HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. I // / ,` ~....7 Wednesday Morning, Oct. 26, 1853. S. L. GLASGOW, Editor. CIRCULATION 1000. Agents for the Journal, Thefollowingpereons we have appointed Agents for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author receive and receipt for money paid on sub scription, and to take the names of new subscri bers at our published prices. We do this for the convenience of our subscri bers living at a distance from Huntingdon. JOHN W. THOMPSON, Esq. , Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL COEN, East Barren, Gamma W. Commune, Shirley township, JAMES E. GLASGOW, Clay township, DANIEL Teaorn, Esq., Cromwell township, Dr. J. P. Asucom, Penn township, , .. Dr. H. L. BROWN, Cass township, , J. WAREHAM SLATTERN ' Franklin township, &mum STEPNEY, Jackson township, ROBERT M'BCHNET, " . .. Col C. WATSO . M, Brady township, Warns BRows, Springfield township, Wx. Horcntxsox, Esq., Warriorsmark tp., JAMES McDowAr.n, Brady township, GEORGE W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg, RENEE NEFF, West Barree. JOHN BALSRACH, WltterStreet, Maj. CHARLES MicKLEr. Tod township, A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township, GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Tell township, JAMES CLARK, Birmingham. NATHANIEL LTTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. Maj. W. Moone, Alexandria. B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace. Srsetow Wntont, Esq., Union township. DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., Cassrille. SVML'EL Wurrow, Esq., Franklin township, JOHN LUTZ, Esq., Shirleysburg. DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmark. DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township. A few loads of good WOOD, wanted at this Office, immediately. New Advertisements. It will be seen that Mr. L. NVestbrook, has just returned from the east, and has now on hand a large and well selected stock, of Boots, Shoes. Hats, Ceps, &c. Give bins a call. See Sheriff's Sale, Hunt. Co. Temperance `League. Notice by Miles & Dorris. Admin. istrator's Notices. Also,stray Steer, &c. p®" The election being over, we will now endeavor from this on to give our readers, in addition to the passing news of the day, some matter of a more substantial and practical na ture. This we think altogether necessary in newspapers designed for the perusal of families and those whose tastes run a little higher than such as read merely for the sake of the news the papers contain. se.. We call the attention of the friends of education and the public generally, to the Lit erary Notice,. in another column, of Juniata Academy, Shirleysburg, Pa. The Anniversary Address, before the Socie ty connected with this Institution, will be de livered on the 2d NOV. next, by Gov. Bigler. This address was prepared by the Gov. for the close of the School, but owing to indisposi tion, he could not be present. The same will be delivered by His Excellency at the time above designated, which will be at the opening of the next Session. We hope the friends of the institution will not fail to he present. Broadtop and Drakes Ferry Railroad. This is a project which is eliciting considera ble attention on the part, not only of those individually concerned, but of the public gen erally. There is no question that the con struction of this road would be of magnitude importance to the people residing in those townships through which the contemplated route is to pass. It is to commence at Mount Union, or Mapleton Station, on the Central Road, and passing through Union, Cass and Tod townships, terminate at some point in the Broad Top Coal Region. The length of the Road, it is said, will be about twelve miles from one point to the other. Being well acquainted with the ground over which it is to pass, we are confident, there will be no very heavy work,except the tunnelling of Sidling Hill, and that will be only a short dim lance. We understand the company has been re gularly organized by the election of officers, &e., who are pushing the matter as fast as pos sible, and we hope they may succeed in a speedy construction of. the road. It cannot materially affect the interests of the Broad Top and Huntingdon Road, and the more of such public improvements our county can secure, the better it will be for her citizens and the community generally. So we hope the road will be speedily made. Our Officers Elect. In James 'Maguire the people of Huntingdon county will no doubt have a taithful, impartial, and industrious representative, one who will endeavor, we are satisfied, to legislate for the interests of the whole people. . . Joshua Greenland, the Sheriff elect, Joseph M. Stevens, the Treasurer elect, as well as those who have been elected to fill the minor county offices, are, we know, all intelligent, ac• commodating, and well qualified to discharge the duties of their several positions. The people have reason to rejoice that they have been so fortunate in the selection of such capable men on this last occasion. Mr. Greenland, a all the others, except Mr. Stevens, who win enter on his duties about the first of January, will be sworn in at the November Court coming. jar Those wishing to travel to the Trough Creek settlement, should go on Mr. Smith's line of hacks, which runs between Mill Creek and Cassville. He is one of the most accom modating proprietors we have met with for some time. Long may he wave. mop New Orleans has at length been decla. • led, by the local Board of Health, to he free from the epidemic which has been so fearfully desolating its homes, and the Bee announces to absentees that they may now safely retina. A sanitary commission has been established, which is laboriously Investigating the causes of the awful visitation, and it inquiries will doubt. less result in much future good to the afflicted city. ."