MUCH IN LITTLE. Disappearal--the comet. in tmcn—Van Wagonrr and his tent. Mweer q* Cacmonics—Dr. "Ilobensack" nt O. Orr.. Well represented—the churches in the circus on Friday. New namc—"Gullivor" has dub'd the hand. some member "our humble instrument!" Qucerc.—Whore did the !'humble instrument' go, on Sunday last, besides Camp-meeting? Yet another name—the "flobensacks" or mill-burners, also call themselves fire-caters Set - Bayard Taylur,the traveler and poet,will net return to this country before next March. Keep cool.—The hot weather is not yet over, and the Standard man had better not get ex. cited. Rick—Wharton' letter on Miles' Road. It will he exposed next week. It's on a par with his answer to the "Cull." Se'• The assessors' valuntiotia Boston is $206,000,000. A small lurtunc We'll go halves. Pale, very—"litho Johnny" on the overdose of "llobensaelt" adminisiered in the billiard saloon n low evenings since. PS.Benjaini. • company'fire in 1738. Combuatiblo , York—church-I) enill•bnrfiera .0 it organized the first `l, o itt Philadelphia, tin-burners in New l'hiladelphia, and (lon f tig. Why is a tobacco chewer like a goose in a Dutch Um? Because he's always on the "spit." Amusing—that any o ur subscribers should expect us to shield a f disorganizers, and thus injure and oppos r regular ticket. Mar. Sweet Oil is said to be one of the most effective weapons that can be used against bed•lings. Left town—the Elephant and a largo bundle of “Wharton's calls," to be read and laughed at, by all the sensible dOlineerats in unty. mar The Ohio State Fair, forW3, will be held at Dayton, on the 21st, 22d and 23d of September. s e- A "striped snake" with two perfectly formed beads, was captured near Portland, Me., last week. Funny—to sec the democratic delegates yes• terday, laughing at the manomvres of the "humble instrument" and his little tool— Johnny. In town—Andy Friedly, to tell his where abouts. He says he is just inside the county lino. "The humble instrument" had better consult his geography, The Alleghenian—is tho name of a new Whig paper printed at Ebensburg. It is ably edited and we hope the Whigs of Cambria will give it a cordial and substantial support. ge. The Libreria'. of twenty-four of the largest libraries in the United States, have call ed a National Convention of Librarians, to meet in New York, September 15th. A son of Mr. Lutz, agod 10 years was drowned at Chicago, on Tuesday, by some rill fume, because he resolutely refused to steal fruit for them. At his dirty trork.—There is a little . puppy in this town, who prowls around and lies about his neighbors. If he will come and pay oft' his own subscription to our paper, we will feel exceedingly gratified,' and remove a blemish from our books. • As might be expected.—Willinm,Melqurtrio, one of the signers to tV "handsomotnember's" declaration. said on the corner, the other day, that they intended to haie iho $BOO. balance of the contract of the new bridge at Uuntingdon, refunded to tha;subscribers, by the County I Broad Top.—k groat many of tho, contrac tors have commenced work along the line, and the road is progressing rapidly. Soon wo may expect to hoar the whistle of the Broad Top locomotive. It will be a great clay in the his-. tory of Huntineon that witnesses the arrival of the first coal train. Benton's in Bad Senor—a Washington let ter writer says, that a gentleman asked Benton if ho ever visited the White House. Ho re plied, with emphasis, "Ye sir, KO sun; I never go to the buzzard's roost." Queer fellows, these Locofocos. Wonder if the "Tinder Box" has any roosts in his yard? Wanted—three of Wharton's circulars; ono to file, with a certain indictment and deed of trust, among the records of Huntingdon Coun ty; one to place, as a memorial, among the State archives, and one to send, as a natural curiosity, to the World's Pair. The "Hoben sacks" will be immortalized. lO s„ The editor of the Journal surrendered on the 20th of the same month, 1853, at Don aldson's Hotel in Hollidaysburg.—Standard. And the itemizer of the Standard "surren dered" not long afterwards, to "flobensack," by whom ho was held in the most 'abject sub jection.' Pity he had the worms. Camp ifeeting.—Never do we recollect see ing a larger camp meeting in this county, than the ono now being held near Alexandria.— "Every body and all their friends" appear to be in attendance. We have no doubt it will be productive of much good, as large numbers are making a public profession of religion. Too Good to be Lost.—A gentleman from Harrisburg, the other day inquired for the bridge against which the "humble instrument" "knocked out his brains." Ho was answered by a bystander, as fellows;—"I Can show you the pier and one abutment. As to the 'knock. ing' it may be so, but I don't know about the brains, I think it would be rather hard to knock brains out of a pumpkin. er S. S. Wharton, who failed to secure a re-nomination from the Whigs of Huntingdon, announces himself as an independent candidate for the Legislature. Wo hope the Whigs of that district will give him a lesson at the elec• tion that will give him satielisctory proof of the estimation in which disorganizers are held.— Lewistown Gazette. The Whigs of old Huntingdon are not easily 'bamboozled by a few disorganizers and inter• ested locofucos. Our friend of tne Gazette ; may rest assumed his hope will be fulfilled. 110... A serious affray occurred in Cincinnati, n few evenings ago, between Dr. Fisher NV. Ames and James C. Hall, late postmaster of the city, in which Ames shot Hall dangerously with a • pistol, so that at the last accounts his life was despaired of. Ames was arresten iu front of his own house, while swearing vche. meetly that he intended to kill Hall, and upon searching him, four double barrelled pistols were found, three of which were loaded, be sides a sword rano spattered with boots, which latter he tad drawn and used in the com mencement of tho fray. The two Melt and their lhatiliel4,l hL adj..ining !wad., awl for sante nanath.: 15 :1 a difficult) Ii.