/Ist of Patents. Issued from the United States Patent ()gee from the week ending June 28, 1863, and tear• ing dtee June 28, 1852. . _ .ilarnabas H. Bartel, of Philadelphia, Pa.— For improvement in refrigerators for cooling li quids. Dated June 28, 1853. Patented in Cuba Oct. 8, 1852. Horatio Clarke, of Dedham, Mass.—For im• provement in bobbins. . Christopher Dockwortb, of Thompsonville, Ct.—For improvement in shuttle boa motion in loom. Horatio N:Ooodman, of New Haven, Conn. —For improvement in melodeons. Daniel H. Hovey, of Kilborn, Ohio.—For improvement in machines for twisting waxed ends. _ _ Edmund Morwood and George Bogers, of London, England.—For improvement in coat ing zinc with lead. Dated June 28, 1853. Patented in England, December 12 1850. Levi S. Reynolds, of Indanapolis, Ind.—For improvement in barn dusters. Christian Sharps, of Hartford, Conn.—For improvement inipercussion pellets. Dated Juno 28, 1833. Patented in England April 22, 1852. _ . E, E, Shepardson and Edwin Lucas, of New Bedford, Mass.—For improvement in tuning melodeons and other reed instruments. Lauran Ward, of Naugatuck, Conn., admin istrator of Richard Wan], deceased, of same placm—For improvement in machines for turning irregular forms. James Foster, jr., and Platt Evens, jr„ of Cincinnati, Ohio.—For improvement of metal lic boxes forpresses, S te. Amizi C. Semple, of Cincinnati, Ohio, no signor to Wth. C. Semple, of same place.—For improvement in presses. Napoleon B. Lucas, of Otter Creek, Ill.— For improvement in threshers and separators of grain. Re-issue.—Walter Kidder, of New York, N. Y.—For improvement in gas regulators. Pat ented October 12, 1843. Re-issued June 28, 18$3. • Designs.—N. S. Vedder, of Troy, N. Y.— For design for a cook stove. Samuel D. Vose, of Albany, N. Y.—For de sign for a cooking stove. Dated June 28, 1853. Ante dated May 2, 1853. Samuel D. Vose, of Albany, N. Y.—For de sign for a cooking stove. Dated June 28, 1853. Ante dated May 2, 1853. Samuel D. Vose, of-Albany, N. Y.—For de sign for a cooking stove. Dated June 28, 1853. Auto dated May 2 1853. Samuel D. Vose, of Albany, N. Y.—For de sign for a parlor stove. Dated June 28, 1852. Ante dated May 2, 1833. James Cowles, of Itoebester, N. Y., assignor to Albert G. Bristol, of same place.—For de sign for a register face. Robbery and Arrest Two young men entered the house of Mr. James Alexander, ut McAlavey's Fort, in Hun tingdon county, and carried away about $5OO. Constable Selfridge and Mr. Alexander pursu ing, got into the name train of cars with them, And when within a mile of the Portage Inter section in this county, on the evening of the 4th inst., Mr. Selfridge seized one of the per petrators, named Henry Scott, fearing that he might make his escape on the cars stopping, when Scott jumped off (the cars under full headway,) and the officer jumped on him, and succeeded in retaining him till assistance hap pened to be passing. The were both injured, ed, though not dangerously. $lBO of the mon ey taken was obtained. Scott was taken to the Huntingdon jail, and hi, comrade escaped.— Hollidaysburg Register. - No. 31. We are informed from a reliable source that the sales of Dr. J. W. Cooper's In dian Vegetable Cough or Consumptive Syrup, which is prepared only by C. P. Hewes, are enormous nod everyday increasing; the papers from almost every direction notice the wonder ful cures of stuborn or long standing coughs, as well as the utmost miraculous cures of Con sumption, which it is constantly effecting. We are ead that such a medicine has at last been discovered and placed among us, so that all who arc afflicted with this consuming, and heretofore considered incurable disease, can now have . an opportunity of being cured. We take pleasure in inflirming our readers that the genuine Indigos Vegetable Cough, or Consump tive Syrvp can be had of T. Read, & Son, Hun tingdon, who * are agents for the proprietor. •,•••••. • fir POISONING. 4,111 Thousands of Parents who use Vertnifuge com p osed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c., are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the foundations for a series of diseases, such as salivation, loss of sight, weak ness of limbs, &c. . _ . In another column will he found the advertise ment of Ilobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a billioub typo, should make use of the only genuine medicine, llobensack's Liver Pills. Clie"Be not Deceived," but ask for llobensack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. 110BENSACICS, as none else are genuine. „ .... ,„ ..... fEr "I DIGEST I" Scorr IS TIIE TRUE MEANING of the word O'PEPSIN," or of the two Greek words from which it is derived. This is the significant and appropriate title of the Tnog DIGESTIVE FLUID, or GASTRIC Juice, prepared by Dr. J. S. IloconvoN, of Philadelphia, from the fourth stomoch of the Ox, for the cure of In digestion and Dyspepsia. It is Nature's own remedy for an unhealthy Stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powers. It renders 000 n EATING perfectly consistent with HEALTH. See the figure of the Ox, in another part of this MARRIED, On the 4th inst. by Rev. A. Brittain, Mr. SAHUEI, MI NS REBECCA A. htATTERN, both of Franklin township. On the 16th ult., by_Rev. J. B. Wells, Mr. JOSEPH COUDINE HO Miss MARY CROWNOTER, both of Barren township, this county. DIED, In Hill Valley, on the 4th inst., DANIEL. ROBERTA, an aged and respectable citizen of Shirley township, Huntingdon county. In this borough, on the sth inst., Jon, son of Josiah A. and Lucinda C. Hall, aged about 4 years, He was an intelligent and interesting child; gentle, affectionate, and obedient. The remem brance of little John by all who knew him will be the remembrance of that personification of amiable qualities, and Christian graces no aptly exemplified in an innocent and lovely child, that the blessed Saviour himself said,—hof such is the kingdom of heaven." Surely, the grief of his afflicted parents should be assuaged by the thought, that, in this purity and meekness for the transition, their dear child has been taken from amid the scenes and sorrows of this, to the unmarred happiness of a brighter and better world; and that their loss, keenly felt and hard to bear though it be, is his everlast ing gain. A. THE MARkETS. lICNTINGDON, July 12, 1853. 