HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. iy Morning, July IS, 1853. A. L. GLASGOW, Editor. CUMULATION 1000. WHIG STATE TICKET: FOR CANAL COMMVIISIONER, Moses Pownali, of Laneadtor county. TOR RIIIIVETOR GENERAL, Christian Myers, of Clarion county. FOR AUDITOR GENLRAL, Alexander K. McClure, of Franklin co. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Agents for the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author ised to receive and receipt for money paid on sub scription, and to take the names of now subscri bers at our published prices. We do this for the convenience of our subscri bers living at a distance from Huntingdon. .Tourr W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg, SAHCSL COEN, East Barren, GEORGE W. CORNELIUS, Shirley township, JAMES E. GLASGOW. Clay township, DANIEL TEAGUE, Esq., Cromwell township, Dr. J. P. Asncom, Penn township, Dr. H. L. Bnowts, Cass township, J. WAREHAM MATTERN, Franklin township, SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jackson township, PPIIERT M'BuRNET, « it Cot...Jiro. C. WATSON, Brady township, MORRIS BROWN, Springfield township, WM. Hyrourrlsox, Esq., Warriorsmark tp., JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township, GEORGE W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg, HENRY NEFF, West Barren. JOHN BALSBACH, Waterstreet, Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY. Tod township, A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township, GEORGE Wu.sou, Esq., Tell township, James CLARK, Birmingham. NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek. Joins N. BWOOPE, Esq., Alexandria. B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace. SIMEON WRIGHT, Esq., Union township. DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., Cassville. SAMUEL Wurrox, Esq., Franklin township. DR. BPANOGLE, Shirleysburg. DAVID PARKER, Esq., Warriorsmark. DAVID AURANDT, Esq., Todd township. Whig State Committee. The Whig State Committee will meet on TUESDAY, the 19th of July, 1853, at the American Hotel, CHESTNUT Street, opposite the State House, in Philadelphia, at 3 o'clock, P. M. CHARLES T. JONES, Chairman. Teri- The Rev. Mr. Golaher, of Cambria co., will officiate in the Catholic Church of this place on next Sunday, at the usual hour. New kiveilsemente. See Register's Notice; Notice of the Treasu rer of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad Company; Meeting called by the Huntingdon County Temperance League; Administrators' Notice of William Mears, deed., of Jackson township, by Alexander Stewart and Samuel Barr Executor's Notice of Anna B. Brode, dec'd., of Tod township, by Levi Evans; Cards of new Candidates. Bee Professional Card of Dr. R. A. Miller, Dental Surgeon. Dr. Miller has the reputation of being perfectly master of the art of Dentis try, and his work cannot well be surpassed, either in execution or for durability. See also, Professional Card of Dr. H. W. Smith, Dental Surgeon. Dr. Smith has opened an office in this place and expects by close at tention to business to merit and receive a large portion of public patronage. He makes good jobs and deserves encouragement. His work is also neat and durable. In another column of this week, our readers will notice the advertisement of Messrs. Evans Watson, Manufacturers of Fire Proof Safes, 83, Dock street, Philadelphia. These Safes have been tested thoroughly, and have proved to be the best that have ever yet been offered to the public. A safe of the kind these are is an article which every individual, who has nu merous and valuable papers to preserve, should speedily procure. Persons who have title pa pers, deeds of property, &c., which they consid er valuable and wish to preserve safely, should not do without one of these Safes. They are highly recommended by some of the best and most practical men in our State. Gen. A. P. Wilson is the authorised agent of Huntingdon county. Any person wishing one can apply to him at any time. Stir Last week no paper was issued at this office, because our hands wished a little recre ation. The week before we were unable to supply the entire list of our subscribers, owing to the unexpected increase of new ones. All those we were compelled to pass over, shall re ceive additional copies respectively at the end of their year. __ - 118... We fare received several well written articles, from substantial and influential Whigs, residing in different sections of the county, on the subject of State Senator, replying to the Blair County Whig and its correspondent of last week, which we would cheerfully publish, if we could see any necessity for them at this juncture of affairs. Our friends, therefore, must excuse as for the present, for not giving them publicity; but if any occasion arises hereafter, we will give them a place in our columns. We apprehend no danger from what the Blair Co. Whig's correspondent said on that subject. Or The Whigs of Somerset county met in Convention on the 21Ith of June, and ',lased in nomination a ticket for their support at the October election. Joseph Cummins received the nomination for Assembly, and William H. Koontz, Esq., that for Prosecuting Attorney. The Somerset Wig states that the Conven tion was harmonious, and the nominations are well reeeiced. Kir The Sabbath School of the Presbyterian Congregation of this Borough celebrated the fourth in McCahan's Grove, across the river.— We understand they had a very pleasant time and every thing passed off very agreeably.— The Rev. Mr. Hawes addressed the school. war We have received a copy of a new lo- cofoco paper, titled the Peopks Advocate, pub fished at Bloomfield, Perry county, by John H. Sheibly. It is large, and presents a very handsome appeantnce. Pecuniarily, wo wish the enterprise all the success any member of the fraternity could ex pect; but political)-, the rhter can better ima gine that At think than we c o n it. Fourth of July. The Anniversary of our National liberties was celebrated here in a very elegant and or derly manner. Over one thousand people were present, and participated in the exercises.