HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. Xr- / I .I I I...P,LNTOrVit-1 " . " 61 . _ :.ele4._, • W * .. ' 4 -. - - .:,', .. ‘..,..„( • • ..---@., ;-, ',_ • --- --_, • -,, - '4:---11 Wethlesday Morning, Oct. 19, 1853. S. L. GLASGOW, Editor. CIRCULATION 1000. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Agents for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author ised to receive .d receipt for money paid on sub scription, and to take the names of new subscri bers at our published prices. We do this for the convenience of our subscri bers living at a distance from Huntingdon. JOHN W. THOMPSON, Eeq., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL Coax, East Barree, GEOIICIE W. Con/enure, Shirley township JAMES E. Chasoow. Clay township, DANIEL TEAGUE, Esq., Cromwell township, Dr. J. P. ASHCOM, Penn township, Dr. H. L. BRowN, Cass township, J. WAREHAM MATTE., Franklin township, SAMUEL STSPFEY, Jackson township, RODENT M'Br " cc COL JNO. C. WATSON, Brady township, Moms Bnowx, Springfield township, WM. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Warriorsmark tp., JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township, GEORGE W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg, BESET NEFF, West Barree. JOHN BALSDACH, Waterstreet, Mej. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township, A. M. BLAIR, Dahlia township, tizonoe WILSON, Eeq., Tell township, JAMES CLARK, Birmingham. NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. Maj. W. Mootte, Alexandria. B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace. SIMEON Wagon?, Esq., Union township. DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., Cassville. SAMUEL WIGTON, Esq., Franklin township. JOHN LUTZ, Esq., Shirleysbnrg. DAVID PARKER, EMI., WalTiOTSMark. DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township. New Advertisements. Our friend, Jacob Snyder, has received from the city one of the largest and most fashionable assortments of Fall and Winter Clothing that was ever brought to this place. Also, the very cheapest. Those wanting any thing in his line had better call soon, because his customers are carrying them off very fast. Call at J. & W. Sextons' Store, if you wish to purchase very fashionable, cheap, and the best quality of goods. They have them on hands, and are disposing of them, too, very fast. They have a very splendid stock, end sell at very low prices. Persons desirous of purchasing good and substantial articles, would do well by calling at the "Elephant Corner," where Goods can be had at exceedingly low rates. Richard is a clever and accommodating gentleman. We neglected last week t; call the attention of the friends of education and the public gen erally, to the advertisements in another column, of Milnwood Academy, at Shade Gap, and Shir leysburg Female Seminary, and Juniata Acad emy, at Shirleysburg, both in Huntingdon Co. All three of these Institutions are under the care of experienced and well qualified teachers. James Bricker has just returned from the Eastern Cities with an extensive assortment of new Goods, which will be sold very cheap.— Those wishing bargains had better call at friend Bricker's. William Colon has added 10,000 volumes of New Books to his former extensive stock, to which he invites the public. He sells at a reasonable price, and we recommend those wanting Books and Stationary, to call at Co- lon's on Railroad Street. See dissolution of partnership, by Scott & Swoope. Jno. Scott & Samuel T. Brown, have asso ciated themselves together in the practice of the law. See card. See Notice, by Jno. ?darks. Also, Register's Notice, by N. F. Campbell. Sheriff Zeigler publishes Court Proclama tions. Notice to Contractors, by Geo. W. Speer. See Sheriff's Sales. stir Our esteemed correspondents, "Inde pendent" and "Truth," from Cromwell and West townships respectively, must excuse us for the present for not giving publicity to their Communications. We care nothing about what the little piratical sheet says of us and our paper, because it can't accomplish any thing—its motives are well understood. We don't doubt at all that the Whigs generally up prove the course the Journal pursued in the late campaign. The best evidence we have of that, is the overwhelming majority of eleven hundred and sixty votes, Mr. Maguire received, over Wharton, in the district, for the Legisla tare. 1119.. We cannot publish any communications, RO matter on what subject, without having re ceived the true name of their author. Such as were sent us last week must be accompanied by the correct name of their authors, before they will get any attention at our hands. VS. We have received two or three copies of TIIE ILLUSTRATED FAMILY tIIRISTIAS AL NANAu, for the year 1854, which are neatly got up, and contain, in addition to the necessary matter in an Almanac, many beautiful and practical quotations and paragraphs. We can heartily recommend it to the public. _ _ gar We have on our table the October num• her of the School Journal, containing much matter that would certainly be very useful and practical to the teacher and the friend of edu• cation. ifir We have received the November num bers of Graham and Godey, both excellent copies. All the ladies in the neighborhood should be regular subscribers for those Maga sines. GEN. W. H. lawlx.