Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 16, 1853, Image 3
ARRIVAL OF THE AMERICA. Commencement cf Hostilities, THE RUSSIAN FLEET FIRED 'CPC N WHILE FORCING 'DIE DANUBE. Pour Officers and twelve Sailors Killed—For. ty Winintied.—The Thrkish Fort :hi Fired. • fry the. Russians.-77. Fleets in the Marmora.—The Suiten Di, pleased with the Altitude.nftlre Allied Pleds. --A uric Proposition frun the, flow powers reported.—Runtored Abdication of the Czar. —The 11118ffiCINS beaten by the Circassian. —Mr. Sonle's Reception al Madrid—We, tion made to his Address to the Queen. HALIFAX, November)] The Royal Mail Steamer America. with Liv erpool dates to Satnrdav, October 29, arrived here this morning at 19 o'clock. The America saw the steamer Arabia off Ro !plead, on Saturday, hound for Liverpool. On the 3d of November, she spoke the steam er Canada, bound for Liverpool.. Martin Koszta i 3 on his way to Boston. ENGLAND. A subscription WAS being raised to procure some suitable British testimonial to be presen • tod to Capt. Ingraham for his course in the Kosota affair. • meeting of the inhabitants of the Tower Hamlets. London. Captain Mavne Reed presi• dine.bad been held to sempathize with Turkey. Mr. Cobden, on the 25th. addressed the Mc. ebonies' Institute at Barnsley. proposing. no a model for imitation, the educational operations of tbe 11. Stales. . A movement is on foot to erect a monument to Lt. Bellet, the unfortunate Arctic navigator. The steamship Argo, from Australia, came via Cape Horn. The American steamship Golden Age is ad vertised to carry out the Australian mails of November the 10th. from Liverpool. The ship Charles Croker, for New York, bad put into Belfast with loss of sails and spars, but otherwise uninjured. 'FitAxce. A report was circulated in Paris that the Emperor Nicholas had abdicated in thvor of the hereditary Grand Puke. The report was doubted, hat ib was not without enet on the Bourse, and gave firmness to the market gen. erally. • DeHißiers succeeds Lacour as French Min ister at Constantinople. In France evemarrangement has been made fur a land expedition to Constantinople, but no orders would be given - to march unless new circumstanees rendered it necesmry. The Moniteur publishes no caiturial indien tin? that the French government will be firm in its support of Turkey. • Disturbances had occurred in some of the provincial corn marts, owing to the high pri ces of breadstuff. Commercial circulars attri bute the continuous rise of wheat to the great demand The seed this season. The Minister of Marine n wvo to the Havre Chamber of Commerce that the Govern. meat will shortly reduce the import duty on guanno to ten francs per ton in foreign ships, and free in French ships. Gen. DeNeuily was killed in a difficulty with his camp, Capt. La Porta, at Cho lens sur Marne. TI:RIMY AND RA:9.SIA A telegraphic despatch, published in the Paris Itioniteur, under date of Bucharest, Oct. 25th, states that two Russian steamers and eight gun-boats forced a passage through the Danube on the 22d, and encountered a brisk fire from the Turkish fort. Tsai:Lehi. The Ras. shin fleet had a detachment of troops on board, and the fire killed a Colonel and three ether of ficers, and twelve sailors were also killed, while the wounded amounted to forty. The loss on the part of the Turks is not given, but it is pre tended by the Russians that the fort was set on fire by shells thrown from thu steamers and gun-boats. No other hostilities have occurred, as far as is known. The combined fleets had anchored in the Sea of Marmora. The latest dates from the East aro not so late as the 25th,the day fixed by the Sultan for the evacuation of the Principalities. Tt 933 reported that Count Neiielroade wanted fur ther negotiations. The general indications. however, were decidedly warlike. It is reported that the Czar had said, in an swer to a request of England and France that he would rather back out than fight there. In regard to the attitude of the combined 'fleets of England and France in the Sea of Marmora, the Turkish government is said to have declared their movements unintelligible, and that they were worthless allies. If they are apprehensive of the safety of the Sultan, the Turkish government undy!takes to , gun, antee the Sultan's safety, and it has no use for fleets at Constantinople, except as active allies. The avowel of the presence of the fleets in any other quality would be an avowel of weakness that would wrong Turkey in the eyes of Eu rope. The Turkish Minister ofFinance has resign. ed, and Saffeti succeeds him. There was much running to aNI fro of cour iers, but little in regard to them had transpired. It was rumored again that the Pour Powers have drafted a new proposition. and the King of Belgium is said to be exerting his influence for peace. A despatch from Brussels, under date of Oc tober 26, says that it was reported at Vienna that a skirmish had taken !decent, the Danube. But it was not believed that any pitched battle had been fought. Turkey lies prohibited the export of Corn. • There was no fleet at Constantinople on the 19th. The Turkish Government displays much military sagacity. The Sultan, has officially recognized Manly' and other Circassian chiefs, and sent them arms and munitions of war. The Hungarian General Guyon has been sent as Lieutenant General to Asia. The Benediction of the banners usually pre ceding active service, took place at Bucharest on the 10th ult. The Grand Vizier publishes an order, call. ing on the inhabitants of Constantinople to preserve order, pray for the success of the Tur kish arms, and protect Christians from insult and annoyance. Persia had disbanded her army on the Tar blob frontier. Certain transactions in the London markets would indicate that certain parties were in pos session of exclusive and favorable informatton, but the 'public at large ore kept altogether in the dark respecting the progress of