— After having marched through several of the principal streets, the procession, the Methodist Episcopal Sabbath School forming a part, pro ceeded to "Beechen Glen,V a short distance above town, on the Stone Creek road, where, after an organization, the Declaration of Inde pendence was read, in a very agreeable style, by H. Bucher Swoope, Esq., who made in ad dition, a few very eloquent and appropriate re marks, to which the audience listened with marked attention. George Lippard, Esq., of Philadelphia, then made a short speech. J. S. Stewart, Esq., addressed the Sabbath School, and Rev. A. Brittuin delivered a Temperance lecture. The dinner for the occasion was a sumptuous one, and the Committee underwhosc care it was prepared, demonic the thanks of the community. They were an industrious and energetic set of young men. The whole affair passed off with a brilliant display of Fire Works and a Balloon ascension in the evening on the grave-yard hill. The following are regular toasts, but owing to some misunderstanding about the Juniata Fire Engine Company leaving the ground be fore the close of the exercises, the people re turned to town, and none were read: 1. The day we celebrate. 2. The President of the United States. 3. The Governor of Pennsylvania. 4. George Washington.-0 ur Country's Father. 5. Thomas Jefferson.—The author of our glorious Declaration. He needs no other eu logy. _ _ _ 6. William Penn.—The Founder of our be loved Keystone—may his memory be ever as green as the glorious old Elm on the bright morning of his purchase. 7. Our Revolutionary Sires—the defenders of our country's rights—their history has been written upon a score of battle-fields, and when the silence of the great deep has been awaken ed by the thunder of our Cannon—may their memories live forever in the hearts of the peo ple. 8. The Union—purchased by the blood and toil of the Revolution, may its benefits and blessings 'descend to our children, and to their posterity, and to the millions who Anil gather and rest beneath its broad nis,—"till the last syllable of recorded time." 9. Dear Pennsylvania—the Keystone of the Federal Arch—may her sons ever be true to the doctrines taught and the principles instilled by our illustrious founder. 10. Our Country—may her people ever con tinue to manifest their patriotism as they have done today, then will they deserve that her un told resources shall he fully developed, and her true position be taken among the counties of the State. 11. Our Town.—Slow hut sure; the time of her prosperity is now at hand; may she never ho found wanting in gratitude, patriotism, and love of country. 12. The Broad Top Railroad.--Huntingdon's temporal salvation—may it soon ho completed, and may those engaged in it meet with the re ward they deserve. 13. The Old Thirteen—the bright cluster of Independence—the figures have been reversed —and may the time speedily come, when we can exclaim, "No pent up Utica contracts our powers, For the whole boundless continent is ours." Broad Top Railroad. The work on the lluntingdon and Broad Top hfountain - Itailroad, was let on Wednesday the 29th of June, to the following named persons: Sections No. 2 and G p to MePherron & Har rison. Sections No. 3 and 4, to A. Cannon. Sections No. 5; 9, 12, 13, and 14, to Martin & Kinkead. Sections No. 7 and 10, to Whitaker & Alen ander. Sections No. 11 and 15, to Thomas Wallace. Sections No. 18, 21, 23, 25, to Reilley & Led• day. — Wection No. 8, to Bnor. Ross & Co. Section No. 16, to S. McCoy & Co. Section No. 17; to Singer & McCon. Sections No. 19, 33, 35, to J. J. Laogdon & Co. Section No. 22, to W. A. Whittaker & Co. Sections No. 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, to E. & J. McGovern. Section No. 34, to Nead & MeMahan. Sections No. 20 and 24, and the Stonerstown Bridge, to Patton & Gossler. The above contracts embrace the entire length of the road from Huntingdon to the Broad Top Mountains, a distance of about thirty-five miles, and the work will be commen ced immediately and pushed to a speedy com pletion. The Contractors are all known to be good and reliable men, and the work has been let at very fair prices, the whole amounting to but 4243, 042, and this includes the entire gra ding and finishing of the road, with the excep tion of the ties and iron. That this improve. ment is destined to open up one of the richest coal and iron regions in the State, there can be no doubt; and that the people of Huntingdon County have reason to rejoice on account of the happy results which must flow front its com pletion, there is just as little. The coal in these mountains is semi -anthracite in its na ture, and is said to be superior to any other coal in the country, for all steam and furnace purposes. This is a project in which the people of Hun tingdon and Bedford Counties, especially, should feel a living interest, and should lend every effort to have the road as speedily as possible put into operation. It will add greatly to the grandeur and glory of our State, and be an inexhaustible source of wealth to many of our citizens.' or ACCIDENTS in coal mines in Great Bri tain are so frequent and destructive of life that the British Government has four inspectors employed, with particular districts assigned to each, for the purpose of investigating the cau ses, &c., connected with every accident or dis aster occuring in the mines. According to the official reports of these officers, the total num ber of lives lost in the coal mines between No vember, 18M, and January lst, 1853, was 1939. CURIOUS NATURAL Paranwr.—At the liar. ticultural Exhibition in Boston, on the 25th ult., there was a curious prodigy of nature in the shape of a stalk of asparagus, about 16 inches long nearly two inches in breadth and less than half an inch in thickness—the whole being twisted spirally in a singular manner. It was the result of two days' growth in the garden of P. G. Gunderson, of Newton. KENTUCKY Hoc SrAvisrics.