected to cheapen principles—to lower the standard of political morals, or to place treachery and fi. delity, falsehood and truth, or the efforts of demagogues and patriots, upon equality. It was simply a reiteration of great cardinal truths, and with such modifications as were ne• cessnry to conform to intermediate legislation —was, in substance, a repetition of the doe• trines promulgated by the Democratic National Conventions of 1844 and 1848. But it has so often been invoked as a proclaination of "am• nesty" to political ingrates, that the assumption is worthy of a moment's consideration, It was just its much as, and no more, nn "amnesty" to traitors, than any other declaration of princi ples; and all else that is claimed for it rests in the necessities of those who give it that read. ing. So for as it relates to the Democracy of this State, its "amnesty" is briefly disposed of. The only delegate who resisted the adoption of the Baltimore platform upon the floor of the National Convention, was Jerome J. Briggs, of Onondaga, a Marcy Free Soil delegate, and a family connection of the premier of the Admin. istration. He resisted it most clamorously, especially that part which related to the Fugi• tivo Slave law, and was only silenced by the over*helming voice of the Convention. And among the first acts of "amnesty" by Gov. Seymour, acting in concert with the premier, was the nomination of this seam Jerome J. Briggs to one of the best offices in the State Government! NEWS BY TELEGRAPH, The Alabama Senatore,War of the Hard* and Snits. The Washington Union claims both the new Senators from Alabama as reliable and zeal. ous friends of the Administration. The Washington Sentinel declares that if the war against the National Democrats in kept up; it will act upon the defensive no lon ger, but attack in return and carry the war into Africa. The same paper also declares that it takes no part in the contest for Spcakership, and is the champion of no particular aspirant. The Masaaausetts Election, Boston, Nov. 29.—The second trial for the election of representatives yesterday, has es• tablished the Whig supremacy in Massachu setts for the next year. Lowell elects ten Whigs, Lawrence three, and many other towns where there was no choice before elect Weigs. Heavy" Verdict for Seduction. A verdict has been rendered in Orange coon. ty, North Carolina, of $lO,OOO damages against Col. S. Denglass, a wealthy married man, for the seduction of Margaret Holmes. Bursted Banks. The following named Banks have failed within the lent two weeks, and the public should be on their gourd against receiving their notes Bank of Oswego, New York ; White's. Bank, Buffalo, New York; Patchin Bank, Buffalo, New York; • Chautauqua County Bank, Ntw York; 'Awls County Bank, New York; Massillon Bank, Ohio ' • Farmers' Joint Stock Company, Canada; Eric and Kalamoozo Bank, Michigan, Macomb County Bank, Michigan. Humors are also in circulation affecting the credit of the Clinton Bank, of Columbus, Ohio, and several other institutions. Look out for n big burst among the Banks, and snake safe in vestments of their notes as speedily as possible' A REM A Ric 41ILE Doo:--The Albany &dela erLoeker gives an account of wonderful dog belonging to one of its carriers. The earner Ming sick, sent out a I,ov to deliver tho paper.* who, being unaequaiutea with the round, was followed by the dog, who stopped at the door of every subscriber never missing one in a Hot of six hundred. At tly, do:, of the rascriLcrs who had not pniA i, tie 64