! MARRIAGAI -OF GRACE GREESWOOT/;-.lliBB • Sarah J. Clarke, (well known rts Grace Green. wood,) was married on Monday_nt the Episco• -pal Church, in New Berlin, Pa., to Mr. Lippin• • eott, of Washington city. Mr. L. is connected with the ./Vity..nott/ Ern. Robert Fulton, Some forty years since a young American was occupied in the construction of a few mod. els of machinery, by which he might bend to the use of navigation an agent familiar to all, but which had only been pressed into the service of mechanics a short tine before by the genius of Watt. Receiving no countenance in this country, he visited France, and at a diplomatic dinner given at Paris, by Chancellor Living. aton, to a company of Plenipotentiaries, States. men and Literati, Fulton wearied the patience of the guests by endeavoring to show them that he could, if he had the means, construct a boat that could stem the waves of the Hudson by the force of steam with the velocity of four miles an hour! But his plans were regarded as idle and visionary, and repulsed he turned his face to his native country ;—and it is interesting to listen to his narration, recounting the opposi tion he received from his own countrymen, the little disposition they evinced to give his pro ject any countenance. Says he, "my friends were civil, but shy; they listened with patience to my explanations, but with a settled cast of incredulity on their countenances—l felt the force of the language of the poet : "Truth would you teach, to arms a sinking lend, All shun, none aid you, and kw understand." As I had occasion to pass daily to and fro from the building while my boat was in pro. gress, I have often listened, unknown, near the idle group of strangers, gathering in little cir cles, and heard various inquiries as to the ob jest of this new vehicle. The language was uniformly that of scorn, sneer, or ridicule. The loud laugh often rose at my expense, the dry jest, the wise calculation of leases and expen ditures, the dull and useless repetition of the 'Fulton family.' Never did a single encour aging retnark, a bright hope, or a warm wish cross my path. The day arrived when my boat was finished, and the experiment was made.— To me it was a most trying and interesting oc casion. I wanted some friends to go on board to witness the first successful trip. Many of them did me the favor to attend as.a matter of personal respect; but it was manifest that they did it with reluctance, fearing to be partners of my mortification, and not of my triumph. I was well aware, that, in my case, there were many reasons to doubt of my own success.— The machinery was new and ill-made, and ma ny parts were constructed by mechanics unac quainted with such work, and unexpected dif ficulties might reasonably be presumed to pre sent themselves from other causes. The moment arrived in which the word was to be given fbr the vessel to move. My friends were in groups on the deck. There was anxiety mixed with fear among them. They were silent, sad, and wear* I rend in their looks nothing but dims ter, and, I almost repented of my effort.. The signal was given, and the boat moved on a short distance, and then stopped and became immovable. To the silence of the preceding moment now succeeded murmurs of discontent and agitation, and whispers, and shrugs. I could hear distinctly repeated: '1 told you so— it is a foolish scheme—l wish we were well out of it.' I elevated myself on a platform, and stated that I knew not what was the matter, but if they would be quiet, and indulge me for half an hour, I would either go on, or abandon the voyage. I went below - and discovered that a slight mal-adjustment was the cause. It was obviated—the host went on; we left New York —we passed through: the highlands—we reach ea Albany! Yet even then imagination su perseded the force of fact. It was doubted if it could be done again, or if it could be-made; in any case, of any great rahte." Well may our coutryman, Willis, exclaim: "what an af fecting picture of thestruggle of a great mind, and what a vivid lesson of encouragement to genius is contained in this simple narration." His example should teach us the value of in dustry, indefatigable patience rind perseverance —his difficulties lead us never to despair in any great enterprise, but even, if opposition should offer, to persevere until success crowns our efforts. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. Official Returns, The Harrisburg Union (Loco) publishes a table of the of vote for State officers from all the counties in the Commonwealth, except Bradford, Elk, Forest, ''Kean, Pike, Potter, Slaw and Venango, which foot up as ful lows Judge of Supreme Court—Knot, D. 147,409 Budd, W. 110,099 Majority for Knox. 37,310 Canal Commissioner.—Forsyth, D. 143,880 Pawnsll, W. 112,137 Majority for Forsyth, 34,745 Auditor Genera—Banks, D. 148,343 M'Clure, W. 110,749 Majority for Banks, 37,594 Surreyor General.