Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 07, 1853, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, Sept. 7, 1853.
S. L. GLASGOW, Editor.
Thomas A. Budd, of Philadelphia.
Moses Pownon, of Lancaster county.
Christian Myers, of Clarion county.
Alexander K. McClure, of Franklin co.
ALEX. M. WHITE, of Cambria county.
JAMES MAGUME, of Huntingdon cm.
JAMES L. GWIN, of Blair county.
JOSEPH M. STEVENS, of Petersburg.
J. SEWELL STEWART, of Iluntiogdon.
THOMAS HAMER, of Wost, tp.
HENRY BREWSTER, of Shirloyeburg.
SAMUEL MATTERN, of Franklin tp.
Whig County Committee.
The following named gentlemen compose the
Whig County Committee
S. L. GLASGOW, Esq., Chairman, Hunt.
John Williamson, Esq.,
William Saxton,
A. J. Africa,
John A. Doyle,
M. F. Campbell,
John Flener, Henderson tp.
John Snyder, Walker.
Dr. J. P. Ishcom, Penn.
Lazarus Houck, Hopewell.
David Aurandt, Esq., Tod.
Dr. 11. L. Brown, Cassville Borough.
Col. John Stever, Cass tp.
Simeon Wright, Esq., Union.
Isaac Wolverton, Brady.
Moses Greenland, Clay.
Jeremiah Brown, Springfield.
T. T. Cromwell, Esq., Cromwell.
Dr. R. Clark, Shirleysburg Borough.
Peter Myers, Shirley Iv.
Dr. J. A. Shade, Dublin.
Geo. Wilson, Tell.
Geo. W. Whitaker, Esq., Petersburg.
Robt. Wilson, West tp.
Jno. Crownover, Barree.
Maj. W. Moore, Alexendria Borough.
Henry Graffius, Porter tp.
Jno. Balsbach, Morris,
James Clark, Es ~Birmingham.
Jno. Cummins, Esq., Jackson to.
Samuel Wigton, Franklin.
David Parker, Esq., Warriormark.
Benjamin Corbin,Murray's Run.
"Shavers Creek."
If the author of the communication signed
as above, had complied with our rule and sent
its his name, we would have been pleased to
publish it. We think also that a little of the
"tonic" would have a good offuct on some of
the "Ilobensacks."
A. K. McClure.
The eloquent and able address of A. K. Mc.
CLURE, our candidate for Auditor General, de
livered at this place on the evening after the
State Convention, will ho found ou our first
h is a production evincing talent, wisdom,
and an intimate acquaintance with the affairs
of the Commonwealth. It speaks well fur the
ability of its author, and will he road with in•
forest by every Whig in the State.
ger We have been requested to say that
owing to the absence of the Editor of the Jour.
nal, and his directions to the foreman in his
office, accounts for the call and reply of Col.
Wharton not appearing in that paper this
Now, friend Lewis, did it not strike you
when that 'request' was made that the expla
nation, if any was necessaryought to be in the
Journal itself, and not in any other paper ?
De kind enough hereafter to let tho Journal
speak for itself.
DEMOCRATIC Con'Elmox.--This body held
their adjourned meeting here on yesierday.—
But few delegates wore present. Their whole
course was pre-arranged. We hare not room
to notice it any further this week, but will
speak more at length in our next paper.
Between the " Humble hstrument," and the
Author of " Wharton's Call," after the Au.
Mar made his great push for the Congres•
aimed nomination, last full.
SceNs.—Publie Street in Huntingdon,
Author.—" Wait 'till next fall. I was quiet
on your question this time, but my dear sir I'll
travel for you next fall. I'll show you up in
such a manner that you can't get a vote in the
Humble Inefrument.--Just what I want,—all
such poor r servile creatures as you to 'pose
me in this here county, and my success is con
Min. For after all I would hire you to oppose
me, and be glad to employ you. The people
know you."
The Author wont his whole strength, hut
contrary to his pledge, and what was the result?
The "handsome member" was right, at least,
for once.
NW The Mobile Tribune states that the mail
between Atalanta, Georgia, and Montgomery,
Alabama, has been robbed of several packages
of letters intended for that city, Now Orleans
and Montgomery, The bags appear to have
been opened, on several occasions, about or
since the first of July. From $20,000 to $50,.
000 hare been thus abstracted.
Wharton's Call.
If all the various circumstances of the "hum
ble instrument's" pursuit of a nomination and
election were reduced to writing, they would
compose a history equally interesting and
laughable, with that of Obadiah 01.1budes
chose after his lady-love, or the adventures of
Bachelor Butterfly. He has certainly "taken
up arms against a sea of troubles," but wheth
ho shall successfully "end'' them or not, yet re
mains to be developed.
The latest phase of this novel chase, is the
circulation of two letters—one, signed by some
fifty persons, addressed to the "handsome mem
ber" himself, and the other, his reply—a piece
of composition that ought to immortalize its
author, who, by the way, is generally understood
not to be the illustrious Col.
What these fifty individuals expect to accom
plish by this course, we arc unable to conceive.
If it be the defeat of our regular candidate, the/
will most probably discover they are a little too
wide of the mark. The people of the country
are too well aware of the motives by which the
leaders of the movement are actuated, to place
any confidence in their professed regard for the
"violated usages of the party," which is the solo
shadow of reason they pretend to give in their
letter, for their course, almost without a paral
lel in the history of our county politics. But
even this amounts, simply, to no reason at all.
