Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 29, 1853, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, June 22, 1853.
S. L. GLASGOW, Editor.
Moses Pownall, of Lancaster county,
Christian Myers, of Clarion county.
Alexander K. McClure, of Franklin co,
Is oar authorised agent in Philadelphia, New
York and Boston, to receive advertisements; and
any persons in those cities wishing to advertise
in our columns, will please call on him.
Agents for the Journal.
The following persons we have appointed Agents
for the lIIINTLNGDON JOURNAL, who are author
ized to receive and receipt for money paid on sub
scription, and to take the names of new subscri
bers at our published prices.
We do this for the convenience of our subscri
bers living at a distance from Huntingdon.
Jon W. THOMPSON, Esq., Hollidaysburg,
SAMUEL COEN,East Barreo,
GEORGE'W. Con:macs, Shirley township,
JAMES E. GLASGOW. Clay township,
DAstrni. TEAGUE, Esq., Cromwell township,
Dr. J. P. Asncom, Penn township,
Dr. H. L. BROWN, Cass township,
J. WAILETIAX MATTE., Franklin township,
SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jackson township,
Col. Tx°. C. WATSON, Brady township,
MORRIS BROWN, Springfield township,
Wm. Hirrcnutsox, Esq., Watriorsmark tp.,
JAMES MCDONALD, Brady township,
GEORGE W. Wuirr.uum, Petersburg,
HENRY NEFF, West Barren.
Maj. CHARLES MICKLEY.Tad township,
A. M. BLAIR, Dublin townithip,
GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Toll township,
JAMES CLARK, Birmingham.
NATHANIEL LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek.
Joss N. SwooßE, Esq., Alexandria.
B. F. WALLACE, Union Furnace.
SIMEON Wiliam., Esq., Union township.
DAVID CLARKSON, Esq. ' Cassville.
SYMLEL Wicrrox, Esq., Franklin township.
Dn. SPANOGLE, Shirlovsburg.
DAVID Peanut, Esq., Warriorsmark.
Davin Autumn; Esq., Todd township.
Ser We have just received a large and
handsome assortment of new and Fancy Job
type, and are now prepared to do all kinds of
Jobffork and advertising in the neatest style,
at the quickest notice, and on the cheapest
terms. •
New Advertisements.
)10... Our friend Robert Kyle, as will be seen
try his advertisement in this week's paper, has
taken charge of the "Black Bear Hotel," re
cently occupied by David Rupert, and will be
happy to have his friends call with him. Mr.
K. is a clever man and possesses the elements
of a successful landlord. We hope he will re
ceive a large portion of public patronage be
cause he richly deserves it. Mr. Kyle is also
a sound whig. We have no doubt he will
spare no pains to render full satisfaction.
MS. A grand Indian Entertainment will be
given in this Borough on next Monday, the
4th, and if any of our friends in the • Country
have a desire to see the Indian perform some
of the feats to which lie is accustomed in the
wild woods of the Western Country, they had
bettor be present. We have understood that
the entertainment has given full satisfaction
wherever it has been given. The Indian, with
us here enjoying the influences of civilization
and refinement, is quite a curiosity, and to see
him stand on the ground where he stood cen
turies ago, unmolested by the progressive spir
it of the white man, will necessarily excite in
the mind some sorrowful as well as romantic
reflections. Those of our country friends es
pecially who hare never seen an Indian ought
to be present. They are under the care and
direction of white persons who constantly ac
company them. See their card in another col
le_ See the Card of our friend Dr. Griffith
in another column. He offers his Professional
services to the citizens of lluntingdon and ad
jacent country. He has the reputation of be
ing a well read and successful Physician.
WY-There will be no paper issued at this
office nest week. Our hands want a little re•
creation—lt is also 4th of July times.
Ate' The Hollidaysburg Register came to u s
last week enlarged and otherwise materially
improved. The Register is an excellent Whig
paper, and deserves a liberal support at the
bands of the Whigs in "little Blair." Friend
Jones has our best wishes for continued pros-
perity and any quantity of patronage.
Kir We had the pleasure of seeing the oth
er day, in the possession of Miss Julia Miles of
this Borough, the following rare curiosities,
brought by Charles Deputy (cad.) from Libe
ria—Cane wood nut—a piece of the Cane wood
in its natural state—a ring made from it—a
Coffee nut—and root of the rice Ginger.
gir Those of our citizens whose sidewalks
are not already paved, are making arrange
ments todoso immediately. This will be a great
inprovement in our town and add materially
to the appearance of its streets. This spirit of
improvement should extend as far down at
least as the Stone Creek Bridge, and if possible
compel the proper authorities to erect a now
one over that steam where the old one now
stands. It is a burning shame to let that bridge
continue in the condition it now is. No man
can feel safe in crossing it.
o r The Broadtop Railroad Directors met
yesterday, the newly elected ones being present,
but we did not learn before going to press,
what action was had. Yesterday was also the
day on which thirty-five miles of the road was
to be put under contract, which was done we
have no doubt. Quite a number of Contrac
tors were present, all very genteel and reap.-
table looking men. The town is throng this
week—Huntingdon is certainly looking up.—
We will give all the particulars in our next is•
Wm. R. Sadler, Esq.,of Adams county,
formerly State Senator from the Adams. Di,
trict, died on the 19th Mat. : of tly,entery.
