VOL. 18. TERMS The “IrclrrtmotioN Jowls/AL" is published at the following yearly rates: If paid in advance $1,30 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing, 1,75 If paid at the end of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid till after the expiration of the year. No subscription will be taken for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discontinued, except at the option of the publisher, until all mrearages are paid. Subscribers living in distant counties, or in other States, will be required to pay invariably in Idvasee. _ . above terms will be rigidly adhered ea iu all caeca. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square of sixteen lines or less r9r I insertion $0,50, For 1 mouth $1,25, 411 I n 0,75, " 9 " 2,75, " 3 " 1,00, " 6 ~ 5,00, , , , PROM SIONAL Cinne t , not exceeding ten Rum nud not changed dtirmg . the year. • • • $4,00, Card and Journal, in advance, 5,00, BtlBll4Eilf Csilus of the same length, not chan ged, 53,00 Card and Journal in advance, 4,00 _ -. . . cir Short, transient advertisements will he ad mitted into our editorial columns at treble the issual rates. _ . On longer advertisement, whether yearly or transient, a reasonable deduction will be made and a liberal discount allowed for prompt pay ment. POETICAL. Misanthropic Hours. 3T N. P. WILLIS. I sometimes feel as I could blot All traces of mankind from earth— As if 'twere wrong to blast them not, They so degrade, so shame their birth, To think that earth should be so fair, So beautiful and bright a thing; That nature should come forth and wear Such glories appareling: That sky, sea, air, should live and glow With light, and love, and holiness, And yet men never feel or know How much a God of Love can bless— How deep their debt of thankfulness. I've seen the sun go down and light Like floods of glory on the sky— When every tree and flower was bright, And every pulse was beating high— And the full soul was gushing love And longing for its home above— And then, when men would soar if ever, To the high homes of thought or soul— When life's degrading ties should sever, And the free spirit spurn control— Then have I seen, oh how my cheek Its burning with the shame I feel, That truth is in the words I speak, I've seen my fellow creatures steal Away to their unhallowed mirth, A. if the revelries of Earth, Were all that they couldleel or share, And glorious heavens wg 0 scatcely worth Their passing notice or their care. I've said I was a worshipper At woman's shrine—yet even there I found unwhorthiness of thought, And when I deemed I had first caught, The radience of that holy light, Which makes earth beautiful and bright— When eyes of firo their flashes sent, And rosy lips looked eloquent.— Oh, I have turned and wept to find Beneath it all a trifling mind. I was in one of those high halls, Where genius breathes in sculptured stone, Where shaded light in softness falls On pencii'd beauty. They were gone Whose hearts of fire and hands of skill Had wrought such power—but they spoke To me in every feature still, And fresh lips breathed and dark eves woke And crimson cheeks flushed glowingly To life and motion. I had knelt And wept with Mary at the tree Where Jesus suffered—l had felt The warm blood rushing to my brow At the stern buffet of the Jew— Had seen the God of glory bow, And bleed for sins he neverknew, And I had wept, I thought that all Must feel like me—and when I came A ateanger bright and beautiful, With step of grace and, eye of flame, And tone and look most sweetly blent To make her presence eloquent, Oh then I looked for tears. We stood Before the scene of Calvary: I saw the piercing spear—the blood— • Tho gall—the writhe of agony— I saw his quivering lips in prayer, "Father forgive them'—all was there, I turned in bitterness of soul, And spolce of Jesus. I had thought Her feelings would refuse control ; }for IVomait's heart, I knew was fraught With gushing sympathies. She gazed A moment on it carelessly, And coldly curled her lip, and praised The Hign Priest's garment! Oh could it be That look wan meant dear Lord, for thee. Oh, what is woman—what her smile— Her lip of love—her eyes of light— Wnat is she, if her lips revile 'The lowly Jesus. Love may write His name upon her marble brow, And linger in her curls of jet— The light spring flower may scarcely bow Beneath her step, and yet—and yet— Without that meeker grace she'll be A lighter thing than vanity. MISCELLANEOUS. Backbiters, Every . commutity holds in its bosom a ape. ries of viperous bipeds called backbiters, eaves siroppers, or slanderers, who go about doing evil continually. They introduce discord where peace before resided—they wake up be. tween peaceable and friendly neighbors—ex rite suspicion in trusting hearts, and substitute hitter controversy for social amity and quietude. They malign private character with impunity, because they are too cowardly and hypocritical to make their assaults boldly apd manfully, so that those whom they traduce can have a chance to defend themselves. They run up behind you and strike you in the dark, and then fly to es eape detection. They put on a great suavity and friendliness to your face, but when your back is turned, look out for them I for they will cling to your heels like a rabid dog. Avoid them as you would a poisonous reptile—refuse their company—and above all, do not admit them to your family circle—do not induct them into your fireside secrets; for if you do, they will leave the baneful stain of their footsteps on tour very threshhold, and ha pines will flee be ?bre them as tkom a deadly foe. For the love of peace, of order and of friendship, do not countenance their slanderous imputations against year friends and neighbors. 