Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 23, 1853, Image 2
HUNTINGDON JObRNAL \` ... s - ZI Wednesday Morning, Nov. 23, 1853. 8. L. GLASGOW, Editor, IRCULATION 1000. Agents for the Journal. The following poreons we have appointed Agents for the Ilutsrittonoti JOURNAL, who are author ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub scription, and to take the names of new eubscri ber!atour published prices. . . We do this fur the Convenience of our subsea. hers living at a distance from Huntingdon. Joon W. Titomrsos, Esq., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL COEN, East Barree, GEonon W. CORNELIUS, Shirley township, JAMES E. GLASGOW. Clay township, DANIEL TIMER, Esq., Cromwell township, Dr. J. P. Astreom, Penn township, Dr. H. L. Bnowx, Cass township, J. WAREHAM MATTERN, Franklin township, SAMUEL SrErvEr, Jackson township, RonEnr Mlinnxuy, Col. Jwo. C. WATSON, Brady township, Morons BRowx, Springfield township, WU. lluremsriscim, Esq., Warriorsmark tip., JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township, GEORGE W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg, HENRY NEFF, West Barren. JOHN BALSDACH, AN. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township, A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township, GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Tell township, JAXES CLARK, Birmingham. NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. Mai. W. Moons:, Alexandria. 11. F. WALLACE, UIMOII SIMEON WRIGHT, Esq., Union township. DAVID CLAmcsorr, Esq., Cassville. SvmuEL Wrarow , Esq., Franklin township. JOHN Lurz, Esq., Shirleysburg. DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warrioramark. DAVID AunAttnr, Esq., Todd township. Ber Joint ARMITAGE, Esq., of this borough, was admitted, on Monday last, to practice law in the several Courts of Huntingdon County. His acknowledged intellectual ability and shrewdness, are sure guarantees to hint of at taining a high positimi at the bar, if it is his purpose to give the profession of law his !Men. tion. We wish him success in his new calling, and hope he may meet with the encouragement his talents and qualifications deserve. Wk. Joshua Greenland, Esq., our worthy Sheriff elect, will be sworn in this week. Next week he will move his family to the jail where he will take up his lodgings for the next three years. Peace and joy go with him. He has employed David Blair, Esq., as his counsel, and a happier selection could not well have made. This is the first instance of his wisdom and prudence--many more will follow, No MORE. Coroutso.—lf you want to stop your cough speedily, go at once and purchase a bottle of Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup, it only costs half a dollar, and will cure a cough in less than a day. It has been highly approved whereever it is known. Sold by Thos. Read, & Son, Huntingdon and by Druggists every where. GOOEY AND GRAILM—These excellent mag• azines for December have been received. Godey is hard to beat in any particular, and Graham ditto. We have often felt surpri aed that they are not seen on the parlor table of every lady and family in the community.— If-they were once properly introduced and their worth appreciated, it would be impossi• He to dispense with them. we- The Episcopalians held a fair in the Town Hull, last week, and we learn, realized quite a handsome sum of money, which will be appropriated to the benefit of the conzregation at this place. It would have rejoiced our heart if they had received five times as much as they did, for their congregation is rather small here, and we understand, has some difficulty in re• moving a few liabilities caused by the erection of St. John's Church. We trust they will finally succeed, and thus give to the world another evidence of the pow er of christian fortitude and perseverance. SOLDIERS OF 1812.—There was a meeting of these "brave associates" held in this town sometime during last week, but we have not been able to learn what the nature of their pro. ceedings was. The community, we have no doubt, would like very much to learn something of the history of this war, through a few of the worthies who figured so extensively at some of those "hard fought battles," and then lost courage and deserted. The American soldier, who has faithfully served his country, always stands au object of special regard by our citizens, and has volumes of praise written in his favor. We are said to be no 'ungrateful people"—will any body doubt this? Spiritual Telegraph. We have received a copy of this paper from the editor, with the request that his "editorial brethera will notice the peculiar features of the Telegraph." What to say on the subject of Spiritual Sci ence, to the promotion and development of which the columns of the Telegraph arc exclu sively devoted, is difficult for us to determine. We are not personally a disciple of the faith, nor are we a positive unbeliever, because we are not prepared to refute the arguments and facts, its advocates bring to bear in its favor. But if all that is said on the subject is true, it is certainly a very wonderful and mysterious science, and its scoffers should he careful as to what they say against it. We cannot recom• mend it to our readers, farther than to say, if any of them have a desire to learn something about the mysterious workings of unseen spir its, and a disposition to search after truth, which sometimes exists in very large masses of error, they can procure a copy of the "Spirits. al Telegraph," at No. 300 Brotolway, N. Y., by paying two dollars in advance. Further than this, the deponent saith not—at least for the present. The Result of the Election in Wisconsin. MILWATIKIE, Nov. 12.