State Senator.
Maj. Raymond of the Blair County Whig
states in his paper of this week, that what we
said in the Journal of last week, in regard to
the State Senator, had been considered by some
of the Whigs of Blair, ns not politic. Well,
we have only to say that what we then said, we
here endorse; and in regard to our having cast
any unjust imputations on the characters of
aspirants in Calabria or any place else, either
politically or otherwise, we entertain no such
opinion. The Editor of the Whig knows very
well to whom we referred. We have nothing
to say against Mr. Beyer; nor against Mr. Me-
Cormiek, whose names we omitted last week.
But we did understand that Mr. White opposed
the election of GOv. Johnston and Gen. Scott,
and if the did, which we did not say, we again
repeat that there are many Whigs in this coun
ty who would not vote fur him, if he would be
nominated. If Mr. White did not oppose those
distinguished men, and succeeds in securing
the nomination for Senator, we are perfectly
satisfied and will do all we can for his election.
Does the Maj. wish to know what he said to as
and another person, in reference to one of
our candidates in this county? What kind
of a COWIE is that? But we understand
all this thing very well—next fall some people
think there is another Congressman to be elec
ted. The Maj. was down in our town a few
days ago, and we presume received afew intima-
Lions. And we would ask whether Blair Coun
ty pursued the proper course, situated as she is,
in electing conferees favorable to any man?—
She even went so far as to select them favora
ble to a man in another county, whercit is very
doubtful, whether that individual will get the
conferees or not? What kind of a course is
this, Maj.? and what right has Blair county to
dictate to the other two counties who shall be
our next Senator. The Editor of the IVhig
must remember that this county has some say
in the matter. We are not at all disposed to
do any thing to excite prejudice against any
aspirant, no matter from what county he hails.
The Editor of the Whig states that Mr. White
has always been a consistent partisan and
would make a strong candidate, and as a mat•
ter of course, such a source can't be doubled.—
Suppose Mr. White don't get the conferees of
Cambria, what will Blair do then? Oh, of
course she will go for the nominee I Well that
will be right Major : and we will expect her to
do it—just as we intend to do in Huntingdon.
But we will stop for the present-
Blair County Whig Convention, &o,
This body met on Tuesday of last week, and
made the required i oninations. James L.
Gwin, Esq., was re-nominated by acclamation
for the Legislature, and Lewis Williams, Esq.,
was re-nominated for the office of Register and
Mr. Gwin's nomination was strictly in ac
cordance with the usages of the Whig party,
and we rejoice to learn that his constituency
appreciate his worth and feel the binding force
of party custom. Since we can recollect any
thing, we have personally known him and have
never found him any thing else than an honest
and correctly thinking man. There is no
doubt of his election, which will only be addi
tional evidence of the approbation of his con
stituents, of the course he pursued last winter
at Harrisburg. We feel confident, we aro not
saying too much, when we affirm that there is
not a Whig in this county who will vote against
him. lie is not only an honest and sincere
man in purpose, but is also intelligent and
practical, which is what the people want in a
Representative. The Whigs of Huntingdon
county will do well by imitating the example
of their brethern in Blair, and directing all
their energies to the aecomplishmentof the one
grand object—the success of the party.
In regard to the re-nomination of Col. Whar
ton, we would say, according to the custom of the
party in this county, he is entitled to it andshould
have it, unless his course lastsession, was sue,h
that his constituents would be justified in with
holding their support. We leave that to them,
hoping that they will act with a special refer
erence to the benefit of the party. They know
as well as toe do, what the usages of the party
are, and if the Col. has merited their. approba
tion, we have no doubt he will receive it; and
if his Legislative career has been in accordance
with their wishes, we have no doubt the Whigs
will give him a warm support.
Quite a number of good men have already
announced themselves for the office of Sherifi;
any one of whom, if nominated, wo are satisfi
ed, would command the entire vote of the par-
ty. Their cards can be seen in another column
of the Journal.
We have also heard the names of several
good and capable men mentioned in connection
with the office of County Commissioner—Hen
ry McCracken, of West, John Meitner, of Hen
derson, and Benjamin Corbin, of Murray's
Run have been mentioned in connected with
the position, any one of whom would make a
good Commissioner. .Several good men have
also been named in connection with the office
of Treasurer, who are firm Whigs and well
qualified to discharge the duties of the station.
Their cards can be seen in the Journal. The
nomination of any of the above gentlemen
ought to give general satisfaction and command
the party vote.
111 Z" At the contemplated celebration of the
4th of July, at Springfield, Mass., it is said that
a cavalcade of young ladies and gentlemen will
be formed, dressed in old continental style,
witn cocked hats, silk stockings, tights, knee
buckles, powdered hair, pillions; &c.
glir Our last accounts from IVillamsport,
Md., are that the disease, supposed to be Chol
era, has spread to an alarming extent. On the
19th, there were 12 new cases and 3 deaths.
ear: The grand jury of Essex county, Mass.,
have indicted the Boston and Maine Railroad,
for causing the death of the son of President
Pierce, last full. It would be a curious fact
if the entire company should he convicted of
manslaughter, and sent to the Penitentiary.
The Celebration at Huntingdon.
Independence day will be ushered in by fi
ring the usual salutes. The Juniata Fire• E
ngine Company will parade at 5 o'clock, A. M.