There never was a better or more intelligent
Convention, assembled in this town or county,
than that which rejected Samuel Wharton, and
nominated James Maguire, as a candidate for
the Legislature; and it is by no means proba
ble that these delegates did not understand par
usages, as well, at least, as the fifty and one
signers of "Wharton's Call."
They allege that Samuel Wharton "deserved
no such marked censure from his party." Let
us examine, briefly, his course and character
and see what ho "deserved" at the hands of the
Whig party of this county. For whom did he
legislate,—was it for a majority of his constitu
ents,—or for some of the leaders of this very
opposition? Let the "new bridge" now going
up over our river, answer. Wo have nothing
to say as to the necessity of this bridge,—it
may, or it may not be necessary. But if it be
necessary, the law provides a way to get it with
out special legislation. And, at all events, it
was objected to by a very largo majority of
Wharton's constituents, who sent in numerous
petitions of remonstrance against it. If, th' ,
ho had complied with their wishes, he would
have let the matter alone, to be attended to as
all other county bridges are. But no; this did
not happen to suit the convenience of some of
the individuals whose names are appended to
this call, and, in the face of the expressed wish
es of the majority of those who sent him there,
he had a bill passed, not merely authorizing,
but directing the County Commissioners to ap
propriate three thousand dollars towards the
building of this bridge I
Nor is this an isolated instance of gross vio
lation of the interests of his constituents. Was
his solitary Whig vote to the locofoco Appro
priation Bill, in accordance with the wishes of
his party in this county? Was his course with
regard to the State Road to be laid out through
several of the townships of this county, at an
immense cost to their inhabitants, in compli
ance with the desires of a majority of his con
stituents? In short, was any of his legislative
conduct such as to entitle him either to the
confidence or respect, much less the support, of
the Whig party of Huntingdon? The people
have already recorded their answer through
their delegates in Convention, and never before
was there a stronger or more general expres
sion of pnblie sentiment by means of primary
elections,—a reflection that alone ought to
crush, at once and forever, all attempts at op
Having thus totally misrepresented his con
stituents what did Samuel Wharton "deserve,"
(apart from all considerations of character,) at
their hands? Was it not their "marked cen
sure" and indignation? Could they—the Whig
party of thin county—after being thus laughed
at, and treated as n machine to be worked as
it suited the pleasure of the operator pocket
all these insults, and endorse his course by a
re-nomination ? Would any thing be more ab
surd, not to say disgraceful ?
But he answers these fifty and one signers,
and complies with their request. Hark to that
answer! "I had almost concluded to bear it in
silence!" To bear what in silence? Why his
rejection by the Convention, as a candidate fur
the Legislature. Could anything be more
rediculous ? What right has any defeated can
didate to complain, much less ono so totally
incompetent, and so careless of the desires of
his constituents, as the individual who adopts
this language! Wonderful complaisance, that
he—S. S. Wharton I "had almost concluded to
bear in silmice" the refusal of the Whigs of
Huntingdon county to nominate him for office!
But he says further that "the usages of the
party were trampled upon by a combination of
elements the most antagonistical and incongru
ous, arrayed and guided by cunning and
treachery, the whole object being Wary to my
' self, personally." Strange, passing strango,
that a man of his "tact" could not counteract
the effect of "elements" so "antaganistical and
incongruous!" But why does he not bear out
his assertion by evidence? Not ono single in.
stance does he give of "cunning and treachery,"
nor does he condescend to tell us in what the
"elements" consist. And their "sole object was
injury to himself personally l" Is Samuel
Wharton of so much importance that a largo
majority of intelligent delegates assembled in
county Convention, and the people who sent
them there, must stoop to do him a personal
injury? Is it to be supposed for a moment
that such an idea over entered the mind of a
single delegate in that Convention ? What a
But further he says" "claiming where that
best suited to he the friends of the Maine Law,
or of a Prohibitory Liquor Law, it is well known
that they approached every temperance man
with that argument, representing that as the
• questipn in contest, even dragging clergymen
fitn their beds to vote on that issue." Now, if
we knew who was meant by "they," wo might
be able to know something more about these
charges than we do. We know enough, how.
ever, to pronounce the whole of them fake and
unfounded. That the "Maine Law" was
represented or understood to be "the question in
contest," is simply not true. So far is it from
the truth, that a resolution to that effect,offered
by Wharton's friends, was voted down in the
Convention, by which he was rejected. And
that "clergymen were dragged from their beds
to vote on that issue" is equally false and no
gentleman would have penned the charge. It
will he remembered by the people at the
But enough of this model letter. We have
shown it to be a tissue of gross falsehoods and
absurdities, worthy only the enntempt and
diculo of all sensible and intellbrent men. It
is characteristic only, of its author and the man
who signs it—let it pass along with them to
And now Whigs of Huntingdon; having ex
amined this call, and the reply, what is your
opinion ? We have considered it coolly and
calmly, without prejudice and without excite
ment. What must be our conclusions? Have
any party usages been violated ? Has any in
justice been done to Samuel Wharton. Are
there any grounds whatever Nib which to
base this call? We leave the questions for
you to answer at the ballet-box, confident that
our regular ticket will receive your hearty, and
undivided support.
We would again congratulate the Whig party
of the county on the recent nomination of a
ticket disconnected with tho factions which
have, to a greater or less degree, heretofore
ruled and directed our County Conventions;
and we call upon our country friends to eland
firm, while the dissatisfied few croak on unheed
ed. It is not to be disguised that there are in
this town a set of designing, intriguing men
who make politics their trade, and who daily
block our pavements in caucusing,—men who
are ever ready to barter the inteets of the
people for their own aggrandizemeirt, that have
had too much to do, heretofore, with the man
ufacturing of the county ticket. But, for once,
the people took the matter in their own hands,
and our last convention plainly manifested their
sincere sentiments. Let us, then, be true to
the ticket nominated, not by a faction, but by
a large majority of the people themselves.