1109.. A Mr, Flaherty, of Was44ton City, has•the following posted on hit window: '•Fgat newlT kid here un.the rptire." TH't thrttimgDon • )ournat I SEE NO STAR ABOVE TILE HORIZON, PROMISING LIGHT TO (WIDE US, BUT TIRE INTEL LIGIINT, PATRIOTIC, UNITED WHIG PARTY OF TILE UNITED STATES.". Ancient Babylon—lteßnine. It may he known to many of our readers that the French Government has employed a party of gentlemen to explore the site of ancient Babylon. From reports just received from them, it appears that they have ascertained, beyondreasonable doubt, that the ruins beneath a tumulus called the Kasr, are those of the marvelous palace citadel of Semiramis and Ne buchadnezzar. They are in such a state of confusion and decay, that it is impossible to form from them any idea of the extent or char- acter of the edifice. They appear, however, to extend beneath the bed of the Euphrates, a circumstance accounted for by the change in the course of that river. In them have been found sarcophagi, of clumsy execution and strange form, and so small that the bodies of the dead must have been packed up in them, the chin touching the knees, and the arms be ing pressed on the breast by the legs. These sarcophagi have every appearance of having been used for the lowest class of society; but notwithstanding the place in which they were found, the discoverers are inclined to think that they are of Parthian, not Chaldean origin.-- There have also been found numerous frag ments of enamelled bricks, - containing portions of the figures of men and animals, together with cuneiform inscriptions, the latter white in color on a blue ground. According to M. Fresnel, the chief of the expedition, these bricks aflord a strong proof that the ruins are of the palace of Nebuchadnezzer, inasmuch as the ornaments on them appear to be sporting subjects, such as are described by Ctesias and Diodorus. The foundations having been dug down to in certain parts, it hits been ascertained that they are formed of bricks about a foot square, united by strong cement, and that they are in blocks, as if they had been snapped in all directions. In a tumulus called aware, to the south of Kasr, interesting discoveries have also been made. They appear to be the ruins of the dependencies of the palace situated or the bank of the Euphrates; and they contain numerous sarcophagi, in which were found skeletons clothed in a sort of armor, and wear ing crowns of gold on their heads. When touched, the skeletons, with the exceptions of some parts of the skull, fell into dust; but the iron, though rusty, and the gold of the crown, are in a fair state of preservation. 111. Fresnel thinks that the dead in'the sarcophagi were some of the soldiers of Alexander or Selueus. The crowns are simple hands, with three leaves in the shape of laurel on one side and three on the other. The leaves are very neatly execu ted. Beneath the bands arc leaves of gold, which it is supposed covered the eyes. From the quantity of iron found in some of the cof fins, it appears that the bodies are entirely en veloped in it; and in one there is no iron, but some ear-rings, a proof that it was occupied by a female. The sarcophagi are about two and three•quarters of a yard wide, and are entirely formed of bricks and united by mortar. In ad dition to all this, it tomb, containing statuettes, marble or alabaster, of Juno, Venus, and of a reclining figure wearing a Phrygian cap, to gether with some rings, car-rings, and other articles of jewelry, has been found, as have also numerous statuettes, vases, phials, articles of pottery, black stones, etc., of Greek, Persian, or Chaldean workmanship.—Literary Gazette. Mies Leslie on Slang, 'There is no wit,' says the author of the Be haviour Book, 'in a lady to speak of taking a 'snooze,' instead of a nap—in calling pasta loons 'pants, or gentlemen 'gents'—in saying of a man whose dress is getting old, that he looks 'seedy,'—and in alluding to an amusing anecdote, or a diverting incident, to say that it is 'rich.' All slang words are detestable from the lips of ladies. We are always sorry to hear a young lady use such a word as 'polking,' when she tells of having been engaged in a cer tain dance too fashionable not long since; but, happily, now it is fast going out, and almost banished from the best society. To her honor, be it remembered, Queen Victoria has prohib ited the polka being danced in her presence.— now can a genteel girl bring herself to say, 'Last night I was policing with Mr. Bell,' or 'Mr. Cope came and asked me to polk with him:- Its coarse and ill-sounding name is wor thy of the dance. We have little tolerance fur young ladies, who, having in reality neither wit nor humor, set up for both, and, having noth ing of the right stock to go upon, substitute coarseness and impertinence (not to say impu dence), and try to excite laughter, and attract the attention of gentlemen, by talking slang. Where do they get it ? How do they pick it up? From low newspapers, or from vulgar books? Surely not from low companions?— We have heard one of these ladies, when her collar chanced to be pinned awry, say that it was put on drunk—also, that her bonnet was drunk, meaning crooked on her head. When disconcerted she was 'floored' When submit ting to do a thing unwilling, 'she was brought to the scratch.' Sometimes 'she slid things on the sly.' She talked of a certain great vocalist 'singing like a beast' She believed it very I smart and piquant to use these vile expres sions. It is true, when at parties, she always had half a dozen gentlemen about her; their curiosity being excited as to what she would say next. And yet she was a woman of many good qualities; and one who boasted of having always lived in society. Two Susnes.