ninths. Several papers publish the following spurious despatch, via Vienna, 22d October: "The army of Omar Pasha, which could be' kept back no longer, has passed the Danube, and beaten the Russians at Oltewitza. The Russian vessels in the Danube have fallen in to the hands of the Turks." The Russians are establishing a strong re serve at Galatz, and have 50,060 men at Buch arest. All the commanders have joined their respective corps, A pontoon corps of the Russian army had left Bucharest for the Danube. The weather continues mild, and favorable for military op erations. Tweotyfive thousand Russians had lauded at Redont Kale, with the supposed in tention of attacking Baltoutn. The Russian army was in a sad state from sickness and scarcity of food. Manthimour, a man of energy, opposed to Russia' ' but favorable to a revivification of the (heck Church, is elected Patriarch of Coast. , tinoplo, and has been invited to attend a meet• ing of the Turkish Cabinet. It was reported that M. do la Cour, the French Ambassador at Constantinople, was to' he superseded. Recent Russian accounts reported a Russian victory over the Circassians. The true state• ment says the Cireassians de.feutecl the Ras. sians, captured several guns, and retreated to the mountains. _ _ Letters front St. Petersburg speak of a strong •tics, on the part a Co,lat n. ',tired , : to snake mg:.!Flt AUSTRALIA, Tim steamer Argo had arrived from Au?tra• lia, with half a million pounds sterling. Bev dates from .Port Philip were to August 24th.— film reports seeing the Amcriean ships Tetas and Early Bird entering the harbor. New gold diggins . a have been discovered.— The markets were flat. SPA . Spain Las a large fleet ready for sail, desti unfit,n supposed to he the Mediterranean. :Madrid Litters of the 25th state that Mr. Soule had been formally received by the Queen. On the request of the Minister of Foreign Af thin he had consented to modify some expres sions whirl, were considered objectionable in his address to the Queen. Murder and Horrid Atrocity. Jacob Scheib. some two months ago, married in Buffalo a widow who had a family of chil dren, the eldest n boy of some 12 or 13 years, moved to Blue Island, about three quarters of n mile from the village, and lived in a shanty. A man 'named Cender. last week loaded a dou ble barrel shot gun, which he had lately pur. chased, for the purpose of trying it, and after Practicing some fine, annoyed Scheib by firing to his yard and about the latter's dwelling.— Scheibremonstrated, and from words they came to blows: Neither was much injured. and af terwards Cender took a seat in Scheib's shan ty, directly behind the stove. At about 11 o'clock at night hieh words again ensued be tween them, and Cender raised his gun, paint in; it nt Scheib's breast, threatened to shoot him; the Later being but about three fret from the ;111IZZIC of the gun, opened his shirt boson, and dared Cender to fire. Colder at once fired and ludged the whole charge in his victim's right breast, killing him instantly. Bat new follows the most * horrible part, which the son testifies to. Mrs. Scheib leaving the body in its fallen position, after placing something under the head of her dead husband; undressed herself and went to bed in a small apartment partitioned off in the back part of the shanty. Courier fullowed, and occupied the same bed. The wife and the murderer of her husband, within the sight of the warm, but life less corps, lay in ends others arms! The boy immediately went in search at assistance, and those whom he brought found the guilty pair together as lie had left them. In reply to their questions, she stated that Scheib shot himself. Further assistance having been procured, and a warrant issued, the murderer was arrested, and upon the Coroner's inquest, the woman confessed that ('ender shot her husband. Len der is now in jail in this city, having been corn• witted to whit the action of a Grand Jury.— Chicayo Journal. Tha Root of the Evil, The monetary affairs at Now• York, seem to have reached a crisis. The best commercial paper brings from 12 toll per cent. per. month. In referring to the subject, and tracing the enlace, the Courier and Enquirer truthfully re marks:— The increase of foreign dry goods imported in September, 1853, was silly per cent. beyond those of September, 1852. For the nine months of 1853, (ending Sept. 30,) the increase was fulls' fifty per cent. beyond the import for the corresponding period of 1852. The aggregate for 1632 exceeded seventyseven millions in value, against less than fifty millions in 1832. This is the rent grate evil. This identical in. crease of twenty odd millions brings about the export of coin. This would have been the case or nearly so, if the Banks had not curtailed ten millions in their loans since August 1, but the two causes combined together, added to the increased noise of money abroad, are fit!. ly sufficient to account for the present stringen cy in this market. A Lixe or• STEAMERS ABANDOKED.-13y re cent adviees from Genoa, we learn that the great transatlantic Steamship Company, with a capital of $6,000,000, (mostly Englitilt cal i tal,) to about to abandon the enterpr'z ‘. e depression of stocks in Piedmont, and the pres sure upon the money and market there, bare entirely changed the plans of the Company, and the most we may expect from it at present, is the equipment of but one single steamer, fur the service between Genoa and N. York. raft Secretary Marcy writes to Josiah Fos. ter of Sandwich, whose son, a seamen on board the " Lenox " was badly injured in the nilkir at the Chincha Island, that •' the Go, erAment of the United States is by'no means insensible to the wrongs inflicted upon its citizens in the attack upon them by an armed force of Peru, on board the U. S. merchant fillip Defiance.— Ample reparation will he demanded for the acts of violence which have been perpetrated at the Chinca Island:' THE Boustisnr 13031 MISSION.