—The Lewistown Ga zette suggests the name of Gen. Irwin of that place, as a suitable person to receive the nomi uation for Governor next full. The Gen. is a very clever man—a sound Whig—a "host with in himself," on the stump, and would run a mighty vote in this county. kr Tailing the vote that James L. Gwin re. ceived in this county for Assembly, to be a correct expression of Whig numbers at the late election, it will be perceived that there were only a few over two hundred locofocos who vo• ted for Mr. Maguire. And on examination it will be seen that not more than that number of Whigs voted for Wharton. We do not believe be received over two hundred Whig votes in this county, notwithstanding the unparalleled exertions that were wade to distract our Comet. Col. Alex. M. White. It is with no ordinary feelings of regret, that we have to record the defeat of Col. White, the Whig nominee for State Senator in this district. That ho is a true and faithful Whig—and would have carried talents and character to the station, that would have done honor to him. self and the party, we have no doubt at all.— But so it is. His defeat was occasioned by the treachery and disloyally of certain Whigs in Cambria county, and a disposition on the part of a portion to support a temperance candidate. If those Whigs who supported Martin Bell pre. ferred voting for him merely, without feeling confident of success, instead of voting for Mr. White, and thereby insuring a Whig victory, we have nothing to say, more than we think they should have preferred the victory. Now, to show how little Col. White was in favor with the locofoco leaders, who infest the pool of corruption along the Portage Road and State works, on the Allegheny Mountain, (for every body knows that this charge was made against him by the Whig paper in Ebensburg and others,) we will relate a circumstance which took place a few days before the election, about a mile East of Ebensbburg, at a certain hotel. Thos. Maguire, a Mr. Crawford, Jno. Cresswell, Henderson Moore, and Jno. C. O'Neill, all Lo- cos, in connection with Robert L. Johnston, E. Hutchinson, Esqrs., and Albright, one of the editors of Alleghenian, Whigs, met in private caucus for the purpose of devising means and measures to defeat White. And the result of their deliberations was, as we learn from the best authority, that the "Alleghenian," the Whig press at Ebensburg, should have twelve hundred dollars for opposing White, and se cretly aiding in the election of Cresswell. This, it is said, is TRUE. Now, we ask the Whigs of Huntingdon coun ty,whether this looks much like Col. White be. ing in league with certain locofoco State robbers on the mountain? It does not, and shows con clusively that the contrary was the case. They sought his defeat, and secured it, just because they knew be was bitterly opposed to their schemes of corruption and robbery. They knew very well that if they could not defeat him, their abominable conduct towards the tax-payers of the Commonwealth would be exposed, and themselves forever disgraced, in the estimation of the voters of the State. And look at the conduct of R. L. Johnston, E. Hutchinson, and others—men who have heretofore professed to be Whigs—who, in their zeal for the cause, have repeatedly said they alone were the true exponents of Whig men, measures and principles of Cambria county.— Yes, they would give such protection to the Whig party, as wolves give to lambs. Never can we have any confidence in their Whiggery, and if any of them should ever happen to he candidates for office, when this county will be called on to support them, the Whigs here will teach them a lesson that they long will remem ber. We never want to hear from their lips any more professions of loyally to the Whig party, after their conduct towards Mr. White, in the last campaign. They never had any good reasons for opposing him, though he may not have been their choice. Whigs in high places, and especially such as are aspirants to positions still higher, should be careful how they act. Yet, notwithstanding all their oppo sition, combined with that of the entire locofo co influence on the Portage Road and elsewhere, Col. White ran a very large vote in Cambria county, which shows conclusively that he is popular and has strength among the people.— No man can honestly doubt this. Look at his vote in this county, where all kinds of slander and falsehood were circulated, by his enemies, to defeat him. Under the circumstances, we do say, the Whigs here acted nobly towards him, and they will do itagain. A strong effort was made to impress the minds of the people, that the Conferees from this county were bribed by Col. White to vote for him in the Senatorial Conference, which, we have no doubt, had a tendency to influence a few votes in the district against him. This, as we have repeatedly sta ted, is false, and was circulated only for the purpose of injuring his election. If, however, there are any who still think such was the case, we challenge them to the moor. We will take occasion here to state, that as far as we were personally concerned in the matter, we acted as we thought best for the in terests of the Whig party, and it matters very little to ns what our enemies say to the contra ' I ry. -- The Banner. The "youthful editors" must evidently have felt the force of the truth of what we said in the last Journal, respecting their paper, judging from the language and lone of their would-be reply in their issue of Saturday last. We are not disposed to trouble ourself any more about them or their little sheet, because they are certainly not worth minding. If they think they can accomplish any thing by the course they are now pursuing towards us and the Journal, they are at liberty to con tinue just as long as they see proper. No body cares. But we will remind the boys, that if they be lieve they are establishing