—An old man picked up half u dollar in the street. "Old man, that's mine," said a keen looking rascal, "sehand it over!" "Did yours have u hole iii it ?" asked the old man. "Yes it had," said the other smartly. "Then it is not thine," mildly replied the old man, "thee must learn to be a little sharper next time, my boy." Ile— "There is ari place like home," says Gable, "ereopt the home of the :fill you are Clo We, ~..7oorl cut. HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1853. "I Did not Obey my Parents.' The jail was a large,gloomy looking stone building. The windows were made :Among by great iron bars, fastened acrossthem. But the inside was the most gloomy. It was divided into very small rooms. only five feet• wide ono eight feet long. Each room had a cross=bar red iron dorir,. with strong bolts and locks, when the jailor opened or shut the door the hinges grated, frightfully on the ear. '• In. one of - the rooms of the jail was a young man about twdntyeight years old. He - had been found .guiltvaf making and passing bad money, and the Judge said he must go to the State prison, and stay there as long as helived. Rut helves so sick that he could not be remo• ved to the prison. Poor fellow! once he could play in the green fields, down by the cool springs, or under the shade around his father's house; or, when lie was tired, lie could go home . and Inc his head upon his mother's knee, and rest himself; or if he was slob, she 'would sit by his bed andkind ly nurse him. But hose different shut up in a dark, gloomylail, with no one to care for him, and all around cursing and swearing, and making horrid noises. 01 he felt very wretched. Said he, •'I shall never be able to go to the state prison, tam so sick. 0I if I was only ready to (lie it would not. matter so much l" "Are you not ready do die ?" "0, no," said he, "I am afraid to die I" "But why are you afraid to die?" "Because I am such a sinner." "There is hope and merry, and salvation fur sinners, for the greatest of sinners, through Jesus Christ." "I have no hope. You may talk to me about Christ and salvation, but there is none for me: and that makes me afraid to die." I talked to him some time about his father ; and when I spoke of his mother then his lip trembled, and a single tear stole down his bur ning cheek. "Was not your mother a Christian ?" "0, yes sir; and a good woman she Many and many a time she has warned me of this." ''Then you had good religious instruction, kind Christian parents, who no -doubt often prayed for you, and taught you to pray." "0 yes, sir." '.Then why aro you here ?" Said the dying Man, "I can answer you all in a short sentence—l did not obey my pa• rents!" These were the last words he spoke to me. After saving a few words more to him I came away, reflecting on his awful condition, and the reason which he gave to me for being in that . dark and gloomy did not obey my pa rents." Washington and Jackson. Mr. l3rancraft, the historian, relates the fol lowing anecdote of the Father of his Country. "Once while in New Jersey, coming out to mount his horse, he found a child beside it; at tracted by the trappings. He placed the child on the horse's back,•and led it around the yard with its youthful joyance. It was to Washing ton's honor, that, although Heaven did not bless him with an offspring, he had a heart to love children, and take them to his bosom." Mr. Hildreth, with equal justice and proprie• tv, relates an nnecdote of the revered Jackson, the man whose iron will prompted him to take "the responsibility" when duty called him to do it, and:before whose inflexible determination all obstacles surmountable by human effort were forced to give way. After the battle of the Great Horse Shoe, in which nearly 1000 Indians were killed, and 250 prisoners were taken, all women and children, the men having been exterminated, the follow ing incident occurred The grim General who presided over the bloody scone, which seemed to carry us hack to the early Indian wars of New England, had still a tender spot in his heart. Moved by the wail of an Indian in fant, picked up by the field, whose mother had perished during the battle, Jackson strove to induce souse nursing women tuna,' i the pris oners to suckle it. ''lt's mother itt l 3,tfead," was the cold answer, "let the child die too." The General himself a childless man, turned nurse himself. Some brown sugar formed a part of his private stores, and with this ho caused the child to be fed. He eventook it home with him and reared it up in his own family. "Go Not in the Way of Sinners." The following beautiful allegory is translated from tho German : Sophronius, a wise teacher, would not suffer even his grown up sons and daughters to asso ciate with those whose conduct was not pure and upright. "Deaf father," said the gentle Eulalia to him one day, when he forbade her, in company with her brother, to visit the gentle Lucinda, "dear father, you must think ns very childish if you imagine that we should he exposed to danger by it." The father took in silence a dead coal from the hearth, and reached it, to his daughter.— "It will not burn you my child, take it." Ettlalia did so, and behold her beautiful white hand was soiled and blackened, and ns it chanced, her white dress also. "We cannot he ton careful in handling coals," said Eulalia, in vexation. "Yes, truly," said her father. "you see, my child, that coals, even if they do not horn, blacken; ao it it with the company of the vi cious." Practical Eloquence, The following very brief and decidedly pithy speech delivered by Oliver Cromwell, on disol ring the long Parliament, may ba new to AMC of our readerl. It is a fair specimen of the rude, vigorous, and hardy style of this singular character: 'lt is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which ye have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by the practice of every vice. Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.— Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would, like Esau, sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas, betray your God for a few pieces of silver. lather° a single vir tue now remaining among you? Is there ono vice you do not possess? You have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God.— Which of you has not bartered away your con science for bribes? Is there a man among you that has the least rare for the good of the Commonwealth? You sordid. prostitutes ! Have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord's temple into a den of thieves? By your immoral principles, and wicked pruc ttees ye have grown intolerably odious to a whole nation. You, who were deputed hero by the people to get their grievances redressed, are yourselves become their greatest grievance. Your country, therefore calls upon me to cleanse this augeun stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this house, and which, by God's help, and the strength he has given me, I now intend to do. I command you, therefore, upon the peril of your lives; to depart immediately out of this place. Go ! Get you Ott ! Make haste I Yo venal slaves, begone! Take away thnt shining bauble there, (the gp,4:l4.cr':: maccl and leek pp Suicide for,Love. [The Indianapolis gentioel gives the follow• ing account of the suicidd of a young man well known to many or the Hollidaysburg folks, as he resided there in the family of Mr. G. C. Mc. Kee for some mouths; and the girl to whom he was attached was for a long time a help in the family of Mr. Paul Graft] On Tuesday afternoon, about sunset, a young man was discoverelhanging dead upon a tree in the near the National Road, about seven miles East of the City. . Upo n inquire, it was found that the unfortu nat.- man was German, named Gonna List, a citizen of Pittsburg, Pa, Ire came to this city a few days since, few the purpose of marrying a young German girl,.to whom he was engaged, in Pittsburg, about a year ago, and who about that time, came from that city to this. Upon his arrival here lie .found her engaged to he married to another mom and the disappoint ment so operated . upon his ,feelings as to lead him to the perpetration of hie own murder. Yesterday morning he hired a horse, at Del sell's livery stable, and paid for him in advance. About 11„clock he stopped at the house of Mr. Kiekling. on the National Road, three miles East of the city, where he asked for wri ting materials; which were furnished him; mid, after writing a short time. he left. Nothing was seen of him afterward, until he was found, about sunset, in the woods, dead. Ile bad hung himself with the hitching strap belonging to the bridle of the horse he was riding, and with his face to the tree. so crow: that he might easily have saved himself, had he attempted to do so, even when nearly dead. From appear ances, it was supposed that he hung himself about the middle of the day. The horse was found hitched to a tree near by. A letter, written in German, was found in his pocket, of which the following is a translation. 4 1 am dying in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holt' Ghost, Amen. I write this to inform my friends what has be come of me. I know that persons who commit suicide, will be punished for it in another world but I would rather suffer punislimmt there than suffer here with such severity as I now do. My dear sisters and brothers, you must not think hard of the that I committed this act—l would not live any longer under existing circumstan ces. Divide my property among yon. I do not owe anything, but have.yet to settle with Mr. Baffinger, but I owe him nothing. Say farewell to my good and kind old mother for me, and ask her to forgive me for this action. But you will want to know the reason why I do this. I was in love with she preferred Cu put an end to our acquaintance. She is 'a noble girl, a better one cannot be found on this earth. If she should ever marry, and her husband should not treat her well, it would awaken me in my grave. Farewell. CONRAD LIST.” "As an old soldier, I should have preferred another death, but I cannot help myself," , A number a papers, Recount,,ke., was also found upon his person, and also his will, from which it appears that the property he leaves is worth about 99000. A coroner's inquest was held upon his body early yesterday morning, and autjury returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts. Dying Words of Noted Persons. " A tlenth:bed'sadeteetor of the heart; Here tried dissimulation drops her mask, Through grimace that mistress or the scene ; Here real and apparent are the same." 'Read of the army..—Napoleon. 'I must sleep now.'—Byron. 'lt matters little how the head lieth.'—Sir Walter Raleigh. 'Kiss me, Ilardv.'--Lord Nelson. 'Don't give up tie ship.'—Lawrence. 'l'm shot if I don't believe I'm dying.'—Chan. caller Thurlow. 'ls this your fidelity D—Nero. 'Clasp my hand my dear friend, I die.'—Al fieri. 'Give Dayroles a chair.'—Lord Chesterfield. 'God preserve the emperor.'—linyden. 'The artery ceases to beat.'—naller. 'Let the light enter.'—(loathe. 'All my possessions for a moment of time.— Queen Elizabeth. 'What I is there no bribing death:—Cardinal Beaufort. have loved God, my rather and liberty.