—On the 2Gth of September the Boundary Contmiss'on had arrived to within reach of Brownsville, being but n few miles by laud. Their toil has been long and patient. IMMENEE RAILROAD RECCIPTS.—The Erie Railroad receipts for October have been of un precedented magnitude; no less than $2,25,509 from passengers and mails; 327,150 from freights—total $552,995. Th is is an increase of $170,000 over the sante month last y,ar.— The Hudson River Railroad receipts were $153 259—an increase of near $50,000 from the lust you' Tun NOHZTA CAPE.—The Washington Union publaes the correspondence between Baron de Brach and Minister Marsh about the release of Kosztn, permitting his return to the United States. The Union, speaking evidently man ritatively, says:—"The correspondence will be read widi a protest by those wino think as we de. that there are conditions and terms annex ed to the release of Koszta not entirely fit to have been made." Mr. SOCI.E.—The Cadiz correspondent of the Havana Mario writes, Oct. 7th, front Ma drid that Mr. Sonlo's presence there makes something of a sensation; hut adds that Mr. S., by some publications in the Paris Siede propi tiatory, had paved the way for a reception. HUNTINGDON. Nov. 15, 1953. Flonr per 1.14., F. 16.00 n $O,OO Clover Seed, per ho., 7,00 Bea Wheat. per ho.. 1,15 White Wheat, per 1)11., 1,25 Eye, per bu 70 Corn, per bn 60 Buckwheat, per bu 50 Outs, per bu4o Flaxseed. per bu 1 00 Hay. per ton 8 00 Butter, per lb., 15 PHILADELPHIA. Nev. 13, 1853. Flour per bbl $7 12/ Corn Meal 3 93 White Wheat, per be 1 67 Bed, ... Corn, BO OMB, 44 BALTIMORE. Nov. 13, 1853. Flour per bbl $7 00 Coru Meal 4 50 White Wheat, per tot 160 Ha, 1 50 Corn, 69 Oats, 43 Cyr "I DRIEST t" Soon is .rite TEca MEANING of the word “PIIIiSIN,” or of the two Greek words from which it is derive. This is the signiticatit and appropriate title of the 'faun Dionstivs FLEID. or GASTRIC JUICE, prepared by Dr. J. S. lloooirros, of Philadelphia, front the (mirth stomoch of the Ox, fur the cure of In digestion and . Dyspepsia. It is Nature's own remedy (Or an unhealthy Stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powers. It renders GOOD EATING perfectly consistent with MEALTII. Seethe flew of the 0; in another part of this rap., : CV' POISONING. Thonsnnits•of Parents who UFO Vermifuge corn- posed of Castor oil. Colonic', &c., are not swore, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they Aro Actually laying the foundations fur a series of diseases, such as stilly:Won, less of eight, weak tress of liinhs, In another column will be found the advertise ment of Huhenstick's Medicines, to which we ask the Attention of all directly interested in their own as well us titlir Children's health. Is Liver Complaints and ell 'disorders arising- from those of a billions type. should make use of the only genuine medicine, ilolicnsock's Liver Pills. OW" Be not Deceived," hot oak fur Holicusack's Worm Syrup And Liver Pills, and observe that cools hes the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. HOBENSACK'S, us none else are genuine. MAARIED, In this place on the 10th inst., by the Rev. W. M. Dentrick at his residence, Mr. Anna. lIANI BAKER. of McConnellstown, to Miss RA. coat. Ileirtma of Walker township. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF OEM "MATE. BY %Irmo of. Or of the Orphan.' C (am of Iliintine.ion entintv, thr andersigned will ex- Pose nt Polilie Venilnc nr Out Cr, on the prem. into. on WEDXFPDAY, December 21st. 1053. the followine Heel Estate, late of Henry L. Relater. derensed. A certain messunce. tenement. plantation, or tram of hind linnuileil and deserilied tie follmva. Viz bounded on the East by lands of :hod , E. m ire . o n the south hy lands of Boniantin Softer, en the Witot lir holds of Elliot Ramsey. nail on the North lir bleds of John 7,00_., nod havintr thereon ererrd n 'f'iro Story f.nit Homo, fl ed Lou Barn. and tiontlinimr nuns 107 Aereg. more or tenant,,t helm: the 5P11 ,, ‘ tenet of land upon which Bonn. L. Neister resided at the time of his &nth. chaste in the township of Spring field. Hantingdon count". Tenon ear SALE.—One third of the not( lic.e money to he paid on confirmation of the sale. and the residue in two equal annual payments there riftrir with interest, to lie secured by the bonds and mortgage of the mirelinser. BENEDICT STEVENS, Executor of Henry L. Noisier. Nov. IG, '53.-3t. BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS 1 HVINGA received a new and splendid stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, we arc now prepared to accommodate nil who mar give as n HI with GREAT BARGAINS. Our stock consists of a large' assortment of Dry-Goody, Groceries, !lard-Wart, Queensware, Elosieries, and in short, everything that is necessary to con• stitute n Country Store. Contrnetors nml others, desiring to pnrchnse, will find it to their interest to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, ns we are determined to SELL our good.; (wholesale or retail) at low and reduced prices. JOSIAH CUNNINGHAM & SON. Portstown, November 9, 1853. NEW GOODS AT THE CHEAP CORNER. 11.2WL T WORMS his old customers and the pnhlic in I general, that he has ,jolt opened a very large ns-ortment of Stare Goods. nt his old stand in the Diamond, opposite Conte' llntel , nil of which he will sell nt prices RR low, if not lower, than the snnie kind of Goods eon he had at any other store in the cannily. Ile invites all to rail and examine his goods and hear his prices. His stnek consists of n splendid assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, of the latest styles. Cloths, Cassimeres Bcr., nnfl a heavy stock of Heady-mode Clothing, tar men and boys—fine and coarse, cheaper thin the cheapest. Rats, Caps, Moots and Shoes, of all sizes and of the best qualities. Also, Groceries, o ,, eensware, Nardware, Glassware, and a large variety or articles too numerous to mention. Give me is enll—van can find at my store every kind Cl minds to he lband in the county, at prices to suit the times. Q - All kinds of country produce taken in ex cling° for goods, [Nov. 9, 1853. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. C. WC,Ii.T, returns his Monks R,,, -11-‘• to his friends and the public for their very liberal ant-onnue.nntf hopes by shirt attention to business `try-"' to merit a eontirmance If the some. in till kinds of Castings. Cooking Stereo. Air-Tight. ntrlor, Ten Pinto Wood nwl Cool Stoves. of latrines si -7e5. and ell kinds of Ploughs: the Leneester end the Plank pattern, en d N e ystene No. 4 Self-slumpening and TIM side Ploughs. end Shears to snit nll kinds of Ploughs in the country; Rolling - mill and Forge Castings , Geis) tot Saw mill Castings. Lewistown Threshing Machine Patterns. mid the four horse and two horse power of Chembersburg patterns; and ell other I;hole of castings tort numerons to mention, all of which will he sold Cheaper than ever for (mob end ell kinds of country produce. Also, old mettle taken in exchnnge for castings. frlentintalon. November 9, 1833. rpm: second Annual mootine of the linntinwion I County Tofteliere' Instittete will be held in lliintintellin on ti.e 22(1 dav of nceoinher twat. A nrneranitne of the oacre , i, .ipponr in a future nonilior. Ti. Sec'y. Nov.Hnntinl don, 2, 1853. SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED. vont competent Tenebers ore wonted to mice clop m of the Pohlie Schnol.of Milker town shin. Iluntimplon comity. to whom lihecel wag,. Will he given. Persons tlesirong of tnkintr Omega of said Schools, nre rermooml to make npplica tion immellintele to tie President. By order of the Board of S..honl nireetnrg, WILLIANI STATES. I'rcbident. Noveintier 2,1853.-3 t. FOR SALE. qpnr house and lot that I reside ;non the earner of Washington and Bath streets. possesion given nn the first of April nest. If not sold on nr betbre the 27th of I)ee., it will he opened at pub lic outcry on that iv. JACOB FOCKLER. Hoot. Nov. 2. '53.-3t.• RAIL. ROAD NOTICE. r I'HE sithscriliers to the stock in' . the 11 untinadon and Broad' Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company are hereby requested to :pas; pay, to the undersigned, on the 21st o at as' NOVEMBER. inst., nn instalment of Fl V l DOLLARS on each share of the stork sub scribed for by them respectively. Interest will be paid immediately after the Ist day of.Taminry next, on all sums paid in prior to that date, but no interest will ho allowed or paid to any stock holder who shall not have paid in nil the instal ments which may hove been called for. By older of the Board of Directors, JACOB MILLER, Treasurer. liontingdon, Nov. 2, 1853.-35. STRAY BULL. GAME to the residence of the subscriber, living in Shirley township, on the first of July last, a Block Bull, wills a white stripe along under his belly, lower port of tail white, supposed to be about two years old last spring. The owner is required to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will ho disposed of according to law. S. U. DOUGLASS. Shirley twp., Nov. 2,'59.-3t. NOTICE TO TUE PUBLIC. I signed three nrtos as security for J. Sansom Smith; one for ono hundred and fifty dollars, and the other two, ono hundred dollars each, dated the 19th day of December, 1850. The induce ments tattler which I agreed to become bail in said notes, proving delusive by the action of the said parties, I therefore hereby give notice that I will not he held responsible as Wilt or pay them, un less compelled by due course of law. raaEL SMITH. Union twp., Nov. 2, 1853, 500 lb.. of Cod ash, just !web ed and fo sale by J. & W. SAXTON. fIARITT BAGS and MUFFS, just receired and fur sale by J. & W. airrox. onnn Feet of Surety Fla°. ,just received ll anl for rah, ,T. . SAISIOr• Rants and Others. To Country Merel MACKEREL. SUM); CODi , ISH, Constantly on htind SALMON. and for sale he J. PALMER, Ceo. M.trtot Street Wharf, HERRINGS, PORK, HANDi ANT) SIDES, PHILADELPHIA. SHOULDEILS, ..... LARUANU C........ Nov. 9,'53.-Bm. ORNATE SZOISSISSISS SS The Anoient Borough. Ut U U 1.? B I? C) DI C) GI 0 HAS just returned from the eastern cities with the largest. cheapest.and best assortment of HOOTS and SHOES, ever opened in this county. He also has a large and splendid assortment of Bata and caps, of the most fitshtonahlo styles. Also, Lndles' end wooien hose. Carpet Ilagrs,Hand Trunks. &c., for the travelling community. Also a greet variety of useful mtleles too numerous to mention. • The public are respectfully invited M call and examine the stork. ❑e iv determined to sell ns maser, 'font cheaper than any other establish ment in the enmity. Store on 11i11 stect, opposite Snyder'. Cheap Clothing Store. Eir CALI. AND EXAMINE THE. STOCK. jg Oct. 26, '53. Administrator's Notice. ETTERS of administration hnvin2 been granted to the undersigned nn the estate of Henry Modes. late of Cromwell town , ,bin. tinedon enmity. deed., All person! , indebted will make immediate payment. .:nrl 'bone haying claims will present them driv nnthentiented for settlement. JOSEPH RHODES. BENJAMIN RHODES, Oct. 26.'53.-61.•. Admre. Adm In istrators's Notice. T ETTERS of adminioration having been granted to the •subseriher on the Astor° of anhi, Ruper. late of Clay township. Huntingdon county. deed., All persons indebted will make immediate pnyment. and those bovine claims will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. JOHN RUPERT. Oct. 26,'53.-6t! Admf. JOlll4 SCOTT. SANCEL T. Bnows g'o l DEM% Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Office same as that formerly occupied by John Scott, Esq. Oct. 19, 1853. ORVAT rakRILIVAIc OF Hardware, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Notions, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., At James Bricker's Store, Huntingdon, Width are offered at the lowest prices, also re ceiving a large supply of CANDIES, which will be sold at wholesale price as low as 14 ets. per lb. Also,. Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, Rais ins, Figs, &c. All of which have been bought with great care, and on the best terms, and will be sold low for Cash or to punctual customers. I flatter myself that I can and will sell Goods low as they can he bought for in this neighborhood. My friends are requested to call and examine for themselves, feeling confident that those who do so cannot go away without buying. Ladies and Gentlemen of this neighborhood believe me when I say that great pains have been token to get such goods as you admire. Suire on Hill street, opposite the Jounsm. OF ric Huntingdon, Oct. 19,'53. RICHARD HIMSELF AGAIN I , .. ',..,,,,,,,,..,,. . ~..(4,,,4,-,N02,,,,' \ ©/ :.,--- r:v4 ,1 4 , 1,,' -;%. ‘ t _ # i ~,, ....1.4 1 t., •. , i . , • ' ( 4 .. i ' 1 t . V 15. 1 '- :. - ' ,' ....;Ars672ng New Arrival of Fail and Winter Goods at the Elephant. A LEXANDER CARMON, has just returned -ill from the East, with n 11111 and complete se ',Om, of Fall and Winter GI slds. which arc now arranged fur examination and sale, nt his store. ,opposite the Railroad Hotel. The stuck has all been bought RIGHT and as a matter of course will he sold cheap for Cosa. Thn stock consists ef Cassimers, Cashmeretts, Satinetts, cotton ado. &men and Blrathrd Linens, Satins, Silks. &awls, Smr.pairnorn and Bleach ed amibis, Cheeks, Tiekings,Crash, Canton and Woolen Flannels, and many other goods too numerous to mention. Prints in nhondunee, Mous de blinia. Berege de Laines, Silk Tissue, Foreign mid America' Ging ham, Mouse de liege, Silk ',neves, t yc. A LSO, Hats, mod Caps, Boots nod Shoes, Hardware. Queensware, Thankfill fur past favors, the puldif• generally are invited to sal ash examine the splendid stock now silt hand, %% bich in society. quality, and price will compare with any ever exhibited in town. CALL AND SEE. Oct. 19, '53. OH, JERUSALEM 1 JEWS AND GENTILES OCTRONE i o.AftlDl.s L,T.iErBIII,, T TAs . • jugt returned from the Et tern eitieg. %mit the 111.11,Pnil t.nressr nggortment of Ready-made Clothing, Dais, Caps, and Fancy Articles, for Gentlemen's wear. e;er known to ho brought to Huntingdon. Ilis styles are of the latest, cal culated to please everybody that may coll. He has atoll times CLOTHS, CASRINIERES, and VESTINGM, which he will make to order. Oct. 19, '53. A NEW ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. HAVE just received from Philadelphia the finest and hest assortment of FALL and WM^ Tan Goons, ever offered, and at lower prices than can he purchased at any other house. They are determined to sell lower than can he purchased anywhere east of the Allegheny, and no mistake. Ryon wish to 1,6 satisfied of the fact, call and KO. Dry Goods such as Cloths, Caro:liners, S'atitnets, Flannels, French Me rinos, Parametta Cloths, Muslin de !Alines, Barred and Figured Sack Flannels, Al. paoas, and a general assortment of Hosiery, &e. Also, 500 webs of assorted PRINTS, and eve ry other article usually kept in a Country Store. Hardware, of which we always keep the largest and best as sortment seer kept in this place. etneensware, a magnificent assortment, which we are selling quite low. Groceries, are a little up, hut we are determined to sell es low if not lower, than any other house,according to quality. • Cedar and Willow Ware, such as Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Erout Stands, &c., &e. Carpets and Oil Cloths. hea•ttifal assortment, which will he sold low, call and see and he satisfied of the fact. Hats and Caps. of the very latest and hest styles, also Boots and Shoes, the hest and cheapest in town, if you don't be lieve it, cAct. AND 500. We are also purchasing and storing Grain, and it is admitted on all hands that we have the most convenient place for unloading groin in or about towns ' Oct. 19, '5l. Admiatitslintoes Notice. ETTEHS of administration hm•e this day been granted ttr die siniseriber upon the es tate of Benjamin Nuarhoof, late of Warriorsmark twp., Huntingdon en.,dee'd. All persons indebted ore requested to m the immediate payment, and those having shouts will prevent them for settle ment to G. OUYER, Adm'r. Oct. IC '43.—Gt. PROCLAMATIOR. WHEREAB, by a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Common Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 18th day of August, 1853, I em commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout Inv whole baili wick, that a Court of Common Pleas will be held in the Court House in the Borough of Hun tingdon, on the third Monday (and list day) of Nov. A. 1)., 1853, for the trial of ill i.sues in sniil Court, which remain undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, iu the trial of all issues nro required to appear. Dated ut Huntingdon, the 18th day of August, in the year of our Lord 1853, and time 77th year of American Independence. W5l. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Oct. 19, 1853. BOOKS I BOOKS I I 10,000 itre:mluien;.egff every variety nnunlly kept in a Phil- t trt, adelphin Bock Store—the subscriber has added to bin New CHEAP Boon Svonn. apposite Whit taker's lintel. Railroad street. Huntingdon, Pa. Partieular attentinn is incited to bin extensive and splendid stack of plain and flu, Stationary, Blank Books, Memorandums, Diaries, fur 1854, &c., &c. Ile has purchased Scooot. Homo on such terms to enable him to sell them cheaper, Whole sale and Retail, than any store in the county. liarptes Mnpnzine, (lode?. Led?. Bock. and cheap publications kept constantly on hand. The puhlie will please call and examine for themselves. WM. COLON. Huntingdon, Oct. ID, '53. WA ;XX /soviet. NOTICE is hereby given to Venders of Foreign Merehandice. that their several Licenses will be left with the proper officer for collection, if not paid during or previous to the November Court. And the License aSSOSRCII on Mills, Ent ing Houses, Groceries, Sm.. will be collected in like manner, if not