VOL. 18. TERMS The "Tluxmtroons JOURNAL" is published at the following yearly rates: • If paid In advance 151,50 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing, 1,75 If paid at the end of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not,. paid till niter the expiration of the year. No subscription Will be taken for a loss period than six months, mid n 9 paper will he discontinued, except at the option of the publisher, until all arrearages aro said. Subscribers living in distant counties, or in other States, will be required to pay invariably In 'advance. - a ; Tho above terms will be rigidly adhered to ku all eases. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 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Giro me the guidance, Father! round my way So many dangers lie, and hidden snares, That I am tearful oft, lest, unawares, My feet into somo secret pitfall stray. The wrong so oft in guise of right appears— The evil often bidden from my view, That 1 am doubtful sometimes what to do— My brain bewildered arid confused by fears. how oft o'er duty's pathwtiy clouds like night Spread darkest shadows! and no single ray A.ppcars to show the better way— Father, 'tis thou alone can guide aright. Give me thy grave, my Father, day by day, As newer trials come, and earthly cares Increase the burden which my spirit bears•-- %Thy grace to lighten care and cheer the way. Give me thy grace when hose's glad ray appears, Gilding the future with its golden light, While I. enchanted gloriou3, Know nought of sorrow or foreboding fears. Ohl then I need thy grt.e.:l to guide aright, Lest, quite bewildered by the brilliant ray, I tread unheedingly the 'flow'ry way; Till duty's safer path be lost to sight. Give me..thy guidance over on my way Throughout the chequered path of life ; Thy strength to conquer in the hour of strife, And all•sulticient grace for every day. My Old Companions. heart yearned, like other hearts, With all the fervor Youth imparts; And all the warmth that feeling lends Has freely cherished 'troops of friends.' A change has passed o'er them and me, We are not as we used to be; My heart, like many another heart, Sees old companions all depart. I mark the names of more than one, But read them on the cold white stone ; And steps that followed where mine led, Now on the far•off desert tread ; The world has warped some souls away, That once were honest no the day; Some dead—some wandering—suroe untrue; 0 ! old companions are but few. But there aro green trees on the hill, And blue flags sweeping o'er the rill, And there are daisies peeping nut, And dog-rose blossoms round about, Ye were my. friends '•long, long ago," The first bright friends I sought to know; 4nd yet ye come—rove where I will, My old companions faithful still. And there are sunbeams, rich and fair, As cheering as they ever were ; And there are fresh winds playing nigh, As freely as in time gone by; The birds come singing as of yore, The waves yet ripple to the shore; Howe'er I feel, where'er I range r These old companions never change. I'm glad I learnt to lore the things That fortune neither takes nor brings ; I'm glad my spirit learnt to prize The smiling face and sunny skies; 'Twas well I clasped with coating hand The balmy wild flowers of the land; For still ye live in friendship cure, My old companions bright and pure. Though strong may be the ties we make, The strongest mortal tie may break ; Though warns the lips that love us now, They may perchance foreswear the vow ; We see pale death and envious hate, Fling shadows on Life's dial-plate; Notmng the hours when dark sands glide, And old companions leave our side. But be we sad, or be we gay, With thick curls bright, or thin locks grey; We never find the epring bloom meet Our presence with a smile less sweet. Oh! 1 am glad that I learnt to love The tangled wood and cooing dove ; For these will be, in good or 111, My old companions, changeless still. Influence of the Press. It is a fact, that a newspaper, in the humbled I n cabin in the land, is an engine of great utility and good, in forming the manners and strengthening the morals of the rising genera tion. It id, indeed, the palladium of our lib tidies, civil and rebgioun ; and every man who is the head of a family, should patronize at least one well conducted newspaper. In a family, where there are children, it exerts a vast influence, and the esrlv impressions. (al ways the mom lasting,)im baled ft-eon it, produce results in after-life, little dreamed of at the time by parents. It produces a love of reading, of thought, of inquiry and investigation; and the -child who in reared in such a family, will go into the world nnschackled by the chains of euperetition, bigotry and intolerance. Its will stand forth n. !Luz,. as able to inatruct, an wil ling to be instructed; and in him his conntrr Er.,d art and reliz:Lra .d Inc. an ardent and ciacele supporter. p• ',-',..r/ 1.„,4„. ). • ~,,, , , . ,‘ _..._ • ( '' . 7 , 1 .1 ! 1 11 L 7 . ri titigbiol.:.• '' 11 :111111:TIltir, i 14 "I SEE NO STAR ABOVE TIM nomox, PROMISING MOIST TO GUIDE US, BUT THE INTELLIGENT, PATRIOTIC, UNITED WIIIU PARTY OP TUE UNITED STATES."