—The Louis. ville Courier, of the 16th inst., publishes full returns from forty Counties in reference to the number of hogs in that State over six months old. The total assessments, as furnished by the State Auditor, show 413,967 hogs in the forty counties, which is a gain of 100,000 over the number in the district the previous year. The Whigs of Cambria County held their County Om'atrial yesserelan but 1 hare ore learned any of the particular,. State Senator. We cannot reply to the Blair County \Vhig of last week, for tw reasons: one is, the language used in the article is too scurrilous for us to notice and is characteristic only of George Ray mond; the other is, what he does say on the subject of Senator does not the least contro vert the position he Journal mourned in ref erence to the mat r. We will however may, if Raymond and his Correspondent, think that White's friends are numerous iu this county, they had better ex- The following communication we copy from the "Cambrian," a Whig paper published in Johnstown, Cambria County, to which we in vite the attention of our readers. The indi vidual alluded to, in the article, is Mr. White, a candidate for nomination to the State Sen ate, whose Whigism Major Raymond so em phatically endorses. "Our attention has been called to a super cilions article in the "Blair County Whig," en titled "Slate Senator," in which an attempt is made to inform us of Cambria, who our good and substantial Whigs are, just as if we did not know ourselves. Now this is certainly the quinteseense of poiiticnl kindness, and yet strange to say, we doubt whether there is a single Whig in this county, 'who feels at all grateful to Raymond, editor onhe Whig; be cause we think ourselves fully qualified to know who are sound Whigs, mid who are not. And furthermore, we believe ourselves fully competent to take charge of our own affairs without the officiousness of the Blair County Whig. Personally, we have nothing against any of the gentlemen spoken of as candidates for State Senator, but we do say and challenge con. tradiction, that a certain prominent candidate for the nomination of State Senator, living in this county, is not a "Whig as is a Whig." We never doubted the orthodoxy of Gov. Johnston, John Strohm, and Jacob Hoffman, as Whigs, because they were regularly put be fore the peobte as the choice of the Whig par ty of this State—and any man voting against them, voting against the Whig paty, Whig principles and measures. I suppose there in not a better man in Cambria co., than R. L. Johnston,Essj., or Capt. McVicker,yet we do say that a certain one of the candidates for State Senator, did not vote for any of the above named Whigs, and such a tn. we cannot endorse,as a man who in past contests has not swerved in his attachments to Whig measures and men. To be sure we don't know by what standard Raymond measures his Whigs, but do say that in Cambria county, we can adopt no such criterion; but may be he looks through very dins glasses, or may he— but never mind. It is our sincere opinion that if there is any use in a Whig party, that good, sterling and unflinching Whigs should be our representatives. If men who are known not to he good Whigs are to receive the biggest and fattest ollices in our gift, there is very little use in being a Whig at all. Ho ! Mr. Blair County Whig, what say yon? The old adage says consistency is a jewel, and it is, but if so ought it not be rewarded accor dingly? We are not particular what man will he the candidate for Senator of this District— but we insist that none but a well tried Whig ought to be our standard bearer in the contest, because the eyes of the whole Whig party of , Pennsylvania are resting upon us." Gubernatorial Nomination. We cordially concur with the editor of the Huntingdon Journal in relation to the course which should be pursued in nominating a Cm banatorial candidate for the support of the Whig party next fall a year. We have thus far abstained, as much as we possibly could, to make any reference to the subject, other than to state the views and preferences of our Whig eotemporaries, as they have made them known through the columns, and we should greatly prefer to continue pursuing this course for the next six months, believing that if all connected with the Whig press would do so, the cause we have all at heart would be promoted thereby, and the prospects of making an harmonious nomination, and ensuring its success at the polls, would he materially improved. Had we it in our power to mark out a policy for the Whig press to pursue, and aiming only, as we do, at arriving at a satisfactory conclu sion as to who will be the best and most avail able candidate, we should say to our Whig co temporaries, "Cease all allusion to or agitation of the subject. Direct your energies to secure the success of the Whig ticket in your respec tive counties, rather than seeking to mould, forestall or influence their action. Let the popular voice have its free and unbiased course, and rely upon, we shall not only have a candi date who will command the support of the peo ple, but a good and true Whig, in whom there can be safely confided so high a trust, without incurring any danger of having it abused by his own selfish purposes." Such would be our course and our advice.— But, we fear, there are others not thus dispos ed, and whose movements are even now more influenced to produce certain results for future purposes of their own than to accomplish any particular result next fall. If there be any such, let their movements be closely watched, mid their conduct exposed the moment it be comes glaringly apparent what they are dri ving at. We do not wish to he understood as having reference to any of the worthy gentlemen spo ken of for Governor. Far from it. We refer not to them nor their immediate and recogni zed friends. There may however be others, who have other purposes of their own to ac complish, whose favoritism for any one of them for Governor can only be measured by the ex tent they expect to benefit themselves and fur ther their own purposes. All the men now spoken of for Governor have been Whigs from the start, and are Whigs at heart. They are goon and true men, popular and deserving, and the nomination of any one of whom will be an honor to the party and hailed as the harbinger of success.