Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 19, 1853, Image 3

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    Cr POISONING. .21i
- -
Thousands of Parents who use Vertnifuge com
posed of Castor &e., are nut aware,
that while they appear to benefit the patient, they
are actually laying the foundations for a series of
diseases, such as salivation, loss of eight, weak
ness of limbs,
In another column will he found the advertise- •
mein of nobensuck's Medicines, to which we ask
the attention of nil directly interested in their own
as well tts their Children's health. In Liver
Complaints and all disorders arising from those
of a billions type, should make use of the only
genuine medicine, Ilobensack's Liver Pills.
ttfir "Benet Deceived," but ask for Ilobensack's
Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that
each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N.
110BENSACICS, as none else are.gennine.
r'l DIGEST l''111;;; .- W s. ‘rne Torte
PIINASING of the word "PEPSIN," or of the two
Greek words from which it is derived. This is
the significant and appropriate title of the Turn
Dtcnsrn•e Auto, or GAST= JUICE, prepared
by Dr 19 noronvox, of Philadelphia, from
tho fourth stemoch of the Ox, for the cure of In
digestion and Dyspepsia. It is Nature's own
remedy for en unhealthy Stoma. No art of
man can equal its curative powers. It renders
GOOD EATING perfectly consistent with 11EALTII.
lice the figure of the Ox, in another part of this
In this borough, on the 13th inst., by the
Rey. W. M. Deatrick, nt his residence, Mr.
both. of the vicinity of MeConnellstown, Pa.
In Walker township on the same day, b 7 the
same, Mr. DAVID E. HEIFNER, to Miss I&LIEA
DECKER, both of Walker township.
_ . • -
On the Gth inst., by D. Aurnndt, Esq., Mr.
fisomm Pnorou, of Paradise Furnace, to Mist
REBECCA BORIS, of Coss township.
On the 20th or September, by Rev. Geo. W.
Rouse, Dr. M. STEWART, of Fairmont, Va., to
MISS PATSY E. daughter of Wm. Shaw, Esq.,
of Moscow Mills, Allegheny Co. Md.
A A ,
4i A k l fft
New Arrival of Fall and Winter
Goods at the Elephant.
ALEXANDER CARMON, has just returned
from the East, with a full and complete se
lection of Fall and Winter Goode, which are now
arranged for examination end sale, nt his store,
opposite the Railroad Hotel. The stock has all
been bought monv and as a matter of course
will he sold cheap for CARL.
The stock consists cf
Cloths, Cassimers, Cashmeretts, Satinetts, Cotton
ades, Brown nod Bleached Linens, Satins,
Silks, Shawls, Scarfs,Brown noel Blench
ed Muslins, Cheeks, Tickings,Crash,
Canton and Woolen Flannels,
and many other goods too
numerotts to mention.
Prints in abundance, DMus de Baines, Berege de
Lanes, Silk Tissue, Foreign and American Ging
hams, Mouse de Bege, Silk Lostres,
Hats, and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware. Queensware,
Thankful for past favors, the public generally
are invited to call anti examine the splendid stock
now on hand, which in variety, quality, and price
will compare with any ever exhibited in town.
Oct. 19, '53.
Hardware, Groceries,
Fancy Goods, Notions, Drugs, Paints,
Oils, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c.,
At James Bricker's Store,
Which arc offered at the lowest prices, also re
ceiving a largo supply of CANDIES, which
will be sold at wholesale price as low as 14 etc.
per lb. Also, Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, Rais
ins, Figs, &c. All of which have been bought
with great care, and on the best terms, and will
be sold low for Cash or to punctual customers.
I flatter myself that I can and will sell Goods low
as they can be bought for in this neighborhood.
111 y friends aro requested to call and examine for
themselves, feeling confident that those who do
so cannot go away without buying. Ladies and
Gentlemen of this neighborhood believe me when
I say that great pains have been taken to get such
goods as you admire.
Store on 11111 street, opposite the JOURNAL
Huntingdon 19,'53.
$ Oct.•
„umcn riytraya,
HAS just returned from the Eastern cities,
with the nesr and LARGEST assortment of
Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps,
and Fancy Articles,
for Gentlemen's wear, ever known to be brought
to Huntingdon. His styles are oldie latest, cal
culated to please everybody that may call.
He has at all times CLortts, CAB9I3IEIIEB, and
VESTINGB, which he will make to order.
Oct. 19, '53,
1- 0 9 0 0 0 Xl ' n s
e t s u i f r a New
, A 9
every variety usually kept in a Phil
stdelpliiit Book Store—the subscriber has added
to his CIILAP Boon Swing, opposite Whit
taker's Hotel, Railroad street, Huntingdon, Pa,
Particular attention is invited to his extensive
and splendid stock of plain and fancy Stationary,
Blank Books, Memorandums, Diaries, fur 1854,
&c., &e.
Ile hes purchased SCHOOL BOOKS on such
terms to enable him to sell them cheaper, Whole
sale and Retail, than any store in the county.
Harper's Magazine, Gmley's Lady's Book,
and cheap publications kept constantly on hand.
The public will please cull and examine for
themselves. WM. COLON.
Huntingdon, Oct. 19, '53.
Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa,,
Office same as that formerly occupied by John
Scott, Esq.
Oct. 19, 1853.
Dissolution of Partnersh IV.
rpnE undersigned have dissolved the partner
-1 ship heretofore existing between them, in the
'practice of Law. Business entrusted to the firm
will continue to receive attention, at the office of
Mr. Scott.
Oct. 19, '53.-St.