“; between them. Franklin's Paper in Philadelphia, This paper, published and edited by Benja min Franklin, first made its appearance im December 24, 1728. It was first calkd "The Universal Instructor in all the Arts and Scien ces," which title was afterwards changed to the running notice, "Containing the freshest advi ccs, foreign and domestic." Franklin eolith'. ued the paper weekly until 1765, when it passed necessarily into several other hands, and final'y expired in 1804, in the 76th year of its ego.— The paper changed much in all these years, in size, paper, and editorials. Its size, at first, was that of as eight by ten. The . paper was thin, yellowish, and coarse. Its price was ten dollars a year, and in matter there was little variety. Tales, poems, fables, with a little fin , eign news, several months old, were all it could set forth. The advertisements now seem odd and out of date, and no one could 6ial the pls. cos to which they refer. Persons leaving the Europe are spoken of as inkfuling for Europe, and a cargo of negroes, just arrived, are duly advertised, and persons wanted to look at the cargo. Altogether, the sheet, in its best estate, would not equal any village sheet which our country now produces. ENGLISH EMICIIUTION.—A London corms. gondent of the Tribune calculates that death and emigration have removed 36,149 persons mere from Great Britain in the three months ending June nth, than have been born within the same period. by so much diminishing the population. The previous quarter showed a diminution of 30.000. TILE LOCOMOTIVE, IN EOYET.—On the Gth of June, a locomotive was run for the first time five miles on the Egyptian Railroad, much to the astonishment of the Bedouins, who gallop ed along side on their fleet horses fur some time until they found they had no chance of keeping pace with the locomotive. ROL DAvsn OUTLAW.—The Raleigh Degig. ter of Saturday, claims the re-election of this gentleman over Mr. Shaw, his Locofoco oppo nent. It says:—"we elates on the authority of the Goldsboro' Patriot, (hero,) the Election of Outlaw by 18 majority. Close shaving, that." Agents for the Journal. The following persons we haVe appointed Agents for the llormsooon JOWINAL, who are author ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub scription, and to lobe the names of new sttbscri bors at our published prices. We do this for the convenience of our subscri• bore living at a distance front Huntingdon. 'Twin W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg, SAMUEL COEN, East Barron, GEORGE W. CORNELIUS, Shirley township, JAMES E. GLASGOW, Clay township, DANIEL TEAGUE, Esq., Cromwell township, Dr. J. I'. Asucom, Penn township, Dr. B. L. Thrown, Cass township, J. WAIIIIIIAM MATTEON, Franklin township, SAMUEL Svarrnv, Jackson township, ROBERT WBURNEY, " COL JNO. C. WATSON, Brady township, MORRIS Ilnowx, Springfield township, War. HUTCHINSON, Esq., Warriorsmark tp., Jones MeDosstn, Brady township, GEORGE W. WIIITTARER, reterSbilly, lIENny NEFr, West Barren. Jonn %tame., Wat - .7street, CUARLES MICKLEY. Tod township, A. M. Beats, township, GEOROE WILSON. Esq., Tell township, JAMES CLAIM, Birminghtun. ICATtrAwisr. LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. Maj. W. Bloom,, Alexandria. B. F. WALLA., Union Furnace. SIMEON WittonT, Esq., Union township. DAvtu Cr.sultsox ' Esq., CaSSVille. SVMUEL Wicrrosr,Esq., Franklin township. JOHN LuTz, Esq., Shirleysburg. DAvin Pmucnn, Eqq., Warriersmark. DAVID AUEANDT, Esq., Todd township. THE MARKETS. IluxTnionoN, Sept. 6, 1853. Flour per bbl., 64 5O a 84,75 Clover Seed, per hu., 5,25 Bed Wheat, per bu., 88 White Wheat, per bu., 94 Rye, per bu 70 Corn, per bu GO Buckwheat, per be 50 Onto, per be 45 Flaxseed. per be 1 00 Bay, per ton G 00 Butter, per lb., 15 Eggs, per due., lO No. 38. {Extract of a letter frvim Mr. John Wyeth,] naIitTEIBMG, Jan. 22. 1851. DL•. Hewes, Dcnr Sir have sold a mon ber of boxes of Cooper's Vegetable Compound Fever nod Ague Pills, (prepared by you.)— Every person who I have heard speak of them, since purchasing, says that they performed a complele cure ii► three days. one individual who purchased a box of me, said he had no hopes of its curing Idol, as he had had chills and fever for full three years, with slight intermissions, and had tried all the popular remedies of the day, without success, and had given a great deal of money to Phy sicians also—but these Pills had been so strongly recommended to him, that ho thought ho would try them. Much to his surprise, he was cured in three days; butexpecting it would come back, ho never called on me until three or four months afterwards, when ho acknowl edged ho believed it was a perfect cure. For my own part, I do honestly believe they aro the best medicine ever discovered for the cure of Fever and Ague. Yams &c., JOHN WYETIT. This celebrated medicine is for sale at Read's Drug Storo, Huntingdon. tEr POISONING. JEZI Thousands of Parents who use Vcrtnifitge com posed of Castor oil, Calomel, &e., are not sworn, that whilo they appear to benefit tho patient, they are actually laying the foundations for a series of diseases, such as salivation, loss of eight, weak noss of limbs, 8:e. In another column will ho found the advertise ment of Hobonsack's Medicines, to which wo ask the attention of all directly intorostod in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a billions type, should make its° of the only genuine medicine, Hobonsack's Liver Pills. ^"Lie not Deceived," but ask for Ilobenstick's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. 