—Brawley, B. 140,025 Meyers, W. 113,492 Majority for Brawley, 36,533 These majorities will hardly be increased by the counties yet to hear from, as the returns from Washington county only includes the Democratic vote. They are sufficient, Lowev• er, for all useful purposes. The Whigs are badly beaten, but this is not surprising, as on. ly a corporal's guard seem to have attended the _polls on election day. The way to win elections by staffing at home has not yet been discovered, and until it is, we fear the Whigs must reap the penalty of their inaction. Par Hon. William lliester died nt his resi dence in New Holland, Lancaster county, on the 14th inst., in the ad year of his age. He hid represented that county in Congress, and was a member of the Convention that chromed our State Constitution. pf unimpeachable in. tegrity, amiable manners, and liberal views, Mr. Hiester won friends wherever ho was known, and the notice of his death will be regretfully received' throughout our State. ' Tow FATAL. AFFRAY AT FOIST GISAITAII.- .Tho brother of Dr. J. M. Steiner, who recent dshot Major Arnold at Fort Graham, Texas, nies the truth of the litiblished accoantsm— lic says that Major Arnold fired first upon the Doctor, which he returned, breaking the Maj or's arm, and that Arnold then tired on him a seemullime, When Steiner shot him dead.— The charge against Dr. Styling. by C. N. Brooks,a Justice or the Peace from Hill county, Texas, oo the Dith of September, who, alter hearing the evidence relative thereto, di...char ged Dr. Steiner on the ground that thei homi• tide was commbied in self•defence. SW Among the very singular creaks of the last election was the election of a Whig Sheriff in lirestinoreland county, and a Whig Treas. ret in'old • Berks—both in eingle•handed con tpow. Pennsylvania Legislature•—Session 18M. SENATE. 1. Philadelphia city— Wm. A. Crabb, Eli K. Price.* 2. Philadelphia county—Smt.. G. HAMILTON, William Goodwin, Levi Foulkrod.* 3. Montgomery—Benj. Prick. 4. Chester—Henry S. Beans. 5. Berks—William M. Hiester. 6. Bucks—Howard K. Sager. 7. Lancaster and Lebanon—Esaias Kinser, Edward C. Darlington. • 8, Northumberland and Dauphin—John C. Kunkle. 9. Northampton and Lehigh—William Fry. 10. Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne—E. W. Hamlin. 11. Adams and Franklin—David er.. 12. York—Jacob S. Haldeman. 13. Cumberland and Perry—Samuel When ry.* 14. Centre, Lycoming, Sullivan and Clinton —James W. Quigvle. 15. Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon—J. Cresswell, Jr.* 16. Luzerne, Montour and Columbia—C. R. Buckalew.* 17. Bradford. Susquehanna and Wyoming— Wan. M. Platt.* 18. Tioga,Potter, MlKean Elk, Clearfield, Jefferson an ' Forest—Byron D. Hamlin. 19. Mercer, Venango and Warren—Thomas Hoge.* 20. Erie and Crawford—James Skinivr. 21. Butler, Beaver and Lawrence—John Fer. guson.. 22. Alleghany—George Darsie, Jones R. M'Clintock.* 23. Washington and Greene—Maxwell I,P- Caslin. 24 Somerset, Bedford and Fulton—H. B. Barnes. 25. Armstrong, Indiana and Clarion—S. S. Jamison.* 29. Juniata, Mifflin and Union—Eli Slifer. 27. Westmoreland and Fayette—John 'W- Farland. 28. Schuylkill—John Hendricks. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Adams—John C. Ellis. Allegheny—John S. llamiltnn, John M. Por- Or, John J. Muse, Thomas J Bighorn, John E. Parker. Armstrone, Clarion and Jefferson—David T. Putney, Thomas Magee, Geo. W. Ziegler. Beaver. Butler and Lawr.nve—B. B. Chans berlin, W. Stewart, R. 13. 31'Combe. Bedford, Fulton and Cambria—Wm. T. Daugherty. Thomas Cain!. Berke-L.lneob Wickloin, John B. Smith, Daniel V. R. Hunter, Geo. Shenk. Blair and Huntingdon—James L. Goan, Jame., Magnin. Bradford—John Pasarnore, William E. Bar ton. Buelcs—Evan Gorom, SUM U. Benne, Luth• or Cobb . Carbon and. Lehigh—David Laury, James R. Struthers. Centre—Charles R. Foster. Chester—Henry T. Evans, Robert E. Mon aghan, William Wheeler. Clearfield, M'Kean and Elk—Aaron S. Ar nold. . , Clinton, Lyeornine , and Potter—John B. Beek. Gooree J. Eldred. Columbia and Montnnr—George Scott. Crawford—William 11, Davis. Jesse Smith. Cntaherland—David J. M'Kee, Heary G. Moser. Dauphin—Simon Sallain, George T. Hum• mel. Delaware—Jonathan P. Abraham. Erie—Gideon J. Rail, Ampherr, A. Hills. Fayette and Westmoreland—William A. Banlc, Bpniamin Byerly, Abram Gallentine, William Y. Rnbertti. Franklin—John Rowe, Samuel Gilmore. Gr,ile—John M. StnAdnle. Jndiana—A7rrands ennwn. Lanenster—.l4n A. Ilierland. Daniel R•rr, IPnry Gray, c. L. Ifansecker, John Thaulint. Leh. an —Joh n .21H/y. Lucerne—A. B. Dunning, Truman Ather ton. Mercer, Venango and Warren—Lothrop T. Partnlee, John J. Kilgore, Robert M. De- From-, Mifflin—Alexander Gibbon°, Monroe and Pike—Abraham Edinzer. Mont:emery—Henry Beyer, Charles H. Pal mer, Jacob Fry, Jr. Northampton.— Northumberland—David B. Montgomery. Perry—Thomas Adams. Philadelphia city—William C. Patterson. N. W. Baldwin, George IL Hart, Henry K. Strong. I Philadelphia county—Thom. Mande;field, Robert M. Car Geortm W. Hillier, John J. Boyd, Robert B. Knight. Isaac W. Moore. Richardson L. Wriltht, T. Potmsntr, J. H. Mly, REgi.odix R. Mtutft, Josur, S. Fr.r.rcurn. Schuylkill—john Horn, Samuel Hippie. Somerset—Joseph Cummins. Susquehanna. Sullivan and Wyoming—Eera B. Chase, James Deegan. Tioga—James Lowrey. Union and Juniata—John W. Simonton. Washington—Mathew Linn, Jehu Jackman. Wayne—Frederick M. Crane. York—Jaenh K. Sidle, Vincent C. S. Eck ert. Joseph Wilson. Demoerats in Roman—Whigs in Italic—N. lives in SMALL CAPS—New members marked thus (*). The above list, principally copied from the Democratic Union; makes the Senate consist of 18 Democrats, 14 Whigs and 1 native; and the House of 70 Democrats, 2G Whigs and 4 natives—hut among the Democrats are embra• ed several independents who may not always go in for canal soup. Particulars of the Escape of John Mitch. ell the The New York Times contains the following account in a letter of the escape ofJohn Mitch ell front the English Penal Colony in the South Seam: Nearly all the exiles have, when they desi red, obtained what are called "tickets of leave," which gave them liberty within certain prescri