~~ my head. So I went to bed, and he went down stem; and after he wont down stairs the little girl came into ray room. I looked and I heard the door open, and I thought it was the boy come back again. Site went out, and the boy came back in about five minutes, and mid lie bad bcch delivering some books for Mary A rm Maguire. He asked me fur the liquor, which he put up in the bottle in the evening. I told him it was where Ito left it. So I said 'don't deliver the liquor to-night.' He said ant go ing there anyhow.' This was fin, lie had de livered the limits. promised her Mrs. Shaw) I would take it to her,' said lie. promised it to her last night when I wits on her lap:— Ile reached there about, eight o'clock, and she received hint and took him into John W. Car roll's room. She said she hail a young man and woman up stairs, and my boy stood in the front room until about five minutes past eight, when they went away. Then he and Mrs. Shaw had a drink together, so lie started and said he would go and see sheen l'ather was, and said, tI will be back again,' and at half past eight he reached where the boys were, and there lie re mained playing dominoes until a quarter to ten o'clock, and then he came beck to Maguire's, and stopped in the bar-room until 12 o'clock, and then told Maguire 'father is in bed.'_ So Maguire closed up at 12 o'clock. He then started down to Mrs. Shaw's and Mrs. Shill,' was crying, and told him she had liked to sot the house on fire, and Mrs. Lynch had come .down stairs and hallooed, and pulled her oft' the settee, and said, you are going to set the hens° on fire. Mrs. Lynch put the fire out.* This was the time the neighbors thought the murder was. committed. So my son and Mrs. Shaw went to work and finished the bottle. He then went for the money in the trunk. Mrs. Lynch heard him at the trunk, and followed hint down stairs. He then left and ran out and came home, and came up stairs to me, and told me what he had done, as above stated. He asked me for my pocket book. I said 'have you net one of your own?, He said 'mimic is too large.' I asked him what he wanted with it, and said that he could find it in my pantaloons' pocket. There was nothing said about the money then. The boy left the room, and I did not set , 111 M of know where he was until morning. When I got cp in the morning, there where three new shirts on the table. He told me to put on a new shirt, Tor the shirt is broke and bloody from the fight. with Carroll.' I said, 'no my shirts arc clean enough;' but he insisted on it, and I took off my two shirts and folded them up, and put them under the table. In the morning i was called about 7 o'clock, to break fast. I then asked my boy, 'Where did you get those shirts'?' lie said he got the money that was in that trunk. I asked him how much? He said he did not know. I told him I would be suspected. 'No,' says he can prove you was in your bed." The boy was very uneasy, so after breakfast I went into the bar-room, mid played dominoes with Tom Maguire. My son went out; I did not know where lie went. It was raining hard. Some time after lie came back front the rain.— John Maguire mid to him, 'this is a bad day to be out. He seemed to be uneasy, and in about half an hour the officers came and asked fur a man by the name of Spring. I said, am the man." They arrested me, and, I asked the officers what I was taken for. They then informed me that it was for the murderer Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Lynch. Although the Voy brought home the money, he never told me that he murdered the women, neither do 1 believe he had any hand in it, nor do I believe he knew anything about the mur der, for if he had, he would have told me that night. These are my dying words. About Christmas time I frequently went to Mrs. Shaw, and was on very intimate term, with her. In regard to the murder of Mr. Rink, I have no knowledge whatever; I never saw him., nor was I ever in his store, neither do I know where his store was, except that I heard where it was through the papers. In regard to the murder of Mr. Hope, I never knew the man or heard of him until after I was in prison. This is all I have to any. The Execution. In order to lay all the particulars of the exe cution before our readers, we proceeded to the prison early yesterday morning. It was about half past eight when we reached there, and we finind few persons either within or without the prison. None of the public functionaries had yet arrived. The few minutes we had to spare were devoted to the inspection of the interior of the prison, which we found to exhibit its usual cleanliness and good order. The keep ers were all at their posts, and nothing except a few more than the number of visitors usually found within, indicated that any thing unusual was to he enacted, We found the prison in spectors, Messrs. Crowell and Fletcher, attend ing to their duties, and learned that they had been there from six o'clock, A: M. We learned from these gentlemen that the condemned had slept well during the night. The Rev. Mr. Street and Rev. Win. Alexander having divided the night with him.' To Mr. Crowell, who visited him at a very early hour in the morning, Ile said that he felt very comfortable and willing to die—that he should go to the gallows Wee a man. - At the same time he shed tears copi ously, showing that he was fully sensible of his situation. The Rev. Messrs. Street and Kensil remained in his cell till midnight, duringwhich time Arthur was asked how he felt.. He an swered "I never felt better in my life; I never murdered no person and I expect to die a Christian; I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that he alone can forgive my sins, and wash my soul in His blood—and that He alone can save me, and I never did believe any thing else. I also believe in the Resurrection of the body, and in a judgement to come, and Life everlast ing after death, and that every man must give an account of, every 'action of his life, whether it be good or evil, and in a place of happiness for the good, and a place of misery for the wick ed." To a question put to him with the open Bi ble in his hand, "Do you feel that elod, for Christ's sake, accepts you and forgives you?— lie answered, "I trust ho does, and death does not trouble me." To a question put to him.