It is well known that the very party who are
now opposing the regular nominations, and who
are offering to trade their votes to our political
opponents, are guided and lend by the very
men whose conduct in 1838 outraged the feel
ings of the honest portion of our party, and left
a stain upon its character that time has yet fail
,ed to obliterate. Where is the honest, true
hearted Whig that has not blushed with indig
nation, when the nets of these very same des
peradoes were charged upon his party?
Again are these unprincipled schemers at
work, attempting, at the sacrifice of the honest
Whigs of the county, to advance their plots and
plans of plunder. It is not enough that they
have already succeeded, contrary to the estab
lished laws and usages of the country, and con
trary to the numerous petitions of remonstrance
sent in from all parts of the county, iu wresting
from the tax•paying community their hard
earnings, to advance the value of their own
private property by building bridges to their
very doors,—but they ask for more, and say
that instead of thrce thousand dollars, the coun
ty shall pay the 'whole! Tax-payers of Hun
tingdon County, will you submit to this ? It is
not with the principal persons interested in that
bridge, in regard to the payment of their taxes,
as it is with you. Your broad lands are spread
out before the eyes of the Assessor, and there
is no escape, even did you desire it, from your
burthon of taxation. But their taxable proper
ty, consisting of notes and private papers, is
hidden from the world, and whether there is
ever a proper return made of it or not, is an
unsolved qucere. Some of them—grown gray
in shaving notes and bonds at heavy premiums
—now boast of their hundreds of thousands.—
But go to the assessment list, and sco if you
find it there?
Yet these individuals are permitted to take
your taxes,—contributod from your honest
earnings, and through corrupt legislation, up•
propriate them to their private purposes 1 And,
when the Whig party of the county, burning
with proper indignation at the gross outrage,
says through her delegates in Convention, that
fur the future such unholy work shall be stop
ped, and that an honest member who will faith-
fully represent the interests of his constituents
shalt be sent to the legislature, then these same
individuals raise the hue and cry, and think to
conceal themselves behind the flimsy shield of
"party usages." Ts Is not probable they have
yet more work to do of a similar character?
Farmers—working men— Whigs of old Hum
tingdon, be not deceived by the cries of this
selfish faction, but stand firm to your ticket
and your principles. That some few have been
led estray, we have no doubt ; but that there is
a general dissatisfaction in the county, is wholly
false. You will be assailed with "party use,
ges," "Maine Law," "anti-Maine Law," and
anything else that will suit the interested pur
poses of the shavers and wiro.workers of this
town, who head the disorganizers. But let us,
one and all, go to the polls and vote the whole
Whig ticket, remembering that the previous
private life of a man for a long series of years,
stamps his character too indelibly to be effaced
by the hue and cry of a few disappointed wire
workers. Wo have thus honestly appealed to
you, in a spirit of truth and soberness. If you
fail to heed, the fault will not be ours—you
have heard the warning.
Letter from Mr. Budd.
The following letter is from Mr. Budd, ac•
cepting the nomination for the Supremo bench,
It is brief, chaste, and pointed :
Plattla. Aug. 30th 1853.
J. L. GOS9LER, Esu., President o ? the
Whig State Convention.
Dear Sir:—Your letter of the 27th instant,
informing mo of my having been nominated by
the Whig State Convention, recently assembled
at Huntingdon, as a candidate for the responsi
hie position of Judge of the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania, has been received.
Deeply sensible of the honor conferred upon
me, by gentlemen so eminently entitled to re
spect as those who composed that body, I ac
cept the nomination, and beg you to he assured
that whatever may be the result, I shall never
be unmindful of the confidence reposed in me.
Thanking you for the kind terms of your let
ter, I have the honor to be,
Your obedient servant,
Tnotites A. Brim.
Col. A. X White,
It is the intention of the Whig candidate for
Senator, shortly to visit portions of the district
and become more intimrte with the people.—
Such a course will doubtless be acceptable to
his many friends, who aro anxiously waiting
to take him by the hand. Fellow Whigs, we
recommend him to you as a whole.souled, gen-
erous, honorable, and courteous gentlemen.—
He is worthy of your smiles and votes, and wo
know you will do both.—Blair Co. Whig.
,pig When the late Major Riley went to
Mexico' he was only a Colonel; but burned for
a chance to distinguish himself, that he might
obtain higher honors. IL is said to have used
the expression," Major General Riley or
death." IL gut Loth; the title' at u reward fur
his brilliant echievements, and death iu cease•
queuee of Lavishly, and exposures.