— Madame do Stool. 'Be sertous.'—G rotins. 'lnto thy hands, 0 Lord:—Tasso. 'lt it small, core small indeed,' (clasping her wrist.)—Anne I.4levn. _ _ 'I pray you, see 'me safe up, and as for my coming down let me shift for myself,' (ascend• ing the seaffold.'—Sir Thomas More. 'Don't let that awkward squad fire over my grave.'—llohert. Burns. feel no if I were to he myself again.'—Sir Walter Scott. re-ign my soul to God, and my daughter to my country.—Jefferson. • 'lt is well.—Washington. 'lndependence forever.'—Adams. `lt is the la§t of carth.'—John Q. Adams. wish you to understand the true principles of the government. I wish them carried out. I ask no more.'—Harrison. have endeavored to do my duty.'—Taylor. `There is not a drop of blood on my hands. —Fred: V.. of Denmark. Ton spoke of the refreshment, my Emilie; take my last notes, sit down to my piano here, sing them with the hymn of your sainted moth er; let me hear once more those notes which have so long been my solacement and delight.' —Mozart. 'A dying man can do nothing casy.'—Frank. lin. 'Let not poor Ilelly starve.'—Charles 'Let me die to the sounds of delicious mu sic.'-31imbeau. [American Union. New Limekiln. A correspondent of the Easton Argus, says: If you will allow me the space, I wish to say a few words in relation to a patent Lime-kiln, re cently put in operation on the farm of Joseph Yeager, below Hellertown, in Lower Sancon township. It is of a novel and entirely new construction, and is destined to create an entire revolution in the mode of burning lime. This kiln is the invention of Mr. Schweder, of Ro chester, New York, and Mr. Yeager has-secu red the patent far Northampton County, in con nection with George W. Foerig, Esq., of Le hi-'h, and Mr. Theodore Mattes, of Easton. It is built on the side of the hill, quite near Mr. Yeager's extensive quarry, and is constructed Pretty much like an Iron Furnace. The kiln is lined with fire-brick and is 31 feet high, with a hopper on top, capable of isolating a large quantity of stone, which keeps Ming down in to the kiln 'as first as the lime is drawn out below. It will burn on an average, 300 bush els of limo per day, and one hand can quarry stone enough to keep the kiln in operation.— Nothing bet wood is used in burning, and 3 or 4 pieces of ordinary hickory or oak WCICHt Will last 90 or 33 minutes. Two cords of wood will burn between two and three hundred bushels of lime, and of a quality that is equal to the best Whitetoar.h hum The lir, is dr:mt., off Pay as , You Go. The N. Y. Times forcibly writes upon the idea involved in the caption of our article.. An idea which Should be prii.ed as a veritable Philosopher's stone—a talisman to lead on to success and happiness t' "What, not avail myself of this capital op. portunity for a bargain, just because the mon ey is not in my pocket? Theis area great many snug fortnnes math: baying on time.— But our mercantile 'friends who draW nest largely on their credit, will agree with us in advising a young man to !pay as he goes.' A six-penny loaf of bread without 'butter, and no debt on it, hai n better relish than your best dinner that is to be paid for to-morrow. The potatoes that ar, paid for before eating them ave rurbitter taste. while it coppery flavor mingles 'with the vanilla of the creams that are bought on. credit. Cad' lards handsomely the leanest beef. Credit. makes the fattest slices shrink in the pan. If you pay ns you go, very likely you will fall astern of your bold specula ting neighbor, but you will have your vessel in better trim for a squall. Men do not always get rich very rapidly-.who adopt the motto, but very seldom can make out to fail. It •may he herd for them to get rich, but it is harder for other people to suffer very bitterly on account Of their poverty. The man who pays ns he goes, and has nothing bet the suit be has on,' and the meal he is eating. that he can call his own, how much poorer is he than his neighbor who keeps a carriage and a servant, and lives in splendor, and owes more than he can ever pay? The latter, one will any, enjoys all the money that his splendor represents. That' is very much a mutter of taste. We should not enjoy it. Widows and orphans will weep when he dieS, not because he has gone, but because his estate only pays twenty cents on the dollar. `Pay as you go and leave no unpleasant business for your executors to transact. It is not grati fying for the widow to have vonrdebts to settle, and children come by degrees to think less of their deceased father, when bills are presented that cannot be met by assets. Pay as you go, sleep sound o'uight, and drire old the night mare from your dormitory. You will keep things snugger abort the house. Your account book will be a model of simplicity. You will buy what yon want, and leave what is unneed ed till money is *mien Yon will find the necessaries of lift, to be only the decimation of what are generally called such. Off their faces tearing the lean and hagard mask, you will find jolly, lazy luxuries behind. Your library will contain fewer and choicer books. Your wardrobe will be a collection of wearable gar ments,—your home an aggregation of com forts for every day use. Your wife will be as tidy and neat as the best of them. She will }ive very little old jewelryto exchange for new and the moths will not much trouble her during these warm days. Your balance sheet will al ways be a pleasant document to study. The amount you have in the bank, the property you hold, the stock you own, will be the true repre sentatives of your means. Pay as you go, and when you die enjoy the satisthetion that there is but one debt left behind you. if