84.50 a 84,75 5,25 Fleur per bbl., Clover Need, per bu•h• Bed Wheat, per bu.,• • • White Wheat, per bu., Rye, per bu Corn, per hu Buckwheat, per bu • • • • Oats, per bu Flaxseed. per bu Pay, per ton Butter, per lb., Env, per doz., PIIILADELPIIIA, July 12, 1853. Fish, far medium, per bbl., $12,75 No. Pe, $13,50 a 19,75 Flour, per barrel, s4.fi2i Wheat per bushel, $1,09 a 1,10 Rye Corn it Iron per ton, Aathraeito, , Scotch Pig, PhWet per toll, 62 a 65 $35,00 a 26,00 • • 33,04) a 34,00 • .$1.304 a 4.15 CANDIDATES. Sheriffalty. To the P;ople of Huntingdon County :—The undersigned is induced, respectfully, to announce himsclt as n candidate fur the office of Sheriff of Huntingdon county. No promises, no pledges. Try me, prove me. GEO. HARTLEY. Huntingdon, July 13,'53.-31. County Treasurer. I,I[TE er authorised of announce the name of if V PETER C. SWOOPS, of this borough, as a candidate for the office of.Transurer. at the ensuing fall election, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention, to he held in August next. July 13, 's3.—tc. Sheriffalty. WE are authorised to announce the name of Col. JNO. A. DOYLE, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff at the ensuing October elec. tine, subject to the decision of the Whig Coun ty Convention to be held in August next. July 13, '53. -M. Legislature. WE are authorised to announce the name of ISAAC WOLVERTON, of Brady town ship, as a candidate for the Legislature, at the October election, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention, to be bcld in August next. July 13, 'l3.—tc. COUNTY TREASURER. Mn. Entron:—Please announce the name of JACOB SNYDER, ofyour town, as a very suit able person to receive the nomination for County Treasurer. Mr. S. is an energetic, unflinching Whig, and we hope will receive the nomination. And is also well qualified to discharge the duties of the office. AN OLD June 22,953. County Treasurer. JOSEPH STEVENS, of Petersburg, is room mended to the whigs of Huntingdon, as a suitable person for the office of County Treasurer to be elected in October next, His nnme will be submitted to the nominating County Conven tion for that office. IVIIIGS OF SHIRLEY Juno 22, 's3,—tc. Merit<y. VUE are authorised to announce the name of V V JOSHUA GREENLAND, of Cassville, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the en suing fall election, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention to be held in August next. June 29, 's3,—tc. Sheriffalty. AVE are authorized to announce the name of IIIiNHY CORNPROBST, of Henderson township, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing full election, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention to be held in August next. Juno 22, 's3.—tc. Sheriffalty. WE are authorised to announce the name of ARMSTRONG WILLOUGHBY, of this borough, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the miming full election, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention to he held in Au gust next. June 13, 's3.—te. Sheriffally. /WE undersigned offers himself to the people of linntingdon county, us a candidate for tho office ufSheriff, of said county; subject to the de cision of the Whig County Convention. SAMUEL COEN. Burro tp., June 8, 1852.—tc. SHERIFFALTY. MIIE Subscriber respectfully announces himself to the voters of Huntingdon county, that he will submit his name to the Whig County Con vention, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff.— If nominated nod elected, he pledges himself to perform the duties of the office with fidelity. ...... JAMES MeELII,I)Y. Porter twp., June I, 's3.—tc. Sheriffalty. To the Voters of Huntingdon County: Fellow citizens, at the solicitation of many warm friends, I offer myself as a Candidate for the next Sher- Welty of Huntingdon County, and most respect fully solieit support. Should I be elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office faithfully end impartially. Subject to the deci sion of the Whig County Convention. Apr. 20, '53. JOSEPH CORNELIUS. NOTICE. • ''' • ALL persons who have not yet paid in the first and second In stannous on their subscriptions to the stock in the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail Road and Conl Company, are hereby required to pay in the same to the undersigned, on or before the 20th day of July, inst. Immediately after that date suits will be brought against all delin quents, and Interest at the rate of one per cent. per month will be charged. By order of the Board of Directors, JACOB MILLER, Treas. July 13,'53.-31. IL A. MILLER, D. D. S. 13 n A e r i t tia fu l Le t t , h m , f o r u o n 14krtt.T. o from _ ted in the most impro- red modern style. Filling, Filing and Cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth Extracted with all the ease and despatch that modern science can furnish. July: 13, 1853. H. W. SMITH, Huntingdon, Penn'a. OFFICE on Main Street, next to that of Gon. A. P. Wilson. Terms moderate, and all work warranted to give entire satisfaction. July 13, '53. .1. S. GRIFFITH, M. D., Huntingdon, Pa., Graduate of the University of l'a., offers his professional service to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjacent country. RECERENCEs:—MedicaI Faculty of University of Pa., Physicians and Surgeons of the Pennsyl vania Hospital and Dr. Jacob Hoffman. Office, No. 189, Mifflin Street, along with Dr. Hoffman. July 13, 1853. GREAT TRIUMPH ACHIEVED BY EVANS Sr, WATSON'S Fire-Proof Safes. AT THE STATE FAIR, 1 ILtanisuono, Pa., Oct. 30, 1851. The undersigned appointed a committee for the purpose, by the officers of the State Fair, wore present this afternoon, when Messrs. EVANS & WATSON tested ono of their small sized SAL AMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAFES, at which they consumed Mee Cords of Wood over it, commencing at 1 o'clock, P. 51,. and having ex posed it to a WHITE COAT for Two Hours, suffi cient to destroy the cast iron feet. On opening the Safe, the papers with 2000 cir culars deposited in our presence were taken out, not only having been preserved, but not having the appearance of scorch upon them. COMMITTEE. I A. 0. HEISTER, JOSEPH RITNER, A. T. NEWBOLD, Ex-Governor of Pa. JOHN B. COX, CHAS. E. HEISTER, E. E. B UDINOTT. Solo Agency for Butterworth's Celebrated Bunk Vault and Door Locks. These Locks bid defiance to all Lock Picks, Hobbs included. ltsetasaces—Col. S.' S. Wharton; County Treasurer, Jacob Miller, Esq. Sec. and Treas. oldie Hunt. and Broad Top 12. R. Co., and Gen. A. P. Wilson, who is the authorised agent of Huntingdon county. July 13, '53.