The Whig Nominee for J udge of the
Supreme Court,
The Philadelphia Inquirer of Saturday laqt
says:—lt has alrmlv been announced in our
coltunns, that the Whig State Convention,whith
assembled nt Huntingdon on Thursday the 25th
tilt., after due ebnsideration, nominated Thom
as A. Budd, Esq., of this city, as the can
didate of the party of Judge of the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania. The Convention was
well attended and its proceedings through.
out were cordial and harmonious. Mr. Budd
is a prominent, able and influential mem
ber of the Philadelphia Bar. He has had
much experience an a lawyer, maintains a re.
potation of the highest character fur manliness
and integrity, while there are few men who de.
servedly enjoy a greater degree of popularity
among his profession. He is modest and en.
obstrusive, and has never soughtpublie. posh.
tion. Calm, thoughtful, well informed, and
ripe of judgment, ho possesses all the qualifi
cations for the distinguished post for which he
has been nominated, and will doubtless receive
a liberal and enthusiastic support. A native of
Philadelphia, widely known and generally es
teemed, the selection cannot but be regarded
as judicious under the circumstances, and it
will be received with marked favor. Among
the delegates of the Convention were many of
the most distinguished men of the State, and
the intelligence they gave of the prospects of the
cause and the party, was of the most gratifying
character. We look forward to the results of
the campaign not only with hope, but with con
fidence. The profligacy and corruption that
have characterized the management of our
public works; have inspired a lively feeling of
indignation throughout the entire. Common
wealth, and the days of the existing dynasty
may be regarded as numbered.
The North American, on the same subject,
uses the following language :
"As announced by telegraph in our paper
yesterday, the Whig State Convention at Hun
tingdon has nominated as the Whig candidate
for the seat on the bench of the Supremo Court,
made vacant by the death of the late Judge
Gibson, a well known citizen of Philadelphia,
Thomas A. Budd, Esq. The nomination is a
good one, and reflects credit upon the Conven
twit which made it. Mr. Budd is a gentleman
of fine legal attainments and excellent natural
abilities, and is much respected by the bar of
Philadelphia of which he bas ' for many years,
been an honored member. Should ho be elect
ed to the responsible post for which lie has
been nominated, he will bring to the perform
ance of its duties a mind and temper peculiar
ly fitted for the patient labor required of a Su
preme Court Judge.
This nomination is an honor well deserved
by Philadelphia, and Mr. Budd's election would
be nothing but an act of common justice to oar
vast interests. This county possesses one-lifth
of the population of the State, and pays the
on's share of the State revenue. Yet, as the
Supreme Court stands at present we have not
one of the five judges of that important tribu
nal. When the first election was held, both
the Whig and the democratic parties recogni
zed the vast importance of Philadelphia inter
ests by nominating on each of their tickets for
judges of this Court ono candidate from Phila
delphia. It was thus deemed certain that our
city would be properly represented on the Su-
promo Bench. Yet, strange to nay, both the
candidates from Philadelphia were defeated,
and a gentleman chosen instead who was a
resident of the Western part of the State. That
gentleman has since died, and an election has
been held for a person to fill the vacancy, and
still no Philadelphian was chosen. Now again
a vacancy has occurred, and the Democratic
party comes forward with a person from the
Northwestern section of the State. The Whig
party have taken their choice from Philadel
phia, and we think the State owes it to our city
to elect him, not as a partizan, but as a person
eminently worthy of the station, whose elem.
tion to it would be an act of justice to Phila
Democratic State Ticket.
Two of the present heads of departments in
our Pennsylvania State administrntion have re
ceived the nomination qf a Democratic State
Convention, and are ea:Whites for re-election.
These are the Auditor General, Ephraim Banks,
and the Surveyor General, J. Porter Brawley.
Some occurrences have recently been brought
to light with reference tothese gentlemen which
claim a serious consideration from the commu
nity. From the report lately published by the
Board of Canal Commissioners, it appears to
be well established, that many of the workmen
on the Portage Railroad, being deprived of their
regular pay, have been obliged by their neces
sities to sell their claims on the State at a dis
count of ten per cent., or more, and that the
purchasers of these claims have been paid the
cash for them at the State Treasury, while the
operatives, who were unwilling to make such a
sacrifice, have been kept out of their money for
a year or 15 mOnths. The Auditor General
has to pass upon every draft before it can bo
paid at the Treasury. We in vain seek for an
explanation as to the singular fact that he so
readily endorses the claims of these speculators,
while the drafts of the workmen are not honor
ed, on the plea that there is no appropriation
for the purpose. Mr. Banks is tho Auditor
General under whose inspection this state of
things is carried on. He has not seen proper
to vouchsafe a single word upon the subject to
enlighten the public. There can be no doubt
that other official parties deserve to share the
odium of this outrage, but as the Auditor Gen
eral had it in his power to control the matter,
we do not see by what logic his course can be
As regards Mr. Brawley, the accusation is of
a more serious character, and implicates him
personally as one of the participants in the
fraudulent allotments of work upon the con
struction of the new Portage Railroad, by which
grand swindle tho State Treasury has been
done out of at least one hundred and fifty-four
thousand dollars. Although ho holds a high
and responsible State office, ho was a bidder
for several portions of this work, and two sec
tions were allotted to him as contractor, not
withstanding responsible men had bid for the
same sections at $12,705 lower than the price
he receives. Having secured these, he did not
go to work to build the sections, but sold out
' the contracts at a profit of $13,000 over what
he bid. It is generally believed, also, that ho
hiss a private interest in other sections. The
'Harrisburg Journal informs us that although
he is Surveyor General, and receives the official
salary, yet he gives little or no attention to the
duties of the office, and that he has only been
in Harrisburg a few days since last Spring.--
His attention is engrossed by a lucrative con
tract be has made to supply pork for the U. S.
Those are the men whom the Democratic
party of this State tell us aro sure to be elected.
Is it not lamentable to think that the Common.
wealth has fallen into such a slough, that her
voters must take anything that is offered them
by a corrupt party, and cannot defeat a midi
date, whatever may be his character. There
is no party principle involved in the keeping of
these officers in the hands of bad men, and yet
partizan journals, without pretending to justify
the misdoings of their candidates, harangue the
people to vote for them, because they aro reg
ularly nominated.