A procession will be formed at about 10 o'clock,
and will proceed to "Beechen Glen," in the vi
cinity of the borough of Huntingdon, where an
Oration will be delivered by George Lippard,
Esq., of Philadelphia. After the oration the
company will partake of a dinner prepared
for the occasion.
The exercises of the day will be concluded by
a brilliant display of fire-works, and a balloon
We respectfully invite onr neighbors to come
and participate iu the celebration.
Euxuxo SNARE,
J. S.M.nt !, AFRICA.
FATAL Acemsor.—On Tuesday last, Sam
uel Hoffman, Coroner of Montgomery co., held
an inquest upon the body of a man named
Henry Hoffman, at the hotel of Mr. Bush, in
Whitemarsh township, that county. It appears
that Mr. IL called at Mr. Ws house on the
evening previous, and asked to stay all night,
which request was granted. He was somewhat
in liquor at the time, and was placed in n room
on the third story. In the morning he was
found dead, lying upon the pavement in front
of It is supposed that some time
during the night, he got out of the dormer win
dow on the roof, from which he fell upon the
roof of the piazza, and from thence to the
ground. The verdict of the jury was in ac
cordance with the above statement ;
The managers of this new institution held their
second quarterly meeting at New York on the
16th inst. From the report then submitted by
the Secretary, we learn that, though the Socie
ty has only been organized six months, 13
auxiliary societies have been formed, including
all the Atlantic Conferences, 6 agents for con
ferences appointed, 10 colporteurs sent out,
$9500 subscribed at conference sessions, of
which $3BOO has already paid in, a catalogue
of over 400 tracts provided, and a tract volume
'catalogue commenced which unmounted to over
thirty volumes. Appropriations have been
made for domestic, German and Scandinavian
missions, far exceeding the receipts of the so-
appears in the Boston Transcript, vouched for
by the editor from his personal knowledge, to
the effect that, this season, some of our Amer
ican fishing vessels will go forth to the fish
eries armed and prepared to defend their rights
under the treaty, as they understand them.—
The same statement hat also appeared in other
quarters; and the Boston Journal informs us
that the fishermen are actuated by a deep
feeling of indignation caused by the wanton
injuries inflicted upon them last year by the
British cruisers.
CIIIME 15 BosTox.—The Grand Jury of
Suffolk county, Mass., have made a presentment
in which they state, as the result of their ex
amination into the criminal calendar of Boston,
that three-fourths of the crime committed there
is caused by intemperance, and attributable, in
a great degree, to the swarms of illegal dram
shops infesting the purleins of-the city; and
they severely rebuke the Mayor and Councils
for not diminishing the evil.
COLONIZATION.-The Governor of Connec
ticut having in his last annual message called
attention to the subjectof African colonization,
the matter was referred to n committee which
has reported in favor of an appropriation of $lOOO
to aid the colored residents of Connecticut de-
sirous of emigrating to Liberia. It is sincerely
to be hoped that the Legislature may approve
the recommendation.
Damages Against Itailroads.-1.111 Camille'
Varillal, a young lady in New Orleans, has re
covered $l,OOO damages against the Carrolton
R. R. Co., for injuries to her person, caused by
a collision on the road, on the Sth of March
last. Lewis B. Stone has recovered a verdict
of $5,000 damages against the Hudson River
R. R. Co.; for injuries to his person, caused by
a collision on their road.
Singular Place fbr a Swarm nf Bees •to
Alight.—The Wheeling Gazelle, says a swarm
of bees lit upon a young man named Fry, on
Saturday evening, near the creek 'bridge, cov
ering his head and face, and suspending them
selves from his ears as if immense eardrops.—
He took the affair very cooly, by assistance
brushed them on into a nail keg, and sold them
to a gentleman present for two dollars. Two
stings was the extent of his injury.
ges. The correspondence between Gov. Big
ler of this State and Gov. Lowe of Maryland,
in reference to the requisition for McCreary,
the kidnapper of Rachel Parker, has been pub
lished. Gov. Bigler's reply to Gov. Lowe's re
fusal to deliver up the culprit is said to be a
strong paper, completely demolishing the erode
and sophistical demagogueism of the Maryland
THE FIRST Magnetic Telegraph in Califor
nia, is now in course of construction from Sac
ramento to Nevada, via Auburn. The wire
has also arrived at San Francisco for the main
telepraphic line from that city to Marysville,
via San Jose, Stockton, and Sacramento.
BELLEFONTE, Pa., having been annoyed by
wedding parties being serenaded with horse
fiddles, cow bells, etc., by oands of ooung row
dies, the borough council have passed a resolu
lion to the effect that they will prosecute nil
persons who may hereafter participate in such
A MONUMENT to Sir Isaac Newton, atSt. Pe
ter's Hill, England, is about to be erected, the
town council of Grantham having given a site
for the purpose and a donation of £lOO, and
requested the Royal Society to take action on
the subject. There are two other monuments
to Sir Isaac Newton in England, one at West
minster and one at Cambridge.
A New Hampshire Fish Story.—The Man
chester Mirror says that Messrs. Abram Brig
ham, W. P. Newell, and Jos. M. Smith, of that
city, visited too Northern waters in the neigh
borhood of Warren last week, when they caught
in part of two days, eleven hundred and thirty
five brook trout.
member of Congress from the Dauphin and
Lebanon district, (lied at his residence in Leba
non, on the 18th inst. His loss is deeply la
mented. •
from the Pension Office report that land war
rants have been issued to the amount of nine
millions nine hundred and thirty-five thousand
three hundred and twenty acres.