— "Do you, in the fount' God, before whom you will upper in afew hours; forgive everyone who has in any way injured you?" Ho answered, "I do, and I trust He will forgive me, as I forgive them." In the course of the conversation the prison er asked Mr. Street if he believed hint guilty, and he answered that he did, whereupon Spring said that he could not toll ell the murders he knew without implicating his son. Afterwards he denied all knowledge of the murders.— Spring, among other things, said that ho did not intend to die as soon as was thought—that lie intended to eat a good dinner before he left. This was said inn jocular manner altogether unsuited to the solemnity of the scene. He then related an anecdote of two men in the old country who had made a wager no to their swimming powers. When they met, one had a loaf of bread under his arm, the other a wallet on his back. The one with the wallet asked the other what he was doing with a loaf of bread. He replied that he expected to be gone for several hours, and that he had provided a meal; the one with a wallet was asked what he was doing with it, to which he replidd that lie expected to be gone for a week and had made ample provision. Spring regarded this as a good joke, and said that as ho was going on a long Journey ho would go well provided. At about 9 o'clock, Marshal Keyser arrived with a large force, and a portion of his mon were stationed at the north avenue to prevent those not duly authorized from passing around to the space where the gallows was erected.— Also, U. S. Marshal Wynkoop and Deputies, His Honor the Mayor of the city several of the city and county magistrates, and represen tatives of the municipal corporations. Tho weather could not have been inure pleasant, except that the sun became a little warm before mid-day. The Sheriff arrived between nine and ten o'clock, accompanied by his Deputies, and his arrival as is usual, created some excitement. Win. B. Reed, Elsq., the District Attorney, reached the prison at an early hour, bringing letter from Governor Bigler : in an,wcr to one sent him, to know if there was any hope of par don or respite, and the answer was decidedly in the negative. The criminal maintained his emnposure during the reading of the letter, and at the close, protested his innocence in the strongest terms. Front ten to cloven o'clock, the number within the prison walls was increased to not less than five hundred persons—some estima ted the number at Considerable more. After half-past ten, it having been whispered that the execution would take place alma eleven,the ex. eitement within increased, bet all was order and (piety few talking above the ordinary tone At a few minutes of eleven the Sheriff's princi pal deputies commenced to arrange the pro cession. • The Sheriff at this Ihid time was with the prisoner, together with the Clergyman in at tendanee, as follows:—Pov. John Street, Rev- R. T. Kermit, Rev. William Alexander, and Rev. Mr. Allen. Then religious exercises were gone through with, appropriate team occasion; in whch Spring joined. At precisely .11 o'clock, all things being in readiness, the condemned was brought from his cell in company with the clergymen aforemen tioned, the Sheriff, Mr. Freed the Keeper of the Prison, the executioner, and the Marshal of Police. The Condemned. Arthur Spring, the condemned was dressed in a straw lint, (tinder which was the cap to shroud his face,) dark bang-up coat, dark vest, and gray pants. Hi, arms were pinioned be hind him, and he walked, with a firm step, be tween the clergymen. On the wato the gallows, the clergymen song a hymn, but the prisoner made no effort to join in. • The Executioner. The jaek•ketch on this oceason was a negro, as we were informed, who wore a grotesque mask, representing a blooming youth. He was dressed in the prison garb, had his hands gloved, and wore a cap much like that of Spring. PrOCORSIOII to the (Mims% Mr. Anthony Fred took the right of the pro cession to the gallows. He was followed by the executioner. Next the prisoner, with tbeOler gymen am! Sheriff. Then followed the Mar shal and police board, wearing, their badges. Next the Sheriff's Jury and Special Deputies. Then came the reporters of the press, and after these the citizens who were invited to witness the execution. Ott the way to the gallows there was consid erable confusion and disorder atom, those who were placed so as to fall in at the close of the procession, but who wanted to break the line, and be among the first on the hanging ground. The Marshal's Police finally restored order, but not without much effort. 77ie The prisoner was the first to ascend the scaf- fold, followed by the clergymen, the Sheriff and Marshal of Police. The hangman did not go up until after religious exercises were over. The Sheriff's Jury, the Police Board, the Reporters, and various functionaries, were ran ged in a circle round the gallows. The con demned bore himself with a good deal of cool ness. The parties being all arranged on the scaffold, the proceedings were as Mows: Rev. John Street said: Spring, you have been convicted of the murder of Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Lynch. The execution of that sentence is now to take place. I not ceased to warn you of the necessity of repen tance, and your making your peace with God. Are you gullty or not guilty of that murder? Arthur Spring with much feeling, replied, No, sir 1 no, sir I . . Rev. Mr. Street, • (remming.)—it has also been alleged; and the Grand Jury have brought a truce bill against you in regard to the murder of Mr. Rink—Are you guilty or not guilty of that murder? Arthur Spring.—l never saw the man in my Roe. Mr. Street.—l have but one more gees. tion to ask you. Before God, who secs you, and in whose presence you are soon to stand— is your son, Arthur Spring Jr. : entirely clear of the murder of those women? Arthur Spring.—l believe he is, I believe that he had nothing more to do with it than I had. Her. Mr. Street.