bed limits. John Mitchell had one of these; but not satisfied with the liberty vouchsafed to him he concluded to return it, and take out one of a somewhat different character—name ly a "ticket of leave" fbr America. His friends having made the ncessary preliminary arrange ments, he proceeded to the Fake office of the district where he resided. and with his usual politeness handed to the Magistrate a letter containing a resignation of his "ticket of leave." The magistrate, as was his duty, immediate. ly opened it, and "with spectacles on nose" commenced devouring its important contents. As our friend John had the advantage of a pri or reading, he did not care to listen to a reci tal, and consequently he left the august pres ence of his honor, and in a moment was on the back of a trusty steed, which two of his (and our) friends had saddled and waiting for him near by. The three, each well mounted, rode with'becoming haste to the sea coast, where boat awaited them, and the noble Mitchell was soon pacing the deck of is vessel, at the, mast head of which flaunted the Stars and Stripes. That flag has floated over many, a.true man, but never over one tiller to the CALM of liberty throughout the world, and to every ennobling sentiment and feeling, than John Mitchell.— The vessel immediately put to sea,u'ul is now on her way to the harbor of New York. I am assured that John Martiu accompanied him. I hope he did. My ieformation on this point is not, however, from the most reliable source; consequently, I cannot speak with cer tainty. I have, however, the plehsure of infor min:riroll that Mrs. Mitchell and her six child ren fillye sailed from Hobart Town, and are now on their way to join him in New York.- r You will doubtless have pleasure of seeing them all, a short tune after the rece;l). of this. Tie yellow fever still continues to rage in parts afi,isnippi end Loni,lsns. Price of Flour. Interesting Statistics.—We copy from the Baltimore American the following highly in teresting table, giving a comparative view of the price of Flour in that city for the first three months in each year from 179 G to the present time. It possesses peculiar interest at the pre sent moment, showing, as it does, the great and rapid fluctuations of the market, and stating the fact that at periods when labor did not ob tain more than half the price it now commands, flour has sold'at much higher prices. In 179 G, for instance, it sold as high as fifteen dollars a barrel, and at $14,25 in 1847. Prices of Flour for the . first three months if the year, from 1796 to 1853, inciu,ive, Pears. janyary... Felayary. 21farch. 1796 $l2 - 00 $l3 50 $l5 CO 1797 10 00 10 00 10 00 1798 850 850 850 1799 950 950 50 1800 11 50 11 25 11 50 1801 11 50 11 25 11 60 1802 700 700 700 1803 650 650 650 1804 750 750 700 1805 11 00 12 25 , 13 00 1806 760 750 700 1807 750 750 750 1808 (embargo) 600 575 550 1809 do • 550 700 700 1810 (in Jnlr & An.z.} 775 808 825 this year $ll & 12) 1811 11 00 10 50 10 50 1812 (war) 10 50 10 12 975 1813 do 11 00 10 00 950 1814 do 725 925 800 1815 do 8.00 800 775 1816 - 900 900 800 1817 13 50 13 75 14 25 1818 10 00 10 75 10 50 1819 900 875 825 1820 600 550 500 1821 400 4OD 375 1823 625 625 625 1823 700 675 700 1824 600 tOO 612 1825 487 512 512 182 G 475 462 450 • 1827 675 600 475 1828 500 487 575 1829 850 825 800 1830 4G2 450 450 1831 • 612 625 700 1833 550 550 550 1833 575 500 550 1834 525 500 58; 1835 487 500 500 1836 650 662 675 1837 ' 11 00 11 00 10 75 1838 875 800 800 1839 800 825 750 1840 537 550 487 1841 490 450 425 1842 587 556 525 1843 387 398 375 1844 . 425 450 462 1845 400 425 425 1846 325 487 498 1847 475 587 612 1848 6 00 550 5 94 1049 800 487 481 1850 4 75 4 75 4 02 456 450 537 400 410 412 5 . 25 525 600 We bare chosen the first three months in the year, January, February and March, for the foregoing statement, for the reason that dour has generally reached its highest point during those months. In 1847, the Irish famine year, during the month of June, flour advanced to $9.73; although sales were made in November nt stl,l2i, from which time it commenced to advance. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Southern Mail—.Verienn News—Death of Gen. Childs, ife. Baltimore, Oct. 19.—The New Orleans pa. Tiers of Wednesday and Thursday last have been received. Galveston dates of the 7th report the epi• demic on the decline there. Dates from Vera Cruz to the Bth had been received, but there was no news of interest.— The decree re-establishing the crder of Jesuits in Mexico has been published. Gen. Arista has written a letter in which he proposes to witness operations between Turkey and Russia should war break out. In consequence of the defalcation of the Cashier of the Sisters of Charity in Mexico. they have been rendered bankrupt, leasing debts which the Trait D'Union says amount to znany'hundred thousand dollars. Di. Steiner, who killed;' Major Arnold, has been acquitted by the civil court, but he is still held to bail for trial by a court martial. The steamboat McDaniel exploded nt the mouth of the Mississippi, on the 12th, killing three persons and scalding others. The Washington Stnr asserts that the neces• sib, for the removal of Messrs. Bronson and O'Connor will be enforced in the Union before any further steps arc taken. . . The Hon. Isaac Davis, of Mms., has been appointed Ast. Treasurer at Boston. Gen. Childs, of the U. S. A., died at Tampa Bay, on the Bth inst of yellow fever. Collision on the Columbia Railroad—Two Lives Lost. Lancaster, Oct. 21.