CORRESPONDENCE A Letter from Major Jack Downing. DRAG COL.-.. 1 have been thicken a hole heap about you ever since I heard those pesky snake feeders up there are opposen you. I tell you it made my blood bile rite aerate up• in my vanes, when uncle Joshua told me you did not get the nomination to the Legislater. Says he, ' "Major how on yearth did it happen that our worthy friend Geremia has been treated in this manner?" Says he—" Has he not stood rite stride up for the interests of the people, and shall not a majority rule? Has lie not went in for Roads and Bridges for their espasial bene fit? Did he not go in for appropriaten money to pay oft the State det? Didn't he oppose the Sale of the Public Works to them are nation British? And aint he opposed to the use of Turkey pens, that old barbarous custom that originated in the Dark age ? Anti has he not always went in for the interests of the Downing family? Why then is it, Major, that the glori ous wages of the party, the rock that has sup ported the Constitution of our country ever since Gineral Jackson's time, has been tramp led upon in this way? It is treason, Major, it is treason!" Then old uncle Joshua ant rite down in his old arm choir, took out his snuff box, and began to snuff; and you would thort a forty horse-power engen was traveling up the Alleghaney, and the track wet. Now, Col., I would stick rite strain up to there—l would not let the glorious usages of the party he trampled upon in this mnnner no how the'' , can fix it. You have the Duwning, family on your side, and as Sam Slick used to nay. "they can bent all creation." And the people will be on your side, too, if you just tell them that 'Tarty usages" was ingrafted in the Constitution ever since Gen. Jackson's time, and cannot he set aside without a special Art of the Legislates. This you know will be the very thing to make them all rite. The people know you en beet all nnter in special le.tisla tion, and as you are familiar with both sides of the question, you will be the very man to serve them truly and faithfully on this important matter. But it would be well to have an ex pression of the people on the subject. This you can have in the form of a call, and culls have a mity site of elect, an it will then appear that it was by the earnest solicitations of the people themselves, that you were ine , , , ,•1 to serve them, (and this will look patriotick, which will bring the people so much stronger on your Side, you can get the Call wrote. you know.)— Have it written in great big capital letters, and particularly the names, have them in real old english, this will induce others to sign, as they will be tickled with having their names in the papers. Uncle Joshua suggests the follon•lne, as the form for your call:—" We. the under signed citizens of Huntingdon County, State of Pennsylvania, sixty-sixth year• of our National Independence. in view of the great necessity of having .r glorious old TCevstone State redeem ed from the thraldom of bribery and corruption that now exists, and is seeming on the increase, to the prejudice of all good citizens and lovers of country, do take very great pleasure in re commending our worthy - fellow citizen and co labourer in this great work of political regener ation, Col. Geremia Hobensnek, as n candidate for a seat in the next Legislates. We take the greater pleasure in recommending Mr. Holm, sack, as we know him to be in favour of party usages in particular and publick improvements ginerally. These time-honored customs, the very bull work of our Republican Institutions, that our fathers fong,ht,bled and died for." This, you see, Col., will have a powerful effect. It has a sprinkle of patriotism in it, just the very thing to procure names with and bring the port. Ple on your side—and as you used to say, "it is an. easy matter to procure names to a peti tion." This will give you the inside track, then be sure and keep the wheels well greased and the track clear. You are nation good at lee tionecring—vou have a nice word for every bo dy, and you know there is a mity site in under sianding, both sides of the question, and you can heat all 'infer° in this particular. When you are with the Tonic men, Tao can praise them up ever so high—say all rite Gen tlemen, your cause is good, I voted for Tonic in the Legislator. I am a Tonic tnan and wait- • ing else. The people are for Tonic, and I al ways go in for what the people goes in for.— But When von are with the Hobensackers, you c•an just refer them to the Constitution, say to them, I go in for the support of the Constitu tion—its a free countrv—our fathers fought and bled for liberty, and we have a rite to en joy it. Every body has a rite to do as the y please. ley. dont believe it, Gentlemen, just step over to my Room and r will prove to your satisfaction, by the documents, that every body have n rite to take Hobensaek. There is mufti ing like having "tack." So you see this will make you right with both sides. You will have fhe Tonic men—the law-Rea—the law men, and the Hobensackera, all throwing op their hats and shouting "long live Col. Gcretnia Hobensack." In !Trent haste, Yours and the Constitution. MAJ. JACK DOWNING, To Col. OF:RI:MU HOBESSACK. Downingville, 1653. P. S. Unele Joshua sends his love to you, and says beware of the underground movement of the "Town Klock," and "Godolphin." MAJ. JACK. For the Journal. Ma. EDITOR :—As I hope to live until after the election, and expect to see things done op brown on that day; I desire, throu,...,n nide paper, to let Huntingdon County, and the rest of mankind, know how polities are working in this quarter of the county. It: 13 anerted, in other parts, that we Whigs, down here, are going en masse for Sara Wharton. Nose Mr. Editor, I wish to state, that this is simply not the ease, •On no occasion, in my recollection, did there seem to be more general satisfaction, in regard to a ticket, than with the one which now stands at the head of your paper; and T will say that you may put me down as no proph et, if JAMES %num does not poll a larger vote, in this end of the county, than the "hum ble instrument" did one year ago. Last fall we supported