Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 26, 1853, Image 3

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Thos. T. Cromwell vs Wm Pollock.
A. P. Wilson vs Michael Buoy.
D. iteynold's Ex'rs. vs Wm. Long.
Christian Coup vs John Hildebrand.
John Savage's Trus. vs Piper dr Aurandt.
same vs John Fisher.
J. E. Thompson et al vs John W. Swoop*.
Moore's Es'i.s. vs John Zeuttnyre.
Samuel Sharer vs John S. Miller et al.
S. H. Shoemaker for use vs Hunt. Pres. Cong.
Edwin J. Neff vs Math. Crownover.
0. Bickerstaff et al vs David Patterson et al.
John Wall's Ex'rs. vs George Wilson.
Com'th forßobinson vs John Shaver et al.
James Entrekin vs John FishCr et al.
Wm. Gaghahan vs Wm. Colder et al.
Walters for Wagoner vs Spang, Keller, A Co.
Mary Raymond vs John Whittaker.
Robert Cummins vs Jos. A. Dell & Bro.
James M'Cauley vs Math. Crownover.
Caleb Cope & Co. vs The Penn R. R. Co.
Hileman Tussey & Co. vs Christian Harnisb.
Logan & Cook vs Foreman & Pym.
Glen Hope &c Turn. Co's. vs Thos. Weston.
George Jackson vs Peter Sassaman's Eirs.
John Brown vs Caleb Brown.
Henry Mytinger vs Peter Livingston.
A. Dvmart's Ex'rs. vs Israel Crvder's Adm.
Abraham Mattern vs John & Peter Stryker. •
Abner E. M'Donald vs John Henry.
Dr. P. Shoenberger vs A. P. Wilson et al.
Benj. Johneton's Ex'rs. vs Thos. Weston, Esq.
John Savage's Trus. vs Jan. Barkstresser et al.
Julia Ann Begin vs David Burket.
J. Simpson Africa vs W. Reynolds et al.
E. L. Faxon vs John Bumbaugh.
David Caldwell vs Dell & Crotzley.
John Sharrer vs Wm. Templeton.
Wm. Matthew's Ex'rs. vs E. L. Plowman.
Com'th. for Stonebraker vs Math. Crownover.
Andrew Newell's Ex'rs. vs E. J. Neff et al.
James Chambers vs Graham M'Camant's Adm,
James B. Elliott vs Thos. H. Pollock et al.
Africa & Cresswell vs John Corbin.
David Aurandt, farmer, Tod.
John Anderson, just peace, Penn.
Samuel Barr, Sumer, Jackson.
James Bell, merchant, Warrioramnrk.
Joseph Cornelius, fltrmer. Cromwell.
Hugh Campbell, farmer, Dublin.
Moses Conan, wagonmaker, Morris.
James Cree, farmer, Dublin.
John Colestock, farmer, Henderson.
Alexander Duffield, farmer, Tell.
John Gregory, farmer, Jackson.
David P. °win, merchant, Henderson,
Jatnes Harper, farmer, Dublin.
George Hartley, grocer, Henderson.
Christian Harnish, farmer. Porter.
William Irvin, farmer, Tell.
Henry Lower, bricklayer, Henderson.
John-Long, merchant, Shirley.
James Morrow, fanner, Franklin.
Charles H. Miller, tanner, Henderson.
James Neeler, farmer, Dublin.
Smith Park, farmer, Cass.
Henry Rhodes, farmer, Cromwell.
William B. Swoope, farmer, Clay.
Benjamin Beers, farmer, Cromu ell.
John D. Boring, farmer, Union.
A. ll.Bumbriugh, saddler, Henderson. s
Humphrey Chi!cote, laborer, Union.
Richard Cunningham, farmer, Jackson.
Isaac Clugston, physician, Shirley.
Elijah Curfman, farmer, Cass.
Joseph Curfman, of P. farmer, Case.
Jacob Hopp, blacksmith. West,
Jonathan Doyle, miller, Union.
Jacob Detwiler, farmer. Brady.
John Fockler, brewer, Henderson.
George French, farmer, Tell.
Caleb Greenland, farmer. Coss.
Matthew Gill, carpenter, Brady.
George Hudson, just peace, Clar.
William Harper, stone mason, Cromwell.
John Herneane, farmer, Porter.
Nathan G. Harlon, farmer. Tod.
William Hennon, farmer, Barren.
John Jackson, farmer, Jackson.
William Johnston, farmer, Warrioremark,
Lewis Keith, farmer, Hopewell.
James Kerr, farmer. Brady.
Wm. B. Leas, merchant, Shirley.
Wm. S. Lincoln, farmer, Porter.
Daniel J. Logan, farmer, Cromwell.
David Long, farmer, Clay.
Joseph Law, merchant, Morris.
J. Wareham Mattern, farmer, Franklin.
William Muflit,lr., farmer, Barren.
Joseph McCracken, farmer, Brady.
Moses Miller, farmer, Franklin.
William Morrow, farmer, Dublin.
Robert Madden, farmer, Springfield.
John Myerly. farmer, Springfield.
William McClain, farmer. Clay.
Daniel Neff, of Andrew. farmer, Porter.
James Porter, farmer, Henderson.
Isaac Peightal, farmer, Penn.
George Russell, jr., farmer, Hopewell.
Daniel Shultz, farmer, Franklin
John Smith, (manor,) farmer. Barret.
John Shultz. farmer. Hopewell.
John Sprankle, farmer, Morris.
David Stoner, farmer, Clay.
Benjamin Sprinkle, farmer, Morris.
William T. Whittaker, farmer, Porter.
Benjamin Baker, carpenter, Tod.
C. S. Black, just. peace, Henderson.
Stewart Corbel, farmer, Walker.
Abm. Carothers, farmer, Shirley.
J. J. Cunningham, corn. merchant, Morris.
Jacob Cresswell, surveyor, Tod.
John Douglass, farmer, Shirley.
Henry Harvey, farmer, Franklin.,
James Hazlet, inn keeper, Morris.
Solomon Houck, Esq.. farmer, Tod.