-[WEBSTER. EKICt2II.4IthItIM.I. The Ambitions Matrons. [The Boston Journal translates from the Ital. ian a story pertinent to the times :]— It is said that when King Alboino reigned in Verona, a great desire came in the heads of the matrons of Verona that they should be ad. omitted to seats in the Senate, and decide with the Senators amid the King on the affairs of state. "And why," said they, "shOuld the men on ly he reputed worthy of this honor, though ig norant and cowardly—whilst we, although in formed and corageous are wholly excluded from it? Well may it be said that, till now, women have been considered as very fools not to have aspired to a participation in the government. But the time has arrived when we should acquire for our sex this glory, and which no generation has granted. Certainly Albumi) shall not have a moment's peace till he grant no thip privilege, we will so torment hitn that he shall tinnily permit us to sit and net with the senators." With these and similar discourses they exci ted each other and raised quite a tumult; and then ran in a body to the gates of the palace, bawling and screaming at such a rate that Al bobs° was on the point of leaving them all hanged, teat he might be no snore annoyed by them. But they, the more they saw Alboino moved to anger, the more they vociferated.— At length, not knowing what better to do, the king called the queen to pacify them; who, leaving given audience to some of the matrons she was affected by their pretentions and rea sons, and so transported by their loquacity, that indeed it appeared to her great injustice lead been done to her sex by not being permit ted to the privileges which the matrons now wished to obtain. Having then dismissedthem, she hastened to the apartment of her husband; whom she no sooner saw approaching than she began to scold and say—Truly, the matrons had a thou sand good reasons why they should be permit ted to seats in the Senate, and to discuss with the men the affairs of the kingdom. "And what? We women are considered as so many foolsl yet, if we should sit in your councils of state, you would not make to many foolish decisions—for we should make such an uproar against them, that the laws should not be passed till they were just and perfect, that is, APPROVED BY us." "Oh fools!" exclaimed Alboino at this dis course, walking with great strides across the hall, and stamping violently. "I will have you all shut up in a tower, and there you shall learn to govern from the jailer." "What tower? what jailer ?" screamed the Queen, turning her back upon him, and run ning away frightened; but in fleeing she repeat edly looked back and exclaimed :—"Yes, we will sit in the senate, or see will turn the seas and the mountains upside down." Alboino was on the point of giving orders to have all these women bound—whets behold Bertoldo entered. He Was the buffoon of the court, and nature endowed him with a shrewd genius, and he had often given good advice to his sovereign. As Bertoldo entered he was laughing immoderately; and the king, having asked him what made him laugh so, he said: "I am laughing at those ladies who, .seeing your simplicity, grow bold almost to the de gree of rendering you foolish. But, if I were you, I would soon make them silent and ashamed." "And how would you do it?" •aid the King. Bertoldo replied "If you would make use of a little trick I will tell you of, you would in a few hours free yourself of their importunity nod foolish ambition, without using violence or shed ding blood." The king requested him to make known to him the lit►:c trick—and, if it succeeded in rid. ding him from this annoyance, ho promised him a large reward. Bertoldo then ran direct to the market, and bought a little bird and put it in a little box, which he delivered to the king, telling hint his design. Alboino caused the queen to be called; he gave to her the box and directed her to deliver it to the matron, and promise them, on the part of the king, that their request should be grant. ed, if, on the next day, they should return to him the box just as they received it, without having opened it. The queen took the box, and only waited a moment to be alone, that she might gratify her curiosity, by teeing what was in it. But all the matrons returned in a crowd to the door of the palace, before she had time to gratify her own curiosity. She called two of them, and confided to theta the little box, with the king's instructions. The two matrons departed, full of joy, saying that the king's injunctions should be implicitly °User. red. But they had hardly descended the steps, when they stopped a little, looking each other in the face and silily laughing. 'What is it ?' said one. should admire to know,' said tht, other; `but I dare not open it.' Ou reaching their companions, they showed the box with great mystery, explaining the or ders of the king. Behold, now, all these ladies 'knotted together, some on tiptoe, thrusting their heads between each other, to get a peep ' at the little box, and to touch it and shake it. One said, 'What can it be ?' 'Another, 'Oh, what can it be? Let me touch it a little. 'Oh, softly, it may be an egg, or- perhaps a mouse.' 'Do you hear anything mute ?' 'Oh, well indeed, yes this is truly wsrshy of a king I to orderJadies not to open a little box, not worth two cents I And lie thinks, perhaps, that we are so- silly, that, opening it; we shall not know how to shut it again I aad do you not see that this is a banter? Come, let Us see it a little.' 