—Daily News. _ _ How's This. The operatives on the Portage Railroad who struck for their pay, state, in their address to the public setting forth the outrageous wrongs that have been practised upon them, that the Check-Rolls which their necessities oblige them to sell are the first to _find their way into the Treasury, being first paidwithout regard to priority of date; and thatsome Sixty Thousand Dollars of claims have passed into the Treas ury without the Superintendant of the road paying a dollar on them, or passing through his hands ! ! ! How's this? Messrs. Auditor General and State Treasurer how's this? To your fellow citizens the things look suspicious of villany. On these $60,000, the operatives complain that they hare been shaved to the amount of at least Six Thousand Dollars! And then, mark ye, these transferred, or shaved Cheek- Bolls were the "FIRST" to 6nd their way into the Treasury How was that ? It is a little circumstance, it is true, but it darkens the picture greatly. It thickens the plot, and involves the higher dig nitaries: Come forward ye implicated servants of the people and wash your hands of the iniquity, if ye can. We ask it on behalf of the honest men of all parties, and expect you to answer. Hal. Reg. ___ QUERY FOR I.OOOFOOO EDITORS?—Is it not a fact that the model Pierce administration has two inspectors at the Philadelphia Custom House—the one editor of the 'Pennsylvanian,' the other editor of the 'Native American Sun,' —who are paid about one thousand dollars a year each tor doing nothing? as. We have received at this office n copy of a periodical titled, "Family Circle and Par. for Annual," published in New York, by James G. Reed. It contains interesting matter on clic. for,nt subjects, and i, a work which we thittli dhould find it, into itOor the Journal.] Fourth of July. MR. EDITOR I have long been awaiting some thing to transpire in this place which might prove interesting to your readers. But Shir leysbuig has affordeil no opportunity of this kind until to-day, when a large number of the citizens assembled in a grove near the village for the purpose of celebrating the 77th Anni versary of our National Independence. There are two reasons why this day was chosen in preference to the Fourth. The first and strong. est reason is that the Fourth was fixed upon by the Sabbath Schools as the day on which to celebrate the _blessings which our free institu tions confer upon the youth. All of which had their birth in the glorious Declaration. Their arrangements being prior to those of to-day's celebration, it was deemed due to them, as_an act of courtesy, not to interfere with their pro ecedings by having another celebration on the same day. Another reason is, that it being in the middle of harvest it was thought it would suit farmers better to attend on Saturday than Monday. As the exercises were quite interes ting I shall go into detail. At the hour of 1 A. M., a large concourse of ladies and gentle men assembled at the Methodist Church, where a procession was formed in the following order: Ist. Chief Marshall, R. W. PORTER; Assistant Marshalls, Dr. S. L. SeaxooLE, and J. 11. LicnrsEn; 2nd. Military composed of the Tay lor Guards and a new company about to bo organized; 3d. Clergy and Orators of the day; 4th. The Ladies; sth. The Citizens. The pro cession thus formed marched to the grove, where the assembly was called to order by the President, S. M'Vitty, Esq. The exercises were then opened by prayer by the Rev. Mr. Watts. The Declaration of Independence was then read by John Long, Jr., after which some appropri ate introductory remarks were made, and John Williamson, Esq., of your town, the chief ora tor of the day, introduced by Dr. Clugston.— Mr. Williamson then arose and delivered an eloquent and spirited address in his own pecu liar and happy style. The orator dwelt with much interest on the blessings of our free insti tutions, the rich legacy of our brave fathers, and the legitimate offspring of the world-re nowned "Declaration." He showed that our Institutions were to be guarded by a' sleepless and eternal vigilance. Hi also showed that. a free education and general intelligence diffu sed, through the masses, by means astir com mon School System, were the pillars of consti tutional freedom. He denounced, in glowing terms, the late attemptof a certain sect to have a portion of the peoples' money appropriated to the education of children without the Bible. The whole was richly spiced with timely and pointed anecdotes, rendering his address both pleasing and instructive to all who heard him. After the address, the audience assembled around the table for the purpose of partaking of refreshments. Having resumed their seats, the following toasts were read by Mr. W. S. Hudson The clay we celebrate. The Sabbath day of freedom; the natal day of our National Inde pendence; a day which witnessed the proudest declaration that ever emanated from the lips of mortal; a day which struck into being the brightest constellation that now glows in the galaxy of the modern world. The Constitution of the United States. Washington. Who declined the acceptance of a crown that he might promote the happiness of unborn generations; may his true greatness be imitated by all his successors. Calhoun, Clay, and Webster. Mae their memories be cherished as the last survivors of the illustrious Statesmen of the past age., The President of the United States. The Governor of Pennsylvania: — Woman. Oh woman, dear woman, whose form and whose soul, Arc the light and the spell of each path we pursue; Whether sunned at the tropics or chilled at the poles, If woman be there, there is happiness too. Let live the memory of those Whose life-blood gave birth to the germe, That bids defiance to foes And plants institutions to learn. Our Institutions of learning. The guardians of civil and religious lihertv. By W. Alexander, The Orator of the day— John Williamson, Esq. The eloquent and fear less defender of the citizens' rights. Mav lie always receive that respect from his fellows which is due to his talents and patriotism. By John Eby, The tree of Liberty. Planted in the soil of the revolution, nurtured and pro tected by the care and wisdom of Washington. May it over flourish, in the American soil, and spread its roots from the Atlantic to the Pacific. By Dr. S. L. Spanogle. The Ladies of Shir leysburg, like their ancestors, the ladies of 76, patriotic and ever active in support of Ameri can principles and American interests. May they all enjoy the sweets of a domestic circle, and never again see foreign oppression. The Taylor Guards can stand anything but the artillery of female beauty. By W. S. Hudson, The liwifie Railroad.