NOTICE is hereby given to Venders of Foreign
Merchandise, that their several Licenses
will be left with the proper officer for collection,
if not paid during or previous to the November
Court. And the License assessed on Mills, Eat
ing Houses, Groceries,will be collected in
like manner, if nut pai soon.
JNO. MARKS, Treasurer.
Oct. 19, '53.
Notice to Contractors
L) EALED proposals will be received 6v the
Trustees of Cassville Seminary, until Autur
day the sth day of November, for making TWO
tie creation of additional buildings fir said In
stitution. l'lans mid specifications can be seen
by calling on the undersigned.
GEO. W, SI'EER, Sec',
Oct. it+, '33. • ft.
V . a V 7. a4l2`irCa,
,joss received from Philadelphia the
finest and hest nssortment of PALL and Win-
Ten Goons, ever offered,and at lower prices than
can be purchased at any other house. They are
determined to sell lower than can ho purchased
anywhere cost of the Allegheny, and no mistake.
If von wish to he satisfied of the fact, call and see.
bry Goods such as
Cloths, Cassimers, Saltiness, Flannels, 11-each Afe
rises, Parametta Cloths,Muslin de Lainea,
Barred and Figured ack Flannels, Al.
pacas, and a general assortment of
Hosiery, &c.
Also, 500 webs of assorted PRINTS, and eve
ry other article usually kept in a Country Store.
of which we always keep the largest and best as
sortment ever kept in this place.
tt magnificent assortment, which we are selling
quite low.
area little up, but we are determined to sell as
low if not lower, than any other house,according
to gunTy._
Cedar and Willow Ware,
such as Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Krout Stands,
&c., &c.
Carpets and Oil Cloths.
a bea•ttiful assortment, which will be sold low,
call and see and be satisfied of the fact.
Hats and Caps,
of the very latest and best styles, also
Boots and Shoes,
the best and cheapest in town, if you don't be
lieve it, CALL AND See.
We are also purchasing and storing Grain,
and it is admitted on all hands that we have the
most convenient place for unloading grain in or
about town.
Oct. 10, '53.
TUST received a handsome assortment of
j Bay State Shawls, Long Shawls and Square
Shawls, which we are selling quite low.
J. 6.. w. SAXTON.
CARPET BAGS and MUFFS, just received
and for sale by J. & IV. SAXTON.
J()() lbs. of Cod Fish, just received and for
uu sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
A beautiful assortment of Silk Dress Patterns,
Block Silk, nod Bonnet Lining, just receiv
ed and fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
sornurs SALXO.
BY virtue of certain Writs of Vend. Exp. and
Lev. Facies, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, and to
me directed, I will expose to public sale, at the
front door of the Court House, in the borough
of Huntingdon, on Tuesday the 15th day of No
vember, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, the fol
lowing described Real Estate, to wit :
A lot of ground in the borough of Birmingham,
Warriorsmark township, Huntingdon county,
being 66 feet in front on Tyrone street, and run
ning back 165 feet to Centre alley, as laid out and
marked No. 22 in the general plan of said bor
ough, with a two story frame plastered house
thereon erected, with other improvements,&c.—
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sol as the
property of Dr. John Purdue.
ALSO—AII that piece parcel or tract of lamb
situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county,
containing about 100 acres, more or less, adjoin
ing lands of Henry Shunkwiler, Jno. & William
Smith, and others, having a two story log house
thereon erected, log barn, front 40 to 60 acres
cleared, with some fruit trees on the premises.—
Seized, taken to execution and to be sold as the
property of Jolm Beightal.
ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of de
fendant's, in and to a farm or tract of land in
Jackson township,Huntingdon county, containing
100 acres, be the same more or legs, about 75
acres of which arc cleared, having thereon erec
ted a cabin house and a log barn, bounded by '
lands of Irvin & Gregg, John C. Workinger,
Edmiston and Henry Walburn. Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
Henry Shunkwiler and Daniel Myers.
ALSO—AII the interest of the defendant's,
or aim" of them, of, in and to a certain tract
of land, situate in Tell township, in the county
of Huntingdon, containing 100 acres More or
less, surveyed May Ist 1850 in pursuance of a
warrant dated 2d December, 1848, in the name
of Robert Thompson. calling for lands adoin
ing Frederick Love, Richard Jeffries and John
Thompson. Also, a lot or parcel of ground
situate in same township and county aforesaid,
adjoining lands of Isaac Cistney, Wm. S.Lyons,
Esq., and others, now in the occupancy of Da
vid Thompson, Sr., and purchased by him front
William Gillam. Seized taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of David Thomp
son, Robt. Thompson & David Thompson, Jr.
ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of
Wm. Johnston, in and to a tract of laud in
Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, con
taining 140 acres, with the usual allowance,
having about 110 stems cleared and in a state
of cultivation, adjoining lands, of Adam Speck
on am cast, Backbone ridge on the north, Pine
ridge on the south, and the road leading clown
to Collbe Run on the west, being these= land
conveyed from James Entrekin to Elijah Lynn
as by deed recorded in book H, No. 2, page
486, and baring thereon erected a two story
hewed log house, &c. Seized, taken in excew
lion and to be sold as the property of William
ALSO—A piece, parcel or tract of land sit
uate in West township Huntingdon county,
containing about ltd acres, be the same snore
or less, the greater part of which iscleared and
cultivated, haVing thereon erected a small cab
in house, a small cabin barn, adjoinining Rob
ert Meer..., on the south, Miles Lewis on the
east, and Thomas Ewing, a tract in the name
of Aquilla Green, and others. Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
David Ewing.
'Terms cash as soon ns bid off, positive.
ly in all cases.
Oct. 1853.