the Doctor not be cause we considered him a happy selection, or a worthy man, but merely because he was the nominee, and, as such, we considered it our duty, as all true TVhigs would, to vote for him. But this fall, Mr. MAnums: will receive our votes, not only with a view to his being the reg ular candidate, bat for the reason that he is an honest man, and the very mnn to represent Huntingdon county, next session, in Harris burg, and I think, Mr. Editor. that the coming election will show that the Whigs of the IowCC end do not consider "party usages" so immuta ble as to allow the rights of the people to he trampled upon by a servile creature in a second term. We want a man who will look to the interest of the county in get•ernl, instead of selling, himself into the service of the particular interests of a few individuals. We want an in telligent man—one who can legislate for no with some credit to himself, in order that the slur, which has lately been east upon our coun ty may, in some measure, be removed. And above all, Mr. Editor, we want a man to repro sent our county, in the next session, who will be content with the $3 per day, which is lawful ly allowed. The "humble instrument" has racked his Canadian into every nook and valley through. out this part of the county, but I am ha ppv to inform you that (although he was well supplied with. Hobensack, and other means,) it does not seem he met with much success. As far as I can learn, be will receive three votes in this township. all of whom are said to be "iolluen. Slat men." It is generally believed, though, .that if the 'instrument's" pockets had been lighter, his influence would have been more limited even with Mem In conclusion, I would say, that my advice to the Doctor is, that he would not (to well to make himmlf visible in these • parts very soon, unless he carries more than one cowhide. CLAY TOWNSUIP. Sept Amber, 1853 For the Journal. Btinexonksr, Sept. 30th, 1853. EDITOR JOIMYAL :—By last evening's mail I quite a number of handbills came to the Post Office in this place. They purport to be prin ted at the seven by nine "Banner Office," in Huntingdon; the contents of the handbills are extremely rich and chaste as the object is, to distract if possible the Whigs of this represen tative district, and thereby allow a guerrilla or locofoco to represent us in the next Legislature. The unfaithful member who misrepresented this county last session, has more brass in his composition than I believed any man possessed. In the filthy seven by nine beibre me, he talks quite eloquently of the usages of the party to which he has been so long attached. Does the pompous creature think the Whigs of "Old Huntingdon" have forgotten the sneaking and contemptible means lie resorted to in 1833 to secure the nomination for Assembly, and make a yearling of James Clark 7 And again his baseness in 1851, in his attempt to supercede Win. B. Smith? He talks of his long and faithful services in the Whig cause, while it is notorious, that in 1838, he advocated the elec tion of David R. Porter, for Governor, until Porter gave him the cut directly : not wishing to have such sty /p as Sammy in his ranks, knowing the touch to be pollution The youthful Editors of the seven by nine. having united themselves with "Geremitili," had better cast aside the seaskof neut tali! y and openly advocate Locofocoism, with their feeble abilities. The greatest presumption in con nection with the handbills is, ninny of them are sent to Whigs,—all such received at this place Buse linen blunt, excepting some half-a-dozen, which I send to your care, to be forwarded to Barnum, as "literary curiosities." A WIIIG. Perpetual Thirst. Some years ago we gave a detailed account of the condition and appearance of n man who was then supposed to be the greatest drinker among men m America, it' not on the globe.— He is yet living, in excellent health, at the age of 58 years, and still remains in a state of per petual thirst. The individual alluded to, is Mr. James Webb. of Fairhaven, Mass. Under every aspect in which the case may be examin ed, it is remarkable, and perhaps unparalleled in the annals of physiology. In early infancy, the quantity of water he consumed was so large as to astonish those who witnessed it. A de velopment in size and weight of the body re quired n corresponding increase in the quantity of his aquatic potations. Under ordinary cir cumstances, three gallons of water is rather a short daily allowance far him, and it would be impossible, it seems, for him to live through a night with less than a pailful. With this im mense atnount of cold water daily poured into the stomach, Mr. Webb has been in good health and spirits. We leave the statement of these curious fleets, unembarras3ed by comment, and simply ask of learned editorial friends the pro balh cause of this unsatisfied thirst.—Boston Medical and Surgical Jour. RELIGIOUS NOTICE, THE new edifice, erected by the Presbyterian Church of Unity, in Henderson township, 5 miles front Huntingdon, will be dedicated to God with the usual religious services—Provi dence permitting. on Sabbath morning, Iqlt of October, at 11 o'clock. The Christian public generally are invited to be present on this im teresting occasion, and those from a distance are informed, that refreshments will be provi ded in the vicinity at the close of the services. A preparatory service will also be held on Sat 'lmlay the Fith at 11 A. H. The Rev. Richard Curran, of Shaver's Creek, is expected to assist the Pastor, and other members of the Presby try will be invited. THE MARKETS. IlurrtNow., Oct. 4, 1953. Flour per Lbl., $5.50 0 $5,75 Clover Seed, per be., 5,25 Red Wheat. per be., 93 White Wheai, per be., $l.OO Rye, per he 70 Corn, per be 00 Buckwheat, per in 50 Outs. per he 45 Flaxseed. per tin I CO I ley, per ton 6 00 Butter, per lb., 15 Eggs, per doz., 10 43 Vii' POISONING. FE Thousands of Parents who use Vermifuge com posed of Castor oil, Calomel, &v., are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the foundations for a series of diseases, such us salivation. loss of sight, weak ness of limbs, &v. In nuother'eohunn will be found the