— The connecting link of the East and West, and places California within the reach of all; that will eventually be the great developer of the natural resources of our great country. By J. Goshen, The L'iLion. May it never be dissolved, but stand firm as n rock until the end of time, and may our soldiers and citizens al ways possess that patriotic spirit which will in duce them to celebrate our National Anniver sary. May the fair Indies and the green hills of America always he prbsent to wave their white handkerchiefs in memory of their independence, with a smile on their rosy checks, until time shall be no more. The procession having marched hack to the Village, was dismissed. Throughout the whole occasion, the best order was observed. There was not a drunken or disorderly person on the ground. By the way, Shirleysburg is justly becoming famous for its good order and sohri• ety, there being no grogery or liquor selling es tablishment within a compass of at least four miles. A. For the Huntingdon Journal, Ma. JOURNAL :-.-• Tt seems their was a law passed during the Into session of our State Legislature, authori zing the laying out and passing a State Road, from some point at or near Mill Creek, Hun tingdon County, the Bloody Run, in Bedford County; at the cost of the respective Counties, so far as laying out and bridge building are concerned; but opening and keeping it up at the expense of those hightyfarored townships through which the same shall pass. Now the tax payers of Huntingdon County at this particular time of her suffering, feel deeply on every subject that threatens an aug mentation of this burden of taxation, and ns this contemplated mad must cross the Juniata at Mill Creek, another expensive bridge will of course have to be built. Why Mr. Journal, if this bridge building over the Juniata, is not suspended for the pres ent, who, I ask would not better his condition by selling out at a sacrifice and leaving for parts unknown? But pray who is this road to benefit? is it a public demand ? or is it like akin to some oth er laws now in force, for the glorious advantage of some portion of our County? I was going to say for the gratification of a very few indi viduals; well, I won't say than but then, a body may think you know. Now Mr. Journal, you would confer a favour on the writer and the public too, by giving publicity to this famous law,or at least a synop ses of it. We want to have a clear view of the whole field before the dog,laya set in. BRUTUS. Maine Law in Mieli;ja n.—Every ward in Detroit, with but two exceptions, voted for the Maine Liquor law. Every town thus far heard from is in favor of it, generally by largo major ities. The Advertider think , : that the aggre• zat, mainriry iu thc i^:tatc thau Floor the Journal.] Examination and Exhibition of Cassville Seminary. The first annual Examination of this Institu tion took place on the 27th and 28th days of June. The classes examined in the various English branches exhibited a quickness and thoroughness which may be equalled, but which I cannot, without difficulty, be surpassed, espcei-1 ally the classes in Arithmetic and Grammar.— The classes in Latin, Greek, Algebra, Geome try, Conic Sections, French, Astronomy and Botany, exhibited the result of careful and ' thorough instruction on the part of the Teach ers, and of dilitent application on the part ofi the students. The attendance, the interest, and the gratification manifested by the parents, the visitors, and the visiting committee, showed the 'high appreciation and estimate they placed up on the character of the instruction given in the Institution. The entire School acquitted itself nobly, and to the satisfaction of all. The ex amination was not a mere routine of questions prepared before hand, but a selection of ques tions eitosen in any part of the text hook at the option of the examiner, which required a per fect familiarity with the subject and skill to pass a prompt examination. The paintings and drawings exhibited, de monstrated that this Art is taught as mews fully here as at auy institution in the State. The Exhibitions came off on Wednesday.— First the Ladies Exhibition at 10 o'clock, A. M. In anticipation of the large crowd which was expected in attendance, thesCamp-ground situ: ated in a henutifulgrove in the vicinity of Cass ville, was fitted up for the occasion. The School. numbering over seventy pnpils, marshalled in a procession by societies made a very fine appearance, and was accompanied by a large number of Parents, visitors, stran gers and citizens. The procession numbered some hundreds, and when the audience assem bled in the grove, it was estimated that the large Hall of the Seminary which can accom modate about five hundred, would not have contained more than one-half of those assem bled. The exercises of the Ladies Exhibition coo. sisted of the reading of compositions, music on the melodeon, accompanied with vocal music by some of the ladies and gentlemen of the school, and dialogues. Of this we may truthfully say, the composi- tions were good, read unusually well, the music delightful and the dialogues instructive and highly amusing. - Ve'ry much 'might be said in praise of this part of the days' festivities, which praise was more than spoken in the countenances of the delighted audience. The gentlemen's exhibition occurred in the afternoon; and was highly creditable. Not a single failure happened. The original speeches