Wn si tt t n i t u e n b u y ng a dgn rec t e g to me
d il a i y rec o te t d, Au d g at u ed t
A. 1). 1853, under t ' he hands and seals of the s
Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and gener
al jail delivery of the 24th judicial district of Penn
sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam
bria, and the Hon. Thomas P. Stuart and Jona
than McWilliams, his associates, Judges of the
county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appoint
ed, to hear, try and determine all and every in
dictments made or taken for or concerning all
crimes, which by the laws of the State are made
capital or felonies of death and other offences
crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or
shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for
crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make pub
lic proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick
that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common
Pleas and Quarter sessions, will ho held at the
Court House iu the Borough of Huntingdon, on
the second Monday (and 14th day) of November
next, and those who will prosecute the said pri
soners be then and there to prosecute them as it
shell be just, and that all Justices of the Peace,
Coroners and Constables within said county be
then and there in their proper persons, at 10
o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in
quisitions, examinations and remembrances, to
do those things which to their offices respectfully
'Kited at Huntingdon the 18th day of August
in the year of our Lord 1853, and the 77th
year of American Independence.
WSI. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff.
Oct. 19, '53.
WHEREAS, by n precept to me directed by
the Judges of the Common Pleas of the
county of Huntingdon, bearing toot the 18th day
of August, 1853, I am commanded to make
Public Prueltunation throughout my whole baili
wick, that a Court of Common Pleas will ho
held in the Court House In the Borough of Hun
tingdon, on the third Monday (and Slut day) of
Nov. A. D., 1853, fur the trial of ull ilillOS in suit
Court, which remain undetermined before the
said Judges, when and where till jurors, witnesses
owl suitors, iu the trial of all issues aro required
to appear.
Hat . eit - et Huntingdon, the 18th day of August,
in the year of our Lord 1853, and the 77th year
of American Independence.
«' U. IL ZEIGLER, actin: .
Oct. 11, it,,,.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested
that the following named persons have settled
their accounts in the Register's Office, at Hun
tingdon, and that the said accounts will be pre
sented for confirmation and allowance, at on Or
phans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and
for said county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the
14th day of November next, to wit :
1. Solomon Hamer, Administrator of the es
tate of George W. Haugh, late of Franklin town
ship, deed.
S. John Beck and Andrew Beck, Administra
tors of the estate of Henry Beek, lute of Warn
orsmark township, dee'd.
3. Rebecca Corbin and Matthew Corbin, Ad
tni nistrators of the estate of William Corbin, late
of Clay township, deed.
4 Eli and Abraham Plummer, Administrators
of the estate John Plummer, late of Hopewell
township, dec'd.
5. Tho mas L. States, administrator of the es
tate ofJoseph Stewart, late of the borough of
Huntingdon, dee'd
6. Tl;oma's 1.. Stotts, Trustee to sell the real
estate of Joseph Stewart, late of the borough of
Huutingdon, deed.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Register.
Register's Office,
Huntingdon, Oct. 19, 1853.
2000 just
Shirleysburg, Huntingdon Co. Pa,
Rev. J. Campbell, A. M., atallrugh J. Camp
bell. A. 8., Principals.
These institutions are beautifully situated in
the center of the Great Aughwiek Valley, seven
miles from the Penna. Central Railroad, at Mt.
Union, and on the direct line from that to Cham
bersburg. They are now furnished with capa
cious buildings and extensive apparatus, for all
the departments of Natural Science, and every ad
vantage for instruction in the branches of a liberal
education, that the best schools of a similar or
der can afford. The cost of their apparatus alone
is ONE THOUSAND dollars. Five hundred dollars
has been appropriated to a library. Believing
that too much expense has hitherto been lavished
by schools of this order on outward decorations,
and too little devoted to furnishing them with the
more essential requisites for instruction, the Trus
tees of this Academy have been the first in the
State to take this new step and invest SO LARGE
a sum in instruments and books. They call the at
tention of the older class of students, especially
those intending to teach, to these facilities.
Board, washing, light, and tuition in English
branches $50,00, Music, Painting, Drawing,
Latin, French &e., extra.
$B,OO, $lO,OO, $12,00 per session, in Primary,
Junior and Senior classes respectively. Board
$1,75 per week in Winter $1,50 in KIIMMCF.—
No deduction for absence except its case of pro
traMed sickness. No students admitted for less
than half a session. For particulars, see circu
lars, or address (post paid) either of the Princi
Shade Gap, Huntingdon Co. Pa,
The Trustees of this Institution owning to the
death of its late lamented Principal, J, H. W.
McGinnis, have placed it in charagc of the Rev.
W, A. Morrison, a faithful and competent. teach
er, assisted in the Mathematical and Classical
departments, by other Experienced Instructors
and by Mr. S. Campbell, who has long and suc
cessfully had control of the English department.
The course of study embraces what is usually
taught in the first class Institutions of the kind
in this country, being thorough and sufficiently
expensive to qualify students for the higher class
es in College, and for every department of busi
ness life.
The Buildings arc now large end commodious,
and the domestic arrangements, are in every way
adapted to the health and comfort of a large num
ber of students, who are required to board in the
Academy under the immediate supervision of the
The location is retired, and proverbially health
ful, and is easy of nceess, being connected with
Chambersburg and the Penn'a. Railroad at Mount
Union, by a daily line of stages.
The terms are very low. The whole expenses
per session, of 22 weeks, for board, washing, tui
tion, fuel, &c., arc from $4O to $45 according to
the branches pursued. The next Session will
commence on Wednesday loth of October.
For any further information address
Shade Gap Pa., Oct. 12 '33.