-ly. .• 1 00 • 6 00 Executor's Notice; NOTICE is hereby given to all person. indeb ted to the estate of Anna Barbara Breda, deed., late of Todd township, to make payment, and all having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated fur settlement, to the undersiguol LEVI EVANS, Ex'r. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of certain Writs of Vend. Exp. and Mr. Facial, issned wilt of the Court of Common Piens of Huntingdon county. and to me directed, I will expose to public sale, at the front door of the Court House, in tho borongh of Huntingdon. on Tuesday the 9th day of Au gust, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said clay, tho fol. lowing described Real Estatc,to wit : All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, containing about 50 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Michael Sassaman and Wm. Holtman, having thereon erected a two story/log home, a log barn, unfinished, a good shop, sumo frnit trees, about six acres cleared. wised, tnken in execu tion and to be sold an the property of Michael Henn i ALSO—AII the right, title, and interest of de fendnnt in and to 2 lots aground in the borough of Alexandria, in the connty of Huntingdon; each fronting 60 feet on Market Street, each being 200 feet deep, having thereon erected a large double' two story frame house, weatherbonrded and pain ted white and plastered inside, with other int proweinents, adjoining a lot of Andrew McClure on the cast and a lot °florae' Griffins on the west. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Solomon Baker. ALSO—The undivided one-fifth pert of the following described eleven tracts of land belong ing to the Monroe Furnace, bounded and demerib ad as follows, the first thereof, situate in Barren township, adjoining lands of James Leonard, Is rael Grafitti( George Miller and others, begin ning at a w hite oak thence N. 53, E. 117 Prs. to a gum, thence N. 107 pro. to a pine, thence N. 53 deg. E. 72 prs. to a white oak, thence N. 45 deg. E. 88 pro. ton post, thence S. 47, W. 232 pro. to a post, thence N. 50, W. 52 pre. to a post, thence S. 45. E. 192 prs. to beginning, containing 180 acres 48 perches and allowance. The second thereof situate in said township of Barren, begin ning at a post, thence by land of It. Riddle N. 20 W. 186 pro• too post, thence by land of David Scott N. 51 deg. E. 97 pro. ton post, thence by land of R. Nelson, S. 45 deg. E. 95 prs. to a post, thence 8, 381 E. 45 pro. to a chestnut oak,thence S. 311 E. 64 pro, thence S. 541 E. 11 prs. thence S. 63 den. W. 66 pro. to a white oak, thence S, 45 deg. W. 55 prs. to beginning, containing 117 acres 49 prs. and allowance. The third thereof situate in the said township of Barren, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Elijah Green, con taining 392 acres 110 pro. adjoining land, sur veyed in the nnmo of Aquino. Green, and land now or late of Benj. Morgan. The fourth thereof situate in said township of Barren, containing'.42o acres 20 pro. surveyed in the name of Samuel Ca non. The sth thereofsituate in said township of Barree, beginning at n post, three by land of S. Fletning'N. 45 deg. W. 142 pro. to a pine, thence by a tract in name of A. Hemphill N. 32 deg. E. 340 prs. to s stone, thence N. 65 dog. E. 12Iprs. to a post; thence by the Thomas Russell tract S. 25 deg. E. 212 prs. to a post, thence by the Geo. Willport tract, S. 65 (leg. W. 320 prs, to a post, thence 6 deg. E. 113 prs to a post, thence N. deg. W. 20 pro. to beginning, containing 388 acres 103 pre. The sixth thereof situate in Jack son township, Huntingdon county, beginning at a white oak, thence S. 45 deg. W. 16.2 prs. to a post, thence S. 21 E. 361 pro. to a gum, thence S. 21 deg. E. 101.1 prs. to a post, thence S, 111 E. 101.1 prs. to a post, thence N. 58+ B. 46 pre. to stones, thence N. 146 E. 60 prs. to a white oak, thence N. 471 deg. W. 160 pro. to beginning, containing 58 acres 26 prs. and allowance. The seventh thereof situate in Berme township afore said, beginning at a pine thence N. 65 deg. W. 150 pre. to stones, thence S. 444 W. 137.5 prs. to stones, thence S. 64 deg. E. 150 prs , by land of Wm. Muflit to stones, thence N. 441 E. 137.5 prs by land of J & B Fleming to beginning, contain ing 114 acres 108 pro. and allowance, subject to a certain lease of a putt of the said tract to Robert Fleming. The eighth thereof situate in Jackson township aforesaid adjoining lands of Mielinel Flasher. Israel Grath's, James Johnston and Jas. Fleming, containing about 65 acres more or 1099. The ninth thereof situate in Borate township, aforesaid, surveyed in the name of Geo. Fithrian, containing 400 acres, more or less, called "Bloom field." The tenth thereofsituate in Barren town• ship aforesaid, surveyed in the name of Henry Stover, and containing 393 acres 55 prs. and al lowance, and called "Newry." Tho eleventh thereof situate in Barree township aforesaid, sur veyed in the name of John Sinks, and containing 408 acres 160 prs. and culled "Wilmington." be ing the same tract which Samuel Edmiston and wife by deed hewing date (herewith) conveyed to the said John Irvin & Jared Irwin, together with the hereilititments and appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to he sold as the property of John & Jared Irvin. ALSO—AII that piece. parcel or tract of land situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, containing about 100 acres, more or less, adjoin ing lands of Henry Shunkwiler, John & William Smith and others, haring a two story log dwel ling house thereon erected, log barn, from 40 to 60 acres cleared; some fruit trees on the premises. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of John Beightal. W. B. ZEIGLER, Sh'ff. Huntingdon, July 13, '53. REGISTER'S NOTICE, Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office, at Hun tingdon, and that the said accounts will be pre sented for confirmation and allowance, at an Or phans' Court, to be held at Huntingd,',.m, in and for said county of Huntingdon, on Wahesday the 10th day of August next. 1. The General Gurdiunship account of James Potter, Guardian of the minor children of Silas Moore, deed. 2. James Potter, Guardian of Maria J. Moore, minor child of Silas Moore, deed. 3. James Potter, Guardian of Lucretia E. Moore, minor child of Silas Moore, deed. 4. James Potter, Guardian of Thomas J. Moore, minor child of Silas Moore, dee'd. 5. Hays Hamilton and James Crawford Wal lace, Admrs. of Thomas Wallace, dec'd., who was Admr. of Sarah Wallace, deed. 6. William B. Smith, Administrator of James B. Smith, late of Jackson township, dec'd. 7. Alexander Port, Administrator of the et tate of James Simpson, late of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd. 8. Andrew Shore, Administrator of the es tate of John Green, late of Clay township, dec. 9. Alexander Port, Trustee to sell the real estate of Janice Simpson, lute of the borough of Huntingdon, deed. 10. John Owens, Esq., Trustee to sell the real estate of David Garrett, late of the bor ough of Birmingham, deed. 11. Samuel Rtewail and William Cummins, Executors of the last Will of Charles Commits; late of Jackson township, deed. 12. Benjamin and Abraham Megallan, Ex ecutors of the last Will of Jacob Ilegahan ) late of Walker township, deed. 13. Thomas Stevart, acting Administrator of the estate of Henry Whitescll, late of West township, deed. 14. Angus Gill, Administrator of the estate of David Mattei), late of Franklin tp., deed. 15. George Jackson, Administrator of the estate of llosannah Vance, late of Jackson township, deed. 16. George Jackson, Administrator of the estate of Samuel Vance, late of Jackson town ship, dee'd. 17. James Gwin, Esq., Administrator do bonis non of the estate of John P. Dorsey, late of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd. 18. The accounts of John MeCaltan, Trustee under the Will of James MeCahan, deed., of the estate of the children of said James McCa• hen, deed. M. F. CAMPBELL, Register. ReFiNter's Office, Huntingdon, July 8, 1833. Huntingdon Co. Temperance League, WILL take notice that the next regular meeting of the League will ho held at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday evening the 10th day of August next at 6 o'clock, P. M. . . 'h— , e Officers are generally solicited to be in at. tendance , at that time. The public generally, both gentlemen and La dies are respectfully invited to tntend. The Rev. P. Comes, of Lancaster, end other eminent advocates of the. cause will be invited to address the League upon the occasion. JOHN PORTER, Pres. ISRAEL GRAFFIUN V. P. and others, Win, P. Orbison, James Maguire, Bergs. J. W. Mmterii, 10,'31, It. IMPORTANT TO TUT t'armer, Farrier & Stage Proprietor. GEO. W. MERCHANT'S CELEBRATED GARGLING OIL VSPARRALIALLD IA TIIL ilurroxy OY All[l , l , lSt As the most remarkable External Application ever c.oop OR MAN They can't Keep Howe without it." Ceperienre of more than sixteen yeara has eatablidled the inet that hlarrhant'a Celchruted liargling Oil, or lint. venial Family Entbracatian, x . ttl cure utast wee, and re• I ere all such IS Spaeine, Sweeney, R inghnne, rot) Evil,Cnlluns,Cenelled lieFle, pulls of all kinds, Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fis tula, Sitfast. Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness, foundered Feet. Scratches or Creme, Mange, Rheumatism, Bites of Animals, External Poi. sons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bit c ,,, Corns, Whitlows. Barns and Scalds, Chillia:Lino, Chapped Bands, Cramps, Con: /Teflona of the Muscles, Wenkneas of the Joints. Caked Breasts, The unparalleled eucceas of this Oil, In the cure of dm ease. In Iloraes and Cattle. and even in human (loch, le unity becoming more known to the farming community It ran hardly ho credited. except by throe who have been on the habit of keeplair it in their stably , and hour., what ■ mot amount of pun, ,mining end time, ore saved by the timely application of Ili. Oil. Mr Ile sure the name of the sole proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT, Lockport. N. 1.,,e 'down in the aide of the bottle. and in his hanJwnting over the cork. All ortlem addressed to the proprietor will be promptly teeponded to. l eta Pamphlet of the Agent. and Pee what wooden are secomplirhed by the roe oil this medicine. Sold by revpactable dealers generally, in the United !Hates end Canada. Also T. Rend & Son, Huntingdon,John Lutz, Shir leysburg, Isett & Bucher, Union Furnace, James Clark, Birmingham, Chas. Ritz, Lewistown; J. W. McVeytown; S. Hoover, Williams burg; A. 11i. Lloyd & Co., Gaysport; Grossman & Johnston, Boalshurg; T. B. Miller,Belifonte; and at wholesale by Fleming & Brothers, Pitts burg, D. Robinson, Tyrone Station ani, F. Klitt & Co., Phila. July 13, 's3.—ly. Administrator's Notice. ETTERS of administration have this day 1..1 been granted to the subscribers upon the es tate of IVilliam Mears, late ofJackson township, Huntingdon, county, deed. All persons indebt ed are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to ALEXANDER STEWART, SAMUEL BARR, July 13,'53,-Gt. Mum. BLACK BEAR HOTEL, THE undersigned has leased and fit ' tell up the above HOTEL, on the ?•, • corner of main and Montgomery Street, ! in the borough of Huntingdon, and is well prepared to accommodate all who may fitvor him with their custom. The traveling communi ty and the public generally are cordially invited to call with him, hoping by strict ;mention to business to merit it large portion of public patron age. No pains will be spared to render general satisfaction. ROBERT KYLE. Juno 29, 's3.