to the number of twelyeth fifteen weredelivered in good style, and were of an elevated• charac. ter, both as to composition and sentiment. The select speeches and dialogues elicited the approbation of the spectators, and together with the fine music interspersed constituted an intellectual feast seldom equalled and never surpassed on such no occasion. The cheerful, attentive and smiling countenances of the au dience showed how highly theyappreciated and enjoyed it. In the evening nn interesting and able ad. dress was delivered by Dr. J. H. Wintrode, on the subjeetof g•Afan's position in the Creation," which was listened to with marked attention by the audience, and displayed talent of a high order in the speaker. John Williamson, Esq., followed in a pleasing address. An appropriate valedictory address was then delivered by one of the students, which closed the exercises of the first annual exhibition, to the great satis faction of all who were in attendance. A happy and redeeming influence in favor of education has gone out into the community, which cannot fail to add much to the prosperi ty of this already flourishing Institution. The remarkable success which has attended this school during its brief history, is attributed to the energy and ability of its Teachers and Trustees. If its future is as great as its past success, it is destined to become the largest schools in this part of the State. Success to it. A SPECTATOR. ! Sabbath School Celebration. MR. EDITOR : The 4th July was celebrated in this place, by the Sabbath Schools, in a most interesting manner. Although the season is peculiarly unfavorable for such nn occasion, it being in the midst of harvest, yet there were , more than three hundred persons present, which we regard as quite a turnout in this place.— There are three Sabbath Schools in the town, under the care of the Presbyterianv, Methodists, and Baptists, respectively. There are about 150 children in all of these Schools, exclusive of teachers. There has never been a more beautiful and interesting sight witnessed in our place than this celebration of the natal day of nearly all our national blessings by such a large nurnkr of children, all enjoying, religious instructioWinder their respective denomina tions, according as their consciences direct them; and all united in celebrating the day which gave them the right to worship as they please. • After prayer by the Rev. Mr. Askin, the De claration of Independence was read by Henry Brewster, Esq. The children and teachers were then entertained with a very instructive and interesting discourse by the Rev. Mr. Metninger, of the Methodist Church. After which an Anniversary address was delivered by Prof. H. J. Campbell, of the Juniata Academy. His address was able and entertaining, and showed that while he is assiduously devoted to the interests of his excellent school, and of ed ucation generally, he has not neglected either the history of his country nor any of the great movements of the day. He made many able reflections on the past, and also some shrewd observations on our existing institutions. The discourse was altogether worthy of the occa sion. A sumptuous entertainment of the good things was then spread before the audience, af ter having partaken of which, they were de lighted with an interesting discourse on the I subject of Temperance, by the Rev. B. H. Col lins, of the Presbyterian Church. At the close , of the exercises the whole audience were enter tained by some interesting philosophical expe riments in the Methodist Church. It was an occasion to strengthen and encourage those who are engaged in the laudable work of train ing youth in ways of sobriety and godliness.— Too much can hardly be said in praise of the untiring zeal and energy of many who will lie readily recognized in this vicinity at least with out giving their names. 0. Shirleysburg, July 4, '53. For tho Huntingdon Journal, The Glorious Fourth at Shade Gap. MR. EDITOR: Yesterday was anniversary of that day which gave to America its bright est boon, and to the pages of its history a tran scendent splendor, which is to be found in the records of no other nation. The recollections of the magnanimous phalanx whose deeds shed a lustre on that day, are ever attended with feeling of gratitude and joy, and are as dear to the hardy sons of freedom m the present gener ation as they were to their cotemporaries. The patriotic inhabitants of Shade Gap were willing to contribute their mite toward celebra ting a day so big with reminiscenses of the past, ushered it in with the bursting of home made bombshells, firing of minute guns &c., &c. Previous arrangements having been made for the holding of a grand pic-nic in the grove adjacent to the village, about 11 o'clock the young gentlemen of the Institution, Village, and Vicinity, with their fair partners began pouring in from all quarters, their sanguine countenances bespeaking the anticipation of a rich days sport. The attendants were not con fined to our own neighborhood alone, but Franklin County was represented by a portion of her fair daughters. The pie-nic grounds presented a scene of once pleasing and inter esting—a picture an which the Artists pencil. would delight to dwell.. The tuntimated countenances of the MEITIV through the woods tbrmed a pleasing contrast with the wild romantic mountain scenery by which they were surrounded. Abort 3 o'clock we heard the agreeable news that the refresh. molts had arrived, when we all repaired to as sumptously set table as the country could af ford, the more welcome as our appetites were considerably sharpened by active exercise and a pare mountain breeze. 'Dinner having been discussed we returned to our pleasant retreats when after spending the afternoon in rambling and scrambling we returned to the village delighted with our days enjoyment. Everything passed off pleasantly and to the satisfaction of all present. For ourself we would gladly welcome the 4th July much oftener than it comes if on each re turn it would bring with it such pleasant ac companiments. 