—A collision occurred on Coatesville Bridge, this morning, between a freight train going• eastward and a passenger train going west. Both engines were disabled, and two men, named Williams and Davis be• longing to the freight train, were killed. and another man was injured severely. One of the trains was coming round the short curve, near the bridge, which prevented the engineer of the other train seeing the danger. Both trains were going very slow—only at the rate of fonr miles per hour. None of the passengers were injured, except one person in the bind car.— The shock was scarcely felt. Those killed be. longed to Pennington,:ille. Death of Hon. lehabod Bartlett. Portsmouth, IV. IL, Oct. 20th.—Hon. Icha hod Bartlett, Of this State, expired yesterday. The deceased bad held the office of Speaker of the New Hampshire House, and served, also, during three terms as member of Congress.— At the expiration of the last term he was suc ceeded by Franklin Pierce, now President of the United States. Washington, Oct. 21st.—Mr. Bronson's re moval has certainly been deter Mined on, This is a fixed fact. The President will not tol erate insulmrdination. It is surmised that Judge Nicholson is preparing an elaborate an swer to Bronson's letter. This is probably true as the editor was not on the Avenue today, and did not see company at his room. A dis tinguished Cass Democrat, hut one who will not use patronage to thwart the Administra. tion of its settled policy; will probably be Mr. Bronson's•successor—Mr. Redfield, most likely. Several important appointments, foreign and domestic, will be announced ere long. J. 1.. O'SulLvan. whose name has been men flint.' in connection with the New York Sub. Treasury, will, most probably, he selected for a diplomatic station. The most perfect unanim ity exists between the President and his Cabi net. Ilemoral of Collector Bronson—Appointments. irushinglors. Oct 22.—The Cabinet had a .protracted session to-dey, in relation to the dif ficulty with reitard to the New York appoint. ments. The fullowingis the result: Ilernan J. Redfield. (Soft Shell) has been appointed Collector of New Yurk, vice Me. Bryn. bUll t removed. J. 11.13tulhelul, (Soft Shell) Naval in the place of Mr. Redfield, promoted to Col. lcet John S. Cisco, (Soft Shell) Sub Treasurer, vice John A. 1.),:c. John L. O'Etillivan, (Free Seiler) io appoint. td CUR r,7,a to Portuol Thanksgiving Day. We sobjoin a copy of the proclamation just issued by Governor Bigler, fixing upon Thurs. day, the 2-lth day of November next, as a time for thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God, throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, for the numerous blessings he has bestoif ed upon us. This annual festival, though pro vided for by no law of Pennsylvania, seems yet so naturally looked for every year by our people, and is so congenial to their sentiments, that our Governor would be thought to have omitted the performance of a solemn duty were no proclamation issued for thanksgiving day. The proclamation we publish below is written in a'very proper spirit, and will meet the approval of the community generally: , . ... PENNSYLVANIA, Si. . . In the name and he the authority of the Commonwealth ofPenniylvithia, WILLIAM BIGLER., Governor, of the said C om m u n. wealth. A PROCLAMATION. [L. S.l Fellow Citizens—A merciful and beneficient Providence has blessed our coon try during the year thnt has just passed. His exceeding goodness calls for an earnest mani festation of our gratitude as a people. A firm belief in the existence of God, and a just conception of the perfections of his na ture—of His nttributes of infinite wisdom and power—of His boundless munificence and mer cy, lie at the thutidation of trite religion, and constitute the basis of that righteousness that exalteth a nation. An humble acknowledgement of depend. once on the overruling care of "that God who measureth the ocean in the hollow of hishand," whose will controls the destiny of nations, and who yet condescends to feed the fowls of the air and clothe the bilks of the field, is an act ofhomnce eminently becoming a people so pc• culiarily fitvored as we hove been. The blessings of pea, have distinguished the closing year. With the entire family of States our relations are amicable, and give promise of a bright future. Our free institu tions of government have been perpetuated, and religious and political liberty vouchsafed to the people. The cause of education, moral ity and religion have been steadily on the ad vance; the arts and sciences have gained addi tional perfection. and all the great interests of the people, physical and moral, have flourish ed. -In our own Commonwealth, the merciful care and boundless good of Providence have been most strikingly manifested. We are un der special obligations for His henificienco and mercy. The people have not only been spar ed the afflictions of the pingie and pestilence, but they have been blessed with abundance of the choicest productions of the earth. The seasons have passed in their regular o rder.— Winter and Spring and summer have come and gone, and Autumn is now ; "seed time and harvest" we have had, ar.d the husbandman has rejoiced in the rich rewards of his toil.