Jacob Hight, farmer, Brady.
Collins Hunter, farmer, Porter.
John Henderson, farmer, Warriorsmark.
George Kreiger, farmer, Clay.
John M. Leech, mill Wright, Jackson.
Peter Myers, fanner. Shirley.
Francis A. McCoy, farmer,'Brady.
Wm. F. MeMertrie, gentleman, Henderson.
John M,t7., physician, Brady.
John M'Clure, farmer, Tell.
John Madden, farmer, Springfield.
Perry Moore. farmer, Morris.
Nathan M'Divit, farmer, West.
Wm. M'Carthey, farmer, Brady.
Joseph Reed, farmer, Wed.
Calvin Smith, laborer, Franklin.,
Henry Spanoele, farmer, Warriursmark.
David Shingle, miller, Franklin.
Abednego Stevens. merchant, Warriorsmark.
Abraham States, Esq., blacksmith, Walker.
John L. Travis, farmer, Franklin.
Ephraim Thompson, carpenter, Tod.
George Whittaker, farmer, Pprtcr.
Henry Walburn, farmer, Jackson.
George Wilson, farmer, West.
John Neff, miller, West.
Oct. 26, 1858.
riAME to the residence of the
‘,/ subscriber in West township, l*A .
Huntingdon county. some time ir'r'W
iret MO, it rod and white spot
ststl STEER' the owner is requm,ted to conic Ili,
ward, prove property,. pay charges and tube him
away, or he will be disposed of according to law.
Oct. 26, '53.-31.•
TUST receives a handsome assortment of
o Bay State Shawls, Long Shawls and Square
Shawls, which we arc selling quite low.
J. d, W. €oxrox.
CIARPRT BAGS and MUFFS, just recoived
U and for sale by J. & W. SAITON.
Abeautiful assortment of Silk Dross Patterns,
Black Silk, toil Bonnet Lining, just receir•
si sn4 for eels k 7 .1. t R. B&croc.
BY virtue ofa curtain writ of Vend. i:Nps.
ed out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Huntingdon county, end to me directed I will
expose to sale at public vendee or outcry, on
the premises, in Mount Union, Huntingdon coun
ty, en Friday the the 18th day of November, A.
D. 1853, nt 10 o'clock, A. M. precisely. All the '
following described tract, piece or farm of land,
on which the town of Nit. Union is laid out, the
lots of said town included in said levy will he
separately offfired for sale on said day, if a suffi
cient amount it io.t realized out of the saM of the
lots aforesaid, the entire property levied, will be
offered for sale, to wit t
All that certain plantation, tract, piece or par
cel of land, situate in Shirley township, Hunting
don county, east of Drake's Ferry, adjoining the
Juniata river, lands of John Shaver, Nicholas &
Wm. Shaver, Andrew Pollock's heirs, and otherts,
containing 176 acres or thereabouts, Ott part of
which the town of Mount Union is laid out, ex.l
cepting and excluding from the said love the
ground now in possession of the Pennsylvania
Railroad company, and the following town lots in
the recorded plan of said town of Mount Union,
being numbered respectively-. Nbs. 3,4, 5,6, 11,
12, 15,18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 1, 2 '
7, 10, 13, 16,
23, 8,9, 14,17, 33, 74, 95 and 96, and the lot of
ground in the possession of the trustees of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, and on which ince
ling house stands. Seized, taken in execution,
anti to be sold as the property of John Dougherty
Assts.—Positively cash, as soon as the prop
erty is bid oft
Oct. 26, 1853.
New Arrival of Fall and Winter
Goods at the Elephant.
ALEXANDER CARMON, has just returned
from the East, with a full find complete se
lection of Fall and Winter Goods, which are now
arranged for examination and side, at his store,
opposite the Railroad Hotel. The stock has all
been bought nionv.and as a matter of course
will he sold cheap for cAtin.
The stock consists cf
Cloths, Cambrian:, (!ashmeretts, Satinetts, Cotton
ado, Brown and Bleached Linens, Satins,
Silks, Shawls, Scarls,Brown and Bleach
ed 3Lulins, Checks, Tirkings,Crash,
Canton and Woolen Flannels,
and many other goods too
lIIIMPrOUS to mention.
Prints in abundance, Mous de Lanes, Berege de
Laines, Silk Tissue, Foreign and American Ging
ham, Mouse de &go, Silk Lustres, ( c.c.
Unto, and Caps, Hoots and Shoes,
Hardware. (kneensware,
Thankful for past hirers, the public generally
are invited to call and examine the splendid stock
now on hand ; which in variety, quality, :mil price
will compare with any ever exhibited in town.
_ _
Oct. 19, '53,
A tinZ4lVLltilYAti
Hardware, Groceries,
Fancy Goods, Notions, Drugs, Paints,
Oils, Hats, CAPS, BOWS, Shoes, &c.,
At James Bricker's Store,
Which are ofrered at the lowest prices, also re
ceiving at large supply of CANDIES, which
will be bold at wholesale price as low as 14 els.
per lb. Also, Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, Rais
ins, Figs, Ac. All of which have been bought
with great care, and on the hest terms, and will
be sold low for Cash or to punctual customers.
I flatter myself that I can and will sell Gtahls low
as they ran be bought for in this neigh! orl.ood.
My friends are requested to call and examine for
themselves, feeling confident that those who do
co cannot go away without baying. Ladies and
Gentlemen of this neighborhood believe me when
I say that great pains have been taken to get such
goods as you admire.
Store on Hill street, opposite the JOUENAL
Huntingdon, Oct. 19, '53.
02 , 1013 _ , c'.l ITTIJ IVA 0
'ETAS just returrind from the Eastern - cities.
j I with the HEST and LARGEST assortment of
Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps,
and Fancy Articles,
for Gentlemen's wear, ever known to be brought
to Huntingdon. His styles are of the latest, cal
culated to please eeeryhody that may call.
lie has at all times brAYiws, CAB;IMERES, and
VESTINGS, which he will make to order.