13. Shade Gap, July 5, 1853. For the Journal, Hobbs Outdone! MR. EDITOR:— We understand that Mr. Hobbs, the notori ous pick lock, in passing through our town a few days since, was challenged to open the Gate at the Court House yard. He was offer ed, it is said, the amount expended for the re pairs on both gates since theywere first erected, provided he would effect an entrance within fif teen minutes. Mr. Hobbs after inspecting the complicated machinery and ascertained that he would not be permitted to use anything but his fingers, declined the offer. X. Hard to Beat. It is a hard matter to get around Old Bul lion. The N. Y. Tribune says, Messrs. Phelps and Lamb, two members of Congress from Missouri, recently addressed a long letter to Col. Benton, their colleague in the next Con. gress, asking his opinion in regard to various questions of Missouri polities, the doctrines of Jefferson, the usages of the Democratic party, the support of regular nominations„ the Balti more platform, the new administration, &c.— It was rather a cunningly devised scheme to entrap Old Bullion and draw him out in such a way as to place him in an awkward position either before the administration or his friends in Missouri. The Colonel, plainly perceiving that there was snore Oat than meal in that heap, replied to the plausible letter _of these politi cians as follows : WASHINGTON CITY, March 10. To Messrs. Phelps and Lamb: GENTLEMEN :—Your communication of this day's date is jGst received, and as it bears in ternal evidence of having been prepared for publication, I confirm to its intention, by re mitting it to Missouri for that purpose. Very rer cetfully, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, THUS. H. BENTON. Methodist Missions. The Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, hal'undcr its care the following missions: I. In the Destitute Portions of the regular work-122 missions; 104 missionaries; 23,627 white,' 1,412 colored members, with 62 church es; 84 Sabbath schools, and 2, 9 06 scholars. Ir. Among the People of Color-120 mis• sions; 102 missionaries; 34,934 colored mem bers, with 59 churches, and 16,657 children under religious instruction. 111. Among the Germans-9 missions; 8 missionaries; 378 members; 5 churches; 5 Sab bath schools, and 263 scholars. IV. Among the Indian Tribes-30 mis sions; 27 missionaries; 4232 members; 39 churches; 34 Sabbath schools; and 1254 schol ars; 9 manual labor schools, and 490 pupils. V. China Mission-1 mission; 2 missiona ries. VT. Calithrnin 3fission-21 appointments, with 20 ministers, and 300 members. Kossuth and the Americans. The New York Mirror alleges that Kossath is writing letters from Europe to a New York paper, in which he speaks of Americans in the following complimentary language: "And amidst these important events,(the troubles between Turkey and Russia,) what of America, sir? Why, America is represented nowhere! Not one of the diplomatic agents of her democratic government is yet on his post in Europe; and a Minister to Constantinople and Paris not even nominated yet! Why sir, but that's a negligence surpassing imagination; that a degradation of your national dignity; which is bordering upon ridicule, if not upon the contempt, of and fronr.the civilized world!" A Murderer Escaped! Alex. Ilittehimon, who has been lying in our jail for two or three years past under sentence of death, made his escape an Wednesday last, by cutting his hobbles with an axe in the cel lar, where he was allowed to go to cut wood, and then passing through another apartment of the cellar which was open to the street; and so making his exit, unobserved for an hour or two after he had gone, and no clue of him has yet been obtained. The Sheriffoffers a reward of 850 for his apprehension.—Hal. Reg. The Star of the West Clouded. The so-called Democracy of Westmoreland through their return Judges, kicked up quite a breeze the other day at their meeting in the Court House. After the ticket was .formed and delegates to the next 4th of Mach Conven tion were chosen, a resolution was offfired in structing the delegates to support Governor Bigler for nomination to a second term. This gave rise to a spirited debate, which wound up is laying Me resolution on Me table, by as al most unanimous rote. In the course of the de. bate, it was pretty plainly hinted that Mr. Bi gler, by some of his official acts, had made him self obnoxous to the people generally, and even to the Democracy of Old Westmoreland. MtonATtox.—Wiseondn absorbing the great body of the migration to such an extent that Michigan finds herself rather neglected, and the papers of that State are discussing means for diverting the stream of settlers to lheirown vacant lands. "According to the Detroit Free Press, much of the popularity of Wisconsin with emigrants is to be ascribed to the judi cious laws passed by the Legislature of that State to encourage emigration thither. The Detroit Free Press says that 200 Norwegians passed through Buffalo from Quebec a few days ago, on their way to Wisconsin. kffir. The Balloon ascension that was to conic off on the fourth iu Pittsburg, was a total failure; and that no doubt by design of those who had the management of it. The motions were gone through with, and the Balloon par. tinilyinflated, when Mr. Wise seated himself or rather suspended himself in the mashes of some cords attached, and was let go of by his assistants, the current of wind, but the lack of Buoyancy in the "machine" carried it immedi ately against to board fence surrounding the grounds, producing a rent in it, which caused the gas to escape. Tho whole humbug was well managed, to produce this finale. Slr. Wise got his dimes, but perhaps not as many as ho wanted. HONORS CONFERRED.—At the commence ment of Princeton College this week, honorary degrees were conferred on the following named gentlemen The degree of LL. Disi. on Hon. Geo. M, Dallas, of Phila., and on Josiah W. Gibbs, Professor of Yale College. The de. gree of D. D. on the Roy. John .McFarlane, of Dalkoith, Scotland, and on the Rev. Jean Pier. re Revel, Moderator of the Waldensian Synod in the rallies of the Piedmont. The degree of A. M. on Josiah-Rhodes. Illinois, and Bev. John Lowry•. Teacher at Bloomfield. 