Last Arrival
'ETS just returned from the Eastern Cities, and
is now opening, at the old stand, in Market
Square, a largo and splendid assortment of now
and fashionable goods, for fall and winter, con
sisting of
French Cloth, Double Milled Block and Fancy
Cassimers, Sattinetts, Meriuoes, De Berego,
Coburg!' De ',nines, Flannels, Wool
and Cotton, Brown and Bleacbed
Muslim, and a variety of goods
of all kinds usually kept
in a country store
and a great VARIETY or TiiIMMINOS suitable for
A Large Assortment of Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware, and
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
1/lairs and Tippets.
The public are respectfully invited to call and
examine my stock, as I am determined not to be
undersold by any house in town.
Feeling thankful for the encouragement ho has
received, hopes by strict attention to business to
merit a continuance of the mum
Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1853.
At David P. Guilt% New Store.
TA P. GWIN, informs his friends and the pub
lic generally that ho has just returned from
Philadelphia, and is now opening at the corner
of Bill and Bath streets, opposite Gouts' Frank
A. large and beautiful assortment of
N 0 , 0 PI OR
Consisting of Cloths, Cassimers, Black and Fan.
cy Cassinetts, Woolen Goods, Silks,Fancy
and Black Seine de Loines, De laise,
Debains, French Merinocs, Coburg!'
Cloths, Flannels, CottonFian
nets White and Colored,
. _ .
Ginghams, Linens, Muslims, and a largo lot of
Prints of all styles.
Also, Carpets, Oil Cloths, flats and Cops, Boots
and Shoes, GT:ocarina of all kinds, Queens.
ware, Hardware ' Fish and Salt.
The public are respectfully invited to call and
examine my Goods, as I am determined to sell
them CHEAP.
All kinds of country Produce taken in exchange
for Gooda at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1853.
Administrator's Notice.
T ETTERS of administration bare this day
j_j been granted to the subscriber upon the es
tate of Benjamin Ncarboof, late of Warriorsmark
top., Huntingdon co.,dee'd. All persons indebted
aro requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them for settle
ment to
Oct. 12, '52.-6t.
TILE subscriber has on hand French Burr
Mill stones of carious sizes, which ho
will warrant to be orsuperlor quality, and at rea
sonable prices.
te,.. Orders by mail promptly attended to.
W. 11. KEPNER,
narrisburg, Oct. 5, '53.-6m.
DORT MONNAIES, Card Cases, and the
nes t quality of's Pocket
Knives, a very large quantity at Edm. Snare's
Gold Watches will be sold by En. SxAss
ewer than elsewhere.
10 DOZEN Awe' No. Shorele. just recei•
rcd 411 d for sale b' J. & W. SAXTON.
EUltrgi::o SAIL%
WILL be exposed to public sale, on Tunas.
Dar, the 3d day of November next, at the
residence of the subscriber, in Walker township,
Huntingdon county, the following property, viz :
Household and Kitchen Furniture,
Beds, anti Bedding, Stoves, &c.,
21 head of horned
proofcattle, 4 head of '',l"
horses, 3 colts, 20
r head of hogs, and 7 w9991. /4
bead of sheep, I wagon,harness,ploughs,barrows,
and a general variety of farming implements.
The snbscriber, will also sell, at the same time
end place, a large quantity of potatoes.
fir• Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on
said day.
Tart3ts.—Any amount tinder three dollars, to
be cash: and over that amount nine months cred
it, with good security.
Oct. 12, '53.-4t
Grocery, Contbotionary, Bakery,
°TOWNS 10,4/(0017.
HENRY J. AFRICA, would respectfully in
site the public to call at his establishment
in Railroad Street, where all those who need any
gond Bread, Rusk, or any other kind of Cakea
found at a Bakery, may be supplied.
He has just received a very large and fresh
supply of Fruit and Confectionaries, such as
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, &c.,
and a large stoek of TOYS. . _
lle receives daily from the city of Baltimore,
the best OYSTERS that can be found. Those
in want of prime 'shell fish,' can be accommoda
ted by calling at the saloon. Ile has fitted np a
saloon expressly for the Ladies.
Thankful to the public for past favors, he hopes
by strict attention to business to merit a continu
ance of the Fame.
Oct. 12, '53.
9 1 11 E subscriber offers, at private sale, a valua
ble tract of land, situate in Hill Valley, Shir
ley township, Huntingdon county, containing
about Two Hundred Acres. About fitly
acres of this tract is cleared and in good tillable
order, having thereon erected a comfortable Stone
Dwelling House, Stabling, &e.
There is also a good Spring of Water on the
premises, near the dwelling house.
The land is of at good quality, part being strong
limestone, and an industrious man could not tail
to do well on it. It is situated about six miles
from Mount Union, where the Pennsylvania Rail
Road and Canal pass, and will be sold at a very
moderate price. _ . _
oF PAS:HEM-011C half in band, and
Ow balance in two equal annual payments.
For further information address the subscriber,
at Shirleysburq, P. 0.0 - funtingdon Co., Pa.
. .
October 12, '53.
BY Divine permission, the new building erected
by the Regular Baptist Congregation in this
place, will he dedicated to the service of Almighty
God on Sabbath Morning, the 23d inst., at 11
o'clock. Rev. A. K. 8e,,,. Rev. G. J. Mires,
Rev. W. T. ButtKER and others, it is expected
will be present on the occasion. The Christian
public, and friends of the Redeemer's cause are
respectfully invited to attend. [Oct. 12, '53.
DEND 2111 f,
RATJATE of the University of Maryland,
T (in connection with Dr. James G. Ligntner)
Laving. permanently located in Shirleysburu, re
spectfully offers his professional services to the
citizens of that place and adjacent country.