'Oh, no, no; said she who held it—but at ! the same time she raised thece , er a little. .E 11! -hat arc pmt afrai4 cf tart ant.th.n— HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1853. give it to me, and you shall see how I will do it; I am the oldest, and most used to find out mysteries—give it to me, I will open the cover very gently—and if I see anything move I will quickly shut it again.' Meanwhile she who hold it opened the cover entirely, when out flew the bird! The ma• trons stood like so many fools. After a short silence—Well,' said one of the boldest, 'is there anything here to trouble us ? Here was a little bird, and it hos flown away; it will not be difficult to buy another and carry it to Al- boino, in the same little box. At this all the matrons skipped for joy; but then there was one who resumed a serious and melancholy countenance. 'Alas 1' said she, 'and who saw what kind of bird it was ? and if we carry back to the king another, then, indeed, he will have reason to punish us. It is better, since we have been so foolish, to confess our error and implore his pardon. There being,however,different opinions,it was concluded to postpone the decisions,to the next day; when, being assembled, and after a long discussion, they adopted the best course—a thing very rare among the ladies of that time. They went then to the palace and presented themselves to the queen—related to her the sad event of the escape of the bird, beseeching her to intercede with the king for their par- don. The queen was very much displeased to find her hopes of n scat in the senate thus at an end; and, without reflecting that she herself, if she had time, would have first opened the box, she began to scold them and reproach them Ibr their curiosity.. The wretched women wept, scratched their faces, and tore out their hair in great despair. But the queen, who had a good heart, gave pp their anger, and consoled them; and then she went with them to the king to entreat for their pardon- The queen pre ceded them, with the little empty box in her hand, the matrons following, two by two, hold ing„ each other by the hand, with downcast eyes and mortified hearts. When the king saw the empty box, it was with difficulty that he refrained from laughing; but, preserving his dignity, he, on the con trary, broke forth in complaint and up-braid- The queen by degrees, pacified him, and ob tained the pardon of the matrons, who were so mortified that they never more dared to speak of the senate, or of the government. For two days the trivia of Bertolno was lauded; but af ter that no one dared to speak of it. • Beautiful Thoughts. Clod has sent some angels into the world whose office it is to refresh the sorrows of the poor, and, and to lighten the eys of the discon solate. And what greater pleasure can we have than that of bringing joy to our brother; that the tongue should. be tuned with heavenly accents and make the weary soul listen for light and ease; and when be perceives there is such a thing in the world, and is the order of things, as comfort and joy, to begin to break out from the prison of his sorrows at the door of sighs and tears, and by little and little begin to melt into showers and refreshment—this i 3 glory to thy voice and employment fit for the brightest angel. So I see the sun kiss the fro zen earth, which was bound up wi)fthe ima ges of death, and the colder breathe the north, and the waters break from their enclosures,and melt with joy and run in useful channels, and the flies do rise from little graves in the walls; and dance a little while in the air, to tell that joy is within, and that the treat mother of creatures will open the stock of her new re freshment, become useful to mankind, and sing praises to her redeemer. So is the heart of a. man, under the discourse of wise comfort; be krcaks from the despair of the grave, and the fetters and chains of sorrow; he blesses God, and Ile blesses thee; and he feels his life re turning. Affection. We sometimes meet with men who think that any indulgence in an affectionate feeling is a weakness. They will return front a journey and greet their families with a distant dignity, and move among their children with the cold and lofty splendor of an iceberg, surrounded with its broken fragments. There is hardly a more unnatural sight on earth than one of these families without a heart. A father had better extinguish his boy's eyes than take away his heart. Who that has experienced the joys of friendship and value sympathy and affection would not rather lose all that is beautiful in nature's scenery; than to be robbed of the hid den treasures of his heart! Cherish then, your heart's best affections. Indulge in the warm and gushing and inspiring emotions of filial, parental; fraternal love- Think it not a weak ness. God is love. Love God; everybody and every one that is lovely. Teach your children to love—to love the rose, the robin; to love their parents, to love their God. Let it be the studied object of their domestic culture to give them warm hearts and ardent affections. Bind your whole family together by these strong cords. You cannot make them too strong. To Youso Mrs.