— The valleys and hills and plains have given of their abundance, to make glad the hearts of the people. The desoaltions of famine, which at present seem to threaten some of the nations of the eastern continent, ns do the devastations of war, have thus been turned from this people, by the strong arm of His power. "The pestilence that walked' in darkness, and the destruction that wasteth at noon day" —whose ravages have sorely afflicted the citi zens of surrounding States—have not been per mitted to invade our favored Commonwealth. It has pleased a merciful Providence to res train the hand of the destroyer, and to bestow on Pennsylvania a season of health and unal loyed prosperity. These mnnifold blessings are in the gift of God, and to Him our grateful acknowledge. ments should be devoutly made. Under the solemn convictions of duty, and in conformity with the wishes of many good citizens, 1, William 13igler, Governer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby appoint Thursday, the 24th day of November next, as n day of general thanksgiving and praise throughout the State, and earnestly im plore the people that, setting aside all worldly pursuits on that day, they unite in offering thanks to Almighty God for his past goodness and mercy, and beseech hint for a continuance of his blessings. Given tinder my hand, and the Great Seal of the'State, at Harrisburg, this seventeenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and of the Commonwealth the seventr•eight. By the Governor: C. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. October 19, 1853. We have just heard that Messrs. Frick, Sli fer ,t Frick, of Lewisburg, in this county, suf fered severely by n fire at their boat-yard on Saturday evening lust. Their steam saw-mill, but lately built, was completely destroyed, to gether with a large and valuable lot of lumber and three finished boats; beside two unfinished that were badly scorched. The loss is estima ted at $25.000. The county suffers a loss of about $4,500 in the burning of the bridge across Buffalo Creek; ut that place, nt the same time. The kindling of the fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiarv,and Benj. Stone, who was lately a workman In the yard, but had been discharged, is now lodged in the county jail, on suspicion. The fire was first discovered in the lower part of the Mill. I Union County Star, 20th inst. Iteir Lately a party of California emigrants, front the neighborhood of Clarksville, Texas, had encamped at a point known as "Thorn's Well's." During the night the Indians effec ted a stampede of their animals. On the fol lowing morning, 13 of theparty mounted and went in pursuit, and after following the Indians some fifty stiles, discovered some of the party miter a deep and extensive cannon in the moan. tains. Very few of the Indians were at first observed by the Americans, and those kept up a slow retreat, entering the cannon and follow ing, up its course towards the head. The Ameri. cans gave chase for about ten miles, when they discovered that they had been entrapped, and were surrounded by a large body of Indians, who were concealed behind rocks and the ra vines. Four of the Americana were immediately killed, and the others endeavored to sell their lives as dearly as possible, and did so. Ten of the number were killed on the ground, and only three escaped, who suffered all the horrors of famine and thirst for eight days, whets they ar rived at the settlements, so much wasted that one of the number then died. The other two were recovering. • tir When the steamer Florida last left New York, the following interesting incident took place: As the Florida was about to reeve her wharf in New York, a rather genteelly dressed person presented himself to the steward of the vessel with a fine child of about two years of age in his mins ' and requested him to take charge of it.until he returned, stating that he wished to step ashore fur a few minutes. The "lew min utes," however, have not expired with him, and perhaps never will; but the prattling infant is happily cared for, as the humane and gener ous steward cannot be prevailed upon to place it in other keeping than his own. During the paSenge, the little fellow became quite an ob . Ject of interest, and could have secured mote than one protector besides the worthy guardian who tiule a pride in its charge.—.Sareanah Republican. eir A singular incident occurred on the oc casion 'of the recent collision between the Paris and Bordeaux Railroad. The conductor, whose place was in the luggage van, on healing the noise of the approaching train, opened the ding door and put out ins head to see what was the matter. At that moment the trains canto in collision, the sliding door was violently elan, ined to, and decapitated hint as neatly as a guillotine. His head rolled down the embank. amt. •,!::!. yl7 r,tnalled is lb, •,,t MUCH IN LITTLE. y- He who labours for mankind, without a care finr himself, has already began his immor• _ _ .i, . The true poet is he who finds for the universal thought and feeling the becoming language. Ifir Pleading at the bar—A toper trying to persuade a bar-keeper to trust him for a three cent "nip." _ ,tom` The real and personal property in St. Louis has just been assessed at $39,397,186, an increase of $2,299,606 since last year. le_ Charles Dickens computes, that one• sixth of the English people gain their liveli• hood from the trade with the United States. ile who would acquire fame, must not show himself afraid of censure. The dread of censure is the death of genius. VE4... The snake may reach the eminence as certainty as the eagle, but he reaches it by crawling, and he still remains a snake. 