—ly, White Sulphur Springs, At Doubling Gap, Cumberland County, Pa. Are now open for the Season, and are nrcessable from Harrisburg to Newville, via Carlisle, on the C. V. R. Road; from NOWVIIIO are 8 miles good staging, to the springs. Many im provements have been made during the past year, to render the place more attractive. The proprietor is pledged to every person vis iting his delightful mountain retreat, to make them comthrtable and happy, the granduro of the sce nery is beyond description. Fur further particu lar; please address SCOTT COYLE, Proprietor, Newville P. 0. REFERENCES Dorrisjr., Esq., M. A. Henderson, M. D., Huntingdon. June 22, SELLING OFF AT COST. • TAE undersigned respectfully invite the atten tion of the public to their new and splendid stock of Spring and Summer Goods, now exhibiting in Portstnwn, consisting of n forgo variety of German and Belgean Cloths. Cassiti!ores and Cassineta of the best quality. Silks, Serges, and Satins of superior qadity. Silk Tatfets and plaid, plain and twilled llkfs. Cotton Hosiery of every quality and style, Cotton and Thread Gloves in great variety. Ginghams, Cambrics and Jamincts. Cotton, Cambric and Jaconct Utiles. C9ttonyri . n . go, assortcdsizes. Linen Plaid; Cotton and Striped Tapes. Ribbons of every description. .... French Merinoi, TablO'Covcrsand Shawls. Be!age Delaiae; t l,l3wns and Alpia:aa. ColicOes, Tidies k. Maslins in countless numbers. Cotton Drills and Cor du Rays. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Glass, Bard and Queensware. Ready-made Clothing with a largo lot of varie ties and notions too numerous to mention. Persons wishinir to purchase will find it to their interest to roll and examine our stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere, as n•e are determin ed to sell at extremely low and reduced prices. JOSIAH CITNNINGHAM & SON. Portstown, Juno 22, '53. FIVE PER CENT SAVING FUND. Chartered by the State of Penn sylvania In 1841. CAPITAL STOCK $250,000. TILE Saving Fund of the National Safety Com pony, No. 62 Walnut Street, 2 doors above Third, PHILADELPHIA, is open every day from 8 o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock P. M., and on Monday and Thursday ovenings till 9 o'clock-- This institution is well known as ono of the best managed and safest in the country, and pays MB Pen rear. interest for money put in there, from the date of deposit. Any sans from One Dollar upwards is received. And all sums, large or small, are paid back on demand, without notice, to any amount. This saving fund has mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first-class investments, all well secured, amounting to more than half a million of dollars. for the security of depositors. 011Ico 62 Walnut tweet, two doors above Third, Philadelphia. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pros't. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vico Pres't. Wu. J. Raapy Secretary. BOARD OF UEFFEREES. Hon: Wm. - Richards, Pottstown, .Montgomery co. J. D. Stroeper editor of the Montgomery county Ledger, Pottstown. J. M. Sheenemen, editor of the Neutralist, Skippackville, Mont. co. Enos Benner, Esq., editor of the Farmer's Friend, Sumuoytown, Mont. co. Hon. Joel Jones, into Mayor of Phil'a. Hon. John Robbins, jr., member of Congress 411, District, Pennsylvania. Hon. James Page, late Postmaster of Phil'a. Hon. Wm. Pentagton, late Governor of Now Jersey. June 22, '53.-Iy. DITTSTURO llama and Flitch forsale cheap at tho ELEPHANT Corner. JUST RECEIVED and for sale Fish, Salt and Plasterby J. & W. SAXTON. Asplendid lot of Silk Cravats and &aril:76r . sale by J. ht W. SAXTON. DOUBLE Barrelled English Snub and Twist FOWLING PIECES--also Single Barrel ed Huns, from four dollars to thirty each, for bide by J. R. W. SAXTON. lot of Ciit pctin ,, and Oil Cloth for sac Ly .1. S W. AXTON BROAD TOP ON FIRE James E. Glasgow, HAVING fi tted up a large and elegant Store •room, directly in the centre of Scottsville, Huntingdon Co., into-which ho ban removed his store from the old starlit, is now prepared to ac commodate his customers and the public general ly, with a splendid and fashionable assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, His assortment consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and all kinds of goods usually kept in a Century Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, end Trimmings of every vartety. Also, Hats; Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of goods anti kinds. Or All kinds of Country Produce taken in exclienge for goods. Scottsville, Hunt. Co., Pa. June 15, '53.-Iy. CASSVILLE Carriage Manufttotory. TILE undersigned respectfully informs his pot roils and the public generally, that he still continues tif the old stand, in the borough of Casseille, Huntingdon county, to manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Borkaways, Sleighs, nnd every thing else connected with his business. Repairing done on the shortest notice. Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, tte. constant ly kept on hand, hut others will he made to order. Work done ehenper than nt any other estab lishment in the State, and all warranted to the purchaser. Cash, but when not convenient, country pro. duce, taken in exchange for work. ELIAS WILSON. June 15, 's3.—ly, STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE. ASecond-hand Eight horse power Steam En gine, with a Boiler 30 inches In diameter and 20 ft. 6 inches in length, with all the neces sary machinery to make it complete. The En gine has been but little used and in good order.— Persons desiring to purchase, will call on the subscriber; residing in Hamilton township, steer Keefer's Store, or on Jos. Eberly, residing in Chambersburg. . JACOB EBERLY, Juno 15, .53.-111 BROAD TOP OPENED UP. Louis Schneider, HAVING pnrchased the Store of Cunningham & Cornprobst at Marklesbnrg, Mint. co., Pa., is prepared to accomodate the public at said place; with a splendid and fashionable assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, his assortment consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware. Liquors, &c., and all kinds of Goods usually kept in a country Store. Also, a beautiful, cheap and elegant as sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every variety, also, Hats. Caps, Bonnets. Boots and Shoes, and a variety of Goods of alt kinds. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. And I do hereby notify all persons haying ac counts on the Books contracted at the Markles burg Store, belonging to Cornprobst C Caning barn, will pay the same over to me, they having been asigned to me. LOUIS SCIINEIDER. June 8, 1853. F. Brown's ESSCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. THIS Essence is a prep /1%60n of unusual ex cellence. In ordinary diorrlca, incipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, it is of inestimable value.