—May Co: have mercy on your soul. It is all T have to say. Mr. R. T. Kensil_rthose on the scaffold kneeling down,) prayed as follows: Almighty God, the Father of our spirits, the Redeemer of soul, whose eyes are now upon us, who knows the secrets of all our hearts, we would approach the mercy seat on this solemn occa sion through, the merits and righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ, and humbly beseech Thee to look now upon this condemned man, who is to pay the penalty by the fothiture of his life. We humbly beseech Thee, 0 Lord God, as Thou art acquainted with secrets of his heart and as Thou well knowest who was the murderer of those for whose death he is now to stiffer, if he is guilty. [The condemned here shook his head violently.l Rev. Mr. liensil (continued)—to move his heart. Do Thou, oh Lord, so move him that he may declare, before God, his Maker, wheth er he is the guilty man or not. And, oh Lord God, we humbly beseech Thee compassionate. ly to look uppn him in mercy; to forgive his sins, and receive him to Thyself. We would pray for our Heavenly Father to extend His mercy to that boy and those girls, his children! And, oh may the spiritof the Lord guide them, and may they find mercy among mankind, and may they find mercy in God! We pray Th, to take us all into Thy heavenly keeping; pre pare us for the events of Thy providence, re ceive this man, and, finally, all this multitude more, in Heaven, through JCS. Christ our Lord. Amen. Rev. Mr. Street.—He tolls us that his son is entirely innocent of the murder. Ho made that statement last night at midnight to me in Isis cell, and he now declares before this multi tude that the stain of blood is not upon the skirts of his boy. Arthur Spring—Gentlemen: I will go fur ther and say— . . Here he was drawn into conversation with those around him. Rev. Mr. Kensil then advanced to the front of the scaffold and said:—lle wishes to say, "Gentlemen, and I will declare it for him. Arthur Spring approached his side, and in a clear tone of voice, spoke to those before the gallows as follows:—"Gentlemen, I went to bed that night about seven o'clock, and never got out of my bed until I was called to my breakfast in the morning. I never knew any thing of the murder until the officers told me of it." After the religious exercises on the scaffold were over, the Rev. Mr. Alexander took a black , handkerchief from the prisoner's neck, and Jack Ketch being at hand, the straw hat was lifted off of Spring's head, and the white cap drawn over his face; the rope was then adjust ed, and the prisoner's hand was shaken by the clergymen, the Sheriff and the Marshal. The Sheriff was the last on the scaffold. Im mediately upon his descending the two props on the outer edge of the scaffold were removed, and the next moment, amid breathless silence, at precisely 17 minutes after 11 o'clock, the drop fell. The neck was broken by the fall, though the knot worked around to the back of the head. The felon, however, seemed to die easy. In about two micutes after the fall he gave several convulsive shakes and two or three twitches of the shoulders, and all appeared to be over. At precisely 17 minutes of 12 o'clock he WAS pronounced dead and cut down. The body was removed to ono of the rooms of the prison to await the order of his son. The crowd outside was quite large, and great efforts wore made to scale the wall, One-per son did get on the wall, and maintained his place to the end, The house tops and the trees is the neighborhood were all crowded. DE4TH OP LIEN, RlLEY.—Brevet Major Gen eral Riley died at Buffido, on Thursday might, aged 66 years. He has been suffering for some time free, a cancer, and leaves a widow and five children, co,,,croz, r.Nn AURPENIENT.—in n lesson in par: ing the sentence '•Dian courting in ca pacity of the word courting came to a pert young Mis or foorteen to paean. She commenced hesitatingly, but got along well enough until she was to tell what it agreed with. Here she stopped short, but the teacher said ; "Very well, what does courting nreee with ?" Ellen blushed and hung her head. "Ellen, don't you knoW what that agrees with?" "Ye—ye—yes, sir." "Well, Ellen, why don't yon parse that word? What dons that agree with r • Blushing still more and stammering, Ellen said : agrees with the giris. sir!" ke". Gov. Bigler has signed the bills re• chartering the Clirard and the Mechanics' Banks, both located in Philadelphia. CANDIDATES, Sheriffalty. WE aro authorised to announce the name of ARMSTRONG IVIET.OUGHTIY, of this borough, as a candidate for tl:e office of Sheriff, at the ensuing full election, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention to be held in Au gust next. Juno 15, 's3.—tc. Sherilralty. TILE undersigned offers himself to the people of Huntingdon county, no a candidate Inc the office of Sheriff, of said county; subject to the de cision of the Whig County Convention. SAMUEL COEN, Barre tp., Juno 8, 1852.—tc. SHERIFFALTY. MITE Subscriber respectfully announces himself J. to the voters of Huntingdon county, that lie will submit his name to the Whig County Con vention, no a candidate for the office of Sheriff.— If nominated and elected, lie pledges himself to perform the ditties of theophowith JAMES MeELRbY. Porter twp., June I, 's3.—te. Sherilralty. To the Voters of Molloy(Ion County: Fellow citizens, at the solicitation of many warm friends, I offer myself. a Candidate fur the next Sher of Euntingdon county, and most respect fully solicit support. Should I ho elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office fidthfully and impartially. Subject to the deci sion of the Whig County Convention. Apr. 20, '53. JOSEPH CORNELIUS. No. 28.—We can conscientiously recommend Dr. .1. IV. Cooper's Vegetable anti-Dyspepsia Pills, believing them to he the very best medicine known of for the cure of all discaset originating from a costive or irregular state of the bowels, or in other words the following diseases, which are but the effects of costivness, viz t Sickness or bur ning in the Stomach, rain in the side and Stom ach after eating, sensation of weight in the Stom ach after eating, Restlessness, want of appetite, Palpitation of the Heart, Sm. _ . T. Read & Son, aro agents for these Pills, as well no for Dr. Cooper's Indian Vegetable Cough or Consumptive Syrup; Rheumatic brops; Vege table Dyspepsia Bitters, Fever roil Ague Fills, and Worm Powders. Cce POISONING. 4! Thousands of Parents who use Vermifuge com posed of Castor oil, Calomel, are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying the foundations for n series of diseases, such as salivation, loss of sight, weak ness of limbs, &c. In another minim will be found the advertise ment of Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a billious type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Ilobensack's Liver Pills. 