DIVISIONS IN VIE eilllNETl—Some of the
New York journals believe that the Freeman's
journal (Roman Catholic) is getting to be the
Administration "organ" in that meridian, for
it has a Washington correspondent who is in
the habit of speaking, ho says, "by authority,"
whenever ho has a communication to make re
lative to what is going on behind the curtain.
His last announcement is that Messrs Davis
and Guthrie are at issue with the President and
the rest of his "constitutional advisers" upon
the Pacific Railroad question. Pierce, Cushing
and Marcy, lie says, have resolved not to make
the Pacific Road an Administration measure.
The effect of the declarations recently made in
this connection by Davis and Guthrie, and the
President thus not sustaining them, we are
thou informed, will lead to the retirucy of flue
two geutletutu bum tlae Cabinet.
What is Democracy?
. _
The Tiuffalo /Ppd./km/. n Democratic pa
per, asks Ili rpiestion, and answers it in the
Mowing Ilelinite and comprehensive manner:
nl,ik e all ether names of thinqs; it implies
whatever the people mean who use it. in the
particular reentry where it is usr , d," W e have
never heard a more complete definition of the
term "Democracy" from any source, then this
from an organ of Democracy. "It implies
whatever the people mean who use it, in the
particular part of the country where it is used I"
IVe always thought Democracy an India rub
ber cloak, that could be stretched into shape to
cover all sorts of political doctrines in any lati
tude. In Massachusetts it implies Coalition
ism; in New York it implies Ifunkerism and
Blumburnerism, Herds and Sulks. At the
North it implies Free Soilism and Abolition
ism; at the South Southern Rights, Secession
and Disunion. In the East it implies strict
construction; in the West, Internal Improve
ment by the General Government; at the North
it implies protection; at the South free trade;
at the North Fourierism; in Georgia rapperism,
and so on ad infinitum. It implies any and
everything in turn, and nothing long—its ac
tive principle being the loaves and fishes. "It
implies whatever the eople mean." It in ono
thing at the North an d another at the South,
and entirely different in the East from whet it
is in the West; and yet it is all Democracy.—
Truly, Democracy is a comprehensive term,
and snits alike the views of Abolitionists at
the North and Fire-eaters of the South, latitu
dinarians and strict constructionists, free tn.-
dem and protectionists, Union men and Din
unionists, internal improvement men and anti
internal improvement men, "black spirits and
white, blue spirits and gray." It is a Protean
mask for aspiring political demagogues of eve
ry hue and color in any part of the country.—
In short, " it implies whatever the people ~,can
who use i i, in the particular country where it
is steed!" That is modern Democracy.—Sag.
Delaware Division,
This division of the Pennsylvania Canal has
been peculiarly unfortunate the present season.
A number of breaches has occurred. The con
sequence is that the revenues of the State have
fallen off, and the coal dealers throughout the
Lehigh region have been unable to get their
coal to market, whereby the dealers suffer se
verely. Those breaches aro another evidence
of the propriety of disposing of the public
works. In the hands of a company, with a
competent engineer, none of these breaches
would have occurred. They were mostly the
result of negligence; a little foresight would
have anticipated and prevented them.
The experiment of controlling the Canals
and rail roads of the Commonwealth by public
agents, has been fulll tried, and has proved a
failure. The agents instead of being selected
for capacity, are chosen as a reward for parti
san services. The compensation is small; and
consequently able and competent men, who
can command higher wages elsewhere, will not
accept service under the State, where they will
ho liable to removal at every change of dynas
ty. The best talent, which always ought to be
employed by the State, cannot be retained, by
reasons of the pay and the party subserviency
which is required.
If another argument for disposing of the pub
lic works were required, we have it hero. The
Delaware Division has been the most profitable
State Canal. When in good repair, it yields a
revenue of from ten to twelve per cent. on its
cost. It would be a valuable acquisition to the
Lehigh Navigation Company, and that compa
ny to get hold of it, would probably pay twice
the original cost of the Canal. They could well
afford to pay for it, if the terms wore made lib
eral. For instance, if ton or twenty per cent.
of the purchase money were paid, the State
might take a mortgage for the balance on the
Canal, and the State would be rid of it. On
some such liberal terms as these, the State
could get the highest possible price for the
work. The proceeds can be applied to this li
quidation of the public debt.
Let the people put their shoulders to the
wheel, and they will effect a separation of the
State from the public Improvements. Some of
our democratic friends profess a willingness to
unite iii a sale, and if they only carry out their
professions, the edict will go forth in a manner
not to bo resisted. Hasten the good time !
Village Record.
Caleb on the Pacific Railroad.
One of our exchange papers says that the
llon. Caleb Cushing made a speech not many
years ago. while ho profeesed to be a whig, in
which lie proposed "to drive the whole Locofoco
party into the Pacific Ocean." It appears
that Caleb is a great advocate of the Pacific
Railroad since he has become a member of
President Pierce's Cabinet. lie tricked the
Whig party, and he may he at his old tricks
again. If ho has not given up his former de
sire to "drivo the whole Locofoco party into the
Pacific Ocean," who knows but what he may
be after carrying it out by means of the Pacific
Railroad Emilio°. Mr. Mason, one of our
Democratic SeTtators, denounced the measure
last winter as fraught with destruction to the
Democratic party. He said there would lie no
Democratic party if the measure passed, and
Mr. Hunter, our other Democratic Senator,
concurred with him in his opposition. Won.
der if they could have had a presentiment of
Caleb's treasonable designs? The Virginia
Democracy may have oven morn than qconsci
cations scruples" to arouse their opposition to
the Pacific Railroad. Tho Massachusetts At
torney General has great influence with the
Brigadier, who has manifested anything else
than a love for Virginia Democrats, and it
may bo well for them to keep an eye on the
President's chief counsellor. Our advice to
them is to watch him—Richmond Whip.