you have not anything, the undertaker's bill will not be very heavy—too small to trouble you much a. terwards. Next to having money enough, the most comfortable thing, in a finnnelal-•nspect, is to owe nothing to any man. Pay everybody as you go, but PAY THE PIUNTEH IN ADVANCE. Singing Conducive to Health. It was the opinion of Dr. Rush that singing by young ladies, whom the customs of society debar from many other kinds of healthy exer cise, should be cultivated, bet only as an ac complishment, but as a means of preserving health. He particularly insists that vocal mu sic should never he neglected, in the education of a young lady; and states, that besides its sal utary operation in soothing the cares of domes tic life, it has a still more direct and important effect. "I here introduce a fact," says Dr. Rush, "which has been subjected to me by my profession; that is, the exercise of the organs of the breast by singing contributes to defend them very much from those diseases to which the climate and other causes expose them.— The Germans are seldom afflicted with con sumption, nor have I ever known more than one case of spitting. blood amongst them. This, I believe, is in part occasioned by the strength which their lungs acquire by exercising them frequently in vocal music which constitutes an essential branch of their education." "The music master of an academy," says Mr. Gard ner, has furnished me with an ofiservation still more in favor of this opinion. Ile informs me that be has known several instances of persons stongly disposed to consnmption restored to health by the exercise of the lungs in singing. In the now establishment of infant. schools for chldren of three or four years of age, every thing is taught by the aid of song. Their little lessons, their recitations, their arithmetical countings, are - all chanted; and as they feel the importance of their own voices when joined to gether, they emulate each whet in the power of vociferating. This exercise is found to be, very beneficial to their health. Many instan ces have ()mired of weakly children, of two or three years of age, who could scarcely support themselves, having become robust and healthy by this constant exercise of the 111,4:. These results are perfectly philosophical. Singing tends to exp And the Ghost, and thus increases the activity and powers of the vital organs. Perseverance. It is astonishing how much may be done by economizing time, and by using up the spare minutes—the odds and ends of our leisure hours. There are many men who have laid the foundations of their character; and been ena bled to build •np a distinguished reputation, simply by making a diligent use of their leis ure minutes. Professor Lee acquired Hebrew and several other languages during his . spare time in the evening, while working as a jour neyman carpenter. Ferguson learned astrono• my from the heavens while herding sheep on the Highland bills. Stone learnt mathematics while a journeyman gardener. Hugh Miller studied geology while working us a day-labor er in a quarry. By using up the orts auul offal of their time—the spare bits 'which so many others would have allowed to run to waste— these and a thousand more men bare acquired honor, distinction, awl happiness for theux selves, and promoted the well-being anti gener al advancement of the world. How to do up Shirt Bosoms. We have often heard ladies expressing a de sire to know by what process the fine gloss ott new linens, shirt-bosoms, &c;, is produced, and in order to gratify them, we subjoin the follow ing ruipe Take two ounces of fine white gum arabio, powder—put it into a pitcher, and pour on it a pint or more of boiling water, (according. to the degree of strength you desire,) and then having covered it let it set all-night—in the morning pour it carefully from the dregs into a clean bottle, cork it, and keep it for use. A table- ' spoonful of gum water, stirred into a pint of starch made in the usual manner, will give to lawns—either white or printed—a look of new ness when nolling e!ze ,an rc.,!ore '-fWNBSTEII A Slim Chance of Wardrobe. Mre. -, a very dignified w`enan, and fine actress of New York, came to the table one .morning at the how where she was boarding, and in the most measured tone of her moat musical voice, exclaimed to the assembled fe• male boarders: 441 Ame quite surprised this morning, quite surpri.d." m "Alt, intlt•od I cried severs l;"pray, r hew wan that?" "I will tell you. I entered the sitting room rather enrly this morning, end while in there a gentleman came in in a shocking state of scan ty wardrobe." All paused for further devel opment. "New, I wager you, gentlemen, a basket of wine, that you cannot guess what piece of n gentleman's wardrobe he had on." "What etse,n ?" said they. "Av, he had but one piece of man's apparel upon him." After some simpering and hlnshing of the ladies, and laughter of the gentlemen, they be gan to guess. "WaW it his pantaloons?" His drawers?" "His overcoat ?" “N o. ” "His vest and linen?' "No, sir." "His cloak?" "No." "Dickey and spurs, perhaps ?" said a faceti ous old' gent. "A regular Georgia costume, eh?" "No, sir, you have not guessed it yet. Go on," said the actress. • "Well, it was 'a mantle V" "No." "An umbrella, perhaps ?” "No." "Then, by George ) , we give it up I" said sev eral. 'Well, gentlemeh, some one of von, or a stranger, came into the room, and disappeared as soon—with nothing onion' his hat!" The younger ladies vanished: the rest of the company roared like hyenas, while Mrs. very seriously and calmly discussed her toast. Our John Again.. We have been questioning John upon g.eo gr,llanv,,,e,„;.llautnik, he ix In p lt y ro ? v . :ng. Hear him: "Geography ix a description of the earth's tipper crust, generally found in book-stores and school-houses." "How is the surface of the earth divided ?" "By earthquakes, railroads and canals." "Good Is there more water than land upon • the earth ?" 