a favorable reputa tion for themselves and their paper, by their personal abuse of us, they are very much mis taken. The people of Huntingdon county are birds two old to be caught with chaff—they fully understand their motives in thus acting. ..., The people also know what kind of "Ban ner—Extras," they issued a few weeks since— what kind of an "independent course" their lit tle sheet has thus far pursued—what course the Journal has pursued since we have had hold of it—all these things the people know perfectly well, and we have no doubt they will pass correctdgrnent. It /*ems they still hold the opinion that the Communication we published, from Birming- ham, in which a very just reference was made to their paper, was written at our office. Now, since the boys appear to be so incredulous and manifest such great anxiety on the subject, our foreman may convince them of the fact, if they will call at the office. But we have already said more than we intended, and in the lan. guage of a certain wise man, we give them over to their own folly. "Ephraim is joined to his idol—let hilm alone." Ohio Election, CINCINNATI, Oct. 14.—The Democrats have, beyond doubt, carried this State by a verg large majority. There is no report of the vote upon the liquor law. The Democratic majorities are, in Montgomery, 200; Erie, 300; Sandusky, 200; Ottawa, 200. The Freesoilers carry Cuya hogs, and have 600 majority in Lorain. ZANESVILLE, Oct. 14.—The Democratic tick- et is elected in the county of Muskingum by 100 majority. Jewett (Dem.) is elected to the Senate by a large majority. The Whig majori• ty iu this county in 1852 was 72t, The Result in Huntingdon County. The indications are that the Locofoco State ticket is elected by very large majorities. Our candidate for Senator, Mr. White, is de. feated by Mr. Cresswell, Locofoco, of Blair county. We are indeed sorry, that such is the case, and we do think the Whigs did wrong in not giving Mr. White their united support. In voting for Bell, the Whigs have gained nothing, but, on the contrary, have lost a Senator, and thrown that body into the hands of the enemy. This we sincerely regret. Huntingdon county, notwithstanding, acted nobly in the contest, and has achieved a glori ous victory. The aggregate vote was small, but in proportion to the number polled, the Whigs have retained their usual majority. The election of Mr. Maguire, under the cir• cumstances, is one of the most signal and tri- umphant victories that have been effected in the State. It can truly be said of the Whigs of Huntingdon county, that they are loyal to the principles and usages of their party. What a noble set are they in Cass, Tod, Penn, Spring field, Cromwell, Morris, Jackson, Murray's Run, Birmingham, West, and others 1 All as loyal and as faithful as their principles are immortal! And this is right—let Whig principles and reg- ular nominations be their motto, and victory will never fail to triumphantly perch upon their banner. The Successful Ones, It will be seen, by reference to the table of returns we publish this week, that the whole Whig county ticket is elected, except Mr. Chris ty, who was the regular nominee for Deputy Surveyor. We regret his defeat very much, although we expected it. The report that he was opposing a certain one of the regular can didates, before the election, received credence, and caused him to be defeated. Those who are aspirants to office should never oppose regular nominations, because it is always remembered, when they appear before the people as candi dates. And especially should they not do it, when they are on the ticket themselves as Mr. Christy was. ..Official vote of Blair County for Senator and Representatiges: SENATOR. A. M. White, .Ino. Cresswell, dr., Martin Bell, ASSEMBLE. J. L. Gwin, Jas. Maguire, S. S. Wharton, H. L. Ake, James Maguire's majority in the district, over Wharton, is eleven hundred and sixty votes! I And James L. Gwin's is nine hundred and seventy six. Where has there been such an other victory in the history of Pennsylvania politics? Who can tell? History is silent. Senator Everett at the Cattle Show. Among the guests of the New Hampshire Agricultural Society, at Manchester, last week, was Hon. Edward Everett. He was well re ceived, and spoke with his usual beauty and eloquence. The following is the concluding passage of his speech, in touching allusion to the name of that great man, the anniversary of whose death is so rapidly nearing us: "And can I speak of the historical legends— of the industrial resources—of the natural beauties—of New Hampshire, parent not of fruits only, but of men—without remembering the great and good who adorn her annals—her immortal Stark, who cheered the heart of the nation at the lowest ebb of despondency, and led the way at Bennington to the triumphs of Saratoga—your Sullivan, your Poor, your Scammel, your Dearborn, your M'Cleary your Pierce—who, from Bunker Hill to Yorktown, heard every peal of the trumpet, and breasted every storm of wail—the long line of your ci vilians—your Bartletts, your Whipples, your Langdons, your Gilmans,your Smiths, your Ma sons, your Woodburys—your men of letters and divines, your Wheelocks, •your Belnaps, your Buckminsters, your Abbotts? How, es pecially, can I forget him, whose decease not yet a twelvemonth ago filled the whole land with sorrow, while, in the sublime language of your fellow citizen, the President of the Uni ted States, "the great heart of the nation beat heavily at the portals of his tomb." He was the offspring of your toil, he and his fathers.