SPECIE STILL. GOING I—The steamer Cana•
da sailed from Boston fur Liverpool on Wed•
nesduy, with $641,000 in gold!
bar Our friends in Shirleysburg will cele-
brate the fourth on Saturday next, and we
have no doubt it will be a rich affair, no they
well know there how to appreciate a thing of
that character, especially when It comes only
once a year, and In addition, they are all liber-
al hearted people. John Williamson, Esq., of
this Borough, has been invited to deliver the
oration, and we learn he has accepted. Our
friend Janis some on the stump at any thing,
and the good people 4 Shirley can expect
A Sensible Looofooo.
George Roberts, of the Boston 'Fizzles, though
an incorrigible Locofoco of the Young America
stripe, is, withal, a shrewd and sensible fellow,
and not to be humbugged by the ridiculous
pretensions of other Locofoco journals that the
Whig pariy,is dead. Ile says, in a late num
ber of tlukTimes :
"There is an abundance of Whig material
scattered over the country. A party which
throw a million and a half of votes at the last
Presidential election, needs only good leader.
ship to be converted into a political engine•of
incalculable power. It is particularly so from
the workings of our mode of electing a Presi
dent. The Whig papers have already process
that a change of some thirty thousand votes last
November would have elected General Scott.
The history of Mr. Polles Administration shows
how unwise it is to think that the Whigs are
extinguished because badly beaten—as shown
by the fact that, at its close, in 1818, the De
mocrats were totally routed."
The Vermont Looofooo State Convention,
Was held on Thursday. The nominating
Committee reported the following names as
candidates for State officers:
Hon. John S. Robinson, of Bennington, for
Jefferson P. Cidder, West Randolph; for
icutenant Governor.
J. A. Page, of Montpelier, fur Treasurer.
The resolutions were brief. The first de
clares in favor of the principles of the great re
publican party of the Union. The second de
dares approval of President Pierce's inaugural
address, as eminently sound, judicious, and
democratic, and that thus far lie has adminis
tered in accordance thereto. The third is
against the narrow policy which would have
limited the United States to Massachusetts and
and Connecticut and the Providence planta
tions, and declares for any territory on this
continent, or adjacent islands, when it can he
done regarding the rights of the nations and
the honor of our own. The fourth and last is
against the Whig government of Vermont, and
calls for reform in public expenditures, and the
correction of other abuses.
Cure for Hydrophobia.
The season of Hydrophobia is at hand, and
we shall doubtless becOedupontochronieleere
long thedeaths of several fellow-beings by this
most torturing, horrible malady. Haifa dozen
specifics for its cure have been given to the
public from time to time, yet we do not remem
be that one single ease of confirmed rabies has
ever been-cured within the last dozen years.—
Still, we are confident that, in the Providence
of God, there is for every hoe an antidote, nod
it becomes men to 'prove all things' until the re
medy for Hydrophobia shall have been discov
ered and universally made known. A corres
pondent of The Nistioaal Era writes front Mil
bury, Mass., as follows:
"I am now in ray 80th year, and have ob
tained what information I could, both front oh-
serration and critical study. It has lately
been discovered that a strong decoction made
of the bark of the root of white ash, when drank
as a medicine, will cure the bite of a mad dog.
This, undoubtedly is owing to the fact that rat
tlesnakes can be made more easily to crawl
over live fire coals than white ash leaves; and
they are never found in the forests where the
white ash grows. Would it not be advisable
for druggists in-our large towns and cities to
keep constantly on hand a medicine prepared
from the roots of the ash ? it might be the
means of saving some valuable lives from a
sudden nod painful death."
Order of the Supreme Court, June 21. '53.
It is ordered that the cases for argument in
the Middle District shall be hereafter held in
the following order, and that appeals, certiorar
is and writs of error shall be returnable in ac
cordance with this arrangement, to wit:
1. Cases from Lancaster, York and Adams,
on the first Monday of the term.
2. Cases from Mifflin, Huntingdon, Mar,
Centre, Clearfield and Clinton, on the second
Monday of the term.
3. Cases from Cumberland, Perry, Juniata,
Bedford, Franklin and Patton, on the third
Monday of the term.
4. Cases from, Berks, Dauphin and Lebanon,
on the fourth Monday of the term.
P. C. SEDGWICK, Proth'y.
ent fashion in England at marriages is to have
heaps of bridesmaids. Lady Edith Hastings,
who was married to Fred Clifton, had eleven
bridesmaids, all attired in white musling dross
es over pink silk, with pink silk hornets trim
med with white lilac. Each had a boquet, or
namented with pink ribbons. The bride wore
a dress of Honiton lace over poult do soie, a
wreath of orage flowers on her head, and a
Honiton lace veil over her shoulders. In Eng
land, except in very rare instances, all marri
ages take place in church, between the hours of
8 in the morining and 12, at noon.
mania speculation is raging in Georgia, and
the last Dalton Times says:
In Murray county they have gone perfectly
wild. The farmers, many of them at least...have
left their farms to search for mines. The Co
huita Mountains are almost alive with them.—
Lots in Murray and Whitfield counties that
have always been dull sale at $5, (being moun
tain lots) cannot now be bought for any pri,e,
owing to the copper mania.