Oct. 5, '53..-Om.•
Mountain Female Seminary,
• PILE Mountain Female Seminary at Binning
]. born, Iluntingdon county;Pa., on the Penn
osylvanin Railroad, occupies ono of the most
healthy and desirable locations in the State.—
Strangers visiting the Institution have unhesi
tatingly expressed the opinion, that it so easy of
access, retired, healthful, and surrounded with
such romantic mountain scenery, that no ono
who wishes to learn; could find an institution
more favorably situated. Past success and fu
ture priispects lave induced us to greatly enlarge
our plans, and enabled Its to give such compensa
tion to teachers as will command those possess
tag the highest qualifications.
Cost, per treat of 22 weeks, varies from $55 to
$6O, for which good accommodations will he giv
en. Music, French, Latin, Painting, &c.,extra.
Pupils from abroad are expected to beord in
the Seminary building with the Principal, who
gives his entire attention to the interest of the
Institution. ISRAEL W. WARD,
Oct. 5, 1853. Principal.
Birmingham, Pcnn'a.
I N point oflocation there is every ground to ex
pect for this School abundant patronage,
wbilo in conducting it, no pains will be spared to
give it a character commensurate with its local
advantages. The present prospects are highly
encouraging. The buildings now occupied,afford
ample accommodations, both for bottrding and
school purposes.
The ;ill;ige of Birmingham. is situated on the
Pennsylvania Railroad, about half way between
Pittsburg and Harrisburg, in a most healthful re
gion of country, unoccupied by similar mstitu•
Cr The NVinter term commences, Wednesday
October 26th inst.
Oct. 5,'53-3t. Principal,
vi s u u r i z c a r y ib tt r e w i 11 .,. o ( 1 1 1: t e v r
() a f t Publiccto October
Salo, on
the American House in the borough of Hollidays
burg, his valuable Farm, one mile west of the
borough of Hollidaysburg, containing 170 acres
130 of which are cleared,the remainder in timber
of the cleared land 30 acres are river bottom, the
remainder under good fence and in a good state
of cultivation, the improvements which are a
aAi; . -::, built in Cottage style, 4 rooms
riri.".„= on the first floor and sin the at
! ..4.1,1W.,.4 tic, a large Barn and Well of
Water at the door, &c. Said farm is situated I
mile from the Junction of the Pennsylvania Rail
Road with the Portage Railroad, I mile from
Hollidaysburg, and 5 miles from Altoona, the
Plank Road between the last two places passes
by the door. Much might in truth be said of the
desirableness of the above farm either to those
who wish to purchase a beautiful residence and
delightful farm fur their own use,
or those who,
as capitalists, wish to make a safe investment in
Steal Estate, it being in a rapidly improving
neighborhood and section of country. Persons
wishing to examine said farm will be shown the
same either by the tenant on the farm, or by the
subscriber in Hollidaysburg, at any time previous
to the day of sale.
farTiirms made known on day of sale.
Agent for Robert Lowry.
Hollidaysburg, Oct. 5, 's3.—St.
display and marvellous assort
meet of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silver Ware,
Fine Knives, Pistols, Perfumery, l'ort Monnaies,
and Fancy Articles, just opened and exhibiting
to admiring hundreds, at the Jewelry Store of
EDMUND SNARE, opposite Road's Drug
Store, Huntingdon.
ilikr Watches and other articles, GOLD PLATED
in the best and most lasting manner.
Oct. 5, '53.
T)EVOLVERS and other Pistols, at Edw.
IL Snare's .Jewelry Stare.
OILVER and Plated Spoons, Gold, Silver and
1..13 Plated Spectacles, at Edw. Snare's Jewelry
°WIER Butter Knives, and Salt Spoons, at
J E. Snaro's Cheap Jewelry Store,
VOSSUT it, Wellington, Cottage,
11 Gothic, and other Clucks, fur sale 'V
Edit. at E. Snare's Jowolry Store,
PERFTWERY—A good lot, of the heat, at
roil sway.
THIS property adjoins the bor-
I. °ugh of Birmingham, Hunting
don county, nod is within 200 yards n,,61111
of the Penn'a. Railroad. The tract
on which the Mills are erected contains about 400
ACRES—ISO of which are cleared,(strong lime
stone land) under cultivation The water power
cannot be exceeded, (icing spring water, and
sufficiently strong to drive a dozen of wheels, ev
ery day in the year. The Mll.l. has three run
of stone, mill house large and roomy. The run
ning gears in good condition.
ALSO—The one-fourth of Mill
Creek Furnace,u) which there taR
are attached some 6000 acres
of good timber land, and several • un "
small Farms convenient to the Furnace. This
property is situated about 400 yards from the
Central railroad and Penn's. Canal, about 5
miles from the borough of Huntingdon. The
Furnace is now in blast, and doing a healthy bu
siness,Themetal is deemed No. 1.
ALSO—The Farm occupied by Kyper, about
4 miles from Huntingdon, containing about 230
ALSO—The Farm on which I now reside, in
the vicinity of Huntingdon, and tho Brick 'louse
and Shops, opposite the store of Wm. Dorris,
Esq., in Huntingdon. Apply to
Yo•Hi MCcatrnx,
Oct. 5, '53.-3t,
LUJ aN wrwrza
H AS just returned from the east with a large
and splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and
in the moat durable manner. Who ever wants
to be dressed better and cheaper than anybody
else in town, let him call at WlLLonotiny's
CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, one door west of T.
Read & Son's drag store, Huntingdon.
Cull and see for yourselves.
Oct. 5, 1852.
02132®21 HOME. --....