— His infancy was cradled in the hardships of your frontier settlements, he was taught and trained in your schools, your academy and your college. You sent him forth in the pano ply of his country, and after the labors and the conflicts of life, you rose up as one man to welcome him, when, but two years ago, on this anniversary, he came back, melting with ten derness and veneration, to revisit his native State." The War Spreading. It seems that Democratic discord is not con fined to the Empire State, nor to any particular it - Talky. It has extended away down east into u.d Massachusetts, and up into New Hamp- shire, and rages among the Granite Hills quite as fiercely as in New York. Edmund Burke, whilom one of the editors of the "Union," is at the head of the fight in New Hampshire. 'Ned' has recently written a letter in which he dement. ces the President, and calls loudly for a change in the cabinet and in the policy of the adminis tration In his paper—the Concord Reporter —Pierce's organ—he threatens to publish some of Pierce's own letters in self-defence, and to re pel and expose the falsehoods of the unprinci pled crew who profess to be the exclusive friends of the President. He adds; "At present, we acquit him of all blame, or share in the base and shameful warfare that has been waged against us; for we cannot be lieve it possible that the man filling the high office of President of the United States, the most exalted of human honors, can be guilty of such a violation of honor and truth—of such dissimulation and hypocrisy—as to participate in any way in this villainous attempt to crush and destroy a man of his own party, who has from the beginning been his personal and pO. litical friend, aiding him on all occasions, and contributing all in his power to his advance ment and success would imply. But the time has come for the exposure of the miscreants who shelter themselves under his name; and we intend that they shall be exposed and ourselves vindicated, and to that end we shall use every means in our possession, if necessary." In fact the whole Locofoco family manifests, just about this time, a most vehement desire to disregard the admonition— "But, children, you should never let your angry passions Your little hands were never made to tear each others eyes" SOOT BY A WomAN.—One day last week, in South Carrolton, Muhlenburg county, Ky., a daughter of Col. Wilson, having been calumni ated by a young man, called upon Lim, armed with a revolver, accompanied by her father.— The person conk? not deny his allegations, whereupon she fired, indicting a dangerous if not a fatal wound in his throat. ger Hon. Archibald Dixon, it is dated. will be a caudidato for V. States Stuator Boni Ky. HUNTINGDON COUNTY—OFFICIAL. S. Judge. C, Com. S. Con. pq '4 hi O g 5 Ti Districts. r r. _rz Henderson, 205 183 204 176 118 170 Dublin, 41 52 41 53 41 63 Warriorstra, 79 68 84 61 74 72 Hopewell, 29 35 29 33 27 34 Barree, 123 72 130 66 126 G 9 Shirley, 116 103 114 111 112 104 Porter, 99 128. . 99 129 84 133 Franklin, 65 114 63 111 52 112 Tell, 72 28 74 28 74 27 Union, 12 60 .13 47 13 47 42 63 39 68 40 68 Brady, 77 79 77 76 75 78 Morris, 43 76 39 78 40 75 West, 129 108 128 107 110 111 Walker, 70 70 78 69 73 69 Tod, 46 92 49 90 48 91 Murray's Run 13 30 13 31 13 31 Cromwell, 81 96 80 96 80 97 Birmingham, 18 19 15 21 15 17 Cass, 29 11G 29 113 27 118 Jackson, 101 127 104 116 87 123 Clay, 28 75 27 76 27 75 Penn, 39 61 40 61 38 61 Total, 1563 1845 1569 1817 1454 1835 Majorities—Budd, 282. Pownall, 248. My ers, 381. A. Gen. Senator. W 14 0 2 Districts S ; Henderson, 195 169 162 82 137 Dublin, 42 63 40 48 05 Warriorsmark, 80 62 49 28 77 Hopewell, 25 34 26 26 11 Barren, 130 64 113 55 34 Shirley, 119 103 72 64 91 Porter, 99 120 74 65 94 Franklin, 65 111 34 55 94 Tell, 75 28 75 28 00 Springfield, 12 49 10 29 24 Union, 42 66 40 63 02 Brady, 77 77 68 66 20 Morris, 41 76 14 61 43 West, 124 105 68 86 103 Walker, 73 70 67 67 29 Tod, 48 90 43 87 09 Murray's Run, 13 31 11 27 06 Cromwell, 78 95 19 50 108 Birmingham, 20 19 15 19 11 Cass, 28 115 26 89 19 Jackson, 95 123 70 111 48 Clay, 27 76 19 73 11 Penn, 40 60 40 59 00 1934 1889 !1067 1468 Total, 1548 1796 1145 1318 976 Majorities—McClure, 248. White, 173. Assembly. Districts. ax c i t; ; 13 Henderson, 179 129 215 170 245 148 Dublin, 48 52 44 38 37 58 Warriorsrnark 91 54 68 85 135 21 Hopewell, 83 36 28 26 25 38 Barree, 64 45 110 143 134 69 Shirley, 118 92 86 118 112 108 Porter, 98 103 110 55 101 124 Franklin, 93 107 85 62 90 92 Tell, 30 29 45 71 74 29 Syringfield, 41 31 20 31 18 42 Union, 65 57 53 49 37 67 Brad•, 30 40 120 70 75 81 Morns, 80 67 36 36 40 75 West, 153 101 46 136 179 66 Walker, 66 57 66 84 84 70 Tod, 81 97 49 49 30 100 Murray's Run, 37 34 08 08 11 36 Cromwell, 106 81 35 78 32 114 Birmingham, 20 26 17 21 17 23 Cam, 107 110 25 26 08 138 Jackson, 126 83 93 67 99 123 Clay. 50 62 52 38 23 80 Penn, 64 66 29 35 34 66 Total, 1770 1539 1430 1496 1649 1768 Majorities—Greenland, 119. Maguire, 340. Treas. , D. Att. C. Corn, P n Districts. 