Operations are about to be commenced on a
mine two miles from Dalton, and it is said
there is no doubt that copper, silver and lead,
abound in that vicinity.
SW Our Whig friends of Dauphin county
met in Convention on the 20th inst., and pla
ced in nomination a County ticket for their sup-
port at the October election. The whole tick
et, the Harrisburg Whig papers state, gives en_
tire satisfaction and promises to receive the
united support of the party. Perfect harmony
prevailed in the Convention, although each
candidates' claims were zealously urged. This
was right and it is the wuy all Whig nomina
tions should be made. We hope the whigs of
Huntingdon county will will adopt the same
policy at their coming Convention; however, as
yet, we anticipate no difficulty. Lott Berg
stresser and George J. Hummel were nomina
ted for the Legislature; and David Fleming,
Esq.. for Prosecuting Attorney.
ing is an estimate of the amount of bituminous
coal imported front England and colonies into
New York for eighteen mouths:
Manhattan Gus Light Company, 35,000
New York Gas Light Company, 25,000
Brooklyn Gas Light Company; 5,000
Albany, Troy and Newark, 5,000
River manitilteteried, 10,000
City du 10,000
Families, 10,000
Total, 100,000
This, at $lO a tun. would amount to just $l,.
Foreign Railroad Iron.
During the last week there were imported
into New Yark 41,710 railroad bars, valued at
$302,605. The comparative imports of this ar
ticle are as follows:
Bars. Value.
From Jan. 1 to June 11, '53, 201,883 :32,231,877
Do. Do, '52, 178,991' 673,399
Increase 51 months. 122,889 $1,578,478
If the sound _American policy had been in.
vogue, the whole of this iron might have been
made by our own people, from our own mines,
and the two and n quarter millions of dollars
sent abroad to support foreign labor have been
expended among our own citizens.
The above from the Baltimore American is
very correct as far no it goes; but it don't incul
cate the whole lesson taught bi the statement
on which it-is founded. The gums given fur
nish the most conclusive proof of the utter ful
ly of the advalorem system of levying duties,
as now practiced under the Tariff of 1816.
While the amount of iron imported has increas
ed by the enormous disproportion of 140 per
cent. Under the ad valorem system, we not
only have purchase our railroad iron abroad,
but RS it increases in price there, we have to
pay n proportionably heavier duty on its im
portation—as it falls abroad, the duty levied
upon it by the Government diminishes. When
railroad bars cost about $3,70 in England, the
duty exacted by our Government at 30 per
cent., was $1,121 cents—now that the bars cost
$7 apiece in England, the Government impo
ses a tax of $2,10 on each one. Such is the
boasted "poor man's Tariff" which taxes him
heaviest when ho has to pay most—and light
est, when he has the least to pay. If this is
not reversing the natural order of things, we
are incapable of comprehending the matter.—
Now that bars are at ti;7 each in England and
the duty $2,10 More,—the prices of the other
kinds of iron being of course affected in the
same proportion—our extinguished forges, fur
naces and rolling-mills are being relighted, and
new ones are being crected,• but let the price
abroad go down again to $3,70 and the duty to
sl,l2l—making all the difference hi the price
of each single bar between $9,10 and 4,871 or
nearly one-half—and then what will become of
our iron manutimtures7 Clearly, we are left
completely at the mercy of the foreign . manu
factures and the fluctuations in the foreign
manufactures and the foreign market; and it is
patently impossible that any steady and relia
ble business can be established under such a
state of things. Matters look very favorable
and flourishing now; but the whole interest re
poses on a quicksand, which may swallow it up
at almost any moment. Under the Whig poli
cy of a specific duty, these things would not be
so. The duty would not vary with every change
in the market. The Government would al
ways get the same sum—the manufacturer
would have nothing to contend with but the
changes in the market itself; depending upon
the natural law of demand and supply, and ho
would neither he inflated by the rise, nor pros
trated by the fall abroad. However, we sup
pose that the people, like Galli°, "care for none
of these things," and we hope that they may
not be rudely aroused from their state of apa
thy and indifference.—Vork. Republican.
American Sunday School Union.
niversary of this Institution, whose work lies at
the foundation of all our religious charities, was
held in Philadelphia, May 17, 1853. From the
exhibit made on the occasion, it appears that
the principal receipts and expenditures for the
year were as follows:
Recet:pts.—s2l7,ol4 63; of which $52,351 58
were donations, and $8,082 67 legacies; $150,-
875 57 for sale its payment of debts, &c.; from
tenants rentinf , ° rooms of the Society, $2,353 01;
loans $3,35180; balances from last year, $3,-
073 31.
.Expenditures.—Salaries and expenses of ono
hundred and sixty-nine missionaries and agents,
and donations of books to destitute Sunday
Schools, &c., $60,662 71; for stereotype plates,
$4,527 15; copyrights and editing, $2,610 39;
engravings, $3,288 07; paper, $47,111 27;
printing, $16,193 24; binding, $51,621 73; Bi
bles and Testaments bought, and miscellaneous
hooks purchased to fill orders, $8,721 89; inter
est on moans, $2,513 17; salaries of secretary,
superintendent of book store, hook keeper,
salesman, clerks and' aborers, $9,598 62; maps,
coloring, &c., $B7O 32; custom-house duties,
freight, boxes, postage, &c., $2,823 34; aver
tismg, stationery, fuel, &c., $51,049 66; taxes,
insurance, &c., $1,147 52; loans paid, $2,000;
miscellaneous items, $5,234 41; balance of
cash on hand, $ll5 45.