Oct. 19; '53,
10,000 Books, emhrnein~
every variety usually kept in a Phil- t gt.a
adelphia Book Store—the subscriber has added
to his Now CIIICAP Boot; Sronx, opposite Whit
taker's lintel, Railroad street, liantingdon, Pa.
Particular attention in invited to his extensive
and splendid stock of plain and limey Stationary,
thank Books, Memorandums, Diaries, fur 1854,
has purchased SCHOOL BOOKS on such
terms to eneblehim to sell them cheaper, Whole
sale and Retail, than any store in the county.
Harper's Magazine:Gailey's Lady's 'kook,
and cheap publications kept constantly on hand.
The public will please call end examine for
themselves. WM. COLON.
lluntiouston, Oet. 19, '53.
@2®Tir DIRT27III,
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Office same as that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Esq.
Oot. 19,1P53.
Dissolution of Partnership.
rpnE undersigned have dissolved the partner
-1 ship heretofore existing between them, in the
practice of Law. Business entrusted to the firm
will continue to receive attention, nt the office of
Mr. Scott.
Oct. 19,'57.-7t.
NOTICE is hereby given to Venders of Foreign
Merehundice, that their several Licenses
will be left with the proper officer for collection,
if not paid during or previous to the Norein!ler
Court. And the License assessed on Mills, Eat
ing Rouses, Groceries, &c., will be collected Lit
like wanner, if tot !mid soon.
JNO. MARKS, Treasurer.
Oct. 19,
Notice, to Contractors
'IEALED proposals will be received by the
Trustees of Cassville Seminary, until Satur
day the sth day of November, for making TWO
HUNDRED 11.1101.7 SAND 1111ICK, and for
the erection of additional buildings for said In
stitution. Plans and specificatiuns can be teen
by calling ou the undersigned. •
CEO. W, SPIER, Scc'y.
Cessville, Oct. 19, '53.-3t.
Administrator/5 Notice.
LETTERS of administration hove this Jay
been granted to the subscriber upon the es
tate of Benjamin Nearbool, lute of Warriorsrnark
twp., Huntingdon co.,dee'd. All persons indpbted
ore requested to make immediate payment, end
those having claims will present them for settle
ment to
DAVE just' received from Philadelphia the
finest and host assortment of FA Lt. and Wm
mu Goon., ever offered, and at lower prices than
con he purchased at any other house. They are
determined to sell lower thno emr be purchased
anywhere east of the Allegheny, and no mistake.
If von wish to he satisfied of the Act, call and sec.
bry Goods such as
Cloths, Cassimers, Satinets, Flannels, French Me
rinos, Parawtta Cloths, Moo/in de /.sine,
Barred and Figured Suck Flannels, Al.
paws, and a general assortment of
Hosiery, Fee.
Also, 500 webs of assorted PRINTS, and eve
ry other article usually kept in a Country Store.
Hardware, '
of which we always keep the largest and best as
sortment ever kept in this place.
a magnificent assurtmenr, which no are calling
quite low.
are n little np, but we are determined to cell Re
low if not lower, than any other house,ttecording
to quality.
Cedar and Willow 'Ware,
such ng Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Kraut Stands,
&C., Sic.
Carpels and Oil Cloths.
a ben•uifid assortment, which will he sold low,
cull and see and ho satisfied of the fact.
flats and Caps.
of the very latest and hest stoles, also
Roots and Shoes,
the best and cheapest in WWII, if you don't be-
liege it, CALL AND 000.
We are also purchasing and storing Grain,
and it is admitted nn all hands that we have the
moot convenient place fur unloading grain in or
about town.
Oct. 19, '53.
SIZE4II"Vg 0./LtelO.
B .
Y virtue of certain Writs of Vend. Exp. and
Lev. Facing, lotted out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Huntingdon noun v, and to
me directed. I will expose to public lle , at the
front door of the Court House, in the borOngli
of Huntingdon. on Tuesday the 15th day of No
vember, nt 10 o'clock. A. M., of said day, the fol•
lowing described Real Estate, to wit :
A lot of ground in the borough of Birmingham,
Warriorsmark township, Huntingdon county,
being 66 feet in front on Tyrimc street, and run
ning hack 165 feet to Centre alley, as laid out and
marked No. 22 in the general plan of said bor
ough, with a two story frame plastered house
thereon erected, with other improvements,&e.—
Seized, taken in execution. and to be sol as the
property of Dr. John Purdue.
ALSO—AII that piece parcel or tract of land,
situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon counts,
containing about 100 acres, more or less. adjoin
ing lands of Henry Shunkwiler, Joe. & William
Smith, and milers, having a two sentry log house
thereon erected, log born, from 10 to 60 acres
cleared, with sotne fruit trees on the premises.— ' ,
Seized, taken m excretion and to ho sold as the
property of John Beightal.
ALSD—AII the right, title not interest of de
fendant's, in and to a farm or tract of land in
Jackson township,Huntingdon county, containing
100 acres, be the same more or lees, about 75
acres of which are cleared, having thereon erec
ted a cabin house and a log barn, bounded by
lands of Irvin & Gregg, John C. Workinger,
Edmiston and Henry M'alburn. Seized, taken
in execution and to he sold as the property of
Henry Shunkwiler and Daniel Myers.
ALSO—AII the interest of the defendant's,
or either of them, of, in and to a certain tract
of land, situate in Tell township, in the county
of Huntingdon, containing 100 acres more or
less, surveyed May lot 1850 in pursuance of a
warrant dated 2d December, 1848, in the name
of Robert Thompson. calling for lands adjoin
ing Frederick Love, Richard Jeffries and John
Thompson. Also, a lot or parcel of ground
situate in same township and county aforesaid,
adjoining lands of Isaac Cistaey, Wm. S.Lvons,
lisry.,•and others, now in the occupancy of Da.
vid Thompson, Sr., andpurchased by him from
William Gillum. Seized, taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of David Thomp
son, Robt. Thompson & David Thompson, Jr.
ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of
Wm. Johnston, in and to a tract of land wa
Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, con
taining 140 acres, with the usual allowance,
bowing about 30 acres cleared aml in a state
of cultivation, adjoining lands, of Adam Speck
on the east, Backbone ridge on the north, Pine
ridge on the south, and the road leading down
to Coffee Run on thel west, !wing the same land
conveyed from James Entrain to Elijah Lynn
as by deed recorded in book H, No. 2, page
480, and having thereon erected a two story
hewed log house &c. Seized, taken in execu
tion and to be sold as the property of William
ALSO—A piece; Parcel or tract of lOTA sit
uate in West township Huntingdon county,
containing about 1.11; acres, be the same more
or less, the greater part of which is cleared and
cultivated, having thereon erected a small cab
in house, a small cabinbarn. adjoinining lob
ert Moore, on the south, Miles Lewis on the
east, and Thomas Ewing, a tract in the name
of , Aquilla Green, and others.- Seized, taken
in execution and - to be sold as the property of
David Ewing.
Ternis cash as soon as bid off, positive.
ly in all eases.
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Slare,
Oct. 1553.
a precept to me directed, dated
Within. by
at Huntingdon, the 10th day of Augte4
A. 1). 1053, under the hoods cstd seals of the
lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer mt.' Terminer. aii.lgener
al jail delivery of the 241111.1.1:eLd .iistriet of Penn-
SylV3lllll composed of Huoting.i.m. Blair and Cam
bria, and the Hon. Thomas F. Stuart and Jona
than McWilliams, his. associates, Judges of the
county of Huntingdon. justices assigned, appoint
ed. to tem., try and determine all and every in
dictments made ur taken for or concerning all
crimes, which by the laws of the State are 'made
capital or felonies of death and other offences
crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or
shall hereafter he committed or perpetrated for
crimes aforesaid—l ant eemtnanded to make pub
lic proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick
that a Court of Oycr and Terminer, of Common
Pleas anti Quarter sessions, will he held at the
Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, en
the second Monday (and ]4th day) of November
next, and those who will prosecute the said pri
soners ho then and there to prosecute them as it
shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace,
Coronors and Constables within said county be
then and there in their proper persons, at 10
o'clock, A. M. ofsaid day, with their records, in
quisitions, examinations anti remembrances, to
do those things which to their offices respectfully
Hilted at Huntingdon the 18th day of August
in the year of our Lord 185:3, and!the 77th
year of American independence.
WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Oct. 19, '53.
TTIIIsIITAS, by a precept to me directed by
the Judges of the ('omnron Pleas of the
county of Huntingdon; hearing test the 18th dew
of August, 1853, I urn commanded to make
Public Proclamation throughout me whole baili
wick, that a Court of Common Pleas will be
held in the Court Howie in the Borough of Hun
tingdon. on the third Monday (and 2lst day) of
Nov. A. 1)., 1853, fur the trial of all issues in sushi
Court, which. remain undetermined before the
said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses
and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required
to appear.
Date:l ut Huntingdon, the 18th day of AligiA,
in the yeat of our Lord 1853, and the 77th year
of American Independenc e.
WBl. B. ZEIGLEB, Sheriff.
(let. 19, 180.
1 1611 otsn on of carious sizes, ~~hi.•h ho
will warrant to be orsuporior quality; and at reit
aonalilc prices.
)IM„ Oran by mail promptly attended tn.
liarrisliurg„ Oct. s,'s3.—fut.
2000 Feet of Safety Fuse, just received
sea for rile 11'3. & W. 88170 V.
PIXOTOTZE.'O titotZol..
Notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested
that the following named persons have settled
their accounts in the Register's Office. at Hun
tingdon, and that the said accounts will be pre
sented for confirmation and allowance, at an Or
pluton' Court, to he held at Huntingdon and
for said county of Huntingdon, on Wednesdayl the
14th day of November next, to wit
1. Solomon Hamer, Administrator of the es
tate of George W. Haugh, late of Franklin to we
• ship, dee'd.
2. John Beck and Andrew Beck, Administra
tors of the estate of Henry Beek, late of Ward
orsinnrk township, deed.
3. Rebecca Corbin and Matthew Corbin, Ad
ministrators of the estate of William Corbin, late
of Cloy township, dee'd.
4 Eli and Abraham Plummer, Administrators
of the estate John Plummer, late of Ilopewell
township, dee'd.
5. Thomas L. States, administrator of The es
tate ofJoseph Stewart, late of the borough of
Huntingdon, dee'd
6. Thomas L. States, Trustee to sell the reel
estate of Joseph Stewart, late of the borough of
Huntingdon, deed.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Register.
Register's Office,
Huntingdon, 0et.,19, 1853.
Shirleyaburg, Huntingdon Co. Pa,
Rev. J. Camplqi, A. M., and Hugh J. Camp
bell. A. 8., Principals.
These institutions are beautifidlv situated in
the renter of the Great A ughwick Valley, seven
miles from the Penna. Central Railroad, at Itt.
Union, and on the direct line l'rem that to Chum
bersburg. They too now furnished with capa
cious buildings and extensive apparatus, for all
the departments of Natmal !icience. and every ad
iantage for instruction in the branches °Fa liberal
education, that the best schools of a similar or
der can afibrd. The cost of their apparatus alone
is ONE 1110CSAND dollars. Five hundred dollars
has been appropriated to a 'library. Believing
that too much expense bus hitherto(teen lavished
by schools of this order on outward decorations,
and too little devoted to furnishing them with the
more essential requisites for instruction, the Trus
tees of this Academy have been the first in the
State to take this new step anti inveo. so LARGE
a sum in instruments and hooks. TM, call the at
tention of the older class of students. especially
those intending to teach, to these facilities.
Board, washing, light, and tuition in English
branches $50,00, Music, Painting, Drawing,
Latin. French &e., extra.
$O.OO, $lO,OO, $12.00 per session. 111 Primary,
Junior and Senior classes respectively. Bo ar d
$1.75 per week in Winter $1,50 in Summer.—
No deduction for absence except in ease of pro
tracted sickness. No students admitted for Ices
than half a session. For particulars. see circu
lars, or address (post paid) either of the Princi
Shade Gap, Huntingdon Co. Pa.