02). The sleeves on the ladies drCsses nre now made so large that it gives the fair creatures a chance to laugh in them. Never despair in adversity. Work and persevere. When a wheel is going round, the bottom must turn npward—sometime. SW' Solitude bears the same relation to the mind that sleep does to the body. It affords it the necessary•opportunities for repose and re• 'Two mammoth squa;tes were exhibited at the Eric (Pa.) Agricultural Pair, last week —one weighed 226, and the other 227 pounds. ifir Content and kindness are the soft ler nal showers and fostering sunny warmth that keep a mane nature and being fresh and green. Sta.l' The effect of character is always to command consideration. We sport, and toy, and laugh, with men or women who have none; but we never confide in them. The only correct idea or social liberty id, that each person should he suffered to oc• copy his proper place, according to his natural capacities. kn. There is talk in England of introducing the American railroad car, which is fur better in every respect than the small coach-ear of the English railroads. Mr.. Dan Marble, speaking of a young gem tient. with moustaches, said: "He is a critter that wears hair on • his upper lip to keep the spiders from crawling into his hollow squash. SIS."I'm afraid of the lightning," murmur ed a pretty woman, during a thunder storm.— “Well you may be,” sighed a despairing ador er, "when your heart is steel." It is not long since that the llon. Abbot Lawrence gave $50,000 to the Lawrence Sci entific School at Cambridge—ho is about to add $50,000 more to the same object. CZ" Justice is the great, but sitnple princi ple, and the whole secret of success, in all gov. crosscut; as absolute'? essential to the training of an infant, as to the control of a mighty on tion. ca- It is easier to forgive an ancient enemy than the friend we have offended. Our resent ment grows with our undesert, and we feel vin dictive in due degree with our own doubts of the chance of finding forgiveness. air The amiable is a duty most certainly, but most not be exercised at the expense of any of the virtues. He who seeks to do the amiable always, can only be successful at the frequent expense of his manhood. tlgr Many persons fancy themselves friendly, when they aro only officious. They counsel, not so much that you should become wise, as that they should be recognised as teachers of wisdom. egr The vulgar mind fancies that judge. meet is implied chiefly in the capacity to cen sure; and yet there is no judgement so exqui site as that which knows properly how to up. cer The birth of n el,lld is the imprisonment of a soul. The soul mmit work its way out of prison, and in doing so, provide itself with wings for a future journey. It is fur each of us to determine whether our wings shall be tissue of an angel or a grub! Gir Sax gives the following advice to the rising generation: In going to parties just mind what you're at, Beware of your head, and take care of your hat, Lest you find that a favorite son of vour mother Has an ache in the one and a brick in the other. A Clerical Resignation and Appointment in the Bureau of the Solicitor of the Treasurer.— Mr. A. G. Seaman, having resigned his third class ($1,500 per annum) clerkship in the Soli citor's ace, Franklin L Burr, of Connecticut, has been appointed for examination to fill . the vacancy thus created. eir The moment that a man begins to rise above his fellows, he becomes a mark for their missiles. The already superior regard him as a probable competitor, and those below, or equal, as an impediment to their own progress. They make a common cause accordingly, for his destruction. Gir Better that we should err in action than wholy refuse to perform. The storm is so much better than the calm, as it declares the pros. ence of a living principle. Stagnation is some thing worse than death. It is corruption also. l i r That audacity, which is one of the men tials of genius, has always laughed at what the convention would describe as decorum:— Genius is discovery 1 How should it submit the training of its eyes to those by whom no discoveries have yet been made ? ffir"With full assurance in the arm of the Almighty," says the Emperor of Russia, "we go forth to fight for the orthordox faith," And accordingly, twelve thousand muskets, and the usual proportion of sabres and bomb•shells, are sent on in advance, to promote the spread of Christianity among the heathen Turks. Mr Courting is an institution made up of flutes and moonlight—a period that brings dia. cretion to a full stop, and marks, with a star the morning of our hopes. Courting converts women into angels, mouths into honeycomb— the heart becomes a great hive of sweets—while kisses are the bees that keep up the supply.— Agaid we ask, did you ever hold the head of a blue-eyed girl? sr The first Locomotive, built west of the Allegheny mountains has just been completed at Chicago. It is celled the Enterprise; and trial trip having been made with it in the run from Chicago to Geneva, on lox river, Wis. cousin, it attained the speed of a mile in 68 seconds. This is an event of some importance The vast increase of railroads at the West has suggested the advantage of locomotive facto. ries in the West. Accordingly, we find that movements aro in progress fur the establish. meet of them at Pittsburg, Indianapolis, Low isville; Columbus, and other places. Chicago l • has got ahead of other Western towns, Pud has yen tern nut I;cpyi evgTneP. MUROBR OP A RI.TCRNED CALIFORNIAN.— The Louisville Courier tells of a terrible murder under the following circumstances:—A man on his return from California, in Jackson county Illinois, a few weeks since, was met a short die , 'lance only from his house by a neighbor, who, upon learning he had money, killed and robbed him. Another person happened to be coming that way, and having his attention attracted by the report of a gun, espied the villain dragging his victim into the bushes. Immediately upon being discovered, the murderer commenced re- loading his gun; but before he succeeded, the man rushed upon him; knocked him down, and secured him as a prisoner. • The deceased was a man of family; had been absent some two years, and had suffered all the perils, hardships, and privations of the pioneer California gold diggers, for the sake of a little money, and was brutally Murdered for it, when almost in sight of his wife and children, ?it rnfif whom he regarded as his friend.. ' "TM MilltiCitlfA. -10 HUNTINGDON. Oct. 25, 19:13. • • .