—The Democrats have undoubtedly carried the State by a sweeping majority- The following ticket, all Democrats, is elected : Governor—William 'Ruston. Lieut. Govenor—J. Lewis. Secretary of State--Grey. Attorney General—George Smith. The Legislature is largely Democratic. Tue P stated is _ shat President l'ieree's message will ho sent, as usual, to the postmasters of the met impor• taut cities in advance, to be given to the news. yarers the moment it is ' , resented to Congre,, Westminster Abbey. A vessel is speeding its way o'er the waters. Over its side a traveller listlessly bends, and gases Into the deep blue sea rolling beneath. The waves gently ripple against the ship's aide, curling their crests into wreathe of foam, which sparkle in the sunlight with dazzling brilliancy- Every thing isbeautiful and bright: and stfrely nothing can be farther from the thoughts of him, who is looking down upon all this, than Death. Yet, far below him, among the coral rocks, rest the bones of many who, too, at one time perhaps, looked upon those peaceful wat ers and reeked not that Death lurked beneath their mirrored surface. Where has not Death been? The world is his domain, where he has swayed his sable sceptre in all ages. The brow upon which the wrinkles of time have thickly gathered, as well as the bead, around which the curling ringlets of youth cluster, are alike laid low in the duet by his merciless hand. But, though Death thus relentlessly tears away from us those whom we hold dear, the mind clings strongly to their memory. The tendrils of our affections have twined about them; and tears unbidden start when fancy woos the images of "dear departed ones." We love and revere them still, and our feelings find vent in tokens of affection, bestowed upon their lifeless remains. 4nd, although them last sad tributes no longer affect them, they afford us the melancholy pleasure of fondly thinking, that their spirits, hovering near, see and are satisfied. The affectionate sister, at the return of Spring, anxiously watches the opening of the first rose bud, that she may haste away, and scatter its fresh petals over the green hillock, that presses the bosom of a beloved brother. One mists a rough stone, upon which is cut, in rude char acters, the initials of the deceased. Another, willing to let the world know how good a man has gone from their midst, emblazons upon a tablet of finer texture the virtues of him who rests beneath. The wealthy man raises a statue, and a Nation rears a pile, that towers to the clouds, under which the great, the good, the noble, and the mighty of her land are "gather ed to their fathers." Such is Westminster Abbey I Look upon its spires pointing heavenwards, glittering in the reflection of the glorious sunbeams. How emblematic of the fame of those, whose last resting place they point outl Whilst the sun light of their good deeds streams from their memories, we gaze upon their resplendent glo• ry with reverential and admiring eyes; but, when the tires, which once burst upon us, have waned in their brightness, when the flame, which has not been kindled upon the altar of Truth, has gone down in its socket, their names fade away from our sight, and sink forever in j the sea of oblivion. A mysterious building is that Abbey, that Palace of Death! "A temple, shadowy with remembrances Of the majestic past! Around it, the affections of a nation cluster, for even in England, good and great men are only discovered to be such, only begin to be beloved and revered, when their spirits are beyond praise or censure. and their bodies mingled with their kindred dust. We enter its portals wills bowed heads, and, with noiseless footstep, tread our way among the tombs of those, who, "being dead, yet. speak." Our eyes are cast upon the ground, and, in the tesselated pavement, are the rude marks of the chisel, exhibiting to our eyes characters that will soon need the kind offices of an Old Mortality, to rescue their subjects front oblivion. We direct our attention about us, down the long aisles, which stretch away from us on every side; and, in the array of sta tues, pillars and monuments, vainly endeavor to fix our gaze upon any single object. With reverence and awe, we lift our eyes to the fret ted ceiling, where the delicate pillars shoot up with graceful curves in pointed arches. The folds of massy drapery and gorgeous banners cover the walls. The large arched windows admit through their stained glasses, the "dim religious light" of evening, which steals along the corridors, "in a path of dreamy lustre," softening the bold projections, and melting away into the gloom of the recesses beyond.— We gaze upon all—below us, around us, above us—then with hearts too full for utterance, sink at the base of a monument; and, with head re• clined upon the marble, muse upon the Past, the Present and the Future, hero so vividly brought before our minds. Before us pass, in ghostly array, the grim, gaunt forms of mail-clad warriors, time-honored sages and ladies fair, who thronged the courts of Sebert and his successors, and whose ashes now rest with his, under the monument of his zeal and attachment for his holy religion. All traces of the Present vanish from our sight; and we are amongst another race of beings.— The iron-shod heel rings upon the s'.one pave ment, the raised visor reveals the stern unyield ing front that quails not, when dangers, in de mon shapes, threaten to overwhelm—the gaunt leted hand rests upon the hilt of the broad falchion, ready at the moment to unsheathe, either in the cause of honor, to protect injured innocence and oppressed virtue, or cleave to the shoulders the haughty Saracen, whose blood-red Dag waves from the battlements of Salem's sacred walls. The Lien Heart is there, rushing on with the maddened fury of the whirlwind, hewing himself a way through the mass of his foes, all reeking with gore, which gushes forth at every stroke of his ponderours battle axe. Now the scone shifts, and, what we world call a more enlightened generation fills the "places which once knew their fathers." The Philosopher is sitting in his study; and, whilst his wn mind is bursting the bonds which here tofore fettered it, he is opening up a way to Truth, upheaving the foundations of Error, clearing away every obstruction that might im pede the progress of others, and giving to Sci ence the Novutu Organum, by which she has ever since been guided. The Statesman is standing among the assembled powers of the realm, who watch, as from an oracle, the words of sage wisdom which drop from his lips. And then, from afar, come swelling the notes of the