—Don't rely upon friends. Don't rely upon.the good name of your an cestors. Thousands have spent the print° of life in the vain hope of those whom they called friends; and thousands have starved because they had a rich father. Rely.-upon the good name which is made by your own exertions, and know that better than the best friend you can have is unquestionablu, deter mination, united with decision of character.— And remember that without God's blessing you cannot truly prosper. In all thy ways ne knowledge hint, and le will direct thy paths: nek„Mix ignoram with sadden wealth, and we produce a chucklehead whose insolence will ba ere! to a !itlalcEd pooniL to a evare 11111. A Custom Wirth Imitating. It is a custom, among certain tribes in Sibe ria, that, when a woman is married, she must. prepare the wedding dinner with her own hands. To this feast all the relatives and friends, both of her own family and of that of the groom, are invited. If the viands are well cooked, her credit as a good housewife is established. But if the dishes are badly prepared, she is disgra ced in that capacity forever. The result is that a Siberian wife is generally a good housekeep er, whatever else she snag be, nod thus is com petent, beyond her sex generally, for the prac tical duties of life. We are accustomed to call the Siberians "bmi-barbarous, and incapable of furnishing an example in anything to a people so civilized as ourselves. But we might imitate their custom to considerable advantage. Since the clays of our grand-mothers, the education of American females, considered in a practical view, has greatly deteriorated. In their time girls were instructed to become good housewives. stow they are brought up to chatter French or study the fashions. Sixty years ago the aim of young woman was to fit herself to be a good wife. At the present day young ladies think only how to catch a husband. We are not opposed to cultivating the female intellect, or to adorning woman with smecom .plishments. We repudiate the Rea that she is merely the slave of man. Her destiny is high er, nobler, snore divine. She was designed, by the Great Author of all, to be the helpmate of man, in the full meaning of that good old Sax on term. It is her mission to share Isis sor ! rows, to participate in his joys, to cheer him in his moments of depression, to be his confident, his counsellor, his best earthly friend. That I she may bo competent for all this, she should. have a wise head as well as a loving heart. If her intellect is uncultivated, she may become a pretty plaything for a while, but nothing more; and when her youthful loveliness has departed, her influence is gone irrevocably.— All the women of history, even the most beau tiful, who have exercised power, have owed their success to the intellect. A handsome fool, married to a man of ability, can scarcely escape being despised. But even an ordinary face, if united to sweetness, sense, and a culti vated mind, not only wins esteems, but retains it to the close of life. A wife, in a word, can never lie truly the companion of a refined hus band, unless her intellect is improved also.— And if there were more such companions for men , there would be fewer brutes among the male sex. 13nt woman should nevertheless remember that a wife has sunny duti, to fulfil, aml that to cultivate the mind alone is not preparing for their future lot. As men must learn a trade, acquire a profession, or fit themselves to earn a livelihood its some other way, so should wo men render themselves competent for the posi tion of a housewife, in case they should be call ed to fill it. And as it is no excuse for a bus.' band, who neglects his business, or refuses to master its unpleasant details, that he is a cap ital Greek scholar, a critic in the fine arts, or a capital amateur musician, so it is no palliation for a wife, who is ignorant of household affairs, or scorns to supervise them, that she can sing like a Sontag, dress herself to look like a prin cess, or even do as motels good among the poor as a dozen Lady Boeutifuls. For it is never a sufficient plea, in behalf of either man or we man, that, if they avoid their immediate duties, they perform superogatory ones. Those who enter into the married relation, solemnly un dertake, first of all, to fulfil the duties of this state: and it is as criminal, therefore, in a wife to neglect her house, as it is in a husband to neglect his business. Fortune sometimes, we know, places a wo man above the need of personal labor. But, even in this ease, a knowledge of housewifery is necessary, if not to supervise the servants, at least to be ready for the always possible con tingency of poverty. The health of a woman, moreover, is all the better for having some manual occupation to occupy a portion of her time. Many a fine lady, who stow suffers from dyspepsia, hysteria, or other disorders common among rich females, would flied benefit in ex changing her crotchet work, her novel reading, and her fashionable calls, for a few hours hear• ty exercise daily. Many a wealthy husband or father would oftener eat at home, and care less for frequenting the club, if his wife or daughter was accustomed, as their grandmothers were, to prepare for hint, with her own hands, some delicate and favorite dish. But the majority of women cannot taint to delegate their household duties to servants.