The Trustees of this Institution owning to the
death of its late lamented Principal, J, IL W.
McGinni4, have placed it in charnge of the Rev.
W. A. Morrison, a faithful and competent teach
er, assisted in the Mathematical and Classical
departments, by other Experienced Instructors
and by Mr. S. Campbell, who has long and SlW
ressfu!ly had control of the English di:pertinent.
• The course of study embraces what is usually
taught iu the first class Institutions of the kind
in this country, being thorough and sufficiently
expensive to qualify students for the higher class
es in College, and for every• department or busi
ness life.
The Buildings are now large and commodious,
and the domestic arrangements, are in every way
adapted to the health and comfort °enlarge num
ber of students, who are required to hoard in the
A eademy under the immediate supervision of the
The location is retired, and proverbially health
ful, and is a n ti• of access, being. connected with
C harnbcrshurg and the Penn'a. Railroad at Mount
Union, by a daily line of stages.
. .
The terms ore very low. The whole expenses
per session. of 22 weeks, for board, washing,
fuel, &c., are front $4O to $45 arcording to
the branches pursued. The next Session will
coffin - mice on Wednesday 19th of October.
For sub rut ,Ilea
Shade Gap Pa., Oct. 12 '53.
Last Arrival
t MLA 6 WTNIT)I coons.
HAS just returned from the Eastern Cities, and
is now opening, at the old stand, in Market
Square, a large and splendid assortment of now
and fashionable goods, for fall and winter, con
sisting of
Frenji. ('loth, Double Milled 13Iack and Fancy
Cassiniers, Sattinetts, Merino., Do Bcrege,
Coburgh Do Dailies, Flannels, Wool
and Cotton, Brown and Bleached
Mu , lins, and a variety of goods
of all kind: usually kept
in a country store
. .
and A great vA ItTETY OF TRIMMINGS Sliitahla for
A Large Assortment of Groceries,
Hardware, Queens arc, and
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Man and Tippets.
The public are respectruliy invited to call and
examine my stock, as I am determined nut to be
undersold by any house in town.
Feeling, thankful for the encouragement he has
received, hopes by strict attention to business to
merit a continuance of the same.
Huntingdon, Oct. .19, 1553,
At David P. GMIIIO,I New Store.
TA P. GIVIN, informs his friends nnd the pubs
U. lie genernliy that he has just returned from
Iphia. awl k now opening nt the corner
of 11111 and Bath streets, opposite Conts' Frank-
A large and beautiful assortment of
0 OD
Consisting of Cloths, Cussimers, Black and Fan.
cy Cassinetts, Woolen Hoods, Silks Fancy
and Block Ilerega Lollies, I;aise,
Debains French Merinues, Coburgh
Owl, Flannels, Cotton Finn
nel, White and Colored,
Gin?hams, Linens, Mullins. and a large lot of
Prints of al! styles.
Also, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Hats and Caps. Boots
and Shoes, Groceries of all kinds. Queens
ware, Hardware, Fish and Salt.
The pulilienre respeethilly invited to rail and
exertion my Goods, as 1 tun determined to sell
them CHEAP.
All kinds of country Produce taken in exchange
fur Goods at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1553.
EVlCrila $ ALL
wpm, be exposed to public sale, on Thu.-
V DAY, the thl day of November next, at .the
residence of the subscriber, in Walker township,
Huntingdon county, the fialowing property, viz 1
Household and Kitchen Furniture,
Beds, atm Bedding, Stoves, &c.,
r 4)
Efl 21 bead of horned
cattle, 4 head of ei
hurstm ' 3 colts, 9.0
_ . bead of hogs, .d 7 m . .44w. e 4 ..5. , ..
bead of sheep, 1 wagotytarness,plough,,hurrows,
and a general variety of farming implements.
The snbsodber, will also sell, at the same time
noel place, a large quantity of potatoes.
-........ . _ . -
44 - Sale to c;totnotice at• 9 o'clock, A. M., ou
said day.
TEntis.—Any amount under three dollars, to
he cash: and over that amount nine months cred
it, with good iecurity.
Oct. 12, '53.-41
Dowr AIONNAIES, Card eases, and tho ti
-1 'nut quality of WosTmsiiinst's Pocket
Knives, a very large quantity at Edw. Snare's
Gold 'Oratches will be eold by ED. sl7Aai
Ulcer then elsewhere.
Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery,
FJEXRY J. AFRICA, would . respectfully in
, 1 vita the [Allah: to all at his establishment
in Railroad Street, where all those who need any
good Bread, Rusk, or any other kind of Cakes
found nt a Bakery, may be supplied.
Ile has just received a very large end fret! ,
supply of Fruit and Confaetionuries, such es
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, itc.,
and a huge stock of TOYS.
lie receives dnily from the city of Baltimore,
the best OYSTERS that can he found. Those
in want of prime 'shell fish,' con be accommoda
ted by calling at the saloon. Ile has fitted np a
soloou expressly for the Ladies.
Thankful to the public fur past favors, be hopes
by strict attention to business to merit a
core of the same.
Oct. 12, '53.
T •
l aubscriher offers, at private sale. a mina
ble tract of Innd. situate in 11111 Valley, Shir
ley township.. Huntingdon county, containing
about Two Hundred Acres. About flay
,acres of this tract is cleared and in good tillable
order. having thereon erected a comfortable Stone
Dwelling House, Stabling, &c.
There is also a good Spring of Water on the
pr,mige.,, near the, dwelling house.
The land is of a gond quality, part being strong
limestone, and an Milli:trio. roan could not tail
to do well on it. It ia situated about six miles
from Mount Union, where the Pennsylvania Rail
Road and Canal pass, and will be sold at a very
moderate price.
'Emma or PATMENT.—One half in band, anal
the-baton, in two equal minim( payments.
For further inlinnuttion address the subscriber,
at Shirleysbur4, P. 0., Iluntingtimi Co.. l'a.