1 1 71 11 : : Henderson, 272 11G 201 178 206 162 Dublin, 38 54 36 55 41 47 Warriorsm'k, 76 72 84 61 76 66 Hopewell, 26 34 26 34 28 32 Barree, 100 96 119 74 148 49 Shirley, 111 110 132 86 118 102 Porter, 82 141 100 122 91 125 Franklin, 62 116 65 112 66 107 Tell, 74 28 74 28 72 28 Union, 49 19 45 10 48 13 45 49 62 39 69 37 69 Brady, 76 79 76 77 76 76 Morris, 41 75 64 55 42 73 West, 40 205 114 113 104 124 Walker, 86 64 80 69 68 79 Tod, 45 91 46 91 48 90 Murray's Bun 11 33 6 37 11 33 Cromwell, 79 95 78 96 78 95 Birmingham, 11 21 13 20 12 18 Cass, 26 119 28 116 27 115 Jackson, 86 134 86 122 100 116 Clay, 25 75 26 76 26 75 Penn, 45 66 55 40 39 62 Total, 1479 1922 1556 1779 1527 1788 Majorities—Stevens, 443. Stewart, 323. Ha. mer, 261. C. Sur. D. Poor. Aud. 0, K g tz District*. ,?tp 0 Henderson, 302 75 195 157 196 155 Dublin, 35 54 37 52 41 50 Warriorm'k, 85 61 81 67 78 67 Hopewell, 17 33 26 33 27 33 Barren, 113 64 119 58 125 63 Shirley, 111 100 129 83 113 97 Porter, 92 133 99 120 96 126 Franklin, 90 73 82 89 60 105 Tell, 75 25 66 29 75 26 Springfield, 13 46 15 47 11 48 Union, 70 37 41 65 42 63 Brady, 104 51 77 77 75 77 Morns, 42 68 44 68 40 73 West, 106 109 117 106 106 107 Walker, 116 36 73 68 82 62 Tod, 45 91 45 87 46 89 Murray's Run 15 26 10 34 12 30 Cromwell, 48 97 81 86 60 98 Birmingham, 13 16 12 20 10 17 Cass, 37 105 27 116 26 114 Jackson, 84 116 90 116 87 115 Clay, 29 72 24 73 23 73 Penn, 50 48 42 60 42 53 Total, 1701 1536 1532 1701 1473 1741 Majorities—Africa, 165. Matters, 169. Brew ster, 268. In the above tables the names of the Whig candidates are in SMALL CAPS—Democrats in roman—Prohibitory Liquor Law marked thus t—Guerilla marked thus f. Mir 13y next week we will be able to give our readers the full returns in this State, of the election. They come in no slowly, or we could hare done so this wools, A Well-merited Tribute. The Whig party have now in their ranks, notwithstanding the ravages of death, so fatal to them in the last few years, several distin guished statesmen whose fame is national, and whose talents, acquirements, and experience entitle them to the most respectful attention and kindest regards of their political brethren. Among these we may, without being invidious, or depreciating in the least, others whose Ev erett, o t li ga Massachusetts, (r ib s e re t s u , s nnideVilliaEdward . of Virginia. These gentlemen are both an honor to their country and their party. As safe counsellers, there are no men in the Uni ted States more worthy to be trusted. Highly educated, and with fine natural abilities, they entered public life to perform the parts of statesmen, and not mere party . politicians.— They have been students ever since—students of men, of events, of the political history of their own country, and of the nations abroad. They are now ripe with the wisdom which knoweledge and experience give to intellect, and imbued with the patriotism which springs from a conviction of the superiority of the in stitutions of their own land over those of for eign countries. They have mingled with man kind at home and abroad, and are now at their own residences, satisfied that here is their high est earthly happiness, and the grandest thea tre for the exertions of the mind of man. Mr. Rives and Mr. Everett, although cultiva ed in their intellects, are yet practical, strong minded men. All their public speeches show that ornament with them is secondary to sub stance. The graces of oratory do not detract from the strength of their arguments. The Corinthian column is not the less solid and firm because its proportions are perfect and its capital crowned with the beauty of art. We class Mr. Everett and Mr. Rives togeth er became we think in many traits they are not dissimilar. Of high characters, of dignifi ed manners, of conservative but not repressive views, of diplomatic experience, and of approv ed judgement, they are alike. They are both accomplished speakers, polished writers, and courteous debators. We repent that their par ty and their country may well he proud of two such statesmen.—Alexandria Gazette. From the South Pacific, Australia, &o, Interesting details of the news from the South Pacific and Australia, contained in files brought by the Crescent City, are published in the New York papers. The most exciting portion of the intelligence from South America is that which relates to the serious difficulty which occurred between the captains of a num ber of American vessels lying at the Chineha Islands, and the commandment acting for the Peruvan government. The aggression of this official upon the captain and crew of the Deli ance had excited the deepest indignation amongst the masters of the other vessels there, and they promptly sought the protection of the American Minister at Peru, which was freely rendered, and with excellent effect, for so far it is probable that the Peruvian officer will be removed from his post and brought to trial.— Despatches relative to this affair have been sent to Washington for the consideration of the Cabinet. There is not a single man-of-war be- longing to the United States at the place, and Mr. Clay was compelled to charter a special steamer to take him to the Chinchas. Sheriff. Our Australian files are to the 19th of July, and the greater portion of the news is of a very important character. The popular agitation to procure the 'unlocking,' as it is termed, of the lands from the government, was rapidly progressing. Extensive meetings were held in order to procure a reduction of the land license tax, and delegated representatives attended from all the fruitful "diggins." The speeches were bold and enthusiastic, and the meeting at Mclvor digging, held July 12, would appear to inagnrate a new era of reform which may eventuate in a social and political revolution in that country. Great excitement was caused in Melbourne, by the Americans proclaiming their intention of celebrating the Fourth of July in the usual manner. A very sharp controversy ensued be tween the government and democratic newspa pers upon the subject. Van Dieman's Land reports say that John Mitchell and John Mar tin, the celebrated Irish lenders, had abscond ed, and, it was thought, left the colony. A re ward is offered by government for the arrest of Mr. Mitchell. What Will instria Do I The case of Mr. Costa is peculiar. He is in the custody of the French Consul, awaiting the decision of the Governments of the U. States and Austria, and those Governments are en• gaged in a correspondence upon the subject.