The Society is now indebted for paper, bind
ing, &c.; $27,112 88; which, added to the am
ount of loans bearing interest, $38312 09, ex
hibits a total ' , .adebtedness of $65,424 97. The
amount of stock of paper and books is $103,-
241 73.
SUNDAY 'SCHOOL Missumniss.—One hund
red and fifty-seven of these laborers have been
employed for various periods of time, in twen
ty-lour different States and Territories. These
Sunday school missionaries have established
1704 now schools, and have visited and revived
2,398 other schools, altogether embracing 29;
997 teachers and 193,350 scholars. They have
distributed by sale and donation, $30,895
worth of religious books, chiefly fur children
and youth.
The Sunday School Journal and Youth's
Penny Gazette, are published as formerly; and,
in order to increase the usefulness of the latter,
and to bring it within the reach of all, the price
of subscription has been reduced to ten cents
per annual, where one hundred copies and over
are taken.
The State Bights' faction of the Democracy
triumphed at the recent State Convention, and
on the 58th ballot, lion. Herschell V. Johnson,
Esq., (U. S. Senator, and a prominent Sem
siomst,) was nominated for Governor by the
following vote—on the 58th ballot Johnson re
ceived 205; Henning 1. Whereupon on motion,
it was attempted to confirm the nomination by
a unanimous vote, but the telegraph does not
inform us whether this was successful or not.
Hon. Thomas J. Burney, of Morgan, presided
over the Convention. Governor Cobb's name
was not before the Convention, but H. R. Jack.
son, "Union," his brother-in-law, was used in
the earlier ballottings, but it appears to have
been dropped on the final ballot, the "Union.
ists" scattering their votes on Haralson and
other candidata'.
A correspondent of The Thomaactile Watch
man, writing from Magnolia, the county site of
Clinch county, mentions the fact that Thomas
Telfair Long has been nominated for Congress,
by the constitutional Union party of that coun
ty, and has accepted the nomination.
Hon. Francis S. I3artow, of Savannah, Ga.,
and Mr. Seward, of Thomas, will probably be
the opposing candidates for Congress in the Ist
District—the former no a Union Conservative
Webster Whig, and the latter as a quondam
Whig but latterly a Secession Southern Rights'
Democrat, if we have not forgotten his "ante
lion. David J. Bnily 'State Rights Member
from the ;Id District, is the "Democratic" no
minee tbr re-election.
The friends of Col. Murphy charge fraud and
deception and trickery upon his opponents, in
the ..4th District nominating Convention, and
threaten a mutiny against the decree of that
he "Condiitutional ntion," of Marietta,
demurs to the nomination of Dent and hoists
the name of Murphy—thus giving another in.
stance of the "slabbing off' propensity of Geor
gia Politicians.
of the temperance tblks hare again been de
feated in Connecticut. A bill, passed on the
Maine law, was on Thursday so amended in
the House of Representatives of that State, as
to give town and city authorities power to li-
cense the sale of liquor, and in this shape the
measure was adopted by a maj orily of tea.
Tho Porte to be Sustained by the Fneish
and French Fleets.
The Sultan Arming Against the Russians.
Nearly Hall a Million Turks in Arms.
HAIFAX; June 22d.
The Royal Mail Steamship Niagara arrived
ere this forenoon, with Liverpool dates to the
Ith hut.
Mr. Layard has brought a motion np in Par
liament, callin g for information in relation to
the attitude of Russiatowards Turkey.
The members of Parliament from Clare and
Durham have been unseated in consequence
of the charges of bribery having been sustain.
The Oxford University has conferred the de
gree of Doctor of Laws upon the Hon. Joseph
R. Ingersoll, Minister from tho United States.
Bishop I%ldb/sine has had a similar compli.
ment conferred upon him.
The ship &leant., of Boston, has gone
ashore near the Isle of Man, but her passen
gees were all landed in safety.
Lord Shaftsbury had presided at a meeting,
held in Loudon, for ameliorating the condition
of the fugitive slaves in Canada.
At Floyd's the rate of insurance upon risk to
Russian and Turkish ports have been increas
ed from 10 to 30 shillings.
A judgment has been given in the Court of
Admiralty from 41200 against the ship Gyp
soy, bound from Charleston for Liverpool, as
salvage for rescuing her when off Holyhead, in
Febunry lost. •
Immense hostility has been excited in Ire
land against the proposed bill for the inspection
of nunneries.
The grain crops in England and Ireland are
The opinions of the leadin,„.o. journals favor
the idea that war will be avoided, but n'everthe
less, the funds are agitated, and closed at a dc•
Changarnier denies that he offered his servi
ces to the Porte. ' ' '
The Moniteur announces that the French noel
English fleets have been formally offered to
sustain the Porte. and immediately proceeded
to the Dardaneles.
The Monitenr, however, hopes that the affair
will be amicably adjusted.
Abdel Kader has applied for permission to
return to France.
The King of Bavaria has offered to net as
mediator between Austria and Switzerland.
