Official Directory of Ifunt.Co. President Judge: lion. Geo. TAYLOR, of Huntingdon. Associate Judges : lion. JUNO. INllVttLiams, of Franklin tp. Hon. T. F. STEWART, of West tp. District Attorney: J. SEWEI. STEWART, of Huntingdon. Sheriff : W. B. ZEIGLER, of Huntingdon. Sheriff's Counsel: W. P. ORBISON, Esq., of Huntingdon. Prothonotary : THEO. H. CREMER, Esq., of Huntingdon. Register, Recorder, ecc. : M. F. CAMPBELL, of Henderson tp. County Commissioners : ROBERT STITT, of Huntingdon. ELIEL SMITH, of Union tp. SAMUEL WIGTON, of Franklin tp. Commissioner's Clerk: HENRY W. MILLER, of Huntingdon. Commissioner's Attorney : JOHN REED, Esq., of Huntingdon. auditors: RALPH CROTSLEY, of Cass tp. KENZIE L. GREEN, of Clay tp. DAVID PARKER, of Warriorstnark. Treasurer : JOHN MARKS, of Huntingdon. Directors of Poor: JAMES SAXTON, of Huntingdon. JOHN BREWSTER, of Shirley tp. GEO. HUDSON, of Clay tp. Poor House attorney : DAVID BLAIR, Esq., of Huntingdon. Poor House Treasurer : HENRY BREWSTER, of Shirley tp. Deputy Surveyor: WILLIAM CHRISTY, of Porter tp. Coroner : ISAAC WOLVERTON', of Brady tp. Court Crier : SAMUEL S. SMITH, of Huntingdon. EVOTIN, STOTIO. t x7 E the undersigned, would respect- VV fully 611 the attention of pureha• sers to our superior stock of Stoves, - Cauldrons, &c. The superiority of our Stoves, above all others is so well known, that we deem it unnecessary to enter into detail of them. We would invite your attention to our MACGREGOR HEATING STOVE. As the price of coal is on the rise, this is the most economical stove the public can toe. These stoves are of sizes suitable for heating the smallest room, and those capable of containing from 40,000 to 80,000 cubic ft. Our Cook Stoves consist of the Ozone Coon, for coal; MODERN TROY, wood; Breten CELEBRATED WOOD STOVE, Ten-plate Coon, Yocum Coon, Moan Coon, &e., &c. Our assortment of Cook and Parlor Stoves is the best in the market, and thoso wishing to pur chase, will find it to their advantage by giving us a call before purchasing elsewhere: NEMAN & WARRICK. Successors to l'otts & Yocum. N. E. Cor. 2nd & Race ate. Aug. 31. '53.-3m. YUILADELPIIIA• TO THE PUBLIC. Po iFI2ID, ) Bo ©op RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Cassville and vicinity, that he hasiocated a medical office, for the purpose of treating all kinds of diseases, on a safe and scientific princi ple, and is now ready to attend to all calls, and by strict attention to business, hopes to receive agood portion of public favor. Fever and Ague cured in three days, and warranted to remain cured folthe season. A. P.F. July, 20, '53.-tf. F. Brown's ESSCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. THIS Essence is a preparation of unusual ex cellence. In ordinary diarrhma, incipient cholera, in short, in all eases of prostration of the digestive functions, it is of inestimable value.— Daring the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer complaints of children. it is peculiarly efficaciuni; no family or individual should be without it. CAUTION.—Be sure to get the genuine es sence, which is prepared only by F. BROWN, at his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. Corner of Fifth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by all the respectable Apothecaries in the United States. For bale by T. READ & SON, Huntingdon. [june 22,'53.—1y. MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL. Scottsville, Hunt. Co. Pa. rrHE undersigned respectfully informs the trot-- eling community and the public generally, that be is now prepared, at his new and commo dious dwelling, to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. His Hotel is situ ated at the South-cast end of the village, near the Mineral Springs, and the conveniences connected with it, are calculated to give satisfaction. GEORGE D. HUDSON. Scottsville, June 8, '53.-6m. "MAN KNOW THYSELF." An Invaluable Book for 25 cents. "EVERY FAMILY SHOULM HAVE A Corx." QIX Thousand Copies sold in less than three Q months. A new edition, revised and impro ved, just issued. DR. HUNTER'S Medical manual and hand book for the afflicted—Containing an outline of the or igin, progress, treatment and Cure of every form of disease, contracted by promiscuous sexual in tercourse, by self-abuse, or by sexual excess, with advice for their prevention, written in a familiar style, avoiding all medicinal technicali ties, and every thing that would offend the ear of decency, from the result 0120 years' successful practice, exclusively devoted to the cure of dis wises of a delicate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the cause, symp toms and cure for the Fever and Ague, for 25 cents a copy: six copies for $1 ; will be forwar ded to any part of the United State., free of pos. tage.—Address postage paid, Cosden & Co., Publishers, or "Box 195, Post Office, Phila. "'lids is without exception, the moat compre hensfe'e and intelligible work published on the class of diseases of which it treats. • Avoiding all technical terms, it addresses itself to the readers; it is free from all objectionable matter, and no parent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has tlevo ted many years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of, and 'with too little breath to puff,' and 'too little presumption to impose,' he has offered to the world at the merely nominal price of 25 cents. the fruits of some twenty years most successful practice."— Herold. "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this invaluable work; it would save years at' pain, mortification and tor row tq the youth under their eharge."—Peo ple's'Advocae.t p Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing of "Hunter's Medical Manual," says : "Thousands upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realising the sin and consequence upon them selves and their posterity. The constitution of elicanands, who are raising families have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or the cure. Any thing that eau be done so to enlighten and influence the public mind ns to check, and ultimately to re move this wide-spread source of human wretch w. fuses, confer the greatest blessing next ro :he- religion of Jesus. Christ, on the present and coming generation. Intemperance, (or the us e of intoxicating drinke,) though it has slain thou sands wilco thousantle, is not a greater scourge to the human race. Accept my thanks on behalf of tho afflicted, and, believe me, your co-worker iu the good work you are so actively engaged in." One copy will be forwarded, (securely envelo ped and postage paid,) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for Sl• Address, COSDHH & CO., Publishers, Box 190, Philadelphia. p lßookstillers, Canvassers and Book• Agents sudon rite most liberal terms. I. '53.-ly. 10 DOZEN Amos' No. 2 Shovel., just recei ved and for Intl° by J. Et W. SAXTON. beautitulasaortinant of Silk Dress Patterns, Übtek Silk, and Sonnet Lining, Just receiv ed aud•fer tale by J.