Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 31, 1853, Image 3

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    State Educational Convention.
The State Ethic:lC.ld Cwivention met nt
Pittsburg oa Friday, the :oh ins!. J. 11. Crown,
of Philadelphia, Cr,sicliott, called the Genre!,
Gun to order ,and the officers oldie tumor lotion
took their scats. Thirty•eight new 'members
,joined the assoeiation. The President delivered
nu able Inaugural Address. Hon. Timms IL
Burrowes made an üble and important report
on the subject of Normal Schools. On Satur-
Any Mr. Lorain Andrews delivered an uddre
on the trimmer of conducting Teachers' Insti
tutes, whinh Was listened to with great interest.
Messrs. (icily, of Washington, and Schneider, of
Schuylkill, spoke upon the same subject.
Reporls were made of the state or schools in
the different counties of the State. An address
on the Human Mind, by Mr. Gregory, of Alleg
bony, commanded attention and admiration
from all present..
Professor Thompson, of Pittsburg, delivered
an Address on the use and abuse of Tent Books.
Professor Maldetnan, of Columbia College,
and other gentlemen addressed the Convention.
Resolutions recommending the Pennsylvania
Sellout Journal to the support of the people of
the State, were passed. She Convention ad
journed on Monday, the Bth inst.
Shocking Death on the Railroad.
On Wednesday last, an Irishman named
John Drone, was carved up on the Portage
Road, at the foot of Plane No. 10 by a train of
frebrht cars.
&! was cominK road, and a loco
motive with a train The noise
'and confusion bewa.
. ttn
so that he paid
no attention to train:: rs immediately be
hind him. The Molt «s struck, him, and he
1.11, the entire train passing over him, cutting
him literally in two! Michael Kelly and oth
,o, who were near, ran to his assistance but
it was too late. He gasped fur a few minutes,
without being able to speak, and died. From
4 letter tram his father, found in his pocket, it
,was ascertained that his name was John
Decay, from Donegal, Ireland, and from the
tenor of it, it was supposed that he was going
home. The letter was addressed to the care
of Philip - Collins, Plane No. 2. His effects
were taken charge of by Michael Simons and
Ids body in was interred in the Catholic burying
.groundNewry.—Hal: Standard.
Grand Juries.
The following presentment was made by the
grand jury at the conclusioa of their labors at
-the Somersetshire (Eng.)'quarter sessions, hol
den at Bridgewater, just pow concluded:—"No
present, that at the close of Our duties as grand
Jurymen our inquiries were directed whether
'the labors we wore called upon to discharge
were any longer a public benefit. Almost all
the cases brought before grandjuries have
been previously inquired into before magis
trates, the evidence carefully considered, and
they have decided that there was sufficient
.cause to put the persons on their trial. To
.call from their homes a body of gentlemen un
.adeustomed to, the examination of witnesses,
and through them to interpose a public inqul.
•ry,itot whether the person is or is not guilty,
, but.whether the magistrate was right or wrong
in saying that there was sufficient ground for
'putting him on trial, appears to us t be a pro
ceeding entirely unnecessary, of no p.,1 i c
'ty, and frequently obstructive of justice, and
'we therefore state it as our opinion and belief
that it would (except in political cases) be
highly expedient and of great public benefit if
grated juries were altogether abolished.'
Hearing with the Teeth.
Many pears ago en old subscriber who was
entirely deaf, called nt our office, and with the
help of a slate which he always carried with
hint, we were enabled to converse with eael
other. Iu the course of our interview, he re
marked that for many years he had not been
•nble'to bear the loudest thunder, but added that
to his great surprise, a few evenings before he
was at the house of a friend and was seated by
the shit of a piano, his elbow resting upon it,
and his teeth upon his thumb, when he heard
distinctly the tune which the daughter of his
friend happened to be playing. Again and
again he tried the experiment, and he could al
ways hear when the connection thus formed
woo kept up, but could hear nothing whatever
when it was broken either by the removal of
his elbow, from the piano or by placing his
thumb upon any other portion of his face.—
From the character of our informant we have
=vented a doubt of the truth of his narrative
—and we give it now chiefly as a suggestion
whether some simple instrument cannot be
framed 'by means of which deaf persons may
be enabled to hear with their teeth.—Rich
mond Y - ct., Watchman.
snore Aug. 27th.—The New Orleans papers of
Sunday last are received.
The mortality of the week is reported at
1534,.0f which 1865 were front yellow fever.
The total deaths by the fever, for three weeks,
was 866'9.
A deputation of citizens from Baton Rouge
had arrived to assist in nursing the patients.
lite firing of cannons in the streets had been
discontinued on account of its bad effects on
the sick ; but the burning of tar was continued.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author
ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of now subscri
bers at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our !mimed.
hers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
Jolts W. TuomrsoN, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN, East Barren,
GEORGE W. CORNELIUS, Shirley township,
JAMES E. GLASGOW, Cloy township,
DANIEL TEAGUE, Esq., Cromwell township,
Dr. J. P. Minnow, Penn township,
Dr. H. L. BROWN, Cass township,
J. WAREHAM MATTERN, Franklin township,
SAMUEL. STEIGHAY, Jackson township,
COI. JNO. C. WATSON, Brady township,
MORRIS Baoww, Springfield township,
Hutorimsox, Esq., Warriorsmark tp.,
JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township,
Ilawax NEFF, West Barren.
JOHN BALSBACII, Waterstreet,
Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township,
GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Toll township,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Mai. W. Mount:, Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
S/MEON Wiliam', Esq., Union township.
DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., Cassville.
&slum. Wrmrcs, Esq., Franklin township.
Jour( Mr., Esq., Shirleysburg.