1 IVEY'"Be not Deceived," lint ask for Hobensack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. 11013ENSACK'S, as none else nye genuine. *X' "I DIGEST !" Surn is THE TREE MEANING of the word "PEPSIN," or of the two Greek words from which it is derived. This is the significant and appropriate title of the Tnen DiaEsnvg FLUID, or GAsTure Joy., prepared by Dr. J. S. HouonToN, of Philadelphia, from the fourth stomach of the Ox, for the cure of In digestion and Dyspepsia. It is Nature's own remedy for an unhealthy Stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powers. It renders GOOD EAU'. perfectly consistent with IIEALTU. See the figure of the Ox, in another part of this paper. 0 - As ounce of fact is worth n pound of theo ry: and the swarm of conclusive facts that cluster round that incomparable preparation, Hoffiland's Germ. Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia, establishing its value as a tonic and restorative' are such as would prevent incredulity itself from questioning its efficacy. In all eases of placate of the stomach, whether acute or chron ic, it may be recommended for its soothing, cor dial, and renovating,inti ucnce. Dyspepsia, heart burn, loss of appetite, nausea, unrvous tremors, relaxation, debility, &c., aro relieved, by the Bitters in n very short space of time: and a per severance in their use never fails to work a thor ough cure. MARRIED, On the 9th inst., by Gen. W. Whittaker, Esq., Mr. AARON UPDIKE to MISS SARAH SMITH both of Petersburg Borough. At Mount Union, on Thursday the 9th inst., by Rev. Win. R. Mills, Mr. T. H. .HOPFMAN of Huntingdon, to Miss MARIA MORNINGSTAR, of Portstown. With the above we received a very handsome piece of rake, for Which the young married couple will please accept our cordial thanks.— They have our best wishes for a long, prosper. our and happy life, and though numerous little responsibilities arc generally the natural con sequences of such a union, yet we hope their moral and christian courage will enable them to endure the cross patiently. THE MARKETS. Hutcruto it ox, Juno 14, 1853. Flour per hbl., $4.50 a $4,75 Clover Seed, per ho., 5,25 Red Wheat, per bu., 88 White Wheat, per bu.. 94 Rye, per lin 021 Corn, per bu 50 ; } Buckwheat, per bit 50 Oats, per bu 37 Flaxseed. per ho 1 00 Hay, per ton 8 00 Butter, per Ih., 12 Eggs, per doz., 10 riii,trizrzlizA, June 14, 1853. Fish, for medium, per bbl., $12,75 No. l's, 813,50 a 13,75 Flour, per barrel, $4.02. Wheat per bushol, $1,07 a 1,08 11Y. ~ 83 __ __ COrn " 56 a 62 Iron per ton, Anthracite, 535,00 a 36,00 Scotch Pig, 33,00 a 34,00 Plaster per ton, $4,00 a 4,25 Leather, active and prices well sustained. STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE. ASecondhand Eight horse power Steam En gine, with a Boiler 30 inches In diameter nod 20 ft. 6 inches in length, with all the neces sary machinery to make it complete. The En gine has been bat little used and in gond order.— Persons desiring to purchase, will call on the subscriber, residing in Hamilton township, near Keeler's Store, or on Jos. Eberly, residing in Chambersburg. JACOB EBEBLY, Juno 15, '53.- tf. Notice. TIIE•' Supervisors of Brady, Union and Cats townships, are hereby requested to repair and pot in good travelling order, the rend in their re spective townsnips, leading from Mill Creek to Cassville, through Smith Valley, that being the nearest route to Cassville, by two or three miles; or on failure io do ro, they may expect to be in dicted. * MANY TRAVELERS. June BROAD TOM' ON WARE ! James E. Glasgow, A TTVING fitted up a large and elegant Store ' room, directly In the centre of Scottsville, Huntingdon Co., into which he has removed his store from the old stand, is now prepared to ac commodate his customers and the public general ly, with a splendid nod fashionahle assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Ilis assortment consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and all kinds of goods usually kept in it Country Store. Also, a beautiful cheap and elegant as- sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, and Trimmings of every vartety. Also, Hats; Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of goods of all kind 3. (WAN kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. Scottsville, Hunt. Co., Pa. June hi, CASSYILLE Carriage Manufactory. Tin; Undersigned respectfully informs his pat runs and the public generally, that he still continues at the old stand, in the borough of Cussnille, Huntingdon county, to manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Bockaways, bleighs, and every thing else connected with his business. Repairing done on the shortest notice. Carriages, Buggies, Rockawars, She., constant ly kept nn hand, but others will be made to order. Work done cheaper than at any other estab lishment in the State, and all warranted to the purchaser. Cash, hot when not conrenient, country pro duce, taken in exchange for work. ELIAS WILSON. June 15, 's3.—ly, EXHIBITION, CASSYILLE SEMINARY. rrinE Exhibition of the present term of the Cass vine Seminary, will be held in the Seminary MU, on Wednesdab the 29th of June. The axe, cites of the retnale Department, will commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., to he followed by an address by Dr. Porn, of Washington city. The exhibi Lion of the male department will commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., after which addresses are expec ted front Hon. Gan. TA/Lon, of Huntingdon, and Dr. J. H. Witsranna, of Markelsburg. The o:tamination of the detect before the com mittee of examination will commence on Monday Inc 27th of June. The friends of education, parents end the pub lic generally are invited to attend. •The next Term of the Institution will commence on the Bth day of August, IV order of Trustees. R. PIERCE' Principal Juno 15, '53.-21. OYiVUANS , COURT SALE. BY virtue of no order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to pub lic sale, on the premises, on Saturday lime 2,1 day of July, next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., a tract of unimproved land, lute the estate of Richard Plowman, deed., con taining Th rty-seven A cres, he the some more or less, situate in Union town ship, Huntingdon county, adjoining tends of Thomas Irwin, Bohan 111'Nonl, and others. The 'above tract of land has considerable timber upon it, and lies near the Juniata titer and Pcnn'a Railroad. TERMS—One. half in hand on confirmation of sale, and the residue in one year thereafter, with interest, to he secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. Attendance given by E. L. PLOWMAN, WASH. BUCHANAN, June 15, 's3.