— That so many do it, whose husbands are still comparatively poor, is one of the social evils of the age, especially in great cities. While, therefore, every female ought to cultivate her mind, and even learn as many accoinplishments as possible, she should remember that a knowl• edge of housewifery should attend these acqui sitions, if she expects to fulfil her ditties in life. The Siberian custom might he introduced here without injury.—Publie Ledger. Singular Lakes. The Crateur Lakes, in the town of Manlius, Onondagun co., N. Y., are curiosities, and are supposed to be of volcanic origin. They are by the inhabitants about there called the 'Green 'Lakes.' One of them is on the top of a hill and is in the form of a tin cup. The banks. are 200 feet high, and the water 400 feet deep. The water appears of a deep green, but when taken up in a glass it is perfectly clear and transparent. Trees nod limbs which full into the water 80011' become encrusted, with n bright green substance, which on being exposed to the air becomes hard. The timber decays and leaves the incrustation iu the shape of hollow tubes. Wood saturated with the water and burned, emits u strong odor of sulphur. A far mer, who resides near, once heard a great rush of water, and rouud saw the lake rising over the banks. Ile was alarmed, and fled with his team; but tbe rater retoled to it; ulna' I,el. "No God." "This day a year," said Frank Atley, "I shall be a happy man." As the wind lifted his brown curls from a brow ofperfcct moulding, I thought I never looked upon a prouder, brighter, more beaming face. "I have seen Paris and my future wife," he added, laughingly; "two eras from which one may fairly date his existence. One year from to-night, I promise to show you as fine a house and as beautiful a bride, as , any other man in this fair country." "Ood willing !" Frank Alley turned with a toss of his head, and bent his flashing eye on the pale speaker. "Myßey willing," he exclaimed, with angry emphasis.—"/ know no ND" There was a look of almost mortal anguish in that white face as the young brother turned from the little group. He heard Frank's im pious wager with his gay friend, that if he failed to appear on the very night designated,. in high health, and with his young Parisian wife, he was to forfeit fifty thousand dollars! Alas ! poor Atley, the model of every thing in man generous, heroic and princely, had re turned from his European tour—au atheist. "I now no God!" Night after night I woke up with that fright ful sentence ringing in my ears.. The sneer that darkened Atley's handsome face with the stormy hate of a fiend, seemed to float palpa bly before me in the darkness, * * * * * * * "A note of invitation to Frank Atley's bri. dal, I shall go I" Varicolored lights blazed along the avenue fronting the princely mansion, and through the old trees whose branches the south wind stirred not, rang strains of inspiring melody. The bride was more lovely than Frank had painted her. Her robes were almost royal in their shining and costly beauty. A rich veil fell half way from her tresses of gold. The or ange wreath, braided with jewels, gave a beau. tiful lustre to hnr white, happy brow. But when she looked up with such childish confi dence into those deep loving eyes—trustingso wholly in the man who "knew no God," horror thrilled all my veins. "Won my wager," exclaimedFruk, exulting ly, when the guests were departing. 'You might as well transfix lightning, as tie my mind down to,those old orthodox notions.— Here you see lam in my own house—yonder is any wife. My loin would have it so, and I tell you there is no God tat will. Come over and help me drink my first bottle in a social way. Bring Mary, and we'll compete brides. English and French beauties are quite dissimi• lar, you know." Bidding his friend good bye, Frank vanished. I limit,' his merry lough, no I left, mingling with the thrilling strains of Von Weber's last waltz. I was about retiring, when the startling cry of "fire I" broke the stillness of the night. I sprang to the window. The whole heavens were kindled into a flame. On, on rolled the red light, till every oldectseemed dyed in blood. For a while it hung with a quivering glow, as if its heated wings were tired—then faded and sunk with fitful flashes into gloom again. In the morning, almost before daylight, I received the sad intelligence that Frank Atley's new mansion was a heap of horning cinders— and, more horrible than all, his wife had per ished in the Haines, and he himself was a raving maniac. No consolation for the bereaved husband— no penitence for hie awful boast—no altar had he; no star of mercy to lead him out of the cloud. Oh! it is a fearful thing to "know no God." The Gatta-Pereha. The word mina is the Malayan name fir gum, and percha is the Malayan name of the forest tree which produces it. The shapeless lumps in which it is imported are 'reduced to a pulp by various methods, and this pulp is moulded or pressed into such shapes as shall fit ik for the various purposes to which it is to be applied—as rods, tubes, blocks, sheets, ke. In its usual condition it is brown color, and resembles very tough leather. Its surface is capable of great smoothness and hardness, so as to bear paint, gilding, japauing, bronzing, &c. Among the many articles made of gutta-per cha are the