44y as. ” "How is it called ?" "Oceans, seas, rivers, mud puddles, coffee and Paine gas." "With what is the ocean inhabited?" "With sharks, bursted up steamboats, met• maids, and oysters." "With what is the land inhabited?" "With caravans, porter houses, lawyers, loaf ers, editors, and dandies." "Do ships sail on the ocean ?" "Sometimes, and sometimes they become a sinking fund, and sail under." "What is an island ?" "An island is a place where people don't like to liverfor instance, Blackwell's Island, Deadman's Island, and Jerry nellfierygo "What is a cape ?" "An article worn by firemen. ladies, and sometimes found running in the sea." "What is a river?" 'A railroad for steam tugs and lumber crafts." "Who are the happiest people in the world?" "Actors -in hard luck, and Fegee Missiona ries." "Who are the most miserable ?" "Debtors, boarding-house-keepers, brokers, and editors." We kicked our boots off in attempting to sond John from our presence in a speedy man ner. An Anecdote With a Moral. A friend not long since told us an anecdote in relation to one of our subscribers, which con tains a good moral. for husbands, and also furnishes an example for wives which is worthy of imitation under similar circumstances: The subscriber refered to, said to our friend, in presence of bis wife, that it had been his in tention to call at the Recorder's Mike, to pay up his erre:wages, and discontinue his paper. His wife very promptly suited "why do you wish to discontinue the paper?" "Because," said the husband, ern so much away from home on business, and have so little time to read, there seems to be very little use in tee inking the paper." "Yes," responded the wife, "it may be of little use to pit but it is of great use to me. I remain at home while you aregone, and I wish to home what is going on in the world. if you discontinue the paper, I will gostraight to town and subscribe fur it myself." As the paper has not been disemtinued, we suppose the wife's reasoning, was conclusive. 'rhe moral of this ineideutmust not be over looked, A husband should consider the grati fication and - profit afforded his wife and Ail dren by the paper, as well as his own, and not discontinue it, simply because he may not have an opportuniry to read it regularly. And fur ther, it may remind some good husbands, not now subscribers, that it is their duty to take the paper, thnt their wives and children may know "what is going on in the world,"—Hill'a Recorder. Treatment of Persons taken from Water. Pr. Valentine. Mott gives the tbllowing rections for ,the treatment of those w•ho may have been partially suffocated by immersion in water : Immediately after the body b, removed from the water, press, the chest suddenly and forcibly downward and back Ward, and instantly discon tinue the pressure. Repeat this without inter• rupti" until a pair of common bellows can be procured. When obtained, introduce the noz zle well upon the base of the tongue. Surround the mouth with a towel or handkerchief, and close it. Direct a bystander to press firmly upon the projecting part of the neck, mild Adam's apple, and use the bellows actively.— The press upon the chest to expel the air from the lungs, to imitate natural breathing. Con• time this at least an hour, unless signs of na• tural breathing come on. Wrap the body in blankets, place it near 11 fire, and do every thing to preserve the natural warmth, as well as to impart an artificial heat, if possible. Every thing, however,A,Wcondri. ry to inflating the lungs. Send for a medical man immediately, Avoid all frictions until respiration shall be in some degree restored• ie. A Young Lady, who had Just finished rending a Into novel, which spoke of Spanish belles as using eigarettol, culled at a tobacco• nist's store, recently, ac 4 in,pdr, 4, '?fa•e ye. NO. 28. AGRICULTURAL, The Wants of the SoiL Under the above heading the Connecticut Valley Fanner and Mechanic says— "At present, not far from three-fourths of the entire labor and capital of the U. States are employed, either directly or indirectly, in the great work of robbing the,aoil of the few things that God placed in it for the support of vegetable and animal life, without making, or pretending to any adequate restitution. All tillage is a most unnatural operation, and the indicates matter removed in crops by no means ' the whole of the loss of the elements of fertility that ranted fields sustain. An intelligent wheat grower in Wisconsin writes to the agricultural department of the patent office, that lands which have been cultivated twelve years, in that new State, now yield but half the annual harvests that they did when first seeded. At ) extensive corn grower in Indiana informs your memori• alist, that the rich river bottoms of that Stoto now yield only thirty•five bushels per acre; which once produced, with an equal amount of tillage, seventy bushels per acre. Maize being by far the most important crop grown In this country, much pains have been taken to learn the commercial value of the raw material ne cessarily consumed to form a bushel of that grain; of which over six hundred million bush els are annually extracted from American soil. "A gentleman in Connecticut writes, that his farm, of some two hundred and fifty acres, has been cultivated two centuries, and conse quently has reached what may be regarded as the normal condition of long-tilled earth. He finds