DAvto PAUKER, Esq., Warriorsmark.
DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township.
IltncTuvouom, Aug. 30, 1853.
Flour per bbl., $4.50 a 84,75
Clover Seed, per bu., 5,25
Red Wheat, per bu., 88
White Wheat, per bu., 94
nye, per bu 70
Corn, per bu - 60
Buckwheat, per bu 50
Oats, per biz 45
Flaxseed. per bu 1 00
Itay, per ton 6 00
Butter, per lb., 12
Eggs, per doz., ..r
No. 31. We copy the following front the
Delaware Herald of the 14th. "Read! Read!!
We call the attention of Mothers to Dr. J. W.
Cooper's Worm Powders, prepared only by C.
I'. Hewes. Of' all diseases with which child
ren are afflicted, none are so fetal to them as
Worms. The most certain and pleasant reme
dy known, and that which is entirely sufo, is
Dr. J. W. Cooper's Worm Powders. Upon
the manifestation of the first symptoms, pro
cure a box of said Powders; and they will
prove themselves to be the Worm Extermina
tor. We also recommend these Powders as a
certain remedy for the Tape Worm. They me
for sale by T. lteutl S Sim, who are Agents fur
the Proprietor.
Thousands of Parents who 115( V.1111114, 5 11(.11!-
110,101 of {'rile ( oil, Calomel, &e., are not aware,
that while they appear to benefit the patient, they
are nmually laying the foundations ihr a series of
tol; as salivation, loss of sight, weak
ness of limbs, Sze.
In another column still be found the advertise
ment of ilolienanek's Medicines, to touch we ask
the attention of all direetly interested to p their own
as MI their Children's health. • lit Liver
Complaints mid all disorders arising from those
of a billions type, should tonke use of the only
genuine medieine, Ilohensnek's Liver Pills.
(M".• Be. not Deceived," hut ask for Ifoltensnek's
Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that
each has the signntnre of the Proprietor, J. N.
11013ENSACIVS, as none else aro genuine.
MEANING of the word APEPSIN,” or of the two
Greek words front which it is derived. This is
the sipiiicant and appropriate title of the Tarn
by Dr. T. S. lloutarrom, of Philadelphia, from
the fourth stomoch of the Ox, for the cure of In
digestion and Dynpopsia. It is Nature's own
menially for an unhealthy Stomach. No art of
mon can equal its curative powers. It renders
6001) EATING perfectly consistent WWI HEALTH:
See the figure of the Us, in another purl of this
On the 20th inst.. nt the residence of her fa.
ther, Hutchison, in Logan township, Blair
county, MAtto.tarr, wife of Asbury It. Stewart,
aged about 22 years.
Milnwood Academy at Shade Gap, Huntingdon
County, Parnell.
ninth semi-annual exhibition of this flour
jutting Academy will take place on Wednes
day, September 7th. Exercises to commence at
t 2 o'clock, The friends of education are re
spectfully invited to attend.
The Winter Session will commence on Wed
nesday the 19th day of October next, under the
Superintendence of the Rev. W. S. Morrison,as
Principal, supplied with the complement of ac
complished Teachers.
Aug. 31, '53.-3t.
THE subscriber will offer for rent, by way of
public outcry, on the premises, on
at 1 o'clock, I'. M., ofsniil day, his entire
Mill Property; situate near Shirlepshurg,
consisting of a Grist Mill, Saw
Mill and Plaster Mill, nll
in first rate running order, with n „0,1"
Cooper Snop, two tenant houses,'
and 10 Actes of excellent timothy meadow
This is a very desirable property, surrounded
as it is by Furnaces Factories, and other grind.'
ing facilities in nil Furnaces,
situated, also im
mediately adjoining the flourishing town of 7 Shir•
leyshurg, where is now being erected n large and
commodious house for the accommodation of the
Roor of this county, and wo have two Institutions
of learning.,—one male and one female; in sac.
eessful operation. These Mills are, moreover,
situated In the heart of Aeghwick Valley, a rich,
populous and productive region of she country,
producing wheat, corn, and all kinds of grain in
the greatest abuntlance,thus affording every Steil.
ity lbr flouring operations.
The above property, if not rented on the day
specified, will then be offered on the shares.
Conditions made known on the day of front.
Shirleysburg, Aug. 31, '33.-91.
Fine Limestone & Chocolate Land,
' In Huntingdon Co., Pa.
THREE Forms are offered for snle, containing
1 from 1 to 200 Acres, each well watered
and improved, with a duo proportion of wood,
situate in Trough Crook Volley, about 3 miles
from the terminus for Hare's IVolley Rnilroad,
and about 5 miles from the Huntingdon and Brood
Top Raifrond, 6 miles from the Raystown branch
of the Juniata, and Chilcoatstown, about 7 from
the Tub-mill Gap, 13 from Campbell's Lock on
the State canal, and 20 trom nellsburg and
the town of Huntingdon. They aro surrounded
by a respectable and thriving population, estab
lished 60 years since, and are near to several
Iron Works, which, independent of other sources,
have afforded markets fur the produce of this fee•
tile and beautiful valley.
0 - For information apply to the owner resi
ding on the premises.
Powelton, Aug. 31,'53.-41.
Brakes Ferry & Broad Top
Railroad Company.
N adjourned meeting of the commissioners of
the vDrakes Ferry & Broad Top Railroad
Company," will be hold in Cassvillo on Thurs
day filo Bth day of September, at which time
the books for the subscription at stock to said
Company will be re-opened.
The first instaimen t of Fire Dollars per share
on said subscriptions will be required to be paid
on that day, preparatory to the organization of
said Company. A general attendance of the
stocklinhiers is requested.
. .
Jno. M'Lain, Jiio. Dougherty, G. W Speer,
Jno. Brewster, T. T. Crewmen, J. Crosswol I,
Jno.Shaver, Thco. Franks, Jos. Ottingor,
Wm. Lyon, John Savage, Wm. M. Meredith,
Aug. 31, '53,21. Commissioners.
rrillE subscriber now offers for sale twelve thor
ough bred Coleswold and two full blooded
South Down Bucks, five full blood
ed Bwe Lambs of the same herds.
Thirteen thorough bred Chester ArIPV
White Pigs, about six weeks old. Wit
Ono full blooded Heifer and two Bull Calves of
the Durham Short Horned breed. _
This stock was intended for the Pittsburg Ag
ricultural Fair, but owing to the dificulty, delay,
and danger of transporting stock across the moun
tains; the subscriber declines taking them. For
information direct to Eagle Foundry,Huntingdon
County Penn's.
Powelton, Aug. 31,'53.-o f t.
OlrrE4 SOW'S.
NuEthe undersigned, would respect
thlly call the attention of porde.
sere to our superior stock of Stoves,
Cauldrons, &c. The suporiority of our
Stoves, above all others is so well known, that
we deem it unnecessary to enter into detail of
them. We would invito your attention to our
coal is on the rise, this is the most economical
stove the public can use. These stoves are of
sizes suitable for heating the smallest room, and
those capable of containing from 40,000 to 80,000
cable ft. Our Cook Stoves consist of the GLOBE
COOK, for coal; MODERN TROT, wood; BUCK'S
Yocum Coon, Il.tonn Coos, fte., &e.
Our assortment of Cook and Parlor Stoves is
the best in the market, and those wishing to pur
chase, will find it to their advantage by giving us
a call before purclltleitscinvhfle:___
Sucrossors to Potts & Yocum.
N. B. Cor. 2nd & Raco sts.
Ang. 31.'53.-3m. I'u tt.eur:cruu.
Executor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons Woli
ted to the estate of Mark M'llonald, dec'd.,
late of West township, Huntingdon county, to
mak° payment, and all having chaims against
said astnto will present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to t h e
- ---
Aug. 31,'53.—Et. Executors,
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of administration hare tido day
been granted to the aubscribers upon the es
tate of David Hindi, Into of Franklin township,
Huntingdon county dou'd. All persons indebted
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those haring claims will present them. for settle
ment to
Aug. 31, '53,-111, Admits.
lElO' WIER Y—A gout! Int. of the best. at
Rail Road Notice.
rrhe stockholders in the Broad'
Top Mountain Rail Road sod
Coal _Company, ore hereby re- X
quired to pay to the undersigned
Treasurer of said Company, live
dollars on each share of stock subscribed for by
them respectively, being the third instnitnent, on
er before the 20th day of September next. Those
persons 0110 have not paid the first nod second In
stalments ou their soloscriptions, are requested to
pay in the same on or before the Above tiny, and
thereby save the penalty of ono per cent. per
month besides costs. By order of the Board of
Directors, JACOB MILLER.
Aug. St, '23.-3t. Treas.
WILL be exposed to Public Sale, on MON
the undivided Timm part of all that well known
property situate in Catharine township, Blair
(vaulty, formerly owned by Henry Spring, dee'd.
The tracts and tenements of land are as follows:
The undivided third part of seventeen tracts
of mountain land containing 6046 acres.
The undivided thirst part of a tract of Barrens
land containing 974 acres.
'rho undivided third part. of a tract of Barrens
land containing 300 acres.
The undivided third part of the tract on which
is the Etna Forge and Furnace,s Grist Mill and a
Sawmill, containing about 600 acres.
The undivided thirst part oft tract of land sit
uate in Franklin township, lluntingdon county,
containing 92 acres.
About twelve or fourteen hundred acres of the
above hind are well calculated for farming purpo
ses, the greater portion of which twelve or four
teen *deed acres, aro now in a good state of
The said Forge, Furnace, &e., are in good or
der, and are now in full operation. under the
management of the owners of the remaining two
thirds of the property. The Forge will afford
eight fires, and on the premises, only a short dis
tance from the Furnace, are two first rate
ORE 1114.*10.
This establishment is situated on the Juniata
River, in Cnnoo Valley, about 7 miles from
Spruce Creek, where the great control Railroad
passes, and about 4 miles cast of Williamsburg.
There is perhaps not in the interior of the State,
handsomer site for Iron Works, and the con
veniences are all that purchasers could desire.
TERMS 00 SALR.—Ono-thirJ of the pureftaso
money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and
the residue in two equal annual payments, with
interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage
of the purchaser or pursittrers.
Executor under the will of John hernial,, dee'd.,
Yellow Springs P. 0., Blnir Co. Pa.
air To ho sold, MONDAY, Sept. 19th., at
the public Hotel of James M. Kinkead, Esq.,
Yellow Springs, Pa.
_Aug. 24, 's3.—ts.
Beal Estate.
rimlE undersigned Executors of Abraham Zook,
I late of 11Ieno township Mifflin county, he'd.
Will in pursuance of directions given in and by
the last Will of said dec'd., on
Saturday the 17111 day of September nal,
.expose to Public Salo, on the premises, all the
right, title and interest of deceased, of in and to
all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in
Barren township, Huntingdon county, adjoining
lands of John Chaney, Wm. & Andrew Couch,
and others, containing 115 acres, be the same
more or less, of which there are cleared and un
der cultivation, 80 or 80 acres, and having
f tt thereupon a two story frame dwelling , L ITA
..liallhouse, a bank barn, a spring of excel43l.
lent water, near the house, and an apple orchard.
They will also, at the same time and place, and
in pursuance of the come authority, expose to
public sale, all the right, title and interest of said
dee'd. of, in and to all that certain tract of Tim
ber Laud, situate in said township of Barreo, ad
joining lands of John Wright and others, contain
ing 371 ACRES, 125 PERCHES, more or less,
(it being part of e tract surveyed on a warrant in
the name of Jonathan Austin.) Salo to com
mence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day. Duo
attendance will be given, and the terms made
known on the day of sale, by
Mono tp., Aug 18, '53.-4t. Exe'rs.
The Accommodation Line of Hacks.
THE subscriber will run a hack tri-weekly,
from Huntingdon to Stonerstown by way of
McConnellstown and Marklesburg, on and after
the 15th inst.—leaving the Railroad Hotel at 9
o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,
and returning the following days, leaving Sto
nerstown at o'clock, A. M. Packages will be
carried nt a reasonable charge, and delivered at
either of the above places
Aug, 24, '53.-2m,
School Teachers Wanted.
EIGIIT competent Teachers are wanted to take
charge of the Public Schools of Penn town
ship, to whom liberal wages will be given. Par
sons desirous of taking charge of any of the
schools in said two., are requested to make ap
plication to the President or Secretary of the
Board. Schools to open from the Ist to tho l rith
of November. By order of the Board. of
School Directors.
J. K. ISETT, PresiJont.
J. P. ASIICOM, Secretary.
Marklesburg, Aug. 24, '53.-10t.
Store, 29 N. 3rd St. Philadelphia,
Morrocco Mantditcturers, Cutlers, Importers,
Commission and Genera Leather Business,
Wholesale and Retail.
Manufactory 15 Mnrgarctta Strout.
Aug. 24, '53.-Iy.
THE subscriber will sell at private sale, the
HOUSE and SHOP, which ha now occupies
in the borough of Alexandria. These buildings
are connected, and extend in front 50 feet, and
back 50 feet. The lot on which they are situated
is 64 ft. front and 180 ft. beck; and is near the
centre of the main street of the town. Any com
munication directed to tho subscriber in Alexan
dria, Hunt. Co., well bo promptly attended to.—
The title to the above property will be warranted.
Aug. 17, 's3.—St..
SEALED Proposals will be received nt the
Engineers office in Huntingdon, until the 13th
of September next, for furnishing SEVENTY
THOUSAND cross tins for the Huntingdon and
Broad Top Rail Road.
Blank forms of proposal specifying the sizes,
quality, and places of delivery, will be in readi
ness at the Engineer's office any timo after the
first of September.
S. W. MIFFLIN, Eng'r.
Huntingdon, Aug. 17, '53.-4t.
Admintstrator's Notice.
LETTERS of administration have this day
been granted to the subscriber upon the es
tate of Daniel Roberts, late of Shirleysburg,
Huntingdon county, deed. All persons indebted
aro requested to mako immediate payment, and
those having claims will present them for settle
ment to
Aug. 17, '53.-61.
WANTED, a young num from 15 to 18
years of ago, at .tho "BANNER OFFICE,"
iu this bordugh, to learn tho printing business.
Aug. 17, '53.
HA MS and SllO ULDEES, just received and
for bole by J. & W. SAXTON.
PURE WHITE LEAD, just received and for
sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
10 DOZEN Ames' No. 2 Shovels, just rceei.
ved and for sale by J. el: W. SAXTON.
0 TONS of Berea Ohio Grind Stones, for sale
oreo at the cheap store of J. & IY. SAXTON.
0 TONS COAL, just received and for sale
by -• & W. tiAXTONi
• @.'ffil.cflj,
R. Sands & Co, and G. C. Quick & Co.
Will give Two Splendid Exhibitions in
Huntingdon, on Frid a y Sept. 2nd,
For one day °lay.
Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock. Performance
at 2i and 7} o'clock, R AL
Admission 25 cents. No half Price,
Afternoon and Evening.
There celebrated Companies comprise the most
numerous and brilliant array of TALENT,NOvELTY,
and SPLENDOUR, ever before witnessed iu this'
The Equestrian Troupe of It. Sands & Co.
Will appear in all their varied, chaste and
elegant Exhibitions of graceful and daring
Forming altogether a grand concentration of
Equestrian excellence and a proud array
of American skill and genius.
The following are the names of the principal
11fr. J. J. Nathans, Mr. W. Rochford,
Mrs. J. J. Nathans, Bssett,
Miss Emma Nathans, T. Brooks,
Master Philo, A. Pastor,
" Frank Pastor, B. Bacon,
" Jesse Sands, J. Lovett,
" George Sands, 11. W. Day,
" W. Pastor, B. Huntington.
Clowns, John Lovett and 11. W. Day.
Ring Master, B. Huntington.
The Great Caravan of Wild Beasts
Is so arranged around the interior, as to enable
the spectators toexamino the various Animals
in their dens, either before or during the per
formances of the Circus.
In the course of the Entertainments, the
clebrated Lion subduer, Mi.. T. Brooks, will
enter the Wild Beasts Den, and ,"sire an exhi
bition of his supreme control over these ferocious
The interior of the
lighted in the Evening,
Got Chandiliers.
Pavilion is Brilliantly
by means of Portable
Convenient end eligible seats are provided
for 3000 Spectators, and a Promenade afforded
to Visitors, around the extensive Menagerie,
free of extra charge.
Aug. 24, '03.-2t.
Itra&l MSTATZ.
DY viitue of nn order or the Orphans' Court of
.1i) Itn county, will ho exposed to pub
lic solo, d on the promises, iu Tod township, in
said county, on
Friday the 7th day of October, 1853,
at 10 o'clock, A. IL, all that certain mes
suttee, tenement, plantation or tract of land, sit
uate in Tod township, hounded and adjoining
lands ' now or late of Richard Clark, John Elder,
John Hoover, and others, surveyed on a warrant
granted to Isaac Cook,dated Oth January, 1793,
and containing 143 Acres and 46 Per
ches, and allowance, more or lase, and having
thereon erected a SAW MILL in good running
order, and a dwelling house, with an excellent
in working order.
Teams or SAM—One-third of the pnrchaso
money to be paid on confirmation of able, and the
rosiduo in two equal annual payments, with in
terest, to ho secured by the bonds and mortgage
of the purchaser.
Adm're. of Wm. Houck, late of 'rod tp.
Aug, 17, '53.-0.
Watchmakers Look Here.
I will dispose of mv'entire stock
of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
(of all descriptions,) Stationary,
and the fixtures of my shop in Ebensburg,,
prior to tho Ist of October, next. An excellent
opportunity is thus afforded to any person that is
desirous of engaging in the business, as this is
the only establishment of the kind in Ebensburg.
Said stock and fixtures will be soil at cast. A new
two story retsina house, and a half lot upon which
tho same is erected, situate in the borough of
Ebensburg, also for sale on fair terms.
For information, call upon, or svelte to tbo sub
scriber, at Ebensburg, Carnheis_.o2...,la.._
WM. B. 11171/SON.
Ehenslntra, Aug 17, 'l3-3t.
rimlE undersigned would respectfully inform the
1 citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he
has opened n Ragnerrean Room in the
hug? Brick House ono door west of the Water
Station, where ho is prepared to take likenesses
of all who may favor him with their patronage.
Having n good light for operating, he eau produce
pictures to please the most refined and miltivated
tastes. Satisfaction given or no charge made.—
Call and examine Cis specimens, and see
How high the polish, pure the tone,
And every feature is nature's own;
Sure never art, with all its skill,
Tho heart with such delight could fill,
Anti never was such transport won,
As by those pictures from the sun.
Portreits, Daguerreotype Likenesses, &c., co
pied or taken true to the original, and neatly sot
in medallions, breast-pins, &c., for $1,00.
Daguerreotypes taken as well in cloudy as in
clear weather. For children's likenesses please
call early in the day. Instructions given in the
art on moderate terms.
WHITE, Operator.
Huntingdon, August 10, 's3.—tf.
Executor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons indebt
ed to the estate of THOMAS CLARK, deed.
late of Hopewell township, to make payment, and
all having claims against the said estate, will
present them duly authenticated for settlement,
to the undersigned. •
Aug. 3, '53-6t.
A. P. RLIAIIO 511. Dior,
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of
Cassville and vicinity, thathe has located a
medical office, for the purpose of treating all
kinds of diseases, on a safe and scientific princi
ple, and is now ready to attend to all calls, and
by strict attention to business, hopes to receive
a good portion of public favor. Fever and Ague
cured in three days, and warranted to remain
cured Pot the season. A. P.F.
July, 20, '53.-tf.
J. 8. GRIFFITH, M. D.,
Huntingdou, Pa.,
Graduate of the University of Pa., offers his
professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon
and lutiacent country.
llEvEittixets:—Medical Faculty of University
of Pu., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl
vania liuxpitail awl Dr. Jacob Hoffman.
Office, rio. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr.
Huffman. July 13, 1853.
lir A tine lot of PISIOLS at ELM. SNARL'S.
Saanitander Safes.
Evans Watson, 83 Dock Street..
Books, Papers, Jewelry &o.
Fire-Proof Doors for Banks & Stores.
2121112En r jial
Warranted to stand as much fire as any other
Safes in the country.
Fire-Proof Safes.
Ihnmsnuna, Pa., Oct. 30, 1851. 5
The undersigned appointed a committee for the
purpose, by the officers of the State Fair, were
present this afternoon, when Messrs. EVANS &
WATSON tested one of their smell sized SAL
they consumed Three Cords of Wood over it,
commencing at 1 o'clock, I'. M., end having ex
posed it to a WHITE HEAT for Too Hours, suffi
cient to destroy the cast iron feet.
On opening the. Safe, the papers with 2000 cir
culars deposited in our presence were taken oat,
not only having been preserved, but not having
the appearance of scorch upon them.
A. T. NEWBOLD, Ex-Governor of Pe.
Solo Agency for Butterworth's Celebrated
Bank Locks.
Gnu \Nilson, Esq Ilnntingdon,• Pa., is au
thorized agent for the sale of the above, at his
office a specimen can he seen, and also at office of
the Broad Top Railroad Company, in Minting
don, we also refer to Col. S. S. Wharton, and
the County Treasurer, in fitintingdon. Below
reference is made to to few in Philadelphia, who
have our safes in use. lliundreds more can be
Farmers & Mechanics' Bank, 12 safes.
U. S. Stint.
U. S. Arsenal, 3 in Phil's, 5 in California.
Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sheriff.
Barker Bros. & Co., Brokers, No 16 N. 3,1 St.
E. C. Knight, corner Chesnut and Water St.
Michelin & Co. No. 17 S. Water st.
Richard Norris & Son, Locomotive works.
Penn'a. It. It. Co. 2 safes:
MP. Germantown and Norristown R. R.Co,
State Treasurer and Trenton Banking Co.N.J.
Odd P. Halls, 6th st. and cor. 3d & Brown sts,
Southwark & Moynmensing Gas Co.
Corporation of Northern Liberties.
do. of Moyamensing.
July IS, 'S3.—ly
C A I RS leave HusTitiovox at the following
10.02 Morning.
9.05 Night.
8.55 Morning.
$.12 Night.
Pare irom Huntingdon to Phil'a. $5,15
9E43 - Passengers purchasing tickets in the Cars,
will he charged T. extsTs in addition to the sta
tion rates, except from stations where the Com
pany have not an Agent.
JNO. D. HERR, Agent.
July 20, '53.
- ,13i 1v7.%
DB. G3o 2. IWU t 4
GRADUATE of the Philadelphia College of
Dental Surgery.
Artificial Teeth, from one to a fall set, moon
twl in the most improved modern style.
Filling, Filing and Scaling done with care and
7ceth Extracted with all the ease and despatch
that modern science can furnish.
July, 13, 1853.
Huntingdon, Penn'a.
OFFICI on Main Street, next to that of Gon.
A. I'. Wilson.
Terms moderato, and all work warranted to
give entire satisfaction.
July 13, '53.
. THE undersigned has leased and ft
.. ted up the above llovcr., on the
corner of main and Montgomery Street,
V in the borough of Huntingdon, and is
well prepared to accommodate all who may favor
him with their custom. The traveling communi
ty and the public generally are cordially invited
to call with him, hoping by strict attention to
business to merit a largo portion of public patron
ego. No pains will be spared to render general
Juno 29, 9.53.-ly,
r t i go public
s' respectfull y 'W
invito the en.
to their new and splendid
stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
now exhibiting in I'ortstown, consisting of It largo
variety of German and Belgean Cloths.
Cassimeres and Cassinets of the best quality.
Silks, Surges, and Satins of superior quality.
Silk Taffets and plaid, plain and twilled Isdkfs.
Cotton Hosiery of every quality and style.
Cotton and Thread Gloves in great variety.
Ginghams, Cambrics and Jaconets.
Cotton, Cambric and Jaconet ILlkfs.
Cotton Fringe, assorted sizes.
Linen Plaid, Cotton and Striped Tapes.
Ribbons of every description.
French Merinos, Table covers and Shawls.
Berne Detainee, Lawns and Alpacas.
Calicoes, Tidies & Muelins its countless numbers.
Cotton Drills and Cor du Rays.
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Glass, Hard and Queensware.
Randy-made Clothing with a large lot of varie
ties and notions too munerous to mention.
Persons wishing to purchase will find it to their
interest to call and examine our stock of goods
before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determin
ed to sell at extremely low and reduced prices.
Portstown, June 22, '53.
Chartered by the State of Penn
sylvania in 1541.
TIIE Saving Fund of the National Safety Dom
puny, No. 62 Walnut Street, 2 doors abovo
Third, PHILADELPHIA, is open every day
from 8 o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock P. M., and on
Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock.—
This institution is well known as one of the best
managed and safest in the country, and pays rive
rest cony, interest for money put in there, from
the date of deposite.
Any sum front One Dollar upwards is received.
And all sums, large or small, aro paid back on
demand, without notice, to any amount.
This !wing fund has mortgages, Ground
Rents, and other first-class investments, all well
secured, amounting to more than half a million of
dollars. for the security of depositors.
Office 62 Walnut street, two doors above
Third, Philadelphia.
Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres't.
Wu. J. REED, Secretary.
Hon; Wm. Richards, Pottstown, Montgomery
co. J. D. Strceper editor of the Montgomery
county Ledger, Pottstown.
J. M. Sheenemen, editor of the Neutralist,
Skippackville, Mont. co.
Enos Benner, Esq., editor of the Farmer's
Friend, Surnueytown, Mont. co.
lion. Joel Jones, late Mayor of Phil's.
lion. John Robbins, jr., member of Congress
ith District, Pennsylvania.
lion. James Page, late Postmaster of l'hil'a.
Hon. Was. l'eningtou, late Governor of New
Juno 22;
James E. Glasgow,
rrAviNG fitted up a large and elegant Store.
roma, directly in the centru of Scottsville,
Huntingdon Co., into which he has removed his
store front the old stand, is now prepared to etc
commodato his customers and the public general
ly, with a splendid and fitshionable assortment of
Ilia assortment consists of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware,
and all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country
Store. Also, a beautiful client) and elegant as
sortment of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
and Trimmings of every vartety. Also, Hats;
Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of
goods of all kinds.
All kinds of Country Produce taken in
exchange for goods.
Scottsville, Hunt. Co., Pa.
Juno 15, '53.-ty.
Carriage Manufactory.
rplIE undersigned respectfully informs his pat
rons and the public generally, that he still
continues at the old stand, in the borough of
Cussville, Huntingdon county, to manufacture
Carriages, Buggies,
llockaways, Sleighs,
and every thing else connected with his business.
Repairing dono on the shortest notice.
Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, he., constant
ly kept on hand, but others will be made to neuter.
Work done cheaper than at any other estab
lishment in tho State, end all warranted to the
Cash, but when not convenient, country pro
duce, taken in exchange for work.
June 15,'53.-17,
ASecond-hand Eight horse power Steam En
gine, with a Boiler 30 inches In diameter
and 20 ft. 6 inches in length, with all the neces
sary machinery to make it complete. The En
gine has been hot little used and in good order.—
Persons desiring to purchase, will call on the
subscriber, residing in HaMilton township, near
Keefer's Store, or ott Jos. Eberly, residing in
Juno 15, '53.-tf.
' Louis Schneider,
HAVING purchased the Store of Cunningham
& Cornprobst at Marklesburg, Hunt. co., l'a.,
is prepared to accommodate the public at said place;
with a splendid and fashionable assortment of
his assortment consists of
Dry Goode, Grocerie4,
Queensware, Hardware.
Liquors, &c.,
and all kinds of Goods usually kept inn country
Store. Also, n beautiful, cheap and elegant as
sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings
of every variety, also, liats, , Caps, Bonnets, Boots
and Shoes, and a variety of Goods of all kinds.
All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchango
for Goods.
And I do hereby notify all persons having ac
counts on the Books contracted at the Markles
burg Store, belonging to Curnprobst & Curling
horn, will pay the same over to me, they having
been asigned to me. LOUIS SCHNEIDER.
Juno 8, 1853.
F. 11111`011-11'S
?THIS Essence is a preparation of unusual ex
cellence. In ordinary diarrhma, incipient
cholera, in short, in all Canes of prostration of the
digestive functions, it is of inestimable value.—
During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and
summer complaints of children, it is peculiarly
efficacious; no family or individual should be
without it.
CAUTIQ:N•—Re sure to get the genuine es
sence, u•htch is prepared only by P. BROWN, at
his Drug and Chemicnl Store, N. E. Corner of
Fifth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, and for
sale by nil the respectable Apothecaries in the
United Stntos. For sale by 'l'. READ & SON,
Huntingdon. Dine 22,253.-Iy.
Rouse to Rent.
A large, commodious dwelling house,on
4,lllRailroad Street, recently occupied by Maj.
1 John. P. Anderson, is now for rent, suite
d° almost for any purpose. The house is well
finished, having attached to it all the necessary
out-buildings. Application can be made either
to Jacob Cresswell at Paradise Furnace I'. 0., or
to the Editor of the Joutts.ll,,
June 22, '53,
Scottsville, Hunt. Co. Pa.
T ILE undersigned respectfully informs the trav
eling community and the public generally,
that ho is now prepared, at his new and COllllllO
- dwelling, to 'accommodate all who may
favor him with their custom. His Hotel is situ
ated at the South-cast end of the village, near the
Mineral Springs, and the conveniences connected'
with it, are calculated to give satisfaction.
Scottsville, June 8, '53.-6m.
Cabinet Maker and Undertaker,
Huntingdon, Pa.,
. -
MAKES this method of informing his friends
and the public generally, that ho still
remains in his old stand, on Main street, nearly
opposite thu Presbyterian Church, where he is
prepared to turn out work equal with any eastern
manufactory, or in short inferior to none. Per
sons wattling New Furniture, will do well to give
bins a call before purchasingelsewhere as ho is
determined to sell low for CASII o$ Country
Produce. lie also respectfully returns his thanks
to the public, for the liberal patronage heretofore
received, and hopes by careful attention to busi
ness, to merit a continnence of the same:
Ho also intends to give his attention the Under
taking business. COFFINS made and funerals
attended, at the shortest notice and on reasonable
terms, either its town or country.
i~ All work warranted. M. F.
Huntingdon, June I, 's3.—ly.
. ____,..__ informs his
~, . ,7: : -..._ friends i : and the i
71 : ' it' .:117N* pu b l ic
till t g ll en general
• y`';,:,.. 7 1 17- cstublis hed a
4 10 111
.`";. t .
...... .„ 7- - Marble Yard,
A in the borough
kli , holmium 'HT .r. i a Huntingdon,
I II $l , llllllll iIPle . Ind hus just re
immin " • ceived from
.. - - .. - Philadelphia a
selected stock of choice Marble grave-stones, of
every description, which he will furnish at very
reduced prices.
All orders from any part of the county or ad
joining counties, addressed to the subscriber,
will be received and promptly attended to.
Shop on Hill street, two doors west of Gen. A.
P. Wilson's Office.
May 18, 1853.—1yi
J UST receiving the handsomest lot of Carpets
aver offered in this place. Also, Oil Cloths,
which will be sold low by
Ladies will please bear in mind that Par
asols can be had exceedingly low at the cheap
store of J . d• IV. SAXTON:
DOUBLE Barrelled English Snub and - Twist FOWLING PIECES—aIso Single Barrel.
ed Guns, from four dollars to thirty each, for
sale by J. & W. asx.roN.
I" FUSE. conoantly on band and for sale by
pITTSHHHG Hama and Flitch forma ° cheap
at the ELEPHANT Corner.
JUST RECEIVED and for aale Fisk Salt and
Piaster by , J. & W. SAXTON.
AA beautiful lot of Wbito Crape Shawls, just re
calved and for onto by J. &W. SAXTON.
Cut sak at the Cheap Store of
J. 13R1CKER.
An Invaluable Book for 25 cents.
IX Thousand Copies sold in less than three
I.J months. A new edition, revised awl impro
ved, just Issued.
11)n. JIVNTER'S Sfedicol teamed and hood licok
for the afflicted--Contain lug no outline of the fir
igin, progress, trentment and Cure of every form
of disease, contracted by promiscuous smteul In
tereonrse,. by self-abuse, or by seated 'execs:,
with advice fur their prevention, written in a
familiar style,avoiding nil nicilicioul technicali
ties, and every thing that would (Oremd the cur at
decency, frum the result .of 211
,vents' successful
practice, exclusively devoted to the cure of an
ew'. or a delicate or private nature.
To which is added, receipts for the cure of am
above ilisenses, and a treatise on the cause, Nyillp -
toms and cure fur the Fever and Ague, for 95
cents a CON, six copies for $1 ; will lee forma.- any part of the United Stotts, free of pos •
tage. 7 -Address postage' paid, Coulon & CO.,
Publishers, or "Box 195, Post Office, Phila.
"This is without exception, the most compre
hensive and intelligible work published on the
class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all
technical terms, it addresses itself to the renders;
it is free from all objectionable :natter. and no
plrent, liowever fastidious, con object to placing
it in the hands of his sons. The author has deno
ted many years to the trentment of the various
complaints treated of, and 'with too little breath
to purl;' and 'too little presumption to impose,' too
has offered to the world at tlm merely minionl
price of 25 cents. the fruits of some twenty years
most successful practice."—ll, mid.
'No teacher or parent should he without rho
knowledge imparted in this invaluable work; it
would save years of pain, mortification and sor
row to the youth under their charge."—Poo
pies Adrocact
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing
of "Hunter's Medical Manual," says
"Thousands upon thousands ofour youth, by evil
example and the influence of the passions, Imre
been led into the habit of self-pollution without
realizing the sin and consequence upon them
selves and their posterity. The constitution of
thousands, who are raising himilies have been
enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not
know the cause or the cure. Any thing that
eau be done so to enlighten and influence the
public mind as to cheek, and ultimately to re
move this wide-spread source of human wretch
edness, would confer the greatest blessing next
to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and
coming generation. Intemperance, (or list use
of intoxicating drinks,) though it has slain thou
sands upon thousands, is not a greater scourge to
the human race. Accept my thanks on behalf
of the afflicted, and, believe mo, your co-worker
in the good work you are so actively engaged in."
One copy will be forwarded, (securely envelo
ped and postage paid,) on receipt of 25 cent., or
six copies for $1• Address, COSDEN &
Publishers, Box 196, Philadelphia.
go 'Booksellers, Canvassers .d Book Agents
supplied on the most liberal terms.
Juno 1,
Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery,
HENRY J. AFRICA, would respectfully In-
Vito the public to call at his establishment
in Railroad Street, where all those who need any
good Bread, Rusk, or any other kind of Cakes
found at a Bakery, may be supplied.
He has just received a very large and fresh
supply of Fruit and Confectionaries, each as
His Ice Cream Saloon is one of the most beau
tiful and gorgeously furnished rooms to he found
outside of Philadelphia, it is worth a visit there
just to no the saloon, end then, if you should feel
like taking a saucer of ice cream the AGENT cam
supply you with the best article that has over been
manufactured in this or any other country.
Thankful to the public for past fitvors, he hopes
by strict attention to bnstness to merit a continu
ance of patronage.
May 111, 's3.—ly.
Pennsylvania Rail Road.
Great Raw(iota on Local Rates of Frei&
From April Ist 1853.
Huntingdon to Philadelphia.
at clan 50 eta. per 100 Iba.
2 4 .. 40 .•
3r 4 331 •• 41
4th " 28 " " "
Flour per bbl. 60ete.
Plaster por Ton $4,25.
Huntingdon - to Pittsburg.
let class 55 etc. per 100 lbs.
2tl " 43 " " "
3rd II 3.4 •• •• •!
4th 30 "
Flour per bbl, GO et,.
Pig Iron, Blooms, Lumber and Bark, will he car
ried Eastward its Car loads, at the convenience
of the Company, at the following rates per toa
of 2000 lbs.
Huntingdon and Harrisburg, 1 etc per 100 lbs.
Huntingdoh and Philadelphia, 25 .‘ " "
For further information relative to the Trans
portation of Freight (or Passengers,) apply at
the office of the Company.
30111.4 D. HERR, Agt.
May, 25, '53.-9m. Hunt. Station.
T HE subscriber announces to the traveling
community, and the public generally, that
he has taken charge and fitted up the above house,
having one of the Most pleasant and beautiful
locations in the Country, where he will be happy
to wait upon all who may favor him with their
patronage. Therd is a good stable, and also a
carriage house belonging to the premises, to
which the most careful attention will he given.
May 25, '55.-1 y.
HARDWARE.—A good assortment for sale
at S. IS: G. LENTS Store.
HATS AND CAPS—of all kinds, of the latest
fashion, for sale at the cheap store of
S.& G. LEVI.
for sole at the store of
S. & G. LEVI.
Ladles' Shoes.
ASPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Shoes,
of the latest styles, just received at the store
of S. & G. LEVI.
Asplendid lot of Bonnets just received and for
sale by J. 6. IV. SAXTON.
C ARPET Bags, just received and for sale by
J. tl• IV. SAXTON.
DORT MONNAIES from 25 cents up to $2 50
at Ed. Snare's. April 15 1852.
LADIES Lasting and Silk work Gaitors, Kid
Morocco, and Goat Boots and Shoes, at the
store of CiEO. GWIN,
Mus. Delanes, B. Deimos, De Berege, Lawns,
Ginghams, and a choice variety of Goods of all
kinds, at the store of GEO. GWIN.
CLOTHS AND cassi.mEßEs,
plain and fancy, at vary low prices, at the stoic
for safe at the store of GEO. GWIN.
AmosTb - aritiful lot of Hemp de Laine — rw
..c 3 . terns, sad in the piece, from 18 etc up to SO
eta. per yard, just received and for sale by
J. 6. W. SAX2'ON.
GINGIIAMS—Domostic and Dress, just re
ceived at D. Y. GWIN'S Cheap Store.
A largo assortinont of Lawns and Berazo de
just received at tho cheap store of
1). GWIN..
rASSINETTS, Corduroy, Tweeds, K. loons,
for sale at tho deep corner opposite C.
Costa' Hotel• D. I'. GWIN.,
111101CNETS and Bats of the latest styles, just
reeeived at 1). I'. (MIN'S Store.
001EING thaw', just received'and for sills
J-Aby J. i• W. SAXTON.
Abeautiful assortment of Cross-barred Indite
Silic,just received and for sale by
GOLD CHAINS—A fine vsriety for sale, ye:
yr low, at East. SNARE'S.
AArL the S n excel l ent quali t y,