'The de- {free of A. b. on Itobert of Philtukl MUCH IN LITTLE. Ruay—our farmers. Walted—n rod rain. Low—the water in the Juniata. Ifigh—the price of fresh beef and mutton. berm: ring-Lour subscription list. Struck—some of the hod•carrieee in this place, for nn advance of 25 cents. They now receive $1,25 per day. G ir The less a man needs money, the more he worships it. Misers are always people with small appetites and no children. 65' A pleasant wife is a rainbow set in the shy when her husband's mind is tossed with storms and tempests. How TO DISPERRE A MOD—pass round a bat, soliciting contributions. They'll scatter in double quick time. 1051.."H0me, sweet home," is the song that we never heard a man sing, after he had been married seven or eight years. 12E9— A coroner's jury recently returned a verdict on the body of a poor fellow—Teath by hanging'—around the tavern. Par What is the difference between girls and lemons ? The latter get the most of their squeezing in the dog•daye, and the former don't. Ffon. W. C. Rico, of Virginia, our into Minister at Paris, will deliver the address be fore the N. V. State Agricultural Society, at Saratoga Springs. t H r T. P. Prelinghysen, Esq., of Newark,. has been selected to deliverthe Annual Oration before the Literary Societies of Rutgers Col lege N. Brunswick, on the 2911, inst. Saar Give the devil his due. Certainly; says ootemporary; but it is better to have no deal ing with the devil, and there will be nothing due him. liar They have got a pig in Ohio so thor oughly educated, that he has taken to music.— They regulate his time by twisting his tail—the greater the twist, the higher the notes. Kir Hon. Wm. 11. Seward has consented to deliver nn oration on the occasion of dedica ting the Capital rniversity buildings at Colum bus, Ohio, sometime during September next. 116 r A youth of some 18 years of age was recently married at Danville, Kentucky to a widow of some 45 years, who had six children. Go it while you are young—nothing like hav ing a good start. LYlNG—although the devil be the father of lies, he seems, like other great inventors, to have lost much of his reputation by the contin ual improvements that have been made upon him, * An author of a lake story, in describing his heroine, say—"lnnocence dwells in the rich cluster oilier dark hair." A waggish edi• for suggests that a fine tooth comb would bring it out. SW' Human knowledge is n proud pillar, but it is built in the midst of a desert of ignor• once, and those who hava amended the high est have only gained a more extended view of the waste. te.Two men went to "Californy." One came back without 11 rag to his back, while the other came back with nothing but rugs. Wan ted to know, which did the best? Answers may be sent till the mail closes. All excesses are ill; hut drunkeness is the worst sort. It spoils health, dismounts mini and unman.; fen. It seveals soerets, i 0 quarrolsonte. Im:ilium, imprudent, dangerous and mad. The folli;wing que4tion is now under de bate before the Tilletuditun Lyceum: "Which is the best, to die rich or lice poor P" Me Crucken "goes (On" it. We .shall issue the result in a poster. Watch the lime sheds. (Fe- Four thousand passports have lately been issued to Hungarians who design corning to America. Host of them are bound for Cali fornia. The emigrants promise not to return to Austria. ge A lawyer once asked a Dutchman con cerning a pig, "in court"—What earmarks had ho? "Vol, yen I first became accquainthd mit de hock, he had no earmarks except tat ho had a very short tail." 1161" I will hazard the assertion, that no man ever did or over will become truly eloquent, without being a constant reader of the Bible, and an admirer of purity and sublimity of its language.—Fisher Ames. dr If you ever feel like committing suicide, just take a razor and shave yourself. Do this, and two to ono you postpone the job. What people imagine dispair is very often nothing but a lack of cleanliness. DIMICES-the Hartford Times says that the New York and New Haven Railroad Company has paid Mrs. M. W. Dimoek, of Mansfield, $.5;000, whose husband loft his life at the Nor• walk draw. It was all that Mrs. D. claimed, and it was promptly paid. 1541 , ,. We heard a man saying on the street the other day—" Glasgow will wonder who the el—l wrote that Communication that appeared in the Blair County Whig of last week." No we don't Johnny—we know who wrote that ; and we've got our eye on the author. Mir Strawberries :grow in California as large puthpkins. When They wish to ascertain whether they aro ripe, they have to 'plug them,' as we do water-melons. When served up 'for the table, they are cut up into slices, like pine apples. Crest country, that "Californy." ibr A genius wears a pair of white panta loons a whole season without once sending them to the laundress. When dirty, he just ta kes a white wash brush and dubs them over.— A shilling's worth of lime does him two years: There's genius as is genius. That young man will do to travel. sEir The editor of one of our western ex changes announces the death of thefourth of July, which recently occurred in his neighbor hood. The next news from that quarters, we presume, will be, a requiem ehaunted over the grace of liberty. ga- Dobbs is a strong believer in"guardian angels." If it wore not for them; he asks, what would Ice ep people from rolling out of bed when they are asleep? As this is a poser, wo pass it over to the Seedy Trowsets Debating Society. Cr If Major Raymond has any extra cop ies of the Wl,ig of last week, containing that mighty leader of his, on the sehject of State Senator; and will send or bring them down, we will take pleasure in having them 'distributed among onr readers for his and his correspon• dent's particular benefit. Or We mentioned the other day, that the people of lowa used Shanghai chickens to plough with. We have - since learned that a gentleman in Ohio carries mat tcrs still fiu•thrr; and is now breaking a rooster to the saddle.-- Ile meets with very excellent