paid soon. JSO. MARKS, Treasurer. Oct. 19, '53• SIIIRLEYSBURG FEMALE SEMINARY, AND JUNIATA ACADEMY, Shirleysburg, Huntingdon Co. Pa. Hey. J. Campbell, A. M., and Hugh J. Camp• bell. A. 8., Principals. . . . . These institutions are beatttifully situated in the center of the Great Aughwick Valley, seven miles from the Penna. Central Railroad, at Mt. Union, and on the direct line from that to Chem bersburg. They are now furnished with capa cious buildings and extensive apparatus, for all the departments of Natural Science, and every ad vantage for instruction in the branches of is liberal education, that the best schools of a similar or der can afford. The cost of their apparatus alone is ONE THOUSAND dollars. Five hundred dollars boa been appropriated to n library. Believing that too much expense has hitherto been lavished by schools of this artier on outward decorations, and too little devoted to furnishing them with the more essential requisites for instruction, the Trus tees of this Academy have been the first in the State to take thin new step and invest so LARGE a sum in instruments and books. They call the at tention of the older class of students, especially those intending to teach, to these facilities. TERMS OF SEMINARY—SESSION OF 22 wrests. Board, washing, light, and tuition its English branches $50,00, Music, Painting, Drawing, Latin, French &c.. extra. ACADEMY French, or 22 WEENS.—TaIHOR $B.OO, $lO,OO, $12,00 per session, in Primary, Junior and Senior classes respectively. Board $1,75 per week in Whiter $1,50 in Summer.— No deduction for absence except in case of pro tracted sickness. No students admitted for less than half a session. Fat particulars- see circu lars, or address (post paid) either of the Princi pals. MILNWOOD ACADEMY, Shade Gap, Huntingdon Co. Pa. The Trustees of this Institution owning to the death of its Into lamented Principal, J, H. W. McGinnis, hare !deceit it in charage of the Rev. W. A. Morrison, it faithful and competent teach er, assisted in the Mathematical and Classical departments, by other Experienced Instructors and he Mr. S. Campbell, who has long and sue cessfUlly had contro l or the English department. - - The course of study emimires what is ustmlly tamed, in the first doss Institutions of the kind in this country, being thorough and sufficiently expensive to qualify students for the higher class es in College, and for every department of bush ne,9 life. The 13nildin~s nre now lame rind commodious, and the domestic ntrangementg, are in every way adapted to the health and cointhrt of a large num ber of students, who ore required to hoard in the Academy under the immediate supervision of the Professors. The location la retired, and proverbially health ful, and Ia anay of accost, being connected with Chatnhnr.=hnrtt awl the Penn'a. liailroad at Mount Union. by a daily line of stnacs. The terms ore . very low. The whole expenses por session, or 22 weeks, board, washina. fuel. &e., are from $4O to $45 arcorditig to the liranche: hamlet!. The next. Siti,iion will commence on Wednesday 19th o f October. For nny further infurmation atitlivss W. A. MORRISON, Shade flop Pa., Oct. 12'58. NOW'S THE TIME TO CALII. . NEW GOODS JCST RECEIVED At David P. Gwin% New Store. TA P. GAVIN. inform , his friends ant! the pub• lie generally shot he has justreturned from Philadelphia. and is now opening at the corner of Hill and Bath streets, opposite Coins' Frank lin Houle, A large and beautiful assortment of OEM GOOFSI Consisting of Cloths, Cassimers, Block and Fan cy Cassinetts, Woolen Goods, Silks, Fancy and Black Berego @o Laines, Do baise, Debiting, French Merinoes, Coburgh Cloths, Flannels, Cotton Fian nets White and Colored, Ginphams, Linens, Muslim. and a largo lot of Prints of all styles. Also, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Hats and Cops, Boots and Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, Queens ware, Hardware, Fish and Salt. The public are rospectfh9y invited to call and examine my Goods, as I am determined to sell thorn CHEAP. All kinds of country Produce taken in exchange for Goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1853. Last Arrival lAft& & WINTTE (11001/Sk GEORGE GWENT, HAS just returned from the Eastern Citiesond is now opening, at the old stand, in Market Aquare, a large and splendid assortment of new and fashionable goods, for fall and winter, con sisting of.- French Cloth, Double Milled Black and Fancy Cassimers, Sattinetts, Mariam, De forego, Coburgh De Laines, Flannels, Wool mad Cotton, Brown and Bleached Muslins, and a variety of goods of all kinds usually kept inn country store and a great VARILTY OF riititatiNcs suitable for WriTTER DRESS GOODS. A Large Assortment of Groceries, Hardware. Queensware, and Glassware. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Muilk and Tippets. The public aro respcetftrlly invited to call end examine my stock, as I am determined not to be undersold by any house in town. Feeling thankful for the encouragement he has received', hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1853. 40 7 .,0, NS COAT., k i r ,:evrredsztiu.:;„4,. FARM FOR SALE , frHE subscriber offers, et private sale. a colon. ble tract of lend. situate in Hill Valley, Shir ley township. Huntingdon county, containing about Two Hundred Agree. About fifty acresof this tract is cleared and in gond tillable order. having thereon erected e comfortable Stone Dwelling Home, Stabling. &c. There in also a good Spring of Water on the premises, near the dwelling bowie. The land is of a good twenty, part being strong limestone. and an industrious men could not tail to do well on it. It is situated about six miles from Mount Union, where the Pennsylvania Hull Road eel Canal pane, and will be sold at a very moderate price. Teems ut Pars(mfr.—One half in hand, and the balance in two equal annual payments. For further informedon a ihirese the suleieriber, at Shirleysburg, I'. 