THE undersigned Physicians having entered
into a co-partnership, in the practice of med
icine, would respectfully inform the citizens of
Trough Creek, and vicinity, that they will be
found at all times in their office, in Cassville,
to attend to any calla with which they may be
favored. 11. L. BROWN.
IJ. B. Leans , M. D., Hunt.
Harm:To m J. H. Donny, M. n., ~
F. BOWERS, M. D., Newton
Cassville, Oct. 5, '53,-3m.
Administrators Notice.
LETTERS of administration have been this day
granted to the undersigned, upon the estate,
of John Brumbaugh, (of Daniel) late of Hopewell
township, deed. All persons indebted, will make
payment, and those having claims will present
them to me for settlement.
Oct. 5, '53-et.• Administratrix.
Administrator's Notice.
T ETTERS of administration have this day
lj been granted to the subscribers upon the es
tate of Solomon Fink, late of Penn township,
Huntingdon county, dec'd. Ail persons indebted
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them for settle
ment to
Sept. 28, '53.-6t.• Admr.
HOUSEKEEPERS study your interests, why
go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for
half-made FURNITURE? Call at No. I, North
NINTH street, and examitle the largest assort
ment of the best made Furniture and Bedding in
the city, Feather Beds, Hair, Husk, and Straw
Mattresses; a large assortment of friary What
nots, Sofa Tables, marble tops, and Washstands;
Walnut and Mahogany French Tete-a-tetes, Di
vans, 'Wardrobes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads;
Fancy Stuffed Seat, Cane seat, Windsor, and of
fice Chairs, Counting-house, and canc-seat Stools,
Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni-
turn made in every style and color; Sothlleds and
Lounges, wholesale and retail, and ' warranted to
give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices.
Sop. 28, 1853.—1 y
Ribbons and Millinery Goods.
TIMMS STERN, No. 171, North Second
Street, opposite the Canal Hotel, Philadel
phia. Having in store a foil and extensive as
sortment of Trimmings end Fancy Goods. All
kinds of MILLINERY AttricLEs, such as Rib
bons, Laces, Blond Lace Silks, Florence.,
Bonnet Frames, and a large assortment of needle
worked Handkerchiefs, Collars, Capes, Flounces,
Inserting, Edgings, &c., together with a great
variety of other articles in our line, too numerous
to mention, at Wholesale and Retail,
N. B.—l request all such that are about ma
king their FALL purchases, to give me a call.
Sept. 21,'53.-2m.
Chartered by the State of Penn
syls•auia in 1511.
TILE Saving Fund of the National Safety Com
pany, No. 62 Walnut Street, 2 doori above
Third, PHILADELPHIA. is open every day
from 8 o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock P. M., and on
Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock•—
This institution is well known as ono of the best
managed and safest in the country, and pays Firm
I'ER CENT. interest for money put in there, from
the date of deposit°.
Any sum from One Dollar upwards is received.
And all sums, large or smala, are paid hack on
demand, without notice, to any amount.
This saving fund has mortgages, Ground
Rents, and other first-class investments, all well
secured, amounting to more than halfa million of
dollars. for the security of depositors.
Office 62 Walnut street, two doors above
Third, Philadelphia.
Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres't.
Wm. J. REED, Secretary.
Hon; Wm. Richards, Pottstown, Montgomery
co. J. D. Streeper editor of the Montgomery
county Ledger, Pottstown.
J. M. Slicenemen, editor of the Neutralist,
Skippackville, Mont. co.
Enos Benner, Esq., editor of the Farmer's
Friend, Suinneytown, Mont. co.
lion. Joel Jones, into Mayor of Phil'.
Hon. John Robbins, jr., member of Congress
4th District, Pennsylvania.
lion. James Page, late Postmaster of Phil'a.
llon. Wm. Penington, into Governor of New
Sep. 28, '53.
IV 0,45 South Second Street,
ARE now opening for the FALL TRADE, a large
and well selected assortment of
Silks, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers,
and Millinery Goods, &c.
Confining themselves exclusively to this branch
of the trade, and istrounso the larger part of
their stock enables them to offer an assortment
UNSURPASSED in extent or variety, which will be
sold ott the most favorable terms.
Sept. 21, '53.-2m.
TBE subscriber respectfully informs his cus
tomers, who are indebted to him, either by
note or book account, to bring in their CIIANOR,
ns he wishes to purchase a new stock of goods.—
lle hopes ho may receive early calls from nll in
terested, JAMES BRICKER.
Sept.. t 4, 1853.
The subscriber has placed on the road loading
from Mill Creek to Cassville a lino of Hacks to
run from the latter place to the fanner, on Wed
nesdays and Saturdays. Leaving Cassville in the
morning of each day returning in the afternoon.
The accommodations aro Comfortable and tho
fare is very low. GEO; SMITH.
cassrille, Sep. 21, '53.
SEPERATOR, is said to be the very best
article of the kind known to Farmers or Millers,
and its simplicity, usefulness, and cheapness,
must assuredly bring it into general use. Persons
wishing to purchase county or township Rights
should call immediately on the undersigned, in
Huntingdon, who is authorized to sell Rights on
moderate terms. Call soon, "ore the chances aro
no mere." THOMAS ADAMS.
Vineyard Mills, Sept. 5, 1358.
Mr. Oliver Etneir's Patent Wheat Separator
we host used, and seen used, for the last two
years, and consider it, fur its simplicity of con
struction and lightness, among the best Wheat
Seperators now offered to the farming communi
ty, doing its work, when well made and properly
used, perfectly; soperating the Wheat, free from
all filth, or as much so as any I have sceu, with
less machinery and less labor.