$6.5u 1 $6,75 5,98 I,IV $1,16 Flour per hbl., Clover Seed, per bu.,• Red Wheat, per b 0.,• White Wheat, per bu, •Rye, per bu Corn, per bu Buckwheat, per bu• • Oata, per bu Flaxseed. per bn Hay, per ton Batter, per lb., PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 34, 1853. $6 VI 3 93 1 44 I 40 Flour per bbl Corn Meal White Wheat, per bu Red, Corn, )au, BALTIMORE. Oct. 24, ISM 36 16 4 SO 1 47 I 61 Flour per bbl Corn Meal White Wheat, por bu Red, Coru, Oats, eir POISONING. ..e) Thousands of I'arents who one Vertu Vag. com posed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c., are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they aro actually laying the foundations for a series of diseases, such as salivation, loss of sight, weak ness of limbs, &c. In another column will be found the advertise ment of Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of ell directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from thous of a billions type, should make use of the *lily genuine medicine, flohensack's Liver Pills. shir"Be not De , fired," toil ask for Hobensitek'e Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. 110I3ENSACK'S, as none else are genuine. DIGEST !" SVCII 13 THE TRIM !SA:fix° of the word "PEPSIN," or of the two Greek words front which it is derived. This ii the significant turd appropriate title of the Teus DionSTIVE FLUID, or GAmtte Rt., prepared by Dr. J. S. lloyouToN, of Philadelphia, from the fourth etomoch of the Ox, for the cure of T.- digestion and Dyspepsia. It is Nature', own remedy for an unhealthy Stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powers. It renders 0001) EATING perfectly consistent with HEALTH. See the figure of the Ox, in another part of Ws paper. MARRIED, In Mill Hall, Clinton Co., on Thursday the 18th inst., by Rev. Mr. Garley, Mr. Enmrsis BLANCHARD, Esq., of Bellefonte, to Miss MART J. daughter of Saul. McCormick, of the former place. riarAir 31.ZarEDMENT 11111 The Ancient Borough. IL `i . `J 2CI I 5 -HAS just returned from the eastern cities wits the largest. chespest.and best assortment of S, ever o i rett r i S n tl B iis il e d onn S ty l . W H E e also has a large and ryalcndid assortment of Hats and Caps, of the most fushtonable styles. Also, Ladies' and Childrens' woolen hose. Carpet Bugs,liand Trunks, &c., Mr the travelling community. Also a great variety of useful articles too numerous to mention. The puhlie are respectfhlly invited to call and examine the stock. Ile it determined to sell 2. CHEAP, Wont cheaper than any other establish ment in the county. Store on 11111 street, opponito Snyder'i Cheap lothing Store. CALL AND BZAYINL• TILL STOCK.39I OM 26 * '53. Hunt. Co. Temperance League. W ILL take notice that the next regular ting of the League, will be held at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, en Wednesday the 16th day of November next, at • o'clock I'. hf. The public generally, both Ladies and gentle men are respectfully invited to attend upon the occasion. The officers ere requested to bo in attendance, as business of importance will be brought before the Lenin. JOHN PORTER, Pree. Iskarit.AeLtua, end others, v. lree Wm. P. Orbison, James Maguire, 8 ecretariaa, J. W. Mattern, Oct. 26,'53.-3t -11; titerary THE Anniversary Address before the Juniata Academy, Shirlersburg y Huntingdon Co., which was postponed on account of the nines■ of the speaker, will be delivered on Wedneeday Nov. 2d, at the opening of the School, by HI. Excelleney WILLIAM 131 G LER, Governor of Pennsylvania. The friends of the Luau. tion, and the public generally are respectfully invited to attend. By order of the Board, JOHN BREWSTER, WM. B. LEAS, WM. MeNITE. Oct. 26, 1833. A STRAY COW, H as been running in pasture for some time, ma the Log Cabin farm, in Walker township, ;.pposite Huntingdon. She appears to be about' 5 years old; a bold, fine looking animal—pria eipally a red color—has a white stripe on the right fore shoulder, and one on her right hind quarter—one alto, on the left fore shoulder, and white belly. The owner is requested to come forward, prone property, pay expenses and take her away or she will he disposed of according t. law. JAMES KYLER. Oct. 56 's3.—St. Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of administraticn having been I granted to the undersigned on the estate of Henry Rhodes, late of Cromwell township, Hun tingdon county, dee'd., All persons indebted wilt make immediate payment, and those haring claims will preaant them duly authenticated for settlement. JOSErtz RuoDEs, BENJAMIN RHODES, Oct. 2G.'53. -6t.•. Actium Ad - ,aninistratorb's Notice. T ETTERS of administration having been groot o d i o the subscriber ns on the estnte of Jti . lin Rupert, late of Clay towhip, Huntingdon county, ilec'd., All persons indebted will make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present theta duly authenticated for settle ment. JOHN RUPERT. Oct. 26, '33,—Gt.. Adm.. 01011nCill. A LL persons having claims for taxes &c.. against the Thick lintel, owned hy Messes. Enos, Lawrence & Mifflin, in this borougliorill please present the saute immediately for payment to MILES & DOREIS. Oct. 26, &r fv"l lbs. of Cod 11,14 just reteired And for A . ! ,slo by .1. it IK, fiairst, Cl) C 00