— During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer complaints of children, it is peculiarly efficacious; no fussily or individual should be • without it. CAUTION•—IIe sure to get the genuine es sence, which is prepared only by F. BROWN, at his Drug and Chemical Store. N. E. Corner of Fifth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by all the respectable Apothecaries in the United States. For sale by T. READ & SON, Huntingdon. [Juno 22,'53.—15•. House to Rent. A large, commodious dwelling holm,. ®Railroad Street, recently occupied by Maj. John P. Anderson, is now for rent, suite le ahnost for any purpose. The house is well finished, having attached to it all the necessary out-buildings. Application can be made either to Jacob Cresswell at Paradise Furnace P. 0., or to the Editor of the JouRNAL. Juno 22, '53. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Insixs MrrenEra., Into of Jackson townshlp, - Hunt. co., dee'd. LETTERS of administration having been granted to the undersigned, who resides in Jnaksnn tp., on the shove estate, all persona in debted will mike immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authentica ted for settlement. SAMUEL M. STEWART, June 22,'23.-6t• Admr. NOTICE, TO the heirs and legal representatives of Wit- LIAM CORBIN, late of Springfield township, Hunt : Co., deed. Take nail., that by virtue of a Rule issued out of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, on the heirs and legal representatives of said deed, you are notified to come into said court, the soo ond Monday and Bth day of August next, and accept, or refuse to take, the real estate of said dec'd at the valuation thereon, to wit: at the sum of $2322 OD or to show cause, if any you have why the some should not ho sold. W. B. ZEIGLER, SINE Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, Juno Bth, 1853. Farm Land and Wood Land, FOR SALE. Tim Trustees of the estate of John Savage, I. having determined upon disposing of their interest in Huntingdon and Bedford Connties,nre now prepared to sell land, in lots to suit purchas ers, upon accommodating terms. Those wishing to purchase will please call on the undersigned at Savage Forge, or address him by mail, directing to Paradise Furnace P. 0. Hunt. Co., WM. GRIFFITHS. Trustee of the Estate of John Savage. Juno 8, 's3.—tf. BLASTING POWDER and SAFETY FUSE, constantly on hand and for sale by J. BRICKER. JUST receiving the handsomest lot of Carpets ever offered In this place. Also, Oil Cloths, which will be sold low by J. 4. IV. SAXTON. THE Ladies will please bear in mind that Par asols can be had exceedingly low at the cheap store of J. W. SAXTON. AA new supply of low priced Bonnets; just re colved and for ado by J. &W. gAXTON. A beautiful lotof White Crepe Shawlsjest re , 11 calved and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. 1 O BARRELS of Shadjus, received and fur sale by J. & W. Snx.rox. A N ASSORTMENT ofSCHOOL HOOKS A fur sale at the Cheap Store of J. BRICKG. PERFUMERY—A good lot, of the beat, at EDMUND SNARE'S. Aplendsid assortment of Fans, just received and for sale low by J. I S. 1. SAXTON. CLocma—A beautiful lot at ED3I. LOOHING Masses, just received and for sale by J. d. W. SA XTON. Abeautiful assortment of Cross barred India .Silk,jusl received and for tale by •• J. & NV:SAXTON. GOLD CHAINS—A fine variety for sale, ve. yr Idw, at EPIC S*ARled. I)ARASOI.B—an excellent quality, fur sale cheap at the ELEPHANI' Coruer. (yr . A five 1,1 tJNA,r. $3OO CHALLENGE! Itobensack's Worm syrup. An article founded upon Scientific Principles, compounded with purely vegetable snlist.inces, bring perfectly cafe when taken, end has never hem known to fill in curing the most obstinate case. Worms eon never exist when this remedy is once used, from the fact that it only destroys them but removes all the slime and mucus which may remain. The Tape Worm. This worm is the most difficult one to destroy of all that inhabit the hnman body. It grows to nn almost indefinite length, and becoming so coiled and fitstened in the intestines and stomach as to produce Fits, St. Vitus' Dance, &c., which, is the cause of many going to the grieve, not be lieving that these complaints have their origin from the Tape Worm; consequently they do not use the proper medicines for their disease. To them who are afflicted with this nu ful the to health, I recommend the use of my Worm Sy nge, and Liver Pills; the Syrup to be taken in doss of two table-spoonstuis three times in day, then take from 5 to 8 of my Liver Pills, to dis loge find puss the worm. By strictly following these directions, the most obstinate cases of Tape Worm can be speedily cured. found or Stomach Worm. This worm is usually found in the small intes tines, and is the wort most common to children, yet is not entirely confined to them, as adults have frequently been known to sitter with them. The symptoms most promincht while nifected with this worm, are hardness and fullness of the hay slimy stools, looseness of the bowels, picking at the nose, a blueish streak under the eyes, &c.— If you, or any of your children hove any of the above symptoms, Ilobensock's Worm Syrup con safely be depended open—by using it you have a certain, safe, and speedy cure; and if after using' it according to the directions, the patient is not restored to health; and the worms thoroughly eradicated frosts the system, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond the grave, as for fail, there is no such word as fail with those who use my worm Syrup. Ascarides, or Small Thread Worm. These worms, to which the human system is liable, ore the most troublesome of all others.