Wm. M. bell, Samuel H. Bell,
David Clemens, J. L. Johnston.
Samuel Adams, Wm. Hildebrand,
D. C. Smalley, Samuel Rorer.
September 14, '53.-3m.
102, Market Street,
— 7"
Fancy Goods and Trimmings, Combs and
Brushes ' at CASH PRICES,
Sept. 7, 's3.—Gm
School Teachers Wanted. e,
EIGIIT competent Teachers are wonted to take,
charge of the Public Schools of Penn town
ship, to whom liberal wages will be given. Per
sons desirous of taking charge of any of the
schools in said twp.. aro requested to make ap
plication to the President or Secretory of the
Board. Schools to open from the let to the 15th
of November. By order of the Board of
School Directors.
J. K. ISETT, President.
J. P. Asitcom, Secretary.
Marklesburg, Aug. 24,'53.-10t.
Five Teachers Wanted.
FIVE competent school teachers are wanted to
teach the public schools of Union district,
Huntingdon county. Liberal wages will be giv
en to competent Teachers. Applicants for
schools are requested to meet at the school house
near Calvin, on Sotnrday the lath day of No•
vember next, at which time and place an Exam
ination will take place.
By order of the Board,
Union tp., Sept. 7,'53.-10t. Sec.
Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia,
Morrocro Ainnufacturers, Colliers, Importers,
Commission and Cunard Leather Business,
Wholesale and Retail.
Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street.
Aug. 21, '53.-1 r.
ct it KO, STOVIS.
WE the undersigned, would respect
fully call the attention of poncho
ears to our superior stock of Stoves,
Cauldrons, &c. The superiority of our "I C fl'
Stoves, shove all others is so well known, that
we deem it unnecessary to enter into detail of
them. We would invite your attention to our
coal is on the rise, this is the most economical
stove the public con use. These stoves are of
sizes suitable for heating the smallest room, and
those capable of containing from 40,000 to 80,000.
cubic R. Our Cook Stoves consist of the GLone
Corot, for coal; MODE. Tnov, wood; BUCK'S
Yocucs Coon, Masse COOK, So., &c.
Our assortment of Cook and Parlor Stoves is
the best in the market, and those wishing to pur
chase, will find it to their advantage by giving us
a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Successors to Potts & Yocum.
N. E. Cor. find & Race sts.
Augr3l. '53.-3m. Pnzr.ADELPHIA.
20 P. D'il2lDgi, E. a n .
medical office, for the purpose of treating all
kinds of diseases, on a safe and scientific princi
ple, and is now ready to attend to all calls, and
by strict attention to business, hopes to receive
a good portion of public favor. Fever and Ague
cured in three days, and warranted to remain
cured fertile season. A. P.P.
July. 20, 253.-tf.
Salamander Safes.
Dans & Watson, 83 Ilia - Street.
Books, Papers, Jewelry &o.
Fire-Proof Doors for Banks & Stores.
Warranted to stand as much fits as any other
Safes in the country.
Fire-Proof Safes.
HAnnisnuno, Pa., Oct. 30, 1851.
The undersigned appointed a committee for the
purpose, by the officers of the State Fair, were
present this afternoon, when Messrs. EVANS &
WATSON tested one of their small sized SAL
they consumed Three Cords of Wood over it,
commencing at I o'clock, P. M.. and having ex
posed it to a NVIIITE lIEAT for Two Hours, suffi
cient to destroy the cast iron feet.
On opening the Safe, the papers with 2000 cir
culars deposited in our presence wore taken out,
not only having been preserved, but not having
the appearance of scorch upon them.
A. T. NEWBOLD, Ex-Governor of Pa.
Sole Agency for Butterwortles Celebrated
Bank Locks.
Gen. Wilson,
Esq , Huntingdon, Pa., is au
thorized agent for the sale of the above, at his
office a specimen can be seen, and also at office of
the Broad Top Railroad Company, in Hunting
don, we also refer to Col. S. S. Wharton, and
the County Treasurer, in Huntingdon. Below
reference is made to is few in Philadelphia, who
have our safes in use. Hundreds more can be
Formers & Mechanics' Bank, 12 safes.
U. S. Mint.
U. S. Arsenal, 3 in Phil'a. 5 in California.
Samuel Allen, Esq., nigh Sheriff.
Barker Bros. & Co , Brokers, No 16 N. 3d St.
E. C. Knight, corner Chesnut and Water St.
Alichmm & Co. No. 17 S. Water st.
Richard Norris & Son, Locomotivo works.
Penn'a. R. R. Co,. 2 safes:
Phil'a. Germantown and Norristown R. R.Co.
State Treasurer and Trenton Bunking Co.N.J.
Odd F. Hulls, 6th st. and cor. 3d & Brown sts.
Southwark & Moyamensing Gas Co.
Corporation of Northern Liberties.
do. of Moyamonsing.
July 13, 's9.—ly.
Huntingdon, Pa.,
Graduate of the University of Pa., offers his
professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon
and adjacent country.
IleriatexcEs:—Medical Faculty of University
of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl
vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hoffman.
Office, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr
Hoffman. July 13, 1853.
GOLD CHAINS—A fine variety for sale, ye.
t 7 low, at low. SvAl2.ll.