it necessary to apply ten cords of compost manure to an acre, to Came forty bushels. Tho manure costs him a dollar cord, and twenty five cents per bushel of his crop. A corn grower of Virginia has tried many experiments with guano, and finds that one hundred ponnds which cost two dollars and filly cents, will gen erally add ten bushels to his harvest. The ma nure, like that used in Connecticut, costs a quarter of a dollar for enough to produce a bushei of corn. Many letters from practical men, of close observation, and large experience. have been `received at the agricultural depart ment of the Patent Office, going to show that if one draws not upon the natural fertility of land to form his corn plants, the raw material to make a bushel of corn can rarely be obtain ed for a less sum than twenty-five cents. There is collateral evidence worth naming, that cor roborates this estimate. Long experience in France and Belgium establishes the fact, that, the excreta from an adult person are worth five dollars a year for agricultural purposes. The night soil obtained from the human species is equal to the production of twenty bushels of corn to each inhabitant; and for the Obvious reason, that no animal has the power to 'mid.. hilate a single atom, consumed in its daily food, nor to create one, if needed to prevent starva tion. Field laborers nt the South consume about thirteen bushels of corn meal, and as much bacon as from ten to thirteen bushels of corn will, make, es the yearly allowance to each. Children consume less, but often waste more, than adults. Taking our entire popula tion of 25,000,000 at this time into account, and each consumes, in one form and another, fertilizing atoms drawn from the bosom of the earth, equal to those contained in twenty bush els of maize; showing an aggregate annual consumption of 500,000,000 bushelX, which the soil loses as effectually as it would if that amount of grain were cast into the sea every year." Hints on Thinning Fruit. Trees, like animals, have constitutions that can, by proper treatment. be kept sound for great length of time, or by neglect, or bad treatment, broken down. Our opinion is that the feeble, diseased,and short-lived condition of the pooch tree in New Jersey is due, in a great measure, to a greedy or careless system of over-cropping. We know how races of men and horses degenerate, from hard labor and had treatment—how they dwindle flown in size, loose their proportion, symmetry, and intelli gence—in short, wear out, to pse a very com mon but expressive term. Trees "wear out," too. How many we have all seen that in their youth, even before they had arrived at a full bearing age and size, began to look old—the branches twisted and gnarly, the bark rough and mossy and envesed with small, feeble, ill. formed buds and fruit spurs, loaded perhaps with small, worthless fruit, not worth picking up. Now those who desire to guard their trees against wearing out, must not be too greedy of a great crop. They must master that natural reluctance we all feel to pick off a portion of the fruit. They must thin them evenly distri bnted over the tree, and only so many as can be brought to full and perfect maturity without injury or death to the tree. But we shall bo asked, "flow are we to know how many wo ought to leave or how many to take?" Well, we confess it takes some little skill and experi ence to thin a crop judiciously, but he who goes shout it in earnest will find some indica tions to aid him. It will not do to thin in all cases alike, because the vigorous tree, in a generous soil, will carry a large orop without injury, and one that would be almost certain death to a delicate or feeble tree having limited resources in the way of food,just as a healthy, robust, well fed man can perform a day's work with case that a weakly, ill fed man dare not attempt. The growth of a tree, the apperance of its foliage, the length and thickness of its Young shoots, afford a very reliable guide as to the vigor of a tree and its ability to bear a heavy crop. Some varieties are naturally moderato and constant !warms, and if kept un der good culture might never requre• thinning, while others bear enormously some years, the fruit actually covering every pert of the tree and requiring props and supports to keep it from being torn to pieces. Snob trees cannot bear so in successive years, norvan they long remain healthy. Then beside thinning the fruits,. good culture miist r h&given them in their fruitful years, and top-drailigs of composts in a well decayed state, Garden trees may have liquid manure and mulching instead of top. dressing. Such care as this, not costing much, will not only sustain the vigor and health of trees, but produce large, handsome, market able fruits. When a tree is loaded to break down, one-half or three.forths of the fruit is worthless, and all the advantage of a large "op Is cost. We cons!der this subject of much impor tance to the fruit grower. We know by am ple experience that it is. We crop our own trees heavily, perhaps too heavily; but every season we have to perfbrm a thinning process, and we should consider the neglect of it noth- • big less than the wilful destruction of mu trees.— Genesee Farmer. Mica in Barns. A writer in the Rural Now Yorker, who suf fered greatly by them pests to the farmer, states that he has foundthat hay-mows having spear. mint in them, were free Trom rats and mice, while others, in the same barn, haying none of this herb seattered.about, were, nearly destroy ed by them. Other experienced fawners eon , Cur in the opinion that spearmint is ;t eempTele ,51;401,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers