HUNTINGDON JOUINAL. Wednesday Morning, Aug. 31,11853. S. L. GLASGOW, Editor. CIRCULATION 1000. WHIG STATE TICKET: JUDGE OP THE SUPREME COURT, Thomas A. Budd, of Philadelphia. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, Moses Powuall, of Lancaster county. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, Christian Myers, of Clarion county. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, Alexander K. McClure, of Franklin co. WHIG DISTRICT TICKET: STATE SENATE, ALEN. M. WHITE, of Cambria county. ASSEMBLY, JAMES MAGUIRE, of Huntingdon co., JAMES L. GWIN, of Blair county. WHIG COUNTY TICKET: SHERIFF. JOSHUA GREENLAND, of Cassville. TREASURER, JOSEPH M. STEVENS, of Petersburg. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, J. SEWELL STEWART, of Huntingdon. COUNTY SURVEYOR, WILLIAM CHRISTY, of Porter tp. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, THOMAS lIAMER, of West, tp. AUDITOR, BERRY BREWSTER, of Shirloysburg. DIRECTOR OP THE POOR, SAMUEL MATTERN, of Franklin tp. Whig County Committee. The following nanfed gentlemen compose the Whig County Committee: 8. L. GLASGOW, Esq., Chairman, Hunt. John Williamson, Esq., William Saxton, A. J. Africa, John A. Doyle, M. F. Campbell, John Flener, Henderson tp. John Snyder, Walker. Dr. J. P. Ashcom, Penn. Lazarus Houck, Hopewell. David Aurandt, Esq., Tod. Dr. H. L. Brown, Cassvfile Borough. Col. John Stever, Cass tp. Simeon Wright, Esq., Union. Isaac Wolverton, Brady. Moses Greenland, Clay. Jeremiah Brown, Springfield. T. T. Cromwell, Esq., Cromwell. Dr. IL Clark, Shirleysburg Borough. Peter Myers, Shirley tp. Dr. J. A. Shade, Dublin. Geo. Wilson, Tell. Geo. W. Whitaker, Esq., Petersburg. Robt. Wilson, West tp. Jno. Crownover, Bartle. Maj. W. Moore, Alexandria Borough. Henry Graffins, Porter tp. Jno. Balsbach, Morris, James Clark, Es ~Birmingham. Jno. Cummins,Esq., Jackson Samuel Wigto, Franklin. David Parker, Esq., Warriormark. Benjamin Corbin, Murray's Hun. Stirßead New Advertisements, Our Course, We understand that there is a guerrilla can didate in the field,—a man who, notwithstand ing the most strenuous and unparalled exertions, was defeated for the nomination in the late County Convention. Sustained by the action of that Convention, and the voice of the people, we shall discharge our duty to our party and ourself, by exposing upon every occasion, the character and principles of any one who places himself before the community in opposition to tho regular ticket, and attempts to defeat the nominees of the party. We have a ticket, regularly nominated, con sisting of men of integrity annonesty—men who are above suspicion. To that ticket we shall lead our hearty, undivided support, and every attempt to defeat it, by those pretending to be Whigs, shall meet with our most unqual ified disapprobation. We shall deem it our duty to make public the character, both moral and political, of any candidate whom we have grounds for believing dishonest and corrupt.— And, if rumor speaks true, such a man is about to offer himself to the people. We wish it therefore, understood, that as the editor of a Whig paper, we shall consider it our duty to oppose, and to give to the public the characters of all candidates, without distinction of persons, and without "fear, favor, or affection." Dr. J. H. Wintrode. It is to be regretted that Huntingdon County was not entitled to the Senatorial nomination, for she presented a candidate than whom no one would have carried to the station greater talents, or more sound Whig principles. Dr. Wnsraone is indeed a noble Whig, true and tried, not ono of those who are only Whigs while endeavoring to secure a nomination, and who, after defeat, oppose the ticket and the party, but a Whig of the good old school, whom personal preferences can not sever from the immutable principles of the party of his early choice. He is a firm and unwavering suppor ter of the whole ticket, and is nobly battling for its success. Long may he wave. The Standard. In the last Hollidaysburg Standard, we End the following paragraph in relation to our pa per :—"That paper (the Journal) openly charg ed White and his friends with going to Hunting don to buy up the Conferees, Om" Now, we have no desire to enter into a con troversy with the "Standard," or any of our editorial brethren, but we are compelled to pronounce the above assertion false. No such language can be found in the columns of the Journal, and it must have originated in the Standard man's own brain, or been taken from tho Huntingdon Globe, where it may have ap peared. We hope the editor of the Standard will examine our files, and make tho "amen* honorable.'{ Wltig State Convention. This body assembled at this place, as will be seen by the proceedings in another column, on the 25th inst. Its delibeiations wore charac terised with the right feeling, and evinced the true Whig spirit. It was not a little gratifying indeed, to us, to see the old 'Whig fires burn so brightly, and every thing pass off so encoura gingly, The State, generally, was well repro sented, considering the object of the Convention was merely to nominate a candidate for the of fice of Supreme Judge. The individual nominated for this position is THOMAS A. Bono, Esq., of Philadelphia, who is said to be a good lawyer—a correct man, and every way worthy the entire support of the party. He is no politician merely, as is his op ponent. John C. Knox, the locofoco nominee, which is a consideration that should particular ly recommend him to the toiling masses of the Commonwealth. The office of Supreme Judge is one in which the people should feel very deeply interested—ono which should claim their serious consideration, because in that Tribunal lies the safety of their property, life and liberty. If they would only reflect—only think—what the magnitude of the responsibilities are which rest with those who occupy such high positions, especially that of Supreme Judge, we are con fident there would be frequently different re sults at the ballot box. We believe we have a man now before the people for their suffiages, •in the person of THOMAS A. Bunn, in whose hands their liberties, their lives and their pro perties, would be entirely safe, and we hope the people will unitedly rally to his support. John C. Knox is a mere politician—without a single commendable qualification—a mere tool in the hands of the Bigler and Buchanan wing of the locofoco party, and entirely unworthy the con fidence of an honest and intelligent people.— Mr. Buen's reputation is without blemish—his moral character is as pure as any thing human can be—is a consistent member of the Meth°. dist Episcopal persuasion of the Christian Church, and a Trustee of Dickinson College. Our Ticket. Our State and County ticket is now com• plete, and may be found this week nailed to our mast-head. It consists throughout of good men ' and faithful Whigs—men whom it is an honor, as well as a privilege, to support. From the candidate for the Supreme Bench, down to Director of the Poor, there is not one of whom it cannot truly be said, he is a man of honesty and integrity, end a man competent to discharge faithfully the duties of the office. Let us then, fellow Whigs of old Huntingdon, rally around our standard, and prepare for the battle. Lot us buckle on the good old armor of "40" and of "48," and beneath the same broad banner upon which victory then perched, march boldly into the contest. The same loud wail of the toiling millions, that then roused the "old Whig guard" to battle manfully for their rights, is now wafted upon every blast. Let its mournful sound again wake them from their lethargy, and rouse them to action. If we be active, vigilant, awl brave, success will attend our efforts, and our glorious flag willagain float victorious on the breeze. Let the watch-word be union, the cry onward! and the weapons justice, honesty, and truth. With such a mot to, and such weapons, we can know no such word as fail. Dissatisfied Partisans. Never, perhaps, in the history of State or County politics, was a nomination made that pleased every member of the party. Some few are always dissatisfied because either themselves, or their particular friends were not successful. But however much disappointed or sore a man may feel from either of these causes, if he be a true, honest, and faithful Whig, ho will keep his own feelings in the back-ground, and strive earnestly for the success of the principles of his party, looking at the bright standard, with its glowing inscription, and not at the bearer. There are, however, some political leeches in the vicinity of this town—and some, too, who have been fattening and gorging themselves at the public crib, whose object is not principle, but plunder. Having been balked of their prey by the honest yeomenry of the country, and without brains enough to conceal their dissatis faction and soreness at their well-merited de feat, they are now endeavoring to injuro the party and its nominees, and do not hesitate to stoop to the use of the most base, low, and do graded weapons. Lies, slander and abuse are heaped promiscuously upon the devoted heads of all who see proper to differ from these dis interested patriots, consisting of a few little pettifoggers and detested shavers I But their object is too visible not to be easily defeated. They are the spies and hired drum mers of the common enemy, placed in a con spicuous position to attract our attention, while the rank and file of the democracy are to pen etrate to the heart of the fortress, and conquer the "old Whig guard." It is a prettily concocted scheme, but a little too shallow not to be fathomed by the piercing eye of `•that same old coon," who will knock it into "pi" by a single brush of his tail. The inscription on the banner, borne by this motley group, is "party usages I" Singularly consistent I Opposing the regular nominations on the ground of a departure from the "usages of the party I" Were not these "usages" es tablished by the majority of the members of the party, and has not the same power to whom they owe their origin, the right to alter, amend, or even to abolish them ? But were it not so, would "party usages" authorize the nomination of men who had been "weighed in the balance and found wanting?" Would they compensate for bribery, corruption, and rascality, or repre sent us in an intelligent and honorable manner is our official stations? Are we to blind our eyes to faults and crimes, merely to worship at the shrine of "party usages," and elect men utterly unworthy our support, because, forsooth, it is demanded by party customs? But these unprincipled schemers, who have consented to become the agents of those still more unprincipled than themselves, having no other excuse for their conduct, are compelled to seize hold of this locofoco cry of "party usa ges." Such men aro to be found in all parties. They make politics a trdde, and like the spoil ers that follow in the footsteps of an army, to rifle the bodies of the slain on the field of car nage, they follow in the wake of our political enemies, and would consent to pour down their Iscariot throats the spoils oflocofocoism, though wrenched from that party of which they are nominally members. Let the gallant Whigs of the country, then, be on their guard, and treat the machinations of these loathsome, venomous traitors, as they deserve. Disregarding their lies, slanders, and schemes, let them be true to their party and principles—those principles bought with Amer ican blood, gilded by the bright .n of freedom, and scaled with the signet of a limit CLAY I Col. Alexander M. White. The iblluwing wo take from the Blair County Whig, and in all it sap of Mr. White we cheerfully concur. We believe his nomination is the best one, under the circumstances, that could have been made, and that ho will be triumphantly elected, we entertain not a single doubt. We hope he will receive the warm support of every Whig in the county: "On Saturday last, the Delegates from the Counties of Huntingdon, Cambria, and Blair, met at this place for the purpose of nominating a Whig candidate for State Senator. The Convention t on the ninth ballot, nominated Col. ALEX. H. WIIITE, of Cambria County. It cannot fail to give the moot general satisfaction. Ho is certainly one of the strongest men in the district, and will prove bin popularity and strength nt the polls, in a very decided manner. Col. WIIITE In jest the man to triumph with —the man, to create enthusiasm, and rally the Whigs of the district. He is a young man of superior ability, will make an excellent Sena. tor, and do honor to the 15th Senatorial die. trict. He is a Whig by birth and education—faith ful to the cause, loves the principles and men of the party, and has ever, like a eon of a noble sire, been firm and foremost in spreading the truth of those principles before the people. We hail his nomination as a sure omen of victorr. The sun of the 2nd Tuesday of Otto bee will go down brightened with the glory of triumph—the success of principles and the cause of truth. In order, however, that our triumph may be more certain, let each Whig in the district, act as though the responsibility rested with him self. We have an important duty to perform, let us do it with all our energy, and no event can possibly defeat our glorious candidate.— He is the kind of a man which every Whig should be proud of, and the vote he will receive must astonish our opponents, and give credit to the Whigs of the district. The eye . ; of the Whigs of the whole State are upon us, and they look anxiously forward to our success. We say unto all, be of good cheer, we have the man for the crisis, and vie. tory is certain. The Senate will remain Whig beyond Tiestion, because the Whigs of our district will prove faithful to the cause and the State. Let our friends rejoice at the glorious prospect, but in their rejoicing, remember that "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Messrs. (twin and Maguire. Tho following paragraph we copy from the Blair County Whig, and we can heartily en dorse every sentence in it. That our candidates for the Legislature are good, honest, intelligent and upright men, and sound Whigs, there is no doubt at all, and we think no honest man can deny it. They aro not mere politicians—such as have been a disgrace to this State for the last few years, which qualification alone should warmly recommend them to the people gener ally. They will, we have no doubt, be trium phantly elected, and they should be, for better men could not easily have been placed in no• mination: "Our ticket for the Legislature is now full. Mr. Gwin, of this county, and Mr. Maguire, of Huntingdon, aro tho nominees. Two better candidates could not have been placed in nomi nation. . They aro entirely unexceptionable 'men, and will receive the united Whig vote of the district- It is to be hoped that our party will stand firm around these candidates, as they well deserve the vote of every Whig in the dis trict. They are honest, worthy. correct men, good Whigs, and, we have no doubt, will be triumphantly elected." Senatorial Nomination. By referring to the proceedings of the Whig Senatorial Conference which was held in this place an Saturday last, it will be seen that ALEXANDER H. WHITE, Esq., of Cambria county secured the nomination, and is now the Whig candidate for the Senate. In sub mission to this decision of the party's delegates. we place his name at the head of our paper, and yield him our support. The importance of having a whig majority in this branch of the Legislature is manifest to all, and we antici pate Mr. White's election by an overwhelming vote. We have assurances that he enjoys great personal popularity in Cambria, and especially in the districts along the !Portage Road. In Washington township, which gives a Looofoco majority of 400 or 500, it is stated he will "hold his opponent level," at least, and probe- , bly boat him. The above we clip from the Hollidaysburg Register, of last week, in reference to Mr. White's nomination for State Senator, and his prospects for an election, to which we invite the attention of our readers. A Weak and Imbecile President. There have been other administrations which acquired for themselves an unenviable reputation for weakness and imbecility, but the course pursued by the present, we think, indi cates that President Pierce is on a fair way of securing for his administration that reputation to nn extent which no preceding one enjoyed, and which cannot fail to bring it into contempt with the people. Though he sat by at the Merchant's Hotel in this city, when Messrs. Davis and Guthrie, were delivering their pro nuncimentas in favor of the Pacific Railway, and by his silence gave authority to all they said, it would now. seem that the feeler these Ca binet Ministers thus threw out, has not been responded to by the Locofocos as he had ex pected, and there are therefive, doubts and sun raises, caused to be promulgated in the jour nals over which he has control, as to his own course, though he hid sanction by his silent ac quiescence, the views proclaimed by Messrs. Davis and Guthrie, at the banquet in this city. This is a course of double-shuffling which, to say the least of it, is contemptible for one oc cupying his exalted position to pursue. The Washington Star has the following up. on the subject, which indicates vary significant ly the fix the President finds himself in, and his want of decision and firmness to stand up to any particular line of politics:— For the last month we have done our best to ascertain if possible whether the Administra tion hare formed or expressed any settled views upon the Pacific railroad question, and can didly confess that we have not the slightest re liable inkling in this connection. Messrs. Jef ferson Davis, and Guthrie, on the late Crystal Palace inaugurating tour, declared in favor of the constitutionality of the Goverment's con nection with it under the defence clause, whenever its construction may thus be come necessary. No one, if we are not mista ken, has yet heard the President or any third member of the Cabinet speak on the subject.— True, the Chiso advocates the project. But the editor of that journal has taken due care to say that, in so doing he was merely expressing his own opinions. In view of these facts, we are inclined to believe that most of us of the the press who have been crediting the Admin istration with having formally taken their stand upon the question, have been writing `Acrid of time; and that, in truth, no out-side, of the Cabinet has yet the slightest reliable in formation concerning the position in which they will eventually be found upon this occa sion. tar The Bedford Inquirer hoe the following paragraph: NEXT WHIG. CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR.-ID connection with this high office we see men. tioned the name of Gen W. M.lnwitrof Mif flin County. (lon. IRWIN is a perfect gentle. man, a finished scholar, and one of the most eloquent as well as substantial Whigs in the State. He served his county gallantly during the last war with Mexico, and enjoy. the esteem not only of those of his own political faith, but of persons of all parties. ' If he be the nomi• nee of the Convention, we know duo oue who we would rather work fur. WHIG STATE CONVENTION, Pnrsuant to the call issued by dm Whig State Committee, the delegates elected amembled in Convention in the Court House, at Huntingdon on Thursday, August 25th at 11 o'clock in the forenoon; for the 'purpose of nominating a can didate for the Supreme Court. They were called to order by Charles Thompson Jones,l , ll., of Philadelphia county, en whose motion the Convention organized, temporarily, by the se lection of the following officers: President, • JOHN FENLON, Cambria. Secretaries. , Peter Sailor, Lancaster. Albert R. Schofield, Phila. Co. The list of Delegates was then called over, after which a motion was made by Matthias Myers, of Philadelphia county, to appoint a committee of ten members to report the names of officers for the permanentorgainzation of the Convention, which wan agreed to, and the fol lowing gentlemen wore named as said commit• tee: Matthias Myers, Henry S. Hagert, Divine, jr., of Philadelphia; D. P. Robinson, Franklin; J. C. Dickinson, Lancaster; S. L. Glasgow, Huntingdon; J. J. Patterson, Dau phini Jno. N. McDonald, Washington; Joseph Mifflin, Cumberland; Jacob Hoffman, Berke. The Convention then took a recess until two o'clock in the afternoon. On the re-assembling of the Convention in the afternoon, Mr. Myers from the Committee appointed for that purpose, reported a list of officers, which was unanimously adopted, and is as follows : • President. JACOB L. GOBBLER, Phila. City, Vice Presidents. Theo. Fenn, of Dauphin. Wm. H. Irwin, of Mifflin. J. J. Roberta, of Philadelphia County. Samuel Lauffer, of Westmoreland. C. Thompson ,fones, of Philadelpia County. Henry Hahn, of Berks. Col. T. Green, of Lancaster. David F. Robinson, of Franklin J. N. McDonald, Washington, Secretaries. S. L. Glasgow, Huntingdon. Geo. Raymond, Blair. Albert R. Schofield, Philadelphia County. John J. Patterson, Dauphin. Mr. Gossler, on taking the chair, made nn eloquent address, which was enthusiastically applauded. David Blair, Esq., then submitted a resolu tion declaring it to be inexpedient to nominate a candidate for the Supreme Bench, and re commending 'the Hon. Thomas S. Bell, of Chester county, to the support of the people as an independent candidate. This resolution wns,on motion of John Fenlon, Esq., amended sons to provide for the appointment of a. com mittee to report resolutions expressive of the sense of the Convention. Thi4 committee was constituted as follows: Geo. W. Elder, Mifflin; Jns. M. Sellers, Juninta;Wm. FL Irwin, Mifflin; D. E. Scott, Berke; S. B. Lauffer, Westmore'd; J. J. Patterson, Dauphin; Danl. Mere, Lancas ter; W. S. Roland, York; Jno. Fenlon, Cambria; C. N. Taylor, Berks, who immediately retired to.cliseltarge the duty assigned them. During the absence of the committee on re solutions. David F. Robinson, E.g.. of Frank lin, and John Williamson, Esq., ofliuntingdon, were called upon and addressed the Conven tion. The committee on their return, reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we re-affirm our adherence to the time-honored principles of the great Whig party, and shall ever consider it our duty, as well as pleasure, to give them all the sup. port we can command. Resolved, That we condemn the policy pur sued by Gov. Bigler and his administration in adding thousands upon thousands to our al ready enormous debt. Resolved, That we recommend the sale of the Public Works of the State, that the people may once more thoroughly be relieved from the bur then of taxation. Every consideration of pub lie policy demands that the Public Works be placed beyond the reach of speculators and party, or personal favorites---corrupting as they now are. to public and party morals, at the ex pense of our honest toiling people. Resolved, That the taxpayers of this Com monwealth ate requested to look at the reports made by those interested in the continuance of the present system'of our public works, repro senttng them as profitable to the State, and producing a large amount of revenue, and ask themselves if this can be true, while the heavy taxes levied upon the people for the pay ment of the interest of the State debt, and for the support of these same public works, for the erection of whirls the debt Was contracted. Resolved, That we are in favor of the sale of the Public Works for tho.purpose of reducing the State debt, the repeal of the State tax, and to prevent the annual accumulation of a float ing, State debt, which causes poor laborers and others employed on the State Works to be shaved twenty per cent, or more of their hard earnings, to obtain the necessaries for the support of their families, while the laborers on the public works of corporations or companies, are regularly paid iu cash for their services. Resolved, That we are in favor of the con struction of a Railroad to the Pacific, either by combined individual effort, or by the General Government—provided, it can be done by the latter without involving the nation in a serious debt, or infusing corruption and speculation to the injury of the country. Ref;o/red, That we are still the advocates of the Whig policy, as it regards the protection of labor, internal improvements, and the support of a pure and independent judiciary. Resolved, That thi3 Convention approve the nominations made by the Democratic Whig State Convention, of larch last, for the offices of Auditor General, Surveyor General, and Canal Commissioner; and that believing them to be eminently woolly, and well qualified to fill the respective ofliFes for which they have been nominated, eariestly and unitedly recom mend them to the zealous and active support of the people of Penisylvania. Resolved, That we sincerly regret the decease of that amiable and honest mail, that true Whig and patriot, John Price Wotherill,pf Philadelphia. His eminent services to is party, and his widespread benevolence to his fellow men, have eishrined him in the grateful hearts of his fellowcitiseris. His memory shall grow brighter as years pass away. John Fenton, Dui., then offered the follow ing:,. _ Resolved, That we deem it inexpedient for this Convention b nominate a candidate for Supremo Judge; but that thejudicial experi ence and intogrityof the Hon. Thomas S. 801 l commends him tufa suitable candidate for all parties, and that Iva cordially recommend him to the Whigs of Pbnnsylvania for their support. David F. Robison, Esq., moved to amend by striking out too name of Judge Bell, and inserting that of 4lexander King, Esq., of Bed. ford. This amenfment gave rise to a long din. cession, in whichthe whole subject was discuss ed, pro and con—Nessrs. John Fenton, Jacob Hoffman, and Wei. H. Irwin favoring the on. ginal proposition,cd Messrs. D. F. Robinson, Caleb N. Taylor, Thompson Jones, and Mat thins Myers oppos' r , it. After which, a motion was made and mulled to proceed to ballot for a candidate. Nonlinations wore theri made. John Fenlon ncininated Thomas S. Bell. D. 11. Hoffius " George Taylor. C. Thompson Jotes " Thomas A. Budd. D. F. Robinson " Alexander King. The first ballot *suited as follows: Bell 4, Taylor 12, Budd 21, King 11. The second bal lot was as follows: Pell 2, Taylor 11, Budd 20, King 12. The third ballot: Budd 24, King 23. THOMAS A. Bunn, FAQ, of the city of Philadel phia, wan thereuprh, on motion, declared the unanimous choice the Convention us the can• didate Inc the Suprsmc Bench. The Convention then adjourned sins die. Whig Meeting. Pursuant . to notice the Whigs assembled in the Court House, on Thursday .evening after the mljounrmetit of the State Convention, in the capadity of a public meeting. On motion, Col. DANIEL HERR, of Lancaster, was called to the chair, and the following officers were appointed.: V. Presidents—J, M. SELLERS, of Juniata Co., E. D, IttnalsoN, of Bucks, A. Th. Sono /IEIM, of Phila., C. W. Asitoom, of Bedford, Dr. W. S. ROLAND, of York, D. BtAtn, Esq., of Huntingdon. Seeretaries.—Cul. John C. Watson, Tiunt.Co. Dr. Jno. IL Spangler, York, Co., Maj. Ow. Raymond, Blair Co. On motion, Oen. Wm. 11. Irwin, was called upon to address the meeting. He responded in his usual chaste, and beautiful style, entrancing the audience with his 'brilliancy and eloquence. As a stump orator Gen. Irwin cannot be sur passed. Col. A. K. M'Clure, the Whig candidate for Auditor General, was introduced and spoke with the energy, and true spirit of a Whig. His eloquent address will be published. Col. Robison, of Franklin, made a glorious speech, full of enthusiasm and humor. He set down amid roars of laughter and applause. The following resolutions were then offered by Maj. G. Raymond, and passed unanimously by the meeting: Resolved, That wo love and admire the spirit evinced by the Whigs, to-day, in State Conven tion, in favor of the time honored usages of the Whig party, and that that spirit should actuate every Whig when he comes to make his selec tions for office, and vote on the second Tuesday of October next. Resolved, That those ancient usages should conduct our actions, especially in the present contest, because it is demanded from every Whig, in consideration of the bad acts of those who hold the power in the State and National ad ministrations. Resolved, That we cannot approve, by silent encouragement, the increase of the State debt, because the .toiling millions" are robbed of their honest industry, by the mal-administra. tion of a man who winks at and encourages robbery and peculation in all his acts. Gen. William Cullom. We announced, some days since, that this able and fearless champion of Whig principles from Tennessee had been defeated, hut, we are gratified to learn, by later advices, that he has been re-elected to Congress. Mr. Bugg, Whig, was also announced a defeated; in 7th District, has been elected, but Yerger, Whig, in the Memphis District, has lost his election, Stan. ton, Loco, hying elected by six of a majority. The delegation to the next Congress will be equally divided-5 Whigs and 5 Democrats, as follows: Dist. Whigs. Diet, Dem. 4 *William Cullom. 1 Brookins Campbell. 5 Charles Ready. 2 °W. 31. Churchwell. 7 Robert M. Bugg. 3 Samuel A. Smith. 8 Pelix K. Rollicoffer. 6 °George W. Jones. 9 Emerson Etheridge. 10 *Fred. P, Stanton. *Members or last Congress. Sale of the Publio Works. The movement of the Berks County Locofo en's in favor of the sale of the Public Works. does not seem to be relished by the board of Canal Commissioners, and the Locofoco office holders under it. As might have been expec ted by the faithful in "All Berk.," who for once in their lives have exercised independence enough to express their own honest sentiments; though they may bo sour grapes to their polit ical leaders, the cry of •'mad dog" has already been raised at Head Quarters, and if they be not careful we shall have the singular anomoly presented of the office holders reading the Democracy of Old Berke out of the Democratic party. These aro queer times. Democracy is disjointed, and no lengdr what it used to was. A LEETLE ONE WAY AND A LEETLE VOTIIER. —The Locofocos of Cumberland county, at their recent County Convention, adopted a set of resolutions which would have done credit to the Sage of Lindenwold in his palmiest days of dodging. They ore little for, and ti little against a Pacific Railway. They arc very anx ious to have such a road, and think it would be a great thing for the country, but they are afraid there is no constitutional authority for the gov ernment to build it. We hope Jeff. Davis will lend Bonham and his Locofoco compeers in Cumberland his specs td read the Constitution. .GEOROTA.-A Scott Whig , in a communica- tion to The Milledgeville Recorder, says that the assertion that not a single prominent Scott Whig has been nominated to office is untrue, and that "Dr. Reese, the Union candidate for "CounTess from this District, was among the "first that took the stand for Gen. Scott. Col. 'grippe, the nominee from the lid District "got up l'rein a sick bed and cast his vote for "Scott. Hon. Turner H. Trippe, who will be "elected to the Judship in the Cherokee Cir. "cult, was a Scott Elector. So also was Judge "Fleming the worthy Judicial candidate from "the first." MORE. TROWILE IN inn WIGNAL—WO see it stated that Major A. J. Done!son, a connex ion of Gen. Jackson, and who was dismissed from the editorial control of the Washington Union, is to start a new paper in Nashville.— It is to be a Democratic, but opposed to the Administration of President Pierce. Other papers are springing' p in Washington, and other places, and "the powers that be," will have a warm time of it before their days, "num bered," shall ho ended. CONTESTED ELECTION.—In the Memphis Dis• Wet., Tennesee, in which Stanton, Dem., is elected to Congress over Yeager, Whig, by a majority of two votes, we learn that the right of the former to his seat will be contested.— Two votes were thrown out in ono of the dis tricts which would have made the result a tie. The Memphis Whig thinks that the Governor will withhold Stantou's commission, and order a new election. FREE TRADE OUTRIGHT.—HOWEVCE truthful. ly many of the Locofoco leaders in this State may be charged of being dishonest in their pro fessions in regard to the Protective Policy, this charge can no longer be made against the Cumberland county Locofocos. At their late county meeting they threw off all former re straint, and adopted a resolution boldly avow ing themselves in favor of Free Trade. TEMPERANCE NOMINATIONS.-The friends of the Maine Law, in Luzern() County, have nom inated Lord Butler, John McCauley, for the Le gislature, and reccommended Madison Myers, of Kingston, for Senator. In Cumberland CO. they have reecommended Lemuel Todd, for Senator, and nominated Alexander Cathcart, and H. C. Moser, for the Legislature. The for liter is cue of the Whig nominees, and the lat. ter one of the Locofoco candidates. -. A DIVIDED HOUSE.—The Berks resolutions, in favor of a sale of the Public Works, have operated like the sudden fall of a bombshell in the Locofuco camp. At the Lehigh County Convention, aller an angry and violent discus. Rion, similar resolutions were voted down. In Lehigh county, the standing committee of the Berks movement. lt issue da manifests, endorsing the WASIIINGTON Cousrv.—The Whigs of this county hare settled on the followingticket :—As sembly—John N. McDonald, Joseph B. Welsh; District Attorney—Wm. S. Moore, Esry ; Cons. missioner—John D. Scott; County Surveyor— Harvey J. Vankirk ; Director of the poor—Jo. seph Ross; Auditor—David Bradford. CENTRE) COUNTY ' —The tocofocos of this Co. have nominated the following ticket: Pres. ident Judge Hon. James Burnmde Assembly, Dr. C. H. Fo%ter; 'Cm:wirer, Col. Wm. 11. Blair. MUCH IN LITTLE, Prob Oyvters—at "Agent's . ' every evening. Coming—Van Wagoner, with his Lig tent, and the circus. Lots of fun ahead. Not yet answered—the Quwre of "Where's Andy Friedly Smoky—the political horizon of the rene gades. In town last week—our distinguished mem• ber of Congress, Hon. John McCulloch. 65- Little Johnny" is like a drum; not withstanding all its noise, it is etupty within. In demand—overcoats, and winter quarters, on Sunday last. The "Perthonater" was down "about a feet." Bad eign—for politicians to work on Sunday, and especially renegades. New cure for toothache—a half pound of salts, taken in molasses and warm water. Recovering—the young man that was attack ed with the "fever." Small, very,—the man who would cheat at a "three fip" game of billiards, and backbite his friends. IS. Graham's Magazine, for September, on our table, with its usual quantity of interes ting literary matter. e r Men rarely seek to square their opinion by facts; their general effort is to adjust facts to their opinions. A Plank in the Guerrilla Platform—the re• peal of the present usurylaws of this Common. wealth. Will the honest, hard-working men suffer this? air Our friend, William ltothrock, of this borough handed us a peach the other day s of his own nurturing, which was not at all impala. table—it was splendid. Queere.—"Where did the "handsome mem ber" get his strength?" Why ho has'nt got ranch, though it is said what little he has come out of "Gulliver's" (snuff) box. Iffirft is stated that Col. Benton's friends hi Missouri, are already preparing to bring him out for the Presidency in 185 G, against all par ties and all conveytions. gr We understand that some paper is pes• sing round to which names are being solicited. Wonder if it's a subscription for the relief of calamities from fire? Fun ahead.—lt strikes us, there will be a good deal of 'wriggling' before the 'grist of names' now being collected about town, gets through the mill. Desperate—the efforts making by a few of our disorganizing pettilbggers. Thoy had bet ter keep quiet and save the little remnants of their reputation. Becoming eloguent—the "Lilliputian lawyer" on the subject of '•party usages." Wonder if he learned his lesson front the man that spells blood—"W-u.d." Pity aint it?—that the "veracious lawyer" could'nt get to be a substitute. Sorry he took it so much to heart. Hope it ditl'ut cause ossification New penny post—the "handsome member . ' has established a line for peddling circulars.— The borough is his own track. He may be seen on the 'trot,' through the streets, at all hours of the day. A Camp Meeting—will be held on the farm of Daniel Neff, near Alexandria. commencing on Friday the 2d September next. Wo learn that hacks will run regularly from this town to the camp gronnd, during its continuance. Outrageous—the depredations committed on the property of some of our citizens on Satur day night last, by the "skinners." They had better stop their midnight prowlings before some of them get "row-skinned." Accid,ent.—We are sorry to learn that Capt. William Dorris, received serious injury by be ing thrown front his horse on Thursday even ing last. His wrist was dislocated, and his person was badly bruised. He is now fast re- covering. A new Tragedy.—We understand that a new poem will soon appear under the title of "The Loudon Tragedy." The principal actors are a female Othello, the shirt tail hero, and the Villagers with tar, feathers, and a fence-rail. ilgr Mr. Williams has just received from the East, a splendid assortment of American and Italian Marble, which he is prepared to manu facture into tombs, monuments, &e. Mr. W. is a clever young man, and deserves to be pa. tronized. Uneasy—the Globe man. Our nominations don't appear to please him. No want no bet ter evidence of their correct whig principles, and of the policy of making them our standard bearers, than this dissatisfaction of the locofocos and their organ. Slightly egotistical.—Thero is n lawyer in town who says ho "never lies and the people know it." Ho would ho an anomaly, if that wore not unfortunately, one of the biggest lies he ever told in his life, and he has let out some pretty largo ones. Consistent, vcry.—Tho man who pledged himself last full to stump the county, if neces sary against a certain candidate, whom he is now supporting in opposition to the regular ticket of the party to which he pretends to be- long. An excellent specimen of his boasted "veracity," Appointment—T. K. Simorrox has been appointed Station agent at this place, by the Penns. Railroad Company, in the place ofJoits D. HERR, resigned. Mr. Henn, wo understand, intends, making his future residence in Phila delphia. Our town will lona valuable citizen, a pleasant coin panion, s and a perfectgentleman. Dean Swift must have had a specimen of the "veracious lawyer" in his eye, when he said :—"lt is with narrow smiled people, as with narrow necked bottles, the lees they have in them, the more noise they make pouring it out." Funny—the movements of the little puppet as his owner pulls the wire. "The handsome member" and "little Johnny," cast "Punch and Judy" far into the shade. The next variation in the amusements will be an exhibition of wild animals, when "the handsome member" will perform the wonderful feat of turning a back somerset over the mighty "Gulliver." Franklin Nonuntenk—The Phila. American suggests that the project of the erection of a monument over the grave of Franklin, in that city, be committed to the management of the Philadelphia Typographical Society, to whom, it says, the craft in the United States might safely entrust their contributions with a coati. donee that they would be properly used. Slanderous—to report that the present Whig candidate for County Commissioner can't write his own name. We have no doubt the men who are circulating these slanderous reports would not hesitate a moment to accept a bond signed with Mr. Hainer's own hand—yes, they would snatch it with as much avidity us a dog would a bone. Cir "Tiler yi.:1;101 like ni,n to a nomitßitiuri 'uot fit ttil.o4 (Pub,. Tbat . f.true. we hav'M a particle of doubt, in the opinion of tint Globe—and after the second Tue.iday in October, lie will think it "nut fitter still," when he mucus that White is triumphant ly elected by a large majority. It won't do, can't accomplish what you wish. CU' We received a foe days since, through the hands of the Hun. John McCulloch, from Mr. Abraham Renner, Petersburg, quite=•a number of very large and handsome plums of his own raising--they were indeed very deli cious, and Mr. Renner will please accept our thanks—may his kindness of heart ever be ap preciated and may his plum trees never quit bearing. Car Ifthe Frenchman who was once ridiculed by an impertinent fellow for his imperfectpro nunciation of the English language, were to hear the "short lawyer" expatiating on the street corners, he would no doubt make a simi• tar remark:—"Mine friend you vud do veil to to stop now; for if Sampson had made no bet ter use of de jaw-bone of an ass dam you do, he vud not have killed vary many Philistines." . The locnfueo Press of Blair and Hunting don counties seems to be down hard on the nomination of Mr. White fur Serial& Why is this—just because they know and feel that he is a strong man and can't be beaten. We want no better evidence of this than what they have already said ou the subject. So go it gentle• men, of the Globe and Standard, if you think you can accomplish any thing. Chaste .TArygnage—S. S. Wharton, a volun ter Candidate for the Legis:ature, said on Mon day evening last nt the Railroad House, that "nobody was opposing him but a set of sons of b—, in this here town." This is trully a beautiful and dignified expression to come from the lips of a man who asks the suf frages of the people for an important office! Some of the most respectable citizens of Hun tingdon must feel themselves highly compli mented. er Our young friend, Miss Julia Miles, will please accept our wannest thanks for the hand. some present she sent us the other day— consisting of a number of "Wright's Favorhe" plum, a number of the "Early York" peaches, and several bunches of the "Isabellaand Sweet Water" grapes. The peach and plum aro or the species obtained in Wright's Nursery, Ad ams county, but have been nurtured in the gar den attached to her father's private dwelling. Miss Julia's heart is very kindly disposed, and is worthy of imitation. A Guerrilla Candidate's Suliloguy.—"To run, or not to run? that is the question.— Whether 'tis better lisr a man to suffer, the ex. posure of all his guilty acts, and foul offences, to get to Ilarrishurg nod fill his pockets, or to keep them quiet and to stay at home? To go— to stay—and while I'm there to make a fortune —'tis a consumation devoutly to be wished. To go—and Stay. Yes stay ! but oh 1 those crimes!—ay there's the rub. Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all, and thus the na• live hue of resolution, is sicklied o'er with the fears of an exposure, that ought to make hypocrisy's brazen cheek turn scarlet at this hideous sight, and lose all power of action.— But soft you, now !—a thought has struck me, and I'll risk it.—These names !—l'll get them, and —" [Exit "pitching."' Choate's Eulogy on Webster. At the recent commencement of Dartmouth College, the lion. RUFUS CHOATE delivered a very beautiful and glowing eulogy on the Life and Character of DANIEL \\rem , En. Wo should be happy to publish it, but front its length and the present crowded state of our columns it is imposible to do so. Tho follow. ing is the peroration: "But arrest this argument of eulogy, My heart goes back into the coffin there with him; and I would pause. I went—it is a day or two since—alone to see the home he so passionate ly loved, the chamber where he died, the grave. in Which they laid him, habited as when his look drew audience, still as night or summer's noontide air, till the heavens be no more. In all that spacious, varied and calm scene, all things to the eye at first looked unchanged— the books in the library—the Portraits—the ta ble at which lie wrote—the scientific culture of the land—the course of agricultural occupation —the coining in of harvests—fruit of the seed his hand has scattered—the animals and im plements of husbandry—the trees planted by him in lines, in copses, in orchards, by thous arris—the seat under the noble old elm on which he used to feel the south wit wind at evening, or hear the breathing of the sea, or the not less audible music of the starry heav ens—all seemed at first unchanged. "Tho sun of a bright day, from which how ever, some of the fervors of midsummer was wanting, fell temporarily on them all; gleamed on the long line of the ocean; filled the air on all sides with the utterance of life. Some of those, whom on earth ho loved best—were there—tho great mind still seemed to preside —the great presence to be with yon—you might expect to hear again the rich and play ful tones, the old hospitality. Yet a moment more, and all the scene took on the aspect of one great moment inscribed with his name and sacred to Isis memory. And such it shall be in all the future of America I The sense of desolation and loneliness and darkness, with which you sea it now, will pass away—the sharp recent grief of love and friendship will become soothed—men will repair thither, as they commenimorate the great days of history; the same glance shall take in, and the seine emotions shall greet the Harbor of the grim and the Tomb of Webster!" • Number of Railroad Accidents. With the Killed and Wounded, during each month of (he present year. No. of Accidents. Killed. Wounded. 25 40 6 11 24 62 25 54 54 49 6 19 8 22 26 76 176 333 Month. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, Auguiat, Total to Aug. 12, 65 Sixty : fire easualilies, a hundred and sene y six deaths, and Mree hundred and thirly•thren persons injured! There is a total which should put our civilization to the r Her ald. AN ELECTIVE JUDICIARY .1 TENNESSEE.— fly an act of the last legislature of Tennessee, the question of an election of judicial officers by the people WAS submitted to them to be vs. ted upon in the late 'State election, but it is feared it is rejected in consequence of the voters, neglecting to place the proposition on their tick. ets us the law directed. £ The New York Courier states that one of the first deposits in the Six• Penny Bank in that city, was made by an urchin who was without shoed or stockings. It was the sum of five cents; and before the end of the day it reached thirtyono cents. Ho begged that his deposit book might be retained at the bank; otherwise his parents would claim all his fu• tore earnings, (as they had his previous eues,l for the purehutie of