Paoiilo Railroad,
Lately there has boon considerable backing
and filling among the administration organs,
both editors and correspondents, on the subject
of the Pacific Railroad. Tho unexpected but
very decided opposition of the Richmond junto
to the scheme, has apparently disconcerted the
Cabinet movers. It is quite clear that the
speeches of Messrs. Davis and Guthrie were
put forward as feelers, as some of the adminis
tion correspondents aro streneously endeavor.
ing to create the impression that the President
is, as yet, uncommitted on the subject. From
other sources, however, wo glean the intelli.
gence that, while this is going on, the ndminis.
tration is endeavoring to quiet the Virginia
malecontents by providing to favor the project
for the establishment of a Southern Steamship
Comp_any, with ships plying between Liverpool
and Norfolk, to which Congress will be asked
to make the same appropriation as to the New
York Collin's lino of steamers. For this con.
sideration it is expected that Virginia will con
sent to cease opposition to the Pacific Railroad,
especially as it is proposed to construct the
road on the extreme Southern route. The
statements respecting the instructions to Gen.
Gasden, our new Minister to Mexico, to sego.
tiate for a right way through Mexico for the
road about the parallel of thirty-two degrees of
latitude, prove to ho substantially correct. The
line is described accurately in a letter from
Secretary Davis to the Governor of Arkansas.
Writer° is a clergyman's opinion of news•
papers. Rev. Dr. Daniel Baker, of Texas,
says ho has traveled through a great many
States, mixed with the people, conversed at the
country fireside, and preached in the open for
est as well as in the thronged city. Where he
found newspapers he found intelligence, people
whom he could talk or listen to with pleasure,
and among whom his good work prospered.—
As a general thing, where a newspaper was not
taken, he could tell it in the aloveliness of the
household, the ignorance of the children, and
the difference in civilization, between those who
do take newspapers and those who do not; that
the traveler in the country will be pleased and
enlightened by the one, while he will despise
the other without knowing the cause to which
the difference is attributable.
sayo,-10 — ve all, aul hate
Presiilimtial Liveries.
Our Wash i 11Ai on ei rreliondmit who has been
virtually and abusively charged with falsehood
by 'The Union' for his statement that the
President's carriage servants are dressed in
livery, thus replies to our application fin. further
light on the subject:
"It is all tree, as I stated it. The two white
men—l think from New England—who drive
and attend the President's coach, are dressed,
nt all them when with the earring-, iii exa c t
emformity—with shoes and white gloves, bine
clothes and gilt buttons—it dress that, if worn
among their fellows on ordinary occasions,
would inevitably subject the wearers to ridicule.
Neither President Taylor nor President Fill
more had any such foolery about them—their
driver wore a clean, ordinary dress, with noth
ing prescribed or peculiar about it, and I do
not recollect ever seeing the carriage of either
attended by a footman. They were both driv
en by a large, good looking, free negro whose
family [they being slaves] had long enjoyed
[as they thought] freedom, from the fact that
no ownership had been exerted over them for
the last twenty years; were decoyed by nn heir
of the estate to which the mother had belonged
into an °ninnies, and conveyed out of the die
trict, but subsequently ransomed by subscrip
tion previously to being shipped for New Or
leans. The greatest style hero affects white
drivers—the Foreign Ministers all employ such
and they are deemed inseparable front any car
riage which represents Royalty or Aristocracy.
The attendants of the President's carriage do
not wear,
as do those of Mons. Bodisco. the
Russian Embossed°, a standing collar bedizen.
ed with gold lace, wrought into family quarter
ings, with cockades in their hats—but the
President's are easily distinguished from the
attendants upon plain, simple, unostentatious
carriages by their unif orm l dress and general
equipment, which is of a character so peculiar
that the President's carriage may be readily
distinguished so far as it can be seen. These
servants are dressed so ns to produce the most
effect—garbed differently from what they would
be if left to consult their own tastes--dressed
in habiliments procured for them, at variance
with the apparel they have been used to, and
entirely more stylish than was worn by tho at
tendants of either of the President's predeces
sors. Whoever says they aro not dressed in
livery must find a different meaning for that
term from any given it by Johnson, Walker or
Such is the statement of our correspondent
—a most honorable and respected gentlemen,
whose veracity none who know him can doubt.
We thought, on seeing The Uhion's ferocious
and blackguard denial, that our correspondent
must have mistaken some other torn-nut for
the President's, and would have gladly had the
matter pass off that way; but it now seems that
there was no mistake on our correspondent's
part—nothing but a pitiful quibble on the word
livery on the part of the Court Journal. The
President's livery is not quite so stunning as
some others—therefore it is no livery at all.—
They must be making a great deal of money
out of the Treasury who will consent therefor
to crawl through so small a hole as that.—Nine
Fuck Tribune.
A Great Light added to the Catholic
Who is he ? The Frenchman's Journal
(Catholic) says that "a distinguished Ameri
can Senator has just become a convert to the
Roman Catholic faith," and "was received in
the Catholic Church on the Feast of Visitation,
July 2, by his Eminence Cardinal Franconi,
Prefect of the Propaganda."
This statement has the requisite points about
it, of date, and names, to begin with, excepting
the name of the "distinguished American Senn
tor.' Rumor has it here that Judge Douglas,
or the "Little Giant" of Illinois, and the dam
pion of Young America and "manifest desti
ny," is the man. Possibly it may be so,
though we rather suspect that the organ of our
venerable Archbishop Hughes has been a lit
tle ton fast in proclaiming the good tidings.—
It will be remembered that Judge Douglas Jos.
out in the same ship with the Hon.
R. Chandler, n distinguished member of the
House of Rerpesentatives, and a good Catho
lic, who made it a sine qua 11013 to receive the
parting blessing of Archbishop Hughes before
his departure. It will also be recollected that
Hon. George Briggs an ex M. C., from New
York city, accompanied Mr. Chandler and
Judge Douglas; and it may be that Mr. Chan
dler is the man who was received in the Catlio
lie church, in the city of Rome, on the Feast of
Visitation; or, per adventure, it may have been
George Briggs, who was baptised by his Emi
nence, Cardinal Fraeoui, Prefect of the Propa
ganda. Who knows?
We rather — susi;ect that "a distinguished
American Senator' has been confounded with
a distinguished ruemberof the Rouse of Repre
sentatives, whose visit to Rome was mainly to
pay his respects to the Holy Father, and to re
ceive the Apostolical "blessing for himself and
not for another."—New YOrk Herald.
A correspondent of the London Times holds
the following Inngunge:—
The Government of the Swiss Republic is de
termined to avail itself of the respite which
Austria's exclusive attention to the affairs of
the East affords it, to take such measures as
shall enable them to assort their independence
both by force of arms and force of public opin
ion. On the 20th ult., in the secret sitting of
the Nationalrath, after all the various amend.
runts had been rejected, the motion up
proved by the committee, containing a vote of
confidence in the Bundesrath, the opening of
an unlimited credit for the purpose of main
taining the dignity and independence of the
land, and for the support of the Tossinese, was
carried by 65 ayes to 29 nayes.
In a former sitting it was resolved to accre
dit diplomatic representatives to the various
Courts, particularly to that of St. James, and
and to make use of every means for enlighten
ing the public opinion of Europe as to the sen
timents and intentions of the Swiss Confedera
tion, so as to remove the impression that there
is any desire on the part of that country to har
bor political refugees, to the disquieting of the
neighboring territory. Tho press is unani
mous in calling on the Government to meet the
late Austrian expulsion of Swiss artisans with
reprisals, and to require that all Austrian oper
atives, chiefly bricklayers, masons, and plaster
ers, shall leave the Federal territory.
Another Great Cave in Kentucky.
Mr. G. I'. McLane, of Mississippi, and oil,.
ers, partially explored a cave last week in Mull
lcnburg county, about ton miles Routh of
Greenville. The cave was first discovered
last winter by a person who tracked several
raccoons into It. Mr. MeL. and his compete.
ions went in, as they supposed, about two miles,
when they came to a pit which they could not
pass for the want of a ladder, but they saw that
the cave extended beyond. While travelling
tho two miles, they discovered eight or ten
branches leading off in different diections, some
of them apparently larger than the direct even.
no. A petrified monkey, as perfect in shape as
if it were alive, was found in the cave some
weeks ago, and we understand that it has been
sent to the world's fair in New York.
Tho Muhlonbrug county surveyor Micas
making an examination of this cave during the
present week, and he will give no Lill account
of it.—Louisville, Ky., Journat.
Worcester Railroad Disaster.
VERDICT OF TUC JURY.-The verdict of tho
Coroner's Jury in this case states that the col
lision was the nnmcdiate resets of the culpable
carelessness,inexperience,and want of judgment
of Frederick W. Putnam, conductor of the Ux
bridge train. The managers of the road were
also blamed for having app ointed.° young and
inexperienced a man as Mr. Putnam to bo con
Putnam has hoes arrested and held to bail
in the aunt of $lO,OOO.
Our ruadeis will retnerubt, that 11 hvcs
wcrc 1.,,t by the Ji.azt,r.
Scenes During the Pestilence in New
The. New Orleans lice gives the following as
a sample of some of the picures of suffering in
New Orleans, as incident to the prevalence of
the yellow fever:
"The.. who have never visited the indigent
sick can form no proper conception of their
horrible destitution and awful sulrering3. Im
agine a woman lying on a dilupidated pallet,
in n building which fluttery could hardly digni
fy, with the came of hovel—without a solitary
friend to assist her—in the most dangerous cri
sis of the fever—scarcely conscious—tossing
wildly on her wretched conch; burning with
that insupportable thirst which seems un
quenchable by oceans, and without a drop of
water by her bedside. "
"Imagine this woman the mother of two
children—ono of whom is just old enough to ,
comprehend the terror of tho scene, but, as yet
incapable of helping her parent, while the otle
er, nn infant, hangs on her mother's breast
striving to draw nourishment from an exhausted
fountain. Render, this is no fancy sketch. It
has been witnessed within forty : eight hours, by
members of the Howard Association. We be
lieve it to be fully matched, in all its supernu
merary horrors, by scenes which that Associa•
tion in discharge of its selfimposed duty, is
daily compelled to look upon."
Tho New Orleans Bee, of the sth instant,
"Though the pestilence ve invaded to
some extent the er classes,
those who become ► ill chiefly be
long to the humble *While the Pro
testant and Catholic cc scarcely re
ceive a corpse, Potter's gel , the Lafayette
Burial Ground, the cemeteries of the charity
Hospital, of St. Patrick and St. Vincent do
Paul are glutted with the tenements of the
grave. This feature in the prevailing epidom
tip admits however, of a plausible explanation.
Tho number of the unacclimated in our city
among persons who possess•the means of get
ting away, is very inconsiderable, and hence in
this parttcular class yellow fever subjects are
scarce. Yet few of these escape nu attack,
though timely attention aided by temperance
and cleanliness, contributes doubtless, to a fa
vorable issue in most of them."
Ingenious Escape of a Prisoner.
Jas. Dunn, ri•eonviet at Sing Sing, New
York, on Friday last effected his escape from
the institution in a very ingenious manner.—
Procuring somo strips of India rubber, he
made nn nir tight tube some six feet long,to the
end of which he attache& bag of the same ma
terial, shaped like a duck. Managing to elude
his keepers; he came to the river, where ho
threw of and secreted his clothing, with his
new life preserver plunged in, and when at the
bottom kept one end of the tube in his mouth,
the bag meanwhile floating on the surface and
supplying him with air. In this way he pass
ed the prison docks, and had proceeded about
half a mile down the stream to Coyler's dock,
when, his pipe giving way, ho was forced to
swim ashore, where he met a crowd of people,
and informed them that some one had stolen
his clothes, and left them in pursuit of the thief,
which was the last that has been heard of him.
He was twenty years of age, and had served
ono term of confinement, and was at the time
of escape under sentence for life.
Centre County.
The Whig Convention of this county has
placed the following ticket in nomination:—
For Assembly—Colonel Andrew Gregg; for
Treasurer—Wm. Harris, Esq.; for Commis:
sioncr—Geo. W.-Shoup; for Prosecuting At
torney—Ed. Blanchard, Esq.; for Surveyor—
Abraham Edcr; for Auditor—lra Fisher.
The Convention also adopted the following:
Whereas, We are aware that numerous
frauds are practiced, and a vast amount of pub.
lie money squandered yearly, on the Public
Works of this Commonwealth, and that we
are confident they never will be well and hon
estly managed whilst in the hands of State
officers. Therefore.
Resolved, That we, tho Whig party of Cen
tre county, aro in favor of the project of the
sale of all the Public Works now owned by
this State, believing that a large portion of our
enormous debt can be paid out of the pro.
coeds, and will thereby make a groat reduction
in our taxes.
been converted into a Motor in france. M. Du
Trembly is the inventor. Experiments have
been made in the harbor of L'Orient in the
presence of a French Commission, and declar
ed successful. M. Montet, the head of the En
gineer service, says that the system saves 75
per cent. of the fuel. A ship called by the
name of the inventor is actually making regu
lar trips between Marseilles and Algiers. The
invention belongs to the firm of Gauthier Bro
thers, of Lyons, who are building several ves
sels. some for mail service with the highest
grade of speed; others of less velocity for
freight, and so forth. Some are equipped with
sails, some without. Tho rate of motion is
from nine to sixteen knots. Lines are contem
plated between Havre, L'Orient, Bordeaux,
Nantes, Marseilles and New York, Norfolk,
Martinque and Rio Janeiro. This must work
an important change in navigation from the
great cheapness of motive power.
Cumberland Affairs.
The Miners' Journal of Friday last says that.
up to noon on that day the number of actual
deaths by cholera were 39, besides ten cases
which were in dispute. Among the deaths we
observe the names of Washington Evans, pro.
prietor of Barnum's Hotel, John G. Hoffman,
father of the junior editor of that paper, Baptist
Mattingly, merchant, &c. The sluggish stream
flowing from Beall's dam to Shriver's old mill
is now acknowledged to be the chief source of
the disease. We supp . nse this is the stream
which had overflowed just before the appear.
once of the cholera, filling up cellars, &c. Much
has been done in the way of cleansing the
streets and scattering lime. The number of
persons who had left on account of cholera, is
estimated at 3,000.
men named IL M. Reed and A. J. Ward, late.
ly opened an office in Pittsburg, purporting to
be an agency of Oho "Protection Fire and Ma.
rine Insurance company of Boston." They
represented the capital of the corporation to be
$400,000, with a surplus fund of $250,000.
Cards were published giving a list of officers,
and quito a considerable amount of money
was received in the shape of premiums for lust,
ranee on property in Pittsburg. Inquiry hay.
ing been made in Ai n on the subject, tho
Pittsburgers have • come aware that the
whole concern, lilt opus Domocracy,waa
a swindle and a cheat.
Oar No man is a gentleman who, without
provocation, would treat with incivility thu
humblest of his species. It is a vulgarity for
which no accomplishments or dress can ever
atone. Show me, the man who desires to mnko
evory ono happy around him, and whose great
est solicitude is never to give just cause of
offonco to any one, and I will show you a gen
otloman by nature and practice, although he
may never have heard of a lexicon.
as" The heaviest fetter that ever weighed
down the limbs of a captive, is as the web of
the gossamer, compared with the pledge of the
man of honor. The wall of stone and the bar
of iron may be broken, but his plighted word
OBITUARY.—CIara, widow of the late Hon.
John Forsyth, (Secretary of the State under
President Van Buren, for many years member
of Congress—and one of the most distinguish
ed statesman of Georgia,) died at her residence,
Columbus, Georgia, on the Fith., in the sixty
ninth year of her age. This lady was a
daughter of the late Hon. Josiah Beige, of New
Harm, Coun.