Swan of Avon—sounds that gain in sweetness and force, the farther they roll from the source whence they sprang. What mean the sounds which now burst up on our ears? The heavy tolling of the deep toned bell, and the sullen, measured roar of distant cannon I What mean the habiliments of wo and the mourners going about the streets? "Know ye uot, that there is a Prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel !" The ell- ver cord tlas been lotmed, and they are hearing hint to Lis Ing hcmc, the !Nub of the Kingr, the grey-old Abbey Its massy portals open wide to receive the dust of him, who, but a few years before, had the crown placed upon his head within its walls. Mark the pomp, the pallink pageantry, and then, for a moment, turn with us to a different scene, which is transpiring in another part of this-same realm. Before the door of a humble cottage are assembled a few sturdy peasants, to perform the last sad act of this world, for one to whom they had looked up as to a father. No empty parade mocks the stroke of Death; and when the hour arrives, a grey-headed old man rises and places himself in front of the body. All heads are uncovered, and the - old man, whilst his thin locks are mo ved by the breeze, raises his clasped hands and utters a short but feeling prayer. The plain deal coffin is raised, and borne along at the head of the little procession to the village church-yard. They stand around the grave, and then "They Icy his 'liver temples In their last repose." Silence reigns around. The old man approach es the grave• With one hand he removes his hat from his brow, the other he raises, and bending forward, whilst a tear starting from his eye rolls down his furrowed cheek, his thin lips move, and he breathes, "Dust thou art, and un to dust thou shalt return." The clods roll up on the coffin—he turns away—all follow, save those who remain to fill up the grave. Their duty is soon accomplished, and they too depart. Now all have gone. All? no, not all! A poor orphan lad, who had 'been saved from death, and reared by that kind old man whose burial we have witnessed, remains. Seated upon a atone, he had watched with unuttered anguish, the filling of the grave. He had heard the sound of the spade, smoothing over the top, and, when all had departed, he threw himself upon the mound and mourned in the bitterness of his soul, that he should no longer have one to love him as his poor old father had done.— But who mourns at the tomb of the King? Do the scalding tears of grief fall upon his tomb stone? Alas, no! We stand and gaze upon the splendid monument, the varied tracery, and itich hangings, and can almost fancy a hand writing above, in letters of fire, "Vanity of vanities I" Again, from afar comes noise and tumult.— Again the bells chime, but the death•knell has changed to the merry peal. Again the cannons roar, but the minute gun is succeeded by quick successive discharges. And then is borne along upon the breeze, faintly at first, but growing stronger, the cry, "God save the King I" A nation has found her Osiris, and the mourning for the lost is changed into rejoicings for the' found. Again the gates are thrown wide open, and again the crowd of the great ones of the earth fill the Abbey, which, as if in sympathy with the occasion, lays off its "cathedral look," and hides its sombre walls beneath the folds of smiling tapestry. What a contest! There rises the monument of a King yet moist with a nation's tears, there stands the coronation chair in which his suc cessor is receiving on his fevered brow the dia dem, that once encircled his brow, now cold in death. And now, leaving the Past and the Present, we are borne irresistibly on to the Future.— Its dark mysterious depths cannot conceal from us, that those who shall hereafter move upon the stage of existence, will tread lightly over the spot, consecrated by the relics of power, wisdom and genius. In fancy we can see the verger, many years hence, pointing the visitor's eye to the names of those, of whom he has learned that they were great and good men, who lived long, long ago. And how the stran ger's eye kindles, when the names of Chaucer, Milton, Shakespeare, Dryden, Goldsmith, Ad dison, fall upon his ear; and how he feels a sa cred awe stealing over him, when ho realizes that he is indeed standing over the dust of men so great, so good! But who cannot look forward to the time, when even their names may cease to be men tioned, or will only meet the eye of the antiqua ry, on the pages of old dusty folios? The tooth of Time may gnaw away what now. renders the Abbey beautiful and grand, and leave standing, nothing, but the crumbling walls, from which the owl will hoot, and among which ghosts will . hold their midnight orgies. And then the firm stone will moulder away and away, until not one block shell remain upon another, where now, the already old Abbey rears its lofty tur rets. Standing among the ruins of Petra and gazing upon its wonders we exclaim, where now is human glory? The spirit of twenty centuries of death-like silence reviving moans through the oriels of its crumbling temples, "Passing away." The lofty pyramids, around I whose tops their builders fondly hoped Eternity would play, must perish. A broken corner here, a crumbling mass there, utter slowly but surely, "Passing sway." And the Abbey— though prince and people strive to the last to preserve this great Mausoleum, this national Urn of national greatness, the hollow winds, I I that sweep along the shattered fretwork of its pointed arches, mourn, "Passing away." There i s written upon the fleeting clouds of heaven— upon the deep waters—upon the giants of the forest—upon the everlasting hills—upon all things earthly—upon Man himself, "Passing away." Quarter Sessions, The following is the most important part of the proceedings in the Court of Quarter Ses sions during last week. • Commonwealth es Benjamin Coute.--/ndiet ment—Assault and Battery. Deft pleads guil ty, and Court sentences hint to pay a fine of $3,00 and costs of prosecution. Commonwealth vs John Ambrose.—lndict ment—Assault and Battery. Not a true bill. Sentence of Court, prosecutor to pay costs of prosecution. Commonwealth es Wtn. Chestnut.