110BENSACIPS, as none else aro genuine. ,""I DIGEST !" Soot TRE innE muswitso of the word "PEPSIN," or of the two Greek words from which it is derived. This is the significant and appropriate title of the Tann DIGESTIVE FLUID, or GASTRIC JUICE, prepared by Dr. J. S. HOUGIITON ' of Philadelphia, from the fourth stomoch of the Ox, for the cure of In digestion and Dyspepsia. It is Nature's own remedy for an unhonithy Stomach. No art of man can squid its curative powers. It renders aOOO EATING perfectly consistent suits HEALTH. See the figure of the Ox, iu another part of this paper. H. J. KEALSH, 102, Market Street, Philadelphia. Fancy Goods and Trimmings, Combs and Brushes, at CAfill Patomt, Sept. 7, '53.-6111 Five Teachers Wanted. FIVE competent school teachers aro wanted to teach the public schools 'of Union district, Iluntingdon comity. Liberal wages will 1,0 giv en to competent Teachers. Applicants for schools are requested to meet at the school house near Calvin, on Saturday the 12th day of No• vcniber next, at which time stud place an Exam ination will take place. By order of the Board, BENJAMIN F. GLASGOW, Union Op., Sept. 7,'53.-10t. Sec. 2 TONS of Dem Ohio Grind Stones, for solo nt the cheep store of J. &W. SAXTON. 4 . 0 ;I;ONS COAL, jest received nod for sate J. & W. SAXTON. pAltAst melleut quality, fur sole cheap :t the t.LEI'IIANT Corner. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. BY no Mins order of the Court of Common Pions of Huntingdon county, in pursuance of eertnin prrweeding9 in partition, in Fabl eennt, het neon widow and beim it Jacob Borst, deed., nud George Borst, thew will be exposed to public solo, on the premises, On SATURDAY, the PO of October, next, at 2 o'clock precisely, all those two small lots or tracts of land, situate in West township,lLunting don county, one thereof, bounded by land of John Ilewit, Jacob Eberly, and James T. Wilson, con taining 37 Acres, more or less, having thereon erected n small log Dwelling House and stable. The other tract..csntains about 13 Acres, nd• joins hunts ofJohn Nowit, Jacob Eberly, and the heirs ofJoseph Thumps., dec'd end has thereon erected a two story log Dwelling Irons°. To be sold together or separately, so us to suit pur chasers. f r ith 37.8 or• SALM—Five-sixths of the purchase money to be paid to the Sheriff—one-half thereof on the confirmation of said sale, and the residue within ono year with interest. The nil - Mining one-sixth part of said purchase money, is to re main in the hands of the purchaser, daring the lifetime of Mary Stewart, him widow of Jacob Borst, deed., he, the purchaser, paying to said Mitry Stewart annually and regularly during her lifetime, the legal interest of said one-sixth port, and at her death, to pay the onc-lmlf of said sixth part to George Borst, and the other half thereof to the children of Jacob Borst, doe'd., or their representatives. 'rho whole to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Sept. 7, 's3.—ts. Exhibition. Millwood Academy at Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Penn'a. MITE ninth semi-antinal exhibition of this !bur -1 fishing Academy will take place on Wednes day, September 711. Exercises to commence at 121 o'clock, The friends of education are re sp9f!ful.tinvitp.d to nttond. . The IVinter Session will commence on Wed nesday the 19th day of October next, under the Superintendence of the Rev. W. S. Morrison,as Principal, supplied with the complement of ac complished Teachers. Aug. 31, '53.-3t. FOR RENT. THE subscriber will offer for rent, by way of public outcry, on the premises, on TUESDAY THE lot DAY OP NOVEMBER, NEST, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., &said day,his entire Mill Properly, situnto near Shirleysburg, consisting Ma Grist Mill, Saw Mill and Plaster Mill, all ' in first rate running order, with a i t , • ./ Cooper Shop, two tenant houses, - - 2 , and 10 Ames of excellent timothy meadow attached. This is a very desirable property, surrounded as it is by Furnaces, Factories, and other grind ing limilities in all directions; situated, also, im mediately adjoining the flourishing town of Shir leysleurg, where is now being erected a large and commodious house for the accommodation of the l'oor of this county, and we have two Institutions of learning,—one male and one female; in sue emful operation. These Stills are, moreover, situated In the heart of Aughwick Valley, a rich, populous and productive region of the country, producing wheat, earn, and all kinds of grain in the greatest abundance,thus affording every facil ity for flouring operations. The above propeity, if not rented on the day specified, will then be offered on the shares. Conditions made known on the day of runt. HENRY BRINTSTER. Shirleysburg, Aug. 31,'53.-9t. FARE FOR SALE ' Fine Limestone & Chocolate Land, in Huntingdon Co., Pa. rpIIREE Farms are offered for sale, containing 1_ from 1 to 200 Acres, each well watered and improved, with a due proportion of wood, situate in Trough Creek Valley, about 3 miles from the terminus fur Hero's 'Valley Railroad, and about 5 miles from the Iluntingdon and Broad Top Railroad, 6 miles from the Raystowu branch of the Juniata, and Chileoatstown, about 7 from the Tub-mill Gap, 13 from Campbell's Lock on the State cam!, and 20 trom ArConnellsburg and the town of Huntingdon. They aro surrounded by a respectable and thriving population, estab lished GO years sine?, and aro near to several Iron Works, which, independent of other sources, havo afforded markets for the produce of this far tile and beautiful valley. er For information apply to the owner resi ding on the premises. ... - ROBERT HARE POWELL. limnlton, Aug. 31,'53.