following t soles for boots and shoes, tubes fbr various purposes, water pipes, lath and wheel bands, reins and harness, whips, whip thongs, fishing lines, nets, and floats, em bossed work in every variety, printing types; mouldings, picture frames, calms, eases, flasks, inkstands, firemen'. hats, all sorts of trays, va rious garments, baskets, watch stands, medals, and medallions. Like many other useful substances and in ventions, gutta-percha seems to have had two discoverers almost the same time. The one Was Mr. Thomas Lobb, who visited the East Indies on a botanical mission, in the year 1842 or '43. The other was Dr. Montgomerie, a Surgeon of Singapore, on the Malay eninsula. He ob served one day, ht the baud of a native woods-' man, a parting, or wood-chopper, the handle of which was composed of a singular looking sub stance. This excited his curiosity. I clues. timed the workman, says the doctor, "in whose possession I saw it, and heard that the materi al of which it was framed could be moulded into any form by dipping it into boiling water until it was heated through, when it became plastic as clay, regaining, when cold, its origi nal hardness and rigidity." Dr. Montgomerio further ascertained that the substance, like enoutchoac, exuded from a forest tree, and having procured specimens in various stages of preparation, transmitted them to the Society of Arts in London. They were there subjected to close and testing examina tion; and at length the gold modal of the Soci ety was awarded to ,the doctor, ns for a very valuable discovery. Scientific men speedily perceived a few of the great capabilities of pit ta-percha, and a demand for it commenced, which has now ranched to many hundreds of tuns in a year! niir Kind words nre the brightest flowers of earth's. existence; they make a very paradise of the humblest home that the world can show, ties them, and especially round the fireside cir cle: They are jewel', beyond price, nod make plad : thin 01l ether earth con gi,e, Dying—Dead--and Buried. Dying f where the rustle of brocade breaks the solemn silence. Where pendants of flash ing crystals wave their warm lustre over the ghastly face. Where couches of satin line the wall, and the amber-sunlight plays upon gold and purple and fine linen. Dead! And the funeral light falls over the shining rose-wood and satin lining of the cost ly coffin. In all the splendor of sable drapery, the rich man sleeps—rpbed in the latest fash ion from Death's royal court. And pride— wealth—fame—beauty—lay their garlands of cypress on the silver plating. And the solemn crowd keeps swaying from the door to the cof fin, from the coffin to the door. Friends look at his costly furniture and sigh, "poor man, this made death hard." And there IS no lack cr mourners. Buried! Through the solemn aisles, and vaulted roof, the funeral anthem dies in wail ing whispers. The surpliced priest,—the chief mourners is their stately . carriages—the long procession of titles and honors—the pompous pall-bearers—the haughty plumes--and proud folds of wavinikvelvet—all have paSsed to the place of monfithents. The new tomb receives its silent tenant—the• widow returns to her wealthy home where sighing condolence mea sure its grief, and steps softly through the sha ded rooms. _ Burled ! And the solemn moon reads on his white tombstone, how good and great he was —what charities he gave—what churches he founded—what temples he reared. But no wid• ow. no orphaned child drops on that golden epi• taph the warm tear of gratitude. Dying! Where every inhalation drinks poi- son. Where horrid pestilence clutches the mouldy straw. Where little children herd with brutes—and the soother cannot moisten the lips of her starving child. Even as we write, the miserable outcast dies. Dead I—with anus out•flung, and bead lying on the filthy floor. . . They wrap the poor carcase in a sheet, and hustle him into a box of pine. The starving baby moans the death requiem—the haggard children sob a little and turn away to hunt offal with the swine. And nobody mourns, though he that sleeps is a man and a brother. Buried l—by careless hands in a Potter's field. A cart jolts cruelly over the stones.— The woman with her babe, a meagre couple of want's own rearingthey are the only follow ers. Moveless they gaze at the blank space of sky above, and the rank growth of weeds that struggle out of the crusted earth. A. broken stone festering in a heap of rotten leaves—a crooked tree with .worms at its roots—foul bones strewn here and there—these mark the last resting-place of the poor beggar for whom nobody cares. Lo I the veil is rent—and yonder the full glory of heaven. See! in that light passing the light of the sun, stands the outcast. Born to poverty, baptism and csime, bled to infamy —nobody cared for his soul. He never knelt in robes of innocence, fo'diog his dimple hands at a mother's knee. He never heard the lan guage of the stars, or 'looked through nature up to Nature's God." Shall then his soul be lost? No! For the drops of salvation full even up on the highway—the flowers of God's mercy bloom along the hedges where the Christ-child planted the seeds with his own sinless hand. He is up there—ye who scorned him, so that ye deemed him unfit for mercy. Whom ye could not pity, an infinite God so loved that he has taken him into his fold. And you, earth's floor dust, if you can ever wade through your riches, your learning, your honors, your world ly wisdom, your Pharisee•alms-giving, and your seltrighteousness, to heaven, you will see there him whom von despised, washed him of his impurity in the blood of that Holy One who came 'not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."—Bostott Olive Branch. A Capital Incident. The Williamsburg Times relates an incident narrated by Dr. Whiting in one of his lectures in that city, in whirls he stated that in one of the eastern cities, he was visited by a lady who was iu the greatest distress of mind from a cir cumstance which she learned upon consulting a spiritual knocker. 'He told me,' said she, 'that my liver had fallen below my diaph• ram: said the doctor, preserving a grave countenance, 'Did he say how far down it had &pen ?' 'Yes, about four inches.' 'Did he think you could ever get it up a gni ?' 'He did not.give me much encouragement' replied the lady, 'but what is your opinion of it, Doctor?' she implied. "Well, ma'am, it has got down pretty low but so long as there is life there's hope—noth ing like trying. Perhaps if you come and hear my next lecture, and learn where the liver is, you will be able to suggest some way yourself of getting it up.' The lady did attend the lecture. and took a seat in front. The doctor eommenced his dis course by stating that the diaphrain was on top of the liver, and that it was therefore impossi ble for the liver to falllielow the diaphram.— The lady hearing this dropped her eyes, and never took a front sent again. This incident was narrated to illustrate the importance of khowing something of the physical construc tion of our bodies, and to show that spiritual knockers were sometimes mistaken.. The Doctor, when lecturing at the Brook. lyn Institute had described the manner in which persons destroy their stomachs, and produce indigestion and dyspepsia. A gentle. mini sits down to his dinner, and partakes of a multitude of dishes, each seemingly prepar ed for the purpose of coaxing the stomach to accept more than it can digest. Being com• pletely loaded. it sets to work to agitate the heap, and put it through the process of di. milieu. The gentleman starts from home, and sees some seductive looking apples on a stand, which he thinks he should like to eat— lie purchases a few, and commences to gulp thorn down. 'Hallos!' says the stomach, look ing up iu alarm, 'what are you about up there? I have more work than I eanattendto already.' However, remonstrance is in vain nnd, with a gripe or two, the stomach goes to work as be fore. The gentleman next meets with a friend; a glass of wine, a brandy smash, or some other liquid compound is gulped down, aided by some tobacco fumes. Supplies are lowered in. to the stomach like bales of cotton into the hold of a Mississippi steamer, until the organ, wea• ried and overburdened gives up in disgust, and leaves the mass to indigestion and dyspepsia, and its train of accompanying evils. Thus the harmony of the system is destroyed, which miett have been prevented by a little prudence and self-denial. warty fond mothers anti frugal housewifes keep their pretty daugliters and their preserves for some extra occasion, or for some "big Lug" or other, until both'are sour. This seems to us marvelously poor eeonotuy. crati7l7 . wiich even the cow. science is rocked to sleep. his only the first crime that causes pain. A chentbecomes thief as naturally as the pollywog becomes a of the rich utsns .n 4 night braal- NO. 29. ifYglllo3l4o3Laila. • To Clean Chess out of Seed Wheat. We commend the following to every wheat grower who believes that wheat will turn to chess. The simple fact that the writer (and many others have done the same thing,) has eradicated chess from his farm, is sufficient to show the fallacy of the popular belief that "chess is only degenerated wheat." We have given great attention to this matter for more than twenty years, and we have never been able to find an instance of the conversion of wheat to chess; and the result of these investi gations has convinced us that no such instance of transmutation ever did occur. We have often alluded to it, because we believe the point one of great practical importance; for so long as a man believes in the doctrine of transmu tation, he will not take the pains necessary to extirpate chess from his grounds. Masses. Enemas :—I have thought of send ing you something like the following, for the last twenty years and over, but always put it oft To clean all the chess out, take the rid dles out of the fanning-mill, leaving the screen in—take off the rod that shakes the riddles and screen; pour the wheat slowly into the hopper with a basket or a half-bushel; turn the mill a little quicker than for ordinary cleaning, and every grain of chess will be blown out, unless where three chess seeds stick together, which is sometimes the case with the top seeds. If every farmer will clean his seed wheat in this way, it will never turn to chess after the land is once clear of it; but the difficulty will be to get the farmer to try it. It is too simple to be believed. I have seen some men who stand high as agriculturists, whom I could not make believe it until I went to their barns and showed them that it could be done, and that effectually. This fact itself is worth much to wheat farmers ' if they will only try it. Two men will clean from 10 to 15 bushels per hour. If the wheat is light, say weighing from 50 to 55 lbs. per bushel, considerable wheat will blow away with the chess; but with such wheat as we raise here, weighing from GO to 64 lbs. per bushel, little if any of the wheat will be blown out. In some cases it is better to raise the hind end of the fanning mill about two inches from the floor: more wind can be given, and not blow away the wheat. Every man that tries this will find it answers, and every reader of your paper should tell his neighbor that don't read. I have not raised a wine•glassful of chess in more than twenty years. Before that I had lots of it, and was sure wheat turned chess. A very extensive wheat raiser has agreed to come tins fall, and make a part of one of my fields grow chess without sowing it, for which I have agreed to give him the remainder of my crop. He may destroy the wheat, but he can not make chess of it. JOHN JORNSTON', Near timers, May 30, 1853.—The Country Gentle man. The Black Knot of the Plum. Many causes have been assigned for the dis ease in iio,tion, none of which, so far es my information extends, are satisfactory. Some have suppased it to be occasioned by diseased sap. or vegetable ulcer, some, with more plaus ibility, assert it is the result of poison infused by the minute sting of an insect. But none of these entertaining the latter opinion have de scribed the kind of insect, or its characteristics; and it is therefore fair to assume that their be lief rests upon conjectures alone. The latter opinion, however, with the exception of the minuteness of the sting, is correct. It will be permitted me to say, that I believe myself to be the first in determining the fact, and in as certaining, certainly, the habits and character of the insect. I will therefore proceed as brief ly as may be, and without regard to possible charges,of egotism, for asserting in opposition to many scientific men on the subject, what I know beyond a doubt to be the origin of the excresence, or tumor, and to describe the in sect which causes it, its habits, and the beet method of guarding against its attacks and in crease. The insect here referred to belongs, I believe to the Hemeuoptera class, and is about an inch in length; color, pale yellow; has fonr wings, and hind legs resembling those of the grass hopper, which seem designed for similar use; and, although furnished with wings, it uses them only, so far as I have discovered, to call its mates. This it effects by shrill notes thro'git the medium of vibrations, created by a rapid motion of them, and which affords the means of tracing it. The abdomen of the female is much larger than that of the male, in the ex tremity of which is concealed a sting of about a quarter of an inch in length, with which it pierces any shrub or limb selected as a recep tacle for its eggs—often numbering a dozen or more, which are deposited with some acid poi son in seperate cells, longitudinally. From these eggs the larvie are hatched—changed to the pupw, or chrysalis state, and emerge during the ensuing June. The excresence does not appear until after the escape of the insects, the swelling of which is caused by the circulation of the sap being arrested in its natural course by the poison in fused, which flows round the punctured parts, extravasates, and gradually forms the tumor. On dissecting one of these tumors, a grub may sometimes he found, but it does not cause the excrescence. Any one may satisfy himself of the truth of the foregoing remarks by observing the appearance of the insect during the months of August and September, when it may be, found making its deposits; these, on being coin ' pleted, are varnished over with a water-proof sub Stance, presenting a dark, glazed appear. ince, by which it may he known, and on care fully fully splitting a stung limb in the direction of the perforinations early in June, the insect may be found in the lame state,,—Horticattirist. Growing Trees from Cuttings: A French gentleman, named Delacroix, has discovered a new mode of propagating trees from cuttings, which has proved successful for pears, apples, plums, apricots, rtc., as well as for roses and other plants that are tenacious a life. This method is to bond the cutting in the, form of a bow, and to put it into the ground at the two extremities, leaving only the middle part exposed, akd on a level with the surface of the ground. There must at that point be good bud or shoot. All other parts being pro tected by the earth from drying, give vigor to the bud, which is soon transformed into leaves, by which, in its turn, it draws from the atmos phere the carbon necessary to the formation of the roots. The method of planting is to form two ridges. turd placing the cutting across the ffirrow between, cover the ends with earth.— Press it upon them, and water freely. The cuttings should be of last year's growth. A 0001, FEEDER.—Isaac lLandis, a Lancas ter (Pa.) farmer. recently sold forty head of fat cattle to a Philadelphia butcher, at $ll5 per head, amounting in all to $4,600. ai`Don't forget to give your Mock salt at least twice a week, with their green feed. AL, see that they ure regularly watered.