It is the general belief at Vienna that the
Turkish, Swiss, and Sardinian difficulties are
all amicably settled.
A special Minister has been sent from Wien•
at to Constantinople.
An Austrian camp is forming in Moravia.
It is rumored that the recall of Gen. Canada
From Cuba has been contradicted.
General Groken has left Berlin on a special
mission to Constantinople.
The King has not officially recalled the Prus-
sians from the Turkish service. '
Varego, an advocate of Pcsth, has been ar
rested for maintaining a correspondence with
The Sardinian House of Deputies have been
considering the propriety of reducing the im
port duty on cotton one half, and also have de.
bated a bill relative to the Transatlantic Steam
ship Company. It was expected that the Gov
ernment would contribute 14,000 francs yearly,
The free importation of breadstuffs into Si-
cily has been permitted in vessels belonging to
Susie and Sicily.
Russia and Turkey.
The Russian army, had not moved to the
Pruth at the latest dates.
Letters from Petersburg state that the Em
peror's course on the Turkish question was
generally approved.
The Turks and Greeks in Syria and Turkey
fully approved of the Sultan's course. Volun
tary subscriptions were being made by his sub
jects towards arming the country.
The nth-ices were considered decidedly less
favorable for the maintaining of peace.
The messenger sent from St. Petersburg to
Constantinople had no discretionary power giv
en to him, but simply was charged with the
Czar's demand for the Porte's acceptance of
Prince Menschikon ultimatum in eightdays,
or submit to the consequences. Meantime the
Po•te is actively engaged in malting every pre
paration for the defence of his dominions.
Forty thousand choice troops were ready,
and had received orders to attack the Russians
if they attempt to cross the river Prtith.
Mustaplin Pasha offers to raise 222,000 Aga
mans to march against the Russians.
The present Ottoman forces muster 139,000
regulars and n fleet of 1500 guns, besides 6
steamers and 22 smaller craft. The total laud
force organized is 449,000 men.
Satisfaction .has been accorded to the U.
States Minister, respecting the imprisonment of
Mr. Consul King.
The Very Latest.
LoxnoN, Saturday, June 11, A, 11.--No ac
counts have come to hand of the advance of the
The Porte has addressed a note to the Croat
Powers, defending the course pursued by hire
towards Russia, and setting forth that certain
concessions will be made to Christians, to re
move all just grounds of complaint.
The Late Anti-Bible Convention
A Hartford correspondent of the Springfield
Republican says of this Convention:
"As an effort against the Bible, it was con
temptible. As far as we heard, there was not
an argument of any force adduced that was not
stale with age, and that has not been answered
again and again. There was a fishing up from
the stagnation and putrefaction of Paine's old
arguments, and they were brought out all
seething with his foam. As a matter of hones
ty, however, it would have been, more credita
ble to have recognised the paternity of the ide
as. Hours were spent on assertions that a tyro
in theology and theoloaic history could have
answered, and the speakers must have calcula
ted on a pretty wide margin of auditoria' ig
norance. Judging from appearances, as far
as their own followers were concerned, they did
not reckon without their host.
"on the whole, we do not feel disposed to re.
Bret this Convention. The Bible will survive
it. It has survived shocks compared with
which this is a mosquito bite. More than fifty
years ago, Paine closed his examination of the
Bible thus: have gone through the Bible as
'a man would go through a wood with an axe
'en his shoulder and fell trees. Here they lie,
'and the priests, if they can, may replant them.
They may, perhaps, stick them in the ground,
hut they will breach• make them grow.
"Pmxs has gone; but the Bums stands.—
And Paine saw the hour wlwit ho would have
given his soul fir a stand upon that Bible. We
commend the lessons for the reflection of oth
far Tho New York Legislature has passed
the Canal project, as well as the Pacific Rail
road, and Niagara Ship Canal hills. In pas
sing the first mentioned bill the Locofoco ma
jority of the Logisluturo have tacitly acquies
ced in the wisdom of tho position taken by the
Whig party of that State, two years rtFo. and
firmly maintaim,l it evoi.
ly innint
Shipunwk.—ne I'Lhery Que.rtion,
Boston, June 22,--The ship John C.Culhoun,
of Bath Me., from New Yurd fur St. John is
ashore nt Musquash, in the Bay of Fundav,
is suppssed to be wracked. She is insured in
three Boston offices for $30,000._
The Halifax papers of the nth, state that
the Fishery question is assuming greater im
portance since a French cruiser has driven oil'
a British vessel from part of the coast suppo
sed to belong to England. The French evince
a disposition to reclaim their ancient rights,
which it is supposed, will have an important
bearing upon the question of American and
British rights.
Two armed vessels sailed front Halifax fur
New Fouudland, it few days since.
The Legislature of Prince Edward's Island
has been dissolved, and a new general election
will take place on the 1•lth of July.
Trouble in the Democratic Camp in Km
Boston, Tone 21.—The Concord Patriot, of
this morning, contains a bitter article, of tour
columns, in reply to Mr. Burke's censures on
President Pierce, in his letter addressed to the
Democrats of the State. • It characterizes his
statements as malignant falsehoods and arro
gant threats; accuses him of cowardice, and
calls him a belly and an assassin, which traits
the Patriot thinks he exhibited when he attack
ed the President through a committee in the
Democratic Convention, and failed to sustain
himself before that body. The Patriot says
Burke's course is to be attributed to his failure
to obtain a lucrative office.