advertise ment of Holiensack'. Medicines, to which we ark the attention of all direetly interested in their own ns well as their Children': health. In Liver Complaints and nil disorders arising from those or a billions type, should woke use of the only genuine tnetlieino, Doltensuck's Liver Pills. Be not Decoked," hat ask for Hobensack's Worm Syrup mid Liver Pills, and observe that each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. HOBENSACK'S, ns none else are genuine. ,ar "I DIGEST !'' Ft - ca to TUE Tnon MEANING of the word `•1'B PSIN,'' or of the two Greek WOrlk from which it is derived. This is the significant and appropriate title of the Titre Diccierivu Gann• or GAS,. Jut., prepared by Dr..). S. Dom; tiros, of Philadelphia, front the fourth stomoch of the Ox, for the cure of In digestion and Dyspepsia. It is Nature's own renwly fiar an unhealthy Stomach. No art of mull can equal its curative powers. It renders 0000 EATING perfectly consistent with nEmalt. Sec the 1400! of the ON, ill another part of this LEM., LOZYJD lIADUATE of the University of Maryland, VT (in connection with Dr. James 0. Limner) having permanently located in SlarlQ :Jain:, re spectfully oflitrs his professional services to the citizens at that place and adjacent country. Oct. 5,'53.—Em." Mountain Female Seminary. Mountain Female Seminary at Riming 1. ham, Huntingdon county,P n., on the Penn sylvania Railroad, occupies one of the most healthy and desirable locabons in the State.— Strangers visiting the Imtitution Imo unhesi tatingly expressed the opinbon, that it so easy of necess, retired, l eiltlrlirl, and surrounded with such romantic mountain scenery, that no ono who wishes to learn, could find an institution more favorably situated. Past success mid fu ture prospects have induced us to greatly enlarge our plaits, and enabled us to give sunk compensa tion to teachers as will command those possess ing the highest qualifications. Cost, per term of 22 weeks, varies from $55 to $ GO, lee which good accomitimintions will be Cir ce. Music, French, Latin, Painting, S.c.,extra. Pupils from abroad are expceted to board in the Seminary building with the Principal, who gives his entire attention to the interest of the Institution. ISRAEL W. WAR!), Oct. 5, 1553 Principal. MOUNTAIN ACADEMY, Birmingham, Penira. I s point oflocation there is every ground to ex pect for thin School abundant patronage, while in conducting it, no pains will be spared to give it a character commensurate with its local advantages. The present prospects are highly encouraging. The hnildings now ommpiedadford ample accommodations, both for buswiling and school purposes. The village of nirmingham. is situated on the Pennsylvania Railroad, about half stay between Pittsburg and Harrisburg, inn most healthful re gion of country, unoccupied by similar institu tions. far The Winter term commences, Wednesday October 2Ctb inst. THOMAS WARD, A. M. Oct. 5, '53 -at. Principal, FRENCH BURRS TIII subscriber has on hand French Burr Mill Stoneki of various sizes, which he will warrant to be of superior quality, and at rea sonable prices. Wks Orders by mail promptly attended to. W. 11. KF,PNE,II, fisrrisbocg, Oct. 3, '33.-3m. THE LAUREL SPRING MILLS 0 R • HALL —o— 'PHIS property adjoins the hor. ough of Birmingliatn, Bunting- don county, and it within 200 yards ~,, of the Penn'a. Railroad. The tract stt , on which the Mills are erected contains about 400 ACHES-150 of which arc cicared,(strong lime stone land) under cultivation the water power cannot be exceeded, being spring water, and sufficiently strong to drive a dozen of wheels, ev ery day in the p 1... The Mir,. has three run of atone, mill !lowa large and roomy. The run ning gears in good condition. ALSO—TliOone-fourth of Mill Creek Furnace,to which them are attached some 6000 acres of good timber land, end several small Farms convenient to t h e Furnace. This property is situated about 400 yards from the Central railroad and Penn'a. Canal, about 5 miles from the borough of Huntingdon. The Furnace is now in blast, and doing a healthy bu siness. The metal is deemed No. I. ALSO—The Farm occupied by ICyper, about 4 miles from Iluntingdon, containing about 250 acres. ALSO—The Form on which I now reside, in the vicinity of Huntingdon, and the Brick House and Shops, opposite the more of Wm. Dorris, Esq., in iluntiowlon. Apply to JOUN MeCAHAN. Oct. 5, '53.-3t. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. '1" - 71.s.,..trarvit'2',"1°troaftxtieers„ze";;;,.."t the Amerienn House in the horossub of tiollislays burg, his calmthle Firm, one mile west of the Loross;:h of Itollidnyhistir;r. cont,Hi. , .., 170 ilere, 130 of which are elearesi.the remainder in timelier. of the clearest bind 31) acres are river bottom, the remainder under good fence un.l in a good state of cultivation, the improvements whirls are n large 11011. , BRICK MANSION A1:6 3 \ built in Cottage style, 4 rooms is&on the first floor and 5 in the at : tic, a large Barn end Well of Water at the door, fie. Said farm is sitnated mile from the Junction of the Pennsylvania Rail Road with the Portage Railroad, I mile from Hollidaysburg, and 5 miles from Altoona, the Plank Road between the last two places passes by the door. Much might in truth be said of the desirableness of the above farm either to those who wish to porebase n beautiful residence end delightful farm f, their own use. or those who, ns capitalists, wish to make a safe investment in R e al Estate, It being in a rapidly improving neighborhood and section of conntry. Persona wishing to examine said farm will be shown the wane either by the tenant on the farm, at by the subscriber in Hollidaysburg, at any time previous to the day of sale. eaTTOrms made known nn dm• of snlc. JOSEPH SMITII, Agent for Hobert Lowry. noliidnysbnrg, Oct. 5 '53 —3t GRAND OPENING OP riz.t• wit -m=l, 1 1) VII Il f~►~ AT TRH HUNTINGDON cr.oTfll , STOlt. A. WILL OUGIIBY, J'AS just returned from the east with a large and splendid lissurtment of Fall and Winter Goods, for men and hays, made in the latest fashion and in the most doralde inonner. Who ever wants to be dressed better nod cheaper than