0., Huntincdnu Co.. Pa. JOHN BREWSTER. October 12, '53. Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery, AND OYSTrits $A1(0011. HENRY d. AFRICA, would respectfully in. rite the public to call at his establishment in Railrond.Street, where all those who need any read Bread. Rusk. or any other kind of Cakes found at a Bakery, may be supplied. Re has just reeeived n very lame and fresh supply of Fruit and Confrefirinaries, such as Oranges, Lemons. Raisins, Nuts, &c., and a large stock of TOTS. Tie receives dilly from the city of Ilnltimore, the hest OYSTERS that eon he found. Those in want of prime 411(111 fish; can he ncrommnda ted by &line nt the saloon. He has fitted op a saloon exnressly the the Ladies. Thankful to the pohlio for past favors, he hope by atria attention to business to merit a confirm. nave of the fame. Oct. 12, i-54. FRENCH BURRS THE subscriber has on hand French Uiirr Mill eitonef4 of various sizes, which ho will warrant to he ofsuperinr quality, and at rea sonable orifes. • - I. Orders by moil promMly ntiordled W. 11. KEPNER, Harrhibmg, Oct. s,'s9.—rite, DAWID 24T1) n RADUATE of the University ollfaryland. .T (in connection with Dr. James G. Ligntner) havintt permanently loaded in Shirleysbura, IT spectrally offers his professionnl services to the citizens of that place and adjacent country. Oct. 5.'53.-6m.• Mountain Female Seminary. IRE Mountain Female Seminary at Birming ham, lluntingdon connty,Po., on the Penn sylvania Railroad! occupies one of the most healthy and desirable locations in the State.— Strangers visiting the Institution lowa unhesi tatingly expressed the opinion, that it so easy of access, retired, and surrounded with such romantic mountain scenery, that no one who wishes to learn, could find an institution more favorably situated. Past success and fa, turn prospects have induced us to greatly enlarge our plans, and enabled us to give such compensa tion to teachers as will command those possess or); the highest qualifications. Cost, per terns of 22 weeks, varies from $55 to 860, for which good accommodatirms will Le giv en. Music, French, Latin, Painting, ite.,extra. Pupils from abroad are expected to hoard in the Seminary building with the Principal, who gives hiscntiro attention to the interest of the Institution. ISRAEL W. WARD, Oct. 5. 1853 Principal. BALLOON ASCENsIONS. FIRE-WORKS INDIANS, 9 Gs UNTIRELY displaced and ontdone, by the brilliant - display and marvellous assort- - ment of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks. Silver Ware, Fine Knives. Pistols, Perfumery ' Port 7ilonnsies, and Fancy Articles, just opened and exhibiting to admiring hundreds, at the Jewelry Store of EDMUND SNARE, opposite Read's Drug Store. Huntingdon, Cr* Wateb;:s and other articles, GOLD PLATED . in the best and most lasting manner. . _ Oct. 5, '53, D EVOLVERS and other Pistols, nt Edni, • Snare's Jewelry Store. LA"R and Plated Soma' Gold, Silver and Simetaele.s, at Edir. Snare'. Jewelry Store. CIILVER Batter Knives, and Salt Spoons, at 13 E. Snare's Cheap Jewelry Store, V 0 S fi H T 17, Wellington, Cottage, 11 Gothic, and other Clocks, for sole 4 , cheap, nt Edm. Snare's Jewelry Store, Huntingdon. GRAND OPENING nr rATA, Frit wrstwzn 111111111 - Brk AT THE HUNTINGDON CLOTHING STOUE. A. WILLOUGHBY, just returned from the enst with s large and sidendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goode, for men and hoys, mode in the latest fashion and in the most durable manner. Whn over wants to hs dressed :wirer and Cheaper than anybody else in town. let him enll nt WILI.OERTITIY'R CHEAP CLOTITING STARE. one Innr west of T. flab & Son's drug store. Huntingdon. Coll and see for yourselves. net 5, 1552. JAR. FL HAGEUTT. H. L. Rnows. r iTtDU o THE undersigned Pliv,4ciang having outercd into a co-partnarship, in the practice of med icine, would respectmlly inform the citizen. of Trough Creek, and vicinity. that they will im found at all times in their office, in Cassville, to attend to any calls with which thev may be favored. H. 1.. THWIVN. J. H. HAGF.RTY. J. B. LVDEN, Er., Slant. REFERENCES: J. H. Domes% sr. in.. 6 ` P. BOWERS, n., Newton Hamilton. Cassville, Oct. 5. '53.-3m. HOUSEKEEPERS. HOUSEKEEPERS study your interest?, why go to Auction and pay extravagant prives for half-made FURNITURE? Call at No. 1, North NINTH street, and examine the largest assort ment of the hest made Furniture and Bedding in the city, Feather Beds, Hair, Husk, and Strew Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What nots, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Washstands; Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads; Fancy Stuffed Seat, Cane seat, Windsor, and of fice Chairs. Counting-house, nnd cone-toot Stools, Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and Lounges, wholesale and retail, and warranted to give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prim. Sep. 28, 1851-17 Ribbons and Millinery Goods. I METES STERN, No. 171, North Second ,) Street, opposite tho Canal Hotel, Philadel phia. Raving in store a fell and extensive as sortment of 'Trimmings and Fancy Goods. All kinds of MILLINERY AtrricLes, such as Rib bons, Laces, Blond Lace Silks, Florences, Bonnet Frames, and a large assortment of needle worked Ilenvikerchiefs, Collars, Capes, Flounces, Inserting, Edgings, &c., together with a great variety of other articles in our line, too numerous to mention, at Wholesale and Retail, N. B.—l request alt such that aro about ma king their FALL purchases, to give me a call. Sept. 21, '53.-2m. GOLD CHAINS—A fine varier) , for talc, re. ry low, at Eon. SNARE'S. PE RE WHITE LEAD, just received and for rote by J. & W. SAXTON. HAMSan4 SHOULDERS, just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. CST received a luoulcome arsormient of .1 Buy S, ate Shawls, Lang Shewle and Square Shawls, which we ere ceiling quite low. J. NV. SAXTON. Gold Watiebeis iilb> ,cll F. Si. (1(F. oiw Shen .Itr,hce. FALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, .ho, 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, ARE now opening :or the FALL TRADE, Al Urge and well selected assortment of Silks, Itibbos!;, Feathers, Flowers, and ISllhmery Goods, &c. Confining themselves exclusively t o thin ! , ranch of the trade, and IMPORT WO the larger part of their stock enables them to offer an assortment UNAURPASSEM in extent or variety, whieb will be sold on the most favorable terms. Sept. 21,'53.-2m. NEW LINE OF HACKS. The subscriber has placed on the road leading from Mili Crock to Cassville n line of Hacks to rim from the letter place to the former, on Wed nesdays and Saturdays. Leaving Carmine In the morning of each day returning in the afternoon. The accommodations aro comfortable end de fare is very law. CEO. SMITH. . Cassville, Sep. 11, '53. J. S. GRIFFITH, M. D., Huntingdon, Pa., Graduate of the University of Pa., offer. his professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjacent country. REFERENCER:—MOdiefIi Faculty of University of Pa.. Phytticinna and Surgeons of the Pennsyl- vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hoffman. Office, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr Hoffman. July 13, 1!-L3. PHILADELPHIA Salamander Safes. Evans & Watson, S 3 Dock Street. hilt.t.r.P2D:Dje Books, Papers, Jewelry &e. Fire-Proof Boors for Banks & Stores. PATENT KEY-HO DLE COVER M. 2 g. 1212 A 1 FIRE .1 \'U 771 ! LT-11100F ZRON. SAFER. Warranted to stand Pa much fho as any othor Sans in the country. GREAT TRIUMPH ACHIEVED BY EVANS Si. WATSON , S Fire-Proof Safes. AT THE S PATE FAIR, ll.nzsuurta, Pa., Ort. 30, 1851 The undersigned appointed a commit tee for the purpose. by the officers of the State Fair, were present this afternoon, when Messrs. EVANS & WATSON tested one of their small sized SAL AMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAFES, at w hi c h they consumed Three Cords if Wood over is, commencing at I o'clock, P. M.. end having ex posed it ton WHITE lICAT for Two Hours, suffi cient to destroy the cast iron feet. On opening the Safe, the papers with 2000 cir• colors deposited M our presence were taken out, not only having been preserved, hut not having the appearance of scorch upon them. COMMIT/ CE. j A. 0. MISTER, JOSEPH BITNER. A. T. NEWBOLD, Ex-Governor of Po. JOHN B. COX, CHAS. E. HEISTER, E. E. B UDINOTT. Sole Agency tof Butterworth's Celebrated Bunk Locks. Gen. Wilson, Esq , Huntingdon, Pa., is au thorized agent for the sale of the above, at his office a specimen can be seen, and also at °Rice of the Brood Top null:mei ~ .cmpaily, in Hunting don, we also refer to Cel. S. S. Wharton. end the County 'freasurer, in Huntingdon. Below reference is made to a few in Philadelphia, who have our safes in use. Hundreds more can be given. • Farmers & Moclinnic3' Bank, 12 safe;. U. 6. Mint. U. S. Arsenal, 3 in Phil'. 5 in California SIIFIne , Allen, Esq. Sheriff. Barker 8r05..% Iti : okers, No I 6 N. 34 St. E. C. Knight, corner Chesnut end Water St Nichenn & Co. No. 17 S. AVater st. Rielnurct Norris 61 Son, Lo:ornorive works, Penn's. 11. It. Cu. 2 safes. Phil'a. Germantown and Norristown R. R.Co, State Treasurer mid Trenton Banking Co.N.J. Odd F. Halls, 6th et. and cor. 3d & Brown ate. Southwark & Moyamensing Gas Co. Corporation of Northern Liberties. do. of Bloyamonsing. July 13, '53,13- FIVE PER CENT SAVING FOND, Chartered by the State of Penn. sylvanta in 1841. CAPITAL STOCK $250,000. MBE Saving Fund of the National Safety Com . pony, No. 62 Walnut Street, 2 doors above Third, FBILADELPHIA. is open every day from 8 o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock I'. M., and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock.— This institution is well known as one of the been managed and safe,it in the country, and pays nine pelt CENT. intere , t fur money put in there, from the date of deposit. Any sum from One Dollar upwards is receiver:. And all sums, large or small, are r aid hack on demand, without notice, to any amount. This saving fund has mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first-class investments, all well secured, amounting to more than half a million of dollars. thr Ells security of depositors. Oftice 62 Walnut artret, two doors attire Third, Philmielphia. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Dres't. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice l'res't. Wm. J. REED, Secretary. BOARD OF REFERRERS. Hon: Wm. Richards, Pottstown, Montgomery co. J. D. Streoper editor of tl:e Montgomery county Lodger, Pottstown. J. M. Sheenemen, editor of the Neutralist, SkippockviNe, Mont. co. Enos Benner, Esq., editor of the Farmer's Friend, Sumneytown, Mont. co. • Hon. Joel oP/fICF, Cate Mayor of Phil's. Don. John Rohhinq, jr., member of Congress 4th District, Pennsylvania. . ......._., _ lion. James Pogo, late Postmaster of Phil'. Hon. Wm. Penington, luto Governor of Now Jersey. Sep. 28, '53. H. J. KEALSH, 102, Market Street, Philadelphia. Fancy Goods and Trimmings, Combs and Brushes, at CASII Sept. 7, '53.-6rn LEA THER, FRITZ & HENDRY, Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, Morrow) Manufacturers, Curti.., Importers, Commission and Genera Leather Businoss, Wholesale and Befall. Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street. Aug. 24, '53.-Iy. OM. EILIIEVER O (1 RADUATE of the Philadelphia College of VT Dental Surgery. eletO'cial Teeth, from one to a full set, moun ted in the most improved modern style. Filling, Filing and Scaling done with care and neatness, . . . . .. - Yieth Ea-traded with all the ease and despatch that modern science can furnish. July, ls, 1853. U. W. SMITH, 41M. Huntingdon. Penn's. OFRCP on Main Street, next to that of Gea. A. P. Wilson. Terms moderate, and all work warranted to give entire satisfaction. July 13, '53. POUT INIONNAIES from 25 cents op to $2 50 at E.l C[ure'S. April lb 1212. .tio iu