The Strike al lice Cumberland Coal IfThee.
Baltimore ; June 23.—The Cumberland Al
leghenian says that little or nothing has been
done the past week at the Coal Mines, on ac
count of the strike. The effort to compromise
the matter has been partially successful, and
most of the miners have re aumcd •work, at an
advance of 3 cents per ton. The total amount
of coal forwarded during the past week is but
7,521 tons.
The Maine Law in Connecticut.
Hartford, June 25.—The Maine Law bill in
the House of Representatives was defeated to
day, by an amendment strikin,, ,, out all after
the enacting clause, and inserting a bill giving
the authorities of the towns and cities the pow
er to issue licenses for the sale of liquors. Thu
amendment was accepted by the casting vote
of the speaker, and the bill passed by is large
Hot Weatlier.—Deallm from Heal.
Baltimore, June 23.—This has been the hot
test day of the season in thin city. There were
six deaths from exposure to tIW sun, besides
two from the same cause yesterday.
New Fork Legislature.
• Albany, Sane 26.—The Senate at its session
yesterday afternoon, passed the bill creating a
Boned of Commissioners of Pilots, and also the
bill for the education of the Tonawanda Indi
ans. The chances for the Maine Law are
The Canadian .Iliaidep
Montreal, June 23,—Several changes in the
Canadian Ministry are announced. Hon. Mr.
Ross is to he appointed Attorney General; Hon.
John Ralph, President of the Common Council
and Bereau of Agriculture; Hon. Mr. Cameron,
Postmaster General, and Mr. Morrison, Solidi.
tor General.
The Auto Orleans Negro Agitators.
Kew Orleans, June 23.—The white man
Dysen, and the slave; Albert, charged with in
stigating the recently discovered plot in this
city, have been held for trial before the District
Saspseiaus l'eue7B.
New Orleans, Juno M.—A despatch front
Balize says that two suspicious looking vessels,
armed to the teeth, went to sea to-day, destina
tion unknown.
Georgia IVldy Convent4ni,
Charleston, June 21.—The Whig State Con
vention of Georgia nominated Jenkins,
'for Governor on the first ballot- The Conven
tion was fully tatended,harinottious and enthu-
Aim/atm/it of Capita/ Punishment.
//art/Ord, June 25.—The bill abolishing
Capitaf punishment iu thio State has passed
the Senate. The House Liquerficense bill has
alSo passed the Senate.
Arrival of Califinwia Steamers.
New Orleans, Juno 25.—The steamship
Pampero arrived here yesterday, with Califor.
nia dates to June Ist, which were anticipated
by the arrival of the Northern Light at New
The steamship .Falcon arrived here to-day
with the California mails-and 60 passengers,
bringing $40,000 in gold. She reports that
the Georgia left Aspinwall on the 19th, for N.
York, with $2,800,000 in gold dust. The Uni
on also sailed for N. York the same day, via
Steamboat Disaster—Six Lives Sost.
Baltimore, June 2G.—The New Orleans pa.
pees of Monday last were received hereto•night.
The steamer Wayne exploded her boiler at
Newborn, N. C., ou Sunday last. Five moo
and one woman, all negroes, comprising the
crew, were killed. The boat was badly what.
tend, and afterwards sunk.
Steanatoul Explosion—Fire Persons Killed.
Detroit, June 24.—0 n Wednesday morning
the steam propeller Challenge, bound down
from Chicago, exploded her boiler when 20
miles below Mackinaw, killing five of the crew,
and severely wounding several others.
The stern of the bout was entirely destroyed,
and she sank in five minutes.
There were some 15 passengers on board,
who were picked up by the North Star, trans
ferred to the propeller Bocephalus, and brought
to this port. •
The Challenge was entirely new,
and was on
her first trip round—owned by H. H. Strong &
Capt Hart, of Detroit, and fully insured.
Tragical Affair atWashington.
WASHINGTON, June 11—Andrew J. Morri
son, of thts city, shot his wife Fanny, and a
dry goods clerk named W. H. Hester, this af
ternoon; under peculiar circumstances. There
are various conflicting accounts. The most re
liable are that Morrsson, who had been mar
ried about six months to a . young and handsome
wife, and suspecting an improper familiarity
wills others, told her to-day that he should leave
town this afternoon, Isis object being to throw
her off her guard. His wife the story goes, no
tified Hester of the supposed absence of her
husband, and he subsequently called upon her
at her lodgings on Pennsylvania avenue. Mr.
Morrison, meanwhile, having watched their
movements, sprang upon them suddenly, and
finding thesis so his chamber, both en dishabil
le, instantly drew a revolver, and fired three or
four shots, one of which took effect upon Hes
ter, the bull passing through his body and pro
diming a wound of a very critical nature. An
other bull passed through the arm and side of
his wife, wounding her seriously but not don.
gerously, Mr. Morrison immediately gave him
self up to the authorities and was committed to
answer. Hester being informed by tho physi
cian that he might not survive but a few niin
utes, made a statement to Capt. Coddard to the
effect that he had no criminal intention. yet
failing fully to account for being caught in such
a predicament.
0- On Saturday weei, a man named Solo.
mon Bray, who was intoxicated, sat down ou
the railroad track near Cumberland, Md., and
fell asleep, when the cars ran over him and
hod, .! the milt.