October i2,'53. .•
RAMATE of the Utlirersity of Maryland,
VT (in eonncetion with Dr. James (;. Littatner)
',twine. permanently located in Shirleyshurc, re
spectfully offers his professional serviees to the
citizen, of that place and adjacent country.
Oct. 5, '53.-Gm.•
Mountain Female Seminary.
rn M
E Mountain Female Seminary at iming
.' ham, lluntingdon county,P a., on the Penh
sylvania Railroad, occupies one of the most
healthy and dedrahle locations in the State.—
Strangers visiting the Institution huve unhesi
tatingly expressed the opinion, that it so easy of
access, retired, and surrounded with
such romantic mountain scenery, that no one
who wishes to learn, could find an institution
more favorably situated. Past success and fn.
tare prospects Lase induced us to greatly enlarge
oar plans, and enabled us to give such compensa
tion to teachers as will command those possess
ing the highest qualifications.
Cost, per term of 22 weeks, varies front $55 to
$A Mr which good necomnimlat ions will he giv
en: Music, French, Latin, Pointing, &e.,extra.
Pupils from abroad are expecte:l to hoard in
the Seminnry knitting with the Priaripal, who
gives his enure attention to tire interest of the
Institution. ISRAEL W. WARD,
(let. 5. 1853.
Et ltE n Y
, t . l e
rho l e )r d ill j e a n , :
display and =era°. assort
ofJewelry, Wanthes, Clocks. Silver Ware,
FIIIO Knives. Pistols, Perfumery, Port llonnaies,
and Fancy Articles, just Opened 111.1 exhibiting
to windring hundreds, at the Jewelry titure of
EDMUND SNARE, opposite Read'. Drug
Store, lluing.lon.
•igir Wittvlie, and other article!, Com) PLATED
in the best and most lasting manner.
Oct. 5, '53.
Il li s r, „ vo\ s , u , s .e :;„, sto o r t c her Pis:ols, at Edw.
QIL\'ER and Plated Spoons, Gold, Sil , er and
) Plated Spectacles, at Edith Snare's Jewelry
CIILVER Batter Enives, and 6alt Spoons, at
kJ E. Suare's Ckenp.Jewelry Store,
rcp, H, rottagn,
K . Gothic, and other Clocks, for tale I f
cheap, at Edna... Snares Jewelry Store,
PERFUHER Y—A goo(' lot. of the hest, at
just returned from the cast with a large
and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Gooda,
for men awl boys, made in the latest fashion and
in tho most durahle manner. Who ever wants
to he dressed better and cheaper than anybody
else its town, let him call nt Wit,collnunv's
CHEAP CLOTHING STOIIN. one door west of T.
Head & Sns drug stnro. Huntingdon.
Call Mid se, for yourselves.
Oct. 5. 1552.
11. L. rilte/WN. 3A9. 11. 11.tnnarr.
TnE undersigned Physicians having. entered
into a cospartnarship, in the pl.:loth,: of med
icine, would resueettully inform the citizens of
Trough Creek. and vicinity, that they will he
found at all times in their Office, in Cassville,
to attend to any calls with which they may be
favored. 11. 1.. BROWN.
J. B. Lv7,l;x, m. D., Hunt.
TIE VERENCED: J. 11. Donscy.m. cc., ."
F. BowEtts, ra. D., Nowton
.... ..
Cassville, Oct. 5, '53,-Im.
Administrators Notice.
TETTORS of administration have heen this day
grunted to the undersigned, upon the estate,
ofJohn Brumbaugh, (of Daniel) lute of Hopofell
township, dec'd. All persons indebted, will make
payment, and those having claims will present
them to me for settlement.
Oct. 5, '53-6t.• Adrninistratrix.
Administrator's Notice.
ETTERS of administration hare this day
been granted to the s u h, ee the es upon th e en .
tntc of Solomon Fink, late of Fonn township,
Huntingdon county, deed. MI persons indebted
are requested to make immediate payment. nod
those having claims will present them for settle
ment to
Sept. 29,'50.-6t.• Admr.
T_TOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why
go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for
half-mado Fitmturrtm? Call at No. I, North
NINTH street, and examine the largest assort
ment of the beat made Furniture and Bedding in
the city, Feather Bads, flair, Busk, and Straw
Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What
nots, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Washstands;
Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di
vans, Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads;
Foney Stalled Seat, Cane seat, Windsor, and of
tice Chairs, Counting-house, andpane-seat Stools,
Settee and Arm-chair en,ltions; Cottage furni
ture made in erect style and color; Soft Beds and
Lounges, wholesale and retail, and warranted to
give satisfaction, mia sold at the lowest prices.
Sep. 20, 1853.-17
Ribbons and •Millinery Goods.
- Mums STERN, No. 171, North Second
1 Street, opposite the Caulk llowl, Philadol
phis. Navin:: in store a full and extensive as
sorttnent of Trimmings rind' Fancy Goods. 411
kinds of MILLINERY Aurichns, loch as Rib
bons, Laces, Blond Lace Silks, Flume..
Bonnet Frames, and wlargenseortment of needle
worked klenOkereltiefs, Collars, Capes, Flounces,
Inserting, Edgings, &c., together with a great
variety of other articles in Our line, too timorous
to mention, at Wholesale and Retail,
N. 11.-1 request all such that aro about ma
king their FALL, purchases, to give too a call.
Sept. °l,'s3.—Out.
l i, DOZEN Ames' No. 1 Shovels. lost reeei
IV ,- td and fur sale l+,;• J. k w. *IXTQF.
,No, 45 South Second Street, •
A RE now opening for the Tnatte a large
and well selected assortment of
Silks, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers,
and Millinery Goods, la.
Confining themselves exclusively to this branch
of the trade, and IMPORTING the larger part of
their stock enables them to offer an assortment
PNNORPASMED in extent or variety, which will be
sold on the most favorable terms.
Sept. 21, '53.-2tn.
&.oo3g UP.It Z.
fr TIE subscriber respectfully informs his ens
torners, who are indebted to him. either by
note or book account, to bring in their emote.,
as he wishes to purchase a new stock of goods.—
lie hopes tie may receive early calls from all in
terested. JAMES BRICKER.