-46. Drakes Ferry Sr, Broad Top Railroad Company. AN adjourned meeting of the commissioners of the "Drakes Ferry & Broad Top Railroad Company," wilt ho held in Cassvillo on Thurs day the Bth day of September, at which time tho books for the subscription of stock to said Company will bo re-opened. The first instalment of Five Dollars per share on said subscriptions will bo required to bo paid on that day, preparatory to the organization of said Company. A general atteudauco of the stockholders is requested. . _ _ Juo. Jno. Dougherty, G. W Spoor Jno. Browstor, T. T. Cr.:moll, J. Crossweli, Jno.Shaeer, Thoo. Franks, Jos. Ottingor, Wm. Lyon, John Savage, Wm. M. Meredith, Aug. 31, '23,21. Commissioners. IMPROVED STOCK. TBE subscriber now offers for sale twelve thor ongh bred Coleswold and two full blooded South Down Bucks, five full blood ed Ewo Lambs of the same herds. Thirteen thorough bred Chester 4 White Pigs, about six weeks 01d.'12, Ono full blooded Heifer and two Bull Coleus of the D ellen' Short Horned breed. _ _ This stock was intended for the Pittsburg Ag ricultural Fair, but owing to the ilificulty, delay, and danger of transporting stock across the moun tains; the subscriber declines taking thou. Fur information direct to Eagle Foundry,Liontingdon County Penn'a. EMMET ITARE POWELL. Powelton, Aug. 31,'53.-41. fffTOWS S STOYZNa p 441 vu'n the undersigned, would respect- . V V fully call the attention of purchtt- ': . errs to our superior stock of Stoves, .;, .' Cauldrons, &c. The superiority of our e''''. Stoves, ahoy° all others is so well known, that wo doom it unnecessary to enter into detail of them. Wo would invite your attention to our MAcansoon lIEATItai STOVE. As the price of coal is on the rise, this is the most economical stove tho public can use. These stoves are of sizes suitable for hooting the smallest room, and those capable of containing from 40,000 to 80,000 eubie ft. Our Cook Stoves consist of the GLOBE Coon, for coal; Moutons Tnov, wood; Been's CELEBRATED WOOD STOVE, Ten-plate Coon, Yocum Coon, 11AOAR Coon, &e., &e. Our assortment of Cook and Parlor Stoves is the best in the market, and those wishing to pur chase, will find it to their advantage by giving us a call before purchasing elsewhere. NEMAN & WARRICK. Sucressors to Potts & Yocum. N. E. Cor. 2nd & Stucco sts. Aug. 31. '53.-3m. PHILADELPHIA. Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to nll persons Mulch to to tho estate of Mark M'Donald, deed., Into of West township, Huntingdon county, to make payment, and nll having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the undersigned. JOHN lIEWIT, CIIRISTOrIIER IRVINE, Aug. 31, 's3.—Ct. Executors. Admicastratoes Notice. T ETTEHS of administration have thin day j been grunted to tho subscribers upon the es tate of David Kinch, lota of Franklin township, Huntingdon county dee'd. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment to DAVID FINCH, J. W. mArnms, Aur. 31, ',1.-6h Mute, LE/aI:MEL? Y---A au,l hit, ul the 1,1,4, MOWN!' SNARL'` Rail Road Notice. The stockholder.; in the PromPliCZAti. , Top Mountain Rail Road anti Coal Company, nro hereby re- 1 quired to pay to the lltlilerAgned Treasurer of said Company, five - t*Y 7 ,-.P dellirs on each share of stock for by thorn respectively, being the third instshaent, on or before the 20th day of September next. Those persons who have not paid the first and second In stalments on their subscriptions, ore requested to pay in the same on or before the shove do s s', and thereby MVO tho penalty- of one per cent. per month besides costs. By order of the Board of Directors, JACOB MILLER. Aug. 2.1, '53.-81. Tress. ETNA IRON WORKS FOR SALE, PUBLIC SALE nr,rk:T4 ZOVATI% WILL be exposed to Public Salo, on ‘ Mox- DAY THE ISTII DAY OF SIiPTEMIIER next, the undivided Tninn port of nil that well known FURNACE AND FORGE property situate in Catharine township, Mi r eonnty, formerly owned by llonry l3pnng, dee'd. The tracts and tenements of land arc as follows: The undivided third part of seventeen tracts of mountain land containing 6016 acres. The undivided third part °fa tract of Barrens land containing 974 acres. The undivided third port of n tract of Barrens land containing 300 acres. The undivided third part of the tract on which is the Btnn Forge and Furnnce,s Grist Mill and n Sawmill, containing about GOO acres. The undivided third part of a tract of land sit uate in Franklin township, Huntingdon county, containing 92 acres. ' About twelve or fourtccb hundred acres of the above land are well calclhited for farming purpo ses, the greater portion ofwhich twelve or four teen hundred acres, aro now in a good state of cultivation. Tho said Forge, Furnace, &e., are in good or der, and arc now in full operation. under the management of the owners of remaining two thirds of the property. The Forgo will afford eight fires, and on the premises, only a short dis tance front the Furnace, are two first rate ORZ PANKO. This establishment is situated on the Juniata River, in Canoe Valley, about 7 miles from Spruce Creek, where the great central Railroad passes, and about 4 miles cast of Williamsburg. There is perhaps not in the interior of the State, a handsomer site fur Iron Works, and the con veniences aro all that purchasers could desire. TERMR OF SALE.—One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser or purstmrsla DAVID STEWART. Executor under the will of .Tsilin !tarnish, deed., Yellow Springs P. 0.. Blair Co. Pa. 63 - To be sold, MONDAY, Sept. 15th., nt the public llotol of James M. Kinkead, DPI, Yellow Springs,Pa. _ Aur, 24, 's3.—ta. PUBLIC SALE OF Real Estate. ?PRE undersigned Exeentorß of Abraham Zook, 1 late of Mono township Mifflin county, deed, Will in pursunnco of directions given in and by the last Will of said dcc'd., on Saturday the 17th day of September next, expose to Public Rafe, on the premise:. nll the right, title and interest of deceased, of in and to all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Barret, township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of John Chaney, Wm. A Andrew Conch, and others, containing 115 acres, be the same more or less, of which there are cleared and un der cultivation, 80 or 50 acres, and having ,fr7,9k thereupon a two story frame dwelling .liailhouse, a bank barn, a spring of excel-1M lent water, near the house, and no apple orchard. They will• also, at the same time and place, and in pursuance of the same, authority, expose to public Flak, all the right, title and interest of said doe'd, of, in and to all that certain tract of Tim ber Laud, situate in said township of Barree, ad joining lands of John Wright and others,contain ing 371 ACRES, 125 PERCHES, more or loss, (it being part of a tract Stirveya‘l on a Warrant in the name of Jonathan A,...tin.) Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock, A. AL, of said day. Due attendance will be given, and the terms made known on the day of sale, by DAVID ZOOK, JACOB ZOOK, Men° tp. Aug. IS, Exe'rs. OFF FOR STONERSTOWN, The Accommodation Line of hacks. I"2:PailZioltio rim a hock tli-weekly, MeConnellstown and Markicsburg, on and after the 15th inst.—leaving the Railroad Hotel at 10 o'clock on Mondays ' Wednesdays and Fridays, and returning the following days, leaving Sto nerstown at 71 o'clock, A. M. Packages will be carried at a reasonable charge, and delivered at cithor of the above places. J. B. GIVEN, Ang, 24, '53.-2m, School Teachers Wanted. FjIGHT competent Teachers aro wanted to take charge of the Public Schools of Penn town ship, to whom liberal wages will bo given. Per sons desirous of taking charge of any of the schools in sold twp.. aro requested to nmko ap plication to the Prosident or Secretary of the Board. Schools to open from the lst to the ISth of November. I3y order of tiro Huard of School Directors. J. R. ISETT, President. J. P. Amnon, Secretary. hlarklesburg, Aug. 2.4 LEATIIER. FRITZ & lIENDRY, Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia, Morrocco Manufacturers, Curlers, Importers, Commission and General Leather Dulness, Wholesale and Retail. Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street. Aug. 24, '53.-Iy. PROPOSALS FOR CROSS TIES. SEALED Proposals wilt ho received at the Engineers Mlle° in Huntingdon, until tho 13th of September next, for furnishing SEVENTY THOUSAND cross ties fur the Huntingdon and Broad Top Rail Road. Blank forms of proposal specifying the sizes, quality, and places of delivery, will ho in readi ness at the Engineer's office any time after the first of. September. S. NV. MIFFLIN, Eng'r. Huntingdon, Aug. 17, '53.-4t. Admintstrator's Notice. T ETTEItS of administration have this day been granted to the subscriber upon the es tate of Daniel Roberts, lute of Shirlcysburg, Huntingdon county, tee th. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment to BENJAMIN ROBERTS, Aug. 17, '53.-6t. NAI - 124 11,0.A.01, OAIIS leave HUNTINGDON at the following hours: EASTWARD, 10.02 Morning. 0.05 Night. WESTWARD, 8.55 Morning. 5.12 Night. Faro from Huntingdon to Phi Pa. 85,15 W'Passengers purchasing tickets in thu Curs, will be charged TEN CENTS in addition to the sta tion rates, except front stations where the Com pany have 1101 on Agent. JNO. D. HERR, Agent. July 20, '53. WANTED, a young man front 15 to 18 years or age, at the "ItArrnan OFFICE," in this borough, to learn the printing business. Aug. 17, '54, 1:1 ANS and 8110 )It S. just r7:7,,2iCe1l nnJ la fur sale by .1. W. SAXTON. I . )UItE LEA ,ja, received and for I Sulu by 1. W. SAXTON. J) z . r.. NOW'S YOUR TIME UL L i tilD 1 1E11 Tll ti on , ier,i;:ncd would respectfully infirm the citizens of Iluntingdon and vicinity, that he hal oputied a Dagnerrean Room in the large Brick Muse one door west of the Witter Station, where he is prepared to take likenesses of all who may furor hint wills their patronage. llnring n good light for operating, he can produce pictures to please the most refined nod cultivated tastes. Satisfaction given or no charge made.— Call oval examine his specimens, and see How high the poli,h, pure the tone, And every feature is nature's own; Sure never art, with ell its skill, The heart with such delight could fill, And never was such transport won, As by those pictures from the stun. Portrait., Daguerreotype Likenesses, &e., (Ti lde,' or taken true to the original, nut neatly Oct in medallions, breast-pins, &c., for $1,00. Daguerreotypes taken ns well in cloudy ns in clear weather. For children's likenesses please call curly in the day. Instructions given in the nreon moderate terms. H. B. WHITE, Operator, Huntingdon, August to, ,53.—tf. TO THE PUBLIC.• A. Po G111i,113,?.J, 12,) an. DESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of 11. Cassville and vicinity, Olathe has located a medical office, for the purpose of treating all kinds of diseases, on a safe and scientific princi ple, and is now ready to attend to all calls, and by strict attention to business, hopes to receive a good portiok Maio favor. Fever and Ague cured in th warranted rdo and to remain ti t cured rot the se ' A. P.F. July, 20, '53.-tf. % , 71 . PHILADELPHIA Tag Salamander Safes. Evans Sr Watson, 83 Dock Street. V.I2,B.[PUDAY FOR ~ Booki, Papore, Jewelry &c. Fire-l'roof Doors for Banks & Stores, PATENT KEY-HOLE COVER .', - ..'1212 1 2211n2W - 11D FIRE AM) THIEF-PROOF XRON ES'AXXS. Warranted to stand as much file as any other Safes in the country. GREAT TRIUMPH ACHIEVED EV EVANS & WATSON'S Fire-Proof Safes. AT THE STATE FAIR, j llAnnisnuno, pa., Oct. 30, 1851. 6 The undersigned appointed n conunittee fur the purpose, by the officers of the State Fair, were present this afternoon, when Messrs. EVANS & WATSON tested one of their small sized SAL AMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAFES, at which they consumed Three Cords of ll'ond over it, commencing at 1 o'clock, I'. 111.. and ex posed it to a wilt= TtEAT fir Two Hours, suffi cient to destroy the cast iron feet. On opening the Safe, the papers with 2000 cir cular, deposited in our presence were taken out, not only having been preserved, but not having the appearance of scorch upon them. COMMITTEE. A. 0. HEISTP,R, JOSEPH RITNER, A. 'lO. NEWBOLD, Ex-Governor of Pa. JOHN B. COX, CHAS. E. MISTER, Bt Ulill;faff. Sole .Agency for Butterworth's Celebrated Bank Locks. Gon. Wilson, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa., is au thorized agent for the solo of the above, at his office a specimen can be seen, and also at office of tho Broad Top Railroad Company, In Hunting don, we also refer to Col. S. S. Wharton, and the County Treasurer, in Huntingdon. Below reference is made to a few in Philadelphia, who have our safes in use. Hundreds more can be given. Farmers SL Mechanics' Bank, 12 safes. U. S. Mint. U. S. Arsenal, 8 in Phil'. 5 in California. Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sheriff. liras. & Co., Urokers, No It N. Sd St. E. C. Knight, corner Chesnut and Water St. Michena & Co. No. 17 S. Water st. Richard Norris & Son, Locomotive works, Penn's. 11. It. Co, 2 safe, Phint. Germantown and Norristown R. R.Ce. State Treasurer and Trenton Honking Co.N.J. Odd F. Halls, 6th at. and cor. 3d & Brown ats. Southwark S. Moyamcnsinq Gas Co. Corporation of Northern Lthurtios. do. of Muyamousing. July 13, 's3.—ly J. S. GRIFFITII, M. D., Ilitutiligdon, Pa., Graduate of the University of Pa., offers his professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjacent country. HErEunnens Faculty of University of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl vania Ho,nital and Dr. Jacob Hoffman. 1110filee, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr. July 13, 1853. -.7 4 TrW DT, no A. llllol > n HAD UATE of tho Philadulphiu Collego of 1?el!it! S urgery. . drtificial '!'cede, from one to a MI Sc?, moun ted in the most improved modern style. Filling, Piling cod Scaling dune with care and neatness. _ _ _ 7 rah Extracted with all the case and despatch that modern science can furnish. July, 13, 1853. H. WI. S In I T Huntingdon, Ponn'a. oFFICE on Main Street, next to that of Con. A. I'. 'Wilson. Terms moderate, and all work warranted to give entiru satisfaction. July 13, '53. BLACK BEAR HOTEL, THE undersigned but teased and fit ^ ted up the above IIoTEL, on the ■ corner of main and Montgomery Street, 11 in the borough of Huntingdon, and is well prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. The traveling communi ty and the tulle generally are cordially invited to call with him, hoping by strict attention to business to merit a largo portion of public patron age. No pains will be spared to render general satisfaction. ROBERT KYLE. June 29, 129.1.1 y SELLING OFF AT COST. THE undersigned respectfully invite the atten• tion of the public to their now and splendid stock of Boring and Summer Goods, now exhibiting in Portstown, consisting of a large variety . of Gertnan and Belgcan Cloths. Cassuneres and Cassinets of the host quality. Silks, Sages, and Satins of superior quality. Silk TstWets and plaid, plain nod twilled Cotton 'foolery of every quality and stylo, Cotton nod Thread Gloves in great variety. Chieftains, Cambries and Jamming. Cotton, Cambric and Jaconet Cotton Fringe, assorted sizes. Linen Maid, Cotton and Striped Tapes. Ribbons of every description. French Motions, Table covers end llerago Dclaines, Lawns and Aiwa, enlieous, Tidies Muslin in euuutleos number., Cotton Drills and Car du 1:ovs. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, flats and Cape. Glass, Hard and Queonsware. neatly-made Clothing with a largo lot of varie ties and notions too numerous to mention. .... Persons wishing to pnrchaso will Mot it to their interest to eall and examine nor stock of gouda Maine purchasing elsewhere, ns we ere determim ‘al to unit it extremely low and reilueuil JOSIAH CUNNINUILA2.I bt Jut, 22, A 1, .4 4 . L. • FIVE PER CENT S.IVING FUND. 1 Chartered by the State of Penn sylvania its 1S It. CAPITAL sTocii. $25,,,0n0. THE Saving Fond of the National Safety Com pony, No. 62 Walnut Street, doers . ; above Third, PHILADELPHIA. is open every day from 8 o'clock A. M. 6.7 o'clock P. M., end ms Mouday and l'lnirsday evenings till ' This institution is well known ns one of the best managed and safest in the country, and pays rt. Pen CENT. interest for money put in there, front the date of deposite. Any sum from One Dollar upwards is received. And nll sums, largo or smith are mild bock on demand, without notice,. to any lisoollnt. Phis saving fund has mortgages, Ground Rents, and other tirst-class investments, nil well secured, runonnting to snore than half a million of duller, for the security of depositors. Gillen 62 Walnut street, too doors above Third, l'lablelpliirt. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres'f. itoBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice Pres't. AVM. Secretary. noalti, or insprenr.ra. lion: Wm. Richards, Pottstown, Montgomery co. J. D. Streeper editor of the Montgomery'' county Ledger, Pottstown. J. M. Sheenemen, editor of the Neutralist, Skippackville, Mont. en. Enos Benner, Esq., editor of the Farmer's Friend, Sumneytown, Mont. en. Don. Joel Jones, late Mayor of Phil'a. Hon. John Robbins, jr., member of Congress 4th District, Pennsylvania. Hos. James Page, late Postmaster of Phira. non. Wm. Penington, Into Governor of New Jersey. Juuo 22, '33.-Iy. BROAD TOP ON FIRE James E. Glasgow, HAVING fitted up a large and elegant Store room, directly in the centre of Scottsville, Huntingdon Co., into which ho has removed his storo from the old stand, is now prepared to ac commodate his customers and the public general ly, with a splendid and fashionable assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, His assortment consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and all kinds of goods nrnally kept inn Country Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as sortment of Ladies , Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every vartety. Also, Hats; Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of goods of all kinds. arm! kinds of Country Produce taken to exchange for goods. Scottsville, Hunt. Co., Pa. June 15, 's3.—ly. CASSVILLE Carriage Manufactory. PIM undersigned respectfully informs his pat -1 rons and the public generally, that he still continues at the old stand, in the borough of Cassville, Huntingdon county, to manufacture Carriages, Iluggies, Itockaways, Sleighs, and every thing clue connected with his business. Repairing done on the shortest notice. Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, &c, constant ly kept on hand, but others will be made to order. Work done cheaper titan at any other estab lishment in the State, and all warranted to the purchaser. Cash, but when not convenient, country pro. duce, taken in exchange for work. ELMS WILSON. June 15, 's3.—ly, STEN3I ENGINE FOR SALE. A Second•haml Eight horse power Steam En gine, with it Boiler 30 inches to diameter mid 20 ft. 0 inches in length, with all the neces sary machinery to make It complete. The En gine has been but little used and in good order.— Persons desiring to purchase, will cull on the subscriber, residing in Hamilton township, near Keeter's Store, or on Jos. Eberly, residing its Chatnbersburg. JACOB EBERLY Juno 15, 's3.—tf. TOP OPENED UP. Is Schneider, HAVING purchased tho Store of Cunningham Cornprobst ,tt Marklesburg,lltant. co., Pa., is prepared to accomodate the public at said place; with a splendid and fashionable assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Isis assortment consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queettsware, Hardware. Liquor:4, &c., and all kinds of Goods usually kept in a country Store. Also,a beautiful, cheap and elegant as sortment of ilies' Dross Goods, and Trimmings of every variety, also, lists, Cops, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of Goods of all kinds. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange fur Goods. And I do hereby notify oil persons having tic. comas on tint Books contracted at the Markles• burg Store, belonging to Cornprobst & Coning ham, will pay tho same over to mo, they hnriut been asigned to me. LOUIS SCHNEIDER. Juno 5, 1853. F. Brown's ESSCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. plus Essence is n preparation altruism! ex calcite°. In ordinary diarrlura, incipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, it is of inestimable value.— During the prevalence of epidemic cholera und summer complaints of children, it in peculiarly efficacious; no family or individual should be without it. CAUTION•—Iia sure to get the genuine es sence, which is prepared only by F. BItOWN, ut his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. Corner of Fifth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by all the respectable Apothecaries in the United States. Forsido by T. READ & SON, Huntingdon. [june 22,'58.-Iy. House to Rent, Y. A largo, commodious dwelling housc,on ii; Railroad Street, recently occupied by Maj. U.L.John I'. Anderson, is now for rent, suite -Ide almost for any purpose. The houBo is well finished, having attached to it all the necessary - Application eat he mink either to Jacob Cromwell at Paradise Furnace I'. 0., or to the Editor of the Jounts.u. June 22, '53. MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL. Scott., 'lie, Math Co. Pa.. T im undersigned respectfully informs the tray- cling community and the public generally, that Ito is now prepared, at his new and comas, dious dwelling, to accommodate all win may fitvor him with their custom. Ilk Hotel is situ ated at the South-rust cud of the village, near the Mineral Springs, and the conveniences connected with it, arc calculated to give satisfitction. GEORGE 1). HUDSON. Scottsvill,, June 8, '53.-em. JUST receiving the handsomest lut of Carnets ever allured in this place. Also, Oil Cloths, which will be sold low by. J. 6. W. SAXTON. 1 111: Ladies will pletme bear in mind that Par asols can be had exceedingly low at the cltenp store of IV. SAXTON. I\OI.IBL , E Barrelled English Snub and Twist YOH LING PIECES—aIso Single Barrel ed Guns, from four dollars to thirty ettelt, fur sale by J. & W. SAXTON. ULASTING POWDER and SAFETY FUSE, congantly on hund and (or aalo by J. BRICKER.. DITTSHUIiG llama soul Flitch forbade cheap -I- at the ELEPHANT Comer. JUST RECEIVED and Ibrsnle Fiat, Salt and Paths. by J. & W. S.tx"rox. A beautiful lota %like erupt) Shawls, just to. I euived nud fur stile by J. t W. &vatic. C' Gar Corduroy, Tweeds, K. J e ans, k- 1 Garsale at tho cheap coracr opposite C. Coats' D. I'. GWIN. ItONNE'rti :tut! ul thu just 11 receive/ :it I/ I'. IiWIN'S • - - i101.1NC: it,/ tt.ti t “),11 I ' v J. / It'. .',.IA/ u_Nt 111. FETTERHOFF, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker, Huntingdon, Pa., T - AKES this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he stilt remains in his old stand, on Main street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church, where he it prepared to turn out work equal with any eastein manufactory, or in short inferior to none. Par sons wanting New Furniture, will do well to give him n cull before pnrehasingeltewhere, as ho is determined to sell low for CASH or Country Produce. Ile alto respectfully returns his thank.; to the public, for the liberal patronage heretofore received; and litmus by careful attention to busi ness, to merit ft continnetteo of the some. _ Ile also intends to give Ids attention the Under taking business. COFFINS made and funerals attended, at the shortest notice and on reasonable. terms, either in town or country. dri'All work warranted. Huntingdon, Jane 1, HUNTINGDON MARBLE YARD, W 1 0 WITI6:4XAMS, : - Respectfully informs his " s• - ,4 -- , -„- : ,=- friends and the -_-•-____. - ,.-z - „__7- 7 ,., public general - - ''',. ~ 1-_ , .,-‘,1 ,- .-' ly, that he has ' = - •••' , - - -A_____ ,-, cstablis it e d a t o ; • 4 ' 2 ,..... 4., -7.lllarblo Yard, ',,L. , ,R=l. , , & in the borough l' " 11111111 '•P !!, of Iluntingdon, •:; , ' !, ' I " ;----• •- and has just re -,- , •L. ,,: I. 11111' 7 , , ' ceiv ed from 4 :,. -- -e:.::"r--- -- .,- - ._ - - - - . Philadelphia a selected stock of choice Marble grave-stones, of every description, which ho will furnish nt very rcdupcil prices. . - - All orders from any part of the county or ad• joining counties, addressed to the subscriber, will be received and promptly attended to. Shop on Hill street, two doors west of Gen. A. I'. Wilson's Office. Nay 18, 1853.