—lndict. went—Assault and Battery. Not a true bill. Sentence of Court, John Ambrose, prosecutor, to pay costs of prosecution. Commonweallh vs Charles S. Black.—lndict. went—Miedemeanor in office. Verdict gnilty. Motion for a new trial for reason. filed, Commonwealth vs James a Hess.—lndict meet—Assault and Battery. Nolte prosequi entered on payment of costa by Deft. Commonwealth vs Josh. M. Booher.—lndict ment—ForLiention and Bastardy. Deft. din charged, no person having appeared to prose cute. Commonwealth vs Harvey Wilson.—lndiet ment—Fornication and Bastardy. Deft. dis• charged by proclamation. Commonwealth vs David Freed.—lndict ment for contempt. Nolle prosequi entered. Commonweallit vs John Green.—lndictment Larceny. ''True Bill." Deft. pleads guilty and submit'' to the Court. ipa. The man who has "carried the thing too far"—has !et it drp. Tho Sheriff is after The Whig Party and its Prospects. Political parties moat necessarily exist in a form of ,government like that of the United States. Public aentimet can only be ascertain ed through the ballot box. The exercise of the elective franchise is the only effectual way of giving force to it. Free discussion is there fore, an essential element to the existence of our government, and it inevitably leads to the organization of adverse political parties, and the development of adverse principles same.. sures. Of the truth of this fact, we need not the evidence which the history of other Repub lics affords. That furnished by the history of our own is enough proof. From the adoption of the Federal Constitution to the present time, the people have been divided into politi. cal parties, and they will, of necessity, ever continue so to be divided. Let faint-hearted men and strong-minded women prognosticate as they may, that a political millennium is about dawning upon this country, when party divisions and distinctions shall be blotted out of existence, and there longer be known such an organization as the Whig Par ty, the experience of the past teaches us that these are idle speculations; and destined never to be realized. The Whig who can be thus deluded, by craf ty political opponents, or fanatical enthusiasts, into the belief that the Whig party is annihila ted, must indeed, be of faint•heart and weak faith, and a disbeliever in the doctrine that "Truth crushed to earth will rise again." As well might he expect that the prophecy of the Millerites of the world coming to an end in May next, will be realized, and cease his business pursuits preparatory for his exit, as to believe that the Whig Party is at au end, and that henceforth, the so.called Dernorcracy will have every thing their own way, until some new organization shall grow up to contend with them. The one is about as likely as the other; and be who truly believes either, gives such evidence of want of sanity as, in our opin ion, would justify the application for a writ de lunatics inquirendo against him. It is true the Whig party is just now out of power almost everywhere, and many of its members are desponding; but its principles are immutable, and as vigorous and sound now as they ever have been. They can never die, though the party he nt times disorganized and desponding; and the reverses which these prin ciples have met with during the last year past, will but serve to contract the more forcibly their benign and conservative character, with the destructive tendencies of Locofocoism, and prepare the way for their ascendancy, at no din. tant day, in the administration of the govern. ment. The Whig party now is as strong and as powerful in the country, when roused from its lethargy and all its forces thoroughly organi zed, as it ever has been. It. is not dead—it only sleepeth. The principles promulgated and sustained by CLAY and WEBSTER are as ardently cherished now as they were when these great Statesmen and true Patriots stood shoul der to shoulder in their support in the forum of the nation; and a favorable occasion need but present itself, such as the destructives now in power will not fail soon to produce, when those who in days gone by were good and true Whigs will again battle manfully and patriotically for the success of these principles. Even in this early day, within less than a year since the accession of the party into pow er, discord and disunion prevails in its ranks everywhere. Like the Macedonian and Ro. man empires, so Locofocoism now bids fair to crumble to pieces by its victories and own weight, while the Whig party, if but true to the principles of Clay and Webster, which it has hitherto cherished, will after a brief interval be again in the ascendant. Let the good and true men of the party take courage from the past, remain banded together as brethren of one faith, and neither abandon their distine. tive principles, nor surrender their honored name. The defeat in 1836 prepared the way for the brilliant and glorious victory in 1840, and the Locofoco triumph of 1844 was but the forerunner of the glorious Whig achievement in 1848; and judging the future by the past, with the light which the present sheds upon it, we feel that we are quite safe in saying that the unparalled Locofoco victory of 1852 will , be followed, in 1856, by another Whig triumph like those of 1840 and 1848.' Courage, Whigs, courage I—Daily News. Looofooo Testimony. In noticing a statement made by the Pitts. burg Union, that the funds appropriated for the completion of the Portage Railway had been exhausted and the debts not yet paid, the Westmoreland Argus, the Locofoco organ of that county, remarks that the last Legislature made appropriations exceeding five millions of dollars, and that yet in advance of the meet. iug of the next Legislature, a new loan of for. ty thousand dollars is about to be made for the Portage Railway. This it strongly condemns, and says : If the people do not soon open their eyes to the alarming condition of our finances, it will be too late. When will these loans cease?