Sept. 14, 1853:
The subscriber has placed on tho road lending
from Mill Creek to Cassville a line of Hacks to
ran from the latter place to the former, on Wed
nesdays end Saturdays, Leaving Cassville in the
morning of cacti day returning in the afternoon.
The accommodatious are comfortable and the
fare is very low. GEO. SMITH.
Cassville, Sep. 21, '23.
Cleartered by the State of Penn.
Sylvania in IS-11.
TilIE Saving Fund of the National Safet• Com
panv, No. 62 Walnut Street, 2 doors above
Third, PHILADELPHIA. is open every day
from S o'cloek.A. M. to 7 o'clock I'. 3f., and on
Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock•—
This institution is well known as one of the best
managed and safest in the country, and pays rive
pen cear. interest tar money put in there, from
the date of depositc.
Any stun ft;rn One Dollar upwards is received.
And all sums, large or small, are paid back on
demand, without notice, to any amount.
'Phis saving fund has mortgages, Ground
Rents, and other first-class investments, all well
secured, amounting to more titan Ilan million of
dollars, for the security of depositors.
Office 62 Walnut street, tw•o doors above
Third, Philadelphia.
lion. HENRY L. RENNER, Preet.
Wm. J. limm, Secretary.
BOARD Or nnrrungns.
..... .....
lion: Wnt. Richards, Pottstown, Montgomery
co. J. D. Streeper editor of the Montgomery
counts Leduer, Pottstown.
J. M. Shcenemen, editor of the Neutralist,
Skippackville, Mont. co.
Enos Benner, Esq., editor of the Farmer's
Friend, Sumneytown, Mont. co.
lion. Joel Jones, lute Mayor of Phi Pa.
lion. John Robbins, jr., member of Congress
4th District, Pennsylvania.
lion. James Page, late Postmaster of Phil'.
lion. Wm. Penington, late Governor of New
Sep. 2S, ,53.
102, Market Street,
Fancy Goods and Trinuninga, Combs and
Brus!lcs, at CASII PRICEB,
Sept. 7, '53.--fim
School Teachers Wanted.
riGIIT competent Teacherstre wanted to take
A charge of the Public Schools of Penn town
ship, to whom liberal wages w ill be given. Per
sons desirous of taking charge of any of tho
schools in said twp., are requested to make ap
plication to the President or Secretary of the
Board. Schools to open from the Ist to the Dith
of November. By order of tho Board of
School Directors.
J. K. isETT, President.
J. P. A.,IICOM, Secretary.
Markleshurg, Aug. 21, '53.-10t.
Five Teachers Wanted.
vIvE competent school teachers ore wanted to
I teach the public schools of Union tlktrict,
lfuetingdon county. Liberal wages will be gib
en to competent Teachers. Applicants for
school:: are reque,ted to meet at the school house
near Calvin, on Saturday the 12th day of No•
comber neat, at which time and place nu Exam
ination will take place.
By order of the Board,
listen tp., Sept. 7,'53.-10t. Soc.
Salamander Safes.
Evans & Watson, S 3 Dock Street.
Books, Papers, Jewelry &o.
Fire-Proof Doors for Banks & Stores.
Fa ll AD] Ainprf'l.i'.J
FIRE :IND TI I 11.:F— lle OOP
IR O N sArts.
Warranted to stand as much fiie as any other
Safes in the country.
Fire-Proof Safes.
Hannisnuna, Pa., Oct. 30, 1851. 5
The undersign.' appointed a committee for the
purpose, by the officers of the State Fair, were
present thi, ittlernoon, when Messrs. EVANS &
wATsoN ic,tefl one of their small sired SAL
thcc cow :limed Three Cords 0' Wood over it;
coiiimen cing at 1 o'clock, 1'.'.11.. and having ex
p.a.' it to ii W 111 TE II FI.ST for Two Hours, suffi
cient to destroy the cast iron feet.
On opening the Safe, the papers with 2000 cir
culars deposited in our presence were taken out,
not only having been preserved, but not having
tho appearance of scorch upon them.
A. 'l'. NEWBOLD, Ex-Governor of Pa.
E. E. II umsorr.
Sole Agency for Butterworth's Celebrated
Batik Locks.
Gen. Wilson, Esq , Huntingdon, Pa., is au
thorized agent the the sale of the above, at his
office a specimen can be seen, and also nt Mike of
the Broad Top Railroad Company, in Hunting
don, we also refer to Col. S. S. Wharton, and
the County Treasurer, in Huntingdon. Below
reference is made to a few in Philadelphia, who
have our safes in use. Hundreds More can be
Farmers & :Mechanics' Bank, 12 safer.
U. S. Mint.
U. S. Arsenal, 3 in Phil'a. sin California.
Samuel Allen. Esq., High Sheriff.
Barker Bras. & CO , Brokers, No 16 N. 3d St.
E. C. Knight, corner Chesnut and Water St.
Michelin & Co. No. 17 S. Water st.
Richard Norris & Son, Locomotive works.
Penn'a. R. R. Co, 2 safes.
Phil's. Germantown and Norristown R. R.Co.
State Treasurer and Trenton Banking Co.N.J.
Odd F. Halls, Pith st, and eor. Out & Brown its.
Sonthwark & Moyamensing Gas Co.
Corporation of Northern Liberties.
do. • of Moyamensing. ,
July 13, 'sl.—ly•
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Graduate of the University of Pa., offers his
professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon
and adjacent country.
REFERENCE% :—Metlical Faculty of University
of Pa.,
Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl
vania Hospital and Or. Jamb Huainan.
Office, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr
Hainan. July 19, ow.
GOLD Ci/ALVS—A•fino variety for sale, To•
ry low, at linaz. SNAII'II.
pURE wuiTz LEAD, just re:mired and for
ride by J. & W. SAXTON.
FRITZ & nExnnT,
Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia,
Morrocco Manufacturers, Curticrs, Importers,
Commission and General Leather Business,
Wholesale and Retail.
Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street.
Aug. 24, "53.—1 y.
TOYZIN. ffilFol,23.
VXTE the undersigned, would respect.
Y fully call the attention of purcha•
sers to our superior stock of Stoves,
Cauldrons, &e. The superiority of our
Stoves, above all others Is so well known, that
we deem it unnecessary to enter into detail of
them. We would invite your attention to our
51Acnin000rt BEATING STOVE. As the price of
coal is on the rise, this is the most economical
stove the public can use. These stoves are of
sizes suitable for heating the smallest room, and
those capable of containing from 40,000 to 80,000
cubic ft. Our Cook Stoves consist of the Gs.on•
Coon, fur coal; MODERN TROT, wood; limes
Yocum COON, HAGAR Coon, &e.,.&e.
Oar assortment of Cook end Parlor Stoves is
the best in the market, and those wishing to par.
chase, will find it to their advantage by giving as
a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Sucressors to Potts & Yocum.
N. E. Ccr. 2nd & Race Its.
Aug. 31.'5&-3m, PHILADELPHIA.
T. NELL-D 3. f , El. ©o f ,
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Cassville and vicinity, that he has located a
medical office, for the purpose of treating all
kinds of diseases, on a safe and scientific princi
ple, and is now ready to attend to all calls, and
by strict attention to business, hopes to receive
a good portion of public favor. Fever and Ague
cured in three days, and warranted to remain
cured fm the neatest. A. P.F.
July. 20, '53.-tf.
THE subscriber will o ff er for rent, by way of
public outcry, on the promises, on
TUESDAY TIM ISt DAY OF Novamnart, next.
at 1 o'clock, P. M., ofanid day, his entiro
Mill Property', situate near Sliirleysburg,
consisting of a Grist Mill, Saw „,
Mill and Plaster Mill, all
in first rate running order, with a ''
Cooper Shop, two tenant houses,
and In Ames of excellent timothy meadow
This is a very desirable property, surrounded
as it is by Furnaces, Factories, and other grind
ing facilities in all directions; situated, also, im
mediately adjoining the flourishing town of Shir-
Icysburg, where is now being erected.a large and
commodious house for the accommodation of the
poor If this county, and where wo have two In
stitulions of learning,une male and one female; in
successful operation. These Millsare, more over,
situated in the heart of Aughwick Valley, a rich,
populous and productive region of countr7,
producing wheat, corny and all kinds of grain in
the greatest abundance,thus affording every facil
ity for flouring operations.
The above property, if not rented on the day
specified, will then he offered on the shares.
Conditions made known on the day of rent.
Shirleysburg, Aug. 31,'53.-9t.
The Accommodation Line of :facia.
THE subscriber will run a hack tri-weekly,
from Huntingdon to Stonerstown by way of
McConncllstown and Markleshurg, on and after
the 15th inst.—leaving the Railroad Hotel at 9
o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,
and returning the following days, leaving Sto
nerstown at 7} o'clock, A. M. Packages will be
carried at a reasonable charge, and delivered as
either ofthe above places
Aug, 24, '5l-2m,
t t
MoEjll2 2 0
RADUATE of hPhiladelphia College et
Cpenial Surgery.
Artifieiol Teeth, from ono to a full set, mos,
ted in the meet improved modern style.
Filling, Filing and Scaling done ;Itl;care aid
Teeth Extracted with all the ease and despatola
that modern science can furnish.
July, 13, 1853.
11. W. MITII,
I°ll l
Huntingdon, Penn'a.
_ .
FFICE on Main Street, next to that of Ow
V A. P. Wilson
• _ _
— Terms moderate, and all work warranted as
give entire satisfaction.
July 13, '53.
THEL undersigned has leased and et
tad up the above llovut, on the
. . . corner of main and Montgomery Street.
I I in the borough of Huntingdon, and is
well prepared to accommodate all who may favor
him with their custom. The traveling communi
ty and the public generally are cordially invited
to call with hint, hoping by strict attention to
business to merit a large portion of public patron
age. No pains will be spared to render general
June 2!,'55.-Iy.
MITE undersigned respectfully invite the atten•
X tion of the public to their new and splendid
stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
vow exhibiting in Portstown, consisting of a large
nariety of German and Belgean Cloths.
Cassinicres and Cassinets of the best quality.
Silks, Sews, and Satins of superior quality.
Silk Taffeta and plaid, plain and twilled hdkfit.
Cotton Hosiery of every quality and style.
Cotton and Thread Gloves in great variety.
Ginghams, Cambrics and Jaconbts.
Cotton, Cambric and Jaconet
Cotton Fringe, assorted sizes.
Linen Plaid, Cotton and Striped Tape..
Ribbons of every description.
French Merinos, Table covers and Shawls.
Berne Delaincs, Lawns and Alpacas.
Colicoes, Tidies & Muslim in countless number*
Cotton Drills and Cor du Rove.
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, hats and Cap.
Glass, Hard and gummy..
Ready-made Clothing with a large lot of vane•
ties and notions too numerous to mention.
Persons wishing to purchase will find it to their
interest to call and examine our stock of goods
before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determin
ed to sell at extremely low and reduced prices.
Portstown, June 22, '53.
James E. Glasgow,
HAVING fitted up a large and elegant Store
room, directly in the centre of Scottsville,
Huntingdon Co., into which he hat removed his
store from the old stand, is now prepared to ac
commodate his customers and the public general
ly, with a splendid anti fashionable assortment of
liii assortment consists of
Dry Goode, Groceries.
Hardware, Queenasware,
and all kinds of goods wundly kept in a Country
Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as
sortment of
Ladies' Dress Goads,
and Trimmings of every vartety. Also, Hat.,
Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of
goods of all kinds.
'All kinds of Country Produce taken In
exchange for goods.
Scottsville, Hunt. Co., Pa.
Juno 15,
4 0 TONS COAL, juse received and for sale
by J. & W. SAXTON.
HAMS and STIOULDERS, kat received nri4
ft: rah 1 , 7 J. 6 le• SAXTOY.