— On the 24th of August last he was confined in the French Hospital; Smyrna, and guarded by an old gray-headed Turk. He was cheerful, in good health, and felt confident of his ultimate release. But how is that release to be effected? Austria recently sent a Protest to the United States and demanded satisfaction for the con. duct of Captain Ingraham. The United States have replied; have refused satisfaction, have justified the conduct of Captain Ingraham, and have asked for the release of Costa. Will Aus tria continue the correspondence, or will she let the matter drop? And if she should refuse to deliver up Costa—what then? Our Govern ment must pursue a firm course, and not per mit an individual, around whom she has thrown the protection of her nationality, to remain a prisoner in a foreign country. It is hardly probable that Austria will persist, under the circumstances—and yet she may. Her Gov ernment bears no love to the United States, and she would, if she could, annoy and perplex us. She is, moreover, seconded in her protest by Russia and Prussia, and this somewhat strengthens her position. Doubtless our agent at Vienna is instructed to make every possible appeal; and should be assisted by the friendly offices of the Ministers of England and France; as is likely, he may sueced. The points invol ved are novel, and there is no telling where this Costa business may end.—Philadelphia kg. Gratifying Result. At a stated meeting of the Board of Officers and Managers of the Sunday School Union, held in Philadephia, September 20, 1853 among other interesting proceedings, reports were made of the doings of eighly.Beven Mis sionaries, the aggregate of whose labors is shown in the following statement: Sales of Sunday School Books, $9,141 23 Donations to Poor Schools, 1,690 00 Sunday Schools visited, 804 Sunday Schools organized, 689 Bibles and Testaments distributed, 686 In accomplishing the good work which is thus reported, twelve hundred public addresses were made, and more than twenty-five thous and miles of travel accomplished I The friends and contributors of the Society must be grati fied at these tokens of its efficiency and pros. perity. _ _ Georgia ifection. It appears now to be ascertained that the Hon. Herschel V. Johnston, the Democratic candidate, has been elected Governor of the State of Georgia. His majority is quite small, not exceeding, probably, more than three or four hundred votes. The following are names of the gentlemen who have been elected to Congress from the same State, the six first named on the list be ing Democrats: James L. Seward, E. W. Chastain, A. H. Colryultt, Junius Hiflyer, A. J. Bailey, David A. Reese, D. R. W. Dent, A. H. Stephens. The Democrats have also obtained a majori ty of the members of the State Legislature. A DAUGHTER OF PATRICK HENRY.—Near Athens, Alabama, resides Mrs. D. S. Winston, widow of Mr. G. D. Winston, of Virginia, and daughter of Patrick Henry, who did more, per haps than any other one man, to set the ball of the Revolution in motion, in au bumble cot. tage, situated in a ( - mid grove, the eventful life of this venerable lady is calmly and gnietly drawin; to a dins ONE WEEK LATER PROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Canada at Halifax. THE TURKISH Q4IESTION UNDECIDED. ALARMING STATE. OF AFFAIRS. Mehemet Ali at the head of Me War Party in Turkey, Demanding a Declaration of War—ReDisal of the Sultan— Revolt anticipated! Passage of the Dardanelles. The Combined Fleets at Constantinople Stormon the English and Dutch Coasts. GREAT LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPERTY. IMPORTANT COMMERCIAL AD VICES. Cotton Declined—Rreadstrtffs largely Adran• ced—lnereawl Preserve on Me Money Market—Rate of Interest Again Adranccd. HALIFAX, October 13. The Canard Mail Steamship Canada, which sailed from Liverpool at 10 o clock on Satur- day morning, the lot instant, arrived here this morning, bringing European intelligence one week later, and HO passengers. The Canada left here this morning, at 10 o'clock, wind South and blowing a gale. She will be due at Boston, about 7 P.M., on Friday. The Atlantic arrived out on Teusday night, the 27th ult. The steamship Humboldt wns delayed at Havre until Friday. in consequence of lowness of the tides. The screw steamer Lade Eglinton, from Quebec, arrived out on the 29th ult. The 'storm of the 25th and 2Gth ult., did much damage on the British and Dutch coasts, involving the loss of many lives and much property. Rotterdam mid other Dutch cities were inundated. A screw steamer belonging to Amsterdam, was wrecked in the Zuyder Zee, and one hum tired lives were lost. The iron steamer Cammeston, bound from Hull to Hamburg, was lost, and several per. sons perished. The American packet ship Neva went ashore in the Mersey, and a number of her passengers were drowned. The ship American, for San Francisco, went ashore near Southport. The American ship Southerner foundered'at sea on the 10th of September, on her passage from Glasgow to New York. The crew were oared. ➢tany other vessels were also more or less damaged. The ship Rheim, from Hamburg for New York, with 200 passengers, had put back to Portsmouth with the cholera on board. The London papers havo started another foolish story, to the effect that Mr. Afars'', the American Minister, had offered the Sultan a loan of $lOO,OOO in behalf of the United