-Iy. "MAN KNOW THYSELF." An Invaluable Book for 25 cents. "EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE A COPY." SIX Thousand Copies sold in less than three months. A new edition, revised and impro ved, just issued. Dn. llnnvEn's Medical manual and hand book for tic afflicted—Containing an outline of the or igin, progress, treatment and Ciire of every form of disease, contracted by promiscuous sexual in tercourse, by self-abuse, or by sexual excess, with advieg for their prevention, written in a familiar style, avoiding all' medicinal technicali ties, and every thing that would offend the ear of decency, front the result of 20 years' successful practice, exclusively devoted to the cure of dis eases of a delicate or private nature. To whielvis added, receipts for the cure•of tho above diseases, and a treatise on the cause, syrup • toms and cure for the Fever and Ague, for 25 cents a copy: six copies for $1 ; will he forwar ded to any part of the United States, free of pos tage.—Address postage paid, Cosden & Co., Publishers, or "Box 195, Post °Mee, Phila. "This is without exception, the most compre hensive and intelligible work published on the class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it addresses itself to the readers; it is free from all objectionable matter, and no parent, however fastidious, enn object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devo ted many years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of, and 'with too little breath to puff,' and 'too little presumption to impose,' he has offered to the world nt the merely nominal price of 25 cents. the fruits of some twenty years most successful practice."—lferald. "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this invaluable work; it would save years of pain, mortification and sor row to the youth under their charge."—Ro pie! Adrocac.t • A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing of "Hunter's Medical Manual," says:— "Thousands upon thousands ofour youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin and consequence upon them selves and their posterity. Tho constitution of thousands, who are raising families have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know tho cause or the cure. Any thing that can ho done so to enlighten and influence tho public mind as to cheek, and ultimately to re move this wide-spread source of human wretch edness, would confer the greatest blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and coming generation. Intemperance, (or the use of intoxicating drinks,) though it has slain thou sands upon thousands, is not a greater scourge to the human nice. Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted, and, believe me, your co-worker in the good work you arc so actively ongaged-jn." One copy will be forwarded, (securely catttelo pad and postage paid,) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for $l. Address, COSDEN & CO., Publishers, Box 19e, Philadelphia. 03 Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. Juno 1, '53.-Iy. Grocery, Confectionary, Bakory, AND ICE CREAM SALOON. -- • HENRY J. AFRICA, would respectfully in -& vite the public to call at his establishment in Railroad Street, where all those who need any good Broad, Rusk, or any other kind of Cakes found at a Bakery, may he supplied. Ile has just received a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and COnfeCtiOnaliC9, curb 81 ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, NUTS, It.. His Ice Cream Saloon is one of the most bean - tiro' and gorgeously furnished rooms to bo found outside of Philadelphia, it is worth a visit thine just to see the saloon, nod then, Wynn should feel like taking a saucer of ice cream the Aunar can supply you with the best article that has over been manufactured in this or any other country. Thankful to the public for past favors, he hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continu ance of patronage. May 18, WATERSTREET HOTEL. T ilt subscriberannounces to the traveling community, and the public generally, that be has taken charge and fitted up the above house, having one of tic most pleasant and beautiful locations in the comity, whore he will be happy to wait upon ell who toy three hint with their patronage. There is n good stable, and also a carriage house belonging to the premises, ta which the moat careful attention will he given. JOHN WARD. May 25, 's3.—ly. HARDWARE.—A good assortment for sale at S. & G. LEvrs Store. ILTATS AND CAPS—of all kinds, of tile latest II fashion, for sale at the cheap store of S. & G. LEVI. FISH fI..ArD SILT for sale ut the store of S. & G. LEVI. Ladies' Shoes. A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Shoes, 11 of the latest styles, just received at the store of S. & G. LEV I. Asplendid lot of Bonnets just received nod for le by J. 0. W. SAXTON. CARPET Bags, just received anti tbr sale by J. i s. IV. SAXTOSr. PORT MONNAIES fruit' 25 cents up to $2 50 nt Ed. Snare's. April 15 1852. LADIES Lasting and Silk work Cniturs, Kid Morocco, and Goat Boots and Shoes, at the GEO. OWIN. store of L4DIES DRESS GOODS, • Mut. Wanes, IL Delores, De Ilerge, LIMN, Ginghanis, and a choice variety of Good, of all kinda, rtt the store of GSO. GWIN. CLOTHS JIND C ./iSS LAIE RES, phut', eta limey, at very tow prices, at the store of GEt). GWIN. FISH ✓iXD SaLI; for safe st tho store of GEO. MIN A iiitTst bunutitui lot 0t lterugo du Luluu put -11 terns, and in the piece, from Itqcts up to 50 etc. per yard, just received and for side by 1. 6- W. .•;.I.XI'I).N. VINGIIAMS —Domesiic mil Dres, jitst Cc ctived at D. I'. GWEN'S Cheap Stole. I:tr,te assta-ttnent of Lawns and Bernie de Lltaint, juat teCitiVl,l at the store ut 1 , . P. (MIN: M. F.