— Are the Democracy of the State unequal to the task of placing honest and able men in power, who will guard and protect their rights and in terests? Must the people forever remain si lent and inactive while the Portage road, nod the Cormorants who grows rich on its spoils devour their toils and substance? This is a question that belongs to the people and it is for them to make the reform. If they are unable or unwilling to guard their interests, they can not expect that others will do it. The Baltimore Platform, JOHN VAN BOREN'S INTERPRETATION OF IT. To show tht position of the New York Soft Shells, whom the National Administration has taken into its especial favor and keeping, on the great principles of the party as proclaimed by the Baltimore Convention, and the faithful observance of the Compromise measures as a final adjustment of the slavery question, we make the following extract from a speech re• cently delivered by John Van Buren at Tama• -" Now I say that the democratic party is pledged to resist the agitation of the slavery question. There may be men in that party who do not approve of the compromise measures; these is no prohibition expressed in the Bald. more platform. Davis, of Mississippi, and Johnson, of Georgia, do not approve of them, and there are various men on the democratic party besides myself who do not approve of them, BUT WE ALL AGREED THAT THEY SHOULD NOT BE DISTURBED DURING THE ADMINISTRA TION OF /PRESIDENT PIERCE, and We have agreed also to resist the agitation of the slavery question in or out of Congress. That is the Baltimore platform." • MARCY DOOMED. -The vote polled by the Hard Shells in New York has sealed Marcy's doom. Henceforth his prospects for the Pres. idency will be laughed at by rivals instead of dreaded. It is said that the result caused great consternation at Washington amongst those who pinned their faith to the small clothes of the Secretary of State. The Marcy men boasted, previous to the election, that the Free Soil Democrats would poll more than two-thirds of the Democratic strength of the State—not two-thirds of the Democratic votes cast, but that proportion to the whole known strength of the party. Orievonsly have they been disap pointed in their expectations. Too MANY GENERALS TO COMMAND.—The National Democrat, the organ of the N. York Hard Shells, has come to the conclusion that there are too many Generals, besides General Pierce in command at Washington. It says the Cabinet organ babbles perpetually about insubordination and rebellion—which reveals a spirit in the general government that the De mocracy thought it had conquered forever.— The Cabiuet appears to be too literary a gener al government—altogether too much so for a Democratic Administration. There are Gen eral Cushing, General Davis, General Marcy —for the Governor was in command in :the Ina war, mud bad the i ty,4 fortune, we arc hap pr to etty, to g. t off •.ttheut scarp." • Spirit of the Washington Press, The Sandwich Islands, project of annexation, is thus spoken of in the Washington Union;— "The question of the annexation of the Sand wich Islands has not originated with our gov ernment. The influence of our example has been operative, and citizens of the U. States, in the prosecution of their lawful schemes of enterprise as individuals, may have exerted an influence upon the question. But our govern ment has taken no step to bring about the re sult which now seems to be nearly ripe for con summation. If the islanders make up their minds to seek the protection of our flag, our government will not hesitate then to take the eubject under consideration. This is the natu ral course of things, and it show., that we need no fillibusterism to bring about those expan sions of territory which all intelligent men see must sooner or later, be accomplished. "Although our government has had nothing to do in bringing about the state of things which seems likely soon to result in an appli cation from the Sandwich islands for annexa tion, we are assured gy the floctrines of Presi dent Pierce's Inaugural,ne well as by the Amer ican sentiment of the Administration, that the application will receive promptlaisideration. We cannot fora moment suppose that the mea sure will be seriously embarrassed by the out rageous pretensions set up in the protest of the French and British consuls. The answer of the American commissioner, Mr. Severance, is a full and conclusive reply to those pretensions, and we have no reason to doubt that his senti ments will be cordially approved by the Ad ministration." MUCH IN LITTLE. ! F ir Court is still in session. ti' Cats are quoted in Australia at fifteen dollars each. klir The weather has been damp and un pleasant this week. . Gir There are eighty thousand hymns in the German language. Cr The salary of the King of the Sandwich Islands is $16,000 a year. OT Seven hundred thousand children at tend school in the six New England States. 'Search creation round, and you will find no character more detestable than the hypo crite. er Bizarre publishes a list of the most no ted autograph collectors in the United States. The number is thirty-three ff ir Over two-thirds of the members of the next Congress will serve for their first time iu that capacity. 'Gen. Wm. H. Irwin, has been propo sed as a candidate for Governor, by a Whig meeting at Lewistown, Mifflin County. c s r A London paper begins its weekly re cord of crime with, "There have Iron five ca ses of woman-beating this Week." lir The Pacific Railroad Company have purchased four blocks of buildings in the city of St. Louis at a cost of $120,000. Er The Pennsylvania Historical Society, celebrated the 171st anniversary of the landing of Pella, by a dinner at Reading on Tuesday last. tom' The next Locofoco State Convention is to be held at Harrisburg on the Bth of March. Among other things to be dose by it, is the nomination of GOVERNOR BmEER for a second term. sr The Hon. Andrew Johnston, the new Governor of Tennessee, commenced life in an Almshouse in North Carolina. Ile remained there until his eighth year; when lie was ap prenticed to a tailor. or The great South West is certain to be come one of the chief wine-producing coun tries of the world. The farmers of Missouri are turning their attention more than ever to the culture of vine. tom' At Memphis, Miss., the other day, whis key was mixed with water and given to a mule. It made the animal "gloriously drunk," and he behaved quite as foolishly as a man would un der similar circumstances. oir A Democratic paper claims tho result of the late election in Georgia as a proof of the Administration. So be it. Last November the majdrity for Gen. Pierce in Georgia was 18,045. It is now 258 I fir Santa Anna, who trends slowly—for a natural reason—hut valorously, in the steps of Louis Napoleon; has, according to the last ad vices from Mexico, issued a formal decree for bidding the making of caricatures of himself or his Ministers. sir The Philadelphians have taken hold of the project for erecting a monument to Frank lin, in earnest. Editors and printers have the matter in hand, and, of course, the thing will be done. Let the monument be simple, mod est, and everlasting. o r Last week was rather brisk in the "An- cient Borough," owing we presume to the fact, that there were several cases in the Sessions, under investigation, in which many seemed to be interested, either from curiosity or some- thing else. Gip To . cap the climax of the "Junius" ab surdity, it is now proposed by an English wri- ter that a monument be erected to “Junius," in the new House of Parliament. Another writer suggests a motto for the proposed stet ue, "Seca nominis unbra." The exports of specie to Europe, last month, amounted to $5,534,578, slightly more than the gold receipts of the same period. But the receipts of California gold, thus far, are still about $24,000,000 greater than the whole shipments of coin to foreign countries. fa' A man of virtue is an honor to his coml. try, a glory to humanity, a satisfaction to him self, and a benefactor to the whole world. He is rich without oppression or dishonesty, chari. table without ostentation, courteous without deceit and bravo without vice. fir In speaking of works of fiction, the Christian Inquirer remarks t—For some time, we have had more than a suspicion that works of fiction are beginning to lose their charm, and the day of the romance of reality is dawn. ing. The facts of life, at home and abroad, when seen by a keen eye, and exhibited graphi cally;with a pen tinged with pleasant fancy or pointed with wit, win upon us tar more than most novels do; and the time may not be dis tant when readers, who nod ovet Dickens and Thackeray, will keep their eyes open over the new Davys and Humboldts of artistic science." Itir It is rumored that Gen. Scott is writing a history of his life for publication, &c.—Lan caster lotelligencer. Very improbable. The greater part of his life is already written on the pages of the his tory of his country, and deeds shine forth in it with a brilliancy which partisan slurs cannot dim if they were to be scribbled until the re appearance of the comet, three hundred years hence. As "Junius" said of Chatham, ..Recorded honors shall Whey round AM utuent, and thicken over hire. It is a solid fabric and aiII ,pport the !surd, that adorn Annexation of the Sandwich Islands. The Washington correspondent of the New York Times says it is deemed not improbable that Mr. SEVERANCE, the United States Com missioner to the Sandwich Islands, has already negotiated a treaty of annexation to the Uni ted States; his instructions left him full discre tion in the premises. His reply to the Protest of the British and French authorities in Ha waii, certainly implied that he had the power to negotiate for annexation—which lie was not disposed to lose by committing himself; even by inference or default, to the views or assump tions of European diplomasts. The recent change in the Hawaiian Ministry clearly indi cates the growing desire on the part of the King for annexation. Dr. JUDD was known to be in favor of that project, but Mr. ALLEN, who recently assumed Dr. Juim's Portfolio, is more radical on the subject, and in favor of in stant and perfect annexation, without condi tions of any sort likely to embarrass the Uni ted States in considering the subject. So we may as well get ready to admit the State of Hawaii, with Mr. ALLEN, and perhaps Dr. Juno, as her two United States Senators. Elwin.% H. ALLEN, who succeeded JUDE in the Hawaiian Ministry, came to Washington two years ago, at the thne of the French ag gression on the Island, with a direct proposi tion and ALLEN returned. He now promotes the same scheme as a member of the Hawaiian Government. GREGG, the new Commissioner to the Sandwich Islands, is fully informed that the statement of the Administration warmly favors annexation. That and the Cuba ques tions are expected to be great topics of interest, during the next session of Congress.—Philadel plau Sun. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Georgia U. S. Senator. Charleston, Nov. IG.—The Legislature of Georgia have voted to go into an election for H. S. Senator, to-morrow. At a caucus held, the two third rule woo adopted, which it is supposed will operate against the election of Hon. Howell Cobb. Georgia Legislature. Clarkston, Nov. 17.—The Georgia Legisla. ture have agreed to elect a United States Sena. tor to day. The caucus have adopted the two third rule, which, it was supposed, would oper ate against the Hon. Howell Cobb• Massachusetts Election, Boston, Nov. 18.—It is now ascertained that Dr, Sabin, the "free soil" candidate for Sena tor in Berkshire county, is defeated. This will give the Whigs the organization of the Senate, having eleven to the twenty-one elected. The House of Representatives stands 162 Whigs to 94 opposition, leaving 162 districts in which there is no choice. Mississippi Election, (Pc. Baltimore, Nov. 18.—By the arrival of the Southern mail, we learn that the election in Mississippi has gone Democratic by five thou sand majority. There is n majority of twenty five on joint ballot in the Legislature for the Democrats, which will defeat Gen. Foot's elec tion to the United States Senate. Hon. H. Benning has been elected Judge of the Supreme Court in Georgia. A Poor Speculation, Two brothers, Valentine and Dyer Ogden, chartered a freight car for the purpose of car• rying some freight to Oswego; and in order to save their passage money, concluded to ride in the car they had chartered, supposing, no doubt, that their charter would pass them as freight. But on arriving at Baldwinsville they were informed that they could not be consider ed in that light, and must pay their fares.— They refused; and drawing pistols, told the conductor to advance at his peril. After some scuffle the weapons were taken from them, and they were permitted to go on to Oswego.— Wort: Wad sent to this city, and officer Hender son proceeded to Oswego and arrested them, as they were about taking passage for Canada. They were brought back, and had a hearing before Justice House, who fined them eight dollars. Rather a poor speculation that.—Sy. racruse Republican. A Pierce office Holder Described The Washington Sentinel, the national or. gan of the Hard Shells, thus describes one of the appointments of the present National Ad. ministration, that of the notorious William J. Brown, of Indiana, who hold's the office of Mail Agent for the Slates of Indiana and Illinois : " This miserable creature lute been raised from the pit of dogrodation and infnmy, to which a national Congress had consigned him, and dignified by one of the most influential and important posts under the general govern. ment." Who is this William J. Brown that dares to raise his diminished. head to look at, much less speak of, a gentleman, or a press. or any thing with which either has to do? We scarcely can realize the factohat it is he of speakership no. toriety, who strove to walk into that honorable position with a lie in his throat, and the death warrant of his country in hispocket The scenes and scenery of that memorable occasion, which a generous adversary oppor tunely exposed, and for which a great and no ble party continue to blush, are vivid in the memories of all. * And we had hoped that, for the sake of very decency, this despoiler of truth and common honesty, would never have had sufficient vitality given him again, to intrude himself upon the notice of so ciety. Expanding the Chest. The Scientific American says that those in easy circumstances, or those who pursue em ployment within doors, use their lungs but lit tle, and breathe but little air in the chest, and lay the foundation for the loss of health and beauty. All this can be obviated by :a little attention to the manner of breathing. Reccol lect the lungs are like a bladder in their struc ture, and can stretch open to double their size with perfect safety, giving a noble chest, and perfect immunity from consumption. The agent and only agent required, is the common air we breathe, supposing however, that no obstacle exists, external to the chest, such as twining it about with stays, or having the shoulders he upon it. On rising from the bed in the morning, place yourself in an erect posture, with your head thrown back, and your shoulders entirely off from the chest, then in hale all the air that can be got in; then hold your breath nnd throw your arms off behind; hold your breath as long as possible. Repeat these long breaths as many times as you please. Done in a cold room'is much better, because the air is much more powerful in expanding the chest. Excercising the chest in this man ner, it will become flexible and expansible, and will enlarge the capacity and size of the lungs. MISSISSIPPI ELEcvioN.—Additional returns from this State make the election of the Dem ocratic State ticket as certain by over 7,000 majority. The majorities for the several can didates for Congress from the Districts aroYe, ported considerably below the State ticket aver age. " STATE TREA SERER. -The Pennsylvanian says it learns that Senator Goodwin, of this County, will be a candidate for State Treasurer at the coming session of the Legislature. We notice also the name of Joseph Bally, Esq., late Sen ator from Perry, announced for the same posi tion. Either of those gentlemen would doubt less make a good officer, and m rotation ought to be a doctrine of the democracy—there may be a chance for our old friend General Bickell to step out. GEN. DAVIS AND THE MISSISSIPPI SENATOR• arm—The 'Washington Star has "taken pains Ito obtain information justifying the positive as. serlioll," that Gen. Davis will not leave the Cabinet for the purpme of seeeptin the Mi.,• a; :;ppi SReat,,hip. For the Journal A Leaf from a Visitor's Jo tuna" A lively, vivid imagination is never at rest: It has its own picture gallery, where are por trayed fairy scenes, and more truthful land seapes. Some exist only in this wonderful study, and have no counterpart in the world without, others are transmitted there from nn tare's glowing canvass. It is the delight of the enthusiastic lover of nature, not only to create and cherish these pictures of the brain, but to gather new mate rial from the one vast unfailing source. Every tree and hill-side. the towering mountain, the craggy ledge, and bolder granite front, the run ning stream, and winding rivulet, all fringed with shrubs anti flowers, the ever.changing clouds above; all love to .evettl their oven pe culiar grandeur and beauty, and they hold out . a picture which the eyes of his soul may feast upon. Then it is that his whole being is quick ened into life,—a new life. The load-of care, and perplexity, anti labor, that man is burden ed with, is cast aside, andi with purer, holier thoughts, and sanctified vision, he cart indeld look from "Nature up to Nature's God." Then be a student of Nature's—be an enthusiastic, devoted worshipper at her shrine, since all her gifts and precepts tend only to elevate tho thoughts and purify the heart. The truth of these statements was most for cibly illustrated in a recent visit to the valley of the Juniata—in centre Pennsylvania. I had heard much in my far-olf home of the enchanting scenery of this lovely. valley, aid indeed of all central Pennsylvania, and had, long desired to be myself a spectator. The coveted pleasure was enjoyed at length, for Providence cast my lot among the very moun tains and hills whose bases are washed by the waters of the "blue Juniata;" and in sight of the famed Alleghanies,whose blue to psarc lost in the clouds. On a bright November morning, n happy party started out to ascend the high hill Jost south of the little village of Birmingham.— This eminence is upon the left of the fine, new Seminary Building recently erected in the vil lage, aria from its summit may be taken a. bird's-eye view of the surrounding country fi; many miles in extent. All were eager to com mand a view of the country so renowned in po etry and song, which the great Creator had formed so singularly grand, wild, and beautiful. As peak after peak rose before us they were quicklysurmounted, and an occasional stopping and turning around to get a glance of the wi dening landscape below us. But an agreement "not to look around" until we stood on the highest point, s6on put an end to that, and on we moved, all anxious to gain the spot. A few moments and we faced a bold cliff. One() on its summit, and the land of Beulah would lie below us--all around us. Who shall du. vribe the scene? Not even the "pen of the ready-writer." Then wonder not that the un practiced pen shrinks from the task; and blame not if it fails to do its office. From nn elevated stand-point the eve natu rally seeks the distance. And such a aid.ce is aft around us. Ten, fifteen, twenty miles— North, South, East and West. Range after range of mountains and hills bounding the whole circle of the horizon, rising one above another, and forming such a • back-ground as would make nu artist's pencil spring to copy. The pale blue highest range blends with the azure of the clear sky. and next to this the deeper blue stratum, then the next—and next —till the low, brown hilly ridge stands sentinel over the valley. Here and there is a wide gap in the wall of mountains, through which peeps a proud little village. One towards the west ern rail-way route—Tyrone Cite—see, its largo brick hotel stands just within the huge, upturn ed, open jaws of a gapping mountain. Higher up, next the blue sky, stretches the famous Al leghtiney range. Then away to the south-west lay packed in numberless mountains and hills, where repose the Canoe and Sinking Vallies, the villages of „Hollidaysburg, Williamsburg, and others. Farther along towards the "city of brotherly love" are the mountains about the thriving village of Huntingdon—the shire town of the county, and the metropolis of the sur rounding conntry, three wild, romantic peaks near Waterstreel, Spruce Creek, with the deep cut, and long, well-built Tunnel. But our eyes are tired wills roving, then turn we to the nearer prospect—the deep rallies that keep the hills and mountains at respecta ble distances, the winding river, and its steam companion by is., side—the recently built rail rend, the white village on the hill, and the cir cuitons roads lending to the villages and farm houses, which are sprinkled about the land scape. There is so much to charm the eye— so much beauty—picturesque, romantic beauty. Never, before, did I gaze upon a scene so ex tensive, so varied, so full of beauty and grandeur. And in the midst of all, we stand, and gaze. spell-bound. How quickly the eye traces out the picturesque in Nature. And there it is, directly below us, the gentle, quiet, beautifully wild and romantic Juniata, with its many little islands; and hills onthe one side, sloping grace• fully down to dip in its waters, and bearing on their crests, in Its eyrie homes the time-honored and pleasant village of Birmingham. While in striking contrast on the opposite sideoiaes a forest mountain, and stretching along its bas:, the Pennsylvania railroad. Surely, Dame Nature has been partial in the distribution of her finest scenery; crowding into centre Pennsylvania a larger share than she bestows upon some sister States. But we were .t disposed to murmur, for as we des• cended to the valley, we could only thank Ood in our hearts, that he had displayed His crea tive power so gloriously in any part of this our fair and beloved country. Sunday in San Franoisco. An incident peculiarly characteristic of San Francisco occured in the vicinity of the Plaza. In no other city in the United States could so striking a contrast botwben castes, the feelings and the education of the inhabitants be exhibi ted. Between two and three o'clock, some Chinamen had erected a kind of a show box on Brenham Place, for the exhibition of Punch and Judy, and had attracted a crowd, by means of gongs and other outragebus instruments.— To this crowd the exhibition was made, at so much a sight. Returning to the same place, two hours after, a crowd still might have been seen—but how striking the contrast! Instead of a display of puppets, a minister of the Gos• pel was addressing his felllow men upon the truth of the Bible, and invoking, from the same spot which lie bad occupied almost week. ly for four years, the blessing of Heaven upon his fellow men. This is one of the contrasts our city is constantly furnishing.--San Fran• clam Herald. FRAUDS IN CALIFORNIA TRADE.—A Sap Francisco correspondent of the Journal of com merce, speaks oithe bitter complaints made by merchants in San Francisco, of the growing practice, in Eastern cities, of false packing false weight and tares, equal, in many cases, to ten or fifteen per cent, on butter, hams and bacon, in hogsheads. Boston and Philadelphia eggs are sent there in large quantities, in tins mark ed and invoiced 20 dozen each, which cannot be made to hold, when emptied of the limo pre paration, over 15 dozen. He also charges the New York and Boston shippers with over-mea surinq goods. Ship-owners, not being satisfied with freights that will pay 100 per cent. profit on a single voyage, seek to add 23 per cent. snore by shaving their customers. Nineteen in stances have recently, ho says, Caine under hig observation, where, on freight bills of about $7OO, deductions of over . ..measurement have been exacted and refunded of over four bun• dyed cubit, feet. Others have had nearly one• third takes off by re -measurement at San Fran. risco. • TOM NEW YORK LEGISLATURE will stand thus; Senate-22 Whigs 8 Hard Democrats, 2 Soft Democrats; Himmel-8D Whigs, 24 Hard Den, ocrats, 22 Soft Democrats; 2 Free Soilers. NEW YORK STATE c•CPRY.Itt± Comr.—This tribunal bui now a majority of Whig Judges, bringrninpi•• ,, f to tbr.s. Ih