— They are generally to be found in the rectum,and if allowed to remain, from the irritation they pro duce, lay the foundation for minus disorders, such as intimation of the bowels, and other de rangements of the stomach. The best and safest medicine that can be used is Ilobensack's Worm Syrup. Such is the astonishing power of my medicines over Asearides, that I defy any one to produce n case where my worm Syrup and Liver Pills are recommended to be used they will not cure. All that is necessary is to use the Syrup in accordance with directions on each bottle; and in case a gentle purgative is required in order to allay the irritation they produce, the Liver Pills by their sympathising action and healthy opera tion upot the bowels, is the most pleasant medi cine that con be token. Hobensack , s Liver Pills. No part of the system is more liable to disease than the Liver, it being supplied with numerous blood-vessels and nerves, and if diseased, the blood of course flowing through all parts of the holy produces Liver Complaints, Jaundice. nil. lions Affections; Dyspepsia, &c., Liver Complaint. Is attended with chills, succeeded by fever, se vere pains in the region of the Liver, vomiting, bitter tastes, yellow furred tongue, pulse full and hounding, the pain in the side is increased by pressure, should the left lobe be affected, the pain is generally in the left shoulder, with a short, dry cough, the shin becoming of a sallow appearance, and the stools clay colored. This disease can he cured by the use of liobensack's Liver Pills, as they Oct directly upon the seat of the disease, and then operating upon the bowels they expel all the corrupt and vitiated matter from the system. Dyspepsia. The symptoms of Dyspepsia, and its various diseases are dizziness in the head, heartharn, op pression after eating meals, sourness arising from the stomach, &c., and sometimes general languor of the whole body, from this it will he seen that the disease owes its origin to a disorganized state of the Liver and Stomach. llobensack's Liver Pills is the very medicine to effect a per manent and lasting cure, as they act by changing the certain morbid actions of the system into a healthy action, and rendering the blood pure and healthy. To Females. You will find these Pills an invaluable medi cine in many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial, they have been found of inestimable benefit in restoring and purifying the blood and other fluids so as to cure all complaints which may arise from female irreg ularities, as headache, dimness of sight, pain in the side, hack, tic. These Pills are the only safe and effectual remedy to cure the following com platnts, Gout, Nervousness, Melancholy, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Rheumatism, distressing Dreams, Dimness of Sight, or in fact any of the diseases that arise from the affections of the Liver, impurity of the blood, or Constipation of the Bowels. Medical Evidence. WE, the undersigned Physicians, having hail the receipt of their manufacture submitted to us for inspection; say, that the ingredients of which they arc composed makes them the best Pill in use for all diseases of the Liver, Impurities of the Blood, &c. GEonon Woon, 11. D. F. CROWLEY, M. D. L. Bowl., M. D. Cr Purchase none but those having the signs. tare of "Jr. N. 11011ENSACK? as all oth. ers are worthless imitations. Agents wishing now supplies, and all others wishing to become agents, must address the pro prietor, J. N. HOSENSACK, at his Laborato ry, No. 120 North Second Street, above Utica, Philadelphia. (e'Sidd by all Druggists and Merchants in the United States. [June, 8, MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL. Scottsville, llunt. Co. Pa. THE undersigned respectfully informs the tray cling community and the public generally, that be is now prepared, at his new and commo dious dwelling., to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. His Hotel is situ ated nt the South-cast end of the village, near the Mineral Springs, and the conveniences connected with it, are calculated to give satisfaction. GEORGE D. HUDSON. Scottsville, June 8, M. FETTERHOFF, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker, Huntingdon, Pa., T _ AKES this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he still remains in his old stand, on ]Main street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church, where he is prepared to turn out work equal with any eastern manufactory, or in short inferior to none. Per sons wanting New Furniture, will do well to give him a call before purchasingelsewhere, on ho is determined to sell low for CASH or Country Produce. He also respectfully returns his thanke to the public, for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and hopes by careful attention to busi ness, to merit a eon tinuence of the same. 113 ttlso intends to giro his attention tie Under taking business. COFFINS made and funerals attended, nt the shortest notice add on reasonable terms, either in town or country. dier All work warranted. M. F. Huntingdon, June 1, 's3.—ly. HUNTINGDON MARBLE YARD. The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally. that ho bits es tablished a MARBLE YARD, in the borough of Huntingdon, and has just received from Phila delphia n selected stock of choide Marble grave stones, of every description, which ho will furnish at very reduced prices. All orders from nay port of the county or ad joining counties, addressed to the undersigned. will be received and promptly attended to. WILLIAM WILLIAMS. May 18, 1853.-Iy. A NOTHEIt fresh supply of Ilqrage do LaMs, A Lawns, Berne, all wool do Bogo, and part cotton from 20 to 37} eta per vd. Also smother fresh supply of Trimmings, just reed and for sale by J. W. SAXTON. ZEPHYR worsted, Lisle, Cotton, Linen Floss, Cotton Floss, Loco Mitts, Mohair Mitts, Silk Gloves, Uhl Gloves, Lisle Thread, Cotton, and every variety of Dress Trimming suitable for spring and summer dross, for sale by J. ( S. W. SA XTON. 60111 Witteheti will be hy ED. SNASIS •-r•. c:sc"•kcre. 6 11 A N KNOW THYSELF." An Invaluable Book for 24 cents. "Fvenr FAMILY SHOULD HAVE A COPY." SIX Thousand Copies sold in MSS than three months. A new edition, revised and impro ved, just issued. An. Maitre 'a Medical mannal and hand book for the afflicted—Containing an outline of the or igin, progress, treatment and Cnre of every form of disease, contracted by promiscuous sexual in tercourse, by self-abuse, or by soma] excess, with advice for their prevention , written in a familiar style, avoiding all medicinal technicali ties, and every thing that would offend the oar of decency, from the result of 20 years' successful practice, exclusively devoted to the cure of dis eases of a delicate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the cause, symp toms and care for the Fever and Ague, Cr 25 cents a copy: six copies for $1 ; will be forwar ded to any part of the United States, free of pos tage.