anybody else in town, let him call at WILLOUGIIIIY'S CHEAP CLOTH!. STO., one door west of T. Rend & Son's drug store, Huntingdon. Call and see fur yourselves. Oct. 5, 185?. BALLOON ASCENSIONS, FIRE-WORKS AND INDIANS, UNTIRELY displaced end outdone, by the brilliant : he „ display and marvellous a , sort- - meta. of.lewelry, Watches, Clocks. Silver Ware, Fine Knives. Pistols, Perruniery, Port slntintties, nail Fancy Articles, just °pent,' mid exhibiting to admiring hundreds, ut the Jewelry Store or EDNIUND SNAIZE, opposite Head's Drug Store. Huntingdon. Cif Watches end other articles, GOLD PLATED in the hest and most lasting manner. Oct. 5. '53. lEVOLVERS and other Pistols, ot Mtn. I, Snore' ' , Jewelry Store. QILVER and Hated Spoons, Guld, Silver and A J Plated Spectacles, at Edo'. Snare's Jewelry Store. QIEVER flutter Knives, end Salt Spoons, at 1,3 E. Snare's Cheap Jewelry Store, cheap, ut Suare's Jewelry Stun., /.. PORT MONNAIES. Card Cases, end the fi nest quality of WosvaNnoLst's Pocket Knives, a very large quantity at Edith Snare's Store. PERFUMER Y—A gam' Int. of the best, at EDMUND SNARE'S. Gold {Vetches will be sold by T.D. SWARD boos than ebiewhere. GOLD CIIALVS—A tine variety for sale, ye. ry low, at EDDI• SNARE'S. CAUTIOS. WHEREAS. my wife lIAI:NAH, left my bed nod hoard without any just eilLISe or proc reation. I hereby caution tiny person Iron, har boring or trusting her on toy necount. as I am ~ tJ tin or her contraeting. SNLATH. Oct. 5, '5l-33. .ins. 11. lincunTY, 11. L. BROWN, arioy,r.i',2l rmiumi,?. rpm: undersigned Physicians having entered j into a eosparmarship, in the practice of med icine, world respectfully nab= the citizens of Trough Creek, and vicinity, that they will be found at all times in their ullice, in Cassville, to attend to any calls with which they may he favored. H. L. BROWN, J. H. HAGERTY. J. B. LUDEN, M. D., Hunt. REMIENCES: .1. H. Dummy, M. I/., " F. BOWERS, 31, D., Newton __ ._ Hamilton. Cas,ille, Oct. 5, '53,-3m. 65 - Please to Read This.,fn Nook Agents Wanted, To ISELL PlevoniAL Aso Usartm WORKS Fon THE YEAR 1854. WANTED; in every section of the United IN States, men,to engage in toe saleof some of the best Books published in the country. To men of good address, ptissessing a small capital of• from $25 to $lOO, such inducements mill he offered as to enable them to make from $3 to $3 a day profit. Ike- The Books published by us arc all use ful in their character, eStretuely popular, and command large sales wherever they are olliired. For turtle particulars address, (postage paid,) ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, 181 William Street, New nrk. Oct. 5. '53. Administrators Notice. TETTERS of tulministration hare been this day 1J granted to the undersigned, upon the estate, of .lolin Brumbaugh, (of Daniel) late of Hopewell township, deeM. All persons indebted. will 11111 he payment, aud those haring claims will prmmut them to me for settlement. MARY BRUMBA UGH. Oct. ii, '53-6t.• Administratrix. Admin , strator's Notice. LETTERS of adininistration have this day b oon wonted to the NOlSCriberS 11[1011 tie CB - of Solomon Fink, late of Penn ton nsidp, linntingdun dee'd. All persons indebted aro requested to make inunedinte payment. mad those haring claims will present them for settle ment to ELTZATIETH FINK, :101111 STEVEII, Sept. 11, Atimr. Drake's Ferry & Broad Top Railroad Election. mover, is hereby given that an election for 11 one ?resident, Secretary, Treasurer, and six Directors for the Drake's Ferry and Broad Tap Railroad Company, will ho held at Asliton's Ilutel in Cassville en Thursday the 13th clay of October next, between 10 and 4 o'clock, in pur suance of the Charter for said Incorporation. Stockholders who bare not paid the first instal ment of 85 per share, on their subs cr ipti o n s will be rag aired to do so, on or before that city. JOHN MeLtix, JOHN DoI.IICIITY, JACOB CRESWELL, MOS. T. CROMWELt„ Commissioners. Sept. 21, '53.-40. HOUSEKEEPERS. TTOUSEKLEPERS study your interests, why go to Auction and pay extravagant prices for half-made FUHNITERE CO II at No. I, North NINTH street, and examine the largest assort ment of the hest made Furniture and Bedding in the city, leather Beds, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses; a large assortment of fancy What nots, Soft Tables, marble tops, and Washstands; Walnut and 11Iahmrany French Tete-a-tetes, Di vans, NVardroltes, Bookcases; French Bedsteads; Fancy Stalled Seat, Cane seat, Windsor, and of fice Chairs, Counting-house, and cane-seat Stools, Settee and Arm-chair Cushions; Cottage furni ture made in every style and color; Sofa Beds and Lounges, wholesale and retail, and wurranted to give satisfaction, and sold at the lowest prices. Sep. 28, 1823.—1 y FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND. Chartered by the State of Penn. sylvanta in is CAPITAL STUCK $250,000. THE Saving Fowl of the National Safety Com pany. No. 112 Walnut Stecet, 2 doors above Third, . from 8 o'clock A M. to 7 o'clock P. M., and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock.— This institution is well known as one of the. hest managed and safest in the country, and pays FIVH mm CENT. interest for money pat in there, from the date of deposite. Any sum Irons One Dollar upwards is received. And all sums, large or Mall, are paid back on demand, without notice, to any amount. This saving Mud has mortgages, Ground Rents, and other tirst-cluss investments, all well secured, amounting to more than half a million of dollars, for the security of depositors. Office 62 Walnut street, two doors above Third, yliihui!!!pi!!;i: 'Hon. 111 NItY L. RENNER, Pres't. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Pres't, Wm. J. REED, Secretory. BOARD Or REFFEREES. Hon; Wet. Richards, Pottstown, Montgomery co. J. 1). Streener editor of tic Montgomery county Ledger, Pottstown. .1. AI. Sheenemen, editor of the Neutralist, Skippackville, Mont. eo. Enos Reimer, Esq., editor of the Farmer's Friend, SlMllleytown, Moot. co. MIL Joel J..ties, lute Mayor of Phil'a. Don, John Roi l,ios , jr., tin:1111)er of Congress 4th District, I'enos'}•lionic. Hon. James l'oge. late Postmaster of Mira. Bon. Vin. .I.'ennigton, late Governor of New Jersey. Sep. 28, '53. RAIL ROAD NOTICE. Ttothsoi,,,rs to stock in the llnntingdon owl -I- Broad Top Mountain Rail Rood nod Coal Co. are requested to par to the undersigned, an instalment of tire dollars ou mull share of stork se h se ribed f o r by them respectfully, on or before the 20th day of October next. Snits will be brought without further notice, against all per .. who have not poll in their in‘talincuti here tofore called for. Interest will be albiwed, on the first of 'limitary next, on all sums paid in pri or to that date. By order of the Board of Directors, JACOB MILLER, Treartror. Sept. 20, Valuable Farm for Sale. By virtue of nn order of the Orpheus' Court of the sooty rsootyof Huntingdon, will lie exposed to sole mt the premises in Warriursmark township, Huntingdon county, on Tuesday ate 18111 day of October next, at one o'clock, P. M., the following aleierilaed real lane tic property of John Spitler, alec'al. A Tract of Limestone Land, situate in Warrior...l.k township, Huntingdon comity, Pa., containing ahem 24:3 ACRES, be the stone more or less, about 150 acres cleared, under fence, tout in 0 geed state of cultivation, the 'faience well Oct with timber and the greater portion capable uf cultivation. The improve ments are us large well furnished stone i ag- 4 1, dwelling hottsc,bank barmtenant house.iga and other out-buildings, it spring of never failing water, and a etniqatit running stream sufficient for a mill, a thriving apple orchard, &c. Said farm hi w ithin 8 miles of the Penu'a. Railroad, and is a rely desirable property. Tmtma OF 6.U.E.—One-third part of the pur chase money to be paid confirmation of sale, one third in one year thereafter with interest, and the remaining third at and immediately upon the death of the widow of said deceased, with interest to be pull to the said widow annually and regu larly during he• natural life, and said payment to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the pur chaser Any person desirous of examining said proper ty COO call on David Spitler, on the premises, or the subscriber. BENJAMIN F. PATTON, Sept. 21, '53.-4t. Trustee. FALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, A 0,45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, A RE now opening for the FALL TRADE, a large and well selected assortment of Silks, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, and Millinery Goods, &c. Confining themselves exclusively to this branch of the trade, and IMPORTING the larger part of their stock enables them to offer an assortment ussuurAssgo in extent or variety, which will he sold on the most fitvorable terms. Sept. 21, '53.-2m. Ribbons and Millinery Goods. ) ELMS STERN,. No. lit, North Second .Street, opposite the Canal Hotel, Philadel phia. Having in store a full and extensive as so anent of Trimmings and Fancy Goods. All kinds of Mil.taxastv Alan:brat, tacit no Rib bons, Luc., Blond Lace Silks, Florences, Bonnet Frames, and a large assorttnent of needle worked Handkerchiefs, Collars, Capes, Flounces, Inserting, Edging+, &c., together with a great variety of other articles in our line, too numerous to mention. at Wholesale nail Retail, N. 11.--I reque,t all sunk that ore about ma king thei • FALL puielia,es, to gise ma a call. Sept. 21, '311.-21n. PROPOSALS. SEALED Proposal, will lie received at the En -gineer's otlice. Huntingdon, until Tuesday the Fourth of Iletiiiier, for re-letting Settion 17, of the Iluntingtlun and Broad 'Cop Railroad. S. W. MIFFLIN, Engineer. Sept. 21,'53. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. In pnrsoonee of on Mins Order of sale of the Orphans' Court of I lontingilon county, there will ho exposed to imblic sale on the premises (In SATURDAY THE 221, DAT OF OCT0111;lt nexT, at 2 o'clock I', 21.. the interest and estate of the minor children ..1'.100.1. S. Aliment, deed., in all that certain lot or piece of ground. situate in Franklin township, Huntingdon county. adjoining another small hit, lately purchased hr the widow of said deed., Spruce Creek, and other kinds be longing to the estate of said dee'd., containing Row Acres ono hundred and twenty-sic' perches with the appurtenances. Terms tub be made known on the day of sale by the guardians of said minor children. JOHN MATTEHN, SAMUEL WIGTON. Guardians. Sep. 21, '53.-31. LOON num. THE subscriber re.pectfully informs hie eon tenterA, who ate holchttui to him, either by note or book account, to bring in their CHANGE, its be wishes to purchase new stock of goods.— Ile hopes ho tun:, receive early call, froni ell in. terested. JAMES BRICKER. Sept. 14, 1853. ORPHANS , COURTSAiE. In pursuance of en order of the Orphans' Court of Duntingdon county, there will be expos ed to public sale on the premises Ox SATURDAY, TUE 22ND nor or OUTDID , . NEXT, all that Plantation or tract of land situate in Brady tp., in said county, containing 280 Acres. more or less about 120 mires of which are cleared and un der cultivation. Upon mid tract there are an t two storied Dwelling masa, a double barn and other nut buildings, an Apple Orchard, and a well of excellent water near the house. TERMS OF SALE.—On; halt of the pur chase money to he paid on confirmation of the intle, and the residue within one year thereafter with the interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage the purchaser. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., of said day. To be sold as the property of James Ilampson, dad., in pursuance of directions in his Will by JOHN HAMPSON, Admr. Sep. 21, '53.-3t. NEW LINE OF HACKS. The subscriber has placed on the rend lending front Mill Creek to Cassville a line of Hacks to run front the latter place to the Fortner, on Wed nesdays and Saturdays. Leaving Cassville in the morning of enelt returning in the afternoon. The i7econnnotlaiions arc i;einfitrtattle and the fare is very Itr. GEO. SMITH. Cassville, Sep. 21, '53. (LIVER E•I'\EIR•S PATENT WHEAT SEPERATOR, is said to be the very hest article of the kind known to Farmers or Millers, tint' its simplicity, usefulness, nod cheapness, must assuredly bring it into general use. Persons wishing to purchase county or township Rights should call imtn.liately on the undersigned, in Huntingdon, who is authorized to sell Rights on mrderste terms. Call soon. "ere the chalices are no more." THOMAS ADAMS. VineynnlMillp,.Sept. 5 . , 1853. Mr. Oliver Etnefr's Pa tentVlisiat Seperator we have used, and sects uses!, far the last two years, and consider it, for its simplicity of con struction and lightness, among the hest Wheat Seperators now offered to the farming cotntnitni ty, doing its work, when well made and properly used, perfectly; seperating the Wheat, free from all filth, or as much so as any I have sects, with less machinery and less labor. Win. M. Bcll, Samuel 11. Bell, David Clemens, J. L. Johnston. Samuel Adams, Wm. Hildebrand, B. C. Smalley, Samuel borer. September 14, '53.-3m. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. BY an alias order of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, in pursuance of certain proceedings in partition, in said court, between widow ant! heirs t,r,Nceb Borst, dee'd., and George Borst, there will be exposed to public sale, on tie premises, Ott SATURDAY, the Bth of October, next, at 2 o'clock nreei , cly, all flume two small lots or tracts of land, situate in West town,ltit,llnutintz dos county, one thereof, bounded by 1311,i of John limit, Jacob Eberly, awl James T. Wilion, con taining 37 Acres, more or less, havin_ thereon created a small log Dwelling ho u se and stable. The other tract contains about 13 Acres. lob j o ins Nu& OfJohn llewit, Jacob Eberly, and the heirs of,loseph Thompson, doe'd el has thereon erected a two story log Dwelling Iliteee. T o h e sold together or separately, su as to suit pur chasers. --; r1:11319 OF SAI.E.-Fire-SIXthS orate purchase money to be paid to the Sheriff—one-half thereof on the confirmation of said sale, and the residue within one year with interest. The remaining one-sixth part et said purchase money. is to re main in the hands of the purchaser, during the lifetime of glary Stewart, late widow et Jacob Borst, deed., he, the purchaser, paying to said 31:try Stewart annually and regularly (luring her lifetime, the legal interest of said one-sixth part, end at her death. tat pay the one•lialf of said sixth part to George Borst, and the other half thereof to the children of Jacob Burst, dce'd., or their representatives. . . . . . . 'The whole to 1w gem - ea by tho bonds and mortgage of the porrha,er. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Sept. 7, 's3.—to. H. J. KEALSH, 102, Market Street, Philadelphia. Fancy Goods and Trimmings, Combs and Brashe,, at CASII PRICES, Sept. 7, '53.-Con Fire Teachers Wanted. 1, 1 VE competent school teachers are wanted to 2 tench the public behinds of Union district, Huntingdon county. Liberal wages will bo giv en to competent Teachers. Applicants for schools me requested to meet at die sellout house near Calvin, on Saturday the 12th day of No vember next, at which time and place an Exam ination will take place. By order of ti c Board, BENJAMIN F. GLASGOW, Union tp., Sept. 7, I tn. See. tSTONZ.S v STOVZS. WE the untlersignel, would respect- qq!, fully eel' the attention of purcha sers to our superior stock of Stoves, Cauldrons, &c. The superiority of our Stoves, shove all others is so well 'known. that we deem it 111111,C,S:D'S to enter into detail of them. We would invite your attention to our illmmczoon 11t .vrtm; STovn. As the price of coal is on the rise. this is the most economical stove the public can use. These stoves are of sizes suitable for heating the smallest room, and those eapaltle of containing from 40.000 to 00,000 cubic ft. Our Cook Stoves consist of the Grmon Com, for coal: Mon Ems Torn', U . 0 0 ,1; BOOK ' S CELVIDIATED WOOD STOVE, Ten-plate COOK, YOCI'M COOK, HAGAR Coon, &c. Our assortment of Cook and Parlor Stoves is the hest in the masker. anal those wishing to pur chase, will liod it to their advantage by giving us a call before purchasing elsewhere. NEMAN & WAY:RICK. Sitter -ors to Potts & Yocum. N. E. Cor. 211.1 & Hare sts. Attg. 31.'53.-3m. Poir.ADELPIIIA. School Teachers Wanted. competent To schCl, ore wanted to tske F t G T „I charge or the Politic Schools of Penn town ship, to whom liberal WilgeS will he given. Per sons desirous of tithing charge of any of the sehoo/s in said tap.. are requi,ted to snake ap plication to the President or Secretary of the Board. Schools to open from the lst to the 15th of November. By ordor of the Board of School Directors. J. K. ISETT, President. J. P. AMICOM, Secretary•. Markleshurg, Aug. 24,'53.-101. LEATIIEU. FRITZ & II MIMI', Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, Morroceo Manufacturers, Curtiers, Importers, Commission and General Leather Business, Wholesale and Retail. Munufitetory 15 Alargaretta Street. Aug. 24, '53.-1 y. Executor's Notice. NNOTICE. is herehy iren to nll persons indoh todtothe estate el Ahirk deed., Into of West to, llonthmilon counts, to make partutoit, mid all having chain. 'within said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the imilersi Iled. 3()1IN HEW IT. clitzisTuritEtt IRVINE, Aug. 31, 'S't.—Gt. Executor, Administrator's Notice. T ETTEIIS of administration bare this day j been granted to the subscribers upon the es tate or David Finch, Into of Franklin township, Iluntingdon county deebl. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those haring claims will present them fur settle ment to JOIN` KIN(711, J. W. 'VATTERN, Aug. 31, '53.-6rt. Min rs. TONS of Berea Olio Grind Straws, for sale at the elicup store of J. &W. SAXTON. 40 TONS COAL, just received and for sale by J. 8, W. SAXTON. ANIS and SHOULDERS, just received and H fur aale by J. & W. SAXTON. FOR RENT. THE subscriber will offer for rent, by way of public outcry, on the premises, on TUESDAY THE lot DAY OF NOWEMBED, NEXT! At 1 &dor+, P. M., ofenid day, his entire , Mill Property, situate near Shirlccsbarg, al l consisting °fa Grist Mill, Raw .. Mill and Plaster Mill, all ..,, in first rate running order, with it e.., & Cooper Shop, two tenant houses, and 10 Ames of excellent timothy meadow attached. . •This is a very desirable property, surrounded ns it is by Furnaces, Factories, nod other grind ing facilities in all directionS; situated, also, im mediately adjoining the flourishing town of Shir• leyshurg, where is now being erected n large and commodious house for the accommodation of the poor of this county, and where e•e have two In stitutions of learning,one male nod one female; in successful operation. These Millsare, more over, situated in the heart of•Anghwick Valley, a rich, populous and productive region of country, producing wheat, corn, and all kinds of grain in the greatest ahundance,thus affording every tar flouring operations. The above property, if not rented on the day specified, will then he offered on the shares. Conditions made known on the dos- of rent. HENRY BREWSTER. Shirleysburg, Aug. 31,'53.-9t. BROAD TOP COAL LAND PUBLIC SALE RZAZ: ZSTATM, T)Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will he exposed to pub lic sale, nn the premises, in Tad township, in said county, on Friday the 7th day of October, 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. 01., all that certain M.- Mige, tenement, plantation or tract of land, sit uate in Tod township, hounded nod adjoining lnds, now or late of Richard Chick, John Elder, John Hoover, and ct'icrs, surveyed on a warrant granted to Isaac: C001;01:00 9th January, 1793. and containing 143 Acres and .16 Per ches, and aiio,llll., more or less, and having thereon erected a SAW I\llll . . in good moiling order, and a dwelling house, with au excellent COAL BANK, in working order. TERMS or Sst.n.—One-third of the purehnse money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments, with in terest, to he secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. • GENRY S. GREEN. GEORGE M. GREEN, of Win. Houck, late of T od tp. Ang, 17, 's:l.—ts. OFF FOR STONERSTOWN, The Accommodation Line of Racks. subscriber will run n hack tri-weekly. from Huntingdon to Stonerstown by way of McConnellstown and Markle-I , mm on and after the 15th is the Railroad Hotel at 9 o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and returning the following days, leaving Sto nerstown at 71 o'clock, A. M. Packages will be carried at in reasonable charge, and delivered at either of the above places. J. B. GIVEN. Au 7, 24, '23.-2., NOWS YOUR TIMEI rpm:. undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Ilantingdon and vicinity. that he has opened a Daguerrean Doom in the large Brick house one door west of the Water Station, where he is prepared to take likenesses of sll who may favor him with their patronage. IL, 'HT, ,1 IH• I . in,. lie t!a' c t charge tw• . : • .- :••. • . .:ad See Ilow pigs the !.sre the torte, And every feattu . ,• i, nature's own; Sure HMI' art, Nl iris all its skill, The heart with such delight could fill, And never was cork transport won, As by those pictures from the sun. Portraits, Daguerreotype Likenesses, Sc., co pied or taken true to the original, and neatly set in niedallions, breast-pills, fir.. fur $1,00.- I)agnermotypes taken as well in cloudy as in clear weather. For children's likenesses please call early to the day. Instructions given in the art ort moderate terms. 11. B. WHITE, Operator. Huntingdon, August 10, TO THE PUBLIC. ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of 1 Cassville and vicinity, that he has located a medical (Alice, fur the purpose of treating all hinds of dioceses, on a safe tut scientific princi ple. and is now ready to attend to all calls, and by strict attention to business, hopes to receive good portion of public favor. Fever and Agee cured its throe days, and warranted to remain cured loathe season. A. P.F. July, 20, '23.-tr. PHILADELPHIA Salamander Safes. Evans Watson, 83 Dock Street. : .1 1- 1:1:0i..E c ell;D:li Tr '.",A:Kute, FOlt Books, Papers, Jewelry &o. Fire-Proof Doors for Banks & Stores. PATENT KEY-HOLE COVER FIRE AND 7711EP-PROOP ZRON_ $ AIiESI., Warranted to stand as tench file as any other Sates in the country. GREAT TRIUMPH ACHIEVED By EVANS & WATSON'S Fire-Proof Safes. AT THE STATE FAIR, ) • Hannisnuno, Pa., Oct. 50, 1851. 5 The undersigned appointed a committee for the purpose, by the officers of the State Fair. were present this afternoon, when Messrs. EVANS & WATSON tested one of their small sized SA 1.- AMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAFES. at which they committed Ptree Cords 'lc Wend over it, commencing at. 1 o'clock, I'. M., and having ex posed it to a wt tOll HEAT Ibr Two Hours, suffi cient to destroy the cast iron feet. On opening the Safe, the papers with 2000 cir culars deposited in our presence were taken nut, not only having been preserved, but not having the appearance of scorch upon them. COMMITTEE. I A. 0. MUSTER, JOSEPH RITNEE. A. T. NEWBOLD, Ex-Governor of Pa. JOHN B. COX, CIIAS. E. lIEISTER, E. E. BOUDINOrr. Solo Agency for Butterworth's Celebrated Bank Locks. Gen. Wilson, Esq , Huntingdon, Pa., is au thorized agent fur the sale of the above, nt his office a specimen en,, be seen, and also at office of the Broad Top Railroad Company, in Hunting don, we also reffir to Col. S. S. Wharton, and the County Treasurer, in Huntingdon. Below reference to made to a few in Philadelphia, who have our safes in use. Hundreds morn can be given. Farmers & Mechanics' Bank, 12 safes. U. S. Mint. C. S. Arsenal, 3 in Phil'a. 5 in California. Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sherith Barker Bros. & Cu . Maskers, No 10 N. 3rl St. E. C. Knight, corner Chesnut and Water St. Itlichena & Co. No. 17 S. Water st. Richard Norris & Son, Locomotive works. Petite., 11. 11. Co. 2 %,,(/.., l'hiPa. (:,,..,.! ,-,: •. •- . - •,,,,... State Treasurer and Trenton Ban' •,•Co.N.J. Odd F. Halls, ith st. and tor. Sit & .frown sts. Southwark & Nloymnensing Gas Co. Corporation of Northern Liberties. do. of Moyamonsing. July 13, '53.-ly. 'MIRE WHITE LEAD, just received and for .ule by J. & W. sAxTo.N. " 4 1%T. maG U 1011,163 1 RADCATH of tho Philadelphia College of Deutel Surgery, Artificial Teeth, from one to a full set, MOMS ted in the most imprdredmodern rtcle. Filling, Filing and Scaling done , Wiihcaro and neatness. Teeth Ertraeted with all the ease and despatch that modern science can furnish. July, 13, 1853. • H. W. S 31 I T J, ~`t~T. , Huntingdon, Penn'a. OFFICI on Mtn Street, next to that of Gleet. A. P. Wilson. Terms moderate, and all work warranted be give entire satisfaction. July 13, '53. J. S. GRIFFITH, M. D., llantingdoll, Pa., Graduate of the University of Pa., offers hit professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjacent country. REFEUENC.:—MedicaI Faculty of University of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the I'ennsyl• vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hoffman. Office, No. 189; Mifflin Street, along with Dr Hoffman. July 13, 1853. PEISINIA. Rank 110412. CARS leave HUNTINGDON nt tho following boors : EASTWARD, 10.02 Morning. 9.05 Night. WESTWARD, 0.55 Morning. 5.12 Night. Fare from Huntingdon to Pliira. SS,IS Cirl'assengurs purchasing tickets in the Cars, will he charge,' TEN CENTS ut addition to the sta tion rates, except front stations where the Com pany have not au Agent. JNO. D. HERR, Agent. July 20,'33. BLACK BEAR HOTEL, "lEu T l 2 .lgndi l"dan4 il„A nOiLvru.Tl, on the corner of main and Montgomery Streot i , " in the borough of Huntingdon, and is well prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. The traveling communi ty and the public generally are cordially invited to call with him, hoping by strict intention to business to merit a large portion of public patron age. No pains will be spored to render general satisfaction. ROBERT KYLE, June 29, '53.-1 y, SELLING OFF AT COST. THE undersigned respectfully invite the ntten• lion of the public to their new and splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods. now exhibiting in Portstown, consisting of a large variety cf German and Belgean Cloths. Cassimeres and Cassinets of the best quality. Serges, and Satins of superior quality. Silk Taliets and plaid, plain and twilled hdldlis Cotton I hisiery of every quality and style. Cotton and Thread Gloves in great variety. Cambrics and Jaconets. Cotton, Camlwie and Jaconet Cotton Fringe, assorted sizes. Linen Plaid, Cotton and Striped Tapes. Ribbons of every description. French Merinos, Ta b le covers and Shawls. Berne Delaines, Lawns and Alpacas. Calicoes, Tidies & Muslim in countless nutubera, Cotton Drills and Cor 11u Russ. Groceries, Boots nod Shoes, Rats and Caps. Glass, Hard and Queensware. Ready-made Clothing with a large lot of varie d', and nnd.n., l'e,sons m•isiting 1,, laid it to their interest to eHI un , l exilic. • ~ ,, e1; or goods before .I,re, tiu e are determin ed to sell oN,crilol y :Intl reduced priece. ci - NNINC:IIAI & SON. P0rt,,• , ,ii,.111:1,• ;22..53. BROAD 's'ol' ON FIRE James E. Glasgow, TTAVING fitted up n large and elegant Stom a 1.00111, directly in dm centre or Scottsville, Huntingdon Co., into which he has Fen:urea his store from the old stand, is now prepared to ac commodate his enstomers and the public general ly, with a splendid :old thshionabie assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Ills assortment consists of I)ry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Quecuaware, and all kinds ofgoods usually kept in a Country Store. Also, a beautiftil cheap and elegant as sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, end Trimming% of every variety. Also, Hats; Cops, Bonnets, Boots nod Shoes, and a variety of goods ti!l9l . - . . grAti kinds or Country Produco talon it exchange for good, Scotturille, Hunt. Co., Pa. Juno 15, '53.-lc. CA SSVILLE Carriage Manufactory. THE undersigned respectfallv informs his pat- I rows and the 'midi,: generally, that ho still continues at the old stand, in the borough of Cassvillc, Huntingdon count•, to manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Bockaways, Sleighs, and every thing else connected with his business. Repairing done on the shortest notice. Carriages, Buegics, Rockawars, &c., constant ly kept on hand. hut others will be made to order. Work done cheaper than at any other estah lislunent its the State, and all warranted to the purchaser. Cash, but when not convenient, country pro• duce, taken in exchange for work. ELIAS WILSON. June 15,753.-ty, STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE. A sevond•hand Eight horse power Steam En pi gine, wish a Boiler 30 inches pi diameter and 20 ft. 6 inches in length, with all the neces sary machinery to make it complete. The En gine has been hut little used and in good order.— Persons desiring to purchase, will call on the subscriber, residing iu Hamilton township, near liecter's Store, or on Jos. Eherly, residing in Chambersburg. _ . JACOB EBEBLY, '53.-tf. Juno 15, BROAD TOP OPENED UP. Louis Schneider, ITAVING purchased the Store of Cunningham A St. Cornprohst at Marklesburg, limit. en., Pa., is prepared to accomodate the public at said place; with a splendid and fasltionaltle assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, his assortment consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, hardware. klq!'"N#c* , • and all kinds of Gotids usually kept in a country Store. Also,a heantiful, cheap and elegant as sortment of .atHeir' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety, also, lints, Cap, Dounet, Boots and Shoes, and n variety of Goods of all kinds. All kinds of Country l'rotlace taken in exchange fur Goods. And I do .hereby notify ell persons honing ac counts on the Book, contracted at the Man hut burg Store, belonging to Cornprobst ham, will pay the same over to me. they having been asigned to me. LOUIS SCIJNEIDER. June 8. 1553. F. ESSCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGIFt, THIS Essence is a preparation of unusual ex. it relic:lee. In ordinary iliarritma, incipient cholera. in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive finietions, it is of inestimable value.— Duritie the prey alelwo of epidemic cholera and peculiarly or individual should be CAUTION.—Be sure to get the genuine es ,eace, which is prepared only by F. BROWN, at his Drug ant! Chemical store, Ti. E. Corner of Fifth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by all the respeetahl? Apothecaries in the United States. Fin sale by Y. READ & SONi Huntingdon. (Juno 22:53.-Iy,