States, together with active assistance. - General Juan Do la Prezla is appointed Captain General of Cuba; and General Perin Governor of the Phillipioo Islands. THE EASTERN QUESTION. The Eastern question remained undecided, and although the combined fleet of the great powers had passed the Dardanelles, hostilities, it was thought, would be avoided. . _ The French Government had received a pa cific communication from the Emperor, at Mentz. In addition to the Eastern question, it was understood that the Koszta affair was to he debated by the Emperors at this interview. It was also rumored that France approved of Austria's policy in regard to the Kosta ques tion, and was ready to join her. This is con sidered doubtful. The Emperors of Russia and Austria met at Olmutz on the 24th. The event was made the occasion of a grand military display. The pH -rate conference was quite lengthy. Ads-ices by way of Trieste state that a bet ter understanding prevailed between the war and peace parties in the Divan. Some new arrangement, insisted on by Eng land in the Vienna note, had caused Austria to inform the British and French Ministers that it was impossible that Austria could as sent. It was also further stated that the most perfect accord existed between Russia and Austria, touching Turkey. It was rumored that Russia now demands the cession of a Turkish province, to pay the expenses of the occupation of the principalities. The Russians were at the last accounts still sending forward detachments of troops towards the Danube. The Turks were actively engaged in erecting fortifications at all points along the coast of the Black Sea, from Varna onward to the mouth of the Danube. It has been already mentioned that the Tile mans had presented a threatening address to the Sultan, calling on him to declare war against the Russians, or to resign. Inquiry has prov ed that the Ulemans, in this matter, were act ing at the instignation of the political war par ty, at the head of whom is Mehemet Ali, the Sultan's brother-in-law. They persist, Lowey. er, that war was demanded by the Koran, and by the circumstances of the Empire. The. Sultan refused to sign the war declara tion they declared against Russia, and there was n possibility of a riot. The French and British Ambassadors therefore sent for assist ance, to protect the Sultan and the Christian residents. Four steam frigates, two French and two British, immediatelypassed the Dar danelles, and came to anchor before Constan tinople, where they now remain. The British vessels were the Niger and Tiger, and the French, the Corner and Mozedem. They were all four under command of Rear Admiral Bar bier Detias. Besides these, the Admiral has under his orders the British ships Retribution, Fury, and Caradore, and four French frigates. The Daily News of the 29th, states that Ad. miral Dundee has received orders from the British Admiral to move with the whole Eng lish fleet from Besike to Constantinople. The rejection by the Czar of the Turkish Amendments was known at Constantinople on the 19th, but the expected crisis did not occur, and the ministry, at the date of the last letters, remained without change. The chief of the Ulemans had apologized for the disrespectful style of their address, and the Feast of Beriam had passed over without a breach of the peace. The Sultan appeared in the procession, and was not molested. He afterwards presided at a Cabinet Council, the proceedings of which did not transpire. The Sultan was said to be displeased with the Foreign Ministers for bringing their fleets to Constantinople. He considered it unneces. nary and derogatory. A. report had been current that Austria, Prussia and Russia had entered into a joint protest against the ships passing the Straits— but it had been contradicted. The Cologne Gazette further intimates that Austria is endeavoring to quarrel with Turkey, under the pretext of indemnity due of Austrian subjects, _ The Trieste Cantle states that Russia de mands the Province of Daviston (?) in pay ment of expenses in occupying the principali ties. This province posseses valuable mines and forests, and commands Ilarkistan and Cir cassia. Confident expectations are expressed in Eu rope, that American privateers will not accept letters of !marque from Russia. The Austrian Lloyds says, under date of Constantinople, lfith Sept.—That the Powers had not, to that date, induced the Porto to ac. cept the Vienna note, but the Sultan had deci ded not to issue an appeal to the nation at present. _ _ A Vienna letter of the 21st states that Lord Westmoreland had received instructions from his government to insist thut the proposed de claration that the Vienna note contains noth ing dangerous to the sovereignty of the Sultan, should be drawn up in the form of ,e protocol, as, after the interpretation given by Russia to the note, England 'night invite, but could not press; the Sultan to adopt it. In reply to this notification, the Austrian 11”nipot,titiar7 hove informed the French and British representat Ivo, that frum the position the Western cabinets had taken. it is now impossible for Austria to assent to any collective declaration in the form of n pro toes!. Confirming this, Vienna correspondents slate that the most perfect accord existed be. tsveen Austria and Russia with reepect to Tur lcey. F.NOLAND. Political affhirs in England were quiet. Meetings have been milled in the various ci ties throughout the kingdom, for the pnrpose of expressing sympathy for the Creek Chris , tinny. But no the movement was supposed to he a Rnssinn demonstration, few persona atten ded the gatherings. TRADE AT MANCIIESTER.—The Manchester market for goods and yarns was depressed. Fnamee. The Emperor Napoleon had returned to Paris. Many alarming rumors were circulatd on the Bourse:—Ono that the Russian Minister had demanded his passports; another, that Austria had notified France and England that, if they gave active nid to the Turks, Austria would side with Russia, and proceed to occupy Servia. Both reports were doubted, however. PRUSSIA, Mr. Barnard, the American Minister, had presented his letter of recall. Ilis successor, ex• Governor I .'room, was daily expected. DENMAIIL The cholera has entirely disappeared from Copenhagen. SICILY, The time for the free exportation of Bread. stuffs into the Two Sicilies has been extended to the let of June next. Ten days' quarantine has been imposed on all vessels from the United States in the Nee. politer, ports. Vessels from New Orleans ore to be excluded altogether. FROM INDIA. The Overland Mail from India had been telegraphed to London with Calcutta dates to the 20th of August, and Bombay to the 30th. Famine and sickness were prevailing at Rangoon. The advises represent the state of commsr • ciul affairs in India as satisfactory. FROM CHINA. The Chinese insurgents continued to ad- vance toward Pekin. Money and provisions were scarce nt Pekin. The hired fleet of English and American ships was blockading Ching Kiang. There is nothing' later in regard to the move ments of Commodore Perry. The steamer Powhnttan and the ship Vandalia had arrived and gone north to join the expedition. All was quiet at Canton. AUSTRALIA. Advices from Austria say that flour was be ing re•shippcd to England, sales of produce be ing forced. Auction prices had fallen 50 per cent. The stock of flour at Port Philip footed up 50,000 bbls. Three hundred vessels with cargoes of goods were in the harbor. Es. change on London 2 per cent. John Mitchell was assisted to escape by W. L. Smyth, correspondent of the New York Tri bune. John Martin had reported himself at his place residence. TOE Monmwr BLOCK or MARIME.-The com• mittee appointed by Brigham Young, Govern• or of the territory of Utah, to accompany the block of marble—furnished in accordance with the resolution of the provisional government of the State of Deseret, before it was made a ter• ritory—for the Washington monument, arrived yesterday evening, and left the city this morn • mg before any formal reception of the stone by the Monumental committee could take place.— The block of marble is of polite white freestone, procured from Manite city, Sampeto county, three hundred and thirty three miles south east from Great Salt Lake, and carved in ac cordance with the resolution mentioned above of the provisional government of Deseret. which will account for the name 'Deseret' which appears upon the stone. Those of our readers who would like to see the stone, can do so by visiting the monument. —Washinyton Star Sept. 24. COL.FItEEMONT'S Ex PEISITTOX.--.The /tratiOn at Inielligencer states that rumors of the illness of this gentleman, and of his return to St. Louis, have been prevalent at Washington for some days. They are partly true. He suffer. ed an injury the day after leaving the Missou• ri frontier, and returned to St. Louis (three hundred miles) fur medical advice. But he did not give up his expedition. His party were directed to proceed to Buffalo range, to wards the base of mountains, and wait for him. Despatches of Thursday, from St. Louis, state he is doing well, and would set out in a week to overtake his men. Mrs. Freemont took tho first train of cars after the first despatch, and proceeded to St. Louis to join the Col. there, and to go with bins to the frontier. - - DEGREES CONFERRED.—Tho Trustess of the Washington (Pa.) College, at the late Com. tneneement conferred the title of L. L. D. up • on the Hon. J. S. Black, Chief Justice of this State. They also conferred the title of D. D. upon the Rev. W. D. Howard, Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, in Pittsburg.— Gar. Stiir Some fellow in Iltintingdon county, in his zeal for the disorganizers, it seems asser ted that J. J. Cunningham, Esq., formerly of this county, was bribed by money as a con feree. If a man were to come into this county and make such an assertion he would probably be kicked out of it I—Lewistown Gazette. fa' Miss Davenport is playing in Baltimore. Aar The citizens of Louisville are delighted with Mr. Turner, the vocalist. * Patrick McGuire, aged 23 yearn, was murdered in Lynn, Mass. by James Cullen. A New GOVEUNMENT COAT. DEPOT.—COM • modore Perry has established a United States Naval Coal Depot in the island of Denial), be. twcen Shanghai and Japan—one otthe Japan ese islands. To that end he has bought ten acres of land there on Government account. S "The Monthly Jubilee" is on our table. This is a publication that contains a great deal of substantial, practical reading, and is certainly worth one dollar a year, which is the price. .. At the recent Breekinridge (Ky.) Cir cuit Court, a Mr. Duweca,l3f Grayson county, recovered $4OOO of ono Dr. T. N. Tilford, sn the ehapo of damages, on action for gander. iirm 0101113ln. Oct. 18, 1839. • • • $6.50 ■ $6,71 5,25 1,10 $l,ll Flour per bbl., , Clover Bead, per Red Wheat, per bu.,• White Wheat, per bu. Rye, per bu Con), per bu Buckwheat, per bu• • Oats. per bu Flaxseed. per hu• • • • Hay, per ton Butter, per lb., NIZZLADZLPRZIL. Get. 15, 1858• *7 111 i 3 94 1 55 1 45 Flour per Uhl Corn Meal Whito Wheat, per ho Red, Corn, Oats, NIALTIVORtf. Oct. 13, 1353. $6 50 4 50 1 47 Flour per bbl Corn Meal White Wheat, pee bu Red, Corn, ("Wit,