MBE subscriber will offer for rent, by way of
public outcry, on the premises, on
at I o'cloek, P. M., of said day, his entire
Mill Property - , situate near Shirleysburg,
consisting of a Grist Mill Saw
Mill and Plaster Mill, all AFAON
in first rate running order, with a "'•'
Cooper Shop, two tenant houses, -
and to Ames of excellent timothy meadow
Tbisis a very desirable property, eurrounded
as it ill 17 Furnaces, Factories, and other grind
ing facilities in all directions; situated, alio, ins.
rnediately adjoining the flourishing town of Shir
leysburg, where is now being erected a large and*
commodious house for the accommodation of the
poor of this county, and where we have two In
stitutions of learning,one male and one female; in
successful operation. These Millsare, more over,
situated in the heart of Aughwiek Valley, a rich,
populous and productive region of cnuntry,
producing wheat, corn, and all kinds of grain in
the greatest abundance,thus affordingevery facil
ity for flouring operations.
The above property, if not rented on the day
specified, will then be offered on the shares.
Conditions made known on the day of rent.
Shirleysburg, Aug. 31,
The Accommodation Line of Hacks.
rpnE .übscrii., will run a hack tri-weekly,
from Huntingdon to Stonerstown by way of
McConnellstown and Marklesbnrg, on and after
the 15th inst.—leaving the Railroad Hotel at 9
o'clock on hlondays ' Wednesdays and Fridays,
and returning the following days, leaving Sto
ncrstown at o'clock, A. M. Packages will be
carried at a reasonable charge, and delivered at
either of the above places.
Aug, 24, '53.-tin,
Dl2. IR. 2.
GRADUATE of the Philadelphia
_College of
Dental Surgery.
Artificial Teeth, from one to a full set, moun
ted in the most improved modern style.
Filling, Filing and Scaling done with care and
Teeth E.rtracted with all the ease and despair*
that modern science can furnish.
July, 13, 1853.
Huntingdon, Penn'a,
OFFICE on Main Street, next to that of G.
li A. P. Wilson.
Terms moderate, and all work warranted to
give entire satisfaction.
July 13, '53.
THE undersigned has leased and fit
ted up the above llovut, on the
I s I corner of main and Montgomery Street,
I I in the borough of Huntingdon, and is
well prepared to accommodate all who may favor
him with their custom. The traveling communi
ty and the public generally are cordially invited
to call with him, hoping by strict attention tr•
business to merit a large portion of public patron
age. No pains will be spared to render general
Juno 29, 253.—1 y.
T stoc i k T oonf o oi nc.lsignrespoctfplly invite the atten •
the publ i c to their new and splendid
Spring and Summer Goods,
row exhibiting in Portstown, consisting of a large
nariety of German and Belgeun Cloths.
Cassianeres and Cassinets of the best quality.
Silks, Surges, and Satins of superior quality.
Silk Talrets and plaid, plain and twilled lidkfa.
Cotton Hosiery of every quality and style.
Cotton and Thread Gloves in great variety.
Gingham.% Cambrics and Jaconets.
Cotton, Cambric add Jaconet
Cotton Fringe, assorted sizes.
Linen Plaid, Cotton and Striped Tapes.
Ribbons of every description.
French Merinos, Table covers and Shawls.
Berago Delnipes, Lawns and Alpacas.
Calicoes, Tidies & Muslins in countless number&
Cotton Drills and Cor du Hoye.
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ilitts and Caps.
Glass, Hard and Queensware.
Beady-made Clothing with a lingo lot of varie
ties and notions too numerous to mention.
Persons wishing to purchase will find it to their
interest to call and examine our stock of goods
before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determin
ed to sell at extremely low and reduced pricer.
Portstown, June 22, '53.
James E. Glasgow,
HAVING fitted up a large and elegant Store
room, directly in the centre of Scottsville,
Buntingdon Co., into which he has removed hie
store from the old stand, is now prepared to ac
commodate his customers and the public general.
ly, with a splendid and fashionable assortment of
llis assortment consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware,
and all kinds ofgoods usually kept in a CountrY
Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as
sortment of
Ladles' Dress Goods,
and Trimmings of every variety. Also, liana
Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of
goods of all kinds.
Or All kinds of Country Produce taken in
exchange for goods.
Scottsville, Hunt. Co., Pa.
June 15, 's3.—ly.
Carriage Manufh.otory.
TE undersigned respectfully informs his W
rons and the public generally, that ho still
continues at the old stand, in the borough of
Cassvillc, Huntingdon county, to manufacture
carriages, Buggies,
Rockaways, Sleighs,
and every thing else connected with his business.
Repairing done on the shortest notice.
Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, &c., constant
ly kept on hand, but others will he made to order.
Work done cheaper than at any other estab
lishment in the State, and all warranted to the
Cash, but when not convenient, country pro
duco, taken in exchange for work.
Juno 15, '5l-1 y,
A Second.hand Eight horse power Steam En
gine, with a Boiler 30 inches In diameter
and 20 ft. 6 inches in length, with all the neces
sary machinery to make it complete. The En
gine has been hut little used and in good order.—
Persons desiring to purchase, will call on the
subscriber, residing in Hamilton township, near
Keefer's Store, or on Jos. Eberly, residing in
Juno ils, 's3.—tr.
F. Brown's
frills Essence is a preparation of unusual ex
cellence. In ordinary diarrhoea, incipient
cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of tho
digestive functions, it is of inestimable value.—
During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and
summer complaints of children, it is peculiarly
efficacious; no family or Individual should be
without it.
CAUTION —Be sore to get the genuine es
sence, which is prepared only by F. BROWN, nt
his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. Corner of
Fifth nod Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, and for
sale by all the roar:actable Aputhecaiies in the
United States. For sale by T. REAL) & SON,
Huntingdon. Dune 22,'53.-ly.
40 TONS COAL, just received and for PftiO
by J. & W. SAXTON.
UhMS and SHOULDERS, lust received end
fm sale 1%. J. A. SAXTON,