—ts. Adme's. BROAD TOP OPENED UP. Louis Schneider, HAVING purchased the Store of Cunningham & Cornprobst nt Marklesburg, Irina. co., Pa., is prepared to accomodate the public at said place; with st splendid and thshionahle assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, his assortment consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Liquors, &c., and all kinds of Goods usually kept in a country Store. Also, a beautiful, cheap and elegant as sortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, and 'Trimmings of every variety, also, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, and a variety of Goods of all kinds. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. And I do hereby notify all persons having or counts on tho hooks contracted at the Marbles burg Store, belonging to Cornprohst & Coning ham, will pay the same over to me, they having been asigned to me. LOUIS SCHNEIDER. Juno 8, 1853. Sale of Ucal Estate. BF Order of the Court in ot Common Pleas of Huntingdon emmty, pursuance of certain proceedings in partition, in said court between widow and heirs of Jacob Borst, dec'd., and George Borst, there will be exposed to public sale, on the promises, ON SATURDAY Tile 9TII DAY Or JULY TEXT, at 2 o'clock, P. M., all those two small lots or tracts of land, situate in Wool township, Hunt ingdon county, one thereof, bounded by land of John Howit, Jacob Eberly, and James I'. Wilson, containtng 37 Acres, more or less, and having thereon erected a small log dwelling house and stable. The other tract contains about 13 Acres, ad joins lands ofJohn Ilewit, Jacob Eberly, and the heirs of Joseph Thompson, dee'd. and has there on erected a two story fronie dwelling house. To be sold together or seperately, so as to suit pur chase, c. TEEMS mode known on day of sole by W. 13. ZEIGLER, June 8, 1053,41. Sheriff. I%OTICE, 9'O the heirs and legal representatives of WIL 1. LIAM Conntx, late of Springfield township, Hunt. Co., dee'd. Take notice, that by virtue of a Rule issued out of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, on the heirs and legal representatives of said deed, you are notified to come into said court, the sec ond Monday and Bth day of August next, and accept, or refuse to take, the real estate of said deed at the valuation thereon, to wit: at the sum of $2322 00 or to show cause, if any you have why the mine should not be sold. W. B. ZEIGLER, Wit Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, Juno Bth, 1853. Farm Land anti Wood Land, FOR SALE. rpm: Trustees of the estate of John Savage, having determined upon disposing of their interest in Huntingdon and Bedford Counties,are now prepared to sell land, in lots to suit purchas ers, upon accommodating terms. Those wishing to purchase will please call on the undersigned at Savage Forge, or address him by mail, directing to Paradise Furnace P. 0. Hunt. Co., WM. GRIFFITHS. Trustee of the Estate of John Savage. Juno 8, 's3.—tf. GINGIIANIS—Domestic mud Dress, just re. caved at D. P. GWIN'S Cheap Store. Alarge assortment of Lawns and Demo do Lnines, just received at the cheap store of D. P. GIVIN. CASSINETTS, Corduroy, Tweeds, K. Jesus, for salo at the cheap corner opposite C. Couts' Hotel. D. P. tiNVIN. BONICETS and Hats of the latest styles, just received at D. P. GWIN'S Store. A large lot of Shoes—Laee (loots, Buskins, tiMisses and Children's at the Store of I). I'. GWIN. A superior lot of Rifles, for solo of the ELEPHANT. PITTSBURG Hums end Flitch for cheap Lathe ELEPHANT Corner. pARASOT,S —an excellent quality, for sale cheap at the ELEPIIANT Corner. ARGE PE LAlNrs:in en — rll - e, variAty. ;.; AI the cheap Fc:ne; cf A. C'A MoN. $5OO CHALLENGE ! Hobensack's Worm Syrup, An article founded upon Scientific Principies, compounded with purely vegetaldo substances, being perfectly wife when taken, and hen never been known to fail in curing the most obstinate case. Worms can newer exist when thin remedy is once used. from the fact that it only destroys them but removes all the slime and mucus which may remain. The Tape Worm. This worm is the most difficult one to destroy of all that inhabit the hnmen body. It grows to an almost indefinite length, and becoming so coiled and fastened in the intestines and stomach as to produce Fits, St. Vitus' Dance, tie., which, is the cause of many going to the grave, not be lieving that these complaints have their origin from the Tape Worm; consequently they do not use the proper medicines for their disease. To those who arc afflicted with this WO foe to health, I recommend the ti , e of my Worm Sy rup, and Liver Pills; the Syrup to be taken in dosas of two table-spoonstuls three times a day, then take from 5 to 8 of my Liver Pills, to dis loge and pass the worm. By strictly following these directions, the most obstinate cases of Tape Worm can be speedily cured. Bound or Stomach Worm, This worm is usually tbund in the small intes tines, and is the worm most common to children, yet is not entirely confined to them, as adults bare frequently been known to suffer with them. The symptoms most promineht while affected with this worm, are hardness and fullness of the belly slimy stools, looseness of the bowels, picking at the nose, a blueish streak under the eyes, &c.— If you, or any of your children have any of the above symptoms, Hobensnek's Worm Syrup can safely be depended upon—by using it you have a Imrtain, safe, and speedy cure; end if after using it according to the directions, the patient is not restored to health; and the worms thoroughly eradicated from the system, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond the gmt , e, as for fail, there is no such word as fail with those who use my worn, Syrup. Ascarides, or Small Thread Worm. These worms, to which the hutnan system is liable, are the most troublesome of all others.— They are generally to he found in the reettun,and if allowed to remain, from the irritation they pro duce, lay the foundation for actions disorders, such as inhumation of the bonds, and other de rangements of the stomach. The best and safest medicine that can be used is Hobensack's Worm Syrup. Such is the astonishing power of my medicines over AFcaridos, that I defy any one to produce a ease where my worm Syrup and Liver Pills are recommended to be used they will not cure. All that is necessary h; to use the Syrup hi accordance wills directions on each bottle; and in case a gentle purgative is required in order to allay the irritation they produce, the Liver Pills by their sympathising action and healthy opera tion upon the bowels, is the most pleasant medi cine that can be taken. HobensaelVs Liver rills. No part of the system is more liable to disease than the Liver, it being supplied with numerous hlood-vessels and nerves, and if diseased, the blood of course flowing through nil parts of the body produces Liver Complaints, Jaundice. Bil lions Affections; Dyspepsia, &c., &c. Liver Complaint. Is attended with chills, succeeded by fever, se vere pains in the region of the Liver, vomiting, bitter tastes, yellow furred tongue, pulse, full nod bounding, the pain in the side is increased by pressure, should the Jell lobe he aftiacted, the pain is generally in the left shoulder, with a short, dry cough, the shin becoming of a sallow appearance, and the stools clay colored. This disease can be cured by the use of Ilobensaeles Lire• rills, as they act directly upon the seat of the disease, and then operating, upon the bowels they expel all the corrupt and vitiated nuttier frotn the system. Dyspepsia. Tho symptoms of Dyspepsia, and its carious diseases are dizziness in the head, heartburn, op pression after eating meals, sourness arising from the stomach, &c., and sometimes general languor of the whole body, from this it will he seen that the disease owes its origin to a disorganized state of the Liver and Stomach. Ilobensack's Liver Pills is the very tnedteine to chisel a per manent and lasting cure, as they act by changing the certain morbid actions of the system into a healthy action, and rendering the blood pure and healthy. To Females. You will find these Pills an invaluable medi cine in many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial, they hove been found ofinestimahle benefit in restoring and purifying the blood and other fluids so as to cure, all complaints which may arise from fumale irreg ularities, as headache, dimness of sight, pain in the side, hock, &o. These Pills are the only safe and effectual remedy to cure the following com platnts, Gout, Nervousness, Melancholy, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Rheumatism, distressing Dreams, Dimness of Sight, or in fact any of the diseases that arise front the affections of the Liver, impurity of the blood, or Constipation of the Bowels. Medical Evidence. Wo, the undersigned Physicians, having had the receipt of their manufacture submitted to us for inspection; say, that the ingredients of which they are composed makes them the best Pill in use fur all diseases of the Liver, Impurities of the Blood, &c. GEOUGE WOOD, M. D. F. Crtowt.ur, M. D. L. Boma:, M. D. oPurchase none but those I'iving the signa ture of "J. N. HOBENSACK," as all oth ers are worthless imitations. Agents wishing new supplies, and all others wishing to become agents, must address the pro prietor, .J. N. ROBENSACK, at his Laborato ry, No. 120 North Second Street, above Race, Philadelphia. . . 0 - Sidtl by all Druggists and Merchants in the United States. [June, 8, M 3 y. MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL. Scottsville, Hunt. Co. Pa. Ti7undersigned respectfully informs the trav eling community and the public generally, that he is now prepared, at his now and commo dious dwelling, to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. His Hotel is situ ated at the South-cost end of the village, near the Mineral Springs, and the conveniences connected with it, are calculated to give satisfaction. GEORGE D. HUDSON. Scottsville, June 8, '53.-6m. Notice to Contractors. PROPOSALS, will be received until the 5.8111 of June next, at the Engineers Office in Huntingdon, for the graduation and masonry of thirty-five'•miles of the HUNTINODON AND BROAD Top . RAIL ROAD. Plans and Specifications will he exhibited in the office, for three days prior to the above date. S. W. MIFFLIN, Engineer. Huntingdon, June I, '53.-41. Dissolution of Partnership. MITE subscribers, recently doing business tut -1 dor tho name of Cornpropst & Cunningham, in the merchandising business in Portatown and Marklesburg, and in the forwarding and boating business on the Penn's. canal, and carrying on the Huntingdon mill, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, and by agreement, all business of the firm fur the purpose of liquidation, arc pined under the control of Josiah Cunningham, ono of the Into partners. 'rho business, until liquidated, will ho carried on at the old places, by said liquidating partner. Alexander Port, Esq., will bo found at the store room of said firm, at all times, who will receive money due the firm, and pay out to those having claims against the SAM. HENRY CORNPROPST, JOSIAH CUNNINGHAM. Juno I, '53.-3t. Auditor's Notice. 9111 E undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county to distribute the balance in tho bands of Thomas Anderson, ntlan'r. of the estate of John Sheeler, late of Tod township, in said county, deed., amongst those entitled to receive the same here by gives notice to all persons interested that be will attend for the purpose of making said distri bution, on Friday the 25th slay of June next at 2 °clock, I'. M, nt his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and whey) all persons Inter ested may attend. JOHN REED, Mny an, Auditor. BLASTING POWDER and SAFETY/ rusr, coartantly en band and for sale by J. BRICKER. — a - 7 -- -- ll= SCHOOL APPROPRIATION. Dr.,AnTmEar, nAnnistruno, April 20, 1853. To the Commissioners of Huntingdon county: Grsrt.ratsN:ln pursuance of the thirty-sec ond section ofan net, entitled "An act for the regulation nod continuance of n system of educn tion hr Common Schools," passed the 7th day of April, 1849, I herewith transmit to you a state ment of the amount to whirl: every district in your comity is entitled, out of the annual appro priation of $200,000, for the school year, 1854, As follows ; D13TR,003. AMOEXT. MITRICTS. AMOUNT. I3a rree, 1 09,80 Brady, 77,04 ('ass, 60,12 Clay, 59,70 Cromwell, 104,04 Dublin, 69,48 Franklin, 03,24 Henderson. 71,28 Hopewell, 65,88 Jackson, 132,12 Morris, 51,12 Porter, 77,04 Penn, 57,96 Shirley, 115,92 Springfield, 42,48 Tell, 78,84 Tod, 90.72 Union, 45,72 Walker, 87,12 Warriorsmark, 121,32 West, i 55,88 Hunt. Bar. 129,90 Alex. Bor., 53,28 Shirleysli'g do., 29,16 Graysport, 26,64 Yours, very respectfully, C. A. BLACK, Superintendent of Common Schools. Published by order of the Commissioners of Huntingdon county. ATTEST: H. W. MILLER, Clerk. June 1,'53.-3t. MEMO SALE OF REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will he exposed to pub lic sale, on the premises, in Springfield township, in said county, on THURSDAY, THE 30TH DAY OF Juan, 1853. at. 10 o'clock, A. M., all that certain mcssuage, tenement, plantation or tract of land situate in Springfield township, (being composed of two surveys, or smaller tracts of land) adjoining land of Jacob E. Bare, Sarah L. KCIT, and John Long, and Black Log Mountain,containing about 283 ACRES, more or less. 100 acres of which are clearest, or thereabout'; with a two story house and log barn, thereon erected. TERMS 00 SAILE.—One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments ' with in terest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. BENEDICT STEVENS, Admr. of Ludwick Koister. June 1.'33.-3t. M. FETTERHOFfP, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker, Huntingdon, Pa., MAKES this method of informing, his friends I and the public generally,. that he still remains in his old stand, on Mum street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church, where he is prepared to turn out work equal with any eastern manufactory, or in short inferior to none. Per sons wanting Now Furniture, will do well to give him a call before purchnsingelsewhere, ns he is determined to sell low for CASH or Country, Produce. He else respectfully returns his thanks to the public, for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and hopes by careful attention to busi ness, to tnerit a eon tinttence of the same. He also intends to give Lis attention the Under taking business. COFFINS made and funerals attended, at the shortest notice mid on reasonable terms, either in town or country.. work warranted. Huntingdon, June 1, '53.-Iy. iIIAN KNOW THYSELF." An Invaluable Book for 25 cents. “EVERY Footer Snort.n HAVE A Corr." QIX Thousand Copies sold in less than three 1 0 months. A new edition, revised and impro ved,.hist issued. Dn. Ilt,erEn's Medical manual and hand book for the afflicted—Containing an outline of the or igin, progress, treatment and Cure of every form of disease, contracted by promiscuous sexual in tercourse, by self-abuse, or by sexual excess, with advice for their prevention, written in a familiar style, avoiding all medicinal technicali ties, and every thing that would offend the ear of decency, from the result of 20 year.' successful practice, exclusively devoted to the sure of dis eases of n delicate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the cause, symp toms and cure for the Fever and Ague, for 25 cents a copy: six copies for $l ; will be forwar ded to any part of the United States, free of pos. tage.—Address pestag,e paid, Cosden & Co., Publishers, or "13ox 195, Post Office, Phila. "This is without exception, the most compre hensive and intelligible work published on the class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it addresses itself to tbo renders; it is free from all objectionable matter. nod no parent, however Ihstidious, can object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author hos devo ted many years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of, and 'with too little breath to pia,' and 'too little presumption to impose,' he hos offered to the world at the merely nominal price of 25 cents. the fruits of some twenty years most successful practice."—Herold. "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this invnluable work; it would save years of pain, mortification and sor row to the routs under their charge."—Peo ple's Adrocae.t A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing of "Hunter's Medical Manual," says "Thou sands upon thousands ofour youth, by evil example and the influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin and consequence upon them selves and their posterity. The constitution of thousands, who are raising; families hove been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they its not know the cause or the cure. Any thing that eau be done so to enlighten end influence the public mind as to check, mid ultimately to re move this wide-spread source of human wretch edness, would confer the greatest blessing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and coming generation. Intemperance, (or the use of intoxicating drinks,) though it has slain thou sands upcn thousands, is not a greater scourge to the lumina race. Accept any thanks on behalf of the afflicted, and, believe me, your co-worker in the good work you aro so actively engaged in." One copy will be forwarded, (securely envelo ped and postage paid,) on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for $1• Address, COSDEN & CO., Publishers, Box 196, Philadelphia. ,(Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. June 1,'53.-Iy. HUNTINGDON MARBLE YARD. Tho undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally. that be has es tablished a MARBLE YARD, in the borough of Huntingdon, and has just received from Phila delphia a selected stock of choice Marble grave stones, of every description, which he will furnish at very reduced prices. All orders from any pert of the county or ad joining counties, addressed to the undersigned. will be received and promptly attended to. WILLIAM WILLIAMS. May 18, 1853.—1 y. A NOTIIER fresh supply of forego de Loins, Lawns, Berage, all wool de Bago, and part cotton from 20 to 31 cts per yd. Also another frosts supply of Trimmings, just rec'd and fur solo by J. & W. SAXTON. Anew supply of low priced Bewsets; i just re ceived and for sale by J. &W . SAATON. Abeautiful lot of White Crepe Shawls, just re. coked and for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. 10 BARRELS of Shadjus, received and for salo by J. & IV. SAXTON. A N ASSORTMENT of SCHOOL BOOKS 2 1 - for sale at the Cheap Store of J. BRICKER. od lot, of the beat, at 17.1 11EfiY—A g EIIMUND SNARE'S. Aplondsid assortment o f Fans, just received and for sale low by J. d• W. S:1 TON CLoens—A beautiful lot at RPM? SNARP.°P. LOOHING Glasses, just received and for sato by .1. 6. 11% SAXTON. i t beautiful assortment of Cross-barred India _LlM:jun rec eived ' and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON'. GOT f) C LYS-- A Lae variety for sale, ve. ry lONTat PDM. SNAAL.S. PUBLIC SALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court I of Huntingdon county, will bo exposed to sale On Tuesday the 28th day of June, 1853, on the premises, the interest of the minor children of Alexander Gwin, late of the borough of Hun tingdon, deceased, it being the undivided third part in a tract of land situate on the Raystown Branch of the Juniata river, in Hopewell town ship, in said county, adjoining lands of John Sn rage's Trustees. and James Entrain, containing 227 Acres, lie the Fame more or less, about 110 ACRES of which are cleared and cultivated, with a log bongo and log barn thereon; also, a good Apple Orchard. Terms of Sale.—One half of the purchase mon ey on confirmation of the sale, and the remaining half in one year thereafter with interest, to he se cured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. Attendance will he given by JAMES GWYN, Guardian. N. 13. The Widow's dower in 'the undivided third part of the above described tract of land will ho exposed for sale at the time and place mentioned in the above notice, and James Garin is hereby authorized to sell the samo,by CATHARINE M. GWIN. May 25, 1853.-50. Grocery, Confectionary, Bakery, AND ICE CREAM SALOON. I~ENRY .7. AFRICA, would respectfully in vito the public to call at his establishment in Railroad Street, whore all those who need any good Bread, Rusk, or any other kind of Cakes found at a Bakery, may he supplied. He ban just received a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and Confectionaries, such as ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, NUTS, &c. His Ice Cream Saloon is one of the most beau tiful end gorgeously tbrnished rooms to be found outside of Philadelphia, it is worth a visit there just to see the saloon, and then, if you should feel like taking a saucer of ice cream the AGENT can supply you with the best article that has ever been manufactured in this or any other country. Thankful to the public for past favors, he hopes by strict attention tolusiness to merit a continu ance of patronage. May 18, 's3.—ty. Pennsylvania Rail Road, Great I?editrlion on Loral Rates of Freight Fromm. April lot 1853. Huntingdon to Philadelphia. Ist class 50 cts. per 100 lbs. 2d , g 40 " 3 r d 33i 4th " 28 " " " Flour per bbl. 60 di. Plaster per Ton $4,25. Huntingdon to Pittsbnrg. Ist class 55 ets. per 100 lbs. 24! " 45 " " " 3rd ,c 3 71, ll Ct CC 4th " 30 ~ 4, ~ Flour per bbl. GO etc. Pig Iron, Blooms, Lumber and Bark, will be car ried Eastward in Car loads, at the convenience of the Company, at the following rates per ton of 2000 lbs. Huntingdon and Ilarrisbirg, 121 eta per 100 lbs. Huatingdoh and Philadelphia, 25 " " " " For further information relative to the Trans portation of Freight (or Passengers,) apply at the office of the Company. JOHN D. BEHR, Agt. May, 25, '53.-3tn. Slant. Station. WA TERSTREE T HOTEL. THE subscriber announces to the traveling commutity, and the public generally, that he has token charge and fitted up the above house, having one of the most pldasaut and beautiful locations in the country, where he will be happy to wait upon all who may favor hint with their patronage. There is a good stable, and also a carriage house belonging to the premises, to which the most careful attention will be given. J 0.11. 1 ,1 WARD. May 25, '53.-Iy. M. P. S. S. WHARTON, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Penn'a., Will attend to all business entrusted to his care. Office near the Court House. May 11, '55. SCOTT Je: SWOOPE, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Office same as that formerly occupied by John Scott, Esq. May 11, 1853. THOMAS P. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LA II; Win attend to allbusiness entrusted to him. Of. lice nearly opposite the Court Uouse. May 4,'53. SILK Dress Patterns—such as Brocade, Figur ed, Plain and Cross-barred,jast received and for sale by J. 6.. W. SAXTON. FANCY Dress Articles—for gentlemen and la. dies, for sale by S. & G. LEVI. GROCERIES—Fresh .d cheap, at the cheap store of S. & G. LEVI. LADIES DRESSES—aII kinds of goods suit. able, at the cheap storo of S & G. LEVI. OLOTIIING.—A large assortment for men and boys, at tho cheap corner of S. & G. LEVI. HARDWARE.—A good assortment for sale at S. & G. LEVI'S Store. LTATS AND CAPS—of all kinds, of the latest 11 fashion, for sale at the cheap store of H. & G. LEVI FISH .I.IVD SiILT for sale at the store of • Ladies' Shoes. A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Shoes, of the latest styles, jest received at the store S. & G. LEVI. Asplendid lot of Bonnets just received and for sale by J. 6. W. SAXTON. CARPET Rags, just received and for snlOy J. I S. W. SAXTWV. DORT MONNAIES from 25 cents up to $2 50 at Ed. Snare's. April 1.5 1852. LADIES Lasting and Silk work Gaiters, Kid Morocco, and Goat Boots and Shoes, at the store of GEO. GWIN. LIIDIES DRESS GOODS, Mus. Delanes, B. Delanes, 1)o Berego, Lawns; Ginghams, and a choice variety of Goods of all kinds, at the store at GEO. GWIN. CLOTHS a2JVD CdISS 'XERES, plain and fancy, at very low prices. at the store of GEO. G WIN. FISH ~IND S,ILT, for safe at the store of GEO. GWEC. A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies' Dress Goodsjnst received at CARRION'S. JUST receiving the handsomest let of Carpets ever offered in this place. Also, Oil Cloths, which will be sold low by J. ,S• W. SAXTON. rZEPHYR worsted, Lisle, Cotton, Linen Floss, L Cotton Floss, Lace Mitts, Mohair Mitts, Silk Gloves, Kid Gloves, Lisle Thread, Cotton, and every variety of Dress Trimming suitable for spring and summer dress, for sale by J. 6. SAXTON: assortment lb .or sale low tlloots and b. Shoes ever ()tiered iu town, J. 6. W. SAATOM. rpn E Ladies will please hear in mind that Par• asols can be bad exceedingly low at the (heap store of J. 6- W. SAXTON. Amost beautiful lot of Borage do Leine pat terns, and in the piece, front 181 cts up to 50 cts. per yard, just received and for silo by J. 6. SAXtO.Y. Gold Watches will be sold by ED. Ssnaz kle.r thin elsewhere. 5 0 sof Luil i. re t. 7 A V ,, awl S. & G. LEVI.