—Address postage paid, Cosden & Co., Publishers, or "Bonin, Post Office, Phila. "This is without exception, the most compre hensive and intelligible work published on the class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it addresses itself to the readers; it is free from all objectionable matter, and no parent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devo ted many years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of, and 'with too little breatit to puff,' and 'too little presumption to impose,' ho has Word to- the world at the merely nominal price of 25 cents. the fruits of some twenty years Mai successful practice."—throtd. "No teacher or parent should he without the knowledge imparted in this invaluable work; it would save years of pain, mortification and sor row to the youth under their charge."—Peo ple's Advocced - A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing of "Hunter's Medical Manual," says "Thou sands' upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into tbe habit of self-pollution without realizing thoiht and consequence upon them selves .d their posterity. The constitution of thousands, who are raising families have been enfeebled, if not broken do:vit, and they do not know the cause or the cure. Any thing that can be done no to enlighten and influence the public mind as to check, and ultimately to re move this wide-spread source of human wretch edness, would confer the greatest blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and coming generation. Intemperance, (or the use of intoxicating drinks,) though it has slain Mon sands upcn thousands, is not a greater scourge to the Imman race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted, and, believe me, your co-worker in the good work you are so actively engaged in." One copy will be forwarded, (securely envelo red and postage paid,) on receipt of 93 cents, or six copies for 21.1• Address, COSDEN & CO., Publishers, Box 19e, Philadelphia. iSw'Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. June 1, '53.-Iy. Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery, AND ICE CREAM SALOON. HENRY d. AFRICA, would respectfully in vitt the public to call at his establishment in Railroad Street, where all those who need any good Bread, Rusk, or any other kind of Cakes found at a Bakery, may be supplied. Ile has just received a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and Confectionaries, such as ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, NUTS, &c. His Ice Cream Saloon is one of tho most beau tiful and gorgeously furnished rooms to be found outside of Philadelphia, it is worth a visit there just to see the saloon, •tad then, if you should feel like taking a saucer of ice cream the AGENT can supply you with the best article that bas ever been manufactured in this or any other country. Thankful to the public for past favors, be hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continu ance of patronage. May 18, 's3.—ly. Pennsylvania Rail Road. Great Redaction Olt Local hates of Freight From April lot 185:1. Huntingdon to Philadelphia. Ist class 50 en,. per 100 lbs. 24 " 40 " 6 , 6 , 3 r d if 33i II MI if 4th " 28 " " " Flour per bbl. 60 ets. Master per Ton $4,25. Huntingdon to Pittsbnrg. 1M class 55 cts. per 100 IN, 2! " 45 " " 3r d c, 37e ,c ,t 4th " 30 " " Flour per bbl. 60 cte. • Pig Iron, Blooms, Lumber and Bark, will be car ried Eastward in Car loads, at the convenience of the Company, at the following rates per ton of 2000 lbs. Huntingdon and Harrisburg, 121 cts per 100 lbr. Huntingdoh and Philadelphia, 25 " " " " For further information relative to the Trans portation of Freight (or Passengers,) apply at the office of the Company. JOHN D. HERR, Agt May, 25, '53.-3m. Hunt. Statiulr. WATERSTREET HOTEL. T HE subscriber announces to the traveling community, and the public generally, that be has taken charge and fitted up the above house. having one of the most pleasant and beautiful locations in the country, whore he will he happy to wait upon all who may favor him with their patronage. There is a good stable, and also a carriage house belonging to the premises, to which the most careful attention will ho given. JOHN WARD. May 25, '53.-Iy. HARDWARE.—A good assortment for sale at • 8. &G. LEVI'S Store. HATS AND CAPS—of all kinds, of the lateet fashion, for sale at the cheap store of S. & G. LEVI. FISH AND SALT for sale at the store of S. & G. LEVI. Ladles' Shoes. ASPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Shoes, of the latest styles, just received at the store of S. & G. LEVI. Asplendid lot of Bonnets just repaired and for. sale by J. W. SAXTON. CARPET Bags, just received and for sale by J. ¢• W. SAXTON. PORT MONNAIES from 25 cents up to 62 50 at Ed. Snare's. April 15 1824. LAMES Lasting and Silk work Gaitors, Eli Morocco, and Goat Boots and Shoes, at the • GEO. GiVIN. storo of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Mos. Delanes, B. Delanes, Do Berege, Lamle; Ginghams, nud a choice variety of Goods of all kinds, at the store of GEO. GIVIN. CLOTHS ./LND COSIMERES, plain and fancy, at very low prices, at the store of GEO. GWIN. FISH Amp S4LT, for safe at the store of CEO. GWIN. A m te o r s u t s, be a a n nf n ul fi l i e c t Berage aT titte pat ets. per yard, just recreTinfTgrlletabyup to 50 J. ,q• W. SAXT'ON. GINGUAMS—Domestic and Dress, just re ceived at D. I'. GWIN'S Cheap Store. alarge assortment of Lawns and braze de Laines, just received at the cheap store of D. P. GWIN. rASSINETTS, Corduroy, Tweeds, K. leans, for sale at the cheap corner opposite C, Coats' Hotel• D. I'. °WIN. BONNETS and Hots of the latest styles, just received at I). P. GAVIN'S Store. A large lot of Shoes—Lace Boots, Madam, Libitues and Children's at the Store of D. P. GAIN. A ,nperior lot of Hines, tbr sale at tho ELEPHANT. P,AIIGE DR LAINES, lu endless variety, at the cheap corner of A. CARMON. P ! IPLENDII) assortment of Lit,lies' Dret x (21, '• :• !CA . , .!